Friday, 2018-05-18

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zhangfeiilyashakhat: sorry, I still fail to verify the patch07:04
zhangfei1. keystone.conf and all other conf07:07
zhangfeienabled = true07:07
zhangfeitrace_sqlalchemy = true07:07
zhangfeihmac_keys = 7B7M5Xpk6o5ljG2529xDHQ==07:07
zhangfeiconnection_string = redis://:3ETid4I9Nu2Zb47AfoIc7Z4eNGjZWDod0CVUZHzN@
zhangfei2. modify the diff and restart rally07:07
zhangfei3. docker exec -it rally bash07:07
zhangfeisource admin.conf07:07
zhangfeiexport OSPROFILER_HMAC_KEY=7B7M5Xpk6o5ljG2529xDHQ==07:07
zhangfeiexport OSPROFILER_CONNECTION_STRING=redis://:3ETid4I9Nu2Zb47AfoIc7Z4eNGjZWDod0CVUZHzN@
zhangfei4. verify07:07
zhangfei(rally)[rally@ubuntu /]$ redis-cli -h
zhangfei192.168.1.41:6379> ping07:07
zhangfei(error) NOAUTH Authentication required.07:07
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ilyashakhatzhangfei, hi! I've commented with steps to verify09:04
zhangfeiI see, but still not correct here,09:12
zhangfeiopenstack --os-profile $OSPROFILER_HMAC_KEY flavor lis09:12
zhangfeiFailed to discover available identity versions when contacting Attempting to parse version from URL.09:12
zhangfeiInternal Server Error (HTTP 500)09:12
zhangfeiTrace ID: 97c55c53-7def-48c4-a9c0-0e158b7c66d209:12
zhangfeiDisplay trace with command:09:12
zhangfeiosprofiler trace show --html 97c55c53-7def-48c4-a9c0-0e158b7c66d209:12
zhangfei osprofiler trace show --html 97c55c53-7def-48c4-a9c0-0e09:12
zhangfei('gzf', 'redis://:3ETid4I9Nu2Zb47AfoIc7Z4eNGjZWDod0CVUZHzN@')09:12
zhangfeiTrace with UUID 97c55c53-7def-48c4-a9c0-0e158b7c66d2 not found. Please check the HMAC key used in the command.09:12
zhangfeiONNECTION_STRINGuntu /]$ osprofiler trace list --connection-string $OSPROFILER_C09:13
zhangfeiusage: osprofiler trace [-h] {-create-dot-graph,show} ...09:13
zhangfeiosprofiler trace: error: invalid choice: 'list' (choose from '-create-dot-graph', 'show')09:13
zhangfeithis cmd does not work here, maybe the osprofiler version?09:13
zhangfeiosprofiler  --version09:13
ilyashakhatdid you install osprofiler from the patch?09:15
zhangfeione thing I am confused is Redis __init__ seems not executed here, have add print for debug09:15
zhangfeioh, the print is executed ('gzf', 'redis://:3ETid4I9Nu2Zb47AfoIc7Z4eNGjZWDod0CVUZHzN@')09:16
ilyashakhatdoes Keystone (and other services) use the right version?09:17
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