Thursday, 2018-05-17

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openstackgerritIlya Shakhat proposed openstack/osprofiler master: Allow user to specify password for Redis connection
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zhangfeiilyashakhat: how to verify that patch?14:38
zhangfei(rally)[root@ubuntu /]# export OSPROFILER_CONNECTION_STRING=redis://:3ETid4I9Nu2Zb47AfoIc7Z4eNGjZWDod0CVUZHzN@
zhangfei(rally)[root@ubuntu /]# redis-cli -h
zhangfei192.168.1.41:6379> ping14:38
zhangfei(error) NOAUTH Authentication required.14:38
ilyashakhatzhangfei, hi14:40
zhangfeiI manually add the diff to rally:/var/lib/kolla/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/osprofiler/drivers/, since is a bit different with the latest one; and then restart rally14:40
zhangfeihi, ilyashakhat:14:40
ilyashakhatyou also need to update configuration of services14:40
ilyashakhate.g. /etc/keystone/keystone.conf14:40
ilyashakhatconnection_string = redis://localhost:637914:41
ilyashakhatand then restart services14:41
zhangfeienabled = true14:41
zhangfeitrace_sqlalchemy = true14:41
zhangfeihmac_keys = 7B7M5Xpk6o5ljG2529xDHQ==14:41
zhangfeiconnection_string = redis://
ilyashakhatconnection_string = redis://:3ETid4I9Nu2Zb47AfoIc7Z4eNGjZWDod0CVUZHzN@
zhangfeio, really, need change keystone.conf?14:43
ilyashakhatyes, and all other services14:43
zhangfeihow about export OSPROFILER_CONNECTION_STRING=redis://:3ETid4I9Nu2Zb47AfoIc7Z4eNGjZWDod0CVUZHzN@
zhangfeithen the patch need to be updated14:44
ilyashakhatI'm afraid  OSPROFILER_CONNECTION_STRING is for client only14:44
ilyashakhatservices are configured vi CONF14:45
zhangfeiok, if modify connection_string, do we still need export OSPROFILER_CONNECTION_STRING for client?14:45
zhangfeiand OSPROFILER_CONNECTION_STRING still need password or not?14:46
ilyashakhatyou can export, or you can pass as --connection-string parameter14:47
ilyashakhatit will need password14:47
ilyashakhat$ osprofiler trace list14:47
ilyashakhatshould return list of traces (or at least not fail) if connection is proper14:48
zhangfeiok, will try, thanks ilyashakhat14:49
ilyashakhatsince we are hear, I have some suggestions on Shaker questions14:49
ilyashakhatsince we are here, I have some suggestions on Shaker questions14:49
ilyashakhatdo you have time?14:49
zhangfeican we use shaker for all-in-one?14:52
ilyashakhatyes, dense_l2 scenario should work14:53
ilyashakhatcould you check the following14:53
zhangfeitoday I am trying to use it, the openstack is build with all-ine-one, and the shaker is in the same node, is that workable for --scenario openstack/dense_l214:53
ilyashakhat$ openstack compute service list14:53
ilyashakhatdo you use devstack or kolla?14:54
ilyashakhatand also check $ openstack availability zone list14:54
zhangfeilinaro@gcc-deploy:~$ openstack compute service list14:56
zhangfei| ID | Binary           | Host       | Zone     | Status   | State | Updated At                 |14:56
zhangfei|  1 | nova-scheduler   | gcc-deploy | internal | enabled  | up    | 2018-05-17T14:54:45.000000 |14:56
zhangfei|  2 | nova-conductor   | gcc-deploy | internal | enabled  | up    | 2018-05-17T14:54:44.000000 |14:56
zhangfei|  7 | nova-consoleauth | gcc-deploy | internal | enabled  | up    | 2018-05-17T14:54:41.000000 |14:56
zhangfei| 12 | nova-compute     | gcc-deploy | nova     | disabled | up    | 2018-05-17T14:54:43.000000 |14:56
zhangfeilinaro@gcc-deploy:~$ openstack availability zone list14:56
zhangfei| Zone Name | Zone Status   |14:56
zhangfei| internal  | available     |14:56
zhangfei| nova      | not available |14:56
zhangfei| nova      | available     |14:56
zhangfei| nova      | available     |14:56
ilyashakhatyou have `nova-compute` service disabled14:56
zhangfei| nova      | available     |14:56
zhangfeinova-compute     | gcc-deploy | nova     | disabled14:56
zhangfeistrange, this one is done, will re-deploy for a try14:56
zhangfeiyes, sorry, will retry tomorrow, cool14:57
ilyashakhatbut at the same time it is declared as 'up'14:57
ilyashakhatbtw, is is all on ARM?14:57
ilyashakhat(cause you have some of ARM patches)14:58
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zhangfeiyes, I am trying on arm, and in redeploying.15:00
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zhangfeiwill try tomorrow, thanks ilyashakhat, good night.15:04
ilyashakhatzhangfei, you're welcome, bye!15:04
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