Tuesday, 2025-03-18

freemanboss[m]Hello everyone. My name is Freeman. I'm so glad to be here and connecting with you guys!01:29
queensly[m]Hello Freeman, you're welcome. 01:32
freemanboss[m]Thank you 😊 01:33
freemanboss[m]Is everyone here an applicant/intern?01:33
queensly[m]I read that this channel is for past applicants, interns and mentors.01:37
freemanboss[m]It's only the ICLA I've to sign right?01:37
freemanboss[m]queensly[m]: Oh alright01:38
queensly[m]Yeah. After doing that setup your SSH keys and install "git-review".01:39
freemanboss[m]queensly[m]: Alright I'm on this now01:39
freemanboss[m]Thank you very much for your help01:39
freemanboss[m]Also please we will be grouped based on the 3 openstack project later right?01:42
queensly[m]No please. You're to choose the project you would like to make a contribution. You can read more about that here.01:45
freemanboss[m]Oh alright. Thank you01:45
freemanboss[m]Please for those who understand things well, will our organisation still organise live sessions for us so as to make us understand better what they are building?09:32
queensly[m]Help: Gerrit Web UI Not Loading Despite Successful curl Response... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AXDopLT7jnMMcLYMBI-09-MRaTwdvxdyA4qbmu89WmdqMFPZFKItn3Tg3TFbwC_84DX4BkaLPxUMVVkwMjWuIOFCeV8UjgrgAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvT0ZhTndLenVmdWlxU1ZrSWZwaEp3Z2dY>)12:17
queensly[m]* Help: Gerrit Web UI Not Loading Despite Successful curl Response... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/Ade2oB64iD_5jOqIV6xWYTu-AvSQ3-QkyeQXiZ1jH4Pj5_PgAKuKg4uxGfp1bgC018tnHpPTOSlDUvVV4ipTKWBCeV8UnDNwAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvUFZ1amxTY0lzR3ptdE51R0poUG9WTlpD>)12:18
gouthamrhey queensly[m]: great to know that you're experimenting with gerrit.. but, why? :) is this related to another outreachy project?20:34
gouthamrqueensly[m]: my question was because you're attempting to install gerrit locally.. to contribute to OpenStack, you need to find a bug to fix, and submit your fix to https://review.opendev.org --> this is the Gerrit server that the community maintains20:57

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