Monday, 2025-03-17

queensly[m]Hello OpenStack Community,... (full message at <>)19:09
ManideepMaddileti[m]Hello Queensly Acheampongma,19:35
ManideepMaddileti[m]I am Manideep.I am also participating in outreachy.I already started setting up my Dev Environment to contribute for OpenStack .If you get any issues while doing it please let me know.I'll provide solution from my side.19:35
ashrodriwelcome queensly[m] and ManideepMaddileti[m] ! yes, i would highly recommend using devstack if you have access to a vm, dont install on your local machine it will likely crash it19:36
ashrodribut if you dont have access to a vm, no worries. you can still clone repositories locally, and put up your changes on gerrit for review. 19:37
ManideepMaddileti[m]ashrodri:  started setting Dev env in virtual machine(using ubuntu) is that okay.?19:38
ashrodriyes! thats great19:39
ManideepMaddileti[m]* I started setting Dev env in virtual machine(using ubuntu) is that okay.?19:39
queensly[m]<ManideepMaddileti[m]> "Hello Queensly Acheampongma,..." <- Hello Manideep, that's great to hear. I will definitely reach out. Thanks. 19:46
queensly[m]Hi everyone,... (full message at <>)22:19
gouthamrhey queensly[m], is a good bug to fix22:59
gouthamrqueensly[m]: you can find any low-hanging-fruit bug from manila, manila-ui, python-manilaclient bug trackers.. please see the FAQ in this channel's topic:
gouthamrqueensly[m]: we don't have a lot of bugs on the manila-ui tracker, so we are okay with you trying to work on these adjacent projects.. if you'd like, you can setup manila-ui with devstack and try to find small issues to fix up23:00
gouthamrqueensly[m]: 23:01
queensly[m]Thank you for the feedback. I will start working on it and reach out if there are any issues. 23:09

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