Tuesday, 2021-06-01

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opendevreviewnorman shen proposed openstack/nova master: Saving security group to info_cache  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/78634802:53
opendevreviewnorman shen proposed openstack/nova master: Saving security group to info_cache  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/78634803:31
opendevreviewnorman shen proposed openstack/nova master: Saving security group to info_cache  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/78634804:09
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opendevreviewchengsheng proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Use improved guest CPU config APIs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/76233006:24
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opendevreviewnorman shen proposed openstack/nova master: Saving security group to info_cache  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/78634806:52
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fricklerI'm seeing issues with the nova-metadata service on stein, does that ring a bell with someone? from the logs it always seems to start with an eventlet traceback, then some requests timeout. sometimes it recovers, sometimes thing break completely and need a restart of apache2 http://paste.openstack.org/show/sjn1zlp9BYRX4zNGckmg/07:31
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bauzasfrickler: sorry for the late bump, but eventlet and stein are in my mind09:10
* bauzas tries to find some bugs we had09:10
bauzassomething like https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/182558409:11
opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1825584 in OpenStack Compute (nova) stein "eventlet monkey-patching breaks AMQP heartbeat on uWSGI" [Low,In progress] - Assigned to sean mooney (sean-k-mooney)09:11
bauzasfrickler: also, fwiw, we deprecated using eventlet for the API by Rocky09:15
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fricklerbauzas: actually the service is running with wsgi in apache, the traceback is seen within /var/log/apache2/nova-metadata_error.log , I should have noted that10:11
bauzasso a greenthread issue, I think10:12
fricklerah, I just found https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/662095/5/releasenotes/notes/eventlet-monkey-patch-5f734ef581aa550e.yaml in the bug you linked, I need to check on those settings10:13
fricklerbauzas: ha, I think that's the issue, we have "threads=1" for nova-api, but =10 for metadata. hopefully that should be the issue already10:15
fricklerthx for the pointers10:15
jkulikon that topic^ how does one deal with longrunning rpc-calls done from the API and the number of processes in uWSGI? It should block a whole process right? Thus making a DoS possible by doing a lot of volume-attachments in parallel (which does an RPC which holds a lock on the Instance)10:16
lyarwoodOnly the initial part of the attachment is a call, the main part is a cast that should yield10:18
lyarwoodI haven't had enough coffee to fully answer the impact of threads=1 on that flow however ;)10:19
jkulikif there's an attachment running already, this takes the Instance lock. then all the other calls from nova-api to nova-compute for reserving the block-device-mapping entry (says for k8s workloads attaching > 10 volumes) will wait on the lock10:20
jkulikso would it be recommended to run nova-api with a high number of threads to counter that?10:21
lyarwoodright that instance lock will block the remaining attachments10:21
lyarwoodthat isn't going to help10:21
lyarwoodso you can run additional nova-api processes to avoid the lock on that side10:21
lyarwoodbut nova-compute also takes an instance lock per attachment10:22
lyarwoodand another connect_volume lock within os-brick per compute node10:22
jkulikyes, I'm not worried about nova-compute. I'm worried about some k8s projects starving out other users of nova-api10:22
lyarwoodI'm not sure if the instance lock actually blocks anything else from being accepted tbh10:23
lyarwoodbut I get what you're saying10:23
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lyarwoodwe've not had any reports of n-api rejecting requests with k8s calling into it tbh but it could be possible10:23
jkulikwe're still on eventlet with a low number of process and trying to go to uWSGI, it looks like we have to run a huge number of processes to accommodate for that10:25
jkulikor play around with threads=100 or something10:25
lyarwoodwould you mind writing this up as a bug https://launchpad.net/nova/+bug ?10:26
jkulikif you think that helps, sure. I just wanted to get input on how to run Nova tbh.10:30
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lyarwoodIt's mostly so others in NA can chime in later today with thoughts10:31
jkulikok. I'll write the problem statement down10:32
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sean-k-mooneyi generally try to avoid theads like "X is old and broken and Y is new an shiny" but a recent internal one pointed me to https://github.com/tummychow/git-absorb10:41
sean-k-mooneywhich looks quite interesting10:41
sean-k-mooneyhas anyone used it? im not sure how well it would work in pratice10:43
kashyapsean-k-mooney: That project is missing a 1-line summary at the top; instead of a long elevator pitch10:43
kashyapIt says it is a port of "Facebook's "hg absorb"; which I don't know what it is10:43
sean-k-mooneywell its porting a feature of mecurial to git10:43
kashyap"a feature"?10:43
kashyapThat's what I mean by a simple 1-line summary of the feature :)10:44
gibisean-k-mooney: "will automatically identify which commits are safe to modify, and which staged changes belong to each of those commits" this sounds dangerous10:44
bauzassean-k-mooney: well, I trust in Gerrit for this10:44
sean-k-mooneyso what it does is allow you to write one commit at the end of a patch chain that fixes all the review feedback10:44
bauzasand I trust reviewers10:44
sean-k-mooneythen it will automaticly decomose it into may commits and aplly them as fixup via an interactive rebase10:44
kashyapThat sounds quite invasive to me10:44
bauzasif you create a fixup patch, then the CI wouldn't like it10:44
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gibiI mean sometimes I cannot figure out correctly what local change goes to which commit in my branch so I don't trust the machine to do that :D10:45
sean-k-mooneyoh ya im not sure this is smart to use10:45
sean-k-mooneybut it was an interesting idea10:45
bauzasI'd prefer to just continue to have a master branch that works10:45
stephenfinbauzas: I think you're misunderstanding what this does10:45
sean-k-mooneyit basically takes each hunk in the current commit and trys to apply it to the oldest commit that does not cause a marge conflict10:46
gibiI have a nice long commit chain already for pps in nova so I can actually test its smartness10:46
bauzasstephenfin: explain me, then10:46
stephenfinyou've got e.g. a 15 patch series and changes are required in a few of them10:46
bauzasyeah that's what i understood10:47
stephenfinin the GH pull request workflow, you'd typically fix them all in one go and commit a single "fix all the comments" patch10:47
bauzasyeah, hence my "I love Gerrit" for this10:47
stephenfinthis will decompose that single patch and merge the things back into whatever one of the previous 15 patches they belong to10:47
kashyapstephenfin: I see the use-case here, though.  But it requires great care when using it to quadruple-check things10:48
kashyapIt sounds very nice on paper :)10:48
stephenfinyeah, it's much less useful for Gerrit where you're forced to think in terms of individual commits and use rebase extensively10:48
sean-k-mooneykashyap: yep that is why by default it create the delta as patch that you then can merge with an interactive rebase10:48
lyarwoodyeah it's working around the bork'd nature of the PR workflow10:48
bauzasstephenfin: okay, then why it would be nice for our, then ?10:48
stephenfinit wouldn't really, but that doesn't make it a bad tool10:49
lyarwoodgit stash ftw10:49
bauzasstephenfin: we can already provide a new patch per change10:49
* gibi hates stash10:49
sean-k-mooneyyep it kidof reminded me of https://docs.openstack.org/infra/git-restack/10:49
stephenfinand I don't see what impact this would have on a working master branch10:49
sean-k-mooneyalthough a different approch10:49
lyarwoodit's useful when you need to fix HEAD~$something up but at pointing at HEAD10:49
lyarwoodbut are*10:49
stephenfinlyarwood: yup, agree RE: borked PR workflow10:49
bauzashonestly, I don't see *why* I'd need this new tool10:50
jkulikin our GH workflow, we still rebase the changes into every commit even for multi-commit PRs. no tool necessary. git commit --fixup and git rebase -i10:50
sean-k-mooneybauzas: im not saying you do10:50
sean-k-mooneybauzas: just wondering if people had used it10:50
bauzasstephenfin: I don't like it because it means that it's OK to have a patch having bugs10:50
bauzasif the next patch fixes them10:50
gibilyarwood: I tend to prepare commits top of HEAD and then do an interactive rebase to meld them into the proper origin commit they belong10:50
stephenfinjkulik: yup, which works for a change to a single patch. Trickier if you have changes that affect multiple patches10:50
bauzasof course, you *can* squash both10:50
stephenfinbauzas: sounds like your issue is with the PR workflow rather than this tool :)10:51
bauzasbut heh, you can *not* squash, and that's why I dislike10:51
lyarwoodgibi: yeah that's another way, I just find stash a little quicker for small things10:51
sean-k-mooneybauzas: that not what the tool is enabling at all though so that is kind of irrelevent10:51
gibilyarwood: I guess instead of commits I could do stash10:51
bauzasstephenfin: correct10:51
stephenfinor rather the CI systems built on this workflow10:51
sean-k-mooneygibi: i dont like stash because i have lost work that way10:51
bauzasstephenfin: and that's why i said "I prefer the Gerrit workflow for this"10:51
gibisean-k-mooney: ditto10:51
stephenfinAh, okay. Given we were talking about the tool, I thought you were comparing the _tool_ to Gerrit10:52
jkuliklyarwood: here's the bug you requested https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/193040610:52
opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1930406 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "parallel volume-attachment requests might starve out nova-api for others" [Undecided,New]10:52
stephenfinwhich doesn't really make sense10:52
sean-k-mooneyi much prefer to either do an interactive rebase and fix inline or put patches on the end an move them10:52
lyarwoodjkulik: thanks10:52
bauzassean-k-mooney: gibi: well, I use git reflog in this case10:52
gibifor the git absorb thingy, if it can do a smart split of the local changes then it might help me with the commit creation what I do manually with git add -p10:52
sean-k-mooneybauzas: i dont think that works with stash10:52
lyarwoodah yes the get out of jail free card that is reflog10:52
sean-k-mooneyif it does good to know10:52
bauzassean-k-mooney: nah, I prefer to commit10:53
lyarwoodyeah it doesn't with stash10:53
sean-k-mooneyya so do i so i can use reflog if i mess things up10:53
stephenfintrying to parse a reasonably complex reflog is *soo* much fun10:53
bauzasanyway, me needs to lunch10:53
lyarwoodstephenfin: always helps when you're looking for something rather important that would take ages to rewrite ^_^10:54
lyarwoodcan't say I ever look at reflog when I'm relaxed10:54
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: totes fun but 99% of the time when i need it i just need the sha that is a 2-3 lines form the top10:54
gibihave you ever git pulled one repo into another? that is fun to realize later on :D10:55
sean-k-mooneylyarwood: ya when i use it its oftehn to fix an unitential rebase with git reivew10:55
sean-k-mooneygibi: yep10:55
sean-k-mooneygibi: nova has a full copy of the openwrt sorce tree in it somewhere10:55
gibiat some point I had placement back in nova :D10:55
sean-k-mooneyat least the gerrit version of it had at one point we may have eventually git gc that out of the public  repos10:56
gibiohh so the central copy of nova had openwrt? nice!10:57
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lyarwoodsounds like some kind of go project repo10:57
sean-k-mooneyyep thats something jaypipes told me a long time ago. i assume someone pushed a review where tehy acindtally commited it locally10:58
sean-k-mooneybut gerrit would keep that around forever as a result in the gerrit copy of the repo10:58
sean-k-mooneyyou would have to manually purge the review ref to remove it10:59
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Use neutronclient's port binding APIs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/70629511:08
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: docs: Drop references to non-filter scheduler drivers  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/77364511:13
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: scheduler: Merge driver into manager  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/77364411:13
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: tests: Merge 'test_utils', 'test_scheduler_utils'  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/77364611:13
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: conf: Remove deprecated aliases  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/77364711:13
opendevreviewnorman shen proposed openstack/nova master: Saving security group to info_cache  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/78634811:38
stephenfindead simple Python 3.10 prep patch here if anyone has 2 mins https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79040511:42
gibistephenfin: done11:45
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opendevreviewLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: hardware: Use image_meta.id within get_mem_encryption_constraint  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79395612:15
opendevreviewLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova stable/victoria: hardware: Use image_meta.id within get_mem_encryption_constraint  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79395712:16
opendevreviewLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova stable/ussuri: hardware: Use image_meta.id within get_mem_encryption_constraint  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79395812:17
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gansoHi nova folks! Not sure if you're familiar with this behavior, whether it is a known bug or limitation (I didn't find any launchpad entry for it), but it is very easy to reproduce: if you try attach a volume with hw_disk_bus property that is different from the root disk's hw_disk_bus one, it gets ignored. Example, root disk's is ide, volume's is virtio, and it gets attached as ide.13:07
gansousing pure kvm through virt-manager, it is possible to have mixed ide+virtio disks, but nova doesn't seem to be allowing that13:08
sean-k-mooneyganso: yes that is expected behavior13:08
sean-k-mooneyganso: the image metadta is only use form the root disk13:08
sean-k-mooneywe do not use image metadta form any other disk13:08
sean-k-mooneyganso: you might be able to enable this using the block device mappings api13:09
gansosean-k-mooney: is there a reason why you would want to keep it this way?13:09
sean-k-mooneywell if the bus is not already present in the vm at a  minitum we woudl have to also attach a contole for that bus be it ide/stata whatever13:10
sean-k-mooneyand then all attach the volume to that new contoler13:10
sean-k-mooneythat could fail for a number of reasons13:10
sean-k-mooneyin general image metadata was intened to only be used form teh root disk13:11
sean-k-mooneywhen not using cinder it does not really make sense to have multipel image metadta soruce13:11
gansosean-k-mooney: hmmm I see, so this is like a new feature, to handle independent disk_bus values for each new volume, something nova doesn't do today13:12
sean-k-mooneyif we allowed it to work for cinder there is an issue  with confilt between volumens that we would have to determin how to handel13:12
gansosean-k-mooney: I was able to hack the code just to test it, I replaced the variable with "virtio" here: https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py#L201813:12
sean-k-mooneyganso: yes it would basiclaly be a new feature13:13
gansoand it worked, upon attach it added a virtio disk beside an ide one (the root disk)13:13
sean-k-mooneyyes there is a virtio contoler present by defualt for the nic13:13
sean-k-mooneyif you put stata it will fail13:13
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gansosean-k-mooney: so, adding a controller during attach is something risk you say? would it be 100% safe if it requires the VM to be shutoff?13:14
sean-k-mooneyit may or may not fail13:15
sean-k-mooneyand it may depend on the version fo libvirt if the contoler is hot pluggable or not13:15
gansosean-k-mooney: I understand. I will do some testing around this, thank you for the clarification!13:16
sean-k-mooneyfor example when using q35 machine type libvirt only alloctes 1 spare pcie port for hotplug devices13:16
sean-k-mooneyso you would not have enough to add the contoler and a volume13:16
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sean-k-mooneythere is one way you might be able to do this today13:16
sean-k-mooneybut only for new vms13:17
sean-k-mooneyserver create allows you to specify the block device mappings block_device_mapping_v2 (Optional)13:17
sean-k-mooney"block_device_mapping_v2": [{13:17
sean-k-mooney    "boot_index": "0",13:17
sean-k-mooney    "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911",13:17
sean-k-mooney    "source_type": "image",13:17
gansosean-k-mooney: oh I see, it would depend on that as well, so depending on how I test it, I may be avoiding a problem (like testing with just 1 extra disk instead of 2 or 3, as it could run out of devices)13:17
sean-k-mooney    "volume_size": "25",13:17
sean-k-mooney    "destination_type": "volume",13:17
sean-k-mooney    "delete_on_termination": true,13:17
sean-k-mooney    "tag": "disk1",13:17
sean-k-mooney    "disk_bus": "scsi"}]13:17
sean-k-mooneywhich has the disk bus13:17
sean-k-mooneyganso: yes although we have a config option for how may free port to allcote13:18
gansosean-k-mooney: I will try that! could just work out for my use case! thank you!13:18
sean-k-mooneyganso: if that works and you can set the disk bus per volume when creatign a new server13:18
sean-k-mooneywhich the api imples13:18
sean-k-mooneythen we could consider if that would be extanded to port attach13:19
sean-k-mooneythat coudl be done by either alowing the disk bus to be specified on attach or possibel adding support for a subset of data to be stored in teh block device mapping form the volume metadtata13:20
sean-k-mooneye.g. copy just the hw_disk_bus into the bdm that we create on attach13:20
gansosean-k-mooney: well, even if that works for the "create" operation, it is a more limited one, as you said, when creating the VM it is a safer scenario (not hotpluggable, can determine the required controllers before-hand). The attach operation is less safe in this regard and could fail in many ways, as you said13:21
sean-k-mooneyganso: this is a feature that would require a spec and someone more expert in the strage layware like lyarwood  to review13:21
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sean-k-mooneyganso: the failure could actully be handeled internally in the driver just roleing back and rejecting the attach but we would have to code with that in mind and think about the ux and error message we give to a user13:22
sean-k-mooneywhihc is one of the reason i think this woudl need a spec rather then trateing it as a bugfix13:23
gansosean-k-mooney: yea, just like the hotplugged error message for IDE devices, I was confused at first when the attach didn't work while the request was accepted, but I had no obvious error message13:24
sean-k-mooneyganso: the driver code in general assumes there is only one value for hw_disk_bus for the entire vm so thre are proably edgcases like rescue and move operations that might break.13:24
gansosean-k-mooney: I agree! +113:24
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gansosean-k-mooney: btw, if you have a minute, that patch you previously reviewed already has a +2. I was wondering if you could please take another look at it when you have a minute, since you're already familiar with it: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/78416613:30
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sean-k-mooneyah yes am i do not have +2 rights on nova but ill take a look now and maybe poke some of the nova cores to review when im done13:36
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Add unit test for importing ed25519 ssh key  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/78964213:49
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Change minversion of tox to 3.18.0  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79196813:50
sean-k-mooneybauzas: you like anit-afintiy groups right :P care to review ganso's patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/78416613:51
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Remove unused DeleteFromSelect db api method  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/78452813:51
bauzassean-k-mooney: not sure it's correct to say "I like" for the instance groups but sure ;)13:52
sean-k-mooneyhehe that was ment to be drowning in sarcasim but i for got to anotate that :)13:52
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sean-k-mooneydo we have  quota for how may revision of a patch you are allow to have without unit tests passing...13:56
sean-k-mooneyi fell like if we did its less then 51 in 6 weeks13:57
bauzasganso: I provided another +2 but please look at my comment in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/78416614:01
bauzasonce you look at it, tell me and then I'll +W your change14:01
sean-k-mooneybauzas: yes adding an explaintion would be nice to avoid the tribal knoladge that live migration never reschdules14:02
bauzascan be a follow-ip14:02
sean-k-mooneyalso yes i agree it can be a followup14:03
bauzasganso: do you want to backport your change, actually ?14:03
bauzasif so, maybe we would need to have a new revision for the relnote14:03
sean-k-mooneywe can backport the followup too14:03
sean-k-mooneyjust and fyi14:04
bauzasor squashing both when backporting but...14:04
sean-k-mooneyreno is ok with that14:04
sean-k-mooneyno need to squash14:04
sean-k-mooneywe could but you can edit renos after the fact14:04
bauzassure, but I don't like to have two patches when backporting when one of them is just a FUP14:04
bauzaseither way, wanting ganso to reply...14:05
gansoreading scrollback now14:05
gansosean-k-mooney: loved the term tribal knowledge! didnt know it! will now use it for many things lol!14:07
gansobauzas: yes, I plan to backport. Will look at the patch now14:07
bauzasganso: okay, then please provide a new PS and I'll directly +2/+W14:08
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/placement master: [doc] Redirect people to #openstack-nova  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/79383214:08
gansobauzas: great! will work on that now! thank you!14:08
bauzasganso: ping me when you're done14:09
gibibauzas, sean-k-mooney, melwitt: when you have time please check back to the placement re-parenting spec. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/78824314:13
bauzasgibi: sure thing14:13
* bauzas will try to not bikeshed again14:14
sean-k-mooneygibi: yes its on my list for today. just looking at the review priorty doc review now14:19
sean-k-mooneygibi: do we have the team meeting here today by the way14:19
sean-k-mooneyor are we using #openstack-meeting-314:19
sean-k-mooneyif that exists here14:20
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Deprecate filters that have been replaced by placement filters  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/74560514:23
gibisean-k-mooney: we will be on #openstack-meeting-314:25
gibiit do exists14:26
gibibut I will raise the question if we want to move the meeting to here14:26
opendevreviewRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/nova master: Error anti-affinity violation on migrations  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/78416614:31
gansobauzas: ^ I improved the reno and commit message14:31
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stephenfinlyarwood: $ openstack server create ... --block-device source_type=volume,uuid=44d317a3-6183-4063-868b-aa0728576f5f,destination_type=volume,delete_on_termination=true --wait test-server15:06
stephenfinUnexpected API Error. Please report this at http://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/ and attach the Nova API log if possible.15:06
stephenfin<class 'nova.exception.VolumeNotFound'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-7fe03627-c4ce-4f4b-9d5c-3abd6b88d3e3)15:06
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stephenfinlyarwood: full traceback here http://paste.openstack.org/show/806238/15:09
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sean-k-mooneystephenfin: your create a server with a prexising volumn15:15
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: did you intent to create a server wiht a boot volume form an image?15:16
stephenfinI'm updating delete_on_termination=true15:16
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/placement master: [doc] Redirect people to #openstack-nova  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/79383215:16
stephenfinto use OSC15:16
sean-k-mooneywell to use your new os command15:16
sean-k-mooneynot just osc15:16
sean-k-mooneybut that is weird that sould be correct15:16
stephenfinthe command is correct except I did use the wrong UUID15:17
stephenfinthat's my image UUID, not the volume15:17
stephenfinbut the server should be handling this and spitting out a better error15:17
sean-k-mooneyya that would make sense15:17
sean-k-mooneyit should not be a 50015:17
sean-k-mooneyit should be a 40015:17
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sean-k-mooneyya so i guess we just need to wrap the volumen not found expciton15:18
stephenfinI can fix but I'm notifying lyarwood since this seems like something that wouldn't go unnoticed for long, so I suspect it's only broken recently (like, last year)15:18
sean-k-mooneywe really should be validating this in the api15:18
sean-k-mooneyim not sure about that15:19
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sean-k-mooneystephenfin: i would expect most peopple to use "openstack server create --flavor 2 --volume VOLUME_ID myInstanceFromVolume"15:20
stephenfinI'd say that will fail with the same error message15:20
stephenfinsince it's doing the same thing under the hood15:20
* stephenfin verifies15:20
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sean-k-mooneyit will but i thik they would be less likely to make the mistake of mixing the uuids15:21
sean-k-mooneyam i right that you had just previouly tested "-block-device source_type=image,uuid=44d317a3-6183-4063-868b-aa0728576f5f,destination_type=volume,delete_on_termination=true"15:22
stephenfinnope, I just made a mistake15:22
stephenfinthe previous command had been 'openstack image list'15:22
sean-k-mooneyand then updated the source_type to volumn with out actully updatign the uuid15:22
sean-k-mooneyoh ok15:22
stephenfinso my lazy brain grabbed the first UUID it saw on screen :)15:22
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: well the current error is happing on the compute so this should defintly be caught in the api before we create a server record15:23
sean-k-mooneymaybe here https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/da57eebc9e1ab7e48d4c4ef6ec1eeba80d867d81/nova/api/openstack/compute/servers.py#L47015:27
sean-k-mooneyoh in _validate_and_build_base_options https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/c0c2888acaaccfa4266874523f62039cb9e143e0/nova/compute/api.py#L96815:30
kashyapstephenfin: [Off-topic] I have an inkling you'll like this: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/can-a-ship-flounder15:45
kashyapstephenfin: Also did you know both noun and verb usage of 'flounder and 'founder'?  (Before reading the article :)15:46
sean-k-mooneythey are two differnt things15:46
sean-k-mooneya fish can flounder a ship cannot as far as im aware15:47
stephenfinand vice versa, iirc15:48
sean-k-mooneya wale that is beached on land can flounder, when it tries to get back into the water15:49
* gibi queued up that etimology article for night time reading..15:49
gibinova meeting starts in 10 minutes in #openstack-meeting-3 on OFTC ;)15:50
sean-k-mooneyhum i see how it could be used and it makes sense but it a bit arcic to use flounder for an in animiat object even by irish standard even if its technicaly allowable15:52
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Yeah; they are two different things; but using "founder" as a verb for ship (but not "flounder") was a new thing for me15:53
sean-k-mooneyboth words honestly have little usage day to day15:54
kashyapYeah; flounder is more often seen in writng, though15:55
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: DNM: test ceph checkout with branch  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79400015:56
gibilyarwood, melwitt: FYI ^^ with elod we might caught a ceph testing issue15:56
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opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Handle invalid volume UUIDs during spawn  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79400616:41
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: docs: Replace 'nova boot' with 'openstack server create'  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79400716:41
stephenfinlyarwood: ^ easy fix. I didn't add unit tests because they seemed silly (see reasoning inline) but I can if people insist16:43
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sean-k-mooneygibi: so we did tweak the realtime handeling to allow alll cores to be used but we required the emulator policy to be used17:14
sean-k-mooneygibi: so what we allow today is you can use a specific emulator policy which wont have the downstream issue or you can use a realtime mask17:15
gibiseem good17:15
masterpe[m]Hi, I try to extend a in-use volume on Openstack Train. In the logs I get the following "error: Forbidden: Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-server-external-events:create to be performed"17:15
masterpe[m]Is there an article where it explains how to change the policy so that it is allowed? I searched but I was not able to find it.17:15
sean-k-mooneymasterpe[m]: i think this is a know cinder bug17:16
sean-k-mooneymasterpe[m]: basicaly when cinder calls back the nova api its incorrectly using the user token to call the admin only external events api17:16
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masterpe[m]sean-k-mooney do you know if there is a patch for this cinder bug?17:21
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sean-k-mooneymasterpe[m]: if you try this this as an admin i think it willl work17:31
sean-k-mooneymasterpe[m]: but im not sure17:31
sean-k-mooneylyarwood: do you remember ^17:31
sean-k-mooneymasterpe[m]: what cinder backend are you using17:33
masterpe[m]End ceph17:33
masterpe[m]I wanted to write rbd but auto correct17:33
sean-k-mooneythere was this previous bug for nfs https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1640443 https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/180234717:34
opendevmeetbugzilla.redhat.com bug 1640443 in openstack-tripleo-heat-templates "volume_extend while attached - Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-server-external-events:create" [High,Closed: errata] - Assigned to abishop17:34
opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1802347 in tripleo "Need ability to configure cinder's settings for nova" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Alan Bishop (alan-bishop)17:34
sean-k-mooneylooks like they hacked around it in ooo to use the admin endpoint https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/+/616669/17:36
sean-k-mooneymasterpe[m]: instead of actully fixing the cinder bug17:36
sean-k-mooneyosa also copied the ooo trick https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/190291417:38
opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1902914 in openstack-ansible "cinder extend "Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-server-external-events:create to be performed"" [Medium,Fix released] - Assigned to Dmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk)17:38
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masterpe[m]We are using osa. I will look into that.17:42
sean-k-mooneymasterpe[m]: what release did you say you were using?17:42
sean-k-mooneymasterpe[m]: oh and to you orignal question you can change the policy for the endpoint by defining a custom policy nova's policy.json or policy.yaml file17:44
sean-k-mooneymasterpe[m]: however you should not do that17:44
sean-k-mooneythe external events api is intended for interservice comumnication https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/#create-external-events-os-server-external-events17:45
sean-k-mooneymasterpe[m]: not even normal admin should actully call that manually as its very easy to break things and it might even be a secuirty issue in some cases.17:45
sean-k-mooneyso the only way to adress your issue is to ensure that cinder uses an admin token to talk to that endpoint17:46
masterpe[m]My question was directly related to the error. But if there are better solution to the problem then ....17:47
sean-k-mooneymasterpe[m]: yes that is a generic policy error message17:47
sean-k-mooneyin some case adjusting policy would be valid in this case its not17:47
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fricklermasterpe[m]: you need to configure cinder to use an admin user acc to talk to nova, see e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/190291418:24
opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1902914 in openstack-ansible "cinder extend "Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-server-external-events:create to be performed"" [Medium,Fix released] - Assigned to Dmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk)18:24
frickleroh, that's the same one as cited above18:25
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fricklerfwiw we also copied that solution into openstack-chef, though18:26
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opendevreviewLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova stable/ussuri: hardware: Use image_meta.id within get_mem_encryption_constraint  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79395819:06
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Replace getargspec with getfullargspec  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79040519:33
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opendevreviewLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova stable/train: Replace 'fake' with a real project ID  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79404120:50
opendevreviewLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova stable/train: image_meta: Provide image_ref as the id when fetching from instance  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79404220:50
opendevreviewLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova stable/train: hardware: Use image_meta.id within get_mem_encryption_constraint  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79404320:50
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opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Test aborting queued live migration  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/77625022:31
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Rollback live migraiton if cancelled while queued  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/79404822:31
artomThat func test ^^ is disgusting h4xx22:31
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