Sunday, 2025-03-09

opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/networking-bagpipe unmaintained/xena: [CI] Remove periodic stable jobs from unmaintained branch
EugenMayer440180today i tried to restore an image/instance from glance, but it failed binding the instance network port. Right now, i cannot spawn any instance in that subnet, i always get an issue that the port cannot be bound:
EugenMayer440180it seems like there might be some kind of left-over or similar. using `openstack port list` i could not really find anything, neiter i could find more detailed neutron logs (in my kolla deployment). Should i check the neutron logs on the compute or on the controller / neutron server?18:05
EugenMayer440180i'am running 2024.2 with all recent changes applied. I also tried to restart the compute / controls 2 times already18:06
EugenMayer440180kind of looks like the overlay network might have been corrputed or similar. Other instances running in the same subnet or working just fine18:18
EugenMayer440180tried on the cli via `openstack server create --image image-cirros-0.5.2 --flavor test  --key-name em_ed  --network kwlan demo1` with the same outcome19:22

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