Friday, 2025-03-07

opendevreviewMerged x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Fetch only SGL log entries, drop count assertion
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-vpnaas stable/2024.1: Use write connection for get_vpn_services_on_host
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-vpnaas stable/2024.2: Use write connection for get_vpn_services_on_host
*** liuxie is now known as liushy06:15
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Do not call ``QoSAddCommand`` without max-bw/DSCP rule
rxiaoHi, could I get another review on Thanks09:11
ralonsohslaweq, ^ please09:20
slaweqralonsoh I commented on that patch now09:35
ralonsohrxiao, ^09:35
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Do not call ``QoSAddCommand`` without max-bw/DSCP rule
opendevreviewRenjing Xiao proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Cover both enabled and disabled cases in nested snat validation test
tkajinamhey. May I ask for 2nd +2 for and ?09:56
tkajinamoops I posted the duplicate links...09:56
tkajinamthis is the second one I meant09:57
ralonsohsure, let me check09:57
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Make the Logical_Switch_Port UP event more robust
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-fwaas-dashboard master: Bump hacking
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-vpnaas-dashboard master: Bump hacking
tkajinamralonsoh, thx !11:12
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opendevreviewMichel Nederlof proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Move the check for allowed address scopes to the appropriate place
opendevreviewMichel Nederlof proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Move the check for allowed address scopes to the appropriate place
opendevreviewMichel Nederlof proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Change order of removing tenant routes.
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron master: Remove workaround for old python versions
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: [doc] Remove anycast_evpn_gateway_mode reference
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron master: Remove workaround for old python versions
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Remove ovsdb_interface and of_interface
opendevreviewMichel Nederlof proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Move the check for allowed address scopes to the appropriate place
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron master: If OVS Manager creation failes retry to set values
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Retrieve the HA_Chassis_Group in ``_sync_ha_chassis_group``
slaweqhaleyb ralonsoh and others, please check and tell me if that makes sense for you to change it13:39
ralonsohlet me check13:39
ralonsohslaweq, ups, this is a potential security issue13:40
slaweqactually can be, you are right13:40
ralonsohI don't know if that can be avoided via policies13:40
ralonsohbut at least at the API level13:41
slaweqit can be, I just checked with policies which I mentioned there and it is then forbiden13:41
slaweqas it should be IMO13:41
ralonsoh+1 for this change13:41
slaweqI can propose patch for it quickly, but first wanted to make sure that we want such change in default policies13:43
slaweqand I change it to be High importance as you said about security  :)13:43
ralonsohfor sure13:44
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: [QoS] QoS rule check also considers the direction
elodillesslaweq lajoskatona , about the cycle highlight patch: haleyb|out wrote that he won't be available the patch, so feel free to update the highlights if something needs an update:
lajoskatonagood catch slaweq14:03
lajoskatonaelodilles: what's the deadline for merging it? haleyb will be back on Tuesday as I remember14:03
elodilleslajoskatona: the target was this week o:)14:10
elodillesit's not a must, but marketing folks work out of this14:10
slaweqlajoskatona will you update it or do you want me to do it?14:11
elodilles(in the past the deadline was milestone-3 week, but during that time PTLs & people were busy with final patches before Feature Freeze, so it was postponed to mileston-3+1 week (this week o:)))14:11
lajoskatonaslaweq, elodilles: I can14:18
ralonsohlajoskatona, slaweq I think we can update the patch ourselves today14:28
ralonsohlajoskatona, will you add the dist datapath for metadata?14:29
ralonsohyou can also address slaweq's comment14:29
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/os-vif stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/os-vif stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/os-vif master: Update master for stable/2025.1
slaweqthx lajoskatona 14:38
lajoskatonaslaweq: done14:45
slaweqthx a lot14:52
slaweqI just +1 it14:52
lajoskatonaslaweq: cool, and we kept the PTL +1 also :-)15:01
slaweqI think it is due to my +1 because I am release liaison :)15:02
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lajoskatonaah,, ok, that is also perfect15:04
haleyb|outyes, i will be back tuesday, traveling today15:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-vif stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-vif stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-vif master: Update master for stable/2025.1
haleyb|outi fixed the typo in the release change, and now i'm off15:14
lajoskatonahaleyb|out: thanks15:20
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: WIP == [OVN] Assign HA_Chassis_Group to all LRPs for tunnelled gateway
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron unmaintained/zed: Revert "[HA] Do not add initial state change delay in HA router"
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: functional: Use shutil to find privsep-helper executable
opendevreviewJakub Libosvar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2024.2: functional: Use shutil to find privsep-helper executable
opendevreviewJakub Libosvar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2024.1: functional: Use shutil to find privsep-helper executable
opendevreviewJakub Libosvar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2023.2: functional: Use shutil to find privsep-helper executable
opendevreviewFernando Royo proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider master: Add sync floating IP support
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Use instead of
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas master: Use instead of
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Cover both enabled and disabled cases in nested snat validation test
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron unmaintained/yoga: Revert "[HA] Do not add initial state change delay in HA router"
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/networking-bagpipe unmaintained/xena: [CI] Remove periodic stable jobs from unmaintained branch
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