Friday, 2017-09-08

zhenguomorning mogan!01:01
zhenguoshaohe_feng: please have a look at this when you are online01:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-moganclient master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/mogan master: Update port['device_id'] when creating server
zhenguoXinran, liusheng: I just updated this to make it only add port availability check and bind port then, will add a separated patch to handle the port deletion which will also consider port detach.01:27
liushengzhenguo: ok, will check later01:28
zhenguoliusheng: ok, thanks01:28
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/mogan master: Update port['device_id'] when creating server
openstackgerritwanghao proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Support to getting managebale servers
Xinranzhenguo,  just left some comments on this patch02:04
zhenguoXinran: ok02:04
zhenguoXinran, liusheng: seem my replies02:07
zhenguowanghao_: o/02:07
liushengzhenguo: how about catching the exception ?02:09
zhenguoliusheng: how02:10
liushengzhenguo: when exception occured in plug_vif, save the nic and reraise the exception ?02:11
zhenguoliusheng: it's that better to set mac_address later?02:11
zhenguoliusheng: I don't think so, that seems redundant02:11
liushengzhenguo: oh, it is just save in object, not in db02:13
zhenguoliusheng: yes it's just in object02:13
zhenguoliusheng: and the plug_vif may failed sometimes02:13
zhenguoliusheng: I remember the current implementation is your proposal02:14
openstackgerritwanghao proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Support to getting managebale servers
liushengzhenguo: lol02:14
liushengzhenguo: apologize, you are right02:15
zhenguoliusheng: hah02:15
openstackgerritTao Li proposed openstack/mogan master: Manage existing BMs: Part-2
openstackgerritwanghao proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Support to getting managebale servers
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Clean the duplicated formatter method definitions
liushengzhenguo: hi, in Ironic, is enrolling node an admin only api ? will it set the user and project to the node ?03:30
zhenguoliusheng: seems not03:31
liushengzhenguo: not admin only api ?03:31
zhenguoliusheng: no, not project and user with the node03:32
liushengzhenguo: oh, just found when we managing a existing server, as the API is admin api, the server will only belong to admin03:32
zhenguoliusheng: oh, seems yes03:35
liushengzhenguo: any thoughts ?03:35
zhenguoliusheng: how cinder handle that?03:36
zhenguoliusheng: they can specify project_id when adopting?03:36
liushengzhenguo: now sure, is wanghao here ?03:36
liushengzhenguo: let me ask03:36
liushengzhenguo: cinder can transfer a volume to others :(03:37
zhenguoliusheng: after managed?03:38
zhenguoliusheng: or at the same time03:38
liushengzhenguo: a saperated interface03:38
zhenguoliusheng: oh03:39
zhenguoliusheng: seems we need to do that in next cycle03:39
liushengzhenguo: yes, it's better. or we need to support specifying user/project when managing03:40
zhenguoliusheng: not sure there's side effect03:41
* zhenguo brb03:41
liushengzhenguo: imagine this: I have a env of Mogan, but some day I want to manage a set of other servers to this env, certainly I want to use these servers by myself, but I only belong to the administrators03:42
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zhenguoliusheng: we need to find why cinder don't manage with specified project_id03:50
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/mogan master: Add preserve_on_delete to server nic object
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/mogan master: Add preserve_on_delete to server nic object
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mogan-specs master: Fix the typo and replace http with https for doc links
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litao__zhenguo: ,liusheng : pls05:41
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zhenguolitao__: ok06:03
liushenglitao__: I have left some comments06:04
liushenglitao__: zhenguo can review again. lol06:04
zhenguolitao__, liusheng: left some nits inline as well.06:11
liushengzhenguo: need to cut release today ?06:15
zhenguoliusheng: can we?06:15
liushengzhenguo: if you plan to do, we can take over the patches have small problem to land them today06:16
liushengzhenguo: seems others may be busy in other things06:16
zhenguoliusheng: yes, after that, I'd like to go through the API and CLI again.06:16
zhenguoliusheng: just in case06:17
liushengzhenguo: I can help the client patches if needed06:17
zhenguoliusheng: thanks06:17
liushengzhenguo: np :D06:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-moganclient master: Correct the network parameter when creating server
openstackgerritTao Li proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Add the CLI for managing server
liushengzhenguo: please seem my comments06:32
zhenguoliusheng: I also planed to used that06:33
zhenguoliusheng: but found you can specify multi --nic06:33
zhenguoliusheng: then got a list06:33
liushengzhenguo: oh, seems a problem, let me check if there is other proper action06:34
zhenguoliusheng: ok06:34
liushengzhenguo: MultiKeyValueCommaAction this ?06:34
liushengzhenguo: let me try06:34
zhenguoliusheng: ok, and please feel free to update that patch :P06:35
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openstackgerritTao Li proposed openstack/mogan master: Manage existing BMs: Part-2
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zhenguoliusheng: I find a bug of the addresses show on client07:05
liushengzhenguo: what ?07:06
zhenguoliusheng: seems when there are multi addresses, it only show one07:06
liushengzhenguo: list command ?07:06
zhenguoliusheng: both list and show07:06
liushengzhenguo: or show07:06
liushengzhenguo: oh07:06
liushengzhenguo: seems we handled that situation, need to check07:07
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zhenguoliusheng: please check again07:07
liushengzhenguo: ok07:08
liushengzhenguo: for you client patch, seems we cannot use the MultiKeyValueAction :(07:12
zhenguoliusheng: so just keep the current approach?07:12
liushengzhenguo: it cannot pass a nargs='?'07:13
zhenguoliusheng: ?07:13
liushengzhenguo: the osc_lib don't allow this parameter, this parameter means the action can only except once value07:14
liushengzhenguo: let's keep current  approach, may improve in future07:15
zhenguoliusheng: ok07:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-moganclient master: Add support for specifing patitions when claming a server
liushengzhenguo: in my env, it can correctly show server with multiple nics07:29
zhenguoliusheng: oh07:29
zhenguoliusheng: with your new patch?07:29
liushengzhenguo: no, seems it is ok long ago07:29
liushengzhenguo: not sure why in your env07:29
zhenguoliusheng: I fetch you patch to specify port-id, then attach a interface, but only show one07:30
liushengzhenguo: oh, I created a server with twice --nic with different net-id07:31
liushengzhenguo: if so, it seems a bug in API side ?07:31
zhenguoliusheng: let me try to specify tow nic07:31
zhenguoliusheng: just tried, still only one address07:36
liushengzhenguo: strange, may you can try to update code and requirements, you can go my env to see07:37
zhenguoliusheng: oh, seems my API only return one address07:37
liushengzhenguo: may need to update mogan code, ahh07:38
zhenguoliusheng: yes07:38
zhenguoliusheng: have you ever tested this ?07:51
liushengzhenguo: no,07:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-moganclient master: Clean the duplicated formatter method definitions
liushengzhenguo: not very fimilar with the process and may need to test in our physical env :(07:52
zhenguoliusheng: virtual env is also ok07:53
zhenguoliusheng: you can create a server then remove it's instance_uuid manually07:53
liushengzhenguo: oh, need also to delete in Mogan ?07:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-moganclient master: Add a more detailed README doc
zhenguoliusheng: seems yes, but may unnecessary07:54
zhenguoliusheng: you can manage it with a different name07:54
liushengzhenguo: ok, let me try07:55
zhenguoliusheng: thanks07:55
zhenguoXinran: I will add you as a reviewer on this , please look at it when you got time07:58
openstackgerritwanghao proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Support to getting managebale servers
litao__zhenguo,liusheng :
zhenguolitao__: ok, not sure why the managing patch still not passed the gate, takes about 2 hours08:26
litao__zhenguo: Yes, I also be confused08:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mogan master: Correct db and model inconsistent
litao__zhenguo: The status is queued08:42
litao__zhenguo: Not just mogan, other projects are also like this08:43
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Support to getting managebale servers
zhenguolitao__: sigh08:57
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zhenguoliusheng: I got the reason why there's only one address09:01
zhenguoliusheng: because I use the same network :(09:01
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Add the CLI for managing server
liushengzhenguo: oh, it is reaonalbe?09:01
zhenguoliusheng: yes, the key is network di09:01
liushenglitao__, wanghao sorry, I have update your client patches, and I will test them sucessfully with end-to-end09:02
liushengzhenguo: shold we support create a server with two nic in a network ?09:02
zhenguoliusheng: seems that would lead problems09:02
liushengzhenguo: may be need to fix in client09:04
zhenguoliusheng: no client, the API will only return one09:04
liushengzhenguo: oh, sigh, it is a problem09:04
zhenguoliusheng: nova also do like that09:05
zhenguoliusheng: the key of the dict is network09:05
liushengzhenguo: not sure if Nova hve the problem09:05
zhenguoliusheng: so if two ports in one network, we can only show one09:05
zhenguoliusheng: oh, or should be combine that?09:06
liushengzhenguo: but we need to show two ip addresses09:06
zhenguoliusheng: conbime that with same key09:06
liushengzhenguo: yes09:06
zhenguoliusheng: make sense09:06
liushengzhenguo: I will test all the server managing patches09:08
zhenguoliusheng: cool09:10
zhenguoliusheng: seems we'd better to not release today, lol09:10
liushengzhenguo: hah09:11
liushengzhenguo: seems not very stable09:11
zhenguoliusheng: yes09:11
zhenguoliusheng: by next week09:11
liushengzhenguo: ok09:11
liushengzhenguo: but we are non-official project09:11
zhenguoliusheng: we can do more tests09:11
zhenguoliusheng: yes09:12
liushengzhenguo: ok09:12
zhenguoliusheng: we can run our first release under our CI system09:12
liushengzhenguo: ok09:12
zhenguoliusheng: need to talk to Kun later09:12
liushengzhenguo: ok09:13
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/mogan master: Add preserve_on_delete to server nic object
openstackgerritwanghao proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Support to getting managebale servers
liushengwanghao: ping09:27
wanghaoliusheng: pong09:27
wanghaoI saw your change,  not use servers?09:28
liushengwanghao: yes, it is better to keep consistency09:28
wanghaoliusheng: okay, I will change it again09:28
liushengwanghao: I remember zhenguo has submitted a change for this09:28
zhenguoliusheng: what09:29
liushengwanghao: in my patctset, I have test the unit test and pep8 ok09:29
liushengzhenguo: hah09:29
wanghaoliusheng: okay, I add a new one UT in my patchset09:29
liushengzhenguo: seem i remember you have a change to make the stuff without "s", right ?09:30
liushengwanghao: ok09:30
zhenguoliusheng: you mean server list?09:30
zhenguoliusheng: instead of servers list09:31
liushengzhenguo: no, just some class name and file name09:31
zhenguoliusheng: mogan or client?09:31
liushengzhenguo: client09:31
zhenguoliusheng: no, just mogan09:31
liushengzhenguo: oh, for now, in moganclient, most stuff without "s", I think we'd better to keep consistent09:32
zhenguoliusheng: yes, please09:32
liushengzhenguo: hah, I have hijacked both wanghao's and litao's client patches09:33
liushengzhenguo: in my testing, I cannot manage the server, duplicated name error as you mentioned09:34
zhenguoliusheng: hah09:34
zhenguoliusheng: yes, not sure why there's duplicated name error09:34
zhenguoliusheng: you manage it with a new name right?09:35
liushengzhenguo: I guess may it because I didn't delete the old server after manaully updating the node's instance_uuid09:35
liushengzhenguo: yes09:35
liushengzhenguo: maybe the server.node_uuid have the unique constrait ?09:35
zhenguoliusheng: but we not use the original name09:35
zhenguoliusheng: maybe, need to check09:35
zhenguoliusheng: and you can try to delete the server in db09:35
liushengzhenguo: as I saied, the exception definition is unreasonble, it treat all duplications as duplicated name error09:36
liushengzhenguo: hah09:36
zhenguoliusheng: yes09:36
liushengzhenguo: let me try09:36
zhenguoliusheng: ok09:36
openstackgerritwanghao proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Support to getting managebale servers
openstackgerritwanghao proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Support to getting managebale servers
liushengzhenguo, litao__ server managing tested ok in my env, but the flavor is empty, is it reasonable ?09:45
zhenguoliusheng: yes09:45
zhenguoliusheng: we don't have flavor09:45
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zhenguoliusheng: the duplicate is node_uuid, right?09:45
liushengzhenguo: not sure, but it is ok after I clean my db, hah09:46
zhenguoliusheng: so, seems it is, but make sense09:46
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/mogan master: Fix addresses show within one network
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Support to getting managebale servers
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/python-moganclient master: Add the CLI for managing server
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Our CI systems experience a hickup, no new jobs are started. Please stay tuned and wait untils this resolved.10:47
Xinranzhenguo,  ok11:26
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: nodepool issue related to bad images has been resolved, builds should be coming back online soon. Restarted gerrit due to reasons. Happy Friday.13:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mogan master: Update port['device_id'] when creating server
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