Thursday, 2017-06-08

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openstackgerritToure Dunnon proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: [WIP] Workflow Error Analysis Client updates.
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openstackgerritToure Dunnon proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: [WIP] Workflow Error Analysis Client updates.
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rbradyfultonj: looked at it briefly tonight. will look at it again in the morning and ping you03:50
kongrakhmerov: do you think we are ready for p2 release? any blocks?04:15
kongalso, what I read from our meeting log, we are not going to change the release model for the time being, right?04:15
kongtripleo will work around the dependency issue without touching mistral code base?04:16
rakhmerovkong: yes, right, we will not04:22
rakhmerovkong: as far as release, can you wait till tomorrow?04:22
rakhmerovno blocks actually, I just wanted to merge a couple of things04:23
rakhmerovincluding the spec for HA :)04:23
kongrakhmerov: sure, it's suitable for me to do release tomorrow considering my time zone :)04:23
rakhmerovbtw, if you could review it..04:23
kongrakhmerov: yeah, i plan to review the HA stuff today04:23
rakhmerovit'd be cool04:23
rakhmerovthere's nothing fancy in it, I just made an attempt to gather all thoughts on that topic in one doc04:24
* kong will do release tomorrow in NZ time04:24
rakhmerovkong: I'll be off tomorrow so don't wait for my signal04:24
kongrakhmerov: ok, no problem04:25
rakhmerovhow are things in general for you?04:25
kongrakhmerov: not too bad. I stopped working on context thing for a while, will continue to do that after pike-2 and hope i could finish that before pike-304:27
kongcontext, i mean oslo.context04:27
kongthere are lot of places need to change04:27
rakhmerovsure, no problem04:28
kongand i have been working on one side project, which i believe will be a good supplement thing to mistral04:28
rakhmerovbtw, if you know keystone well maybe you could help Sharat with
rakhmerovit's mostly done but he can't make tempest tests pass04:29
rakhmerovkong: ooh, really? What project?04:29
kongok, i will take a look when time allowed04:29
rakhmerovcan you disclose yet? )04:29
kongand i stole the basic code base structure from mistral04:30
kongwith qinling, mistral can do more things for end user04:31
kongusers don't even need to write their own mistral action04:31
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rakhmerovooh, serverless!04:39
rakhmerovI see04:39
rakhmerovthat's cool04:39
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flaper87fultonj: any progress on the ssh key thing? I read your messages but it's not clear if you're going to create a new action or try to make the wf in the paste work06:24
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rakhmerovkong: I replied to you in the spec07:33
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therveflaper87, Last thing is hitting a trust token issue when using heat :/07:45
therveThe new action is to workaround auth issues, which is a shame07:45
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d0ugalkong: that is what I think we should do - but I guess it depends if tripleo can make the switch in time...08:16
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d0ugalrakhmerov: did you see the issues with oslo-messaging?08:44
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flaper87therve jeez, that's a shame. there should be a better way to do this. :/09:34
therveFor some reasons it works for me09:37
therveMaybe it's the mistral -> heat -> mistral thing09:37
rakhmerovd0ugal: which one?10:01
d0ugalrakhmerov: mistralclient CI is broken, as are all the mistral devstack gates10:04
rakhmerovno, I haven't seen it yet10:04
d0ugalrakhmerov: due to a new oslo-messaging release10:04
d0ugalthere is another release coming that should fix it I think - therve knows more about that.10:04
rakhmerovnot the first time..10:04
rakhmerovwhen it happens10:05
d0ugalrakhmerov: the blocking executor, that we use is deprecated now. I think that is part of the problem.10:06
openstackLaunchpad bug 1696469 in Mistral "Move away from oslo.messaging blocking executor" [Undecided,New]10:06
rakhmerovd0ugal: yes, you know the background I guess10:07
rakhmerovit's not too easy but we'll try10:07
d0ugalIt seems we have no choice, and need to try :)10:08
therved0ugal, The change hasn't merged yet :/10:08
rakhmerovdo you know for how long it will be deprecated before complete removal?10:10
d0ugalGood question, but I guess it will be there for a few cycles?10:11
d0ugalI'm not sure :)10:11
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therverakhmerov, until r release12:02
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fultonjtherve: flaper87: fyi I added a new action which worked when triggered by Heat ( mistral -> heat -> mistral actually ) but rbrady thought it shouldn't be necessary and that should be sufficient. So I am going to try getting the later working12:30
fultonjtoday without the extra ...12:30
fultonj... action.12:30
thervefultonj, OK cool12:30
fultonjto clarify: i found that mistral.environments_get name='ssh_keys' works when triggered via the CLI, but not via Heat12:31
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thervefultonj, Well, it works via heat for me.12:32
fultonjtherve: oh, interesting12:32
thervefultonj, I wonder if mistral is the one triggering heat, though12:32
fultonjtherve: did you trigger this using quickstart and gfidente's patch?12:32
therveHum no directly12:32
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thervefultonj, Can you try that template: ?12:33
fultonjtherve: i will give it a shot12:33
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fultonjtherve: ^12:46
fultonjdidn't like the yaql12:47
thervefultonj, Ah do you have an env called test?12:47
fultonjtherve: i updated the workflow to user ssh_keys12:47
fultonj          action: mistral.environments_get name='ssh_keys'12:47
fultonjshould this be like this12:48
fultonj          action: std.echo output=<% $.env %>12:48
fultonj          action: std.echo output=<% env() %>12:48
fultonji guess you're creating a local var12:48
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fultonjsorry that paste was incomplete...12:49
therveThe env variable is published by the previous task12:49
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thervefultonj, Can you output "mistral environment-list" ?12:52
fultonji tried with my_env too. same issue12:53
fultonjtherve: yesterday i was getting a 403 however12:53
fultonjit parsed12:54
therveWell the error here is that the env variable is not found12:55
therveMaybe something fixed on master12:55
fultonji built this env yesterday using tripleo-quickstart master-ci12:56
fultonjand then i added ....12:56
fultonjthe heat changes to create an external env12:56
fultonjas they merged but were not present12:57
therveexternal mistral resource you mean12:57
therveCan I access your env by any chance?12:57
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therveOK so reproduced13:05
therveIt works in mistral though13:05
thervefultonj, "Authorization failed: You are not authorized to perform the requested action: Using trust-scoped token to create another token."13:14
therveSo it's your issue13:14
therveI should have used on success or something13:14
fultonjso it failed to get the env13:15
fultonjthat was the issue i ran into13:15
fultonjtherve: anything you changed13:15
fultonjperhaps i just didn't dig deep enough13:16
fultonjif i had gotten the previous task then i would have seen the auth failuer13:16
fultonjok, no i understand your point about on sucess13:16
thervefultonj, OK reproduced locally13:17
therveIt's because of the way heat is configured13:17
therveIt uses trusts by default, whereas I didn't on my env13:17
fultonjdo on_complete and on-complete both work?13:17
therveOne is in a heat template, the other a mistral wf definition13:18
therve(I know that's unfortunate)13:18
fultonjso if i'm putting mistral in heat i use on_complete ?13:19
fultonjbut if i'm writing mistral directly i use on-complete?13:19
fultonjtherve: ^ have i not understood?13:22
thervefultonj, No that's correct13:23
fultonji'm just taking note of the subtle differences with a bit of humor. not a problem. thanks for clarifying13:25
fultonjtherve: So if default Heat uses trusts by default, and that's why I had this issue, wouldn't it take a change to TripleO to make this work OR I'd need the custom action?13:32
thervefultonj, Well in the short term the action will get you moving13:33
therveIt needs to be fixed in mistral/mistralclient I believe13:34
therve may be good enough13:34
* therve actually tries13:34
therveNope doesn't work13:39
fultonji guess i'll see how long short term is13:44
fultonjdoes the issue need to be summed up in a bug?13:45
therveI guess? I mean there is no reason for the mistraclient to do that13:46
fultonjin my submission, if i'm going to be adding this extra action and...13:49
fultonj our convention in tripleo-common is to only create an action when there is no other means...13:49
fultonjthen i want to have a bug to point at to justify it and also as a todo until said but is resolved at which point another patch can use environment_get13:50
fultonjsaid bug* is resolved13:50
fultonjand you spent some time helping me and I didn't want the outcome of it to be lost13:53
fultonjthat is unless it's captured in another bug13:54
openstackLaunchpad bug 1690787 in Mistral "cron trigger uses trust-scoped token to create another token" [High,New]13:54
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fultonjrbrady: ^ any thoughts ?14:04
rbradyfultonj: reading14:14
flaper87fultonj: any luck?14:15
fultonjmistral.environments_get name='ssh_keys' seems to be getting defined for Heat trust reasons14:16
fultonj is working14:16
fultonjtherve: suggested that the mistralclient be modified to deal with the trust issue14:17
fultonjflaper87: not getting "defined", getting "denied"14:18
fultonjYou are not authorized to perform the requested action: Using trust-scoped token to create another token. Create a new trust-scoped token instead.14:19
d0ugalaha, that makes sense14:20
d0ugalA custom action and bug seems like the sensible way to go14:20
fultonjd0ugal: should i file a bug?14:23
d0ugalyeah, unless there is a bug for mistral and trusts already14:23
openstackLaunchpad bug 1690787 in Mistral "cron trigger uses trust-scoped token to create another token" [High,New]14:24
rbradyfultonj: if you experience is different than, then file a new bug.  If it's the same, then add any additional comments as needed14:24
fultonjthe diff is heat making the call14:24
fultonjbut could be same root cause14:25
fultonjif i had to guess14:25
fultonji think i'll update
openstackLaunchpad bug 1690787 in Mistral "cron trigger uses trust-scoped token to create another token" [High,New]14:25
fultonjunless you advise otherwise.14:25
fultonjthanks rbrady therve d0ugal flaper87 for your help14:27
d0ugalThat sounds good, just a comment to say "this is also relevant if Heat calls Mistral" would probably do14:27
flaper87fultonj: my pleasure, hope to be able to do more but let me know if there's any feedback I can provide14:28
fultonjmy plan is to keep with the custom action to get the private key and keep an eye on bug 1690787 as a todo.14:30
openstackbug 1690787 in Mistral "cron trigger uses trust-scoped token to create another token" [High,New]
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mattybrennanhas anyone found a workaround for the oslo.messaging issue? I still seem to get timeouts even if I force install 5.24.215:20
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mattybrennanstill getting timeouts with kombu :( "2017-06-08 17:15:17.128 17 ERROR wsme.api [-] Server-side error: "RPC Request timeout". Detail:"17:15
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openstackgerritToure Dunnon proposed openstack/mistral master: [WIP] Workflow Error Analysis
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openstackgerritToure Dunnon proposed openstack/mistral master: [WIP] Workflow Error Analysis
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fultonjcan anyone tell me why mistral's entry in /etc/password has a home dir of /home/mistral, which doesn't exist?21:02
fultonjnot saying it should exist; just wondering why reference that?21:04
bretonfultonj: how did you install mistral?21:11
fultonjbreton: so it would be the rdo package21:11
bretonfultonj: yeah, you need to talk to rdo folks21:12
fultonjbreton: ok, thanks21:12
bretonor to tripleo21:12
fultonjbreton: if you install mistral from source; do the docs say antyhing about this?21:13
bretonfultonj: i don't know :) but maybe someone else here knows21:13
fultonjbreton: ok, thanks breton21:14
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