Wednesday, 2017-06-07

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openstackgerritRenat Akhmerov proposed openstack/mistral master: Revert "Remove 'sphinxcontrib.autohttp.flask' from sphinx config"
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral master: Stop using abbreviation DSL in document
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openstackgerritSharat Sharma proposed openstack/mistral master: Remove the deprecated configuration options
rakhmerovd0ugal, mgershen, kong: please review
rakhmerovwould appreciate if you do it today or tomorrow06:22
sharatssrakhmerov, you told you would take a look at
rakhmerovsharatss: hi, yes, I looked at it but didn't understand yet why it fails07:15
sharatssrakhmerov, same with me.. that is why its stuck there07:16
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1696128 in Mistral "unable to access a mistral env using mistral.environments_get" [Undecided,New]07:21
flaper87fultonj: fwiw, I've not solved the ssh07:33
therveflaper87, Ah that's interesting :)07:35
thervesharatss, I suspect you're hitting
openstackLaunchpad bug 1693266 in python-mistralclient "Regression about errors with session usage" [Undecided,New]07:35
flaper87yeah, I've copied the ssh keys into the mistral's user home07:35
thervesharatss, You need to fix the error handling07:35
flaper87I did something, I don't remember what07:35
flaper87oh, I know what I did07:35
flaper87just hacked an ansible.cfg and pointed it to the ssh keys07:35
flaper87I know there's a patch that tries to solve this issue07:36
* flaper87 has it in his review/test list07:36
therveflaper87, What do you think about reusing the validation ssh keys?07:36
flaper87that was the first thing I attempted to do but for the sake of completing the test I was doing I didn't explore that path further07:36
flaper87I think we could re-use that, fwiw07:37
flaper87It's part of the overcloud environment07:37
flaper87I think07:37
flaper87if not, we could make it part of the overcloud environment07:37
therveIt's in a different env, called ssh_keys07:38
flaper87ah, that, yeah07:39
flaper87I think we could totally pass that env to the workflow when it's executed07:39
therveWell it's stored, so you don't really need to pass it. It could make things easier though07:40
flaper87therve: mmh, I'd prefer "passing" the env to the workflow execution instead of having the workflow assume the env is there07:42
flaper87but, this being an heat deployment thing, I think we can assume it's there07:42
flaper87I'll play with this a bit and let you know my results07:42
therveflaper87, Yeah that's fair. I wonder about passing private keys around though07:42
thervesharatss, I have a change that may help on that patch, do you want me to submit it?07:51
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gongyshhi kong08:48
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gongyshmistral service-list return error08:51
gongyshERROR (app) Service API is not supported.08:51
gongyshwho can help me out?08:54
thervegongysh, You're using devstack?08:57
therveI suspect it's because the API is running in Apache08:58
therveThat said, I don't know the purpose of service-list08:58
therveOh no08:59
thervegongysh, Have set up a coordination mechanism?08:59
gongyshtherve, do you have a url for how to set up the coordination?09:00
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gongyshtherve, gongysh@ubuntu64:~$ mistral execution-create my_workflow09:03
gongyshERROR (app) MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID a53bc693fcc34133860a73ab0ce6f5fa09:03
gongyshhow to debug it?09:03
gongyshthis is blocking tacker ci.09:04
sharatsstherve, please09:04
gongyshso you are meaning for us to update the oslo messaging package?09:08
gongyshhow does the oslo change the code so careless?09:09
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therveWell it's mostly mistral's fault to use the blocking executor09:18
thervegongysh, You can downgrade oslo.messaging to 5.2409:19
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Use keystoneauth plugins and session instead of keystoneclient
gongyshtherve, it works with 5.2409:34
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konggongysh: for service api issue, you need to setup mistral deployment with zookeeper or some other tooz backend software10:43
gongyshkong, do we have installation guide for it?10:44
kongnope, you can look for zookeeper doc for installation and tooz doc for reference10:46
kongfor mistral, you only need to config backend_url in coordination section10:46
kongmistral just use tooz for implementation10:47
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gongyshwhat feature do you use tooz?11:02
gongyshjust for heath check of service?11:02
gongyshor distributed lock?11:02
konggongysh: health check, but we could also leverage other features of tooz if needed11:04
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fultonjflaper87: therve looks like i missed the fun around 3 AM my time ^12:19
thervefultonj, Not so much12:20
fultonjtherve: as per your commment you think a new mistraclient ?12:21
fultonj1. new mistral client12:21
fultonj2. environment_get(ssh_key)12:21
fultonj3. use rbrady's new patch to pass ssh-key12:21
fultonji will try
thervefultonj, Yeah that'd be nice. I managed to reproduce the issue locally, and that fixed it12:22
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fultonjthanks therve. i will try the same and update bug12:23
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tourerakhmerov ping13:26
tourerakhmerov just wondering what you thought of the proposed refactored name13:27
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fultonjtherve: how did you install your new mistral cient?13:46
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fultonjhey mistral people, i am just trying a new mistral client on an undercloud deployed by tripleo-quickstart but didn't seem to get it set up right...13:53
fultonj MistralAction.environments.get failed: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Client'"13:53
fultonji had gotten it this way...13:53
fultonj git clone ; cd python-mistralclient/ ; sudo pip install -e .13:53
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mgershentry the other option13:54
fultonjpip install -r requirements.txt $ python install13:55
* fultonj tries ^13:55
mgershenrun them as 2 separate commands13:56
mgershensudo pip install -r requirements.txt13:56
mgershensudo python install13:56
thervefultonj, I didn't, I changed the code locally13:56
fultonjtherve: i had tried that13:57
fultonjadding the 'v' on line 37 of keystone.py13:57
thervefultonj, And?13:57
fultonjtherve: was that sufficient for you? nothing else (e.g. pythoncompileall)13:57
thervefultonj, Well restart the mistral services13:58
fultonjtherve: ran it twice no comlaint, ran it a 3rd time complaint13:58
fultonjtried that too13:58
thervefultonj, It fails as before?13:58
fultonjtherve: yes14:00
fultonjtherve: i will re-test14:00
fultonj sudo yum reinstall python-mistralclient14:00
d0ugalI've always had issues if I ever run the python packaging install14:01
d0ugalManually updating files seems to be safer, but gets messy14:01
therved0ugal, Hi! Do you know what we can wrt the oslo.messaging issue?14:03
d0ugaltherve: I only seen some some messages pass by - whats the issue?14:04
therved0ugal, The latest release broke the "blocking" executor. The functional gates are kaput14:05
therveWhich only block mistralclient of course14:05
therveAt any rate, the blocking executor is deprecated, so it'd be nice to use something else14:05
d0ugaltherve: latest release? do you mean master?14:05
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therved0ugal, No, both 5.25 and 5.2614:06
d0ugalthe latest release of oslo.messaging14:06
therveRight, sorry14:06
d0ugalI didn't know something was broken :)14:06
d0ugalI shall take a look14:06
d0ugalrakhmerov: are you around?14:07
therveIt should be fixed by the next release14:07
therveBut mistral needs to move away from that executor anyway, so we may try that14:07
d0ugalI have no idea what is involved in doing that tbh14:08
therveWhen I tried to mention it I was not received super well :)14:09
d0ugaltherve: was that back when ddeja was working on related issues?14:10
d0ugalI never fully got my head around it then14:11
therveAFAIU we relied on the blocking executor to avoid locking issues with join tasks14:12
therveWhich always seems to me like a giant bandaid14:12
d0ugalyeah, that doesn't sound great.14:13
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thrashtherve: I don't think that's current...14:16
thervethrash, Well, it's still using the blocking executor14:17
fultonjtherve: i seem to have broken my env14:17
thrashtherve: I don't think so...14:17
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thervethrash, I have the code right there :)14:17
thervefultonj, That happens14:17
thrashtherve: ^^^14:17
thrashtherve: Am I missing something?14:18
fultonji will rebuild but when it's back i want to clarify how you got the new client14:18
therveIt was moved around14:18
therveBecause doing so in the executor was horribly broken14:18
therveWhereas it's just simply broken in the engine14:19
thrashtherve: ok... So I misunderstood... We were talking about executor so that's where  I was looking.14:19
thervethrash, Ah yeah I'm talking about oslo.messaging executor14:19
rbradytherve: is there a difference between horribly broken and simply broken? :)14:19
fultonj vim /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mistralclient/auth/ +3714:20
fultonjadd a 'v' as per
fultonjthat's it?14:20
fultonjno extra steps?14:20
therverbrady, Surprising, right?14:20
thervefultonj, And restart the services14:20
fultonjtherve: ok14:21
fultonjopenstack-mistral-api.service openstack-mistral-engine.service openstack-mistral-executor.service14:21
fultonj^ restart14:21
fultonjtherve: thanks14:21
fultonji'll be back...14:21
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therverbrady, d0ugal I filled
openstackLaunchpad bug 1696469 in Mistral "Move away from oslo.messaging blocking executor" [Undecided,New]15:32
therveAt that point I think waiting for oslo.messaging to release is the quickest fix for the master issue15:34
d0ugalthat was my conclusion, because I have no idea how to fix it :-D15:34
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fultonj /away16:36
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prometheanfirehas the mistral team decided on the cycle-with-intermediary issue?16:39
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fultonjtherve: the new client worked for me too. i updated 169612816:56
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fultonjtherve: Not sure if you're around, but my workflow gets the key using mistral.environments_get but I get a keystone exception when triggering it via Heat. I made my own little issue with details:
fultonjMistralAction.environments.get failed: <class 'keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth.AuthorizationFailure'>: Authorization failed: You are not authorized to perform the requested action: Using trust-scoped token to create another token. Create a new trust-scoped token instead. (HTTP 403)21:02
rbradyfultonj: this is why we have a tripleo base action to create clients21:04
rbradyfultonj: this is also why I've suggested using the action that gets(or generates) the public key by using the action that is already in tripleo-common21:05
fultonjrbrady: the issue is that i need not the public key, but the private key21:06
fultonjand there's no action for the private key21:06
fultonjperhaps i should could add an action to get the private key21:06
rbradyfultonj: is the private key in the env vars?21:06
fultonjrbrady: yes21:06
rbradythen copy the action and change it accordingly :)21:07
fultonjrbrady: ok, cool21:07
fultonji will do that thanks21:07
fultonjFWIW: this had worked
fultonjbut i understand it's a authorization issue21:08
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thervefultonj, That sounds like something we should be able to fix though21:44
fultonjtherve: my isp dropped me temporarily, the last thing i think you said is...21:45
fultonj17:44  therve: fultonj, That sounds like something we should be able to fix though21:45
therveCool that's the only thing I said :D21:45
fultonji assume you mean that i could fix it by creating a new trust-scoped21:45
therveWell, it should be fixed in mistral presumably21:46
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fultonji'm trying rbrady's suggestion21:46
fultonjadding a new action like
fultonjbut for GetPrikeyAction21:47
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thervefultonj, is why I think your issue may get fixed22:23
openstackLaunchpad bug 1690787 in Mistral "cron trigger uses trust-scoped token to create another token" [High,New]22:23
therveIt's not an isolated problem22:23
fultonjtherve: thanks for pointing that out22:25
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fultonjrbrady: ^ any idea what I overlooked while trying to get that new action in?22:47
fultonji think i did the right things to add a GetPrikeyAction but it doesn't show up when i run 'mistral action-list | grep tripleo.validations.get_'22:48
fultonj- updated validations.py22:48
fultonj- added it to setup.cfg22:48
mattybrennanfultonj: do you need to supply a config file to mistral-db-manage?22:53
fultonjmattybrennan: thanks for the suggestion i tried it ^22:56
fultonjpreviously i have added extra actions and not needed to do this; i just ran the populate in the same dir22:57
mattybrennancool, maybe it's not necessary. but I didn't mean that config...I've previously had to supply mistral.conf.22:58
mattybrennanbut I'm not in tripleo or any other openstack stuff, so maybe it "just works" then22:59
fultonjsudo mistral-db-manage --config-file /etc/mistral/mistral.conf populate23:00
fultonj^ no diff23:00
fultonjbut thanks for the suggestion23:00
fultonjgot it23:05
fultonjsudo rm -Rf /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tripleo_common*23:05
fultonji hadn't dont ^23:05
fultonjsudo diff -u /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tripleo_common/actions/ /home/stack/tripleo-common/tripleo_common/actions/validations.py23:07
fultonjeven though ^ returned nothing after I did the install23:07
fultonji guess it needed a bigger change to know to load it23:07
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fultonjthanks rbrady I have updated my patch to use your suggestion.23:49

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