Tuesday, 2013-09-10

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garykguys around for the scheduling meeting?15:00
alaskiI'm here, but in another meeting for 15 minutes or so15:01
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garykok, i guess we can give them a few minutes15:01
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garykglikson: PhilD: you guys ready to start15:03
glikson(in parallel with a phone call, though)15:03
garyk#startmeeting scheduling15:04
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openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 10 15:04:00 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is garyk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:04
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:04
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PhilDI don't have much for this week - other that to say that I set up the etherpad for the summit sessions:15:04
garyk#topic summit sessions15:04
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garykyeah, i'll post that link in a sec15:04
PaulMurrayHi all, sorry late15:05
garykPhilD: thanks for putting this together15:05
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garykhow about we go over the sections and then see if people want to take on open issues15:06
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garyk#topic scheduler metrics and ceilometer15:07
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garyki know there was a lot of discussion about this and sadly we did not make much progress with the patches in H15:07
PhilDCould do with someone to put themselves forward as the lead for this session15:07
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PaulMurrayI would be happy to do that15:08
PhilDSold :-)15:08
garykCool. Maybe you can also be in touch with the guys who worked on the patches.15:08
PaulMurrayYes, I was also involved15:09
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PaulMurrayin the discussions.15:09
garyk#action PaulMurray to lead the metrics scheduling15:09
PhilDI put down what i thought were the possible models - but I think it would be good if we could go into the summit with a strawman proposal.15:09
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PhilD(to avoid it just becoming another round of discussion)15:09
garykPhilD: that is a great idea. The more we can crystalize ideas prior to the summit the better.15:10
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garykanything else on the metrics?15:10
PaulMurrayThe references are things I know of - if there are others that should be there please let me know15:10
PaulMurrayI am pmurray@hp.com15:11
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garykOk, so moving to the next topic15:11
garyk#topic image properties and host capabilities15:12
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PhilDI think this one needs fleshing out by you Gary15:12
garykCorrect. I'll fill in the gaps for next weeks meeting.15:12
garykDon also expressed interest in this one.15:12
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garyk#topic scheduler performance15:14
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garykboris-42: you around? i saw an initial WIP patch - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/45867/15:14
boris-42garyk yes that is our work15:15
boris-42garyk around Scheduler as a Service15:15
boris-42garyk without fanout, scalable and flexible solution15:15
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PhilDboris-42, can you check the doc link I posted - it points to a version updated 13.08.13, and I think I saw you say there was a recent update ?15:16
garykunderstood. so you are fine with leadning this session proposal at summit15:16
boris-42garyk PhilD if nobody is against I will lead this session15:16
garykboris-42: i am in favor15:16
boris-42garyk PhilD due sammit we will get all patches + real numbers from Rally15:17
PhilD(someone has to catch the rocks right ;-)15:17
garykboris-42: i think that it is important to address issues raised on the db performance patches - for example scenarious used etc.15:17
garyk(my spelling is bad sorry)15:17
boris-42garyk actually we are going to get results from real openstack deployments15:18
boris-42garyk I got 1k servers so I will test it in different configurations and different scenarios15:18
boris-42garyk we should get results from real deployments not only DB load and so on15:18
garykundertood, but i think that in order to convince the community we need to be able to explain the test bed.15:18
boris-42garyk you will be able to repeat this experiments15:19
boris-42garyk with Rally https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Rally15:19
garykit would be nice if we could have some concensus regarding the performance tests that we would like done for the profiling15:19
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garykboris-42: ok, i'll take a look15:19
garykboris-42: do we have a list of bottlenecks?15:20
boris-42garyk performance tests will be like run 1000 instances 10 simuntaneolsly by 100 requests to Nova15:20
boris-42garyk not yet15:20
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boris-42garyk rally is not finished15:20
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boris-42garyk I mean I know about some bottlenecks15:20
boris-42garyk but it will be better to get it with Rally (when it will be finished)15:21
garykboris-42: :). i guess that it is a process.15:21
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garykdoes anybody have anything else regarding the performance session?15:21
garyk#topic scheduling across services15:22
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garykboris-42: you are also listed on this one15:22
garykPhilD: is this a generic scheduler?15:23
PhilDThis was a tricky topic last year - as it has potential overlap into Heat and other services15:23
boris-42garyk PhilD our approach contains points around getting one scheduler with all data to make scheduling for all services15:23
boris-42garyk PhilD so as it is the part of our new approach I will be glad to present how to solve it without pain=)15:24
PhilDI tried to capture the use cases I remembered from last year - there may be others.15:24
garykPhilD: ok, thanks for the clarifications15:24
garykboris-42: this is going to be challenging as it involves other projects15:25
alaskiTo me it doesn't seem like we want to talk about a scheduler outside of these services yet, more about what should each service expose so that scheduling decisions could be made15:25
PhilDA proposal to fix it would be good.   If we think it affects other projects we should call that out to Russell so he can schedule (Sic) accordingly15:25
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boris-42garyk in case of cinder and nova15:25
boris-42garyk it is really pretty simple15:25
garykalaski: good point15:26
PhilDalaski - that may be a good approach - it at least bounds the problem to one that those in the session might be able to agree on15:26
garykyeah, i completely agree15:26
PhilDAside from just info, we need to discuss what kinds of reservations need to be exposed15:26
garykalaski: would you like to work with boris-42 on this one?15:27
alaskigaryk: sure15:27
boris-42garyk working on what?15:27
alaskiPhilD: right15:27
boris-42garyk sorry I miss something=)15:27
alaskiboris-42: scheduling across services15:27
boris-42alaski we already have approach how to make it in cinder and nova15:28
alaskior at least a first step in that direction15:28
boris-42alaski I mean one scheduler15:28
boris-42alaski it is really easy15:28
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boris-42alaski we will prepare docs15:28
garykboris-42: i am not sure that it is that easy.15:28
boris-42alaski and patches15:28
boris-42garyk it is about 500 simple lines of code15:29
alaskiboris-42: I'm interested to see what you have15:29
boris-42garyk and the hardest are already on review=)15:29
boris-42alaski we will publish soon other pathces=)15:29
boris-42alaski I will ping you=)15:29
garykboris-42: what alaski proposes is for us to first look at the data that we want to use and then decide onhow to move forwards.15:29
PhilD@boris-42:  So does you're solution live just within Nova ?15:29
boris-42PhilD yes15:30
boris-42PhilD I mean actually we are changing only few places15:30
Yathirajboris, can you please share more details on what you have on cinder + nova single scheduler.. I am interested on this single scheduler15:30
garykboris-42: you solution may be great but we need a community concensus. once we get that it will be a lot easier to get it though the review process15:30
boris-42garyk PhilD Yathiraj I think that IRC meeting is not good place for this15:30
boris-42garyk PhilD Yathiraj we should update and improve our docs15:31
garykso is it ok to say that alaski and boris-42 will take the leads on this?15:31
boris-42garyk PhilD Yathiraj publish our pathces15:31
Yathirajboris, Is there a blueprint, or some already committed code fore review.. OK.. a link should be fine - yudupi@cisco.com is my email15:31
boris-42and then discuss=)15:31
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PhilDI think the key here is showing that any proposed solution can be extended to cover any use case - so if it works great for Nova and Cinder but canl twork for Neutron15:31
alaskigaryk: works for me15:31
PhilDthen it will be a struggle to get consensus.15:31
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boris-42PhilD agree15:31
boris-42PhilD let we write on papers and UML diagrams and patches our thoughts15:32
boris-42PhilD it will be easier to discuss=)15:32
boris-42PhilD especially around Neutron=)15:32
PhilDAgreed we can't resolve the design here - what we want to do is make sure teh DS session is set up to give us the best chance of a decsion on the way forward15:32
PhilDCool - add the links to the etherpad15:32
garykboris-42: can we check that it compiles (or in our case interprets) on paper first, then go to the patches15:32
boris-42garyk papers are not ready yet..15:33
garykcan we move to the next topic?15:33
boris-42garyk but they will be on this week15:33
garykboris-42: cool. no rush we are still discussing things15:33
garyk#topic private clouds15:34
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garykPhilD: alaski: you guys are taking the helm here?15:34
garykgreat. anything else you want to mention about this or should we move to the next topic15:34
PhilDI'm happy to move on15:35
boris-42sorry guys I have to go=)15:35
garykboris-42: ok, thankd15:35
garyk#topic multiple scheduler policies15:35
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garykglikson: you around?15:35
gliksonmore or less..15:36
garykglikson: you ok for leading this one?15:36
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garykis there anything else you would like to mention?15:37
gliksonfew more folks from IBM are likely to join, and anyone else is also welcome15:37
gliksonnot at the moment, I think15:37
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garyk#topic additional sessions15:38
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garykAre there additional sessions that people would like to propose or did we miss something?15:38
garykI know that debo wanted to address scheduling of resources as a follow up to the instance groups. we need to add this to the etherpad15:39
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alaskiI'm going to be looking at using the Taskflow library for instance creation, but I'm in POC stage right now15:40
alaskiand it's only incidentally related to scheduling15:40
PhilDgaryk - do you know enough about what debo wanted to outline teh session on the etherpad ?15:40
garykalaski: can you elaborate a little to save us a few google searches15:40
garykPhilD: not off hand. i'll ask him to add it and mail you.15:41
PhilDSounds like group scheduling *might* be something that could be rolled into "scheduling accross services" ?  The titles aren't cast in stone if we find there are topics that are related15:42
alaskigaryk: Taskflow is a library for handling "orchestration" of workflows.  Essentially it should allow for steps of instance creation to be stopped, persisted, resumed, retried on failures, etc...15:42
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PhilDIsn't that where Heat fits in ?15:42
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alaskigaryk: but the first step is querying scheduler, not having it proxy.  My work on that didn't quite make it into H so I'm picking it up in I15:42
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garykalaski: ok, understtod15:43
alaskiPhilD: this is at the compute host level15:43
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alaskiPhilD: so lower level than Heat sees things15:43
PhilDAh, OK,   Are you working with Josh from Y! on that ?  (I think he had some ideas / opinions on that)15:44
alaskiPhilD: not directly yet, but should be later15:44
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PhilD(at least with all this stuff carrying over from H we have a flying start on changes for I ;-)15:44
garykI certainly hope so. Some of us are licking our wounds with the scheduling features that did not makes it :)15:45
garykdo we have ny other items to bring up regarding the summit session proposals?15:46
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alaskiI have another not fully scheduler related topic, resource tracker15:46
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alaskiI don't know how far outside of the scheduler itself we want to get here15:46
garykalaski: I think that it is a scheduler related topic15:46
alaskiright now the resource tracker is in memory on compute nodes15:47
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PhilDIs that distinct from the "Scheduler metrics & Ceilometer" topic - I kind of see resource tracking as part of that15:47
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alaskiI would like to query it from conductor15:47
alaskiPhilD: hmm, not sure15:47
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garykalaski: would that not just be an implementation detail?15:48
alaskigaryk: mostly, but in doing so there's an idea to maybe change the interface a bit.  Or at least consolidate it with claims somehow15:48
PaulMurrayalaski: this came up around metrics - or rather vs metrics15:49
alaskiand it will involve persisting it outside of the compute, and synchronizing access15:49
PaulMurrayalaski: what is it you have in mind15:49
garykalaski: understood.15:49
PhilDKind of feels like it should be part of the "how do we keep track of stuff we need to count / measure" session (maybe that would be a better title for teh first session)15:49
PaulMurrayPhilD: that's what I was thinging15:50
alaskiPaulMurray: my main concern is actually about creating a claim without round tripping to the compute15:50
PhilDgood - then we thing alike ;-)15:50
garykalaski: i think that that could also be related to debo's topic (but he is not around to discuss it). could we discuss this in more detail next week?15:50
alaskigaryk: sure15:50
PaulMurraygaryk: agreed15:50
PhilDMaybe capture some points on the EP in the meantime ?15:50
garyk#action discuss resource tracker next week15:51
PhilDI'd kind of like to have that as a working scratchpad15:51
garykPhilD: good idea?15:51
garykdo we want to address BP's that did not make H?15:52
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garykor will we go with PhilD's idea of starting I with a bang15:52
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alaskiI would like to mention that some work I've been doing is a little at odds with other work I've seen15:53
alaskiNot incompatible, but we should all be aware of what's going on15:53
garykalaski: good point.15:53
PhilDMight be useful to at least capture the BPs that we are carrying over that aren't covered by the planned sessions15:54
garykSadly the instance groups is being carried over - we had issues with the API\15:54
garykThat is, the user facing API15:54
alaskiI'm working to remove schedule_run_instance in favor of select_destinations in the scheduler.  So some of the instance_group work is going to get moved elsewhere for that15:55
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garykok, np. i don't think that where it is run is an issue. the idea and how the policies are implemented is what is important15:56
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alaskigaryk: that's what I figured.  I dont want to break anything or make it any harder.  I just want things handled in the right place, which may end up being the conductor15:56
garykalaski: sounds reasonable.15:57
PhilDOne topic I would like an opinion on - teh change to add a get scheduler hints APi failed at the last hurdle to make H because there was an objection to introducting a scheduler/api.py  (it was seen as to trivial a pass through to be worth adding)15:57
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garykPhilD: i would have liked to have seen that one get through. It was ready very earky in the H cycle15:58
PhilDMy thinking was that we should be moving away from having things other that the scheduler direclty calling scheduler/rpsapi.p15:58
PhilD@Gary - yep, it was all there and working, and this file had been there since June ;-(15:58
PhilDI didn't think it was worth a FFE for though15:59
garykI think it could have been worth a shot (nothing to lose)15:59
garyki think that we have run out of time15:59
PhilDBut the general question was, what do folks think about having a scheduler/api.py ?15:59
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alaskiPhilD: I'm fine with it.  I'm not sure how necessary it is without seeing it, but it fits the model we use elsewhere16:00
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garykPhilD: i agree16:00
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garyksorry guys i am going to have to end now. lets continue next week.16:00
PhilDIts not *necessary* for the get_hints call - but at some point (query scheduler maybe) I'm sure we'll need it.16:00
PhilDNP - bye all16:01
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Sep 10 16:01:58 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)16:02
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scheduling/2013/scheduling.2013-09-10-15.04.html16:02
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scheduling/2013/scheduling.2013-09-10-15.04.txt16:02
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scheduling/2013/scheduling.2013-09-10-15.04.log.html16:02
alexpilotti#startmeeting hyper-v16:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 10 16:02:33 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is alexpilotti. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'hyper_v'16:02
alexpilottiHi guys16:02
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alexpilottiwho's around today?16:03
hanrahathanrahat's here16:03
alexpilottihi Tom!16:03
ibenIben's here...16:03
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alexpilottilet's wait a couple of minutes to see if anybody joins16:03
ibenstreaming live from the SDDC Symposium in Santa Clara, CA16:04
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alexpilottiiben: hi there!16:04
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ociuhanduhi all16:04
alexpilottiok let's start16:05
alexpilotti#topic H316:05
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alexpilottiThings went fairly well in the end, as most of the blueprints got accepted and merged16:06
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alexpilottiSince it's a big amount of features, we need to test as much as possible in the next few weeks16:07
alexpilottiHavana will be cut in roughly one month16:07
alexpilottianother good news is that Hyper-V 2012 R2 has been released yesterday16:07
alexpilottifor MSDN subscribers only for now, but it's already RTM16:08
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hanrahatalexpilotti: I've updated https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Hyper-V#Code to reflect h3 but we also need to think about documentation soon.16:08
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alexpilottihanrahat: great job, thanks16:09
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alexpilottithe amount of Hyper-V features is becoming fairly large, so it's definitely important to do that16:09
alexpilotti#action update Hyper-V docs for Havana16:10
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alexpilottilet's get now into detail about some of the blueprints that need special attention16:10
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alexpilotti#topic Ceilometer16:11
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alexpilotti#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/hyper-v-agent16:11
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alexpilottiThe inspector merged and we're in the process of adding the ceilometer agent in our installer to make it easily available in most OpenStack Hyper-V installations16:12
alexpilottiIt's based on the Hyper-V metrics API, introduced in 201216:12
alexpilottiCPU and network metrics are available with 2012, while disk metrics require 2012 R216:13
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alexpilottithis needs to be pointed out in the upcoming documentation16:13
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alexpilottito avoid useless waste of resources, the metrics are not enabled in nova and neutron by default16:14
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alexpilottienable_instance_metrics_collection must be set to true16:15
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alexpilottiin the config options16:15
alexpilottithe installer will do it automatically of course, but it needs to be pointed out in case of manual installation16:16
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alexpilotti#topic WMI V216:17
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alexpilottiall Hyper-V related OpenStack projects are now using WMI V2 on Windows >= 201216:17
alexpilottiso 2012 R2 compute nodes are perfectly feasible16:18
alexpilottiwe're thinking about back porting this code to grizzly (outside of the tree of course)16:18
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alexpilotti#topic VHDX16:19
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alexpilotti#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/hyper-v-vhdx16:19
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alexpilottiAs already widely discussed, VHDX allows us to improve performance in local storage and to resize differencing (CoW) disks16:20
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alexpilottithere's one consideration related to the format16:20
alexpilottiAFAIK there are no open source converters that manage VHDX16:21
alexpilottiwhen users want to convert images (e.g. QCow2) the usually employ qemu-img convert16:21
alexpilottiwhich currently supports VHD, but not VHDX16:21
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alexpilottito avoid having most people using the old format, it might be wise to contribute the VHDX conversion bits to qemu-img16:22
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alexpilotticurrently, users need to convert QCow2 -> VHD and then VHD -> VHDX16:23
alexpilotti(the latter on Windows, e.g. by using Powershell)16:23
alexpilotti#topic Cinder16:24
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alexpilotti#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/windows-storage-driver-extended16:24
alexpilottipnavarro: ping16:24
alexpilottipnavarro took care as usual of the Cinder bits16:25
alexpilottihe's not joining us today, so we'll postpone details about this for next time16:25
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alexpilotti#topic Ephemeral storage16:26
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alexpilotti#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/hyper-v-ephemeral-storage16:26
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alexpilottiNot much to say on this topic, beside the fact that now we have it as well :-)16:26
alexpilottiit supports of course VHD and VHDX16:26
alexpilottiwith the former used in case the platform is < 201216:27
alexpilotti#topic Dynamic memory16:27
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alexpilotti#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/hyper-v-dynamic-memory16:27
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alexpilottiAnd finally, memory ballooning has been included as well16:28
alexpilottia simple property has been used to set the default percentage on the compute node16:28
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alexpilottiwe might think about extending this with an image property in the future16:28
alexpilotti#topic general discussion16:29
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alexpilottiIn the next week we'll test all the bits and make sure that everything works as expected16:30
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alexpilottiespecially on 2012 R216:30
alexpilottiIf anybody has anything to add this is a good moment :-)16:31
hanrahatalexpilotti: let's talk offline about how I can help with the documentation16:31
alexpilottihanrahat: sure!16:31
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alexpilottiOk, that's all folks for today!16:32
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stevemarhello everyone18:00
stevemarour fearless leader is in -dev18:00
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ayoungRDO/Fedora test day...I've been packstacking all morning18:01
dolphm#startmeeting keystone18:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 10 18:01:55 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dolphm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.18:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'keystone'18:02
dolphmYAY HAVANA18:02
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dolphm#topic Havana release blockers18:02
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dolphm#link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/havana-rc118:02
dolphmspeaking of packstacking all day... ayoung, you've got three RC blockers assigned to you -- are you working all of those?18:02
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henrynashso #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1201487 is available fore review18:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1201487 in keystone "listing projects for a user omits those that only have group related roles" [High,In progress]18:03
dolphmi just want to make sure that everything we have targeted towards RC1 is making progress18:03
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atiwari#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1221889 working on it18:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221889 in keystone "Invalid X-Subject-Token results in HTTP 401 rather than 404" [High,In progress]18:04
dolphm(cc henrynash) i also just updated the meeting agenda with code reviews to havana release blockers https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/KeystoneMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting18:04
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ayoungdolphm, when is the submission freeze for RC1?18:04
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dolphmayoung: ASAP? it's done when it's done18:04
dolphmayoung: hence 'blockers'18:04
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bknudsonis there a reason keystone returns 401 and not 404 (security?)18:04
dolphmbknudson: context?18:04
henrynashdolphm: excellent18:04
dolphmbknudson: i think that's just a bug18:05
dolphmbknudson: disagrees with spec, and with auth_token's expectations18:05
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morganfainbergdolphm ++ on that being a bug18:05
bknudsonok. I hadn't looked at it, just looked fishy.18:05
dolphmatiwari: thanks!18:05
henrynashdolphm: as an aside, I will also post a review for a solution to #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1153645 tonight as well18:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1153645 in keystone "Deleting a role should revoke any tokens associated with it" [High,Confirmed]18:06
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henrynashdolphm: not in the rc1 list, but it is rated High18:06
dolphmhenrynash: should that be a release blocker?18:06
dolphmhenrynash: "need to refactor the code" means i'm scared to land in havana :)18:07
henrynashdolphm: turned out to be much easier than I thought..I forgot I had written the list_role_assignments() method, I can just use that to get all the uses that have the roel we are deleting18:08
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henrynashdolphm: so very relatively small change18:08
dolphmhenrynash: cool18:08
dolphmhenrynash: targeted18:09
henrynashdolphm: ok18:09
dolphmif anyone has any other bugs in progress that *should* be release blockers, feel free to point them out :) i've been trying to identify as many as possible18:09
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dolphmi also have this one targeted which just needs to be investigated, at least https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/113159018:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1131590 in keystone "the folsom keystone database schema can't upgrade to latest  version" [High,Confirmed]18:09
ayoungHow's morganfainberg18:09
ayoung's work on domains coming?18:10
morganfainbergayoung, review is posted18:10
dolphmmorganfainberg: passing jenkins?18:10
morganfainbergdolphm, yes18:10
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dolphm#link https://review.openstack.org/4564918:10
ayoung#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/45649/18:10
dolphm#winner dolphm18:11
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ayoungheh, anyone else?18:11
henrynashmorgafainberg: so I noticed you kind of pulled back from removing the user/group validation checks form the grant calls18:11
ayoungmorganfainberg, anything in that that you would consider "scope creep" besides URL encoding the IDs?18:11
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henrynashmorganfainberg: was that just too minimise change/risk?18:12
morganfainbergayoung, i didn't address full DNs as user_ids.18:12
morganfainbergayoung, that could be a large amount of change risk18:12
dolphmmorganfainberg: ++18:12
dolphmsave that for icehouse, and do it project-wide :)18:12
gyeewow, user_id is not globally unique?18:12
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morganfainberghenrynash, i was working towards minimizing risk, but i pulled a some of "check user_id/project_id" out of the drivers and pushed to the controllers where i could18:13
bknudsonuser_id won't be globally unique if use DNs18:13
dolphmgyee: it's now "complicated" in the case of users and identity-backend-per-domain18:13
morganfainbergor .. brought it in line with the other implementations18:13
gyeedolphm, that will be messy18:13
dolphmgyee: +++++++++18:13
henrynashgyee: yes, it still is…but you might not know which domain to look in18:13
ayoungbknudson, yes they will18:13
ayoungDNs will be per LDAP server....if you use the same DN twice, you are wrong wrong wrong18:13
morganfainbergif you have a complete DN being duplicated, i'm going to raise an abiguous ldap server error :P18:14
dolphmbknudson: shouldn't they vary per DC?18:14
morganfainbergdolphm, they should.18:14
dolphmmorganfainberg: i assume that's how you're selecting the LDAP driver to use?18:14
gyeeDN, by definition, is globally unique18:14
ayoungmorganfainberg, I still think we want to look at the ID and say "ah, that is  a DN,  let us parse it, and figure out which LDAP server to talk to"  in icehouse18:14
jamielennoxi though user_id was unique username was supposed to be unique per domain18:14
bknudsonDNs could vary, but then someone might just store by cn=Users.18:15
morganfainbergayoung, that was my thought18:15
ayoungbknudson, and then only one LDAP server will be allowed to do that in a deployment...and everyone else is SOL18:15
dolphmjamielennox: ++18:15
morganfainbergjamielennox, user_id should be globally unique.18:15
bknudsonalso, our LDAP can also use cn for the userid attribute18:15
morganfainbergjamielennox, and you're right, username is domain unique18:15
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henrynashmorganfainberg: ++18:15
jamielennoxok, must of misread the conversation18:16
dolphmbknudson: user.name=cn, user.id=dn ?18:16
morganfainbergbknudson, but does the fully qualified DN ever change?18:16
ayoungjamielennox, no, you did not,  he is explicitly putting a domain check on the lookup by user_id18:16
gyeedolphm, that's usually the case18:16
bknudsondolphm: that would be ok, but we currently have the user id is the cn, I think?18:16
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dolphmbknudson: i think so too18:17
ayoungoh, wait...not, that is not what you are doing, is it18:17
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morganfainbergbknudson, we do. that is why i didn't want to tackle this change in havana18:17
ayoungyou are just confirm after lookup..that is much better18:17
morganfainbergayoung ++18:17
bknudsonif we're going to change it, it'll take a release of deprecated.18:17
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morganfainbergbknudson, and migration paths.18:18
dolphm#topic open discussion18:18
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bknudsonI'm getting asked about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/4304118:18
bknudson"Support client generate literal ipv6 auth_uri base on auth_host"18:18
bknudsonmy opinion is that it's supported already if you can put [] in auth_host18:18
bknudsonbut others might have different opinions so would be nice to get wider input18:19
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gyeebknudson, yeah, host is just a string18:20
bknudsonalso, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/45488/ -- it's a doc change18:20
gyeeyou can also tunnel IPv6 over IPv4 right?18:20
topolbknudson all the bug fix does is add []. you are saying that is an uneeeded convenience function?18:20
bknudsontopol: yes, an unnecessary complication of the code.18:20
gyeebknudson, yeah, seem unnecessary18:21
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bknudsonnote that I haven't actually tried putting [] in auth_host myself yet... haven't had time.18:21
ayounggyee, I don't thien IPv6 over IPv4 is what people are looking for18:21
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gyeeayoung, point is auth_token itself doesn't know18:22
gyeeand probably don't care18:22
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dolphmgyee: bknudson: ayoung: i suspect this is poor interplay between token providers, business logic distributed between controller/manager/driver, driver separation etc, but there's a lot of redundant queries to LDAP in a single POST /tokens call http://ix.io/7Xg18:22
ayoungbknudson, if they are doing IPv6, then the problem is, I think, DNS.  THe hostname should only resolve to a AAAA record, and the client should deal with that directly18:23
bknudsondolphm: the logging when using LDAP is pretty crazy18:23
bknudsonayoung: yes, I'd also say use DNS.18:23
ayoungwe should not be advocating oputting IP address, V4 or V6, into URLs18:23
dolphmmorganfainberg: caching reduces the load on LDAP in the above request from like ~22 queries to ~518:23
ayoungbknudson, rip out the logging!18:23
morganfainbergdolphm, nice.18:24
morganfainbergdolphm, it'll only get better as we implement more caching18:24
dolphmayoung: bknudson: it's not just logging. it's the issuing tons of redundant queries to LDAP for the same data over and over18:24
ayoung<steve_perry> Shoulda been gone, long ago, far away!</steve_perry>18:24
bknudsonayoung: but the logging is also an indication we're doing something wrong (e.g. new connection per query)18:24
gyeeyeah, that logging's a lot of noise18:24
morganfainbergbknudson, it seems like a pool like sqlalchemy session pooling would make sense for LDAP.  though… that has other pitfalls18:25
dolphmayoung: bknudson: blueprint and make go! https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ldappool/18:25
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morganfainbergdolphm, +++++18:25
ayoungthat is the wrong approach for LDAP18:25
gyeeis connection pool reliable in Python land?18:26
ayoungWhat we are doingright now is using a manager account18:26
ayoungwe should, instead,  be using the same ldap connection that we used to authenticate the user, and do things as that user18:26
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ayoungThat wauy, LDAP ACLs are enforced18:26
dolphmayoung: how does that make connection pooling 'the wrong approach'?18:26
ayoungdolphm, a connection pool only makes sense for the manager case18:27
ayoungdolphm, we create a connection for authentication right now, using the simple bind18:27
ayoungthere are other things we can do that have the same capabilities18:27
dolphmayoung: pretty sure ldappool covers that use case, check out the docs18:27
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morganfainbergi also think we can restructure the ldap driver to not make as many redundant queries.  but it'll be a lot of shuffling code around.18:28
bknudsonlooks like the pool can provide differently-auth'd conns:18:28
bknudsonwith cm.connection('uid=adminuser,ou=logins,dc=mozilla', 'password') as conn:18:28
dolphmbknudson: ++18:28
dolphmmorganfainberg: ++18:28
ayoungwe need to stop providing user-list18:28
bknudsonayoung: that's what filtering was going to do18:29
ayoungdolphm, can we deprecate user list18:29
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gyeeayoung, why?18:29
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ayounggyee, because it is thinking like a small business, and we need to think cloud scale18:29
ayoungyou wouldn't do a user list for all citizens of the US18:30
ayoungor all BofA customers18:30
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morganfainbergayoung, force filtering on any user-list requests?  e.g. no filter (no sane filter that is) no result?18:30
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morganfainbergthere is a case for getting users like <pattern>18:30
ayoungmorganfainberg, yes and no18:30
morganfainbergeven in the case of bofa customers.18:30
ayoungthink federation, and you realize there is no user list accessable18:30
dolphmayoung: i'd like a list of all BofA customers so I can send them letters politely suggesting that they find a better bank18:31
ayoungassume that you don't have enumeration access to the backing store18:31
morganfainbergdolphm, don't hate (i've just been too lazy to switch...)18:31
gyeedolphm, heh18:31
ayoungdolphm, I bet even BofA can't generate that list....maybe the NSA can18:31
henrynashayoung: I'd have thought that filtering + policy rules that , for instance, you must at least specify a domain_id would get us a long way18:31
dolphmayoung: you're saying we need to think NSA scale?18:32
morganfainbergayoung, good idea, lets ask the NSA for our user-list!18:32
ayoungdolphm, absolutely18:32
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dolphmmorganfainberg: i think we need message bus for that18:32
ayoungmorganfainberg, I have no desire to go through the background security clearance check to be able to see NSA data18:32
* topol just got a weird phone call that said tell your buddies to stop making fun of the nsa18:32
morganfainbergayoung, but even with a federated login, you need some kind of breadcrumb to match up right? so a filtered userlist could still work, just not in the enumerate the canonical list way18:33
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dolphmayoung: i think the immediate answer is that user list can be denied for everyone via RBAC, a custom driver could not implement it, etc18:33
gyeetopol, sigint is trolling this channel right now18:33
jamielennoxgiven that it is there is there any restriction to user-list that makes sense?18:33
dolphmayoung: long term we can pursue filtering, and then perhaps *require* filtering18:34
ayoungdolphm, no, long term we say "we don't have a user list to give you"18:34
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gyeewhen it comes to LDAP, is all about the filter :)18:34
ayoungdolphm, we can only provide a list scoped to something in the assignments backend18:34
jamielennoxto my mind any backend that supports user-add can probably handle user-list, but that probably indicates it should be an extension rather than core18:34
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ayoungso we can provide a list of all users in a project, or something like that18:34
ayoungbut not all users in a domain18:34
dolphmayoung: but i totally understand the "getting a list of all users doesn't make sense" objection18:34
bknudsonjamielennox: that soundslike a good idea18:34
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ayoungdolphm, thinkg oauth.  You don't have any way to query a liast of users in an oauth setup...saml, ABFAB, etc...nonte of  them will provide that18:35
morganfainbergayoung, all current users of all current projects in a domain wouldn't work?18:35
morganfainberguser-list could just be a "known user list" via assignment18:35
ayoungmorganfainberg, yse, but that is based on assignments, not identity18:35
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gyeeayoung, that's because in federation, user don't exist in a single place18:35
ayoungmorganfainberg, except that it makes no sense to do that, but yes, in theory it is possible18:35
ayounggyee, and that is exactly what Keystone is becoming: a Federated identity service18:36
morganfainbergi can see a case (audit) for getting all "currently active" users in a domain (e.g. in assignment)18:36
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topolgyee even with federation you still can get user info from the assignments. Is that not good enough?18:36
bknudsonI think it would be nice to get keystone out of the identities game.18:36
dolphmkeystone is a restful federated centralized auth gateway service api18:36
gyeetopol, with federation, forget assignment18:36
gyeewill will be all mappings18:37
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ayoungbknudson, we can split identity off of the rest of Keystone, and make it an optional component18:37
morganfainbergjamielennox, my concern with supporting the concept of "if we can add, we can list" is that it is very inconsistent18:37
ayounggyee, what do you think assignments are?  They are all mappings18:37
morganfainbergayoung, make identity an extension?18:37
ayoungmorganfainberg, make it a separate service18:37
ayoungdeployed on a separate machine18:38
ayoungand optional18:38
morganfainbergkeystone-id, keystone-assignment, keystone-quota (sounding like nova's services in my mind)18:38
topoldoesnt assigments = mappings?18:38
bknudsonayoung: sounds better all the time. if you want keystone users, use that, if you want ldap, use that18:38
bknudsonor kerberos or whatever.18:38
ayoungthat is the idea18:38
dolphmtopol: ++ i think that's what he meant18:38
jamielennoxayoung: as in the current sql identity be held on a different machine, or LDAP etc as well?18:39
morganfainbergi'm seeing a summit session here.18:39
ayoungjamielennox, no need to puyt LDAP on a separate machine18:39
ayoungjust need a way to specify what queries to run for a given domain18:39
jamielennoxayoung: that was my thought18:39
dolphmayoung: with a whole new paste file, i think you might be able to deploy like that today? minus the cross driver calls between identity and assignment18:39
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jamielennoxi like the idea of making the current user operations against a sql backend a new service18:40
ayoungdolphm, well, we need a way to apss the authentication data from one to the other...18:40
ayoungSAML is, I think a likely candidate for that18:40
bknudsonyou could develop middleware for REMOTE_USER18:40
ayoungdolphm, I've been arguing with davidchadwick that his Federaion API should not be a separate API at all, but rahter should be the coding standard for new plugins.18:41
topoljamielennox why the need for a new service?  Lots of new queries to be expected in the future?18:41
ayoungThe ABFAB proposal would be the first Federated plugin, but it would be method: abfab18:41
atiwariwondering if some body can review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/37141/18:41
morganfainbergtopol, to split the identity that keystone manages into a separate container, just like ldap, etc would be separate.18:42
jamielennoxtopol: removes this whole question about user-list, if you have a service where you can add to and manage via an API user-list moves over to query that directly rather than via keystone18:42
ayoungatiwari, needs a bug report to explain what problem you are solving18:43
ayoungjamielennox, +118:43
atiwariit was a new BP18:43
atiwarifor an extension18:43
ayoungatiwari, then link it in the commit message18:43
atiwarisorry for that18:43
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bknudsonthis change: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/45581/  makes it so that you can do ./run_tests.sh test_backend_sql again18:44
bknudson(don't need keystone.tests.)18:44
ayoungatiwari, a better way to get people's attention is to explicitly add them as reviews, too.18:44
ayoungbknudson, neat18:44
morganfainbergbknudson, mind rebasing the chain?18:44
morganfainbergbknudson, i was going through slowly and doing the rebases as i was reviewing them18:45
bknudsonmorganfainberg: I can rebase it, I just don't think the rebase is necessary?18:45
ayoungbknudson, um, no18:45
ayoungno nononononono18:45
bknudsonthe only change was the commit message18:45
ayoungdi you just put all those test back into the global namespace?18:45
morganfainbergbknudson, click the rebase button. the parent is outdated18:45
bknudsonayoung: the tests have been in the global namespace for some time.18:45
ayoungbknudson, I thought we moved them out of the global namespace when we put them in keystone/tests?18:46
jamielennoxayoung: no, he hasn't - or at least not in that review18:46
ayoungthat was the intention18:46
bknudsonthe only change this makes is to not use relative imports for packages in tests.18:46
gyeebknudson, so that change would eliminate the need to specify keystone.tests?18:47
bknudsongyee: yes. I think I tried it once... let me try it again.18:47
ayounggyee, I care naught about that...I do care if the tests are out of the global namespace18:47
morganfainbergbknudson, i thought that was an artifact that was resolved by going to testr18:47
ayoungwe need the tests in the keystone namespace so that we can start integrating our tests with Tempest18:48
bknudsonayoung: how does one get the tests out of the global namespace?18:48
morganfainbergnot relative imports.18:48
bknudsontests has an __init__.py18:48
ayoungbknudson, __init__.py18:48
ayoungOK...maybe I panicked...18:49
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bknudsonfor example, now ./run_tests.sh test_cache fails, NameError: name '_' is not defined18:49
bknudsonbecause keystone.tests. __init__.py wasn't run at the right time18:49
ayoungNO...I think I misread what you are doing...I think they are still in the keystone.tests  namespace18:50
dolphmayoung: did you look at the change?18:50
morganfainbergayoung, they are still in the keystone.tests namespace18:50
topolits just how he pulls them in18:50
bknudsonhmm, well test_cache still doesn't work. not sure the problem.18:51
morganfainbergbknudson, i can take a look at that18:51
ayoungdolphm, I did...but I misread what I was looking at...I thought he was doing the relative imports out of the global namespace...18:51
ayoungdumb mistake...18:51
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morganfainbergbknudson, but i don't see why test_cache should be different than anything else.18:51
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dolphmayoung: hmm, i guess i'm not understanding your concern :(18:52
bknudsonmorganfainberg: it's not... others have the same time.18:52
bknudsonothers do the same time.18:52
morganfainbergbknudson, ah ok18:52
bknudsondo the same thing18:52
morganfainbergbknudson, i think infra said testr would solve this (as i recall)18:52
morganfainbergand moving the tests under keystone's namespace was a prereq to that?18:53
dolphmmorganfainberg: did you just volunteer to move us to testr?18:53
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: I didn't make the fix to make it so I could run_tests. I just thought it was really ugly to have these imports not follow the convention18:53
morganfainbergdolphm, oh crap.  i might have :(18:53
ayoungdolphm, he's doing the exact opposite of what I panicked about...I basically read the patch backwards, and thought he was putting the imports into the global namespace when he is doing the exact opposite.  We want the tests to be keyste.tests.tes_backend_ldap for example, so that, if we decide to call something from tempest, we have deconflicted with, say, the novate_test_backend_ldap (if there was one)18:53
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morganfainbergbknudson, and i like that it fixes a hacking issue (more flake8 checks!)18:53
topolsomebody hit #action fast for morgan18:53
morganfainbergtopol, if i leave the channel you can't find me!18:54
* morganfainberg runs and hides18:54
ayoungyeah, this is good stuff....18:54
dolphm#action morganfainberg to switch keystone to testr and then we can all buy him beer18:54
ayoungok, 6 minutes left18:54
ayoungdolphm, OK if I opent the packaging thing as a bug, and I attempt to fix in the Havana timeframe?  If it is too invasive when the patch comes out, I will gladly accept the -218:55
ayoungthe activation of extensions....18:55
dolphmmorganfainberg: as i recall, there's some nasty problem with our test architecture that prevents us from easily moving to testr... so no one's going to make the switch for us18:55
morganfainbergdolphm, i'll look at it once RC1 is cut18:55
dolphmayoung: definitely open a bug18:55
ayoungwill do18:55
jamielennoxdolphm: i think the way we do git checkouts of old keystoneclients will bite us with testr18:55
bknudsonmorganfainberg dolphm: did rebase on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/45581/18:56
morganfainbergbknudson, thanks.18:56
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dolphmayoung: did you poke at creating a factory to instantiate oauth1.Manager() ?18:56
morganfainbergjamielennox, ++18:57
dolphmjamielennox: ooh, that too18:57
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: any excuse to get out of it18:57
morganfainbergjamielennox, nah, i'll still do the work18:57
bknudsonwe need to move that into tempest18:57
dolphmmorganfainberg: so you're going to move all our integration tests to tempest, then?18:57
morganfainbergdolphm, uh.18:57
morganfainbergdolphm, i'll see what i can do.18:57
gyeethat's a trap18:57
morganfainbergbut i don't think that is in scope18:58
jamielennoxit could be fixed relatively easily for testr, just have each client checkout to a different folder18:58
dolphmmorganfainberg: lol18:58
jamielennoxand do it up front18:58
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morganfainbergjamielennox, likely a good plan18:58
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morganfainbergwe do need to "fix" that test mechanism in either case18:58
bknudsonjust wondering if anyone else has been looking at the docs?18:59
jamielennoxwhilst we're talking fixing test cases another plug for: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/44014/18:59
topolremember the last time we fixed test and then half us could test and the other half were dead in the water. lets not repeat that18:59
morganfainbergjamielennox, haha, i was going to plug that for you.18:59
bknudsonI'd consider our docs to be in rather poor shape. I'll try to work on it.18:59
dolphmbknudson: which docs? /answer in -dev18:59
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Sep 10 18:59:47 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)18:59
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2013/keystone.2013-09-10-18.01.html18:59
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2013/keystone.2013-09-10-18.01.txt18:59
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2013/keystone.2013-09-10-18.01.log.html18:59
lbragstadthanks all18:59
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fungican haz?19:00
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jeblair#startmeeting infra19:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 10 19:01:05 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:01
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jeblair#topic Salt (UtahDave)19:02
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fungi#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/45898/119:02
fungithat's up for review19:03
jeblairneat.  i wasn't around much yesterday; what do we need to discuss here?19:03
UtahDavejeblair: Should I describe the purpose, or is the commit clear enough?19:03
fungiwe discussed the runaway processes/memory leak and there was apparently an issue with the message queue and unaccepted minion certs19:03
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clarkbone big thing that came up was if and how we should determine which nodes need puppet kicked when a config change merges19:04
clarkbI think we settled on not worrying about it initially and just kicking everything19:04
jeblairclarkb: sounds good to me19:04
fungiUtahDave: do you happen to know which salt release fixed the unaccepted minion certs leak? (or did you already tell me and i missed it?) just want to make sure that won't be an issue for us long-term19:04
jeblairfungi: are those things resolved or do we need to make some decisions?19:04
fungii think it's mostly just getting confirmation on that situation before we turn it back on everywhere19:05
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UtahDavefungi: that issue should be fixed in the 0.16 branch.  If I recall correctly, your server was running 0.15.319:05
fungiUtahDave: thanks!19:05
fungiso i'll check to make sure we don't end up with older salt anywhere19:05
fungiand if the issue we were seeing crops back up, then it's something else19:06
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UtahDavefungi: sure. If it crops back up we can dedicate some engineering resources to help track down the problem19:06
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mordredso, if I understand the patch correctly, it means we would run a job on the jenkins master which would execute that salt command, yeah?19:06
fungiUtahDave: keen. i'll need to look back through how we were installing it to make sure we have channels to new enough versions on our systems19:07
fungimordred: it wouldn't have to be the on the jenkins master--that was just a first stab i think19:07
UtahDavemordred: correct.    The jenkins user should run   sudo salt-call event.fire_master 'some data' 'jenkins'19:07
mordredfungi: ok19:07
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fungimordred: it could be a specific node-label or even a dedicated slave if we really wanted19:07
mordredUtahDave: what are "some data" and "jenkins"19:08
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UtahDave'jenkins' is the tag that the Reactor is scanning for.19:08
mordredUtahDave: like, if the thing I want to acheive on each node is "puppet agent --test" ... would I do sudo salt-call event.fire_master 'agent --test' 'jenkins' ?19:08
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UtahDaveThe first item is the "data" field in which you can put any arbitrary pertinent data.19:09
UtahDaveThe current setup is not using the data field19:09
jeblairi don't think we want to pass parameters19:09
UtahDavemordred: I would avoid allowing the jenkins server to pass in commands to be run19:10
jeblairi think we want jenkins to say "run puppet" and have salt know how to do that19:10
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mordredUtahDave: great. and I agree19:10
UtahDaveSo right now, when the reactor sees the 'jenkins' tag it just executes the /srv/reactor/tests.sls19:10
fungiyeah, from a security perspective we just want to make sure that the slave where this job runs can tell the salt master to do one thing and one thing only (for now, and expand to a vetted list later if desired)19:10
mordredso we'd want to do salt-call event.fire_master '' 'jenkins'19:10
UtahDaveyes, exactly.19:10
jeblairthis seems like a safe thing to do on the jenkins master.  is that where we should run it?19:11
mordredjeblair: seems like a safe place to me19:11
mordredand also less work than other things19:11
UtahDaveI think it's pretty safe on the jenkins server based on the sudo privileges the jenkins server has19:11
fungiagreed. it's flexible enough we could put it wherever we want slave-wise, but should be fine on a jenkins server as well19:11
anteayawill it run on all jenkins masters, or just one?19:12
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fungithe way it's written now, all i think19:12
fungiso whichever one zuul picks at random19:12
fungithough the job itself is not written yet19:13
UtahDavefungi: correct. There would need to be a jenkins job written that executed the above mentioned salt-call command when appropriate19:13
jeblairthis is a review comment, but i'd imagine we don't want that sudo command defined everywhere, so we'll probably want to put a sudoers.d fragment just on whatever jenkins master/slave will run this19:14
fungijeblair: yeah, i was thinking the same19:14
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fungiright now this sets it on every server where we install sudo19:14
fungibut easily addressed19:14
jeblair(which is actually making me lean slightly toward having a slave for this; i'd like to trust the \d\d masters less in the future)19:14
fungianyway, mostly just wanted to sync up on comfort level for turning salt back on and making sure it's the right version to theoretically avoid the previous issue we were seeing19:15
fungisounds like we're cool with that?19:15
jeblairfungi: sounds like it; and we can go over the finer points in reviews19:15
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jeblair#topic Marconi migration from stackforge -> openstack (flaper87)19:16
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jeblairflaper87: hi there!19:16
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jeblairmarconi was accepted for incubation19:17
jeblairand i think they would like an org move19:17
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clarkbyes, that is my understanding19:17
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clarkb#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/44963/19:17
clarkbthat is a WIP change that can be merged after the manual steps of moving a project are completed19:18
jeblairalso, it would be cool to know what kind of testing they're planning on19:18
jeblairwill they be doing devstack-gate tests, etc...19:18
* mordred would love to know that19:19
jeblairbut since flaper87 doesn't seem to be around anymore (though he was here at the beginning of the meeting)....19:19
jeblairi guess we'll shelve this for now19:19
clarkbjeblair: maybe come back to this when we are done with the other agenda items?19:19
jeblair#topic Trove testing (jeblair)19:19
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jeblairalso, mordred, hub_cap ^19:19
jeblairreal quick:19:20
hub_capheloo helooo19:20
jeblairi've put a couple of project testing related topics on the agenda19:20
jeblairtrove, tripleo, and xen....19:20
* mordred supports this19:20
jeblairbecause there are efforts to get upstream ci testing going for all of those19:20
mordredso - hub_cap - how's upstream ci testing going for trove?19:20
jeblairand i want to make sure that we're being supportive of those, and they don't slip through the cracks19:20
hub_capgoing as in, how is it going w/ us running it?19:21
hub_capthe only problems we have is the plugin hp uses to spin up builds... which wiould be much nicer if done by yall19:21
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hub_capor do you mean, hows the integration w/ teh gate going, mordred? (cuz thats not happened yet)19:22
mordredhow's the integration with the gate going?19:22
hub_capfor me, i see our devstack integration as gating for me to get the integration w teh gate19:22
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hub_capits been going back and forth and SlickNik is doing it on free time19:22
mordredawesome. I'll go star that review19:22
hub_capso i might take it over19:22
hub_capand push it forward19:22
mordredI think that getting trove into devstack is a valid first step for sure19:23
hub_capyes yes19:23
* flaper87 is here19:23
hub_capthen i can focus on the special steps for our tests in teh gate19:23
mordredanything you need from us this week (I'm guessing no, since you're waiting on devstack itself right now)19:23
hub_capmordred: correct. ill come to you when i need to start integrating.19:24
hub_caplets say late this wk, early next19:24
hub_capdepoending on the reviews for devstack19:24
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hub_cap<feel free to pull me in next wk to check my status jeblair19:24
mordredhub_cap: I believe we're goign to pull you in weekly until such as time as you're integrated19:25
jeblairhub_cap: cool, thanks19:25
hub_capmordred: jeblair good by me19:25
hub_capitll keep me workin on it ;)19:25
jeblairyay!  ok, back to marconi19:26
jeblair#topic Marconi migration from stackforge -> openstack (flaper87)19:26
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jeblairflaper87: hi, so one of the things we want to discuss (in addition to the org move) is testing for marconi19:26
flaper87sorry, got disconnected19:27
flaper87did I miss my chance ?19:27
jeblairflaper87: will you be doing integration tests with devstack, or something similar?19:27
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jeblairflaper87: (what are marconi's integration points with the rest of openstack?)19:27
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jeblairthis isn't going very well, is it?19:29
* fungi mails flaper87 more internets19:29
jeblair#topic Tripleo testing (jeblair)19:29
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jeblairok, so tripleo is a program now19:30
mordredyup. so probably stuff should get tested and stuff19:30
jeblairand while it isn't part of the integrated release, it would still be great if whatever testing that is done could be done with this neato infra we have19:30
pleia2so with the baremetal stuff I have a sketched out plan to use portions of tripleo with lxc19:30
pleia2but still slogging through some issues running openstack in lxc19:31
jeblairpleia2: how does this relate to "toci"?19:31
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jeblair(i don't really know what any of these things are as i've never seen them)19:31
pleia2jeblair: I'll be using portions of toci19:31
mordredtoci is basically a scripted version of https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-incubator/tree/devtest.md19:32
pleia2but toci is designed to run on actual bare metal, whereas we're all virtual (so lxc and qemu)19:32
mordredwhich is the walkthrough on what it takes to install tripleo19:32
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jeblairso a thing that got me thinking about this is this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/121781519:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1217815 in openstack-ci "Tripleo ci service account in gerrit" [Undecided,New]19:32
pleia2so I'm writing patches for tripleo scripts to support lxc, and eventually will have to patch toci to do the same19:32
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mordredlifeless, SpamapS: around? we're talking about you in here19:32
jeblairwhich got my attention because most openstack programs don't have their primary testing infrastructure hosted outside of openstack19:33
pleia2but full tripleo is more complicate than what I'd doing (since my goal is testing baremetal nova driver, not tripleo)19:33
pleia2I just happen to be using tripleo to do it19:33
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* flaper87 is here19:34
lifelessmordred: hi, yes in tuskar meeting just now19:34
flaper87sprry, I got disconnected19:34
lifelessmordred: then OSRB19:34
lifelessmordred: then physio19:34
flaper87did I miss my chance?19:34
lifelessmordred: then maybe work ::P19:34
mordredlifeless: well, we're talking about infra testing of tripleo19:34
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anteayaflaper87: I think jeblair will try to give you another shot19:34
lifelessit needs to be openstack-infra'd as soon as possible19:34
lifelesswas talking with derekh about it last night19:34
mordredlifeless: we'd like that - but we don't really know what that means19:34
jeblairso we want to find out who to talk to about that19:35
pleia2I will be at the tripleo sprint next week, so I can have some chats then19:35
lifelessok, so me19:35
clarkbI will be there as well19:35
lifelessderekh is more familiar with the toci plumbing, but he's on leave for 2 weeks.19:35
pleia2clarkb: cool, maybe we schedule some time to talk specifically about testing with them?19:35
clarkbpleia2: that sounds like a good idea19:36
mordredlifeless: aiui, that runs on some metal that is laying around somewhere, right?19:36
pleia2lifeless: can we add this to sprint schedule?19:36
pleia2mordred: yeah, I think it's at redhat19:36
lifelesspleia2: it's an etherpad... :P19:36
lifelessmordred: yes, which is a big scaling problem.19:36
pleia2lifeless: oh right :)19:36
* pleia2 digs up the etherpad19:36
lifelessmordred: I want to remove all the redundancy between it and the gerrit /zuul/jenkins infra19:36
lifelessmordred: turn it into a focused test runner script19:37
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jeblairi think engineering this is far too large of a topic for this meeting19:37
pleia2clarkb: penciled in for thursday https://etherpad.openstack.org/tripleo-havana-sprint19:38
jeblairso the useful things to know are who's leading the effort19:38
mordredI think the outstanding question is qhat to do about the toci service account request19:38
clarkbjeblair: agreed. I think if pleia2, mordred and I sit in a session at their sprint we should be able to get somewhere next week19:38
mordredand who to talk to in general19:38
jeblairand where/how should we track the design?19:38
jeblairclarkb, pleia2: thank you19:38
mordredI'd say the goal for next week shoudl be an etherpad or somethign with a design on it19:39
mordredthat we all fel comfortable we can communicate to jeblair19:39
mordredwithout saying "oh, I guess you needed to have been there"19:39
lifelesswaiting for the sprint would be a mistake :). derekh's not there, lets get rolling on discussions.19:39
lifelesssuggest, either a dedicated etherpad, or ml discussion, or both19:39
mordredI'd say etherpad19:40
mordredml discussion wrong scope level19:40
mordredand also some IRC outside of this meeting19:40
clarkbjeblair: so I think lifeless is the person to talk to now, derekh becomes the person when back. And an etherpad will be the place to track the design19:41
* fungi is bowing out to drive to red hat hq. if we discuss the marconi org move scheduling, i'm free to help basically any saturday/sunday for the forseeable future19:41
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pleia2ok, here we go: https://etherpad.openstack.org/tripleo-initial-testing19:41
jeblairfungi: have fun, thanks19:41
clarkb#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/tripleo-initial-testing19:41
pleia2thanks clarkb19:41
clarkbjeblair: does that cover what we need to do in this meeting?19:41
jeblairclarkb: yep.  thanks19:41
jeblairflaper87: around?19:42
jeblair#topic Marconi migration from stackforge -> openstack (flaper87)19:42
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jeblair19:28 < jeblair> flaper87: will you be doing integration tests with devstack, or something similar?19:42
jeblair19:29 < jeblair> flaper87: (what are marconi's integration points with the rest of openstack?)19:42
flaper87jeblair: I already have a patch ready for devstack19:42
flaper87so we'll be doing it w/ devstack19:43
jeblairflaper87: awesome!  do you have a link to that?19:43
flaper87jeblair: yup, https://github.com/FlaPer87/devstack/tree/marconi19:43
flaper87I haven't submited it for review19:43
flaper87because I was waiting for marconi to be migrated19:43
flaper87and for another patch in requirements to land19:43
flaper87which alread landed19:43
flaper87we're already integrated with the rest of the infrastructure19:44
jeblairflaper87: ok.  are there any unusual requirements for running it in devstack?19:44
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flaper87don't think so, the most unusual would be mongodb but ceilo already uses it19:45
clarkbmore mongo? :/19:45
flaper87plus, we can run tests on sqlite19:45
jeblairok.  well, the're about to (they actually use mysql atm), but that should be in place by the time your stuff lands19:45
flaper87so, mongodb is not a "requirement" for tests19:46
jeblairflaper87: all right, that all sounds pretty easy then.19:46
clarkbjeblair: that depends on zul getting newer mongodb into cloud archive right?19:46
flaper87but it would be nice to be able to run tests against mongodb, anyway19:46
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jeblairclarkb: jd__ pushed up some changes that lead me to believe that's happened.19:47
clarkbjeblair: cool19:47
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jeblairflaper87: so when would be a good time to perform the repo rename?  we usually try to do it during a quiet period19:47
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jeblairat this point, we could probably do a friday afternoon US-time, or weekend19:48
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flaper87jeblair: either work for us19:48
jeblairi don't think i could help this friday or this weekend, but am available next weekend (though fungi said this weekend was fine)19:48
flaper87ok, this weekend it is19:48
mordredI cannot help this weekend either19:48
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jeblairclarkb: thoughts?19:49
clarkbI think I can do this weekend. Why don't we plan for Saturday at like 1700UTC and check with fungi when he is back?19:49
flaper87sounds good to me19:49
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jeblair#action fungi clarkb move marconi saturday sept 14 1700 utc19:50
flaper87thanks guys19:50
jeblairclarkb: thanks19:50
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flaper87clarkb: fungi thanks :)19:50
jeblairflaper87: thanks for being on top of things!19:51
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flaper87my pleasure19:51
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jeblair#topic Xen testing (jeblair)19:51
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jeblairI also put this on the agenda, but not with enough notice to make sure that BobBall could be here19:51
jeblairbecause i want to make sure we don't lose track of his amazing effort to test xen19:52
* mordred is interested in his amazing efforts19:52
jeblairso we'll try to catch up with him later19:52
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jeblair#topic puppet-dashboard (pleia2, anteaya)19:52
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jeblairwhat's the latest?19:52
anteayaI have a sodabrew-dashboard up using ruby 1.9.319:53
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anteayathough the package is called ruby1.9.119:53
pleia2on a test vm for now19:53
anteayaand a puppet client server19:53
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anteayaI used these instructions: http://paste.openstack.org/show/46510/19:53
anteayanow I am trying to get them talking to each other19:53
pleia2once we have everything running, we'll dive into what we need to change in the puppet-dashboard module to support sodabrew instead19:54
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anteayaseparate servers since puppet client uses ruby1.819:54
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anteayaI think19:55
jeblairwhat do you mean 'separate servers'?19:55
anteayayup/l $ ruby -v19:55
anteayaruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]19:55
pleia2need to make sure puppet with ruby1.8 can talk to dashboard with 1.919:55
pleia2jeblair: testing infrastructure19:55
anteayathey each have their own vm19:55
pleia2have a puppet dashboard server and a client that looks like some of our regular clients19:55
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jeblairah, gotcha19:56
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clarkba little mini infra19:56
pleia2very little :)19:56
jeblairsounds promising19:56
jeblair#topic Open discussion19:56
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jeblair#action jeblair send email update about asterisk testing19:57
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clarkbjeblair: please revwiew https://review.openstack.org/#/c/45928/119:57
pleia2I'm completely unreachable on saturday (no marconi for me!) and as mentioned flying to seattle sunday for the tripleo sprint19:57
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mordredI'll be in New Orleans over the weekend and early next week. I will then be in Seattle late next week, I will then be back in NYC19:58
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mordredit's possible that next week's meeting might be difficult...19:58
clarkbjeblair: are you in New Orleans as well?19:58
ttxmordred: I was thinking the same19:58
jeblairi'm flying to nola on friday, so won't be around then19:58
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mordredif pleia2 is going to be in Seattle and jeblair and I will both be in nola19:58
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jeblairlet's cancel it?19:58
clarkbI can run a short one to do testing updates19:59
clarkbto keep hub_cap et al honest :)19:59
pleia2and just so we don't get bored, the following weekend anteaya, RyanLane and I running this on Sunday the 22nd: http://codechix-openstack1-rss.eventbrite.com/19:59
zaroNot sure how i should proceed with gerrit WIP patch.  tried RFC on the patch.  been there for 2 weeks without any comments.19:59
* pleia2 is going to need a nap after all this19:59
jeblairclarkb: ok all yours if you want it.  :)19:59
jeblairtime's up19:59
clarkbjeblair: ok, I will try wrangling the three involved paries19:59
jeblairthanks all!19:59
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Sep 10 20:00:00 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)20:00
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openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2013/infra.2013-09-10-19.01.html20:00
hub_capclarkb: honestly lol20:00
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openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2013/infra.2013-09-10-19.01.txt20:00
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2013/infra.2013-09-10-19.01.log.html20:00
ttxWho is around for the TC meeting ?20:00
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ttxrussellb, jd__, markmc, dolphm, annegentle, mikal, mordred, notmyname, markwash, jgriffith, vishy, gabrielhurley, markmcclain: around ?20:00
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ttxneed 2 more members20:01
hub_caplol ttx you should say "who from the tc is here" ;)20:01
ttxand.. 820:01
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ttx#startmeeting tc20:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 10 20:02:09 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.20:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'20:02
ttxOur agenda:20:02
ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/TechnicalCommittee20:02
ttx#topic Savanna incubation request: initial discussion20:02
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ttx#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-September/014623.html20:02
ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Savanna/Incubation20:02
ttxSergeyLukjanov: hi!20:02
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SergeyLukjanovttx, howdy!20:03
ttxSo we usually consider incubation over two meetings. The first week is an initial discussion so that the main issues can emerge20:03
ttxand at the second one we usually conclude that discussion and vote20:03
ttxSo this week is mostly about Q&A20:04
ttxPersonally I had a question about the scope. Savanna is a single project but proposes two very different services: cluster and data operations20:04
ttxThat sounds like two very separate use cases to me20:04
hub_capyes the former seems very similar to trove mission20:04
ttxSo far we had provisioning stuff like Trove20:04
ttxand data-oriented stuff like Marconi20:05
mikalI would like to hear more about plans for heat as well20:05
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zanebmikal: ++20:05
ttxbut no project that would handle both at the same tiem20:05
SergeyLukjanovlet's start from the question about cluster and data ops20:05
ttxcould you explain the value of bundling those two activities in the same project ?20:05
SergeyLukjanovall data ops are build around the Hadoop eco20:05
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SergeyLukjanovand the Hadoop cluster provisioning process is very complex, additionally, we need not only Hadoop cluster but a lot of other tools that works on Hadoop20:06
jd__i.e. relying on Heat?20:06
ErikBSpecifically, Savanna is focused around enabling setup, provisioning, configuration and deployment of Hadoop on OpenStack and related data operations that would be executed on Hadoop20:06
hub_capyes but trove is focused on enabling setup, prov, config and deployment of X on OpensSTack20:07
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hub_capwhere X is a datastore20:07
akuznetsovSavanna main goal is the elastic data processing, but without cluster operation it is unreachable. So the first step was creation of staff for cluster operation20:07
ttxsounds like a product definition more than a project definition... how much code would be shared between those two types of ops ?20:07
SergeyLukjanovhub_cap, we're not targeting Savanna as data store provider20:07
ttx(not saying you don't need both, just wondering how much sense it makes as a single project)20:08
SergeyLukjanovttx, in fact we want to provide data ops using Hadoop eco, but we need to provision complex cluster to do it20:08
hub_capim not sure what you mean by data store provider? youre targetting a "spin up a hadoop ecosystem", yes?20:08
russellbanother way to look at it, is that the cluster part could be considered part of the OpenStack Deployment program20:08
mordredhub_cap: hadoop isn't storage, it's processing20:08
SergeyLukjanovmordred, yep, absolutely20:09
ttxrussellb: or some kind of trove-like project that would leverage heat20:09
mattfSergeyLukjanov, ErikB, a little background of Hadoop might help to level the understanding20:09
rnirmalactually it's both..20:09
russellbttx: yes20:09
hub_capim pretty sure its more than just processing20:09
vishyok so the problem here is that cluster management and configuration is a shared problem20:09
hub_capcorrect vishy well put20:09
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vishywhich is partially solved by trove and heat20:09
ttxrussellb: I can see a use case for someone to spin up hadoop clusters rather than submit direct jobs... it just sounds like a very different type of user20:09
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ruheElasticDataProcessing allows to execute MapReduce jobs on demand. It means that Hadoop cluster will be provisioned specifically for the job, and destroyed once job is complete.20:09
hub_capfwiw, i dont want to touch a data api w/ a 10 ft pole..., so i see savanna filling that gap20:10
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mikalSo the use case here is that a user sends an api requests saying "map reduce this please" and savnna brings up the jobs and kicks them off?20:11
ruhemikal right20:11
hub_capis there no use case for long running hadoop clusters?20:11
mikalI guess I don't understand why Savanna shouldn't be using heat to orchestrate that process20:11
zanebI've heard it said that Hadoop is too complicated for Heat to deploy... I would love to at least find out what we're missing20:11
SergeyLukjanovhub_cap, we have such use case20:11
hub_capor even hadoop provisioning for customers20:11
ruhehub_cap, yes there is such use case20:11
ttxmikal: but there is also a use case where a user sends api requests to bring up a whole hadoop cluster20:12
hub_capto use on their own20:12
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mikalttx: a hadoop cluster that lives longer than a single map reduce you mean?20:12
rnirmalmikal: yes20:12
shardyttx: that can still use heat behind the scenes tho, no?20:12
ttxshardy: definitely20:12
* gabrielhurley is late to the meeting20:12
mikalshardy: agreed20:12
mattfshardy, +120:12
ttxmikal: yes, and for which you'd use classic hadoop tools to submit jobs20:13
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mikalttx: fair enough20:13
hub_capor some data api savanna provides ttx?20:13
ErikBHadoop can be fairly difficult to configure and deploy. Savanna provides the mechanism to deploy the Hadoop infrastructure (composed of multiple services, configuration, topology) on OpenStack leveraging distribution specific constructs. Each distribution (Apache, MapR, Cloudera, HDP) tends to provide their own mechanism for deployment and management which is what Savanna provides a framework for. Duplicating this in Heat20:13
SergeyLukjanovHadoop cluster provisioning is a very complex process with tons of configs and Savanna provides an ability for users to create templates20:13
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asavuIMHO Savanna is like EMR + Netflix Genie tightly integrated. I'm not sure Heat can solve the orchestration problem completely but I agree can be part of the solution20:13
hub_capdo you feel hadoop is more complicated than setting up a cassandra or mongo cluster?20:14
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hub_capbecause Trove is going to tackle those, as blueprints are sitting in our queue20:14
ruhehub_cap definetely20:14
rnirmalI might be wrong but currently heat doesn't have the option to do a post processing operation. which is needed for cluster configuration20:14
hub_capoh oh oh Trove can :)20:14
demorrisSergeyLukjanov: Trove would need that same capability to configure clusters and templates that describe the complexities of the different cluster deployments20:14
mikalI worry that saying "we can model this in heat" indicates a heat bug instead of a need for a new orchestration system20:14
jd__enhancing Heat might be a better solution though asavu20:14
hub_capi know heat has deferred things too20:14
russellbrnirmal: but part of being an OpenStack projet is to work with other projects to fill gaps :)20:14
akuznetsovhub_cap yes it hadoop cluster contains several services with circular dependencies20:14
shardyasavu: as mentioned by zaneb, we'd like to understand the parts you think you can't solve with heat atm20:15
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SergeyLukjanovhub_cap, we're provisioning not only Hadoop, but Hadoop eco using some Hadoop management consoles20:15
rnirmalrussellb: agree... just wanted to point it out20:15
aignatov_yes, hadoop(hdfs, mr service and services for data processing) has more complexity than deployment of cassandra20:15
hub_capsure SergeyLukjanov / akuznetsov and im sure cassandra would be as such too... are there no ecosystem tools wrt it?20:15
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russellband i think one of the expectations if you were to be incubated would be to work with projects to fill gaps so that you can build on them as much as possible20:15
hub_cap+1 russellb20:15
shardymikal: Agree, probably we just need to better understand what's missing/needed in Heat20:15
ttxMy point is that while I see a value for the data API, I question the value of a hadoop-specific cluster thing. That would overlap with a lot of Heat/Trove space20:16
mikalshardy: yes. I think an analysis of that is something I'd like to see for part two of this discussion.20:16
akuznetsovthe main issue that Heat is not support a circular decencies20:16
russellbso part of the Q&A is trying to establish some vision for where this is headed, and how it might integrate20:16
shardymikal: +120:16
hub_capttx +1. and id love a cassandra data api too built on top of heat/trove ;)20:16
ruhewe actually have a wiki page for such questions about "Why don't you use Heat?" - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Savanna/WhyNotHeat20:16
mordredI mean, when trove came to us, it was not using heat, and we said, dude, you should use heat20:16
SergeyLukjanovhub_cap, there are a lot of tools that works on Hadoop - Hive, Pig, Oozie20:16
hub_capmaybe savanna fits for a "data api"20:16
mikalruhe: /me looks20:16
hub_capSergeyLukjanov: sure, and i assume we could install them20:16
hub_capwe have a postprocessing guest that is in charge of this20:17
* ttx looks20:17
mordred"Savanna currently maintains Grizzly+ compatibility. " - if you got integrated, would that still be a goal?20:17
russellball of this isn't necessarily arguing where you should be *right now*, just where you should go :)20:17
russellbto be clear ...20:17
hub_capand it keeps services online and reports failures20:17
mordredrussellb: ++20:17
asavushardy afaik aws cloudformation doesn't have all the semantics we need e.g arbitrary script execution, vendor API interaction etc.20:17
hub_caprussellb: +1 billino20:17
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mordred"Circular dependencies - we should generate ‘/etc/hosts’ for all instances in provisioned cluster." - I believe os-*-config will be your friends there20:18
ruheagree, that at some point we'll need to use Heat for provisioning. It's just a matter of time20:18
mordredah - good20:18
mordred"Once Heat fulfills all these requirements we will be able and should use Heat for VM provisioning. "20:18
SergeyLukjanovmordred, we're currently planing to guarantee only H support in 0.3 release (mid October)20:18
ttxSo... basically if Heat needs to be improved to be used as a basis for Savanna... then maybe it makes sense to wait for that to happen before filing Savanna for incubation. Incubation is about INTEGRATING with existing intergrated projects to form a coherent whole.20:18
shardyasavu: we're working on lots of native, non cloudformation-compatible functionality atm, your requirements (and contributions) would be very valuable to that process20:19
ttxprojects can completely exist outside of incubation20:19
shardyrather than just rolling your own everything20:19
mordredttx: or, perhaps part of integrating is a list of things that need to be done on both sides to come out of integrating20:19
hub_capi woould still see a lot of overlap between the clustering api trove has proposed and the savanna clustering api20:19
mordredit's hard to say "hey, heat, we need this feature for X" if X isn't on heat's radar per-se20:19
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hub_caprather than saying "just heat"20:19
SergeyLukjanovttx, integration with Heat is one of our goals for I cycle20:19
zanebto be clear, the Heat team is working on a new template format with the explicit goal of being able to describe something like a Hadoop deployment20:19
russellbi think these sorts of things are fine to work on during incubation20:20
zanebi.e. this is the canonical example of what we want to be able to support20:20
ttxmordred: so you would incubate and let them there until proper integration is achieved ?20:20
mordredttx: that's the point of incubation, no?20:20
russellbthat's what we asked of trove20:20
russellbttx: +120:20
shardymordred: we welcome feedback from users and potential contributors about what features they need20:20
jd__ttx: mordred: +120:20
hub_capso does no one see the overlap between trove/savanna wrt the clustering?20:20
dolphmhub_cap: ++20:20
russellbi mean, we should have reasonable confidence that they can/will achieve what we're asking, and are off to a good start20:20
ttxmordred: sure, as long as the stated goal of savanna is to achieve that integration20:20
mordredhub_cap: sure- I'd love to see you guys working together20:20
hub_cap+1 mordred it would make trove a better product20:21
mordredhub_cap: explicitly working on solving that - either by one of you consuming the other, or by spinning off a third thing that both of you consume20:21
mordredor something20:21
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ttxmordred: i.e. it makes sense to incubate if its' to work on integration. Not so much if it's to explain that they can't use Heat because of A and B20:21
hub_capabsolutely mordred... something can be consenus-ified20:21
mattfSergeyLukjanov, wouldn't you say that a core goal of savanna is to integrate with other openstack projects?20:21
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rnirmalalso cluster provisioning doesn't just apply to hadoop.. it's hadoop today.. spark tomorrow and a whole lot of possible other tools/projects20:21
mordredttx: I think their 'why not heat' is already actually a 'why not heat right now'20:21
vishyhub_cap: what "clustering" do you need that couldn't be provided by heat?20:21
ttxbut Sergey said it's one of their goals, so I think we are fine20:22
hub_cap+1 rnirmal20:22
mattfimho it's a core reason savanna is being done in the openstack community instead of outside20:22
gabrielhurleysounds like that shared clustering feature might be a good candidate for a shared library20:22
hub_capgabrielhurley: that would work20:22
SergeyLukjanovttx, yep integration with other OS projects is our goal20:22
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hub_capvishy: we use heat for clustering, for installiation of a cluster20:22
hub_capdoing things like master/slave promotion for mysql20:22
russellbi think part of incubation should be viewed as more attentive guidance from us on how/where a project should integrate20:22
hub_capor failover20:22
shardymordred: I'd like to see a roadmap of "$stuff we need to migrate to heat in the medium term"20:23
hub_capcomplex things require knowledge from "within" so to speak, being a guest20:23
russellbi think that works well ... gets it more on everyone's radar20:23
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vishyok so promotion and failover20:23
demorristhere is also benefit to a common API for clustering so we don't end up with two completely distinct clustering API provisioning methods20:23
vishythat isn't what I think of when i think clustering20:23
hub_capto start, vishy, thats 2 things i can think of20:23
demorrisunless the use case is so different that it calls for it, but I don't see it as such just yet for the API20:23
jgriffithdemorris: +120:23
hub_capvishy: clustering a data store20:23
vishybecause if it is just launch a group of vms i think heat handles that just fine20:23
jmaronI think you need a clearer definition of "cluster" and or "clustering".  In the hadoop world it's more than the provisioning of VMs - it's the provisioning and configuraiton of a slew of data services on top of those hosts (Note that hadoop isn't necessarily cloud/VM aware)20:23
SergeyLukjanovhub_cap, I hope that we'll use Heat for cluster provisioning and potentially for [auto]scaling support20:24
akuznetsovpossible clustering should be done on Heat side, for example cluster for j2ee application20:24
hub_capvishy: totally agree, thats what we are doing in trove :)20:24
ruhecluster deployment is one of the simplest things in Savanna. there are lot's of details related to Hadoop - integration with Swift, HDFS block placement20:24
vishyso specifically it is atomically configuring things20:24
hub_capinstall = heat20:24
vishywhich is going to require something like zookeeper, no?20:24
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hub_cappossibly :)20:24
mordredcan't heat already handle that? or will do soon?20:25
vishythat doesn't sound like it specifically belongs to one project so shared library might be the way to go20:25
hub_capim all for shared lib20:25
hub_capshared = better right? :)20:25
vishyhave to wonder if it actually fits into the the taskflow library20:25
ruhehub_cap, so the idea is to develop clustering support in Heat which then could be used by Trove and Savanna?20:25
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hub_cappossibly? we are already going ot use heat for clustering support20:25
vishyruhe: +120:25
dmakogon_hub_cap: cluster_provisioning lib is VERY(!!!) good point20:25
hub_capi see it as savanna uses trove for clustering / post processing etc...20:26
dmakogon_hub_cap: and it could be like the part of heat20:26
hub_capand if you want a "hadoop prov api only" you can use trove20:26
vishythe location of the clustering library is a minor point20:26
hub_capwhich obviously will use heat to prov20:26
* ttx sees a lot of discussions needed between heat, trove and savanna guys in HK20:26
hub_capyes plz!20:26
ttxbut I like what I'm seeing20:26
hub_capttx ^ ^20:26
hub_capi think there is much overlap20:26
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hub_capand i dont like duplicating work20:26
dmakogon_hub_cap +120:27
dolphmttx: ++20:27
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SergeyLukjanovhub_cap, Trove is 'Database as a Service', but Hadoop isn't a DB20:27
hub_capis it not, at the heart of it?20:27
mordredttx: ++20:27
hub_capis there not a (or many) ways to process and retrieve data20:27
hub_capand a storage engine20:27
zanebit is and it isn't ;)20:27
ruhehub_cap, it's main goal is bigdata processing20:27
hub_capand a plethora of tools avail20:27
dmakogon_SergeyLukjanov: but Hive/HBase - yes !20:27
hub_capabsolutely, and i dont want to touch processing in Trove20:28
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ttxI think at the very least, even with clustering completely stripped off, savanna would make sense standalone as a data API20:28
hub_capid love to see savanna as the data api in openstack20:28
dmakogon_ttx: good point20:28
mikalttx: I agree. I just think savanna should be as thin as possible to reduce duplication of effort20:28
hub_capmikal: ++20:28
russellbthe deployment still has to be solved somewhere20:28
ttxmikal: sounds like one of my lines20:28
ruhehub_cap, i guess we need a definition of clustering20:28
hub_capid love to see savanna tackle cassandra and mongo in the future20:29
dmakogon_ruhe: yes20:29
hub_capin terms of data api20:29
russellbthose might be different data APIs though ...20:29
ttxrussellb: oh sure. But it's aproblem space that several others are exploring..; and all those people need to talk around a beer to solve it20:29
russellbfair enough20:29
hub_capttx beer+whiteboard20:29
dolphmmikal: ++20:29
SergeyLukjanovhub_cap, we're planning to support cassandra as external data source20:29
dmakogon_hub_cap: cassandra/mongo via savanna ??20:29
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hub_capdmakogon_: the data api20:29
ttxSergeyLukjanov: I also have a slight concern about you being the author of more than half of the commits20:29
hub_capnot the prov/clustering20:30
ttxIt's not as extreme as Designate (59% instead of 84%) but it still looks a bit brittle to me20:30
markwashwhere can I learn more about the savanna data api?20:30
akuznetsovhub_cap we will have cassandra and mongo as one of the data source for edp20:30
ttxSergeyLukjanov: are you superman ?20:30
ttxSergeyLukjanov: are there buses near where your live ?20:30
hub_capakuznetsov: and you will need clusters for those correct?20:30
hub_capand trove is going to solve prov'ing those clusters in its near future (dmakogon_ is foaming at the mouth)20:30
akuznetsovmarkwash https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Savanna/EDP20:30
SergeyLukjanovttx, it's mostly related to the initial state of the project, you can take a look for the last 3 months percentage20:31
dmakogon_hub_Cap: correct me if i'm wrong, trove could use savanna(in future) for provision clusters of cassandra ?20:31
russellband I keep typoing Savanna as Savannah because of Savannah, GA20:31
hub_capi see it as the opposite dmakogon_, savanna being a data api uses trove to prov the clusters20:31
hub_capand then does magic data stuff w them20:31
ruhehub_cap, i'm not sure if database_as_a_service is a proper tool to provision data_processing_tool20:31
mattfttx, savanna has active development from mirantis, red hat and hortonworks. state is mirantis seeded the project and has a lot of historical commits.20:31
SergeyLukjanovruhe, agreed20:31
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vishyhub_cap: it sounds like you are starting to see trove as cluster_provisioning_as_a_service20:32
markwashakuznetsov: so is it basically "post up a hive/pig script after establishing your data sources" ?20:32
rnirmalmaybe that needs to be split out into it's own service then20:32
ttxSergeyLukjanov: agree that recent data shows a good trends20:32
dmakogon_hub_cap: we can do it in any way20:32
hub_capwell we are clustering nosql datastors as a service vishy :)20:32
hub_capman i cant type20:32
vishyi don't think it clearly "belongs" to any project today20:32
dmakogon_hub_cap: savanna via trove, trove via savanna20:32
mikalmattf: there are a lot more mirantis people though right? I don't think that's bad (and all credit to mirantis), but do you think the project would survive if  for some reason it stopped being a priority for mirantis?20:32
dmakogon_hub_cap: multiple dual support20:32
vishyi think we all agree that clurster provisioning is important20:33
akuznetsovmarkwash not only20:33
vishy* cluster20:33
hub_cap+1 for clusters20:33
vishyand it goes somewhere20:33
jmaronthe provisioning of VMs in savanna is already fairly well partitioned as an API/service.  trove/heat are not precluded as playing a potential role.  However, it is only a portion of what is required to configure a hadoop deployment (hate using cluster - seems to be a term with specific conotation in this crowd ;) )20:33
ruheanyway, Savanna is all around about integration with various Hadoop vendors. I'm worried that splitting development into two separate project will make thing really complex. both will need integration with various Hadoop distros20:33
hub_capvishy: ++20:33
ttxvishy: I wouldn't mind trove to expand scope to support generic clustering20:33
ErikBmikal - savanna is a priority for Hortonworks20:33
mattfmikal, i think the community is growing, will continue to grow and will be sustaining outside of mirantis, yes20:33
vishyand trove/heat/savanna/workflow can fight to the death about who gets to own it20:33
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hub_capvishy: cage match?20:33
dmakogon_mikal: savanna has contributors from RedHat, so it could survive in any way)20:33
akuznetsovsavanna already has a lot staff for clustering anti affinity group, networks and ect.20:33
ttxvishy: otherwise everyone will keep on reinventing it20:33
vishyoh and tripleo20:33
vishysince they have to provision clusters as well20:34
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ruhevishy, it seems like Heat is the right tool to provision cluster, others are for tight integration with software running inside VMs20:34
russellbzomg clusters20:34
mordredyeah - but that's just heat really :)20:34
* hub_cap hands vishy the wrench for the meeting20:34
* mordred clusters himself20:34
* markwash noms on clusters of nuts20:34
hub_capoh god now were all doomed20:34
dmakogon_ruhe: +1 for clusters provisioning20:34
vishyruhe: the issue is provisioning the vms is easy20:35
ttxwow 34min in and it's already toasted20:35
SergeyLukjanovruhe, yep and we planning to digg into Heat and try to contributed missed features to it to be able to use it for provisioning in Savanna20:35
hub_capttx fwiw, i wouldnt mind expandoing scope cuz its going to be cassandra/mysql/mongo/redis/etc/etc/etc in trove20:35
vishyit is configuring the services to know about each other, do elections, etc.20:35
vishythat is hard20:35
hub_capand savanna will have hadoop20:35
dmakogon_SergeyLukjanov: good idea20:35
vishyand although the software is different there is definitely a lot of overlap in these things20:35
demorrishub_cap: + Vertica CE20:35
annegentleI think big data/ map reduce use cases are really valuable, and would like to see heat orchestrating to help other projects laser focus on use cases20:35
ruhevishy, not only provision, but apply configs, for instance host names in /etc/hosts for the whole cluster20:35
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hub_capyes that should be the same w/ cassandra right ruhe?20:36
mikalruhe: would wouldn't just bring up an instane running bind and point everyone to that (or something other than losts of copies of /etc/hosts?)20:36
ruhehub_cap, right20:36
hub_capwe plan on supporting in a generic way, cuz im sure mongo/cassandra will need20:36
vishyruhe: imo that is part of configuring the software20:36
ttxannegentle: yes, and I wouldn't mind Savanna contributors to contribute the missing stuff they need to existing projects :) Yay cross-openstack collaboration20:36
annegentlettx: yep20:36
jgriffithvishy: ++20:37
vishya lot of the difficulty would be avoided if we had integrated dns and autodiscovery20:37
jgriffithI think there needs to be a clearer distinction here20:37
* vishy has a whole bag of wrenches20:37
hub_capgeez you sure do20:37
ttxso basically I think there is value in incubating savanna, if only to get all those devs to show up at the design summit and see how they can best fit20:37
hub_cap+1 ttx20:37
hub_capso um, state of clustering at the summit?20:37
dmakogon_hup_cap: SergeyLukjanov: i see the next situation: trove support HBase/Hive - that is means that trove get Hadoop cluster provisioned via Savanna and than install Hive/Hbase on that cluster20:37
russellbvishy: huge +1 to auto discovery ...20:37
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* ttx looks up scedhule to make sure heat/trove and savanna don't run at the same time20:38
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russellbvishy: we keep inventing new methods to do that by hand, kinda getting silly20:38
mordredvishy: dns++20:38
ruhedmakogon_, don't hurry :) HBase provisioning is the most complicated thing i ever seen in my life20:38
russellband yes, dns++ too20:38
russellbis anyone help with dns yet?20:38
ruheI mean, getting it done right20:38
russellb(sorry, another topoic)20:38
vishyruhe: no way it is more complicated than configuring openstack!20:39
ttxerr. trove and heat run at the same time, sigh20:39
dmakogon_ruhe: i know, i've deployed it by hands a lot of times20:39
ruhevishy, good catch20:39
hub_capttx FAIL20:39
mordredrussellb: no worries - we can talk about infinite number of things in parallel in this meeting20:39
hub_capmordred: hows the weather?20:39
mordredhub_cap: great! I got some torchy's tacos yesterday and a bowl of queso20:39
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SergeyLukjanovagreed with need to discuss where clustering part should be done20:39
mordredttx: rework the whole scedule now!20:40
ttxon it20:40
mattfmordred, super linear scaling eh?20:40
dolphmmordred: /jealous20:40
hub_capyes id love to see 1 project support clustering, there is no need to reinvent20:40
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rnirmalheat can provision a cluster with some work maybe... but some X needs to configure it and X needs to manage the lifecycle of a cluster... be it hadoop, cassandra or spark.. and I see a split between savanna and trove..... can we work towards solving that first20:40
hub_capand id love to see 1 project support a data api20:40
dmakogon_hub_cap: +1 to shared lib20:40
hub_cap+1 to single project20:40
ruhernirmal +120:41
hub_caprather than shared lib w/ the same api's between 2 diff projects heh20:41
dmakogon_i think this is shouldn't be a standalone project20:41
dmakogon_just some algorithms20:41
hub_capoh no a data api is quite valid :)20:41
zanebhub_cap: shared lib (vs. shared service) seems quite reasonable to me?20:42
dmakogon_or heat should provision clusters for next usage in terms of current project20:42
hub_capyes zaneb20:42
ttxmordred: I'll propose to swap trove and ironic on https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmUn0hzC1InKdDdPRXFrNjV4SW91SWF5N2gwYnRHYWc#gid=1 -- sounds like the most limited change that would solve it20:43
ErikB+1 rnirmal - this is the value that Savanna adds.20:43
dmakogon_hub_cap: shared lib ease to reuse without any integration20:43
ruheto understand requirements of such shared lib (or service) we'll need to understand requirement from both Trove and Savanna20:43
russellbironic and heat overlap is probably rough too20:43
russellbsince the folks interested in baremetal, are also interested in tripleo, which are interested in heat20:44
hub_cap+1 ruhe20:44
ttxrussellb: there are more heat slots than ironic slots though, so they can still attend some of it20:44
russellbttx: ah, cool, probably fine then20:44
SergeyLukjanovlooks like no ideas for clustering discussion now and the best solution is to setup clustering discussion at design summit and apply the decision in I cycle20:44
hub_caphmmm seems like we are starting to see program vs project20:44
hub_cap+1 SergeyLukjanov we have submitted one for trove :)20:45
mordredhub_cap: ++20:45
dmakogon_SergeyLukjanov: +120:45
russellbttx: we should just serialize the whole thing and have the design summit never end20:45
hub_capwhen it is over is when it begins20:45
ttxrussellb: sounds like paradise20:45
ttxOK, so it would be great to start this discussion a bit this week so that we can see the premises of this collaboration by the time we finally vote on this (next week or the week after)20:46
russellbgood call20:47
dmakogon_hub_cap: SergeyLukjanov: we could discuss clustering together, it term of trove/heat/savana/ironic20:47
annegentlettx: how does the election timing and vote for incubation line up?20:47
annegentlettx: I can't remember when elections are20:47
ttxand unless someone has another concern to raise, we can go to open discussion now20:47
ttxannegentle: next topic20:47
hub_capyes dmakogon_20:47
hub_capgo go go ttx20:47
mordredwe have another topic? jeez20:47
ttxnot really20:48
ttx#topic Open discussion20:48
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ttxI set up the pages for the PTL and TC elections in the next weeks:20:48
hub_capwe are gonna discuss mordred's hatred for open discussion20:48
ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PTL_Elections_Fall_201320:48
dmakogon_hub_cap: SergeyLukjanov: more that +100500 for shared lib for clustering20:48
ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TC_Elections_Fall_201320:48
ttxI'm looking for volunteers for filling the election official roles, especially for the PTL election20:48
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ttxCan be difficult since you should not be running for any of the PTL positions to be an PTL election official...20:48
SergeyLukjanovare there any other questions about savanna? (we've discussed only one not main feature of savanna…)20:49
russellbdang that's a lot of PTL positions :-)20:49
russellbelections like woah20:49
ttxannegentle: to answer your question... we won't start renewing the TC until October 4 so we still have a few meetings dates possible20:49
russellbSergeyLukjanov: i think we need to continue on the ML with what came up so far, and we'll continue the discussion next week20:49
hub_caprussellb: openstack is growing up :) or out!20:49
annegentlettx: ok thx20:49
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ttxthe TC elections run after the PTL elections, which increases the odds recently-elected PTLs would get an electoral boost in the TC election (feature, not bug)20:50
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mordredthis may not really be a TC thing - but since you're all here - we're going to make a stronger push to finish moving to testr next cycle - because there are some things we want to do with subunit streaming processing in the gate (which will result in quicker response time to failures and shorter gate resets)20:51
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ttxIn other news, TC members should review the initial governance repo commit at:20:51
ttx#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/44489/20:51
ttxonce that is set we will use that for voting20:51
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ttxAnything else, anyone ?20:52
markwashtestr should have coverage, and I *want* to help :-)20:52
ttxdepending on how LinuxCon/CloudOpen gets finally scheduled and how many people are stuck, we may cancel next week meeting20:53
markmcclain1Won't a good portion of us be there?20:53
russellbhow do you people attend so many conferences and still get work done?20:54
ttxI count at least 320:54
ttxrussellb: work ?20:54
markwashrussellb: you answered your own question methinks20:54
mordredrussellb: I usually put in a full day's work while at ocnferences - it's just at different/odd times20:54
mordredmarkwash: ++20:54
clarkbtestr coverage?20:54
clarkbI feel like the word coverage is far too overloaded here. What are we walking about?20:55
markwashclarkb: coverage measurements, that is20:55
gabrielhurleyrussellb: also relevant are your definitions of "work" and "done"20:55
markwashlike, using testr tests, I can measure the code coverage of my unit tests20:55
ttxso the final discussion/vote on savanna might just wait for the September 24 meeting. Skip or notskip will be discussed on the TC mailing-list20:55
clarkbmarkwash: we have it doing that today20:55
markwashclarkb: say what? sorry I'm out of date20:55
clarkbmarkwash: that was one of the requirements to use testr with nova20:56
mordredmarkwash: yup. we're all fancy like that20:56
clarkbmarkwash: basically we swap in coverage.py for python and run the test runners that way then combine coverage afterwards20:56
clarkbworks great20:56
mordred(sorry, I was ++ing "want to help")20:56
ttxI even count 4, notmyname will be there20:56
ttxlike I said on another thread, more PTL/TC members talking there than at an openstack summit :/20:56
mordredyah. that makes me sad20:56
mordredI spend most of my year talking at conferences, and I've only ever given half of one talk at an openstack one20:57
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mordredkinda funny that20:57
gabrielhurleypeople only *think* they want to hear from me. I'll show them... I'll show them all!20:57
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notmynameare there project updates during the conference this time?20:57
mordrednotmyname: post confernece webinar things20:58
notmynameif not, that removes all the PTL talks20:58
ttxnotmyname: I think they want to do the webinar thing again20:58
notmynamemordred: should be both20:58
russellbit's painful to do it at the conference20:58
mordrednotmyname: the request came through to not do them in person because of time20:58
russellbno time to let the stuff soak20:58
ttxnotmyname: I placed a "TC panel" proposal so that we appear somewhere20:58
russellbhaven't even finished talking yet and you have to present it?20:58
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mordredrussellb: I like giving the infra update at the start of the summit - more time for beer that way :)20:59
russellbi'm glad we're not doing it there (with the current layout anyway)20:59
russellbif we split or offset them, sure :)20:59
notmynameit's an opportunity to talk about what's been happending, perhaps a couple of ideas that were talked about, and to brag on contributors.20:59
ttxwe are looking into a one-day offset for the next one20:59
ttxhopefully more for the one after that20:59
russellbttx: that's a start20:59
russellbwhatever we can get is ++ from me20:59
ttxlike conf mon-Thy and design cummit tue-fri20:59
ttxerr conf mon-thu21:00
ttxand summit*21:00
ttxand #endmeeting21:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Sep 10 21:00:24 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)21:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2013/tc.2013-09-10-20.02.html21:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2013/tc.2013-09-10-20.02.txt21:00
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ttxmarkmc, dolphm, notmyname, jd__, markwash, jgriffith, russellb, shardy, gabrielhurley, markmcclain: still around ?21:00
russellbwell hello there!21:01
gabrielhurleythose last 5 lines from ttx were great21:01
ttxgabrielhurley: and yet a bit embarassing21:01
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russellbgood thing it's logged21:01
dolphmgabrielhurley: it all went terribly wrong and then quickly #endmeeting'd21:01
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ttx#startmeeting project21:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 10 21:02:05 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.21:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'project'21:02
ttx#link http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/ProjectMeeting21:02
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ttxmarkmcclain[0-1] asked to go first21:02
ttxbut good things first21:02
ttx#topic General stuff21:02
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ttxThe havana-3 milestone is now behind us, and most projects are in feature freeze21:02
ttxThe goal now is for each project to come up with a clear list of release-critical bugs (bugs targeted to the havana-rc1 milestone)21:02
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ttxThis is usually best done by going through all bugs and targeting the appropriate ones... then monitor the new ones filed21:03
ttxHaving a bugtriage day usually helps a lot21:03
ttxThen when we get that list down to 0 we can create the havana release branch and tag our first release candidate21:03
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ttxThen master can be open for icehouse business21:03
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ttxNote that each project can have their RC1 at a different time (when ready). Ideally all RC1s would be out before the end of the month.21:03
ttxFWIW I created the icehouse series and the icehouse-1 milestone so that you can start moving stuff targeted to "next" to it21:04
ttxQuestions on the RC1 process ?21:04
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ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Release_Cycle21:05
ttxsdague, annegentle, mordred: news from QA/Docs/Infra programs ?21:05
mordredttx: we're having some issues related to six and hacking and pep821:05
mordredif you see them, sorry - we're working on it21:05
sdaguewe're going to have our own bug triage day for Tempest on the 17th21:05
mordredalso, the infra systems are still standing after FF - so, there is that21:05
ttxsdague: right in the middle of your cloudopen talk ?21:06
sdagueyep, well all the days were bad for me :)21:06
sdaguethat's why we have a wider team21:06
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ttxis there value in trying to have a cross-project bugday ?21:06
ttxor we should rather space them out and have each project set one up if interested ?21:07
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sdaguethere might be, especially on bugs that are causing gate resets21:07
sdaguewe had a few of those last week, in the chaos we were mostly ploughing through, but would be good to rivisit as many as possible21:07
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ttxI'll ask around if other people are interested to triage bugs on that 1èth21:08
sdagueparallel testing held up pretty well21:08
ttxAny other announcement before we dive into project-specific stuff ?21:08
sdaguenot here21:08
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ttxthen, as promised...21:09
ttx#topic Neutron status21:09
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ttxmarkmcclain: hi!21:09
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/neutron/+milestone/havana-rc121:09
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ttxI count 8 standing FFEs, which is a lot (a bit too much for my taste)21:09
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ttxmarkmcclain1: Let's review the status and set a in-or-out deadline for each of them21:10
ttxipv6-feature-parity / configurable-ip-allocation ?21:10
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markmcclain1That deadline is Sunday/Monday21:10
markmcclain1For both21:11
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ttxmarkmcclain1: any progress there ?21:11
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ttxhaven't seen code proposed yet21:11
ttxwhich makes me a bit worried21:12
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markmcclain1Yes..  There is a conflict with the pending l3 patches21:12
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ttxshall be solved soon and code proposed for review ?21:13
markmcclain1Yes. I had hoped to have merged l3 service plugin21:14
ttxok. nvp-service-router / nvp-fwaas-plugin / nvp-lbaas-plugin ?21:14
markmcclain1Pending a small cleanup of leftover prints()21:14
ttxok, so shall merge anytime now21:15
ttxl2-population ?21:15
markmcclain1L2 most at risk. Had some late concerns from a core team member. EOD tomorrow is deadline21:15
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ttxl3-router-port-relationship / quantum-l3-routing-plugin ?21:16
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markmcclain1Needs changes based on l3 service branches merge21:16
ttxdeadline ?21:17
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markmcclain1eod Thursday21:17
ttxok, so they should all be in by thursday except the two "High" which have until next Monday ?21:17
ttxmarkmcclain1: you have a pretty nice RC1 buglist already: is that a complete picture of your release-critical bugs ?21:17
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ttxMaybe add https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1211915 ?21:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1211915 in neutron "Connection to neutron failed: Maximum attempts reached" [Critical,Confirmed]21:18
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ttxmarkmcclain1: anything else you wanted to raise ?21:19
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markmcclain1Oh I forgot to link it.. we discussed at our weekly meeting21:19
ttxno markmc, anyone speaking for oslo ?21:19
markmcclain1Nothing else new.. Thanks for letting me jump the line21:19
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ttxmarkmcclain1: thx!21:20
* ttx skips oslo for now21:20
ttx#topic Keystone status21:20
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ttxdolphm: hi!21:20
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/havana-rc121:20
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ttxNo FFE so keystone is now feature-complete21:20
ttxthat should go faster ;)21:20
ttx12 bugs on the RC list, is that a complete list yet ?21:20
dolphmthat's as much as i'm aware of at this point21:21
ttxDo you need a bugtriage day to go through them all, or are they very much under control ?21:21
dolphmi believe we're under control21:21
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ttxdolphm: great, you're all set it seems. anything you wanted to raise ?21:21
ttxsidenote: I'll resurrect my 'road to RC' graphs that show how fast you burn your RC1 buglists21:22
dolphma couple of those bugs are related to our support for an identity driver per domain21:22
dolphmwhich we've discovered may require a more radical fix than we're willing to land in rc1, so whether those will be fixed in RC1 is up in the air21:23
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dolphmwe may wait to land a full fix in icehouse, and mark the feature as experimental w/ known issues for havana21:23
ttxdolphm: could end up being a known bug described in the release notes, yes21:23
ttxdolphm: anythine else ?21:24
dolphmthat should be settled by the next meeting, if anyone has questions21:24
dolphmthat's ti21:24
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ttx#topic Ceilometer status21:24
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ttxjd__: hey21:24
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/ceilometer/+milestone/havana-rc121:24
ttx2 FFEs:21:24
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ttxabout alarm-service-partitioner: is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/44751/ all there is to it ?21:24
ttx(i.e. feature is completed when that lands ?)21:25
jd__modulo bugs, probably21:25
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jd__I didn't ask Eglynn but the code seems to cover most of what's needed21:25
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ttxwhen do you expect it to be ready ?21:25
ttxnot much project over the last week21:26
jd__I don't have any date from eglynn21:26
jd__nor set any deadline per se21:26
ttxit's been -1ed on Sep 321:26
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jd__ttx: our weekly meeting is in 24h so I'll check with him by then21:26
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ttxI would really like to close all FFEs by next week so that coredevs can focus on testing/bugfixing21:26
ttxalarming-logical-combination: I see 3 changes up at https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/alarming-logical-combination,n,z21:27
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ttxSame thing, I'm not seeing a lot of activity there21:27
jd__yes, Mehdi has been busy on other things AFAIK21:28
jd__same thing I'll check with him tomorrow21:28
ttxok, great21:28
ttxLast thing is the RC1 buglist, which has 4 bugs at this point21:28
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ttxI suspect it's not complete yet, would be nice to come up with a clear list by next week's meeting21:29
ttxjd__: anything you wanted to mention ?21:29
jd__yes, didn't had time to do it yet21:29
jd__nop, all good21:29
ttxQuestions on Ceilometer ?21:29
ttx#topic Swift status21:29
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ttxnotmyname: o/21:29
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/swift/+milestone/1.9.321:29
notmynamelooks light, but reflects a lot of work21:29
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notmynameand most of the small stuff isn't there (eg changes to work with pypy)21:30
ttxI set them to "medium" prio so that they all appear on http://status.openstack.org/release/21:30
notmynamelow doesn't?21:30
ttxI think I just set them all to medium, someone must have adjusted to low :)21:30
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wolfdreamerReported as a bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/122356821:31
notmynameplan is to keep working for this week and next and then evaluate for RC21:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1223568 in neutron "pep8 requirements failing" [Undecided,New]21:31
ttxit's good to have the main features listed so that the havana marketing machine (which just woke up) can take them into account21:31
ttxnotmyname: sounds like a plan. I'll see you next week in person21:32
ttxnotmyname: anything specific you wanted to raise ?21:32
notmynamecurrently working with the CI team to fix builds21:32
notmynamesomething (not sure what) broke every patch this morning21:32
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ttxQuestions about Swift ?21:33
ttx#topic Glance status21:33
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markwashhey hey hey21:33
ttxmarkwash: o/21:33
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ttx#link https://launchpad.net/glance/+milestone/havana-rc121:33
ttxOne FFE for api-v2-property-protection21:34
ttxShould it be considered completed, or wait until https://review.openstack.org/#/c/44703/ makes it ?21:34
markwashI think we're just waiting on jenkins21:34
markwashlet's wait21:34
ttxoh, it merged21:34
* markwash is done with waiting21:34
ttxmarkwash: please mark it implemented :)21:35
ttxWhat's the status of your RC1 buglist ? Under construction ? complete ?21:35
markwashunder construction21:35
ttxmarkwash: anything you wanted to mention ?21:35
markwashnot at the moment21:35
* ttx will drink tonight to the completion of api-v2-property-protection. sad to see an old friend go21:36
ttxQuestions on Glance ?21:36
ttx#topic Cinder status21:36
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jgriffithhey hey21:36
ttxjgriffith: hola!21:36
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/cinder/+milestone/havana-rc121:36
ttxI see 4 standing FFEs21:37
jgriffithpainfully slow but getting there21:37
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jgriffithYes, I'm going to dump https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/db-api-tests21:37
ttxI'll raise those "Low" to "Medium" so that they appear on the release radar21:37
jgriffithahh... good point21:37
ttxCould you tell me again what qemu-assisted-snapshots is pending on ?21:38
jgriffithttx: pending on a novaclient change21:38
jgriffithttx: I'd have to dig up the link again :(21:38
jgriffithwait one21:38
russellbnovaclient change merged today21:38
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russellbdo you need a novaclient release?21:38
jgriffithrussellb: Ok, that should be it21:38
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jgriffithrussellb: shouldn't need push as I believe we're still running clients from trunk21:39
russellbok, yeah21:39
jgriffithttx: russellb I pinged eharney one last check21:39
russellbjust need to release it by havana release then21:39
jgriffithrussellb: :)21:39
jgriffithPLEASE :)21:39
* russellb nods21:39
ttxnetapp-cinder-nfs-image-cloning last patch just hit the issue mordred must be talking about21:39
ttxjgriffith: I'll let you reverify it21:40
jgriffithWaiting for the all clear signal and I'll send it on it's way AGAIN21:40
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ttxeql-volume-driver: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/43944/ still under review21:40
ttxhow far is that ?21:40
jgriffithYeah, I need to make another pass... should be getting pretty close, we've had a few turns on it21:40
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jgriffithI've bounced it 3 times I think, they should be very close21:40
ttxdb-api-tests: this is actually not a FFE, but would be still nice if it landed early21:41
jgriffithI'm dumping it21:41
jgriffithagain, I get no responses from them for days21:41
jgriffithI'm over it21:41
ttxjgriffith: anything else on your mind ?21:41
jgriffithJust the LVM snap delete debacle21:41
jgriffithI'm going to move forward with that patch21:41
jgriffithI can repor the issues on 12.04 using it21:41
jgriffithand i'll put the config option back in to disable for those that want it21:42
ttxjgriffith: agreed21:42
ttxQuestions on Cinder ?21:42
jgriffithbut consulting with LVM maintainers they say that's the right way to go21:42
ttx#topic Nova status21:42
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ttxrussellb: hi!21:42
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/havana-rc121:42
ttxBusy front on the FFEs but you've been resisting quite efficiently21:42
ttxI see 4 standing exceptions:21:43
ttxencrypt-cinder-volumes: this one was given until the end of this week to merge21:43
russellbencrypted volumes is progressing well, i think it can be done this week21:43
ttxThere seems to be some cinder bits in there, though: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/39573/21:43
ttxjgriffith: ^21:43
jgriffithI agreed to let them in if nova goes21:43
* jgriffith passes the buck21:43
ttxok, just making sure it's on your radar21:43
russellbplanning on it going in this week at least21:43
jgriffithit is, thanks21:44
russellbsome final changes being requested21:44
russellbbut they're responsive21:44
ttxfix-libvirt-console-logging: this one is starting to worry me a bit. It's been dead for one week now21:44
russellbyeah, no review traffic21:44
russellbi guess i need to pester some people to review it21:44
ttxI know it's a bugfix, but it has a high regression potential21:44
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ttxraising vmware-image-clone-strategy to medium21:45
russellband 2 low, vmware one will be fine, i think it's done21:45
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ttxso that it appears on the release map21:45
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ttxdone or almost done ?21:45
ttx(db-api-tests-on-all-backends: this one is not really a feature, so we can ignore it)21:45
russellbtest one, could just move to "ongoing"21:45
russellbi don't really care if that makes it or not21:45
russellbit's just tests, that's why we put it there21:45
ttxongoing makes sense21:45
russellbwell, code is done, just needs another +221:46
russellbok cool21:46
russellblet's do that then21:46
ttxrussellb: You've got a pretty nice list of targeted bugs.. is that a ~complete view ?21:46
russellbno, the bug list is totally wrong :)21:46
russellbit's full of cruft, i started clearing some out just now21:46
russellband we're way behind on triage21:46
russellbi've started working on that this week21:46
ttxhow about having a nova bugtriage day ?21:46
russellbbig +121:47
ttxthat could help21:47
russellbi know the 17th came up21:47
ttxmaybe discuss the date at the nova meeting21:47
russellbi wonder if i should try to get on it sooner21:47
ttxjust don't forget to communicate it out21:47
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ttxyou could try this Friday or something21:47
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ttxrussellb: anything else you wanted to mention ?21:48
russellbthough i may be tied up friday personally21:48
russellbnope don't think so21:48
ttxAny question on Nova ?21:48
russellbother than ... if anyone wants to help with bug triage, i'd love help!  :)21:48
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ttx#topic Heat status21:48
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ttxshardy: o/21:48
shardyttx: hi21:48
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/heat/+milestone/havana-rc121:48
ttxNo FFE, so you're feature-complete21:48
ttxNice RC list, did you go through all bugs to make it ?21:48
shardyyup :)21:49
ttxNow it would be great if they all had an assignee to work on them :)21:49
ttx(can always be reassigned if need be)21:49
shardyttx: Yes I've reviewed the bug list and will be looking for assignees for those without at tomorrows meeting21:49
ttxthen you're all set. anything you wanted to raise ?21:50
shardyNot atm, thanks!21:50
ttxQuestions about Heat ?21:50
ttx#topic Horizon status21:50
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ttxgabrielhurley: o/21:50
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/horizon/+milestone/havana-rc121:50
ttxOne standing FFE for fwaas-horizon21:50
gabrielhurleythe FWaaS BP is merging currently21:50
gabrielhurleyit's already approved21:50
gabrielhurleyjust waiting on Gerrit21:51
gabrielhurleywell then21:51
gabrielhurleyBP marked implemented now21:51
gabrielhurleyand that takes care of that21:51
ttxah! I busted you this time21:51
gabrielhurleyexciting little flurry to get those last two in, but I'm glad we did21:51
gabrielhurleythanks to all the Neutron and Horizon folks who worked very hard and very fast to make that happen21:52
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ttxso technically it landed before this meeting, as promised, congrats21:52
gabrielhurleyI try21:52
ttxgabrielhurley: How complete is your RC1 buglist ?21:52
ttxlooks shorter than your usual ones21:52
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gabrielhurleyummm... the ones that are on it are definitely valid. I *haven't* done a full triage on the backlog to see what should be in there that wasn't in the H3 list21:52
gabrielhurleythat's on my list for this week21:53
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ttxgabrielhurley: anything you wanted to mention ?21:53
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gabrielhurleyno, those FFEs and the buglist were about it21:53
ttxgabrielhurley: thx21:53
ttxanyone representing oslo around ?21:53
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ttxmaybe markmc is still in vacation21:54
ttx#topic Incubated projects21:54
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ttxdevananda, hub_cap: hello!21:54
ttxAny question ?21:54
hub_capnope. im ready for rc1 to be cut tho :)21:55
ttxhub_cap: you mean Trove is actually bug-free ?21:55
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hub_capheck no21:55
hub_capi mean y es21:55
ttxgoood answer21:55
hub_capit means i dont have any blockers for rc1/havana21:56
hub_capand it means i dont fully understand the ammt of work itll be to backport (but im sure ill find out lol)21:56
devanandaironic is not going for a release in H, so we wont have an RC21:56
ttxhub_cap: so.. what we could do is cut the havana release branch like... tomorrow and the tag RC1 Thursday if nothing happens21:56
devanandaI'm going to be watching what hub_cap is doing, though, to prep myself for next cycle :)21:57
hub_capttx fine by me!21:57
hub_capdevananda: find a nice rock to hide behind, thats my plan21:57
ttxdevananda: the simpler for you is to consider master being icehouse now21:57
ttxsince we won't do a stable/havana branch there21:57
devanandattx: ack. shall i start retargeting things?21:58
hub_capttx when would we open icehouse for merge given your plan above?21:58
devananda*when shall ..21:58
ttxdevananda: I'll give it another thought after a night sleep to see if I spot an issue with doing it now21:58
ttxand tell you tomorrow21:58
ttx#action ttx to cut trove havana release wednesday and the tag RC1 Thursday if nothing happens21:59
ttx#action ttx to check that ironic can already switch to icehouse21:59
ttxhub_cap: just after the release branch is created. Tomorrow21:59
hub_capthe trovesters thank you ttx21:59
ttxhub_cap: I'll ping you tomorrow about that22:00
ttxdevananda: anything else ?22:00
* hub_cap whispers 'say hugs devananda'22:00
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ttxwell then22:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Sep 10 22:00:47 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)22:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/project/2013/project.2013-09-10-21.02.html22:00
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ttxtrovesters. Ew22:01
devanandattx: nope! thanks for everything :)22:01
hub_capits like hipster ttx22:01
devanandahub_cap: did you move to portland?22:01
hub_cap(sry gabrielhurley)22:01
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gabrielhurleyhokay. horizon. huzzah!22:02
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gabrielhurley#startmeeting horizon22:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 10 22:02:10 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gabrielhurley. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.22:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.22:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'horizon'22:02
gabrielhurleyhi folks22:02
lblanchardhey all22:02
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gabrielhurley#topic overview22:03
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gabrielhurleyI'm gonna paraphrase ttx from the start of the last meeting here...22:03
gabrielhurleyThe havana-3 milestone has been cut, and we're in feature freeze. The two FFE blueprints that came up are also merged. Thanks everyone for work on that.22:03
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gabrielhurleyThe goal this week is to come up with a clear list of release-critical bugs (bugs targeted to the havana-rc1 milestone)22:03
gabrielhurleyThis is usually best done by going through all bugs and targeting the appropriate ones... then monitor the new ones filed22:03
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gabrielhurleyWwhen we get that list down to 0 we can create the havana release branch and tag our first release candidate22:04
gabrielhurleyThen master can be open for icehouse business22:04
gabrielhurleyNote that each project can have their RC1 at a different time (it happens whenever ready). Ideally all RC1s would be out before the end of the month.22:04
gabrielhurleyttx also created an Icehouse-1 milestone for us for targeting things forward22:04
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gabrielhurley(I copied and pasted most of that, just changing some grammar)22:05
gabrielhurleyAny questions on all that?22:05
jpichDaisy is planning around Sept 20th-24th to have the Horizon translations ready, btw22:05
jcoufalWhen is going to happen some planning for Icehouse?22:05
gabrielhurleyjcoufal: aside from Hong Kong? ;-)22:05
gabrielhurleythere's no formal planning sessions scheduled outside of the summit22:06
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gabrielhurleywe can talk in these meetings, on the ML, etc.22:06
jcoufalgabrielhurley: yeah, aside from HK :)22:06
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gabrielhurleyif the core team needs to sync up we can schedule a google hangout or something22:06
gabrielhurleyfeel free to spearhead any discussions you want to have22:06
jcoufalsounds good, thanks22:06
gabrielhurleythough the focus for the next week or two should be polishing the H release22:06
jcoufalof course22:06
gabrielhurleyI think the release stuff is all I have for project-wide business.22:07
gabrielhurley#topic blueprints22:07
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gabrielhurleythe two Neutron FFE blueprints are merged as of today22:08
gabrielhurleythere are a bunch of reviews to continue polishing those, but we nailed the target for getting them in. great job.22:08
gabrielhurleyamotoki has been diligently posting patch after patch of improvements. ;-)22:08
amotoki_thanks everyone.22:08
david-lylethanks amotoki_22:09
gabrielhurleyI'm not aware of any other blueprints that would be considered for FFE, so I think we are *truly* in feature freeze now.22:09
gabrielhurleywhich makes the "blueprints" portion of the meeting really short.22:09
gabrielhurleyFor this phase I'll carry over into a bugs section though22:09
gabrielhurley#topic bugs22:09
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gabrielhurleyMy goal for this week is to do a complete inventory of the Horizon bug list and do two things:22:10
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gabrielhurley1. move anything that I think is a regression in Havana or a (fixable) bug in a new feature into the RC1 milestone22:10
gabrielhurley2. Close out old tickets which are either fixed, have not been reproduced/updated in a long time, or which are no longer relevant22:11
gabrielhurleythe current RC1 buglist is pretty short by comparison to previous releases22:11
gabrielhurleyI expect it to grow22:11
gabrielhurleyon the plus side, most of them are not exeptionally deterimental issues22:12
gabrielhurleyAs of right now everything seems well in hand22:12
gabrielhurleywe'll see how it looks next week22:12
gabrielhurleydoes anybody have bugs they particularly want to call attention to?22:12
gabrielhurleyfor the other Core folks, feel free to triage bugs into the RC1 milestone, but if you do I recommend leaving a new comment explaining where the bug is at or why it's important, otherwise it might get triaged back out.22:13
jpichMakes sense22:14
gabrielhurleyokay then... moving on22:14
gabrielhurley#topic open discussion22:14
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gabrielhurleyI have two items for the open discussion this week22:14
gabrielhurley1. I wanted to talk for a minute about our blueprint triage and targeting processes22:14
gabrielhurleyI've noticed (particularly at the end of H3) that blueprints were just "showing up" in the H3 list. And not like when a community member proposes a BP for Havana and the like, but actually targeted and accepted...22:15
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gabrielhurleyI encourage Core folks to have the power to target/untarget blueprints and bugs, but we need to make sure we're in sync about them22:16
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gabrielhurleyMy preference is that we discuss the priorities for a release/cycle at the start of the cycle so we set the full list appropriately (as we've done for most of this past Havana release)22:17
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gabrielhurleyand if there are BPs that should come in later we bring them up with the team at this meeting or via email22:17
gabrielhurleyand anytime you change the targeting of a blueprint please leave a comment in the whiteboard section22:17
gabrielhurleyI usually do this when I bump blueprints out, but I think it's good to do when targeting to a specific milestone too22:17
gabrielhurleygives us a good record and helps set expectations22:18
gabrielhurleyanybody else have thoughts on that?22:18
lsmola_makes sense22:18
jcoufalgabrielhurley: would you expect reasoning in whiteboard also for the initial targeting of bp/bug?22:19
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gabrielhurleyLemme rephrase... Core folks, sound good?22:19
gabrielhurleyjcoufal: ideally22:19
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amotoki_makes sense.22:19
gabrielhurleylike, I might leave a note that says "targeting to H3 to make sure Nova has time to implement the feature before we do"22:19
gabrielhurleyor "bumping to Icehouse to make sure we have lots of time to get this right"22:20
gabrielhurleywhich brings me to my second topic...22:20
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gabrielhurley2. I've got some time this week from my employer to work on interesting projects of my own, and I'm currently spending that working with the realtime stuff (message bus listener and websocket server)22:21
gabrielhurleyI don't have specific findings so far other than to say that the POC code was of great help to me in experimenting with it and it's definitely on the right track22:21
gabrielhurleyI think we'll want to do a bunch of architectural work on how we go about transforming and filtering that data to turn it into items Horizon understands and can take action on22:21
gabrielhurleysome sort of plugin model akin to ceilometer22:22
gabrielhurleybut I just wanted to report back that I am actively involved with it and it's totally gonna happen in I22:22
gabrielhurleythe current implementation with tornado and socksJS may or may not be what we want to stick with, btw22:23
gabrielhurleywe should think about how far back we want to try and add support (e.g. which fallbacks we care about behind websockets)22:24
gabrielhurleyinteresting topics for the future.22:24
gabrielhurleyanybody else got stuff they want to talk about?22:24
lchenggabrielhurley: will there be a following-up in the summit about the version api?22:25
gabrielhurleyah yes. that.22:26
gabrielhurleythat would be a good idea22:26
gabrielhurleyI just got a bit burnt out on it before22:26
gabrielhurleythe discussion tends to turn into a format war22:26
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gabrielhurleyI think it'd be good to look at what Nova has done in the v3 API and what Neutron's been up to and to try and bring that back into a single vision22:26
gabrielhurleyI'm not sure if I have the bandwidth to run that this summit, so if someone else wants to own that I'd be in favor of playing a supporting role personally.22:27
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gabrielhurleyI've got another initiative I'm spearheading this time that will be unveiled/proposed soonish22:27
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gabrielhurleyanybody else?22:29
gabrielhurleyif not, we'll make this a short meeting22:29
lchengI can look into the version api, need to read-up on the old thread to get up-to-speed.22:29
gabrielhurleyyeah, I'd have to review too22:30
gabrielhurleyI am interested in what the other projects have done in the interim though22:30
david-lyleany thought to the keystone v3 multi-backend support22:31
lchengI'll look into Nova and Neutron as suggested.22:31
david-lyleper domain backends like ldap for one, sql for another?22:31
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david-lyleI think we're fairly insulated other than setup time22:32
gabrielhurleyyeah, I think I can honestly say I have zero thoughts on that22:32
david-lyledomain creation that is22:32
gabrielhurleythoughts welcome22:32
gabrielhurleyit's not a topic I've considered at all thus far22:33
gabrielhurleywell done for finding one22:33
david-lyleI'll invest some more time looking into it, but that may have some implications in I22:33
gabrielhurleysounds good22:33
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gabrielhurleyokay. let's call it a short meeting and get on with our days/to bed depending on timezone.22:35
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gabrielhurleyhave a great week folks22:35
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Sep 10 22:35:54 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)22:35
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/horizon/2013/horizon.2013-09-10-22.02.html22:35
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/horizon/2013/horizon.2013-09-10-22.02.txt22:35
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/horizon/2013/horizon.2013-09-10-22.02.log.html22:35
jcoufalthanks, have a great week everybody22:36
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lsmola_thanks, bye22:36
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amotoki_thanks. have a goo day/night22:36
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lblanchardbye all22:37
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