Tuesday, 2013-06-18

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n0ano#startmeeting scheduler15:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun 18 15:00:35 2013 UTC.  The chair is n0ano. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'scheduler'15:00
n0anoshow of hands, anyone here for the scheduler meeting?15:00
jgallardhi all15:01
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n0ano#topic scalability15:03
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n0anoI started a thread on the dev mailing list and have been getting some replies, have you seen the tread?15:04
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belmoreiranot sure. what is the subject?15:05
jgallardfrom my side, sorry, I was not available the last few days...15:05
shanewanghi don15:05
n0anoSubject: Compute node stats sent to the scheduler15:05
jgallardok, get it15:06
n0anoto me the big question is do we communicate usage data to the scheduler via fan-out message or through the DB15:06
n0anoI prefer fan-out messages (I hate DBs, it's a personal quirk) but I'm hearing from people that think the DB is the way to go.15:07
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n0anoI've voiced by concerns in the email thread, now waiting to hear back15:07
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n0anowe can talk about the issues here or just follow the email thread which is still active (I started the thread late)15:09
belmoreirasorry I need to read all thread15:09
shanewangI prefer fan-out messages too, as n0ano concerned, I am not sure who else is using db.15:09
jgallard+1 fan-out messages15:09
n0anowell, the one issue that hasn't been brought up is ceilometer, does it want to get the data from the DB or does it want to query the scheduler15:09
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n0anoshanewang, I'm in the process of reviewing the code to see who actually uses the DB data, not done with that yet.15:10
n0anoif no one has any strong opions today I think it makes sense to just see how the email thread works out.15:12
n0ano#topic follow ups on scheduler BPs15:13
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n0anoanyone have anything to report here?15:13
belmoreiratwo weeks ago we decided to discuss the blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/schedule-set-availability-zones15:14
belmoreirathere are any opinions now?15:14
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n0anoI don't see how you belong to multiple availability zones, can you explain that?15:16
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belmoreiramy understanding is that az is now defined in aggregates15:17
belmoreiraa host can belong to different aggregates that have different azs15:18
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n0anothat seems - odd - to say the least, is that a feature that is actually being used?15:18
belmoreiraI don't see much sense on it too. But you can have a setup were a host have multiple azs15:20
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belmoreirathat's why a raised the question in the BP15:20
belmoreirabut that is what is available now in nova...15:21
belmoreiraabout the BP what do you guys think about it?15:21
n0anoI'm not qualified to make a decision but I'd consider changing that to be a 1-1 map, host to AZ, but that might start a bit of a discussion15:22
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jgallardn0ano, +115:22
belmoreiraI agree.15:23
belmoreirabut the BP to have multiple default azs to an instance15:24
belmoreirainstead only one.15:24
shanewangwhat's the benefit to set multiple available zones? for dividing more zones logically and physically.15:25
jgallardbelmoreira, in the implementation part, "After find the node that will run the instance set the availability zone of the node to the instance", means AZ are provided dynamically according to clients?15:25
n0anoback to your BP, I'm unclear on the use case, if the AZ is set `after` scheduling then it can't be used for physical separation15:25
belmoreirajgallard. according to the client select using also the az_zone filter.15:27
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belmoreirawhen an instance is booted and the az filter is enabled only the clients of the default az are selected.15:27
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belmoreiraif instead only one default az we have several15:28
belmoreirathe az filter passes for all the nodes in them15:28
belmoreirathe best node is selected and then the az is set15:28
n0anoso you're only addressing the case where the user `doesn't` specify an AZ15:29
belmoreirameans that he doesn't care15:29
belmoreirabut we can provide some reliability to the instances15:30
belmoreirastarting maybe in different azs15:30
n0anoI can accept that and it makes sense but I still am having issues with setting the AZ after selecting the node, that means AZs don't apply to physical separation15:30
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belmoreiran0ano. its is physical separation as well...15:31
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belmoreiraif you set two default azs means that you expect that the instances start in one of them15:32
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n0anohow, if you assign AZ after selecting the node then any node can be part of any AZ so there's no way to physically separate two nodes.15:32
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jgallardreally? if a node can moved from one AZ to another, or even if a node can belong to multiple AZ at the same time?15:32
n0anojgallard, that's my point15:33
jgallardn0ano, yes, and I agree with you15:33
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belmoreiraif a node belongs to multiple azs is an admin problem15:33
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belmoreirain that case you don't have physical separation15:34
belmoreiraI completely agree with that15:34
n0anobut `assigned after node selection` => not under admin control, this is under user control15:34
n0anohang on, I think I see the confusion ...15:35
belmoreirabut the az considered during the scheduler15:35
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jgallarduser control?15:36
n0anoa node is assigned to an AZ, the schdule request will select a node (potentially use AZ criteria) and, after the node is selecte, the AZ for the `instance` is set15:36
belmoreirabut instead only one default az if you have lets say two azs15:37
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belmoreirathe scheduler uses the two azs for filtering15:38
belmoreiraand picks the node15:38
belmoreiraand the az of the node id set in the instance15:38
n0anoin that case I don't see an issue with having multiple default AZs, if the user didn't specify then the user doesn't care which AZ it winds up in.15:38
belmoreirafor my use case is important to have this15:39
belmoreirabecause users usually never define an AZ15:39
jgallardthis use case should not be handle with cells?15:39
belmoreiraand we need to have multiple15:39
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belmoreiraso we end up with the default az very busy15:39
belmoreirajgallard: we also have cells… but our cells are big15:40
belmoreirawe like to split them in azs15:40
n0anobelmoreira, indeed.  To me the only issue is which of the default AZs to pick, round robin or random or least used or ...15:40
jgallardok, in your configuration AZ are partitions of cells, right?15:40
jgallardbelmoreira, ah ok15:40
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belmoreiran0ano: my proposal is to change to availability_zone filter to pass for all azs defined as default.15:42
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belmoreirahaving the nodes of all azs15:42
jgallardbelmoreira, is my understanding correct? --> the idea is to have a kind of "scheduler for AZ", this scheduler will pick one availability zone among several default ones in the case the user doesn't choose a specific AZ15:42
belmoreirathe scheduler will select the best one considering the other filters15:42
n0anoand then let the normal scheduling choose the best node - seems like a reasonble fairly simple change15:42
belmoreiraso is not random15:42
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belmoreirathe point that I raised in the BP and we started the discussion with it15:44
belmoreirais what to do if a host belongs to different aggregates15:44
belmoreiraand have multiple azs15:44
belmoreiraI agree that is bad… but someone can have a setup like this.15:45
n0anoseems simple, if the host belongs to at least one of the default aggregates it passes, otherwise it only passes if it's a member of the specified AZ15:45
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belmoreiraif it belongs to only one az of the default list it passes… and that az is set if the host is selected15:47
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belmoreirabut if it belongs to more than one az in the default az list?15:47
belmoreirait passes as well15:47
belmoreiraand what az we set to the instance?15:47
belmoreiraprobably ramdom?15:48
n0anobelmoreira, random, the user didn't specify so the user doesn't care15:48
jgallardprobably :)15:48
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belmoreiraok. good15:48
jgallardor maybe the one which is the least loaded?15:48
belmoreirabut for that we need more queries15:49
n0anojgallard, the normal scheduling should have found the least loaded so I don't think we need to worry about that in the AZ filter15:49
belmoreirarandom is to avoid that15:49
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jgallardbut, I mean, if you are on a node with multiple AZ, the admin should want to give priority to AZ which is least loaded15:50
jgallardI'm not sur if i'm clea15:50
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belmoreirajgallard: completely agree… but how to know what is the least loaded?15:51
n0anoI don't think the issue is `least loaded AZ` so much as it's `most optimal host` and the rest of the scheduling determines that15:51
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jgallardbelmoreira, héhé yes, as you said this probably needs more queries15:51
jgallardn0ano, in fact, what I want to explain is that, if the user don't care about a specific AZ, and a node with multiple AZ is selected, perhaps, the admin will want to give a policy to select a prefer AZ between the one available on that node15:53
jgallardbut this is not targeted by this BP15:54
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n0anopotentially but remember, `prefence` is determined by the weighting functions, filters only do yes/no so, as you say, finding the preferred AZ would be a different BP15:55
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belmoreiraok. I will start to implement this15:55
n0anobelmoreira, you might want to update the BP to remove the question and put in the decision15:56
n0anojust a few minutes left, does anyone have any opens for toda?15:57
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jgallardbelmoreira, may be you can ask a question about the fact that, in the current implementation it's possible to have several AZ on a node?15:57
jgallard(on the mailing list)15:57
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n0anojgallard, good idea (I like using the mailing lists)15:57
jgallardn0ano, same for me :-)15:58
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jgallardbelmoreira, thanks!15:58
n0anohearing silence I think it's time to wrap up, tnx everyone, good discussion.15:59
jgallardthanks to all!15:59
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belmoreirayes… thanks to all.15:59
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ayoung#startmeeting keystone17:59
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun 18 17:59:16 2013 UTC.  The chair is ayoung. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.17:59
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:59
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dolphm_ayoung: lol i'm around today, btw17:59
ayoungdolphm_, thought you were not going to be here this week17:59
dolphm_ayoung: next two weeks17:59
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dolphm_ayoung: don't let me stop you :)18:00
dolphm_ayoung: in fact, want to run next week's meeting as well? henrynash can do july 218:00
ayoungI'll keep the home fires burning18:00
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ayoungWe'll make it work.  Henry and I can work together18:00
dolphm_you'll also have to attend the release status meeting 3 hours after this18:00
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henrynashayoung: indeed18:00
topoldolph gets a vacation????  I dont remember that in the brochure...18:00
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topolnot a vacation?18:01
ayoungSo looking at the agenda18:01
dolphm_mini vacation i suppose18:01
ayoung Reminder: Havana milestone 2 cut & API-level feature freeze July 16th18:01
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ayoungdolphm_, care to spell out exactly what we will not allow after the 16th?18:01
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dolphm_changes to the identity-api or anything that doc describes need to wait until icehouse after the 16th18:02
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ayoungdolphm_, how about configuration file changes?18:02
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dolphm_changes can still land in identity-api during milestone 3, but they should be marked as "New in version 3.2" (to go with icehouse, rather than havana)18:02
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dolphm_ayoung: config is fine18:02
dolphm_ayoung: just a light feature freeze18:03
ayoungOK, so just changes that would force other services or the CLI to modify how they talk to Keystone, but changes that would affect installers etc are Ok.18:03
dolphm_non-api impacting features are still fair game in milestone 318:03
dolphm_ayoung: as long as they're backwards compatible changes that would affect installers :)18:03
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gyeehow about API changes that are backward compatible? :)18:04
dolphm_blueprints are targeted accordingly -- there's no blueprints targeted at m3 that affect api18:04
ayoungdolphm_, split identity is going to have some impact there.  We can discuss if it looks like it is going to slip past H2, but right now it is looking likely to get in18:04
dolphm_gyee: no18:04
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ayounggyee, those can be 3.2, just not 3.118:04
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ayoungI think that makes it easier on everyone18:04
dolphm_gyee: catalog-option is milestone 2 or icehouse, for example18:04
ayoungCool.  Next item18:05
ayoungHigh priority bugs or immediate issues?18:05
dolphm_ayoung: use #topic18:05
ayoung#topic High priority bugs or immediate issues18:05
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dolphm_i'm not aware of anything new18:05
ayoungAll critical bugs have fix committed18:05
ayoung27 Bugs marked "High"18:06
ayoung5 with fix committed18:06
ayoung6 with "In Progress"18:06
ayoungThe rest Triaged or confirmed18:06
ayoungkeystone-manage db_sync fails updating from migrate_version 5 is incomplete18:07
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bknudson1I've done a lot of keystone-manage db_sync lately and haven't had problems18:07
ayoungbknudson1, ISAM MySql?18:08
dolphm_ayoung: i think that's another innodb vs myisam failure18:08
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bknudson1well, MyISAM is not working18:08
bknudson1migration 26 fails because it tries to drop FKs that aren't there.18:08
ayoungRight.  I have a fix for that, but need to clean it up to pass code review.18:08
bknudson1because MyISAM doesn't suport FKs?18:09
ayoungNeed to straighten out my Postgres setup to retest18:09
dolphm_bknudson1: ayoung: who wrote the fix to explicitly set innodb on all migrations?18:09
bknudson1ayoung: I put a similar change into my fix for switching all tables to InnoDB18:09
dolphm_did that merge?18:09
ayoungdolphm_, no, abandoned, I need to fix18:09
ayoungrestored and rebased18:09
bknudson1dolphm_: it's not done yet... I'm working on changing it so that the change is only in a new migration18:10
ayounglooks like just a Pep 8 fix...18:10
bknudson1dolphm_: and then I ran into some weird problem where migration 7 downgrade failed.18:10
dolphm_bknudson1: do we not need both parts? fix unspecific migrations and migrate broken schemas properly in 23?18:10
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bknudson1dolphm_: but I figured that out and now it's a matter of creating the FKs that should have been there in the new migration 2718:11
dolphm_bknudson1: ah18:11
bknudson1dolphm_: I should have this ready by end of day.18:12
ayoungdolphm_, the appraoch we should go with for, say, DB2 support is that we are willing to make changes to support it, but they should be changes that run for all (almost all) RDBMSs18:12
ayoungso that the DB2 code doesn't bitrot.18:13
bknudson1ayoung: I made that update to the DB2 migrations18:13
ayoungbknudson1, thanks.18:13
bknudson1ayoung: made extensive use of the constraints helper, so that's been handy18:13
ayoungYeah, in general we should be moving duplicated code in the migrations into helpers18:14
ayoung#topic Unified Client authentication18:14
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ayoungAnd yes, that is also How do we encourage the other CLI clients to use our v3 auth client class18:15
henrynashi guessed as much18:15
nachii am working on a code update for broken credential schema in sqlite which is no-op in 2318:15
dolphm_ayoung: make keystoneclient good and contribute back to other clients :)18:15
ayoungSo, jamielennox has been battling the Kerberos and X509 type auth, and what has become obvious is that each of the clients reimplement it18:15
ayoungthis is code duplication, and we should fix18:15
ayoungone solution is to have the other clients consume the keystone client for auth18:16
ayoungdolphm_, yes, we will do Keystoneclient first18:16
bknudson1our users around here are also interested in having all the clis be able to do v3 auth18:16
henrynashayoung: so i though nova and glane use our client class?18:16
ayounghenrynash, not in the CLI18:16
bknudson1(i.e., use domains)18:16
ayounghenrynash, you are thinkg middleware, and yes they do18:16
ayoungauth_token middleware is in the client library.18:17
henrynashayoung: I'd swear we had a discussion on this on the mailing list and it was implied the cli's do as well18:17
gyeekeystoneclient or openstackclient?18:17
bknudson1nova , glance, etc.18:17
henrynashgyee: novaclient18:17
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ayounghenrynash, I had two different engineers look at it.  Let me see if I can get one of them here18:18
gyeeI thought keystoneclient is on its way to retirement no?18:18
gyeein favor of openstackclient?18:18
bknudson1the keystone command line utility is18:18
bknudson1keystoneclient python lib will remain18:18
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dolphm_gyee: just the CLI18:18
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bknudson1openstack client is just the CLI18:18
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gyeei c18:19
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ayoungrcrit, you looked at the clients.  None of the other clients are useing keystoneclient that you saw, right?18:19
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rcritI didn't look at all of them, just nova and glance18:19
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martitia_I believe cinder users keystoneclient18:20
ayoungrcrit, and they do their own auth, right?18:20
ayoungmartitia_, thanks, good to know there is a precedent18:20
henrynashso chmouel and joeH seems to think they use the keystone auth class18:21
rcritIIRC they do a lot of their own username/password handling, for example18:21
rcritI was looking into how to add another auth protocol and it would have required updating each client separately18:21
bknudson1how do you pass --user-domain-id, --project-domain-id to the other clis?18:21
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ayoungbknudson1, do they even support those fields?18:22
bknudson1ayoung: not yet, but they'll have to to do v3 auth, right?18:22
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ayoungWe need to bring this up at the Overall meeting later on tonight18:22
ayoungdolphm_, is that OK?18:22
henrynashbknudson1, young: so I assume what has to happen is that they DO need change the command lines to get the new bits of auth info18:23
dolphm_ayoung: bring up what, exactly?18:23
rcritor one passes the parser to keystone, it adds the available auth options, and returns it18:23
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henrynash…but that they should be using the v2/client or access objects from keystone client….and they need to upgrade to using v318:23
bknudson1henrynash: they need to change, but should they be re-architected so that they get the options from keystoneclient18:23
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ayoungdolphm_, in order to do Kerberos or X509 client auth as part of, say, nova, we need to modify their CLIs.  They should be consuming Keystone client to do that.18:23
ayoungIt will take a cross-project effort18:24
henrynashbknudson1: oh, you want them to reuse keystone client to get the cli parameters as well (not just pass them to a keystone auth class)?18:24
dolphm_ayoung: until keystoneclient has a way to *allow* other clients to consume options and stuff from us, there's nothing to bring up18:24
ayoungYou can always do an explicit keystone token-get and pass that to the other CLIs.18:24
dolphm_henrynash: yeah, that's been on the community wishlist for a long time18:24
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bknudson1ayoung: good suggestion18:25
ayoungIs there a blueprint?18:25
bknudson1ayoung: I think Jamie Lennox recently started a bp18:25
ayoungbknudson1, heh, I meant for the common command line stuff18:26
dolphm_openstackclient might have something documented18:26
bknudson1dolphm_: ayoung: yes, that one.18:26
henrynashI'm concerned if we need to wait for parameter re-use before we get Grizzly features into the other cli clients18:26
ayoungdolphm_, so, if we do this, it is not going to be released on the Havana schedule anyway.  Is there any specific time gate to hit, or is it just "done when it is done"?18:27
dolphm_ayoung: clients are not held to the 6 month schedule18:27
ayoungdolphm_, right, and they don't have their own schedule, either, right?18:27
dolphm_ayoung: we've done at least two releases since grizzly shipped, for example, and i'd like to do another in the next week or two18:27
dolphm_ayoung: no18:28
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ayoungOK, so once we get something reasonable into Keystone, we can start working with one project at a time to get them up to speed on it18:28
dolphm_ayoung: ++18:28
henrynashdolphm_, ayoung: you mean, once we have v3 auth in keystone client….?18:28
ayounghenrynash, that, too18:29
bknudson1some of this could be done in parallel.18:29
dolphm_henrynash: yeah, i'd like to release keystoneclient 0.3.0 when that happens18:29
henrynashdolphm_: ++18:29
bknudson1keystoneclient could provide the cli options and we add v3 when ready18:29
ayoung#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/21942/18:29
ayoungIs that sufficient?18:29
dolphm_ayoung: i haven't done a full review, but yes.. when that merges and no one screams, i'll tag v0.3.018:30
henrynashdolphm_,a young: then I would suggest novaclient and glanceclient in that order18:30
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bknudson1I'm thinking we can merge 21942... I haven't looked at it since my last comment.18:30
ayoungSo if we make this work for Keystone client, we probably should do the work for Glance and Nova in parallel, to make sure that the code is organized to support them for Kerberso, etc.18:30
ayoungReady to move on, then?18:31
dolphm_bknudson1: to review that change, i'm just going to write something like sample_data.sh in python based on the v3 api18:31
ayoungdolphm_, +118:31
topolyay v3 samples18:32
ayoung#topic Using CADF for notification framework18:32
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dolphm_ayoung: i'd pick a single client to pick on integrating with first, and then once that merges, you can point all the other client contributors back to it and say "we want to do this to your client next"18:32
bknudson1dolphm_: I'll take a quick look at it again, too.18:32
ayoungdolphm_, sounds good18:32
topol+1 on CADF18:32
lbragstad#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ceilometer/blueprints/support-standard-audit-formats#Provide_support_for_auditing_events_in_standardized_formats18:33
mrutkowsHi, Matt Rutkowski here as bp submitter if there are any questions18:33
ayoungmrutkows, what will the impact be on Keystone?18:33
bknudson1so since we're looking at implementing notifications, seemed useful to have a standard format for the messages (e.g., CADF)18:33
ayoungThe wonderful thing about standards...18:34
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mrutkowsin the ref. blueprint, our Havana goal was to establish a notification path thru Ceilometer that would allow us to audit any openstack component's APIs, starting with Nova, but after connecting with Henry, Brant and Lance we see that our work could be used beyond just the Nova component...18:34
lbragstadwhcih would mean more oslo-incubator work18:34
mrutkowsWe understand that our filter would have to work with keystone as it has other things that may need to be logged18:35
ayoungmrutkows, so the primary thing I can think of that should be common is audit logging the policy layer18:35
ayoungI assume that would be done in common18:35
mrutkowsayoung, yes our goal would be to take the audit filter to common18:35
ayoungfor notifications like we are talking about in Keystone, where we want to tell other services that a project has been deactivated, does it apply?18:36
mrutkowsas soon as we veryf it works with keystone APIs18:36
ayoungmrutkows, so, what would have to change in Keystone?18:36
mrutkowsayoung, yes, in fact it was our hope to log/audit keystone / security events18:36
henrynashayoung, mrutkows: think you are talking at cross purposes on "common", I think young meant you modify the openstack/common/policy engine to log those events18:37
topolmrutkows, CADF just provides a common fomat. What does the actual notifying? ceilometer?18:37
dolphm_topol: +118:37
mrutkowsayoung, I need to work with Brant and Lance, but as long as we can remain a common middleware filter/notifier, hopefully nothing will need to change18:37
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ayoungtopol, I would think it would be "put a message in this format onto a specific queue" from Keystone's perspectiv18:38
lbragstadwouldn't the notifier have to be implemented in each project from oslo-incubator?18:38
mrutkowsthe CADF format is coded under Ceilometer and the audit middleware filter uses it and has an established "audit" message type18:38
dolphm_i'm confused on if this is a solution to supersede bp notifications or not18:38
ayoungmrutkows, please come up with a non-eventlet based approach.18:38
bknudson1dolphm_: I don't think it's superceding, it's picking the format for the notifications18:39
dolphm_or if this is just a desired format for notifications18:39
mrutkowsdolph, it is a normative standard format18:39
bknudson1because the blueprint doesn't specify a format18:39
mrutkowsthat other cloud providers or companies can also use18:39
dolphm_fair enough, but bp notifications currently blocked and won't land in havana, so what's the goal for discussion today?18:40
ayoungI think what I am concerned about is populating the fields of the log message.  If all of that can be deduced from a simple LOG.error, fine.  Need to parse that spec to see if the places we need to log will need  to provide additional info and where that info comes from18:40
ayoungmrutkows, in your experience, how hard is it to come up with the data for a log point?18:40
ayoungnotification point18:40
topolmrutkows, so what folks are trying to figure out is do they still have to use some queue capability and all you provide is a std format or do they leverare ceilometer to get the queue capability18:40
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mrutkowsayoung, happy to have a side call to review what CADF has in it18:40
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mrutkowsit is extensible18:41
topolcomes down to what can celilomter provide us infrastrcuture wise18:41
ayoungmrutkows, is is simple18:41
ayoungtopol, look at the link18:41
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ayoungWhat, when, Who, OnWhat, Where, FromWhere, ToWhere.18:41
ayoungI'm less worried about extending it as making is simple to fill out that data18:42
mrutkowsit was designed by security architects from many companies to be ISO/NIST audit compliant18:42
ayoungmrutkows, so a simple "how to guide" for that will be helpful.18:42
mrutkowsalong with other audit frameworks18:42
dolphm_topol: ++18:42
mrutkowsayoung, +100, need time...18:42
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topolayoung, just did. It mentions leveraging CADF. +1 on that. I was curious if ceilometer plays a role here or not. looks like no18:42
mrutkowsmy daughter gets married this weekend so am out for a week or so18:43
ayoungtopol, more likely Keystone produce events, and ceilometer plays middleman.18:43
ayoungMazel Tov18:43
topolmrutkows, congrats18:43
mrutkowsayoung, agree, the api path can be a good start18:43
gordcayoung, yep, ceilometer will just listen for the event notifications similar to how it does with other projects.18:43
topolayoung, agreed!18:44
mrutkowsand the notifier can be called apart from the filter18:44
ayoungOk...good stuff.  Moving on18:44
topoldo we have a BP thats shows how everything fits together?18:44
ayoung#topic Gyee's patch18:44
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ayoungyes, I am taking liberties, but we are running out of time18:44
ayoung#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/29021/18:44
gyeeayoung, the pluggable token one? sure I can break it up if you guys can't review that much code18:45
ayoungThis is, I think, pretty important to get in, but I have concerns about its, let say "reviewability"18:45
gyeejust have had the time the last few days18:45
ayoungof course18:45
gyeewhatever make you happy boss :)18:45
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bknudson1gyee: I started looking at it but it's hard to get enough time to get through it all.18:46
ayounggyee, so aside from any bug fixes that slipped in there, like the JSON policy one that can be split out stand alone18:46
gyeebknudson1, I can break it up into chunks as ayoung suggested18:46
ayoungI'd like to see the reordering that does no functionality change as a stand alone18:46
ayoungDoes't really matter the size so long as we can say "It should behave the same before as after"18:46
gyeeayoung, yeah, I will have to get the dependencies correct18:47
gyeelike v2 changes depends on v3 changes, etc18:47
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ayounggyee, sounds good.18:48
gyeeayoung, thanks for bring it up18:48
ayounggyee, I know jamielennox looked at it, in the context again of the Kerberos stuff, trying to make sure we only have to get it "right" at one point18:48
ayoung#topic Get /catalog behaviour in opt-out of service catalog blueprint18:49
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ayoung#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/catalog-optional18:49
dolphm_(i think i answered this one in the bp?)18:49
gyeeis everybody OK with requiring token for GET /catalog?18:49
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gyeesounds like an easy decision18:49
ayoungassigned to guang yee, but I suspect you do not have bandwith for it18:49
ayoungcan someone else p[ick it up?  topol?18:49
[1]fabioI am already working on it18:50
gyeeI know simo was having some concern last week about requiring token for GET /catalog18:50
topolayoung, what needs picked up?18:50
ayoungtopol, you too slow18:50
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gyeeayoung, fabio is working on it18:50
ayoung[1]fabio, status?18:50
gyeeI think he should have a review ready this week18:50
[1]fabioI have implemented the part that removes the catalog from the token request18:50
[1]fabioand I asked clarifications for the get /catalog part18:51
[1]fabioso now that we have consensus I will continue18:51
ayoungwhat is your launchpad id [1]fabio ?18:51
[1]fabiohopefully get something by next meeting18:51
ayoungI'll update the BP18:52
ayoung#topic High priority code reviews18:52
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ayoungRole assignment API w/ inheritance18:52
ayoung#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/29781/18:52
dolphm_(i'd like to make this a permanent feature on the meeting agenda, btw)18:52
atiwarinot a bad idea18:53
[1]fabioayoung: my full name in launch pad is Fabio Giannetti18:53
bknudson1is this just a list of reviews to look at?18:53
ayoungOK, so this one is getting attention. Anything more need to be said?18:53
henrynashso as everyone (should) know, this bp is the "stepping stone" one…assuming we can't get the whole "role assignment as a 1st class entity)_ in in time18:54
gyeehenrynash, I am fine with implementing the proposed APIs as extension for now and revisit role-assignment in icehouse18:54
atiwarigyee +118:54
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[1]fabiogyee +118:54
henrynashhowever, while this one might be ok as an extension, the other one probably should be core18:54
ayoung[1]fabio, you are officialy on the hook!18:54
ayounghenrynash, the other one being...18:55
[1]fabioayoung: Ok, thanks :-)18:55
atiwariyes, I think that one is aling with role-assignment18:55
henrynash#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/32394/18:55
henrynashthis is a replacement api for the two broken ones18:55
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henrynash…to find out what role assignments a user/project/domain has18:56
gyeehenrynash, +1 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/32394/18:56
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ayoungOK,  will look at both of them.  4 minutes remainint18:56
henrynashThis should be core, I think, (agreed the inheritance bit would only be active with the extesinsion)18:56
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gyeethat one is very useful18:56
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atiwarihenrynash +118:57
ayoung#topic Open discussion18:57
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bknudson1Does the keystone server advertise its version?18:57
gyeehenrynash, role-assignment or role_assignment?18:57
ayoungbknudson1, yes18:57
gyeedash or underscore18:57
bknudson1so that a user knows that /role-assignments is available?18:57
ayoungyou can get the versions from the / url18:57
henrynashgyee: hmm, good point18:58
ayoungwell, the version of the APIs that it supports18:58
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bknudson1so it'll say 3.1 in H?18:58
mordredso - weird 'bug' for you guys that I haven't really been able to sort out18:58
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dolphm_bknudson1: yes, GET /18:58
mordredapparently, attempting to run keystone unittests via tox on a  devstack node fails18:58
henrynashgyeeL your view?18:58
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mordredthat makes NO SENSE of course18:58
dolphm_gyee: dashes18:58
henrynashdolphm_, gyee: ok18:58
mordredbut I figured I'd toss it you guys' way in case anyone gets bored18:59
ayoungmordred, I'll look after the meeting18:59
gyeedolphm_, ok that's fine, just want to make sure18:59
mordredayoung: I can come up with zero reasons why it should matter18:59
bknudson1mordred: what fails?18:59
ayoungmordred, its code, not magic.  Much as they may appear similar18:59
gyeemordred, which bug?18:59
dolphm_mordred: details?18:59
henrynashgyee, dolphm_: ok, i;ll redraft both of those bps with the extension in mind for inheritance and the GEt role-assignments in core18:59
bknudson1fetching the old clients? that's a weird thing keystone does.19:00
ayoungBTW, I need a re-review of the LDAP Shim b gone patch, as I had to reduce it a little in scope upon rebase19:00
mordreddolphm_, bknudson1, ayoung, gyee: anteaya ran in to it19:00
gyeehenrynash, sounds good19:00
atiwarihow about /roleAssignment19:00
mordredand I dont think it fails anywhere obviously like fetchin gthings19:00
ayounghenrynash, bknudson1 gyee dolphm_, can you take a look19:00
atiwarino dash no underscore19:00
dolphm_https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1191999 ?19:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1191999 in keystone "unittests should not require internet access" [Undecided,New]19:00
mordredanteaya: have you filed a keystone bug about the test failures?19:00
ayoungah, henrynash alread -1ed.  Cool19:00
ayoungOK,  times up19:00
dolphm_atiwari: no19:00
lbragstadthanks all19:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jun 18 19:00:47 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2013/keystone.2013-06-18-17.59.html19:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2013/keystone.2013-06-18-17.59.txt19:00
bknudson1"unit tests should not require internet access"19:00
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2013/keystone.2013-06-18-17.59.log.html19:00
anteayano, I wasn't sure how to approach it, how should I approach it?19:00
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mordredanteaya: go bug dolphm_ and ayoung in #openstack-dev to follow up real quick and see what they'd like from you19:01
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anteayacan do19:01
clarkbinfra o/19:01
olaph  \19:02
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jeblair#startmeeting infra19:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun 18 19:02:16 2013 UTC.  The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:02
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jeblair#topic Rename of the project formerly known as mutnuaq (mordred)19:02
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mordredoh wow. I'm first19:02
mordredmarkmcclain: around yet?19:02
mordredso - mutnuaq has gotten names back from legal19:03
jeblair(the only action from last meeting has a this-meeting agenda item)19:03
mordredand we _believe_ they've picked a name19:03
mordredwhich means -19:03
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mordrednow we actually have to rename it19:03
jeblairoh man19:03
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mordredwhich, being mutnuaq, means it's WAY more complex than any rename we've ever done19:03
mordredbecause things consume it19:03
jlkforgot to waive earlier.19:03
* mordred waves at jlk19:04
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mordredmarkmcclain: how solid are we on that provisional name choice?19:04
mordredthat's so much closer than we were before19:04
mordredI think the first step is to do renames in the repos with compatibility packages19:05
fungihow ingrained is the old name beyond that project/client and devstack{,-gate} and infra/config? is it deeply embedded in other projects?19:05
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mordredfungi: nova consumes quantumclient at least19:05
clarkbmordred: can we just depend on both?19:05
mordredwell, the working idea19:05
clarkbthen after the switch remove the old name?19:05
mordredis in the current repos19:05
markmcclainnova is the big one.. I need to look over ceilometer and heat to double check19:06
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mordredadd do the package rename and then add a new package in the same repo19:06
mordredthat does a bunch of from newname import *19:06
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mordredin its __init__.py files19:06
sdaguegrep -r 'quantum' nova | grep '\.py:' | wc -l19:06
sdaguejust to get an idea of how much that name is in nova19:06
mordredso that then the dependent projects can start working on getting their renames done19:06
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jlkthat's going to be fun19:07
jlkgood opportunity for upstream commits :)19:07
mordredjlk: hehe19:07
mordredthen we'll need to schedule a gerrit renaming downtime19:07
sdagueplease tell me it's 7 characters?19:07
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* markmcclain counts19:07
sdagueso we aren't in pep819:07
sdaguewell, that's something :)19:08
mordredsort order might change slightly for hacking hell19:08
fungigrep -c ^.......$ /usr/share/dict/words19:08
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mordredquestion is -19:08
sdagueyeh, the imports will be one thing, at least it won't require massive reformatting though19:08
mordreddo we try to make devstack and destack-gate attempt to clone from both names?19:08
jlkoh yeah that would suck19:08
mordredor do we force-push changes to those when we do the rename?19:08
jeblairmordred: i'd rather force-push those changes19:09
* mordred too19:09
clarkbit creates a definitive switch point which is nice19:09
mordredI think the in-python trickery with double package names is enough trickery for one rename19:09
clarkband is simpler if you can live with a potentially broken gate over the shrot term19:09
fungii think that is the least complicated, even if it does mean possible breakage and subsequent manual patching to get going again19:09
mordredI'm assuming we shoudl schedule a non-trivial downtime - like, an assumption the gate may be down for a couple of hours while we sort it and make sure it's good to move forward19:10
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mordredBUT - I think we want the in-code renaming to be finished first, yeah?19:10
fungii suspect a couple hours is probably being optimistic19:10
jeblairand it would be good to have markmcclain and some core devs from other projects around to help during the maint window19:10
clarkbjeblair: yes19:11
markmcclainlet me know when I'll be around19:11
jeblairfungi: it's true that our test cycle is an hour, so it could take a while.19:11
fungiany project we might conceivably have to cram patches into should probably have representatives awake and responding19:11
jeblairmordred: i think that's a sensible way to proceed (code rename first)19:12
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jeblairmordred: i'm not sure it's necessary from a gating standpoint, but probably makes the most sense overall.19:12
mordredcool. so, markmcclain will come back to us when the code-level rename is done and we're ready to move forward with repo+devstack+devstack-gate rename?19:12
mordredjeblair: yeah. I mean, I'ts just one less thign to do that day19:13
mordredor, yeah, no, you're right19:13
mordredit could go in either order19:13
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jeblairmordred: but this way we won't ever produce a newthing tarball that only contains quantum19:13
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jeblairmordred: we'll be making quantum tarballs that are future-compat with newthing, and newthing tarballs that are backwards compat with quantum19:14
jeblairwhich seems nicer19:14
jeblairand possibly able to accomadet problems we're not anticpating.  :)19:14
mordredthis is going to be a fun one19:14
jeblairmordred: eot?19:15
mordredI think that's all I had, yeah19:15
jeblairyay a plan!19:15
jeblair#action markmcclain will come back to us when the code-level rename is done and we're ready to move forward with repo+devstack+devstack-gate rename19:15
jeblair#topic Asterisk (jeblair, reed)19:16
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jeblairi don't think reed can make the meeting19:16
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jeblairbut i think he's becomming more keen on having an asterisk server19:16
fungihe did seen rather cool with the idea19:16
fungier, seem19:16
jeblairfor: (a) user-group remote participation19:16
jeblair(b) summit remote participation19:17
jeblair(c) foundationy things19:17
jeblair(the usual conf call sorts of things -- a conference call resource like the eclipse foundation has)19:17
fungiso... what was the scale of conference call you were on with eclipse foundation folks? tens? hundreds?19:17
jeblairfungi: tens19:17
jlkoh we've done that before in Fedora infrastructure19:17
jlk(ran an Asterisk server)19:17
jlkit had very low participation19:17
mordredbut it was SO CLEAR19:17
clarkbjeblair: I could even see it being useful when freenode is having a hard time :)19:18
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fungiclarkb: that's what oftc is for ;)19:18
mordredjlk: did you have regular conference calls and people chose to use something else?19:18
mordredjlk: or just people didn't care to make voice calls?19:18
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jlkmordred: people didn't care to make voice calls19:19
jlkand there were a lot of codec and mute and echo problems19:19
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jeblairso maybe we should send an email to the infra list and see if folks want to chime in on setting one up?19:20
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jlkWhile not OSS, at work we use Team Speak. Seems to be much better voice quality, and push to talk was pretty important19:21
clarkbjeblair: ++ I have a feeling that folks like pabelanger would be interested19:21
clarkband I think there are many of us that don't have the bandwidth for that right now19:21
mordredjlk: jeblair and I were on a call with eclpse foundation the other day19:21
mordredjlk: and it was literally the clearest conference call I've ever been on19:21
fungifor use cases a and b this is basically conference/speaker phone allowing remote participation with the in-room conversations, and in a way that is less bandwidth-intensive and nonfree/proprietary than g* hangouts19:21
jlkyeah it can be awesome19:21
jeblairit was beatiful19:21
mordredSO much better than HP's conference call system19:21
jlkthis was a few years ago though, so some of these problems may be better19:21
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jlkAlso, the VOIP client set may be better these days. Back then on Linux it wasn't a great set of choices19:22
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jlkand communicating the settings for those clients was … fun. That all said, all this could be better, I'm not going to be a Debbie Downer ;)19:23
fungimy voice client of choice is a telephone anyway19:23
mordredyeah. I was dialed in to the asterisk server with my cell phone19:23
fungibut understood that voip software is a nice addition19:23
jeblairjlk: yeah, and i think with webrtc, we can have an in-browser client19:24
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jeblairjlk: which i think will be especially good for the remote-listening case.19:24
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jeblairmordred: i was dialed in on a SIP phone through my asterisk server over POTS  :)19:25
jeblairmordred: but that's just because i didn't notice their SIP url until right before the call.19:26
* mordred imagines opening iax ports for jeblair's asterisk server so we can all get to him by dialing a special extension on the foundation server19:26
fungiokay, so basically we bug pabelanger and... who else? was Ryan_Lane the other person expressing interest in helping with it?19:26
jeblairfungi: russellb was19:26
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* fungi recalibrates his branes19:27
jeblairi asked the eclipse folks about their voip provider, so i have their recommendations there19:27
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mordredbecause their provider was great19:27
jeblairyeah, there are a lot of bad ones out there, so having a good one to start with should be a huge benefit19:28
russellbyep, happy to help with some asterisk config19:28
russellbat least manual config ... i would be a n00b at puppetizing it19:28
jeblairperhaps pabelanger has some puppet laying around19:28
russellbhe does19:28
fungirussellb: i think pabelanger said he already had soe19:28
jlkFedora project probably still has some puppet laying around in a git repo somewhere too19:28
jeblair#action jeblair start a ml thread about asterisk19:28
jlkages old19:29
jeblairjlk: if you can find that, i'd love to see it19:29
fungijlk: awesome! we use ages old puppet ;)19:29
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russellband if there's anyone really keen on learning asterisk, i can hook you up with a PDF of the book19:29
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russellbjust msg me19:29
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jeblairrussellb: thanks!19:30
jeblair#topic Progress on reviewing git web interfaces (pleia2)19:30
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jeblair#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/118217919:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1182179 in openstack-ci "Create a git.openstack.org mirror system" [Low,Triaged]19:30
pleia2right, so last week we talked about evaluating some git web things19:31
pleia2I took some notes here:19:31
pleia2#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/git-118217919:31
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pleia2I think we don't want gitlab, it has all kinds of stuff we really don't need, pretty much tries to be an open source github19:31
pleia2which leaves us with cgit, gitblit or just same old gitweb19:32
jlknot gitweb19:32
pleia2so my question is - what is it we want exactly that gitweb is failing us with?19:32
jlkcgit has been the better performing tool19:32
jlkwith Fedora repos, gitweb would just stall out and crash servers19:32
pleia2cgit is very compelling, but I don't know if it lacks features people want19:33
mordreddoes cgit work now without libgit?19:33
mordredlike, wasn't there a time where it was impossible to package because it used non-supported git internal apis?19:33
jlkgood question19:33
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jeblairi added https://git.kernel.org/cgit/ to the etherpad as a demo for cgit19:33
pleia2jeblair: thanks19:33
* mordred believes that's the reason we did not switch to cgit when the guy from libreoffice suggested it a while back19:34
pleia2mordred: I don't know19:34
mordredI like the cgit index page, btw19:34
jlkthat's Fedora's19:34
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mordredit's not in ubuntu19:34
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jeblairooh it's prettier19:34
jlkFedora switched it it in…. 2011 or so19:34
jeblair(fedora's cgit)19:34
jeblairthough i don't know why there are a bunch of numbers at the bottom19:35
pleia2gitblit isn't packaged either, so I think either one will have challenges (though we do have WMF folks to poke about gitblit, since they use it)19:35
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jeblairoh those are pages.19:35
jlkFedora has it in Fedora releases and CentOS19:35
clarkbwe could potentially use centos + epel then19:35
dprincewe almost have Fedora slaves *in the mix*.19:35
mordredgood point19:35
dprinceJust one postgres module issue that I know off but that wouldn't effect this...19:36
jlkI don't see any libgit deps here http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/rpminfo?rpmID=403436919:36
mordredI'm ok with using it if there are packages from someone19:36
uvirtbotDebian bug 515793 in wnpp "RFP: cgit -- C-code Web Front-end to GIT" [Wishlist,Open]19:36
jlkthen again, I don't see any requirements on git itself either. wat19:36
mordredI do like the org groupings in the kernel.org index page19:36
mordredyeah. looks like the outstanding issue is the "this requires git internals to work" one19:37
jeblairmordred: reading down to the end, i think they're okay with creating a cgit package from the git source, but there's no volunteer to mantain it.  :(19:38
mordredI seem to remember this is where we stalled last time19:38
jlkI would just suggest using the EPEL packages19:39
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jlksince that's what Fedora is doing, shared interest in keeping them working.19:39
jlkalso likely what kernel.org is doing19:39
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mordredyeah. I mean, we at least know there are other folks looking at it19:40
* fungi wonders if red hat are bundling a private copy of libgit in the package19:40
jlkfungi: I doubt it19:40
jlkwe're pretty uptight about that kind of thing19:41
jlkbut you can easily clone and find out!19:41
mordredI mean, gitblit does have going for it that wikimedia run it too, and all the rest of our stuff is identical19:41
pleia2mordred: yeah19:41
fungigitblit does have a lot of sparkle, for sure19:41
clarkbmordred: also lucene but that may not be useable without a lot fo work19:41
jeblairrss feeds19:41
jlkor rather browse http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/cgit.git/19:41
jlkoh geez19:42
jeblairmy inclination is to use cgit unless we feel we really need something gitblit provides19:42
jlkwelp, I'm wrong19:42
jlkthat spec has both the git source and the cgit source19:42
jlkand it uses both to build the package.19:42
fungilooks like... yeah19:42
pleia2we spoke with Ryan_Lane and ^demon about some of their gitblit problems and it didn't sound very pleasant19:42
pleia2re: searching, lucene19:43
jeblairi doubt the activity stats will be compelling for us since we have at least 3 entire programs around trying to get meaningful stats19:43
jeblairand we have an rss feed thing too.19:43
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mordredjeblair: I thnk we're up to 4 stats programs now19:44
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jeblairi think the most likely thing from gitblit we'd be interested in using is the searching.19:44
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mordred5. I count five19:44
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jeblairand it doesn't sound like we're actually interested in dealing with those problems right now.  :)19:44
fungialways room for a sixth! (seventh? eighth?!?)19:44
mordredjeblair: ++19:44
jeblairso maybe lets focus on cgit then?19:44
pleia2fixing search is something ^demon at WMF is looking at, but it's low on his priority list19:44
fungiyeah i'm leaning toward cgit as well, based on the options19:44
mordredfungi: don't make too many jokes, I know of an unannounced sixth19:44
mordredfungi, jeblair: ++19:44
mordredcgit on centos/fedora then?19:45
pleia2I can spin up cgit on a centos hpcloud instance to test how it goes19:45
clarkbcgit on centos/fedora sounds fine to me (with a preference for centos)19:45
fungithat sounds reasonable. we can already use the launch script to do centos with no further tweaking19:45
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fungisince we build centos unit test slaves with it now19:46
pleia2fungi: ah, coolo19:46
jlkI've already stated my opinion, but I'll state it again, cgit on centos is where I'd go.19:46
pleia2thanks jlk19:46
mordredjlk: looks like you won this time19:47
jeblairsounds good to me19:47
jlkcrap, now you're going to make me do it aren't you?19:47
fungicurses. and gitweb would have gotten away with it too if it weren't from you meddling kids19:47
pleia2haha ++19:47
pleia2ok, how do we want to action this forward?19:47
* fungi can't type. sigh19:47
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jeblairpleia2: do you want to continue working on it?  work with jlk?  give the whole project to jlk? :)19:48
fungipleia2: i would suggest getting a skeleton for the server in puppet and i'll be happy to spin up a vm for that19:48
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jeblairi think the next step is to merge a change that defines the host, then we spin it up, then we reconfig gerrit to replicate there19:48
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jeblairas fungi said.  :)19:48
pleia2ok, I'll get it rolling and ask jlk for help :)19:49
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jlkyup, I'll lend whatever hand I can19:50
fungithe gerrit replication part is fairly trivial. we'll also want some fancy rewrites on review.o.o to punch its gitweb links that direction19:50
jlkwhich may mostly be asking my Fedora contacts how they did whatever.19:50
jeblair#action pleia2, jlk make git.openstack.org exist19:50
clarkbfungi: I think you can do that in the gerrit config too19:50
pleia2jlk: great, thank you19:50
fungioh, even better19:50
jeblairclarkb, fungi: yeah, we'll have gerrit just link there directly19:50
fungias long as it's flexible enough to be able to build the urls cgit expects, sounds ideal19:51
fungior other way around (cgit smart enough to handle gitweb queries)19:51
mordredjeblair: do you know if it's possible to make gerrit's fetch links redirect there too?19:51
mordredjeblair: would be neat if the fetch/pull/cherry-pick stuff gave people git.o.o links19:52
jeblairmordred: i don't know, but that may be overkill19:52
jeblairmordred: i doubt they get used all that often19:53
jeblair#topic open discussion19:53
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fungii know i only use them when i want to check out a change on a machine where i don't have git-review19:54
fungibut maybe there are lots of people who don't use git-review or don't know about its -d option19:54
clarkblogstash.opensatck.org is now reverse proxying a subset of the elasticsearch API so that sdague (and hopefully others) can do programmatic search queries19:54
jeblairhey, so zuul is using gearman to send jobs to jenkins now19:54
clarkbyou can hit that with a base url of http://logstash.openstack.org/elasticsearch/19:54
clarkbjeblair: \o/19:55
mordredjeblair: woot!19:55
jeblairclarkb: we can use that to write something that searches logstash for queries embedded in launchpad bugs19:55
mordreddavidlenwell is working on an owncloud server19:55
clarkbjeblair: yup19:55
fungioh, some progress on the py3k testing. dprince made an awesome pip3 puppet package provider which i was able to get working on precise with the help of zul's ppa19:55
jeblairclarkb: to auto-identify new instances of bugs we know about.  that'll be neat.19:55
jlkso,this NY bootstrap thing19:56
pleia2as I told the triplo folks yesterday, lxc-based testing is going well, hopefully just hunting down the final gremlins19:56
zaromordred: is there anything we need to do to prepare for training next week?19:56
mordredjlk: yup?19:56
jlkmordred: can you tell us more, and what will happen on each day?19:56
mordredI don't know that jeblair and I have gotten that far in the planning yet19:56
jlkI could probably get funding to go for one day, but it'd be a tough sell, and I"d have to fly home that night on a red eye or something19:56
pleia2mordred, jeblair - let me know if you need help with anything19:57
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mordredjeblair: we shoudl probably brainstorm what we think the general structure is going to be at least19:57
fungijlk: where are coming from?19:57
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jeblairmordred: yes, i think we can do that19:58
jlkfungi: Seattle19:58
jlklong ass flight, I'm --- not likely going to come19:58
mordredzaro: and I don't know that we've identified any homework needed - I think I'm assuming there will be at least one person there who has never heard of anything we do19:58
jeblairmordred: i can work with you on that today or thursday.19:58
fungijlk: oof, yeah that's a rough day trip19:58
mordredjeblair: let's say thursday19:58
clarkbI can help thursday too if you need more brains/eyes19:58
jlkI've done the boot strap thing with clarkb a couple months ago, that's probably sufficient19:58
fungijlk: since you're in seattle you can likely convince the locals there to rehash for you after19:59
mordredjlk: indeed. it'll probably be largely like that except with more people19:59
clarkbyeah we had a good short brain dump thing at linuxfest NW19:59
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jlkok, I feel better about missing it.19:59
jlkI've been wanting an excuse to get to NY, but not for just one day19:59
jeblairjlk: yeah, i think it might be redundant, so don't worry about it.19:59
mordredo hai CaptTofu19:59
fungiand that's time ;)20:00
CaptTofuheya mr. mordred20:00
zarojlk: come to convention center if you want more. but definately more fun in NY.20:00
ttxjeblair: time to close :)20:00
jeblairthanks everyone!20:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jun 18 20:00:23 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)20:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2013/infra.2013-06-18-19.02.html20:00
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openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2013/infra.2013-06-18-19.02.txt20:00
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2013/infra.2013-06-18-19.02.log.html20:00
ttxWho is around for the TC meeting ?20:00
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ttxrussellb, jd__, markmc, annegentle, mikal, markwash, jgriffith, markmcclain: around ?20:01
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russellbmissing two?20:01
ttxmissing jd__ annegentle mikal markwash20:02
russellb2, 4, same thing20:02
ttx#startmeeting tc20:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun 18 20:02:46 2013 UTC.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.20:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'20:02
* mordred saw annegentle around earlier20:03
ttxthey are all on channel so hopefully they will join... except markwash20:03
mordredttx: you don't hope markwash will join? that's rude20:03
ttxvishy: if he is sitting anywhere near you send something on him20:03
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vishyno he isn't20:03
ttxAgenda for today is at:20:03
ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/TechnicalCommittee20:04
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ttx#topic Special motion: TC membership evolution to All-directly-elected model20:04
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ttxFollowing the Condorcet poll and the discussion on openstack-dev, I finally drafted a special motion about moving to an "All-directly elected 13" model20:04
ttx#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-June/010255.html20:04
ttxThere were no comments or objections on the thread, so I guess we are ready to vote ?20:05
ttx(ready, or bored to death about it)20:05
russellbready here.20:05
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markmcready, steady20:05
ttxAs this is a special motion, we need 10 "yes" for this to pass. Abstaining (or not being present) is basically the same as voting "no"20:05
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annegentleI'm here20:06
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ttxhere he is20:06
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ttxso just missing jd__ and mikal20:06
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markwashsorry folks, traffic and getting a bit lost in wine country20:06
ttxlet's try this20:06
mordredI always get lost in wine country20:06
jgriffithmarkwash: :)  good place to get lost20:06
gabrielhurleymarkwash: your life is so hard.20:06
ttx#startvote Accept "TC membership evolution to All-directly-elected model" special motion? yes, no, abstain20:06
openstackBegin voting on: Accept "TC membership evolution to All-directly-elected model" special motion? Valid vote options are yes, no, abstain.20:06
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.20:06
ttxHopefully the last vote we'll have on this question :)20:07
russellb#vote yes20:07
mordred#vote yes20:07
ttx#vote yes20:07
dolphm_#vote yes20:07
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jgriffith#vote yes20:07
gabrielhurley#vote abstain20:07
shardy#vote yes20:07
markmc#vote yes20:07
annegentle#vote yes20:07
markwash#vote yes20:07
CaptTofumordred: and whisky country20:07
notmyname#vote abstain20:07
markmcclain#vote abstain20:07
annegentlewhisky shivers20:07
vishy#vote yes20:07
ttxI think all present voted20:08
jd__#vote yes20:08
jd__sorry a bit late20:08
openstackVoted on "Accept "TC membership evolution to All-directly-elected model" special motion?" Results are20:08
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openstackyes (11): markmc, ttx, vishy, shardy, jd__, markwash, annegentle, russellb, jgriffith, mordred, dolphm_20:08
openstackabstain (3): gabrielhurley, notmyname, markmcclain20:08
ttxjd__: wow, just in time20:08
mordredjd__: impressive20:08
ttxso we have an approval.20:08
markmcwe do20:08
russellbthanks everyone20:09
markmcnow we have to make it work :)20:09
ttxAwesome. next topic.20:09
mordredmarkmc: ++20:09
ttx#topic Incubation request for Designate: initial discussion20:09
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jgriffithmarkwash: :)20:09
mordredmarkmc: here's hoping it works well so that we never have to talk about it again!20:09
markmcmordred, indeed20:09
jgriffithmordred: +120:09
ttxmordred: +120:09
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ttxSo we are reviewing the incubation request for Designate, formerly known as Moniker.20:09
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ttx#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-tc/2013-June/000266.html20:09
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ttxFor this week we'll ask preliminary questions and give the Designate crew time to address them before we vote on the next meeting20:10
ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Designate_Incubation_Application20:10
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ttxIs Kiall around ?20:10
ttxcool, let's fire questions20:10
* ttx has one20:11
ttxKiall2: You mention that you have a "framework in place to integrate with Nova and Quantum notifications"...20:11
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ttxand that you will add "functionality to utilize designate-sink to process events from Nova and Quantum"20:11
ttxCould you elaborate on that plan ? What is the timeframe for that ?20:11
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Kiall2So, that statement ia somewhat out of date. Currently, we can receive and process nova and quantum events to trigger dns changes20:12
Kiall2We auppprt20:12
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ttxKiall2: auppprt?20:12
mordredttx: I'm going to guess he meant support20:12
Kiall2We support plugins to customize the exact behaviour20:12
ttxmordred: you're good at this. Must be some kind of HP lingo20:13
Kiall2Apologies - on a phone.. stuck half way home20:13
mordredKiall2: does that mean that, in theory, "nova boot monty.foo.com" could actually get me a server whos IP is properly configured in DNS?20:13
Kiall2Mordred, yea.. thats possible20:13
dolphm_that would be cool20:13
mordredthat would make me the happiest person ever20:13
mordredif HP and Rackspace do not both implement that20:14
mordredI will physically kill people20:14
ttxKiall2: you receive those events through designate-sink ? Or tat's not available yet ?20:14
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Kiall2The default plugins create ip-n-n-n-n.bla.com20:14
dolphm_mordred: i'll help you get in the building20:14
Kiall2Yes, through sink which is available today20:14
ttxKiall2: ok, good20:14
ttxSo it looks like Designate has two roles: pure DNSaaS in the same way we have Trove to do RDBaaS... but it can also be consumed internally to do smart record updates ?20:15
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simonmccttx: that's correct20:16
Kiall2Absolutely - we aim to support end user and internal dns needs20:16
mordredwell, the two would go hand in hand, right? a customer would "own" a domain - and then they could either update an entry via a direct API call, or nova/quantum could do an update for them, right?20:16
gabrielhurleyWhat is the plan for expanding/integrating your documentation? I spend a good bit of time talking to someone who was evaluating Designate last week (unrelated to incubation) and he expressed concerns that the only docs he could find tended to suggest needlessly complicated or inadvisable patterns that clearly fit very specific deployment cases (probably HP-internal requirements). I think this is an area where great docu20:17
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ttxmordred: sure, but that makes it an interesting candidate. Somewhere between our "supporting cast" category (think ceilometer) and the "IaaS++" style (think Trove)20:17
Kiall2So, i'll be the first to admit our documentation needs work. Lots of work.20:18
CaptTofuI will chime in and say that we on the team will certainly be filling in documentation where needed.20:18
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annegentlegabrielhurley: thanks for not making me point it out :)20:18
markmcKiall2, you're the only person to merge more than 5 commits in the last 6 months - does that concern you?20:18
annegentlethough I will say I was unable to get Rackspace to give them source for API docs20:18
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russellbconcerns me ... i'd definitely like to see a more sustainable dev community around it before it was integrated, at least20:19
mordredKiall2: and along with markmc, I see Ryan_lane listed - but do we have any good support from non-HP?20:19
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Kiall2Markmc: Yes, and no. We've not puahed hard enough for mpre involvement20:20
mordredand has there been any word from RAX on interest in moving their DNSaaS to Designate?20:20
annegentleKiall2: what mordred said20:20
markmcclainI'm concerned about community size as well20:20
CaptTofumordred: at the conference they were very interested20:20
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Kiall2Yes, we had a conversation at the summit20:20
mordredok. that's good20:20
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Kiall2But - Im noy sure what was said in confidence.20:21
CaptTofumordred: I need to reach out to their PM about that20:21
mordredI agree with what russellb says - I'd want to see real movement on dev community as a graduation requirement20:21
ttxYeah, I think Designate makes sense from scope and architecture perspective. The most concerning aspect would be dev community expansion20:21
mordredCaptTofu: well, I'd like to see that engagement happen in the openstack context, rather than as HP employee to Rackspace PM20:21
russellbare there any other projects out there that do this same thing?20:21
Kiall2Mordred, i would be happy with that condition20:21
notmynameI'm not sure abut the scope question, but I'm still trying to formulate thoughts20:22
Kiall2Russellb: yes, but nothing as complete20:22
mordredCaptTofu: although if you need to jumpstart that interaction with some phone calls, then go for it20:22
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CaptTofumordred: exactly, and some of that has just been the extreme business :) Agree.20:22
Kiall2Nova-dns from griddynamics for one20:22
CaptTofumordred: will do.20:22
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mordredKiall2: any thoughts from griddynamics about working together?20:22
* mordred is thinking some of these folks might be waiting for designate to become incubated before jumping on board. sigh20:23
Kiall2We talked 2 summits ago.. it wasnt ovely productive20:23
mordredKiall2: was that due to technical differences?20:23
russellbany expected major rework / redesign as a result of recent testing?20:23
mordrednotmyname: yeah. I'm with you. on the one hand "DNS" seems like decently clear scope. on the other hand - it's DNS, which means it can be anything...20:24
ttxmordred: indeed. That's one case where we might need to incubate early and integrate later, to give more time for community coalescence20:24
Kiall2There was 2 options, and they disappeared after a vote that didnt choose their option20:24
Kiall2Russelb: im eyeing up a v2 api.. but nothing concrete yet.20:24
jd__I know people interested in Designate but many are still coping with other OpenStack components at this point :)20:25
gabrielhurley"coping with OpenStack". ha.20:25
notmynamemordred: I'm concerned that DNSaaS as described should maybe be a subset of nova functionality, and "DNS" is something that should be in an overall "data delivery" project (IMO the current biggest gat in openstack)20:25
markwashKiall2: the "create a server" part of the api. . that's not actually instantiating a dns server, is it? its just registering an existing powerdns or other dns server that is already running, correct?20:26
mordrednotmyname: gat?20:26
ttxgap ?20:26
* mordred tried to fill "gate" in there, and got very confused20:26
Kiall2Markwash, down the line users will be able to create private dns servers20:26
russellbin fact, mikal has patches in progress to do that in nova20:26
Kiall2Today, they provide the NS records for zones.20:27
annegentleso how do people do this now?20:27
mordredKiall2: why would a person want a private dns server?20:27
mordredKiall2: rather than control of zone file entries?20:27
Kiall2Internal zones "dev.local" etc20:27
mordredannegentle: well, I use rackspace dnsaas :)20:27
mordredKiall2: gotcha20:27
markwashnotmyname: intriguing. . can you expand a little on DNS in a "data delivery" project?20:27
mordredKiall2: so sort of like for people using quantum to create private envs20:27
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annegentlewithin nova somehow?20:28
creihtor what is a "data delivery" project?20:28
ttxmarkwash: maybe notmyname means DNSaaS as just another form of DBaaS20:28
ttxsince that's what it is, after all20:29
notmynamettx: there isn't anything in openstack that does edge delivery or anything beyond internal-DC routing. I think we are missing something in the "networking" pillar of the project (compute, storage, networking), and DNS IMO seems to fit more in that gap20:29
* creiht looks forward to the offical openstack cron as a service20:29
mordredannegentle: for OpenStack CI - it's two different api calls for us. We do "nova boot jenkins.openstack.org" then we do "raxdns add jenkins.openstack.org IP_ADDR" or something20:29
sdaguehonestly, given how incredibly useful I've found linode dns with an API to be used beyond guests I have there, I think DNSaaS is completely legitimate as a stand alone20:29
Kiall2Annrgentile: yes, i rhink it would boot instances for private dns servers20:29
mordredsdague: ++20:29
ttxnotmyname: oh, I see20:29
notmynamebut I'm not sure I agree that DNSaaS as described (and I'm still working on figuring out what it means) should be a top-level project20:29
* mordred finds clouds without dns services to be highly unusable20:29
notmynamemordred: I agree20:29
notmynameI'm not commenting on the usefulness of DNS20:30
mordredtotally. yeah - it's about placement20:30
ttxnotmyname: we don't really have "top-level projects". Do you mean "core" or "integrated" ? I'd agree that it's not meant to become "core" with my current understanding of that20:30
notmynameactually, one thing I would like to read is what DNSaaS actually does? how is it more than an API to BIND? or service hooks in nova? or deploying BIND servers on nova instances?20:31
ttxor that it could be made part of quantum/nova/trove instead ?20:31
mordredI think to me it feels 'top level' due to organization. it needs to interact bi-directionally with nova and quantum and its own user-facing stuf potentially20:31
sdaguettx: from a nova perspective, I don't think any of us want more scope pushed into nova20:31
mordredbut that could purely be bias based on past usage experience20:31
sdaguewe've been trying hard to spin scope out, re: cinder / ironic20:31
russellbdoes it do anything for actual setting up of dns servers?20:31
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jgriffithsdague: +120:31
russellbor is that left as an exercse to the deployer?20:32
notmynamettx: sorry. "top level" as integrated20:32
ttxsdague: indeed, and now projects should be free to cover whatever scope is most appropriate20:32
Kiall2Notmyname: So, we started simple. API to control DNS20:32
markwashDNSaaS in Designate seems to be offering a generic-ish HTTP api for controlling a cluster of DNS servers. . in my limited experience i haven't found good tools for manipulating DNS entries through a generic api20:32
sdaguemarkwash: +120:32
mordredalso, integrated with keystone auth20:32
Kiall2Over time, more complex and involved features will be added.20:32
clarkbMerging Designate with nova, quantum, or some other core projects kills the usefulness of a designate install outside of the context of OpenStack20:33
notmynamecool. that sounds useful (I hadn't seen a simple description like that in the docs I read yet)20:33
mordredwhich is important in terms of tenant ownership of namespaces20:33
russellbKiall2: are those "future features" documented on your application?20:33
markwashif I'm right (my experience is super limited!), DNSaaS isn't like DBaaS because DBaaS presumes that there is already an appropriate data api for controlling things (like SQL)20:33
sdagueyour only real option in that space is basically samba4, which has it's own goofiness20:33
russellbah, i see some future release plans ..20:33
markwashs/controlling things/CRUD/20:33
mordredsdague: zomg. can we have Samba4aaS?20:33
Kiall2Russelb: No - were hoping the community will help there!20:34
mordredKiall2: you are the community20:34
russellbKiall2: ok, you just said "in the future we can add more advanced stuff", so curious what you had in mind.  if you don't have anything in mind, that's fine.20:34
sdaguemordred: and turn everything in openstack into activedirectory, sounds awesome :)20:34
russellbit's ok to be feature complete, too.20:34
creihtmordred: isn't that basically filesystem as a service, which some of the SAN guys are trying to get going?20:34
russellbcreiht: mordred yeah, i think that may be starting to move again ..20:35
Kiall2Russelb: geoip, weighted round robin, active failover, private dns servers etc20:35
CaptTofurusselb: certainly more dns server backends20:35
mordredKiall2: also, I was just poking the trove guys about this - but consider cross-cloud things too20:35
mordredKiall2: such as people who run a single thing (openstack.org) on multiple clouds20:36
CaptTofumordred: you mean compatibility with route 49 or somesuch?20:36
* mordred may be filing feature requests now20:36
mordredCaptTofu: nope. I do not care about amazon at all20:36
Kiall2Mordred: please do!(20:36
mordredCaptTofu: I mean that it's possible that resources may be spun up on mulitple independent clouds20:36
ttxIs there anything missing from the incubation request which you'd like to see precised before the vote next week ?20:36
CaptTofumordred: gotcha20:36
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mordredand some of our newer projects (heat, trove, designate) sit in places where they can either help or kill interop20:37
mordredone does not expect a single VM to run on two clouds20:37
mordredone MIGHT want a single orchestration engine to spin up vms and dns entries that span clouds20:37
clarkbmordred: ++20:37
mordreds/one might want/the openstack infra team absolutely wants/20:38
annegentlettx: yes, future feature vision, also a doc plan20:38
Kiall2Sure, DNS works best with geo distributed servers.. multi cloud fita there.20:38
mordredin any case - that's future direction :)20:38
mordredjust make sure that makes it into a plan even if local product managers don't care please20:38
russellbi would also put out a call for who would be interested in helping20:38
ttxannegentle: there is /some/ info about future features on the incubation request. Expand that ?20:38
russellbwe were sort of guessing earlier that maybe the low level of contribution was people waiting for it to be incubated, but no reason to wait20:39
markwashttx: no extra precision needed for me, but I'm really interested in fitting DNSaaS into our project lineup in the "right" way, in a technical & UX sense20:39
markwashbasically, interested in further pursuing lines of thinking like notmyname was proposing20:39
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annegentlettx: under Future release plans there's no geo, round robin, active failover mentioned20:39
russellbmarkwash: that would be good to see on the ML this week20:39
creihtis loadbalancers going to stay in quantum (or whatever it is named now)20:39
russellbi'd like to hear more ...20:39
markwashrussellb: +120:39
creihtif that is the case, any reason why dns should also go there?20:40
annegentlettx: unless I'm not mapping terms to terms correctly20:40
jdbarry_mordred: noted re: fitting into future plan (from a local PM)20:40
mordredjdbarry_: thank you20:40
notmynameI'd love to see DNS integration as a feature bullet point of something larger in scope (like a CDN). I still don't understand the need for a REST API to a DNS server (or at least the need for that functionality to be an openstack project in and of itself)20:40
jd__creiht: problems of different levels20:40
mordrednotmyname: the rest api part I totally get20:41
mordrednotmyname: as a rampant user of it currently20:41
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mordrednotmyname: but looking at context of larger scoped things is also very intruiging20:42
mordrednotmyname: primary - if it's not got a public rest interface, then I can't piggyback my current keystone auth token and associate actions I'm taking with my tenant account20:42
ttxannegentle: no, it could definitely use a bit more vision, I agree20:42
mordredand if I can't do that, then I'm a sad panda20:43
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Kiall2Apologies - disconnected for a min there. Any outstanding Q's?20:43
russellbsounds like there's some stuff worth spawning off to the ML ...20:44
ttxcreiht: that question was raised in the thread and answered by Kiall @ http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-June/010162.html20:45
russellbmore discussion of how DNS might fit into something larger scope (notmyname), mainly20:45
Kiall2Russelb, I'll review the loga and readdress eveything on the ML20:45
mordredKiall2: I think further work on clarifying future scope20:45
russellbKiall2: yeah, was going to suggest that, good20:45
creihtttx: thx20:45
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ttxOK, I think we can let the discussion continue on the ML this week. And we'll see if we are ready to decide at next week meeting, or if we need more time20:46
CaptTofuI would only add having an API for DNS might be seen in a way of why it's useful for any other service that is often used and fits into cloud topology.20:47
Kiall2Russelb, so DNS fits everywhere20:47
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markwashCaptTofu: does not fempute20:47
CaptTofuDNS server agnosticism20:47
Kiall2Keystone catalog alternative, CDN, compute instance addressing, SSH fingerprint validation20:47
Kiall2There are potential tie ins all over the place, which makes if dofficult to pick a few!20:48
ttxUnless you have more questions, we can switch to Open discussion now (which may still be on this same topic)20:48
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Kiall2Thanks all :)20:49
CaptTofumuch thanks to all!20:49
ttx#topic Open discussion20:49
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mordrednow that the TC elections vote is done, is it appropriate for me to do a motion for next week about making tripleo a program like oslo?20:49
ttxyes, we should start the discussion on "programs" soon, now that the membership evolution discussion is out of the way20:49
mordreddo we need to have a general programs discussion20:50
ttxmordred: I'd rather define what a "program" is first, no ?20:50
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mordredI'd actually rather not, tbh20:50
markmca program is a project with multiple repos?20:50
mordredbecause I think we'll rathole on it for 9 months and drive everyone crazy20:50
markmcmaybe discuss what tripleo as a program would mean20:50
markmcwould help clarify the idea of programs a bit more20:50
mordredmarkmc: technically, a thing with outcomes in mind, rather than specific products20:51
ttxThe sticky points are, programs still need to be proposed/approved because they will bring ATC status20:51
mordredmarkmc: so, oslo's is to reduce duplication of common effort across openstack20:51
mordredmarkmc: tripleo's is to do what's needed to make openstack able to boot openstack20:51
ttxbut yes, can be a rather lose definition20:51
mordredin both cases, this can result in separate code20:51
mordredor it can result in patches to existing projects20:51
ttxmordred: but I'd rather determine what is currently already a "program" before discussing of accepting new ones :)20:52
shardywhy can't it just be a project, with a stated purpose?20:52
markmcgetting into "a program covers contributions to other projects" is a bit nebulous20:52
mordredwell, becuase a project tehn gets in to openstack project semantics - which is where we get in to "does it have a rest api" and all of that stuff20:52
annegentleshardy: docs and qa and ci cover all the projects20:52
* markmc thinks oslo as a program is multiple repos with oslo-core overseeing them all20:52
markwashis there any way to at least communicate the meaning without going down a rabbit hole or getting legalistic?20:52
ttxshardy: currently you are an ATC if you contribute to a set of blessed projects. My vision for it would be to be an ATC if you contribute to a project in a blessed program20:53
mordredmarkwash: right. I think that's what I'd like to do :)20:53
mordredI'd say docs, qa, ci/infra and oslo are all programs at the moment20:53
ttxlike "infrastructure"20:53
shardymarkmc: well heat has multiple repos, the main stuff, and dependent additional stuff20:53
mordredI think it's a different thing from a project with multiple repos, personally20:53
mordredmainly because there is no "main" repo from which things split off20:53
ttxmordred: we could consider the "integrated release" as a program too. Which would contain all integrated projects20:53
shardymarkmc: I don't see the multiple repos thing as a defining feature20:53
mordredshardy: ++20:53
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annegentlemordred: how about why you think a program is not a project?20:53
russellband oslo is really close to project ... it's just not user facing like everything else :-/20:53
ttxprograms could be project containers20:54
mordredannegentle: I think a program is not a project because a program is defined as a set of people with a common objective working together20:54
russellbuser facing in terms of having running services and an API i guess20:54
mordredannegentle: and a project is defined by the codebase of the project20:54
annegentlemordred: ok that helps20:54
mordredso, qa has one repo20:54
* annegentle doesn't rathole just seeks understanding20:54
mordredbut I don't think _tempest_ is the point20:54
mordredas much as integration testing20:54
mordredannegentle: totally. it's a weird distinction20:54
mordredit's more trying to describe a thing I think we all know is happening already20:55
dolphm_russellb: oslo defines a lot of openstack's UX, obviously20:55
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ttxmordred: we need to see if everything can be considered a program, or if the integrated projects still need some specialcasing20:55
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russellbi guess i'm saying oslo seems different than docs, qa, infra20:55
ttxOslo is a program with the goal of reducing code duplication20:56
markmcgroup of people with common objective, I buy that20:56
markmcthat group is oslo-core in oslo20:56
markwashrussellb: I kinda agree. . now oslo.*utils feels similar though20:56
markmcthey're people with +2 rights to a group of repos20:56
dolphm_ttx: with that kind of definition, i'd say all projects are also programs20:56
mordredyes. but not all programs are projects :)20:56
ttxdolphm_: or part of the same "integrated release" program20:56
ttxI think that's a detail anyway20:57
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* markwash out for a little bit, but back in time for glance status20:58
mordredttx: I'll try to write up something for next week based on this discussion20:58
ttxthe important part is to rewrite/refactor/reorganize https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Projects so that it makes sense and is flexible20:58
markmctripleo as part of an official release cycle is probably what's best to talk through20:58
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mordredmarkmc: ++20:58
ttxso that we ahve a clear "ATC" definition20:58
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ttxmordred: post that thread early20:58
mordredwhich I think all came about from wanting to do things that would have projects potentially depend on tripleo outputs20:58
ttxmordred: or i'll start it20:59
mordredlike some of hte heat/orc interactions - or trove+dib20:59
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mordredwhich is why it feels a little bit more like oslo to me, but I'm not sure I can fully say why20:59
* ttx still has https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1t1t2Aj1rIvxNnIvbjsiTPe5Szpx-lXBpW1dbL4K08cE/edit?usp=sharing up20:59
markmcin both cases, my instinct is they should be optional deps20:59
markmcunlike oslo20:59
markmci.e. trove should be happy with any image builder21:00
russellb(unless we had an image building API ...)21:00
ttxok, time to close it21:00
mordredkk. move to mailing list21:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jun 18 21:00:40 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)21:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2013/tc.2013-06-18-20.02.html21:00
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ttxmarkmc, dolphm, notmyname, jd__, markwash, jgriffith, russellb, shardy, gabrielhurley, markmcclain: still around ?21:01
ttx#startmeeting project21:01
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openstackMeeting started Tue Jun 18 21:01:41 2013 UTC.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.21:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:01
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ttxMutnauq will go first as markmcclain has a conflict21:01
ttx#link http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/ProjectMeeting21:02
ttxAfter the general stuff though21:02
ttx#topic General stuff21:02
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ttxFWIW I'm looking into improvements in the way we are tracking blueprints, so that we can avoid the whole "series goal" nonsense in the future.21:02
ttxShould post about that this week. In the meantime we'll continue to care about it.21:02
ttxsdague: around ?21:02
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ttxannegentle, jeblair/mordred: news from Docs/Infra teams ?21:03
annegentleHere's my latest doc update21:04
annegentle#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-docs/2013-June/001963.html21:04
mordredttx: wel ...21:04
mordredttx: jeblair and zaro landed gearman-based zuul!21:04
annegentleWe're holding "office hours" Mondays at 16:00 UTC21:04
mordredttx: you should all be super excited and impressed21:04
ttxannegentle: I really like that idea21:04
annegentlettx: it went great yesterday21:05
mordredper sdague: this:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1192131  is killing us right now21:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1192131 in nova "giant race in quantum - quantumclient key errors break creation of guests in nova" [Critical,In progress]21:05
ttxmordred: yes, that's the one I wanted to raise21:05
annegentleOne outcome is a new wiki page listing location of source of docs21:05
annegentle#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/Builds21:05
mordredbut everyone shoudl rejoice about gearman-zuul21:05
annegentlethat's all I've21:05
ttxsdague is not around, but I guess we can have markmcclain/russellb's opinion on that bug21:05
ttxannegentle: thx!21:05
russellboh, so, i put up a patch that i sorta hoped might fix it21:06
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ttxrussellb: so nothing needs to land on Quantum's side ?21:06
ttx(or tempest ?)21:06
russellbjust checked, and it didn't fix it21:06
russellbso nevermind.21:06
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russellbso, still not sure what the root cause is21:07
ttxrussellb/markmcclain: any chance you could gather and look into it in more detail ? Or delegate that to domain experts ?21:07
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russellbwhile chatting in #openstack-nova earlier, sdague said garyk was looking at it ... haven't followed up since though21:08
markmcclainyeah… let me see if I can get the folks who work on the nova/quantum integration to dig21:08
russellbmarkmcclain: cool21:08
ttx#topic Quantum status21:08
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ttxmarkmcclain: hi!21:08
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/quantum/+milestone/havana-221:09
ttxLooks like you're reasonably on track...21:09
ttxAbout remove-use-of-quantum, do you have good news to announce ?21:09
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markmcclainyeah.. we've finally got a new name: neutron21:09
ttx#info Quantum to be renamed to Neutron21:10
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ttxsame number of letters, nice21:10
russellbohhhh snap21:10
ttxmarkmcclain: do you have a transition plan ?21:11
jd__sed ?21:11
ttxWas discussing with jeblair earlier and the repo rename might be tricky21:11
markmcNeutron, nice21:11
markmcclainI've been chatting with mordred and the folks on infra21:11
ttxgiven that it's part of the gate21:11
jeblairttx: we talked about it a bit at the infra meeting21:11
mordredit's going to be fun21:11
ttxjeblair: cool21:11
mordredhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/33393/ is a stab at one of the first steps (almost certainly not done/complete)21:12
ttxmarkmcclain/jeblair: any timeframe for the transition ?21:12
jeblairshort version: merge compatibility changes to projects, then force changes to devstack and devstack-gate during the repo rename downtime.21:12
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ttxSomething we can complete by the end of the month, you think ?21:13
mordredttx: not sure on timeframe yet. depends on how long it takes to get the compat changes landed21:13
ttxmordred: ack21:13
ttxmarkmcclain: anything you wanted to raise ?21:14
markmcclainthe name change is the big one21:14
ttxQuestions on Quantum ?21:14
ttxerr... Neutron ?21:14
* mordred weeps for mutnauq21:14
russellbmarkmcclain: i like it :)21:14
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* ttx weeps for Quadric21:15
markmcclainrussellb: it only took 11 tries to make the lawyers happy21:15
ttx#topic Oslo status21:15
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markmcmarkmcclain, wow, 1121:15
ttxmarkmc: hi!21:15
markmcso two things before I forget21:15
ttxProtip: next time, pick an imaginary name for your project please21:15
rdodo we have a list of those that got turned down?21:15
markmcfirst is looks like quantum can finally use oslo-1.2.0a2: https://review.openstack.org/3342921:15
markmcthanks to the pbr fixes in pbr-0.5.1521:16
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/oslo/+milestone/havana-221:16
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markmcand I've proposed oslo.messaging repo for import to gerrit: https://review.openstack.org/3342021:16
ttxGood progress overall...21:16
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markmc#info quantum can finally use oslo-1.2.0a2: https://review.openstack.org/3342921:16
markmc#info oslo.messaging repo proposed for import to gerrit: https://review.openstack.org/3342021:16
ttxmarkmc: Do you have a way forward for trusted-messaging now ?21:17
markmcttx, still blocked on the kds work in keystone21:17
* markmc checks for updates21:17
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markmcI know there's code21:17
markmcbut not yet proposed21:17
ttxhmm, that one will definitely be a close one21:17
markmcI can't see it making havana-221:18
markmc*maybe* havana-321:18
ttxmarkmc: maybe defer it then to h321:18
markmcthere's a lot needs to land before this is usable with all projects in havana21:18
markmcttx, yeah, do you prefer to defer early and pull back into h2 if needs be?21:18
markmcif so, I might defer a bunch of stuff21:19
markmcbut stuff that might well make it21:19
ttxit's all about communicating reasonable expectations. People need to be pleasantly surprised from time to time21:19
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ttxRandom remark: oslo-sqlalchemy-utils (Medium) depends on test-migrations (Low)21:19
ttxOn the bugs side you have https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo/+bug/1182842 which is rated "Critical"21:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1182842 in oslo "Publish oslo.config docs" [Critical,Triaged]21:19
ttxAnything going on on this one ? Should we reduce its importance ?21:20
markmcI don't think it does depend on it, really21:20
* markmc looks to fix21:20
markmcreduced to High21:20
ttxmarkmc: anything you wanted to raise ?21:20
markmcnot from me21:20
ttxQuestions about Oslo ?21:20
ttx#topic Keystone status21:20
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ttxdolphm_: : o/21:20
ttxYou had an action in last week meeting: "dolphm to clarify progress on keystoneclient support for trusts and report on heat-trusts bp whiteboard"21:21
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ttxdolphm_: did you get further info from ayoung ?21:21
dolphm_ttx: yes, let me find that convo21:21
shardyttx: I've offered to take a look at adding it21:22
shardynot quite got to it yet21:22
ttxdolphm_/shardy: just update the whiteboard at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/heat-trusts with updated info21:22
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/havana-221:22
ttxSlow progress...21:22
ttxinherited-domain-roles is still "Not started" ?21:23
dolphm_#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-keystoneclient/+spec/delegation-impersonation-support21:23
dolphm_shardy: assigned ^21:23
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ttxI saw discussion about it but not sure it will make h2 at this point21:23
dolphm_ttx: inherited domain roles impl is not started, but we've been having a *lot* of discussion around the api21:23
dolphm_it's very much in progress, just not on the python side yet21:23
ttxAlso what's the status of delegated-auth-via-oauth ?21:23
dolphm_just went into code review this week21:24
ttxMissed h1 and looks stuck21:24
ttxoh, ok21:24
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ttxwe should see progress "soon" then21:24
ttxdolphm: Anything more about Keystone ?21:24
shardydolphm_: thanks, I've updated the heat-trusts whiteboard21:24
dolphm_shardy: thank you for jumping in!21:24
ttxQuestions anyone ?21:24
shardydolphm_: np, figured I'd help out since we need it! :)21:24
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ttx#topic Ceilometer status21:25
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ttxjd__: hey21:25
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/ceilometer/+milestone/havana-221:25
ttxI think you are on track...21:25
jd__so far I think so too, we're just lacking some code reviews lately21:25
ttxjd__: Was work started on one-meter-per-plugin and alarm-actioner ?21:25
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jd__ttx: nop, though I'm not worried about these21:26
ttxok... https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/havana/+setgoals has two blueprints proposed21:26
ttxLooking at bugs, I see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1189848 ... was that one finally solved for you ?21:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1189848 in ceilometer "pbr >= 0.5.12 breaks ceilometer tests" [Critical,In progress]21:26
jd__yes we're good fortunately now21:27
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ttxShould that bug be marked invalid / FixCommitted ?21:27
jd__just set fix committed21:27
jd__I just set fix committed21:27
ttxjd__: anything you wanted to mention ?21:27
jd__that's all21:28
ttxQuestions on Ceilometer ?21:28
ttx#topic Swift status21:28
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ttxnotmyname: o/21:28
ttxI saw your 1.9.0 plans, with the June 27th target release date21:28
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ttxWhen do you want to freeze for QA, i.e. when should I cut milestone-proposed ?21:28
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ttxsometimes near the end of this week ?21:28
notmynamefriday probably21:29
ttxok, well just let keep me posted21:29
notmynamereally, we're waiting on a few key patches rather than the date21:29
ttxswift/__init__.py still has _version = Version('1.8.1', False) atm.21:29
ttxWant me to propose a ('1.9.0', False) version bump ?21:29
notmynamecorrect. I'll update that before the QA cut21:29
ttxnotmyname: anything else you wanted to raise ?21:29
notmynamewe just added a new core team member yesterday: Peter Portante from Red Hat21:30
notmynamethat's all I have21:30
ttxQuestions about Swift ?21:30
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ttx#topic Glance status21:30
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mordrednotmyname: anything specific you want for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/28892/21:31
openstackRemoving item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0x3484f10>21:31
mordrednotmyname: (swift and glance are the last holdouts - just wanted to make sure if I needed to do something it was on my radar)21:31
notmynamemordred: we're having some issues with pbr right now. I'll talk to you tomorrow about it21:31
notmynamemordred: we will not merge that for 1.9.021:31
mordrednotmyname: ok21:31
ttx#topic Glance status21:32
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ttxmarkwash: o/21:32
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/glance/+milestone/havana-221:32
* markwash just ran ttx.sh :-/21:32
ttxSlow progress overall...21:32
ttxmarkwash: was wondering if membership-policy should be considered complete with the merge of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/29296/21:32
markwashttx yes21:32
ttxok will do21:32
ttxiccha has two high-prio blueprints (api-v2-property-protection, upload-download-workflow) and none of those appears to be started...21:33
markwashupload-download-workflow has been split up21:33
markwashand I just need to remove it21:33
markwashwhich is not to say we don't have a bandwidth problem at this point21:33
markwashbut i have some very specific work commitments from a lot of the contributors I am tracking21:33
ttxSame for alex-meade and async-glance-workers, not started21:34
markwashI can start taking a guess at what will pop off of havana at this point21:34
markwashttx I'm actually the blocker on that bp21:34
markwashand it is in progress21:35
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ttxok, will mark it started then21:35
ttxNote that you have two DB blueprints proposed at: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/havana/+setgoals21:35
ttxOn the critical bugs side, you have: https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/115538921:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1155389 in swift "Multi-tenant swift store image sharing doesn't work" [Undecided,In progress]21:35
ttxDo you still need Swift input there ?21:35
markwashttx: yes, I saw some patches proposed that would fix things21:36
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markwashbasically what is needed there is for swift acls to come in line with their api documentation21:36
ttxok, wel we'll see if they make 1.9.021:37
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ttxmarkwash: anything you wanted to mention ?21:37
markwashnot at this time, thank you21:37
ttxQuestions on Glance ?21:37
ttx#topic Cinder status21:38
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ttxjgriffith: hola!21:38
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/cinder/+milestone/havana-221:38
jgriffithhey ya21:38
jgriffithmaking progress :)21:38
ttxGood progress overall, nothing critical on the list21:38
jgriffithNope, all med's and lows21:38
ttxYou should encourage people to submit early :)21:38
jgriffithexcept bugs21:38
jgriffithtrying :)21:38
ttxyou have 3 blueprints proposed @ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/havana/+setgoals21:39
jgriffithI've already threatened a Cinder dealine one week prior21:39
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jgriffithI need to start checking those on more regular basis (people keep sneaking things in)21:39
ttx(fwiw what i have in mind for bluepritns would get us rid of having to check for those "proposed" things)21:39
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markwashttx +121:39
jgriffithSo the netapp one is under review, that's easy21:40
jgriffithThe second and third I have to talk to folks21:40
jgriffithNot sure about those, and they seem big at this point21:40
ttxjgriffith: anything on your mind ?21:40
jgriffithI'm good21:40
ttxQuestions on Cinder ?21:40
ttx#topic Nova status21:41
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ttxrussellb: hey21:41
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/havana-221:41
ttxProgress is not looking too bad, given the total number of blueprints...21:41
russellbyeah, it's still all over the place21:41
russellbbut i think we'll have a good amount of stuff delivered for havana-221:41
ttxLots of stuff in review already though21:41
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ttxRandom remark: db-api-tests-on-all-backends (High) depends on db-sync-models-with-migrations (Medium)21:42
russellbhavana-3 is very very light compared to this21:42
ttxthat will give time to plug feature gaps21:43
russellbwill fix21:43
ttxrussellb: anything else you wanted to mention ?21:43
russellbnope, don't think so, thanks21:43
ttxAny question on Nova ?21:43
russellbreview all the things21:43
ttx#topic Heat status21:43
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ttxshardy: o/21:43
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/heat/+milestone/havana-221:44
ttxLooks like you're a bit behind...21:44
ttxIn particular there are 4 "high" prio blueprints apparently not started yet ?21:44
ttx(json-parameters, resource-properties-schema, resource-template, stack-metadata)21:44
shardyI need to sync up with a few people at our meeting tomorrow, I think some of those at least are actually started21:44
shardywe have a much lighter h3, so I'll start deferring those which are not21:45
ttxRandom remark: native-in-instance-tools should have a priority21:45
shardyok, will fix21:45
ttxLooking at critical bugs I found https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/119212521:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1192125 in heat "Autoscaling doesn't detect failed instance creation" [High,Triaged]21:45
ttxwhich is now "High" :)21:45
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shardyYep, I found that today, reduced to high as it was pointed out we've always done it..21:45
ttxok then :)21:46
shardyI initally thought it was a regression caused by recent changes21:46
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ttxshardy: anything else you want to raise ?21:46
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shardyno don't think so, thanks!21:46
ttxQuestions about Heat ?21:47
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ttx#topic Horizon status21:47
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ttxgabrielhurley: o/21:47
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/horizon/+milestone/havana-221:47
ttxLooks on track, though it could use more final landings21:47
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ttxShould "hacking" be considered complete with the merging of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/32217/ ?21:48
gabrielhurleygonna admit, I'm not as up-to-date on where things are as usual... the last two weeks have been hectic for me.21:48
gabrielhurleyI need to check in with everyone at the Horizon meeting after this21:48
gabrielhurleyHacking has 3 main components, I'd have to make sure all three were taken care of21:48
ttxCould you check for me the status of the 3 "high" prio not started yet: realtime-spec, rpc-listener, rbac21:48
gabrielhurleyyeah. two of those are me.21:49
ttxYou also have one "proposed" @ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/havana/+setgoals21:49
gabrielhurleystatus is they're not started but I still think they're doable21:49
gabrielhurleyhmmm... interesting21:49
gabrielhurleyhadn't noticed that one21:49
ttxwe should have abetter view on h2 by next week21:49
ttxgabrielhurley: anything you wanted to mention ?21:49
gabrielhurleydon't see any code proposed so probably not a target for H, but will follow up with the author21:50
gabrielhurleynot really, I have some catching up to do. next week things will be eveident again.21:50
ttxQuestions on Horizon ?21:50
ttx#topic Incubated projects21:50
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ttxI know devananda is not around, is hub_cap here ?21:51
ttxIronic stats is "in the middle of implementing several large BP's"21:51
hub_capim here in spirit mostly, i have no electricity in my house :o21:51
ttxhub_cap: is the trove rename completed ?21:51
hub_capthe rename is mostly done21:51
hub_capwe are still dealing w/ the module rename tho, the scripts / tooling is updated21:52
* ttx looks into jenkins jobs21:52
hub_capill finish the trove module rename in the next 24~hrs21:52
hub_capalso ttx the BPs didnt update like we chatted about yest but we can take that offline21:52
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hub_capwe are also workig on clustering api (multimaster, master/slave)21:52
ttxjenkins jobs look up to date to me21:53
ttxBPs updating ?21:53
ttx(we have time, we can talk about it now)21:53
hub_capexample, clikc the "implements blueprint" https://review.openstack.org/#/c/33412/21:54
ttxis there a BP named that way ? Couldn't find it21:54
* hub_cap smacks his head21:55
hub_capits in teh client21:55
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hub_capwe need to do something to that to make up for it?21:55
ttxsee https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack/?searchtext=volume-usage21:55
ttxYou can fix the commit message if you have a blueprint to point it to21:56
ttxor create the missing blueprint21:56
ttxI for one would like to know when that's completed :)21:56
jgriffithhub_cap: lame idea maybe, but to start why not just use cinderclient and get the volume21:56
jgriffithhub_cap: then you'll have everything21:57
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ttxjgriffith: highlighting on "volume", i see :)21:57
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ttxhub_cap: anything else ?21:58
ttxquestions ?21:58
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hub_capnope im good21:58
ttxcool then,21:58
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jpichHorizon meeting? gabrielhurley?22:07
gabrielhurleyyep, sorry22:07
gabrielhurley#startmeeting horizon22:07
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun 18 22:07:32 2013 UTC.  The chair is gabrielhurley. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.22:07
jpichno worries22:07
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.22:07
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'horizon'22:07
gabrielhurleyHi folks22:07
jcoufalhey everybody22:08
david-lyle hello22:08
gabrielhurleyif you can't tell, I'm less on top of things today than I'd like, so I'm gonna mostly ask for status updates to try and get a grasp on it all22:08
gabrielhurley#topic overview22:08
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gabrielhurleyoverview-wise, we're about halfway through H2, and the blueprints seem about half-done as far as I know, so that's reasonable.22:08
gabrielhurleySummit registration codes have started going out for any of you thinking of heading to Hong Kong in November22:09
gabrielhurleyThe hacking discussion and subsequent patches have been good.22:09
gabrielhurleyI can't think of anything else meta-level.22:09
gabrielhurley#topic blueprints22:10
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gabrielhurleyLet's just go around and give an update on what we're working on and where it's at22:10
gabrielhurley(just start typing and post when you feel is appropriate)...22:10
timductiveI'm a little new here but I'm working on a Heat Resource Topology that is dependent on the Heat UI blueprint currently in Code Review22:11
gabrielhurleyas for me: I spent the time I had the last two weeks playing with Heat, and I have a very good understanding of where it's at and how to do things with it. filed a number of bugs. still need to do a little more work on the Horizon code, but that's where that's at.22:11
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gabrielhurleytimductive: heh. see my post just before yours.22:11
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timductivehaha, yeah22:11
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gabrielhurleyas for my other two blueprints, the realtime-spec is in limbo 'cuz I haven't looked at the realtime proof-of-concept that was put together yet, and the RPC listener is high on my to-do list but I haven't started it yet.22:12
kspeargabrielhurley: is the plan to have the current heat ui review merged as is? apparently you plan to improve the workflow size of things?22:12
gabrielhurleykspear: yeah, I'm hacking on it a little bit.22:12
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timductiveI'm curious what improvements to the Workflow system are being planned22:13
gabrielhurleymostly just around the flow for entering the parameters defined by the template22:13
kspeargabrielhurley: with the current review things aren't great from a UX perspective22:14
timductivemaking separate HTML forms per tab?22:14
gabrielhurleykspear: agreed. hence the plans to improve22:14
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gabrielhurleytimductive: it'll be more multi-step22:15
jcoufalsi there any blueprint for it?22:15
gabrielhurleyjcoufal: it's part of the bar for entry on the "heat UI for managing stacks" blueprint22:15
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david-lyleI tried running the heat code today and it throws an exception on the index view22:16
jcoufalok, so is it going to be real a workflow (sequence of step) instead of multiform?22:16
david-lylethe code needs some love22:16
gabrielhurleyI'm just gonna say "yes" to both of you. ;-)22:16
gabrielhurleythis is why I've picked up that code myself22:16
timductiveWell let me know if there is room to help, I'm 100% on heat ui at the moment22:17
jcoufalgabrielhurley: great, do we have some UX proposals for that?22:17
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gabrielhurleyjcoufal: not really. I have some ideas and intend to generally just prove it out. we can iterate on the specific UX in H3.22:17
gabrielhurleyBrooklynChen, jpich, bradjone1|away: you were gonna sync up on  on ceilometer stuff... any update there?22:18
gabrielhurleydavid-lyle, lcheng: how's the keystone stuff?22:18
BrooklynChenthe refactoring of ceilometer code is almost done. I a question, where can I put the css file of bootstrap-datepicker.js?22:18
david-lylehttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/domain-context is ready for r    eview, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/multiple-service-endpo    ints is ready for review for the high level region picking, subsequent indiv    idual endpoint selection will build on that once it's in and I will start ht    tps://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/rbac next week22:18
lchengFor Domain login support - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/login-domain-support, it is still blocked by keystoneclient v3 auth support.22:18
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lchengKeystone patch is getting close to be merge though: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/21942/22:18
gabrielhurleyBrooklynChen: I'd put it in horizon/static/lib22:19
gabrielhurleydavid-lyle: awesome. I'll look at those this week.22:19
jcoufalgabrielhurley: ok. I just think we need both - multiform as well as sequence of steps. I wanted to raise this question earlier, but I'm glad you are working on that22:19
gabrielhurleylcheng: anything I can do to help with pushing the v3 auth forward, or have you got it under control?22:20
BrooklynChengabrielhurley:  okay.  another one, should I merge the summary table of ceilometer with the usage table?22:20
gabrielhurleyBrooklynChen: without seeing it explicitly to know for sure my gut feeling is "yes"22:20
lchenggabrielhurley: I got under control. I already got a +2,  it's pretty close. :-)22:20
jpichIf that's on the overview page, it means it's going to be quite slow whenever someone logins since that's the landing page?22:20
gabrielhurleylcheng: great!22:21
gabrielhurleyjpich: good point. maybe a better idea to make that an early target for the realtime/async stuff22:21
gabrielhurleyeither that or just make that a plain ol' ajax-based bit of code22:22
gabrielhurleylet it load asynchronously without the fanciness...22:22
gabrielhurleyI could go with any direction there22:22
timductive+1 on ajax-ing it in, if it affects performance noticeable22:22
jpichSounds good22:22
BrooklynChengabrielhurley:  query the date with ajax. +122:23
david-lyle+1 here too22:23
gabrielhurleyanybody want to speak for Quantum currently? What's happening with FWaaS and Security Groups?22:23
gabrielhurley(I'll email the quantum folks if nobody speaks up now)22:23
david-lyleanything to speed up the overview pages, or at least not slow them down further is appreciated22:23
gabrielhurleydavid-lyle: agreed. also they're prone to *not* loading if something goes down.22:23
gabrielhurleyanybody else with blueprint updates in general? I hit most of the big ticket ones but all updates are welcome.22:24
gabrielhurleyokay. we can come back to it if anybody speaks up later.22:25
gabrielhurley#topic bugs22:25
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gabrielhurleyI want to mention a couple items real quick22:25
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gabrielhurleyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1191050 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1191051 got filed as vulnerabilities but are in fact just items we should better document since Django already solves them.22:26
gabrielhurleyFigured I'd point them out here for any of you who are security-minded in your own deployments.22:26
gabrielhurleyAlso of note, most of the Keystone bugs that were plaguing us have been fixed now, so that's good.22:27
gabrielhurley#topic open discussion22:27
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gabrielhurleyThat's what I've got...22:27
gabrielhurleyI have a feeling jcoufal is hanging out to talk about the github vs. g+ UX forum topic?22:28
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jcoufalgabrielhurley: right :)22:28
gabrielhurleygo for it22:28
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jcoufalI wanted to bring out question about right place for UX discussions22:28
gabrielhurleythough it's nice to have you here representing UX concerns in general ;-)22:28
jcoufalcurrently there is community activity on Google+22:28
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jcoufalhowever the format is not the best for broader discussions22:29
jcoufalgabrielhurley: thanks, happy to be part of it :)22:29
jcoufalsi the proposal is to move the discussionon GitHub22:29
jcoufaland also store documents related to UX there22:29
jcoufalwhole idea is captured in mail here: https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg24345.html22:29
jcoufalthere are also listed some concerns and benefits in the replies on this thread22:30
jcoufalany reflection from others?22:30
mordredso ... I'll have to admit I'm not 100% sure why github is a better choice for this than other things22:30
mordredother than potientiall:22:31
mordred* Issues have quite good options for text formatting.22:31
mordred* You can past image directly to the post.22:31
mordredare those the key things?22:31
jcoufalmordred: part of them, but plays big role22:31
gabrielhurleythose are mostly it. the ability to crossreference commits is a semi-potential plus22:31
jcoufalI also feel, that G+ is partly disconnected from the main development source22:32
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mordredk. my biggest concerns is that it opens the door to completely unrelated set of tooling22:32
mordredwell, yeah, I think g+ is also not great for the same reason22:32
jcoufalmordred: what do you see under "unrelated set of tooling"?22:32
mordredwe don't use github currently22:33
mordredit would be a new set of tooling22:33
gabrielhurleywe don't use github *directly* would be more accurate22:33
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mordredoutside of the workflow, tooling, scope and governance of anything we currently do22:33
mordredwe replicate to github22:33
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gabrielhurleymordred: nothing we currently use in our toolchain has even the remotest usefulness for UX/design dicussions22:34
gabrielhurleyso adding a new tool is somewhat inevitable if we're gonna fill this gap at all22:34
jcoufalmy thinking was22:34
mordredI hear that - and I'm mainly trying to engage on that subject to see in what way we can be helpful there22:34
jcoufalthat all the projects of OS are stored in github repositories anyway22:34
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jcoufalso having UX among that might be the closest possibility, and having the benefit with nicely organised discussions etc might be nice22:35
timductiveGithub is definitely more visible, for newcomers like me :)22:35
gabrielhurleyit's one of those funny "unless you're a developer and have had to deal with launchpad/gerrit it sure *looks* like OpenStack uses GitHub..." ;-)22:35
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mordredI think I'm actually more concerned that by using github, we confuse the issue for newcomers who do not grok that we don't use github.22:36
mordredgabrielhurley: yeah. I know. :)22:36
mordredgabrielhurley: I, for one, would not mind removing our github replicas for exactly that reason22:36
mordredbut we might be diverging there22:36
gabrielhurleyyep, but the thing we *do* use (launchpad) is dreadful for design discussions22:36
gabrielhurleyimage support and text formatting are non-existent22:36
jcoufalI see22:36
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mordredjust out of curiousity (because I really don't know the answer)22:37
gabrielhurleymordred: what, you'd go back to using bazaar? :-P22:37
mordredgabrielhurley: hah22:37
mordredgabrielhurley: no, I'd just turn off github replicas22:37
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mordredBUT - my question is - are there other examples of good systems for this type of discussion?22:37
mordredI'd sort of like to learn about what's good and bad22:37
gabrielhurleythere are a lot of paid tools for this sort of thing22:38
mordredbecause there are recurring conversations about how launchpad fits in to things - and even if we move forward short-term iwth a github thing22:38
gabrielhurleyI've used a few22:38
mordredI'd like to understand a long-term plan22:38
mordredif possible22:38
gabrielhurleythe main issue is that design conversations and prototyping have very different requirements than general issue tracking22:38
gabrielhurleyso it almost 100% necessitates its own tool in my experience22:39
mordredwell, even that is good to know then22:39
gabrielhurleyI've mostly been just trying to let the community find something that they likd thus far22:39
mordreddo you know of any open source systems that are good at this?22:39
jcoufalmy other concern is also to get that tool as close to developers as possible and also make that easy to use for creative people22:40
gabrielhurleynot offhand. in the "not-opensource" arena I've recently used Notable and Invision to some degree of success.22:40
mordredI have concerns about hosting portions of openstack dev on non-opensource tools run by companies that have a history of not caring out us22:41
gabrielhurleybut jcoufal makes a good point that finding and easily-accessible tool that's a halfway point for devs and designers is an interesting challenge.22:41
mordredobviously, though, I want you guys to have the tools you need22:41
gabrielhurleymordred: same. I'd rather avoid it.22:41
clarkbforgive my ignorance of the needs but does something like our wiki not allow for formatting like github does?22:42
gabrielhurleyGOD NO22:42
mordredcan we perhaps take a little bit and see if there's an open source thign that might work? even if it's something like redmine that might seem like duplication of effort at first. I'll do what I can to dig up possibilities for folks to check out22:42
gabrielhurleyclarkb: wikis are absolutely horrendous for discussion22:42
clarkboh I see the desire is discussion with mock ups22:42
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gabrielhurleydiscussion/feedback/revving a concept22:42
clarkbyeah ok22:42
clarkbwiki would be bad for that22:42
gabrielhurleymordred: sounds reasonable. I have a bad history with redmine though. ;-)22:43
jcoufalmordred: I agree, we can do broader research22:43
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gabrielhurleyjcoufal: can you do a little research too?22:43
mordredgabrielhurley: oh yeah. I mean, I hate it - just saying22:43
gabrielhurleyfor sure :-)22:43
jcoufalmordred: would you mind  writing your ideas to the thread in mailing list?22:43
mordredjcoufal: I'd be happy to22:43
gabrielhurleygreat! progress!22:43
mordredand I'll send you suggestions as I find them22:44
mordredand that way I'll learn more about what's good and what's bad22:44
jcoufalgabrielhurley: will do22:44
jcoufalperfect! thanks22:44
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gabrielhurleyokay. anybody else got topics before I wrap the meeting?22:45
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timductiveYes, are there strong opinions about adding a 3rd party js library?22:45
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jpichFYI: Django 1.4 testing coming to a (voting) gate near you soon -- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/32884/ (thank you infra folks!)22:46
timductiveI know there are a few in Horizon already22:46
gabrielhurleyyes. what library? ;-)22:46
timductiveUsing it for canvas objects for the Heat Topology22:46
timductiveunless there is something already in Horizon22:46
fungijpich: you're welcome122:46
gabrielhurleyhmmm... interesting. we've been aiming to use d3 generally22:46
gabrielhurleybradjone1|away has been leading that effort22:47
timductiveI'll take a look at it and see if it has the functionality that I need22:47
gabrielhurleythere was talk about porting the existing network topology stuff to d3 and then making that reusable for visualizing stacks in heat22:47
gabrielhurleyso I'd try to sync up with bradjone1|away and toshiyuki hayashi on all that22:47
timductiveok thanks22:47
gabrielhurleyno problem. my main concern is I just don't want to end up with three ways to do the same thing.22:48
timductiveyes, I agree22:48
gabrielhurleyjpich: thanks for driving the testing stuff22:48
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BrooklynChendo we have documentation about logging in horizon now?22:48
jpichgabrielhurley: np!22:49
gabrielhurleynot really. it uses django's logging, which is really python's logging22:49
BrooklynChenfor non-developers, i think it's necessary tell them how to improve logging level or related hints22:50
mordredgabrielhurley, jcoufal: quick question - is a mailing list set up for hte purposes of ui discussions a possibility?22:50
BrooklynChenmaybe just tell them to see how django do this22:50
gabrielhurleyBrooklynChen: feel free to open a bug to improve the docs around that22:51
gabrielhurleymordred: not really. the threading gets really messy and image sharing is bad.22:51
mordredgabrielhurley: k. thanks22:51
jeblairgabrielhurley: can you elaborate?22:52
jeblairgabrielhurley: i mean nobody ever likes how anything does threading.  or doesn't do threading.  depending on the thing.22:52
gabrielhurleyjeblair: click through http://www.invisionapp.com/tour22:53
jeblairgabrielhurley: and what's bad about the image sharing?  basically i see "we need a discussion tool that supports images" and mailing lists are a discussion tool that supports images.22:53
gabrielhurleythat's the type of commenting fidelity that's ideal22:53
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gabrielhurleyinline images are a must, commenting should be in order and ideally should support comment sub-threads without the incredibly crufty "comments inline" with a thousand nested arrows22:54
gabrielhurleyyou're dealing with visually-oriented people here22:54
jeblairgabrielhurley: thank you22:56
gabrielhurleyyep yep22:56
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gabrielhurleyjeblair, mordred: the best analogy is that it's the visual equivalent of how github/gerrit let you have separate discussions on specific lines of code22:57
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mordredgabrielhurley: so you want in-line code review comments - except for pictures22:57
gabrielhurleythat's the ideal. see the not-free-and-not-open-source tools I mentioned ;-)22:57
mordredyeah. was just looking at that22:58
gabrielhurleysomething like github that allows inline images and organized, threaded discussion is a second-place22:58
jcoufaljust addition - threaded discussion is still needed22:58
gabrielhurleyokee doke. it's 4 PM, and I gotta run. feel free to continue discussing if you like, but I'm gonna close the meeting.22:59
gabrielhurleythanks everyone!22:59
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