Wednesday, 2025-03-19

opendevreviewMaria Gallego proposed openstack/manila master: Fix CLI Commands
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila stable/2025.1: fix volume resize issue when host not recognized
opendevreviewYaguang Tang proposed openstack/manila stable/2024.2: fix volume resize issue when host not recognized
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila master: Pure Storage - bump version number for 2025.2 (Flamingo)
* ManideepMaddileti[m] uploaded an image: (133KiB) < >10:04
ManideepMaddileti[m]ManideepMaddileti[m]: openstack-manila ..I did not manila .What should i do.?CAN I START CONTRIBUTION NOW.?10:04
ManideepMaddileti[m]* openstack-manila ..I did not have  manila .What should i do.?CAN I START CONTRIBUTION NOW.?10:13
carlosshey ManideepMaddileti[m] - which local.conf file did you use for setting up your devstack environment?11:02
carlossif you used the default, then it won't install Manila11:02
carloss - this is a version that uses manila11:02
carlossif that is the case, you can do ./ in your devstack folder, replace the current local.conf with the one above and then to ./ again?11:03
ManideepMaddileti[m]carloss: Yeah! I used default.11:03
carlossManideepMaddileti[m]: really nice that you've already figured out the devstack set up. It can be tricky11:04
carlossthat's an important detail, but you are on the right track11:04
carlossI think we did not mention that before, so that's on us11:04
carlosswe should likely add that to the documentation or the FAQs11:04
carlossI mean, add that to the internship documentation11:05
ManideepMaddileti[m]Yes..It is useful for other applicants also.11:05
carlossah, we have a mention to that:
carlossI'll update it 11:06
* ManideepMaddileti[m] uploaded an image: (177KiB) < >17:11
* ManideepMaddileti[m] uploaded an image: (85KiB) < >17:11
ManideepMaddileti[m]ManideepMaddileti[m]: carloss: could please explain how to fix this error.17:12
carlossManideepMaddileti[m]: hey I see manila installation succeeded now17:53
ManideepMaddileti[m]How do I run server17:53
carlossisn't manila-ui installed already?17:54
ManideepMaddileti[m]carloss: I installed.17:54
carlossdid you install devstack on your local machine or a virtual machine?17:54
ManideepMaddileti[m]carloss: Virtual machine 17:55
carlossso did you follow the entire devstack procedure? if so, I believe you'd need to switch to using the stack user instead17:55
carlossManideepMaddileti[m]: ack, VM is perfect17:55
ManideepMaddileti[m]carloss: What should I do now17:56
carloss```ls /opt/```17:56
carlossjust so we can ensure you have the stack user17:56
gouthamrManideepMaddileti[m]: this might be helpful:
gouthamrManideepMaddileti[m]: the "runserver" will need to be executed from within the horizon folder18:18
ManideepMaddileti[m]gouthamr: Thank you! I'll look into it 18:19
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila stable/2024.2: fix volume resize issue when host not recognized
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Disable Ingress
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Disable Ingress
* ManideepMaddileti[m] uploaded an image: (352KiB) < >20:15
ManideepMaddileti[m]carloss: gouthamr I cannot figure out the error.could you please explain what to do.20:16
ManideepMaddileti[m]<carloss> "just so we can ensure you have..." <- Above I followed the stack user20:17
ManideepMaddileti[m]<gouthamr> "Manideep Maddileti: the "..." <- I executed run server in horizon folder.20:18
carlossManideepMaddileti[m]: I couldn't see the whole stacktrace in the screenshot. Could you please copy the stacktrace, paste on and share it with us?20:18
ManideepMaddileti[m]carloss: ok. I wll share20:19
ManideepMaddileti[m]* ok. I will share20:22
ManideepMaddileti[m]<carloss> "Manideep Maddileti: I couldn't..." <- Yeah I pasted it 20:27
carlosscan you please copy the URL that the paste website generated and share it with us?20:27
ManideepMaddileti[m]carloss: PLEASE look into it20:32
gouthamrManideepMaddileti[m]: can you try this:
ManideepMaddileti[m]ManideepMaddileti[m]: I got some errors could you please explain what to do. gouthamr 20:49
gouthamrlooks like you were already into a venv20:52
gouthamruse “deactivate” to get out of it, and try the steps again20:52
ManideepMaddileti[m]When I deactivate(env) and use after using this command "tox -e runserver - -notest.It shows no errors.But when I run "source .tox/venv/bin/activate" it shows no such file or directory.20:56
gouthamrah weird, did you check if those folders exist: “ls -l .tox”20:57
ManideepMaddileti[m]Yes It contains log and runserver 21:00
gouthamrbut not “venv”21:01
ManideepMaddileti[m]No it only contains log and runserver 21:02
gouthamractually I probably had a “venv” from prior experiments21:02
gouthamryou need to source .tox/runserver/bin/activate21:02
ManideepMaddileti[m]Could you elaborate.21:03
gouthamrhmm, pastebin is acting up21:06
gouthamr^ I modified the same instructions and pasted them into this etherpad21:06
ManideepMaddileti[m]  please see it.21:12
gouthamrhmm, weird that works on my system.. I wonder if the repos were corrupted somehow21:15
gouthamrI can try this on a fresh devstack myself; but, what are you trying to do here?21:16
gouthamrManideepMaddileti[m]: are you trying to familiarize yourself with Manila UI development? or fix a specific bug?21:16
gouthamrif it’s the latter, don’t let this block you… you should be able to make changes to the manila-ui folder directly, restart Apache and see your changes on horizon21:17
ManideepMaddileti[m]gouthamr: yes.first i want to setup dev env on my that from tomorrow onwards i will start contributing.21:18
ManideepMaddileti[m]gouthamr: can i make changes directly21:20
ManideepMaddileti[m]* changes directly.?21:20
gouthamrDevStack runs Horizon on port 80; and it’s already configured with Manila UI… this “runserver” approach allows you to create a separate horizon instance that’s a bit fancier, you have a process watching changes to files to automatically restart the web service and render it21:20
ManideepMaddileti[m]gouthamr: Ok I'll try this21:21
gouthamrManideepMaddileti[m]: yes, always.. there’s no real downside except you’ll need to restart Apache to see your changes21:31
ManideepMaddileti[m]gouthamr: Yes ! I'm doing it 21:31
freemanboss[m]gouthamr: please which project is the *bundle type support*22:47
freemanboss[m]Is it manila or Manila UI?22:47
gouthamrfreemanboss[m]: can you elaborate?22:49
freemanboss[m]gouthamr:  are 3 projects under Openstack Viz... (full message at <>)22:51
freemanboss[m]*  there are 3 projects under Openstack Viz... (full message at <>)22:53
freemanboss[m]*  there are 3 projects under Openstack Viz... (full message at <>)22:57
gouthamrfreemanboss[m]: I think you’ve more visibility than I do, are the project details for that missing anything?23:01
freemanboss[m]gouthamr: oh alright.23:02
freemanboss[m]I've checked the project details now. It's on Barbican project 23:02
gouthamrfreemanboss[m]: ah, I’d recommend hopping into #openstack-barbican if you have any questions wrt that proposal23:08
freemanboss[m]gouthamr: Alright I'll look into it.23:09
freemanboss[m]But what do you mean by writing a proposal please? Is it essential?23:09
gouthamrfreemanboss[m]: I meant, if you have any questions regarding that project, I would join the #openstack-barbican IRC channel and post there… it’s possible the project mentors there would be able to help23:14
freemanboss[m]gouthamr: oh alright. I'm there now. I'll check the project description very well to understand the workflow there23:15

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