freemanboss[m] | Please Mr gouthamr: I noticed it's only me and you who's spoken here so far. Please is there another channel where everyone communicate? | 00:17 |
freemanboss[m] | I have logged in to Gerrit but I don't know how to proceed from there. Please I'll click on create change right? | 00:41 |
queensly[m] | <freemanboss[m]> "Please Mr gouthamr: I noticed it..." <- Hi, there's another channel which is #openstack-outreachy. Repeat the same process you used to join this channel which is !join #openstack-outreachy. I hope it helps. | 01:23 |
queensly[m] | * Hi Freeman Boss, there's | 01:23 |
freemanboss[m] | queensly[m]: Thank you very much. I really appreciate | 01:27 |
freemanboss[m] | There's no more channel to join after this right? | 01:27 |
freemanboss[m] | I've joined now | 01:27 |
queensly[m] | <freemanboss[m]> "I have logged in to Gerrit but I..." <- I don't have to click on "Create Change". After signing in, go back to the documentation and follow the next step which is to sign the Contributor License Agreement. You will find this by clicking on the Gerrit's settings. | 01:29 |
queensly[m] | freemanboss[m]: You're welcome. Yeah, so far there's no channel I know of. | 01:29 |
queensly[m] | * You don't have to click on "Create Change". After signing in, go back to the documentation and follow the next step which is to sign the Contributor License Agreement. You will find this by clicking on the Gerrit's settings. Let me know if you need further assistance. | 01:30 |
freemanboss[m] | queensly[m]: Yeah thank you. This is what I'm currently doing now | 01:32 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/manila master: fix volume resize issue when host not recognized | 02:07 |
opendevreview | Yaguang Tang proposed openstack/manila stable/2024.2: fix volume resize issue when host not recognized | 02:09 |
opendevreview | Yaguang Tang proposed openstack/manila stable/2024.1: fix volume resize issue when host not recognized | 09:51 |
freemanboss[m] | Please anyone start navigating his first contribution? | 14:15 |
freemanboss[m] | I'm somehow lost here cause the repository seems complicated for me | 14:15 |
carloss | hi freemanboss[m] o/ welcome | 14:28 |
carloss | how can I help? | 14:29 |
carloss | were you able to look at low-hanging-fruit bugs and pick up one as your first contribution? | 14:30 |
freemanboss[m] | carloss: The issue links provided about is what we'll be working on? | 14:31 |
freemanboss[m] | carloss: Not yet. How can I access that please? | 14:31 |
carloss | ah, okay - so we provided a link to the issue tracker as part of the "Project Contribution Information" section in the Outreachy page: but you can use the low-hanging-fruit tag to filter good first-time-contributor issues | 14:34 |
carloss | freemanboss[m]: the same goes to the python-manilaclient repository | 14:34 |
freemanboss[m] | Alright thank you. I'll go through it now | 14:34 |
carloss | no problem | 14:35 |
carloss | I'd recommend you to take a look at the pool of issues and pick one of your interest | 14:35 |
carloss | freemanboss[m]: the process of submitting the code to gerrit should happen right after you coded a fix for the bug you pick :) | 14:35 |
freemanboss[m] | Yeah I think this is where I missed it. I didn't check step 5 earlier. | 14:36 |
freemanboss[m] | I understand better now | 14:36 |
freemanboss[m] | carloss: carloss: yes I'm on that right now | 14:37 |
carloss | cool :) | 14:38 |
opendevreview | Tony Faijue proposed openstack/manila master: updated share group type doc | 16:20 |
opendevreview | Mohammed Naser proposed openstack/manila stable/2025.1: fix volume resize issue when host not recognized | 19:25 |
opendevreview | Simon Dodsley proposed openstack/manila master: Pure Storage - bump version number for 2025.2 (Flamingo) | 20:04 |
*** zainab_ik[m] is now known as dude-zee[m] | 22:55 |
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