Thursday, 2015-04-16

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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/octavia: Switched from sha265 to sha256 in octavia.conf
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openstackgerritPhillip Toohill proposed stackforge/octavia: Updates service and config for Octavia API
openstackgerritPhillip Toohill proposed stackforge/octavia: Updates service and config for Octavia API
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed stackforge/octavia: Implements Octavia Controller Worker
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed stackforge/octavia: Implemented Queue Consumer
johnsomCourtesy rebase since I checked in the wrong code yesterday....02:24
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openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Added name as query parameter for listing
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openstackgerritPhillip Toohill proposed stackforge/octavia: Preparing for tempest testing
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openstackgerritPhillip Toohill proposed stackforge/octavia: Preparing for tempest testing
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openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Allow id to be added in POSTs for all entities
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openstackgerritSong Li proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: supports lbaas alembic migration for db2
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jschwarzblogan, ping13:05
openstackgerritJohn Schwarz proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Prevent deletion of a subnet with lbaas v1 pool
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madhu_akYesterday I spent sometime on 'Admin' tempest tests to check whether the creds actually belongs to admin. when I include the testcase - for creating a loadbalancer with missing tenant_id under 'admin' role, the tenant_id of the admin is not matching with the loadbalancer's tenant_id.16:44
madhu_akI am not sure why that testcase is not working, but it is working fine for other testcases like empty tenant_id and creating a loadbalancer for other tenant.16:44
madhu_akI am trying to dig in further, but to be on a safer side, I just logged an issue on neutron, so I can get some information from the neutron tempest experts..16:45
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madhu_ak FYI16:45
openstackLaunchpad bug 1444765 in neutron "admin's tenant_id is not the same with load_balancer's tenant_id in tempest tests" [Undecided,New]16:45
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madhu_akfnaval, xgerman, blogan ^^16:46
xgermanmadhu_ak I think when you create a loadbalancer as admin then it *can* be created for a different user16:48
xgermannot sure if we support loadbalancers which are under the neutron admin user...16:48
xgermanblogan or dougwig would know for sure16:49
madhu_akexactly, the same feeling about "support loadbalancers which are under the neutron admin user"16:49
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madhu_akI am sure, the admin user would be a neutron admin user because, we are using neutron testcases as a base16:49
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* rm_work finds the morning to be worth mourning17:00
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1444765 in neutron "admin's tenant_id is not the same with load_balancer's tenant_id in tempest tests" [Undecided,New]17:19
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fnavalthanks for filing the bug madhu_ak17:38
openstackgerritmin wang proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Admin API tempest for healthmonitor
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openstackgerritHenry Gessau proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add Kilo release milestone
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blogandougwig around?19:47
dougwigblogan: aye19:47
bloganlook at those reviews?19:47
dougwigyep, commented on both19:47
dougwigthe id one would keep the driver much simpler.19:47
rm_workwhich two?19:48
blogani agree19:48
bloganand the name one can still get merged bc that will still be useful19:49
blogandougwig: just don't like the idea of the id being able to be chosen19:49
bloganbut in the future we can make it more of an operator api only ability, if we ever split user and operator api up19:49
bloganrm_work: also,
openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed stackforge/octavia: Adds plug VIP and plug Port to spec
dougwigyeah, the idea of setting the id is kinda scary.  less so because it's uuids, though.19:50
bloganyeah, and there is a user friendly message when you try to add an id that already exists19:52
xgermanso using an additional id (e.g. neutron_id) is not an option?19:52
bloganxgerman: that would be almost the same as using name19:53
xgermanyep, just saw that19:53
xgermancatching up19:53
bloganxgerman: yeah its something that came up last night, dougwig yelled at me until i cried19:54
xgermanyeah, if I could only scroll back19:54
bloganyou would enjoy me crying19:54
xgermanI sure would :-)19:55
blogani enjoy your happiness xgerman, so i will be sad and cry just for you19:55
TrevorVxgerman I left a comment regarding yours in the SSH driver19:56
dougwigthe exact thing i said to blogan last night: "so... you can either let me set the id, use name in the url (and have name on all objects), or I have to do a f'ing db migration in neutron-lbaas for this thing."19:56
bloganyou cursed at me19:57
dougwigthe mapping of neutron object -> octavia object has to happen somewhere.  it's handy if I can overload an octavia field for that.19:57
dougwigi cursed at db migrations.19:57
bloganwell its obvious you shouldn't ahve to do that in neutron-lbaas19:58
bloganwell we do allow vendors to put their own migrations in19:58
xgermanwell, won't that clash with the flavor framewokr?20:00
johnsomSo the customer facing "name" would only be in the upstream neutron-lbaas DB and on Octavia20:06
johnsomIsn't that going to be a pain for supporting it?20:06
bloganjohnsom: i don't follow20:07
johnsomIf we provide the customer haproxy logs, how are they going to do the mapping?20:07
bloganif octavia provdies the haproxy logs, how will neutron_lbaas get them?20:08
johnsomWell, we let customers name things, and if we don't have those same names down at the octavia level we will have to look it up in the neutron-lbaas db and map the uuids down to our db20:08
johnsomMy assumption is the log access "feature" would be an extension20:09
bloganwell if we allow neutron-lbaas to set the id on create, that should solve the issue?20:09
johnsomSo in that case you wouldn't be putting the neutron id into the name fields?20:11
bloganjohnsom: no, in that case neutron-lbaas would create the entity with the neutron-lbaas id as the octavia id20:16
bloganjohnsom: but you bring up a good point that being able to set the id is probably the best way to go20:17
bloganeven though it feels icky20:17
bloganbut like i said, it'll feel less icky with admin only being able to do that20:18
johnsomIt does feel icky.  I would rather do a mapping field or the id pass through instead of overloading fields20:18
bloganwhat do you mean by id pass through?20:19
johnsomneutron-lbaas id = octavia id20:19
bloganisn't that what we're talking about then? by setting the octavia id to teh neutron-lbaas id?20:20
johnsomI am talking about this patch: where I don't like overloading the name column20:22
bloganoh yeah, that will cause more headaches for us20:23
bloganso are you fine with the other review?20:24
johnsomWhat is the argument against adding an optional mapping column?20:27
johnsom(catching up a bit on conversation as I don't see it in the channel)20:28
bloganjohnsom: it'd be the same as mapping to the name20:29
bloganjohnsom: neutron-lbaas would have to make a request first to retrieve the id by that mapping, and with the nested resources, the number of requests multiplies by the number levels of nesting20:30
xgermanok, got distracted but I see an argument for making the octavia_id the same as the neutron_id20:31
johnsomYeah, don't want to do that, but I'm missing why our driver wouldn't hide it with joins or views. (probably my SQL over thinking it)20:32
xgermanthe only big argument is that if neutron_lbaas refactors we need to change ids20:33
xgermanand match it20:33
johnsomI think we can go forward with the ID coming in from neutron-lbaas.  It doesn't overwrite data so could be changed later if it becomes a problem.20:34
bloganyeah if a deployer changes ids in neutron-lbaas db, then octavia would need to a sync as well20:34
johnsomThat is their migration issue...20:34
xgermanwell, tight coupling is an anti-pattern ...20:35
xgermanbut in that case it probably doesn't matter20:36
blogani think its necessary in this case, i don't have another solution other than neutron-lbaas having an octavia-id-mapping table20:36
johnsomOur operator api would still be able to create it's own ids.  They are uuid not ints20:36
rm_workwait hold on, you aren't talking about sharing LB-ids in octavia and neutron-lbaas are you? :/20:36
bloganrm_work: yes20:36
rm_workdear god20:37
bloganrm_work: its not great but its the best bad solution right now20:37
rm_workwhere in this scrollback is the actual *problem* stated?20:38
johnsomI couldn't find it either20:39
bloganthe problem is neutron-lbaas would ahve to store the neutron lbaas id in the name field20:39
bloganso then it would also need to retrieve by name to get the octavia id20:40
xgermanmapping neutron-lbaas -> octavia20:40
bloganif we created a neutron_id field, we'd still have to query by neutron_id to get the octavia id20:41
bloganbecause the resource uri is constructed by /loadbalancers/{octavia_lb_id}20:41
blogannot /loadbalancers/{neutron_lbaas_lb_id}20:41
xgermanyep, and REST really doesn't like resources be known by two ids20:41
xgermanand also since 99% of calls come from neutron we could just adopt tehir id20:42
bloganno that would basically break REST20:42
blogannot break it, but you know be illegal20:42
blogango against the standard20:42
xgermanso the options are:20:44
xgerman1) Store octavia id alongside the neutron id in the Neutron DB20:44
xgerman2) Query Octavia_id witth /loadbalancer?neutron_id=... and then do the update20:45
xgerman3) Let Octavia operate on neutron_ids, aka neutron_id=octavia_id20:45
blogan4) Amazingly simple solution we have overlooked20:46
johnsomI say we keep it simple for now and do 320:49
xgermansame here... since 90% of our calls are from neutron-lbaas there is no need for a different id20:49
TrevorVxgerman responded again, when you have time20:51
xgermanTrevorV what I am saying is advisory and I guess we have different opinions what's messy and what's not...20:53
TrevorVWell messy or otherwise, I'm talking about performance in the latter portions.  No reason to transfer anything off the amphora and then back onto it just to add to the file in any form...20:53
xgermanwell, if for some faithful reson you already have eth0 in there and it shows up again and youa dd it again your whole interface file is hosed20:55
xgermannow, we can make the assumption that the amphora is sick anyway if that happens and we should shoot it20:55
xgermanor we can parse and try to fix20:56
TrevorVI don't understand your first argument... eth0 SHOULD be in there, but I do a grep in a command earlier to pull an interface that isn't up.  Then I add what I need to that interface, and bring it up.20:56
xgermanwell, interfaces CAN go down and still be in the interfaces file20:57
TrevorVYes, but I wouldn't be able to connect to the device at that point would I?20:57
xgermanwell, let's make a better example: eth0 is management network; eth1 is client network20:58
xgermaneth1 goes down for some reason; you get asked to plug eth2 -- you might try to plug eth1 again20:58
xgermanthe boom -- but as I said eth1 being down might indicate the thing is sick and we should just forget about it20:59
TrevorVYes, that's possible, but then that's a "bug" in the grep command.  We'd have to add a little more logic to smarten that portion up.20:59
TrevorVSo what I could do, xgerman, is modify the grep line to pull any down interface that doesn't already exist in the /etc/network/interfaces file.  That would fix the above issue, and its not even a tough change to that existing line21:02
xgermanok, that would solve that21:03
xgermanbut again I don't know how likely that is ;-)21:03
TrevorVLikely or not, if it can happen, and is avoidable, it should be dealt with appropriately, ya know?21:04
TrevorVI didn't think about that though, so thanks, I'll update21:04
xgermanyep, agreed21:04
xgermanI wish blogan could send us the right eth somehow21:04
rm_workblogan: wait, what do other drivers do? dougwig? A10 must use its own IDs internally, right? how does that work?21:05
TrevorVHe might be able to xgerman I'll check with him to see if he has that information... He may not though21:05
dougwigwhoa, book.21:06
xgermanyep, that would eb more aweosme and prevent us from ever plugging the wrong interface21:06
dougwigsec, scrolling21:06
TrevorVI'm off for the evening though.  I'll add a comment to keep track of that change until I get it implemented xgerman21:06
rm_workit seems insane to me that this is even a problem21:06
xgermanit's OpenStack define insane21:07
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/octavia: Updates service and config for Octavia API
dougwigi handle it in the a10 because i can reference the object by either internal id or name, so i set the name to be the neutron id, and then can do a single write op against the neutron id.21:08
dougwigif we have to do a get first, we introduce fun race conditions when running multiple neutron-servers.  i'd rather have a mapping table in the neutron db.21:08
blogandougwig do your names have to be unique?21:08
dougwigblogan: yes.21:08
bloganxgerman: neutron has no concept of right eth, but! i can send the mac address21:09
blogani believe21:09
dougwigsince we handle /foo/bar/:id1/baz/:id2, if those fields can handle more than just the internal id, it'll all stitch together fine.  but you're right, the alternate field would have to be unique.21:09
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dougwigjohnsom: if we do an association table in the neutron db, the neutron id's would not match up to octavia except via that table, which could cause some support headaches, yes.21:10
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openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Added admin/non_admin api tests
openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Admin/Non-admin API tempest tests
dougwigblogan: from what i'm reading, how about if you add a neutron_id to every object, and accept either id or neutron_id in the url lookup?21:16
dougwigi can do the db migration, but i like to avoid db tables when the alternative is straight-forward.  the editable id's does give me a case of the wonkies, i'll admit.21:17
bloganid rather not have neutron-lbaas do a migration21:18
bloganadding that neutron_id functionality would be a lot right now, i could probably do it in one day if i got a streak of hours of uninterrupted tiem21:20
bloganbut i can't count on that21:20
johnsomI don't think we should modify neutron-lbaas db for this either21:20
dougwigi don't think we need this *today* or anything like that.21:21
bloganyou know how i am21:21
dougwigheh, so you'll code it up tonight?  :)21:21
bloganive already started experimetning :(21:22
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bloganbut first21:22
bloganlets get consensus21:23
bloganwhich is best allow neutron-lbaas to set octavia id, or have an alt_id field on every entity that can be used in the resource_id as well?21:23
openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed stackforge/octavia: Adds plug VIP and plug Port to spec
dougwig#startvote which is best allow neutron-lbaas to set octavia id, or have an alt_id field on every entity that can be used in the resource_id as well? primary, alt21:24
bloganno meeting bot21:24
dougwig#startmeeting octavia21:24
openstackMeeting started Thu Apr 16 21:24:40 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dougwig. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:24
bloganoh wait21:24
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'octavia'21:24
dougwig#startvote which is best allow neutron-lbaas to set octavia id, or have an alt_id field on every entity that can be used in the resource_id as well? primary, alt21:24
openstackBegin voting on: which is best allow neutron-lbaas to set octavia id, or have an alt_id field on every entity that can be used in the resource_id as well? Valid vote options are primary, alt.21:24
bloganyou smart one21:24
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.21:24
dougwig#vote alt21:25
blogan#vote alt21:25
bloganthe obvious answer is alt21:25
johnsom#vote alt21:25
bloganits more a question of work lol21:25
xgerman#vote primary21:25
bloganoh xgerman!21:25
johnsomIt's all about the work21:25
bloganxgerman: you really like primary over alt?21:25
dougwigi can live with either one.  i've gotten past feeling wonky about a change before.21:25
openstackVoted on "which is best allow neutron-lbaas to set octavia id, or have an alt_id field on every entity that can be used in the resource_id as well?" Results are21:26
openstackalt (3): dougwig, johnsom, blogan21:26
openstackprimary (1): xgerman21:26
openstackMeeting ended Thu Apr 16 21:26:11 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:26
openstackMinutes (text):
xgermanI don't know why we would need different ids then Neutron LBaaS - we are not selling the thing to people who don't have Neutron LBaaS21:26
* dougwig waits for someone to report him for bot abuse.21:26
blogangood thing we had that bot to sum up 4 votes21:26
xgermanyeah, my hand only has 5 fingers21:26
dougwigblogan: it was an overly verbose joke, yes.21:26
bloganxgerman makes a valid point21:27
johnsomYep, this is why I am fine going forward with the neutron-lbaas ids21:28
johnsomWe are speculating on the future21:28
bloganok alt id good for future wehn we get to that point21:28
bloganright now id is fine21:29
bloganim fine with that too21:29
dougwigi said in blogan's review this morning that i was ok with it.  :)
dougwigdid we just go in a circle?21:29
bloganbut to be certain21:29
dougwigvote in that gerrit review this time?  :)21:30
bloganah damnit i didn't mean to add one of those files21:30
blogani'm renaming to octavia-api in this review21:32
openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Allow id to be added in POSTs for all entities
bloganxgerman: no migrations in this one21:32
dougwigrelevant here: 3:32 PM <openstackgerrit> Doug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-specs: Lbaas, use Octavia as reference implementation
xgermandang - realized after I hit enter21:37
bloganxgerman: the ohter one does have it though, so you get a pass :)21:37
bloganbtw i think the other review can still be merged too, would just need change the commit message up21:38
bloganit basically just allows filtering by name, and putting name on member and health monitor21:38
blogandougwig: looks good to me, im sure it will get some backlash though21:39
xgermanI thought the Neutron LBaaS team can approve their own blueprints?21:42
xgermanptoohill I was speculating you would be backlash to annoy blogan21:43
ptoohillOh, of course, i have to!21:43
bloganxgerman: nope neutron drivers team hast o approve21:43
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dougwigxgerman: specs are covered by neutron.   "For the Liberty release, the Specs core reviewer team will review specs targeted to all neutron git repositories."21:47
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dougwigblogan: heh, wait until you see the next one.21:48
blogandougwig: deprecating v1?21:48
dougwigno, openstackgerrit> Doug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-specs: Decompose vendor plugins/drivers for neutron-*aas
blogandougwig: some people just want to see the world burn21:50
dougwigi'm not even sure you agree with that one, but we'll see.21:50
bloganyou sir are one of those21:50
xgermanburn, baby, burn21:51
dougwigi derive my sense of self-worth from how many people are yelling at me, i guess.21:51
bloganis that why you yell at me all the time?21:51
bloganto inflate my self worth?21:51
dougwigit's why i called the tow truck.21:51
dougwigha, not really, but that would've been awesome if so.21:51
bloganabout as awesome as taking my wallet and taking out $22521:52
rm_workthat would be pretty awesome21:52
rm_workthen i'd have $22521:52
bloganand a tow truck on top of you21:53
rm_workalso, you'd be rich enough to be carrying $225 cash for some reason21:53
dougwighey, we offered to take up a collection.  you refused.  i got at least $20 of entertainment, so i'd have chipped in.21:53
johnsomdougwig lol21:53
bloganso the next midcycle someone else must provide that entertainment!21:54
dougwigxgerman: good.  remember to put your name (or whoever will take point) with the item.22:06
bloganresurrecting 2 year old bug reports!22:13
bloganactually 322:13
openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Added admin/non_admin api tests
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openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Added admin/non_admin api tests
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openstackgerritPhillip Toohill proposed stackforge/octavia: Use stevedore to load API handler
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