Saturday, 2014-08-23

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bloganopenstack talk approval emails have been sent out02:42
dougwigyou're in!02:48
bloganyes we shall see if I really am in02:49
dougwigi got an approval email for this talk, "Load balancing as a service v2.0 - Juno and beyond"02:50
dougwigwhich i think you're on, right?02:50
bloganyep, phil and me02:50
bloganthe other 2 I was invited to were nto accepted02:50
dougwigbring on the frog legs and snails!02:51
bloganand the expensive 2 ounce waters!02:51
dougwigwith bubbles.  with bubbles.02:51
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rm_youblogan: so the one I was on did not make it?03:32
rm_youor was I on that one03:32
rm_youI forget <_<03:32
bloganrm_you: i wasn't in any with you, so I don't know if yours made it or not03:39
bloganrm_you: did you get any emails?03:40
rm_youah, yeah looks like it didn't!04:45
rm_youso I don't have to deal with flying around a ton04:45
rm_youto a city i hate04:45
rm_younot really disappointed :P04:45
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bloganyeah i'd have looked at the glass being half full if I didn't get a talk in06:07
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dougwigwhat is it with you guys and hating paris?16:00
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rm_youdougwig: I spent a week in paris. enjoyed myself about 5%19:09
rm_youthe only good thing is one restaurant that IS pretty close to the summit location19:09
dougwigi could spend longer than a week just look at architecture and museums.19:11
dougwigif you don't like those things, most of europe will be no fun.  :)19:11
rm_youI wanted to stab myself in the face during/after the Louvre19:11
dougwigi think that makes you a damn hick.19:12
rm_youand 80% of the Parisians I met were dicks >_>19:12
dougwigi'm not sure.  just saying.19:12
rm_youBarcelona is great, as is anywhere in Deutschland19:12
rm_youas is Rome19:13
rm_youSome of the parks are ok19:15
dougwigworst case, they all have bars.19:16
dougwigi'm just saying, even atlanta could be made to be fun.19:16
rm_youbut it doesn't matter, because I'm not going, because my talk didn't make it! :)19:22
rm_youno one will talk about the Service Registration feature in Barbican, and illustrate the proper workflow for certificate storage and use by other Openstack-Services19:23
rm_youI guess maybe I can make a few slides for one of the Barbican guys19:23
rm_youand convince them to do a brown-bag talk19:23
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dougwigi'll slip it into the new driver interface, if you want.21:01
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