Friday, 2021-04-02

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digitalsimbojaHi all, I have a quesstion when running vagrant up . If there is network disconnection and the process times out or exits without cloning all the necessary projects and properly setting up the VM, Is there a way of issuing a command so vagrant can pick up from where it stopped and provission the machine completely?07:50
dulekdigitalsimboja: You mean while it's running devstack/
digitalsimbojawhile I ran vagrant up07:56
dulekdigitalsimboja: I never really used this but I see it's running here:
digitalsimbojasure yes07:58
dulekdigitalsimboja: So if that is interrupted you can always login into the machine as "stack" user and run /opt/stack/devstack/ and then /opt/stack/devstack/
digitalsimbojaso if there is network disconnection, do you suggest I unstack and stack up again07:58
dulekBut it's always starting from the beginning.07:58
digitalsimbojaOkay perfect got it07:58
digitalsimbojaTHanks, this helps alot07:59
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carcablop19I have been installing the necessary packages to work with openstack, more specifically with the kury project, but I have had some problems installing devStack. I am working on the Ubuntu operating system in a virtual machine box.22:12
carcablop19To install devstack, do all the previous steps and after several hours of executing the command $. / I get the following error: /opt/stack/devstack/lib/cinder:503 c-api did no start. Error on exit. ebtables v1.8.4 (nf_tables): table 'broute' is incompatible, use 'nft' tool.22:12
carcablop19Could @maysams help me with this problem. Please.22:14
maysams-afkcarcablop19: hello, you can try to do ./ then ./ -- to clean up the env, and try again ./stack.sh22:25
carcablop19thanks @maysams-afk I try again.22:27
carcablop19this takes a long time to finish running.22:45
carcablop19While I had assigned the following issue:22:45
carcablop19Allow load-balancers to be created for Services without Endpoints. Could you tell me how to start to be able to develop this problem. I would like to document myself to develop the easier task. Where can I start?22:45
carcablop19thanks you a lot22:46
maysams-afkcarcablop19: right now kuryr only triggers a creation of load-balancer when the Endpoints for a Service is create and filled with addresses22:50
maysams-afkyou can check out this by following the steps here
maysams-afkif you try creating the k8s service first, before creating any Pod that acts as Endpoints are created, Kuryr won't create the lb22:53
maysams-afkcarcablop19: that task is about creating the load-balancer even when there is no Endpoints(Pods) there22:54
maysams-afkcarcablop19: you can start by checking out kuryr controller handlers, that is where the creation of the resources is triggered22:57
carcablop19ok, I'll following the steps. thanks you a lot23:04
maysams-afkcarcablop19: you're welcome. When no one is online, feel free to ask questions on the launchpad bug as well, it might be easier to keep track23:06
maysams-afks/keep track/help out23:08
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