jayanta91 | freemanboss[m]: did you deploy ironic in your local machine. i have 8gb ram in my local machine should i deploy it | 07:42 |
rpittau | good morning ironic! o/ | 07:43 |
freemanboss[m] | jayanta91: I was advised to use Virtual machine instead. | 07:44 |
freemanboss[m] | I'm yet to deploy ironic. | 07:44 |
freemanboss[m] | You should also try using VM instead of your local environment | 07:44 |
rpittau | jayanta91, freemanboss[m], if you want to experiment with ironic I highly suggest to start with bifrost instead of devstack as the requirements are smaller and it focus on ironic instead of the entire openstack ecosystem | 07:45 |
freemanboss[m] | rpittau: oh interesting. I'll try that instead | 07:46 |
freemanboss[m] | I think I saw it somewhere around the docs | 07:46 |
rpittau | freemanboss[m]: https://docs.openstack.org/bifrost/latest/ | 07:54 |
freemanboss[m] | rpittau: thank you | 07:56 |
freemanboss[m] | adeolaadesina[m]: > <@adeolaadesina:matrix.org> Hello everyone, | 07:57 |
freemanboss[m] | > Please, can anyone guide me on what I need to do to make a contribution? | 07:57 |
freemanboss[m] | Read through the project description page. You'll understand where to start better | 07:57 |
opendevreview | Riccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] test metal3 job for improvements https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/945069 | 08:36 |
opendevreview | OpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/945076 | 09:58 |
opendevreview | OpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/945077 | 09:58 |
opendevreview | OpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic master: Update master for stable/2025.1 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/945078 | 09:58 |
freemanboss[m] | rpittau: please which release is advisable to be installed for ironic using bifrost? | 10:39 |
freemanboss[m] | The docs mentioned Ussuri | 10:39 |
priteau | freemanboss[m]: this is just an example, I would recommend using the most recent release branch | 10:53 |
freemanboss[m] | rpittau: alright on that. | 10:55 |
freemanboss[m] | But I got an error it seems bifrost isn't supported on arch? | 10:55 |
priteau | Arch Linux? | 11:12 |
freemanboss[m] | priteau: yes I'm on archlinux | 11:13 |
divaac | Hi team, I am an outreachy applicant. I am interested in working on the Ironic project. | 11:15 |
divaac | I have spent the past few days reading the docs, learning about Ironic and Openstack. I have finished setting up my environment and completed the first contribution task. | 11:15 |
divaac | masghar: Hi masghar and rpittau, how would you like me to submit the first contribution task for review?. Via email email or IRC | 11:16 |
freemanboss[m] | divaac: We are submitting via email | 11:16 |
divaac | freemanboss[m]: Thanks, noted. I will do that | 11:17 |
ps_adavize | divaac: are you talking about the essay? | 11:33 |
freemanboss[m] | adeolaadesina[m]: Try installing and experimenting ironic and get ready for the task 1 in the project page | 11:37 |
freemanboss[m] | This is what I'm currently working on | 11:37 |
rpittau | divaac: as freemanboss[m] please send your first submission by email to masghar and myself, thanks | 12:19 |
freemanboss[m] | rpittau: I've sent it to both of you since yesterday | 12:21 |
freemanboss[m] | Please check your mail and let me know if you didn't receive it please | 12:21 |
rpittau | freemanboss[m]: we got quite some applications and submissions, it will take some time to review them all, be patient :) | 12:23 |
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (254KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AcWnk5fMBTbqFLlkTW22b5BeSVExseZ3cVWzKjQkIS-yadIKfniDqMjwRwfbT1Tmx7gIcjGHxtINf2P-7HLeZchCeV-5sv_AAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvZkZVTFlSUlhQc1pwU1Zza2NSeklQalpr > | 12:23 | |
rpittau | freemanboss[m]: for bifrost I suggest to use ubuntu noble | 12:23 |
freemanboss[m] | I hope I'm on the right track? | 12:23 |
freemanboss[m] | ./bifrost-cli install --network-interface eno1 --dhcp-pool | 12:25 |
freemanboss[m] | This is the command im running | 12:25 |
freemanboss[m] | rpittau: Alright thank you | 12:26 |
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (377KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AbDi-aCptoJ-sM_a_vNpXhFekE85MGbsLMC0zXRbNj-fyc5jIyXhtmCGlonRlA3XhzkDSGHS7zgVXxW1TGoOoWVCeV-6bk1gAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvQlBoS1VFcW5NUFF5cVljS1N6cVFDTnF6 > | 12:36 | |
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (164KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AeMwRsWf6gLnFKyo-HElepTFmEHytIZJik6Ej6yoVzu7rwAjDV1Emyxa_D0BKKRPpwSEAhSg20qPXm0lxQsYB3FCeV-6qM6QAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvZ2ZHTWdFdE5BVXZNbmNSb2liekVTWUll > | 12:40 | |
freemanboss[m] | Please this is the error I'm getting | 12:40 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ironic stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/945076 | 13:07 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ironic master: Update master for stable/2025.1 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/945078 | 13:07 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ironic stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/945077 | 13:07 |
jayanta91 | rpittau: i'm going to deploy it on aws using bifrost can i use 2-core cpu and 4gb vm | 13:09 |
rpittau | jayanta91: mmm that may not be enough | 13:14 |
jayanta91 | rpittau: how much cpu and ram should i needed for it | 13:15 |
jayanta91 | atleast | 13:16 |
jayanta91 | rpittau: thank you | 13:16 |
freemanboss[m] | System Requirements... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AaHiDi8co1aKJr7OZRBKJO0EylB9_5zZSNdUoQBalvTcYW-R-uVo3atibMDkpp2BluObimM0yuDfJ7H1_ZmO549CeV-8wQwwAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvZGZsaE1VYUp3Z2RkblVZak9rdFdsTkRU>) | 13:16 |
freemanboss[m] | this is from the project page | 13:17 |
jayanta91 | freemanboss[m]: all right, thank you | 13:18 |
rpittau | yeah that may be a bit outdated, as barely minimum mighty work | 13:18 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/sushy master: migrate sushy_oem_idrac to sushy https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/sushy/+/940557 | 13:36 |
rpittau | \o/ | 13:48 |
freemanboss[m] | rpittau: masghar: thank you I've received the mail and I'll proceed to work on the next task as stated in the mail. | 13:52 |
opendevreview | Satoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Ironic Container Cofig for IPA Integration https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/944796 | 13:57 |
opendevreview | Riccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: metal3: Use zuul user for logs, fix remote node ip, reduce timeout https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/945069 | 14:03 |
opendevreview | Riccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: metal3: Use zuul user for logs, fix remote node ip, reduce timeout https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/945069 | 14:07 |
opendevreview | Riccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Run metal3 integration job using UEFI boot (default) https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/939694 | 14:08 |
jayanta91 | rpittau: masghar, rpittau: thank you i've received the mail and i will be started to work on the next task | 14:09 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/metalsmith master: Use releases.openstack.org instead of opendev.org https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/metalsmith/+/943810 | 14:13 |
Richard-Akin | masghar, rpittau: I just sent the mail, hoping to receive the next directives. | 14:41 |
*** priteau2 is now known as priteau | 15:01 | |
opendevreview | Satoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: WIP Ironic Config Intergration for IPA https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent/+/944951 | 15:02 |
masghar | Richard-Akin: Received, thank you! | 15:13 |
Richard-Akin | masghar: I have received the mail, would do as recommended. Thank you. | 15:31 |
cardoe | cid: we gonna land https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/944769 for the release or no? | 15:47 |
cid | Nop. | 15:49 |
JayF | cardoe: I am currently not landing anything in anticipation of the release, generally | 15:50 |
TheJulia | Release has already occured | 15:54 |
TheJulia | https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/ironic+branch:stable/2025.1 | 15:54 |
JayF | \o/ | 15:54 |
TheJulia | Long live stable/2025.1! | 15:54 |
JayF | well, at least a good year and a half :D | 15:54 |
JayF | hopefully not /too/ long | 15:55 |
* JayF thinks back to backporting patches to pain^W train | 15:55 | |
Continuity | Now I just need to get upgraded :D | 16:07 |
TheJulia | I put another topic on the ptg etherpad, specifically around cinder storage being passed through DPUs which results as virtio devices the overall host. | 16:36 |
dtantsur | mm, tasty! | 17:08 |
TheJulia | It does sort of feel like it needs to be like a nice apple cidre | 17:09 |
dtantsur | nice apple cinder :D | 17:10 |
TheJulia | Preferably the hot kind, when it is cold outside. Suddenly I want a PTG at some sort of cabin by some snow slopes | 17:10 |
* TheJulia has not been on skis in a very, very, very long time | 17:10 | |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ironic master: Enable atop on jobs https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/942340 | 17:24 |
dtantsur | TheJulia: oh, this is a dream! | 17:30 |
* dtantsur has not been on skis for a painfully long time - two whole months (sorry, 1st world problems, I know :D) | 17:30 | |
TheJulia | nice. I've been on ice skates at least in the last few months | 17:31 |
* TheJulia went ice skating at SCaLE | 17:31 | |
dtantsur | Back when companies had travel budgets, a PTG in Munich or Innsbruck was not unthinkable | 17:31 |
dtantsur | (not exactly a cabin, of course...) | 17:31 |
TheJulia | heh, yeah | 17:31 |
JayF | a few years back when I worked at Omnivore, we were changing the main language of a core piece from python->go, so we had a retreat to learn how to code go... in a giant mansion wedding venue in the Outer Banks of NC | 17:33 |
dtantsur | nice! (not changing the language, the mansion part) | 17:34 |
queensly[m] | Hello everyone,... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AT5GpdL6iVTaDnhvSnVv2hdUvx5DMrbWufHQ7gkBRRkPCwCjsvPe38ISSy-D3eiGqs1_zWqfb8TSL3TWqBjjNC9CeV_M5Z_wAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvZVZld3Bsblp6Z2NEdWxBQWtMbU9pcE5t>) | 17:58 |
opendevreview | Vasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Make sure fixed IPs are different for multitenancy tests https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin/+/942414 | 18:16 |
opendevreview | Julia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: docs: add additional context around Cisco nxos usage https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/networking-generic-switch/+/945145 | 18:19 |
cardoe | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/IdWpYnLp/ | 18:33 |
cardoe | is this something in ironic or the OSC? | 18:34 |
frickler | cardoe: you could run with "--debug" to see more details about the version responses, but my guess is on an osc bug. also if possible please use paste.opendev.org | 18:42 |
TheJulia | jamesdenton: o/ I see you added sonic support to ngs. Are there any known issues? I might be adding support in devstack to spin it up and do some basic testing on my end. | 18:52 |
TheJulia | cardoe: the microversion log is... fun. tl;dr it is likely a mismatch of client versus cloud, which is fine, just never have run that command so I don't know what the expected behavior to talk to backend services is for that because we also generally don't see that in typical use | 19:00 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Missing 'interface' in Clean Step https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent/+/942152 | 19:27 |
jayanta91 | freemanboss[m]: how did you record your task 1 in outreachy | 19:30 |
jayanta91 | freemanboss[m]: could you please let me know, thank you | 19:41 |
freemanboss[m] | <queensly[m]> "Hello everyone,..." <- > <@queensly:matrix.org> Hello everyone,... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AR1Zhw_xaO555S1da_VsxxYWxVmk885ob4D0HnJM6Xv7a55ZTR7SYMTWfu4HuGoAxTq_dTFkBGiP1L1sgBXuawdCeV_TFyQAAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvWHdNd3RPa25hVHdOZEJaakVxYkFzbUhw>) | 19:47 |
freemanboss[m] | <jayanta91> "Freeman Boss: how did you record..." <- I've not done that yet. | 19:48 |
freemanboss[m] | Let mentor verify for us if we can go ahead with recording it on outreachy as a contribution | 19:48 |
freemanboss[m] | freemanboss[m]: > <@freemanboss:matrix.org> I've not done that yet. | 19:50 |
freemanboss[m] | > Let mentor verify for us if we can go ahead with recording it on outreachy as a contribution | 19:50 |
freemanboss[m] | masghar: thank you | 19:50 |
jayanta91 | freemanbos[m]: did your 1st task get verifyed by mentor | 19:53 |
freemanboss[m] | jayanta91: Yes and majority of us have been replied | 19:53 |
freemanboss[m] | You're yet to be replied? | 19:53 |
jayanta91 | freemanboss[m]: yes i also got replied but they didn't mention about recording | 19:56 |
freemanboss[m] | jayanta91: Yeah that's why I said we should wait for them to give us go ahead | 19:56 |
freemanboss[m] | Once they're online | 19:57 |
TheJulia | jamesdenton: vsaienko: mnasiadka: Hey NGS Friends! Wondering, do we have visibility on to what switches *need* the etcd based locking or not. I know there is varying information out there and just wondering if we can begin to codify it into knowledge in the docs for n-g-s. | 20:16 |
vsaienko | its switches that has known limits in number of concurrent ssh sessions. I remember that it was originally developed for Cisco catalyst models (near 10 simultaneous SSH connections). | 20:17 |
TheJulia | vsaienko: shouldn't you be asleep ;) | 20:20 |
vsaienko | :-) | 20:22 |
TheJulia | I know some switches have concurrency configuration change issues, but I've heard people explicitly test that on things like SONiC and newer... mor modern switch OSes and its not been a problem | 20:23 |
TheJulia | connection concurrency could be a thing | 20:23 |
priteau | I do remember Dell OS9, or maybe it was OS10, struggling with too many SSH connections | 20:33 |
TheJulia | do you remember how many at all for OS10? | 20:37 |
vsaienko | TheJulia: do we want to test portgroups? I've prepared some patches to tempest but don't know on which job its better to enable them. | 20:49 |
TheJulia | it might be nice, but I think we must limit that to ngs, not ironic's jobs in general | 20:50 |
TheJulia | and even then, likely needs to be a separate job to ensure we don't generate more than 4MB of text | 20:50 |
TheJulia | (since the test runner just truncates results at that point) | 20:50 |
vsaienko | ack, let me prepare a new job than, thanks | 20:51 |
TheJulia | priteau: I could definitely see OS9, that was weird getting ssh working against. | 20:51 |
kulsooms | masghar, rpittau: I just sent the mail, looking forward to your feedback. Thank you | 20:52 |
TheJulia | vsaienko: cool cool, thanks! | 20:54 |
priteau | TheJulia: looks like OS10 defaults to 10 concurrent login sessions? https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/en-us/dell-emc-smartfabric-os10/smartfabric-os-user-guide-10-5-3/limit-concurrent-login-sessions | 21:16 |
opendevreview | Jay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic unmaintained/xena: [um-only] [ci] Disable all integration testing https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/945173 | 22:18 |
freemanboss[m] | rpittau: masghar: please what should I do?... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/ASSqZL1Cd2RVzgSrTCkMebDWKwPQGBy0BFdp94vJulQRT8tkJIBabnIZuGKjT4byD1x31-tGXIVxJrIBZ4lJRldCeV_dP_6wAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvUWZuZmtHTU5MZXNmdktocWZ4clVHSkVD>) | 22:44 |
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