Wednesday, 2025-03-19

opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Create Podman DIB Element for container-based cleaning
freemanboss[m]<Annosha> "Hello everyone, I am Annosha..." <- You're welcome. yeah that's how it's, you can't view previous messages before you join the channel.02:52
cardoeSo for the outreachy folks an idea that JayF had was around type annotations and checking. I’d be glad to help.03:19
JayFThey already have a project this cycle I believe. My suggestion was more future looking03:33
opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow a node in service fail state to be unprovisioned
dtantsurJayF, cardoe, chances are rather high that we'll have outreachy funding the next round too, so mentors are welcome ;)07:29
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:40
rpittauManideepMaddileti[m], freemanboss[m]: welcome to the ironic community! After completing the essay please send it or share it to masghar and myself by email, you can find our addresses in the outreachy project page07:47
ManideepMaddileti[m]rpittau: Sure!07:48
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-ui stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-ui stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-ui master: Update master for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Update master for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Update master for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-baremetal stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-baremetal stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-baremetal master: Update master for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Update master for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter master: Update master for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/virtualpdu master: Remove translation sections from setup.cfg
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Update release mappings for epoxy
rpittauTheJulia, dtantsur, JayF when you have a moment please check ^ then we can release09:26
freemanboss[m]<rpittau> "Manideep Maddileti, freemanboss..." <- Alright rpittau: I'll do that once mine is ready 09:39
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Update master for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: A new 'description' field to the port object
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: A new 'description' field to the port object
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow special characters in patch field keys
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: A new 'description' field to the port object
opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow a node in service fail state to be unprovisioned
dtantsurjanders: this ^^ is a good point12:48
TheJuliaOh yeah, that does sort of make sense13:55
TheJuliarpittau: It can be okay to cut the release as long as the very next release has such a patch even if backported14:14
rpittauTheJulia: sounds good to me, I just wanted to avoid backporting or worse forgetting as it happened before :D14:16
rpittauwe still have time, at least today14:16
rpittauI will release the kraken before going offline later, then and backport that if not merged yet14:16
TheJuliaThe recheck was already triggered for it, so... its a matter of time at the moment14:17
opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow a node in service fail state to be unprovisioned
JayF do we want this approved before release (port.description)16:01
TheJuliaHas anyone seen ilos fail at when using ipmi ?16:03
TheJuliaI'm basically telling my customer we're at the end of commercial reasonable support if the bmc does something funky erroring on that call given it is ipmi and they really shouldn't be using it when redfish is a thing16:07
TheJulia(and they have to explicitly turn IPMI on those machines when the vendor doesn't want you using it)16:08
rpittauJayF: I think we'll wait for and to merge and that's all for epoxy16:38
JayFthat's what I thought16:49
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: network testing: hooking in an external network simulator
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Add network simulator support for force10 OS 10
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: docs: detail network switch simulator support
TheJuliavsaienko_: I added you as a reviewer to specifically because of the recent tap change. I added a comment on it as well so you have background.16:58
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: network simulator support for Cisco Nexus 9k
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Update release mappings for epoxy
TheJuliarpittau: ^17:09
TheJuliaJayF: w/r/t port.description, I think it can wait, can't be used right now without client updates which can't ship at this point17:11
JayFstill waiting on for the release17:11
JayFTheJulia: yeah, rpittau's answer matched my aassumption to wait :)17:11
TheJuliaworst comes to worst, I'd be okay with backporting that since realistically it could be viewed as a bugfix as well17:12
JayFI don't have a need for it in a specific release; I just naturally was the second +2 on it17:13
JayFand figured we'd not want to approve something like that minutes before release :)17:13
TheJuliaits a semi-logical progression and I could see someone trying it17:13
JayFI think making the port object more fully fleshed out is going to end up a focus17:14
JayFwith as much network stuff in the pipeline to architect as we have :D 17:14
TheJuliaI concur. I had a discussion recently at acutally provisioning switch OSes with ironic as nodes, so I sort of wonder if we could end up in some crazy weird data model which actually makes sense if ironic owns both sides of the cable17:15
JayFI'm less interested in making Ironic do more crazy network tricks than I am wiring through APIs to make the stuff we have more flexible17:15
JayFbut there's room at the party for everyone :D17:15
TheJuliaYeah, there was an admission that "basically, its like the old snmp hardware type but where a specific pxe interface is needed which rips the PXE config out completely because it doesn't need to PXE boot the switch again17:16
TheJuliawhen they explained it I basically said "that is actually super reasonable"17:16
JayFtime to use servicing to update cisco iOS versions :)17:17
* TheJulia twitches17:17
JayFI'm going to focus today on stable/UM branch stuff17:17
JayFwe have a lot of patches that are failing due to CI issues17:17
TheJuliahmm, there are some weird failures in the logs17:22
TheJuliaalso random post_failure 17:22
JayFyeah I think recheck will fix 94496617:22
JayFthe stable stuff is all too old to have results17:23
JayFbut unless there's objection: for any UM branches, I'm going to chop down integration test jobs aggressively17:23
TheJuliaI think it makes sense17:29
TheJuliaThis is a thing we need to do on a regular basis17:30
freemanboss[m]rpittau: masghar: please is it advisable for me to test out deploying ironic using devstack before writing my 1/2 pages writeup?17:54
freemanboss[m]Thank you17:54
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: DNM SCIENCE: Do we need greendns patching?
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/2024.2: Make floppy images more floppy
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: DNM SCIENCE: Do we need greendns patching?
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic stable/2024.1: Make floppy images more floppy
JayFfreemanboss[m]: if you have the resources, a working devstack can be helpful to understand how Ironic works.. We have docs in Ironic about how to configure one; but you need a virtual machine (DO NOT DO THIS LOCALLY) with at least 8gb of ram.18:58
dtantsur... and quite a bit of time and brain capacity18:59
JayFHonestly I think my team has it mostly down to a science now18:59
JayFwe've squeezed most of the unreliability out of the documented configs19:00
* dtantsur will stick to bifrost nonetheless19:00
JayFand we finally tracked down the reason the devstacks were dying inexplicably for us ... and it involves AWS security groups being too open + not changing *_PASSWORD in local.conf :) 19:00
JayFcardoe: Were you going to continue to pursue making OEM endpoint stuff accessible in Ironic?19:10
JayFcardoe: I'm not sure I'll have many resources to help implement, but we have general interest19:10
* JayF just noticed it's absence from PTG topics19:15
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client unmaintained/2023.1: Update .gitreview for unmaintained/2023.1
freemanboss[m]<JayF> "Freeman Boss: if you have the..." <- Alright thank you. I'll set up VM soon then. I was planning to do it locally earlier.19:24
freemanboss[m]But I've seen the docs in the ironic documentation on how to go about it 19:24
JayFother optino is the ironic local dev env stuff19:25
JayFwhich stands up basically an empty shell of an ironic-api to test clients against19:25
freemanboss[m]JayF: Oh I'll have to look for this 19:25
JayF use the tox instructions19:26
JayFthis should run on any linux machine; unsure about mac19:26
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: network simulator support for Cisco Nexus 9k
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-ironicclient unmaintained/2023.1: Update .gitreview for unmaintained/2023.1
JayFMy fiber just went dark. I'll be on my phone only for the forseeable future :| 20:24
freemanboss[m]<JayF> "" <- Alright thank you very much 20:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent unmaintained/2023.1: Update .gitreview for unmaintained/2023.1
TheJuliayeouch :(20:41
JayFit's always sad when you check, no outage, call in, no outage, and they book a tech20:42
JayFthat means you're going to be out for a while20:42
TheJuliaa localized fiber cut which yeah... means they need to roll a human to you locally20:42
JayFI mainly am curious how "local" a cut has to be. There's construction down the road from me that's pretty invasive but it's on the main road, not here20:45
JayFI assume if the **ont has no optical signal** that's probably a failure closer to me20:45
cardoeJayF: yeah I wanted to work on the OEM bits..... just time20:48
JayFI was thinking of ways to speed up CI and reduce failures20:50
JayFI wonder if in the actual IPA -src jobs if it'd be more efficient to like, have a published "empty" ramdisk then jam IPA inside in the devstack build20:51
JayFespecially for tinyipa that'd be a boon20:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Allow a node in service fail state to be unprovisioned
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-baremetal unmaintained/2023.1: Update .gitreview for unmaintained/2023.1
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: network simulator support for Cisco Nexus 9k
freemanboss[m]rpittau: masghar:  I just submitted my write up to your mail. I'll be expecting review and feedback.22:09
freemanboss[m]Thank you22:09
freemanboss[m]Also I'll be expecting feedback on the way forward too.22:10
freemanboss[m]JayF:  please are you our mentor too sir?22:10
freemanboss[m]JayF: cardoe: please are you our mentors too?22:10
JayFI'm a member of the community generally, been working on ironic for a little over 10 years -- I'm not an outreachy mentor but I've mentored MLH fellows multiple times so I have the docs at hand22:10
JayFjust a random person helping where possible22:11
masgharfreemanboss, ack, will take a look!22:13
freemanboss[m]masghar: Alright masghar: thank you22:15
freemanboss[m]<JayF> "I'm a member of the community..." <- Wow. I understand.22:16
freemanboss[m]Thank you very much 22:16
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: WIP Ironic Config Intergration for IPA

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