Thursday, 2024-01-25

TheJuliaugh, bifrost, why you fail on change to changeset with just a reno added :(00:33
TheJuliaqueue infinite sadness00:33
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Detect ilo6 and redirect to redfish
iurygregoryyeah =( 00:43
TheJuliaiurygregory: How about recursive infinite sadness?00:51
iurygregoryTheJulia, no! please no!00:51
TheJuliabut... but! :)00:52
iurygregorywe want happy CI upstream00:52
iurygregoryfor infinite recursive sadness we have downstream upgrade jobs =)00:52
opendevreviewKyrylo Romanenko proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Tests for OSC baremetal node create command with options
iurygregoryCI is happy, it gave +1 on my patch XD00:57
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Fix bug in devstack-guide: readd server create
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Replace cinderclient usage with openstacksdk
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/python-ironicclient master failed: add pyproject.toml to support pip 23.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/2023.2: Handle exceptions after re-authentication
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/2023.1: Handle exceptions after re-authentication
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/zed: Handle exceptions after re-authentication
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/yoga: Handle exceptions after re-authentication
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/xena: Handle exceptions after re-authentication
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/wallaby: Handle exceptions after re-authentication
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client master failed: add pyproject.toml to support pip 23.1
opendevreviewAdam McArthur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: [codespell] Adding git-blame-ignore-revs to clear codespell changes
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: fix keystone auth scope
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:34
dtantsurTheJulia: thanks for handling the bifrost issue!07:57
opendevreviewMohammed Boukhalfa proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Add fake_ipa inspection, lookup and heartbeater to fake system
rpittauJayF: re: 890408, thanks! :)08:55
rpittauoh bifrost CI is back, good08:57
dtantsurshould be, thanks to Julia09:16
rpittaunow that I'm looking deeper at plantuml I'm ready to give up and just convert all the sequence diagrams to SVG or drop them :D09:39
masgharIs it missing features, or does it have a bunch of dependencies?09:45
rpittauboth, plus complexity is way higher than seqdiag, not sure it's worth at all if we can generate svg externally and embed them09:46
masgharI see, well we could use seqdiag or just to generate an svg externally if you're me :)09:54
rpittauyep, I think I'm going to move all diagrams to images so we can at least remove the requirements for seqdiag and move forward with Pillow, then we'll see09:55
rpittauit's 9 diags, should be quick09:56
masgharI can make the diagrams in the meantime, if thats helpful10:12
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:06
iurygregorylooking for another review in =)11:09
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Configure the new inspection implementation
dtantsuryay \o/11:29
rpittaumasghar: thanks, we already have the diagrams, I just need to change the seqdiag entries to normal image :)11:30
rpittaudtantsur: cool!11:30
masgharrpittau: perfect, okay11:36
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Wire in node auto-discovery
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/bifrost master failed: Collect lshw output in json format
masgharI am looking at this diagram: and am wondering why the PXE environment for instance image is prepared after direct deploy is completed? Hasn't the instance image already been written to the disk?12:23
iurygregoryJayF, regarding I think we are good, I can +1 if you want12:29
rpittauiurygregory, JayF, I'm also +1 about
dtantsurmasghar: sigh. This diagram is so ancient that it refers to booting final instances via network. A feature that I removed.. maybe more than a year ago already.13:26
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/2023.2: Handle a different related properties for missing TransferProtocolType
opendevreviewDamien RANNOU proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: USB device discovery
TheJuliagood morning14:23
masghardtantsur: no wonder! It confused me a bit. Maybe I can fix this up14:33
masgharGood morning TheJulia!14:33
dtantsurmorning TheJulia 14:33
dtantsurmasghar: yeah, any references to booting instances (not ramdisks) from networking can be dropped14:34
TheJuliadtantsur: by chance did you have a minute or three to ponder my reply on http boot interfaces for normal network boot?14:50
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Collect lshw output in json format
JayFiurygregory: dtantsur: re: yoga->unmaintained; we just should make sure if we need to make a release of yoga we do so first15:32
iurygregoryJayF, well, it will have a release but with the  yoga-eom tag15:43
JayFno, that's not a release, that's just a tag15:44
JayFjust like when we'd tag yoga-em when something went to extended maintenance15:44
JayFor yoga-eol if it was end of life15:44
JayFunmaintained is like EM in that we don't make releases once we cross that threshold15:45
JayFso it's "final chance to release yoga Ironic"15:45
iurygregoryJayF, got it, yeah I think it makes sense (just checked ironic and we added things it would be good to release)15:46
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy master: Update supported python versions
TheJuliaiurygregory: JayF: I've posted to get a new version of the tempest plugin out there.16:22
iurygregoryTheJulia, looking now, just got back from lunch16:24
dtantsurTheJulia: I only read it briefly. IIRC it addressed my concerns, but I did not have time for a re-review.16:42
TheJuliaokay, I realize it wasn't the answer you were originally hoping for when you were asking the question either, but I guess I conveyed enough context to get the underlying challenge across. In the grand scheme of things, adn this is a totally valid thing for metal3, is you could just encode in a HTTPClient payload response anyway for all that wonderful hardware that thinks PXE IS HTTPBoot :)16:44
rpittaugood night! o/16:47
dtantsurTheJulia: yeah, it probably just a flavor of ipxe for us16:51
TheJuliaThat whole challenge is kind of if at any point you need to explicitly tell a redfish bmc that it needs to only boot from HTTP, then that is definitely another boot_interface selection since the lower level mechanics with the bmc can't just take a default path at that point16:52
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: WIP: Basic tests for sharding
iurygregoryTheJulia, if you have some time for review today can you check ? already has a +219:22
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/2023.1: Don't create a hardlink to a symlink when handling file:// URLs
TheJuliaiurygregory: question regarding
TheJuliaare those already constrained by redfish, or is it just what we're comfortable with? I guess I ask becuase we are aware of BMCs being able to update things like storage adapter firmware, network card firmware, etc19:39
TheJuliaahh, I see it was hard coded in the component processing previously19:51
iurygregoryTheJulia, it's what we can support for now19:56
iurygregoryTo make nics and other components available it would require a lot more things, so we decided to keep simple and we can enhance things later19:57
iurygregorya lot more things you can read as (test FirmwareInventory/SoftwareInventory from redfish and try to update things in different hardware models ...)19:58
TheJuliafair, it looks like the update service api doesn't really have the primitives except for in softwareinventory, and I think that is a whole other schema20:01
iurygregoryyeah, and a bit more complicated to match things..20:02
TheJulia... I sort of wonder if there is a way to... in a generic sense, extend and support that20:54
TheJuliaI guess it woudl also help to see practical examples and I'm not sure there are any off hand21:05
iurygregoryTheJulia, janders collected some data from Software/FirmwareInventory if I recall we have available downstream 21:22
opendevreviewAdam McArthur proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: [codespell] Fixing Spelling Mistakes
opendevreviewAdam McArthur proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: [codespell] Adding Tox Target for Codespell
opendevreviewAdam McArthur proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: [codespell] Adding CI target for Tox Codespell
opendevreviewAdam McArthur proposed openstack/bifrost master: [codespell] Fixing Spelling Mistakes
opendevreviewAdam McArthur proposed openstack/bifrost master: [codespell] Adding Tox Target for Codespell
opendevreviewAdam McArthur proposed openstack/bifrost master: [codespell] Adding CI target for Tox Codespell
adamcarthur5Apologies for the spam folks - should I start doing the Tox and CI commits in one? I think the spelling changes themselves should be separate though if we add a git-blame-ignore-revs down the line.21:35
JayFI'd be OK with reviewing them that way since we have consensus to add it non-voting to our jobs21:36
TheJuliaAlso, it is not spam )21:36
TheJuliaerr :)21:36
JayFthat is true as well, it's happiness in notification form lol21:37
JayFopendevreview is the dopamine bot /s 21:37
TheJulianow, if only it could be some sort of pastry21:37
JayFsee, I would've thought you'd go more pizza21:37
JayFwe'll have to mix them: hot pockets!21:37
TheJuliaEh, I *do* need to go kneed the dough for tonight's pizza21:37
JayFyou have a knead need?21:38
TheJuliawell, the dough needs it's first one soon21:38
JayFVanessa found some no-knead overnight neapolitan recipe which did a pretty good crust; not as good as when she went the long way but apparently it was very little prep and it just worked21:38
TheJuliaI feel like need that recipe21:39
JayFI have proxied your request to Vanessa :D21:39
JayFTheJulia: I'll note that king arthur flour has like, slightly different protein content than some flours, so if you're not using their brand you might wanna lookup a mix (I think it'd be a small amount of bread flour with all purpose)21:41
TheJuliaoh yes, and they have modified versions and recommendations for different types21:41
TheJulialike... making a french baguette21:41
JayFVanessa has a library of flours now lol21:42
iurygregoryand now I'm hungry after reading about pizza21:43
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Handle nova instance having no image
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: [WIP] add virtual-media-boot to openstack driver
stevebaker[m]TheJulia: boop22:24
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: RedfishFirmwareInterface - Unit Tests & More logs
iurygregoryhappy dance \o/22:27
TheJuliao/ stevebaker[m] 22:33
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: do you want an early review on your wip change or do you want me to hold off?22:33
stevebaker[m]Yeah feedback would be welcom at this point i think22:40
TheJulia"i think" ;)22:41
TheJulianot sure I get why the initial changes to staticdriver22:46
TheJulialeft two comments, one might requiring looking at volume states to know for sure22:51

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