Wednesday, 2023-02-01

opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow port queries by shard list
JayFI need some docs updates, but that should be reviewable00:16
JayFhaven't touched api_ref for the ports change, haven't done the sharded=true change yet00:16
JayFgoing to tackle that tomorrow00:16
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:17
rpittauJayF: re virtualpdu: I'll move forward with the adoption steps then, keep you and the rest of the community informed, thanks!08:22
MikeCTZAmorning (here anyway) ironic, been ages since I've had chance to work on my ironic setup with other priorities, back at it now08:31
MikeCTZAhaving a few networking challenges, but not sure I'm doing things right so ... if anyone has any experience would be cool to ping a few ideas/questions off someone08:35
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic stable/xena failed: Fix selinux context of published image hardlink
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/9.3: Update .gitreview for bugfix/9.3
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/21.3: Update .gitreview for bugfix/21.3
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-inspector bugfix/11.3: Update .gitreview for bugfix/11.3
iurygregorygood morning Ironic12:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/xena: Fix selinux context of published image hardlink
vanouGood morning ironic13:08
vanouJayF: Regarding review on, my explanation was not good and makes you misunderstand situation. I adds explanation to Gerrit. So please check it. Thanks.13:09
*** dking is now known as Guest314614:38
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/ironic master: DNM: Test ironic against nova stable uuid change
opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Relaxing console pid looking
kubajjJayF: about I think I am already doing this. The SwiftObjectStillExists contains a message about it which is then logged:
dtantsurTheJulia: includes SQLA 2.0, the failures are weird14:59
opendevreviewJakub Jelinek proposed openstack/ironic master: Erase swift inventory entry on node deletion
TheJuliahmm, looks like something else has changed15:16
TheJuliaat least since we tried on the beta1 release15:16
TheJuliaI wouldn't expect it to really work though until we get rid of the autocommit flag15:17
TheJuliaI need to do a couple different things this morning, but I'll give it as spin and peel off the patch and see how bad (or good) things are15:18
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix debug log message argument formatting
TheJuliayeah, looks like we're going to need to revise our test database invocation code15:37
TheJuliawhich is why basically every test fails right now15:37
TheJuliahmmm... just creating a connection detonates15:51
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic stable/zed failed: Fix selinux context of published image hardlink
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic stable/yoga failed: Fix selinux context of published image hardlink
JayFkubajj: AFAICT; that sets a message *on the exception* but does not log it16:09
JayFkubajj: it's possible I'm missing something though16:09
kubajjJayF: I thought that the e in is logged16:11
rpittauso virtualpdu is now python 3.8/3.10 compliant just need approval and reviews16:20
JayFkubajj: ++ I understand16:23
TheJulia... so it is the ping listener16:23
JayFAnyone else wanna PTL? :P 16:33
JayFIf not, I'm going to re-nominate myself. Hopefully I learned a thing at all.16:33
JayFBut we really should line up someone else for C or D cycle16:33
JayFdo a warm handover16:33
JayFrpittau: as the first person to speak, you've volunteered, thanks ;) 16:33
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TheJuliaJayF: that is *evil*16:34
* TheJulia feels stumped16:37
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rpittaugood night! o/16:43
JayFTheJulia: what has ya stumped?17:14
JayFI have time if you need unstumping17:14
JayFor we can stump together lol17:14
TheJuliasqlalchemy 2.0 with our unit tests17:24
TheJuliait changed after 2.0.0b1 and now fails on ..17:24
TheJuliaactually, i might have just figured this out17:24
NobodyCamGood Morning Ironic Folks, Happy Hump day17:25
JayFNobodyCam: hey, you're at NVIDIA, right? 17:25
JayFNobodyCam: Can you please help me make sure a docs followup happens to that HW mgr PR I merged yesterday? :D 17:25
NobodyCamcan you shoot me the link?17:26
JayFthat one moved a bit slowly, so I presume whoever is working on it has a stuffed-full plate17:27
JayFso just wanted to make sure the docs patch didn't fall off the edge LOL17:27
* JayF might have been guilty of that a time or two17:27
* TheJulia suspects we've all been guilty of it at least twice ;)17:28
TheJuliaJayF: so... the bump of the requirements repo ended up with errors like:
TheJuliaand between 2.0.0b1 which we tested and 2.0.0, occured17:30
TheJuliabut, that in itself is not an issue, it seems the method name for the callback is actually problematic, at least that is as far as I got to begin looking at oslo_db.17:31
TheJuliato the point of changing line 219 from event.listen(engine, "engine_connect", _connect_ping_listener) to event.listen(engine, "connect", _connect_ping_listener) and the unit tests pass with flying colors.17:32
TheJuliain oslo.db's oslo_db/sqlalchemy/engine.py17:32
JayFdo you understand why?17:32
TheJuliayeah. Exactly17:32
TheJuliano, I have no understanding *why*17:32
TheJuliait makes "" <-- that much sense to me17:32
JayFyeah I've got nothing17:33
JayFcan we ask the upstream?17:34
TheJuliaI guess we will have to ask oslo folk17:34
TheJuliaI starte ddown the path of entirely changing the decorator17:34
TheJuliaand found it behaved the same exact way to the new style decorator indicator, so then I just changed the name and *boom* it worked17:34
TheJuliaand now I'm like.... whaaat?!17:34
JayFhave you re-run the tests with it returned to what it was before17:35
JayFto rule out, e.g., a bad pypi upload or something causing stupid-breakage17:35
TheJuliaof oslo.db17:36
* TheJulia re-runs all unit tests just to make sure17:37
JayFof sqla17:37
JayFI'm conjecturing about if /something else/ could17:37
JayFhave changed the behavior17:38
JayFbasically if the facts as they seem are unbelievable, find better facts lol17:38
*** Guest3146 is now known as dking17:41
TheJuliaonce my tox run is done, I'll double check the version at least17:43
TheJuliamaking sure we don't have any hidden errors in the test run output17:43
TheJuliayeah, no unexpected deprecation warnings17:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/21.0: Fix selinux context of published image hardlink
dkingYou guys are working late this morning.17:48
JayFit's 9:50am Pacific time :)17:49
TheJuliaMuch better17:54
TheJuliaJayF: take a look at slide 9 now18:30
JayFTheJulia: I really like the idea of taking this narrative in the direction of "we are part of the problem" when talking about that18:33
TheJuliashould I add another animation transition?18:33
JayFI haven't looked at any of the transitions18:34
TheJuliaactually, I'm going to collapse in slide 1118:34
TheJuliaflow is difficult here18:39
TheJuliaJayF: I love "fog of war"18:48
JayFI don't, I turn it off in all my RTS's ;) 18:48
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/20.2: Fix selinux context of published image hardlink
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/yoga: Fix selinux context of published image hardlink
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/zed: Fix selinux context of published image hardlink
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: API support for CRUD node.shard
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow port queries by shard list
JayFTheJulia: ^ curious if you think my updates to shard api-ref is sufficient operator docs until we get networking-baremetal or nova driver using shards...22:11
JayFif so; this change should be completely ready to review and land22:11
JayFaw hell, except the /v1/nodes?sharded=true22:11
JayFwell, i'll do that in a follow on and leave these alone, since they are good and well tested22:11
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: API support for CRUD node.shard
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow port queries by shard list
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Add support for filtering for sharded nodes
JayFNOW that is completely ready for review22:55
JayFincluding sharded support22:55
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Fix snmp driver sleep call count
vanougood morning ironic23:56

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