Wednesday, 2022-07-27

stevebaker[m]bleh, now sushy-tools-tempest-uefi-redfish-vmedia is failing01:00
opendevreviewMerged openstack/metalsmith stable/xena: Do a precise node lookup for unprovision
ajyaGood morning, sushy-tempest-uefi-redfish-vmedia and sushy-tools-tempest-uefi-redfish-vmedia started to fail yesterday. Should that be related to werkzeug change or is it smth else?06:33
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/06:35
rpittauajya: I think it's the werkzeug change, the route redirect does not work anymore and it breaks virtualmedia06:36
ajyaok, I'll do a recheck on one of my patches06:36
ajya..or does it need sushy-tools release first/is it building from source?06:38
rpittausomeone already open an issue
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: [DNM] test werkzeug 2.2 routing change
opendevreviewJakub Jelinek proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: WIP: Enable skipping disks for cleaning
*** undefined is now known as Guest617608:19
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/wallaby: Handle AccessError with Basic Auth instead of "reauth"
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/yoga: Handle AccessError with Basic Auth instead of "reauth"
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/xena: Handle AccessError with Basic Auth instead of "reauth"
rpittaudtantsur, TheJulia the redirect just seems to not work anymore, see the url change here
rpittauthere's an issue open against werkzeug 2.2.0 and getting more reports08:40
*** undefined is now known as Guest617809:23
dtantsurrpittau: lovely.. but the DNM patch seems to pass, maybe it's our immediate workaround?09:48
rpittaudtantsur: yeah, not sure you checked the issue but apparently the precedent behavior was not correct, I'm trying to move the discussion forward09:53
rpittauanyway, I'll complete the patch and remove the DNM09:53
dtantsurTheJulia, JayF, I remember some talks about no-heartbeat mode for IPA. Has it moved anywhere?10:01
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Fix for werkzeug 2.2 routing change
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:30
rpittauhey iurygregory :)11:36
TheJuliadtantsur: I don't really remember13:02
ajyaHi, any 2nd core can spare some time on these backports - thanks13:46
TheJuliaajya: approved the first one, the second one needs a different core14:04
TheJuliagood morning yoctozepto 14:04
yoctozeptoany idea what have changed recently in ironic that we are now seeing 404 from `openstack baremetal introspection rule list`14:04
yoctozeptogood morning TheJulia 14:05
TheJuliayoctozepto: so... what version of flask do you have?14:05
yoctozeptoTheJulia: the one from upper-constraints, let me check...14:05
yoctozeptoI will verify the versions inside the image though14:06
TheJuliacould you try 2.1.2 real quick?14:07
yoctozeptoTheJulia: "real quick" no but can try in general14:09
TheJuliaI suspect which dropped in 2.1.3 has broken us14:10
TheJuliain multiple locations :(14:10
yoctozeptough :-(14:11
TheJuliayup, inspector is very broken it looks like14:16
yoctozeptook, the previously working images had 2.1.2 so I guess no need to split the hair14:17
yoctozeptothanks TheJulia 14:17
yoctozeptobtw, what's your plan now? blacklist the new version or fix the inspector?14:18
yoctozeptowell, fix by adapting14:18
yoctozeptoor whatever :D14:18
TheJuliadunno yet14:18
TheJuliathe conundrum basically is that I *think* the patch might be in the right for flask14:19
TheJuliaso blacklist and fix and then unblacklist is likely the only route14:20
yoctozeptoack, please keep me in the loop if possible14:22
dtantsurcould we put a cap to global-requirements until we can fix it?14:24
dtantsurmm, I guess blacklist was about the same14:24
TheJuliabasically the same, effectively14:25
TheJulianot what any of us needed right now14:25
dtantsurle sigh14:25
TheJuliaI'm creating an item in storyboard14:25
TheJuliasushy-tools is also straight flask right?14:26
dtantsuryeah, although a different issue?14:27
dtantsurI think rpittau mentioned 2.2.0 changing the URL handling14:27
TheJuliawell. 2.2.0 has not dropped yet14:27
TheJuliaat least on pypi14:27
dtantsurahhhh was werkzeug14:29
dtantsurso it may not be jinja itself14:29
dtantsuryoctozepto: check the werkzeug versions as well14:30
TheJuliaahh, yeah14:30
TheJuliajust found it14:30
* TheJulia tries downgrading14:31
yoctozeptoworking Werkzeug-2.1.214:31
TheJuliadowngraded to 2.1.2 and unit tests pass14:31
TheJuliaso it is, indeed, Werkzeug14:31
TheJulia feels like it likely should have dropped as Werkzeug 3...14:34
TheJuliaso, ironic-inspector, sushy-tools. What else?14:37
TheJuliaIPA is fine, fwiw14:37
yoctozeptosweet mother of commits14:37
TheJuliayoctozepto: heh, started reading that one did you?14:40
yoctozeptoTheJulia: looked at the +/- stat, it's a rewrite of a core part14:40
TheJuliaand it appears to be in the default logic path14:42
TheJulianot that I know it's internal path very well14:42
yoctozeptoprecisely rpittau there14:45
* TheJulia suspects, based upon maintainer's reply, that we're going to have to chagne our code14:53
TheJuliayeah, originating with the new request router14:55
dtantsurand we'll need to figure out the way to make it compatible with both versions.. sigh14:57
rpittausushy-tools should be fixed by
rpittauand yeah we'll ahve to change our code14:57
dtantsurrpittau: do we need to bump the requirement or will it work with the old version as well?14:57
TheJuliaThat doesn't seem horrible, actually14:58
TheJuliaIf that requires the new request router, given the decorator, I'm not sure it is "easy"... short of a version aware meta-decorator14:58
ajyathanks, TheJulia , rloo 14:59
rlooyw :)14:59
rpittaudtantsur: mmm it hosuld work with the older version, version 2.2.0 just enforces the strict_slashes rule if I understood correctly15:00
* TheJulia gives it a spin15:01
rpittauunit tests are ok15:01
TheJuliawith 2.1.2?15:01
rpittauand 2.2.015:01
TheJuliaokay, that was what I was about to do15:01
rpittauah ok15:01
TheJuliaOkay, then I can go just fix the routing in inspector15:01
TheJuliado we need to assert a minimum?15:01
TheJuliaa.. reasonable... minimum?15:02
rpittauTheJulia: for Werkzeug ?15:03
TheJuliawe have our own decorator and we're invoking flask15:07
TheJuliawell... All but one test fixed :)15:08
*** Guest6178 is now known as rcastillo15:11
rpittauprobably best stay at elast at version 2.015:14
rpittaubut it's also Flask that drives that15:15
rpittauwhen we use it15:15
TheJulialooks like just stripping off the trailing slash fixes almost everything unit test wise15:19
TheJuliaconundrum is the /<version> route15:20
TheJuliathere is no /v2..15:20
JayFdtantsur: I implemented it downstream for Yahoo. It was awful, and not of the quality to be upstreamed. I couldn't determine a way to do it reasonably upstream.15:22
JayFdtantsur: not at least in the timebox I had15:22
JayFdtantsur: literally just stashing huge json dicts in the node object and parsing them out; it only worked there because we didn't have extensive clean/deploy steps15:23
rpittauneed to split, see ya tomorrow! o/15:24
dtantsurJayF: oh, I see..15:36
JayFdtantsur: iirc the flow was: agent heartbeats, the heartbeat endpoint in conductor would check to see if there was a stored pending response, else it would do normal-heartbeat-things async as usual, but instead of calling back, it stored the result to feed back to the client on next heartbeat15:37
JayFso each step took an extra heartbeat in most cases15:38
dtantsurhmm, that's actually the opposite direction from the one that interests me :)15:38
JayFYeah, sync heartbeats would be the way to do it upstream15:38
dtantsurI'm interested in resilience to Ironic moving around without doing a proper HA with HAProxy and stuff15:39
JayFare you saying you want IPA-polling-only vs Ironic-api-calling-only?15:39
JayFI remember when TheJulia and I talked about this originally, hell this might even be in the spec; I wanted it to be a 4 way option: bidirectional, poll-only, no-poll, automatic15:40
dtantsurone of the ideas we're considering is to get rid of heartbeats15:40
JayFI don't connect the dots there as to how that gets you where you're going15:40
dtantsur(it's not our favourite idea, just not discarding anything)15:40
JayFI guess I'm trying to say15:40
JayFget rid of heartbeats isn't an idea; the idea is what we'd use in its place :D 15:41
dtantsurIronic calling the agent periodically15:41
dtantsur(the load on conductors, I know)15:41
JayFYou're basically going back towards an iscsi driver style scaling model like that15:41
JayFbecause you take the load on that has been distributed across all the nodes15:42
dtantsurnot fully, but somewhat, yeah15:42
JayFmaybe not quite as extreme, but it'd have a big hurt on scalability15:42
TheJuliaIdeally, we support both ways15:42
JayFI also think we have to consider ... yes15:42
dtantsurJFYI our to-go idea right now is to install a small proxy on all masters15:42
dtantsur(we could also go full HA, but we're a bit under time pressure)15:43
TheJuliaWell, I have a different unit test failing now :(15:43
dtantsurnow it fails differently \o/15:43
TheJuliaokay, doubling up the routes seems to be the magic15:45
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/wallaby: Fix redfish RAID failed tasks
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Fix Werkzeug 2.2.0 compatability
TheJuliaironic-cores ^15:58
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/xena: Fix Redfish RAID to update raid_config
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic bugfix/19.0 failed: Fix redfish RAID failed tasks
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy-tools master: Fix for werkzeug 2.2 routing change
TheJuliaiurygregory: we can single core approve to fix gates, if you want on that inspector patch17:43
iurygregoryTheJulia, I was planing to do that (was waiting to see if other cores would show up ^^)17:47
TheJuliaahh yeah17:47
TheJuliamakes sense17:47
iurygregorynow I'm trying to figure out how to fix this issue downstream :D 17:49
iurygregorywe already install a specific version of sushy-tools, so we probably need to pin the werkzeug version to be installed on it17:50
TheJulialikely yeah17:53
iurygregorygoing to request a new release for sushy-tools just in case since we already have a fix 18:01
iurygregoryoh we dropped the support for py36 :D 18:07
iurygregorysushy-tools 0.20.0 \o/18:08
ashinclouds[m]Cool cool18:23
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-inspector master: Fix Werkzeug 2.2.0 compatability

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