Tuesday, 2022-04-05

TheJuliaiurygregory: I gues the question is what *are* they using, you likely need both, but dunno00:04
iurygregoryack. having both probably won't hurt =)00:09
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Add multipath-io element  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/83609400:10
iurygregorybbl o/00:10
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!06:14
holtgreweGood morning, ironic. I have a question... I'm installing a baremetal node. I successfully have the node discovered by IPA and registered with openstack. However, when installing, the corresponding MAC is PXE-filtered.07:06
holtgreweI remember that I had this earlier and there the issue was that the network driver was not set to "flat", but that now is set correctly...07:06
holtgreweDoes anyone have any ideas?07:12
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:13
holtgreweHm, which system component is responsible for doing the deployment? Maybe the pxe filter is not involved there anyway...07:20
holtgreweHmm... ipxe information is correctly written out, but ironic dnsmasq masks the PXE MAC ... hmm07:29
dtantsurholtgrewe: the inspector's dnsmasq is only responsible for inspection09:42
dtantsuryou need to look at neutron now09:42
iurygregorygood morning Ironic 11:47
jandershey iurygregory12:04
jandersarne_wiebalck would you be able to have a look at https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-zed-ptg#L145 and let me know if what I wrote reflects our past discussions on this topic reasonably well? Thanks!12:05
iurygregory20min for our PTG session o/13:40
iurygregoryhttps://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-zed-ptg 13:40
sschmittHi all, quick question: we have a bunch of small nodes we use with ironic with no real IMM capabilities (we are using SNMP/PXE for deploying). We also have them hooked up to console servers. It seems like the console support for ironic is built around in band IPMI serial over lan setup. Is there any way to hook it up with out of band serial console servers? These console servers allow us to get to a specific console by SSHing to th13:42
sschmitte device IP and then a specific port for a specific device. Thanks!13:42
TheJuliasschmitt: Nobody has proposed such a capability, but I believe we would be welcome to patches to enable such support13:44
dtantsuryeah, it needs a new console interface implementation13:45
TheJuliasschmitt: for what it is worth, you may want to chat with NobodyCam, he is a heavy SNMP/PXE user and may have similar searl console devices as well13:45
* TheJulia is still asleep and feels like she is typing words backwards13:45
dtantsurekil siht?13:48
TheJuliakind of13:50
TheJuliaand ugh, after effects of my cold last week remain :(\13:52
iurygregoryhttps://twitter.com/osopsmeetup/status/1511339777274093578?cxt=HHwWlIC59aPhrfkpAAAA 13:52
TheJuliaI'm making a point on trying to attend13:53
TheJuliaThe ops folks are fun, and I've won the war story prize durin the 2018 philadelphia meetup13:54
dtantsurTheJulia: do you know what time? I can try to catch a late train13:59
TheJulialikely 8 or 9 am13:59
TheJuliaI *think* I've been to the building they may end up using, and I think it opens at 8:3014:00
iurygregoryPTG starting now14:00
dtantsurT-labs is something from T-systems, not the venue14:00
iurygregoryOcata Room14:00
TheJuliadtantsur: I've been to the building before14:01
TheJuliadtantsur: or at least, the building I believe they will be using14:01
TheJuliafor meetings :)14:01
dtantsurif it's the same building as last time, I've been there as well14:01
TheJuliabig old building near alexanderplatz which was a telephone central office before WW2 ?16:16
dtantsurno, I've been somewhere quite far away from A-platz16:23
dtantsurand googling t-labs gives a 3rd address...16:24
TheJuliahttps://github.com/OpenStackweb/ironic-website/pull/49 if anyone wants crazy ideas16:25
TheJuliaI need to go work on a different blog post in a little bit16:25
arne_wiebalckjanders: seeing your message only now ... I think l145 has shifted :-S16:42
arne_wiebalckjanders: which topic?16:42
admiyoJust kicking the tires on a bifrost install and there seems to be something wrong on the configdrive front.  Justenrolled a bm node, and when I try to deployto it...16:59
admiyo'ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVarsVars object' has no attribute 'ansible_virbr0'16:59
admiyofor bifrost, why would it be the virtual bridge?  Why is it doing config drive at all?17:00
TheJuliaadmiyo: uhh, your likely in virtual machine based testing mode17:01
admiyoReally?  I did not install that way....17:02
admiyoI did17:02
admiyo./bifrost-cli install --network-interface enP4p4s0f0 --dhcp-pool
admiyois this the right place to ask?  I assume Ironic and Bifrost are pretty tight.17:03
TheJuliaIt is, I'm not sure it has been ages since I've touched the templates17:03
TheJuliathat is a variable expansion in the role which is likely missing something or expecting something17:03
admiyoSo in a bofrost deploy, everything runs as normal processes, not docker containrs.  Cool.. I like that.17:05
admiyoI've got 3 processes, the inspector, ironic itself (is that the API server /opt/stack/bifrost/bin/python3 /opt/stack/bifrost/bin/ironic)? and dnsmasq.  Oh and it looks like nginx...that is probably the API server17:06
admiyoOh adn everything is nicelyt checked out in /opt/stack.  Its good to be home.17:07
TheJuliaadmiyo: if you can paste the exact error, that would be helpful isolating down where17:07
admiyo"This is a UNIX system...I know this"17:07
TheJuliaSo, I've been thinking of getting an Ingen parking sign printed up for a gate....17:07
TheJuliaoh, I bet it doesn't have deploy_url_protocol already created in memory17:09
admiyoIf you do you need one of these too https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/-BIAAOSwkm9c0Qs-/s-l1600.jpg17:09
TheJuliaare you executing the role directly?17:09
admiyoNo, through the cli I enroll the node and then tried a deploy17:09
admiyo./bifrost-cli enroll ./nodes.json17:10
admiyo ./bifrost-cli deploy ./nodes.json --image file:///./cirros-0.5.1-aarch64-disk.img17:10
admiyohttps://paste.openstack.org/show/b4bmC7MhN6XMk9fZ9WJ8/   is my nodes file17:10
admiyodon't tell anyone our secretest password17:11
TheJuliaThere is the problem17:11
TheJuliaso ans_network_interface should be whatever physical interface your using17:11
admiyois it going to be a problem that, to get to IPMI, I have to go out the front (pblic facing interface) but for PXE it is the private interface for this controller?17:12
admiyoBTW the new network interface is so nice...not.17:12
admiyoenp1s0f0  is public, enP4p4s0f0  is private.17:13
admiyoso you can se that is what I specified ion the install call above.  17:14
TheJuliacould it be an ansible version thing maybe?17:14
TheJuliawait, completely different nearly nonsensical names?!?17:15
admiyo<Hermione>Nearly nonsensical Nick?  How can one be nearly nonsensical?  <Hermione>17:17
admiyoDamnit I should have said Nearly nonsensical NIC17:18
admiyoTheJulia, yes, and the other big difference is that I am trying to get it to run on AARCH64/ARM64, not x86_64/AMD64   17:23
admiyoAnd they chose Ubuntu which means it is at odds with my yeas of doing RH and Centos.  We actually switch from Debian due to a percieved lack of effort on Debian vs Ubuntu.  Little things add up.17:24
TheJuliaso.... I guess the question is where is ans_network_interface getting set17:28
admiyoans_network_interface: "{{ network_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"17:29
TheJuliaalso in keystone install17:30
admiyoand in that same file network_interface: "virbr0"17:30
admiyonot doing keystone...eyt17:30
TheJuliayeah, unless overridden17:30
admiyoI know I know. Its me17:30
admiyoBut still no Keystone17:30
TheJuliaso... if you inject ans_network_interface: "{{ network_interface | replace('-', '_') }}" into the defaults for your config drive role, you should be golden17:30
TheJuliasince network_interface is a prime variable17:30
TheJuliaye-olde-ansible changes the name which is why it exists17:31
admiyoI blame Mike deHaan17:31
admiyocan you add additional ansible variables on the cli17:32
admiyo(does not look like it from the help message)17:33
TheJulianah, seems like a super quick fix to the role to me17:39
admiyoOK, hacked the defaults, and it now crashes else where.  bifrost_inventory.py  does not have oslo-config available.  17:42
admiyoBECOME password: 17:42
admiyo[WARNING]:  * Failed to parse /home/ansible/bifrost/playbooks/inventory/bifrost_inventory.py with script plugin: Inventory script (/home/ansible/bifrost/playbooks/inventory/bifrost_inventory.py) had an execution error: Traceback (most recent call last):   File17:42
admiyo"/home/ansible/bifrost/playbooks/inventory/bifrost_inventory.py", line 22, in <module>     from oslo_config import cfg ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'oslo_config'17:42
admiyobut with that, the playbook still completed, but think that is a falsie17:42
iurygregoryare you running in the venv?17:43
admiyopost install stuff17:44
iurygregoryoh, this is during install?17:44
admiyoone sec, I've logged off and on in the interim and missed a step17:44
iurygregoryif is post install you need to run the commands in the venv created by bifrost17:44
admiyosource /opt/stack/bifrost/bin/activate17:44
* admiyo remembers how to python17:45
admiyoOk, node is deploying17:47
admiyolooks better.  Still need to tweak the nodes file....17:49
admiyowhat do I do to clean a deploy failed?  Can't delete nthe node17:52
TheJuliabaremetal node undeploy $uuid18:00
TheJuliaor $name18:00
dtantsuradmiyo: the 'install' command generates an ansible environment, you need to pass it to other commands18:04
dtantsurbut I guess TheJulia has already helped you with this18:04
* dtantsur is wondering how to make it better discoverable18:04
* dtantsur will wonder about it tomorrow18:05
admiyodtantsur, thanks. Every bit of context helps18:07
admiyonodes are hanging out in clean wait.18:16
admiyoso bifrost-cli will do install, but how am I supposed to uninstall or redeploy or stop and restart ironic?18:24
admiyois that using the ironic cli?18:24
TheJuliarestarting ironic is like any service19:11
TheJuliauninstall... well... that was not a feature :)19:11
iurygregory55min for the PTG =), I couldn't reach out to Kendall to ask about the zoom recording, so maybe I can use my personal gmail account and we can use google meet 20:06
sdanniHi! I find that we have an option to configure ipxe_boot file in ironic.conf [pxe] ipxe_bootfile_name. I wonder if this bootfile is used only when baremetal node doesn't have pxe installed? Or it can replace the ipxe rom on the NIC?20:12
TheJuliasdanni: No. So... how to desribe this.20:18
TheJuliaso this parameter is used by non-UEFI x86 hardware needing to network boot20:18
TheJuliaSpecifically using iPXE20:18
TheJuliaThe hardware will attempt to PXE, and if it doesn't speak iPXE, we send it that file first so it then does speak iPXE as the network cards chain load into that loader20:19
TheJuliaand iPXE has the ability to have fancy logic20:19
sdanniTheJulia: oh. So if my NIC is installed with ipxe, the bootfile in ironic won't be chainloaded?20:21
TheJuliaiurygregory: so kendall may be awake, but maybe lets start on zoom and go from there?20:23
iurygregoryTheJulia, i couldn't find her in irc .-. 20:32
iurygregorybut yeah makes sense to me =)20:32
TheJuliaiurygregory: she is likely asleep and will hopefully be waking up soon20:33
iurygregoryyup =)20:34
iurygregoryjanders, you around? =)21:01
opendevreviewEric Barrera proposed openstack/ironic stable/train: [DNM] Testing Dell CI  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/83669922:00
admiyoMaking progress.  I suspect I will be submitting some patches to get bifrost to work for ARM22:10
TheJuliaThat is fair, We've heard mixed reports, and the... linaro folks were running full openstack22:11
admiyoYeah, thus far it is a couple places such a grub that assume x86_6422:18
admiyoI like this a heckofalot better than running full Kolla.  A lot fewer layers to dig through ,and I think it meets our needs better22:19
admiyoRight now I can see a quick fail in the pxe boot from the node22:19
admiyo Downloading NBP file...22:19
admiyo  NBP file downloaded successfully.22:19
admiyoCheckpoint D922:19
admiyoERROR: Boot option loading failed22:19
admiyoyes...new hardware has lovely messages like Checkpoint D9.22:19

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