Monday, 2022-04-04

kamlesh6808cGood Morning Ironic !04:44
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!06:24
jandersgood morning arne_wiebalck and Ironic o/06:41
arne_wiebalckhey janders o/06:42
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/06:49
dmelladomorning all ;)06:51
jandershey rpittau and dmellado o/06:55
rpittauhey janders :)06:55
rpittauhey dmellado :)06:55
rpittauiurygregory, TheJulia, dtantsur: the failure in l-c tests is due to soft_unicode being removed from markupsafe in the latest version, it was deprecated since a while
rpittauso we need to bump jinja2 min version to at least 3.0.0, I'm going to push a patch for that07:39
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Grenade: Change to use bios because we have funky networking
rpittauTheJulia: I've actually updated your change since we needed  the grenade fix to go together with the version bump07:52
dtantsurgood morning folks08:21
rpittauhey dtantsur, welcome back :)08:26
dtantsuriurygregory, dmellado, hey! have you already booked rooms for the Summit? which hotel?09:11
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: WIP - Trunk support
dmelladodtantsur: yeah, I booked at the ibis, as I wasn't sure about my trip being covered by the company09:22
dmelladoand I would've gone anyway09:22
dmelladoit's even mentioned at the summit website09:22
dtantsurah, I ended up in the company recommended Leonardo Royal (my parents have previously stayed there and liked it; it's 10 minutes from my old flat)09:51
dtantsurrpittau: since needs rechecking anyway, could you fix one thing there?10:19
dmelladodtantsur Leonardo hotels are pretty decent10:19
dmelladoI stayed up fora while at the one in Wilsmerdorfer Str.10:22
iurygregorygood morning Ironic o/10:36
iurygregoryrpittau, ack10:36
iurygregorydtantsur, I haven't booked yet ( I was planning to ask you the same question today lol)10:36
iurygregorysince you  might have some recommendations because you know Berlin =)10:37
jandersdmellado if it's the same Ibis I'm thinking, it's not too bad. I stayed there in 2018. Due to bureacratic blah at the company I worked for back then (not RHAT) I haven't booked ANYTHING till last minute. And then only Ibis was left in reasonable vicinity. I was kinda embarassed to stay there. Till I noticed a lot of people I know stayed there too10:38
dmelladojanders lol10:38
dmelladobasically I wasn't sure on the company approving my budget, so two/three nights I guess I'll do fine10:39
janderscompared to Ibis at Melbourne airport (and that's talking BEFORE it got turned into mandatory quarantine) that Berlin Ibis is a five-star.10:39
dmelladoI stayed at a terrible hotel last time I went to Berlin for the summit10:39
dmelladoI don't recall about which one it was, it was close to the venue10:40
dmelladobut looked like more like a hostel10:40
dtantsurBerlin is full of both lovely and terrible places10:40
jandersto me the most dingy part of the trip was the airport anyway (and just like dtantsur said I suspect there may be a couple different Berlin airports, some lovely and some terrible)10:41
dtantsurAlexanderplatz itself is quite ugly. The Leonardo I'm staying at is not actually there, it's 1-2 tram stops away near a lovely part.10:41
dtantsurjanders: only one airport nowadays :)10:41
dmelladoThe most weird experience I had in terms of hotels and OpenStack/Infra Summit was at Austin10:41
dmelladoMy manager decided to 'book for us, it's close'10:41
dmelladointo some weird place10:41
dmelladowhich was some kind of vegan/organic/retirement place for elderly people10:42
jandersdtantsur hope not the one in some weird colour scheme and the feel of walking in circles?10:42
iurygregoryAustin was nice :D 10:42
iurygregorydmellado, LOL10:42
dmelladoand of course it was NOT10:42
dmelladoclose to the venue10:42
dmelladoover the map, yeah10:42
dtantsurjanders: a completely new one, I haven't seen it yet :)10:42
iurygregoryoh god10:42
dmelladobut later on we had to take a cab/uber all the time for everything10:42
dmelladoso we spent way more than just booking the hotel from the venue10:42
iurygregory"yay" ...10:43
dmelladothe rooms themselves were quite huge10:43
dmelladolike a small apartment10:43
jandersdtantsur that is awesome to hear. Not missing the old one :)10:43
dmelladobut didn't make any kind of sense10:43
dmelladoand it was ofc in the middle of nowhere10:43
dtantsurheh, this reminds me how we (in my previous job) managed to book a hotel in Florence10:43
dtantsurwhich ended up barely in Florence at all. on a highway. without any public transportation.10:44
dtantsurtaxi back and forth every day10:44
iurygregoryjust a reminder our PTG session will start today at 16:00 UTC Room: Ocata
iurygregoryI will be participating in the TC+Community Leaders sessions from 14:00 till 16:00 UTC Room: Mitaka if you have some points that you would like me to raise for the TC, please let me know11:19
dmelladodtantsur: do you recall when ricardo and yolanda ended up a in a different CITY for the mid-cycle? lol11:21
dtantsurnoooooo, wait wut? :D11:22
jandersdtantsur back to your holiday - any photo links? :)11:26
dtantsurstill working on it ;)11:26
jandersmuch snow?11:26
janders(as in the falling kind)11:26
dtantsurquite a bit the last 2 days11:26
jandersyeah heard spring had a bit of a back-pedal lately in Europe11:27
dtantsurfrom +20 on Monday to below 0 on Saturday :)11:27
janders(bit like the Dry Season here for that matter)11:27
janderswe've been having 10C+ swings lately but nothing like that11:28
jandersours were from under 20C overnight (bit unusual this time of year) to fair bit over 30C  during the day11:29
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Grenade: Change to use bios because we have funky networking
iurygregorydtantsur, hey re 12:59
iurygregoryI'm not 100% sure if select-boot-kernel-initrd is necessary12:59
iurygregorythe idea to fix the problem is that we would need to have the multipath element that triple-o has12:59
iurygregoryso it was more a copy-paste13:00
dtantsur if we don't use this function, we don't need it13:00
* iurygregory looks13:00
dtantsurI understand, but I'd also prefer to avoid cargo-culting things we don't understand13:00
iurygregoryI'm going to update and change the name13:01
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Add multipath element
dmelladodtantsur: oh, I went for lunch and forgot to tell you the whole story13:07
dmelladoTL; DR13:07
dmelladotwo cities, like 15km away from each other13:07
dmelladoWalldorf and Walldorf-Wiesloch13:08
dmelladothey mistook the train stop and were looking for the hotel in the wrong place13:08
dmelladoso when they called me and I shared the location13:08
dmelladoit was funny xD13:08
dtantsuroh yeah, similar names are amazing here13:08
dtantsurtwo relatively large Frankfurts :)13:09
dmelladoam-Main xD13:09
dtantsuryeah, hence all these suffixes and additions :)13:10
dtantsur(for those who don't know German: "am Main" simply means "on [the river] Main")13:10
dtantsurand the other one is actually "Frankfurt (Oder)". why not "am Oder" - no idea, IIRC it's also a river :)13:11
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: Add netconf-openconfig device driver
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: Add LACP support to Netconf OpenConfig driver
TheJuliagood morning13:25
dmelladoo/ Hi Julia13:28
dmelladodtantsur: yeah, seems to be other river13:28
dmelladoI was curious and checked xD13:29
TheJuliaI am absurdly tired this morning13:29
dmelladowell, at least I hope that you're not immune to coffee13:30
dmelladoI guess I am, wasn't until I got the kid13:30
dtantsurmorning TheJulia 13:30
TheJuliarpittau: weird, I thought I had uploaded that same chagne, but I guess I got distracted :\13:32
TheJuliarpittau: well, not all of the constraints, but yeah13:32
TheJuliaIs it time to become a zombie?13:40
rpittauTheJulia: unfortunately the min req version for jinja2 is 3.0.0, it doesn't like anything lower than that :/13:53
TheJuliarpittau: I was afraid of that, I looked at 2.11.3 and didn't see any reference, but.. c'est la vie13:54
TheJuliaAlso, it looked like the tests were going to pass with it, but I was getting so distracted/interrupted it was not even funny last week13:54
rpittausorry had to complete leave you alone with the grenade issue, too much stuff downstream :/13:55
TheJuliaoh no worries at all!13:55
iurygregorygood morning TheJulia =)13:55
TheJuliaI didn't quite figure it out until late friday and I was like "Ohhh! tftp hasn't been working on grenade... well... forever"13:56
rpittaubifrost CI issue was also fixed (thanks fungi)13:57
fungirpittau: oh, the centos stream 8 wheel cache?13:58
fungiyeah, that was a fun discovery13:58
rpittaufungi: yeah, seems working now :)13:58
fungiianw merged my fix for the wheel builder earlier today and remounted the volumes to the path configure-mirrors was expecting to find it for that platform13:59
fungias of ~04:30z13:59
iurygregoryTC + lead interaction starting now =)14:00
dtantsuranyone wants to look at before I approve it to unblock the CI?14:06
TheJuliaarne_wiebalck: any thoughts on a longer term data collection poll?14:50
arne_wiebalckTheJulia: like the survey now, you mean?14:51
TheJuliaIf we're still acceppting data, we could post it to ironicbaremetal.org14:51
TheJuliaand get the foundation to echo it14:51
arne_wiebalckwe discussed the idea of anonymised data collection in the past14:52
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost stable/xena: Dynamic inventory: do not set network_interface
arne_wiebalckthe survey is still open14:52
arne_wiebalckthese surveys are open 30 days if not closed14:52
arne_wiebalckwe can continue using it for the next month or so and try to solicit more responses14:53
arne_wiebalckthe number now is probably not representative, still interesting!14:53
arne_wiebalckhow about I send another mail to the list and on twitter to let people now: keep the responses coming14:54
* TheJulia wonders if that link works14:58
arne_wiebalckit does!14:58
iurygregoryI've shared the post15:01
TheJuliamuch appreciated15:02
arne_wiebalcktweeted once more and reposted to openstack-discuss15:07
TheJuliamuch appreciate15:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Grenade: Change to use bios because we have funky networking
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Add Python3 zed unit tests
iurygregoryour session is starting now16:00
TheJuliatrying to get out of the TC session now16:01
rlooplease remind me again -- how do i get to the room?16:01
rloook, figured it out. click on the ironic icon at the time scheduled...16:02
TheJuliaI was about to say16:02
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost stable/yoga: Update .gitreview for stable/yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost stable/yoga: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/yoga
TheJuliaTime for PTG!16:07
TheJuliaPTG time!16:07
TheJuliaEngage the warning klaxon!16:07
iurygregoryOcata Room
sdanniHi all! We are having a weird node provisoning issue: the baremetal node console pops up an error "Could not find a node for attributes {'bmc_address':xxx,'mac': [xxx]}" during node cleaning. Then it stops inspection. After that the cleaning goes on and stops at: "wsgi starting up on http://[::]:9999". I wonder if the inspection error causes ironic cleaning to stop? Is it normal that wsgi starts up on the url above?16:47
dtantsursdanni: so, inspection is not expected to work during cleaning (but it does not know that until it tries)17:02
dtantsuralso [::]:9999 is completely normal, that's where the IPA API listens17:02
dtantsuris it heartbeating afterwards?17:03
TheJuliaThe introspection code is chained to always run first. Sounds like a network connectivity issue blocking heartbeating17:07
sdannidtantsur: i don't see the heartbeat requests from ironic logs. Maybe I'm looking at a wrong place.17:15
TheJuliasdanni: so...17:15
TheJuliaI wonder if the mac address is just missing for the node and it can't find it in ironic as a result17:16
TheJuliasdanni: you should see the agent also trigging heartbeating locally on the console, but if it couldn't find itself in ironic, that would explain things not working17:16
sdanniTheJulia: the node's mac address matches what's in "openstack baremetal port list" though17:19
TheJuliasdanni: do you that same mac in the list of lookups being performed17:21
TheJuliashoudl be the /v1/lookup path I believe17:21
sdanniTheJulia: I guess I should login the baremetal node to check the API logs? I don't see a deploy/ directory on my controller node.17:24
TheJuliawhat do you see in your controller api logs?17:24
arne_wiebalckbye everyone, see you tomorrow o/17:29
sdanniTheJulia: nothing in app.log. And I don't see anything contain "/v1/lookup" in ironic_conductor.log17:29
TheJuliasdanni: does the can't lookup error suggest a communications failure at all? Sounds like it just can't somehow talk to ironic17:31
TheJuliaor is maybe connected to multiple networks with dhcp?17:31
TheJuliaNeed to run a quick errand, be back in a little bit17:31
sdanniTheJulia: thanks for your hints! I'm looking into it for a bit17:32
iurygregoryin 1hr we will have the last ironic session for the PTG today ("Monday")20:01
iurygregoryTheJulia, ack20:19
iurygregory5 min*20:54
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: o/ ptg time?21:00
stevebaker[m]Soz I'm with my daughter for her booster21:02
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: ack ack21:02
stevebaker[m]Might there be something still happening in 60 minutes?21:03
iurygregorystevebaker[m], feel free to add your thoughts to the topics in the etherpad later if you want =)21:41
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: we're going to adjourn21:56
TheJuliato take over the world!21:56
stevebaker[m]iurygregory, TheJulia OK, I'm back. I was in the tripleo sessions last night so am a little dazed anyway. I'll be at the next ironic session from 1400UTC22:23
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Start API after conductor is started in the combined executable
iurygregoryTheJulia, since you mentioned that the iscsi part is disjointed in I should remove iscsi-initiator-utils from package-installs.yaml right?23:24

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