Thursday, 2014-10-30

spandhejroll: Thanks for all the help!00:00
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Haomengmorning ironic:)00:10
ociuhanduhi all, I have a problem with PXE (devstack ironic). Nodes boot, get IP but do not get any PXE information.00:12
ociuhanduchecking on dnsmasq process I saw that the “--conf-file=“ option is empty00:13
ociuhanduwhile I found a conf on devstack/files/dnsmasq-for-baremetal-from-nova-network.conf (that is not showing up anywhere else except the devstack git folder)00:14
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ociuhanduI’ve checked and the options seem to show in the dhcp-optsfile, with a specific tag for the port created for the node00:20
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ociuhandubut they do not seem to be sent out00:20
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Haomengociuhandu: hi01:51
ociuhanduHaomeng: hello01:52
Haomengociuhandu: did you set net id for nova boot ?01:53
Haomengociuhandu: do you make sure you enable the dhcp for your net01:53
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ociuhanduHaomeng: dhcp is working fine, after sniffing the packet traffic on the q-router namespace I found that the tftp / iscsi tgt ports are not accessible from the namespace, only from the main machine01:55
ociuhanduHaomeng: if I restarted xinetd inside the namespace it works fine for tftp01:55
Haomengociuhandu: great01:55
Haomengociuhandu: so that should be networking issue, not ironic issue:)01:56
ociuhanduHaomeng: but now I’ trying to understand why I can’t access the services from the namespace01:56
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Haomengociuhandu: did you install openstack and ironic with devstack/01:56
ociuhanduHaomeng: yes01:56
Haomengociuhandu: if we have different tcpip stack namespace, we will not get connection between them01:57
Haomengociuhandu: I understand our devstack will not create any namespace, it is created by neutron scripts?01:57
ociuhanduHaomeng: yes01:58
Haomenglet me check my devstack01:58
ociuhanduHaomeng: I’m also trying to look at the type of networks created by devstack on a working environment that a friend managed to setup, waiting for his reply :) As when I run it, by default they are not flat02:00
ociuhanduinteresting, for him as well, the network type is vxlan (the default)02:01
Haomengociuhandu: yes, that is default with our devstack scripts02:02
Haomengociuhandu: but we can create new flat net02:02
Haomengand special the net id during nova booting02:02
Haomengif your vxlan does not working02:03
ociuhanduHaomeng: it should work :) I’m trying to understand what’s wrong on this setup02:03
Haomengociuhandu: let me check devstack scripts to find some code with network namespace, maybe it is configured before devstack02:05
ociuhanduHaomeng: thank you02:06
Haomengociuhandu: welcome02:06
Haomengfindings -
Haomengour ironic devstack scripts will call neutron command to share the network for tftp - neutron net-update $ironic_net_id --shared true02:08
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ociuhanduHaomeng: on my setup it’s shared as well02:10
Haomengociuhandu: ok02:10
ociuhanduHaomeng: checking again now the tap devices to make sure they are ok02:11
Haomengociuhandu: cool, what did you have done?02:11
ociuhanduHaomeng: i think i found the issue, my fixed_range overlaps with the host ip02:15
ociuhanduand I think that’s not ok02:16
Haomengyes, did you change the default fixed_range ?02:16
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ociuhanduyes :(02:16
Haomenggood catch:)02:17
ociuhanduHaomeng: any hint on how I can ensure that an external HW node will get into the namespace to get the dhcp address?02:17
Haomengthe FIXED_RANGE should be used for instance02:17
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ociuhanduHaomeng: as in the case of hardware nodes the request has to get inside the q-dhcp namespace02:20
Haomengociuhandu: I understand the namespace is used to isolate the tcpip stack within the os, right02:20
Haomengociuhandu: so if our public service such as tftp or dhcp are shared for external, that shoud be fine02:21
Haomengociuhandu: maybe it is controled by neutron02:21
Haomengociuhandu: to isolate tenant02:22
ociuhanduHaomeng: I think that the dhcp is controlled by neutron. Btw, redoing the setup now with the correct net config02:23
Haomengociuhandu: yes02:23
Haomengociuhandu: it is neutron dhcp port02:23
ociuhanduHaomeng: so how does ironic ensure that a dhcp request coming from external hardware node gets into the tenant isolated namespace?02:24
Haomengociuhandu: I dont think that is ironic coverage, neutron can help to work02:24
Haomengociuhandu: have to prepare the network design with neutron first02:25
ociuhanduok :) this is the next step I will test once the “fixed” setup is up02:25
Haomengociuhandu: then we launch the bm instance with nova boot and specify the net id to use correct net created/managed by neutron02:26
Haomengfor such security groups, namespaces, they are all controled by neutron02:27
ociuhanduand one more question: is there a restriction on the format of image that can be deployed on the bare-metal nodes?02:27
ociuhandusorry for bugging you so much :)02:27
Haomengociuhandu: welcome02:27
Haomengociuhandu: dont worry02:27
Haomengociuhandu: in our ironic code, we will call qemu-tool to convert the image to raw image format02:28
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Haomengociuhandu: so I understand if the images you used is supported by qemu-tool, then it shoud work witn ironic, the finaly image to be wrote to harddisk is raw image02:28
ociuhanduit’s in fact a dd, right?02:29
Haomengyes, 'dd' is key command for ironic:)02:29
ociuhanducool :)02:29
Haomengociuhandu: both the built-in and ipa driver will run dd to clone the image into local disk02:30
Haomengociuhandu: but I think the performance is not very well with 'dd' command02:30
Haomengit is working on low level02:30
Haomengociuhandu: maybe we have advanced way to clone the disk and speed the provisioning02:30
ociuhanduHaomeng: i owe you some beers :) Do you come to the summit? :)02:30
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Haomengociuhandu: yes, I wll attend, thank you very much:)02:31
Haomengociuhandu: :)02:31
ociuhanduHaomeng: cool, it would be great to meet you :)02:32
Haomengociuhandu: yes, cool:)02:33
ociuhanduthough in France we should replace beer with wine :P02:33
Haomengociuhandu: thank you, but I am not drink these beers and wine in China, where are you from, France?02:34
ociuhanduI’m from Romania :)02:34
ociuhanduI’ll be spending most of the time at our booth, Cloudbase Solutions02:34
Haomengociuhandu: ok:)02:35
ociuhanduif you have some spare time it would be great to meet you :)02:36
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Haomengociuhandu: sure, I am glade to meet you too:)02:44
ociuhanduHaomeng: now it seems to work with ami/ari/aki images but if I try  qcow2 it tells me the image is missing kernel_id and ramdisk_id02:45
ociuhandudo i need to do anything with the image before using it?02:46
Haomengociuhandu: the official image is generated by disk-image-builder dib02:46
ociuhanduHaomeng: so if I have a custom qcow2 image I have to run it through disk-image-builder first02:47
Haomengociuhandu: I think we have to set main image attribute to include the kernel_id and ramdisk_id02:47
ociuhanduHaomeng: but if that gets converted to a raw image, why does it need these? Any qcow2 already has everything inside, no?02:48
Haomengociuhandu: the kernel_id and ramdisk_id metadata are required for our *user* main image02:50
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ociuhanduHaomeng: I have the ir-deploy ones that are needed for booting the deployment environment02:51
Haomengociuhandu: I think the image type is not important, but the ext kernel_id and ramdisk_id  attributes  are key info for ironic to find the kernel image and ramdisk image for this *user* image that is root partion image02:51
ociuhandubut if I try to specify as image to be booted one of the first two in the paste url above, it’ll fail02:51
Haomengociuhandu: yes, ir-deploy is used for deploy, that is deploy image, not the *user* image to be wrote into the harddisk02:52
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Haomengociuhandu: we should use "cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-uec" for my case  -
ociuhanduand I will have to use disk-image-builder dib to extract the kernel / ramdisk from the qcow2?02:53
HaomengHaomeng: nova boot --image=cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-uec02:53
ociuhanduHaomeng: yes, but I need to deploy a custom image I have, not the cirros :(02:53
Haomengociuhandu: yes, we have disk-image-get-kernel command to extract the kernel and ramdisk images from the disk/paration image02:53
Haomengociuhandu: yes, that is real case, make sense02:54
ociuhanduit works even with bsd or other OS than linux?02:54
Haomengociuhandu: not sure, have to check dib code/documents02:54
Haomenglet me help you02:54
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Haomengociuhandu: this is dib -
ociuhanduDEPRECATED: Please consider using the `baremetal` element.02:55
Haomengso that mean we can create ramdisk/kernel with *baremetal* element for disk-image-create and input the os elements dib supportted02:57
Haomengociuhandu: this is the element list which dib supports -
Haomengociuhandu: what is your os type?02:58
Haomengociuhandu: bsd ?02:58
ociuhandui have bsd, centos and windows that i need to try out :)02:59
Haomengociuhandu: dib supports - centos/debian/rhel/ubuntu/fedora02:59
Haomengociuhandu: centos should be supported02:59
Haomengociuhandu: bsd and windows are not supportted by dib I think, expecial for windows, will not work03:00
Haomengociuhandu: because dib is based on *linux technical03:00
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Haomengociuhandu: have to find other way/tool to create windows image, and our ironic does not support windows now03:01
ociuhanduas long as it uses dd to write a raw image it should not really matter, no?03:01
ociuhanduif the image is well prepared, it should be transparent to the “deployer”03:02
Haomengociuhandu: yes, but windows work with dos/win bootloader only03:02
Haomengociuhandu: image is fine but the bootloader is different between linux and windows03:02
Haomengociuhandu: maybe our ipa will support win bootloader03:02
ociuhanduHaomeng: yes, it is03:02
Haomengociuhandu: :03:03
Haomengociuhandu: :)03:03
Haomengociuhandu: find out a bp -
Haomengociuhandu: you can review the code and welcome your comments if you want -
ociuhandugreat, thanks :)03:05
Haomengociuhandu: :)03:05
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dtantsurMorning Ironic09:11
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dtantsurlucasagomes, hi, so will get one more patchset, right?09:36
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lucasagomesdtantsur, morning, hi there. Yes I was waiting for jenkins09:40
lucasagomesI will put some patch up soon09:40
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lucasagomesdtantsur, new spec and code up :)10:52
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rameshg87lucasagomes, dtantsur, are ironic guys having some other meeting apart from what is there here ? -
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dtantsurrameshg87, nothing official IIRC. seems like we're having a dinner on Mon though11:01
rameshg87dtantsur, okay11:01
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lucasagomesrameshg87, there's also the pods,
lucasagomesand off conference meetings like dtantsur mentioned11:05
lucasagomesdinner, drinks etc11:05
lucasagomesrameshg87, r you going to be there?11:05
rameshg87lucasagomes, yes :)11:06
lucasagomesrameshg87, awesome!11:06
rameshg87lucasagomes, just got it confirmed very late. i didn't follow up much on summit-related things as i didn't except much i will be going.11:06
lucasagomesrameshg87, I see, well better late than not going :)11:07
rameshg87lucasagomes, :)11:07
lucasagomesrameshg87, we have talked about the summit organization in the last 2 ironic meetings, you may want to take a look at the logs11:07
rameshg87lucasagomes, yeah sure will look at meeting logs11:08
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devanandagood afternoon :)11:25
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takadayu_devananda, Hello :)11:29
devanandalucasagomes: ping11:30
lucasagomesdevananda, afternoon, pong11:32
devanandalucasagomes: hey! so, I'm settled in Paris, mostly adjusted to the timezone I think11:33
devanandagoing to try to finish up planning things in the next day or two11:34
devanandawwas there a consensus on size for the dinner monday? I can get us room for 20 - 30 ppl nearby.11:34
devanandaor I can get something for just the core folks11:34
lucasagomesdevananda, awesome... I think the last consensus we had was to book for 20 ppl tops11:35
devanandagotcha. well. if it's more than ~10, I'll get a brasserei that can handle 3011:36
lucasagomesdevananda, IMO, I think for cores we already have the wednesday party/meeting11:36
devanandathere's not really a middle ground11:36
devananda(not that I've found)11:36
devanandalucasagomes: right. good point11:36
devanandaI also dont want to reserve a room for 30 and only have 10 show up11:36
lucasagomesdevananda, yeah... tho confirmed? We can also make it a more "generic" dinner in case we don't have enough people11:37
lucasagomesand invite people from other projects related to ironic11:37
lucasagomesnova, neutron11:38
lucasagomesor even managers that doesn't directly work on ironic but manage ppl that does11:38
lucasagomeswho confirmed*11:38
devanandaconfirmed? no one. I haven't sent out RSVP invitations. I may not be doing a great job at this11:40
dtantsurdevananda, g'afternoon11:40
devanandadtantsur: o/11:40
dtantsurhow is Paris?11:41
devanandadtantsur: great11:41
sambettsAfternoon o/11:41
devanandathe weather is really nice11:41
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lucasagomesdevananda, right organizing dinner/meetings is not simple, and not ur job as well :) Another idea would be to just find out who wants to go on monday11:42
lucasagomesand go to a food hall or something11:43
lucasagomesso I'm sure it will be plenty of space and people cna choose what they wanna eat11:43
devanandaalso, I've posted links to etherpads:
devanandawell. theyre broken. fixing...11:48
dtantsurlucasagomes, re vendor passthru: what is the final decision, metaclass-based approach?11:49
lucasagomesdtantsur, similar, check my last patch. I use the __init__ from the base VendorClass to create the map instead of a metaclass11:49
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lucasagomesI think it's cleaner11:49
lucasagomesdevananda, nice, btw if you need some help organizing the dinner or other things give a shout11:50
lucasagomesI can try to look/call some restaurants11:50
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devanandalucasagomes: thanks. I've spoken with La Grande Armée, they can accomodate ~30 of us in a private room11:54
lucasagomesdevananda, nice, looks good and is super close from the venue indeed (550 m away)11:57
devanandait's a short walk from the convention with a view of the Arc de Triomphe. seems like a good spot as folks could get to the mirantis party by taking the M1 for 3 stops11:57
dtantsuroverpriced, judging by reviews
devanandadtantsur: sure. it's a bar/bistro near a tourist attraction11:58
dtantsurheh yeah, tourist attractions are like that11:59
lucasagomesyeah, paris is a problem for that11:59
lucasagomesI remember once I paid 7euros for a espresso near the notre dame11:59
lucasagomesbut we are constrained by the location :/12:00
lucasagomesyeah that sucks12:00
lucasagomesand don't expected to be treated nicely on those location... too many tourists they don't care12:00
lucasagomesparis is lovely #butnot12:01
dtantsurdevananda, wanna have a look at "Seamicro Serial Console" spec? it's close to approval
devanandaso, feel free to recommend somewere else that we can all walk to12:01
lucasagomesI don't think we have, and not being a local makes it even harder. I'm grand with that venue you proposed12:02
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devanandak k12:05
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* devananda wanders offline to find food12:19
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dtantsurdevananda, after looking at the menu ( I'm in doubt I'll even go. It's just crazy and I have a limited budget for now.12:25
dtantsurI mean, I don't have better ideas, bit it's a bit too much for me :(12:25
lucasagomesalternatively, if space and budget is a problem, we could even get a room in the conference after it's finished and order food12:26
lucasagomesmake a delivery there or something12:26
sambettslucasagomes: just read through the new spec, and it lgtm :-)12:26
lucasagomesbrb quick, talking about food I will go out buy something12:27
lucasagomessambetts, ah good :) I put ur name there too12:27
sambettsI saw thank you :-)12:27
lucasagomessambetts, well, thank YOU really. You've done some important code there12:28
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dtantsurmaybe depending on if they have reservations for large amount of ppl12:34
dtantsurbut right, delivery may be the best choice...12:38
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Shrewsugh. i think i need to switch to weechat13:32
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NobodyCammorning Ironic14:14
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lucasagomesNobodyCam, Shrews morning14:17
Shrewsmorning lucasagomes14:18
NobodyCammorning lucasagomes / Shrews14:18
sambettsGood morning NobodyCam o/14:19
Shrewshey NobodyCam14:19
NobodyCammorning sambetts14:19
dtantsurNobodyCam, Shrews , morning14:20
NobodyCammorning dtantsur :)14:20
Shrewshi dtantsur14:20
dtantsursee above, we tried to decide something on a place for a dinner on Mon14:20
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lucasagomes for who wants a easy patch to review and fixing a high prio. bug14:37
NobodyCamoh this is the ca_file thing from the other day14:39
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NobodyCamahh nope that was
lucasagomesah :) yeah it's something else14:42
NobodyCam:) oh dtantsur as a side I helped some folks lastnight who seem to be running into
NobodyCamwe may want to bump that up from low? just a thought14:43
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dtantsurNobodyCam, I first set it to high, devananda set to low :)14:44
NobodyCamahh :)14:44
NobodyCamlucasagomes: why remove the header from is that a thing now (again)14:45
lucasagomesNobodyCam, yeah I think that should be empty14:45
lucasagomesbut I've nothing to do with that, that code is from oslo14:45
lucasagomesI just sync'ed14:45
NobodyCam:) there was a time awhile back when we were removing the headers then something happened and we put a bunch back14:46
lucasagomesouch, I see14:46
lucasagomeswell... idk really, IMO it should be empty14:47
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lucasagomesbecause it's just logical, how you copyright no content?14:47
lucasagomesif there's no content there's nothing to copyright, simple14:47
lucasagomescopyright and license*14:48
NobodyCam:) its all good14:49
lucasagomesthere's exceptions ofc, some __init__ does have code, so those are fine to have the headers14:49
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dtantsurlucasagomes, is _i18n really required?14:55
lucasagomesdtantsur, it's used by the apiclient14:55
lucasagomesand there's a bug there cause it doesnt get sync automatically14:55
lucasagomesI had to manual sync it14:55
lucasagomesdtantsur, see base.py14:56
dtantsurlucasagomes, couldn't we change it to our _()? also, could you provide commit ID to sync from in your commit message14:56
lucasagomesdtantsur, it's oslo code, we can fix in oslo first and then sync over14:56
lucasagomesbut idk if worth waiting, cause it's a high prio. bug14:56
lucasagomesoh true I gotta get the commit id14:57
dtantsurIMO this file is doing next to nothing, but ok14:57
lucasagomesyeah, it should use oslo.i18n to be honest14:57
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lucasagomesbut I think the oslo guys have been porting it partially14:57
lucasagomeshave only partially ported it*14:58
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lucasagomesoh that's an integration mode for oslo.i18n...14:59
NobodyCamdid we not just go thru and remove all the line continution backslashes (\) and replace them with ()'s15:00
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ShrewsNobodyCam: i did that as part of the pep8 work15:02
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NobodyCamShrews: this will add some back:
ShrewsNobodyCam: seems to pass the pep8 test15:07
lucasagomeswe exclude de openstack/common/* from the pep8 tests right?15:09
NobodyCamlucasagomes: reviewed15:14
lucasagomesNobodyCam, ta much!15:15
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BLZbubbais anyone working on making ironic work with juno?  particularly sqlalchemy 0.9.715:27
lucasagomesBLZbubba, Ironic master with the rest of OpenStack components from Juno?15:31
BLZbubbaor a ppa, i installed juno from cloud-archive and ironic fails to install due to sqlalchemy being too new15:32
lucasagomesI see, I'm not aware if there's someone working on that, but worth fixing I think15:33
NobodyCamBLZbubba: can you file a bug with all the details on what you did and what error you got15:34
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NobodyCamawesome TY15:40
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NobodyCamok so who here still needs to pack.. o/15:46
jroll+A'd 13203315:46
jrollNobodyCam: pack? ha! I haven't even done laundry yet :P15:47
jrollmorning everybody :)15:47
jrollBLZbubba: have a link to that bug?15:47
NobodyCammorning jroll ... I'd doing that now15:47
jrollsounds like a packaging issue, I think we'll need to escalate to someone else15:47
lucasagomesjroll, morning15:47
jrollNobodyCam: :) when do you leave?15:47
NobodyCamlol.. saturday early am15:48
jrollyeah, same15:48
jrollgoing to pack and whatnot tomorrow15:48
NobodyCamI will prob not be around much tomorrow15:48
jrolltrying to find some specs or code to write on the flight :P15:48
jrollsame, I'll be online but not paying attention15:48
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cohnhi, i'm pretty new to openstack and ironic15:53
cohncan anyone point me to documentation that shows how the physical network works with ironic?15:53
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NobodyCamcohn: have you seen
cohnlooking at it now15:59
* cohn facepalms15:59
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cohnbasically, i'm looking to see what the connectivity part looks like when a bare metal server is provisioned...16:00
jrollcohn: ironic today just assumes a flat network16:01
jrolllike... the hardware would be connected to real switches16:01
jrollI guess16:02
jrollidk, I'm disallusioned by product16:02
cohnso basically, you'd have a bunch of bare metal servers physically connected to switches and Neutron would provision VLANs as needed?16:02
jrolllet me give you a thing that shows you what we're doing at rackspace16:02
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cohni'm looking at doing L3 ToR16:03
BLZbubbamight need a separate ironic ppa i fear16:05
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jrollthanks BLZbubba16:05
jrollcohn: this is what we do at rackspace, we have neutron configure the ToRs
cohnjroll: ossum! thanks16:06
cohnso that neutron plugin... only works with Cisco switches?16:08
jrolltoday, yes16:08
jrollit's pluggable16:08
cohnany interest in getting it to work with Juniper?16:08
cohnsay EX* and QFX* via NETCONF?16:08
jrollwe'd certainly accept the code, I think16:09
jrollidk if we'll ever use it ourselves16:09
jrollmorgabra: ^16:09
cohni'm looking at trying to get something more current than the "official" Juniper plugin:
cohnthat guy works on Icehouse and I highly doubt it'd work with Ironic16:10
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jrollI don't see why it wouldn't work16:11
jrollyou'd need to code the ironic support16:11
cohnthat's the part i'm stuck at...16:12
jrollyeah... our stuff isn't upstream yet :/16:12
jrollbut we want it to be16:12
cohna. can i take that plugin and modify it and re-release it, and b. how do i bring it up to date with Juno16:12
jrollthe juniper plugin?16:13
jrolla. that's a licensing question16:13
jrollb. I have no idea :)16:13
cohnyea, i'd rather be on the safe side and add Juniper support to your plugin16:13
jrollyeah, you're welcome to :)16:14
jrollmorgabra mostly works on that16:14
JayFcohn: I think we're rewiting our own plugin now too16:15
jrolloh yeah, there's that16:15
JayFcohn: I'd have a chat with morgabra before taking any action16:15
jrollright... plan is to roll it into quark afaik16:15
jrollI'm sure the switch interface will still be pluggable, though16:16
NobodyCammorning JayF :)16:16
cohnwhat is Quark?16:16
JayFmorning NobodyCam16:16
jrollI don't know a whole lot about quark16:17
jrollbut it's how rackspace runs neutron16:17
jrollit's a neutron plugin/extension thing16:17
jrollidk what's different though16:17
NobodyCamand /me thought Quark was the bar owner on DeepSpace 916:18
cohnvery descriptive16:18
cohn; )16:18
* jroll finds quark people16:18
JayFNobodyCam: Do you have all the Quarks of that series in your mind's Rom?16:19
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NobodyCamlol /me mind is full of old startrek junk16:19
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jrolllemme get back to you in a few, cohn16:20
cohnjroll: thanks so much for your help!16:20
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lucasagomesif someone has some time please take a look at
lucasagomesit's been discussed quite a bit and I think now we have a consensus16:30
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NobodyCamlucasagomes: quick read thru looks good16:43
NobodyCamneed to take a minute and read it over a cup of coffee16:43
lucasagomesNobodyCam, thanks, no problem take ur time16:43
lucasagomes+1 for coffee!16:43
* lucasagomes goes grab some coffee too16:44
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NobodyCamlucasagomes: are the current in tree drivers going to get updated or are you planning on having the current drivers VP & DVP work thru the backward compatible layer?16:46
lucasagomesNobodyCam, as part of the work I will port all drivers in tree16:47
lucasagomesI have a basic patch already doing some of this work (-2'd due the spec not being merged yet)16:47
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NobodyCamlucasagomes: +++ "instead of having each endpoint running things in a different way. A flag will be added"16:54
lucasagomesyup! yeah that's really annoying and not well documented16:54
NobodyCamlucasagomes: I like it.. well done.16:56
lucasagomes\o/ gotta code it still heh16:57
NobodyCamhow are you planing on telling the client to use different http methods16:57
NobodyCamjust so I know16:57
lucasagomesNobodyCam, explicitly, kinda like the curl command "curl -X GET|POST|PUT..."16:58
lucasagomesironic node-vendor-passthru GET <method> <params>16:58
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sambettsI'm heading off for this evening, night ironic o/16:59
NobodyCamnight sambetts16:59
lucasagomessambetts, g'night16:59
sambettslucasagomes, NobodyCam night16:59
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NobodyCamoh I like the return a list of vendor methods for VP and DVP17:01
lucasagomesNobodyCam, making both endpoints consistent is good. But I think that for a new api v2, we should have only 1 endpoint17:03
lucasagomesdriver_vendor_passthru, and then we can pass the node uuid as a parameter if it would affect a node specifically17:03
lucasagomesbut anyway, impossible for v1, because we can't simply remove one of the endpoints17:03
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NobodyCamlucasagomes: reviewed17:12
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lucasagomesNobodyCam, wooho! thanks!17:12
NobodyCamnon no thank you17:14
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yjiang5_awaylucasagomes: hi17:15
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lucasagomesyjiang5, hi there17:18
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yjiang5lucasagomes: for, I gave some comments on whether to keep the force_raw_image config option, can you please have a check to see if I need change the patch?17:21
lucasagomesyjiang5, yup, lemme take a look17:23
yjiang5lucasagomes: thanks.17:23
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lucasagomesyjiang5, agreed with the security and keeping the force_raw_images17:43
lucasagomesyjiang5, one thing,
lucasagomesI think that, that new flag "virtual_size=True/False" on the get_image_mb() is a bit bogus17:43
lucasagomesbecause it's always returning the virtual size17:43
lucasagomesthe difference there is whether the given image path points to a raw image or a compressed image17:44
lucasagomesperhaps a "is_raw=True/False" flag would be better, or even finding out the image format programatically (as suggested)17:44
lucasagomesyjiang5, thoughts?17:44
yjiang5lucasagomes: I think it does not always return the virtual size. In my mind, the function is, the caller passing a path to a image, and asking for the size. If virtual_size is False, it means the caller is asking for the size of the *real image file*, if virtual_size is True,  it means the caller is asking for the size of the raw image.  So for example, if caller passing a qcow2 iamge w/ virtual_size False, it means the exact size of the qcow2 im17:48
lucasagomesyjiang5, right, if I point to a raw image and set virtual_size=True17:49
lucasagomesthat's going to return 017:49
lucasagomesis that an expected behavior?17:49
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lucasagomesshouldn't for raw, size and virtual size be the same?17:50
yjiang5lucasagomes: strange, I remember I has changed the converted_size, let me check my patch17:52
lucasagomesoh... maybe on the previous patch and I haven't seem that17:52
* lucasagomes checks too17:52
lucasagomesyjiang5, oh yeah u did!17:52
yjiang5lucasagomes:, Line 30717:53
lucasagomesyjiang5, sorry, yeah I see it now17:53
yjiang5lucasagomes: yes, the idea is, when asking for converted_size, it should always return the size.17:53
lucasagomesyjiang5, gotcha, my bad I was looking at that method and thinking about the code we have right now17:53
yjiang5lucasagomes: In fact, I'm a bit concerned for the changes to the converted_size, because I have no idea why it return 0 in current code and suspect some hacky caller for it. After checking, I didn't find any hacky usage, so possibly it's hacky code in nova side.17:54
lucasagomesyjiang5, of the top of my head idk as well17:55
lucasagomesbut yeah ur code seems grand for me now17:55
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lucasagomes+2'd lemme see if I can find something about why it was returning 0 in the first place17:55
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yjiang5lucasagomes: sorry, what's 'idk'? BTW, in my patch set 3, I change the virtual_size's defaultl value to be "True", which will reduce some code changes needed.17:56
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lucasagomesidk = I don't know17:56
yjiang5lucasagomes: thanks.17:56
yjiang5lucasagomes: :)17:56
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lucasagomesyjiang5, yuriyz wrote that code, I added a comment that I would like to get another review from him17:57
lucasagomes(end of the day here my head is not functioning 100% :) )17:58
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lucasagomesbut anyway code lgtm now17:58
yjiang5lucasagomes: thanks. I usually try my mini cloud in the end of the day  :)17:58
lucasagomesyjiang5, aight! awesome17:59
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lucasagomesand I will call it a day, gotta get the train back home still17:59
lucasagomeshave a good night everyone!17:59
rloobye lucasagomes. will see you in paris.18:00
yjiang5lucasagomes: bye and have a good night.18:00
lucasagomessee ya!18:00
rlooand will see everyone else in Paris too. I'm off too.18:00
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lucasagomesrloo, have a safe flight18:00
lucasagomesyjiang5, nighty night18:00
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NobodyCamnight lucas18:01
NobodyCamnight rloo18:01
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yjiang5NobodyCam: How do you think of adding more status for the deploying? Currently once begin deploying, I have to wait blindly for a very long time, especially I begin converting the image on the fly. Would it be better to show more detailed information, like for iscsi_deploy, show got pinged, begin downloading image, and even progress of downloading like 20% etc. Will that make operator, (at least me when I as a operator for my mini cloud), more co18:04
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* Shrews hopes everyone has a safe flight to and from Paris and will attempt to hold the virtual fort down18:06
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NobodyCamShrews: Thank you:)18:10
NobodyCamyjiang5: that might ot be a bad idea but I'm sure would require a spec18:10
NobodyCamI'd be happy to review one :)18:10
yjiang5NobodyCam:  what's 'od' in 'ot to be a bad idea'? You mean "wont" or 'ought'?18:11
jrollit's a good idea18:11
jrollnova has a concept of progress18:12
jrollthis would allow us to make that better18:12
yjiang5NobodyCam: Aha, thought it is another abbreviation. :)18:12
* NobodyCam 's fingers miss keys all the time :-p18:12
yjiang5jroll: NobodyCam: I will cook a blueprint for it.18:13
yjiang5NobodyCam: :)18:13
JoshNangi fixed up the decom spec to make multiple driver and in+out of band decom easier. JayF and I are going to cover most of it at a high level in our talk at the summit.
JayFJoshNang: aweeks is going to be emailing you some slide feedback. I walked through everything with russell_h and him just now18:27
JoshNangi'd love to get some reviews before the talk/design session18:27
JayFJoshNang: plus I uploaded a new copy to my server with some of the fixes (mostly spelling/grammar/nits)18:27
JoshNangJayF: thanks!18:27
JoshNangI'll check when I land. this airplane wifi is a bit laggy and slow :)18:28
* JoshNang logs off. see you at the summit!18:29
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kylestevhey devananda, you around?20:31
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JayFkylestev: most of the ironic folks will not be around irc much20:34
NobodyCamkylestev: prob a bit late for him .. he in Paris20:34
JayFI think he already is gone for the summit20:35
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NobodyCamJayF: are you also working on the decom spec?21:11
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JayFNobodyCam: "working on it" in the sense that I'm helping JoshNang design it by leaving scathing comments on his spec :P21:13
JayFNobodyCam: and that I help operate an environment which (talk spoiler alert) decoms nodes 1000+ times a day21:13
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NobodyCamJayF: are you guys using the Priority stuff now.21:31
NobodyCamOhhh .... # priority=None steps will only be run via the API, not during standard decom21:34
NobodyCamthats why21:34
JayFI talk about why we don't run that step in my+joshnang's talk21:34
yjiang5jroll: update the devstack based on the discussion on Tuesday.21:37
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NobodyCamreviewed and commented on21:45
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NobodyCamjroll: want to approve ? you look like the last +221:55
jrollNobodyCam: I can, did you want to review?21:58
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NobodyCamhummm is the import needed in fake?22:19
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jrolloh ho22:21
jrollnice catch22:21
yjiang5jroll: JayF: Hi, are there any documents talking about how to use the IPA? Only clues I can see are  and ,but neither give much information.22:23
jrollyjiang5: wanna try it with devstack or your own deploy?22:23
jrollyjiang5: short version, set IPA kernel/ramdisk as your deploy k/r, call nova boot with a full disk image22:24
jrollyou also need swift as the backing store for glance22:24
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yjiang5jroll: Want to try it with devstack but on hardware machine :) I even need swift? Never tried swift before, and no idea why IPA requires the swift.22:25
NobodyCamand that is seem-ing-ly not as easy as it sounds22:25
jrollyes, it requires swift because it uses temp urls for the images22:25
jrollyjiang5: there's some if statements in lib/ironic that look for IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER == 'agent_ssh'22:26
jrolldo the stuff in there I gues22:26
jrollNobodyCam: devstack can set up swift for you :P22:26
yjiang5jroll: Are there any documents talking about how to build a IPA kernel/ramdisk?22:27
jrollyjiang5: not really... see
jrollthere's a readme22:28
yjiang5jroll: NobodyCam: The less service required, the better. Especailly I was told before that swift is not easy to use  :( Anyway, I will begin investigate the whole process.22:29
JayFWe also have a prebuilt image22:29
JayFfor IPA22:29
JayFif you don't want/need to customize it22:29
JayFthose are actually linked from that readme, under "Getting the Agent"22:29
yjiang5JayF: Thanks. I don't think I need customize at least in my first step.  I will have a try . Thanks.22:30
jrollyjiang5: sorry, yeah, it's not ideal but I think it's better than passing service tokens to the ramdisk :)22:30
yjiang5jroll: :) Will back to the channel after I have more understanding.22:31
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NobodyCambbiaf .. gota take the kids to the sitters :)22:47
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jrollbot dead?22:51
jrollsuper easy review
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Haomeng|2morning ironic:)23:29
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NobodyCamWhat it says23:43
NobodyCammorning Haomeng|223:43
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* NobodyCam assumes it will pass tests23:45
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