Thursday, 2018-09-20

openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Move common ubuntu environment setting to ubuntu-common element
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Remove redundant sources change/update
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add ubuntu-systemd-container operating-system element
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Move prepare-zanata-client to o-z-j
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Move prepare-zanata-client to o-z-j
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for mysql opportunistic test bug 1793364
openstackbug 1793364 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "mysql db opportunistic unit tests timing out intermittently in the gate (bad thread switch?)" [High,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add ubuntu-systemd-container operating-system element
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: ubuntu-common: Update default DIB_RELEASE to bionic
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for ansible ssh rsync fail bug 1793370
openstackbug 1793370 in OpenStack-Gate ""Collect sphinx build html" fails with "rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [Receiver=3.1.1]" on limestone nodes" [Undecided,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: update query 1449136 to match some more queries
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: convert docs to PTI
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SpamapSdoes anybody else use gertty in gnome terminal? I can't get F-keys to work at all in Ubuntu 18.04 on gnome terminal03:24
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dmsimardinfra-root: can we mute the channel by default in #openstack-registered ? I've seen too many typos leading to people writing their nickserv password on there.03:29
dmsimardWith the topic and a message from freenode supplying, we're probably covered03:31
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Move coverage jobs to voting check job
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SpamapSn/m.. hardware problem04:00
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Move coverage jobs to voting check job
* SpamapS just discovered that MS natural keyboards default to the stupid extended key meanings not F keys04:00
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StevenKSpamapS: There's an Fn button, a'la laptop keyboards?04:03
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add a zuul-local tool for testing playbooks
SpamapSStevenK: there's an [F]Lock button, that I have to press when I want my keyboard to be un-stupid04:07
SpamapSonly once per boot04:07
SpamapSbut I have to remember to hit it04:07
SpamapSuntil I get a good keyboard04:07
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ianwFailed connect to; No route to host04:10
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ianwa whole bunch of my jobs failed due to that, but it seems intermittent04:15
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AJaegerSpamapS: isn't there a way to tell your bootup scripts to do the right thing for the keyboard?04:27
AJaegerianw, want to +2 the coverage change again -  ?04:27
AJaegerconfig-core, could you review and (will recheck once 603282 is in), please?04:28
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ianwhrm, apache on seems very suspiciously quiet04:54
ianwi can get to it fine, but it looks like requests from OVH can't?04:55
ianwConnecting to (||:80... failed: No route to host.04:56
ianwyep ... gosh darn it04:57
ianwi guess as step 1 i'll reboot the mirror04:57
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ianwnope :(05:04
ianwstep 2, i'll actually shut it down, see if it gets a new hypervisor or something05:04
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ianwno luck either05:08
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ianwtrying to talk to ovh support but it's not going well05:23
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ianwi can't authenticate fully because i don't know the billing address, so they can't really help me.  not that i blame them as i'm sure they get lots of crap05:25
ianwohhhh "A maintenance operation is scheduled for the BHS1 region on 19th September 2018, between 03:00a.m. and 08:00a.m. UTC-4"05:26
ianwwait wait wait, this was the region clarkb paused ... hrm, this is starting to look more suspicious05:27
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AJaegerianw: yes, that was the region we paused - and restarted.05:55
AJaegerdpawlik: are you still around and can help with BHS1?05:56
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Disable OVH BHS1 region
ianwAJaeger: ^ i think we should probably do this for now.  it's just making the gate even worse.05:57
ianwas mentioned, i managed to raise a ticket with them.  i suspect rebuilding the mirror may help ... but i don't want to delete the existing mirror in case it can be helpful in debugging it05:58
AJaegerianw: if it's that bad, I suggest you force merge directly - enqueue it directly or eve nadd a +Verified yourself as admin.05:59
AJaegerianw: really sad with that high load but might be the best for now.06:00
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ianwusually project-config changes go in quickly cause they're separate, i'll give it a little06:00
ianwi might try spinning up a new mirror and see if it communicates ... i bet it will, and will probably be what we require in the end anyway06:01
AJaegerianw: the check queue will take ages ;(06:01
AJaegerianw: that's why I suggested to at least promote directly to gate...06:02
ianwhrm, yeah ok, i can do that ...06:03
AJaegeryoungest change with running jobs is 30 mins old - so we would have to wait for check queue alone 30 min (I thought it was worse - yesterday it was several hours)06:03
ianwi think that did it06:04
AJaegeryep, thanks06:05
ianwi'm bringing up now ... we can see if hosts can get to that06:06
AJaegerthanks, ianw06:06
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ianwLast exception: error creating clone06:11
ianweither there's something else wrong, or we don't have enough quota06:11
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ianwhrm, it seems we have heaps of quota06:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Disable OVH BHS1 region
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: convert docs to PTI
AJaeger#status log disabled again since mirror is not reachable06:23
openstackstatusAJaeger: finished logging06:23
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ianwok, it looks like a can not launch a "hg-7" flavor node in OVH; it even fails via their webui06:29
ianw215dc5d2-94ac-417b-8676-c6009d82839e & 860f0b36-c160-4ae7-b3c9-3e822f8710f4 for the record06:32
ianwi also can not launch an eg-7 flavor ... these are all given an asterisk "* older generation" so i'm guessing that might be related ...06:33
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ianwARRRGGHHH.  shade thinks it has an ipv6 address, but the actual host doesn't. then bails out trying to ping606:43
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ianwok, all for nothing it seems.  even the newly built mirror can't be accessed from another host in bhs106:47
ianwi'll add info to 603988 just to keep it together06:47
prometheanfirewhich packages?
ianwprometheanfire: ^ unsurpisingly that ran in ovh-bhs1, which is the region we've just disabled because the mirror is broken06:59
prometheanfirewell, gentoo doesn't use mirrors07:00
prometheanfiresee one task up :P07:00
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ianwprometheanfire: interesting, does "package:" in ansible work on gentoo?07:04
ianwthat test should probably be skipped if that message above triggers ...07:04
prometheanfireemacs matches against.... virtual/emacs app-editors/emacs07:04
prometheanfireDIB removes the portage 'cache' on build to shrink the image07:06
prometheanfireit's optional though07:06
prometheanfireYou can set the GENTOO_PORTAGE_CLEANUP environment variable to False to prevent cleaning up portage repositories (including overlays). This makes the image bigger.07:06
ianwor you need to do the gentoo equivalent of "apt-get update"?07:07
ianwi'm pretty sure we have a package refresh like that in the base playbooks, somewhere07:07
prometheanfireor emaint sync -a07:08
prometheanfireor emerge --sync07:08
prometheanfirehow often are the images built?07:09
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ianwdaily, but i'd suggest finding where we do the package refresh in the base playbooks and adding that personally07:10
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prometheanfireheh, well, at least the ansible module to see if installed will work if it matches more than one thing07:11
prometheanfireI don't see an update in project-config/nodepool/elements07:13
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prometheanfiresame for openstack-zuul-jobs (just some legacy stuff)07:14
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ianwthere's handlers for it, see
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prometheanfireah, zuul-jobs07:16
prometheanfirethose work even if on other distros?07:17
ianwi'd suggest either wiring up handlers for it ...which seems a little odd as the mirror isn't actually being configured, but also seems useful so you *can* install packages later ... or properly skip trying to install the package if we're not setting up the distro07:18
ianwthose handlers are called from the appropriate distro places07:18
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/git-review master: Warn which patchset are going to be obsoleted.
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prometheanfireianw: I feel like this is too simple...07:24
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: update Gentoo cache
prometheanfireit's gonna need at least one more thing07:26
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ianwi'm heading out.  will check back if we get any response on the OVH thing in a few hours07:31
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: add Gentoo jobs and fix install test
prometheanfireianw: ^ is my other fix07:32
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: use this to test gentoo zuul changes
prometheanfireanyway, nn, feel free to change my shitty ansible if needed07:34
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/git-review master: Avoid UnicodeEncodeError on python 2
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ssbarnea|bkpcan someone review/merge a minor devstack-gate fix? - is already 3mo old and no reason to keep it open.10:35
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Disable OVH BHS1 region"
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ssbarneaianw: i refreshed the and now you should be able to reproduce the bug by commenting the fix in git-review main().12:03
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egonzalezhi, we have 3 kolla jobs in post merge queue from 28h ago, and other 7 in the periodic and stable-periodic jobs12:22
egonzalezprobably will need to be killed or re schedule12:22
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AJaegeregonzalez: post is no problem - we run always with HEAD, we can just wait...12:32
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ssbarneajaosorior:  any insights regarding what is happening with the abandon/revive game?12:46
jaosoriorssbarnea: trying to free up resources to get relevant patches merged, these patches should hopefully help with the timeouts that are clogging up the gate.12:47
jaosoriorssbarnea: that was being discussed in #tripleo12:47
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ssbarneajaosorior: thanks, i missed that (too many msg to follow). indeed i never seen such a long queue.12:55
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fungiianw: not sure if anybody's mentioned it yet, but we set clouds.yaml to force ipv4 for ovh because the nova api returns ipv6 addresses for instances which the instances themselves can't autoconfigure due to lack of route announcements and nothing in metadata/configdrive for them13:03
fungiwe also hadn't been putting their v6 addresses in dns i don't think, otherwise we'd have to manually add static v6 address configuration for their interfaces13:04
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fungijaosorior: zuul admins have the ability to reorder the gate pipeline contents to move important fixes to the top, if you let us know which ones you need reshuffled13:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use zk connection passed to OpenStack driver
jaosoriorfungi: well that's good to know!13:09
jaosoriorfungi: I already purged a ton of patches... so... for now stuff seems to be fine. But I'll keep that in mind, thank you!13:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Move OpenStack leak code into driver
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: emit-job-header: fix print node information
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DiabelkoI've been looking at and then at Gerrit docs and I want to ask one question13:33
Diabelkowhat is the difference between ref-updated and change-merged in those two pipelines (post and promote)?13:33
Diabelkois this because ref-updated also works for manual code pushes outside of Gerrit?13:33
Diabelko(not via review, but git push)13:33
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Fix on reassign attendee tix
mordredDiabelko: ref-updated is also fired when a tag is made - the two events also contain slightly different information13:39
mordredchange-merged doesn't contain the merge commit ref in it, because it's an event reporting on the change itself - while ref-updated does13:39
Diabelkooh, I see, thanks!13:40
mordredbut ref-updated is just about refs and doesn't contain any information about a change, so for the promote pipeline it's more useful to trigger on change-merged so the change-id can be used as a key to look up an artifact produced in a different pipeline13:40
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add yamlgroup inventory plugin
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/git-review master: Warn which patchset are going to be obsoleted.
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/git-review master: Warn which patchset are going to be obsoleted.
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove open-vm-tools from servers
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Fix on reassign attendee tix
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: rewrite interface in react
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add build page
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add job page
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add config-errors notifications drawer
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add change status page
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Fix issue on track extra question
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Use include_tasks instead of include
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove ssh v1 options from sshd_config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Fix issue on track extra question
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mriedemclarkb: the categorization rate actually went down somehow :(
mriedemhmm, is out of date14:25
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mriedemData Last Updated: Wed Sep 19 2018 20:00:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)14:25
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Re-register missing nodes in static driver
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement liveness check for static nodes
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove ovsdbapp job
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clarkbmriedem: ok I'll take a look to see why it is stuck15:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add /{tenant}/projects and /{tenant}/project/{project} routes
clarkbianw: AJaeger the ipv6 issue is known on ovh. Neutron knows about the ipv6 address but config-drive/metadata service do not15:28
AJaegerclarkb: so, what does that mean with accessing the mirror? Jobs failed with that...15:29
AJaegerclarkb: don't know more details, ianw did the hard work15:29
AJaegercorvus, mordred, zuul experts, could you look at , please? What advise can you give for running periodic master-only jobs in-repo?15:29
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clarkbAJaeger: ianw fungi I'm guessing this is a side effect of the upgrade, we should double check security groups since its a networking issue and security groups are often the cause of those problems. If security groups look fine I think we should see if dpawlik or amorin can help15:32
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: added new endpoint delete my presentation
mordredclarkb: so - tell me about CD issues?15:37
mordredclarkb: (whenever)15:38
clarkbmordred: ya just a sec, I'm double checking the ovh mirror. We still have the old one up and running which we probably want to keep for now so that ovh can debug the networking disconnect (but I also need to check security groups still)15:39
clarkbI'll do security groups after talking CD issues since the fire is out15:39
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clarkbmordred: so there are two things I've run into. The first is that a lot of our base pre run stuff assumes it is running on actual nodes not the executor in a nil nodeset job. This means that we don't remove the master ssh key from the ssh agent when running with nil nodeset. We also don't log an inventory which first impression is we don't need the inventory there is no inventory except that all our15:41
clarkbvariables and job inheritances and all that is in the inventory file15:41
clarkbthe second is that bridge.o.o is set up such that ssh root login is only allowed from puppetmaster and bridge. So we cannot ssh in from the zuul executor as root to the bridge with the current setup15:41
clarkbMy thought on this one is we already know how to create users and manage them, maybe we should just create a zuul user on bridge.o.o?15:42
clarkbThe first issue is something we should jsut figure out how to generally improve for all nil nodeset jobs. The mechanics of that are tricky with 'all' excluding localhost, but it is doable (maybe with a base job dedicated to nil nodest jobs)15:43
mordredclarkb: yah - on the second one - and then just put a become: yes in the mix yeah?15:43
clarkbthe second is a matter of configuration preference of infra-rooters15:44
clarkbmordred: ya that is what I am thinking15:44
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mordredthat wfm ... for the first ... yeah, we might want to work up a specific base job15:45
mordredclarkb: oh - do we not log our inventory bcause it's a task that takes all: ?15:45
clarkbmordred: I think it is that plus ansible doesn't set the inventory variable when running against localhost so we don't actually know where it is (but we can maybe hand wave around that because its running under zuul)15:46
clarkbmordred: that is also why the ssh-agent cleanup of the master key doesn't happen15:47
clarkbthe role is run against 'all' then the cleanup is delegated to localhost in that role15:47
mordredso in that case, maybe we can just change the invocation to be hosts: localhost15:47
clarkbI have some wip changes up around this stuff one sec15:47
clarkb and I don't think that will work as is, but should be close to what we need15:48
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mordredclarkb: it's close - I think there is a sequencing issue, becaues add-build-sshkey re-adds the temp ssh key after removing things15:51
mordredbut split out the re-add happens before the removal15:51
mordredother than that, I think it's great15:51
clarkbmordred: ya, I had to update the ssh-add pattern so that we add with the stdin identifier for that key too (so it won't be removed)15:52
clarkbI'm not sure if that is a concern though. I know we want the master key removed before the actual job starts (so jobs can't ssh into other jobs)15:52
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clarkbnot sure if we need that sequencing to be tighter within the base pre playbook15:52
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clarkbif anyone is wondering the security group rule list osc command doesn't show you the direction of the rule15:54
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logan-maybe it would be good to have a virtual 'localhost' nodeset label that can add localhost inventory hosts15:55
logan-so instead of requesting a node, just add it to inventory with ansible_connection: local15:55
mordredclarkb: ah - gotcha15:56
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove ovsdbapp legacy jobs
clarkblogan-: I like that, then its not a weird nil nodeset but a nodest of localhost and things work15:56
clarkbunsure if zuul can do that for us, but if it can that might be a better way to express this15:57
logan-yeah the fake localhost item in ansible has some weird things that work differently than other inventory items, like ansible_python_interpreter will look at whatever venv you have ansible running in instead of the regular system python like any other inventory host by default15:57
logan-so i try to avoid using it for anything except tasks relating directly to the ansible run itself15:58
logan-and instead add a separate host entry with ansible_connection: local that is joined to groups, etc15:58
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clarkblogan-: zuul does some things to prevent ansible from running arbitrarily against localhost which likely makes this complicated15:59
clarkbbut I imagine it is doable with some work15:59
clarkbI don't see anything in the security groups that would affect internal traffic but not external16:01
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Adjust metalsmith ACL to match ones of an official project
clarkbour ingress rules either specify None as the source range or and ::/016:01
clarkbwhich should apply to both my desktop and other hosts within the cloud16:02
clarkbI guess I should check security groups for egress in the other tenant16:02
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Adjust metalsmith ACL to match ones of an official project
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clarkbsecurity groups on the other side look fine to me as well16:04
mordredclarkb: the arbitrary localhost stuff is skipped for trusted things - so it should work fine ...16:06
mordredbut it might not be as much of a win to make a localhost nodeset, since that might imply to people they could use it for more arbitrary things16:06
clarkbmordred: oh interesting, but not all nil nodeset jobs would be trusted16:06
clarkbyesterday roman_g was looking at tagging docker iamges with nil nodest job16:07
clarkb(as an example)16:07
mordredyah- and that would be potentially fine since it doesn't execute local shell commands16:07
mordredI guess I'm saying I'm not sure which thing will be better - a nil-nodeset base job, updating the exisitng one to work for both, having a localhost nodeset, or some combination16:08
mordredall have potential pros and cons16:08
mordredand we might just need to try all three :)16:08
clarkb158.69.65.118 with netmask what is top end of that range16:08
* clarkb does octal maths16:08
clarkbour mirror is
clarkbso our VM thinks the mirror is in the l2 range and is directly attached16:10
clarkbhowever memory says all our hosts in OVH has a /32 previously and had to route16:10
* clarkb checks an older host in ovh16:10
clarkbyup older host has netmast of
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clarkband is in that same /19 and works16:11
clarkbok old and new hosts have the same gateway set16:13
clarkbthe only difference is the netmask16:13
clarkbany objection to me setting the netmast on the new host and potentially breaking networking to that host (its a nodepool machine we should be able to boot a new one if we need to)16:14
clarkbacutally before I do that I should check the dhcp lease details to see where the netmask is coming from16:14
mordredclarkb: I do not have any objection to that16:17
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mordredclarkb: we might want to report the netmask change to our ovh friends though - maybe it is fallout from the upgrade?16:17
clarkbthe /19 is in the config drive network data at least (I'm actually not seeing any confirmation dhcp was run at all so working backward from what glean would see to try and figure that out)16:17
clarkbmordred: ya I'm guessing this is unintentional breakage16:17
clarkbmordred: if setting it to a /32 fixes we'll definitely want to let them know16:18
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mordreddpawlik was in channel yesterday but doesn't seem to be here today16:20
clarkbwe statically configure the interface with glean16:20
clarkb(whcih is fine just wanting to make sure I understand the mechanisms at play here)16:21
clarkbI'm going to set the netmask to which may break my ssh connection16:21
clarkbbut we can boot another if we need to16:21
clarkbya that broke it16:22
clarkbI've pinged amorin16:24
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clarkbI'll leave a followup on the change that ianw has/had since that is where we've collected notes so far16:29
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clarkbone more datapoint, the old hosts seem to use dhcp not static configuration16:31
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mordredclarkb: dhcp is more better16:33
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clarkb has my notes on it now16:35
clarkbfungi: ^ you may find those interesting and possibly you might even recognize the fix here?16:35
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fungithanks, catching up, was heads-down composing the ml combining announcement16:36
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fungimmm, so a /32 mask is sort of a strange beast since it's undefined whether the machine should use arp to find the gateway's mac (as it's already outside the mask)16:39
fungiit's possible the kernel falls back to sending arp requests on all interfaces in this case16:39
fungior that we may need to set an interface route defining how to reach the gateway16:40
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clarkbya I'm guessing something along those lines is why setting it from to broke things16:41
fungii wonder if the behavior change is the result of dhcp being down through lease expiration, and was still down when the instance was rebooted causing it to fall back on the instance metadata instead?16:41
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clarkbfungi: I think glean is configuring statically because the network_data json blob on the config drive doesn't tell it to use dhcp16:42
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fungioh, did we switch to using glean on these? i thought they were cloud-init up until at least recently16:42
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clarkbfungi: all of the nodepool nodes are glean16:43
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clarkbmy comparison was only of the nodepool nodes, not the mirror nodes ( I guess I didn't make that clear on the gerrit comment)16:43
fungioh, sorry, thought we were talking about the mirror specifically, but i guess routing packets between the mirror and the nodepool nodes is at issue16:44
clarkbfungi: ya the mirror and the new nodepool node are in the same l2 range based on the netmask on the nodepool nodes16:44
clarkbold nodepool nodes had /32 netmask so would've routed to the mirror16:44
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clarkbnew ones try to arp for it and say sorry no can do16:45
fungiso anyway, it's possible glean needs to learn to include an interface route for the gateway on the interface it thinks should be capable of reaching it16:45
fungibut i'm guessing it's that they ceased including an equivalent interface route in the metadata or dhcp leases (or both)16:45
clarkbassuming is the fix16:46
clarkbI guess I should check if new mirror with config drive did something different16:46
clarkbfungi: UH    0      0        0 ens3 is the tpye of route you expect?16:47
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clarkb158.69.64.0   U     0      0        0 eth0 is what we had prior to breaking networking on the nodepool node16:48
clarkbwhich would be the issue I think16:48
fungihaving a hard time parsing. can you provide `ip ro sh` output?16:48
clarkbdefault via dev ens3 and dev ens3  scope link16:48
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clarkbbasically that says route to your gateway via this specific device16:48
clarkbwhich we didn't have when the netmask was larger16:49
fungiyeah, the "scope link" is important16:49
clarkbconfig drive is configuring the new nodes to boot and dhcp16:49
clarkb is the network data that caused glean to do not dhcp16:50
fungiso basically the default route is through and the route to is then specified as being through the ens3 device16:50
fungisince it can't be inferred from the netmask on that interface16:51
clarkbI think there are a couple bugs here based on that. 1) network data should specify dhcp if that is how config drive is configured and things are working (also dhcp should just be preferred) 2) the network data does not match with the data provided by dhcp16:51
clarkbI think if OVH fixes 1) we'll be fine with glean, it will configure dhcp and everything will work16:52
clarkbfixing 2) is more of a sanity thing so when you debug everything looks correct16:52
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clarkbnow to figure out what data glean needs to understand dhcp should be used16:53
clarkb"type": "ipv4" should be "type": "ipv4_dhcp"16:54
clarkbif you do a subnet show on our ipv4 subnet range enable_dhcp is set to false16:56
clarkbwhcih is why the type isn't ipv4_dhcp in the metadata16:56
clarkbinfra-root AJaeger ^ I think the root of our problems is this. We probably need to talk to ovh about figuring out what they expect their networking to look like, fix the metadata as appropriate then fix glean as necessary to catch up16:58
mordredclarkb: ++17:00
clarkbworth noting that the metadata info for the interface matches the subnet show details pretty closely17:00
clarkbso there appears to be a mismatch between how ovh has configured neutron and how we are expected to consume the networking resources17:01
clarkbI'm going to reboot my nodepool test node, then run dhclient manually which should get it working17:02
clarkband that should tie up the confirmation of this is wht thing17:02
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fungiin unrelated news, the virtualenv tool was basically abandonware but one of the regular contributors to tox has volunteered and taken over maintenance of it. if anybody had any outstanding prs for fixing things in virtualenv this is probably a good time to refresh them17:04
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* fungi is unsure whether we had any hanging out there getting ignored17:05
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clarkbdhclient gets a lease with netmask
fungialso, i need to go grab a late lunch and run some errands, but will be back in fairly short order17:06
clarkbit doesn't update the existing interface config though, but I think I'm satisfied without that happening17:06
clarkbfungi: I don't think we have any virtualenv requests. The big thing was having it update setuptools and pip and wheel automaticalyl which it has done for a while17:07
clarkb(helps with confusion over things don't work but its a fresh venv)17:07
fungicool, thanks!17:07
pandais /etc/ci/ directly baked into nodes images ? if not, at which point in the job is it called ?17:09
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clarkbpanda: it is written by a zuul pre step somewhere. Let me find it17:09
clarkbmriedem: the e-r cron's are running but not updating the files17:10
pandaclarkb: thanks, I tried to git grep in zuul-jobs and openstack-zuul-jobs, nothing is calling the mirror-info role17:10
clarkbmriedem: I ran it in the foreground and got no output. going to try doing it step by step and see if I get anything17:10
clarkbya thats the role and the base job in project-config runs it17:10
pandayep, I thinkg that's the role, I just can't find when in the process it's called17:10
clarkbpanda: its project-config/playbooks/base/pre.yaml as part of the base job17:11
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clarkbmriedem: strace implies 500 errors talking to elasticsaerch? maybe one of our queries is malformed. I'll check elasticsearch logs17:12
clarkb[Failed to deserialize exception response from stream]; nested: OutOfMemoryError[Java heap space] unhappy java maybe17:13
mriedemclarkb: i probably need to do a pass on cleaning up old stale queries17:14
mriedemthat could help17:14
mriedemit's been months since i've done one17:14
mriedemi'll do that after lunch17:15
notmynamefungi: is the -operators list included in the ML merge?17:16
clarkbmriedem: thanks. I don't see anything on the server side that points to the recent 500 errors strace seems to get17:16
clarkbmriedem: I'll keep digging on this end17:16
notmynamefungi: disregard. apparently, I can't read17:17
pandaclarkb: so the base job is always involved, even if configurations are not explicitly inheriting from it ?17:18
clarkbpanda: the base job is implied if you do not specify a specific parent17:19
clarkbthe sudoers message from status was me, sorry for the noise17:19
pandaclarkb: got it, thanks. thanks logan-17:19
clarkb(I was su'd to recheck user to debug running the script and tried to sudo like a derp)17:19
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clarkbmriedem: rerunning now with -v which seems to be a bit more verbose17:25
clarkbmriedem: it stops with 2018-09-20 17:25:12  DEBUG    [ergraph        ] Starting query for bug 179336417:29
openstackbug 1793364 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "mysql db opportunistic unit tests timing out intermittently in the gate (bad thread switch?)" [High,Confirmed]
clarkbmriedem: no traceback though. Maybe its a broken query ?17:29
clarkbmriedem: that was one of the queries added yesterday. My best guess is it is broken somehow, but reading it I don't see why17:30
clarkbmriedem: figured it out. Its OOMing the e-r process due to the size of the results17:31
clarkbkernel is killing it17:32
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clarkbmriedem: looks like that error matches some tripleo log files which end up being the whole log file for the event because they make a log file of grepped errors :/17:36
clarkbmriedem: I think we can fix this by contraining the query a bit more rather than just tags=console do something like filename=job-output.txt?17:37
openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Update manila team meeting chair
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid master: Updated user profile UI
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Contrain query to prevent e-r from OOMing
clarkbmriedem: ^17:41
mordrednotmyname: reading is hard17:44
notmynamemordred: you'd think I'd have noticed after I got 4 copies of the message on all the various lists :-)17:44
mriedemclarkb: ack thanks +W17:46
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clarkbmriedem: the interesting thing is I think that points to this bug affecting users outside of unittests17:50
clarkbIdeally we'd track that too but the giant file as single event in elasticsearch just isn't working for e-r right now ;)17:51
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clarkbmriedem: is there a way for a cloud to not provide data in config drive?18:02
clarkbmriedem: specifically network_data.json because networking is being provided out of band of neutron so the neutron provided config drive information is just wrong18:02
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amorinhey guys18:04
clarkbamorin: hello. I just asked mriedem if it is possible to mask out network data on the config drives (since it is not accurate in the bhs1 case)18:05
clarkb(haven't gotten a response yet)18:05
clarkbamorin: to clarify for the channel in OVH the expectation is that we will use DHCP to configure interfaces on OVH VMs right?18:05
amorinour DHCP is supposed to give you a /32 ip18:05
amorinwith a next hop gateway18:06
amorinand everything is supposed to be fine with that18:06
clarkbfor anyone following along is the content of the network data in the config drive which has type: ipv4 which means don't use dhcp (ipv4_dhcp is the type to use with dhcp)18:06
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clarkbprior to the ovh upgrade we didn't get any network data in the config drive18:06
amorinthe weird thing is that it has always been like that18:06
clarkband glean fell back to dhcp as a result. Wondering if we can go back to that since the network data is misleading now18:06
amorinso It means OpenStack is newton is giving something new to your instance18:07
amorinthrough metadata18:07
clarkbamorin: ya the difference was before the config drive data had no networkign information so we fell back to dhcp. But now it explicitly says not to use dhcp18:07
clarkbamorin: yup18:07
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amorinwhat if we set DHCP on the subnet to true?18:07
amorinwould it help?18:07
clarkbamorin: yes I think that would result in network data telling glean to use dhcp and it should work. The problem then is I think neutron will try to do dhcp for you and you don't want that?18:08
amorinwe disabled DHCP because of that, but we were not aware about the issue with the network metadata stuff18:08
amorinso, I wont enable that right now, but at least, I can talk with the team about the issue18:09
amorinand maybe we can figure a solution to have the setting to True18:09
clarkbok, I'm hoping that mriedem knows of some configuration item we can use to make both glean and ovh happy :)18:09
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clarkbamorin: thansk for popping in, I think we understand the problem now and its just a matter of figuring out a solution. I've got to go eat lunch here in a minute but I'm hoping mriedem will show up soon18:13
clarkbmordred: ^ you will likely be interested from a glean perspective as well18:14
amorinclarkb: ok, I may be afk also at it's evening in my timezone18:14
clarkbamorin: understood18:15
mriedemclarkb: was away, did you get your answer?18:16
clarkbmriedem: did not18:16
clarkbmriedem: basically ovh is managing VM networking via DHCP external to neutron18:16
clarkbmriedem: so the network data supplied to config drive by neutron/nova is just wrong18:16
mriedemconfig drive network data is wrong18:16
clarkbmriedem: is there a way to tell nova to not supply that info to the VMs?18:16
mriedemwell, force_config_drive defaults to False but that doesn't prevent the user from requesting it18:17
mriedemit could also be built into the images18:17
mriedemas metadata to say gimme config drive goodies18:17
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mriedemare you looking to just nix the network_data part of the config drive?18:17
clarkbmriedem: right we explicitly ask for config drive data (which we do want, we just want to prevent the inaccurate info from showing up)18:17
clarkbwe also use the same images on all our clouds18:18
clarkbbut we could probably hack something terrible into glean to deal with this based on ip ranges18:18
clarkbor other info18:18
mordredclarkb: reading18:18
mordredclarkb: ugh, I certainly don't want to hack something terrible into glean to deal with this basd on ip ranges18:19
mriedemwell we have config_drive_skip_versions for hiding some ec2 versions, but i'm not aware of something to configure hiding or neuturing the network data json18:19
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clarkbmriedem: ok thansk for checking18:20
mordredclarkb: so - just to repeat back to make sure I grok ...18:20
openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add openstack/neutron-interconnection to neutron
mordredclarkb: dhcp is turned off in neutron, which is causing the network info in config-drive say "no dhcp, please to use static ips"18:21
pandais there a way to override completely a pre-run, and not use the playbooks from the inherited jobs definitions ?18:21
mordredclarkb: but dhcp IS to be used in ovh and exists and is correct, yes?18:21
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mordredpanda: no, I do not believe there is18:22
clarkbmordred: correct. Additionally the static info is not correct beucase it is based on the neutron subnet resource data which isn't what you would get from dhcp18:22
clarkbmordred: I think this would be fine if those two aligned with each other but they don't (and I'm not sure they can based on how OVH uses /32s)18:22
mordredclarkb: we *could* try one of mriedem's suggestions and configure config-drive to off in nodepool for ovh18:22
clarkbmordred: we wouldn't be able to login to those VMs as root anymore if we do that18:22
clarkbmordred: we would have to ssh via zuul executors18:23
mordredoh - because ssh keys18:23
pandamordred: make sense, thanks.18:23
mordredclarkb: well - maybe that's a better tradeoff for now than non-working networking until we can find a better workaround?18:24
clarkbmordred: possibly18:24
clarkbI can boot an instance after lunch with config drive disabled18:24
mordredclarkb: the only other thing I can think of is to define a metadata key/value that glean looks for as a flag to tell it to ignore network info18:24
clarkbthen see if I can ssh in and if networking works18:24
clarkbmordred: maybe it could be a type override18:25
mordredclarkb: I doubt you'll be able to ssh in because of keys - you'd need to boot from an image with keys baked in18:25
clarkbwe set it to ipv4_dhcp and it follows that path18:25
mordredclarkb: yah18:25
clarkbmordred: ya our zuul/nodepool key is baked in18:25
clarkbjust going to confirm I can make that work prior to using it18:25
clarkboh except we remove that key when jobs run18:25
mordredclarkb: we could start putting infra keys in place in the base pre-run18:26
clarkbwe would be giving up the ability to hold nodes18:26
mordredrather than via keypairs18:26
mordredwe've got that code in an ansible role already18:26
clarkbmordred: maybe do both and then the period of time we can't ssh into the node is limited to only ovh18:26
clarkbI'm going to eat lunch and think about this18:26
mordredwe rarely need to ssh in to nodepool nodes that *haven't* run jobs yet18:27
mordredclarkb: I just ate lunch - I recommend it18:27
clarkbmordred: ya the two cases are really hold node and hand it off and cloud is really broken we need to debug18:27
clarkbfor the first having the job do it works for the second we can boot a different image with our key baked in18:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove ssh v1 options from sshd_config
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clarkbI wonder if we could set an arbitrary type on the subnet18:32
clarkbso that when it ends up in the config drive glean doesnt understand it and does dhcp18:33
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mtreinishfungi, clarkb: my spamassassin has been flagging some gerrit emails (it seems to be getting pretty frequent) as spam in part because of no rDNS. I could have sworn that used to be setup18:37
mtreinishhere's an example message: (with the spamassassin annotations)18:37
mtreinishI've setup a whitelist in the meantime, but I wanted to get to the bottom of what changed. (I'm assuming it's because I moved and changed isp and broke something adapting everything for that)18:38
clarkbipv4 at least resolves forward and back18:39
clarkbwe do cname review.o.o to review01.o.o18:40
clarkbmaybe that confuses spamassassin?18:40
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mtreinishclarkb: it looks like it wants an A record:
mtreinishbut the last Recieved header is from review01.o.o so it should be checking that18:43
mtreinishhmm, I just logged into my mailserver and review01.o.o resolves both ways. So what is it complaining about?18:45
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Cleanup old queries for fixed/invalid bugs
mtreinishoh maybe it's complaining about my server, apparently it doesn't resolve correctly in reverse18:54
clarkbspamassassin is checking the local dns lookup too?18:54
mordredthat seems aggressive18:55
mtreinishI don't think so, but that's the only thing I saw in the Received headers that didn't have a valid rDNS18:55
fungimtreinish: i'm using sa on my mta as well. i'll compare18:55
fungiX-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.7 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00,SPF_PASS autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.118:56
fungiquite the discrepancy, same sa version18:57
clarkbI'm booting an ovh node without config drive now18:57
clarkbdouble checking glean does the right thing in that case and that I can ssh in as zuul with the master key18:57
clarkbif that works then ya I think we should consider running those nodes without config drives until we can find a better long term solution18:58
fungimtreinish: possible because i'm using the autowhitelist and bayesian learning mechanisms, it's skipping a lot of checks which would otherwise fail18:58
fungioh, here's one with a missing to: header18:59
clarkbmordred: ok that mostly works. Where it will break for us is multinode testing because the hostname isn't properly configured and we rely on hostnames and /etc/hosts and all that with nova and live migration19:00
fungiX-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.2 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00,MISSING_HEADERS,SPF_PASS autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.119:00
mtreinishI definitely have the bayesian learning turned on, don't know about autowhitelist though19:00
clarkbmordred: our best bet may be to set metadata that tells glean to fallback to dhcop19:00
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clarkbI've double checked taht the dhcp lease isn't setting a hostname either (it isn't)19:01
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fungimtreinish: i do agree that having no to: or cc: header but including a reply-to: is sort of broken. possible newer gerrit will improve on that19:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: convert docs to PTI
mtreinishI think I figured it, all emails are getting flagged no rdns on my server19:09
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mtreinishI think it is because I got lazy in my workaround for my new isp blocking inbound port 25 and just setup an iptables forward rule from an outside server to redirect it to my local mail server on a different port19:10
mtreinishinstead of doing a proper mail relay, and it realizes the hostnames don't match19:11
ediardoHi o/... I have this annoying problem that I just cant find a solution to it. When other contributors want to add me as a reviewer they see this: Eddie Ramirez <> does not identify a registered user or group ...19:11
tbarronso gouthamr is better than I am at remembering to update the #openstack-manila topic, what is needed to get him rights with chanserv to do this?19:11
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ediardoAny ideas on how could I fix this or where could I go for more help?19:12
mtreinishthat coupled with the other rules, like the no to: or cc: is tipping it over the spam threshold19:12
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fungiediardo: looks like you have two accounts in gerrit with that same e-,ail address19:13
fungione from 2015-12-16 and another from 2016-02-1019:13
fungiediardo: older account 9155 is associated with username:ediardo while newer account 20505 has no ssh/api username19:14
fungiaccount 9155 is also the only one with ssh keys uploaded19:15
ediardoThat's the one I used in the past19:15
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fungiediardo: looks like you might have done an e-mail address change in launchpad/ubuntuone sso related signing in with a gmail address at some point?19:16
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ediardook, just went to launchpad website and saw gmail as the default one19:17
fungiediardo: right now if you go to what Account ID number do you see? 9155 or 2050519:17
ediardoJust set it back to intel.com19:17
fungiokay, i've marked the newer 20505 account invalid and this should resolve the problem. let us know if you run into any other issues you think might be related19:19
ediardoperfect, thanks a lot fungi!19:19
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fungitbarron: /msg chanserv access #openstack-manila add gouthamr +Aefortv19:20
fungitbarron: let me know if it says you don't have permission or something19:21
tbarronfungi: ty!  no permission issue so far as I can see19:22
tbarrongouthamr: would you try tweaking the topic in #openstack-manila when you have a chance?19:23
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fungitbarron: to be fair, +t is all that was really needed, but i took your request to mean you were interested in just promoting him to full channel operator permissions19:26
tbarronfungi: you read me  rightly, thanks19:26
fungithis way he can pitch in on whatever same channel management tasks you can19:26
tbarronfungi: no reason for a spof on our team19:27
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Add option to ignore config drive interfaces info
clarkbmordred: ^ totally untested19:29
clarkbmordred: but I think that will still configure the hostname like we need. Where its a little weird is it will not configure the dns server(s) but typically that is provided by dhcp so I think thiat is the right approach19:30
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clarkbmordred: also in reading glean we could really stand to refactor it a bit19:32
clarkbthe control flow for writing network configs in particular is painful in places19:32
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clarkbAfter writing that I think I need a few minutes away from computers19:34
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mordredclarkb: yes. I believe we very much need to refactor it19:45
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AJaegerconfig-core, OpenStackSDK is ready with with python3-first, could you review , please?20:01
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clarkbmordred: this manual interface type must be ironic specific?20:07
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fungiwow, current distutils-sig megathread is going off the rails. pipenv maintainers suggesting that since pip can't be imported as a stable api by pipenv we should expect that pip will fall by the wayside because pipenv will need to reimplement replacements for pip internals and pipenv is clearly the future for installing python packages. pip maintainers... disagree on this point20:11
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clarkbas a non pipenv user I think I agree with pip on that one20:21
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fungia lot of it hinges on the fact that dstufft's pipfile idea got picked up by pipenv but hasn't been implemented in pip yet20:24
clarkbmordred: in trying to refactor this stuff I've found my patch to skip configuration is broken20:25
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clarkbmordred: so thats good I guess20:25
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gouthamrfungi tbarron: ty, tested and chanserv accepts my commands on #openstack-manila20:30
AJaegerclarkb: want to +2A the coverage change now, please? It's after PTG... I rebased to resolve conflicts20:34
mordredclarkb: yay!20:34
fungigouthamr: glad it worked! let us know if you have any questions20:35
gouthamrfungi: +120:36
AJaegermordred: , OpenStackSDK is ready with with python3-first, could you review for project-config , please?20:38
mordredAJaeger: done - thanks!20:41
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: remove job settings for OpenStackSDK repositories
ianwclarkb: catching up ... wow :/  this also possibly explains a bit about what's going on with ipv6 in OVH -- where launching the node openstacksdk thinks the hosts have ipv6 addresses, but they don't20:52
dtroyerI would love to get some eyes on and to wrap them up from PTG week…20:55
clarkbianw: ya20:56
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clarkbianw: fwiw I'm working on a series of refactors to glean to make these easier to comprehend (at least for debian to start because I understand e/n/i) and hopelly that makes it easier to have glean handle this20:56
clarkbianw: my patch to have glean handle it that I have already pushed is wrong20:56
clarkbdoes anyone know why manual mode configures bond details? that doesn't seem very manual to me20:58
clarkbmeh we can keep them for backwad compat21:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Contrain query to prevent e-r from OOMing
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clarkbfungi: is hw-mac-address a valid token in debian /e/n/i config?21:10
clarkbhwaddress seems valid, glean sets hw-mac-address in some cases and the internets are failing me21:11
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clarkbAJaeger: did we send email about that?21:13
clarkb(sorry too many fires in the last couple days to keep everything straight)21:13
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Use common function for debian bond mode
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Check same debian interface path everywhere
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Manage the debian interface header in one place
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Consistent debian interface control flow
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Debian interface config set bond once
clarkbmordred: ianw ^ I find that to be much more readable, but still not great21:15
clarkbit is a start to undersatnding it at least21:15
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Add option to ignore config drive interfaces info
clarkbI think ^ actually does what we want now but is untested21:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: update Gentoo cache
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Cleanup old queries for fixed/invalid bugs
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ianwclarkb: all the bond stuff, etc; that's not actually required for OVH, right?21:23
clarkbianw: no, this is me trying to make that configuration flow readable so that I understand how to write properly21:24
clarkbianw: the diff on the two patchsets of that chagne will show you how my understanding of the code changed :)21:24
clarkbianw: I got annoyed I couldn't understand it as written so took a machete to it. I think I achieved what is hopefully non controversial readability improvements (much less repetition for example)21:25
clarkbbut also simpler control flow as there are fewer branches now21:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Re-register missing nodes in static driver
clarkbI'll update that function name21:26
ianwclarkb: cool; i've certainly noted a lot of what you've just fixed up.  nothing like a crisis to help spur things along :)21:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement liveness check for static nodes
ianwthis page on ipv6 is a bit ... "If you are using an OVH-provided OS template to install your server, you will see that you already have the first (MAIN) IPv6 configured right out of the box."21:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Use include_tasks instead of include
clarkbianw: it is impressive how rebase conflicty that one edit is :)21:35
clarkbI tried to order things such that they made sense to reviewers but it is all intertwined in the end21:35
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Use common function for debian bond mode
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Check same debian interface path everywhere
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Manage the debian interface header in one place
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Consistent debian interface control flow
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Debian interface config set bond once
fungiclarkb: `man interfaces` mentions hwaddress and not hw-mac-address (i've never seen the latter, maybe that's for rh configs instead?)21:40
clarkbianw ^ hopefully I didn't screw that up21:40
clarkbfungi: its in the debian interface config. I think its a screw up and they meant hwaddress21:40
clarkbbut that is getting into changing behavior vs just refactoring so I need to be more careful with it21:41
clarkbianw: the diffs lgtm21:42
clarkbfungi: line 835 for the example21:42
fungiman vlan-interfaces21:42
fungiseems that's not installed on my systems21:43
fungimaybe obsolete21:43
clarkbaha hw-mac-addresses is valid21:43
clarkbwhy is that different than hwaddress21:44
clarkbI think that means we need to add that to the static config though21:44
clarkbsince right now you can only set the mac addr on a dhcp config'd interface21:45
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clarkband maybe we even set it on the manual interface so that we can cut down on the configuration. STarts to push the definition of a manual interface but meh cloud21:45
pandais there a way to specify a on-abort: playbook to do some custom cleanup on the jobs when the job is aborted ?21:49
clarkbpanda: no, aborted jobs are killed immediately by zuul. The reason for that is zuul no longer needs their results21:49
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pandaclarkb: mmhh, ok thanks.21:51
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clarkbpanda: jobs are aborted when a new patchset shows up (and so old patchset can never merge now) or if zuul has to rebuild a global state for the gate after a test has failed and a change is being evicted21:51
clarkbpanda: are you trying to do something with these aborted jobs? you should be able to ignore them21:52
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clarkbprometheanfire: are we still using the write_gentoo_interfaces path in glean or is that all networkd now? I don't think we'll remove it (backward compat) but will help inform where to focus on cleaning stuff up21:53
pandaclarkb: we create and use external resources while running some third party job. When jobs are aborted, we don't have any change to properly clean up those resources.21:53
pandaclarkb: We'll find another way.21:54
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clarkbpanda: I think this was why the old tripleo testing didn't the mutual locking thing with gearman. Then if one side went away the other knew the resources were no longer locked21:55
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clarkbianw: the rh code in glean is actually a lot easier to follow. Only problem is it doesn't support static ipv6 (but I'll ignore that for now as we don't need that in any clouds)21:57
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ianwclarkb: except maybe ovh?21:58
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jbrycecan i ask a dumb list administration question? i'm trying to approve one of my own messages that has been queued for moderation on foundation@lists.o.o, but there's so much spam in the moderation queue that the page keeps timing out when i submit the form. is there anyway to make this work?21:59
fungiwow, i don't think i've seen a list with so much spam in the moderation queue that the interface times out loading22:00
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jbrycethe interface loads, but on form submission, it times out22:00
clarkbianw: ya, but we've only supported ipv4 there anyway, but also you have to get the ipv6 info from the neutron api, it isn't in the config drive :(22:00
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clarkbianw: prometheanfire I don't think my patch for ovh to ignore interfacese will work for the networkd code22:01
fungijbryce: there is an alternative approval mechanism list admins can perform by sending e-mail, but with the -owner addresses getting spammed too and so black-holed i'm not sure how to go about that... there's also a command-line list management utility i can try, i think22:01
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jbrycefungi: i'm also fine discard all the queued messages and then resending my message if that's an easier pass or possible from the command-line22:03
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clarkbprometheanfire: ianw nevermind I see it now22:03
fungioh, looks like i can delete them from the heldmsg directory according to
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clarkbianw: ignoring it being untested, do you think the approach of setting nova metadata (which I I don't think we can actually do arbitrarily in nodepool so that needs fixing too) in is a reasonable one to take here?22:05
jbrycefungi: buh-lete away22:05
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fungi9497 messages held! wow22:06
fungithat's just the foundation@ ml22:06
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fungii should be able to isolate your post with a quick grep and blow away the others22:07
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fungifor ~some~ definition of "quick" that is22:08
jbryceyeah with the owner alerts off because of spam i haven't checked the moderation queue in a long while22:08
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prometheanfireclarkb: yes, gentoo CAN be networkd, but typically isn't (see this, only one set is systemd/networkd)
prometheanfireclarkb: anything I need to review?22:10
clarkbprometheanfire: mostly double checking that that should work on all the distros because we'll set dhcp on any interfaces not listed in the config drive22:10
ianwclarkb: does cloud-init not hit it because it doesn't look at the config-drive?22:12
prometheanfireclarkb: looks good, since that's pre-backend selection22:12
prometheanfireianw: cloud-init falls back to config-drive22:12
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prometheanfireso they may hit it if network-config fails22:13
clarkbI think their cloud init must be hard configured to use dhcp22:13
prometheanfireor that22:13
clarkbprometheanfire: its actually completely configurable22:13
fungijbryce: okay, check again and yours should be the only one in the moderation queue now22:13
clarkbwhich is one of the big issues with cloud init it does all the things and people get carried away22:13
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jbrycefungi: checking now....still seems to have quite a few messages in the queue....22:14
clarkblike lets just reformat that volume you have ...22:14
clarkbhow helpful of you:(22:14
prometheanfirereally just a hook into a config-management system is all that's needed imo (+ networking)22:15
prometheanfirewhile people are looking at glean, mind looking at (simple)22:16
clarkbprometheanfire: all that is needed imo is set the ssh key and assume dhcp22:16
clarkbbut people don't like dhcp for some reason or another22:16
fungijbryce: i'll see if i can figure out why that is. the .pck files for them have all been deleted except for yours22:16
ianwfungi / clarkb : apropos looking at cloud servers, another thing that i think is different is you have to be root on bridge for /etc/clouds which seems like unnecessary privilege escalation when i'm just getting server details22:16
prometheanfireit's another failure mode22:16
prometheanfirealso, can someone delete the gentoo image, I think I'm ready for the next round22:17
clarkbianw: ya, talking at the PTG corvus seemed to strongly prefer the simplicity of root/sudo for that22:17
clarkbianw: since it avoids needing to curate groups across all the things22:17
ianwyeah, but it also means i'm root & using openstack client from a venv in my homedir to query server status etc22:18
jbrycefungi: ok. maybe there's another way you can help me achieve what i ultimately was trying to do. i want to post the pdf of the slides from the board meeting publicly. it's a 3MB file which exceeds the wiki limit. i was attached it to my message (which is why it got moderated). any thoughts on some other place i can post it that is globally accessible?22:19
fungijbryce: i've tried removing yours as well since you seemed okay with re-sending. does refreshing the moderation page look any better?22:19
clarkbianw: ya... but our ansible is basically that too :/22:19
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ianwclarkb: so just trying to understand ... is a good example because it's a replacement mirror i booted in OVH yesterday when i thought the problem may have been their networking interface etc22:22
jbrycefungi: it's not even loading for me now22:22
fungiit may need a new post to hit the moderation queue22:23
jbryceperhaps it's trying to find it's way through the newly empty space22:23
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ianwclarkb: in meta-data, that has local-ipv4 as it's address :
clarkbianw: the problem is the netmask and routes22:23
clarkbthe ip address is correct, but it puts it on a /19 if looking at config drive which does not work22:23
clarkbif you dhcp (whihc yuor replacement mirror did) it gets a /32 and the funny route for the gateway22:24
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ianwbut why did it dhcp?  it seems like cloud-init would have picked it up out of metadata?22:24
clarkbcloud init doesn't necessarily use metadata22:25
clarkbits configurable and we used the cloud's vm image22:25
fungijbryce: the mailing list seems like probably the best option (though, oof, 3mb is a pretty sizeable message and it'll probably be more like 3.5 with encoding). alternatively i can try to get the pdf onto the wiki... we turned off pdf uploads a while back because search engines index them so wiki spammers were trying to abuse that to sneak past content filters22:25
ianwright, that's what i'm looking at, and i'm not seeing it being told to use dhcp via a "network:" in the config, etc22:25
clarkbianw: actually I wonder if the VM image has /e/n/i preconfigured to dhcp22:25
clarkbin which case cloud init would ignore it22:26
clarkbsimilar to how glean ignores preconfigured interfaces?22:26
ianwtheres /etc/network/interfaces.d/cat 50-cloud-init.cfg which says "# This file is generated from information provided by22:27
ianw# the datasource."22:27
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jbrycefungi: worked. thanks for the assist22:29
clarkbianw: docs /var/lib/dhclient show a lease?22:29
fungijbryce: thanks for helping me learn that if deleting files manually from a huge moderation queue, we need a new message to land in the queue before the webui will load it!22:29
ianwclarkb: oh, well that file has "iface ens3 inet dhcp" ... but why did it decide to do that, when it has ip address info in meta-data?22:30
ianwthat's sort of what i'm wondering, if there's some magic hidden ... something ... that we can determine this by ...22:30
mordredpanda, clarkb: there was discussion a little while ago with corvus and SpamapS about adding a "cleanup" phase - I'm not sure where the thinking got on that ... I also know that fatih has requested the ability to prevent some things from being aborted because over in his world they have some tests that run like a week on real hardware so the cost of an abort is pretty high22:35
mordredpanda, clarkb: all of that to say - collecting the use-case for cleanup-related-to-abort would be helpful as we think about if/how to implement such a feature22:35
ianwheh, it's been so long since i looked at cloud-init i still have a bzr checkout of it22:36
mordredianw: nice22:36
pandamordred: how do I contribute to the collection of use-cases22:36
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mordredpanda: that's a great question, I can't find a story on this topic currently, so maybe for now just file a story at!/project/openstack-infra/zuul22:41
clarkbmordred: for fatih's use case I think you'd construct the pipeline to not be abortable (eg post)22:42
clarkbfor the other an always run this cleanup could be useful22:42
mordredyah. the cleanup usecase is the one I was thikning of more22:42
pandamordred: hope is enough!/story/200382322:46
mordredpanda: yes - thanks!22:48
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pandais it normal to have a job queued since 18 minutes at this hour ? :(22:58
openstackgerritAdrian Turjak proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Start migrating Adjutant to Storyboard
adriant^ beyond that, what else must I do to start being able to create tasks in storyboard for Adjutant?23:03
* adriant wants to get away from launchpad23:03
mriedemgmann: clarkb: fungi: mtreinish: so based on i think we might want to promote
mriedemonce/if gmann approves of course23:04
mriedembecause tempest-full is branchless and going to be failing / timing out on all projects that run with the integrated-gate on all branches23:05
panda30 minutes queued ...23:09
fungimriedem: can do. gmann: let us know when you've approved it and we can bump it to the top of the integrated gate queue23:09
fungiadriant: do you have any bugs in lp that you want imported?23:09
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pandawow 120 patches in check, that's probably the reason23:10
fungiadriant: see if you haven't already23:10
adriantfungi: we have 2 bugs only one of which is open, so I can move that manually, and... blueprints we don't migrate right?23:10
adriantso that's manual as well?23:11
fungiadriant: correct23:11
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adriantcool, yeah, I just then need projects created on storyboard with myself getting access and I'll handle the rest23:11
fungiin that case once 604233 gets approved, merges and you wait a few minutes you can just do that23:12
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fungibut i recommend reading that documentation page if you haven't already23:12
adriantI did, but mostly seemed not too useful since i'm not migrating a lot of bugs23:13
adriantI'll be updating docs/launchpad and locking stuff once all is manually moved23:14
fungicool, just making sure you'd seen it23:14
adriantnp, and thanks :)23:14
adriantlooking forward to using Storyboard23:14
fungimy pleasure!23:14
clarkbianw: sorry I've had to context switch in paperwork duties post travel (still can't file my expenses because not all have posted :( ) any luck figuring out what forces cloud init to dhcp there?23:15
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ianwclarkb: so i think that the presence of doesn't mean anything to cloud-init23:16
ianwa network/interfaces/macs/mac/local-ipv4s might23:16
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ianwthe meta-data specs say : The private IPv4 address of the instance. In cases where multiple network interfaces are present, this refers to the eth0 device (the device for which the device number is 0).23:17
ianwconsidering you can't seem to set a subnet, etc ... i wonder if this is basically a big red herring23:17
clarkbgrepping for dhcp in /var/lib/cloud shows nothing23:17
ianwi also note that harlowja has a copyright on the file looking at this :)23:18
clarkbianw: actually I wonder if cloud init just assumes dhcp23:18
clarkbI know old cloud init didn't support the static conf that rax wanted for a long time23:18
clarkband that static conf is basically what we are running with glean now23:18
fungicloud-init will look for the network data in the configdrive and via the ec2-style metadata service23:19
ianwthis is the crux of it i think ->
fungior rather the openstack metadata service which masquerades in part as an ec2 metadata service23:20
prometheanfireanyone mind deleting the gentoo image?23:20
clarkbianw: ya that seems to say use dhcpv4 if we have public interface?23:21
clarkb(and similar for ipv6)23:21
ianwfungi / clarkb: the meta-data looks like -> ... note there's no "network/" directory.  so it sees nothing, and falls back to dhcp afacit23:21
clarkbgot it23:21
clarkbprometheanfire: do we need to delete it or build a new one?23:22
ianwi think deleting it implies building another one these days23:22
prometheanfireclarkb: just build a new one23:22
clarkbit does if we don't have one new enough otherwise23:22
prometheanfirelast time someone jsut deleted it23:22
clarkbprometheanfire: building on nb0223:23
fungiyeah, no voting jobs use that node type yet23:23
fungiso i simply did a nodepool dib-image-delete on them23:24
ianwok, is i guess a red-herring.  it's not intended for network configuration in any way, but more as "this is where you'll be able to ping me"23:26
ianwergo it not having associated subnet masks, etc23:26
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Add option to ignore config drive interfaces info
clarkbyay for testing23:46
clarkbianw: if we decide to go with ^ we should build some images with that and test it in ovh23:47
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clarkbI'm running out of day (have to go cook dinner) but can pick that up tomorrow probably23:47
ianwclarkb: yeah, sorry going over ground you've covered just to context switch myself in.  the netmask in config-drive does appear totally different to what you get via dhcp23:49
ianwif you boot even cloud-init with config-drive, it fails same way23:49
ianwi feel like this is probably something ovs would like to fix before they roll out whatever upgrade they've done across all regions ...23:50
ianwovh even23:51
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clarkbianw: ya amorin was here earlier (but is in european timezones I think, maybe you want to catch up in your evening) and it seems their intent isn't to have that exposed23:52
clarkbbut new neutron/nova are doing it and mriedem didn't know of a way to tell it to not expose that23:53
harlowjaianw, i am everywhereeee, lol23:55
ianwclarkb: ahhh, ok.  so that explains why the config drive on the host booted a week ago has *no* network_data.json and hence didn't have this problem23:56
ianwok, i think i'm caught up :)23:57
clarkbianw ya and fundamentally its  a mismatch in how neutron and nova operate and how they run their networking out if band of neutron23:57
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