Friday, 2015-12-11

ianwgreghaynes: i *think* so ... see prior note about logging what's happening :)00:00
mordredlike, perhaps we should have glean check for a symlink and remove it00:00
mordredmaybe we shuld make an element that puts in an resolv.conf00:00
greghaynesYep, glean should either do nothing or remove the symlink, I have no strong opinion of which00:00
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mordredso that if you're not planning on systemd, you can prevent it from doing a symlink thing00:01
greghaynesmordred: hrm, I need to remember the details of the unbound workaround00:01
ianwi think the image should be just shipping a blank resolv.conf, that will stop systemd thinking it has been asked to be the resolver00:01
greghaynesI want to say we need working dns during a build but unbound wants that file missing so it can manage it?00:01
greghaynesclarkb: ^ do you remember the deets?00:02
clarkbwe write the file00:02
clarkbbut we don't write it until the end of the image build because the unbound daemon isn't running during build time so no resolver at exists00:02
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mordredright. we do00:03
mordredbut people who are not running infra-puppet don't00:03
mordredand are, it seems, getting an image with no resolv.conf00:03
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greghaynesianw: Ah, so this is just in youre local testing, not in nodepool f23 images00:03
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ianwah, yes ... this is just a dib image with "fedora-minimal devuser simpleinit vm"00:04
ianwi ain't got time to be iterating with full infra-puppet builds :)00:04
greghaynesianw: so ya, I would be fine with dib creating that file as long as it is super early (maybe during root.d?)00:04
ZZelle_Hi everyone00:04
ZZelle_It seems gerrit is from time to time really really slow00:04
clarkbwhat does an emty file mean?00:04
clarkbZZelle_: like right now?00:05
clarkbZZelle_: DB backups00:05
ianwclarkb: hopefully that dhclient overwrites it, or in our case, glean00:05
ZZelle_clarkb, yes, but also yesterday around the same time iirc00:05
clarkbZZelle_: yup db backups00:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jeepyb: Updated from global requirements
greghaynesdaily db backups00:06
clarkbianw: oh right beecause dns resolvers are a cloud configy thing00:06
ZZelle_clarkb, thanks00:06
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vilobhmm11can someone please help me understand what am I doing wrong here
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vilobhmm11ianw, clarkb, greghaynes : ^^00:10
jeblairvilobhmm11: you can't put a voting clause there, it's an attribute of the job so it has to go in the job specification00:10
jeblairvilobhmm11: look for the other instances of 'voting' and add gate-tooz-tox-pyxx-consul there with the voting flag00:11
jeblair(incidentally, i'm changing this in zuulv3 to support nearly that syntax :)00:12
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vilobhmm11jeblair : cool…just by adding in zuul/layout job gate-tooz-tox-pyxx-consul would do or do I also need to add this job at any other place like jenkins/jobs00:14
jeblairvilobhmm11: oh if it hasn't been defined yet, youll need to add it there too (jenkins/jobs defines the jobs, zuul/layout says when to run them)00:15
vilobhmm11ok jeblair : thanks! I will add you to review00:15
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zaroclarkb: yes, i've tested the rollback script. it works great.00:17
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openstackgerritVilobh Meshram proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Consul Gate Job
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jheskethjeblair: are your v3 things ready for review?00:33
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-constraints-jobs to networking-ofagent as an experimental
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Adding the meeting_id value to the meeting yaml file.
clarkbjhesketh: re I think there are now several users using that patch with legacy config00:42
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clarkbjhesketh: I think it works becuase the if statement doesn't change00:42
clarkb"if gerrit in config"00:42
clarkbthough I notice the comment there is no longer correct00:43
clarkbbut either way shoul dwork00:43
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add the agenda link for the SR-IOV meeting
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jheskethclarkb: the issue I'm predicting is .. The connection_name comes from (called trigger_name)00:48
jheskeththat said, I'm surprised the patch actually works, so maybe I'm missing something00:48
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clarkbjhesketh: it did sound like it was possible only mergers were affected or were restared under new code and they don't go through layout.yaml00:51
clarkbso maybe its restrited to only working on some subset of gerrit connection00:51
jheskethright, that's a good point00:51
jheskethso the alternative fix of just calling it 'gerrit' should work very similarly and avoids the problem I'm predicting00:52
jheskethso maybe we should just put that in00:52
clarkbseems sane00:52
clarkbthen rebase your warnings change on it00:52
clarkb(I think they will conflict)00:52
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jheskethand my other patch (linked in the review) will protect users from overwriting the gerrit section unwittingly00:52
jhesketh(woo, caps)00:52
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jhesketheantyshev: ping00:54
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asselin_jhesketh, I think he's in european time zone00:59
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jheskethclarkb: do you think I should fix up eantyshev's patch and we review it through?00:59
asselin_jhesketh, I can update his patch but didn't test it today00:59
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clarkbjhesketh: ya its probably worht getitng the fix in so that if we have to restart it works (and to avoid further confusion for other users)01:00
jheskethk, will do01:00
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Connection names for legacy configs
asselin_jhesketh, ^^01:00
jheskethasselin_: cool, thanks :-)01:01
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Set keepalives for gerrit connections
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Tidy up loggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update python-daemon
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Log a warning when zuul.conf is misconfigured
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jheskethasselin_: reordered my patches so the warning is next up01:03
clarkbI went ahead and approved the first one01:04
clarkband +2'd the warning one01:04
jheskethclarkb: thanks :-)01:04
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asselin_cool thanks01:05
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lifelessclarkb: if you're still around is an easy +2A01:09
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clarkboh there was a parent change /me reviews01:09
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lifelessclarkb: thanks01:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add the agenda link for the SR-IOV meeting
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Connection names for legacy configs
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add db manage command to clean empty runs
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openstackgerritMichael Micucci proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Added eavesdrop and statusbot for openstack-zephyr
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr: passenv integration environment variables re-enabling integration tests
kitsuneninetailsHello!  If someone with +2/merge permission has a chance to look, could you please verify and merge  It's been +2'd a few times and passes gates.  Thanks!02:15
kitsuneninetailsAlso, I wonder if it is possible to change the channel list in system-config/manifests/sites.pp to a multi-line string so we don't get so many merge conflicts when people change the channel list?  I'm not a ruby/puppet expert, and it looks like there isn' too great of support for multi-line strings, but maybe there's a way to do it and keep the code looking nice (ala Python and the ("foo"\n"bar") construct?02:17
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-infra/project-config: split gnocchi tests by indexer to avoid timeouts
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mordredkitsuneninetails: I don't see zephyr in gerrit02:46
mordredkitsuneninetails: is there a patch up to import it?02:46
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make the tox macro understand environment lists
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ianwmordred: so ... network_info.json ...03:20
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ianwi do not have this in my cloud, and vendor_info.json is blank03:21
ianwwhich seems to be not helping glean to setup networking03:21
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: toci_gate_test/overcloud/non-ha: enable monitoring
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clarkbianw many/most clouds should dhcp03:48
clarkband I believe glean stays out of the way of dhcp03:48
clarkbits only rax right now that does the other thing (granted thats where we failed )03:49
ianwclarkb: yeah ... it's starting to make some sense now03:49
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ianwthis makes testing even more ... interesting03:50
kitsuneninetailsmordred: I am currently working on moving to openstack gerrit and other open infrstructure, but I'm moving one step at a time :)  So, I thought getting the IRC channel open was a good first move, then open up the gerrit, the CI, etc.03:51
clarkbianw glean has example network info json globs if you want to artificially inject some. under tests/fixtures iirc03:53
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greghaynesYa, glean checks for config-drive, if none is found it writes out a config to dhcp and then up's the interface03:58
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timburkei saw something a few hours ago about caps in swiftclient; i'm guessing that was about os-loganalyze? if you want to get rid of that, should do it04:02
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Update documentation and logging
ianwgreghayes / clarkb: ^ it's a start, anyway04:24
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add statusbot/eavesdrop to #congress channel
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mordredianw: if you use bifrost to boot a bare metal server, bifrost also creates the network_info.json file04:44
mordredianw: I don't know if that makes it any easier to test for you04:44
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ianwmordred: TBH that sounds like a yak-shaving exercise in debugging about 4 more components :)04:47
mordredianw: yup. almost certainly :)04:47
ianwanyway, at this point, dhcp doesn't work, so i've got a first step in working that out04:48
mordredianw: I'm excited about logging04:48
ianwmordred: if you missed it04:50
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ppaiHi. Could anyone please merge this change ? Thanks :)04:53
mordredianw: +2 on that and +A on your other one04:54
ianwmordred: thanks,  i'll see how i go, might be helpful to get this out to a file, etc.04:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean: Handle different paths to
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tap-as-a-service: Enable check-requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean: Update documentation and logging
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/requirements: Add tap-as-a-service to projects.txt
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-midonet: Avoid running tempest for specs changes
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tap-as-a-service: Skip tempest for unrelated changes
openstackgerritRoger Luethi proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add training-labs weekly meeting
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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yamamotoanyone working on decorator 4.0.5 issue?06:33
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: add reno notes to announce script output
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: format reno section of release notes more nicely
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: add URLs from links to the text output
openstackgerritSergey Nikitin proposed openstack/requirements: Updated oslo.db to 4.1.0
stevemareverything is failing \o/07:25
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/requirements: Bump decorator version from 4.0.5 to 4.0.6
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openstackgerritGuido Günther proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: delivery-pipeline: support task description template
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AJaegeryolanda, could you put on your review list for today, please?08:05
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yolandaAJaeger sure08:23
yolandastarting reviews now08:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jeepyb: Always add prelude for docimpact bugs
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AJaegerthanks, yolanda !08:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add an Ironic job to use devstack plugin
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: networking-midonet: Avoid running tempest for specs changes
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: tap-as-a-service: Skip tempest for unrelated changes
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: tap-as-a-service: Enable check-requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add job script
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix documentation example
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Add vim swap files to .gitignore
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yolandaAJaeger, i'm looking at ... this will need review from some Neutron liaison?08:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Bring back python27 checks for fuel-specs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Disable stable/kilo python3 jobs for networking_hyperv
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Allow branch creation for swiftonfile project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: networking-midonet: Move ML2 job out of experimental
AJaegeryolanda: yes. Everything neutron/networking related should have a neutron liason09:01
* AJaeger commented on the review09:02
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abhishekkhi, I facing issue with devstack installation, it is saying No matching distribution found for decorator===4.0.509:05
abhishekkany idea about this??09:05
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dimsabhishekk : i am baby-sitting this review
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dimsabhishekk : that should help with the decorator problem09:11
abhishekkdims: thank you09:12
dimsabhishekk : someone nuked the file from pypi09:12
abhishekkdims: ohh, got it09:12
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openstackgerritvenkatamahesh proposed openstack/requirements: Fix a little spelling typo in README and error message
openstackgerritAlexander Evseev proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Allow using numeric change number in addition to ID in Depends-On tag
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openstackgerritvenkatamahesh proposed openstack/requirements: Drop py26 and add py34
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dmelladohi yolanda is there something wrong with the gates now?09:51
dmelladoI'm seeing way too many failures that shouldn't be there, IMHO09:51
yolandahi dmellado, i am not aware of problems, but please show me09:51
yolandawhat kind of failures?09:51
dmelladowill pm you ;)09:51
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dguitarbitecan we have this merged?
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onovyhi, can someone help me with this pls? gate failing not related to patch10:00
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yolandahi onovy, i am taking a look, seems gate is not working correctly10:01
onovyyolanda, thank you10:01
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yolandahi, so i found that devstack jobs are failing with Collecting decorator===4.0.5 (from -c /opt/stack/new/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 95))10:18
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vponomaryovyolanda, onovy:
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piyush__Hi , is there any issue going in gate, i just made small change in my patch locally its passing but in uplink gate job is failing10:20
yolandayes, gate is failing10:20
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vponomaryovand no one reads history of chat ))10:21
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yolandavponomaryov, thanks10:23
yolandaso that is on gate, as soon as it lands, gate should be functional right?10:24
vponomaryovthat problem will be fixed, yes10:24
yolandagreat, thanks10:24
onovythanks too10:24
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AJaegerdguitarbite: please ping tonyb10:31
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AJaegeronovy: see also
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sh1kelhello guys, i have a problem. i can't update my contact data in When i push "Save Changes" button, i get message Code Review - Error Server Error Cannot store contact information10:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
yolandathat is the change that we were expecting ^10:43
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sh1kelopenstack infra root please help10:50
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openstackgerritEvgeniy L proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add statusbot/eavesdrop to #openstack-bareon channel
yolandahi sh1kel11:01
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yolandahave you followed all instructions to configure gerrit properly?11:01
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sh1kelhello Yolanda11:02
sh1kelcan you help me with error in
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dguitarbitetonyb: can we get his merged?
igorbelikovAJaeger, yolanda: would you mind looking at when you'll have the time? It's a simple one, but it didn't receive any attention for over a week11:03
yolandash1kel , have you followed guidelines on ?11:03
yolandaalso ?11:04
yolandahave you accepted license agreement?11:04
sh1kelyes, i did it some month ago11:05
yolandaalso look at
yolandahave you followed that?11:05
sh1kelyes, i just cant save my contact information because of error11:05
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sh1keland i can't send any info to gerrit without contact information filled11:06
yolandacan you double check that the email you have in openstack profile page matches the one you use as primary email on gerrit?11:07
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yolandawhat's your email in gerrit? so i can debug11:09
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yolandaand the link of your profile?11:12
ekarlsoany of you know if neutron devstack is bork atm?11:13
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yolandaok let me check logs11:16
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openstackgerritDeepak C Shetty (deepakcs) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable devstack-plugin-ceph NV jobs for glance and nova
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yolandash1kel, if the email you provided me matches the one in openstack profile, i am out of ideas. I look at logs and see some errors related to contact information, but the main reason is always email not matching11:37
yolandalet's raise that problem later in the afternoon, where more infra-root can get new ideas11:39
yolandainfra-root, so there are several entries on gerrit error.log11:41
yolandaERROR : Cannot store encrypted contact information11:41 Store failed: 7811111:41
yolandado you know what can cause that?11:41
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sh1keli dont know)11:55
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add doc on launching jenkins job builder
openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make VPN constraints jobs voting
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AJaegersdague: could you review this nova change again, please?
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openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make LBaaS constraints jobs voting
AJaegergordc: are you around to discuss your change?12:44
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gordcAJaeger: yep12:46
gordcsorry, i'm not super familiar with everything in project-config12:46
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AJaegergordc: no worries12:48
AJaegergordc: I just commented on the review12:48
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AJaegergordc: not using the usual templates will make it harder for you to update project-config ;)12:49
AJaegergordc: but it might be the best tradeoff we can make...12:49
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AJaegerwill be back later - lunch time...12:49
gordcAJaeger: yeah, i tried to reuse jobs templates but i couldn't find one which didn't run python27..12:50
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gordcor python34. if that runs, i think it'll end up running the same job that is currently timing out12:50
gordci created a copy of existing python-jobs template but i figured it woudln't really solve the issue that my template will be different from standard python-jobs template12:51
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matrohonHi infra team13:02
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matrohonI see hudson-openstack changing bug status from "In Progress" to "Fix release" on some bugs13:04
matrohonFor instance :
openstackLaunchpad bug 1517978 in bgpvpn "neutronclient help info missing" [Medium,Fix released] - Assigned to Thomas Morin (tmmorin-orange)13:04
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matrohonShouldn't it move the status to "Fix Commited" instead13:04
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kzaitsev_mbAJaeger: it completely slipped out of my mind, but we have removed the last non-global requirement from murano-agent13:06
kzaitsev_mbSo I'm ready to make requirements job voting, just wanted to ask 1 thing13:07
kzaitsev_mbDo I need to do anything for openstack-proposal-bot to go and update the requirements?13:07
kzaitsev_mbthey're probably a bit out of date right now )13:07
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add UI for complex permissions on boards and worklists
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AJaegermatrohon: read the openstack-dev mailing list posts by Doug Hellmann to understand the change...13:15
AJaegerkzaitsev_mb: once the jobs are running, they'll update your list for you, you shouldn't need to do anything13:16
AJaegerkzaitsev_mb: you could run the sync manually to double check, there are instructions in the requirements repo for that13:16
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kzaitsev_mbok, will do )13:16
Shrewsmordred: SpamapS: jeblair: clarkb: fungi: I have several shade reviews that could use some love today13:16
AJaegergordc: my idea was more of using the default environment for one job and an extra environment for the second, so tox -e py27 does the mysql ones and tox -e py27-postgresql the others... But let's see what others say13:17
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gordcAJaeger: ah, i see. our py27 tox job currently does everything but we can make change in gnocchi if required i guess.13:19
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AJaegerso, kzaitsev_mb I'm looking forward for a change from you to remove the non-voting from the requirements job and using the requirements template for murano-agent then ;)13:20
AJaegergordc: weight the pros and cons of that ;) consider what you tell developers to run locally in both cases...13:21
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gordcAJaeger: well we run even more granular jobs: ie py27-mysql-ceph. we don't have patience for 20min test let alone 40min :)13:23
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matrohonAJaeger, thanks13:27
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add requirements job to aodh
AJaegergordc: that's an obvious change ;) ^13:29
gordcAJaeger: lol, trying to keep your life simple :)13:31
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack/requirements: add aodh to projects.txt
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Parse path correctly when it begins with /api
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add wait support for ironic node [de]activate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Align comment timestamps on the right on dashboard
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump inspectorclient to 1.3.0 to support get_data
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bumps os-win version to 0.0.7
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch all ironic jobs to use devstack plugin
fungiyolanda: the other common cause of that error is having a "community member" profile rather than "foundation member", per the first answer at
fungithe gerrit log entries for "Cannot store encrypted contact information" are generic because gerrit only either knows that the contact store returned a 200 ok or "something else"14:13
fungiit doesn't have any more detail about failures other than knowing that they're not successes14:14
jordanPtox 2.3 was released today and it seems to cause issue with Tempest:
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jordanPit doesn"t hit the gate right now14:14
jordanPbut it will soon I think14:15
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fungijordanP: thanks for the heads up. it likely won't impact us until we have new worker images going into rotation14:15
yolandafungi, it's an individual member profile
fungijordanP: since tox is preinstalled for us14:15
jordanPfungi, when will that be ?14:16
jordanP(new worker images)14:16
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yolandash1kel, can you check if you are a foundation member as fungi says?14:16
fungijordanP: likely later today, in which case we'll need to delete those images if tempest isn't altered to work around it by then14:17
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fungiyolanda: i was going to ask sh1kel myself, but he seems to have left the channel14:17
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fungianyway, i've confirmed that i can update my contact info in gerrit, so if it's not an address mismatch or a profile type problem, then it's likely some sort of issue with sh1kel's foundation member account which is causing the api call to fail. the fallback is to open a bug against the openstack-org project on launchpad so we can bring it to the attention of the foundation staff web devs14:28
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yolandafungi thanks for the info14:35
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yolandagood to learn a new thing14:35
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u_glide1ianw, clarkb: Hello, Could you please review ? Thanks in advance!14:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Block oslo.utils 3.1.0
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack/requirements: add aodh to projects.txt
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make kanban cards be the correct width
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matrohonAJaeger, for projects that use direct release, how can we now see the mapping between releases and launchpad bugs?15:06
sdagueAJaeger: how long are we doubling all the non dsvm tests15:06
sdague6 extra nodes on every nova patch is ... quite a lot15:07
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matrohonAJaeger, Oh releases tools are now posting comments on bugs, I see15:07
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AJaegersdague: for the constraints? Until you decide that they are stable...15:08
AJaegermatrohon: read the mail thread and ask there...15:08
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AJaegersdague: or Nakato considers them stable ;)15:09
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sdagueok, they all seem to be spiking failures of late15:09
openstackgerritDong Ma proposed openstack/python-jenkins: Fixed create_node() Error
AJaegermight be due to the package that was removed from pypi15:10
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AJaegerwe had it in the constraints already and due to constraints, wouldn't use an older version ;(15:10
AJaegersdague: the "decorator===4.0.5" problem...15:11
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AJaegerso, if we ignore that loop-hole, it looks you're ready to change15:11
sdagueneat, so a new failure mode we didn't realize15:12
AJaegersdague: yeah, hope lifeless is aware of that...15:12
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AJaegerstill the higher numbers on the 4th puzzle me.15:12
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Grenade jobs for testing libraries (esp. oslo.messaging)
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openstackgerritDong Ma proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for cucumber reports plugin
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openstackgerritVincent Françoise proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Python 3.4 support - add py34 gate
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.middleware to 3.2.0
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Grenade jobs for testing libraries (esp. oslo.messaging)
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cbaderAjaeger, I you are talking about the issue with "decorator===4.0.5" problem... I am seeing all my ci tests fail at 4:15 yesterday with this "decorator===4.0.5" problem... is there a fix coming15:51
openstackgerritCraig Bryant proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip Tempest tests for monasca-api doc only changes
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dulekjordanP, fungi: So tox update is starting to break grenade tests:
mordredsdague, AJaeger: wow. this is the second time this week that someone has deleted a release from pypi15:54
mordredit would be really great if people would stop doing that15:54
sdaguemordred: right, so I think we need to not consider that a black swan event15:54
sdagueand realize people do it15:54
mordredyup. agree15:54
mordredalthough I15:54
mordred_don't_ have good ideas as to how to fix it at the moment15:54
* mordred waits for lifeless and Nakato to have smarts15:55
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openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements template to murano-agent
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AJaegercbader: should be fixed already...15:59
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/requirements: Add openstack/murano-agent to projects.txt
cbaderAJaeger, I see the bug in launchpad and just says confirmed not fixed16:00
fungidulek: interesting, that job started around when new images would have first started coming online i think. i'll start rolling back any that are done building while people decide whether we go back to pinning a specific tox version for our images or fix tox or tempest somehow16:01
AJaegercbader: is the fix  and it was proposed by a bot that never heard about launchpad ;)16:01
cbaderAJaeger, Thank you for the response.16:02
clarkbfwiw if a fix is possoble (config change etc) that shpuld be preferred16:03
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clarkbpinning tox is hard and confuses people16:03
jordanPmany projects are affected, e.g nova16:04
jordanPwe can"t land quickly a fix accross many repos16:04
fungijordanP: oh, awesome. you originally said it was affecting tempest, which i took to mean other projects were fine16:04
jordanPso we should expect a fix from Tox, and it's going to take some time16:04
jordanPI notices that with tempest but then checked nova too16:05
fungigiven past history, i'm not going to expect a fix from tox16:05
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fungiwe should be prepared, as a community, to do mass tox.ini changes or, worst case, switch to something else instead of tox16:05
jordanPI'll start by creating a bug report to Tox16:06
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fungiplease do16:06
mtreinishjordanP: is this a different bug than
jordanPI don't know16:07
fungii have a feeling it's related to the attempted "fix" for 285 in latest tox16:07
jordanPbut this fix for #285 might have introduced a regressiob16:07
fungiyeah, that16:07
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mtreinishfungi: I didn't think the fix for 285 landed16:09
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openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/requirements: Add openstack/murano-agent to projects.txt
fungiall worker images built so far today have been deleted and i'll try to stay on top of squashing any more that come online throughout the day16:10
fungimtreinish: the most recent comments indicate it's in 2.3.0.dev2 and later16:10
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fungi2.3.0 is later than 2.3.0.dev216:11
apuimedoAJaeger: any chance you could take a look at this silly patch
mtreinishfungi: it;s from someones branch16:12
fungimtreinish: "i think i have fully fixed the issue now, please try it out with [...] tox==2.3.0.dev2 as least [...]16:12
fungi    4 days ago16:12
fungioh, maybe still only in the dev branch then?16:13
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AJaegerapuimedo: I'm not a core for lodgeit and have enough on my plate, please find others to review it...16:16
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fungimtreinish: aha, looks like 2.3.0.dev2 and 2.3.0.dev3 packages in his devpy are built from the branch16:17
apuimedoAJaeger: sorry then ;-)16:17
onovyyolanda, vponomaryov AJaeger: still failing. :/16:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add wait support for ironic node [de]activate
fungimtreinish: though i see stuff merged from the issue285 branch into the default branch prior to the 2.3.0 tag so i think it is expected to be fixed in 2.3.016:18
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mtreinishah ok16:18
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jordanPit seems the tox author is already aware of this issue16:20
jordanPwhich is good16:20
AJaegeronovy: that job timed out ;(16:20
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AJaegernot sure whether we need to increase the timeout there...16:24
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AJaegerfungi, do you know why the requirements gate times out? see 24560316:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Make a new swift client prior to each image upload
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Improve test coverage: container/object list API
fungiAJaeger: there's a pretty lengthy pause at
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AJaegerfungi, you have better eyes than I have ;/16:28
funginot sure what step that's at, but someone can probably match it up to the script to find out16:28
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fungilooks like it's generate-constraints taking ~40 minutes to run16:29
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fungithough the job times out at around 2 hours so there's got to be more to it than just that delay16:29
AJaegeronovy: better debug with lifeless16:30
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AJaegerlifeless: see above, we wonder why 245603 gets timeouts16:30
mordredfungi: that seems like a long time for that to take16:30
fungidevstack takes about 25 minutes to run at
AJaegerso, the usual recheck?16:30
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fungiAJaeger: 3 rechecks since december 3, all of which failed the integration job16:32
fungithough the one on the 3rd was because of linuxbridge issues in devstack16:34
AJaegerpassed on the 2nd December...16:34
fungii think16:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Improve test coverage: volume attach/detach API
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Bug fix: Fix pass thru filtering in list_networks
fungiahh, the failures on the 3rd and 4th were both neutron ml2 linuxbridge plugin packaging issues16:35
fungiso this looks like the first time it's failed from a timeout of that job16:35
fungibut the previous two never ran to completion due to another bug16:35
AJaegerjroll: do you want to WIP or should we merge that quickly? ;)16:35
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fungiAJaeger: onovy: so yeah, might have just been a really slow worker? i'd recheck and see if you get similar performance issues on the next run16:36
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onovyso should i write recheck again? :)16:36
AJaegeronovy: yes, lease16:37
AJaegerplease I mean.16:37
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AJaegeronovy: and reverify is deprecated, use "recheck"16:37
onovyif reverify is deprecated, why "recheck" now (after +A+V) runs in check and not in gate queue?16:39
jrollAJaeger: wip'd. still need to figure out what to do about stable branches :/16:39
jrollthanks for pointing that out16:39
mordredonovy: recheck runs in both16:40
fungionovy: because all changes have to pass the check pipeline jobs before they're reenqueued into the gate pipeline16:40
mordredthat ^^16:40
jrollAJaeger: actually, devstack is branched, so the ironic code will be in stable devstack. if enable_plugin doesn't fail on unavailable plugins, we're good, otherwise I guess I special case that?16:40
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fungionovy: so if your change passes check jobs, then fails gate jobs, it needs to pass check jobs _again_ before gate jobs get reattempted16:41
onovyfungi, yep, got it16:41
fungias an added safety check16:41
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fungiwe were seeing lots of changes sit around for up to many months sometimes after passing check before gettign approved, and in that time new jobs may have been added or other parts of the repo changed which mean that the same change could never pass check at that point16:42
AJaegerjroll: your plugin is in ironic, not devstack. I guess it fails. sdague, what do you think about branch hanlding on ?16:42
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jrollAJaeger: yeah, it probably does fail... wondering if we can put a conditional in project-config based on the branch16:44
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AJaegerjroll: see jenkins/jobs/heat.yaml and search for kilo16:46
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AJaegeror backport it...16:47
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sdaguejroll: yeh, doing the conditional based on branch is the right approach16:48
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* AJaeger wishes everybody a nice weekend16:49
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jrollsdague: cool, thanks16:51
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cbaderis there a fix for the TOX issue or is there a way to lock my TOX test to the pre 2.3 release?16:52
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clarkbcbader: we have deleted our newest slave images in order to rollback to previous version of tox16:53
jordanPpip install tox==2.2 should do16:53
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cbaderjordanP, thanks for information16:54
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch all ironic jobs to use devstack plugin
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jrollsdague: ^ I think that should do it, assuming juno is for-real-gone now16:55
clarkbjroll: it is16:55
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onovycan someone reply to this please?
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openstackgerritvenkatamahesh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Drop quamtum from ENABLED_SERVICES
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fungionovy: i'm not sure anyone reading that ml has any better answer than the information you already linked17:05
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mtreinishfungi, clarkb, nibalizer: if you get a sec can you restart the logstash gearman client and the subunit gearman worker?17:05
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mtreinishthere have been a few recent changes to both and it doesn't look like puppet restarted either when they were picked up17:06
onovyfungi, but that's not answer :) just want to know if i should add this to cutter and my project (swauth) or should i remove it from swift,keystone,etc. :)17:06
onovyto keep it consistent17:06
pleia2taron: did you want to create a docs page for codesearch.o.o? Doesn't need to be complicated, but I want to wrap up the spec for it, I can take care of it if you're busy :)17:06
mtreinishpleia2: ^^^ you can help too :)17:06
* mtreinish will remember one day17:06
fungionovy: and i'm saying you have as much information as the rest of us as to whether that's warranted17:06
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fungionovy: it's not really an infra question, it's a tox (and pip) question. and the tox authors seem to have answered it in their documentation17:07
onovyexactly it's infra question too17:07
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onovyfrom tox/pip point of view is correct way to remove this obsolete option17:07
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onovybut from infra point of view: will it break cache in some way?17:08
fungionovy: yeah, that's how i interpret the documentation as well17:08
clarkbmtreinish: sure, the client is a little backlogged so we should avoid restarting it now, but can try t odo that if the job queue falls off17:08
jgriffithmordred: ping17:08
fungionovy: break what cache?17:08
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mordredjgriffith: heya17:08
onovyfungi, pip download cache17:08
fungionovy: pip (recent versions anyway) build and cache wheels of everything17:08
jgriffithmordred: hola!17:08
mtreinishclarkb: ok cool, thanks17:08
jgriffithmordred: hey, wanted to get your thoughts on something....17:09
onovyi think infra don't want to download every pip package again and again from pypi web17:09
fungionovy: by default17:09
fungionovy: we don't, we rely on pip's default behavior to not do that17:09
onovySO this cache is working fine "by default"?17:09
fungionovy: correct17:09
jgriffithmordred: with the newish timelines on how quickly stable releases go to sec fix only.... are you hearing much feedback about issues with distros and how to support things?17:09
onovyso i should send review to remove this option, right? :)17:09
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mtreinishclarkb: for the client side it should just be an updated yaml config from system config. But, IIRC there isn't a reload config for it17:09
onovybecause it's obsolete and from infra point of view useless17:10
cbaderclarkb, question about deleting latest slave versions are talking about nodepool images?17:10
fungionovy: sounds like it--i'm basing this on reading the same documentation you are though17:10
zaroinfra-core: anybody want to help land pre gerrit-upgrade changes?17:10
jgriffithmordred: in other words, a number of distros are just geting traction on Kilo... finding issues; and my response has been "I can give you something out of tree.. but other than that you're kinda SOL until next year"17:10
zaroinfra-core: like today?17:10
fungionovy: which is why i'm saying i don't have any better answer than the information you've already found about it17:10
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onovyfungi, ok, but how can i be sure? how can i check if this cache (default config) works fine inside infra?17:10
clarkbcbader: yes17:11
fungionovy: we run tox. check if it works with tox17:11
clarkbcbader: nodepool keeps two images, latest and previous. If you delete latest while previous still has old tox you essentially revert to that state. fungi went ahead and did this for us17:11
fungionovy: "inside infra" still just runs tox17:11
mordredjgriffith: not really? I mean, one of the problems with older openstack releases is that people dont' bother to do anything with them upstream17:11
cbaderclarkb, sorry new to this process, ok will figure out how to do that.17:11
jgriffithmordred: hehe... fair enough17:12
onovyfungi, ok, so if running tox again and again don't download pip packages again, it's working fine and it will work fine inside infra too17:12
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mtreinishjgriffith: I can make the rant about upstream stable if you'd like :)17:12
fungicbader: the number of previous images nodepool keeps is also configurable17:12
clarkbcbader: nodepool image list will report images, you should have two for each image. The one with a bigger timestamp is older, delete the one with the smaller timestamp17:12
jgriffithmtreinish: heeh.. I LOVE rants!17:12
clarkbcbader: using nodepool image-delete $imageid17:12
mtreinishjgriffith: I'm tired of this one, because nothing changes17:12
cbaderclarkb, thanks looking now.17:12
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mordredgreghaynes, clarkb: so - _apparently_ qemu-img can now produce bootable vhd files for rax - AND they're supposedly smaller too17:13
jgriffithmtreinish: interesting... so in your view it's distros NOT upgrading their versions of stable?17:13
clarkbmordred: woah17:13
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mordredclarkb: I'm going to start poking at it17:13
clarkbmordred: that sounds like voodoo17:13
jgriffithmtreinish: that's different than what I'm talking/thinking but I'm interested in what you're saying17:13
clarkbsmaller vhds?17:13
jgriffithmtreinish: the problem I'm getting at is some distros are JUST NOW rolling out Kilo17:14
openstackgerritTimur Sufiev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't install sahara in horizon integration tests
mordredclarkb: yah17:14
fungijgriffith: you refer to "recent" shortened timelines for stable branch backporting/support. can you elaborate? from my point of view it's at least as lengthy as before, if not longer on average17:14
mtreinishjgriffith: I actually don't care what distros do, but they complain about limited upstream stable windows17:14
mordredclarkb: is what they use for vhd17:14
jgriffithmtreinish: and Kilo is already in Sec mode only... so when they find things... well they're pretty well F'd17:14
mordredclarkb: for rackspace17:14
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mtreinishand then do nothign to actually help with sustaining anything17:14
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mtreinishso it's their own fault17:14
lifelessfungi: tox passenv perhaps? not sure, can't look today, sorry17:14
clarkbmordred: huh any idea how new of a qemu-img that requires?17:14
jgriffithfungi: I *thought* we used to give about a year before going sec-only, but I could be completely mistaken17:14
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mordredclarkb: and I'm told that vhd-util writes blocks even if they're all zeros17:15
mordredclarkb: nope. sending an email to ask that question17:15
fungijgriffith: no, we've been consistently switching stable branches to eol at or before a year17:15
clarkbmordred: in any case that looks promising so yay17:15
jgriffithfungi: cool... fair enough17:15
lifelessmordred: re: deleted-from-pypi, sure; we can either run a mirror and gate updates to it, or make adjusting *-constraints fast when it happens17:15
jgriffithfungi: so that part doesn't matter :)  The problem I still see though is MOST distros don't seem to be able to get a release out for almost a year17:16
fungijgriffith: anyway, the "security fixes only" thing is really more of a guideline for stable branch backporters and reviewers to work out among themselves17:16
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mordredlifeless: well, we do run a mirror, but we use the mirroring protocol which propogates deletes17:16
jgriffithfungi: so that's sort of what I'm wondering about....  but it doesn't sound like others are really getting feedback on this17:16
lifelessmordred: I know :)17:16
jgriffithfungi: true.. but then there's the point made by mordred and mtreinish (I think) that distros may or may not do anything with the updates anyway :(17:17
fungijgriffith: if people are coming up with good bug fixes backported to stable branches then great, but in the past that's not been the case (distros were mostly just maintaining their own forks as much as we encouraged them to pitch in on backporting stuff upstream instead)17:17
pleia2jd__: closure of #openstack-ceilometer is officially done now17:17
jgriffithso that just means "distros suck" :)17:17
lifelessI guess 3) lobby pypi to remove delete-a-release functionality17:17
mordreddstufft: ^^ +10017:17
jgriffithfungi: ewww17:17
clarkbsdague: mtreinish ianw if you get a moment can you see my question on
clarkbsc68cal: ^ you problably know as well17:18
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jgriffithfungi: ok, that all makes sense... thanks all of you for your input/thoughts17:18
fungijgriffith: to rephrase, our stable support timelines are inferred from the amount of interest in those branches (gauged by the actual work put in by people to maintain them)17:18
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jgriffithfungi: yeah, I think I get it.  But there are some reviewers that take the guidelines pretty literal :)17:19
fungijgriffith: so if distros start coming forward actively engaging upstream on maintaining working stable branch support then we (gradually) lengthen the planned support/eol timeframes17:19
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fungiand they're longer now than they were, say, 2-3 years ago17:20
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jgriffithfungi: ahhh.... got it, instead of forking and just screwing up the whole process17:20
sdagueclarkb: yeh, we should remove it17:20
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cbaderclarkb, after delete of bad image do I need to delete the nodepool vm that was probably running the image I just deleted17:20
clarkbsdague: not replace it with 'neutron' ?17:20
clarkbsdague: thanks17:20
sdagueI think I said that in patch 117:21
clarkbcbader: depends, if you know they will fail anyways go for it otherwise might be worth letting them work their way through on their own17:21
clarkbsdague: oh yup17:21
fungijgriffith: instead, from what i've seen most of the backporting and reviewing being done on stable branches is still coming primarily from upstream developers who are also working on master development17:21
cbaderclarkb, ok thanks will watch and see.17:21
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jgriffithfungi: I totally concur with that observation17:22
fungijgriffith: most of the time downstreams like distros have one or two token people who can spend some of their spare time pitching in, but they're generally busy doing other stuff and don't really have much time for this17:22
jgriffithfungi: ya know, that's an interesting point.  I never really paid attention to that, but looking at the git-logs it's kinda sad17:23
clarkbinfra-root,n,z has a bunch of changes that can actually merge nowish well ahead of the upgrade /me is actually double checking on whether or not I can approve one of them now. All this to say reviews welcome so we can be prepared for next week17:23
jgriffithfungi: you'd think that if you're trying to make money of of this then you'd invest a little17:23
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fungiso in the end, it's downstreams asking the primary development teams to also develop stable branches for them17:23
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jgriffithfungi: indeed... and I now understand the comments by mordred and mtreinish17:23
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fungiand interest from those developers is in short enough supply that it's hard to keep it going after the code they're maintaining is >1 year old17:24
openstackgerritvenkatamahesh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Drop quamtum from ENABLED_SERVICES
fungiyou end up frustrated that you're working around bugs you've solved in better, cleaner ways in master17:24
jgriffithfungi: don't get me wrong... I have ZERO sympathy for the vendor/distro in these cases.... I was only trying to figure out how to help the end customer.... and it turns out this is EXACTLY one of those cases17:25
mtreinishjgriffith: this is a visualization I like that shows how stable things work:
fungijgriffith: yep, it's a hard problem17:25
jd__thanks pleia2 !17:25
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mtreinishand that's not including requirements issues or anything that breaks before tempest is run...17:25
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mtreinishit's a very consistent trend17:26
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jgriffithI"m glad I popped in and asked... enlightening... sad, but enlightening17:27
fungimtreinish: that's very interesting17:27
fungimaster: 98.67%, stable/liberty: 97.93%, stable/kilo: 97.48%, stable/juno: 86.67%17:28
clarkbya gerrit does not subscribe to its config and should ignore config options it doesn't know about there fore I am approving can anyone think of a reason to not have groups visible by default?17:28
clarkbjeepyb does it manually so having it just happen in gerrit would be nice I think17:28
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mtreinishfungi: yep, it's something I've seen for a long time. But now I have pictures to back it up :)17:28
fungimtreinish: i'm imagining some curve sliced in discrete windows17:29
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fungimtreinish: where, if we did still "maintain" stable/icehouse it would be somwhere in the 25% pass rate17:29
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mtreinishhaha, yeah17:29
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fungii mean, the drop off at juno is pretty drastic17:30
pleia2zaro: want to have a look at nibalizer's comment on this change? I think it's a good idea, so we don't miss it:
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fungiit was clearly due for eol17:30
zaropleia2: will push another patch for that17:31
jeblairi don't think we've used the hold-following-changes feature in zuul for a long time; should i drop it in zuulv3?17:31
mtreinishfungi: yep, which is why all those ML threads really annoyed me...17:31
clarkbmtreinish: thats neat, I have often imagined a release system based on numbers like that rather than timescales17:31
pleia2zaro: thanks :)17:31
jeblairi want to say we used it for the "-merge" job before zuul had its own merger17:31
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clarkbmtreinish: basically if a rolling average gets above some value (or some other statistical model) cut a release automagically17:31
jeblairbut i don't think we've used it for anything since17:31
clarkbmtreinish: then as things get less reliable stop caring about them17:32
clarkbjeblair: release jobs?17:32
fungijeblair: yeah, i can't think of anything else it's ever been used for17:32
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clarkber no those aren't changes17:32
clarkbso ya I don't think we use it anywhere17:32
jeblairclarkb: yeah, only applies to changes in a dependent pipeline17:32
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clarkbbut an analog that would serialize publishing jobs would be useful17:32
clarkbto avoid out of order writes or concurrent writes17:33
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Grenade jobs for testing libraries (esp. oslo.messaging)
mtreinishclarkb: ooh, that would be cool17:33
fungiclarkb: i'd rather see something which collapses those. they don't need to run multiple times if they're queued17:33
clarkbfungi: thats a good point17:33
jeblairclarkb: well, i actually want to implement a new manager for the post pipeline, which is "only run jobs for one item per project at a time, and at most, only ever have 2 items in the queue for a project at a time; new items replace the queued second item"17:34
jeblairor what fungi said in fewer words17:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for cucumber reports plugin
clarkbjeblair: fungi ++17:34
fungiif two jobs are designed to produce (and overwrite) the same artifacts (docs publication, branch tarball updates) just run once with the latest state17:34
mordredclarkb, greghaynes: btw - running dib on debian required "uuid-runtime" to be installed17:34
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add script to cleanup Gerrit 2.8 data
jeblairmordred: any desire to keep hold-following-changes around?17:35
zaropleia2: ^17:35
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mordredjeblair: that word doesn't make sense to me17:36
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pleia2zaro: thumubs up17:36
mordredjeblair: so, nope!17:36
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zaropleia2: interested in helping apprv some of those today?17:36
jeblairmordred: ok, you were a big proponent of it in the day -- it's what we used with the merge jobs, but i think we've completely replaced their use with the internal merger now and haven't found a use for it since17:37
clarkbok haven't heard and dissent on the groups visibile by default /me approves17:37
pleia2zaro: going through the ones clarkb linked now17:37
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clarkbzaro: like the groupsVisibleToAll change I think this drafts change can remove the depends on and merge ahead of the upgrade17:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: builders: fix mavenName sorting with py35
jeblairmordred, clarkb, fungi: i'm looking at removing it because i think it will make the job selection logic easier in v3, but we'll completely lose that ability; it'll be hard to add it back in17:38
clarkbzaro: since old gerrit should ignore that config option17:38
mordredjeblair: ah! that17:38
fungiclarkb: zaro: i haven't looked over that one yet, but is it going to unhide all our old empty groups?17:38
mordredjeblair: yeah - the only reason I ever wanted such things was to do fast-fail17:39
clarkbfungi: no its only at creation time from my reading of docs17:39
fungiclarkb: zaro: count me in favor then17:39
clarkbfungi: "ontrols whether newly created groups should be by default visible to all registered users"17:39
clarkboh its newGroupsVisibleToAll17:39
fungiyeah, i think jeepyb did that already, but we can stop being explicit about it now17:39
jeblairmordred: 'fast-fail' means a lot of things to different people, but the most common meaning, "abort all jobs for this item if this job fails" is not/would not be affected by this17:40
clarkbso even the name is better than what I typed the first time17:40
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Allow puppet to configure the Gerrit drafts feature
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zaroclarkb: yep, gerrit will ignore configs it doesn't know about so safe for 2.8.  i have removed the depends-on17:41
jeblairmordred: but yeah, i see the relation there -- we made a job tree rooted at the merge job to more-or-less get a similar effect17:41
mordredjeblair: yah17:41
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jeblairmordred: but we'll still support job trees, we just won't have them delay subsequent changes17:41
zarofungi: no affect to existing groups, gerrit 2.8 will ignore that option17:41
mordredjeblair: yah - I thnk it's fine to lose17:41
clarkbzaro: +2 thanks17:42
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a gate-bindep-fallback-ubuntu-trusty job
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zarofungi: also it only affects newly created groups in gerrit 2.11 so won't affect existing groups in 2.11 either17:43
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zarofungi, clarkb, pleia2 : so i believe these are safe to merge today:
pleia2aprvd the first17:45
clarkbI will have to review the second17:46
clarkbthe last one depends on the one before it17:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Ensure all groups are visible to all registered users.
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SpamapSzigo: .. <bump>17:48
openstackDebian bug 806683 in src:python-os-client-config "src:python-os-client-config: New upstream (>= 1.11.1) needed to support python-shade 1.2.0Hello! We need os-client-config 1.11.1 or later to support the mostrecent release of python-shade. The library is a dependency of theansible OpenStack modules, so convenience of installing it helps Ansibleusers utlize OpenStack directly." [Normal,Open]17:48
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding trove-dashboard repo and jobs
clarkbzaro: pleia2 also notmorgan's apache vhost change should be safe to merge17:49
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clarkbit will affect review.o.o but shouldn't change anything user visible17:49
zarothis one
clarkblooks like that has the needed +2's just needs a babysitter17:50
clarkbwill swing around to it after reviewing 24602017:50
notmorgano/ here if anything goes wrong with the apache change.17:51
pleia2notmorgan: brave soul ;)17:51
mordredclarkb: fwiw:17:51
mordred-rw-r--r-- 1 mordred mordred 1941700608 Dec 11 12:48 ubuntu-minimal.raw17:51
mordred-rw-r--r-- 1 mordred mordred  523270144 Dec 11 12:49 ubuntu-minimal.qcow217:51
mordred-rw-r--r-- 1 mordred mordred 1250213888 Dec 11 12:50 ubuntu-minimal.vhd17:52
mordredclarkb: still not as good as qcow2, but better than raw17:52
clarkbmordred: nice, thats a erasonable improvemtn17:52
* mordred will now try uploading that to rax17:52
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notmorganpleia2: well... It is my change, figure it is important to be available.17:52
pleia2notmorgan: I kid, it's appreciated17:53
clarkbzaro: pleia2 et al is something we actually want to merge considering how specific it is to us? do we just want it up in gerrit to get it reviewed or do we also want it in the repo for historical purposes?17:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add rollback script for 2.11
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding trove-dashboard repo and jobs
zaroclarkb: i only pushed it up because anteaya asked it to be there17:56
clarkbzaro: kk I think its nice to have it up just not sure if we want it merged or not17:56
pleia2clarkb: I'm on the fence, system-config does have a fair amount that's specific to us, and it is a useful thing17:56
zaroi was only in etherpad before, and that's historical right?17:56
pabelangerWhat is the process for restarting zuul these days? Is it a manual process or have we automated it yet?17:57
pleia2but I understand not wanting to add more us-specific stuff17:57
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clarkbpleia2: not only is it specific to us its one time use (though possibly useful down the road if we need something similar017:57
clarkbI will just +2 it for now17:57
pleia2clarkb: since we seem to be the only ones doing it, I think it would be useful for us in the future17:57
clarkbnotmorgan: is now a good time for apache change to get approved?17:57
pleia2so I like keeping it around17:58
notmorganclarkb: sure17:58
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clarkblet me just check on thing (make sure mod proxy is enabled (it should be since we use proxypassreverse)17:58
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Grenade jobs for testing libraries (esp. oslo.messaging)
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clarkbyup it is enabled, approving now17:59
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mordredclarkb: also - got a response from coreos folks - they're using qemu-img version 2.4.018:00
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clarkbmordred: trusty has 2.0.018:01
shivharishi folks, does any one know the irc handle for Doug Hellman18:01
mordredyah. my debian machine has 2.118:01
clarkbshivharis: dhellmann18:01
mordredclarkb: I'm double-checking that the version created by pre-2.4 does not work18:01
shivharisclarkb: thanks18:01
nibalizeri went through the gerrit upgrade stack giving +2s not +as18:02
nibalizerfiguring we would land those with coordination next week18:02
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mordredclarkb: and if it doesn't work, I'll see if I can verify that 2.4 _does_18:02
mordredclarkb: because honestly, a backport of an unpatched util would still be better than a forked package in a PPA18:02
shivharisdhellmann: ping18:02
dimszaro : clarkb : i was watching a job in jenkins : it suddenly aborted and i see "queued" on the zuul page again18:03
clarkbnibalizer most of the dtack is forward and backward compat18:03
dimszaro : clarkb :
clarkbnibalizer getting them in now makes upgrade simpler18:03
nibalizerclarkb: fine by me18:04
clarkbdims: usually means that something ahead of it failed meaning it had to be restarted without the failing thing ahead of it18:04
clarkbdims: perfectly normal for zuul18:04
nibalizeri am planes today so I'll be in and out18:04
clarkbdims: since it is predictive and not all predictions pan out18:04
rellerrellerSilly question, but what are the login credentials for a newly created image using `disk-image-create ubuntu vm`?18:04
nibalizerworking on omfra-nodepool mostly18:04
clarkbrellerreller: I believe they are expected to be set by cloud-init18:04
dimsclarkb : ah ok thanks! just making sure18:04
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clarkbrellerreller: so they don't exist until you boot the image and it consults your metadata sources for the info18:05
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rellerrellerclarkb do you have any links or keywords I can search to look into this more?18:05
clarkbmordred: ++ much nicer to consume real things than hacky forked random thngs especially if it makes smaller images18:06
dimsshivharis : dhellmann is off for a few days, what's up?18:06
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rellerrellerclarkb thanks!18:06
clarkbrellerreller: on an ubuntu image you would typically provide an ssh key via metadata service or config drive then ssh to the ubuntu user on that VM using that key18:06
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* zaro fixing up the merge conflicts now18:07
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shivharisdims: I had spoken to Doug regarding a new project at the Tokyo summit and he asked me to ping him for help creating this thing in stackforge.18:08
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shivharisdims: if there is some pointer that I can read up on that will be great18:09
dimsshivharis : there's no more stackforge, have you looked here yet?
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shivharisdims: looking..18:10
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zaropleia2, clarkb : fixed up merge conflict:
shivharisdims; thanks for the pointer - will take me some time to read through. Thanks.18:13
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onovyyolanda, vponomaryov: still failing no. 2 :)18:15
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove grenade partial cpu from kilo
yolandahi onovy, so your failure was not related with the issue we had this morning18:16
sdaguefyi, kilo is blocked on
onovyno i don't think so18:16
sdagueclarkb / mordred / pleia2 if any of you could take a look18:17
yolandait is failing with some ini file on linuxbridge, i don't know what's causing that18:17
onovybecause it's failing for few days18:17
mordredclarkb: ok. I have verified that uploading a qemu-img v2.1 created vhd does not result in a bootable image18:18
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yolandaonovy, i suggest you check with neutron team18:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Improve test coverage: network delete API
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Bug fix: Allow name update for domains
clarkbmordred: time to test 2.4.0?18:22
phschwartzWhat would cause <Worker Unknown> for the running of a build in the zuul debug log?18:23
mordredclarkb: yup. doing that now18:23
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jeblairphschwartz: it's normal for jenkins18:28
jeblairphschwartz: turbo-hipster sets worker names but the gearman-plugin for jenkins does not18:28
phschwartzjeblair: hmm, interesting because I see that and figured it was the issue running jobs. The job that it is trying to run is there but I never see the job hit the jenkins queue18:28
phschwartzand then I see NOT_REGIESTERED written out to gerrit with a failure18:29
jeblairphschwartz: do you have a zuul debug log line (perhaps more than one) with "not registered" ?18:31
fungiphschwartz: zuul's debug log will indicate what the full work request was, including the worker name18:32
phschwartzjeblair: 2015-12-11 17:43:06,778 DEBUG zuul.Gearman: Function build:noop-check-communication:bare-trusty is not registered18:33
phschwartz2015-12-11 17:43:06,778 ERROR zuul.Gearman: Job <gear.Job 0x7fba9a86dc90 handle: None name: build:noop-check-communication:bare-trusty unique: 318aec1fe0be456791caeb5315821635> is not registered with Gearman18:33
phschwartz2015-12-11 17:43:06,778 INFO zuul.Gearman: Build <gear.Job 0x7fba9a86dc90 handle: None name: build:noop-check-communication:bare-trusty unique: 318aec1fe0be456791caeb5315821635> complete, result NOT_REGISTERED18:33
phschwartzjeblair: yes, appears to not be registered but not sure why18:33
jeblairphschwartz: "build:noop-check-communication:bare-trusty" means that zuul is specifically requesting noop-check-communication run on a bare-trusty node18:34
fungiphschwartz: echo status|nc -q 3 localhost 4730|grep build:noop-check-communication18:34
jeblairphschwartz: if you don't have a noop-check-communication job in jenkins, that would be the problem, but if you do, you may not have a bare-trusty node attached to jenkins18:34
fungiyou will likely see no build:noop-check-communication:bare-trusty there, but maybe build:noop-check-communication:devstack-trusty or something instead18:34
jeblairphschwartz: or the noop-check-communication job may not be configured to run on bare-trusty18:34
jeblairwhich fungi's process should confirm :)18:35
* fungi has to run down NOT_REGISTERED reports pretty often18:35
fungimost of the time, for us, it's either someone set the wrong node parameter in a job config, or we have an unwanted override in our zuul parameter functions18:37
phschwartzfungi: jeblair: so the netcat returns nothing18:37
fungiphschwartz: then the job itself has not been registered in gearman18:37
phschwartzfungi: how would I correct that. It was created with a run of puppet-openstackci18:38
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fungiphschwartz: make sure the jenkins gearman plugin is connecting successfully, for starters18:38
phschwartzfungi: the test returns success18:38
fungiphschwartz: also it can be that no new nodes which are capable of running that job have been added in jenkins since the last time zuul was restarted18:39
mordredclarkb: building qemu from source is 'fun'18:39
fungiphschwartz: disabling and enabling the jenkins gearman plugin should trigger all jobs to get reregistered into gearman18:39
phschwartzfungi: hmm, it might be an issue with my nodepool config.18:39
fungias long as there are workers capable of running them18:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: remove grenade partial cpu from kilo
jeblairmordred: can you tldr why you're doing qemu/image stuff?18:39
clarkbmordred: there is a reason I don't really want to start managing libvirt/qemu/kernel/ovs packages :)18:40
jeblairmordred: (i feel like i missed something important)18:40
phschwartzfungi: : disabled and enabled, but not change to the nc output18:40
fungiphschwartz: just grep for build: and see if you have _any_ jobs registered18:40
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fungiphschwartz: and confirm that the job in question actually exists in the jenkins config18:41
fungilike by looking in the jobs list in teh jenkins administrative webui18:41
jeblairphschwartz: and go to https://<jenkins>/computer/ to see if you have any slaves18:42
fungiyeah, that too18:42
phschwartzfungi: so nothing when greping for build18:42
fungiso check in jenkins to see if you have any jobs or even any slaves18:43
phschwartzjeblair: so yeah, no slaves18:43
fungiif no jobs, it's time to dig into jjb. if no slaves, dig into nodepool18:43
phschwartzhmm, the images built and an image-list has them as ready18:44
phschwartzthey should have a ready node in nodepool list right?18:44
fungiif nodepool is able to successfully boot and connect to a node from the image, then yes18:45
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fungilook in your nodepool list output and see if you have nodes in other states than ready (most likely either building or delete)18:45
fungiit could be that nodepool is failing to boot an instance from the image it has... either it goes into error in nova or never becomes reachable or nodepool can't ssh into it to run the ready script, then it will generally transition straight from building to delete instead of becoming ready18:46
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mordredjeblair: I heard a rumor that we can stop using the patched vhd-util to make vhd's18:47
phschwartzfungi: yay, no build at all. the logging for nodepool wasn't working. I got it fixed and get BadRequest: Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be more specific. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-f0102446-69b9-49da-bc1e-937645b7222f)18:47
jeblairmordred: ah, excellent, good luck!18:47
phschwartzso need to add a network to my config18:47
mordredjeblair: and then when I was tracking down the truthiness of that - I learned that qemu-img makes smaller vhd's than vhd-util18:47
mordredwhich is ALSO nice18:47
fungiphschwartz: yep, if you have neutron and multiple available networks you need to get more specific in the config18:47
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greghaynesmordred: ^18:47
greghaynesmordred: er, !18:47
greghaynesmordred: that would be awesome18:47
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mordredgreghaynes: so far what I've provisionally learned is that 2.4 is required18:49
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clarkbmordred: would be interesting if 2.4's image size is different than 2.1's18:51
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mordredclarkb: agree18:51
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notmorganfungi: so. it all looks good eh? [things aren't exploding]18:55
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funginotmorgan: i haven't been watching, but nobody's complained18:55
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notmorganfungi: then i think we're probably good18:55
fungiso either we have a couple thousand developers taking the day off, or...18:55
notmorganwell i mean...18:56
notmorganpeople could be taking the day off..18:56
* fungi could be taking the day off18:56
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phschwartzfungi: and there we go nodes building, now to hope they come up fine :)18:56
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zarocool, i may take the day.18:57
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clarkbdid the change actually merge?18:57
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notmorganclarkb: gerrit says it did18:57
clarkbah yup wasn't seeing it in irc18:58
* clarkb checks puppet run for after that timestamp18:58
clarkb seems like it applied it but may not have restarted apache18:58
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notmorganclarkb: so do we need to do something manual?18:59
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zarofungi: looks like pleia2 is not around, would you be able to git push this?  just fixed a merge conflict on last PS19:00
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Update the README
pleia2zaro: sorry, missed that earlier, looking now19:01
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fungizaro: i'm happy to help, but looks like pleia2's got it19:01
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zaroahh great!19:02
clarkbnotmorgan: ya I will have to look in a sec unless pleia2 can check19:02
notmorganclarkb: thnx19:02
clarkbI am currently wrangling a local wifi thing19:02
clarkb(new hardware is too tempting to mess with)19:02
notmorganclarkb: ouch19:02
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pleia2confirmed, apache did not restart19:04
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pleia2I can manually do a service restart if we want, but we should probably fix it so that updating the config does that19:08
clarkbpleia2: that may be intentional? not sure, but ya we should manually restart so we aren't caught off guard later19:09
pleia2ah, perhaps, ok, I'll do it now19:09
pleia2hold on gerrit /o\19:09
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pleia2it's done19:10
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pleia2notmorgan: want to take a look?19:10
notmorganpleia2: looking19:11
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notmorganlooks good to me19:11
pleia2seems good here too19:12
zarome too!19:12
clarkbits still there for me19:12
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clarkblet me log in and out19:12
clarkber out and in19:13
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clarkbthat works19:13
pleia2and not seeing things in the error logs19:13
zaroi've tested the redirect, seem good.19:13
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a gate-bindep-fallback-ubuntu-trusty job
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make configurable
clarkbI can recheck the system-config change to disable drafts once its dependency merges19:15
zaroclarkb, pleia2 : i forgot this one,
clarkbthat one actually does require a gerrit restart so holding off on that is probably good?19:16
clarkbsince gerrits caching of the files always gets confused when we swap them out or have we fixed that?19:16
zaroi don't think there was any work to fix that.19:17
fungiclarkb: modifying javascript?19:17
clarkbfungi: ya19:17
clarkbfor the hideci stuff19:17
zarobut fine to wait to apprv that on upgrade19:17
mordredclarkb: interestingly, qemu-img 2.4 produces EXACTLY the same sized image19:18
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fungiclarkb: pretty sure it works without a restart if we wait a bit (60 seconds?) after modification and then `sudo touch ~gerrit2/review_site/etc/GerritSiteHeader.html`19:18
zaroi guess all the other config changes would require restart to confirm that it's ok for 2.8.19:18
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clarkbmordred: will it boot19:19
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fungiclarkb: manually it's worked fine every time i've tried it, but for some reason none of our attempts at automating that have panned out19:19
clarkbfungi: huh19:19
mordredclarkb: dunno. uploading now19:19
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zaroi'm pretty sure fungi is correct.19:19
clarkbfungi: is it broken for all users in that 60 seconds though?19:19
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zaroi believe it should work as before the change.19:20
clarkbzaro: the js should but browsers and gerrit get confused19:20
clarkbI am willing to try it if we think its reaosnable safe19:20
clarkbpleia2: ^19:20
fungiclarkb: well, i think it's that as soon as the problem behavior appears (because the modification has taken effect) then you can fix it by touching the site header file and getting gerrit to rebuild it19:20
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fungibut if you touch that file too soon, then it seems like it doesn't do any good19:21
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clarkbfor X in `seq 1 60` ; do sleep $X && touch $file ; done19:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Allow puppet to configure the Gerrit drafts feature
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fungiclarkb: nice backoff!19:23
zarodepenency ^ requieres to kick this one
fungiclarkb: that will take a lot longer than i think you realize though19:24
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clarkbfungi: its to handle gerrit delay :)19:25
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jeblairthat sequence is what, half an hour?19:26
fungiclarkb: a sum sequence is n * (n + 1) / 2, so that's going to take over half an hour19:26
fungijeblair: indeed!19:26
fungiit's that time of the day when i turn to recreational mathematics to distract me from writing job configurations19:27
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clarkbI am glad my unintentional derps are so entertaining :)19:28
mordredclarkb: Exceeded maximum number of retries. Exceeded max scheduling attempts 3 for instance cd5a3c0e-229e-4cc8-bd6c-e695d6f9ddd7.19:28
mordredclarkb: so at first glance "no"19:28
nibalizerclarkb: just change the second ; to an &19:29
mordredclarkb: of course, it's impossible as a user to know what's wrong19:29
clarkbmordred: I wonder if coreos' thing "works" because they don't "test" it19:29
jeblairfungi: i feel like i'm working on making job configurations more like recreational mathematics.  dunno how that makes you feel.19:29
nibalizersleepsort ftw19:29
nibalizerofc you generated the set with seq so you don't need that at all but :)19:29
fungijeblair: you're stealing away my remaining excuses not to write jobs?19:29
mordredclarkb: nah - I imagine if nobody was ever able to use coreos on rackspace that someone would have complained beore now19:29
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openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make VPN constraints jobs voting
mordredclarkb: (this is how the coreos folks make the official images for rax cloud)19:30
clarkbmordred: could be another magical image or boot flag then19:30
jrollmordred: unless they have some out of tree edits, or it bitrotted since they made the last image19:30
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mordredclarkb: I don't see any in their scripts19:30
mordredclarkb: btw - they set compat=0.10 on their qcow command line too19:31
clarkbmordred: hahahahaha19:31
clarkbsorry I just its so amazing19:31
clarkbwe really should just call qcow2>0.10 qcow319:31
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eantyshevjeblair: Hello! May I ask you to merge these:, and . They all have at least 1 +219:33
mordredok. I'm giving up on new qemu-img for today19:33
mordredcloud failures are too opaque19:34
greghaynesMy hope was to just ignore the qcow2 1.0 compat thing until hp cloud sunset and then forget that it ever existed19:34
greghaynesI am guessing the coreos folk just do it for the same reason though - work by default?19:35
mordredjohnthetubaguy, sdague: ^^ fwiw, as a user it's very hard for me to know whether the image I uploaded to openstack can't boot because there is something wrong with the image, or because there is a capacity problem meaning I should try again later. I'm _certain_ it's probably a hard problem, but just thought I'd pass on the "wow, I have no idea honestly where to go from here with this error"19:35
jeblairi can't believe i haven't literally imagined what a 'cloud sunset' looks like until now.19:36
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jeblairit's beautiful and terrifying19:36
mordredfor the record, the error message is:19:37
mordredExceeded maximum number of retries. Exceeded max scheduling attempts 3 for instance cd5a3c0e-229e-4cc8-bd6c-e695d6f9ddd7. Last exception: ['Traceback (most recent call last):\n', '  File "/opt/rackstack/rackstack.399.15/nova/lib/python2.7/site-packages/no19:37
mordred(and no, the paste didn't cut that off - that's as much as I get from nova19:37
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clarkbmordred: I would suggest making a Xen to test locally but I remember then I remember what running a Xen looked like19:40
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a gate-bindep-fallback-ubuntu-trusty job
clarkbyou oculd try hyperv19:40
clarkbbut that has similar and different problems19:40
mordredclarkb: yeah. I'm probably not going to troubleshoot this by installing xen19:40
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clarkbanyone up for revieiwng the outstanding gerrit 2.11.4 changes so we can push a new WIP change for the war we are going to use?19:42
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a gate-bindep-fallback-ubuntu-trusty job
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fungiclarkb: yep, switching gears to that now19:42
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jeblairmordred: what if you proposed a change to devstack that built the image and uploaded it and looked at the output from the citrix xenserver third party ci? :)19:43
fungiwas trying to make some headway on the bindep job migration prerequisites while i had some ideas19:43
mordredjeblair: wow19:43
mordredjeblair: well, that devstack job would ALSO have to build the qemu-img backport package19:43
mordredjeblair: which took about an hour on my laptop19:43
mordredjeblair: so I'd need to make an experimental job that has a longer timeout19:43
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clarkbmordred: yo umight get away with disabling tempest19:44
jeblairi don't know what the xenserver timeout is...19:44
jeblair18:56:25 + export DEVSTACK_GATE_TIMEOUT=18019:44
mordredwell there you go19:45
jeblairmordred: you could have it fetch your already-built image19:45
mordredI suppose I could also just upload a pre-built image and package19:45
mordredfrom my personal website :)19:45
mordredgod, I'm ALMOST tempted19:45
jeblairmordred: yeah, tbh, i'm really not sure if i'm serious19:45
mordredjeblair: me either19:45
jeblairit started as a joke but clearly this is a "haha, only serious" moment.19:46
mordredEXCEPT - working on this at all has distracted me from the novaclient patch I need to work on19:46
fungiwhy else would there be third-party ci, but to test whether things work in environments we can't easily (or at all) build?19:46
mordredand I need to finish that before I cna finalize the os-client-config patch that I want to land before I release that - which I want to do before I finish working on the ansible inventory patch19:47
clarkbmordred: did you catch the swift glance image uploads aren't working in nodepool train of discussion here the other day?19:47
mordredclarkb: oh - I did not19:47
mordredclarkb: like, at all?19:47
mordredclarkb: and do we know what's not working about them?19:47
clarkbmordred: that is the tldr change19:48
clarkblooks like it merged19:48
mordredah- yeah, I merged that19:48
clarkbbut we grab capabilities from swift using swift client not swift session service thing19:48
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clarkbonly the service thing understands keystone sessions19:48
clarkbsince nodepool runs for days that one swift client object has a token that expires and we lose19:48
clarkbanyways sounds like notmorgan and timburke were going to try picking up work on sessioning swift client objects?19:48
clarkbso hopefully we don't need the workaround for long19:49
mordredyah - it's on the list19:49
notmorganclarkb: it is on the list19:49
mordredonce novaclient is done I can work on that too19:49
mordrednotmorgan: jinx19:49
notmorganmordred: DAMN.19:49
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clarkb*the* list19:49
rhsuIs anyone aware of the Tox 2.3.0 release breaking things today? It has affected Devstacking for some of the 3rd party CIs19:49
clarkbrhsu: yes19:49
rhsuI have a bug up here:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1525352 in devstack "Devstack fails with ValueError when trying to parse Tempest tox.ini" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Ryan Hsu (rhsu)19:50
rhsuah ok19:50
clarkbrhsu: there is a bug in tox19:50
clarkbI haven't looked too closely at it. Last time Idid I spent too much time being mad19:50
mordredyes. regression19:50
mordredholger is aware19:50
clarkb(last time this happened to us I wrote a fix, upstream took about 4 months to merge it)19:50
mordredand is going to release a 2.3.1 probably monday19:50
clarkbwhile they argued with me over the meaning of life19:51
mordredit has to do with removing the ability to pull setenv things from other environments19:51
fungii guess we're stuck deleting our nodepool images daily through monday then19:51
clarkbI can always resurrect the makefile I wrote19:51
fungiclarkb: i was only half-joking when i suggested revisiting that earlier today in #-qa19:52
clarkbfungi: it would need updates to accomodate changes in how we do stuff now (constraints etc) but the general shape of it should be valid stil19:52
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fungiclarkb: which outstanding gerrit changes did we still have? i only see two open changes in openstack-infra/gerrit and those are for 2.8.419:54
fungizaro: ^ ?19:55
fungii've approved the remaining topic:gerrit-upgrade changes except those indicating they're waiting for the maintenance, and the toggle-ci one where we need some quick manual intervention19:55
clarkbfungi: see,n,z19:55
clarkbthere are 4 there19:55
fungiclarkb: one has a -2, another has a depends-on the one with the -219:56
fungiand one is wip19:56
clarkbfungi: the changes against gerrit itself should all be good to go19:57
fungioh... i just realized i need to subscribe gertty to those19:57
clarkbwe need those to merge so that a new war is built so we can updat epuppet to use that war19:57
clarkboh right gertty19:57
fungiyeah, i wasn't previously subscribed to openstack-infra/gerrit19:59
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openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make LBaaS constraints jobs voting
zarofungi: the -2 one should be good to go once recheck is done20:00
clarkbit already has the votes it needs though so should go through as part of the recheck20:00
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notmorgancrinkle: should have fixed the CLI bootstrap thing now20:05
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish per-branch astara-appliance images, cleanup jobs
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openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Update plugin version for Gerrit 2.11 on review-dev.o.o
openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack-infra/gear: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add script to cleanup Gerrit 2.8 data
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mriedem_awaynew tox breaking everything?20:17
mriedem_awayah i see
openstackLaunchpad bug 1525352 in devstack "Devstack fails with ValueError when trying to parse Tempest tox.ini" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Ryan Hsu (rhsu)20:18
clarkbwe deleted new images as the workaround20:18
fungiand will likely continue to do so until holger releases a 2.3.1 or whatever sometime next week20:19
mriedem_awayis there a bug reported upstream?20:19
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nibalizerclarkb: i could use some help with omfra-nodepool20:20
clarkbnibalizer: sure20:21
nibalizerI'm having auth issues (which are in shade/oscc)20:21
nibalizerill put your key on my devbox and we can screen -x ?20:21
clarkbok let me put baby down20:21
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fungimake the babies troubleshoot nodepool. they're old enough for real work now20:22
nibalizerreally its not nodepool, the issue is getting shade/oscc to auth infracloud20:23
davideagnellozaro: hello!20:23
openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make FWaaS constraints jobs voting
nibalizerclarkb: root@
nibalizerfungi: pleia2 i can add your keys if you wish20:23
clarkbnibalizer: I am in20:24
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fungionly if you also put it in dns as zomfra-nodepool-over-9000.openstack.org20:24
nibalizerclarkb: there is a root sreen20:24
nibalizerone of the windows is the nodepool uesr20:25
openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack/python-jenkins: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
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clarkbnibalizer: I only see root user?20:26
clarkboh wrong window20:26
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openstackgerritJerry Zhao proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add more jobs for networking-fortinet
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Disable Gerrit drafts feature
* zaro has emergency child now! bbl20:31
notmorganclarkb, fungi, mordred, zaro: we might have an issue with gerrit under proxypass a query that dstanek was using utilizing the REST API is not longer working20:33
clarkbnotmorgan: what query?20:33
notmorganaparantly that worked yesterday and no longer works20:34
fungii'm using gertty and it operates over rest api20:34
fungimakes all sorts of queries20:34
notmorganunless we changed something else as well20:34
dstanekclarkb: it appears that i no longer need to double encode20:34
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notmorgandstanek: oh yes20:34
notmorganthat we did change20:34
fungioh interesting!20:34
notmorganwe disabled the forced encoding20:34
clarkb that works20:34
dstaneknotmorgan: really?20:34
fungiyeah, that would happen20:34
notmorgandstanek: yeah20:35
notmorganwe allow encoded slashes now20:35
notmorganso double encoding isn't needed20:35
fungibecause of direct proxying20:35
notmorganfungi: ++20:35
dstanekah, interesting20:35
clarkbnibalizer: where di you go? want me to make those edits or do you wan tto try?20:35
fungiseems gertty was not double-encoding slashes either20:36
nibalizeroh sorry looking20:36
nibalizerclarkb:  ya go for it20:36
notmorganfungi: i think mod_rewrite does some other things that allowed both20:36
fungiquite possible20:37
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dstanekfungi: that surprises me. things were failing when i wasn't doing that20:37
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notmorganwe also changed the directive AllowEncodedSlashes On20:37
dstaneknot trello is updated again!20:37
fungiyeah, that's why it stopped20:38
notmorganand mod_rewrite is a very different path20:38
notmorganas we have learned with the whole issue gerrit has w/ it20:38
fungigerrit is now not receiving the slashes encoded under normal circumstances, and is disallowing the encoded ones20:38
notmorganfungi: so, in short, i think this is still safe change.20:39
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notmorganesp. with 2.1120:39
fungiyeah, as long as anyone who was previously double-encoding slashes in queries updates their code20:39
notmorganfungi: and we might have to have them do that anyway20:39
fungiwhich i think is a reasonable compromise20:39
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notmorganso we should toss something out on the ML, you want me to write it up?20:40
notmorgan-infra and -dev? or just -dev?20:40
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fungiif you have a moment to write and send something about that, then awesome. just -dev is probably fine20:40
notmorganyeah, let me write up something, let me go grab quick lunch20:41
notmorgancause i'll forget to grab food otherwise.20:41
nibalizerclarkb: thanks a bunch20:42
clarkbnibalizer: I detached20:42
clarkbnibalizer: np20:42
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a gate-bindep-fallback-ubuntu-trusty job
nibalizermordred: yea so we had to move back down to keystone v2 to get nodepool working20:42
clarkbnibalizer: I would grab that traceback for mordred20:42
nibalizernot that nodepool works yet, but its further along20:42
clarkbbut 99% sure its oscc + keystoneclient's v3password client object breaking20:43
clarkbran into this with the devstack plugin work20:43
clarkbthe parameters are different20:43
notmorganfungi: we are doing the gerrit update on the 19th right?20:43
funginotmorgan: 16th (wednesday)20:44
clarkbI wasn't able to be around for the reschedule time but I do have an optometrist visit on the 16th20:44
clarkbwhat time on the 16th was turn off gerrit time?20:44
* clarkb checks email20:44
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funginotmorgan: our last experience with a major gerrit upgrade on saturday was that we didn't realize there was a serious problem until load ramped up well into monday20:45
pleia2it's a lengthy window though20:45
notmorganfungi: ok 16th20:45
notmorganfungi:  cool20:45
fungithis way hopefully load will pick back up as soon as we're done, or worse case the very next day20:45
clarkbok my optometrist visit is at 2115 so I can be useful20:45
fungiyeah, hopefully we'll already be wrapped up by the time you need to ditch20:46
clarkb(trying to be useful now in getting those changes shephered through)20:46
fungiwe blocked out 4 hours but ideally it won't take more than ~220:46
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clarkbnibalizer: mordred from memory its very specifically how using v3password auth type selects a different client class in keystoneclient or keystoneauth whcih takes a different set of parameters20:46
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Bug fix: delete_object() returns True/False
clarkbthere was a discussion in here about it with jamielennox|away at one point and I got all confused with how oslo.config works20:47
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clarkbsince oslo.config says "foo-param is required" but really you have ot pass in "foo_param" or something20:47
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clarkbnibalizer: if you want fast image builds and boots the devstack plugin has a snapshot script and a dib setup for ubuntu that makes a much smaller image than our normal builds20:49
clarkbnibalizer: its basically just make a use rand add ssh key so nodepool can ssh in20:49
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thomasemHey there20:49
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clarkbthomasem: hello20:49
thomasemTrying to follow these steps: to figure out why I'm getting different results in my devstack than the gate's devstack, and after running the setup steps right after the reboot, it seems like my ssh key no longer works >.>20:50
funginotmorgan: lgtm20:50
notmorganfungi: cool20:50
nibalizerclarkb: okay ill check that out20:51
thomasemLike it bombed my authorized_keys file or something20:51
clarkbthomasem: is the cat command for the public key working?20:51
clarkbthomasem: path is correct and all that?20:51
thomasemcat: .ssh/ No such file or directory20:52
thomasemlooks like not20:52
clarkbthat'll do it20:52
notmorganfungi: sent.20:53
notmorgannibalizer: let me know if you need some extra eyes on password plugin things20:53
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thomasemclarkb: but that looks like it's trying to cat .ssh/ from the remote server where I'm setting up the tests... the key I'm using to log into that server is on my local machine, that's the one that was originally set up.20:53
clarkbthomasem: its going to cat it wherever you run that command20:54
clarkbthomasem: the idea is to take the existing key and reinject it so ssh continues to work20:54
thomasemoh crud, it's not using ~/20:54
thomasemheh, wut20:55
thomasemYeah, I ran that command from inside the testserver20:56
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openstackgerritCraige McWhirter proposed openstack-infra/puppet-phabricator: Added OpenID Apache configuration options
thomasemlemme try this again20:58
mordrednibalizer: looking20:58
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mordrednibalizer: isyour clouds.yaml somewhere I cna see it?20:58
thomasemthanks, clarkb!20:58
clarkbthomasem: np20:58
nibalizermordred: yes it is20:59
fungifor some reason i can not seem to get project-config's tox -e jjb working locally. is this expected to work?20:59
nibalizerlet me get you enabled20:59
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clarkbfungi: need jjb release21:00
fungieven if i checkout origin/master, delete my pip and jenkins_jobs cache, and completely git clean the work tree i still get "jenkins_jobs.errors.JenkinsJobsException: template-name parameter missing to format {template-name}"21:00
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nibalizermordred: root@
fungiahh, perhaps that's it. i'll see if a jjb master commit works21:00
jeblairwe should release or update the tox env to zuul-cloner that21:01
fungithis has resulted in me pushing far more broken patches into gerrit that i would otherwise have done21:01
fungizaro: pelix: zxiiro: what are the plans for tagging a new jjb release?21:02
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nibalizermordred: there is a root screen you can hop in21:05
fungiyeah, switching to master branch tip of jjb does indeed seem to get that tox env working again21:05
nibalizeralso clarkb we didn't actually fix it21:05
nibalizerwhen we sourced the environment variables we changed shades behaviour21:05
clarkbnibalizer: bwhahaha21:06
nibalizerwithout those env forms and only clouds.yaml it doesnt work21:06
clarkbnibalizer: same error?21:06
nibalizerits very generic but yes: 'Problem with auth parameters'21:06
clarkbnibalizer: try removing the auth type and auth version and only set the auth url21:07
clarkbnibalizer: lets see if it figures it out properly on its own21:07
mordrednibalizer: I have updated your file21:07
clarkbalso we should se eaboubt better logging in ksa/oscc/shade21:07
clarkbmordred: ?21:07
mordreddon't just be chanign auth_type and auth_version21:08
mordredthe file tha twas there was just wrong21:08
mordredit is now fixed21:08
mordredtry the file now21:08
clarkbwhat was wrong with it?21:08
nibalizer/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml ?21:08
mordredit was missing domain information21:08
mordredwhich I have just added21:08
clarkbmordred: ok, maybe we should log that then21:08
nibalizeroh sorry21:08
clarkb(and I wonder if thats what I had problems with when I tried it with devstack a while back)21:08
mordredit's possible21:08
nibalizermordred: does it look right now?21:09
mordredboth v2 and v3 work - you just have to put the infos in21:09
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mordredyes. it's worth trying that - my network has decided to be crappy - so I'd try "openstack --os-cloud=omfra-cloud flavor list"21:09
mordredand see if it works21:09
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greghayneswow it is actually being called omfra-cloud? nic3.21:13
greghaynesnice, even.21:13
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fungii'll never live that typo down21:13
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greghaynesIt was a good typo21:14
mordrednibalizer: ok. your clouds.yaml works now21:14
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fungias typos go, it's up there21:14
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clarkbmordred: nibalizer but make sure nodepool works too21:14
mordredthat's the next step21:14
clarkbI wouldn't trust openstack client to be definitive :)21:14
fungiin another circle of friends we use exokide and unokide instead of explode and implode21:14
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mordredclarkb: works from shade too21:15
clarkbmordred: so it waas just addition of domain that was missing?21:15
mordredalso, there were 3 values that were in auth dict which are not auth params21:16
fungiactually best example of a typo where one hand is shifted by a (qwerty) key position is someone i used to know named alice, who went online by slivr21:16
fungi(left hand shifted right one key)21:16
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mordred    cacert: '/etc/openstack/omfra_cacert.pem'21:17
mordred    auth_type: 'v3password'21:17
clarkbmordred: they need to be up a level?21:17
mordred    identity_api_version: '3'21:17
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mordredthose are not auth params, yes, they need to be up one level (which they are now)21:17
mordredopenstack flavor list was helpful in diagnosing that21:17
clarkbdoes it traceback more explicitly?21:17
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mordredwell, it gives you the one error and you don't have to read nodepool logs21:18
slogan621clarkb: do unofficial projects get "released" in the same way as official projects?21:18
mordred__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'auth_type'21:18
mordredclarkb: that's the error you get in that case21:19
nibalizerum i have to afk21:19
clarkbslogan621: yes, the underlying mechanisms are the same but I don't think you will end up using reno for it. You make a signed git tag and push it to gerrit which triggers the release machinery21:19
nibalizerflight changes that were unexpectes21:19
mordredwith that in the right place but without domains21:19
mordredyou get21:19
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mordredThe request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401) (Request-ID: req-03fe6038-447a-4297-924a-b32f0091e43e)21:19
clarkbmordred: ah yup thats a bit more verbose, can we get shade/oscc/nodepool to expose that ? /me wonders where in the stack its breaking21:20
mordredwhich, sadly, is about as precise as you can get21:20
clarkbmordred: thats a lot better than what nodepool was doing, probably nodepool or shade wrapping it then21:20
mordredclarkb: I'd expect that to be in the nodepol logs21:20
fungislogan621: clarkb: also you wouldn't release by proposing a change to the openstack/releases repository (though not all "official" projects are release managed in that way either)21:20
clarkbmordred: it wasn't see
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mordredclarkb: shade.exc.OpenStackCloudException: Error fetching flavor list (Inner Exception: Problem with auth parameters)21:21
mordredthat's what I get from shade21:21
clarkbmordred: right it should say got an unexpected keyword argument 'auth_type' in order to make that debuggable21:21
mordredk. lemme figure out where that's going south21:21
clarkbmight just be a missed exception wrapping thing in shade21:21
slogan621clarkb: so, it's an opt in - contributing code to OpenStack projects can be done without regard to release schedules, if we don't take specific action, there is no release.21:22
fungislogan621: correct21:22
clarkbexcept that I think the TC may be asking official projects to do some sort of release cadence?21:22
clarkbyou can't perpetually be unreleased and be official, but I will let TC clarify that21:22
fungiclarkb: only if they have a specific release management tag in the governance list of projects21:23
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slogan621yeah, would think the pressure is on more for official projects21:23
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fungiwe (infra) have plenty of "official" projects which have never had any formal release21:23
clarkbgood point21:23
slogan621I'm just going to be hitting the repos late in the current cycle, want to make sure I'm not going to cause issues for the OpenStack release if code is in a half baked state21:24
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clarkbif you are unofficial you are pretty much free to do what you want in your repos except restrict the licensing on them.21:25
clarkbif you do that you should attic the code that was free and open and move development elsewhere21:26
slogan621meaning, if we are Apache 2 license, all is good21:26
clarkbyup all is good21:26
slogan621great. And if we have something fully baked in "n" release, we can play the release game21:26
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slogan621and surely between then people can use what is in the repo by running patching in our devstack scripts21:27
slogan621if they choose21:27
funginot having the foggiest what will be inside that repo, i'm just going to smile and nod at this point21:28
slogan621well, that will come :-)21:28
openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
slogan621it's going to be in the monitoring/metrics space21:28
slogan621that's about all I can share at the moment21:29
fungidownside to having tox -e jjb working locally again... remembering that i still need to find a replacement cpu fan for this computer21:29
clarkbfungi: just strap a box fan to the case21:30
fungiif only, but it's one of those super-compact jobbies like a nuc21:30
fungiwith a teensy laptop fan sandwiched in between the boards21:30
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fungia laptop fan for which i cannot seem to source any replacement online21:30
openstackgerritJerry Zhao proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add more jobs for networking-fortinet
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Stack API improvements
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sdaguetox is reregressing in the gate21:47
fungimore images have probably come online--checking and deleting now21:47
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fungiyep, that was it. dib diskimages don't end up going live until much later than our snapshot images. those newest ones are now deleted as well21:49
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openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
fungiinstead of pinning tox to an old version, which as we've acknowledged is problematic, how about stopping nodepool image refreshes until there's a fixed tox, so we're not hammering at this over and over through the weekend?21:51
openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack-infra/requestsexceptions: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
clarkbfungi: sure, just change the cron on that?21:51
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fungithat's what i was considering. looking now to see if it's feasible21:52
openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
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fungioh, righth, nodepool.yaml moved to project-config21:54
clarkbpretty sure you can just set it to run every tuesday21:54
clarkbthen revert that change once we get fix21:54
fungii'm curious if the logging config template (which is still in system-config) is being kept up to date21:54
clarkbthat is an excellent quetion21:55
clarkbparticularly since we removed centos621:55
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fungiyep, our cron pattern seems to allow for day of month and day of week21:55
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fungioh, except now i've completely crashed my workstation from running it overheated for too long21:57
fungii should just go back to pushing untested changes into gerrit21:58
openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
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thomasemhmmm, clarkb I think there's a workflow problem here with this. So, it tells me to boot a server with my SSH key allowed, but never creates an SSH key to be used with the cat that sends the SSH key to the puppet module... and, even when I do create an SSH key at .ssh/, it doesn't copy over the one I used to log in in the first place. That's the part that's confusing me.22:10
thomasemSo, I've now had to create an ssh key there, then copy that key onto my workstation to actually log into the box as jenkins22:10
clarkbthomasem: it copies it over in the authorized_keys file22:10
clarkbso maybe the thing to do is cat that file instead of hte pubkey file which may not exist22:10
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thomasemYeah, probably... I'm concerned about the documentation. I know I can make it work, just the documentation is what's confusing me.22:11
thomasemI'll throw together a bug against it, if that's cool22:11
clarkbthomasem: just push the fix22:12
thomasemokey doke22:12
clarkbcat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys22:12
thomasemyeah, sorry. Wasn't sure what sort of ceremony was required with dev on this project :P22:12
thomasemI can do that too :)22:12
fungiceremony is for churches. this is a buffet line22:12
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thomasemsounds good, thanks, clarkb22:13
thomasemI'm about to run, but I'll get a PR up Monday, for sure.22:13
thomasemfungi: Seems like every project has its own flavor.22:14
fungiour documentation is maintained by people who read it, almost get it working, figure out what wasn't quite right, and update it22:14
thomasemokay, cool22:15
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clarkboh I bet I know why we don't cat the athorized keys file, because that may have >1 key in it22:26
clarkbso we may just want to | head -1 and note that only the first key is used or soething22:27
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thomasemclarkb: well, if they're following the tutorial verbatim, they'll only have one key in there.22:31
thomasemI figured that was the assumption22:31
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thomasemThe problem is in determining which is the key one expects to attach with... I think it's better to force them into using one key, than be ambiguous about it.22:31
fungiclarkb: 256821 and 256822 for the nodepool image frequency and revert (took a few minutes to get a dev environment set up on another machine)22:31
fungialso openstackgerrit is oddly quiet about my upload22:32
thomasemAfter all, it is just a test server :)22:32
thomasemAnyway, I got a command that does the whole zero-to-hero thing.22:33
thomasemAt least for that particular portion. I'll push a PR of that up22:33
thomasemin the README22:33
clarkbis openstackgerrit afk?22:34
fungiopenstackgerrit is in channel and responding to irc ping. i wonder if it's really lagged? or if we broke it somehow? or if something's got the gerrit event stream stuck again22:34
thomasemwell it is 4pm CST on a Friday, perhaps openstackgerrit started hitting the bottle?22:34
fungiopenstackgerrit is always hitting the bottle22:34
thomasemI knew it22:34
fungiit's never too early22:34
fungi2015-12-11 22:35:48,530 INFO gerritbot: Sending "Khai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade review.o.o to Gerrit 2.11" to #openstack-infra22:36
clarkbfungi: +2 to both22:36
fungiso it thinks it's still doing things22:36
fungigetting events from gerrit obviously and seems to believe it's reporting them into the channel22:36
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fungii'm going to give it a restart22:37
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fungitailing the debug log to see if it continues to be silently silent22:37
clarkbI wonder if this is the silent netsplit behavior people have been complaing about22:38
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Bump Gerrit version on review-dev.o.o
thomasemAlright, y'all. I'm going to find dinner. Nice chatting, and have a wonderful weekend!22:38
fungilooks like it's working now22:38
fungihave a good weekend thomasem22:38
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fungiclarkb: yeah, could be a netsplit that was only half-duplex, so to speak22:39
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funginot something i've ever witnessed before now22:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated oslo.db to 4.1.0
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fungineed to disappear and get something to eat shortly myself22:41
fungiand then come home and beg my workstation to start back up22:42
fungiit's about time for me to replace it and expense a new one though. coming up on the 3-year mark22:42
fungii bet i could find some thinner, lighter 36" monitors this time too22:43
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fungiand likely cheaper22:44
fungione of them is constantly blowing out dc power supplies, and i'm getting tired of having to hack together replacements for it22:44
clarkb24" 4k monitors are cheapish22:45
clarkbyou could get 3 of them for all the pixels22:45
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fungigood mainline kernel support for multiple 4k panels on a displayport interface?22:46
fungifinally got displayport multi-streaming working in debian/sid with the haswell chipset on this machine only a few months ago22:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Bug fix: delete_object() returns True/False
clarkbI am not sure22:48
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fungiso right now have both panels run from a displayport hub22:48
fungianyway, heading out to eat. back later if i get the workstation back online in a timely fashion22:49
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crinklenibalizer: clarkb mordred i've been afk all day, what's going on with omfra?22:55
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mordredcrinkle: nibz set up a nodepool - we worked through a little connection issue23:05
mordredcrinkle: but then he afkd23:05
nibalizerim actually just back right now23:06
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nibalizerdelta decided i would be better served by an alaska flight leaving earlier from the other side of the airport23:06
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crinklemordred: nibalizer cool23:07
mordredclarkb, jeblair, fungi: there is an issue with the memory in one of our bluebox hosts23:08
mordreddo we have an preference as to maint window times for them to fix it?23:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for tox 2.3.0 bug 1525352
openstackbug 1525352 in devstack "Devstack fails with ValueError when trying to parse Tempest tox.ini" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Ryan Hsu (rhsu)23:08
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jeblairmordred: i don't think so... do we need to do anything?  can they just remove the hypervisor and add it in without us?23:12
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jeblair(is there a way to say "don't schedule anything else on this host" in nova?)23:12
jeblairmordred: oh, if it has the mirror, we will need to quiesce the provider23:12
nibalizermordred: so when you say that the clouds.yaml we were working with works now... i have a hard time replicating that23:13
nibalizeri still get auth errors23:13
mordredjeblair: ds0004.sjc03 is the host23:17
mordrednibalizer: oh - sorry - I broke it again on purpose because I was trying to duplicate bad error messages23:18
mordredone sec23:18
nibalizera cautionary tale of giving mordred ssh access23:18
mordrednibalizer: try again23:18
nibalizeryou can copy the clouds.yaml and cacert out if you want23:18
nibalizeror I could be not-lazy and put them in the root bastion23:18
mordrednah. I don't need it anymore23:18
nibalizerdid fungi make dns?23:19
nibalizerwhat about certs? stay self-signed or get a real one?23:19
nibalizercrinkle: how hard is it to change certs?23:19
mordredjeblair: pypi mirror is on ds000523:20
crinklenibalizer: shouldn't be very hard, just put the new ones in hiera23:20
crinklepuppet should restart the right things23:21
nibalizeroh is infra-cloud puppeting against our main master now?23:21
crinkleyou'd have to rerun puppet manually23:21
nibalizerok thats what i thought23:21
nibalizerwhere is hiera?23:21
nibalizeri mean I don't have certs, fungi or someone would have to show me how infra gets certs23:22
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nibalizerbut copying and pasting around thi cacert file is getting pretty old23:22
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding trove-dashboard repo and jobs
crinkleit's in /opt/system-config/hieradata/production23:22
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nibalizeron the controller?23:23
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crinklenibalizer: yes23:25
nibalizerso you manage this with puppet apply? i thought you had a puppet master23:25
clarkbfor ansible running puppet apply are the current issues dns (maybe done?) and different module versions?23:26
crinklenibalizer: yes it's just done with puppet apply right now23:27
crinkleclarkb: yes and also hiera data23:27
nibalizerwhat bout the nodes? they puppet apply too?23:27
clarkbzaro: can you wip so it doesn't merge early?23:27
crinklenibalizer: yes23:27
clarkbnibalizer: ya so need dns for them too I htink23:27
clarkbnot just the controller23:27
nibalizersorry not trying to be dense just lean23:27
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clarkbcrinkle: for the hiera data we can just scp from controller to master (lets not do that now so we don't double account but should be easy to do once we are ready)23:28
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crinkleclarkb: i assume you'll want to change the passwords and keys before it goes onto the master23:28
nibalizerso install_modules isn't currently being run on clients23:29
nibalizerwe're just rsyncing /etc/puppet/modules from the master to a client23:29
mordredthe modules thing23:29
clarkbcrinkle: ya probably, though maybe not? not sure if we have settled on an administrivia process yet23:29
mordredwhere did we come down on that?23:29
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clarkbI think we can either finish up the work to ocnverge the modules23:29
clarkbor install on individual hosts23:29
crinklemordred: i made and as a possible hack, i know pabelanger also had ideas23:29
clarkbpaste and wiki23:29
nibalizerwe kinda keep having the conversation and never really getting to a solution23:30
clarkbfor paste I am semi inclined to yolo23:30
clarkbfor wiki I am a little less in my element23:30
nibalizeri know i get asked about current state of the plan a lot and don't have a good answer23:30
crinkleif we just get those upgraded then we don't really need to keep talking about it23:30
clarkbcrinkle: right23:30
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mordredI think I vote for convergence23:31
clarkbmaybe what we do is this, disable puppet on wiki and paste, update modules, do db backups, manually trigger puppet run to check output, reenable puppet if all goes well23:31
clarkband we can do paste first23:32
clarkblittle late in the day/week to start that now for me at least23:32
clarkbbut I can probably help do that next week when not gerrit upgrading23:32
clarkbcrinkle: mordred nibalizer is that a reaosnable plan?23:32
crinkleclarkb: awesome23:32
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mordredand I will also finishing fixing the inventory to not be ugly23:33
nibalizermordred: ++23:33
mordredand we can swap over to apply23:33
mordredas well23:33
clarkbmordred: arent'y we applying?23:33
mordredwe stopped one step short23:34
pabelangerI like install on individual hosts, it's worked well in the past for me23:34
nibalizermordred: reed lly?23:34
nibalizeri juts believed clark23:34
clarkboh really? beacuse I accidentally a thing on logstash-worker20 and puppetmsater stopped working23:34
pabelangerbut, at this point, anything is better :)23:34
clarkband had to manually undo it and use apply23:34
clarkbwell in that case puppet apply works when I run it :)23:34
nibalizermordred: ya i'd <3 if the inventory got sane agian23:34
mordredyeah - the ryncs are all happening23:35
nibalizerall uuids like this is really hard to tell whats going on23:35
mordredso puppet apply will TOTALLY work23:35
clarkbwe just aren't doing it as normal process23:35
mordrednibalizer: yeah - my original plan had been to fix the uuid problem before moving forward23:35
mordrednibalizer: there is also currently a problem with group membership mismatch23:35
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crinkleclarkb: what about
clarkbcrinkle I am much less worried about the image builds23:36
clarkbcrinkle: I think those iwll just work tm because they start from a clean slate each time23:36
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clarkbthere is no existing db that you care about to worry about23:36
crinkleclarkb: okay cool23:36
reednibalizer, whazzup?23:37
clarkbhaha typo ping23:37
clarkbreed: I think nibalizer meant to say "really"23:37
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clarkbmordred: based on my puppet applying on logstash-worker20 I am pretty confident in the process. I have already +2d that change, anything specific we are waiting on before going live?23:40
nibalizerhaha sorry reed23:40
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clarkbmaybe doing it on not firday?23:40
mordredclarkb: yeah. not doing it on a friday is the thing23:40
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clarkbthere are docs changes zaro has suggested too23:40
mordredclarkb: also, there is a bug in the group membership23:41
reedno problem23:41
mordredclarkb: I can't remember what right now - but I'll hack up a patch tomorrow (it's not a big one)23:41
mordredclarkb: and we can go live monday23:41
nibalizerclarkb: your (unlanded) nodepool docs have been really useful23:44
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nibalizerclarkb: haha you are two heredocs deep in this devstack-plugin23:46
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clarkbya ...23:47
clarkbthough to be fair the outer one is just for easy writing if you copy pasta iirc23:47
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nibalizerthis was is openstack-101, but the person left "Hi, trying to sign the ICLA at /settings/new-agreement; blocked, getting “Code Review - Error”   Server Error Cannot store contact information [continue]"23:50
nibalizermaybe we broke that with notmorgan's apache changes?23:51
clarkbI can test but more likely its the normal issues23:51
clarkb is what yo ucan point at for that23:51
clarkbnibalizer: you can test too, just go in and update your contact info23:51
phschwartzjeblair: fungi: so I finally got nodepool squared away, I have 2 ready nodes when I do a `nodepool list` but <jenkins url>/computer doesn't show them as slaves23:52
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phschwartzor anyone else familar with nodepool/jenkins23:53
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clarkbphschwartz: do you have a jenkins configured? are credentials for it in secure.conf?23:54
pabelangerphschwartz: PB your `nodepool list` output23:54
clarkbnibalizer: I can update my contact info23:55
clarkbso its like they didn't have a foundation account or the emails didn't match or the foundation account type isn't member etc23:56
clarkbthat ask answer should walk people though getting it configured right23:56
phschwartzclarkb: yes, the api key and user are in there23:56
nibalizerclarkb: maybe I am not an individual member of the organization23:56
clarkbphschwartz: and they work?23:56
clarkbnodepool should log if its not able to hit the api23:56
notmorgannibalizer: hmm?23:56
clarkbnibalizer: you have to be to have a signed cla23:56
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notmorgannibalizer: no that is not a change i've seen that issue before the apache config stuff23:57
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phschwartzclarkb: they should. I have verified that it is the right id and key.23:57
pabelangerphschwartz: Ya, looks ask expected.  I'd check the logs like clarkb said.  Nodepool doesn't do a good job confirming the slave actually came online23:57
pabelangerEG: if your global credentials are wrong23:57
pabelangeror it cannot ssh into the node23:57
clarkbpabelanger: well it does for the ssh, by actually sshing into it23:58
pabelangerclarkb: right, but if jenkins is mis-configued nodepool doesn't know23:58
clarkbpabelanger: in that case you should still have a computer listed23:58
clarkbit would just be offline23:58
phschwartzclarkb: : no errors hitting the api in nodepools debug log23:59
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