Thursday, 2015-04-16

jeblairi can not actually parse the sentence, so i don't know what00:00
jeblairclarkb: i don't expect anything on those graphs to change00:00
clarkbjeblair: the lower one should get better right? maybe I am misreading that one00:00
clarkbjeblair: how does throughput increase if time per server remains constant?00:00
jeblairclarkb: i don't know.  i don't know how that graph is built.00:01
jeblairit was not done through code review.  it is opaque to me.00:01
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tsg_SpamapS, sdague: I believe John D discussed this earlier here today - we have a FFE request for bumping a Swift requirement in global-requirements.txt.  Should the patch be submitted against master or stable/kilo?00:03
tsg_trying to figure out where to do rc style patches in general ..00:03
jeblair(we could add that graph to our status pages, i just thought we wanted to avoid publicizing those sorts of metrics.)00:04
jeblairclarkb: but the individual tasks should take the same amount of time.  we will just execute some (more) of them in parallel.00:05
clarkbjeblair: gotcha00:05
SpamapStsg_: Not sure why you'd ask me. :)00:05
clarkbtsg_: both, you would bump master and backport to stable/kilo00:05
jeblairclarkb: overall throughput should increase, and the time to create a server should decrease.  i think we track that... lemme see.00:05
tsg_clarkb: thank you :)00:05
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tsg_(SpamapS: because it had the term FFE in it ;) )00:06
clarkbjeblair: in general I don't think we should publish comparitive numbers, but having a first derivative line of that data may be helpful00:06
jeblairclarkb: i think it's in stats.timers.nodepool.launch.provider....00:06
tsg_SpamapS: kidding .. couldn't figure out who was the best person to ask :)00:06
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fungitsg_: you merely ask the aether, and the aether then responds00:07
jeblairclarkb: so starting with something like
mordredclarkb, jeblair: it's also comparative - but -it's plain graphite:
mordredclarkb: should be very easy to edit and make non-comparitive00:08
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SpamapSjeblair: has my prose added now00:11
clarkbin other news, zm04 may be having trouble. `git fetch refs/zuul/master/Z8d7b073a40be4f4db56ba22e76e5bc4a` has been hanging for 5 minutes in a job00:11
clarkblooking into it now00:11
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jeblairfungi: there are a number of ready nodes assigned to jenkins0700:12
mordredclarkb, jeblair: problem is - the times are so radically different, without provider comparisons it's hard to see change in behavior00:12
jeblairfungi: what's your status there?  maybe i should nodepool delete those?00:12
clarkb appears to be the high level culprit00:12
jeblairmordred: yeah, i'm all for making the graphs we need to run our systems.  i just want to make sure we're not abusing the access we have.00:13
fungijeblair: i just started quiescing 07, 06 has one job left before i restart00:13
mordredjeblair: totally00:13
fungii'll clean up the ready nodes on both00:13
clarkbI am not getting a shell very quickly via ssh00:13
jeblairmordred: as clarkb points out, first derivative might be good enough...00:13
clarkbload average of ~12000:13
jeblairmordred: and if not, maybe we make per-provider dashboards, but try not to put the providers side-by side.  ;)00:14
mordredjeblair:  in this case, I'm starting to lean towards us having a split-out graph, not for "comparison" - but because looking at rax numbers or hp numbers is super helpful sometimes in diagnosing thigns with them00:14
clarkbwe are swapping00:14
mordredjeblair: that's a good idea00:14
SpamapSok, and I just sent a message to the gearman mailing list asking if anybody is actually reviewing code anymore00:14
mordredjeblair: different graphs - perhaps with different scales so taht we're seeing shapes00:14
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jeblairfungi: i'll delete ready jenkins07 nodes00:15
fungijeblair: i've already got that delete loop underway00:15
jeblairnm then :)00:16
jeblairi will look for something else to do!  :)00:16
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fungithough if you know a faster mechanism than going through the cli which doesn't miss subnodes, i'm thrilled for some details00:16
jeblairfungi: is it slow?00:16
fungii'd guess a join would get me that00:16
funginot particularly, i'm just doing it serially so it takes a few minutes to complete00:17
fungithere were about 50 ready nodes in total assigned to either jenkins06 or 0700:17
jeblairok; looks like it tries to talk to all the jenkins masters, we can probably fix that in the delete command (it doesn't need to do that; it should just be a database op)00:18
fungiclarkb: check-tempest-dsvm-multinode-full is slower than i expected00:18
fungilooks like it runs in the check pipeline for nova now00:19
clarkbfungi: it does, I think some of the slowness is related to zm04 and affecting a lot more jobs00:19
fungioh, okay00:19
clarkbfungi: and my change to parallelize some of the setup speeds things up quite a bit00:19
clarkbits about ~8 minutes at least00:19
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Do not set up managers on CLI delete
jeblairfungi: ^00:20
jeblairfungi: we could cherry-pick that into production and you should be able to start using it immediately00:20
fungijeblair: yep, looks like it'll help a lot--thanks!00:20
jeblairfungi: i will do that00:20
clarkbjeblair: it needs the jenkins manager to delete it from jenkisn right?00:21
fungiclarkb: not on async00:21
fungijust on sync (i.e. --now)00:21
clarkboh right00:21
jogolifeless: I am happy to see you diving into the dependency issue00:21
jeblairfungi: installed.  your next invocation should either be fast or show us what's wrong with that approach.  :)00:21
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clarkbjeblair: fungi: I think we should consider larger zuul mergers or more of them00:22
fungijeblair: appreciated. i'll be trying it out again here as soon as i can stop 0600:22
fungiwhenever this multinode job completes00:22
clarkbzm04 seems ot have fallen by a death of a thousand cuts. Not process is using more than 100MB of memory but there are many git operations and they add up00:22
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jeblairclarkb: the others look idle.  that seems weird.00:23
clarkboh, I didn't look at the others, maybe this one ended up with the majority of the work00:23
clarkbwhich is odd since gearman should naturally load balance based on it getting work done00:24
jeblairclarkb: zm07 has a spike, the others look essentially idle00:24
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clarkb04 has done roughly twice the number of merge jobs according to the debug log than most of the others00:27
clarkb07 hsa done about 50% more00:27
jeblairzm01 appears stuck00:27
jeblairsince 00:10 utc00:28
clarkb02/03/05/06 as well00:28
jeblairclarkb: yep00:29
fungino wonder 04 is panting00:29
clarkbthey seem to have successfully finished their last jobs then have stopped00:30
fungijeblair: just did another delete pass now to catch 14 new straggler ready nodes on 06/07 and it went blazingly fast compared to before00:30
jeblairclarkb: yeah.  strace shows them gearmaning00:31
jeblairat least zm0100:31
jeblairis zm04 just winning too much?00:31
fungiokay, the last job on 06 just finished. cleaning it up and restarting now00:32
clarkbjeblair: maybe? 02 strace shows it doing REQ and getting back RES00:33
jeblairclarkb: zm04 seems to have recovered00:33
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, there are no pending merge jobs00:33
lifelessjogo: heh00:34
openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: New repos for Akanda
lifelessjogo: its all frustration00:35
clarkbjeblair: and 04 is pretty consistently winning00:35
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jogolifeless: yup00:38
jogoyour plan sounds good though00:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Temporarily copy proposed/* ACLs to stable/kilo
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openstackgerritTushar Gohad proposed openstack/requirements: Bump PyECLib version from 1.0.3 to 1.0.7
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jeblairclarkb: wow those servers are busy00:42
clarkbjeblair: looks like the other mergers are picking up some of the slack00:42
clarkbjeblair: yes, I think the new dependency stuff needlessly merges all things in a stack that is already stacked00:43
clarkbso you do 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 etc merges per stack00:43
clarkbits technically correct but inefficient00:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Configure stable branch ACLs for non-Oslo libs
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i wrote a change for that.  it needs more work.  but i don't think that's at issue here00:43
jeblairclarkb: (that actually _slows down_ a merger's ability to consume lots of work from zuul, and should cause the other mergers a chance to pick it up)00:44
jeblairclarkb: here, i think we're looking at a single merger servicing a lot of jobs for some reason00:45
clarkbjeblair: ya00:45
clarkbthough the others are doing more of the work now00:45
davidlenwellclark.. So you are saying use http git urls and not git@ correct?00:46
davidlenwellclarkb: ^00:46
clarkbdavidlenwell: I would use https00:46
clarkbdavidlenwell: because git@ means do ssh00:46
clarkbdavidlenwell: but jeepyb (I may have said nodepool for some reason) isn't going to be able to ssh to github00:47
davidlenwellgot it .. fixing00:47
fungiyeah, jeepyb can do git:// and http:// and https:// but not so much git@00:47
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fungisince that last one requires authentication to github00:48
jeblairclarkb: i'm not seeing a pattern for why this might be the case.  but things seem to be settling out, so i think i might file this away for another time00:48
clarkbjeblair: ok00:49
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openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: New repos for Akanda
jeblairi have to attend to food now00:51
davidlenwellI thought you fed introveniously while you code.. or was that wine?00:51
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: ***DO NOT MERGE*** Flip DVR bit to collect experimental run datapoints
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1442272
openstackbug 1442272 in neutron "Ovs monitor tests fail with eventlet timeout" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Maru Newby (maru)00:52
openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: New repos for Akanda
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1439371
openstackbug 1439371 in Cinder "Volume creation from image fails for UEC and Glance API version 2" [High,Fix committed] - Assigned to Jon Bernard (jbernard)00:54
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Capture dhcp during multinode n-net runs
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clarkbdavidlenwell: do you mind marking that change WIP until you have irc ironed out?00:59
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davidlenwellwhat do we need to finish irc? the channels is on.. and its never had an op.. so the bot can make itself op..01:00
davidlenwellor am I thinking wrong?01:00
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clarkbdavidlenwell: I left a comment, you need to register the channel then give the bot the permissions I listed01:01
clarkbdavidlenwell: then edit the file that enforces those perms via the bot01:01
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mordreddavidlenwell: accessbot/channels.yaml01:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Don't try to delete nonexistent jenkins nodes
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fungihrm, 174074 finally just applied to gerrit01:18
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fungisp stable/kilo branches _should_ be locked down to release teams now01:19
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fungizuul is catching up with its waiting backlog quickly01:23
davidlenwellclarkb: I marked it wip.. everyone in that channel is afk and I cannot claim op until they all vacate.. nobody knows who started it.01:24
davidlenwellthanks for looking at that so fast .. I'll ping when its ready to go01:24
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fungilast job just wrapped up on jenkins07. cleaning up and restarting now01:25
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Capture dhcp during multinode n-net runs
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tchaypolifeless: so looking at the first comments on
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tchaypoI think a clearer way to express the conflict would be to explicitly say that “pip install --upgrade foo” will result in bar==2.1 being installed, while “pip install —upgrade -r requirements.txt” will result in bar==2.0 installed02:19
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lifelesstchaypo: huh02:25
tchaypo*tests more*02:26
tchaypooh, there’s a different issue.02:26
tchaypoIf requirements.txt specifies bar<=2.0, but foo requires bar>=2.1, bar==2.0 gets installed rather than bar==2.102:27
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lifelesswhats foo?02:27
ianwis there a reason why we're so far behind with kibana on logstash?02:27
clarkbianw: yes actually02:27
ianwwe seem to be cloning it from a repo that hasn't updated in two years02:28
tchayporequirements.txt specifies foo and bar<=2.0; but the latest foo specifies bar>=2.102:28
clarkbianw: latest kibana is ridiculous and expects write access to the elasticsearch cluster02:28
clarkbianw: at one point I had it mostly working (with only one minor annoying warning) with that disabled02:28
lifelesstchaypo: that is a case of genuinely incompatible requirements02:28
clarkbianw: then they went and changed everything on me02:28
lifelesstchaypo: that spec's example, and thus IIRC the comment you're referring to is about compatible requirements that pip doesn't handle02:28
lifelesstchaypo: I don't think your rephrasing is the same thing at all?02:29
clarkbianw: I haven't looked at it since, but you should be able to run the js locally against our cluster and see what breaks02:29
tchaypolifeless: in my testing, “pip install -r requirements.txt” installs bar==2.0, which conflicts with what foo requires02:29
tchaypolifeless: if my rephrasing is wrong it’s probably because I haven’t understood the problem02:29
clarkbianw: is the es REST api root02:29
ianwclarkb: hmm, maybe i'd be better just writing a visualisation of a query directly02:30
ianwclarkb: i'm trying to figure out how to get decent stats on memory usage of jobs02:30
lifelesstchaypo: ok so firstly we need to make sure we're talking about the same thing02:30
lifelesstchaypo: there is no package foo inopenstack02:31
ianwclarkb: seeing as hosts don't have access to push into graphite, storing a file in a known format in logstash seems the best way forward02:31
lifelesstchaypo: so either you've made some test data up, in which case I need to see it, because there are several hidden variables, such as the use of pbr or not.02:31
clarkbianw: it may be though we only keep that indexed for a short period of time02:31
lifelesstchaypo: or, you're replacing actual package names with foo and bar to make clear its generic, but at the cost of the same hidden data.02:31
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clarkbianw: I will try to play with running newer kibana against the cluster some time soon02:32
ianwclarkb: yeah; the other option seems to be to do was subunit2sql did, and create a special path that maybe reads a log file from devstack/devstack-gate in a known format, and pushes arbitrary stats into graphite02:32
clarkbI also need to upgrade the cluster but its been pretty solid on 0.90.9 and 1.x has been full of security issues02:32
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tchaypolifeless: one second while I push some repos02:35
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mordredclarkb, ianw: fwiw, graphite is pretty low overhead - perhaps we should run a second graphite that can be used to shove test run metrics in to if we have some legitimate uses for doing such a thing02:45
mordredI mean, my original thought would have been that due to the wildly variable nature of things in the gate, that it would be garbage data02:45
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mordredbut if there are things like that that would be useful ... maybe a case can be made that it's not a crazy thing to have?02:46
* mordred thinking out loud - may be stupd02:46
clarkbjogo: so my dhcp tcpdump is only seeing the requests I think we may have asymetric routing02:47
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Capture dhcp during multinode n-net runs
ianwmordred: my first thought is around tracking memory usage --
ianwmordred: keeping stats for successful verify pipeline jobs ... i.e. for what we merge02:49
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mordredianw: nod. well - honestly, if it's something like _that_ then it wouldn't be too hard to get it into the current graphite02:51
mordredif you put the numbers into a file02:51
lifelesswhat numbers are we interested in?02:51
tchaypolifeless: okay -,, and
ianwmordred: yeah, but who pushes it in?02:51
mordredand then we have something similar to the logstash processor workers that notice jobs are done, grab the file and inject the data02:52
ianwlifeless: as a very first number, peak memory usage.  but things like runtime, disk usage, timing breakdown, more specific memory numbers for subprojects, etc should all be considered02:52
clarkbya having another set of workers that operate in the same post job data processing cluster would be fine02:53
mordredianw: somethign that isn't the job- so publish the dstat file to logs.o.o as an artifact like you're collecting there - then it's just a matter of grabbing the files associated with successful gate jobs, reading them and writing them in02:53
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mordredI think it's actually a good idea and should be pretty simple to do02:53
clarkband that could talk to the existing graphite service problably02:53
lifelessianw: some of those seem like things we should capture in the subunit test stream02:53
ianwmordred: right, so i think as i said above basically copying the subunit2sql path, but for dstat02:53
lifelessianw: e.g. per-test CPU use could be captured02:53
clarkbI am not sure the subunit stream helps us here02:54
lifelessianw: other stuff, separate gather and store makes sense to me02:54
mordredianw: but the subunit2sql straem runs at the wrong time02:54
clarkbtempests view of the world is very small particularly as we build out multinode test envs02:54
mordredbut conceptually, yes02:54
lifelessclarkb: sure, for that it doesn't fit super well. OTOH you could gather it in the test, and interleave it into the stream.02:54
lifelessclarkb: that is actually one of the reasons subunit has the structure it has02:55
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ianwlifeless: so i'm thinking global things like time spent running openstack-client commands, similar to the tracing sdague did recently, we could potentially want to track.02:57
ianwlifeless: i think the subunit results are great when you're drilling down02:58
lifelessianw: so- openstack-client command time is definitely something we should gather within tempest02:58
lifelessianw: I'd attach that per test as a JSON attachment02:58
lifelessianw: reporting over a whole run is then a simple sum02:59
clarkblifeless: tempest isn't touching it02:59
ianwlifeless: yeah, but for outside that ... for devstack itself02:59
lifelessclarkb: doesn't tempest run openstack-client within various tests?02:59
clarkblifeless: it does not02:59
lifelessclarkb: ah, ok02:59
lifelessianw: oh right, devstack time. Sure.02:59
lifelessianw: there is BTW a command line tool for generating subunit, if you did want to encapsulate it02:59
lifelessI'm not saying you should :)03:00
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ianwyeah, and when centos7 started running out of memory, it would have been great to look at a graph of peak memory usage and i would have seen a jump after i committed the changes to use all pip libraries03:00
lifelessI'm a huge +1 on gathering more data and making it available03:00
lifelessI hope i'm not distracting with my mild kibbitzing03:01
lifelesstchaypo: ok, so I've got those03:01
ianwlifeless: i think the complexity has risen to a point where i'll write something up to get buy-in before i just start throwing reviews out03:02
lifelesstchaypo: you are using requirements.txt in that example the way pip intends it to be used. Not the way pbr does.03:02
lifelesstchaypo: to reproduce, you need to replace requirements.txt with a third package 'ourthing' that depends on foo and bar<=2.003:03
tchaypoand then pip install ourthing, and I should see breakage because of the conflict between foo->bar>=2.1 and ourthing->bar<=2.003:04
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lifelessthere should be no dep >=2.1 to reconstruct the example in the spec03:07
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lifelessfoo's dep should be on 'bar'03:07
lifelesswhat you're trying to trigger is the evaluation of <=2.0 after the evaluation of 'any'03:10
lifelessfor bar03:10
lifelessit may require a slight tweaking of your test data - the example in the spec while a genuine example of 2a may be a little tricky to trigger03:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr: Fixup semver
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use envassert for integration tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: enable ceilometerclient functional tests on master only
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openstackgerritBharat Kumar Kobagana proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip test_volume_boot_pattern for GlusterFS until bug 1444806 is fixed
openstackbug 1444806 in Cinder "test_volume_boot_pattern tempest test failure for glusterfs backend - Part 2" [Undecided,New]
mordredlifeless: yay!06:29
openstackgerritBharat Kumar Kobagana proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip test_volume_boot_pattern for GlusterFS until bug 1444806 is fixed
openstackbug 1444806 in Cinder "test_volume_boot_pattern tempest test failure for glusterfs backend - Part 2" [Undecided,New]
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* wwwbukolaycom Please add my skype address. burculayd07:02
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lifelessmordred: indeed :)07:25
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Different queues for slow tasks.
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openstackgerritJan Provaznik proposed openstack/requirements: Add python-tuskarclient to requirements
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openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove stable-compat-jobs from python-novaclient
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openstackgerritGhe Rivero proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix doc. nodepool usage
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openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [gate-murano-devstack-dsvm] Fix bug with neutron misconfiguration
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andrey-mpplease review this -
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move server class call outside of zuul_*.pp classes
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move server outside puppetdb class
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move server outside puppetdb class
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openstackgerritAnthony Michon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cerberus and Sticks: remove python3 tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Fix doc. nodepool usage
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove lib-forward-testing jobs from libs with stable branches
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Run sahara in distributed mode
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update register_machine to use tasks
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update unregister_machine to use tasks
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove stable-compat jobs from libs with stable branches
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Disable syncs to libs to unjam master requirements changes
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Stop mkdir output on each job write
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for JClouds Blobstore
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Allow gnocchi-release to create branch
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable ceilometer service on Heat gates
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clarkbjogo I think the br_flat interface is not where the dhcpd responses are sent, any idea what interface that would be on?13:55
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clarkbzaro new gerrit 2.10.3 release today13:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Wrap ironicclient methods that leak objects
clarkbjogo I am out today(about to get in car for much driving) so feel free to update that change. we can use 'any' as the interface but that will catch hpclouds dhcp too13:57
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anteayaclarkb: safe travels14:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add patch_machine method and operator unit test substrate
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Allow gnocchi-release to create branch
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Clean up unused stable-compat jobs configuration
fungidhellmann: sdague: there's the remaining cleanup ^14:18
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fungioverlimit errors for our 600 instance quota in hpcloud. doing another alien cleanup pass now14:21
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Different queues for slow tasks.
mordredfungi: 164264 installs a my.cnf file on the box14:23
rcarrillocruzthx for those approvals mordred, they were around on my queue for some time14:23
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mordredfungi: it's a TERRIBLE file if someone is actually running a mysql14:23
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rcarrillocruzmordred: ^14:23
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mordredrcarrillocruz: (I'm trying to work through my review backlog :) )14:23
rcarrillocruzmuch appreciated :-)14:24
mordredfungi: how much do we care about what this will or won't do for people who are running things differently from us14:24
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mordredfungi: oh - wait - I see your comment14:24
fungimordred: agreed. there's a safeguard there to only install it if the gerrit module is not configured to provide a local mysql installation, but maybe there should be a better way to only install that when the client is present but the server is not14:24
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mordred(in that case, will people kill me if I make a pedantic suggestion?)14:25
mordredwe should remove the mysqld_safe and mysqld sections from it and only have the client config settings so that it's clear to someone that this is a config for client settings reasons14:26
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russellbfungi: not urgent at all, but could you do another connection count check on me today?  I'm wondering if it calmed itself down.  If not, I'll just kill it.14:28
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russellbfungi: gerrit ssh connections that is14:28
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fungirussellb: sure, just a sec14:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Deprecate use of cache in list_volumes
fungimordred: that seems reasonable14:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add test for invalidation after delete
fungirussellb: still 6314:36
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russellbfungi: ok, weird, i'll kill it off for now14:36
russellband sorry :)14:36
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fungirussellb: they're all originating from the same ipv6 address so presumably all the same application14:37
russellbyep, it's a box running the reviewstats apps14:37
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fungirussellb: considered trying the rest api?14:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: remove stable-compat jobs from libs with stable branches
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Enable websockets transport on Etherpad
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Add support for Apache mod_proxy_wstunnel
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anteayarussellb: was looking at your patch you linked to the tc mailing list, realizing I have zero idea who someone named Egle is14:43
anteayarussellb: that person seems to be heavy with the -214:43
russellbshe's co-chair of the defcore committee14:44
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russellbelected to the board this year as an individual director, works for rackspace14:44
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rcarrillocruzegle = eglute me thinks14:44
russellbi think it's a misunderstanding / unfamiliarity with how -2 and workflow-1 is generally used14:44
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egluteyes. sorry about that14:45
anteayarussellb: ah okay, I'll adopt that perspective for a bit14:45
russellbno problem14:45
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anteayaeglute: hi, just looking at the patch, generally we tend to use -1 for I happen to disagree with this direction or how it is worded and here is why14:45
yolandamordred, you are in review mode today!14:46
anteayaeglute: one -2 especially with a policy as difficult as defcore might be interpreted as 'I will fight to the death to keep this out'14:46
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anteayaeglute: I personally have never seen both a -2 review and a -1 workflow on anything I don't think14:46
egluteI realize that now, i definitely did not want to send that message. I am new to gerrit, and still learning. appreciate all the help14:47
anteayaeglute: happy to help, glad to hear it is just a newness thing14:47
eglutei do hope that you comment on the defcore/technical leadership14:47
anteayaeglute: if you would like to change your votes on any patch at any time, open a new comment and you have the option to select new radio buttons14:48
eglutei did change it to just a -1,14:48
anteayaeglute: great, thanks14:48
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eglutethank you :)14:48
anteayaeglute: as for commenting I do have a patch up to attempt to get a defintion for Community into the lexicon, since I don't yet see one14:49
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anteayaeglute: mostly my patch is a placeholder since I have no idea what wording should go there14:49
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eglutegood point- please submit it14:49
anteayait is submitted14:50
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anteayaeglute: if you have any thoughts on what definition should be there please add as a comment and I can include that in a new patchset14:50
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fungimordred: do we have the apache vhost on (a.k.a. puppeted anywhere i'm not finding, or did you just edit it by hand to add the shade alias there?14:53
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Handle reconnections more appropriately.
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fungii'm feeling like the time is nigh to bite the bullet and move all that content to static.openstack.org14:54
mordredfungi: I just added the shade alias by hand14:54
fungibecause that server really needs to go away14:54
fungik, thanks14:54
mordredfungi: it's not puppeted AT ALL14:54
fungii'll start working on getting that moved14:54
mordredand yes - I'm very much ready for that server to go away14:54
mordredI think the 2 main things that still exist there14:54
mordredare ci.o.o and tarballs.o.o iirc14:54
funginope, tarballs moved to static.o.o long ago14:55
mordredoh - so it's literally just ci.o.o ?14:55
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fungittx still has one not-puppeted release-related app hosted on it, and we have some old docs redirects for things like nova.openstack.org14:55
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fungiand the old moin wiki is still running there in case we need to copy anything else from it which got missed in the mediawiki migration, but i think the utility of that is now being outweighed by the danger of people stumbling across really old content and thinking it's current in any way14:56
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StevenKfungi: Annouce its death to a bunch of cheering? Probably mostly from mordred and ttx14:57
fungiwell, ttx will want to relocate his thing he's still running there14:57
StevenKfungi: I meant old-wiki.o.o only in that case.14:57
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fungibut beyond that and ci.o.o, yes the whole server could go away today and i think nobody would notice14:58
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egluteanteaya thank you, I will take a look14:59
mordredfungi: and ci.o.o should really be a redirect to docs.o.o/infra prolly14:59
mordredfungi: which means we should change the infra things that publish to ci.o.o to publish using infra-docs-jobs, no?14:59
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jeblairbut we need to figure out the hierarchy there15:00
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fungianyway, is live now15:01
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anteayaeglute: thanks15:01
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anteayaeglute: anytime you want to quickly view how many open patches are against the defcore repo you can use this link:,n,z15:02
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fungiin theory we could start "migrating" by just adding new docs jobs for those projects currently publishing to ci.o.o and then once we're comfortable they're all current in the subtree we want, we can switch dns over and remove the old jobs at our leisure15:02
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fungiand if any of those are so low-churn that we get impatient, there's always rsync15:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Fix Gerrit mimetype setting for direct downloading of files
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Handle (dis|re)connect more appropriately.
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mordredfungi: yah15:05
jeblairhrm.  unhappy etherpad15:06
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mordredjeblair: that doesn't seem like a happy graph15:08
anteayalike as of right now15:08
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anteayadidn't we have a graph like that when someone tried to upload some sort of document on time in the past15:09
anteayaone time in the past15:09
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fungiwow, bam15:09
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fungiand yeah, i think abiword runs wild on the server sometimes processing imports/exports/something15:10
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fungiwhatever it was, it's subsided15:10
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fungi5-minute load is well under 1 now15:11
jeblairfungi: well, i just reloaded my pad, let's see if it spikes again15:11
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fungistill falling15:11
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mordredloading that pad works for me?15:11
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fungiit does for me too15:11
fungithe load average is still falling15:12
mordredoh - still _falling_15:12
jeblairseeing my typing?15:12
mordredI thought you said still _failing_15:12
fungii see nothing15:12
jeblairand i just got disconnected15:12
mordrednope. I see nothing15:12
jeblairfungi, mordred: why don't you type on that pad and make sure it's not me15:13
fungii've typed things into that pad now15:13
mordredI have too15:13
mordredI have also seen fungi's things15:13
fungiyeah, mordred and i are seeing each others stuff15:13
jeblairokay, i will double click on my control panel and restart my browser and stuff15:14
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mordredjeblair: have you tried turning it off and on again?15:14
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mordredjeblair: I'm blaming systemd15:14
fungior channeling roy15:14
fungithough your irish accent is pretty lacking, i must say15:14
jeblair19879 corvus    20   0 1802120 357984   4480 S   0.0  1.1 611:47.34 systemd-browser15:15
jeblairmordred: yep that's the problem ^15:15
mordredjeblair: please tell me that that's fake15:16
mordredbecause I'm pretty sure I don't know the difference with systemd anymore15:16
jeblairmordred: i think it's fake.  but i'm not even sure now.15:17
jeblairmordred, fungi: can you see my purple text?15:17
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jrollI definitely bought that for a moment15:17
fungiyep, loud and, um, purple15:17
jeblairokay, so erm, i guess i have entered a period of daily firefox restarts :/15:17
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fungii blame everybody15:18
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fungilet's abandon this web thing and go back to gopher15:18
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jeblairfungi: i'll write this up and send you the afs path15:18
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mordredjeblair: everything in that etherpad seems good to me15:21
jeblairso, docs.o.o/infra/system-config seem good then?15:21
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fungiwfm. i guess we can live with the fact that we're also publishing other documentation to (where we actually have control over apache)15:22
jeblairwe did make 'infra-manual' special and put it in 'manual'15:22
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Allow gnocchi-release to create branch
jeblairso if we wanted to make 'system-config' special and put it in 'systems' or something if we want15:22
StevenKdocs.o.o already has a pretty index, do you guys mean docs.o.o/infra ?15:23
jeblairfungi: yeah, i mean, we started doing scp stuff when we thought we were going to move all the docs to that.  but now, i think we have a new plan for docs (which i expect we'll start on soon) and it's going to be different, so i don't think there's value in keeping the scp publishing15:23
fungii guess the documentation we're publishing to static.o.o isn't infra-specific anyway (governance, security, specs)15:24
jeblairStevenK: yes, thanks :)15:24
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openstackgerritHenry Gessau proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Include completed blueprints in launchpad search
fungii can go ahead and get started on the publisher macro for this if everyone's on board with docs.o.o/infra/{jenkins-job-builder,system-config,zuul,et cetera}15:28
mordredfungi: I'm half-way through a patch :)15:28
fungihave at it15:28
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fungiwe'll also need to host a ci.o.o redirect somewhere. i can whip up one similar to what we have for devstack.org15:29
fungithen we can repoint dns for ci.o.o to static.o.o when we're good with the content on docs.o.o15:29
fungiit's unfortunate rackspace cloudsites is so inflexible in that regard, that we have to use an apache server to host redirects to our cloudsites content15:30
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jeblairfungi: yeah.  but at least we have one around, and we _are_ still planning on moving off of cloudsites.15:31
fungitemporary, temporary15:31
openstackgerritAndrew Stangl proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Job DSL target needs to be plural, not singular
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jeblairyolanda: did you see we're running your patch in production?15:32
yolandaso i saw some comments15:32
yolandabut i wasn't sure15:33
yolandaand how is that performing?15:33
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yolandajeblair, you have me waiting :) plese tell that performance is super now :)15:38
dtantsurhi infra! can someone have a look at an easy patch?
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish infra docs to docs.o.o
mordredfungi: ^^15:38
jeblairyolanda: i don't have good numbers for that.  we had a lot of unrelated problems before, so i can't do a direct comparison.  i'll try to get something together later15:38
jeblairyolanda: it's working fine though :)15:39
yolandaso you ran the version with the modified Task class?15:39
mordredjeblair, fungi and yay the patch removes more lines than it adds15:39
rcarrillocruzyolanda: rockstar :-)15:39
jeblairyolanda: yes15:39
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jeblairyolanda: (functionally it was fine, just needed the api changes for shade forward-compatability -- your new version lgtm, btw)15:40
mordredjeblair: 170788 ?15:40
yolandaok, i'm really willing that this speeds up things and we can adopt it15:40
ttxjeblair: so, I happen to be in a meeting with a Frecnh Public cloud provider and they would really really like to give Infra cloud resources15:40
ttxjeblair: can I answer that you could be interested ?15:40
jeblairttx: absolutely!15:40
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add redirects from ci.o.o to docs.o.o/infra
fungimordred: jeblair ^15:40
mordredttx: yes please15:40
mordredttx: could you point me at them so I can sign up for a personal account and verify that shade and glance and whatnot all work?15:41
ttxI'll make intros soon15:41
mordredttx: cool15:41
ttxjeblair: do you have a list of things you would like the most ? like typical RAM/cores, number of them, more pet or cattle style ?15:42
jeblairttx: will email it to you now15:42
ttxcool thx15:42
anteayattx yay15:42
mordredttx: I recently verified that RunAbove (france and quebec) and vexxhost (montreal) work well with our tools - so go french speaking people15:42
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ttxmordred: that meeting I'm having would be RunAbove.15:43
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mordredttx: great. so - they work well with our tools, and I have already verified them :)15:43
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fungithey need ipv6 support15:43
fungiotherwise i'd have already moved my personal virtual machines there15:44
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mordredttx: you can tell them I added them to the latest release of os-client-config
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fungioh wow, debian has gotten the all clear from their legal counsel to start including zfs support15:46
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jeblairfungi: now i'm wondering if you are trolling us15:46
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mordredfungi: zfs as fuse? or as actual kernel modules?15:47
fungialso libdvdcss (now that's seriously historical... screw you dmca!)15:47
fungimordred: not sure what the actual legal blockers were for zfs, assuming cddl/gpl incompatibility15:48
fungithough it's been so long i haven't followed it lately15:48
sdaguejeblair: I was happily surprised I could Depends-On a stable/juno devstack patch in my grenade series15:48
jeblairsdague: yay!  yeah, it's intentionally "depend on all changes with this change id regardless of project or branch"15:49
sdagueyeh, I thought at one point we discussed it being branch restricted15:49
sdaguebut non branch restricted is totally what I need with grenade15:50
sdagueso \o/15:50
fungii think we had determined that not restricting branches was desirable for exactly your use case15:50
jeblairsdague: i finally got back to reviewing topic:devstack-trove and agree it's ready to merge.  i have ++d the patches that you updated15:51
fungiit just makes things complicated with our current backport policy reusing change-ids so there is some undefined behavior there15:51
jeblairso i think we're ready for someone from trove to kick that off with
sdaguejeblair: cool15:52
jeblairfungi: well -- that _might_ be desired behavior too, depending on exactly what needs doing.  :)15:52
yolandamm , i may have dropped the name attribute accidentally, tests are failing15:52
yolandagoing to check15:52
sdaguejeblair: yeh, getting trove ptl to hit approve on that would be nice15:53
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sdaguenow I just need someone to rub cheetah blood on rax and hp clouds so I can get test results back on this grenade stack faster :)15:54
jeblairSlickNik: the patches in,n,z are ready to merge whenever you are15:54
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Symlink virtualenv in /usr/bin
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fungireviewing it looks like there must be some scheduled interaction happening to etherpad.o.o daily at 15:00 utc16:02
* anteaya looks for cheetah blood16:02
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Different queues for slow tasks.
yolandaok, resending nodepool, silly bug16:02
fungiwhatever's triggering something at 15:00 utc there, it's not being run from cron16:04
fungimaybe someone has a document they're refreshing daily and it's large or fires up abiword to do the import16:05
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fungior maybe someone has a pad they're exporting daily16:05
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mordredfungi: image uploads to runabove are slowish, btw - but we only do that once a day16:14
jeblairfungi: not backup related?16:14
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jeblairmordred: yeah, image _everything_ is slowish :)16:14
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mordredjeblair: well, image uploads to dreamhost and vexxhost are actually pretty snappy16:15
anteayajeblair: that is a pretty purple16:15
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/requirements: Revert "Disable syncs to libs to unjam master requirements changes"
fungidhellmann: ttx: i've approved to temporarily remove libs from the requirements projects.txt file. also just uploaded a wip revert for it as
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mordredjeblair: like, when I run a test run of making an image and uploading it everywhere, runabove is noticably slower - but I do not think that actually matters, given how that pattern works16:15
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ttxfungi: what's the idea here, remove them temporarily and add them again so that they don't block on themselves ?16:16
ttxi.e. add them all in one step ?16:16
fungijeblair: not backup related afaict. mysqldump fires at 00:00 utc and bup at 05:37 utc16:17
ttxI think I got it16:17
* ttx trying to keep up16:17
fungittx: yeah, that was dhellmann's plan as far as i understood it16:17
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fungijeblair: oh, nevermind. it looks like the daily spikes are at bup time. that spike today at 15:00 utc is out of cadence with the others16:19
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zaroclarkb: i saw the gerrit release.  we forked off stable-2.10 so we are ok because that includes everything that is in 1.10.316:27
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anteayamorning zaro16:30
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add redirects from ci.o.o to docs.o.o/infra
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clarkbfungi could the etherpad thing be daily db backups?16:36
fungiclarkb: yeah, see my later confirmation16:36
fungiclarkb: the spike today was unrelated to the others16:36
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yolandajeblair, change passed now, it was a silly typo16:40
jeblairyolanda: yay tests! :)16:40
yolandaglad they are there16:40
clarkbmt rainier is looking good today16:41
anteayaclarkb: glad you have nice weather16:42
nibalizerclarkb: you can see rainier from your house?16:43
mordrednibalizer: it's a big mountain16:43
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* nibalizer impressed16:43
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clarkbno I am near olympia16:44
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sdaguettx: I believe all libraries that released with caps, including client libraries, need to release a non cap version now as well, otherwise, brokeness16:48
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mjordanhi there - I'm seeing a lot of strange disconnects between Zuul (2.0.0) and Gerrit (2.9.1). When it occurs, Gerrit reports a timeout and a disconnect (, while Zuul apparently fails to catch the fact that it is no longer connected (
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mjordanthread dump appears to show Zuul waiting still on poll -
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anteayamjordan: we had to restart gerrit yesterday due to a thread issu16:58
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anteayaI am currently able to hear stream-events so it doesn't appear to be a reoccurance of what we saw yesterday16:59
mjordananteaya: I've seen that post floating around as well, but the few instances of it that I found had errors that didn't appear to match up with anything in my Gerrit log16:59
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mjordananteaya: interesting. In my case, I can barely keep a connection up from Zuul to Gerrit for more than an hour16:59
mjordanand these are two VMs sitting in the same rack :-)16:59
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clarkbzaro ^ wasnt that version of gerrit buggy?17:00
anteayamjordan: has that been your experience the entire time you have run zuul?17:00
clarkbI want to say the mina sshd did weird stuff like that17:00
mjordananteaya: yes17:00
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anteayamjordan: have you tried a different version of gerrit ever?17:01
zaromjordan: 2.10.2 is no good17:01
annegentlehey reed17:01
zaromjordan: it has issues with ssh17:01
reedhello annegentle17:01
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mjordananteaya: not yet - I took a look at the release notes and nothing jumped out at me (but that doesn't probably mean much). Our project just upgraded to Gerrit, so we're going through the growing pains and I haven't wanted to pull the rug out from under them with an upgrade17:02
mjordanzaro: good to know :-)17:02
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mjordanzaro: thanks for the link; not sure if it is the same issue but sounds suspiciously similar.17:04
zaromjordan: ohh yeah 2.9.1 has the same ssh issue i believe.  2.9.4 should be ok17:04
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mjordanzaro: which version are you running? :-)17:04
zaromjordan: we running 2.8.417:04
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mjordanah. I'd jump back to that, but a number of plugins looked to be 2.9+17:04
zaromjordan: i've tested 2.9.4 and that looks good if you want to upgrade to that17:05
mjordanzaro: great, thanks - I'll give that a shot in a day or two17:05
mjordanappreciate the help17:05
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zaromjordan: i believe this is the issue you are seeing:
clarkbcan I bribe someone to update the tcpdump interface to 'any' in ? then check experimental that change? I want to see the dhcp traffic17:08
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anteayamjordan: we are going to upgrade to 2.10 in about 3 weeks17:10
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anteayaclarkb: I can update the patch if you tell me where the 'any' goes: sudo nohup tcpdump -i br_flat -e -n -w $BASE/logs/dhcpdump.pcap port 67 or port 68 &17:11
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/requirements: Bump pymemcache to >= 1.2.9
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clarkbanteaya replace br_flat with any17:13
clarkbanteaya tge -i is tge interface flag17:13
anteayaclarkb: thanks I will do17:14
clarkbthank you17:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Clean up unused stable-compat jobs configuration
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Capture dhcp during multinode n-net runs
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mjordananteaya: ah, I see 2.10.3 is released17:18
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anteayaclarkb: it is in the experimental queue17:19
clarkbanteaya awesome thanks again17:20
anteayaclarkb: pleasure17:20
anteayamjordan: yes, zaro is our gerrit guru, he tests all the things17:20
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andrey-mpsomeone please review this -
zarowarning: don't trust *all the things* from zaro17:23
fungii've got the infra docs site index generator jobs almost finished writing, but need to head to an appointment. back in a while17:25
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anteayafungi: happy appointment17:27
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anteayabut do take zaro's thoughts into account17:29
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anteayaI have a sudden urge to take a walk but I think my timing could be better, I'll wait until fungi re-appears17:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental Bandit job for Barbican
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade to get the client objects
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add tests for shade cloud config parameter
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Basic test for meta method obj_list_to_dict
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade for image uploads
mordredgreghaynes: I just rebased the first shade patches on top of your use-fakes patch - I'm not sure I fully did it right17:41
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dhellmannttx, fungi: sdague pointed out that we can't unblock requirements in master until we have versions of the libs that don't include caps so the new libs can be installed together. Now that I'm finally back online I'm adding some details to
greghaynesmordred: oh, that should have merged already17:41
mordredgreghaynes: yes. your thing merged17:42
greghaynesah, ok17:42
mordredgreghaynes: which means my thing was in merge conflict17:42
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greghaynesI should read what youall did for fakes17:44
greghaynes(youall being shade)17:44
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Pass TaskManager in to shade
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade API for flavors
mordredgreghaynes: :)17:44
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mordrednibalizer: are the docs written to cover
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Install additional depends for dib
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Disable syncs to libs to unjam master requirements changes
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nibalizermordred: cool17:59
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mordredjeblair: gerrit seems maybe down18:01
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mordredoh - nevermind18:01
mordredjeblair: pebkac18:02
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/puppet-diskimage_builder: Fix .gitreview file
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/puppet-diskimage_builder: Consume vhd-util from infra vhd-util PPA
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david-lylewhere is the channel list for the statusbot maintained?18:03
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Consume puppet-diskimage_builder
mordreddavid-lyle: project-config repo18:03
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mordreddavid-lyle: openstack-infra/project-config18:03
david-lyleI looked in there, didn't see the config, will look again18:04
mordreddavid-lyle: one sec - I will get you link18:04
nibalizer i think18:04
mordredyah. nibalizer is right18:04
nibalizerthere are a couple things we dont have in project-config that are candidates for getting out18:05
nibalizeri think there is a list of channels in project-config too... so im not 100% sure which list is for what18:05
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Log info about updated and deleted jobs
david-lyleok I looked there too, it references $statusbot_channels, which I now find in manifests/site.pp18:09
david-lylethanks nibalizer, mordred18:09
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Adding openstack-horizon to statusbot channels
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Pass TaskManager in to shade
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use correct diskimage when building diskimages
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Support per provider image build settings
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade for image uploads
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade to get the client objects
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Just set qcow2 version
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade API for flavors
mordredjhesketh: I addressed your comment in above18:12
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cody-somervilleIs infra nodepool seeing any problems with hpcloud at the moment?18:15
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anteayayes, I don't know what they are since I don't have server access18:17
anteayabut my graph shows some unhappiness18:17
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anteayacody-somerville: fungi is at an appointment and should be back later today (I don't know when), clarkb is driving and I don't know what task jim is doing18:18
anteayamordred: are you able to help cody-somerville get some details about the hpcloud errors we are experiencing?18:18
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mordredcody-somerville, anteaya: it certainly doesn't seem happy18:18
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Allow puppet to manage replication keys on review-dev.o.o
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dhellmannfungi, ttx, sdague : here's the series of patches to uncap libs:,n,z18:19
anteayamordred: agreed18:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/bindep: Add a --file option
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/bindep: Add a --brief option
jeblairReadTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=60.0)18:22
anteayaah here's jeblair18:22
jeblaircody-somerville, mordred: ceate server tasks are taking 40+ seconds for us.  we time out after 60s18:22
cody-somervilleWe're seeing that as well.18:23
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/requirements: Mark documentation repositories as soft
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jeblair(so even when one eventually succeeds, we lose track of it and leak it)18:23
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack/requirements: Updated oslo.config to 1.10.0
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jesusaurusjeblair: yeah, we're seeing nodes turn up as aliens as well18:30
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dhellmannttx, fungi, sdague : hmm, I guess being in the release team doesn't automatically grant +2, so I can't force some of those requirements changes through for libs no managed by oslo18:30
mordredjeblair: I don't seem to be getting counters in graphite for rax after midnight ish - only hp remain18:31
jeblairmordred: which metric?18:32
mordredjeblair: CreateServers18:32
mordred(actually, any of the task metrics18:32
jeblairmordred: because they're now under _main and _second18:32
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mordredah - I missed that18:33
jeblairmordred: i think we should hide that, so we may want to ask yolanda to update her change or make a followup18:33
mordredo - and I'm getting lines for hp because of the * for matching azs18:33
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jeblairalso, while we're at it, i think _main and _slow might be better names18:33
yolandaah, stats changed now with the taskworker names...18:34
yolandai didn't consider that18:34
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jeblairyolanda: you want to fix that in your patch?  (also, i think changing _second to _slow might be more descriptive if you have an extra minute)18:35
yolanda_horribly_slow :)18:36
dhellmannfungi, jeblair : doesn't adding depends-on to a commit message cause that patch to be checked out on the node where the tests are being run? that doesn't seem to be working for removing the requirements caps18:37
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jeblairdhellmann: yes.  link?18:39
dhellmannjeblair: is the log18:40
dhellmannthe patch is
dhellmannthe depends-on patch just merged, so I may be able to recheck my other patches18:41
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Different queues for slow tasks.
yolandaok, quick fix sent18:43
yolandai prefered passing an stats_name param, rather than go manipulating strings and splitting names18:43
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jeblairdhellmann: 2015-04-16 18:04:43.355 | requirements git sha: 517f2174b025a4b7859e63308c3b58f4b4130e7918:44
jeblairit appears to have checked out the correct git sha18:45
dhellmannI wonder if that job doesn't look at the project list. :-/18:45
dhellmannlike maybe we need to turn off that check job separately18:45
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jeblairdhellmann: ooooo.... i thought you were indicating that the values did not look correct.  but instead, those values are indeed what's in openstack/requiremests.18:48
dhellmannoh, are they? I wonder if I picked the wrong patch18:48
jeblairdhellmann: you pointed to a patch that removes things from the project list, but does not change requirements18:49
dhellmannjeblair: bah18:49
jeblairdhellmann: we need "Depends-On: that patch i really meant"18:49
dhellmannjeblair: I need a script to fix these :-)18:50
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anteayaclarkb: zuul estimates 20 minutes left on the experimental tests18:53
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fungiback. now to see what i've been missing18:57
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fungidavid-lyle: don't listen to mordred and nibalizer. the statusbot channel list is
fungiclearly we still have irc bot channel lists scattered in way too many places19:01
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anteayafungi: should pleia2 be listed as well?19:04
fungianteaya: she certainly _can_ be. she should feel free to propose that patch ;)19:05
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fungidhellmann: just caught up. so you have now discovered that the zuul/layout.yaml in openstack-infra/project-config is running gate-{name}-requirements jobs on projects which you didn't want getting requirements updates... is there a patch to stop running those i should be reviewing?19:06
fungie.g. we merged the patch which stops proposing requirements updates to those projects, but we did not merge a patch which stops gating those projects on whether or not their requirements match the global list19:07
fungi(er, i.e., not e.g.)19:07
dhellmannfungi: if you could put it together, that would be great. I just had a meetup mini-emergency arise19:07
* dhellmann is having an unusually frantic day19:08
fungidhellmann: you've got it. will do19:08
dhellmannfungi: you're awesome, thanks19:10
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* dhellmann goes back to figuring out how to fit 100 people in a 45 person space19:10
fungidhellmann: petroleum jelly19:11
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dhellmannfungi: I'll stop by the drug store on the way over to the venue19:12
dhellmannfungi: the other thing I did wrong was depend on the wrong patch, so I'm not sure we need to turn the jobs off19:14
dhellmannwe might just have to make those patches depend on the one that actually removes the requirements19:14
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dhellmannhrm, except we can't land that patch until there are new versions of all of the libs, can we?19:15
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dhellmannso yeah, I think we need the job turned off to land these fixes, and then turned back on after we have the releases out19:15
fungiyeah, i think the jobs which try to coinstall those libs (aside from devstack-based jobs) are going to choke because they want different versions of dependencies19:15
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dhellmannfungi: I'm making notes on the steps we need to follow under "unblocking requirements" on
mordredsdague, jogo: reading nova api docs ... novaclient doesnt' seem to implement "/v2/​{tenant_id}​/servers/​{server_id}​/ips" anywhere19:19
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ttxok, available now, catching up with backlog19:23
jogomordred: I am not surprised19:23
ttxthat was a hell of a meeting but I think I got you 600 extra test nodes19:23
jogomordred: novaclient is a pretty terrible19:23
mordredttx: WOOT!19:23
ttxso probably worth it19:24
mordredjogo: ok. so - it's not that /ips is not a real thing19:24
jogowhoa 600 more!19:24
jogomordred: do the docs say it is?19:24
mordredttx: I shall buy you something inappropriate19:24
jogottx: where did they come from?19:24
mordredjogo: the docs say it is19:24
ttxmordred: I'll drink when I see them, but I got the local Mark Shuttleworth go ahead19:24
jogomordred: sigh the docs are also really bad :/19:24
jogomordred: wan to file a bug for that19:25
mordredttx: sabdfl is involved?19:25
ttxjogo: RunAbove public cloud (OVH)19:25
jogottx: neat!19:25
ttxmordred: no. But OVH have their own sabdfl19:25
mordredttx: ah. gotcha19:25
mordredttx: well, I've alraedy added runabove support to os-client-config - so we're all set19:25
annegentlewhat's, uh, sabdfl (dare I ask?)19:25
ttxmordred: I'll send you a more detailed report when fire is off19:26
ttxannegentle: Mark Shuttleworth, self-appointed benevolent dictator for life19:26
annegentlettx: whew on that f-word19:26
ttx((sabdfl is his IRC nick)19:26
* jogo gets ready to board his flight19:26
anteayattx wooooo19:26
ttxdhellmann: sorry I couldn't be more available today19:26
anteayajogo: safe travels19:26
mordredttx: you earned being away from IRC - you got us a new cloud19:27
dhellmanndhellmann: np, I have spent most of today in the car anyway19:27
fungiannegentle: no comment on whether sabdfl might sort of be an f-word anyway19:27
annegentlefungi: hehe19:27
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fungidhellmann: talking to yourself--that's awesome19:27
spredzyIf any core around could take few mins to review , missing a +2. Thank you.19:27
dhellmannttx: I'm updating the big thaw etherpad with the steps to uncap requirements19:27
dhellmannfungi: ugh, man, I'm going back to be19:28
anteayathe lost 100 have to fend for themselves?19:28
ttxdhellmann: I tried to expand under point 9 earlier19:28
dhellmannttx: I'll move my stuff up there19:29
ttxI'm available for the ext hour(s) though, and just freed my tomorrow morning19:30
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mordredfungi: hi!19:32
ttxdhellmann: wow, that's more complex than I thought19:32
mordredjeblair: ping19:32
dhellmannttx: ok, cool. I'm actually traveling tomorrow, and I have a meetup in a bit, so I only have a couple more hours to work on this. I'm trying to make sure everyone else understands the state of things before I disappear19:32
dhellmannttx: yeah19:32
fungimordred: ohai19:32
mordredfungi: HP is asking us to turn off nodepool19:33
fungiwoo! okie-dokey19:33
anteayaclarkb: finished19:33
fungimordred: sounds like we could use that runabove offer right about now ;)19:33
ttxdhellmann: what I need to know now is... (1) can we do RC2s (i.e. can we push stuff to stable/kilo) and (2) can we unfreeze master req19:34
ttxI think (2) needs to wait at this point if I read the status correctly19:34
mordredfungi: yah19:34
dhellmannttx: I've been focusing on unfreezing master because I assumed 1 was done19:34
dhellmannthat is, I assumed we were ok there19:34
ttxright, if (1) was done I can start opening RC2 windows tomorrow19:34
ttxor tonight19:35
* ttx doublechecks that19:35
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ttxdhellmann: IIRC some of your open-stable-kilo failed tests19:35
dhellmannttx: we may need to recheck some of those kilo jobs, let me see if my patch to turn off some of the bad jobs is landed19:35
dhellmannttx: has merged, let me recheck a couple of those patches19:36
ttxdhellmann: looks like all the ones I urgently care about (RC2 wanabees) got their open-stable-kilo change landed19:36
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ttxthere are a few libs we need to push, let me see if tose are cleared too19:37
fungihrm, openstackgerrit has gone silent. i hope we're not blocked on stream-events again19:37
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anteayafungi: stream-events is listening but no response yet for me19:38
dhellmannttx: I'm reverifying changes in python-saharaclient and python-heatclient to see if those can land now19:38
anteayafungi: still nothing, it is a possiblity19:39
ttxI think all the point releases "from left field" got their open-stable-kilo change merged too19:39
mordredfungi: puppet is stopped on nodepool - any problem with me editing quotas live?19:39
anteayamordred: stand by we might have to restart gerrit19:39
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ttxdhellmann: i was wondering if we can clear them to release their stable/kilo point release19:39
fungimordred: nope. i suspect it's been disabled since last night when we were restarting it and getting config updates into it19:40
ttx    python-glanceclient 0.17.119:40
ttx    keystoneclient 1.3.119:40
ttx    keystonemiddleware 1.5.119:40
ttx    python-ceilometerclient 1.0.1419:40
dhellmannttx: I'm not sure what that means?19:40
anteayastream-events still has picked up no events for me19:40
dhellmannttx: should we move to relmgr since they're having a gerrit issue?19:40
ttxdhellmann: sure19:40
fungijeblair: it looks like your patch to show accounts associated with stream-events tasks in the show-queue output is not having any affect19:41
fungihowever we do seem to have a bunch of stream-events tasks waiting19:41
mordredok. I've set the hp cloud quotas to 0 in nodepool19:41
mordredfungi: anything I can do to help you chase gerrit?19:43
fungiyep, last event zuul saw on the stream was 19:14:32 utc, 30 minutes ago19:43
fungii'm restarting gerrit now19:43
mordredfungi: I'm looking forward to that not being a thing anymore19:44
fungijeblair: for the record, the entries still look like:19:44
fungiabc88ab1 waiting .... 19:14:32.406$3@11a5f8919:44
jeblairfungi: well, phooey.19:45
jeblairmordred: pong19:45
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fungi#status notice gerrit has been restarted to clear a problem with its event stream. any gerrit changes updated or approved between 19:14 and 19:46 utc will need to be rechecked or have their approval reapplied for zuul to pick them up19:46
openstackstatusfungi: sending notice19:46
anteayastream-events is picking up events again for me19:46
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: gerrit has been restarted to clear a problem with its event stream. any gerrit changes updated or approved between 19:14 and 19:46 utc will need to be rechecked or have their approval reapplied for zuul to pick them up19:47
mordredjeblair: was pinging about the hp/nodepool thing19:48
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openstackstatusfungi: finished sending notice19:48
jeblairfungi: how important do you think getting that to work is?19:48
anteayamordred: have you a patch to reflect that so it can be tracked like?19:48
jeblairfungi: i figured it was the next step to figure out if there's a pattern to what's causing the stuck connections19:48
jeblairfungi: any other ideas?19:48
jeblairmordred: did you make a change to turn quotas to 0?19:49
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Turn off HP in nodepool
fungijeblair: maybe a packet sniffer, though i don't think we'd have a lot of luck telling those connections apart from others on that same port19:49
mordredjeblair: I did19:49
mordredjeblair: I did it live on the box since puppet is off - the corresponding patch is there ^^19:49
lifelessDaviey: ping19:49
anteayamordred: should puppet be on again at some point?19:50
jeblairfungi: yeah, a stuck connection will be hard to sniff19:51
mordredanteaya: yes - but we have it off right now testing a patch from yolanda19:51
anteayamordred: ah19:51
jeblairmordred: we don't need it off anymore19:51
mordredjeblair: oh, great19:51
jeblairmordred: i was about to turn it back on19:51
jeblairbut now i'll wait for that to land19:51
fungijeblair: though if it's a bunch of inbound connections from one source triggering it, then maybe we can correlate. i can refresh my memory on how to make tcpdump rotate a capture so we don't run out of space, and then leave it going until the next incident19:51
sdaguemordred: looking at the nova api samples, I'm not sure ips is a thing19:51
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mordredsdague: excellent19:52
mordredsdague: that's good to know19:52
sdaguemordred: which cloud is returning it?19:52
fungijeblair: long-shot though19:52
mordredsdague: nobody19:52
jeblairfungi: i'm not sure that will help19:52
sdaguemordred: ok19:52
mordredsdague: it's here:
jeblairfungi: i don't know how we would associate a connection with a stuck thread19:53
mordredsdague: ^^ specifically19:53
fungijeblair: if it's a bunch of new connections at the moment everything hangs, then the source on the syn(without ack) packets19:53
fungijeblair: loose correlation19:53
sdaguemordred: yeh, let me look at code19:53
mordredsdague: (I was brainstorming ways the nodepool api sequence could be nicer to the nova db)19:53
jeblairfungi: i don't have a reason to think that's happening though.  these are long-lived connections, which get passed around to threads, and occasionally a thread gets stuck when writing to it.19:54
anteayadoes the show connections command give anything useful?19:54
fungianteaya: lots of connections from lots of places19:54
jeblairfungi: so i think we'd have to look for a connection that we thought should be there but wasn't having data transmitted19:54
sdaguemordred: oh, now it's there... it's just not in the examples.... hm19:55
jeblairfungi: i'll try to find a way to test that patch19:55
fungijeblair: okay. i'm similarly unsure what we'll be able to tell from the accounts being handled by the waiting stream-events threads, but more data can't hurt19:56
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anteayashow connections has an idle setting:
jeblairfungi: i'm hopping it will tell us whether the stuck threads are related to specific accounts or not19:57
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jeblairfungi: or specific connections19:57
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fungijeblair: yep, if they're predominantly for one account then that would be a clue20:00
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fungianteaya: it's possible we might be able to correlate the idle time on open connections to the waiting since timestamp for running tasks. i'll compare them next time for any additional possibilties20:00
fungier, possibilities20:00
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anteayafungi: thanks, might not be useful if the keep-alive is all that we are seeing but might as well grasp at that straw20:01
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fungiinterestingly, our jenkins account is only the second highest number of concurrent connections. i wonder why neutronryu has 14 connections open, even right after a gerrit restart20:03
fungithat's not insanely high, but it makes me curious about their ci architecture20:04
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jeblairfungi: or if they have 14 ci architectures?20:05
mordredfungi, jeblair: I suggest we leave HP turned off until they've had a chance to run db things to fix the underlying problem20:05
anteayamestery: correct me if I'm wrong but didn't neutron ryu stop testing a driver?20:05
anteayamestery: is neutron ryu still a going concern? I can't find a wikipage for them20:05
jeblairmordred: wfm; i'd rather not have the system flapping.  have an idea when that might be?20:05
jeblaircorvus@fuligin:~/git/openstack-infra/buck$ ./bin/buck --help20:05
jeblairBuck does not appear to have been built -- building Buck!20:05
jeblairalso ^ _that_ is insane.20:06
fungimordred: jeblair: agreed, we were getting nearly no usable nodes from hpcloud anyway20:06
fungimordred: jeblair: and the serialized alien mop-up i started there hours ago is still churning20:06
mordredjeblair: unsure. I'll try to get an update20:06
fungijeblair: buck has an executable that's a wrapper which opportunistically builds itself before calling into the real executable? that's pretty crazytown20:07
jeblairfungi: yup20:08
anteayamestery: it appears they are still testing patches but they don't have an entry on
anteayamestery: any idea who is in charge of that system?20:08
jeblairfungi: the continuation of that was that it sat there for a few minutes building, then dutifully output the help i requested20:08
fungijeblair: did the help include redundant information on how to build buck, in case you hadn't already?20:09
mordredfungi, jeblair: I have been told to check back on Monday for a firm resolution date - contact to check with is Michael Thomas20:09
EmilienMis jeepyb able to run a script/hook when the patch is merged in the repository ?20:10
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fungiperhaps "michael thomas" is the name they've given the wastebasket where they'll be depositing your follow-up correspondence20:10
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anteayaI've asked in neutron to see if anyone knows anything about ryu ci, so far no reply20:11
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mordredfungi: it's a fair strategy20:12
fungiEmilienM: jeepyb is just a collection of scripts and hooks. gerrit definitely has a hook it calls when changes merge, so a hook script could be written to take some desirable action when that happens20:12
anteayanow at our discretion we can disable them for not having a wikipage, which they are required to have, and then we can find out who they are20:12
mordredfungi, jeblair: I've got to run ...20:12
anteayaif anyone wants that option20:12
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fungimordred: don't forget to bring a towel20:13
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jeblairfungi: um.  gerrit needs a forked version of buck in order to build.20:15
fungialso pretty uncool20:15
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EmilienMfungi: thx20:16
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jeblairand buck _must_ be in the path20:24
jeblairbut i have a gerrit war now!20:25
notmynamewhat are the jobs gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-python-swiftclient-juno and gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-python-swiftclient?20:26
notmynameseems to be always failing for python-swiftclient patches, but I haven't noticed them before20:26
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kevinbentoncan someone help me out and explain why isn't in the gate queue yet?20:30
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notmynameah, I found a note with "failing because of older (capped) versions of swift client in icehouse/juno. what's going on?"20:31
kevinbentonit passed the check quite a while ago20:31
notmynamekevinbenton: there was a message recently of gerrit being restarted to clear the event queue. might need to be rechecked20:31
kevinbentonhow recent? like in the last hour?20:32
notmynamekevinbenton: "NOTICE: gerrit has been restarted to clear a problem with its event stream. any gerrit changes updated or approved between 19:14 and 19:46 utc will need to be rechecked or have their approval reapplied for zuul to pick them up"20:32
kevinbentonnotmyname: if i just approve the patch with my account, should that cover it?20:33
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notmynamekevinbenton: you can probably just leave a "recheck" comment and it should pick it up20:34
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Add script to update .gitreview files
kevinbentonnotmyname: i don't want to go through the check queue yet again though if i can avoid it20:34
kevinbentonnotmyname: this patch and it's dependent need to go in for the kilo RC20:34
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notmynamekevinbenton: as one who also deals with those issues, I'm sorry. I think that's just the way it works20:35
kevinbentonnotmyname: and the 'reverify' keyword is gone, right?20:35
notmynameI don't know20:35
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Temporarily ignore requirements on master libs
fungittx: dhellmann: ^ the job overrides you requested20:36
dhellmannfungi: thanks!20:36
fungii'll prep a similar wip revert for that too20:36
funginote i skipped cliff because its reqs check job was already non-voting20:37
mesteryanteaya: sorry, had stepped out.20:37
dhellmannfungi: ok20:37
mesteryanteaya: Neutron ryu CI is owned by yamamoto20:37
dhellmannfungi: I added that to
fungidhellmann: thanks, wasn't quite sure where to wedge it in there ;)20:37
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dhellmannyeah, that's getting a bit messy :-)20:37
jeblairfungi: do you have a thread stack dump from one of the stuck threads?20:38
fungijeblair: nope, i forgot to grab one before i restarted this time20:38
hasharhey folks :)20:39
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hasharam I correct that the nodepool command is just interacting with the nodepoold database?  In the sense it does not query remotes providers?20:40
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Temporarily ignore requirements on master libs
dhellmannfungi: have any idea why didn't merge? jenkins approves and the depends-on patch landed20:41
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fungihashar: it considers the nodepoold database as the source of truth anyway. it _does_ also interact with providers and targets, but generally only to take action20:41
hasharfungi: thx :)20:42
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hasharI wanted to figure out whether nodepool can communicate with the openstack provider20:42
* hashar starts the daemon and hopes20:42
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fungidhellmann: yeah, you need to reapply your workflow +1 for that. implementing dependent detection for enqueuing requires looking inside the commit message of all open changes in gerrit currently, so isn't implemented yet (though i think there might be a change in progress to add something like that, i'm not positive)20:43
dhellmannfungi: ok20:43
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jeblairfungi: i thought it was in production20:44
fungimaybe that change didn't auto-enqueue for some other reason then20:44
sdagueso... we're down to about 100 node quota in RAX now?20:45
fungithe dependency merged at 17:56 so not a victim of our gerrit restart20:45
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sdaguefungi: +2 on
fungisdague: worse, it seems we have a total of 2 nodes in use in rax right now, and 12 in use in hpcloud20:47
sdaguefungi: \o/20:47
fungii'll see if i can tell what's up in rax20:47
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fungihpcloud is down because we took it down20:47
sdaguegoing to be tons of fun to try to resolve all this requirements unwind20:47
sdagueyeh, I vaguely saw20:47
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fungihuh, actually we have almost no nodes at all, period20:53
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fungiAttributeError: 'ProviderManager' object has no attribute 'stop'20:54
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fungimordred: did you verbatim apply your max 0 patch to nodepool.yaml, or do something else?20:54
fungilooks okay and first glance20:55
fungii wonder if something about one of the recent nodepool patches has broken configuration reloading20:55
fungijeblair: clarkb: ^20:56
fungii'm going to restart nodepoold to get it back onto track20:56
hasharfor nodepool what you guys think of removing upper version requirements for sqlalchemy and pyzmq ?20:56
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jeblairhashar: sqlalchemy regularly releases backwards incompatible changes, so we have that for safety.  we could increase them if they are compatible21:06
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jeblairfungi: yes, that would be an error in yolandas patch that would cause config reloading to break21:06
jeblairfungi: if we're going to rax-only, we can restart without that patch21:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr: Test that excludes work
jeblairfungi: good news: i have found a way to test my stream events patch21:08
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hasharjeblair: at least tests pass with sqlalchemy requirement softened. I have proposed
jeblaird1ba4ca6              14:13:40.153      Stream Events (corvus)21:08
jeblairfungi: ^21:08
fungijeblair: well, for the moment it's restarted and seems to be okay, but yes any further changes to nodepoold are going to break it again21:08
fungier, to nodepool.ymal i mean21:08
jeblairyeah, let's let it settle a bit then restart again with ut the patch21:09
fungijeblair: did the previous patch need any modifications?21:09
jeblairfungi: yeah, there's an anonymous inner class that is the actual thing in the queue, but since it's anonymous i guess it doesn't show up in the default toString method.  so my toString override was on the outer class not the inner one.21:11
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jeblairfungi: patches almost ready21:11
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fungiokay, cool. having looked at the way the class structures are nested (from when i was trying to figure out how to make the contact info api error messages configurable), it's spaghetti21:12
elarsonusing jenkins job builder, is there a recommended way to clone a repo from github?21:12
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fungielarson: we use a builder that runs a script to clone a repo21:13
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elarsonfungi: rather than an scm macro?21:14
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fungithe scm macro is sort of limited in its ability to reuse local caches21:14
fungiand we pass in refnames to check out in envvars (from zuul job parameters) so we can read those directly in the script21:15
elarsonfungi: can you show me a job that is configured to use that builder?21:15
f1llerfungi: your refs come from webhook posts?21:15
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gerrit: Revert "Add username to stream-events queue entries"
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gerrit: Add username to stream-events queue entries
* elarson is trying to connect the dots21:15
f1llersorry, im on elarson's team and we are talking jjb implementation :)21:15
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fungif1ller: our refs come from zuul merger workers21:15
jeblairfungi, zaro, clarkb, mordred: ^ that's staged as a revert and re-do so that i can push the same patch to upstream gerrit21:16
fungifiller: elarson: the first macro there is the builder running that script21:16
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fungifiller: elarson: then we just add "gerrit-git-prep" to the list of builders for a particular job definition21:16
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fungifiller: elarson: and we make sure when nodepool builds our worker images, it preinstalls that script on them in the path you see referred to in the macro21:17
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jeblairmordred: the google account stuff is SO messed up because of hp using google docs21:20
elarsonfungi: ok, I *think* that makes enough sense to me in order to experiment a bit with a builder21:21
elarsonwe'll see what happens21:21
elarsonfungi: Thanks!21:21
fungielarson: filler: good luck!21:21
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fungijeblair: tell me about it. i signed into an openstack foundation google doc at one point and then i couldn't use youtube any longer. it about drove me apeshit because google freaks out and wants to merge multiple accounts if you ever logged into more than one of their properties with different e-mail addresses21:22
jeblairfungi, mordred:
jeblairfungi: yeah, i think that's what's happening here21:23
jeblairTHAT IS INSANE21:23
fungiyes, exactly that21:23
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jeblairbut afaict, i can't use gerrit code review with the organizational account21:23
jeblairit will not let me move that to that account21:23
jeblairmy only choice is to move it to a new "personal" account21:23
jeblairhowever, it is not personal21:23
jeblairso i'm pretty sure that means that i can not submit changes to gerrit with my hp account and email address21:24
jeblairwhich means i can not submit changes to gerrit21:24
fungiyeah, that's downright stupid21:24
filleroh, i had another jjb q if you have a second.21:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Turn off HP in nodepool
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fungifiller: i can't leave--i'm nailed to the seat21:27
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fillershunting jenkins console logs and related to swift.21:28
fungiooh, yeah that's a very fun topic21:28
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fungii think yesterday clarkb worked out one retry kink in our console log collector script, but otherwise it's pretty stable now21:29
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fillerso some python in slave_scripts shunts the logs to the store21:30
fillerdoes that code swizzle jenkins job history to point to said uploaded logs?21:31
fungidunno if you've looked at it, but basically it injects a unique marker into the console log at the end of the job, then loops reads from the jenkins http interface to retrieve the log until it spots the marker21:31
fillersorry, im not finding slave_scripts in scm yet :)21:31
fungiit doesn't modify the job history, but it does add a link in the jenkins console log to where it uploaded the console log21:31
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fungijhesketh wrote the meat of that21:32
fungithe uploads are authorized by zuul creating temporary credentials for write access to a subtree of a swift container, and then passing those credentials along through the gearman request so they end up as job parameters and eventually envvars in the upload script's calling environemnt21:34
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jeblairfungi: okay, so there's a tiny "not now" link somewhere in that process that let me log into gerrit with my "personal" account21:38
jeblairfungi: which is actually now <>21:38
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jeblairand after re-registering my hp email with gerrit...21:38
jeblair(and for some reason, when i did that, 3 other really weird email addresses showed up too)21:38
jeblairI was eventually able to do this:
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jeblairzaro: i submitted a change to gerrit!
jeblairi'm looking at the new change screen and trying to figure out how to leave a comment21:40
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fungijeblair: you have to leave a "like"21:41
fungiand then tweet the comment21:41
fungiotherwise it might not get your avatar right21:41
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zarojeblair: comment is now reply21:42
jeblairzaro: ah, yeah, i see the reply button at the top21:43
jeblairthat's an interesting choice since the comments are at the bottom21:43
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zaroat least jargon is now more in line with your email like vision21:44
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zaroi think clarkb raised that had that same comment, but you can also reply from any comment.  a little hidden but there's a reply arrow on every comment pane, just need to expand the comment21:45
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fungiwow, yeah, hpcloud was seriously in a bad way. my alien mop-up from this morning wrapped up right around when we dropped the max-servers there to 0. _while_ that cleanup was going on, we basically re-filled the entire 600 instance quota with alien nodes again21:51
fungithere are 515 presently21:51
fungii'll go ahead and slowly delete those21:52
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jeblairzaro: ah, i see the arrow.  i did not figure that out.  :/21:54
fungiso we were leaking about 100 aliens an hour in hpcloud, i think21:54
jeblairfungi: in line with our creation rate :/21:55
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fungithough i doubt it was anywhere near that linear since there's probably a bit of a feedback loop in performance21:55
clarkbzaro jeblair yes I think its a terrible ui decision21:59
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Ignore non-release related tags
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Reinstate pure-git-hashes-are-illegal test.
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: i self-approved 174607 because i think it's trivial and i'd like to get it built before the next gerrit restart22:16
jeblairfeel free to review and/or object; i'm sure we have a while before zuul gets around to actually doing anything with it22:16
fungijeblair: lgtm, sorry hadn't looked until just now22:17
fungiand i agree, having it in place before the next inevitable restart would be swell22:17
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jeblairfungi: i'm going to restart nodepool without yolanda's change, then enable puppet22:18
fungithanks jeblair!22:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gerrit: Revert "Add username to stream-events queue entries"
jeblairhuh, that didn't take that long after all22:19
fungiour test nodes graph, while not as tall as usual, looked healthier after the last restart than i've seen it in a long time (as proportion of used to all other node types is concerned)22:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gerrit: Add username to stream-events queue entries
jeblairfungi: we will also likely find that nodepool performs better without a cloud lying to it all the time22:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Do not set up managers on CLI delete
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fungifor the moment at least, rackspace is booting new instances quite quickly and deleting those we're done with near instantly22:21
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fungialso you can tell hpcloud was effectively dead because the rate at which we're burning down the waiting jobs in zuul has been linear even through dropping hpcloud from the config22:22
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jeblairfungi: agreed22:22
jeblairthe anomoly was just when nodepool broked22:22
fungiand the running jobs line has been steady22:22
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: New hook: cherry_pick
fungilifeless: is that your new postal code?22:23
fungiindeed. i get those too22:23
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jeblairfungi, clarkb, mordred: puppet agent re-enabled on nodepool, and nodepool is running master (so should be safe for puppet-driven configuration changes)22:24
fungierror: your keyboard has suddenly grown a cat22:24
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jeblairfungi: unicomp should develop a line of cat-resistant keyboards22:25
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zaromordred: is this even required after we migrate db and all tables to utf8?22:25
fungii'm sure it's buried somewhere in the model m patent they acquired22:25
jeblairzaro: it's so that if someone runs the mysql client locally, it does the right thing22:26
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lifelessfungi: hey, so bindep22:32
lifelessfungi: mgedmin is interested in that :)22:32
lifelessfungi: whats the current status, or should I just ignore it ?22:32
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EmilienMmordred: I'm really not sure if openstack-infra would like this hook, but I'm trying something that would help us (Puppet) to improve our modules
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EmilienMany feedback is welcome ^^^^^22:34
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fungilifeless: i think there are still some patches which need review on it. you have retained core reviewer status on it, remember22:35
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fungilifeless: it's shaping up. i'm unconvinced the package version parsing bits are of much help for our specific use cases (since it's rare that you're going to be running it on a distro which provides you with a choice of multiple versions of a given package name, some of which will be satisfactory as a requirement while others won't) but otherwise it's all useful22:36
lifelessfungi: cool. Uhm, its less rare than you think, I think.22:36
lifelessfungi: *every* ubuntu install has multiple versions present, for instance.22:36
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fungilifeless: yes, i get that for a given package there may be backports and stable updates. the chances that you won't have installed the most recent one available to you and that bindep is going to tell you that you need to is slim compared to the complexity involved22:37
fungialso i couldn't figure out how to get that to happen sanely with rpm-based platforms22:38
lifelessfungi: so rpm needs to be treated as yast || yum22:38
fungithey mostly only know about the version of the package you have installed and that's it. you need a higher-level tool (yum, yast, zypper, something)22:38
lifelesssince rpm doesn't know about repositories22:38
lifeless(neither does dpkg)22:38
fungiwell, the current bindep implementation just uses dpkg-status, not apt-cache or anything22:39
lifelessI'm not actually sure if thats correct22:39
fungii was trying to implement rpm parity to the dpkg implementation present22:39
lifelesse.g. there may be more in apt22:39
lifelessfungi: I wouldn't stress - I think degrading to assuming-its-ok is fine22:40
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lifelessfungi: I mean, we should still check the needed version is met22:40
fungiit can certainly grow that capability, but i think for our (infra ci job running and helping devs out a little) use case it's fine to not put version constraints in bindep lists for now22:40
lifelessthats an option to22:41
lifelessuhm, I'd be a little sad to rip the code out; is there any need to do that?22:41
fungiinstead i've been going with the "if you're on trusty you need this package name, but on precise it's this, and on centos 6 it's this" tactic22:41
fungii haven't ripped any code out22:41
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fungii's just that for the moment the patches i have up don't support version constraints on rpm-based platforms22:42
lifelesswhere did bindep end up? openstack-infra/bindep ?22:42
fungiopen reviews are at,n,z22:43
fungithere's fewer than i thought. most have been approved already22:43
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fungilifeless: anyway, your input would be awesome. i'd like to finish polishing it enough for a release before we start running it in jobs and nodepool prep-scripts/dib-elements22:45
lifelessk, I'm just paging it all back in22:45
lifelessfungi: oh, can you register it on pypi?22:45
lifelessfungi: easier than me doing it an handing it over22:45
fungilifeless: oh! i thought i'd already checked that. great catch22:46
fungidoing now22:46
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Make mysql clients assume utf8 character encoding
lifelessfungi: are you using mapping or profiles for centos etc?22:47
lifelessfungi: my intent was that we'd have a database of the most common package name translations in the tool, rather than having to have that in each other-requirements.txt file22:47
fungilifeless: so far i've just expected to have alternatives in the lists themselves, yes22:48
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fungibecause it was a quick way to get where we need. it can obviously be improved on22:48
lifelesswe can take a lazy approach and see what duplication shows up and fold that into a db22:49
fungialso is a thing now22:49
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lifelessdstufft: how would you feel about an --only-dependencies flag for pip install ?22:50
fungilifeless: is a good current example of how to turn a devstack-.* node into a bare-.* node for nodepool22:50
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fungilifeless: you can get a feel for the sorts of duplication we might expect on a smaller scale in individual repos22:50
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fungilifeless: that also might make a good start for a map22:51
fungilifeless: so far i've got it working with that data source for centos 6, ubuntu precise and ubuntu trusty (the fedora addition was at ianw's request)22:52
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fungithat is, working once my outstanding patches land22:53
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dstufftlifeless: I don't hate the idea, what's the use case22:53
fungialso it started out with great testing (thank you btw!) so i've done my best to get ocd about keeping that going with new patches22:53
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jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: is the dib change to support released?22:54
jeblair(multiple image types)22:54
jeblairlooks like it needs the "-t foo,bar" option22:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/bindep: Add codename and release platform profiles
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lifelessdstufft: getting the deps for something installed without installing it22:56
lifelessdstufft: see e.g. for the inspiration22:56
lifelessdstufft: I currently do 'pip install -e .; pip uninstall thing' to achieve the same thing, which is a bit wasteful22:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/bindep: Support for older dpkg
jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: oh, long, long ago.  nevermind22:57
dstufftlifeless: well specifically I mean, under what situations is such a flag something you want to do22:57
greghaynesjeblair: yea, dib supports that already22:57
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dstufftI don't think I've ever really wanted to do it is why I'm asking22:57
lifelessdstufft: oh22:58
lifelessdstufft: I often have multiple working trees for some classes of project22:58
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lifelessdstufft: and this means I don't need working trees * supported pythons venvs; I can have just one per supported python22:58
fungilifeless: i like the suggestion. i'll add a to-do to look into integrating it22:59
lifelessdstufft: [note, I generally don't use tox venvs because I'm sshing into a brazillion containers to get different pythons]22:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/bindep: Add platform support for Fedora
dstufftlifeless: I'm now imagining you host all your containers exlusively in brazil22:59
lifelessdstufft: I do!22:59
* fungi bets brazilian containers are neatly waxed22:59
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dstufftlifeless: yea ok, seems like a reasonable thing to want23:00
lifelessdstufft: [not]. Anyhow - so if I have the thing, which is generally an 'app' rather than a library, installed, and I forget which copy is installed, it goes badly23:00
fungialso there's a cachaça joke in there somewhere23:00
lifelessso having it not installed, but its deps installed, is safer :)23:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Support per provider image build settings
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Just set qcow2 version
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Use correct diskimage when building diskimages
lifelessmordred: - I'm marking this WIP, AFAICT its still needed though23:03
fungiinterestingly, hpcloud is performing much better now (judging by the rate at which i just managed to delete >500 instances) than it was when we were pummeling it with nodepool earlier today23:04
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lifelessmordred: unless 381b6471b6dddce6bf741ee3795957e25d977b40 is the equivalent ?23:04
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jeblairjesusaurus, cody-somerville: ^ see fungi23:04
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lifelessmordred: and there's another patch on top, which may need you to page in the same q23:06
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fungiserial delete completed in ~20 minutes where the previous deletion under load of a roughly equivalent number following the same process took ~6 hours23:06
jesusaurusfungi: out of curiosity, how quickly were they deleted?23:06
jesusauruswow, impressive23:06
fungii expect most of that was the time it takes to run novaclient 500 times23:07
jeblairalso impressive is fungi answering the question before it was asked23:07
fungii operate on a temporal shift of roughly 60 seconds23:07
fungiit helps a lot23:07
jeblairfive million dollors and a hedgehog23:08
fungisometimes i'm even 20 minutes into the future23:08
fungi(for all you max headroom fans out there)23:08
jeblair(i clearly don't have the same skill)23:09
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fungiit's disconcerting, but i find that if i drink enough i can mostly ignore it23:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add stackforge/puppet-nslcd
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Use "$puppetmaster_server" as parameter to the ssh class
jeblairthat's a ^ could-possibly-break-everything change23:15
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fungii'll keep an eye out, thanks for the heads-up23:18
anteayafungi: oh course you'll know before the rest of us if things break23:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add SMTP configuration options for Zanata
anteayamestery: thanks23:20
anteayaI picked up a rock on the road that I think has garnet chips in it, my accomplishment of the day23:21
anteayayamamoto: hello, I believe you operate the ryu ci? if yes could you please create a wikipage for it: let me know if you need help23:22
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Make mysql clients assume utf8 character encoding
yamamotoanteaya: ryu ci == ofagent ci
jeblairnibalizer: oh drat, i merged a change that conflicted with 171359, sorry.23:23
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anteayayamamoto: ah okay well in gerrit the account is called ryu ci, so on that page I go looking for an ryu ci page23:24
anteayayamamoto: can you create a link for an ryu ci page that links to your ofagenct_ci page?23:24
anteayayamamoto: because I'm never going to remember that, nor can I tell everyone who goes looking for your page23:25
nibalizerjeblair: its all good i'll refresh it23:25
yamamotoanteaya: i will23:25
anteayayamamoto: thank you23:25
anteayayamamoto: after you do that, can you help us answer a question?23:25
anteayayamamoto: we are looking at our open ssh connections since we are having an issue with stuck threads23:26
yamamotoanteaya: i'll do that later today.  i have to run right now23:26
anteayayamamoto: after we restarted gerrit today to unstick the threads, we happened to notice you had 14 open ssh connections23:26
yamamotoanteaya: can you mail me?  thank you23:26
anteayayamamoto: when you return perhaps you can take a look and maybe let us know why you might need 14 open ssh connections?23:26
fungibtw it's up to 17 now... i just checked again. not critical at the moment though23:26
anteayafungi: thanks23:27
anteayayamamoto: I can wait until you come back to irc23:27
anteayaactually better if we can all discuss it23:27
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: create_user should return the user created
anteayaeven if asyncronously23:27
yamamotoanteaya: ok23:27
anteayayamamoto: thanks23:27
fungipurestorage-cinder is up to 8 and netapp-ci is at 7 now. so it looks like some of these might grow over time23:27
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lifelesstimrc: hi - is failing CI23:27
anteayafungi: okay, if we figure out what we consider a reasonable number is perhaps we can talk to the outliers?23:28
anteayamaybe they dont' know their system has so many open connections23:28
fungianteaya: i honestly wouldn't know what to guess at as a reasonable number, though "jenkins" (our ci) had 3 open just now23:29
anteayaokay, so looking at random data points with no idea of what is reasonable, that helps23:30
jeblairno stuck gerrit threads yet23:30
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fungithey do seem to just come on out of nowhere though23:32
fungii've been checking periodically in past weeks and generally there are no waiting threads at all23:32
anteayado they arrive in bunches? like 3-5-13 sort of thing23:32
fungithen at some point, boom. dozens or more and gerrit stops streaming23:33
jeblairi've seen us have only one at one point23:33
jeblairi think i noticed that only once though23:33
openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: New repos for Akanda
fungiyeah, it doesn't seem like a gradual condition though. there must be some sort of trigger23:34
fungiand then rapid cascade23:34
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Refactor o_p::template into o_p::server
fungiusually when i look before i end up restarting gerrit entirely, most of the waiting stream-events threads all have the same wait time on them23:34
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fungiwithin fractions of a secnd anyway23:34
fungier, waiting stream-events tasks23:35
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Revert "Support platform-specific requirements files"
openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: New repos for Akanda
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Revert "Support platform-specific requirements files"
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Make mysql clients assume utf8 character encoding
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anteayafungi: have we ever timed how long after a re-start the stuck threads occur?23:48
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anteayaor what time of day they happen?23:49
fungimy anecdotal recollection puts it as squarely random. sometimes it gets stuck before i come online in the morning, sometimes in the middle of my day, sometimes in my evening23:50
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fungithe cadence doesn't seem to have been the same number of days between either23:50
lifelessright, *all* pbr patches reviewed23:50
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lifelessall bindep patches reviewed23:50
lifelesstime for some food, then immolating myself on the fire of pip features23:51
anteayafungi: yay random23:51
fungilifeless: thanks!23:51
yamamotoanteaya: hi23:53
yamamotoanteaya: done
* yamamoto reading backlog23:54
anteayayamamoto: wonderful thank you23:54
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yamamotoanteaya: 14 open connections from Ryu CI?  i'll take a look when i goes to office.  (i'm at home right now)23:55
dstufftlifeless: pip features for the pip features god23:55
fungiyamamoto: at current count, gerrit claims the neutronryu account has 20 open ssh connections into it. i'm curious how those are being used--it's an order of magnitude higher than most other ci systems interacting with our gerrit server23:56
fungiand it seems to steadily increase23:56
yamamotofungi: interesting.  i'll ask our ci expert.23:57
yamamotofungi: our ci is behind NAT.  can it be related?23:57
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anteayayamamoto: thank you23:58
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fungiyamamoto: i suppose your nat might be causing you some connectivity problems or it could be leaving dead sockets open from our perspective, but i'm not looking at source ip addresses i'm looking at connections per account name23:58
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fungiyamamoto: anyway, let us know what you find out when you get a chance, and thanks for looking into it23:59
openstackgerritAlice Chen proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Let pull request message be customized via file
yamamotodo ssh connections for gerrit have some sort of keepalive mechanism?23:59
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