Friday, 2015-02-20

clarkbuse it to show it fixes the problem then fix it properly00:00
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Support custom static nameserver during build
harlowja (graph stuffs, ha)00:00
clarkbharlowja: so if you wanted a test case go install openstack icehouse with pippin right now :)00:00
clarkbharlowja: it should throw an error00:00
harlowjaya, that requires me to more further expand the resolving phase00:00
dstufftfungi: oh goody00:00
dstufftI'd love to get a real dep solver00:00
harlowjathere's a lot of potential paths in that tree/graph00:00
clarkbactually all you have to do is install that version of openstackclient I think thats the minimal reproduction there00:00
dstufftI started to try before00:01
dstufftbut I got frustrated trying to teach myself how to write a SAT solver00:01
harlowjalifeless i know wants to take a crack at it ;)00:01
harlowjameh, or just brute force it by scanning the expanded dependecny graph00:01
lifelessgawd no00:01
lifelessI want you to do it00:01
harlowjano u00:01
clarkbharlowja: have fun :)00:02
dstufftone of the tricky parts here is that we can't build the entire SAT problem up front00:03
dstufftsince that requires downloading packages00:03
clarkbdstufft: yes you would evaluate a iterative CNF00:03
harlowjaya, pippin downloads all of them00:03
lifelessclarkb: lol00:04
clarkblifeless: :)00:04
lifelessdstufft: well, we should fix that00:04
lifelessdstufft: index the deps and export that from pypi00:04
harlowjaso pippin asks pip for package Y>1; pip says [1, 2, 3]; pippin then asks pip for Y==1; downloads that, runs its egg-info; looks at Y==1 dependency X (and repeat...)00:04
dstufftlifeless: can't do that really00:04
clarkbseems like it should be possible right? as new clauses come in update the CNF, if you reach an error state halt, else continue with current rule00:04
harlowjaand thats how u get a full resolved potential graph (a big graph)00:04
lifelessdstufft: why not ?00:04
harlowja (is this)00:05
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dstufftlifeless: people can do whatever they want in a, we'd have to guess at what they might be doing00:05
fungipart of the problem is that the python packaging system has dug itself a huge crater whereby packages are allowed to declare conditional dependencies resolved by running arbitrary code00:05
lifelessdstufft: isn't that what we just spent X years fixing (ignoring install_requires)00:05
harlowjaya, fungi  i agree to that; it dug itself deeper with that00:05
clarkbfungi: they can even open tabs in your webbrowser :)00:05
fungiand so those dependencies can vary conditionally based on the environment in which you're installing00:06
lifelessdstufft: in that wheels have static dep dmetadata00:06
fungilifeless: true, we could in theory do this by first building wheels of everything specific to the platform we want to be able to install on00:06
lifelessand only solve it for the wheel case00:07
fungiand then you get into the issue of why there's no solution yet for linux wheels of non-pure-python packages00:07
lifelessfor non wheels do the iterative thing00:07
fungiso it becomes extremely platform-specific, which isn't something pypi is going to be able to solve itself00:07
lifelessthats more than we need, and more than is needed to make many peoples lives better00:08
dstufftlifeless: yes, we can do it for wheels, and we'll be able to do it for sdist 2.0, we'll never be able to do it for legacy sdists, that's what I mean by we can't really solve it entirely. We can make it less of a problem though00:08
dstufftand that's the overall plan here00:08
fungie.g. no way to publish metadata which will predict for you what dependencies your system is actually going to end up with when installing a package on your particular platform00:08
dstufftwhat I mean though, is that whatever we do has to either support iteratively adding more rules efficiently or it needs to be really fast so we can redo it everytime we download another file and get it's dependencies00:09
lifelessfungi: for the non-compiled case sure there is00:10
lifelessfungi: which is most of pypi, again :)00:10
lifelessdstufft: so you wouldn't add after each file you download00:10
lifelessdstufft: you'd download a set of files, scan them and add all their rules00:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Update swift upload expiry for all jobs"
openstackgerritDouglas Mendizábal proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a new devstack-gate job to Barbican's tests
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clarkb is great, just fork zchaff00:14
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clarkbthough that might be a half decent way to do all of the other pip work without worrying baout the actual SAT solver (ok for non commercial work aiui but not completely clear on licensing details)00:14
dstufftclarkb: zchaff is C++00:15
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clarkbdstufft: yes but you can do hacky things like ^ to at least use it00:15
clarkbdstufft: then say "hey this thing is really neat now that I have everything else working I will write the solver"00:15
dstufftyea, there's also some things written as python extensions which are written as C exts00:16
clarkbas it is it seems like nothing happens because it seems insurmountable00:16
dstufftbut pip can't have C exts it depends on00:16
dstufftclarkb: well it's not so much that, just nobody's put in the time to figure it all out yet :)00:17
dstufftI started to and got frustrated and worked on lower hanging fruit00:17
dstufftI'm honestly really the only person with any signifcant dedicated bandwidth to work on the entire packaging toolchain00:18
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clarkbor maybe even have pip use pycosat if its available00:18
clarkbwhile you sort out writing a native solver00:18
dstufftso a lot of things are blocked on someone to do them, and often that means I'm the bottleneck unless someone else does them :/00:19
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anteayaokay just as a heads up, this patch adds a test to cinder from a stackforge repo that cinder doesn't know anything about:
clarkboh hey pycosat does the iterative thing (for different reasons)00:21
* clarkb isn't crazy00:21
anteayathe also didn't know anything about this one:
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anteayamy stance is and they agree is that this repo/plugin should be doing third party ci00:21
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anteayaand reporting build status like other plugins00:22
clarkbwe may want to resurrect the special pipeline for thirdish aprty testing00:22
clarkbanteaya: I don't think we need to do that if we can run the test for them00:22
clarkbanteaya: we just need a more effective way of reporting the results00:22
anteayaclarkb: cinder doesn't know anything about it00:22
anteayaand certianly isn't willing to let a plugin gate00:22
clarkbanteaya: I don't think thats an insurmountable issue. It just means we don't put the job in check and gate00:22
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clarkbanteaya: but if its open source software why shouldn't we just run the tests for them?00:23
fungii think it's just more of a question of whether the projects want the driver test to be run on their project. i mean, they have one for ceph which is also not an openstack project (it's not even a stackforge project)00:23
dstufftclarkb: yea, pycosat isn't a bad thing, it's just C so I didn't look to close at it, especially when there are some pure python ones available, someone just needs to figure out A) if we can use them and B) how best to integrate them00:23
anteayawell jgriffith doens't like the ceph one either00:23
clarkbthis will require some work on our part to make the thirdish party testing pipeline reality but I think it is doable00:23
anteayaso I think it is time for some discussion00:23
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anteayasince the patches I showed them were news to them and caught them (and myself) by surprise00:24
clarkbdstufft: oh tehre are pure python libs too? I should dig around a bit more00:24
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clarkbanteaya: right I don't think we disagree with your intent, only the implementation00:24
anteayathat is fine00:24
dstufftclarkb: 0install had one, there's depsolver too which is written by enthought00:24
clarkbanteaya: there really isn't any reason to require a third party test rig if we can run the test00:24
clarkbanteaya: we just have to figure out how to do that00:24
anteayaas long as cinder is in the know and agrees to what the implications are for them00:25
dstufftdepsolver is *probably* the most likely candidate00:25
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anteayahaving a plugin gate is not okay with them00:25
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anteayanor with me00:25
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fungianteaya: i mean, every job they have for cinder tests cinder in a configuration which involves at least some software (generally rather a lot of it) which isn't openstack software00:25
dstufftit's just limited on time to figure out if it does everything we want (and if it doesn't, can we adapt it so it does) and then actually integrating it00:25
anteayarunning tests for them is fine, we do that for all stackforge projectgs00:26
fungianteaya: but i agree, they should get to pick what software ;)00:26
anteayaI really hope you aren't making fun of me00:26
fungi(within reason anyway)00:26
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clarkbdstufft: yup understood. I thought that there was a larger need to write a solver from scratch because no other pure python solvers existed when you looked00:26
anteayaI never know how to take ;)00:26
clarkbdstufft: I am probably just misremembering00:27
anteayawhich is why I never use it00:27
dstufftclarkb: when I looked there was only 0install which is GPL so I didn't look at the code, depsolver came out a few months after that00:27
dstufftI looked a long while ago00:27
clarkbanteaya: basically the underlying issue is we have only one way to leave a -1 or +1 today00:28
clarkbanteaya: but if we could report with a second account -1s and +1s then we could run tests for people that are not gating or otherwise would be third party00:29
clarkbanteaya: there was work to solve this problem at one point but it mostly trickled away when tripleo ended up using nonvoting jobs instead (at least that is my memory of it and others should correct me if I remember wrong)00:30
anteayaso we would be running their third party ci for them00:30
clarkbsort of, I think we would still treat it like stackforge projects eg if the test went sideways we would just turn it off and let the responsile parties fix. But we would handle the resources and execution necessary00:30
anteayaif they report like a third party ci then like other third party ci systems, I don't care where they run00:31
clarkbjhesketh: ^ do you remember the work for making that happen? I want to say you may have done some of it00:31
anteayaincluding if they run on us00:31
openstackgerritDouglas Mendizábal proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a new devstack-gate job to Barbican's tests
clarkbanteaya: well the important thing is everyone says "I have to go run a CI" when you tell them "third party is required"00:31
clarkbanteaya: so eing careful of the terminology is important00:32
anteayathe point is that they don't have any influence on the workflow of patches in gerrit any more or less than any other third party ci system00:32
anteayacan you expand on that point?00:32
clarkbyes, just know that when you tell someone that third party ci is required they at that point stop working with us to test their open source thing in the open and instead build a ci system at "home" and report results back00:33
jheskethclarkb: yep, most of that is in review at the moment (to allow voting with different accounts etc)00:33
clarkbthis can and should be much more cooperative where it can be00:33
jheskethalthough I do need to rebase some of it00:33
anteayaclarkb: okay that is fair00:33
clarkbjhesketh: perfect, I will have to put my zuul review hat on tomorrow and dig into zuul changes again00:33
jheskethcool, I'll make sure I reroll those today00:33
anteayaas long as the workflow is the same to the repo they are testing, it doesn't matter where they run00:33
clarkbanteaya: ya, I think we would end up having a jenkins-second-party-ci account that infra managed then individual projects would add that to the voting groups like they do other projects00:34
anteayaso stackforge repos don't have any influence on the workflow of the gerrit patches00:34
clarkbanteaya: and we just run the tests and since the votes aren't associated to "jenkins" no gating can happen00:34
anteayaclarkb: that might make sense00:34
anteayaclarkb: I can get behind that00:34
fungiright, agreeing with clarkb, if their jobs _can_ run in our infrastructure i'd sorely like them to. it's an unfortunate current limitation that the only options are to glom them into a single report or force them to work entirely from the outside00:35
anteayaclarkb: would you like to draft some thoughts on an etherpad that we can then make into a ml post, once jeblair has had time to add his thoughts00:35
clarkbfungi: I think a large part of that is they were all told "third party ci" they weren't told "work with us to get testing working depending on your needs"00:35
anteayafungi: no argument from me00:35
clarkbanteaya: I don't think I need to, this was all work that was agreed upon a while back00:35
anteayayes if we can help them, let's help them00:35
anteayawas it?00:36
clarkbanteaya: it just lost steam when tripleo solved their needs in another way00:36
anteayawas their a record of this?00:36
clarkbanteaya: yes tripleo wanted this for their testing00:36
anteayasince this is news to me00:36
clarkbthere was a long ml thread irc00:36
clarkbI don't have all the info right in front of me but it could be dug up00:36
anteayaanyone remember what release or ml or topic keywords?00:36
anteayaI can go digging00:36
anteayaany filters are helpful00:37
fungithe single report/non-voting solution's primary drawback is that it will hold up results from other jobs if it takes a really, really long time to run and also some projects reviewers have expressed that they want to see separate clear votes for those jobs so they're easier to not ignore (which tells me we're way overusing non-voting jobs but that's another problem to deal with)00:37
anteayafungi: agreed00:37
clarkbanteaya: found it "[openstack-dev] [Nova] [Ironic] [Infra] Making Ironic vote as a third-party Nova driver" was ironic not tripleo00:37
clarkbI think because ironic ended up doing what tripleo was doing00:37
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clarkbanyways jhesketh did the work, we just need to get it in and move forward if there are interested parties again00:37
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Only format swift string parameters
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anteayamay 201400:38
jhesketh(heh, I actually did the work twice :p)00:38
fungiyeah, basically if ironic's jobs ran as non-voting check jobs for nova then they had a potential to delay other job results, and also a tendency to get ignored because the vote from them wasn't distinct (jenkins left a +1 even though their job was failing, because it was non-voting)00:38
zaroclarkb: i attempted to added asselin's to review-dev to get '/p/' tp work but it doesn't work. can you help?00:38
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zaroclarkb: i can make it work by commenting out the rewrite rule though.00:39
clarkbjhesketh: gah that comment, oh well00:39
clarkbzaro: without the rewrite rule gerrit serves the data not the git replica00:39
jheskethfigured I'd quickly re-roll00:39
clarkbjhesketh: yup and thanks00:39
zaroclarkb: also the replication is not to /var/lib/git it's actaully to /opt/..00:39
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Block novaclient 2.21
mriedemjogo: dansmith: clarkb: alaski: melwitt: ^00:39
zaroclarkb: i could be applying that fix incorrect, but dunno00:40
clarkbzaro: do you have a link to asselins fix handy?00:40
jogomriedem: damn00:40
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack/requirements: Blacklost novaclient 2.21.0
jogomriedem: I was doing the same thing00:40
jogomriedem: I'll abadon mine00:41
zaroclarkb: i added the '<Directory /usr/lib/git-core>' setion00:41
clarkbzaro: try now00:42
zaroclarkb: works now00:42
clarkbzaro: I think you needed the bit in too. I manually enabled that with `sudo a2enmod cgi && restart apache2`00:42
clarkbya that was it then00:42
clarkbzaro: so the vhost file edit was good, just needed to enable the apache module for cgi too00:42
clarkbjhesketh: just finished00:43
anteayaokay well jgriffith posted to the mailing list00:43
jheskethclarkb: cool, will start poking00:43
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zaroclarkb: how did that get added for review.o.o and not review-dev.o.o?00:43
anteayaand i have to offline and change my energy since I have to give a treatment tonight00:43
anteayatalk to you all tomorrow00:44
jogoany requirements cores around?
tchaypo2015-02-19 16:44:59,031 Synced change openstack%2Fnova~master~I2fd74bd58fc11d6afa5512a843e02a709e17124a in 18.96816 seconds.00:45
tchaypoI’m starting to feel like gertty doesn’t scale to tracking all the repos00:46
zaroclarkb: looks like it's in init.pp in puppet-gerrit and pretty general so i assume it should have been setup for both review and review-dev ?00:48
zaroclarkb: seems like it should have gotten installed so not sure what to fix.00:49
clarkbzaro: no we don't have that in the puppet for gerrit00:49
clarkbzaro: you need to add that too00:49
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zaroso how did it get installed for review.o.o?00:50
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zaroi guess it doesn't matter, i can still add it to the gerrit puppet files.  but would be good to know how that package made it onto review.o.o00:53
openstackgerritAnna Shen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add grenade devstack check for trove as experimental
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jheskethclarkb: well that seems like a good improvement. From 5m39.724s to 2m31.859s00:58
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clarkbjhesketh: nice!00:59
clarkbjhesketh: what are your thoughts on logging? do I need to beef that up?00:59
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clarkbzaro: it didn't get installed for review.o.o because it wasn't necessary with apache 2.200:59
jheskethclarkb: I don't think so... If the upload fails we won't get that in the uploaded log anyway and the Jenkins log will contain the raised error01:00
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clarkbjhesketh: oh right the exception will bubble up01:00
jheskethclarkb: the only thing that is being outputted now is the initial file list (which is quite large, but that doesn't matter)01:00
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clarkbya I think the file list is good at least as a sanity check that what we put in results in the same list we expect to get out (regardless of upload success or failure)01:01
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clarkbjhesketh: anything else I can do to help?01:05
clarkbotherwise its getting late in the day I think I may go find the television01:05
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jheskethclarkb: nope, I think we're ready to merge the threaded uploader though (ie works for me)01:06
jheskethclarkb: just tried 50 threads and saw no improvement, so we should be maxing out the bandwidth now01:06
clarkbjhesketh: maxing it with the default 10 from zuul?01:06
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jhesketh(trying 200 threads now out of interest)01:06
jheskethclarkb: yep, 10 vs 50 was no different01:06
clarkbI can probably get the updated script in place tomorrow though will really try to catch up on zuul reviews too so we shall see01:07
jheskethyeah I don't think there is any rush01:07
jheskethclarkb: you can pull these nodes out of hold if you like though01:07
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jhesketh(and yes, 200 was the same as 50)01:07
clarkbjhesketh: they will be deleted pretty quickly oh ok 200 is done running so that won't hurt you01:07
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clarkbremoving the holds now01:08
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a lot of missing descriptions
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clarkball done01:08
jheskethcheers :-)01:08
jheskethclarkb: I'm going to owe you a few beers next we catch up!01:09
clarkbnah you are doing all the hard work01:09
jheskethI was pretty sure I was just flailing around ;-)01:09
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Fix serving of gerrit repos with '/p' in url
zaroclarkb: ^01:12
clarkbzaro: +2 thanks01:13
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutronclient icehouse bug 1423753
openstackbug 1423753 in python-neutronclient "Neutron Client version 2.3.11 breaks icehouse" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Henry Gessau (gessau)01:33
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mriedemdhellmann: fungi: markmcclain: any other requirements cores around want to get nova jobs unblocked?
mriedemwe have a revert the novaclient 2.21 problem but that's blocked by the icehouse blocker01:39
mriedem*revert for the01:39
clarkbmriedem: so the quick fix is to not use the broken release?01:40
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mriedemclarkb: yeah01:40
mriedembash completion is hosed01:40
mriedemgonna revert what's breaking, then get a cells job enabled on novaclient again or a functional test, then revert the revert and work that until it passes01:41
mriedemthe revert is blocked by icehouse01:41
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clarkbjhesketh: if you are still around ^ would be a good one to review01:41
jheskethclarkb: the requirements update?01:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutronclient icehouse bug 1423753
openstackbug 1423753 in python-neutronclient "Neutron Client version 2.3.11 breaks icehouse" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Henry Gessau (gessau)01:43
clarkbjhesketh: ya01:43
jheskethclarkb: the change makese sense to me, if that's the correct course I'm happy with it (ie as opposed to fixing the python client, reverting etc)01:44
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clarkbjhesketh: given what mriedem describes as their plan of action I think its reasonable01:44
jheskethokay, merging01:44
clarkbjhesketh: usually I just ask for a plan of some sort and only really review requirements updates when the gate is involved01:44
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jheskethclarkb: yep, good idea01:45
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openstackgerritSyed Ismail Faizan Barmawer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ironic-lib to openstack
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openstackgerritSyed Ismail Faizan Barmawer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ironic-lib to openstack
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mroddenTIL contains a base64 encoded zipfile archive of pip as a byte docstring02:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Block novaclient 2.21
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kevinbentonanteaya: hey, i have a question about the naming restrictions for a vendor plugin on stackforge03:08
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Refactor sources out of triggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add gerrit reviews into patchset approvals
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for negative requirements
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Configure triggers dynamically
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for 'connection' concept
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Call driver methods more dynamically
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for triggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for sources
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for reporters
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: zuul-swift-log index size in units
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: zuul-swift-log index use icons for mimetype
jheskethSergeyLukjanov: If you get a chance, could you please check out my comment on
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openstackgerritSyed Ismail Faizan Barmawer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ironic-lib to openstack
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openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Reinstate the devstack-dsvm-cells job for novaclient
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add Job DSL Plugin
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Refactor Gerrit plugin build jobs
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Conditanalize gate-training-guides-tox-doc-publish-checkbuild
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Refactor Gerrit plugin build jobs
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AJaegerMorning, if anybody is around to review, I would appreciate it. Thanks!06:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: add ceilometermiddleware
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add designate-ci group with label-Verified permission
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade Gerrit from 2.8 to ver 2.9 for review.o.o
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade Gerrit from 2.8 to ver 2.9 for review-dev.o.o
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raminenihi .. can anybody let me know, when is the last date to submit changes to global-requirements.txt for kilo release?06:58
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zaroclarkb: review-dev.o.o is broken because puppet reverted review_site, we'll need to land this to make it work again:
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openstackgerritMatthias Runge proposed openstack/requirements: Raise cap for Django
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odyssey4meanteaya ping09:02
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flip214Hi. I'd like to ask about CI for the DRBD driver in Cinder (and, sooner or later, Nova).09:17
flip214I read on the mailing list that for open-source drivers (that don't need special hardware) it would be possible to have the tests running via -infra. Is that correct, or a misunderstanding on my side?09:17
flip214Basically, to run the CI tests with DRBD, two machines (the cinder and one nova node) need a few packages installed and the cinder.conf changed - that is easily done via devstack.09:21
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openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Fuel Mellanox plugin
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lucasagomeshi all, can I please get some eyes on ? Should be straight forward, thank you09:58
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openstackgerritMarc Koderer proposed openstack-dev/specs-cookiecutter: Fix issue with doc build
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deepakcsHi all, jenkins homepage for my job shows records from job #21 onwards, is it possible to see the records for job previos to #21 ?10:41
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Increase py26 timeouts for nova-stable
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