Thursday, 2014-10-16

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clarkbfungi: the timer stuff is where I get confused in graphite00:10
clarkbfungi: I think it may do milliseconds like javascript?00:10
clarkbor is it json?00:10
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fungiwell, regardless, that query ends up being too big of an expansion for graphite to handle, so i'll not bother trying to approximate core-years00:19
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Promote devstack centos7 to non-voting check job
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fungi*if* our jobs average 10 minutes duration that's somewhere in the neighborhood of 274 cpu cores in continuous use for the span of 6 months, i think... not a hugely impressive number if couched that way (but also i lack any real accuracy without knowing our average job duration regardless)00:20
clarkbfungi: actually you could calculate it based on the nodepool used numbers00:21
fungioh, double that i guess. forgot we were running 8 cores00:21
fungirather than 400:21
clarkbfungi: beacause we flip to used on job start and move to delete when job is done00:21
clarkbit would be the integral over that graph?00:22
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fungiyeah, i guess the area under the curve, then divide the duration into it00:23
clarkbyou shouldn't need to deal with duration since one axis of the graph is time00:25
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fungioh, good point00:25
fungibut anyway, i sent off the changes merged and jobs run numbers. i think i'm switching to beer now00:26
clarkbI am finally drinking beers I can't see through00:26
clarkbthis stormy weather demands dark beers00:26
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fungii can't see through mine either, but that's because aviator brewery has started selling cans and my eyes aren't sensitive to x-rays00:29
clarkbfungi: always pour into a glass00:29
clarkbdrinking from bottle or can is wrong :P00:29
fungibut... but... how can laziness be wrong?!?00:30
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clarkbconsidering the price of beer I do what I can to make it as good as possible00:31
* fungi has dishonored his beer, and must now commit sudoku00:31
fungi(numbers everywhere!)00:32
pleia2ok, heading off to ada lovelace event over at thought works, 10 minute talk on our open source sysadmining \o/00:34
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clarkbhave fun00:34
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anteayapleia2: have a good talk00:37
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openstackgerritNathan Kinder proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update python-ldap version for Keystone
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Run puppet unit tests on newer 3.x series versions
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Start libification of jjb
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Refactor sources out of triggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix pep8 issues
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add gerrit reviews into patchset approvals
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for negative requirements
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Configure triggers dynamically
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for 'connection' concept
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Call driver methods more dynamically
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for triggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for sources
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for reporters
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liu Is a third-party-account must related with a Gerrit account?08:37
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liuWhen I edit the wikipage for my third party account, I found that there is a "Gerrit Account" to fill in, and I don't know which Gerrit account to fill in.08:38
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AJaegerliu, your third-party account is a Gerrit account09:25
AJaegerliu, if you have further questions, please talk to anteaya. She'll be here in 5 or 6 hours09:25
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Allow assigning tasks without expanding the edition box
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isviridovSergeyLukjanov, please -_-10:02
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SergeyLukjanovAJaeger, hey, could you please approve ? I've re-created pypi entries for murano and it's now looks ok10:06
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AJaegerSergeyLukjanov, done10:07
AJaegerSergeyLukjanov, could you review again, please?10:07
SergeyLukjanovAJaeger, thx and sure10:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Add new magnetodb-specs project
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Enable pypi jobs for Murano projects
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isviridovSergeyLukjanov, thx. When will it be available for usage?10:22
isviridovSergeyLukjanov, the new repo magnetodb-spec, I mean10:22
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AJaegerisviridov, should be ready now...10:43
AJaegerisviridov, let me check quickly...10:44
AJaegerisviridov, go ahead and send patches ;)10:45
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AJaegerisviridov, ping11:08
isviridovAJaeger, here11:08
AJaegerI'll send you a patch for magnetodb-specs - it'S a stackforge project, you cannot use the OpenSTack branding...11:09
isviridovAJaeger, I see. Ok, I will check it.11:10
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isviridovAJaeger, let me test it on RTD before merging.11:15
AJaegerisviridov, sure. I tested locally only ;)11:15
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isviridovAJaeger, BTW where can I find this info about OpenStack marks and libraries usage limitations?11:16
AJaegerThere're trademark policies (search them from the main site).11:17
AJaegerOnly official programs can use the marks - and a stackforge project is by definition not an official program11:18
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AJaegerYeah, it's a bit confusing - trademarks are not fun ;(11:18
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isviridovAJaeger, technically it is library distributed under Apache Software License. I have not noticed.11:19
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isviridovThank you for pointing11:19
AJaegerisviridov, the same applies to magneto itself.11:19
isviridovWill read11:19
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AJaegerisviridov, incubated projects even have a different branding like
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john-davidgeHello all o/11:49
john-davidgeQuick question, has anyone else been seeing this error in jenkins recently?
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john-davidgeCan't see anything on elastic recheck but ive had that the last two recheacks ive run on this patch
openstackgerritAlice Ferrazzi proposed a change to openstack-infra/lodgeit: - is advised to use pillow instead of PIL, so i updated the bootstrap in that way. Tested Closes-Bug: 1382016
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EmilienMjd__: the repo is empty for now:
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AJaegerEmilienM, has content12:09
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AJaegerfungi, something has gone wrong with creation of the repo ^12:09
EmilienMAJaeger: maybe we just should wait, I don't know much about this12:09
AJaegerEmilienM, it was created some time ago, so it should be ready.12:10
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jd__EmilienM: weird12:20
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dbiteDoug you there?12:22
dbitedhellmann, ping re:
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fungiEmilienM: AJaeger: i'll look into it12:43
EmilienMfungi: thanks12:43
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ttxstresstesting the release zuul pipeline12:51
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fungilooks like it's already cleared out12:56
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mase_x200_hey all, which python interface does zuul use ? libgit2 ?13:02
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mase_x200_sorry new to python, forgot about the pip file13:05
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dbitefungi: can you help me out with this
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fungiEmilienM: AJaeger: this is the same old api issue we have with github on a regular basis. for some reason jeepyb is able to create the project on github but then the call to add permission for gerrit to replicate into it fails and so we're left with an empty/uninitialized git repository there13:13
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EmilienMfungi: what can we do on our side?13:14
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fungiEmilienM: what i did was manually add the collaboration team we use for that access, and then retrigger replication for that project in gerrit. looks correct now13:15
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fungiEmilienM: long term, we probably need to figure out how to interact more resiliently with libgithub or switch to some other mechanism13:16
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EmilienMfungi: in jeepyb, right?13:16
fungiEmilienM: yeah13:16
EmilienMfungi: ok, I'll have a look. Thank you for helping on the issue!13:17
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fungiEmilienM: who should the initial member of,members be while i'm in there?13:17
EmilienMfungi: the main contributors are jd__ sileht and I13:17
fungiEmilienM: great. i've added you now, so you can add the others as needed13:18
EmilienMfungi: thanks13:18
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fungidbite: what help do you need on 127472? looks like you just need reviews from the requirements core reviewers (and probably need dhellmann to look back over reed's reply to his -1 comment)13:19
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fungidbite: also, looks like that change has mistyped weasyprint as "weasyptin" (which tells me that our check jobs for openstack/requirements changes have a gaping hole...)13:23
EmilienMjd__: can you have a look at ?13:23
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fungidbite: also, it looks like landslide is overdue for a release. the version on pypi is a couple years old and lacks py3k support, while the authors seem to have implemented (but not released) support for python 3.3/3.4 in their master branch13:29
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fungidbite: so might be worthwhile to prod adamzap to tag a 1.2 or something13:30
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Update merge status after merge:merge is submitted
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AJaegerthanks, fungi !13:53
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add session objects for get_all* db api calls
anteayaliu: do you recognize any of these listed accounts as your account?14:04
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anteayaliu: I supose I should share the link of the listed accounts:,members14:09
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smoseris there a recommended way to get all pip deps ahead of time?14:19
smoseri'm annoyed by random pip failures.14:19
smoserin devstack14:19
smoseri'd like to avoid a full pip mirror. i think it'd likely be sufficient to take a "warmed" /var/cache/pip14:20
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anteayaliu: and are you username Sugar on the third-party mailing list?14:21
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fungismoser: that's rather hard when you don't know in advance what you'll need (for example, do you test changes for multiple branches? for all projects or just some?) we wrote something called pypi-mirror we used to create restricted-scope mirrors a while back, but it's an nontrivial exercise because there are multiple entry points to obtaining packages (pip vs easy_install, et cetera)14:25
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fungismoser: also, the cache doesn't eliminate network-related failures unless you manage to convince pip and easy_install to only use your cached copies and not check to see if there's something newer available on the network (which they will try very hard to do by default)14:26
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smoserfungi, yeh. thats kind of what i expected.14:27
fungismoser: we considered priming local mirrors on our ci workers, but our cloud providers don't give us large enough root filesystems to reasonably contain them14:27
smoseroh. as in pip mirrors?14:28
smoserso what does ci do ?14:28
smoseryou have to have some mirror, right?14:28
fungiright, they're network mirrors though14:28
fungiand usually the pip download errors we get are not so much due to our mirrors being unreliable as the networks in our service providers being unreliable14:29
smoserah. i see.14:29
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fungiwe went so far as to stick separate pypi mirrors in each provider/region, but we still see frequent download errors and our apache logs show that the requests never made it to the mirrors themselves14:30
smoserso how do you run the mirror ? i tried pep381run and that was painful.14:30
fungiwith apache in front of it14:30
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fungiwe run bandersnatch mirror out of cron every 5 minutes on each of our pypi mirror servers to keep them up to date14:31
smoserdo you happen to know what a 'du' shows ?14:31
fungithough the initial sync takes hours as the mirror size is around 110gib14:31
fungi532291 inodes at present count14:32
smoseri'm just really tired of devstack failing due to pip14:32
fungismoser: if you're just wanting to build up a cache though to speed/stabilize repeated runs, consider devpy14:33
fungibasically a caching proxy which presents itself as a pypi mirror14:34
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Added puppet-sahara to puppet-openstack gerritbot
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spzalaHello, my team and I running into a build failure which we couldn't debug. Also I am seeing build failure message as  "Build failed (check pipeline)." vs "Build failed. "14:35
smoserfungi, thanks. speed is not an issue. failure is.14:36
spzalacan someone please help to understand it? It's a patch for a stackforge project -
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anteayaspzala: yes we merged a patch to give more information14:36
anteayaspzala: so you can evaluate the check jobs for that repo when looking at the failure14:37
anteayaspzala: changing the error message doesn't change why the job failed14:37
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anteayalook at the logs, same as always14:37
clarkblooking at the test failures ConnectsTo is not a valid type14:37
ttxfungi, clarkb: if you see any reason for me to hold cutting stable branches for juno, let me know now14:38
fungiInvalidNodeTypeError: Node type "tosca.nodes.tosca.relationships.ConnectsTo" is not a valid type.14:38
ttxotherwise I'll proceed14:38
clarkbttx I dont see any reason14:38
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fungittx: none i'm aware of. we're holding off making some potentially disruptive infrastructure changes until the branches have been finalized14:38
smoserthanks very much.14:38
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spzalaanteaya: clarkb: thanks!! we did but the problem is it's failing on different python version. I did  see the ConnectTo failure message but that's from the code that's been already merged14:38
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spzalaanteaya: clarkb: fungi: the failure message did appear in the past and then with a recheck we were fine. As you see no changes were made in the patch related to the error message14:40
fungispzala: it looks like you may have a nondeterministic bug in your application or in the way your tests are written which is randomly striking different test runs14:40
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spzalafungi: we did run tests multiple times by different team members and unfortunately none of us could recreate it on a local machine14:41
spzalafungi: :(14:41
fungispzala: the failures are all exhibiting the same exceptions, though they seem to randomly strike runs on all three interpreter versions/platforms you're testing14:41
fungispzala: run 'tox -r -e py27' multiple times and see if it fails sometimes with that error14:42
spzalafungi: agree, it's randomly striking and that's where we are having hard time debugging.14:42
spzalafungi: OK, Cool14:42
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clarkbtry running the test in isolation too14:42
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spzalaclarkb: we did try on a clean environment with latest git clone but no luck recreating it locally14:43
clarkbgrab the subunit log and run testr run --analyze-isolation14:44
clarkbmake sure you are testing the code produced by zuul and so on14:44
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asselinHi, I'm my ci environment is running into an issue where the jenkin slave nodes are getting marked offlin after the test completes, but are not deleted by nodepool & recreated.14:44
clarkb(you can get the git fetch command for the code in the job log)14:45
clarkbshould be near the beginning14:45
asselinnodepool shows them as state 'ready' and no longer 'in use'. where should I look to debug?14:45
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clarkbasselin: jenkins event publishing to nodepool14:46
asselinclarkb, zmq?14:46
spzalaclarkb: thanks! so something like 'git fetch refs/zuul/master/Z5fa77c9097e24ad2a3ea9eff67d01e00' right? from the log?14:46
clarkbasselin yes14:47
clarkbspzala yup then git checkout FETCH_HEAD14:48
spzalaclarkb: cool. thanks!14:48
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for volume delete hang bug 1373513
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1373513 in cinder "Lvm hang during tempest tests" [Critical,Confirmed]
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apevecttx, wishlist for the next time: use same changeid for all "Opening stable/juno" changes :)15:02
ttxapevec: why ?15:03
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ttxapevec: you can filter by topic:stable-juno15:03
apevecttx, just that it's nicer looking15:03
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apevecyeah, that works too15:03
JayFHey, trying to get one more +2A on a devstack-gate change to fix the tempest runs for the ironic agent driver. Can someone take a look please?
apevecttx, just easier to click on changeid and see them all15:03
JayFfungi: ^ at one point you had a +2 on this but then we had to push another patchset15:04
apevecbut yeah, no big deal15:04
ttxwe could actually use a script for that (I'm still doing it manually)15:04
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ttxapevec: care to propose the stable/juno periodic jobs ?15:05
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ttxapevec: or should I?15:05
apevecttx, ack, I can find my icehouse proposal15:05
clarkbI will work on grenade and d-g changes for juno shortly15:06
clarkbI think mtreinish wanted someone to do that with sdad out15:06
ttxclarkb: all "integrated" stable/juno branches are cut15:06
ttxincubated still to go15:06
jrollfungi: ty :)15:06
mtreinishclarkb: yeah, I was just about to ask you about that15:06
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clarkbttx perfect so ready to go15:06
clarkbmtreinish I think first step is changes in grenade itself that teach it the from juno steps15:07
ttxapevec: when done ping me so I can give it a quick review15:07
anteayattx: yay!!15:07
apevecttx, ok15:08
clarkbthen we update d-g to do icehouse -> juno and juno -> master with grenade15:08
mtreinishclarkb: ok, yeah that sounds right15:08
clarkbdtroyer jogo is that right for the first bit? maybe you guys have more info on what grenade needs15:08
apevecttx, ah wait, where did that go after config repo split?15:08
ttxapevec: system-config maybe ?15:08
fungiapevec: jenkins job definitions and zuul layout are in project-config now15:09
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fungittx: system-config does not exist until tomorrow ;)15:09
apevecfungi, thanks15:10
JayFfungi: ty15:10
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dbitefungi: thanks, I will update it and I am sorry for the typo :)15:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for volume delete hang bug 1373513
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1373513 in cinder "Lvm hang during tempest tests" [Critical,Confirmed]
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fungidbite: but mainly i was pointing out that you need requirements core reviewers to look at it. the infrastructure and release management teams generally don't review those unless they're fixing some significant bug which is hindering the project as a whole15:13
mtreinishclarkb: looks like after we branch grenade it's just something like:
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dbiteahh, ok where do I find those gus?15:13
spzalaclarkb: fungi: fyi, meanwhile I was seeking for help, my colleague in China tried another 'recheck no bug' and this time with build success. As you mentioned, it's something randomly striking, so will still try debugging it.15:13
dbiteI could not find any specific IRC channel so I was trying my best at infra15:14
fungispzala: yep, repeatedly rechecking changes until they succeed is usually how those sorts of bugs creep into your project in the first place15:15
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spzalafungi: ahhhh15:16
clarkbmtreinish: ah ok so step 0 is going to be branch grenade15:17
clarkbdtroyer: ^15:18
fungispzala: if the issue crept up recently, you might even be able to identify the offending change by looking at which one hit it first as evidenced by a search for the identifying error on
clarkbI am writing up the change to master that should merge post branch cutting15:18
dtroyerclarkb: we need to do a stable/juno devstack and get those defaults set before stable/juno -> master will run15:18
spzalafungi: that's good to know vs our mind set was it's build not the code, something we will definitely keep in mind.15:18
clarkbdtroyer: defaults being the different branches for stable/juno devstack ?15:18
fungispzala: right, developers assuming the bug can't be in their particular change and just retrying jobs until it merges is one of the most common ways those bugs end up in your project15:19
dtroyerclarkb: yes15:19
dtroyerI'm testing that now…15:19
clarkbdtroyer: awesome. I will whip up the grenade change that we will need eventually15:19
spzalafungi: thanks, looking at the lgostash and trying to understand. Yes, agree.15:21
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anteayaclarkb fungi I was about to approve: unless I should hold off for some reason15:24
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clarkbdtroyer: I have WIP'd
clarkbgoing to write the corresponding d-g change and do the same WIP until ready15:25
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clarkbanteaya: I don't think so15:25
clarkboh good d-g features.yaml has juno already15:26
anteayaclarkb: very good, I shall approve15:26
clarkbapparently I wrote that change back in july. thank you former clark15:27
anteayaclarkb: former clark is so helpful15:28
dtroyerdoes requirements do a stable branch?  I know there has been talk, but I don't recall…15:28
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Dynamically refresh events on task changes
yolandahi krotscheck, so i did a pair of updates to my tasks15:28
dtroyermn, I see now...15:28
fungidtroyer: yes15:28
apevecclarkb, your comment about icehouse periodic in,unified15:28
dtroyerlooking in all the wrong places15:28
apevecclarkb, what do you suggested now for juno?15:28
krotscheckyolanda: Sweet. Lemme go look at them.15:28
apevecclarkb, just add check jobs?15:29
yolandadynamic events look nicer now15:29
apevecmtreinish, ^ should we remove periodic-stable for tempest?15:29
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apevecI'll propose first with everything copy/pasted icehouse -> juno, then we can discuss in gerrit15:30
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fungiugh... are glanceclient unit tests just really, really awful? on a tox run for python 3.4 i had 22 tests fail. arbitrarily picking one of them, i can rerun it in isolation and get random successes and failures15:31
clarkbapevec: we can do the same for juno just to be consistent. then decide if there is cleanup to do later15:32
apevecclarkb, ack15:32
mtreinishapevec: oh, yeah probably. Now that havana is eol, there isn't a tempest stable branch anymore15:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Extract tripleo jobs to templates
apevecmtreinish, ok, as clarkb suggested, let's do cleanup in a followup15:33
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apevecmtreinish, clarkb - actually, I won't add it for juno, and followup will then remove icehouse ?15:34
clarkbapevec: that works15:35
jeblairclarkb: would it be worth starting an etherpad with our steps / changes?15:38
openstackgerritAlan Pevec proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add periodic Juno jobs
clarkbjeblair: probably. I didn't think so initially as I thought it may just be two steps but the list is growing. I will start one15:39
apevecclarkb, ttx, ^
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apevecmtreinish, I'll let you do icehouse cleanup for tempest jobs, since I don't understand them completely15:41
apevecmtreinish, e.g. what is # icehouse compat jobs for tempest master15:41
anteayaapevec: so no periodic jobs for swift, is that accurate?15:42
apevecanteaya, they were removed long ago15:42
anteayaapevec: I thought this was another example of swift dancing to its own beat, but just wanted to confirm15:43
apevecbasically Swift is not doing stable point releases and they push only security fixes to stable15:43
apevecanteaya, it is15:43
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mtreinishapevec: hmm, ok I'll take a look15:45
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use only TLSv1 and greater to depoodle
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, hey, is ok?15:49
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Enable gzip compression on nodepool logs
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clarkbSergeyLukjanov: yup, if you look at the diff its just showing you a quirk of gerrit15:50
mtreinishapevec: the periodic for the projects still run tempest right?15:50
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: merge change diffs show you the conflicts that were resolved15:50
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: in this case we should be keeping everything onthe master side by using the merge strategy theirs (or ours depending on where the merge is executed from)15:50
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, heh, and it could be safely approved?15:51
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apevecmtreinish, no, period for projects run docs and  python2x jobs15:51
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: I think so15:51
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, it looks extremely dangerious :)15:51
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: its just git dag housekeeping15:52
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, thx15:52
mtreinishapevec: is there any reason why they don't run tempest?15:52
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: I mean fetch it locally15:52
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: and check the git dag on a local git tree :)15:52
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, yeah, I'm checking it now15:52
apevecmtreinish, that would be running the same tempest N times wouldn't it?15:52
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apevecmtreinish, clarkb - so even w/ branchless tempest we do want it on stable branches?15:53
mtreinishapevec: it's running tempest master on the stable branches, which we do on every tempest commit.15:54
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Remove tripleo control variables
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Use a job-template for the tripleo jobs
apevecmtreinish, ah so that explains # icehouse compat jobs for tempest master15:54
apevecmtreinish, ok so we need juno there15:55
mtreinishapevec: oh, that was the intent there, to verify tempest on the stable branch nightly15:55
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, "git show" output is empty, so, it means that everything is ok, am I right?15:55
mtreinishapevec: when you add juno there, can you also add a comment to make that clear15:56
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Cleanup grenade machinery in prep for Juno
apevecmtreinish, ok, clarkb pointed out in Add periodic Icehouse jobs that we then might not need tempest periodic, if the same jobs are running on each check15:56
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Start testing Juno properly with grenade.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Havana branches are dead, remove havana from d-g
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add kilo to features.yaml
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: I think so. I would git diff $mergecommit $changebeforemergecommitonmasterbranch15:57
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: and make sure that that looks clean15:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Make Rally gate-rally-dsvm-cli job voting
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, it's just empty :)15:58
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, and I think "git diff HEAD HEAD~1" could be used15:58
mtreinishapevec: well that's your call, we run tempest on the stable branches for each tempest commit. The only thing is that stable-maint doesn't watch the results from those tempest jobs15:59
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: yea HEAD HEAD~1 can be used if the first parent is the right branch of the tree15:59
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: I can never remember how to do that right so I tend to use sha1's for diffs like this15:59
apevecmtreinish, right, stable-maint gets only notifications from periodic jobs15:59
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, yeah, I'm not always could remember it :)16:00
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apevecmtreinish, ok, it's worth it for that visibility reason16:00
apevecmtreinish, thanks16:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove d-i-b tools failed to resolve for my browser16:05
* anteaya tries again16:05
anteayafailed again16:05
dtroyerditto, resolve is ok, nothing returned16:05
clarkbanteaya: it appears to be broken16:05
jeblairsame here16:05
jeblairi think i'm on ipv4 right now16:06
clarkbI am ipv416:06
clarkbgit:// works but not http(s)16:06
jeblairthe lb appears to be doing work16:07
jeblairboth git and https traffic16:07
anteayaquick cacti looks normal:
notmynameanteaya: apevec: re swift with stable releases. I'm not sure what the difference is (or actually what the question is). can you explain for me?16:07
clarkbI am getting connection refused from the backends when bypassing the proxy16:07
jeblairperhaps i'm not reading tho log right16:07
mtreinishclarkb: for the tempest check queue, I need to add juno jobs too, where do I need to put that in relation to your pending commit stack?16:07
jeblairmaybe it's full of errors16:07
jeblairit's not very clear :(16:07
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anteayanotmyname: sure, I was reviewing apevec's patch to add bitrot jobs for juno16:08
clarkbmtreinish: I think your tempest ones can just go in now so an unassociated change is fine16:08
anteayanotmyname: I noted swift was not among the repos getting the bitrot jobs16:08
clarkbmtreinish: unless you need tempest + grenade16:08
anteayanotmyname: apevec explained it is because you don't need them16:08
clarkbbut I don't think so16:08
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fungi doesn't look crazy (yet at least)16:09
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mtreinishclarkb: there will need to be grenade ones too16:09
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notmynameanteaya: what is a bitrot job16:09
mtreinishclarkb: it's basically any job in the gate which runs tempest16:09
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clarkbthere is no running apache16:10
clarkbwhat happened16:10
funginotmyname: periodic jobs which test the state of branch tips rather than proposed changes, usually applied to stable branches16:10
apevecnotmyname, periodic job running unittests nightly  on stable branches16:10
anteayaclarkb: well apache disappering would cause a problem16:10
jeblairyes, i think the lb is full of errors16:11
clarkbgah its tls thing16:11
notmynameok. so that implies that a stable branch is changing (which sounds somewhat odd to me)16:11
clarkbbecause apache2.2 is different on centos and ubuntu16:11
clarkbI am going to ninja fix16:11
jeblairneat!  that change had an effect! :)16:11
notmynameunder what cases does the stable branch change?16:11
anteayado we need a change in channel status yet, do we think?16:11
clarkbthen swing around with a puppet change16:11
jeblairclarkb: thanks16:11
fungioh i wonder if this is a centos configuration difference16:11
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jeblairanteaya: yeah, i'll do a status announce16:12
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anteayajeblair: thanks16:12
apevecnotmyname, it is checking deps changes, also sometimes clients updates break stable16:12
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jeblairclarkb: your ninja is starting to have an effect16:12
clarkbjeblair: fungi: SSLProtocol ALL -SSLv2 -SSLv3 works16:12
clarkbso I am going with that for now16:13
fungiclarkb: okay16:13
jeblairtimrc: ^ it turns out there may have been an advantage to your approach16:13
openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: restore query for InterpreterNotFound
fungiit's apache 2.2.15 so i'm surprised that broke16:13
fungioh... openssl version16:13
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clarkbfungi: its basically the same on both because of heartbleed though16:13
fungimay be too old to support tls v1.216:13
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clarkbfungi: SSLProtocol: Illegal protocol 'TLSv1.1' is the error16:14
clarkbso not even 1.216:14
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anteayathis was the merge that broke us, it appears:
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timrcjeblair, Hah16:14
fungi"OpenSSL 1.0.1 and later" if you need +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2, according to
fungiwish i'd thought to check the openssl version on centos6 (i checked it on ubuntu precise)16:15
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add juno compat jobs to the tempest check pipeline
clarkbfungi: I checked we have 1.0.1 something because heartbleed16:16
clarkbfungi: Version     : 1.0.1e according to yum info openssl16:16
fungihuh, yeah... openssl-1.0.1e-16.el6_5.15.x86_6416:16
mtreinishadam_g: ^^^ on my commit I wasn't sure what we needed for ironic, because I'm always confused by all the jobs you guys have16:16
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timrcSo maybe we should still use the whitelist approach but figure out what All actually entails for the version of apache we're using16:16
anteayamtreinish apevec if the juno patches can agree on a common topic it will prove easier to review them as a group:,n,z16:16
timrc(long term)16:17
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clarkbok we should be back to full strength on apaches for git16:17
anteayaclarkb: yay!!16:17
mtreinishanteaya: is there a common topic? I can change mine to whatever16:17
clarkbtimrc: ya. It is a bit annoying that ccording to all the docs what we are doing is fine16:17
fungioho, i found an article saying we need httpd version 2.2.23 or later16:17
clarkbfungi: gah16:17
anteayaclarkb: I can see git again in my browser, thank you16:18
clarkband we have 2.2.1516:18
clarkbon centos616:18
anteayamtreinish: I don't think there has been one selected, I'm wondering if you and apevec want to select one16:18
notmynameapevec: ok. I don't really understand that (I think my gap is around the word "stable"). but either way, I'm not looking for gratuitous differences for swift, so I don't really see any reason to not run your tests for swift. I think16:18
jeblair#status notice An error in a configuration change to mitigate the poodle vulnerability caused a brief outage of from 16:06-16:12.  The problem has been corrected and is working again.16:18
openstackstatusjeblair: sending notice16:18
mtreinishanteaya: ah, ok. Well juno-compat works for me :)16:18
anteayaapevec: any thoughts?16:19
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clarkbtimrc: so I would be open to switching to the ALL -SSLv2 -SSLv3 SSLProtocol if you want to update all of them in a change16:19
apevecanteaya, I'll resubmit with that topic16:19
clarkbthen I can reenable puppet on gitXX16:19
anteayaapevec: thanks16:19
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: An error in a configuration change to mitigate the poodle vulnerability caused a brief outage of from 16:06-16:12. The problem has been corrected and is working again.16:19
openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending notice16:20
timrcclarkb, Sure.  It's only a matter of time before All all is actually empty anyway :P16:20
jeblairso glad i spelled it poodle and not pootle16:21
jeblairtimrc: ;)16:21
anteayaI keep thinking pootle in my head16:21
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Document typical response time for third-party-requests is one week
fungiwow, so red hat made a press release and everything about how you can start using tls v1.1 and 1.2 with apache now that they're providing openssl 1.0.1, but don't bother to point out that they're not shipping a new enough apache to actually support that. CRAAAAAAZY16:24
anteayamorning zaro16:25
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zaropelix: how about we try to get this one in?
jeblairfungi: and mordred isn't around to get all ranty at distros.  in some ways i find that a relief, but i also kind of miss it and think someone needs to do it.  :)16:26
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clarkbpicking a distro is basically deciding which quirks annoy you the least16:27
zaroclarkb: we ready to upgrade gearman-plugin sometime this week(end)?16:27
clarkbzaro: probably not this week with all of the other release stuff happening16:27
clarkbzaro: but I am good to go on monday16:27
zaroclarkb: wfm16:27
clarkbis my +2 still on the change? let me go see16:27
clarkbwas also hoping to hear back from hashar16:28
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zaroclarkb: he gave a thumbs up16:28
zaroclarkb: PS 10 was just to update the reference to the jenkins bug in saveablelistener16:28
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openstackgerritAlan Pevec proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add periodic Juno jobs
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clarkbok looks like displayname listener didn't work so we dropped it16:30
clarkbjeblair: is the gearmanplugin change16:31
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clarkbtimrc: are you writing that change? (I mostly want to get that in so that I can reenable puppet where I have disabled it)16:32
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timrcclarkb, Yep16:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Ignore extra-atcs lines which look like comments
anteayattx if you are around and care to weigh in on the patch to create the openstack/api-wg (working-group) repo:
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Allow a git ref to pin the governance repo
anteayamy concern is that I don't know which program is taking responsibility for this16:33
anteayaand programs can create repos in the openstack/ namespace but random repos need tc directive to be created16:34
anteayaapevec: thank you16:34
anteayaapevec: my kind of review bundle16:34
anteayaalso handier to shop around16:34
asselinclarkb, not sure what broke. zmq is enabled on all jobs.  I can telnet to the port. sudo tcpdump -vv -tttt 'port 8888' doesn't show any events. same command with 8080 shows traffic....16:35
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements
clarkbasselin: is there an active connection between jenkins and nodepool on port 8888?16:36
clarkbnetstat -np | grep 888816:36
jeblairclarkb, zaro: lgtm16:36
asselinclarkb, they're both configured to port 8888 on the same box. How do I check if the connection is active?16:36
* anteaya thinks about lunch16:36
clarkbasselin: netstat -np | grep 8888 should show you connections16:36
asselintcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED 30867/python16:37
asselintcp6       0      0         ESTABLISHED -16:37
pleia2good morning16:37
clarkbpleia2: morning16:37
clarkbasselin: so it looks like a connection is there. It may be that zmq derped. I would try restarting nodepool16:37
clarkbasselin: we have seen that happen occasionally if networking dies for an extended period of time16:38
clarkbeventually zmq's automagic reconnection stops working16:38
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Specify ATC contribution start/end in seconds
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack-salt-formula project
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Add horizon-salt-formula project
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asselinclarkb, I think I restarted everything. jenkins, nodepool, zuul. Maybe I need to reboot at this point...?16:39
fungiokay, so on further reading it looks like "SSLProtocol All" lets openssl decide what protocols to support, hence running with openssl 1.0.1 you get tls v1.1 and 1.2 added automatically, however if you want to explicitly enable/disable those you need a new enough apache to recognize the specific config parameters. so using "SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3" will get us TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 after16:39
fungiall, it's just not obvious16:39
clarkbasselin: you shouldn't need to reboot16:40
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clarkbasselin: are jobs running? without any running jobs no data crosses that bus16:40
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apevecnotmyname, anteaya - ok, found it in email archives why there aren't swift periodic aka bitrot jobs:
asselinclarkb, yes, jobs are running. I manually delete the 'offline' node to force it to recreate and start a new job.16:41
pelixzaro: kept meaning to discuss that change with you. can you recall anyone mentioning that they were using JJB as a library? just wondering if we need to be concerned about the API behaviour changes?16:41
openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use the SSLProtocol blacklist approach
apevecnotmyname, so let's enable them if you think they'll be useful16:41
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zaropelix: turbo-hipster is using as a library16:42
yolandahi, now that i've been playing with nodepool and dib a bit, i found that building images can seriously affect performance of nodepool instance. And i was thinking on some possibility to add a remote buidler to nodepool, so be able to run diskimage-builder on remote nodes, and then we could also paralellize builds, what do you think?16:42
asselinclarkb, so a job just started, but the node is still in ready state. I remember there was an 'in-use' state. no output in tcpdump....16:42
clarkbasselin: in your nodepool log are you getting any job events?16:42
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zaropelix: the background is that turbo hipster is potentially gonna replace jenkins for us.16:43
clarkbasselin: the last thing I would check is that your jenkins is configured to publish those events16:43
clarkbasselin: they are not published by default and can be configured globally or on a per job basis16:43
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zaroyolanda: wasn't there some idea from jeblair to do that with gearman workers?16:44
pelixzaro: ok, so looks like that lib change will break that library16:44
yolandazaro, i'm not aware about it16:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Removing openssl class
clarkbyes jeblair wrote a spec for it16:44
yolandaoh cool, can you point me to it?16:44
yolandais that on infra-specs?16:44
asselinclarkb, ok interesting. They're enabled globally, but not on the job level: Check if ZMQ events should be published for this project. is not checked.16:45
clarkbyolanda: yup16:45
apevecanteaya, there's still comment in jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml # No one is interested in stable/ branches on swift, so don't run bitrot jobs16:45
yolandaoh nice16:45
clarkbasselin: if enabled globally you don't need it at the job level16:45
zaropelix: more specifics? which library and which library?16:45
yolandaso clarkb, zaro, i was in same situation, good16:45
asselinclarkb, ok. global is checked "Check if we should publish events for all jobs."16:45
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mordredjeblair: screw distros16:46
jeblairmordred: yaay!16:46
yolandazaro, clarkb, is there some work already stared?16:46
zaroyolanda: i don't believe so.16:47
asselinclarkb, back this to "in your nodepool log are you getting any job events?" I remember before when it worked there were some job releated log messages. I don't see them now.16:47
clarkbtimrc: is all, All, and ALL equivalent in apache?16:47
anteayaapevec: that would help with that decision then16:47
jeblairyolanda: nope.  would be great if you reviewed the spec, then we'll approve it.16:47
yolandait's great that you already have thoughts about it, i didn't know about that but the issue has been around my head for some time16:48
pelixzaro: see
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Puppet the puppetmaster apache vhost
zaropelix: you mean line 79?16:49
anteayahey asselin you might be interested in reviewing as well16:49
pelix74 + 7916:49
timrcclarkb, Dunno.  I just used the example from the apache docs:16:49
pelixgenerateXML is being split into requiring two calls now, generateYaml and generateXML16:49
clarkbtimrc: that is good enough for me16:50
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pelixas well as using the jobs attribute directly16:50
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asselinanteaya, looking at it16:50
anteayaasselin: great16:50
zaropelix: jhesketh is the author of turbo hipster and owner of JJB change so he would need to fix up whatever is needed by th.16:51
timrcclarkb, jeblair And FYI, also from the docs: This is a shortcut for ``+SSLv2 +SSLv3 +TLSv1'' or - when using OpenSSL 1.0.1 and later - ``+SSLv2 +SSLv3 +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2'', respectively.16:51
timrcby This I mean 'All'16:51
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zaropelix: but i don't see how it will break th. it seems like th currently uses the final xml (which hasn't changed) and converting it to a dict.16:51
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pelixwhere the final XML is stored has changed, so what is in 'jobs' will now be just yaml16:52
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zaropelix: ohh i see.  then yeah, i guess he just  needs to remove the conversion from xml->dict.16:53
notmynameapevec: see I don't like the way that is phrased at all :-)16:54
zaropelix: i'm very sure that jhesketh is aware.  but probably good of you to point out in the JJB change.16:54
pelixzaro: yeah, I'm wondering if there is a nice way we can tweak the change so that it exposes a sensible API that can be switched to or are we happy to go straight to breaking it?16:55
anteayanotmyname: offer a patch, rephrase as you like16:55
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zaropelix: might be up to jhesketh, but I think that might be a good follow on change since the only thing this will break is th.16:56
notmynameanteaya: well, yeah, "it's just code, patches welcome". but it was written that way because that was/is the perception. and I don't know what that really means16:56
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jeblairnotmyname: in jan of 2013 markmc requested that stable-maint be removed from notification because they do not maintain the stable/folsom branch of swift16:57
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jeblairif stable-maint is working with swift stable branches now, then we should add it back :)16:58
notmynamejeblair: ok. I don't know the answer to that16:58
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morganfainbergfungi, py34 changes merged for middleware *and* ksc17:01
clarkbmorganfainberg: woot!17:01
fungimorganfainberg: you rock!17:02
morganfainbergclarkb, and keystonemiddleware no longer uses httpretty17:02
morganfainbergclarkb, which is even better17:02
fungimorganfainberg: my py34 transition work is now mired in trying to figure out whu glanceclient's unit tests are so awful17:02
fungimorganfainberg: like dozens of them fail17:02
fungiat random too17:03
fungiyay nondeterminism17:03
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fungiprobably partly hash seed related17:03
apevecnotmyname, there aren't swift point releases so stable-maint was not looking at swift stable/*17:03
apevecnotmyname, I was surprised that stable-maint has +2 on swift stable/*17:04
apevecbut that's probably just template17:04
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fungiapevec: we do still backport security fixes to it from time to time17:04
yolandajeblair, i sent some of my comments about the spec17:04
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apevecfungi, right, that's the only current usage for swift stable/*17:05
morganfainbergfungi, good chance on the hashseet bit17:05
fungiapevec: for example adam_g approved
apevecfungi, I'd propose swift core get +2 on swift stable/*17:05
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apevecfungi, see latest example
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fungiapevec: neat. did swiftclient merge backward-incompatible changes?17:09
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apevecfungi, yep, question for swift folks17:10
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dims_anteaya: count me in! (vegetarians)17:12
jeblairyolanda: responded.  let me know if anything is still unclear17:13
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fungiapevec: hrm... it claims both runs used the same version of swiftclient (as well as the pip freeze output being identical between them in general, aside from the switch merge commit obviously)17:14
bookwarhi, i've heard something about policy proposal for gerrit comments - recheck for certain third-party ci and so on, has it been approved?17:14
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dhellmannfungi: good catch on the typo in
dhellmannfungi: I thought I'd open a bug about it (don't have time to just fix it today), but wanted to check if you'd already done so?17:20
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fungidhellmann: not yet. it prompted me to start looking back into the integration test improvements i'd started for it... in general i'm starting to feel we need to revisit how we're testing that project17:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1382140 in openstack-ci "requirements check job does not notice typos in project names" [Undecided,New]17:22
fungidhellmann: awesome--thanks!17:22
dhellmannfungi: sure thing, and let me know if I can help with reviews on that fix if you beat me to it17:22
fungidhellmann: will do17:23
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anteayadims_: goodness I've done it now!17:26
anteayamore groups17:26
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dbitedhellmann: hello, I want to discuss about this
openstackgerritPranav Salunke proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update training guides requirements
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dhellmannhi, dbite17:27
asselinclarkb, what should I update for this? "Use only TLSv1 and greater to depoodle" SSLProtocol: Illegal protocol 'TLSv1.1'17:27
yolandahi, jeblair, still question about image build and upload, maybe because you do it different in infra17:27
dbitedhellmann: hello17:28
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yolandaat the moment we do the build locally on nodepool, and from nodepool we have all creds to access to glance for each provider17:28
yolandabut my question was, if you build the image on one independent node on a provider, then how do you upload to another? each remote provider needs to have all glance creds?17:28
dbiteweasyprint is used for converting the HTML slides to pdf file. It figures out the pages etc. without having to feed any thing to it17:28
clarkbasselin how old is your apache and openssl? in any case timrc has pushed a fix17:29
fungiapevec: oh! a security fix merge between the last check and approval of that change. it doesn't conflict with it as far as git is concerned, but may conflict logically17:29
jeblairyolanda: there's nothing special about where the image is built.  we will build them inside rackspace vms.  other folks can build them inside their private clouds, or wherever they want.17:29
jeblairyolanda: the build machines will have the credentials to upload to glance because they will have copies of the config file17:30
yolandajeblair, ok, that was my concern17:30
yolandaso every node used needs to have copy of all creds to all the providers17:30
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dhellmanndbite: did you look at hieroglyph?17:30
jeblairyolanda: yep.  i understand the confusion now.  we can add that info to the spec.17:30
dbitenope, let me check it out17:30
asselinclarkb, not sure. whatever's in the puppet scripts. this machine is ubuntu precise17:30
clarkbprecise should be new enough17:31
yolandajeblair, thx17:31
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dhellmanndbite: you may also want to provide more detail in the commit message about which teams are using these tools and for what --
dbiteahh, yes I will do that too17:32
dbiteI am not sure if Hieroglyph will generate slides by considering the CSS part too17:32
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dbiteI will update the README.rst17:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Make *sideways-ironic non-voting
openstackgerritPranav Salunke proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update training guides requirements
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openstackgerritPranav Salunke proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update training guides requirements
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* AJaeger_ is confused about . What is this "type: "?17:40
AJaeger_ah, should have looked at the next patch - it's a variable...17:41
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fungiexport TOCI_JOBTYPE={type}17:41
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jeblairbecause i was grumpy about toci using the job name to determine its behavior :)17:42
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jeblairsince we have a habit of changing them every now and then17:42
JayFis there a bug # for rechecks due to the downtime earlier?17:43
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AJaeger_fungi: yes, thanks. I think this misuses the project name and gave a -1.17:43
jeblairJayF: i wonder if 1338742 would fit the bill17:44
JayFthat looks like it17:44
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JayFI'll know to search openstack-ci for it next time; I was checking in openstack :)(17:44
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dhellmanndbite: I don't know what "considering the css part" means17:50
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dbitedhellmann: the slides are generated with themes17:51
dbitewhich are defined in the CSS files17:51
dbiteI am not sure how hieroglyph handles that17:51
dbiteand also it is a bit more difficult than landslide to use17:51
dhellmanndbite: hieroglyph can do themed pages, I use a custom style sheet for some of my presentations17:51
jeblairclarkb: -1 on 12897517:52
dbitedhellmann: ok, then it could replace landslide17:52
dbitebut I am still a bit uncomfortable by the use of make to generate slides17:53
dbiteit is possible for me to automate this but the aim is also to provide the tools to be easy and convenient for other non-technical people/students17:53
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dhellmanndbite: the makefile is just there to show the commands, you don't *have* to use make17:58
asselinGiven the number of issues I'm having, I think it's time to really focus on bringing 3rd party ci in sync with -infra.
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dbiteahh, ok. Thanks a lot for the suggestions17:59
dbiteany suggestion for generating PDF files?17:59
asselinNot sure where exactly to start however. any suggestions?17:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Add dox to accessbot
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dbitedhellmann: I will generate the scripts with hieroglyph and propose it to the training guides team. It should be a good replacement for landslide.18:01
dhellmanndbite: ok, and let me know if you find issues or it doesn't do something we need -- we want to avoid duplicates or extra requirements, but we don't want that policy to block you from getting useful stuff done easily18:02
dbitedhellmann: I would like to know if you think weasyprint could also be replaced with better tools/packages18:02
dhellmanndbite: I'm not familiar with that one. However, with hieroglyph you could use the same content to produce PDFs through sphinx. They wouldn't necessarily look like the presentation, so if that is a requirement we might still need weasyprint18:03
dbitedhellmann: I am just a messenger in this transaction. I am just automating reeds part of training-guides. I personally like your suggestion and also agree that duplication should be avoided18:03
dbitedhellmann: ok, I will do some testing and get back to you, till then I will mark the patch as WIP18:03
dhellmanndbite: since hieroglyph uses regular sphinx pages, you can render the inputs as regular HTML, presentations, and regular document PDFs18:04
dhellmanndbite: ok, cool, let me know how it goes18:04
anteayaasselin: well reading the meeting log again18:04
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anteaya19:50:43 <jeblair> asselin_:  so big things to watch out for are: puppet module split; openstack_project split; hiera related changes18:04
anteayathe openstack_project split:
anteayashould be finished tomorrow with the config => system-config rename18:05
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anteayaasselin: if you want to review this patch series, that will help:,n,z18:06
asselinanteaya, looking18:06
anteayaasselin: here is the spec for the puppet module split:
anteayaasselin: thanks18:06
anteayanibalizer: are you using a specific topic for puppet modules split?18:07
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dbitedhellmann: sure, thanks :)18:07
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anteayaasselin: here is the spec for public hiera:
anteayaagain nibalizer is point on that one18:07
krtaylorasselin, we have just gone through this, it would be good to discuss what you are seeing - maybe a topic for Mondays third-party meeting?18:08
nibalizeranteaya: no i wasnot18:08
anteayaor just help with the stuff we already discussed18:08
anteayaand things I linked to18:08
krtaylorasselin, "we" meaning my team, not third-party specifically18:08
anteayanibalizer: okay, any possibility we can start?18:08
nibalizeri had my mind blown when i saw you used the same topic prefix to gather up all the infra split outs18:08
anteayanibalizer: ha ha ha18:09
anteayanibalizer: handy for just this occsion18:09
nibalizeranteaya: well ihad my mind blown when I saw someone use a search to gather them all18:09
anteayawhen help falls in your lap you can just hand them a link18:09
nibalizersure yea18:09
anteayaand then boom, they are helping18:09
pleia2gerrit has its moments :)18:09
nibalizerwoot help18:09
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anteayapleia2: it does18:09
anteayanibalizer: yay help18:09
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anteayanibalizer: so any chance you might be able to sheperd asselin through learning enough to help impliement part of one of those specs?18:10
nibalizerasselin: what timezone do you work in?18:10
anteayawhat is the priority for making things easier for third party to consume our tools?18:11
nibalizerwe could sit down for an hour and i could take you through module split out18:11
anteayanibalizer: he is in pacific time18:11
jogojenkins bot is doing something funny:
nibalizersweet so am i18:11
anteayanibalizer: actually online and logged is best18:11
asselinnibalizer, I'm in PST18:11
anteayathen if we happen to get another volunteer, we have a starting point18:11
krtayloranteaya,  what do you need? (re: volunteer)18:12
openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve network support in
anteayakrtaylor: help for nibalizer's work18:12
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jogofungi: ^18:12
anteayasee the puppet module split spec and the public heira spec18:12
anteayajogo: I'm looking, what is the funny part, I don't see it18:12
jeblairanteaya, krtaylor, asselin: there is a story with a bunch of tasks, and if you want to split out a module, you can assign the task to yourself18:13
fungijogo: what's funny about the tag merge into master job?18:13
anteayajeblair: great18:13
asselinI'd be interested in helping out. Current approach is not working...18:13
jogofungi: I have never seen that before18:13
jogowhy is it doing it18:13
anteayakrtaylor asselin and if you don't know enough about what is happening to select a task, then ask18:14
fungijogo: oh! i think it should not have any file changes though18:14
krtaylorsure, I am familiar with it, jeblair where is the story18:14
krtaylorjeblair, nm18:14
anteayaasselin: awesome, thank you, you are a great worker, glad to have your help18:14
fungijogo: i believe it's just supposed to propose a merge of the tag itself18:14
fungimordred: ^ ?18:14
jeblairnibalizer: you should make sure the ones you have started are current/assigned to you in that story18:14
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jogofungi: its deleting merge conflicts in the code18:14
fungijogo: yep18:15
anteayaasselin: any task you have questions about, do ask18:15
jeblairfungi, jogo: yes -- it should be a no-op change.  i am not certain gerrit displays it correctly, you may need to validate locally.18:15
jogofungi: which don't appear to exist in my local copy18:15
clarkb\o/ I have native ipv6 now18:15
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fungijogo: so i think that's fine then. end result of that patch is no-op18:15
anteayaclarkb: yay ipv618:15
clarkbjeblair: good point on those tests I can replace them with some juno tests18:15
fungijeblair: yep, it threw me until i looked at what was in thath diff18:15
jogojeblair: ahh thanks, I'll validate locally18:16
nibalizerjeblair: okay18:16
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jogofungi: is tagging 2014.2 a new thing?18:16
fungii keep forgetting gerrit's current representation of merge commit reviews is bizarre18:16
jogoand why is it on master18:16
asselinIn that list "jenkins" is the only one I'm familiar with18:16
clarkbJayF: I think greghaynes has decided to just die in paris18:16
jeblairjogo, fungi: it should use the git merge strategy that results in master being the solution to all merge conflicts.  that way the tag from the release ends up in master's git DAG history but without any of the code.18:16
clarkbright greghaynes ?18:16
krtayloranteaya, asselin nibalizer - if you want to have a public discussion about it, I volunteer the third-party meeting on Monday18:16
fungijogo: it's so that the tag (which appeared on proposed/juno branch) will appear in the history of the master branch18:16
fungier, what jeblair said18:17
clarkbjogo: fungi: its not deleting merge conflicts. that is just how gerrit shows you emrge conflicts18:17
greghaynesclarkb: Yep, RIP me18:17
fungicompletely forgot since i've looked at so few of them18:17
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* jogo checks out the patch locally18:17
greghaynesclarkb: although if there are alternatives to death they would be greatly preferred18:17
jeblairfungi: i'm just happy i remembered what's supposed to happen :)18:17
openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve network support in
asselinanteaya, krtaylor nibalizer i'll be back later...18:18
anteayakrtaylor: I don't see what needs to be discussed for asselin to decide to assign the jenkins story to himself18:19
anteayakrtaylor: but if you would like to remind operators that implementing the puppet module split spec and the publich hiera spec would be useful to them18:19
anteayathat would be great18:19
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run gate-{name}-pypy for stable/icehouse
anteayaat a certain point someone has to decide to do something18:20
fungidolphm: ^ that should correct the misconfiguration you saw18:20
jogofungi jeblair clarkb: thanks for the explanation, I have a hunch other projects are wondering about this too18:20
clarkbjogo: yes this is the third time I have responded to questions about it18:20
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jogomaybe OpenStack Proposal Bot should learn how to comment on his own patches18:21
clarkbjogo: maybe we should just force merge it... if review is only going to cause problems18:21
clarkbkind of annoying18:21
jogoclarkb: yeah I thought in general tags don't go through gerrit at all18:21
clarkbthough the ironic one is weird because the test is going away in the diff18:22
clarkbjogo: all tags go through gerrit18:22
jogoclarkb: and need approval?18:22
jeblairi think review is nice, actually, just to double check that the proposal bot is doing the right thing.  it's just unfortunate it's so hard to tell that in current gerrit.  perhaps better in 2.9.18:22
clarkbjogo: no tags are reviewed18:22
anteayajogo: thanks for being inclusive for OpenStack Proposal Bot18:22
clarkbjogo: this is a merge commit so that a tag ends up in the git DAG history for master18:23
jogoclarkb: I thought you just had to do
jeblairjogo: this isn't a tag, it's a real commit.  the purpose of it is to alter the git dag so that the existing tag (on a commit in the stable branch) is in the master branch history18:23
clarkbjogo: yes that is all you have to do18:23
jogojeblair: ahhhh18:23
clarkbjogo: otherwise master doesn't know we released 2014.218:23
jogoanteaya: :)18:23
fungiright. not reviewing a tag object here. reviewing a merge commit object18:23
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fungianteaya: at least he/she didn't get to vote in this round of elections, nor get invited to the summit ;)18:25
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anteayafungi: progress18:25
morganfainbergI'm totally expecting jeblair to put "Openstack proposal bot" on his badge for Vancouver summit.18:25
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove old queries for fixed or incomplete bugs
krotscheckSo now that juno is out… anyone have an opinion on python26? :)
fungimorganfainberg: i think monry should wear that one18:26
jeblair  o---o---2014.2       (stable branch)18:26
jeblair /              \  <- this is the line we are drawing18:26
jeblairo---o---o---o----HEAD  (master branch)18:26
fungimorganfainberg: er, mordred18:26
anteayanice ascii art18:26
anteayait lines up and everything18:26
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Allow non standard docker-py in nova-docker dsvm jobs
fungimorganfainberg: in honor of his sed-and-commit blasts to 100+ projects at a time18:28
morganfainbergfungi: ++18:28
fungiwe should actually just rename the proposal bot "robomonty"18:28
anteayafungi: ha ha ha18:29
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rodrigodsis this error related to the patch: ?18:31
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fungirodrigods: you might have more luck asking keystone devs to figure that out18:33
clarkbImportError: No module named serialization18:33
clarkbdoes oslo.serialization exist?18:33
fungiright, looks like keystoneclient wants to use oslo.serialization18:33
emaganaanteaya: ping!18:34
fungiclarkb: released about a month ago18:35
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clarkbfungi: I think the vendored client install is broken18:38
clarkbthat test should diaf18:38
fungiright, looks like the vendored client is using things not declared in the requirements or test requirements of the branch18:38
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anteayaemagana: hello18:39
clarkbdid we recently release a keystoneclient?18:39
anteayaemagana: what do you have for me?18:39
emaganaanteaya: about vArmour!18:39
anteayaemagana: been waiting to hear from you18:39
anteayaemagana: what do you say?18:40
emaganaanteaya: All is looking good!18:40
fungiclarkb: several weeks ago18:40
clarkbdoesn't look like a super new release18:40
emaganaWe should enable them back!18:40
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emaganaanteaya: I tracked few tests before coming back to you. Their tests seem stable!18:40
anteayaemagana: do you want them to be able to vote?18:41
anteayaemagana: you do, great18:41
anteayaI will give them voting permissions18:41
emaganaanteaya: Yes, let's do that!18:41
anteayaemagana: thanks for reviewing them and sharing your opinon18:41
anteayaI'm grateful18:41
emaganaanteaya: Thanks a lot!18:41
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anteayaemagana: would you be so kind as to reply as much to the third-party-announce thread?18:42
anteayaI'd be ever so grateful18:42
emaganaanteaya: I will  ;-)18:42
anteayathank you18:43
anteayait will be modded but I will look for it and let it through18:43
fungiclarkb: so... python-keystoneclient seems to have started depending on oslo.serialization since the last release tag, implying that while the job pip-installs the client, it doesn't get that new transitive requirement (and then proceeds to check out the branch tip of the client into the vendored code?)18:43
fungirodrigods: ^18:43
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: the help files changed from _ to - at some point
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fungiclarkb: rodrigods: looks like is when the new requirement was introduced (yesterday)18:45
clarkbso ya I would bug the keystone devs about it18:45
fungiagreed. they may have already "fixed" that in master and the fix just needs to get sync'd into that feature branch18:46
rodrigodsfungi, clarkb ++18:47
morganfainbergugh the "clone" keystoneclient and use it probelm again18:47
* morganfainberg grumbles18:48
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fungimorganfainberg: kiwf18:48
morganfainbergwe shouldn't be doing that in tests.18:48
fungior, like, anywhere at all18:48
morganfainbergit's fine to do that when testing keystoneclient!18:48
fungiokay, yes, there's *one* place where it makes sense to do that ;)18:49
jeblairbut we don't do that _in the test_ :)18:49
fungialso very true18:49
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fungiand *when* we do that, we install the dependencies of the cloned code, not of the last release of the code18:50
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anteayaI feel like going for a walk soon18:54
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anteayatalked to a neighbour last night, she said she sees me walk past her house everyday and decided she should be out walking too, so she did, and we had a chance to chat and catch up18:55
anteayawalks are good18:55
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* jeblair walks to lunch18:55
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rfolcowhat's the minimum set of jobs that compose unit test group for gate tests ? -- is it correct to say that it's pep8, python27 and requirements ?18:56
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rfolcoanteaya, any pointers before the walk :) ?18:57
anteayaon a minimum set of jobs that compose unit tests?18:58
anteayapython-jobs template?18:58
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anteayaand merge-check template18:59
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rfolcoanteaya, yes, but a reduced set18:59
anteayarfolco: mix up a patch with that in it and I'll take a look when I return18:59
anteayaI'm more visual18:59
rfolcothanks anteaya19:00
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dgeninhi, got a question on adding Tempest testing for LVM backed ephemeral storage.19:06
krtayloranteaya, re: discussion at Monday's meeting - I was referring to -> <anteaya> nibalizer: so any chance you might be able to sheperd asselin through learning enough to help impliement part of one of those specs?19:06
krtayloranteaya, there might be other CI developers that wouldn't mind helping19:07
mordredanteaya: http://beckittns.tumblr.com19:07
krtayloranteaya, it had nothing to do with asselin assigning himself work19:07
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dgeninat the moment Devstack cannot be setup with LVM ephemeral storage so no way to do Tempest testing for LVM19:07
mordredhrm. that seems weird19:08
dgeninmordred: lack of LVM ephemeral support in Devstack?19:08
mordredI thought clarkb had worked on something related to that19:08
mordreddgenin: yes19:08
clarkbuhm we do lvm things with devstack (it was sdad)19:09
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dgeninyes LVM is used for Cinder19:09
dgenini have rigged up a version of Devstack that boots with LVM ephemeral and tested it in the gate
clarkbI guess I dont grok the distinction19:10
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dgeninCinder is not ephemeral storage19:11
dgeninephemeral storage is what Nova uses for instance disks19:11
clarkbno but from an infra perspective it should all just work19:11
dgeninCinder is persistent storage19:11
dgeninit is possible that i should be talking to devstack folks instead19:12
clarkbya I think dtroyer is probably the person with question answers19:13
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dtroyerwho? what?19:14
dgenindtroyer: hi:)19:14
dgeninso i am trying to get Tempest testing working for LVM ephemeral19:14
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dgeninwhich requires having a Devstack, as I understand, that can boot Nova with LVM ephemeral19:15
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dgeninis this right?19:15
dtroyerthat requires basically giving Nova a vg?19:15
dtroyereasy…can that vg be shared with Cinder?19:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run gate-{name}-pypy for stable/icehouse
fungidolphm: ^ you should be able to recheck that requirements change now19:16
dgeninthe order in which the services are launched may be an issue19:16
fungidolphm: er, in about 15 minutes19:16
dgenini.e., if Cinder vg is not initialized when Nova cpu is launched it will die19:16
dtroyerthat's easy to take care of, if they can be shared we move the lvm to its own init path19:17
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dgeninyeah, that would work.19:17
dtroyerand FWIW, DevSStack (for Cinder at least) will use any VG it find named ...  <looking>19:17
clarkbisnt openstack supposed to not die in those cases?19:17
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dgenini cargo culted the Cinder LVM code to work with Nova19:18
dtroyerits easier if they can share because then there is only one backing file and space isn't as much of an issue19:18
dgeninif Nova has no place to put instance disks it will not start19:18
dgeninyes, and a single point for setting up and cleaning up LVM19:19
dgenindoes this have to be blueprint-ed?19:19
dtroyerthe lvm code is already mostly split out into lib/cinder_backends/lvm, we can generalize that19:20
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dtroyerwe rarely use BPs for DevStack, but this might be a good time to do that19:20
dgeninyes, and it is pretty generic19:20
dgeninhow does Devstack handle blueprints?19:21
dgeninjust post something on Launchpad?19:21
dgeninor should i just pitch this on the ML?19:22
dtroyerwrite up your end goal and potential implementation in a bp and start an ML thread and lets see who comes to talk19:23
dtroyer*implementation plan19:23
dgeninok, thank you guys19:24
dgeninyou've been very helpful19:24
dtroyernp, this sounds like a Useful Thing19:24
dtroyerwe like those19:24
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dgeninyeah, especially considering LVM ephemeral was actually broken by a patch just at the end of Juno19:25
dtroyerin devstack?19:25
dgeninin openstack19:25
dgeninso, yes, in devstack as well19:26
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use the SSLProtocol blacklist approach
dgenini filed a bug on it but it got fixed when the offending patch was reverted for an unrelated reason19:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1373962 in nova "LVM backed VM fails to launch" [High,Fix released]19:27
dgeninyep, that's the one19:27
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fungiafter too much time staring at glanceclient, it's becoming apparent that they're building up a query url from parameters in a dict, but the fake api expects parameters in a specific sequence19:38
dstufftsounds like the fake api is wrong19:38
fungifor whatever reason this does not break in python 3.3 but does in 3.419:39
fungistill working on wrapping my head around how the api fake works19:39
dstufftPython 3.4 switches the hash randomization19:39
dstufftto use SipHash19:40
dstufftI'm not sure if it's even possible to set a static hash seed anymore19:40
fungioh, too fun19:40
dstufft(it may be, I don't really know!)19:41
fungiand yeah, this is definitely hash seed related. with it pinned to 0 or 1 i get a failure on the test but 2 passes19:41
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fungiclarkb: ^ any recommendations (aside from the obvious one) for dealing with jobs which need different hash seeds for different interpreters? should we set the seed differently in individual tox envs?19:43
clarkbfungi you can do that. or rewrite code to use ordered dict or stop treating dicts as ordered19:44
clarkbjjb used ordered dicts19:44
fungiwell, in this case they're using urlparse to turn a dict of query parameters into a url, and it randomizes them... so ideally the api fake should just be written to not care what order they're passed in, right?19:46
mordredordered dicts are great19:46
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fungiunfortunately that means figuring out their fake api implementation. looks like it just calls fixtures19:46
fungibut i'm having a hard time determining how it loads the urls into the fixtures dictionary19:47
mordredfungi: it uses magics19:47
mordredfungi: what file?19:47
fungimordred: the image manager in tests/v1/test_images.py19:47
fungimordred: nevermind19:48
fungii should have scrolled further up that file19:48
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fungiso they've got a dict of urls strings and they're matching against those to return responses19:48
fungiand the strings are just hard-coded, not parameterized in any way19:49
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fungiso... ugh19:49
clarkbput them in as dicts then hash it19:49
clarkbthat way the hash is the same each run19:49
fungithat's a novel approach19:50
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fungiso instead of the fixtures url dict key being '/v1/images/detail?is_public=None&limit=5' i can use ('/v1/images/detail', {'is_public': 'None', 'limit': '5'})19:53
fungiand then adjust the lookup method used to disassemble the url19:54
fungiactually, urlparse probably already has most of that19:54
fungiif not all of it19:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use 1024 MB RAM for Ironic agent VMs
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clarkbfungi yup19:58
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clarkbgood morning19:59
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fungiclarkb: painful to patch because they use this pattern in so many places, but it does seem to be working20:35
clarkb:/ but good that my hack is working20:36
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mtreinishI've got another fun issue with the tempest-lib migration. Tempest runs off master everywhere, including the stable branch jobs, but tempest-lib isn't in g-r on stable20:55
mtreinishso all the stable and grenade jobs are failing with tempest-lib in tempest's requirements file20:56
mtreinishis the fix just to backport the tempest-lib g-r change?20:56
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mtreinishis that something that's backportable for g-r?20:56
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fungiseems like it would be reasonable to backport, since stable grenade effectively has it as a requirement20:59
fungier, wait... does tempest not actually get installed?21:00
fungibecause if you're installing tempest master, then its requirement on tempest-lib should cause it to be installed21:00
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fungior have we been putting requirements for master branches of common libs into stable branches of the requirements list?21:01
fungioh, because we want devstack to rewrite all the projects' requirements lists to be consistent21:02
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fungiso assuming it's enforcong that on tempest as well, then yeah its deps would need to be in stable branches of requirements lists21:03
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fungizomg. i found glanceclient tests with string representations of of dicts hardcoded as expected matches21:10
fungihow could anyone think that's a good idea?21:10
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fungiexpect_body = '[{"path": "/name", "value": "pong", "op": "replace"}]'21:11
fungii guess it's got a 1 in 6 chance of being correct21:11
funginot stellar odds there21:12
mtreinishfungi: yeah that's the problem because tempest is in the projects.txt in g-r so it's being enforced by devstack on the stable branches21:12
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mtreinishok I pushed out the icehouse backport:
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mtreinishoh, it looks like juno is still proposed/juno, I guess ttx hasn't renamed it yet21:14
HeOSHi to all! Do you use "master-slave" replication in your gerrit?21:14
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fungiHeOS: database replication or git replication or what?21:15
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HeOSfungi, i mean built-in replication in gerrit, when the repositories is replicated over ssh or over git.21:20
HeOSReplication by plugin in gerrit, yeah.21:20
mordredHeOS: yup21:20
mordredHeOS: we replicate to a farm of git servers and also to github21:21
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fungiwe actually have 7 replicas21:22
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HeOSmordred, what you do when master node is turn off, for example, due to accident?21:22
fungi(a local replica on the gerrit server separate from the master copy, five git servers behind a load balancer, and github)21:22
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fungiHeOS: gerrit being offline doesn't cause issues for the replicas. if gerrit's down it's not changing, so there would be nothing new to replicate anyway21:23
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krotscheckdhellmann: Is there some way I can inject mock extensions into stevedore’s extensionmanager for testing purposes?21:25
HeOSfungi, can you use any slave node as a master node?21:25
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fungiHeOS: what do you mean by "use it as a master node"?21:26
fungiHeOS: they're all read-only push replicas21:26
fungiHeOS: people can clone from them, pull refs from them, browse them, et cetera21:26
fungiHeOS: but they're not gerrit servers, they're just git repositories21:27
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Plugins may now register their own user preferences
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HeOSfungi, ok.21:28
krotscheckdhellmann: I just wrote ^^, but really want to add some coverage to make sure what I’m doing is sane.21:28
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Plugins may now register their own user preferences
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HeOSfungi, how do you recover the master node after disaster? How do you make backups of the master node?21:33
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fungiHeOS: we make filesystem-level backups of the master git repositories (and dumps of the gerrit mysql database)21:37
anteayamordred: ha ha ha, perfect21:39
anteayakrtaylor: well first we need a logged conversation to reference21:39
anteayakrtaylor: I am not going to ask nibalizer to take time out of his busy schedule juggling all the things21:39
ianwclarkb / fungi / jeblair : any issues adding the hp centos7 nodes as we discussed in the meeting? (
dims_anteaya: fungi: clarkb: we are debating whether to adopt docker-py library and trying a few things, looks like dsvm jobs block on non-global requirements, will this work? i don't see any other projects using the NON_STANDARD_REQS switch21:40
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marundtroyer: ping re: devstack installation of postgres + mysql for neutron functiona ltesting21:44
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anteayafungi: I love your obviousisms "if gerrit's down, its not changing"21:46
anteayamanys the lol I've enjoyed21:46
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anteayadims_: I looked at the patch but I have to admit I don't know enough about what is going on under the covers with docker to weigh in on the patch21:47
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anteayathe most I can offer is the two lines appear to be spelled correctly, that's all I've got21:48
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notmynamewho's the manila ptl?21:50
notmynameand what is its status in juno?21:50
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notmynamethe -manila channel is very quiet on the matter21:50
jeblairianw: lgtm +2.  i did not double check the partner image names.  let me know if you think i should.  :)21:51
anteayanotmyname: the -manila channel didn't tell you who the ptl is?21:51
anteayaor the channel is just a quiet channel21:51
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notmynameanteaya: I asked and nobody said anything21:52
jeblairnotmyname: that means you're the manila ptl21:52
anteayaha ha ha21:52
notmynamejeblair: new plan! kill filesystems!21:52
anteayanotmyname: congratulations21:52
notmynameis it integrated in juno?21:52
dtroyermarun: hey21:52
jeblairnotmyname: i think it's incubated; lemme dbl check21:53
notmyname(I've got a reporter who's going to ask me about manila in about 8 minutes)21:53
notmynamejeblair: thanks21:53
jeblairnotmyname: incubated in juno, bswartz is ptl21:53
marundtroyer: I hear from HenryG that you would rather that devstack not be responsible for installing both postgres and mysql.21:53
anteayadims_: grep says that that syntax does not appear anywhere else in project-config21:53
notmynamejeblair: thanks21:53
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dtroyermarun: it's more that currently it cannot do both.  the database setup needs rewriting to do that, which I'd like to do but, you know, time21:54
marundtroyer: I'm not sure if you've seen the related review, but even though the gate hook option is a viable shortcut I don't think it's viable long term.21:54
marundtroyer: Ah, ok.21:54
marundtroyer: My concern is that I want to ensure that the functional tests can be run with as little manual intervention as possible.21:54
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marundtroyer: Ideally that would include running system setup (currently devstack) and then running the tests.21:55
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marundtroyer: I can understand that supporting this use case isn't exactly a priority, though.21:55
marundtroyer: that aside, do you think it's worth rewriting the db support in devstack at all?21:57
dtroyermarun: oh yes, it's messy and has needed it for a while.  this specific use case is new though21:57
dtroyerbut not that different from what I wanted to do anyway21:57
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marundtroyer: this might be a bit far-fetched, but do you see containerization in devstack's future?21:58
dtroyermarun: presumably you'll have something configuring and running devstack to get it set up, right?  IIRC we decided that setting up one db then letting devstack do the other would work21:58
dtroyermarun: re containers…funny, that was its original use after booting openstack from a ramdisk.  :)  but not like we think about today21:59
marundtroyer: hah21:59
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marundtroyer: I was thinking more about deploying services into containers to ensure isolation.21:59
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add ansible node launching
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marundtroyer: Also, maybe service containers (for things like db) could be built once and reused until a change was required.22:00
dtroyermarun: right, like everyone now.   I've imagined that is a good time to re-factor a bunch of stuff, if its still devstack at that point I don't know22:00
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marundtroyer: fair point22:01
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dtroyermarun: but now we're talking real deployments and not just a developer system.  that'll be the third psuedo-fork22:01
marundtroyer: what were the 1st two?22:02
* marun is ignorant22:02
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dtroyersomehting tried a long time ago that I've forgotten, then Anvil22:03
marunah, anvil.  right.22:03
dtroyerbut anvil's use case was really different from the start22:03
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marunI never really understood how doing devstack in python would make the world better, but maybe I misunderstood.22:03
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marun(To say nothing of the availability of config management tools with user communities)22:04
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marundtroyer: So, in the short term accepting the gate hook solution seems reasonable.  I just want to ensure eventual convergence with devstack or something like it so that developers aren't having to jump through unnecessary hoops to configure a system for functional testing.22:06
dtroyerAnvil's use case included doing all of the the dependency management in packaging (RPMs) and other not-easy-for-developers stuff22:06
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marundtroyer: so anvil is intended for production deployment?22:06
dtroyermarun: in theory, whether the databases are set up in a wrapper or by directly you should be able to get there from here22:07
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marundtroyer: hmmm...  so would the idea be having a helper script exist in the neutron tree that can invoke neutron and make sure the gate hook script is run before/after
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marundtroyer: or is the idea to provide something that ties into devstack's extension mechanism? (which I'm sorry to say I'm ignorant of)22:08
dtroyermarun: let's start from here:  your end point is for to install/config/start two db servers.  It can do one today, but if the other one were already present it would not touch it.22:09
dtroyerso you could do it with a wrapper/ something, or in the extras.d/00-* that would run early enough to do the same thing22:09
krotscheckdhellmann: tx22:09
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dtroyerthe difference is that you'd have to put that script into extras.d, whereas I'm guessing you already have something that will set up local.conf and call that could also do the other db setup.22:10
dtroyeror copy the file22:10
dtroyerthat's a toss-up I suppose22:10
marundtroyer: yeah, either sounds reasonable to me.22:10
dtroyerI'm assuming of course that changing the configuration of neutron and friends is handled by your testing22:11
marundtroyer: so long as we tie can tie the setup of the 2nd db directly into devstack I'm happy.22:11
marunHenryG: ^^22:11
nibalizeranteaya: krtaylor i dont mind working on this project at all22:11
nibalizerits very much in line with my goals22:11
marundtroyer: thank you for your patient explanation, much appreciated! :)22:12
nibalizeri do think its a bit more rate-limited by reviews than by people frontloading the work of splitting the modules22:12
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HenryGmarun: got it, thanks. Thanks dtroyer.22:13
HenryGdtroyer: for giggles, here is my hack in the gate hook for the neutron functional job:
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dtroyerHenryG: holy cow, did that work?22:16
dtroyerthere are a couple of things that can be cleaned up if you really want to do that22:16
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marundtroyer: we don't really want to do that.  It'd be pretty hard to reuse outside of the gate.22:17
anteayanibalizer: great22:18
anteayanibalizer: what can I do to facilitate?22:18
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anteayanibalizer: do you want to attend a third party meeting and talk about it there?22:20
anteayanibalizer: do you have the time?22:21
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nibalizeranteaya: sure i can22:23
nibalizerwhat time is it?22:23
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nibalizer anteaya if you can review this that would help
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add support for enabling/disabling service extensions
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anteayanibalizer: feel free to add yourself to the agenda22:24
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anteayanibalizer: and thank you22:24
anteayanibalizer: I'll review22:24
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anteayanibalizer: do you have an answer for AJaeger's question?22:25
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anteayahe is asking a good question22:26
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HenryGdtroyer: It does work. Like marun says, we don't want to do it that way, but it hints that it may not be too hard to change things in devstack so that it can install both backends.22:29
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dims_anteaya: please see - it's not specific to docker, any project runs into the door if there are requirements that are not in global-req22:36
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dims_anteaya: so my question was, if the jenkins job definition was the right place to add that flag22:37
dims_anteaya: thanks for looking22:37
anteayanibalizer: so yeah, respin and let's look again22:38
anteayadims_: ah context, me loves me some context22:38
anteayadims_: I will look again22:39
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nibalizeranteaya: on it22:48
anteayanibalizer: thanks22:49
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Adding puppet-pip as split out module
anteayadims_: I don't know and i don't know how to test this locally, what I might suggest is rather than editing those two jobs, create a new one with this setting and set it to non-voting22:51
anteayadims_: then run it in check and see what it does22:51
anteayadims_: you don't want these two jobs, that are voting (if they are) to start having issues22:51
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anteayanibalizer: thanks for the respin +222:58
nibalizeranteaya++ you're awesome22:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add ability to change the slave gerrit user
anteayanibalizer: you're too kind23:02
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dims_anteaya: they are not voting so we are safe :)23:21
dims_sorry, talking to you in between errands23:21
anteayadims_: understood23:21
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Plugins may now register their own user preferences
anteayawell if they are not voting, you are the only one going to feel the pain, correct?23:22
dims_anteaya: yep, am fairly confident :)23:22
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anteayalet's be very confident23:23
dims_yep, very confident :)23:24
dims_anteaya: if the flag has an effect it does what i want it to do which is skip the requirements check. if it does not have an effect then the dsvm jobs fail exactly where they fail today23:25
dims_anteaya: so we should be good.23:25
anteayadims_: it is in silent on nova and check on nova/docker23:25
anteayacheck-tempest-dsvm-docker that is23:26
dims_silent in nova and non-voting in docker23:26
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dims_(both of them)23:26
anteayaand check-tempest-dsvm-f20-docker is only on nova-docker23:27
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HeOS -- do you have similar problems ever?23:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1148518 in linaro-android-infrastructure "Few people lost admin acess to Gerrit" [Critical,Fix released]23:30
anteayadims_: so since check-tempest-dsvm-f20-docker is only on nova-docker23:31
anteayadims_: how about we only alter that job?23:31
anteayadims_: then if you are happy you have a data point to justify altering the other?23:31
dims__sure thing. will rework the review23:32
dims__thx anteaya23:32
anteayadims__: let's put lots of detail we discussed in the commit message23:32
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anteayaincluding that you and I aren't sure if this is the right place for the edit23:32
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fungiugh... glanceclient test cleanup is not going well. it's like pulling on a thread and unravelling the entire sweater23:34
dims_andreaf: ack23:34
dims_fungi: ouch23:35
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fungiso many comparisons against string representations of unordered datatypes23:35
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Allow non standard docker-py in check-tempest-dsvm-f20-docker
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dims_anteaya: fungi: done! ^^^23:40
anteayadims_: how's that?23:42
anteayaha ha ha23:43
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: [WIP] Email & Subscription Plugin
* dims_ has to go buy one!23:44
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openstackgerritWalter A. Boring IV (hemna) proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add cinder-brick to stackforge
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dims_jeblair: fyi, i tested the hideci.js/cookie for CI button change by setting up httpd proxies that would load hideci.js from local disk and fetch everything else from -
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dims_jeblair: with multiple tabs pointing to different reviews23:47
anteayahey I want to enjoy my 5 seconds of fame23:49
anteayanumber 3 reviewer!23:49
anteayawon't last another 5 minutes, but you were here when it happened!23:50
anteayadims_: go buy what? a gun? no don't buy a gun23:50
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dims_anteaya: ah nice!23:51
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dims_anteaya: kidding of course23:51
anteayadims_: thanks23:51
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anteayadims_: and whew!23:52
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clarkbHeOS: ya launchpad openid sometimes tickles oddities in gerrits account implementation23:58

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