Saturday, 2014-09-20

ZZelle_clarkb, one is to enforce git review use (stop doing doing git push and remember git review would have been better)00:04
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ZZelle_clarkb, for repos where reviews is not required (mustly tools) but could be useful to discuss a new tool00:05
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clarkbZZelle_: I think for both options can't you just use gitolite/gitosis and not have the overhead of a gerrit?00:06
clarkbZZelle_: I guess to me gerrit is specifically about code review00:07
clarkband not submitting code before it is reviewed00:07
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch zuul and zuul-dev to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch jenkins to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch accessbot to project-config
clarkbso the auto submit feels like it belongs in a non gerrit managed repo00:07
jeblairclarkb, nibalizer, fungi: ^ new approach00:07
* nibalizer looks00:09
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add a pre-clean hook.
clarkbjeblair: ok 122533 lgtm00:11
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ZZelle_clarkb, previously we used gitolite: some was allowed to push to master and merge branches, others only to create feature/bug branches00:12
ZZelle_clarkb, it was a mess because we cannot comment correctly previous branches00:14
nibalizerjeblair: what does 'base' in projcet_config do?00:14
ZZelle_clarkb, and XP sharing is poor00:14
nibalizeroh is does that00:14
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lifelessmordred: don't tempt me, rewriting pbr is something I'd be totally up for00:15
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fungilifeless: you're saying mordred should take longer and more frequent vacations?00:19
ZZelle_lifeless, if you do, please allow to disable pbr version computation ...00:19
fungiZZelle_: it can already be disabled00:20
ZZelle_fungi, through configuration?00:20
fungiZZelle_: there are several different envvars you can pass when sdisting to hardcode versions00:20
ZZelle_currently i need to trick pbr by defining a PBR_VERSION env variable ... does not really feet the descriptive setup.cfg approach00:21
lifelessZZelle_: in what context are youneeded to do that ?00:22
lifelessZZelle_: if its the current-tag-ignored there is a patch up and in the merge queue to fix that00:22
lifelessZZelle_: is there a bug describing your issue?00:22
lifelessalso PBR_VERSION is totally broken at the moment when installing multiple packages.... since it wins over metadata and thus we report the same version for all packages.00:23
lifelessfungi: no such thing ;)00:23
ZZelle_lifeless, our internal process requires to provide code without versioning files and without packaging ...00:26
ZZelle_lifeless, i didn't take the time to create the bug00:26
jeblairnibalizer: lets us work from a subdir of the project-config repo, so dev versions of files can be in the same hierarchy under dev/00:27
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mordredZZelle_: your usecase is not one pbr aims to support, sorry00:34
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mordredZZelle_: there may be some workarounds I could suggest, but pbr does not intend to support being used in an infinitely flexible number of ways ... it attempts to encode and simplify one approach00:36
lifelessZZelle_: so, start with a bug, and we can see whats actually happening in detail.00:38
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lifelessZZelle_: as mordred says, pbr is opinionated, but if there is a way to get you what you need without compromising the pbr design/reliability/etc I'd be happy to help you design it00:38
ZZelle_mordred, lifeless, pbr feets to our needs except version computation00:40
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lifelessZZelle_: I have to go; please file a bug. Be specific about what you do with things and where it breaks please.00:40
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ZZelle_lifeless, mordred, so our looks like
jeblairanteaya: i'm also thiking of re-orging slave_scripts and jenkins_job_builder under jenkins/;  updated etherpad again00:42
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mordredZZelle_: why?00:43
lifelessZZelle_: pastebin is not a bug :)00:43
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lifelessZZelle_: I'm asking for a bug because - I won't remember this conversation to file one myself, I need to go, and IRC while fine for brainstorming is terrible for getting lots of input.00:46
ZZelle_lifeless, will do on monday (i have no example on me :))00:47
ZZelle_mordred, mustly a creepy packaging workflow ... my team should provide deb packages to the next team but we disagree on the dependencies to embed so we provide code with the versioning files ...00:47
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fungijeblair: oh, saw this earlier today and thought it might be of interest to you...
jeblairfungi: oh nice!01:07
jeblairfungi: i guess since the "requests" issue is solved for openstack, it won't be an issue for gertty in debian if someone packages it?01:08
fungithe maintainers are, i think, used to having to patch out imports from embedded/vendored modules... does gertty call requests.packages.urllib3 rather than urllib3?01:09
* fungi could just git grep his clone01:09
jeblairfungi: no, it only uses the very top level requests api01:10
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fungiyeah, which is not a problem. it seems to also use urllib3 directly as a separate package01:10
jeblairfungi: i only see 'urllib'01:11
fungier, yeah not urllib3 anyway01:11
fungipython-requests is in debian just fine, but if you try to "from requests.packages import foo" you'll have issues01:11
jeblairyeah, not planning on doing that01:12
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fungiright, that was the only real point in that nearly endless ml thread01:13
fungithat basically requests (when not run from distro packages anyway) calls its own copy of things like urllib3 and if you want to interact with/override aspects of those then you're stuck talking to the vendored modules rather than using separately packaged versions01:14
jeblairyeah.  i mostly asked because if it were to present any additional difficulty to the debian maintainers, i'd be happy to drop use of requests (or help SpamapS maintain his fork), but it sounds like that's not necessary.01:15
mordredbtw ... I think that the only value in that endless thread was to point out the ever-widening POV between devs and distros01:15
mordredit may come as no surprise, but I'm on the side of the requests folks here and not of debian01:16
* jeblair wonders whether he's a dev or a distro01:17
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mordredthe urllib 'vendored' code inside of requests should just be seen as part of requests from debian's pov01:17
mordredit's not debian's job to refactor upstream software01:17
jeblairmordred: i think you may be correct about that.  i also think that requests should not vendor urllib3.  :)01:17
mordredjeblair: that I also agree with01:18
mordredjeblair: but in this case, the response to them having poor engineering choices by debian is completely bananas01:18
mordredjeblair: I mean, hell, things probably shouldn't be written in PHP - but debian doesn't rewrite them in another language just because of poor upstream engineering decisions01:18
jeblairmordred: that would be so cool if they did.01:19
mordredjeblair: ++01:19
jeblairitp all the php01:19
mordredjeblair: maybe we shoudl start a distro which does not pacakge other people's software01:19
mordredjeblair: but instead rewrites everything from scratch01:19
mordredjeblair: we could call it OSX01:19
mordredjeblair: so, I'm about to add trove support to ansible ...01:20
fungii was gonna say NeXT01:20
mordredjeblair: I'm thinking I should add a list of databases to the inventory that's returned, and have them be a list of things on the "localhost" host01:20
mordredjeblair: since they dont' actually have cloud-level relationship with individual nodes01:21
fungi(well, NeXTSTEP anyway)01:21
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jeblairmordred: assuming everything has to be related to a host, that seems reasonable01:23
mordredjeblair: in the inventory, it does01:23
jeblairmordred: note, the thing after ansible should handle non-host things better :)01:23
mordredjeblair: ++01:24
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch gerrit to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch jenkins to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch zuul and zuul-dev to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move zuul layout into /etc/zuul/layout
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch nodepool to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch accessbot to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch specs to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch gerritbot to project-config
jeblairso those are all the code changes; still need to update docs01:32
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anteayajeblair: /me looks at etherpad to see what is new with slave_scripts and jjb01:36
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anteayaadded a note to self there so I have the changes clear01:37
anteayaline 1601:37
jeblairanteaya: ah, yep, sorry01:38
anteayaso far it is all making sense01:38
anteayawas going to spend time getting the commands down for the re-org so thanks for doing this now01:38
anteayagoing to spend time tomorrow getting the commands down01:39
jeblairsounds good, and no problem01:39
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mordredSlickNik: ok. you just made my naughty list01:40
mordredSlickNik:         self.cs = client.Client(options.os_database_api_version, os_username,01:41
mordredSlickNik: I'll let you ruminate on what's wrong in that signature01:41
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mordredSlickNik: (I'll give you a friendly hint - your python API requires, same as glanceclient, which I blame jaypipes for, an API_VERSION parameter ... except that as a user I have no way of knowing in advance what that might be01:44
jeblairmordred: start at 11 and count backwards until something works01:45
mordredSlickNik: I recommend, fwiw, that such a thing be an OPTIONAL parameter, and that in the absence of one, the keystone service catalog is consulted and a version is selected taht the library knows how to talk to01:45
mordredjeblair: well, it turns out that not only is it a required parameter, there is one and only one valid value01:45
mordredjeblair: '1'01:45
jeblairmordred: see my algorithm would have worked01:46
mordredjeblair: yes. it would have01:46
mordredjeblair: I may implement it for trove and glance01:46
mordredSlickNik: also, don't feel _personally_ bad or singled out - I'm on a campaign of complaining about EVERY problem I encounter while trying to write software to use openstack01:46
mordredSlickNik: but I will be beating you with something next time I see you01:47
mordredjust for good measure01:47
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* anteaya hands mordred a pillow01:48
jeblairmordred: check out this doc update diff:01:49
jeblair-In order to make the process of managing hundreds of Jenkins jobs easier01:49
jeblair+In order to make the process of managing thousands of Jenkins jobs easier01:49
jeblairyou know, it's important to keep these things up to date ;)01:50
mordredjeblair: NICE01:51
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mordredjeblair: I have emailed the dev list about the above client lib issue01:53
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mordredjeblair: for completeness, I blamed bcwaldon, since he's abandoned us01:53
jeblairthere's enough blame to go around01:53
mordred        except exc.Unauthorized:01:55
mordred            raise exc.CommandError("Invalid OpenStack Trove credentials.")01:55
mordred        except exc.AuthorizationFailure:01:55
mordred            raise exc.CommandError("Unable to authorize user")01:55
mordredwould be funny01:55
mordredif it wasn't a completely pervassive pattern that's actually encoded into openstack.common01:55
mordredplease. someone. explain the difference01:55
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nibalizermaybe like 'i know you, but you're not allowed' but the other is 'i dont know you'01:57
mordrednibalizer: isn't splitting the two a security anti-pattern?01:57
nibalizermordred: thats an affirmative01:57
mordrednibalizer: like, isn't it a 30 year old industry best practice to not report back to the user the difference?01:58
* mordred stabs people01:58
nibalizermordred: no the 30 year best practice is ldap creds into plain http01:58
jeblairi'm hoping it's "your username or credentials are wrong" vs "i am unable to complete a request with the server"01:58
nibalizerthis being despite http is not 30 years old01:58
jeblairi have no basis for that hope01:58
mordredwell, it gets better01:58
mordredthere is also "Forbidden"01:59
jeblair"account disabled?"  (he says hopefully)01:59
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mordredso - it seems that Unauthorized == 401, Forbidden == 403 and AuthorizationFailure == "Cannot authorize API client."01:59
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mordredthat's from reading the code in openstack/common/apiclient/exceptions.py02:00
nibalizerone of these things is not like the other02:00
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mordredsecond mailing list message away02:01
mordredI may have insulted termie in this one02:02
mtreinishmordred: just saw that ml post. It get's worse the more you look at the version or any discovery options in the apis, nothing is consistent between anything:
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dstufftmordred: what if I like to make dolphens weep tho02:02
mordredmtreinish: I cannot continue to read that code02:02
clarkbdolphins are cool02:02
clarkbleave them alone02:02
mordreddstufft: then please write more code in python-*client02:02
clarkbjeblair nibalizer has pictures of whiteboards for you02:03
nibalizerwe took pix!02:03
mordredclarkb: oh my02:03
mordredclarkb: what did you whiteboard?02:03
clarkbmordred nibalizer insisted I listen to how we should puppet and that required drawinf02:03
mordredclarkb: ah! fun02:03
clarkbits actually good byt I think orthogonal to the config file split thing02:04
clarkbso we can deal with it separately02:04
jeblairbaby steps is the way to do this :)02:04
clarkbnibalizer imgur them now02:04
anteayaclarkb: so are nibalizer's thoughts captured in a spec yet?02:05
anteayaor is that a todo item?02:05
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clarkbit was marker on wall a half hour ago02:08
clarkbjeblair yup completely agree02:11
mordrednibalizer: do you still need more grokking on the ansible+puppet apply idea?02:12
mordrednibalizer: (trying to decide which thigns need more explanation and which just need patches)02:12
nibalizermordred: eh, my brain is elsewhere right now02:12
nibalizerlets link up, but not right now02:12
mordrednibalizer: ok. we'll come back to it02:12
mordrednibalizer: is you brain in beer?02:12
nibalizeras is the portland way02:13
* mordred has brain in cachaça02:13
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mordredas is the mordred way02:13
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anteayanibalizer: is there a point to waiting for imgur images right now?02:14
jeblairstackforge.rst did not make good use of the :file: custom role...02:14
jeblairit's about to.  and the new :config: custom role too.02:15
blkperlanteaya: nibalizer just left to go get icecream, so waiting might be a while02:15
jeblairi don't really know what to do about running-your-own.rst.02:16
jeblairi think it's about to get really, really out of date.02:16
anteayablkperl: thanks for the update02:16
mordredblkperl: I'm disappointed that he's not irc-ing on his phone like clarkb02:16
mordredor, to be fair, me most days02:16
jeblairi'm thinking of punting for now, and stucking a 'may be out of date' alert at the top, and then revisit it after we end up in a better place.02:17
clarkbits a thing. 4th ave is shutdown my bus is super late woo02:17
mordredfor the record02:17
mordredI just send that from my phone02:17
mordredjeblair: ++02:17
blkperlhe might be irc'ing on his phone, but the ice cream mission might be distracting :)02:18
mordredjust saying, I'm drinking AND posting pictures of dogs drinking02:18
mordredtell nibalizer he needs to up his game :)02:18
* mordred is now scared of what may happen02:18
anteayaice cream and phones sounds like a bad combo02:18
anteayaclarkb: why is 4th ave shutdown?02:19
blkperljust the 4th and harission intersection02:21
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anteayablkperl: so when are we going to suck you into code contributions?02:22
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blkperlha, not anytime soon, my new job is an AWS shop02:23
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Doc updates for project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Doc updates for project-config
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nibalizerhow do i imgur from phone02:31
nibalizeri've been trying to gdrive but that has been failing02:31
* nibalizer shakes fist at cloud02:31
nibalizeranteaya: i think a spec is a ways out02:31
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anteayalooks like iad and dfw recently fixed the/an error issue02:39
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bswartzhey the python-manilaclient change merged:
bswartzthat only took about 6 hours :-/02:43
anteayanot bad considering the queues and the fact that all host regions have been having significant error states02:44
anteayaglad it merged02:44
bswartzif anyone has some fairy dust to sprinkle on the other job, please do so02:45
bswartzit's up to 5 hr 22 min and still in check, hasn't even gone to gate yet02:45
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anteayawell noone has any fairy dust to get it through check any faster02:46
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove ramdisk build option for Ironic agent driver
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mordrednibalizer: well, I use irccloud on my phone, and it has a button02:53
mordredblkperl: you know, we know places that aren't focused on AWS that we could probably hook you up with - just for the record  :)02:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add sample config for Gerrit's Gerrit
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add submit functionality
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Be more careful with null accounts
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bswartzhey the manila change merged too!
bswartzsomeone did have some fairy dust because that sailed through the gate in no time03:20
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lifelessI was just pointed at
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blkperlmordred: hah, thanks, maybe I'll ask you in a couple years :)03:49
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* SpamapS reads backscroll and ponders responding to two interesting points04:43
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SpamapSmordred: regarding the vendoring discussion, I actually agree with you, but I want there to be a formal way for projects to enumerate what they've vendored, to help auditors reconcile what they find on a system.04:44
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mordredSpamapS: I hear that... I'm just not sure what the difference is ... the auditors should know that requests is installed.04:51
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SpamapSmordred: they have to perform a full audit of _requests_ to find what they're looking for (presence of urllib3)04:57
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SpamapSmordred: urllib3 isn't actually stated anywhere that is straight forward to discover.04:58
SpamapSTons of methods, but there's nowhere a well meaning library can go to say "I vendor this!" and have that included with the end package.04:59
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mordredSpamapS: no. what I'm saying is "what would drive their need to do that"05:01
SpamapSmordred: a problem or concern about urllib305:01
SpamapSOr one of its dependencies05:02
mordredso? the library is requests and it's not using urllib3 as a library05:02
SpamapSbut the day urllib3, the library, is found to have a weakness, security minded folk will want that weakness identified, assessed, and erradicated from their systems.05:02
mordredbut life is hard05:03
mordredwhat if they forked urllib3?05:03
SpamapSso they'll do the pip freezes, the apt-cache searches .. but then they won't know that requests also has the problem and needs an update.05:03
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mordredwhat if they just copied one file?05:03
SpamapSsame problem really05:04
SpamapSbut less risk :)05:04
mordredat some point, requests is the library and has to be treated as such05:04
SpamapSSo if requests committed to filing CVE's for itself whenever urllib3 has a problem, that helps a lot.05:04
mordredit would have, wouldn't it?05:05
mordredhave to05:05
SpamapSBut that only helps with public disclosure.05:05
SpamapSThere are plenty of consumers of open source software who are constrainted from publicly reporting the results of their audits.05:05
SpamapSSo if this spooky black ops support org finds a urllib3 bug, and thinks they fixed it....05:06
mordredright. what I'm saying is that you're describing an unsolvable problem05:06
SpamapSmight be better to use known code matching techniques to find vulnerable files05:06
mordredbecause the distros have failed at providing developers value05:06
mordredSpamapS: yah05:06
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SpamapSmordred: the distros do indeed slow people down a _lot_.05:06
mordredall of this requires the devs all playing ball05:06
mordredand for the python/perl/ruby/java/javascript people tehre is no motivatino to do so05:07
mordredexcept for MAJOR big things05:07
nibalizera vote of no confidence in the distros05:07
nibalizerlets all switch to nixos05:07
SpamapSthing is05:07
mordredso, imho, chasing adherance to the "rules" the distros have laid down is a total waste of time05:07
mordredand instead05:07
SpamapSthe distros have their own tools that need to work too05:07
mordredthe distros shold focus on the actual situation05:07
mordredthe distros have tools that they fetishize05:08
SpamapSso another way of thinking is, there's system libs, and then there's "not system libs"05:08
mordredthe distros obsess over their tools - but those tools work once again does not provide value to the developers writing code in the same way as it does for folks writing C05:08
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SpamapSwell I'm thinking more like, Ubuntu has a python daemon that reports bugs when things crash.05:09
SpamapSthat kind of tool05:09
mordredyah. I uninstall that first thing with prejudice, btw05:09
mordredit's VERY evil05:09
SpamapSyuno help?05:09
SpamapS(everybody should remove it from their servers.)05:09
mordredI don't want python programs spinning up every time a thing I'm hacking on exits non-zero05:10
mordredSpamapS: it should never get installed on servers in the first place05:10
SpamapSYeah its not for you. :)05:10
mordrednibalizer: if I could fully understand how to do that, I might be tempted05:10
SpamapSYou'd hate it05:11
SpamapSthe first time you have to compile python305:11
mordredSpamapS: I may still be on a war path because of the distro response to horizon wanting to use actual javascript tools05:12
mordredSpamapS: which then led to the creation of a BUNCH of fake python pacakges that install javascript05:12
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mordredSpamapS: at some point the distros need to remember that their job is to DISTRIBUTE software that people write - not to tell them how to write it05:13
* mordred throw wet cats at everyone05:13
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SpamapSmordred: The problem is they have to redistribute the same copy in 10 places and then update it in 10 places when it is broken. I agree it's annoying, but I can't just discount their attempts to lighten that burden as useless whining.05:21
SpamapSthe Debian security is really wringing their hands over mariadb, mysql, and percona xtradb cluster05:21
SpamapSThey'd rather we just pick one.05:21
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mordredSpamapS: I _TOTALLY_ understand their point05:22
mordredI just think that they're winning battles and losing the war05:23
SpamapSThey need to be Switzerland05:23
SpamapSWhich is basically what NixOS/CoreOS type things are doing.05:24
SpamapSMinimal container w/ bootstrapping tools available.05:24
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SpamapSJust give people a place to hook into the kernel, and don't ask questions about what they're doing.05:25
SpamapSBut that also gives rise to a lot of duplicated work that eventually will end up in a distro anyway. :-P05:26
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openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: UI, automation repos for group based policy project
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lifelessmordred: SpamapS: +1 :)06:43
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve filtering of translations
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JadnGpls help us add gerrit group member, thx.
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1363860 in openstack-ci "request gerrit group for tricircle" [Undecided,New]09:30
JadnGOur initial source code is waiting for review (
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use python-jobs and publish docs for manila
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Gate Gnocchi against py33-postgresql
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use python-jobs and publish docs for manila
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sdakeanyone know what ends up on the staypuft controller node?16:04
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anteayajeblair: is review-dev.projects.yaml in the dev/zuul/ directory after the re-organization or the dev/ directory?18:44
anteayaline 7
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mordredsdake: sorry, we don't do anything with foreman19:03
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sdakemordred huh?19:05
sdakemordred did I mention something about foreman?  personally I think its a bit bloatead and pokey :)19:05
mordredsdake: you asked about a staypufft controller nodr19:05
sdakemust have been in wrong channel19:06
sdakethen nevermind my harsh criticism of foreman ;)19:06
mordredanteaya: I believe it would be dev/19:06
mordredsdake: oh, that I don't mind19:06
sdakemordred yup scrolled back, that was wrong channel19:08
sdakethanks for letting me know, I'll ask in the right place ;)19:08
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anteayamordred: thanks I will go with dev19:15
anteayaabout to create a sample repo for further review19:15
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anteayait is raining hard enough noone is currently backing up machinery, I have the windows open listening to the beautiful rain, monks are chanting, the beeswax candle is burning in the pottery lamp I made and dinner is simmering on the stove19:25
anteayaI have my moment of long sought after peace19:25
anteayaand git filter branch is filter branching19:25
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clarkbjust pushed up20:28
clarkbyolanda appears to not be in channel but reviews are super welcome20:28
clarkbalso I wonder if we need to splay our image builds at all since we are centralizing them?20:28
anteayaclarkb: will this affect your patch at all?
anteayasince you are using teh nodepool/elements20:32
clarkbanteaya: no, since we will need a change to explicitly chaneg to using project_config like jeblair's zuul change20:32
clarkbanteaya: so we should be able to do this mostly side by side at the same tim20:32
mordredclarkb: the node config specifies fake-dib-image not devstack-trusty20:46
clarkbmordred: whoops did I fail at copy pasta20:49
clarkbmordred: also, for rax what makes a pvhvm node a pvhvm node? in the past it sounded like if we grab ubuntu images we get all the drivers we need? do we actually want to test that before we throw load at dib images on rax?20:51
jrollclarkb: it's just the image afaik20:53
jrolloh, your question is probably "what about the image"20:53
* jroll hides20:53
clarkbjroll: :P since we will be transitioning to building our own images I want ot make sure we do it right20:55
jrollI can ping people if you don't figure it out20:55
jrollbut wouldn't expect an answer until monday20:55
jrollI'm not even sure what the benefits of pvhvm is20:55
clarkbjroll: ya not too worried about it for the near future. baby steps. need to get an image doing anything at all and I can do that over in kvm land with little fuss20:55
clarkbjroll: you get better performance20:56
jrollfigured :P20:56
clarkbits like fairie dust for servers20:56
clarkbour tempest runs do run noticeably quicker on pvhvm compared to normal images. not significantly so but a measurable amount20:56
mordredclarkb: I _believe_ it's just kernel drivers or something20:58
jrollclarkb: oh, looks like it's a xen thing20:58
jrolland you just need to set metadata on the image in glance20:58
jrollstep 1220:58
clarkbmordred: ya I think so. your image needs proper drivers to tie into things on the hypervisor side20:58
* jroll mbw20:59
jroll"Upstream vanilla Linux 2.6.36 kernel and later versions contain Xen Project PVHVM drivers out-of-the-box!"
clarkbhrm so we may need to update nodepool to set those flags when it uploads them20:59
jrollfrom there it looks like it's all on the hypervisor21:00
mordredclarkb: yah. we need to set xenapi_use_agent=false too21:01
mordredclarkb: the text and the examplse show differet spelling for that, btw21:01
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clarkbok, something to do in parallel while we kick the tires with kvm21:02
mordredclarkb: sigh. so- that's annoying - maybe we should add a key-value dict of image metadata in nodepool.yaml and put it in the provider section?21:02
clarkbmordred: that is what I was thinking21:03
jrollmordred: ugh, our dev docs are horrible21:03
clarkbmordred: and just pass it through21:03
mordredclarkb: ++21:04
mordredjroll: any idea whether it's xenapi_use_agent or xenapiuseagent?21:04
clarkbmordred: just set both >_>21:04
jrollmordred: not offhand, I would guess xenapi_use_agent, thinking the underscores rendered to italics in the not-code-block21:04
mordredoh - I get it21:04
* mordred agrees with jroll - I believe the rendering shows that it's xenapi_use_agent21:05
jrollhatehatehate our docs21:05
clarkbI may end up hackign on that later this weekend but not anytime soon so anyone else should feel free to do it too :)21:05
mordredjroll: well, don't get me started on hating things ... I had to set this earlier:21:05
clarkbmordred: we couldn't agree if we should do brisket or pork butt so we are smoking both tomorrow21:06
mordred                service_type='rax:database',21:06
mordredjroll: because, you know, heaven forbid the service catalog return things that things expect21:06
clarkbbecause more meat is clearly the answer to all our problems21:06
mordredclarkb: awesome!21:06
jrolloh, don't get me started on our service catalog21:06
mordredclarkb: oh - while I'm hacking in on things ... isn't there a weird thing we have to do with glance at rackspace?21:06
jrollor ya know, the fact that we're running wannbe-keystone21:06
clarkboh thats the other thing we need to check with rax and nodepool images21:06
clarkbrax glance catalog entry is fubar or something and we need to make sure we work with it21:07
mordredclarkb: or, was that just swift?21:07
clarkbmordred: no it was both and fubar in different ways iirc21:07
mordredclarkb: awesome21:07
clarkbswift uses a different tenant, glance just gives you the wrong endpoint21:07
mordredclarkb: is the glance thing just a screwed service_type?21:07
clarkbmordred: that may be it21:07
clarkband the workaround is to give the endpoint directly21:08
mordredclarkb: do we have that written down in a script somewhere? (like what the right endpoint is?)21:08
clarkbs/tenant/project/ whatever the term of the week is21:08
clarkbmordred: I don't think so bceause we have never used it21:08
mordredclarkb: project is back to being right21:08
mordredclarkb: zomg. how did we find what that right URL is?21:09
clarkbI want to say chmouel blogged about it but I think that was the swift issue21:09
* mordred sobs21:10
clarkbfungi did most of the testing and knows much more than I do21:10
mordredjroll: I'm going to be mailing a bag of wet cats to the castle, just a warning21:10
clarkbI tested the hp side21:10
jrollmordred: as you should21:10
dtroyer[note to self: get mordred a cat dryer for christmas]21:11
mordreddtroyer: :)21:11
clarkbI feel that I should point out that the amount of code we can merge after we fix all the bugs ever is amazing21:11
clarkbtherefore maybe we should spend more time fixing all the bugs21:11
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jrollgod forbid we don't dedicate 100% of time to new features21:13
clarkbif you count the week starting last saturday through friday (saturday is when all the bug fixes got in) we merged 576 commits to openstack/openstack21:13
mordredmordred@camelot:~/src/shade$ glance image-listNo handlers could be found for logger "keystoneclient.httpclient"21:13
mordred{'sort_key': 'name', 'sort_dir': 'asc', 'owner': None, 'filters': {}}21:13
mordredHTTPInternalServerError (HTTP 500)21:13
clarkbmore than any other week according to github (but I haven't checked all arbitrary contiguous 7 day periods)21:13
mordredjust, you know, marvel in that21:13
anteayajroll: people in management would fall over and die if that happened21:13
clarkbits also more than we have ever done in the istory of openstack/openstack21:13
mordredclarkb: nice21:14
anteayajroll: because every feature is perfect when written right?21:14
jrollanteaya: cool :)21:14
jrollof course21:14
anteayaha ha ha21:14
clarkbso just saying that its amazing what we can do when we focus on fixing problems21:14
mordredjroll: thanks!21:14
anteayaclarkb: it is like fixing bugs helps us somehow21:15
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mordredclarkb: didn't you upload the trusty image by hand?21:18
clarkbmaybe we should treat the low incidence of bugs as a feature21:18
clarkbmordred: I did way back when21:18
clarkbmordred: just to make sure that we could do it21:19
* mordred just trying to figure out the trick for talking to rackspace glance21:19
clarkboh I only did it to hp. fungi did rax21:19
clarkband I think he specified a specific endpoint that someone gave him?21:19
jrollclarkb: maybe we should treat "actually works" as a feature21:19
clarkbmordred: you know what. I bet that if you read pyrax you will find the magic21:20
dtroyerdamn, that didn't do anything here…need a bot21:21
mordredclarkb: oh holy shit ... read
mordredclarkb: and marvel at a couple o things:21:21
mordredclarkb: a) that there is a rackspace.clients module in the openstack heat source tre21:21
mordredthen, scan down to RackspaceGlanceClient21:22
mordredand enjoy the commend:21:22
mordred        # Rackspace service catalog includes a tenant scoped glance21:22
mordred        # endpoint so we have to munge the url a bit21:22
clarkbI just saw that21:22
clarkbmunge is such a fun word21:22
clarkbit keeps the scheme and hostname21:23
clarkbthen overrides everyting else21:23
anteayaclarkb: good idea21:24
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mordredif anyone wants to read my latest raging:21:28
clarkbI am always up for a fun read21:28
clarkbmordred: but how will we know how to make glance work in that cloud now :P21:30
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mordredclarkb: stab stab stab21:39
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bknudsonthere's some RAX extension docs in identity for some reason --
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mordredbknudson: I find that offensive21:55
mordredlike, it's all over the place in our repos21:56
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mordredbknudson: when did rax extensions just become something we support upstream?21:56
bknudsonmordred: I always found it to be pretty sketchy. Nobody has ever asked me about them, though.21:57
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mordredI also just submitted a patch to troveclient to remove rax-auth support21:58
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mordredbknudson: I have written a quick TC resolution on the subject22:03
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bknudsonI don't get to vote22:05
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mordredbknudson: thanks. I'll remove that too22:07
mordredbknudson: done.
jrollmordred: what are these TC resolutions? just things TC has decided?22:11
mordredjroll: yah22:11
morgan_remote_Mordred: ++ removing that stuff.22:11
* jroll nod22:11
mordredjroll: I mean, I have no idea if the rest of the TC will agree with me22:11
jrollwhich is what gerrit is for22:12
mordredsame with teh 4 patches I just submitted to various places which delete compat things22:12
mordredbtw - I still can't get glance image-list to work22:13
mordredglance --os-image-url image-list is my latest try22:13
jrollI remember trying to do this once and giving up22:13
mordredI'm tempted to open a support ticket22:13
jrollmordred: I hate to say this, but try --os-auth-strategy rackspace22:14
jrollor rax, dunno22:14
jrolldo it22:14
mordredI don't have an API key though22:14
mordredI have a password22:14
jrollI'm a big fan of making noise22:14
jrollif you log into you can get an api key22:14
mordredyeah - but then I'm back to using not-openstack22:14
mordredI mean, I could use pyrax22:14
jrolllikely a way to do that with keystone client too22:14
mordredwell, I don't WANT to do that22:14
mordredI want to add solid openstack support for glance to ansible22:15
jrollI'm ignoring our broken shit for a moment and trying to get you a working glance client22:15
mordredoh - no, sorry - I'm quite specifically trying to make a thing the works more broadly22:15
mordredI can't have glance auth differently than everything else22:15
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anteayamordred: needs a rebase22:53
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mordredanteaya: thank you. done23:13
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anteayaoh and this is interesting:
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mordredanteaya: interesting!23:32
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anteayaI found it so23:37
anteayaexplains a lot to me about why I enjoy working with the people I enjoy working with and why I feel drained by the people I feel drained by23:38
anteayathe difference between tell me the minimum I have to do so I don't have to think about this again, and hey this is fun, what else can we do?23:39
jrollanteaya: ++23:40
jrollI've noticed this as well23:40
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mordredclarkb: I was just reading chromakode's blog, and learned about "aptitude why" - which I did not know about since I don't use aptitude23:44
mordredclarkb: it seems like a thing we've needed in the past from time to time23:45
anteayajroll: cool :D23:45
jrollmordred: neat23:46
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anteayanow I had to install aptitude first since I didn't yet have it but handy now23:48
mordredanteaya: for f in $(dpkg -l | grep '^ii' | awk '{print $2}') ; do echo $f ; aptitude why $f ; done23:50
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