Friday, 2014-09-19

mordredmorganfainberg: so we make a session, pass it to the Client constructor, but then still pass the username/password to Client in things because of how the python api used to work00:00
morganfainbergmordred, and get them to the session right off the bat00:00
anteayamordred: there was concern at last infra meeting, ianw didn't want to take over your work afraid he would step on toes00:00
mordredthere are like 20 patches I want to make to a bunch of things right now because it's driving me crazy00:00
anteayawe had to explain that you expected someone to take over00:00
mordredanteaya: :)00:00
anteayathat was your workflow00:00
mordreddstufft: yes, I believe so - we put patches up00:00
mordredclarkb: ^^ do we need to backport that to icehouse reqs?00:01
clarkbmordred: yes00:01
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clarkbdelete from juno00:01
dstufftmordred: ok cool, then I'll resubmit my test patch to see if it works now :D00:01
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clarkbput change in for icehouse00:01
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ianwanteaya / mordred : i quickly got over that :)  afaics the d-i-b stuff is in pretty good shape?  centos 7 is very close to ga release of images, so once things are stable with ubuntu i'll work on getting that in00:03
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anteayajeblair: would you accept a patch to this spec that specifies nodepool/* not nodepool/scripts/*
anteayabased on the patch that is going to create the nodepool/elements directory00:05
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mordredanteaya: yes00:07
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anteayamordred: yes to my question to jim? okay00:11
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clarkbianw: yup I think we just need at least one more core +2 and approval00:16
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bknudsonclarkb: the proposal bot happens automatically?00:17
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clarkbbknudson: it should00:17
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Updates a directory to be included in project-config
clarkbbknudson: did it not push changes or new patchsets to where you expected them00:17
bknudsonwe got it in middleware already, but keystoneclient is waiting.00:18
clarkbbknudson: I can check logs00:18
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clarkb looks like keystone-specs has somehow broken our job00:19
clarkbbknudson: you should go ahead and manually push an update00:19
bknudsonclarkb: will do.00:20
morganfainbergclarkb, oh this is because -specs doesn't check requirements but receives global req updates and i think we're the only one00:20
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morganfainbergclarkb, sorry00:20
morganfainbergclarkb, i can pull keystone-specs out of that list00:20
clarkbmorganfainberg: ty00:22
mordredclarkb, jeblair: from the mailing list - I believe we need to replace the text printed when you -2 something to just this:
clarkbthough the job should gracefully handle that00:22
clarkbmorganfainberg: so I should look into that too00:22
clarkbmordred: our gerrit comments are latin1 because mysql right?00:23
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mordredclarkb: that actually doesn't matter00:23
mordredyou can insert utf8 bytes into a latin column00:23
clarkbwill it store it binary and the browser will render properly00:23
mordredmysql won't sort it correctly, but otherwise it will be fine00:23
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Remove keystone-specs from the projects.txt
morganfainbergclarkb, ^00:24
ianwmordred: not a bad idea, like when Fedora chose "Schrödinger" for release to seemingly see how many things would break00:24
clarkbmorganfainberg: +200:24
clarkbmordred: jeblair ^ maybe you want to fast approve that change00:24
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mordredclarkb: what break it?00:25
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anteayawhen I look at this patch, the dependency is marked in red and says outdated:
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anteayaI have no idea what makes it outdated, does that mean I need to rebase?00:27
pleia2anteaya: afaik you need to rebase 122199 on changes in 12165000:29
anteayaah hmmmm00:30
dstufftmordred: hmm
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Don't let a reqs sync fail kill the sync job
dstufftoh found it00:31
anteayaso git review -d 121650, git review -x 122199, git comit --amend, git review ?00:31
dstufftdidn't get merged I guess00:31
clarkbI don't necessarily trust my bash but that should fix it00:31
clarkbmordred: they were in the list of projects to sync but not running the gate job that prevents badness from going in00:31
clarkbmordred: so they added badness which broke syncing00:31
anteayaor git review -x 121650, git review -x 122199, git comit --amend, git review ?00:32
anteayaI'll try that00:32
clarkbdstufft: mordred 122304 should delete the dependency00:32
clarkbdstufft: mordred: we only need it in icehouse00:32
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anteayabusting stuff00:34
morganfainbergmordred, ok i'm going to head to the gym and when i'm back i'm going to see if I can make your patch for KSC work without new code most of the bits are there, but it's not clear right this second how it all fits together. also i can document it this way :)00:34
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add submit functionality
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Remove lesscpy
anteayaI am in the wrong repo00:35
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mordredclarkb: there you go00:35
clarkbanteaya: hrm that may be a bug though. it should say that change doesn't belong to this repo00:35
clarkbanteaya: -d does that properly iirc00:35
clarkb-x should too00:35
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clarkbmordred: danke00:36
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mordredjeblair: nice patch00:36
anteayaclarkb: you are right -d does say that:
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mordredclarkb: I don't think -x has a way to figure that out00:37
mordredclarkb: becuase you can fetch any ref into any repo00:37
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add sample config for Gerrit's Gerrit
mordredclarkb: and you can try to cherry-pick any ref00:37
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add submit functionality
clarkbmordred: hrm00:37
clarkbmordred: maybe it could be a warning?00:37
mordredclarkb: how?00:37
clarkbmordred: I mean in theory that is the same with -d00:37
clarkbyou can fetch any ref and check it out in a repo00:37
mordredclarkb: I mean, how does it detect that?00:37
jeblairmika: when you have a minute, give a try00:37
clarkbmordred: its just checking the project for the change number in gerrit00:38
mordredthen yeah, we shoudl do that00:38
dstufftmordred: clarkb Alex_Gaynor thanks :D00:38
clarkbyou know this zuul thing is pretty good at its job00:39
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removes redundant jobs from config gate and check
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Creates a new repo, project-config
harlowjaare u guys ok with (and later it can be switched to py34?)00:39
mordredclarkb: people should use it for tasks00:39
clarkbharlowja: no I am with fungi on this00:40
clarkbharlowja: doing 33 now is just debt00:40
harlowjaseems pretty odd that we publish and say 3.3 support but its not voting :-P00:40
clarkbharlowja: thats up to the project00:40
clarkbyou should edit the setup.cfg if it is incorrect00:40
harlowjahmmmm, let me see whats broke in 3.400:41
clarkbthe issue is we already have a fairly large list of projects that don't work with 3.4 adding more just makes this harder00:41
harlowjasure sure00:41
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harlowjajust was like 'wait a sec this says 3.3 on pypi but its not-voting'00:41
harlowja*which seems busted00:41
openstackgerritKei YAMAZAKI proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Jenkins Sounds plugin
clarkbjenkins has sound?00:41
anteayapleia2: it appears you are correct, the red line with outdated has disappeared00:41
mordredjeblair: jenkins-job-builder I think has become emacs00:42
SpamapSclarkb: what is the sound of one job failing?00:42
anteayahas to be better than machinery backing up00:42
clarkbSpamapS: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp or some such?00:42
clarkbit is the sound of entrpy :)00:42
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clarkb "play sounsd through the browser"00:42
anteayaone way to get reviews00:42
SpamapSif a job fails in the cloud and no monitor is around, does it corrupt any state?00:42
morganfainbergclarkb, so.. the sound of the log files? :P00:42
anteayaha ha ha00:43
StevenK/dev/dsp no longer exists, and hasn't for a while. :-(00:43
pleia2anteaya: glad you got it sorted00:43
morganfainbergStevenK, awww.00:43
anteayapleia2: thanks, now I just need +1 from jenkins on both00:43
mordredclarkb: actually - this makes me want to write something that subscribes to the gerrit event stream and produces algorithmic music that it broadcasts to the internets00:43
morganfainbergStevenK, but i miss screwing with people when i have a shell on their desktop :P00:43
clarkbmordred: you know I know someone that may know how to do that00:43
mordredclarkb: zomg. he should totally do that00:44
anteayamordred: it would be a constant radio broadcast00:44
StevenKmorganfainberg: I've not worked out an ALSA thing under /dev/snd that works the same00:44
morganfainbergStevenK, oooooh *scribbles notes for future reference*00:44
mordredmaybe it should grab graphite data and/or status.json to influence things00:44
morganfainbergStevenK, somewhere to look.00:44
morganfainbergStevenK, i need to find a way of doing that agian now. it's ... dare i say a moral imperitive.00:45
anteayasounds as .xml or .yaml files00:45
StevenKNote to self: Never give morganfainberg shell on a desktop I own.00:46
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clarkbmordred: a friend of nibalizer's has done procedurally generated music for things like video games00:46
anteayanibalizer: would that be blk_perl?00:46
nibalizerit is not00:47
mordredclarkb: oh - I thought you were just talking about chromakode00:48
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mordredseems like the sort of thing he'd do for fun on the side00:48
nibalizeroh man can we we get chromakode on openstack, plz plz00:48
clarkbmordred: chromakode too but chromakode is currently on vacation in another country00:48
clarkbwhere there is no breakfast00:48
nibalizerhe is in japan right now00:49
nibalizerwho do we have in japan00:49
anteayaI think the person who offered the patch00:49
anteayaif my ability to map names and geograph is up to snuff00:50
mordredclarkb: like, breakfast is illegal?00:52
clarkbmordred: no more like everyone eats it at home so tourists are screwed or something00:52
mordrednibalizer: I tried already -- apparently he believes in the mission of reddit and it's a lifelong dream or something00:52
mordredclarkb: oh. FUN00:53
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mordredclarkb: it's like when I go to Europe and can't get coffee before 9am because shops  dont' open that early00:53
clarkbmordred: exactly00:53
mordredclarkb: but I woke up at 4am because EJETLAG00:53
clarkband if it is the weekend you should give up on everything00:53
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StevenKmordred: tchaypo and I were walking around Wellington at 8am on a Saturday looking for breakfast, and most places didn't open until 9:30am, it was very depressing.00:57
pleia2StevenK: that'll teach you to wake up at 8am00:58
StevenKpleia2: 7am, so I can shower, get dressed, etc. :-)00:58
pleia2even worse :)00:58
StevenKpleia2: I don't know what sort of hipster town San Francisco is if you walk around outside getting breakfast in your PJs00:59
anteayayou can't even buy water anywhere in australia until after 9am01:00
anteayagod help you if you are out in the oven of 40+ from 8am01:00
pleia2StevenK: it totally is that kind of town01:00
StevenKanteaya: That's just Perth, not Australia in general01:00
clarkbthough really I think you can do that in any MURICAN town01:00
anteayawell perth sucked for no water01:00
clarkbas long as you have a diner around its all fair game01:01
anteayalike one store, open at 7am, you get all the business01:01
anteayalove the all night diner01:01
anteayatruck stops work well too01:01
pleia2we prefer brunch in our pajamas though, because morning--01:01
tchaypoit's not just perth01:01
tchaypoit's also brisbane01:02
anteayaI wasn't foolish like that in brisbane01:02
tchaypobrisbane still only has sunday trading in restricted areas, and it only starts at 10am01:02
anteayaperth and thailand taught me, never leave home without a hat and water bottle01:02
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StevenKIt's currently 17degC here, and a little bit cold01:02
tchaypoand preferably spf15+ sunscreen01:02
anteayaand brisbane was in the winter, so that helped01:03
anteayatchaypo: I don't like sunscreen, my skin feels greasy, I like the hat or unbrella for shade01:03
pleia2this is why I hope we have a cure for skin cancer by the time I'm old :)01:04
anteaya303 in merge check01:04
anteayabut at least 'in use' is staying consistent01:04
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anteayawe have a good preventative now, stay out of the sun01:05
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anteayaand take your vitamin C01:05
clarkbtchaypo: do you guys need freedom?01:05
clarkbbecause we are full of it01:05
clarkband are happy to share01:05
clarkbdid you know that the bbc can't publish polling data on the day of an election because it is illegal?01:05
clarkbthe bbc needs freedom too :P01:05
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anteayado you package up the freedom and fedex it01:06
StevenKclarkb: How about we send you Abbott and you send us Obama. That should make both countries happier01:06
anteayaor do you have to declare war on a country first?01:06
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pleia2anteaya: we never declare war, we're helping, with guns01:06
anteayayeah, I would be in a hurry to get rid of Abbott too01:06
anteayapleia2: ah01:06
anteayamind you we have been trying to get rid of Harper for some time now01:07
anteayahopefully he gets the boot next year01:07
openstackgerritpatrick-crews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make function for logstash query encoding
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StevenKclarkb: So, we've been hearing about Yes for Scotland, or No for Scotland for damn well months, and now that polls have closed, we can't find anything out because $reasons?01:10
clarkbStevenK: pretty much. in this country is a freedom of speech issue. in your commonwealths its a make elections sane issue01:10
StevenKanteaya: Is it wrong for me to want Abbott to go the same way as Harold Holt?01:10
anteayaStevenK: no idea who Harold Holt is01:12
clarkbStevenK: I think both arguments make sense its just a matter for which thing you enjoy more I guess01:12
anteayaso I have no opinion01:12
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anteayawell up until a short while ago I didn't advocate wishing death on anyone01:13
anteayamy monster neighbours are making me re-evaluate that stance01:14
clarkbanteaya: don't you live in a place where your nearest neighbor is miles away?01:14
clarkbanteaya: or is it far less rural than I imagine/01:14
StevenKanteaya: I'm not wishing death on Abbott, I just want him to disappear like Holt did ...01:14
anteayahowever I do counsel you put your energy into the better candidate that will come along01:14
StevenKBetter candidates are so far thin on the ground01:15
anteayaclarkb: that was the idea of giving up on my career in film and teaching myself programing for 7 years starting on windows with a dial up modem, yes01:15
StevenKThey are not better, just different01:15
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clarkbI just moved from a plac where I got to listen to drunks most nights. we had a helicopter crash and at least one stabbing. To a nice quiet neighborhood. it is so weird01:15
anteayaclarkb: the quiet, and the space, my heart needs it01:15
anteayaclarkb: do you miss the noise?01:15
anteayasome people here miss the noise01:15
clarkbanteaya: not really. I do have trains to keep my company at night01:16
anteayathey think it will be like the pictures, then they can't stand it and bugger off usually before spring, these people might last 2 years but we shall see01:16
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anteayaclarkb: do the wheels squeal on the tracks?01:16
StevenKMy wife and I live alongside the river. Which is good, except during school holidays because the council keeps organising noisy activites along the river bank for the kids01:16
clarkbanteaya: I don't hear the squealing just occasional horns and rumbling01:17
anteayaStevenK: yeah, that is the downside of close to water, only quiet in the off season01:17
anteayaclarkb: ah good01:17
anteayaI'm used to it being so quiet I can hear my phone ring when I am on the road below my house going for a walk01:18
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lifelessmordred: I tink I'm going to have to reply to your blog reply to sdagues ;)01:24
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clarkblifeless only if your reply is even longer :)01:26
mordredlifeless: see, if you do that, then I'm going to expect after I write a Cyrus IMAP backend for zaqar that you're going to come in and write a jabber backend or something01:27
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tchaypoclarkb: we have lots of freedom over here thanks01:30
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tchaypojust yesterday we sent 800 police into 15 homes across sydney suspected of harboring brown people01:30
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tchaypoone nerd was arrested for reading scandalous email and owning a sword, and someone else was arrested for something firearm-related01:31
tchaypoAlso our PM is busy trumpeting jobs being created at a rate lower than population growth as something fatnastic that he's doing, but hoping we forget about it quickly qnd focus on being scared of brown people01:32
tchaypo.... I could rant for another half hour01:34
anteayaare you successfully frightened of brown people?01:35
anteayayou don't want to throw away your freedom after all01:35
bknudsonindependent new south wales!01:35
StevenKbknudson: No, we want NSW to be part of Australia, just get rid of QLD01:36
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mordredtchaypo: but brown people!!!01:37
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lifelessmordred: hahahaaha no01:42
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tchaypoThe woman who served me my breakfast was wearing an hijab01:43
tchaypoI was too focused on my bacon to remember to be scared01:43
mordredtchaypo: I find that bacon is actually usually much more to the point01:45
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anteayatchaypo: Abbott's work undone by the power of bacon01:54
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tchaypoin other news02:02
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grue_pmtchaypo: the problem being that the majority of Aussies apparently think the PM is doing the right thing - after all they voted for him *sigh*02:06
tchaypono they didn't, they voted against labor02:06
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tchaypolabor's vote went down compared to previous election, but almost all the votes went to the minor parties, not to the liberals02:06
grue_pmyeah of course the preference system02:07
tchaypoand polls since then have shown that approval of what the govt is doing is lower than 50%, and tony's personal approval level is even lower02:07
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tchaypoa few months ago his personal rating was about 34%02:09
grue_pmI'd actually thought all the ranting I'd been seeing was actually cause most people I know are more left thatn right winged. Then again the right winged ranters have been remarkabley silent lately.02:09
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tchaypohe does have higher approval ratings on particular issues - eg, apparently he has about 77% support for his move to presume anyone who has been to syria is a terrorist unless they can prove their innocence02:10
anteayathey only are silent when the realize they made such a mistake with the person they chose as candidate02:10
StevenKtchaypo: I didn't know about that bit. Eurgh02:10
grue_pmMonty and I have lived in Amsterdam so of course we are drugies by that logic02:10
tchaypoI stayed with a friend in Arnhem for a few weeks and commuted to work in Amsterdam02:11
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grue_pmThat makes you one too then *Grin*02:11
StevenKNever visited Amsterdam. Would like to, one day02:12
StevenKI suspect the chances of an OpenStack Summit there are approximately nil02:12
grue_pmOther bits of the Netherlands are prettier. Overall its flat, wet, treeless.02:12
tchaypoStevenK: happily it's right near Paris02:13
tchaypolike, just a few hours on the train02:13
tchaypo*thinks* actually less than that. I think the eurostar does paris -> brussels in an hour..02:13
grue_pmtchaypo: I've been a bit head in sand lately - no real tv/radio/newspapers. Mostly just getting articles people link on social media.02:13
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clarkbtchaypo its a little longer than that02:14
* clarkb is headed NE post summit02:15
anteayaclarkb: cool, where all are you going?02:15
clarkbbrussels, *, amsterdam02:17
mordredgrue_pm: are we only druggies by logic?02:18
grue_pmand prescription02:19
mordredStevenK: actually, I've been pitching amsterdam as a great place for a summit02:19
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mordredthey've got an excellent and excellently connected conference center02:19
StevenKmordred: Oooh02:19
mordredStevenK: but so far, Lauren has listened to exactly ZERO of my suggestions02:19
mordredI also pitched New Orleans because if we did New Orleans then I would _personally_ throw the best party02:20
mordredand New York, because of similar reasons02:20
mordredbut nooooooo .. we have to do Paris with French People ;)02:20
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anteayaclarkb: cool02:20
clarkb* will probably be cologne02:21
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mordredcologne is nce02:21
mordredthe Dom is excellent02:21
StevenKmordred: You've managed to name three cities that I've never visited, and would actually like to02:21
clarkbamsterdam was partially chosen because it has direct flights home :)02:22
StevenKclarkb: With a stop, or not?02:22
clarkbno stop02:23
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anteayaclarkb: you have said good things about cologne02:23
clarkbya I want to see it also kolsch02:24
anteayafrench people know food, and architecture and art and monuments02:24
anteayasometimes we need a good dose of monuments02:24
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StevenKSo far I want to see the outside of the Louvre, the tower itself, and I want to watch traffic madness at the Arc de Triomphe02:26
mordredStevenK: the traffic is great from teh top of the Arc02:26
StevenK3 lane 8 exit madness roundabout02:26
mordredclarkb: amsterdam is my favorite city to fly in and out of02:26
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anteayaStevenK: outside the Louvre hold onto your wallet02:27
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mordredclarkb: if you have global entry, schipol has a reciprocating agreement and you can get a Priviuum pass there02:27
mordredclarkb: although it does involve giving the dutch government a scan of your retina02:27
StevenKanteaya: I tend to keep my wallet in my front pocket, and my hands in my pockets02:27
clarkbmordred fun02:27
StevenKanteaya: While playing tourist02:27
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anteayaStevenK: good strategy02:29
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removes redundant jobs from config gate and check
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morganfainbergclarkb, small datasets but this looks like it brings eventlet back in line with other tempest jobs02:43
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morganfainbergclarkb, and it's gating.02:43
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lifelessmordred: +2A please02:50
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lifelessmordred: afs V N+1 -
stevemarhmm, why do the tox default environments for config not make sense :)03:47
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stevemarthe default envlist is envlist = pep8,upstream,projects_alphabetized03:48
stevemarprojects_alphabetized dne, it should be 'projects'03:48
stevemaralso 'upstream' does not exist either :(03:48
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove the need for zmq in proper demand calcs.
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add functional test gate job for openstackclient
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change projects_alphabetized to projects in tox.ini
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add functional test gate job for openstackclient
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Require python-heatclient>=0.2.11
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for heat update bug 1370865
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370865 in tempest "tempest.api.orchestration.stacks.test_update.UpdateStackTestJSON.test_stack_update_add_remove mismatch error" [Undecided,Invalid]
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Add ability to download log bundles
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add puppet-pip as a unique project
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Remove specs respository from projects.txt
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Report failed post jobs to openstack-qa
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add stevenk to tripleo-core.
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StevenKHaha. I was about to push the same thing06:49
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mikajeblair: wow, that was fast! :) yes, works! (I went the review -> +2 -> "save + submit" route) thaaaaanks! \o/06:51
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vishythis is a new one to me:
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vishyhas anyone seen this timeout before?
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tchaypois pypi down for everyone or just me?07:39
tchaypodot com07:39
tchaypodangnabbit. says it's just me07:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/release-tools: Add script
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Remove keystone-specs from the projects.txt
dstuffttchaypo: you can't trust down for everyone kind of things on PyPI08:50
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dstufft~geo distributed CDN~08:51
dstufftPyPI can be down in only particular regions08:51
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dstufftAlso I always get confused with this stuff, is jsut waiting on someone to approve it yea?08:51
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Solve bashate issue E002 (usage of tab indents)
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Bump sahara client to 0.7.3
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Solve bashate issue E011
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Solve bashate issue E011
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Solve bashate issues E010 and E004
tchaypoI'm guessing might be something that's waiting to get more +2s before it lands09:36
BobBallHas anyone had the problem with Ubuntu Trusty doing a dist-upgrade where update-initramfs fails (probably because hooks/kmod failed)? (called from
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chmouelanyone reported the postgres failure of this morning:
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sdaguechmouel: so I think that's normal10:19
sdagueor... did it change the exception path in nova10:19
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sdaguethe rpc timeout seems to be the main failure -
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derekhAnybody else seeing on CI tests , we're geting it this morning on all CI tests10:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1371549 in tripleo "No distributions matching the version for oslo.messaging>=1.4.0" [Critical,Triaged]10:46
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derekhtripleo ci tests that is10:46
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add proliantutils dependency for Ironic
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack/requirements: require a minimum of websockify 0.6
chmoueli'll never to get those right :(10:55
chmoueltks for looking sdague10:55
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derekhFound the problem, looks like our proxy servers caching needs tweaking11:04
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump zaqarclient version to 0.1.0
sdagueflaper87: what projects in OpenStack can't live without that bump?11:36
flaper87sdague: the bump can definitely wait, I'll put it in WIP11:37
sdagueok, cool11:37
flaper87I went in auto mode and submitted the patch11:37
sdagueyep, no worries :)11:37
* flaper87 is very forgetful11:37
flaper87not even sure if that's a word11:37
sdagueI'm just asking the same question to all client bumps, basically why can't we live with the old version11:38
sdagueand make it a user option to upgrade11:38
flaper87it makes total sense. I just released glance's client and I didn't submit the bump because of that11:38
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flaper87but then forgot and submitted zaqar's (facepalm)11:39
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flaper87well, actually, now that I think about it, we may want to bump glanceclient because of the bug introduced in 0.14.011:40
flaper87let me submit a patch for that11:40
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump glanceclient's version to 0.14.1
flaper87sdague: ^ let me know if that makes sense11:42
sdagueflaper87: so ... actually, wouldn't that really want to be a patch against stable/11:43
sdaguebecause this is driving the juno versions11:43
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sdaguemaster g-r is just going to impact what's in the requirements.txt files in juno releases11:44
openstackgerritTomas Bezdek proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Extended Choice Parameter plugin
sdagueso it seems like !=0.14.1 should be proposed to stable/icehouse and stable/havana11:44
flaper87sdague: right, I'm worried about people updating the client to the latest juno and then breaking their environemnts11:45
flaper87you mean !=0.14.011:45
sdagueflaper87: yeh, but proposing to master doesn't prevent that11:45
flaper87mmh but wait, glance client doesn't even have a stable branch11:45
flaper87sdague: agreed11:45
sdagueI mean stable/* global-requirements11:45
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sdaguewhich will propose to stable/* servers11:45
flaper87sdague: duh, sorry, my brain is moving slowly today11:46
sdaguewhich is actually what you are trying to protect against, right?11:46
flaper87sdague: fair enough, I'll do that and put this in WIP11:46
sdagueno worries, I'm still on cup 2 of coffee :)11:46
sdagueand, honestly the g-r juggling is complicated11:46
sdagueI should probably build a flow chart for "should I propose this requirement update?"11:47
berendtsdague: good idea11:47
flaper87sdague: +111:47
flaper87that'd be helpful11:47
sdaguejust imaging how confusing it was before we didn't have this :)11:47
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump glanceclient's version to 0.14.1
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack/requirements: add oslo.middleware
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russellbmordred: as a side-note, i'm amused that your hypothetical new wordpress blog runs on gentoo12:50
StevenKrussellb: Maybe mordred's blog has racing stripes and a six foot wing.12:51
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Switch to static content for glance upload test
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: give install_modules options for loading requirements externally
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: give install_modules options for loading requirements externally
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: update to pass bashate checks
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sdagueyeh, it's not even arch, gentoo is proper old school hipster now :)13:40
AJaeger_Hi infra team, we have two +2s already on a new project but the final +A is missing. Anybody that can review and approve, please?
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AJaeger_fungi: thanks a lot!13:43
fungisdague: surely gentoo is not as hipster as lfs though. at best it has only two handlebar mustaches13:43
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Adds a new repo for the High Availability Guide
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mtreinishsdague: is this landable now?: or will it have to wait until kilo opens?13:57
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lukegoHoi. Checking up on an operational problem with the Tail-f CI now, FYI. causing 0 votes (but with failure report)14:03
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BobBallAnyone got any idea why applying the openstack_project::single_use_slave configuration with puppet (applied by devstack-gate in the Citrix CI) hangs when trying to restart SSH?  There are two repeated sleep 60's in-guest but with no parent PID I don't know where they are coming from14:04
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AJaeger_fungi: could you add annegent_ to the ha-guide-core ACL, please?,members14:06
AJaeger_Or myself (jaegerandi)14:07
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fungiAJaeger_: would you rather just have docs-core included in ha-guide-core?14:08
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AJaeger_fungi: docs-core is fine as well!14:09
annegent_fungi: AJaeger_: that'll work14:09
fungioh, hah, there is no docs-core group... hrm14:09
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fungifound... it's openstack-doc-core14:10
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AJaeger_fungi: you're faster than me ;)14:10
fungiAJaeger_: done. see if that's any better now14:10
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AJaeger_fungi: thanks! Now we need to do patches ;)14:10
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sdaguemtreinish: we really do need to wait14:14
sdaguemtreinish: honestly, why is tempest tracking under g-r anyway?14:14
sdaguefungi: yeh, gentoo is more soul patch than handlebar mustache14:14
mtreinishsdague: well you did that. I believe it was because we run it in the gate14:15
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sdagueyeh, though it is running under tox without site-packages right?14:15
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sdagueso it should be isolated14:15
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mtreinishsdague: I think site-packages=True in the tempest tox.ini14:16
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sdaguehmmm... nope14:17
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sdagueoh, it's not with the dash14:22
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clarkbI think we could isolate tempest installs. only thing we need to figure out is installing python deps that have C lib requirements14:27
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clarkbthat was part of the reason for site packages being true in the past14:28
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: i'm going to be afk this morning but back in time for the rename14:40
fungijeblair: thanks for the heads up114:41
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sdagueclarkb: yeh, honestly, the cffi thing bit us once14:46
sdaguebut I thought that was resolvable14:46
clarkbI think it is. we just have to change some of our assumptions about how installs happen for tempest14:47
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clarkbsimplest thing is to have devstack install C libs for tempest when tempest is enabled14:50
clarkbthen let tox make a virtualenv14:50
sdagueyeh, that was pyssl?14:51
sdagueI forget what bit tempest actually needed14:51
clarkbI think db clients and something like pyssl14:52
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jeblairsdague: nice msg on bug reports14:53
sdaguejeblair: thanks14:53
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mordredclarkb, sdague: I think that should be what happens across the board ...14:59
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mordredC libs by tempest - python by pip15:00
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bookwari am trying to run jenkins-job test on this example: but get an error: yaml.constructor.ConstructorError: could not determine a constructor for the tag '!include-raw-escape'15:05
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mtreinishsdague: I thought it was just the lxml stuff15:08
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sdaguemtreinish: the lxml stuff wasn't why it broke, it was cffi incompatibility, because cffi is ... silly pants15:09
anteayabookwar: hey so what constructor does jenkins_job_builder use to take the yaml file you provided at and turn it into a job?15:10
anteayabookwar: do you know?15:10
anteayaI know very little about the jjb module but it appears to need something to turn the template into a job and your set up can't find where that thing is15:10
clarkbbookwar anteaya that is a relatively new feature not yet released to pypi15:11
bookwaranteaya: it should include the file into the yaml as a properly escaped string15:11
AJaegerinfra team, openstackgerrit has left us ;( Neither here nor on #openstack-doc15:11
clarkbso you need to install from source to use the include stuff15:11
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fungiAJaeger: i'll give it a gentle nudge15:13
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bookwarclarkb: ah, i see, these docs i was following are dev docs, not the released branch15:13
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anteayaclarkb: ah ha15:14
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anteayabookwar: yay clarkb shows up with his cape and brisket and saves the day, and feeds everybody15:15
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AJaegerfungi, thanks!15:15
AJaegerfood? Great! Thanks, clarkb !15:15
jeblairclarkb: i hope you brought enough for everyone15:15
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clarkbuh plan for sunday is ~12lb brisket and ~6lb pork butt15:17
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clarkbif you are in the portland area drop by15:18
morganfainbergclarkb, oh i think i need to book a flight to PDX then15:18
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clarkbit will be hot and there will be beer. should be fun. also this summer needs to end already15:21
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jrollclarkb: om nom nom15:21
anteayasorry but my mind will always think of you as clarkb brisket, it can't manage clarkb pork butt15:21
fungii'm kind of enjoying summer now that the tourists are finally going home15:21
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anteayafungi: now you know how I feel15:22
anteayaif the neighbours could stop with the backing up, I would be in my regular heaven15:22
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anteayalabour day was like walking around after a party and picking up cups and wiping up spills15:23
anteayaand I love listening to the loons15:23
anteayaand the deer and turkeys are back15:23
fungiyesterday we took a day-trip drive a couple islands to the south to visit a history museum, and there was nobody on the road besides us and the road crews trying to clear dunes off the pavement or raise it where the surf was washing up into the lanes15:23
clarkbanteaya I prefer brisket too15:24
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clarkbits funny that your tourist season ends15:25
clarkbpike place is never not full of tourists15:26
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dhellmannclarkb, fungi : I'd like to publish docs for oslosphinx. It doesn't run the regular python jobs, so I've added the docs jobs separately. Can you take a look when you have a few mintes?
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sdagueyeh, we start to get an uptick in tourism now for the fall colors and fruit picking15:27
fungiclarkb: here it's mostly families and it's out of the way enough that they only come for a week at a stretch and only when their kids are out of school15:27
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anteayafungi: nice15:27
anteayafungi: how was the museum?15:27
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anteayait is funny where I live there are two distinct groups, the summer people and the folks who live here15:28
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fungianteaya: nice. lots of artifacts from the wreck of the queen anne's revegne (blackbeard's famed gunship) and a bunch of other similar local stuff15:28
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anteayasome people come for the summer and think they want to live here but they can't handle the quiet so they leave15:28
anteayafungi: fun!15:28
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anteayafungi: glad you decided to take the day15:28
anteayathe quiet in february that is15:28
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AJaegerdhellmann: you use openstack-server-publish-jobs template, so it should publish already...15:29
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AJaegerdhellmann: check and be happy ;)15:29
dhellmannAJaeger: I *swear* I looked there yesterday and got a 40415:29
AJaegerdhellmann: adding check and gate jobs is fine15:29
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dhellmannis it only being published on releases or something? We would want updates on merges like with the other projects15:30
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AJaegerdhellmann: those are part of python-jobs which your project does not include15:30
fungidhellmann: it might be running but broken15:30
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fungioh, right15:30
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AJaegerdhellmann: I commented on the patch, so remove the post job and it's fine...15:30
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AJaegerdhellmann: it runs on release and post, might have been broken earlier15:31
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AJaegerdhellmann: will you send a patch for ?15:31
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dhellmannAJaeger: yes, I wanted to have something to link to first :-)15:32
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AJaegerdhellmann: sure ;)15:33
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fungidhellmann: AJaeger:
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dhellmannAJaeger: I wonder why we didn't have docs before? Maybe the job was added after our last commit merged? That project hasn't been very active.15:34
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dhellmannprevious to the one that merged yesterday, I guess :-)15:34
fungiso, yeah, seems to be running. obviously adding gate-oslosphinx-docs to the check and gate pipelines help ensure that it does stay running and that you can also preview your changes to the docs before approving them15:34
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add publishing job for oslosphinx documentation
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dhellmannAJaeger: removed the extra post job ^^15:35
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dimsfungi: showed up here too - nice15:39
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fungiyep, AJaeger pointed us to it15:40
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: if you have a moment this morning to review 122533, that would be great.  if that looks like a good general direction, i can churn out the rest of the changes needed for the project-config switch.15:54
jeblairfungi, clarkb: (that one ended up being a single recursive directory copy, but i expect others (eg, review.projects.yaml) to be individual file copies, etc)15:55
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clarkbI think nibalizer said he had some concerns15:56
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clarkbdid he write them down?15:57
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clarkbnibalizer can you do that when you start your morning?15:58
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jeblairyeah, in gerrit or it didn't happen :)15:58
clarkb is another plug for review15:58
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clarkbfungi I think we can start dibing next week15:59
clarkbjeblair indeed15:59
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fungiclarkb: jeblair: sounds good. bumping priority on those two now15:59
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jrollfungi or jeblair: have a quick minute to look at ? :)16:01
jroll+0, -116:01
jroll(and has a +2 already)16:01
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nibalizeri'll review 122533,16:03
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anteayajust to update folks I am waiting on my co-election official to review my proposed post to open nominations prior to posting16:04
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jeblairjroll: i'm starting to wonder if maybe all that stuff should be in devstack itself; basically, it feels like devstack ought to know "how to configure ironic to use the ssh agent"16:05
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jeblairjroll: i'm okay with fixing up the oversight in that patch, but maybe we could look into moving that stuff into devstack at some point?16:06
jeblairjroll: +316:06
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jrolljeblair: thanks, we can look into it later, there's some things to think about such as down the road we may want to test both drivers in parallel16:08
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jeblairjroll: yeah.  if it helps, i think devstack should be where we put all the knowledge about how to deploy things in various configurations, and devstack-gate is where we make decisions about in what configurations we test things16:09
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jrolljeblair: that does help a bit, agree16:10
nibalizerjeblair: reviewed16:11
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openstackgerritPaul Czarkowski proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: solum f20 gate is failing due to upstream dep.
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jrollwhat does `wrappers: build-timeout: x` actually do? does that set tempest build timeout?16:17
jroll(in devstack-gate.yml)16:17
* anteaya goes for a walk16:18
jeblairnibalizer: i feel like that was a review of the spec.16:19
* jroll pokes adam_g16:19
jeblairnibalizer: ie, you are suggesting that instead of a repo of config files, we add yet another puppet module.  yet one of the original goals was to have a repo that was just config files and not puppet code.16:20
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add check job for Ironic-python-agent + Tempest
jeblairjroll: it sets the jenkins timeout.  it should be 5 mins greater than the tempest timeout16:21
jeblairjroll: so that jenkins has time to copy logs off in case of failure16:21
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jrolljeblair: 5 minutes greater? so that's a unit of minutes?16:21
jeblairjroll: t16:21
zarorcarrillocruz: never used it, but i'm pretty sure JJB maven-deploy works.16:21
jrolljeblair: t?16:22
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zarorcarrillocruz: we just don't use it.  we don't use hardly any jenkins plugins.16:22
chair6fungi: not sure what 'wishlist' means on my gerrit group request bug?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370204 in openstack-ci "Initial Gerrit group member for stackforge/bandit" [Wishlist,In progress]16:22
jeblairjroll: your expression evaluated to true.  it's a lisp thing.  :)16:22
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jrollI thought everything was python here :P16:23
jeblairjroll: lisp is where python gets all the _good_ ideas16:23
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fungichair6: i usually process new stackforge project related requests at wishlist priority. i have that one open in a tab and plan on taking care of it today16:23
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add check job for Ironic-python-agent + Tempest
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clarkbchair6 we use that for requests that arent proper bugs16:23
chair6fungi, clarkb: ahh, gotcha .. great, thanks for the eta16:24
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add check job for Ironic-python-agent + Tempest
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pleia2good morning16:26
nibalizerjeblair: I'm advocating for a repo of only config files, that all live under a files directory, so that you can pretend it is a puppet module and reach in with source =>16:26
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nibalizerI probably should have spoken up louder with my thoughts durring the spec stage, yes16:27
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nibalizeralthough looking at the spec, it doesn't go into implementation too much16:29
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jeblairPuppet configuration will then be updated to maintain a vcsrepo checkout of the project-config repo (whose URL will be configurable to support downstream use) and either reference or install files as needed from it.16:30
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jeblairnibalizer: ^ that would be where it would have said "install a puppet module" instead of "maintain a vcsrepo checkout"16:30
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jeblairnibalizer: so yes, this gets us less flexibility, but as i argue in the review, i don't think that's a bad thing.  we don't want or need anything from this repo other than data files16:31
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jeblairanyway, really heading afk now.  back for the project renames.16:33
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devkulkarnihey there.. could some of the cores take a look at whenever you get a chance? thanks in advance?16:35
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clarkbcan we get mailman to refuse mail from linkedin?16:38
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clarkbthat may break people from linkedin actually participating upstream though...16:38
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reedclarkb, why? what happened?16:40
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clarkbreed we keep getting invite message looking things to the list if I am reading it right16:40
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reedclarkb, which list?16:41
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clarkbthe main one16:41
reeddev ?16:42
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: not surprising, the python bug tracker regularly gets invited to be linkedin friends!16:42
clarkbreed no general16:42
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reeddamn, people so happily uploading their addressbooks to online services16:42
reedand then maybe complain about NSA spying16:43
reedI think we can block <>16:43
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* reed writing a reply for mordred, taking a looooong time :)16:44
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reedit's weird because should have been bounced16:46
reedFrom: Peter Cheung <>16:46
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reeddoes mailman look at From: to decide whether to accept a message from a subscriber?16:47
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reedwrong question ...16:47
reeddoes mailman look at From: to decide whether that email is a subscriber?16:47
pleia2yeah, it's not very clever16:47
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reedpleia2, if it does, than  From: Peter Cheung <> should have been rejected16:48
fungireed: it may look at the sender/smtp protocol "mail from" rather than headers16:48
fungior one of the moderators might have accidentally approved the post rather than rejecting it?16:49
pleia2I don't think so, I use my alias account (different from mail from:) on a number of lists16:49
reedfungi, the openstack general list is configured to automatically reject messages from non-subscribers16:50
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fungiweird. did someone somehow subscribe to the list?16:51
reedI'm not sure this will help but I've added to the senders whose messages will be moderated16:52
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reedfungi, no, I checked16:52
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fungireed: /var/log/mailman/post says we had four messages from between 15:10:59 and 16:38:27 utc today. did all of them make it onto the list?16:56
reedfungi, I saw 3 did16:57
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dpyzhovHi guys. We have an epic issue: this review request looks nice and tiny: . But it silently merge our master branch to the stable.17:01
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dpyzhovWe already fixed it with this revert request:
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dpyzhovBut it seems to be a critical bug on infra side and other people can be affected.17:02
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dpyzhovI can provide any additional information and create a bug17:03
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reedfungi, all 4 did17:05
dpyzhovYou can look into merge commit, it defenetelly should not look this way:
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reedbut this one is different:
reedThis invitation from Raghavendra Lad has already been accepted.17:06
reedso someone accepted the invitation from that first message17:07
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reedtriggering probably the following 3 messages?17:07
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mihgenmordred: SergeyLukjanov: hi, can you take a look pls on what dpyzhov says above.. looks like really bad thing to have17:08
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clarkbcan you provide more background. it looks like a master change was proposed to stable then merged?17:08
mihgenwhere can I get logs of job which merges stuff ?17:08
clarkbmihgen no job merges stuff, gerrit does that17:09
mihgenclarkb: not really. It was one line change:
clarkbtopic is master though implying it was pushed from master17:09
fungidpyzhov: mihgen: clarkb: i'm trying to sort out how the master-only commits would have been pulled in by that without gerrit rejecting them as not existing on the target branch17:09
mihgenclarkb: that one line led to
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fungiParent(s) 9a52633718c1937ef4d0cb244b78e3a14f4d0bd5Merge "Added fuel-agent package"17:10
clarkbmihgen I am not disputing that. just trying to understand how we got there17:10
mihgenyeah thanks17:10
dpyzhovclarkb: it seems that this commit was from master branch. But gerrit is not supposed to merge branches. It creates review requests for each commit.17:10
dpyzhovAnd expected behavior: «git review» should ask something like «are you sure you want to push 20 commits?». After that gerrit creates 20 chained review requests17:12
vishysdague, mriedem: have either of you seen this error before?
vishytests timed out after a greenio socket failed to delete?17:13
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vishyit says it ignored the error but then it looks like it hung for almost an hour17:14
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clarkbdpyzhov was the change pushed with git review?17:15
dpyzhovclarkb: yes17:15
dpyzhovclarkb: we can try to reproduce this issue tomorrow17:15
mihgendpyzhov: you sure it wasn't from "Cherry-Pick" thing in gerrit?17:15
fungidefinitely seems to have been intended to be a backport...,n,z17:16
dpyzhovmihgen: no, I’m not sure17:16
mihgendpyzhov: I'm trying to reproduce now17:16
mihgenfungi: yeah, as a standard workflow..17:16
fungimihgen: dpyzhov: that project is configured to use "merge if necessary" submit type in gerrit
fungiso not configured for gerrit to use its internal cherry-pick17:17
clarkbwhich explains the resulting merge commit17:17
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mihgenI don't get it17:17
clarkbbut somehow gerrit and git review were ok with divergent trees17:17
mihgencan you explain?17:17
dpyzhovfungi: All our previous faulty attempts to merge master to the stable merge lead to a pack of review requests17:18
anteayavishy: unrelated, I understand you have a card at the table of the domain name conversation?17:18
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anteayasdague was telling me this and I have been trying to get the publishing under infra since atlanta17:19
anteayavishy: if you do have a stake in this, how can I help?17:19
vishyanteaya: i don’t know the status17:19
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vishyanteaya: I backchanneled with the person who held the name and he initiated a transfer over to the foundation17:19
vishyanteaya: jbryce was supposed to let me know if the transfer went through17:20
vishyand I haven’t heard anything since so I assumed it did17:20
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anteayavishy: thanks I will follow up with jbyrce17:20
anteayavishy: thanks for your help here17:20
fungidpyzhov: agreed, i've not seen it do this before. also the committer was not a member of the core team (which has commit create rights directly on branches, so rules out that as a cause)17:21
clarkbmihgen gerrit can "merge" code in various ways. always with merge commits, only merge if necessary, rebase if necessary, cherry pick17:21
clarkbonly the second is expected to work with our tooling17:21
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add stevenk to tripleo-core.
reedvishy, anteaya: devstack seems now owned by the Foundation according to whois17:25
ayoungInfra cores can we please get another +2 on  to get the kerberos repo started?  I'd like to start posting reviews against it.  Thanks17:25
reedAdmin Organization:OpenStack Foundation17:25
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anteayareed: thanks that is good to know17:26
anteayavishy: so thanks for your help here17:27
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* anteaya adds an item to next week's infra core meeting about devstack publishing17:27
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fungione of the parents of the parent of that change was
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Clean up Heat core team
anteayareed: well can I have a link to your whois search please, become mine says it isn't17:28
dpyzhovfungi: and it is a request to the master17:29
fungidpyzhov: yep17:29
mihgenfungi: yes.. it was merged in master.. and with that weird patch it was sucked into stable17:29
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pleia2thoughts on this one?
bookwarmihgen: when commit is cherry-picked from Gerrit ui, it leaves comment at the original patch and mark in commit messages. So this one has been created manually
bookwarI wonder why Gerrit allows topic branches to have same name as one of the main branches17:30
fungibookwar: git-review tries to guess the topic from your local branch name17:30
anteayareed: it is okay, jbryce confirms the transfer17:30
dpyzhovso ‘master’ topic means only that review was created from the master branch17:31
fungidpyzhov: mihgen: so, gerrit bugs which should have prevented this aside, it looks like was built on top of a merge commit in master and then submitted to the stable branch rather than cherry-picked into the stable branch and then proposed to the stable branch17:31
bookwarfungi: yes, so probably local branch was master and she might run git-review stable/5.1 sitting on the local master branch17:31
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fungiright, so i think i see how it got submitted for review. the question merely becomes why didn't gerrit see that as divergent from the target branch state17:32
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clarkbfungi: right. gerrit should've said hold on the dependencies don't exist in the target branch17:32
bookwarbut i would expect gerrit to run internal check against its existing branches and reject such patchsets17:32
clarkbas changes or as merged commits17:32
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mihgenfungi: bookwar Yes, I think I reproduced it, exactly what you say17:33
fungiso probably what we need to test to recreate this is have two branches and our typical gerrit acls, base a change on a merge commit present in one branch and try to propose it to the other branch17:34
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mihgenI did the following: 1) made commit in master, run git review17:34
mihgen2) cherry-picked to other branch which was based on origin/stable/5.1, run git review stable/5.117:34
fungiand then see if gerrit allows or rejects that. if it allows it, we should see if there's already a bug report and fix upstream in a later release and see about backporting or upgrading17:34
mihgen3) switched back to master branch, and run git commit --amend; git review stable/5.1 - and it went there with all the master tree!17:35
fungizaro: does that bug sound familiar at all?17:36
clarkbit is possible this is a regression in gerrit. where it only checks that the parents exist and not in the proper target branch17:36
fungimight also be specific to merge commit parents since they lack change ids17:36
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tdasilvaSergeyLukjanov: hello, when you have a chance, can you take a look at this review again:
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anteayatdasilva: hi SergeyLukjanov is on his honeymoon17:42
clarkbpleia2: if yo uwant to go ahead and update the commit message I think fungi and I can get the change through17:42
anteayatdasilva: so it might be a while17:42
clarkbpleia2: but I agree we shouldn't be so quick to close the bug17:42
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, not yet17:43
tdasilvaanteaya: thanks for the heads up! do you know who might be able to help us? we would like to see this get landed17:43
tdasilvaSergeyLukjanov: congratulations!17:43
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pin openstackid jobs to precise
pleia2clarkb: done ^^17:44
funginothing obviously related mentioned as fixed by release notes for point releases later than what we're running17:44
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: ah my guessing of your schedule is off17:45
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: but soon though eh?17:45
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, I'm in a business trip now in CA ;)17:45
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: wat?17:45
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clarkbSergeyLukjanov: I can review that change though17:45
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: and well done17:45
clarkbyou go bak to business honeymooning17:45
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clarkbfungi: :/17:46
clarkbfungi: maybe we should hop over to #gerrit?17:46
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: yeah, what are you even doing on irc?17:46
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, we'll have a honeymoon after the summit in France17:46
* clarkb does that17:46
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: well that sounds nice too17:46
clarkbtdasilva: done17:46
clarkbtdasilva: give it about an hour for everything to happen17:47
clarkbassuming it doesn't fail tests for one reason or another17:47
tdasilvaclarkb: Thanks!17:47
tdasilvaclarkb: ok, will keep an eye on it17:47
clarkbhrm #gerrit is my 100th buffer17:47
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fungiclarkb: congrats! you win a friday17:48
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clarkbfungi: I am going to let you hit them with the bug though. I am still a little sketchy on details17:48
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clarkbis the merge commit parent bit important you think?17:48
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to stackforge/dox: First implementation of Puppet unit testing
fungimaybe, hard to be sure17:49
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clarkbpleia2: oh gah that actually isn't a sufficient change :(17:49
clarkbpleia2: if you are interested we need to update layout.yaml's jobs: list to have an entry for those two jobs setting them to default to precise nodes17:50
clarkbpleia2: are you interested in making that change?17:50
clarkbotherwise I can just push it up17:50
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clarkbpleia2: there should be examples in there for our config stuff since most of our config stuff is still precise too17:50
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pleia2I'll have a look17:53
clarkbpleia2: the reason this is necessary is that with gearman workers we have to make both the zuul side and jenkins side agree on which node should run the job17:54
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add swiftonfile project to stackforge
clarkbpleia2: so part of this change is updating the JJB jobs. The other part is telling zuul to do similar17:54
pleia2clarkb: ok, should I push a revision to Martin's change, or just leave comments?17:54
clarkbpleia2: go ahead and push up a new revision17:55
clarkbI think we can go ahead and merge this change today so they are ready to go monday17:55
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anteayacome back openstackgerrit18:01
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pin openstackid jobs to precise
pleia2clarkb: is that right?18:07
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pleia2assuming the post and release jobs are ok whereever they land18:08
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clarkbpleia2: as soon as firefox catches up I can see :)18:10
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clarkbit really doesn't like the layout.yaml file18:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Upgrade PyScss to version 1.2.1 and pin it <1.3 for Horizon
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clarkbpleia2: I think the post and release jobs need precise as well since this is a build step bug. Also, you need to provide the parameter function line too18:11
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clarkbpleia2: I would regex on something like ^.*openstackid-(unittests|release).*$18:12
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clarkbpleia2: that should cover all the tests18:12
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* pleia2 nods18:12
pleia2|branch too18:12
clarkbgah is that the time? I need to catch a bus18:13
clarkbwhat happened18:13
pleia2ah, yours is right18:13
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova resize bug 1371677
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1371677 in nova "Race in resource tracker causes 500 response on deleting during verify_resize state " [Undecided,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pin openstackid jobs to precise
pleia2there we go18:14
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devkulkarni1hi, could someone here take a look at: whenever you get a chance. the patch takes off gating/voting rights from one job and gives it to another.. we don't know if the change that has been made is enough18:40
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mihgenbookwar: > as a workaround we can implement a check on Jenkins to forbid topic branches with names (stable/*|master)  -  I don't think it will solve the issue… I can have branches with arbitrary names, but do the same mistake18:44
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anteayaand we're off:
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anteayalater than expected due to technical issues, thanks for your patience everyone18:45
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bknudsonthe proposal bot just updated requirements in keystoneclient. Maybe I should have listed it as a co-author?
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sdaguevishy: the python unit test hang is the thing I was diving through with lifeless yesterday in -nova18:47
vishysdague: ok well i posted a bug since i couldn’t find one18:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1371738 in nova "Eventlet hang in unit tests: 'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method GreenSocket.__del__ of <eventlet.greenio.GreenSocket object at 0xf77ee50>>" [Undecided,New]18:48
sdaguevishy: yeh, so I think there is a different actual problem going on with why testr hangs18:49
fungimihgen: i don't expect that to help much, and will probably annoy a lot of people who develop in a branch named "master" (whether that's a recommended workflow or not)18:49
sdaguevishy: non of the tests failed in that run, right?18:49
mihgenfungi: yep18:50
fungimihgen: also, i think newer versions of git-review avoid setting the topic at all if the local branch name is the same as the targeted remote branch18:50
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fungimihgen: but earlier versions did not and so you get tons of changes proposed to master with a topic of "master" even today from people using older git-review versions18:51
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vishysdague: right although i don’t know if they all completed18:55
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clarkbpleia2 I am +2 on 122501 now thanks18:59
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clarkbalso I totally missed the first bus19:00
pleia2doh :)19:00
clarkbnibalizer on lombard now see you in about 30 minutes19:00
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openstackgerritPaul Czarkowski proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: solum f20 gate is failing due to upstream dep.
nibalizerclarkb: ok19:05
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: is there a change prepped for the rename?19:17
jeblairfungi, clarkb: also, did you get a chance to look at 122533?19:18
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clarkbI glanced at 122533 unsure of other thing. will review 122533 properly now19:18
fungijeblair: starting to look just in the past few minutes--got sidetracked by
fungiwhich i should probably also send mail to the stable-maint list warning abiout19:19
clarkbjeblair in 122532 do we need to update path to functions file? it is relative in layout.yaml so we shouldnt right?19:20
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, is relative19:21
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update manila jobs
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clarkbjeblair what if we symlink to config instead of doing the puppet source copy?19:26
clarkbin 122533 that may be simpler?19:26
jeblairclarkb: the copy triggers the actions (like zuul reload)19:26
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clarkboh I see and symlink makes that hard19:27
jeblairclarkb: i think if we symlinked, the only trigger available would be vcsrepo update, but since everything is in there, we'd be doing unecessary reloads of services19:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements
clarkb+2 seems like a reasonable first stab19:29
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jeblairnibalizer: if we decide we need to make it into a puppet module, i don't think anything here will prevent us from doing that later19:30
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hasharyesterday I have turned the switch of Zuul cloner on wikimedia CI system and it is now gating changes for  mediawiki and its extensions :-D19:30
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hasharit works!!!!!19:31
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clarkbjeblair: right. and if we dont like how this goes we change it19:32
anteayahashar: yay19:32
fungijeblair: yeah, 122533 seems to me like it should work and be sufficiently lightweight to replicate that pattern to our other uses of those files19:33
anteayahashar: you might know something about this, sdague was asking the other day about a wiki extention ONTITLE - if I have the name correct, might you know something about it?19:33
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fungiclarkb: 88479 seems safe. i'll let you approve when you're ready19:42
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hasharanteaya: we have a ton of extensions and I barely know what they do :-]  As long as they have tests and the devs manages to fix tests breakage all by themselves, I barely need to know more :-]19:42
anteayahashar: suspected as much, but I thought I would try19:42
anteayahashar: thanks19:42
hasharsdague: feel free to poke me about mediawiki extensions, I can find folks that know stuff :]19:43
hasharI will be happy to relay / point to peoples19:43
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clarkbfungi thanks19:43
jeblairhashar: good news about cloner!  we're also using it in production to test changes to our infra puppet repos19:43
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clarkbjeblair anteaya should I wait for the config repo before 88479?19:44
jeblairhashar: check this out:
ekarlsophschwartz: you around ?19:44
clarkbthey "conflict"19:44
hasharjeblair: some of our repositories uses  submodules for dependencies, I have to figure out a solution to fallback to the branch tracked by the submodule instead of fall backing to target branch / master19:44
jeblairclarkb: don't wait, go for it19:44
anteayayeah, it will be a lot of work to redo the patch to point to a different repo19:45
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anteayaclarkb: I am ready to bring it in19:45
anteayaclarkb: they don't conflict that I see19:45
hasharjeblair: I am quite happy to see you found a use case for the clone map \O/19:45
anteayaif they do, merge and let give me time to sort it out on my end19:45
jeblairhashar: yeah, it turns out it's really useful for installing puppet modules into the right place (and with the right name)19:46
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hasharjeblair: and if I understand that script, you find out hosts then for each  run puppet apply ?19:47
hasharthat is crazy. I am wondering how long it takes19:47
jeblairhashar: yeah.  it's really fast actually.19:47
clarkbjeblair ok19:48
jeblairhashar: we use --noop so it doesn't actually have to do anything19:48
clarkbpizza rename then that19:48
jeblairhashar: but it fully exercises the parser and catches lots of errors that used to only be caught in production19:48
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jeblairhashar: i don't know that it's better than beaker/rspec stuff, but it's easy and effective19:48
anteayaclarkb: what are you going to rename the pizza?19:49
anteayaI suggest not brisket or pork butt19:49
anteayathose are taken19:49
hasharjeblair: yeah that is a good first step :D19:49
hasharjeblair: we played a bit with rspec last year but did not went very far.19:50
hasharwhat we end up doing is disabling puppet, un pool a node from prod, run puppet and fix till that pass. Then reenable puppet19:50
hasharlong and tedious19:50
jeblairi say that, but it looks like since the upgrade to puppet3, those jobs are emitting all kinds of errors but still succeeding.19:51
jeblairwe may need to dig into that and see what's going on.19:51
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hasharwill give that a try whenever I get my jobs to run in isolated instances19:52
hashar(ie setup nodepool \O/)19:52
lifelesssdague: vishy: hi19:55
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fungijeblair: clarkb: SergeyLukjanov: mordred: okay, 30 minutes to maintenance. plan is at for anyone collaborating on this20:00
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fungii think we're at the point in the release cycle where there really just won't be lulls in the gate until right before austrailasia mondy mornings20:01
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CaptainMorganfungi probably right20:01
jeblairfungi: ack20:01
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Clean up links and docs
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jeblairfungi: i'm going to remove the puppetmaster crontab20:03
fungijeblair: okay20:04
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anteayabswartz: follow along here if you like:
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bswartzanteaya: ty20:07
bswartzthat's what I'm here for20:07
anteayabswartz: I'm a mind reader I am20:07
bswartzyou're doing it at 4:30 right?20:07
anteayathis is prep20:07
anteayagerrit goes offline as soon as we are ready after 20:3020:08
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bswartzlet me know what I can do20:08
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anteayabswartz: stand by, you will be called on if needed20:08
jeblairfungi: thoughts on whether irc is stable enough to use statusbot?20:08
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fungijeblair: it's been 6 days since openstackstatus joined, so *hopefully* stable enough20:10
fungi(according to /whois anyway)20:10
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anteayabswartz: we use statusbot to inform the channels that gerrit will be offline and update channel topics20:10
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jeblairfungi: "Gerrit will be offline from 20:30 to 20:50 UTC for project renames" ?20:12
jeblairalso, if we were _really_ clever, we'd have prepared the system-config rename before now :)20:13
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jeblair#status alert Gerrit will be offline from 20:30 to 20:50 UTC for project renames20:13
openstackstatusjeblair: sending alert20:13
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fungii can't imagine it going over 20 minutes anyway20:13
ayoungjeblair, sorry to bug you, but could you +2 +A
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anteayaayoung: not right now, getting ready to take gerrit offline20:13
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anteayaayoung: try in about an hour20:13
AJaegerbswartz: would be great if you help with the final steps: Approving the .gitreview asap...20:13
bswartzAJaeger: which one?20:14
fungibswartz: one of us will propose an update to your projects' .gitreview files when we finish the maintenance20:14
ayounganteaya, at 4:14 on a Friday afternoon?20:14
bswartzyeah np20:14
AJaegerbswartz: step 17 on the etherpad is updating the .gitreview file. And then a manila-core needs to approve it. Could you do this, please?20:14
anteayaayoung: if you like, as long as it isn't right now20:14
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit will be offline from 20:30 to 20:50 UTC for project renames20:14
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ayoungGood luck20:15
anteayaayoung: thanks20:15
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bswartzxyang1: are you going to be around for the next 30 minutes?20:15
vponomaryov1I am here if needed20:15
jeblairfungi: puppetmaster confirmed stopped20:15
bswartzthere we go20:15
fungiayoung: what do you mean friday afternoon? it's saturday morning in apac ;)20:15
bswartzwe have at least 2 manila core here20:15
bswartzmaybe 320:15
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ayoungfungi, does that mean you are tempting fate less or more?  I can't decide.20:16
* fungi wishes it were saturday morning where he is20:16
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AJaegerbswartz: another manila related patch is - do you want to review it?20:16
openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending alert20:17
anteayaAJaeger: let's let jim and jeremy focus20:17
AJaegeranteaya: ok20:17
* fungi is having no more trouble focusing than usual20:18
bswartzAJaeger: are the jobs removed because they still inherit from some template after the rename?20:18
jeblairpleia2: there's a pleia3 on the etherpad.  watch out for her.20:18
AJaegerbswartz: yes, the template is exactly what's removed. Just the publish job is new20:18
bswartzokay seems easy enough20:19
vponomaryov1AJaeger: why only manila, but manilaclient?20:19
AJaegervponomaryov1: good idea, I'll update20:20
clarkbok pizza done20:21
jeblairclarkb: step 0 complete! :)20:21
fungiwow, we've been pretty heavily starved for devstack-trusty workers in the check pipeline, looks like20:21
fungilots of building and delete on the graph, not much in use20:22
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clarkboh wow20:22
clarkbthat graph20:22
fungii suspect one or more of our providers is choking again20:22
jeblairshould we do a nodepool delete all while we're down?20:22
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update manila jobs
AJaegervponomaryov1, bswartz ^20:22
jeblairwould get us on our feet again faster (at the risk of making whatever provider is having a hard time have a worse time)20:23
fungiyeah, it might help a little20:23
anteayaall providers from what I see20:23
anteayaor both and all regions depending on how you see it20:23
fungianteaya: all providers what? in use or having building failures?20:24
anteayahaving failures20:24
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anteayaord is the lightest hit20:24
funginot really an insane number of LaunchStatusException in the logs for a change. may be something else20:25
fungi2014-09-19 20:25:19,422 ERROR nodepool.NodeLauncher: OverLimit launching node id: 2296326 in provider: rax-iad20:25
fungiwe probably have some alien cruft in one or more regions. i'll see about cleaning those up once the maintenance is concluded20:26
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fungiokay, i'll take all the steps on gerrit again20:30
jeblairi've stopped zuul20:30
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use python-jobs and publish docs for manila
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clarkbI am ready to move repos on on git mirrors and delete github side whenever you all are ready20:31
fungigerrit going down now20:31
fungiand the process has finally exited. starting in on db update queries20:32
* clarkb moves repos20:32
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fungiworking on file moves on the gerrit server now20:33
clarkbgitxx are done. now doing github20:34
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jeblairmordred:  any ideas there?20:34
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fungilucene reindex is running now20:34
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clarkbhrm there is a transfer ownership option in github now. I will stick with a delete but we should look into that for future renames20:35
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jeblairmordred: i quoted that (editing by hand on the filesystem) and it worked20:35
mordredjeblair: I think it needs to be20:35
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mordredyes. quoted20:35
mordredwhen did it stop being?20:35
clarkbgithub deletes are done20:36
clarkbfungi: how does reindex look?20:37
clarkbfungi: iirc that is about a 10 minute process?20:37
jeblairmordred: that file has never been modified.  i have a patch ready for when gerrit comes back up.20:37
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fungiclarkb: ~1/3 done20:37
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fungi~3/4 done now20:40
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fungithe percentages are anything but time-linear20:41
fungilucene reindex finished... starting gerrit service again now20:41
fungigerrit seems to be back up and responding. any objections to approving the rename change now?20:42
jeblairzuul is running20:43
jeblairfungi: so go for it20:43
fungioh, need to wait until zuul's running again20:43
fungik, yep20:43
clarkbno objections here20:43
jeblairnow that that's in the queue, i'll restore the queues20:44
bswartzdo you have a way to make your job jump to the front of the queue?20:44
fungiit's in the gate now, still waiting on bare-precise and bare-centos6 workers20:44
jeblairbswartz: enqueue it before we restore the queues we saved before stopping zuul20:45
fungibswartz: we did in this case by approving it before readding the previous queue contents20:45
anteayabswartz: ours has its own queue20:45
fungier, what jeblair just said ;)20:45
bswartzcool trick20:45
fungibswartz: but we do also have a command-line admin tool that lets us reorder the gate queues on the fly if needed (used pretty much exclusively to promote gate-fix changes to the front)20:46
vponomaryov1fungi: red button exists too? =)20:47
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Quote hostname in ansible clean workspaces command
jeblairfinished re-enqueing20:47
clarkbI am going to do the group stuff for the swiftonfile project I approved20:47
clarkbso that I don't forget and as the approver I feel responsible20:47
anteayaclarkb: by group stuff doesn't the patch create the groups?20:48
openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tests to verify oslo.messaging's use of the Apache QPID broker
anteayaor do you mean populate the groups20:48
clarkbanteaya: have to add people to the group20:48
anteayaclarkb: ah yes20:48
jeblair#status ok Gerrit is back online20:49
openstackstatusjeblair: sending ok20:49
clarkbhrm hasn't been created yet guess need to wait for manage projects to do its thing20:49
jeblairnot quite done, but the outage is over for all but manila20:49
fungihrm, we got a bare-precise node finally20:49
clarkbnow we need centos20:50
clarkbgo nodepool go20:50
jeblairthere are many bare-centos6 building20:50
fungiright now 58 bare-centos6 nodes are building... hopefully one of them succeeds20:50
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is back online20:51
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fungiooh, one went to ready. should pick up any...20:51
anteayalike a horse race20:51
SukhdevDear Infra folks, is there an issue with the gate?20:51
fungithere it is20:51
anteayaSukhdev: yes, gerrit was offline20:51
anteayaSukhdev: now it is back online and the queues are back again20:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move manila repos from stackforge to openstack
fungiokay, there's ^ the change20:52
anteayaSukhdev: we took gerrit offline for schedules project renames, we sent an email to the list: about it and changed the irc channel topic while it was offline20:53
fungii'll go ahead and manually trigger the puppet runs20:53
openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending ok20:53
Sukhdevanteaya: would that cause the patch to be re-queued even though it was almost complete?20:53
clarkbfungi: sounds good20:53
jeblairfungi: ok20:53
anteayaSukhdev: yes it would20:53
anteayaSukhdev: we have no good times left for scheduled maintenance20:54
Sukhdevanteaya: Ah ha…that explains it….20:54
anteayaSukhdev: we have to pick the best bad time we can find20:54
Sukhdevanteaya: So, now we have a smooth sail ahead?20:54
anteayaSukhdev: you should yes20:54
anteayaSukhdev: if you don't let us know20:54
fungiSukhdev: no other outages planned through the weekend, anyway20:54
anteayaSukhdev: your patch should be back in a queue on
Sukhdevanteaya: cool will keep and eye on it and will report back, if see issue again20:55
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anteayaSukhdev: kk, thanks20:55
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Sukhdevanteaya: yes, it is in the queue - it went in the queue 4 times since morning :-)20:55
anteayaSukhdev: your lucky day :D20:55
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Sukhdevanteaya: you make it sound so +ve…..I like that :-)20:56
anteayaha ha ha20:56
anteayaI'm glad to hear that20:56
clarkbI am approving 88479 now20:57
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bswartzso what's left to do?20:59
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fungibswartz: #16-17, but i21:00
fungi'm waiting for the puppet run to complete first21:00
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fungihopefully only a few more minutes until it finishes21:00
vponomaryov1guys, is it expected that all "watchers" and "stars" disappeared for project?21:01
bswartzvponomaryov1: in github?21:01
sdagueclarkb / fungi : should seperate horizon pooping itself because of pycss stuff from glance trying to upload an http url21:01
bswartzthey deleted the project rather than moving it, so I would guess yes21:01
clarkbyes we don't move the projects. that is a newish feature and  Iwasn't prepared to learn the intricacies of it as I was making the change21:02
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fungiwell, s/move/transfer/21:02
clarkbsdague: so that should be all apache and no django mod whatever?21:03
fungimove has been there a while and we've used it, but it's for renames within a github org21:03
fungitransfer ownership is new, and lets you switch a project to another org21:03
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sdagueclarkb: yeh21:04
sdaguebecause it's just a straight static asset21:04
clarkbsdague: I +2'd and rechecked before seeing you did the same21:04
clarkbsdague: feel free to promote to an approve21:04
xyang1bswartz: sorry, just saw your message. do you need to talk to me?21:04
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sdagueclarkb: sure, I'll let the tests rerun. I looked at the fails and they weren't related to the issue at hand.21:05
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bswartzxyang1: they needed a manila core person for the last stop of the rename -- just wanted a backup person here if my internet connection blows up21:05
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bswartzwe have vponomaryov1 too though21:05
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jeblairfungi: i think ansible has moved beyond review.o.o now21:06
xyang1bswartz: sure.  I'l be here as a backup as well21:06
fungijeblair: looks like it. i'm starting the replication run21:06
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jeblairclarkb: is your missing group there?21:06
fungiand also working on the .gitreview changes21:06
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clarkbjeblair: no I don't see it yet21:06
clarkbbut may need to do a refresh21:07
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fungiwhich missing group?21:07
clarkbhrm still one. fungi the swiftonfile-core and -release groups21:07
clarkblooks like the ACLs for it never made it in. Could be a problem with the acl file21:07
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fungipossibly. i can try a manual run of manage-projects on it to see what's erroring if you need21:08
clarkbfungi: that would be great. I am going t orereview the file now21:08
* krotscheck beats his head against python multiprocessing a bit more.21:09
fungibswartz: vponomaryov1: xyang1: and
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clarkbfungi: the only thing I see is that the file has old style indentation. Does the regex in jeepyb not handle that anymore?21:11
fungiclarkb: oh... maybe? i thought i modified it to treat leading whitespace as optional (someone copying from an old change rather than from documentation or an existing file i guess)21:12
fungino errors when i ran sudo manage-projects stackforge/swiftonfile21:13
clarkbfungi: you did. the regex looks fine21:13
clarkbfungi: there they are21:13
clarkbso weird21:13
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fungiso the full run of manage-projects did nothing to create those groups but they showed up when i ran it for that one project just now?21:14
clarkbarg there are two gerrit accounts with the same email address... guess I am not closing that bug21:14
clarkbfungi: ya21:14
clarkbfungi: didn't update the acl file either21:14
fungibizarre, bizarre, bizarre21:14
fungimakes me want to start in on beer already21:14
clarkboh good they gave me the users full name too I can do this21:14
fungioh, wait, i have21:14
clarkbfungi: do it and don't look back21:14
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bswartzguys did you "expedite" the job for the 2 changes to the .gitreview files?21:17
harlowja_clarkb fungi  so for oslo.utils looks like i fixed it up @ so i should propose 34 jobs for it, or keep 33 and 34 or something else?21:17
bswartzI'm a tiny bit concerned they may fail in gate because of our check jobs -- they still refer to stackforge21:17
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clarkbharlowja_: awesome thanks. I am happy to make py33 voting now then pick up utils when we switch everything. or you can go straight to 3421:17
clarkblet us see if fungi disagrees21:17
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reedsdague, fantastic write up of your proxy setup. I'm linking it from the wiki21:18
harlowja_was a weird fix, but all runs ok on py34 on my ubuntu machine21:18
sdaguereed: cool, thanks21:18
clarkbharlowja_: wfm21:18
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harlowja_k, let me propose a review and see what happens21:19
clarkbI wonder if some of the other projects that fail need the same fix21:19
clarkbglanceclient had a couple weird things going on. hashseed stuff and other thinsg all at once21:19
harlowja_it was weird21:19
vponomaryov1fungi: changes will fail on devstack votable job, see
harlowja_if u see stuff like then it might be just that simple21:20
fungibswartz: i'm watching to see if they succeed but21:20
bswartzfungi: this line worries me:
fungibswartz: vponomaryov1: yeah, sounds like you may need to stack or squash it with a rename of anywhere you've hardcoded stackforge inside those projects21:20
bswartzI have to get my daughter from daycare and eat dinner -- I'll be back online after21:22
bswartzand I'll check in21:22
fungibswartz: vponomaryov1: i can add that to the manila .gitreview change and resubmit if that's all you think it needs21:22
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bswartzrely on vponomaryov1 and xyang1 if you need +2s21:22
vponomaryov1fungi: yes, it will resolve issue21:22
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fungivponomaryov1: okay, i've updated that change with a new patchset21:23
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fungiit'll need reapproving21:23
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harlowja_clarkb fungi  i also updatd fyi21:24
fungiharlowja_: oh awesome!21:24
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fungiharlowja_: and yeah, no need to add 3.4 jobs for it just yet21:25
fungivoting on 3.3 is fine as long as 3.4 is at least confirmed working for now, so the delta to fix it up later if needed shouldn't be significant21:25
harlowja_guess i could just unabandone or maybe u guys can?21:27
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harlowja_seems like dims didn't need to abandon that21:27
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harlowja_hmmm, i'll poke him when i find him on iRC21:28
clarkbhrm we lost morgan21:28
CaptainMorganclarkb, hmm?21:28
clarkboh you are casual nicking21:28
clarkbthat explains it.21:28
fungiharlowja_: restored21:28
CaptainMorganclarkb, speak like a pirate!21:28
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morganfainbergok back to easy to find21:28
fungiCaptainMorgan drink like a pirate day is so much more fun though21:29
morganfainbergclarkb, ok i'm here. need anything?21:29
fungi(as long as you can remember any of it the next morning)21:29
clarkbaye captain! I have just double checked the port postgres cannons and they are firing at a rate similar to the starboard mysql cannons21:29
morganfainbergfungi, ahhhh yes.21:29
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harlowja_fungi thx, now just can u maybe remove the -1 ;) (i added comment to 34 fix)21:29
morganfainbergclarkb, yep, the n-cpu fix looks like it worked21:29
fungiitym "arrrr yes"21:29
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clarkbmorganfainberg: average is 59 minutes21:30
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clarkbmorganfainberg: which may include old numbers. next week will give us a better data set without tail issues21:30
morganfainbergclarkb, a little slow, but still way way way better than 1h3021:30
fungiharlowja_: didja one better21:30
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clarkbmorganfainberg: ya, and possible we have a tail in those numbers from before the fix went in21:30
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* morganfainberg glares at the requirements update for keystoneclient.21:32
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morganfainbergso close to being able to cut a release.21:32
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fungiworking on alien node cleanup now21:33
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harlowja_hmmm, wonder when we will hit :(21:34
harlowja_soon enough i guess, ha21:34
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add support for disk-image-builder in nodepool
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* anteaya redoes her project-config filter branch test21:37
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clarkbharlowja_: when ubuntu and redhat/fedora update their python2.7 verisons :)21:38
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clarkbharlowja_: that is a fun looking bug though21:42
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch py33 jobs for oslo.log and oslo.utils to vote
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winston-djeblair: hi, sorry to bug you again. i'm wondering what would happen if i change the 'git-root' to a different directory for a working gertty.  The new location already has a lot of projects checked out there.21:44
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winston-djeblair: I did that, and gertty stops responding for > 5mins and still counting.21:45
fungiwinston-d: it's designed to reuse the same git clones you're doing development in, but if you want it to not do that then it works just fine with its own copies in a different directory21:45
fungithough i haven't tried reconfiguring it after using it, so maybe there are references to the old path in its db confusing it?21:46
winston-dfungi: Yeah, when I first tried gertty, I didn't change the 'git-root', so it used the default '~/git/', now I changed the setting and restart gertty, it hangs.21:47
fungijeblair: would probably be able to speculate faster than i'll get around to pulling it up in an sqlite client21:47
fungiwow, we have a crazy quantity of orphaned/alien nodes in our nodepool providers. cleaning them all up now21:48
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fungiugh... the novaclient on the new puppetmaster is hosed (from oslo.config import cfg -> ImportError: No module named config)21:54
fungiwas working fine a few days ago when i tested out the launch script21:54
sdaguefungi: yeh, that's typically the namespace problem with oslo21:56
fungiinstalled on tuesday21:56
fungithe day after i tested it21:56
fungipuppet upgraded it via system-wide pip on tuesday, from 2.18.1 to 2.19.021:57
fungino errors in the log21:58
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fungiuninstalling and reinstalling it doesn't help... same error21:59
fungioh, the error is bubbling up from keystoneclient21:59
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clarkbfungi: which failed bceause lxml22:01
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clarkblxml comes before config22:01
fungiaha, keystoneclient can't be installed... /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz (trying to install lxml)22:01
clarkbit doesn't isntall config as a result22:01
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fungido we want puppet configured to install python-lxml from ubuntu?22:02
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fungion the puppetmaster?22:02
clarkbfungi: yes, I think that is how we prefer to do it. maybe make python-novaclient require that package in puppet so order is correct22:02
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fungiargh, no22:02
fungipython-lxml is already the newest version22:03
nibalizerinstalling that should /not/ be this hard :(22:03
fungiclaims python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1 is installed22:03
funginibalizer: we actually hate our users and do everything we can as a project to make it impossible for them to install a working novaclient22:03
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fungiokay, uninstalling and installing keystoneclient without passing -U to pip seems to have worked22:05
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fungiand now novaclient works again22:05
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clarkbfungi: ya its not lxml that broke it22:05
clarkbits that lxml was missing when it tried installing oslo.config22:05
clarkbI was really confused and had a hard time fixing last tiem I ran into this22:06
clarkbso I think we need to enforce order22:06
fungiclarkb: i think we got a new keystoneclient release, puppet tried to pip install it with -U and that made it want to pull down a newer lxml which it then failed to compile bindings for because there were no corresponding header packages on the system22:06
fungiclarkb: whereas not installing with -U allows it to accept that the system-installed lxml from ubuntu satisfies the requirement22:07
clarkboh gotcha22:07
fungieven though there happens to be a newer one on pypi22:07
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fungii bet zuul and nodepool are similarly broken trying to upgrade keystoneclient right now since we installed python-lxml from ubuntu on them for the same reasons22:08
mtreinishclarkb: any clues what's going on with the top 2 files here?:
mtreinishI'm hitting a 404 when I click on either of the log links22:08
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add check job for Ironic-python-agent + Tempest
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fungiclarkb: so as elegant as we may have thought satisfying that with the ubuntu python-lxml package was at the time, we may want to switch that to installing the xml/xslt header package sinstead so that it can successfully install lxml from pypi22:11
jeblairwinston-d: sorry, was away for a bit.  it should work.  you can run with the '-d' option and it will log debug messages to .gertty.log and you can see what it's doing22:11
clarkbfungi: ya its worth considering22:11
jrolly'all look busy, but when you're free I have some new CI jobs I'd love to try out :)
clarkbmtreinish: looking22:12
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jeblairwinston-d: it may be missing a lot of refs, but you can run with '--fetch-missing-refs' and it will fetch them (that _will_ take a long time, but you will see progress in the sync counter at the top)22:12
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clarkbmtreinish: so startup_log works. startup_err failed for me but is on disk as a 0 byte file22:15
clarkbmtreinish: ls shows the other two files22:16
clarkbif  Ifile them get an error22:16
mtreinishclarkb: I'm trying to get rabbit@devstack-trusty-hpcloud-b1-2287263.txt.gz22:16
mtreinishwhich at least the web index and lftp show22:16
clarkbhrm now they stat22:17
clarkbfungi: jeblair: any ideas? I am willing to guess the @ causes prolems?22:17
* clarkb tries a thing22:17
clarkblol yup22:18
clarkbmtreinish: clarkbtest.txt.gz has what you want22:18
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mtreinishclarkb: yeah I figured it was the @ :)22:18
mtreinishclarkb: ok cool, thanks22:18
clarkbwe should rename those files before uploading them22:18
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fungivery much so22:18
clarkbI will write that change now22:18
bswartzhey I'm back22:19
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bswartzdid everything go well?22:19
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clarkbmtreinish: I can rename others if it helps22:19
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clarkbI am not going to do a massive find though22:20
mtreinishclarkb: hmm, I'm not sure if any other files have an @ in them22:20
clarkbmtreinish: well if other jobs need them22:21
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mtreinishoh, yeah I don't think anyone really looks at the rabbit logs :)22:21
mtreinishthere wasn't anything too useful on that one. I just have a random failure with an rpc timeout and wanted to do a sanity check22:22
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clarkbhrm can't use the rename utility because fedora and ubuntu don't agree on what it is22:24
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clarkbI can probably solve this with the power of bash22:24
mtreinishclarkb: ugh, yeah I remember when that change landed it made things ugly in some of my patches22:24
bswartzthanks infra guys for doing the move22:24
fungibswartz: the update changes to your two projects are being tested now and they're expected to pass. i'm cleaning up some problems with our worker pool to get jobs going a little faster again in hopes we'll have those merged sooner22:24
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winston-djeblair: thx for the tip, will try --fetch-missing-refs22:34
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openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add nova-docker to tracked project list
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Handle @s in log file names by renaming them
clarkbnibalizer: fungi jeblair ^ that is a terrible hack that I am not proud of22:43
clarkbbut doing renames is hard22:43
clarkbI almost want to write a third tool to do it22:44
jeblairclarkb: i think it's beautiful22:44
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Handle @s in log file names by renaming them
clarkbnibalizer just told me to use quotes22:45
clarkbjeblair: I am glad you enjoyed it22:45
fungiit's too bad rename doesn't have a -r22:45
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fungior selse we could just 'rename -r s/@/_at_/g $BASE/logs/rabbitmq'22:46
clarkbfungi: no we can't22:46
clarkbfungi: because fedora22:46
fungipoo fedora poo22:46
clarkbfungi: its the silliest thing ever and bunnies die as a result. but rename is different on fedora and ubuntu22:46
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clarkbone is from perl and the other is from not perl22:47
fungithe pitfalls of non-posix and portability22:47
fungile sigh22:47
nibalizercould also use %4022:47
fungidouble-percent-encoding in urls is teh heinous22:48
jeblairmtreinish: pulseaudio is responsible for 174884 lines in my syslog currently22:48
jeblairmordred: ^22:48
fungiand i'm pretty sure apache's mod_autoindex would %-encode the %22:49
jeblairmtreinish: sorry, unless you also hate pulseaudio22:49
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clarkbjeblair: nice22:49
clarkbjeblair: how does your music sound? was it worht the log lines/22:49
fungijeblair: pulseaudio hate is so last year. it got replaced by networkmanager hate, which is now supplanted by systemd hate22:50
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mtreinishjeblair: I do, I hate it with a passion. It's part of the reason I run archlinux because I can get away without installing it22:50
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jeblairclarkb: i'm attempting to use audio for the first time since my trusty upgrade22:50
bswartz+1 systemd hate22:50
jeblairit is not going well22:50
clarkbjeblair: try pavucontrol22:51
clarkbjeblair: I found it is basically the only thing that helps22:51
fungijeblair: as soon as systemd incorporates your audio multiplexing into pid 1, your problems will be over22:51
pleia2pavucontrol is good, I've also used xfce4-mixer on occasion to unmute strane things22:51
pleia2(doesn't ship with xubuntu anymore)22:51
bswartzfungi don't give them ideas22:51
jeblairi just accidentally discovered ctrl-meta click-drag in urxvt selects a rectangular region22:51
* fungi uses a ctrl-hyper-super-cokebottle bucky for that22:52
fungi(or would if i had a space cadet keyboard)22:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova resize bug 1371677
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1371677 in nova "Race in resource tracker causes 500 response on deleting during verify_resize state " [High,Triaged]
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Python based daemon management
jeblairclarkb, fungi, nibalizer: a number of our modules actually have a form where they take a path of a config file as input (we usually pass 'puppet://modules/openstack_project...' in); that seems like it might be preferable to externalizing the config23:07
jeblairat least, if we have to change the way we do half the things, maybe we should go in that direction23:08
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nibalizerjeblair: +++++++++++++++++++++++23:08
jeblair(so now they would pass '/etc/project_config/...')23:08
nibalizerthat is exactly what i was trying to say thir morning!23:09
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nibalizer(super badly, my fault on that)23:09
jeblairnibalizer: oh, but i'm not proposing that project-config be a puppet module; i thought that was the main thrust of what you were saying23:09
nibalizerno screw that, thats a bad idea, i shouldn't have said that23:10
nibalizer(puppet-config as a module i mean)23:10
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jeblairnibalizer: but yeah, this seems in accordance with the bit you mentioned about crossing modules23:10
nibalizerya, i was mostly disagreeing with how the zuul config file resource had been moved out of the zuul module23:11
nibalizerkeeping it in the zuul module and passsing the 'source' as a paramter is where i want to go23:11
clarkbnibalizer: jeblair: I like this idea23:11
clarkbso ++23:11
jeblairnibalizer: it didn't seem harmful to move it out of the openstack_project::zuul module, but i agree it would be very bad to move it out of the ::zuul module (which is what some of our newer/better-written modules are already set up for)23:12
nibalizerya lets make the ::zuul module totaly self sufficeint23:13
jeblairand, oddly enough, gerrit, since people actually did work on that :)23:13
nibalizerthen as a best practice, we can wrap it with openstack_project::zuul if we need to do weird stuff23:13
nibalizerthat ^^ is what people mean when they say 'roles and profiles'23:13
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fungiso... vcsrepo checks the project-config repo out into /opt/project-config, then zuul puppet module sources /etc/zuul/layout/layout.yaml from /opt/puppet-config/zuul/layout.yaml or whatever23:16
fungithen any subscribe/notify from /etc/zuul/layout/layout.yaml still triggers any time vcsrepo updates /opt/puppet-config with a newer zuul/layout.yaml23:17
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Python based daemon management
fungior did i misinterpret the suggestion?23:17
jeblairfungi: that's correct23:17
sdagueso... we've got a lot of deleting nodes eh?23:17
fungiand we tell the zuul puppet module via a class param where to source that original file from23:17
jeblairfungi: yeah, i think it'll be something like $project_config::zuul_some_filename23:18
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Python based daemon management
fungisdague: i thought most of the building bloat was because we had alien cruft in the tenants and were being refused with over quota responses a bunch. removing those doesn't seem to have improved our actual count of nodes in use though23:19
fungiso there's probably more broken then just that23:19
fungiwe are getting a lot of timeouts waiting for node deletion in rackspace but that's not atypical (the frequency of those may be atypical though... still looking)23:21
jeblair"C-x b init.pp<4>" is one of the more annoying things about puppet.  :/23:22
mordredjeblair: I know I don't say this often ...23:22
mordredjeblair: but that would not be better in ansible23:23
mordredjeblair: it would just be "C-x b default.yml<4>"23:23
fungialso we're not looking at an overly large number of nodes taking longer than usual to exit building status, so this doesn't seem like the "rax can't turn over floating ip addresses fast enough" issue either23:23
jeblairmordred: nor if they were in afs.23:23
mordredjeblair: I think we  have to say both of those things from time to time23:23
jeblairmordred: quota met23:24
mordredjeblair: quota can be solved with AFS and managed with ansible23:24
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fungiit may just be that since "the great requeuing" we've been turning over lots and lots of nodes because we churned through a ton of fast/small jobs in a very short span of time23:26
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Solve bashate issues E010 and E004
fungithe zuul job queue is plummeting fairly rapidly after all23:27
jeblairanteaya: i've made a change to to remove the jeepyb directory (moving projects.yaml into the gerrit dir); i think that makes sense from a human pov to combine them23:27
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Pin openstackid jobs to precise
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mordredmorganfainberg: I've been offline pretty much all day ... anything I can do wrt that keystoneclient change?23:29
morganfainbergmordred, i think we have a way to do it w/o the extra code.23:29
morganfainbergmordred, but its partially because that code doesn't hit evetything it is meant to do. let me find the link rq23:29
morganfainbergmordred, part of it is that code was/is the transitional code23:30
morganfainbergmordred, but this looks to be the direction jamielennox was going23:30
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morganfainbergmordred, so it's using the session adapter which is more inline with don't do "keystoneclient specific stuff in the other clients"23:31
nibalizerjeblair: what?23:31
nibalizerC-x b init.pp<4> huh? how is that a puppet problem?23:31
nibalizerwhat is that problem23:31
morganfainbergmordred, but it doesn't solve it in shell.py23:31
morganfainbergmordred, ugh.23:31
jeblairnibalizer: all the interesting bits happen in files called 'init.pp'.23:32
nibalizeroh is that how you search through files that are open?23:32
mordrednibalizer: C-x b is "switch buffer"23:32
jeblairnibalizer: yeah, that's "switch to the 4th file you opened with the name init.pp" in emacs speak23:32
clarkbI was right!23:32
nibalizerwell, if thats the most annoying thing about puppet, boy do i have some stories to tell...23:32
clarkbsorry nibalizer and I are portlanding and hacking on things23:33
mordredmorganfainberg: hrm. yeah - that looks really helpful for python-*client - but not for things consuming such clients23:33
clarkbat this point mostly portlanding23:33
mordredclarkb: I have NO IDEA what that verb means23:33
nibalizerthe pants have little pumps on them to sqeeze them tighter23:33
clarkbmordred: drinking beer in a place that serves vegan and gluten free options23:33
* mordred shudders23:34
reedclarkb, is that portlanding?23:34
clarkbreed: yes23:34
reedlove it23:34
mordredclarkb: why would you want either of those things?/???!!???23:34
fungiit's nothing like landing in port23:34
clarkbmordred: I mean the beer is good23:34
mordredclarkb: but you have to be more near to food-that-isn't23:34
fungibeer is good for ignoring most of the rest of that23:34
morganfainbergmordred, yeah i think there needs to be a session constructor or a way of grabbing the session/adapter and passing it elsewhere. - let me finish this bit of code i'm in the middle of (RC blocker for keystone/keystonemiddleware) and i'll try and figure out what we can do about the session constructor23:34
reedgluten-free beer?23:34
* jeblair confirms that the beer is good23:34
mordredmorganfainberg: I can totally hack on one of those too, with proper guidance23:35
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morganfainbergmordred, totally, i just want to point you in the right direction if you're hacking on it.23:37
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mordredmorganfainberg: :)23:37
mordredmorganfainberg: for now I'm going to copy the snipper from yesterday into the thing I'm ahcking on23:38
morganfainbergmordred, :) but it's been tough because we're really in the middle of the change over from non-session to session and the guy leading that charge is off getting married.23:38
mordredbut I'd love to make it work the right way23:38
morganfainbergmordred, sounds good.23:38
mordredor _A_ right way23:38
mordredmorganfainberg: usually when I go on vacation, lifeless rewrites pbr ... it's kinda what happens when you go away23:38
morganfainbergmordred, i'll def get something documented (or harass jamielennox when he's back so we have real documentation on this) becauce I'm sure you're not the only one23:38
morganfainbergmordred, haha, yeah i'm scared to take vacation* (*=not really)23:39
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morganfainbergI am tempted "Congratz on getting married.. by the way we re-wrote sessions completely)23:39
morganfainbergwhen he gets back23:39
morganfainbergeven if we dont :P23:39
mordredhaha. do it23:41
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nibalizermordred: so, what is accomplished by your secret plan involving running puppet apply from ansible?23:47
nibalizerdoesn't that lose the secret protection of hiera?23:47
jesusaurusits shifts it somewhere else23:48
fungiyeah, by my earlier analysis it's no less secure than keeping the bits in hiera, but not necessarily any more secure either23:49
jesusaurusmordred: how does ansible deal with keeping some bits secret?23:49
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fungijesusaurus: we stick the secrets in system-specific stub files and only hand them out to the correct servers23:49
jesusaurusso thats a built-in feature of ansible?23:50
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jesusaurusi havent had a chance to look at how ansible works23:50
anteayajeblair: okay I see that change to the gerrit dir on the etherpad, makes sense to me23:50
fungiso just like before, the secrets still only exist on the master and on the servers entitled to make use of them23:50
jesusauruscool, so basically the same thing23:50
anteayajeblair: so do you think Monday or Tuesday are possible for the split? Wednesday is more dentist for me23:51
anteayaI'm getting all the mercury out of my teeth and wednesday is the last day23:51
jeblairanteaya: not sure; i do want to do it soon, next week if possible, but i don't want to rush it because it can break everything :)23:51
anteayaand yes, let's not break everything23:52
asselinI'm trying to do some cleanup. I put my cleanup code here, but it doesn't run in a failure (if statement)
asselinand I didn't see any hooks in the cleanup function...23:52
asselinis there a way, or is a patch needed?23:52
anteayajeblair: I'm thinking I can give you an updated project-config repo that has nodepool elements in it23:52
anteayaif you would like23:53
fungijesusaurus: installing files on servers is a feature of ansible, yes23:53
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ZZelle_jeblair, fungi, hi23:55
fungijesusaurus: if memory serves (and it's been a little while since i looked at the plan) the solution was to have ansible copy these private puppet manifests which contained nothing but the variable definitions we wanted kept secret onto the correct servers, and source/include them in the public puppet manifests for those servers and reference the variables normally23:55
clarkbmordred: did you see 88479 merged? I am going to give a dib image a try on monday if I can swing it23:55
clarkbmordred: probably trusty-devstack in one region/az23:55
ZZelle_jeblair, fungi, it would be great if one of you could have a look to gerrit git-review changes23:55
jeblairif we want to get ehiera into there, we may need to decrypt server-side before ansible pushes it out23:56
ZZelle_clarkb, hi23:56
ZZelle_clarkb, i try to explain the why of in comments23:56
jesusaurusfungi: i guess my question was more around how ansible controls that given information is accessible from one host and not another. but i guess that's an inherent part of it being a push model rather than a pull model23:56
mordredjesusaurus: yes23:57
mordredjesusaurus: that's precisely it23:57
clarkbZZelle_: there are gerrits where review is optional?23:58
jeblairupstream, we don't so much have the 'publicly-managed secrets' problem that ehiera helps solve, but it may be useful for our backups (would potentially make a backup server compromise less catastrophic if we have a good policy around managing backup copies of the ehiera key)23:58
clarkbZZelle_: I guess I see that is a potential workflow but not one assocaited with gerrit23:58
ZZelle_clarkb, yes there are for 2 usecases iirc23:59

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