Friday, 2014-08-29

fungier, probably safe? do we need to test it out on a less-important server or two before it gets rolled out to all of them and then we can't get in to puppet them or even manually repair the situation?00:00
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fungii wouldn't expect it to cause a problem, but the kind of problem it *could* create might be particularly disruptive00:01
clarkbya we probably should I will try to do that tomorrow00:01
clarkbruning out of time today00:01
fungime too00:01
notmynamedoes the juno-3 feature freeze affect global requirements?00:04
notmynamedoes a feature branch use the same global requirements?00:05
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clarkbI am howerver reenabling puppet on logstash-worker nodes which I had disabled a while back >_>00:05
clarkbnotmyname: we have been treating feature branches as roughly equivalent to master00:05
clarkbnotmyname: so ~yes00:05
clarkbwe can probably work around that if we need to00:06
notmynameclarkb: got it00:06
notmynamebackground: we'll need an update to eventlet for the EC patch which is on a feature branch. we'll want to run tests on it, so we need to update the requirements. but getting closer to juno, we don't want to be "frozen out" of testing00:06
clarkbnotmyname: that should be fine. adam_g was talking about bumping it now for ironic anyways00:07
notmynameclarkb: ok. this is actually something that will be in the next eventlet release (hopefully cut in the next few days)00:07
adam_gtho its still unclear to me whether or not thats going to get a newer eventlet on the devstack slaves00:08
clarkbadam_g: I don't think it will without removing python-eventlet from the apt list00:08
adam_gclarkb, yeah, was gonna try that after the requirements change00:08
adam_gseems like something that could potentially break the world00:09
clarkbnotmyname: note, nothing prevents you from using the newer version if we say >= and adam_g's stuff is sorted00:09
clarkbnotmyname: so you will get latest then when you merge back to master you can worry about bumping the min version00:10
notmynameclarkb: no, we'll actually require the newer one00:10
clarkbnotmyname: I don't follow, do we pin eventlet?00:10
clarkbnotmyname: when you say foo>=x.y you will get the latest version00:10
notmynameclarkb: no. we'll require another bump in the version. >=0.15.200:10
clarkbnotmyname: right but you dont' need that bump to move along00:11
notmynameclarkb: as in, it won't work with the older one00:11
clarkbyou only need that bump when you merge into master and need to reflect that that is actually required00:11
notmynameactually, we need that version when we update our requirements.txt. which is done on the feature branch which means we'd have to bump global requirements00:12
clarkbno you don't...00:12
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nibalizerclarkb: want to weigh in on ?00:12
clarkbnotmyname: when the latest eventlet comes out it will be synced to our mirror00:12
clarkbnotmyname: your jobs will immediately start using it00:12
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* nibalizer is trying to get the red warnings to zero00:12
clarkbglobal requirements min versions are really there to guide the packagers what the minimum is but we alweays test with greatest00:13
clarkbso yo really only need the bump the min version when you get back into master00:13
clarkbnibalizer: thats another thing we should do when we can watch it00:13
jeblairfungi, clarkb, ianw: to fungi's point, i think we probably could do a fifo allocator without too much trouble; it's not going to perform quite as well in the case of a specialized provider (only one provider supplies a certain node type), but i think that case would sort itself out eventually, and we may be able to mitigate that somewhat00:14
notmynameclarkb: is it possible to add a comment to requirements.txt and get it to land in a project?00:14
clarkbjeblair: as long as we accomodate errors properly I would be on board with that00:14
clarkbnotmyname: no00:14
notmynameclarkb: :-(00:15
nibalizerclarkb: okay00:15
clarkbnotmyname: you don't need to though00:15
clarkbit will just work (tm)00:15
nibalizerclarkb: i'll be available from 12pm ish central time, so 10am your time00:15
clarkbnibalizer: oh thats perfect00:15
nibalizerthats a bit soft given its at the end of a drive00:15
clarkbya understood00:15
notmynameclarkb: well, I'd like to make a note in my feature branch that the min version hasn't been updated, but it actually is needed to actually do anything with ec00:15
clarkbnotmyname: oh thats what you mean by comment? ya you can do that. I thought you meant like a # noqa thing that would ignore the bump for that dep00:16
clarkbnotmyname: and again the bump isn't needed...00:16
clarkbnotmyname: pip always installs latest00:16
clarkbwhen you don't pin a requirement. This means we can be eventually consistent which is handy00:16
notmynameclarkb: no, I want a full line that says "# TODO: bump the min eventlet version to XXX"00:16
clarkbnotmyname: yup that you can do00:17
notmynameclarkb: "...when this lands in master"00:17
notmynameclarkb: ah, interesting00:17
* notmyname gets an evil gleam in his eye00:17
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clarkbnotmyname: another potential thing we can do is whitelist feature/* branches when it comes to requirements (maybe I haven't completely thought this through) then the merge commit back to master would fail until global requirements is updated00:19
clarkbso you end up gated on everything properly while tracking the delta as you go00:20
clarkbbut that isn't implemented today00:20
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notmynameclarkb: thanks. I gotta run. I'll think about it00:23
jeblairclarkb: also we could conceivably make a feature branch on requirements00:24
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding a final setup step to install_puppet
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ianwjeblair: that seems like more of a change, compared to round-robin under contention.  but i guess you're also saying that reality is nodepool is never not under contention?00:33
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clarkbianw: on weekends it isn't :) but it is pretty much under contention 24 hours a day otherwise00:33
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ianwthat's why monday .au is a nice time to clean up my reviews :)00:35
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Formatting updates in hiera.yaml
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Upgrade the ntp module
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harlowja_lifeless have u seen 'KeyError: 'Could not import command module testrepository.commands.list'' ; seems to be a new error?01:15
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add bare-f20 nodes
lifelessharlowja_: not before01:16
lifelessharlowja_: context?01:16
harlowja_running taskflow tests in a virtualenv, just started seeing that01:16
lifelesswe did just release a new testtools01:16
lifelessabout 2m ago01:16
harlowja_ah, nm01:17
harlowja_let me try something then01:17
lifelessI surely hope its not fallout from that01:17
harlowja_lifeless might be fallout, not sure, let me try this again01:18
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harlowja_ya, hmmm,
harlowja_testtools==0.9.38 and testrepository==0.0.2001:20
harlowja_realpath = _jython_aware_splitext(01:21
harlowja_                        os.path.realpath(mod_file)) does look odd (this seems to be the line)01:21
harlowja_probably is realpath, _ext  ?01:21
harlowja_ya, looks like thats what it should be01:22
ianwjeblair: so to confirm, count_nodes_and_subnodes was too high with your tests (e.g.
jogofungi: what happened to the drop f20 patch?01:22
gushaha, jenkins machine is full, and all my tests are exploding with "No space left on device"01:22
harlowja_gus ah, i wonder if thats what caused a recent failure of mine01:23
gus"ailed to create a temp file on /home/jenkins/workspaces/workspace/dsvm-tempest-full"01:23
gus*Failed even01:23
gusand similar error messages everywhere.01:23
jeblairianw: i believe so; though that's not an error, should probably log that at debug01:24
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: builder: Add a exist command helper
ianwjeblair: alright, well i don't think the test case needs more than already provides?01:26
jeblairianw: maybe?  i'm kind of nodepooled out for the day, ill rexamine your changes tomorrow01:27
harlowja_lifeless i opened
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lifelessharlowja_: what python VM ?01:28
dolphm\o/ i asked ttx earlier this afternoon to create a feature branch for keystone, and he wanted me to make sure "infra knew about it" -- what does infra need from me in that case? beer?01:28
ianwjeblair: no worries.  i will clean-up and send a little summary to -infra list01:28
jeblairdolphm: case of beer? :)01:29
harlowja_lifeless '2.7.7 (default, Jul  1 2014, 01:25:31)'01:29
lifelesshow odd01:29
lifelesssee, this passed tests...01:29
harlowja_lifeless looking at it, seems like it would return the splitext result (which afaik is a tuple)01:30
jeblairdolphm: are you familiar with ?01:30
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add oslo.utils and oslo.concurrency
dolphmjeblair: shipping address?01:31
harlowja_lifeless not sure if its as simple as
jeblairdolphm: and this is the group of people who can push up merge commits:,members01:31
dolphmjeblair: it's been awhile, but i believe i've used that01:31
jeblairdolphm: if you grok those instructions (and why you need to be careful not to accidentally push up a merge commit that pulls in 1000 changes), and that list looks good, i think that's what we mostly care about in these parts01:32
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dolphmjeblair: understood01:32
dolphmjeblair: so if i screw up these instructions, then i really need that shipping address?01:32
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jeblairdolphm: exactly :)01:33
lifelessharlowja_: I've got a patch I'm about to push01:33
harlowja_lifeless cool01:33
jeblairttx: ^ keystone feature branch is infra-approved.  or something.  :)01:34
jeblairdolphm: let us know if you have any issues or questions -- we'd rather work through things and update instructions than fix up problems later :)01:34
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lifelessharlowja_: can you test ?01:36
dolphmjeblair: ++01:36
harlowja_lifeless sure01:36
lifelessharlowja_: just like to know it really works before I tag it01:36
harlowja_lifeless agreed :)01:36
jeblairdolphm: also you know if you need integration with any other project on the feature branch, if the other project has a feature branch with the same name, there's magic in devstack-gate to use it.01:37
dolphmjeblair: oh awesome. that will certainly come in handy01:37
harlowja_lifeless seems liek good to go, list-tests going ok01:38
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jeblairgus: do you have a link to a failed job?01:40
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harlowja_jeblair might of been one of mine that had this issue (not 100%, need to adjust that test to show more)01:40
harlowja_^ should fail really only if not any space01:41
gusjeblair: oh wait - false alarm?  Seems I was looking at the huawei CI and something else made all my other tests fail simultaneously :/01:42
gusyeah something about "'tuple' object has no attribute 'lower'" in testtools...01:43
lifelessgus: thats me01:43
lifelessgus: and fixed in 0.9.39 which we just pushed up01:43
guslifeless: yeah, this is where I say something snarky and unhelpful about testing :P01:44
jeblairgus: glass houses :)01:44
gusabsolutely ;)01:44
lifelessgus: yeah, it passed tests see.01:45
StevenKClearly, testtools needs better tests01:45
gushaha. I'm telling you, we should gate new updates into our pypi mirror by making them also pass our unittests.01:46
lifelessStevenK: if you'd like to contribute, that would be great.01:46
lifelessgus: funny story01:46
StevenKlifeless: I thought I already had one patch in testtools?01:46
lifelessStevenK: contribute more :P01:46
lifelessStevenK: that said I don't see you in NEWS.01:46
gusStevenK: type faster!01:46
StevenKlifeless: Like I'd write a news-worthy patch?01:47
StevenKgus: I'm reminded of a comment you made to me years and years ago. "You. *point* Nose. Grindstone. Go"01:48
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add missing oslo projects to gerritbot config
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jogoclarkb: random question for you: trunk of hacking has concurrency so its not single threaded anymore02:26
jogoclarkb: but the latest version of flake8 causes new cases of W292 to fail (no newline at end of file)02:26
jogoclarkb: is it worth releasing a new hacking 0.10.0 with concurrency (and a few removed rules), so projects can take advantage of the concurrency02:27
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jogoclarkb: as far as I can tell only a few projects have W292 issues02:30
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lifelessjogo: how does concurrency help hacking?02:52
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jogolifeless: makes it faster02:55
jogoand thats it02:55
lifelessjogo: well more I meant, how is it making it faster ... given python's inability to run python code concurrently02:55
jogolifeless: multiple threads02:56
jogochecking a bunch of files is fairly easy to parallelize02:56
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lifelessjogo: GIL02:58
lifelessjogo: do you have timing data?02:58
jogoon my 8 CPU machine (as per top) flake8 (with hacking) takes 1:17 without concurrency02:58
jogoand 15 seconds with02:58
lifelessjogo: are you using multiprocessing {the external worker thing} or plain python threads?02:58
jogour 1:49 in user time02:58
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jogolifeless: TBH not sure, I didn't write the concurrency code02:58
lifelessif its plain threads, I'd be very interested in a profile showing where the time is going02:59
Alex_Gaynorflake8's parallleism code uses multiple processes02:59
lifelesssince the only benefit you get from threads is in C modules that release the GIL02:59
lifelessif its dominated by e.g. regex that might explain02:59
lifelessah there we go02:59
jogoAlex_Gaynor: it was broken until 2 days ago too (off by default even though notes said it was on)02:59
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: thanks02:59
Alex_Gaynorjogo: uhh, that's probably my fault03:00
jogoAlex_Gaynor: oh?03:00
Alex_Gaynorjogo: I wrote the "turn it back on by default" code03:00
jogothe issue wasn't the code03:00
jogoit was the tag used to release it or something03:00
Alex_GaynorApparently I wrote some code that iddn't do anything, and then some docs that said "turns it back on"03:00
Alex_Gaynoroh. sweet.03:00
Alex_GaynorThat's like 9000% less emberassing03:00
jogowell at least trunk worked but flake8 2.2.2 didn't03:01
jogoand then 2.2.3 was released with trunk03:01
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jogoAlex_Gaynor:hmm maybe I am wrong03:01
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jogoAlex_Gaynor: what are your thoughts on cutting a new version of hacking?03:03
jogoAlex_Gaynor: ^03:03
jogoAlex_Gaynor: see backlog, in short we can turn on concurrency but have to call it 0.10 since new cases where W292 triggers03:03
jogoso new version would have no new hacking rules, just concurrency and a few rules that were dropped plus the W292 thing03:04
jogowhich I only found in neutron and ceilometer so far03:04
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Alex_Gaynorjogo: The new version is needed to bump the flake8 requirement?03:08
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lifelessAlex_Gaynor: semver basically - letting folk opt in rather than be thrown in03:12
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lifeless(I presume, colour me wrong ;:P))03:20
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jogoAlex_Gaynor: correct03:33
jogolifeless:  yes flake8 2.2.3 would make neutron and ceilometer pep8 jobs fail03:34
Alex_Gaynorjogo: I don't have strongly feelings in any direction; other than for large projects, the parallelism is pretty sweet03:34
jogoso we need to make this an opt in thing03:34
Alex_Gaynorbreaking other people's jobs seems like a bridge a bit too far though.03:34
jogoAlex_Gaynor: yeah that is not an option03:34
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jogoso the question is cut hacking 0.10 from trunk now or wait03:35
clarkbjogo: really it sounds like W292 is a thing we should have so as long as it eventually gets in I am fine with your plan03:35
clarkbit may prompt people to use real editors :)03:35
mriedemanyone seen this yet?
jogoclarkb: I am more concerend about the timing then anything else03:35
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clarkbmriedem: I think it was mentioend earlier testtools release or some such03:35
clarkbjogo: ya03:35
Alex_Gaynorjogo: I guess I'm in favor of 0.1003:36
jogoclarkb: I was hoping I could just add the new flake8 and no changes from projects would be needed03:36
jogoAlex_Gaynor: and doing it nowish?03:36
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clarkbjogo: the number of editors that remove newlines from the ends of files is amazing though03:36
jogoversus waiting a few weeks for feature freeze to kick in etc.03:36
mriedemclarkb: yup, testtools 0.9.39 released today03:36
mriedemlifeless: ^03:36
jogoclarkb: I only found W292 in neutron and ceilometer03:36
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clarkbmriedem: looks like lifeless pushed 0.9.39 as the fix03:36
mriedemclarkb: oh03:37
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jogosounds like there are no objects to cutting hacking 0.10.0 in the next day or so. so I will proceed03:38
jogowith the release process03:39
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for testtools AttributeError bug 1362909
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362909 in testtools ""AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'lower'" in openstack runs" [Undecided,New]
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cyeohis it still safe to +A a changeset that Jenkins has -1'd? ie it won't go into the gate until it passes check? Or has that changed again?03:53
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clarkbcyeoh: it hasn't changed. The only thing that has changed is right now if you have a +1 we will not put you back in check if that +1 is old03:54
clarkbcyeoh: previously we put you back in check if that +1 was more than 24hours old, that is no longer the case. A -1 will go back through check before going into the gate if it comes back +103:54
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cyeohclarkb: ok, thanks!03:55
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Jcarlosgdlhi, good day, can someone help me? I'm trying to make an update of gerrit from 2.4.4 to 2.8.4, and i have a problem, there are some tables in reviewdb that have been dropped by gerrit for example the ones of user agreements, but i'm watching than openstack still have their user agreements, what have you done to achieve this?04:24
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Clarify docs for optional template pipelines
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mspreitzIs there a problem with libvirt-python now?05:06
mspreitznova's tox -epy27 fails to install libvirt-python05:06
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Avoid passing negative available count to allocator
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clarkbmspreitz: not that I am aware of. Is this happening in the jenkins jobs?05:26
mspreitzclarkb: it is happening in my own environment...05:26
mspreitzclarkb: checking to see if it is due to local breakage...05:26
mspreitzI get mysterious complaints about TLS problems05:26
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Ryan_Laneupdating the wiki05:35
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Ryan_Lanedone. also fixed the EmbedVideo extension05:39
clarkbawesome and thank you05:41
mspreitzclarkb: my mysterious TLS problems have evaporated. But nova's `tox -epy27` still fails...05:41
mspreitzit is trying to install version 1.2.5 of libvirt-python, but DevStack already installed version 1.2.205:41
clarkbmspreitz: the tests run and fail?05:41
mspreitztests do not start, install of deps fails05:42
clarkbmspreitz: devstack installs globally05:42
clarkbtox installs to a virtualenv05:42
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clarkbcompletely separate installs05:42
mspreitzOK, so that explains differences05:42
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mspreitzbut why is install of libvirt-python v1.2.5 failing me?  Do other people have this problem?05:42
clarkbmspreitz: without more info I can't say05:43
mspreitzthere is a long trail of blood...05:43
mspreitzremind me where to paste temp files05:43
clarkb jenkins does not have any issues05:43
clarkbmspreitz: or github gists or whatever your favorite is05:44
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clarkbjenkins used 1.2.7 in that run05:44
mspreitzclarkb:  that's from a fresh DevStack install on fresh Ubuntu 14.0405:46
mspreitzWhy would it be using a lesser version than Jenkins?05:46
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clarkbI don't know that it is. It is trying to install >=1.2.5 and failing05:48
clarkbmspreitz: do you have the libvirt C package installed? I think it is complaining that you don't05:48
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clarkblibvirt0 is the ubuntu package05:49
mspreitzyes I have that05:50
mspreitzversion 1.2.205:50
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clarkbthe libvirt-python build is complaining that it can't find it. There is a suggestion there to edit PKG_CONFIG_PATH to contain a path to the directory containing libvirt.pc05:51
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clarkbodd though that it complains. /me checks locally05:51
clarkbcool same issue on my desktop. did you upgrade fomr precise to trusty?05:52
mspreitzNo, got Ubuntu 14.04 directly from Canonical05:53
mspreitztook a copy a month and a half ago05:53
mspreitzdist-upgrade a few hours ago05:53
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clarkbmspreitz: figured it out. you need the libvirt-dev package05:53
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mspreitzThat's a system package, not a python package, right?05:54
clarkbit adds the headers you need to bind the python to C for libvirt05:54
mspreitzSo it should go in the list of system packages that DevStack installs when localrc sets INSTALL_TESTONLY_PACKAGES=True, right?05:55
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clarkbsure? I really dislike that distinction in devstack. Devstack was never meant to build unittest nodes05:56
clarkband it doens't install the python test requirements which is what it should do05:56
mspreitzIs *anything( meant to build unittest nodes?05:56
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Revert "Revert "Track last allocations to ensure forward-progress""
clarkbmspreitz: our nodepool image builds do it05:56
clarkbmspreitz: in any case installing nova's test-requirements requires libvirt-dev so that is something devstack should probably do if that flag is set05:57
mspreitzIs there anything meant for an ordinary developer to use?05:57
mspreitzodd, I set it05:57
clarkbmspreitz: an ordinary developer can use those scripts...05:57
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clarkbthey are just bash scripts that do a few things (but like devstack you don't wnat to run them on say your laptop)05:57
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mspreitzNo problem there, I run everything in VMs05:58
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mspreitzwhere do I find those scripts and doc for how to use them?05:58
clarkbmspreitz: so my guess is devstack doesn't list libvirt-dev as a testonly package05:58
mspreitzright, it does not05:59
clarkb is the script, there is no official document but its a pretty straightforward chain of shell scripts06:00
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mspreitzclarkb: thanks.  Now back to draining the swamp...06:00
mspreitzI have a question about writing a unit test..06:00
mspreitzCan I use mock to hack an object field instead of a method?06:01
mspreitzor maybe I should ask about mox06:01
mspreitzThis is a Nova unit test06:01
clarkbI am not sure. I am not super familiar with the various mocking tools openstack uses06:01
clarkbbut it is python so I would be surpsied if you can't06:02
mspreitzyeah, I just need to know the precise way06:02
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clarkb looks like you can override them in the expected way06:03
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mspreitzclarkb: ouch, I do not want to mock the whole object, just one field.  the object in question is CONF!06:06
clarkboh for that I think you just set the value you want06:06
mspreitzOTOH, this is just a unit test, so maybe I will get away with it..06:06
clarkbmonkey patch what you need in if its just one thing06:07
mspreitzwell, I am very new to this stuff06:07
mspreitzI do not know what persists from one test to the next06:07
clarkbideally nothing, but you may haev to clean up after yourself to get that06:07
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mspreitzI could just do that with bare Python, right?  I mean write code that hacks CONF, does some testing, and unhacks CONF no matter what, right?06:08
clarkbyes, there should be examples of it in the nova tests06:08
clarkbits a pretty common patter iirc06:08
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clarkbya see nova/tests/api/ for example06:09
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mspreitzclarkb: which test in has an example of what I mentioned?06:12
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clarkbthe ones with CONF set overrides06:14
openstackgerritAndrey Nikitin proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Added the ability to run jeepyb not only on the host where the Gerrit installed.
mspreitzclarkb: ah, right.  That looks like a permanent side-effect.  What resets CONF?06:15
openstackgerritAndrey Nikitin proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Update mechanism of creating groups in database and managing access rights with jeepyb.
clarkbthe base test class does conf stuff and may reset state for you06:17
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mspreitzI found something suspicious there.  I will hope it does the job..06:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/release-tools: Support oslo-incubator in final release scripts
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adam_glifeless,  the same issue fixed /w testtools  0.9.39?08:38
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362979 in openstack-ci "jobs failing to run tempest: Non-zero exit code (1) from test listing, AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'lower'" [Undecided,New]08:38
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lifelessadam_g: yes08:45
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openstackgerritVictor Sergeyev proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable oslo.db testing on python 3.3
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yolandapleia2, anteaya, do you know if we need some kind of badge or ticket to attend to Fossetcon or Pycon UK? Or just go there and say we are speakers?10:09
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openstackgerritMike Heald proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Enforce ref only for gerrit events that supply a ref
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Raise an error if preversion versions are too low
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/release-tools: Update release-tools doc to match Juno tools
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/release-tools: Support new location for oslo-incubator
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Rename into glance_store
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix typo - run gate/check against oslo.serialization-py33
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sdagueianw_: you still about?11:51
ekarlsohmmm, are triggers assigned to projects or jobs ?11:53
ekarlsoI copied the python jobs stuff from the config repo into a privat one for a project and wanting to use the github trigger on a project but wondering if I need to assign it to the job-group or the project11:53
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ajofungi, there? if gate check failed on  (unrelated timeout) what should I use to re-trigger it?12:33
ajobtw, hi :), and thanks12:33
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fungiajo: it's been rerunning tests for over 30 minutes already according to
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fungiajo: also, for reference, it was bug 1311066 which bounced it out of the gate the last time12:44
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uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1311066 in openstack-ci "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]
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ajohmm, thanks fungi I didn't see any jenkins comments on the review itself, and I thought it wasn't happening12:46
ajoI'll check the gate status next time, sorry ':)12:46
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fungiajo: jenkins doesn't leave comments when reenqueuing jobs for check any more--that was a workaround for a problem in an older version of gerrit we're no longer using, so we were able to eliminate the behavior recently12:49
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ajofungi, aaahaaaa, understood12:49
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fungiajo: and we hope to eventually start displaying test progress within the gerrit webui automatically, in real time, which should make it less necessary to go digging in the zuul status page once that's working12:50
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ajofungi, that will be awesome12:53
ajoI really like the idea12:53
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ajothe last gerrit change hiding CI comments was already awesome, any idea if that was a local gerrit branch modification, or was it accepted gerrit upstream?12:54
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fungiajo: it's actually just a javascript overlay12:56
fungibolted on, not integrated into gerrit itself12:57
fungiajo: though they have some similar sort of functionality to be able to separate out reviewer and ci data channels in the ui, slated for 2.10 i think?12:57
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fungibut it actually goes deeper, stores them as different sorts of data and makes it more useful for queries et cetera, if memory serves12:58
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fungiwow... nodepool has basically caught up with the zuul job load now (no waiting jobs!)13:14
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fungimaybe tomorrow's gerrit maintenance won't be terribly disruptive after all13:15
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mspreitzIs it known that check-grenade-dsvm-partial-ncpu is flaky or broken?13:24
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fungimspreitz: no idea... probably more of an audience for that discussion on #openstack-qa but presumably jogo has his finger on the pulse of that job13:27
mspreitzjogo: any idea?13:28
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ekarlsois there a way to use a job-group outside of a project ?13:33
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fungiekarlso: no idea... where outside of a project are you wanting to use it? (inside another job-group is the only other place i can imagine it making sense)13:35
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ekarlsofungi: well, I don't have zuul setup atm and the job group is nice to have..13:36
ekarlsobut I guess I can use a multijob then instead13:36
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ekarlsojust a tad more tedious to setup13:36
fungioh, that's probably a jenkinsy feature we don't use, in which case i don't know much about it13:37
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fungiekarlso: as far as i know job-groups are only used for template expansion/instantiation purposes and don't translate to any specific construct in jenkins configuration, but there are people here who know a lot more about jenkins and jjb than i do so they may tell me i'm wrong13:38
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fungihashar_: ^ maybe something you know for sure (assuming you're around this afternoon)?13:39
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ekarlsofungi: template expansion ?13:45
ekarlsojob templates u mean ?13:45
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fungiekarlso: right13:46
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix sideways grenade local tmp variables
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mcginHey, I've submitted a change a while back for Jenkins Job Builder and it's been sitting around awaiting a merge to master13:54
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mcginIt's been reviewed by somebody already13:55
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mcginand I'm wondering what I need to do to get it merged13:55
mcginThe change is -
hashar_ekarlso: hello :) I got some experience with both jjb and zuul13:55
hashar_ekarlso: what are you trying to do and do you have any configuration file available publicly ?13:55
ekarlsohashar_: well, when u use project and job group normally the execution is done by zuul I guess13:56
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ekarlsowhen u dont use zuul how do you get the same effect :P13:56
hashar_ekarlso: you mean in Jenkins job builder?13:56
hashar_ekarlso: the job-group is merely to easily apply a set of jobs to a lot of projects13:57
hashar_ekarlso: jenkins job builder just creates the job.  The way they are triggered together is handled in Zuul and is unrelated.13:57
hashar_ekarlso: you can have a job-group  named 'linters'13:57
hashar_that would have job templates like '{name}-lint-php'  '{name}-lint-js'  . Then on your jenkins job builder projects just:  jobs:   - linters  and that will create the php and js linting job13:58
hashar_but they will not be run together unless you ask Zuul to do so13:58
ekarlsohashar_: when you mean the jobs: is that on a "project" then ?13:59
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hashar_ekarlso: yes13:59
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ekarlsoso the "trigger" if not using zuul would need to be on the job then right ?13:59
hashar_ekarlso: triggers:   should be added on jobs: or job-templates:14:00
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hashar_ekarlso: at the project level, you just (optionally) list variables you want to pass to job templates, and then the list of job and job templates to realize14:01
hashar_ekarlso: can go in details with your own template if you want.14:01
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for testtools AttributeError bug 1362909
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362909 in testtools ""AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'lower'" in openstack runs" [Undecided,Confirmed]
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pelix1zaro: could do with a review from someone else on as I've tinkered enough around adding threading to JJB that I'm potentially blind to whether the author needs to make any further changes14:03
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abhishekkhi all, is 'reverify no bug' not used any more?14:10
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yolandaanteaya, pleia2, documentation about Running your own CI infrastructure talks about: Then follow the puppet.rsh instructions for bringing up a puppetmaster, replacing openstack_project with your project name14:13
yolandawhere can i find that puppet.rsh file?14:13
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mriedemdoes anyone know what the bug was that fixed this?
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mriedemlooks like the job was made non-voting here
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mriedemmarun_: ^?14:42
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1360658 in neutron "Managing functional job hooks in the infra config repo is error prone" [High,In progress]14:42
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutron functional job bug 1360658
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1360658 in neutron "Managing functional job hooks in the infra config repo is error prone" [High,In progress]
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add footprint for bug 1362528
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362528 in neutron "cirros starts with file system in read only mode" [Medium,New]
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marunfungi: mriedem say again?15:01
marunmriedem: ah, yes.15:01
marunmriedem: the fixes for that were merged to neutron15:01
marunmriedem: so the job can be re-enabled.15:01
mriedemmarun: yup, just wanted to get an e-r query up for it since it hit pretty hard while it was an issue15:02
mriedemwill reduce the noise in the uncategorized bugs page15:02
marunmriedem: ok15:02
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marunmriedem: question - do you know how to do rechecks for openstack-infra/* changes?15:03
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mriedemmarun: assuming the same as rechecking for anything else15:03
mriedemjust 'recheck'15:03
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marunmriedem: I've had a few outstanding for more than 24h, neutron rechecks at the same time have completed and the patches merged15:04
mriedemthe fun thing is when you get to recheck and elastic-recheck chnage15:04
jerdfelt_that change got approved 8 days ago, but it looks like jenkins never started it in the gate?15:04
mriedemif i don't see it in zuul i recheck it15:04
marunmriedem: how to check if it's in zuul?15:05
mriedemjerdfelt_: just rechecked that one15:05
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mriedemmarun: go here
marunmriedem: danke15:05
mriedemplugin the gerrit number, e.g. 79689 in this case15:05
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/publications: Use of Openstack CI for your own projects doc
mriedemand i click 'expand by default'15:05
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jerdfelt_mriedem: i knew a recheck could get it working again, but was curious why it never got added into the gate in the first place15:06
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mriedemjerdfelt_: i've seen that from time to time lately, assuming weird infra blips and blorps, i just recheck and don't raise a stink15:06
sdaguejerdfelt_: if zuul takes a restart it looses event stream15:06
mriedemyeah, blips and blorps :)15:06
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jerdfelt_so i should expect this to happen?15:07
sdaguewell, normally zuul restarts are kept to quiet hours15:07
mriedemjerdfelt_: maybe not expect, but shouldn't be surprised15:07
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sdaguehowever, this time of the cycle, there are no quiet hours15:07
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sdagueso if there is a critical bug to get fixed, it might happen and lose a few things15:07
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sdaguenot ideal... but one of the reasons I try to keep an eye on stuff I've approved to figure out if it got stuck15:08
* mriedem gets image of sdague as a human fly15:08
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the tempest-lib project to openstack
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Rename into glance_store
mtreinishsdague: ^^^ I'm sure you have an opinion on the job selection for tempest-lib15:11
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Rename into glance_store
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fungijerdfelt: in this case the change got caught in a zuul restart from when the vmware ci spammed rechecks on hundreds of open changes and we dumped the check pipeline to evacuate the load. the change was left with no "jenkins" vote and so didn't meet the enqueuing criteria when it was approved15:12
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fungijerdfelt: so any changes which were uploaded/rechecked around 2200-2300 utc on the 12th and didn't get rechecked or have a new patchset uploaded thereafter will be in the same boat15:13
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fungihopefully there aren't many of them left at this point though15:14
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jeblair_jogo: hi, please don't release a hacking with new rules at this point in the cycle15:14
jerdfeltwell, that patch is over 5 months old at this point, so i guess anything is possible15:14
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sdaguemtreinish: so I'm going to throw a random idea into the mix... why does tempest-lib actually need to be a separate git tree?15:15
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jeblair_jogo: we promised a long time ago that we would only bump pep8 versions at the beginning of a cycle (eg, before 1st milestone)15:15
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jeblair_jogo: so i think at this point it's a bit late to impose that on people, and if you want to get the performance increase in before kilo opens, then you should mask the new error15:17
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mtreinishsdague: my thoughts were that it makes it easier to manage it that way. Things like pypi upload, etc. I'm not sure how to do if it were just a dir in the tempest repo15:18
* jeblair perks up at pypi upload15:19
mtreinishsdague: I guess I just assumed a separate namespace == a separate repo15:19
sdagueit seems to add a lot of complexity in the refactoring though, it seems like it might be better to figure out pypi upload from subdirs in git15:19
fungiand also, can't upload "tempest" to pypi without a hostile takeover15:19
fungiand i'm a little squeamish about having python projects where only a subtree of the git repo is in the package. it'll need some reworking of our release tooling15:20
jeblairsdague: we have a strict one-repo one-upload rule, for $good_reasons15:20
mtreinishsdague: well the refactoring still need to happen to make it a lib. Or were you refering about keeping the git history?15:20
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sdaguejeblair: ok, I guess I don't know the background on $good_reasons15:23
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jeblairsdague: basically, the build machinery (not just ours, but the whole stuff) gets really weird with multiple packages in a repo.  i think it gets complicated with pbr too.15:25
jeblairsdague: we have everything special cased for horizon which does this; and they are working to end that, and we are very happy about it :)15:26
sdaguejeblair: even if the was pushed down a layer ?15:26
fungifor the moment, at least, there's also a huge convenience at being able to just 'pip install /path/to/my/repo'15:26
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fungiwithout having to know that you need a subtree of that repo15:26
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jeblairsdague: so is the goal to have one or multiple packages?15:26
mtreinishjeblair: it'd be 2 but with only one publish on pypi15:27
homelesshi guys, can anyone take a look at this please? it is just a feature to handle which repos will be copied to the local git mirror from jeepyb15:27
jeblairmtreinish: what's the other package for?15:27
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mtreinishjeblair: it's tempest and tempest-lib15:28
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jeblairmtreinish: tempest itself uses tempest lib from within its own repo?15:28
mtreinishbut tempest-lib will be used in other places eventually too15:28
jeblairmtreinish: why does tempest itself need to be a package (esp if it's not published to pypi)?  for the integrated release?15:28
jeblairmtreinish: so it's easy to use with tox?15:29
mtreinishyeah that's a big part of it15:29
mtreinishthe tox part15:29
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jeblairso honestly, in an ideal world, i think there would be one repo, which produces one package that is uploaded to pypi.  that package produces an app that can be run, "tempest", as a setuptools command, and it is also importable (from tempest import cool_tests)15:30
jeblairis the only problem with that the fact that we don't own tempest on pypi?15:30
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sdaguethe reason I throw the idea out there is there is some additional non linear overhead for every git tree we add, especially if 2 projects are close in nature. Like honestly I would personally find oslo easier to work with if it was one lib tree, instead of the 20 we seem to be headed towards.15:31
sdagueand was wondering if tempest might be a good place to figure out if that was workable15:31
sdagueanyway, mostly a question / thought exercise15:32
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jeblairsdague: the overhead of multiple deliverables in one repo is very large, yeah.  when mordred gets back, let's ask him for an itemized list.  but for now, i know that we've had to deal with issues at every level (our scripts, setupdistutilstools, translations, pbr, etc)15:34
jeblairsdague: (oh, for one thing, consider what you would you tag to make a tag-based release with pbr)15:34
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jeblairsdague, mtreinish: so if the only deliverables are an app and a library, that seems like the sort of thing that could be in one repo/package/whatever; no reason a python package can't be both a command and an importable lib (i mean, all our client libs are that)15:36
jeblairi always thought the libification of tempest just meant a code reorg to make that sensible15:36
sdaguesure, the inverse issue though is from a testing perspective we lose things like dependent change streams because you can't do those between projects, which causes a certain amount of slow down in landing things15:36
sdagueanyway, clearly it's overhead in either direction. Maybe a good beer chat with mordred some time as he's definitely probably thought through a ton of it with doing pbr15:38
jeblairsdague: between what projects?  how does having tempest be 2 repos help that?  doesn't that just make it worse?15:38
sdaguejeblair: right, that's what I was arguing against, 2 repos15:38
jeblairsdague: me too15:38
sdagueor in the oslo case, 2015:38
mtreinishjeblair: the thing is there isn't really a tempest app. It's really a big dir with tests and common glue that's needed to make things work15:39
jeblairsdague: i've been asking you and mtreinish for 10 minutes why you need two _packages_ :)15:39
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sdaguejeblair: oh, I didn't realize that was the ask :)15:39
mtreinishjeblair: but I think you may be right that it doesn't need to be a separate package if the lib was a separate dir under the same namespace15:40
jeblairyeah, i'm trying to figure out why one package in one repo doesn't work15:40
mtreinishwe would just need to figure out the pypi name then...15:40
sdagueI was on vacation / linuxcon, so I'm only half up to speed here :)15:40
jeblairsdague: you're way ahead of me :)15:40
fungiwow, something is tanking unit tests for all horizon changes in the gate15:40
fungithat's ugly15:41
jeblairmtreinish: yeah, so i think in setup.cfg you can say, here's the stuff that should be installed (ie, the "tempest lib"), and then things outside of that tree can be the big glop of files that make up the tempest test suite15:41
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sdaguemtreinish: well, so maybe the answer is that tempest needs to be an app, and things can be imported as the lib.15:41
jeblairmtreinish, sdague: for instance, zuul installs a bunch of code, but its actual test suite, etc, live outside of the 'zuul' namespace.  mordred hates that pattern, but it is an option.15:42
sdaguethough it still begs the question of the namespace collision, as it's already taken upstream15:42
mtreinishwell could we make the pypi name openstack-tempest and the actual import name tempest?15:43
sdagueI think that's considered no no15:43
sdaguebecause it would conflict at a system level15:43
sdagueif this and the other tempest were installed15:43
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jeblairmtreinish, sdague: 'python-novaclient' is 'novaclient'.  that may be unfriendly to people who want to do integration testing on their heat-map images15:43
jeblairsdague: yeah15:43
jeblairi'm sure debian would yell at us if they packaged both15:44
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jeblairfungi: did you girue out what it is; should we snipe them?15:53
fungijeblair: what what is? the tempest project on pypi?15:54
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jeblairfungi: horizon15:54
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fungioh, no it looks like one of the unit tests is consistently failing now but i'm not sure why. no horizon bug open for it yet that i've found--about to start looking through proposed changes which might address it. and yes i don't think any horizon changes are going to merge now until it gets fixed15:55
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jeblairdavid-lyle: ping15:55
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david-lylejeblair: pong15:55
jeblairdavid-lyle: any idea about why all the horizon unit test jobs in the gate are failing ^ ?15:56
david-lylejeblair: not yet, I was just looking into that15:56
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fungiyeah, it's consistently failing the same test on all platforms15:56
david-lylenotice we have 3 in the gate that failed in the same way15:56
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david-lyletrying to diagnose15:57
david-lyleon the plus side it's not blocking other projects15:57
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jeblairdavid-lyle, fungi: if we can't figure it out in an hour or so, we should probably remove the remaining changes from the gate since they'll just cause resets15:57
jeblairdavid-lyle: yeah, that sort of suggests something external; maybe a dependency changed or something15:57
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fungiProtocolError: ('Connection aborted.', gaierror(-2, 'Name or service not known'))15:58
fungiseems to be the exception it's throwing15:58
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: i'm going to be afk this morning; back in the afternoon15:59
pleia2yolanda: I think it means puppet.rst which you can see rendered here:
fungibubbling up from urllib3 through requests and keystoneclient15:59
pleia2yolanda: and I got an email on June 30th saying "A Fossetcon staff member has registered you for Fossetcon 2014" so I think they got that sorted15:59
fungino new keystoneclient release at least16:00
sdaguedavid-lyle: though in the gate that means they are adding 30 - 60 minutes to the gate time of content behind them per16:00
fungidavid-lyle: requests 2.4.0 was released today16:00
sdagueso it would be good if you could punch them out of the gate until it is resolved16:00
david-lylesure, I'll remove them until we fix this16:01
sdagueok, lunch, bike ride, and probably an early day ... being holiday weekend. Enjoy the weekend folks!16:02
fungidavid-lyle: looks like it landed on our mirror at 14:35 utc16:02
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fungidavid-lyle: earliest hit was 2 minutes after requests 2.4.0 was present on our mirror16:05
fungismoking gun16:05
david-lylefungi: indeed16:05
david-lylelet me if I can fix in Horizon to work with the new version16:06
fungithat would be best, yes16:06
david-lyleafter I bump some gate jobs16:06
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jpichdavid-lyle: Just to confirm that yes, the failure is reproducible after upgrading requests in a local virtual env16:09
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutron functional job bug 1360658
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1360658 in neutron "Managing functional job hooks in the infra config repo is error prone" [High,In progress]
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zaropelix1: will take a look at parallel option.16:16
zaroSincler_: still around?16:16
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zaroSincler_: maybe these will help? and
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1082781 in openstack-ci "Upgrade Gerrit to 2.6" [Medium,Fix released]16:18
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flashgordonjeblair: if I do releae a new hacking it would drop two rules. Have a stricter W292 and be opt-in16:25
jpichfungi: Do you know if there is an open bug for that Horizon issue?16:25
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fungijpich: i didn't see one, no16:25
Sincler_zaro: i'm reading them thanks16:25
fungijpich: nor any pending code review which looked like it might be attempting to fix it16:25
jpichfungi: Thanks, will open one16:25
flashgordonmspreitz: AFAIK there may be a bug that the partial-ncpu job is hitting I would have to double check16:25
jpichfungi: I think we may have a fix16:25
fungijpich: awesome--that was very quick16:26
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flashgordonjeblair: I have not cut it yet I was planning on doing the preliminary work today for that (without cutting an actual release). My thinking was this change is fairly small no new hacking rules just an improved W29216:26
flashgordonjeblair: and significant performance benefits, that would make flake8 way faster16:27
flashgordonjeblair: but I am happy to postpone the release a little as well16:27
fungiflashgordon: improved w292 as in stricter or looser?16:27
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flashgordonfungi: stricter, there was a bug in its enforcment16:28
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flashgordonfungi: neutron run of trunk hacking16:28
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fungithat seems likely to generate cosmetic churn which we'd want to avoid when the project reviewers need to be focused on actual feature wrap-up and bug fixes16:29
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flashgordonfungi: for sure, *if* we cut hacking soon, I would recommend projects that have issues to not adopt it yet16:31
flashgordonfungi: but most projects have no issues16:31
flashgordonbut for nova it makes things way faster16:31
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fungii don't suppose the performance improvements could be released without the behavior change16:32
fungiwithout reverting something at this point16:32
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flashgordonfungi: not that I know of16:35
flashgordonfungi: which is too bad, I only noticed the W292 thing yesterday. and a large number of projects don't have that issue16:36
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Revert "add query for trove failure in devstack exercises"
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Revert "add query for trove failure in devstack exercises"
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fungioh, well there's an option... if the w292 behavior change came after the performance improvement work, you could tag the commit before that fix as the release and then hold the behavior change for early next cycle16:38
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mspreitzflashgordon: yes, it is
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1349617 in neutron "test_volume_boot_pattern fails in grenade with "SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner[Errno 104] Connection reset by peer"" [High,New]16:47
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flashgordonfungi:  W292 change came before the concurrency work16:48
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fungioh, poo16:48
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flashgordonfungi: and I don't even want to consider forking flake816:48
fungiaha, the w292 fix is in flake8, not in hacking itself. nevermind then16:49
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david-lylefungi: jpich has posted to fix the Horizon gate issue16:53
david-lyleworks locally for both of us16:54
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Write cache to file on process exit
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fungidavid-lyle: jpich: cool... looks like it's still about 20 minutes out from getting job workers in the check pipeline16:55
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clarkbfungi: anything I should be looking at this morning?17:21
clarkbfungi: if you don't have anything I am going to test that fedora iptables change17:21
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fungiclarkb: please do that and i'll be happy to help babysit it17:22
fungii'm just trying to get caught up from the week myself, since it's been a quiet(ish) morning17:22
clarkbfungi: I am going to pull it onto the dev env on the puppetmaster and noop apply it to the logstash and es nodes as they do extra stuff with iptables and should be good canaries17:24
fungisounds good. they do indeed have moderately complex iptables configs17:24
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morganfainbergclarkb, so looks like requests 2.4.0 was released and they did some rather serious reworking of exceptions (urllib 1.9)17:28
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morganfainbergclarkb, not sure how bad this will break things, but we're already seeing keystoneclient failing at least one test on master.17:29
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morganfainbergfungi, sdague, jeblair, ^17:29
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fungimorganfainberg: good to know--it hit horizon too resulting in
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morganfainbergpinning to <2.4 might be needed for the immidiate (till past milestone?)17:30
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fungimorganfainberg: how severe is the impact on keystone? (is the fix likely to be significant work?)17:31
morganfainbergfungi, i'm looking at it, but i really don't know how bad it's going to be. we only have a single unit test failing, but it's potentially failing detecting keepalives.17:31
morganfainbergfungi, i'll know more a bit later today, if nothing but keystoneclient is really affected i'm ok with saying we'll work on a fix asap17:31
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morganfainbergfungi, but if it starts looking uglier, we may want to wedge in a "lets get that pinned" and work on fixing post milestone17:32
anteayayolanda: I don't know, I have never attended either Fossetcon or Pycon UK17:32
fungimorganfainberg: yeah, likely so17:32
morganfainbergfungi, i need to head off for breakfast but i'll be back shortly and will continue on it.17:33
yolandaanteaya, looks as Fossetcon registration is solved, i'll ask to PyCon UK17:33
morganfainbergfungi, but wanted to let you guys know incase everything started exploding before we got too far :)17:33
anteayayolanda: might it be a puppet.rst file?17:33
yolandaanteaya, then there is a bug in doc17:34
yolandaor i read very bad17:34
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anteayayolanda: okay, which doc?17:34
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anteayathis is the first weekday morning since February that I have been at home that I have *not* been awoken at 7am by heavy equipment backing up17:35
yolandapuppet.rsh instructions17:35
anteayaI knew I slept late but I didn't realise I slept til after 117:35
* anteaya clicks17:36
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clarkbdo I win a prize for being awake before anteaya?17:36
clarkbmorganfainberg: fungi: should we go ahead and propose the pin to global requirements so that the change is up and being tested?17:37
fungiclarkb: sure, i can do that real fast and set it wip for now17:37
* anteaya gives clarkb a set of unbreakable glasses17:37
morganfainbergfungi, clarkb, ++17:37
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morganfainbergfungi, clarkb, i really hope it's only ksc (and puppet) affected17:37
morganfainbergso i can grumble but not watch fireworks today :)17:38
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clarkbfungi: logstash/es nodes look happy. Going to test on a git server now since they are centos and more affected by the change17:39
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anteayayolanda: here is a puppet.rst file:
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Temporarily pin requests<2.4.0
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added recursive option
anteayayolanda: does it appear to be the next step the instructions are referencing?17:41
anteayayolanda: if so, then yes, puppet.rsh is a bug17:41
yolandaanteaya, thx, building some slides for Pycon UK17:42
anteayayolanda: you well organized person you17:42
anteayayolanda: deep respect17:42
yolandathe file is the one needed there, yes17:42
yolandaanteaya, thx17:42
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anteayayolanda: great17:46
anteayayolanda: subscribe me to your patch to fix the file extention (and perhaps provide a link) in the doc17:46
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Revert "add query for trove failure in devstack exercises"
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anteayaso if this change to the docs to redirect account requests to the new third party mailing list could queue to merge today, that would be great: 3 +1's and clarkb's +2 at present17:51
clarkbfungi: git01 applied clean too17:51
clarkbfungi: I amgoing to +2 the change and give you a chance to review it if you haven't yet17:51
fungiclarkb: yeah, seems perfectly safe to do17:51
fungiclarkb: already reviewed and +2'd17:51
fungiapprove at will17:52
* clarkb points fungi at anteaya's change next17:52
anteayaclarkb: thanks17:53
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow configuration of Topics for Gerrit trigger
clarkbnibalizer: crinkle: ping me when you are about and we can give a go17:55
clarkbfungi: ^17:55
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morganfainbergclarkb, fungi, looks like this is affecting novaclient as well
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: iptables on fedora
fungimorganfainberg: any idea whether they're working on it yet?17:57
fungimorganfainberg: if it's something as simple as it was for horizon (adding another mock for a couple unit tests) then hopefully we can still avoid pinning it across all projects17:58
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fungimorganfainberg: and for everything else, there's mastercard^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
morganfainbergfungi, dstanek said he'd look at it, this will probably affect any client that uses ksc's session object now17:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Directs new account requests to use the new mailing list
morganfainbergfungi, i'll also be jumping on this once i get back from food. so hopefully we can get something in quickly vs pinning, but just pointing out it was happening there too.18:00
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dstanekmorganfainberg: k, i actually think it may just be an issue if mock_requests so i'm pursuing that now18:00
morganfainbergdstanek, ++18:00
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morganfainbergdstanek, great.18:00
morganfainbergdstanek, i'll be back in ~40 mins or so.18:01
fungidstanek: yeah, that's all jpich ended up needing to do for horizon18:01
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fungisince this isn't breaking integration tests, only unit tests (from what i've seen so far) i'd *really* like to avoid pinning the library18:01
anteayafungi: thanks18:02
clarkbbest I can tell things are still merging in the gate so I think this isn't a huge emergency outside of the projects affected18:02
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anteayaso pleia2 you can share that email you composed with the mailing list, that instructs third party stuff to the new mailing lists18:03
fungiclarkb: and so far it's only impacted one project which participates in the integrated release (and they already have a fix about to get approved) so shouldn't be a huge impact on the milestone18:03
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anteayaI keep getting an unresponsive script warning in the gerrit gui18:05
clarkbanteaya: it will do that on large files18:05
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clarkbanteaya: I have noticed it more lately, might be related to new firefox?18:05
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anteayaI'm on firefox 31.018:06
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fungiflaper87|afk: were you planning to put together a>glance_store config change for tomorrow? if not (since i can't seem to find a proposed one), i'll get that going in a few18:06
clarkbme too18:06
clarkband 31 is relatively new iirc18:06
clarkbfungi: I thought there was one18:06
clarkbor maybe I misread the mail thread18:06
* fungi must be blind18:06
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clarkb"I went with glance_store" but no change linked18:07
clarkbso maybe I misread that18:07
ekarlsoany jjb folks around ? ;)18:07
fungialso i've added a manila rename (stackforge->openstack) for discussion in next week's meeting18:07
anteayaI don't see an acl file change for
anteayaNOT owner:self status:open file:^.*/acls/.* label:Code-Review=0,self label:Workflow=0 NOT project:^stackforge/.*18:08
fungianteaya: nor i, so if i don't hear from flaper87|afk in a bit, i'll write one18:08
anteayafungi: kk18:08
clarkbfungi: sounds good18:08
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smcginnisAnyone help with a ci question? Having trouble setting up a third party ci.18:09
smcginnisFailing because it can't find the mem_cache apache module.18:09
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fungiphschwartz: whatever was going on with neutron in dfw erroring out instances has cleared up... i haven't seen one stuck there all day18:10
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anteayahi smcginnis18:11
smcginnisanteaya: Hi anteaya!18:11
anteayapaste the output?18:11
anteayawhere is it looking for mem_cache?18:12
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smcginnisOn zuul installation: sudo a2enmod mem_cache18:12
smcginnisERROR: Module mem_cache does not exist!18:12
fungismcginnis: what operating system/distribution are you running it on?18:13
smcginnisfungi: Ubuntu trusty18:13
anteayathis looks interesting: Warning: Found multiple default providers for vcsrepo: hg, git, svn, cvs, bzr; using hg18:13
clarkbanteaya: that is a vcsrepo quirk18:13
anteayavcsrepo is using mercurial rather than git18:13
smcginnisanteaya: Had seen that. What I found made it sound harmless. (maybe)18:14
fungismcginnis: aha, we've been running on ubuntu precise, so there might be a package name change or the name of that module might have changed18:14
clarkbanteaya: smcginnis yup it is harmless18:14
anteayawell clarkb seem's to feel it is18:14
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clarkbfungi: smcginnis apache is v2.4 on trusty precise is 2.2 which may explain it18:14
smcginnisfungi: I did see something that that module was deprecated.18:14
clarkbanteaya: I think that module wants you to set a default somehow, but all of our uses of it uses git properly18:14
fungiclarkb: yeah, there's likely to be a fair amount more that will be different in the apache config on trusty as well18:14
fungismcginnis: ^18:14
anteayaclarkb: okay18:15
clarkbalso puppet 2.7 vs 3 (I don't think you can get 2.7 on trusty and we are not quite there yet for puppet3)18:15
smcginnisclarkb: fungi: OK, will retry on a precise box.18:15
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Start running bashate on config (nonvoting)
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fungismcginnis: it looks like the mem_cache mod might have been renamed to socache_memcache in more recent apache18:15
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anteayakeep in mind devstack-gate needs to run on trusty smcginnis18:16
anteayasmcginnis: on precise it has the wrong version of netaddr18:16
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anteayasmcginnis: once you get that far18:16
smcginnisanteaya: Hm, so setup only works on precise, but requires trusty to run?18:16
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anteayasmcginnis: difference between puppet and devstack-gate18:17
smcginnisanteaya: OK, still figuring out my way. Will reload with precise and see how things look there.18:17
clarkbsmcginnis: anteaya: the machine that runs zuul should be precise. The machines that run the tests should probably be trusty or fedora if testing juno openstack18:17
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clarkbbasically control plane vs slave nodes18:18
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anteayaclarkb: thanks18:18
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smcginnisclarkb: So is it a valid setup having the master run zuul, jenkins, and nodepool. Then another trusty host running the actual nodes?18:18
ekarlso < is there a way to trigger the jobs there easily when using github?18:19
clarkbsmcginnis: having an all in one control plane on precise is fine. Then have trusty test slaves18:19
smcginnisclarkb: OK, thanks. Still figuring out what goes where. Sounds like I have a general direction now. :)18:19
clarkbekarlso: jenkins has a github trigger which JJB supports (double check that since we don't use github) and that should do what you want18:20
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fungismcginnis: it's possible, though i think asselin had a puppet change proposed which fixes a package collision between zuul and nodepool when installed together on one server. checking to see whether that's merged yet18:20
ekarlsoclarkb: yeah, but would I then have to do the trigger pr project bases or can one do that from 1 place ? ;p18:20
clarkbekarlso: I don't understand the question. what is a trigger pr project base?18:21
fungiahh, yep, was merged a week ago18:21
clarkbekarlso: the way the plugin works is it uses the github callback functionality to trigger your jenkins or it can operate on a timer18:21
smcginnisfungi: OK, good. I was chatting with asselin over in cinder as well.18:21
ekarlsoshould one put the trigger on the job-template or where is the best place to put it sorry ;)18:21
ekarlsotrying to emulate a zuul pipeline ish thing18:21
clarkbekarlso: yes I would put it in the templates then template out the project information in the trigger18:22
fungidavid-lyle: jpich's fix passed check and is probably fit for emergency approval18:22
ekarlsoclarkb: k18:22
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21WAA5HXDzaro: is it worth asking for the '!!seq []' to be remove from before approving?18:23
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crinkleclarkb: nibalizer and I are settled and interneted18:25
ekarlsoclarkb: u know if there's a zuul pipeline thing ish one can do without zuul ?18:25
clarkbfungi: how do you feel about the stdlib upgrade? you +2'd are you ready for me to approve?18:25
clarkbekarlso: I do not18:26
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fungiclarkb: yeah, seems fine to me18:26
ekarlsoclarkb: ok18:26
clarkbekarlso: zuul was written because nothing existed in the past18:26
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clarkbfungi: crinkle ok approving now18:26
ekarlsoguess i'll try to set it up then ;)18:26
ekarlsowe dont have gerrit but should be plausable I guess18:27
mriedemfungi: is there a bug associated with this yet?
clarkbcrinkle: nibalizer approved18:27
fungiekarlso: before zuul, we were using the gerrit trigger plugin for jenkins, and so had no pipelines18:27
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fungimriedem: i think there are several bugs open on the various affected projects, though they seem to be working through them (and it's not impacting integration testing)18:27
mtreinishfungi, jeblair: I was thinking about the tempest-lib some more(and reading what I put in the spec: )18:28
fungimriedem: i'm hoping i can just abandon that soon, once i hear back from keystoneclient and novaclient18:28
clarkbekarlso: phschwartz is/was working on a zuul github trigger18:28
mtreinishand I've got 2 concerns with doing it in the tempest repo, the versionioning, because tempest has a different cadence then what the library will be18:28
clarkbekarlso: that may fill your need18:28
mtreinishand the pypi name being used18:29
clarkbbut I am not sure how far along it is18:29
zaropelix: i would.  good catch.18:29
mtreinishbut if we can figure those out I agree it makes more sense to put it in the same repo18:29
fungimtreinish: from a release cadence standpoint, tempest-the-client was going to have releases around what tests were available to support which openstack integrated releases and deprecation of same?18:30
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* fungi is trying to remember the details from the summit discussions18:31
zaropelix: do you see any other tests that would be applicable for  ?18:31
mtreinishfungi: yeah tempest will release based on each supported integrated release18:31
mtreinisheither adding a new one or removing an old one will increment the version18:31
fungimtreinish: right, so that does seem orthogonal to how i would expect the testing library to be released, and what with tag-based releasing like we've gravitated toward that almost certainly points to needing separate repos18:32
ekarlsophschwartz: around mate ? :)18:33
mtreinishfungi: yeah, that's what I was thinking18:33
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update version of puppetlabs-stdlib in
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pelixzaro: not that I can think of unless we want to support UTF-16 as well. But maybe worry about that later.18:37
clarkbpelix: zaro: we don't need to support utf-16 in jjb imo18:38
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zaroyeah, lets not go there18:40
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phschwartzfungi: Not that it is clear just not seen as redeletes work again. Deployed a new code base to Dfw last night.18:40
phschwartzekarlso: Yes and no. Just woke up to get son from school after an all mightier deploying to prod.18:41
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pelixzaro: clarkb: sure, also seems unnecessary to include a test for the 'include' tag since that uses yaml.load anyway, which already handles the different formats correctly. So, no can't see any other tests to add there.18:41
fungiphschwartz: awesome! and hopefully the efforts yesterday narrowed down what was going on with neutron queries blowing up on nova's requests18:42
clarkbphschwartz: but school starts on tuesday. is it different in texas?18:42
fungiphschwartz: anyway, it's made a notable improvement in our testing throughput, so thanks18:42
clarkball hail new code base18:42
nibalizerclarkb: im looking at puppetboard and everything seems cool after the stdlib bump18:42
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nibalizercrinkle: do you concur?18:42
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clarkbnibalizer: well it hasn't gone in yet18:42
nibalizeridunno how fast nodes really run18:42
clarkbnibalizer: patience18:42
clarkbevery 15 minutes18:42
* nibalizer patiencies18:43
clarkbso we should see it happen in about 3 minutes or so18:43
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fungiflashgordon: sounds like your nova delete error instances patch is finally in production in rax-dfw18:43
clarkbansible will update the module, then run puppet. I will double check on the master itself that we get the new version18:43
nibalizerokay cool18:43
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ekarlsophschwartz: u wrote a github trigger for zuul ?18:45
flashgordonfungi: sweet that only took a month?18:45
flashgordonwhich is actually not bad at all18:45
fungiflashgordon: yep. rackspace runs straight from trunk, modulo a month or so ;)18:46
clarkbnibalizer: crinkle new version appears isntalled. so any puppet runs after this point should have new stdlib18:46
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nibalizerso thats a strange failure18:46
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clarkbnibalizer: huh couldn't find pip18:47
crinklethat doesn't seem related tho18:48
flashgordonfungi: so now we have close to 0 machines stuck in error state?18:48
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clarkbwhich pip says its in /usr/local/bin18:48
clarkbcrinkle: ya I think we can ignore that for now18:48
nibalizeralso the most recent run of that node seems to be working18:48
clarkbunless it spreads like the plague18:48
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nibalizerclarkb: look at this:
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nibalizerit looks like it gets puppet twice every fifteen minutes18:49
nibalizermaybe the ansible hits it twice?18:49
clarkbnibalizer: that could be an ansible bug18:49
* clarkb makes note to look into that18:49
fungiflashgordon: yep18:50
clarkbor rather a bug in our use of ansible18:50
* nibalizer kinda bets on two dns names pointing to that node, and they're both in the ansible list18:50
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clarkbnibalizer: oh interesting. and ya es02 doesn't have that18:50
clarkbso it isn't a larger glob issue best I cantell18:50
fungiflashgordon: no machines stuck in error state in that region, in fact, because nodepool manages to delete them successfully18:50
nibalizerits also possible that es07 has a 'run puppet every 15' cron on it18:51
flashgordonfungi: isn't it nice when things work the way you expect them to18:51
nibalizerin addition to the ansible kicker18:51
clarkbnibalizer: ya, I will dig into it after lunch18:51
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clarkbthings look pretty quiet though which is a good sign18:52
nibalizerdo you want to land apt as well after lunch18:52
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clarkbnibalizer: sure, I need to review that one though. I am more familiar with stdlib18:53
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clarkbya that looks simple we can do it after lunch, and I am getting hungry now so &18:54
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add get_failing_from_run db api method
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add order column to run table
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the tempest-lib project to openstack
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename to glance_store
fungiflaper87|afk: ^19:11
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move manila repos from stackforge to openstack
fungiadded that ^ for further discussion, but not happening tomorrow19:23
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add order column to run table
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make Octavia python 3.3 jobs non-voting
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fungiand i'm gonna go out and get some food... back later19:32
david-lylefungi: was away, what is the process?19:33
david-lyleI approved it, is there a way to expedite it?19:34
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david-lyleoops, I'll wait til you're back19:34
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-jenkins: Enabled hacking check H404
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clarkbnibalizer: still ready to do the apt module update?19:41
clarkbnibalizer: I can approve whenever you are ready19:41
nibalizerclarkb: im ready19:42
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clarkbI skimmed the changelog for that module too and it seems safe19:42
clarkbmostly support for different distro releases and minor bugfixes19:42
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clarkbdavid-lyle: where is that change? if you approve it we can promote it in the next gate restset19:44
clarkbdavid-lyle: I am happy to do that while fungi dines19:44
pleia2anteaya: through post queue - yay! sending email now :)19:45
clarkbdavid-lyle: thanks, I will watch the gate and promote that chagne on the next reset19:45
david-lyleclarkb: thank you19:45
anteayapleia2: great thanks19:45
anteayaI still don't understand why point 3 appears as though a subpoint to point 2 in the rendered html: but the changes are up19:47
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clarkbwhitespace maybe?19:47
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anteayaclarkb: I looked for that, if there is a whitespace my eyes can't pick it up19:48
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Bump the apt module version from 1.1 to 1.4
clarkbnibalizer: ^ we should see that in use at the top of the hour19:49
nibalizerwoot clarkb++19:50
nibalizeralso im not sure if this is in the commit msg, but new apt module has built in support for unattended upgrades19:50
clarkbit is there19:50
nibalizerso we could probably switch over to that instead of our own uu stuff19:50
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jesusaurusnibalizer: do we have a similar change ready downstream?19:54
jeblairfungi, mtreinish: yeah, if you're releasing two things on different schedules, that suggests 2 repos (one python package each)19:54
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nibalizerjesusaurus: uh no19:55
nibalizerjesusaurus: i could make one19:55
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mtreinishjeblair: yup, that's what it's gonna be, because the tempest releases have to be tied to the integrated release19:55
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clarkbI am looking at ansible logs to debug the es07 double tap and I am not seeing anything that looks like it is related19:57
clarkbI do note there are no timestamps in that log which makes it hard. going to look into adding timestamps19:57
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Announce doc8 events in #openstack-doc
jesusaurustimestamps are useful19:57
clarkbjeblair: ansible can't ssh into zm03 according to the logs btw19:57
jeblairoh neato19:57
nibalizerclarkb: could look at 'last' on es07 aas well as roots crontab19:58
clarkbnibalizer: what do you know there is a puppet in cron19:58
nibalizerdat psychic debugging19:59
jeblair# The following ssh key was injected by Nova19:59
nibalizeralthough that was my second guess19:59
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jeblairwhy did nova write something to ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys?20:00
clarkbjeblair: o_O20:00
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morganfainbergclarkb, fungi, looking at the requests issue, and the upstream project there is a number of oddities going on, just was told that a number of requests users are going to pin to <2.4 this is not something that is guaranteed to be solved quickly20:00
clarkbnibalizer: thanks, that should be cleaned up now20:00
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clarkbmorganfainberg: noted20:00
morganfainbergclarkb, fungi, at least through the milestone it probably makes sense to do the pin. and work on resolving the issues w/ mocking / changes etc.20:00
nibalizerclarkb: it might be cool to do some kind of an 'ansible all-hosts crontab -l | grep puppet' to see if anyone else still has that cron20:01
ekarlsowhat gearman server does openstack use?20:01
clarkbekarlso: geard from gear20:01
clarkbnibalizer: ya, I should learn more about the ansibles20:01
jeblairmorganfainberg: we can resolve so many issues with mocking!  i will start taunting the requests library now.20:01
clarkband that may be a good way to do it20:01
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morganfainbergjeblair, +++++++++20:01
ekarlsothe C version clarkb ?20:02
clarkbekarlso: no, its the python lib that jeblair wrote called 'gear' it provides 'geard'20:02
jeblairi'm going to review ianw's nodepool changes now20:03
morganfainbergclarkb, jeblair, fungi, related bug:
clarkbjeblair: ok, I didn'trealize there were changes but now that I do I should review them too20:03
jeblairclarkb: i had previously -1d them because of the uncertainly around what was actually happening.  i'm going to rereview them with new knowledge20:03
jeblairclarkb: (the changes themselves look correct, it was just uncertain that they actually fixed the problem we saw)20:04
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clarkbjeblair: oh those changes, I understand now20:04
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jeblairalso, i think we need one change to geard in order to do fifo :( so that's not going to happen right away20:04
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nibalizerclarkb: im seeing no explosions in puppetboard20:05
clarkbnibalizer: great20:05
jeblairclarkb, nibalizer: the puppet key was in root's authorized_keys on zm0320:05
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jeblairin addition to the nsa key20:05
clarkbdavid-lyle: we haven't reset yet, but I am still watching20:05
clarkbjeblair: did the file get corrupted otherwise? odd that it couldn't ssh if the key was there20:06
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jeblairclarkb: looked okay? but i also didn't check the logs20:06
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nibalizerjeblair: weird20:06
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nibalizerwill be interesting to see if it finds its way back there20:06
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ekarlsohow does one secure gearman ? :p20:12
ekarlsossl ?20:12
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Change history allocation from list to dict
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jeblairclarkb: i just did 'c' on the parent change, then 'x' on the child in gertty, to rebase that change... but then i had to open a terminal and cd around and run git-review... i kind of want a key in gertty to upload...20:13
clarkbone tool to rule them all20:15
clarkbekarlso: yes geard supports ssl20:15
ekarlsorequired for zuul ?20:18
ekarlsoehm, is swift required ?20:20
clarkbekarlso: no20:21
clarkbwe are currently not using swift for much yet20:21
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jesusaurusis swift (going to be) used for anything other than storing logs?20:23
ekarlsodoes zuul-server start the gearman server as well ?20:23
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add order column to run table
clarkbekarlso: it does20:24
clarkbekarlso: it can be configured not to20:24
ekarlsoimport apscheduler.scheduler < fails here when starting zuul-server20:26
clarkbekarlso: do you have a traceback?20:26
clarkbekarlso: and how did you install it?20:27
clarkbgah I missed a reset20:28
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add db api function to get the latest run
marunclarkb, fungi, jeblair: ^^ functional job ready to be enabled20:44
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Some extra safety around negative numbers
jeblairfungi, clarkb: okay, ian's changes all check out in my local reproduction of the problem we saw.  I added one more change on the tip of the branch that is some more belt-and-braces around the problem.  the whole stack could use some review though (most only have my +2 atm)20:52
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jeblairmarun: aprvd20:53
marunjeblair: danke!20:53
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jeblairflaper87|afk: did you see fungi wrote the glance_store config change? 11786420:55
clarkbdoes anyone know why JJB supports json output now?20:55
clarkbI am trying to clean up my tests for unicode and I can't tell if this is unnecesary tech debt or not20:55
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jeblairclarkb: the only thing i see in the git log is this: 97f9c072e87476e338fd8a121021a61640df5a1820:57
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clarkbits almost like we are using json as an intermediate representation for yaml20:57
jeblairclarkb: that matches the description in that commit msg20:57
jeblairwow i can not find that in gerryt20:58
clarkbI am not sure json is an appropriate IR for yaml, but I think I can ignore that for my change20:58
jeblairclarkb: json is halfway between yaml and xml? :)20:59
clarkbits a subset of yaml21:00
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clarkbwhich maybe that does make it a good IR? its just odd that yaml isn't being used since we are already yaml21:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Make neutron functional job non-voting"
jeblairmarun: that was fast ^21:01
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jeblairfungi: are the manila folks okay with a rename tomorrow?21:09
fungijeblair: clarkb: catching up on scrollback now, but presumably i missed a step when setting up zm0321:09
jeblairfungi: i don't know that we've figured out what it is :)21:09
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clarkblooks like we just reset21:09
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clarkbpeople good with a horizon promotion?21:10
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jeblairclarkb: i don't know what you're talking about so, i'm not going to object! :)21:10
clarkbjeblair: 11783121:10
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clarkbhorizon change to deal with new requests lib21:10
jeblairclarkb: lgtm21:11
clarkbmorganfainberg: david-lyle or should we hold off on that and do the pin instead?21:11
hasharflake8 2.2.3 enable multiprocessing  which fail / lock on my Wikimedia installation.  You might want to write that somewhere in case you upgrade flake8 and have the related jobs stalled :D21:11
clarkbfungi: ^ thoughts?21:11
jeblairhashar: flashgordon was just talking about upgrading flake8 in hacking to get multiprocessing21:11
david-lyleclarkb: our patch should fix Horizon for now, can't speak for other projects21:11
clarkbdavid-lyle: ok, I will go ahead and promote it then21:11
clarkbpromoting now21:12
marunjeblair: wow, that was fast.  how on earth?21:12
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jeblairhashar: thanks for letting us know!  hopefully that will save us some consternation21:12
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clarkband done21:12
marunjeblair: In contrast, the patches to minimize the execution time of the neutron-dsvm-functional have been stalled for a couple of days now21:13
marunflashgordon++ on multiprocessing for flake821:13
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jeblairmarun: did you read what hashar wrote?21:14
marunjeblair: I did now, darn :/21:14
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hasharworkaround is apparently to either:   flake8 --jobs=1    or use a previous version of flake821:14
jeblairhashar: oh, so it's specifically the multiprocessing that's problematic21:15
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hasharthat is the only change in the last version21:16
fungijeblair: i dont think the manila folks even have a rename/move on their radar. i just whipped that change up to have something to link in the meeting agenda next week21:16
jeblairfungi: ok thx21:17
hasharthough my specific job runs  flake8-docstrings  (enforce pep257 which are related to docstring formatting)21:17
fungijeblair: since i was already in the mindset for the rename, it was quick to toss in21:17
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stevemarfungi, whats the going rate for an infra review bribe? :P21:18
fungimorganfainberg: clarkb: i'm still unconvinced on the requests pin. with horizon fixed (in moments, fingers crossed) the only other reported projects impacted are client ibs which don't participate in the integrated release, and are thus irrelevant to the upcoming release milestone21:19
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Handle utf8 in JJB
clarkbzaro: ^21:20
fungistevemar: you bribe us by doing infra reviews and low-hanging bugs ;)21:20
stevemarfungi, darn, you don't accept payments in the form of beer like the keystone team21:20
stevemarwe need to standardize the system21:20
morganfainbergfungi, i'm fine with that. there are related issues to this and part of the issue is the mock library. in either case it may block client patches until it's resolved.21:20
morganfainbergstevemar, s/beer/whiskey21:20
fungiwe're not in college any longer, and can afford our own beer21:21
morganfainbergfungi, but as you said not as big a deal since clients aren't tied to the same release schedule21:21
morganfainbergwe *are* working on it :)21:21
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hasharjeblair: marun I have filled a bug for flake8 2.2.3
openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: give install_modules options for loading requirements externally
stevemarfungi, can i buy a review on credit, and promise infra reviews next week :)21:22
fungistevemar: i'll gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today? what review number?21:22
stevemarfungi, haha,
clarkbfungi: stevemar is the doc publishing site necessary?21:23
ekarlsophschwartz: there ? :p21:24
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marunjeblair: it's a wonder anything merges at all given how often tempest fails x number of tempest-requiring jobs per patch21:26
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* marun sacrifices another goat in the the hopes of a clean check run21:27
fungistevemar: ahh, clarkb has a point on the doc-publisher-site parameter. when you were asking about that the other day i thought you'd added it because the layout job was saying it was missing, and then i misremembered the tarball-site parameter which gets dragged in by the python-jobs group as that one21:28
mtreinishmarun: heh try landing a tempest patch. 26 jobs run on each tempest patch...21:29
marunmtreinish: yikes21:29
marunmtreinish: Methinks we are boiling oceans21:29
mtreinishmarun: we need to run all the gating jobs, the incubated projects nonvoting, and then with branchless tempest everything repeats on stable/icehouse21:30
stevemarclarkb, i thought it was because the job needed that param21:30
clarkbIt shouldn't. if it publishes to read the docs the publishing site is a noop21:31
mtreinishmarun: after the juno release we'll add even more jobs to the list...21:31
marunmtreinish: I get that its currently how things are done, but I still can't help but think 'crazytown'.21:31
stevemarclarkb, yeah, now that i'm looking at other example in the file, it's sometimes there, sometimes not21:31
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fungistevemar: try removing that line and it should still pass. then i'll be +2 on it21:31
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clarkbmarun: and yet the mail list explodes when you even suggest we stop testing postgres in the integration tests21:32
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clarkbI would like to see the integration tests slimmed down just to simplify the mental model everyone eneds to keep in their heads21:32
marunclarkb: did those vocal folks offer to do 3rd pary ci for pg?21:32
marunclarkb: or they want a free ride?21:32
clarkbI don't think we need third party21:32
fungimtreinish: though in a few weeks we can drop your havana jobs... that's something at least, right?21:33
clarkbtest it in unittests/functional tests and move on21:33
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add readthedocs for heat-translator
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stevemarclarkb, fungi thanks guys21:33
marunclarkb: ah, definitely agree on that one.21:33
hasharhave a good week-end folks *wave*21:33
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fungigood night and good weekend, hashar!21:33
mtreinishfungi: we don't have havana jobs, because that was the last stable branch for tempest21:34
mtreinishalthough we might be able to drop the icehouse grenade jobs, I forgot what the policy was for those21:34
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fungimtreinish: no need (or ability) to test upgrades from havana to icehouse once we stop supporting havana21:35
fungithey will insta-break anyway21:36
jeblairmarun: yeah, the plan sdague and i outlined on the -dev list a few weeks back should help a lot with that.  it's not a short term plan though; parts of it we can probably finish this cycle, parts of it definitely won't be finished until next21:36
mtreinishfungi: ok cool, then we'll drop a couple jobs after that21:36
marunjeblair: The post-germany post?21:37
jeblairmarun: yep21:37
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marunjeblair: I am definitely in support of that proposal.21:37
jeblairthe "darmstadt accord?" :)21:37
marunjeblair: heh21:37
fungimtreinish: actually, some of the convoluted branch override logic in devtack-gate was added specifically to allow you to test tempest master against havana of other projects even though tempest had a havana branch21:37
fungiso i thought it was doing that with havana backward-compat for branchless tempest already21:38
jeblairyep, that's the per-project branch override21:38
jeblairexport OVERRIDE_TEMPEST_PROJECT_BRANCH=master shows up 3 times in jjb config21:39
jeblair'{pipeline}-tempest-master-dsvm-full{branch-designator}', '{pipeline}-tempest-master-dsvm-neutron{branch-designator}', '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-nova-v3-full{branch-designator}'21:40
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mtreinishfungi: we're using that on the icehouse jobs now from master tempest21:40
ekarlsoclarkb: virtualenv pip install :)21:40
mtreinishmaster tempest doesn't actually work against havana21:40
mtreinishthe apis drifted too much21:41
jeblaircheck-tempest-master-dsvm-full-havana check-tempest-master-dsvm-neutron-havana are in the experimental queue on tempest21:41
jeblairdevstack and devstack-gate21:41
fungimtreinish: oh, right, we added it so that you could analyze the delta and determine whether master tempest against havana release servers was a tractable problem21:41
mtreinishoh, I didn't realize they were still on the experimental pipeline21:42
fungiand you presumably concluded that within the support timeframe of havana, it was not21:42
ekarlso@ clarkb or anyone with zuul knowledge ;)21:42
mtreinishfungi: yeah, it wasn't worth the effort21:42
fungimtreinish: yep, totally understand. it was a bit of a long shot21:42
clarkbekarlso: try installing from source21:42
ekarlsoclarkb: that is fron source ;)21:43
clarkbekarlso: `pip install zuul` or `pip install /path/to/zuul/repo`?21:43
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ekarlsopython develop :)21:43
clarkbekarlso: apscheduler is in the rquirements.txt21:43
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clarkbekarlso: never using python install/develop...21:44
ekarlsooh raelly : )21:44
clarkbekarlso: you get easy_install and all sorts of weirdness. try `pip install -e /path/to/zuul/repo`21:44
ekarlsoah ok21:44
clarkb-e makes it equivalent to develop21:44
clarkbbut should use pip for everything and not easy_install21:45
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ekarlsostill the same clarkb after using pip -e :)21:49
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clarkbekarlso: huh, can you check a pip freeze to see if apscheduler is installed?21:49
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hasharreed: yet another standard centralized identity system ? :D21:50
reedbaby steps21:50
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reedhashar, just one, exactly :)21:50
hasharreed: an OpenId provider so ?:]21:50
clarkbekarlso: I guess it is also possible that zuul-server is jumping out of the venv? /me looks21:50
reedhashar, the definitive home for what now is testing on openstackid-dev.openstack.org21:50
clarkbno they are console script entry points so they shouldn't do that21:51
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fungihashar: we have a lot of webapps which mostly only agree on openid as a common sso authentication solution, and we needed to tie web application accounts to foundation membership and other interrelated activities21:51
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clarkbit is the precursor to skynet21:52
hasharreed: can't I log in with my Google account ?  *grin*21:52
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hasharreed: anyway good job :]  I am off for the night.21:53
reedhashar, nope, you can't, but that's something we can definitely discuss (and the code is publicly accepting patches)21:53
fungihashar: so this allows us to have a central join key between accounts on the various systems we're managing, as opposed to using random openid providers which wouldn't get us any ability to correlate21:53
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ekarlsowell they doing something weird clarkb21:53
clarkbfungi: and just as importantly services that allow openid from all over isntead of sso openid end up creating large sets of redundant and confusing users21:53
fungiclarkb: that's true, for sure21:53
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clarkbekarlso: try sourcing the venv and running the script to see if that helps. doing so should make it slightly harder to jump out21:54
ekarlsoalready done like 5 times :)21:54
clarkbekarlso: I don't know then. jeblair may have more ideas21:55
hasharfungi: reed: the thing I loved when I connected to Openstack gerrit, is that I could just reuse my launchpad account. Saving me the trouble of generating yet another password :D21:55
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hasharfungi: reed: but that is all because I am lazy hehe21:55
reedwe all are lazy21:55
ekarlsoI found a bug :O21:55
ekarlsoit's apscheduler.schedulers vs scheduler21:55
clarkbekarlso: well it works for us21:55
clarkbso it may be a version difference21:56
fungihashar: yeah, but then we crammed a bunch of contributor license agreement stuff in the way, and so if you were contributing to anything besides stackforge and a few of the infra projects, you needed a foundation member account anyway21:56
clarkbekarlso: I am trying to reproduce locally21:57
clarkbshould have an idea shortly21:57
fungireed: as to the third-party mailing lists, the announce list was a compromise because we lack a proper way to maintain good contact information for them. this gives us a broadcast mechanism to reach them (particularly when we need to disable their system because it's misbehaving)21:57
clarkbimport apscheduler.scheduler works fine in the venv21:57
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clarkbnow to see if zuul does it correctly21:57
ekarlsowhat version of apscheduler are you at ?21:58
clarkbekarlso: 2.1.221:58
fungireed: the request list is an attempt to get them to cooperate and support one another in cleaning up their new account requests without joining some confusing high-traffic mailing list to do so21:58
reedfungi, ... you make so many assumptions in your sentence that I have a hard time finding where to start21:58
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ekarlsono wonder21:58
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reedI believe you've underestimated a lot of issues with new lists21:58
clarkbekarlso: the requirements say < 3.0 are you usig old pip?21:59
hasharfungi: so overall +1 for openstackid :-]21:59
hasharthat said. I am sleeping for real.21:59
ekarlsoclarkb: might be...21:59
clarkbekarlso: old pip will install an rc candidate like that. current pip will not21:59
fungireed: not so much assumptions as observations over the past year of trying to support nearly 100 of them, none of whom know much if anything about our existing systems or culture21:59
reedand with change in general... changning things is awfully expensive21:59
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ekarlsolooks so21:59
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clarkbekarlso: update virtualenv will get you newer pip21:59
fungireed: i think the goal is to get in front of this between now and when the current 100 become 100021:59
reedfungi, exactly, the 3rd party folks goes into the large bucket of people who don't read documentation22:00
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reedand in many aspects, I put myself into that bucket: I don't like reading things, I expect things to be just right as I expect them to be :) we all do that22:00
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fungireed: yeah, we're trynig to figure out how to narrow the things they need to pay attention to, rather than just telling them to go away (or ignoring them)22:01
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reedI fail to see how giving them 2 more places to pay attention to is 'narrowing down'22:01
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reedanyway, I'll put more thoughts into a message to the list22:02
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jeblairreed: you just sent a message to the list22:02
jeblairreed: you're going to send another one?22:02
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fungiwe've definitely identified that the majority of them don't read or follow instructions well, at least not early on. and yeah, i acknowledge it's a balancing act. follow-up to the list is good22:02
reedjeblair, great, I have not replied to pleia2 because I don't want that conversation to be a 1-122:03
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jeblairreed: i'm confused. you just sent a message to the -dev and -infra lists in response to pleia2's message22:03
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reedjeblair, yes, 1 message, and I saw pleia2 responded and was going to respond to that (later)22:04
jeblairoh i don't see her response yet22:04
jeblairbut i responded22:04
reedjeblair, I saw it on pipermail archives22:05
jeblairreed: anyway, do you object to both lists?22:05
reedjeblair, well... hard to give you a straight answer... not necessarily... I object at how the decision was taken (too lightly, IMHO, and without consulting with the 3rd party)22:06
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* fungi thought it was discussed with them at the weekly thord-party irc meeting, but maybe not?22:06
jeblairit was certainly discussed at the infra meeting22:06
clarkbwell and our meetings are open too... I don't think we need a separate meeting for things like this22:06
anteayareed what part was not consulted with the thrid party?22:07
jeblairand infra is certainly well within its rights to change its own processes using it's established open procedures22:07
fungithere were some (more than one) third-party ci operators present at the infra meeting22:07
reedjeblair, I saw the infra meeting logs, I didn't see any reference there to a discussion or a decision in 3rd party meeting22:07
anteayathis isn't a decision for the thrid party meeting to make22:07
reedfungi, the logs don' show any of them participating to that debate: silence is not approval IMHO22:08
anteayathe thrid party meeting doesn't make deicions22:08
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anteayait has no mandate to make decisions22:08
anteayait has no official status and zero elected representatives22:08
reedanteaya, it's an interested party in the decision, it should be consulted that's my point22:08
* fungi coulda sworn asselin_ and krtaylor spoke up... looking back over the logs now22:09
jeblairyeah, pretty sure they were there22:09
anteayait is an infra decision, how we collect emails for gerrit or not22:09
anteayahow infra communications changes to them22:09
anteayaand third party folks are always welcome to the infra meetings22:09
anteayaand some show up weekly22:09
jeblairreed: i'm not buying your argument.  the infra team has open meetings with a published agenda in advance.  we had it, interested parties showed up.  we made a decision about how we're going to do our work.22:09
reedanteaya, let me put it another way: it feels like infra is adding more processes and rules to somethign that is already quite opaque22:10
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anteayawe aren't goint to ask permissin from third party folks to make a change22:10
fungii think we talked about almost nothing but third-party-testing concerns for a meeting or two in a row i fact22:10
jeblairreed: we have nearly 100 systems, we need more processes.22:10
anteayareed: what we are doing now itn's working22:10
anteayafor anyone22:10
anteayawe need to make changes22:10
anteayafor my own sanity at the very least22:10
anteayathat change is going to happen22:10
anteayanow we do make every effort to communicate that process and those changes22:11
anteayabut we aren't going to wait for permission22:11
anteayaif folks show up and speak up, we listen22:11
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anteayawe hear their side, we edcate22:11
reedanteaya, fair enough but in my books, when you have problems you talk to all parties to find solutions. I felt that you came out with one out of the blue, probably not even an optimal one.22:11
anteayawe are doing the best we can, and it ins't enough22:11
anteayait is never enough22:11
reedwhat's wrong with using the bug tracker for requests?22:11
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anteayathe bug tracker for request was disabled some time ago22:12
jeblairreed: if you suggest that we don't talk to people and listen to them one more time, i'm going to get quite upset.22:12
anteayasince rather than making one decision out of 3 options folks were using all 3 options22:12
anteayaso all we got was duplicates22:12
jeblairreed: because i'm pretty sure that of all of the parts of the openstack project, we have an unblemished track record in that regard.22:12
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anteayawith was more waste of our time22:12
reedjeblair, that's not what I suggested :) IRC is filtering out a lot of nuances22:12
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asselin_For 3rd party requests, I though bug submission was good, but I didn't insist since I'm not familiar with the burdens of that on the infra-side (compared to mailing list).22:12
anteayaasselin_: thanks22:13
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jeblairi only use launchpad every 2 months :)22:13
ekarlsois zuul possible to not use gerrit via a config option ? :)22:13
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asselin_and as fas as I understand, you don't need to subscribe to the request mailing list unless you're going to act on those requests. So it's just changing which mailing list you send your request to.22:14
reedjeblair, there! I knew that the driver behind using mailman was the 'hammer-nail' syndrome :)22:14
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ekarlsowas hoping for phschwartz to answer since someone said he had written a gh trigger22:14
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clarkbekarlso: it isn't possible to not use gerrit today22:14
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clarkbekarlso: I don't know that phschwartz's trigger is complete22:14
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jeblairreed: if you insist.  as pleia2 points out, we tell people to do both today.  we're just reducing it to one.22:14
ekarlsoclarkb: would it be amazingly hard to write ?22:14
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fungiekarlso: i think for it to be efficient zuul needs a way to handle webhooks22:15
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jeblairreed: at any rate, we're going to look into what we can do to make it more self-service.  but why am i even saying this?  it's all in the meeting minutes.  i'm done.22:15
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fungiekarlso: right now it's web interface is one-way (it pubishes a json status bob and that's it)22:16
ekarlsofungi: patches welcome I "pressume" ?22:16
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clarkbekarlso: I would double check with phschwartz before duplicating work though22:16
david-lyleclarkb: made it, thanks22:17
fungiekarlso: i think phschwartz was working on some of those welcome patches22:17
reedjeblair, I know you're all trying to do good things, but from where I stand I see all programs adding rules and hoops that need to be jumped, and I wish we all came to agree that we have already way too many hoops22:17
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ekarlsoclarkb: yeah, but wondering where he's hiding :p22:17
anteayareed: we have way too many people who need the hoops22:17
anteayait is in response to their activity that we create these new processes22:17
jeblairi don't think we're adding any hoops.  we're actually trying to streamline it for everyone22:17
reedanteaya, that-s correct, as long as you see the risks of creating a disfunctional burocracy22:18
anteayareed: it is dysfunctional already22:18
fungireed: to a great extent, i think it's an immune response to volumes of new would-be contributors who want to jump right in working on what they think would be cool rather than the longer learning curve of shoring things up from within to support all the cool new features. the third-party ci proliferation is a recent-ish extension of that issue22:18
anteayawe are trying to encourage it to become functional22:18
reedjeblair, I have the feeling that your perception of mailing lists being capable of streamlining anything for your target audience is overestimated22:19
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reedfungi, jeblair, anteaya, let me put it another way, spelling it out: I think you're not solving a problem that the community managers will have to be involved in fixing later on22:20
jeblairreed: you are getting really, really, really offensive.22:21
reedjim, come on22:21
ekarlsoanyone know when phschwartz is up / around ?22:21
reedI though you knew me well enough, I'm not offending...22:21
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clarkbekarlso: I think central time so he may be weekedning now22:21
fungiekarlso: usually north-america daylight hours, but he was up all night doing production maintenance and it's heading into a holiday weekend here now22:22
reedjeblair, here is why I think this decision is a problem for me:22:22
anteayareed: I think you dismiss the work *I* do and have done for the past 10 months in this area22:22
anteayabecause this change, or any other for third party, require no more cleanup than what I do everyday22:23
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anteayaand what infra does when I'm away or can't answer the question22:23
reedin my role I talk to a lot of people, right? and they expect me to know how things work, where they should be sending messages and requests22:24
anteayaso if this is about you being caught by surprise, well I had no idea you had any interest in third party22:25
anteayabut I can correct that going forward and ensure you are invited to the mailing lists22:25
anteayaso you can stay abreast of activity22:25
reedif I am not consulted for relevant changes in important places for contributors, like 3rd party, I am going to be involved *after* and recently this after has been quite messy22:25
ekarlsodoes zuul have it's own web interface or ?22:26
reedI'm not talking about infra, it's in general22:26
anteayayou wanted to be consulted on changes to third party?22:26
clarkbekarlso: it does, it is in tree22:26
anteayareed: I hereby invite you to third party meetings22:26
clarkbekarlso: it is not the same as the one we run, that is in the config repo, but they are converging22:26
jeblairreed: i have no intention of giving you any special treatment.22:26
anteayamondays, 1800 utc, -meeting channel22:26
jeblairreed: you know where we meet and when.22:26
anteayareed: do attend22:26
jeblairreed: and if anyone asks you about how their third-party ci system should be set up, please point them here:
reednow, I don't know where to start with that either :)22:27
reedjeblair, indeed, will do that22:27
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Remove stray debug line
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: fix typo when raising syntax error
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nibalizerjeblair: clarkb how do you feal about a bare bones puppet.conf being populated in ?22:49
nibalizerjust the idea of that, before i code it up for review22:49
jeblairnibalizer: what for?22:49
arnaudanyone around? I am seeing ValueError: git history requires a target version of pbr.version.SemanticVersion(2014.1.2), but target version is pbr.version.SemanticVersion(2014.1.1)22:49
arnaudafter patch
clarkbI think we already do that with puppet.conf22:49
nibalizerjeblair: it appears, and im still digging, that the puppet.conf that gets put in for puppet 3 has syntax errors?22:50
nibalizeroh if puppet.conf is put in already that might explain some things22:50
clarkbarnaud: where are you seeing that? it means that the version specified in setup.cfg is too low22:50
arnaudI am seeing that in my internal tree22:50
clarkbarnaud: you have probably added code on top of 2014.1.122:50
clarkbwhich requires a version bump to at least 2014.1.222:50
wenlocknibalizer i really like that puppet.conf is defined by pupet.conf.erb, i think however it should have been a module and not buried in openstack_project22:50
arnaudI mean I have commits on top of 2014.1.1, yes22:51
arnaudbut why would that require a new tag22:51
clarkbarnaud: that is what is causing it22:51
nibalizerwenlock: sure22:51
clarkbarnaud: it does not require a new tag22:51
arnaudbefore this change22:51
nibalizerbut im dealing with the puppet installation phase right now22:51
clarkbarnaud: it requires that the target version specified in setup.cfg be updated22:51
arnaudso we have to update all the projects?22:51
arnaudso what is the underlying rule22:51
arnaudI am not sure to get it22:51
clarkbarnaud: only if they have moved beyond the version specified in setup.cfg.22:52
fungiarnaud: i think there are stable branch patches proposed for any which were lacking those edits22:52
nibalizerclarkb: looking, i dont see us copy in a puppet.conf anywhere but in the openstack_project class22:52
clarkbfungi: they have merged22:52
nibalizerso until that class is applied i think we're going with whats provided by the package22:52
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jeblairzuul has spare capacity now22:52
fungiarnaud: at least for openstack projects using pre-version release model22:52
clarkbarnaud: pbr is enforcing semantic versions. So if you do a release say 2014.1.1 with a tag and commits on top of that tag are for a new version. the target version in setup.cfg must reflect that22:52
arnaudso, say I have22:53
arnauda commit22:53
clarkbjeblair: is that because of merge check doing a bunch of stuff?22:53
arnaud122 means that setup.cfg should be 2014.1.222:53
fungiideally the first change merged to the branch after the 2014.1.1 tag would be a modification to the setup.cfg setting the next release version number22:53
arnaudI see22:54
jeblairclarkb: heh possibly right at this moment, but a few mins ago, the waiting job queue touched 0, so we're basically no longer backlogged22:54
clarkbjeblair: nice22:54
jeblairi think everyone has started weekending22:54
fungii know i have22:54
jeblairfungi: i can tell22:55
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arnaudfungi, clarkb: may I know why this was not enforced before?22:55
* fungi is actually sitting at his workbench hacking on a radxa rock arm rk3188 development board22:55
clarkbarnaud: because the tooling wasn't available. This is a new feature in pbr22:55
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fungiarnaud: it's a new feature of pbr, only on the master branch, not even released yet22:55
jeblairclarkb, fungi: should we make zm04?22:56
jeblairmerge-check has a 21 minute backlog right now22:56
fungioh, wow22:56
fungimaybe then22:56
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clarkbI would be on board with that22:56
clarkbI would weekend but I was told I can't play The Wolf Among Us until larissa gets home22:57
clarkbfungi: ^ you may nejoy that it is quite good so far22:57
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fungiclarkb: i'll look into it, though not set up for much in the way of video games at the new place just yet22:58
jeblairclarkb, fungi: we could probably make those 4g nodes based on cacti22:58
clarkbjeblair: what if we ran multiple workers per node?22:58
jeblairclarkb: oh, we could do that too22:58
clarkbserving the refs might bget complicated22:59
fungijeblair: good point, i didn't think to revisit the utilization on 01 and 02 when i built 0322:59
jeblairclarkb: oh yeah.  messy.22:59
notmynameFYI closed CI bug was flagged on
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1334550 in openstack-ci "Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement X" [Low,Fix released]22:59
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clarkbnotmyname: fun, that is actually a slightly differnet bug I think (that e-r query is too liberal) it is trying to get pyscss when it should be getting pyScss and pip name case sesnsitivity is biting us23:01
notmynameclarkb: oh ok. I couldn't find where the error was looking through the logs provided23:02
clarkbdavid-lyle: needs an update23:02
clarkbdavid-lyle: should be pyScss23:02
david-lyleok, does the case cause problems or just inconsistent?23:02
jeblairclarkb: is this a universal gate-breaking issue?23:03
notmynameclarkb: thanks23:03
clarkbjeblair: I don't think so, but not sure why it isn't universal23:03
clarkbdavid-lyle: pip doesn't handle them well when not speaking to cheeseshop proper23:03
clarkbdavid-lyle: so case matters, but it isn't clear to me why it failed here but not in other jobs23:04
david-lyleproposing patch23:04
clarkbpossibly because django-pyscss wsa fulfilling the dep for us somehow in other cases? also django-pyscss is the correct case for that package23:04
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clarkbdstufft: if you have any insight into why it doesn't fail 100% of the time that would be great23:04
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dstufftare you using different versions of pip23:05
jeblairclarkb: are you sure it wasn't a coincidence?  a network blip while it was getting that package?23:05
clarkblol django-pyscss depends on PyScss which is also wrong23:05
clarkbjeblair: pretty sure, the note about ignoreing external package links is the signature for this issue23:05
clarkbjeblair: pip sorts out that pyscss is really pyScss but treats that as an external package link23:05
dstufftclarkb: if you want to run patched versions of pip and bandersnatch you can fix it right now :V23:06
clarkbthen fails because external package links are not allowed23:06
jeblairthat's 3 runs of that job within a few hours, only one of them failed23:06
dstuffta network failure could look like the exteranl package thing23:06
clarkbjeblair: is the signature for this thing23:06
clarkbdstufft: oh, they both look like that?23:06
dstufftif pip failed to get /simple/whatever/, it'll fall back to /simple/23:06
jeblairclarkb: because it also says "2014-08-29 21:13:00.341 |   Cannot fetch index base URL"23:07
clarkbohhhh ok23:07
clarkbI bet that is why it is being problematic23:07
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clarkbfor packages that are named from the /simple/foo url 404s23:07
clarkbfall back on the large /simple/index.html and that fails because ELARGE23:07
clarkbthen we die23:08
* clarkb goes to see how big it is23:08
dstufftpip is hopefully going to get more obvious about things23:08
dstufft2MB I think23:08
dstufftor so23:08
clarkbfixing the case avoids the fallbak which is error prone23:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Fix crash on comments from undisplayed files
clarkbits only 2.1MB23:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Fix newline warning overwriting final line
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Fix crash on diff of new empty file
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Make the commit message box hypertext
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Correct some search problems
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Support 80 column terminals in change view
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Restrict comment display to 80 columns
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Fix immediate sync of change by change ID
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add unified diff view
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Fix account table indexes
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Include more info in dependencies
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add option to hide certain comments
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add test results to top of change view
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Hide fully reviewed projects by default
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Don't hide inactive projects when listing all.
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Change active project toggle key
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add a standard 'light' palette
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add a configurable keymap
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Remove stray debug line
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: fix typo when raising syntax error
david-lyleclarkb: so updating the case will fix the fallback error, which is hit because of another error?23:11
jeblairclarkb, fungi: static.o.o runs mlocate on all its content23:12
clarkbdavid-lyle: ya I think so, so its a work around23:12
clarkbjeblair: :/23:12
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clarkbdavid-lyle: if it hits pyScss the first time it won't have to fallback23:13
clarkbI was going to grep access logs for that node, but hpcloud nodes are NATed so I don't actually know what the public IP was...23:13
clarkbgo cloud23:13
jeblairclarkb: i think devstack-gate prints it23:14
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add zm04
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use zm04
clarkbjeblair: it prints the internal address23:15
jeblairclarkb: oh, i'm one step behind you :)23:15
jeblairclarkb: you can map it through nodepool23:15
clarkbjeblair: even after the node is deleted?23:15
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i think it's logged23:15
clarkbcool /me looks for it there23:15
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Correcting case of pyscss to match pypi
jeblairfor the record, machines that do not know their own ip addresses are not real machines23:16
clarkbNode id: 1779817 is running, ip:, testing ssh <- it did log it23:16
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clarkblog file is a bit massive, waiting on grep now23:18
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clarkb those are transposed for some reason (apache worker log contention?)23:20
clarkbbut its 404 on pyscss then /simple is 200 then 404 on pyscss again23:20
clarkbdstufft: ^23:20
clarkbdstufft: shouldn't it get pyScss after getting /simple?23:21
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clarkbthe pip logging doesn't quite match up there but that may be ntp skew? or even just IO23:22
jeblairclarkb: i believe apache logs in order at request completion (but the timestamp is request start)23:26
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jeblairclarkb: so, /simple/pyscss, /simple, /simple/pyscss ?23:27
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clarkbjeblair: yeah which matches what dstufft said23:27
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dstufftdo you have the pip log23:28
clarkbdstufft: no we don't23:30
clarkbthe curious thing is apache says /simple 200'd23:31
dstufftclarkb: you might want to switch pip to use -vvv and/or save the pip debug log when you grab log files23:31
dstufftit'll give more info about what exactly pip is doing23:31
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clarkbdstufft: and pip debug log is in .pop?23:32
clarkber ~/.pip?23:32
dstufftthe downside on the debug log is it's overwritten on every pip invocation23:33
dstufftfor right now anyways23:33
clarkbbut in this case we short circuit so that is probably ok23:33
clarkbwhen we grab it it should have the failing run log in it (but I will be wrong now that I used "should")23:34
dstufftpip might not be correctly following the URL it finds in /simple/23:34
dstufftit might treat it as case insensitive or something23:34
dstufftI'm not sure23:34
dstufftthis whole thing is a stupid mess23:35
clarkbdstufft: we should burn it down and start over23:35
clarkbI propose we name the tool 'pop'23:35
clarkbor soda23:35
dstufftclarkb: alternative fix: shove a tiny web app in front of bandersnatch23:35
dstufftone that'll make it follow normalization rules23:36
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clarkbdstufft: yeah... but thats :( actually can we get away with mod autoindex and case insensitivity in the /simple dir?23:37
clarkband ignore the bandersnatch index.html?23:37
dstufftclarkb: the answer is, sort of23:37
dstufftnormalization does more than just case insensitivity23:37
clarkbwe wouldn't want it for any of the subdirs because those go over to the package dirs23:37
clarkbdstufft: oh right _ vs -23:37
clarkband so on23:37
dstufftbut those are rarer than case differences23:38
clarkbwould a little wsgi thing to normalize be something that should live in the bandersnatch repo?23:38
clarkbeg if we write it would upstream want it?23:39
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dstufftclarkb: dunno, this will be fixed better in bandernsatch + pip if I have anything to say about it23:43
dstufftso I'd consider the wsgi thing to be a bandaid23:43
dstufft :D23:43
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dstufft(yea yea status code and shit is wrong, I jsut tossed it together in 30s)23:44
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