Thursday, 2014-08-28

jeblairsdague, dtroyer: so i squashed them in
clarkbanteaya: its ok for stackforge to allow the release group to create branches IMO00:00
clarkbanteaya: so that is fine as is00:00
anteayaclarkb: ah okay so I'm wrong, thanks00:01
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fungianteaya: refs/heads/proposed/* would only let them create branches called proposed/something00:01
clarkbanteaya: the reason proposed is called out elsewhere is simply that openstack uses proposed/branches for things00:01
anteayaI'll update00:01
jeblairclarkb, fungi, sdague, dtroyer: i'm going to approve the squashed commit (since both were approved earlier, and this is gate-critical)00:02
fungijeblair: wfm00:02
jeblairclarkb, fungi: and i'm going to promote it00:02
clarkbjeblair: sounds good00:02
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dtroyerjeblair: for the record, cool.   Also a mod 1000 review number00:17
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fungimore amazing is that we've now had 112 of those00:20
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add single_use_slave coverage to the apply tests
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add list of types of logs to tempest-logs page
jogofungi: thoughts ^00:28
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fungijogo: first thought is that if we're doing the file indexes via the loganalyze front-end (e.g. with the swift backend) these descriptions could get integrated into the ui00:34
clarkbI have my glasses back in commission but a day was apparently long enough for my brain to get back into using the old ones00:34
clarkbjogo: fungi: ideally we would make the names better if they are hard to understand today00:35
fungiclarkb: ahh, yeah that too00:35
clarkbdtroyer might be able to speak to the choice for abbreviated log names00:35
jogoclarkb: yeah I think dropping the abbrevated names would be better00:36
jogoclarkb: not sure what the implications of that are00:36
jogowe should find out00:36
clarkbit will take more work (haev to update all logstash related stuff)00:36
jogoand a bunch of devstack changes00:36
fungiself-descriptive things are always the better route00:36
jogobut until then I am thinking this is better then nothing00:37
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jogoassuming switching to better names takes more then just a few days00:37
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jogoand then there are some logs that have 'good' names but are very short00:39
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jogolike pip-freeze00:39
jogoor iptables.txt00:39
clarkbjogo: is there something wrong with them?00:40
clarkbboth of those are very descriptiev imo00:40
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jogoclarkb: sure00:41
fungii took that to be why he called them good names00:41
jogoclarkb: but you know what those things are00:41
clarkbfungi: the 'but' had me confused00:41
clarkblike being short was a bad thing00:41
jogonot everyone knows we use pip I bet00:42
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fungithose people are also not going to get far looking at our logs for other reasons00:42
jogoI think listing pip-freeze and dpkg-l under list of installed packages00:42
jogowould be useful00:42
fungibut sure, descriptions, even of those, can't hurt00:44
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dtroyerclarkb: [catching up]  are you referring to log names using the short service names?  It seems like there are a couple of places where there is desire to use longer names.  Honestly I did the short names way back to try and get them all in my screen status bar…00:53
dtroyerwho knew we'd be a 47 and counting (I didn't count)00:54
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ianwdoes anyone know off-hand how 'fqdn' gets set in ->
jogodtroyer: yes, the short names get onfusing00:55
ianwi'm trying to verify bare-node setup on f20, it may be my problem in the vm setup00:55
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add list of types of logs to tempest-logs page
jesusaurusianw: thats a fact being set by facter00:55
jogodtroyer: when looking at
jogoI had to look up what 'tr' stood for00:55
jogodtroyer: any side effects of changine the names to long ones?00:56
jogoand dropping the 'screen' part00:56
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ianwjesusaurus: what would cause it to not be set?  puppet was dying because it seemed to be blank.00:56
jogoas its not from screen most of the time anyway00:56
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dtroyerjogo: re the log files, no.  I was looking at that while workign on the process launching stuff today ad want to change it.  it's backward compatability that concerns me, for everyone who isn't CI that has something automated…00:57
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jogodtroyer: yeah backwords compat ...00:58
clarkbdtroyer: ya the log names using short service names00:58
jogodtroyer: can we opt in to the new naming sceme for now00:58
jogoscheme for now to support backwards compat00:58
rick_anteaya: HI , I already disable to show "Starting check jobs." please check patch set 24.00:58
jesusaurusianw: so is ::hostname also blank?00:58
dtroyerjogo: I think with a little thought we can do so.  there are a couple of other logging things I'd like to clean up too00:58
clarkbianw: you can test it on your machines with facter installed by doing `facter fqdn`00:58
clarkbianw: jesusaurus: it won't be set if you don't have a domain longer than .00:59
ianwjesusaurus: hmm, ok.  i'll have to check when puppet finishes.  i guess the puppet run has wiped out my ssh key, so i'm locked out :)00:59
clarkbianw: jesusaurus for whatever reason (and there are wontfix bugs on this) an fqdn according to facter must have a domain longer than .00:59
jesusaurusclarkb: oh right, trailing .s confuse it00:59
clarkbjesusaurus: well its not the trailing .00:59
jogodtroyer: awesome01:00
jogodtroyer: let me know if there is anything I can do to help with that01:00
ianwclarkb: ok, this is probably a cause of simply booting a rax vm and not setting anything01:00
clarkbits the lack of a domain. So while foo. resolves on my home dns as a fqdn facter says that is not an fqdn. You need foo.local. or simiarl01:00
jogodtroyer: I was playing around with as a sort of workaround01:00
jogobut if the openstack file names become more descriptive that makes things esaier01:00
anteayarick_: yes, I know your system is enabled again01:00
rick_clarkb: How can I enable my service account? I already follow anteaya to hide  "Starting check jobs." message.01:00
anteayarick_: so work on the sandbox repo for a bit first01:01
dtroyerjogo: thanks, it's 'thinking' stuff first: these short names are also the names from ENABLED_SERVICES…switching to full names makes that longer and harder to scan for specific services in the logs…if we don't change those we set up mappings, which we may need anyway for a time.01:02
anteayanibalizer: can I convince you to offer up a new patchset for ?01:03
rick_anteaya: does you mean I need trigger CI again?01:03
dtroyerI'm going to ponder this a bit…and try to not let it get too big01:03
anteayanibalizer: Alex_Gaynor seems to be doing other things and I would really like livegrep01:03
jogodtroyer: awesome thanks.01:03
anteayarick_: yes, your system is enabled, please limit yourself to testing the sandbox repo only for a few patches01:03
nibalizeri don t want to step on toes tho01:04
anteayarick_: to ensure your system works well01:04
anteayanibalizer: I understand, it has been a month with no activity01:04
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rick_anteaya: So I can change gerrit account to use "prophetstor-ci"01:04
nibalizeranteaya: okay yea ill add that to my list01:05
anteayarick_: you can't change your gerrit account01:05
nibalizerright now im making the world safe for puppet 301:05
anteayanibalizer: thanks01:05
anteayanibalizer: good direction01:05
nibalizerbut hopefully ill hit a stopping place soon01:05
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anteayanibalizer: one can only hope01:05
anteayarick_: but you can use your gerrit account again01:05
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rick_anteaya: OK01:06
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anteayanibalizer: I just don't want to see livegrep get lost in the dust, I love it01:06
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nibalizeranteaya: okay i have an idea01:07
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rick_anteaya: I already trigger again. patch 25.
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anteayarick_: use your prophestor gerrit account to test the sandbox, not Rick Chen01:12
rick_anteaya: But the prophetstor-ci account is disabled. Does it enable now?01:13
nibalizerblkperl: anteaya and i would like you to do a thing01:13
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nibalizeris kindof abandoned and we wants it01:14
nibalizerso if you could kick it over the wall that would be sweet01:14
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ianwjesusaurus / clarkb : sorry for naive questions, still catching up with puppet.  bare-node installation is failing on f20 due to postgres failures.  i think fixes it.  i guess there is no release with this; what are the options?01:14
clarkbianw: you can try installing the postgres module via git. If you look in there is an array of modules that we install via git now01:16
clarkbianw: it takes a ref to install that module at01:16
clarkbhowever I would much prefer we don't do that01:16
clarkbmaybe we can bribe krinkle to release a new version for us?01:17
anteayanibalizer: everyone needs a blkperl01:17
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nibalizeranteaya: i know right01:18
anteayablkperl: while you're at it, the mob needs some screencasts, can you do that too?01:18
* anteaya looks up editing software01:18
nibalizeranteaya: what do we need screencasts of?01:18
nibalizeri actually really like doing those01:18
anteayaoh I hope sound libraries are fixed on trusty, I haven't tried yet01:18
clarkbfungi: jeblair: there is an awful lot of purple on our node graph01:18
nibalizeranteaya: don't count on it01:18
ianwclarkb: ok, testing with that ...01:19
anteayahow to submit an elastic recheck fingerprint should at least buy you some time01:19
clarkblooks like hpcloud may not be booting any nodes?01:19
anteayaI have a fantastic microphone I can use because of sound libraries01:19
clarkb that will do it01:19
crinkleclarkb: do you mean me?01:20
anteayawow, awesome01:20
anteayalook at that dive01:20
clarkbcrinkle: oh right you have adifferent name on this network01:20
ianwhuh, puppet actually warns "Warning: Could not retrieve fact fqdn", but it's pretty easy to miss that01:20
clarkbcrinkle: we dno't need to bribe you yet but maybe later01:20
ianwcrinkle / clarkb : ok, top-of-tree puppetlabs-postgresql works and lets the bare-node install complete on f2001:22
nibalizercrinkle: r-r-r-release!01:22
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nibalizerdo et01:22
clarkbcrinkle: we may need to bribe now. Not sure what your release process but aiui we can't use postgres module on fedora right now01:23
crinkleour release process is a little bloated and postgres isn't scheduled to be released this week01:23
nibalizercrinkle: are you saying its scheduled to be broken this week?01:23
crinklei could try to ask for it to happen next week01:23
nibalizercrinkle: i meant that as a joke, sorry if it came out wrong01:24
rick_anteaya: Thanks. All is fine.01:24
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ianwclarkb / crinkle : i'll propose the install_modules work-around.  i'll keep on it and remove it when a suitable release comes01:26
clarkbianw: sounds good01:26
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anteayarick_: good work01:27
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix DEVSTACK_GATE_GRENADE values for sideways jobs
rick_anteaya: many thanks for you.01:28
anteayanibalizer: well audacity on trusty can find my external edirol soundcard and my neumann microphone, so that is a start01:28
anteayarick_: np, go forward and help others01:28
anteayarick_: and attend third party meetings when you are able01:29
rick_anteaya: OK,01:29
nibalizeranteaya: thats a good sign01:31
nibalizeri think it was clarkb that had to rollback his trusty upgrade because ENOSOUND01:31
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anteayanibalizer: I had to do that with either q or r01:32
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clarkbnibalizer: I didn't rollback. I did try turning on built in sound thing with no luck01:33
nibalizerclarkb: oh are you just soundless?01:33
clarkbwhich makes me think it isn't a driver issue but something futher up the stack /me glares at pulseaudio01:33
nibalizermy condolences01:33
clarkbnibalizer: yup01:33
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nibalizeraccording to puppetboard looks like our master hasn't run in about a month01:42
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clarkbnibalizer: I don't know what that means01:45
clarkbyou mean puppet hasn't run on the master in about a month?01:46
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clarkbnibalizer: it looks fine to me01:47
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Import pylockfile
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Get postgresql puppet from upstream master
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add bare-f20 nodes
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: clean up readme
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greghaynespleia2: Are you in SFO?02:08
* greghaynes might have spied a pleia202:08
clarkbgreghaynes: she is flying to pdx today sometime for debconf02:08
clarkbgreghaynes: so maybe even on your flight02:08
greghayneshogepodge: and I are here02:08
pleia2i am! where are you?02:10
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pleia2my flight is delayed, boo02:10
clarkbpleia2: how long will you be in pdx for the conference?02:10
greghaynespleia2: were in the food court02:10
greghaynespleia2: come over, were sitting next to the pilot of the plane were all on02:10
greghaynessounds like were on the same flight02:10
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pleia2clarkb: leaving sunday02:11
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greghaynespilot is like "yeaaa this sucks"02:11
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clarkbI think I found your problem02:13
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clarkbpleia2: hrm ok can you drink yet? I am trying to device homebrew imbibing but was thinking of possibling driving down sunday02:14
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pleia2clarkb: I can drink!02:18
clarkbmight have to drive down saturday afternoon then02:20
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add oslo.serialization
anteayaso far audacity/vlc for capture/openshot for editing all seem to be working02:20
anteayatell me what format/codecs I should be using before I use the wrong thing02:21
* anteaya is completely surprised she found tooling this fast02:21
anteayaI never could before02:21
clarkbI actually don't know02:22
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anteayawell mp4 is what I have as output, with mp4 for screencapture and .wav for audio as input02:24
anteayabut I don't know if that is what I should be doing or not02:24
anteayathose are just the defaults on the apps02:25
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jesusaurusanteaya: i would suggest mp4 with h264/x264 video and ac3 or aac audio. that should give you a good balance of quality and portability across platforms03:09
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nibalizeranteaya: when i do screencasting i do it straight to twitch03:20
nibalizerthere is an ffmpeg line to do it, its magic03:20
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, thank you for pushing 11200005:00
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trinathsIs jenkins okay, I see its taking much time05:16
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Bump futures to 2.1.6 for swiftclient
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Revert "Remove docutils pin"
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Ironic-python-agent support to devstack-gate
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix sideways grenade local tmp variables
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lyxusIs there an issue with zuul ? Remaining time for a job that I am monitoring is went from 1h to 1h17min to unknown07:00
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trinathslyxus:  cool, its taking up now.. hope things are getting better now07:18
lyxustrinaths, It is, just wish this review will be merge faster:)07:19
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trinathslyxus: :)07:28
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marunDoes anyone know if the pg job failures are temporal or need a fix?07:36
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Correct merge calculation error in layout.yaml
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openstackgerritRomain Chantereau proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Be able to generate math formulae with Sphinx mathpng base extension.
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openstackgerritRomain Chantereau proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Be able to generate math formulae with Sphinx mathpng base extension.
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lyxustrinaths, are you still here ?09:34
trinathslyxus, yes09:39
lyxustrinaths, I waiting for 114402,10 to be merged. It has 3 min left with all of the tests done but one. And I just checked and it has 58 minutes left and re-running all of the tests. Would you know what is happening ?09:41
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trinathslyxus: nope. You mean GATE pipeline ? I'm not sure of i09:43
lyxustrinaths, yup GATE09:43
trinathslyxus, donno09:44
lyxustrinaths, ok thank you !09:44
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openstackgerritDmitry Shulyak proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create fuel-tasklib repository
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add footprint for bug 1362538
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: use get_boolean_option for warnerrors
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Allow overwriting sphinx builder list from command line
rakhmerovhello, jenkins job queue seems to be consistenly growing. Is something wrong with it or it's just a huge load?10:46
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Allow overwriting sphinx builder list from command line
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Handle more legacy version numbers
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isviridovSergeyLukjanov, fungi the zuul queue is really huge with patches submitted 11 hours ago11:09
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/publications: New CI Automation doc
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: -F/--force-rebase has no effect if rebase is disabled by config
fungiyes, according to the scrollback hpcloud was basically down for us for a while, and may still be. i'll look for updates once i'm awake and have coffee11:51
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fungifeature proposal procrastination week is always bad though11:52
sdagueit also times badly with holidays now. As we also get a push with people coming back from aug vacations and still trying to land things11:55
sdagueIIRC for folsom the freeze was actually aug 15th11:55
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sdaguefungi: where are the all-projects acl set in config?12:05
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Get postgresql puppet from upstream master
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add a check for old style class declarations
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: iAdd footprint for bug 1362538
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362538 in bluez "bluetoothd crashed with SIGSEGV in server_disconnect()" [Medium,New]
fungisdague: it's hand-managed due to checken&egg bootstrapping issues (it manages how you get access to update it)12:56
fungisdague: though we have it basically documented at
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fungias for gate/check pipeline length, yeah it looks pretty bad but we've seen worse. hpcloud outage seems to have recovered many hours ago, though still could account for some of the backup there13:02
fungimostly just lack of sufficient resources to run the pending jobs13:03
fungibut we are still pumping stuff through and running around 800 jobs an hour, which is about what we've been topping out at for weeks now13:03
sdaguefungi: so could we enable Rebase for everyone?13:07
fungiand rax-dfw is pretty much a complete loss lately (seems like every time they unstick the error nodes we fill it right back up with them in a matter of a few hours)13:07
fungisdague: enable the rebase button you mean?13:07
fungi(or api call, i suppose, same thing)13:07
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fungiwe could probably switch that to registered users. might want to think about the potential downsides, but it seems doable anyway13:08
sdaguefungi: yeh, enable the rebase button13:08
fungisdague: or is that something we should just enable for project owner and core reviewer group on a project?13:09
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fungi(like we do with wip, abandon/restore, et cetera)13:09
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bookwarhi all, i have "WARNING: The Gerrit-trigger send commands queue contains 44 items! Something might be stuck, or your system can't process the commands fast enough." in our third-third-party CI and I see being lazy to respond today, are there any known issues or should I go debug more?13:12
fungibookwar: it probably has nothing to do with gerrit, but i'll check its inter-jvm process queue13:13
fungibookwar: i don't see any stuck queues internally in gerrit, so it should be responding to your api commands in a timely manner13:14
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sdaguefungi: so anyone can do it manually13:14
fungisdague: that is very true13:15
sdagueso it seems like making it a registered users permission is just giving people nicer ux13:15
sdaguemuch like the commit message editor13:15
fungithough it takes some effort, whereas adding an easy button for everybody might become an attractive nuisance/free-for-all13:15
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fungii can imagine some first-time reviewer deciding to go through and punch the rebase button on every change they see with a merge conflict message13:16
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bookwarfungi: thanks13:16
fungiwithout inspecting the results13:16
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fungi(keep in mind that rebases can go horribly wrong and act like they succeeded trivially, readding everyone's votes, so it's necessary to look at the end result carefully to make sure it did what you expect, which implies someone actually knowing what to expect/look for)13:17
fungisdague: in fact, did you see from last night? that one was downright scary (at merge time instead of a rebase, so nobody had an opportunity to notice it until after it went into production). thankfully the outcome was reasonably benign13:19
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sdaguefungi: nope13:19
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sdaguethough most of the time we've got more unit tests on output on things, so that's a pretty far edge case13:21
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ShrewsAny status update on Safe to do rechecks yet?13:24
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362325 in horizon "Dashboard with slug "sahara" is not registered" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:24
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fungiShrews: yeah, i believe jeblair squashed SergeyLukjanov's two fixes into one last night abd crammed them up to the head of the gate13:24
Shrewsfungi: cool. thx13:24
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, Shrews, yup, it' fixed already, thx for jeblair13:25
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phschwartzmorning infra13:41
phschwartzfungi: we cleaned up dfw a second time yesterday so you should be good for now.13:41
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fungiphschwartz: you would think that, but i count 122 in error+deleting state in dfw right now13:42
phschwartzgrrrr. stupid neutron. lol13:43
fungiseems we accumulate a quota full of those, roughly, within a few hours of instance boot/use/delete churn13:43
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phschwartzvery soon we will be able to turn the delete retry on for them and it will auto clean them up13:44
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sdaguefungi: the f20 node mix seems to be problematic again as well13:51
sdaguethat's the reason some of the devstack changes have 20 hr delays on them13:51
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fungisdague: yeah, it becomes so as soon as we get beyond having enough capacity to service all job requests13:51
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sdagueso.... given that's not going to change for weeks, can we drop it again13:52
sdagueI really don't like nv jobs blocking real fixes13:52
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fungisdague: well, the same effect is also happening to anyone running py33 jobs, pypy jobs, or anything still explicitly tied to ubuntu precise. basically any job that doesn't run on devstack-trusty or bare-trusty nodes (and to a slightly lesser extent, bare-centos6) is going to suffer this13:53
fungiso, sure, we can make a judgement call that those aren't worth testing after all and are merely a nice-to-have when things are working smoothly. it's not really my call to make13:54
sdaguewell I let the f20 job back on devstack based on the fact that the allocator was fixed, but that seemed to have gotten reverted for bugs13:54
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fungiif that's the consensus among the devstack core reviewers, we can stop running it for now13:54
fungiyep, it turns out that it had bugs13:55
fungiianw is still working to reproduce the condition under volume13:55
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fungispeaking of bugs, i'm having some serious trouble tracking down the cause of
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Revert "demote f20 to experimental""
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fungii mean, is going on, which is supposed to have been fixed already four weeks ago13:58
fungibut i'm assuming that's just benign noise13:58
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fungiat least bug 1348786 claims fixed that13:59
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uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1348786 in devstack "VolumeTypeNotFoundByName spamming cinder-api logs" [Undecided,Fix released]
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tsufievjeblair, hello! could you please take a look at this commit for adding a new repo to stackforge? It already has one +2, also you had reviewed it a week ago - it seems that everything is in place now14:02
sdaguefungi: well I don't know, though it's a terrible test14:02
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fungilooks like all that traceback spam crept back in on the 23rd according to logstash, so probably a regression of 134878614:03
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fungiand yeah, mostly successful runs, so benign14:04
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sdagueit's an error in keystone / cinder client / or the test14:05
sdagueno other part is in play14:05
fungisdague: thanks, i'll poke around in keystone some14:05
sdagueactually, the reason why it failed is the next line14:06
sdaguethere is an update endpoint test happening at the same time14:06
sdague2014-08-28 09:45:29.184 | {1} tempest.api.identity.admin.v3.test_endpoints.EndPointsTestXML.test_update_endpoint [0.771050s] ... ok14:06
fungiahh, concurrency-related?14:06
sdaguemy guess at least14:06
fungii would never have spotted that14:06
fungiit wasn't clicking for me that this was funneled through keystone as well14:07
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sdagueyeh, the path for endpoints only goes to keystone as far as I know14:08
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sdagueunfortunately the cli tests aren't written in a way that lets us see the entire catalog, they seem prematurely optimized for code reuse :{14:10
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sdaguemriedem: you played with the cli tests some right?14:11
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sdagueany idea how we'd change those to expose the whole catalog on those assert fails?14:11
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Revert "demote f20 to experimental""
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mriedemsdague: catching up, you mean dump out the keystone service catalog on any cli failure?14:15
sdaguewell all the comparisons are so hyper normalized I don't know what it's doing14:15
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mriedemwhich comparisons?14:15
sdaguethe error seems non sensible14:15
sdagueI would expect to see more than 1 catalog line14:16
sdagueMismatchError: 'nova' not in {'type---446510413': 'id', 'Value': '0900b1eaee174fdd9e146438a25b845e'}14:16
sdagueit seems like endpoints is actually only the 1st endpoint14:17
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mriedemchecking the tempest code14:17
jeblairsdague: may have been caught by the freshness check14:17
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sdaguejeblair: yeh14:18
jeblairboth unit tests jobs failed; last check was 3 days ago14:18
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mriedemsdague: so you expected to see the cinder v1 and v2 endpoints?14:19
jeblairi don't suppse anyone got around to writing a dequeue command :/14:19
sdaguemriedem: that's not actually what it is14:19
sdaguejeblair: edit commit message in gerrit?14:19
sdaguethat's what I do14:19
sdaguemuch easier now that you can do that via gerrit web14:20
sdaguemriedem: so cinder endpoints actually returns the whole catalog14:21
sdagueand the test seems to just care that nova is listed somewhere14:21
sdagueexcept, what it actually seems to care about is that nova is listed first14:21
sdagueso if something else ends up first14:21
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fungithat's an amusing test... for some values of amusing anyway14:21
sdaguebecause endpoints are being added at the same time (which is happening)14:22
sdaguethen... fail14:22
mriedemsdague: oh, huh - why does a cinder endpoint list test care that nova is in there?14:23
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sdaguebecause someone wrote it to just find something14:23
sdagueI expect they copy/pasted the nova test14:23
sdagueand it shows all endpoints14:23
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sdagueso it should be fine ... except it's not actually looking at all the endpoints14:23
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mriedemsdague: is this a relatively new failure?14:24
* mriedem is putting out an internal fire this morning so is behind14:24
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sdagueit was something fungi was looking at14:25
sdagueit was in the last 24hrs14:25
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fungiyeah, random test failure i couldn't find any obvious fingerprint for14:25
sdaguemriedem: no worries if there are other fires14:25
fungiand for which i couldn't find a bug either14:25
fungipresumably low-incidence so far14:26
sdagueI think it's just indicative of the fact that the cli tests really need to come out of tempest, they make some terrible assumptions :)14:26
mriedemsdague: fungi: according to logstash it's only failed on that one pbr change14:28
fungijeblair: oh, on the topic of the nodepool 'splosions during oscon which prompted us to revert the demand fulfillment algorithm change, did you happen to set aside a copy of the nodepool logs from that time? we're just a few days past log rotation having expired them out of /var14:28
fungimriedem: yeah, in that case *very* low incidence14:28
jeblairfungi: yeah, i'm planning on working on that today14:28
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jeblairianw: i mentioned i'd be able to pitch in later this week; i'm all yours :)14:29
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fungijeblair: okay, awesome. i went looking for them earlier this week so i could sanitize a copy for ianw but discovered they were already gone14:29
jeblairassuming that the blowup happened on 7/23, i have copies of logs in my homedir14:29
fungijeblair: yep, i hadn't gone poking anywhere else obvious yet besides /var, but that was the timeframe i was looking for (it coincides with the revert commit)14:30
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sdaguemriedem: yeh, it's probably infrequent because the keystone tests are fast14:31
sdagueso crosssection for overlap is small14:31
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jeblairfungi, ianw: yep, 3 restarts in the log on 7/2314:33
jeblairi'll concentrate on the middle restart14:33
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mriedemsdague: fungi: so do we want to open a tempest bug for this?  assuming 'yes' even though it has only shown up in one change in 7 days14:33
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dtroyerfungi: should fix the Cinder volume type regression14:34
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fungimriedem: yup, will do14:37
fungidtroyer: oh, cool14:37
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yolanda_jeblair, wrote a comment for The patch isn't needed now14:40
HeOSfungi, hello!14:41
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HeOSfungi, do you known directive inheritFrom = <parent_project_name> in project.config is worked in jeepyb?14:42
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HeOSI received an error ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/meta/config (invalid project configuration: parent does not exist), but <parent_project_name> is exist in gerrit.14:43
jeblairfungi, ianw: looking at the logs more closely, it seems to be pass #3 and greater that end up with the radical over allocations14:43
jeblair(not so much #2 as we previously surmised)14:44
openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a test to verify oslo.messaging's AMQP 1.0 messaging protocol support
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anteayajesusaurus: thanks, I'm also looking for open formats, is mp4 and ac3 or acc open? I don't know, I haven't spent time in this space lately as a creator14:46
anteayanibalizer: yes, I find ffmpeg overwhelming but would like to spend some time with it14:46
HeOSIn project.config file only next two lines: 1: [access] 2: inheritFrom = <parent_project_name>14:46
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jrollanteaya: flac and ogg are really the only open formats afaik14:47
jrollor is this video?14:47
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jrollyeah, misread that, ignore me :)14:47
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jeblairfungi: nodepool.o.o:~corvus/log14:49
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jeblairfungi: i've extracted the section that deals with startup #2, and checked that none of our defined passwords show up in there14:49
jeblairfungi: anything else you want to check?14:49
anteayajroll: video and audio14:50
anteayalyxus trinaths this is normal load for where we are in the release cycle:
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anteayalyxus trinaths as you see next week is feature freeze and so we are under normal load (meaning extreme) since everyone wants their patches merged before Sept 414:51
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jrollanteaya: :)14:51
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anteayalyxus trinaths this is also the time of cycle we discover new and exciting things about our automating testing struture since we are under heavy load for a long time14:52
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anteayajroll: thanks14:52
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phschwartzfungi: we are going to try and get them cleaned up again durring the day today, and at that time have a member of our internal neutron team watch as they build up again to see if it can help them find the actual cause.14:54
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jeblairphschwartz: we'll, uh, make sure you have enough load to detect the problem.  ;)14:55
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fungiphschwartz: yeah, i think there'll be no shortage of incidents for them to analyze there14:57
fungijeblair: looking14:57
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sdaguejeblair: so I've been going through my review list, man would auto abandon help.14:58
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jeblairsdague: it would really hurt mine.  we have reviews for big efforts that sit for weeks.  they should not be abandoned.14:59
jeblairsdague: for instance, there's no way we can make significant progress on nodepool dib with the queue in its current state.  do we abandon all the reviews?  no, we just let them sit until things cool down and pick it up again later14:59
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jeblairsdague: we just merged a review number that was _half_ of the current review number15:00
sdagueso the pattern I'm seeing, fwiw, as I've been through about 100 old reviews in the last 24 hrs15:00
sdagueis that developers that are highly engaged in the project seem to have a good sense of self abandoning code15:01
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jeblairsdague: why?  had you not previously reviewed them?15:01
sdagueand when it's appropriate15:01
jeblairoh i misunderstood that sentence15:01
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sdaguejeblair: yeh, sorry, these were reviews that I was already listed as a reviewer on15:01
sdaguesome with last activity going to back to May15:01
openstackgerritMike Heald proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for scripts in the inject builder
sdaguehowever people less connected to the project tend to leave -2ed or merge conflicted code out there15:02
jeblairsdague: my question is, why are you seeing reviews you don't want to?  why don't you add "age:2w" to your queries?  you'd get the same behavior as before15:02
sdagueI'm going through the My Changes list just to clean it up a bit15:03
sdaguealso, it was mostly an exercise to understand what's up with these really old reviews15:04
openstackgerritRomain Chantereau proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Be able to generate math formulae with Sphinx mathpng base extension.
sdagueso both cleanup, and exploration15:04
jeblairi'm guessing that we can't add "age:2w" to my changes.. but to be honest, i thought we had all written 'my changes' off as a useful part of the ui15:05
jeblairi mean, we did that 3 years ago when we wrote 'important changes'15:05
sdagueimportant changes doesn't work for me15:05
sdaguefor volume reasons15:05
jeblairsdague: it doesn't work for anyone, it's gone15:05
sdagueok, fair15:06
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jeblairsdague: but my changes had all of those problems and more15:06
jeblairso i'm surprised to hear that you use it15:06
sdagueyeh, I don't use it all the time, I do come through it some times15:07
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sdagueI definitely use it for outgoing15:07
jeblairoh yeah15:07
jeblairright now that's long enough for me i can't actually see the incoming ones :)15:07
sdagueyeh, so when that happens I typically stop writing code15:07
sdaguebecause I can't keep that many contexts running in parallel15:08
sdaguethen I go and bug people to figure out why some things aren't landing15:08
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sdagueanteaya / krtaylor: does someone want to take over this recheck gramar proposal - - because I'm not really going to be the right person to drive that to some concensus15:12
anteayasdague: yeah dougwig is trying to do something with it15:13
krtaylorsdague, sure15:13
dhellmannhi, folks. I'd like to get oslo.log imported so we can cut stable/juno in oslo-incubator and start dropping graduated modules. It only needs one more +2:
anteayasdague: if you want you can abandon it and dougwig can propose again15:13
anteayasdague: can you leave a comment that you are abandoning it due to time issues and someone else is welcome to use your code?15:13
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sdagueanteaya: sure15:16
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anteayasdague: since basically what I am hearing you say is you want this patch off your stack15:17
anteayawhich I understand15:18
sdagueanteaya: yes. Well mostly I'm afraid people are expecting me to drive it forward15:18
sdaguewhich it's not going to really be a priority for me15:18
* anteaya nods15:18
sdagueso I wanted the right signaling to let someone else run with it15:18
sdagueI hit abandone15:19
anteayaI think that will do it15:19
anteayadougwig is the only person so far willing to make any noise about it, hopefully he will champion it for a while15:19
sdagueyeh, every group is different15:19
anteayait is15:19
sdagueso I wasn't sure what the right way to signal that was here15:19
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anteayayes, let's find out15:20
anteayaI'm trying to find ways to not be so tired by everything15:20
anteayathe non-stop construction 2 doors down isn't helping15:20
krtayloranteaya, sdague I can help dougwig with moving that along if needed15:20
krtayloranteaya, I feel your pain, next-door is getting new roof15:21
anteayakrtaylor: great it is all yours15:22
anteayakrtaylor: propose a new patch with yourself as owner and reference sdague's abandoned patch in the commit message, and list sdague as co-author in the commit message too15:23
anteayaCo-Authored By: Sean Dague <sean's email goes here>15:24
anteayasdague: what email?15:24
krtayloranteaya, I should check with dougwig first?15:24 is what I use15:24
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add readthedocs for heat-translator
anteayasdague: great thanks15:24
anteayakrtaylor: up to you15:25
dougwigkrtaylor: go for it.15:25
sdaguethanks anteaya / krtaylor15:25
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anteayathanks dougwig15:25
dougwigon phone, hard to type , let me know if I can help.15:25
anteayathen dougwig gets to be your first reviewer15:25
jeblairfungi: how's that log looking?15:25
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fungijeblair: i'm continuing to whittle and summarize15:26
jeblairfungi: oh i thought you just wanted to sanitize; i don't see why we can't serve up the whole thing15:27
krtayloranteaya, dougwig - I'll get that up again this afternoon15:27
fungijeblair: oh, we probably can... i was actually trying to analyze the content! sorry15:27
jeblairfungi: yeah, i'm all for that, but i figured first we can let ianw see it :)15:27
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fungiabsolutely. lemme make sure there's nothing leaked in there15:28
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jeblairfungi: 1600 utc saturday good for the rename?15:32
fungijeblair: i think it should be safe. i scoured it for any credentials nodepool could possibly have access (ssh private key, jenkins credentials id, jenkins api password, database password)15:33
jeblairif so, i'll go ahead and send an announcement15:33
fungijeblair: sure, 1600 utc works fine for me15:33
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jeblairconsidering the backlog, it might not be as quiet as i'd hoped, but we can re-enqueue15:33
fungioh, also checked the log for the cloud provider api credentials as well15:33
fungiso, yeah, nothing i can find which looks sensitive in there15:34
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jeblairgerrit downtime announcement sent15:36
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sdaguejeblair: I guess you didn't kick out ?15:40
sdagueI just did with a commit message change as I found it was back into a fail state15:40
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jeblairsdague: ok thanks.  at the time, it had only failed once in gate, even though both jobs failed.  i was on the fence about it.15:43
jeblairsdague: but yes, it seems pretty reliable15:44
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stevemarso if I add docs-on-rtfd to a project's template, the readthedocs does some magic behind the scenes to try and make the theme rtfd-ish15:48
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fungijeblair: ianw: after some machete work, these are the log line patterns and their relative counts i find in that log sample related to allocation request fulfillment calculations
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fungiopening some of the N values there and summing them will probably yield the trend we witnessed15:55
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add readthedocs for heat-translator
sdaguejeblair: yeh, honestly, I tend to err on the kick it out side once there is reasonable indicators, because otherwise these add 30 - 60 minutes delay to every patch behind them.16:01
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sdaguejeblair: is another one that the freshness check would have caught - ceilometer patch16:02
openstackgerritJoel Coffman proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add pykmip
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sdaguedouble unit test failures is a pretty good initial indicator, that case is importing some olso code that doesn't currently exist16:03
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jeblairsdague: yeah, and that sat for a long time, 9 days16:05
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sdaguewhich is about as long as it could, right?16:05
sdaguebecause that's around when the freshness was turned off16:05
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jeblairsdague: that very day in fact16:06
openstackgerritJoel Coffman proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add pykmip
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sdagueso we are definitely getting changes that are as old on results as they could possibly by being approved in16:06
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jeblairsdague: i'm wondering - if we decide the arguments favor gate freshness being worth the cost, if a different time cutoff would work; perhaps 48 or 72 hours would get us the bulk of the value.16:08
sdaguejeblair: yeh, I don't know16:08
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anteayawhat was the argument for turning it off?16:08
sdagueif we are only requiring the final threshold for tests moving to gate, it seems like it's O(1) cost, so making it 24 hrs doesn't seem more expensive than 7216:09
sdagueI think leaving the always fresh test results off is fine16:09
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sdagueanyway, just a thought. I'm going to be in and out for the rest of the afternoon.16:11
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/publications: New CI Automation doc
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morganfainbergjeblair, [if i'm reading this right] i agree with sdague, if it's only on moving to gate we get the freshness requirement it would be (relatively) low cost compared to gate resets. The added cost of forcing a freshness check based on a comment but not a move to gate seems like extra overhead.16:17
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morganfainbergjeblair, at least around milestone timeframes.16:17
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jeblairmorganfainberg: yeah, the freshness check in check on comment wasn't really about comments, it was just an implementation mechanism because we hadn't written anything else.  it was really about collecting data and having up-to-date results16:18
jeblairiow, it was more about the 72h than the comment.  but your point still stands;  just clarifying.16:18
morganfainbergjeblair, ++ figured as much16:18
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jeblairi think we were using up to 3000 nodes/day on that; i forget the number used for gate.  it was far smaller (tens or hundreds), but that would probably be increased if we put the gate freshness check back without the check one16:20
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morganfainbergjeblair, yeah 3000 is a lot of extra nodes for that.16:21
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morganfainbergjeblair, 72h is probably fine in most cases, not sure if it would be a bigger benefit closer to 24h for milestone timeframes. i saw a marked increase errors that cropped up in keystone on checks when we started with large numbers of things going through the gate16:22
morganfainbergjeblair, at least the merge conflicts seemed to be caught earlier16:23
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jeblairmorganfainberg: yeah, that was probably the biggest benefit of the check-pipeline freshness checks, and it's replaced by the merge-check pipeline now...16:24
jeblairmorganfainberg: merge conflicts have been low-cost in the gate for a while16:24
fungiwhich is a much faster response time on reporting merge conflicts than waiting for activity on the change before checking16:24
morganfainbergjeblair, ++ and i totally approve of that change :)16:24
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jeblairour informal spot check has caught 2 changes in the gate that would have been caught by freshness16:25
jeblairthey sat for 3 and 10 days without tests respectively16:25
jeblairof course, i don't know when the bugs that caused them to fail were introduced16:26
jeblairso it's kind of a statistics game, which is hard to play with 2 data points :)16:26
jeblairbut my gut feeling is that 24<x<72 would give us much of the benefit16:27
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jeblairi kicked out that ceilometer change (
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notmynamesdague: I have some questions about I don't understand why the version was bumped. it looks more like futures just wasn't installed on the test box (maybe because it's a new requirement?) but it works for me with the older version16:34
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notmynamesdague: (if anything, I'd love to drop to 2.1.2 since that's what's available in precise, but that's a different topic)16:34
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sdaguenotmyname: the swiftclient add required concurrent.futures16:35
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notmynamesdague: which is a new module, provided by the "futures" package16:35
sdaguenotmyname: ok, so perhaps we misinterpreted the error message16:36
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sdaguesorry, I guess the googling I popped up made me think it was a 2.1.6 feature16:36
morganfainbergjeblair, cannot complain about the logic, lgtm :) <72 sounds about right.16:36
sdaguenotmyname: ok, well previously it was set at 2.1.316:37
sdaguenotmyname: feel free to propose revert back to 2.1.316:37
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notmynamesdague: so consider this my vote to go down to 2.1.2 (it was set at 2.1.3 because that's what was already in global reqs)16:37
fungimriedem: the bug we were talking about earlier is opened now as 136270316:37
sdagueI guess I misinterpretted the failures16:37
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sdaguenotmyname: yeh, I don't know the reason why 2.1.3 was set as the floor16:38
notmynamesdague: does this mean there is another issue that needs to be set16:38
mriedemfungi: thanks16:38
notmynamesdague: eg not installing the right dependencies? or that the new dependencies have to be added to the old stable branch16:38
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sdaguewell, we needed to add it to havana requirements because swiftclient could no long work on a havana install16:38
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sdagueanyway, I need to run, but the scrollback yesterday should have all the details in it. If someone wants to try to make this all work at 2.1.2 across projects, so be it.16:40
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notmynamesdague: if I proposed a change to global requirements to use 2.1.2, woudln't that check it sufficiently?16:40
notmynameI suspect 2.1.3 was used because the first time is was added that was the current version16:40
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clarkbnotmyname: it would not check it sufficiently16:44
notmynameclarkb: what would?16:44
clarkbnotmyname: apply that requireemtns line to all projects using the dependency and run their docs, pep8, unittest tests would help a lot more16:45
clarkbnotmyname: since requirements changes don't do that and instead run integration tests which are good but may have gaps16:45
notmynameclarkb: but it has to land in global reqs first, riht?16:45
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notmynameotherwise tests fail16:46
clarkbnotmyname: no16:46
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* notmyname clearly doesn't understand what's going on16:46
clarkbI mean yes tests fail but not because it can't import the dependency16:46
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clarkbthere is a special test that checks, that one will fail but won't affect the unittests and other builds16:46
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fungiright, you can propose a throwaway change to a project to see how it would deal with setting the requirement to that version explicitly, and just ignore the requirements comparison job failure it will cause16:47
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notmynameso why didn't grenade fail on the patch with the new dependency?
fungithat would actually try to run unit tests with the proposed version16:48
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fungigrenade and other things using devstack will force-sync your list of requirements to the versions specified in the global requirements list, so the integration tests on individual project changes are not a good indicator16:49
jeblairperhaps grenade force-synced the master branch when it ran the old side of the job?16:50
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notmynamefungi: which is another thing that's weird to me, since it means that the tests are run with requirements that may be different than are specified (as is the case here?)16:51
notmynamejeblair: but yeah, it seems there's some gap/bug here16:51
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funginotmyname: which is pretty much always an expectation. problem being that different projects can possibly specify slightly different versions of requirements because they don't all get force-upgraded and are instead allowed to decide when they sync requirements versions16:52
clarkbnotmyname: we have to do it that way otherwise we install python-keystoneclient 20 times16:52
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fungiso we use global-reqs as the reference list of which versions to test with in integration test jobs do deal with the discrepancies between declared requirements in different projects (as they're nondeterministic if you just throw them all at the wall as listed)16:53
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fungithis goes back to the "python dependency resolution is serial, not holistic" problem16:54
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notmynamehow do I `for each project in openstack; do grep "futures" requirements.txt; done`16:54
notmynameie without either manually clicking on every project or having to clone every one16:55
fungihttp:// perhaps if it's up to date16:56
clarkbnotmyname: we don't have livegrep up yet so I think you ahve to clone each one. OH if there is another livegrep maybe use that16:56
clarkbnotmyname: you can always shallow clone to make it go quick16:56
fungiclarkb: i think that one was just a one-time poc and may not be updated16:57
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fungialso may not have had all the projects in it, but rather just some subset16:57
* clayg didn't know clone had a --depth option16:57
fungiclayg: yep, for making a shallow clone of arbitrary history length16:58
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clarkbnote not all git operations play nice with shallow cloned repos, but grep should be fine16:59
claygnotmyname: don't know what you're going after trying to get all the versions from the other projects?16:59
Sinclerzaro: hi i'm having some troubles with the update of gerrit, about the changes in the database, i'm changing from 2.4.4 to 2.8.417:00
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fungiand to jeblair's earlier suggestion, does indeed seem to have sync'd futures>=2.1.3 but that was the version in the stable/icehouse branch of openstack/requirements until17:02
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jeblairyeah, havana's the branch that broke, right?17:02
Sinclerzaro can you help me?17:02
fungioh, right...17:03
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claygclarkb: so to avoid "install python-keystoneclient 20 times" - what do we do?  just install what ever is in global-requirements at the top, and then when you install all the projects and clients, every depends says something like "blah>=2.1.3 requirement already satisfied" ???17:03
clarkbjeblair: I am catching up on scrollback. It looks like we are going to reinstate fresh check?17:03
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jeblairclarkb: i would not go that far17:03
jeblairclarkb: we have found 2 changes that it would have caught17:03
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clarkbclayg: we ensure all projects match global requirements then the first project for each dependency installs that dependency and since all requirements are the same it is satisfied for everyone17:04
jeblairclarkb: i proposed the idea that if we decide it's worth it, perhaps we should reconsider a different value for the time cutoff17:04
clarkbclayg: so basically yes.17:04
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i am going to go into a hole and debug nodepool for a while17:04
clarkbjeblair: ok and thanks17:04
jeblairanything you need before i do so?  i'll check back in in a few hours17:05
clarkbnothing from me. still catching up on morning17:05
clarkbemail and bugs and irc17:05
fungijeblair: notmyname: yeah, so the reason grenade didn't catch that for the swiftclient change is that swiftclient has only a master branch and so only has an icehouse->master grenade job (no havana->icehouse). i'm looking at the backward-compat havana tempest job now to see if it would have made any difference there17:05
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phschwartzfungi: clearing the instances now and watching for new ones that fail in dfw17:05
fungijeblair: sounds good17:05
fungiphschwartz: thanks! looks like we're showing 152 in error+deleting in dfw at the moment17:06
fungii'll watch for that to drop17:06
claygclarkb: but not all projects match global requirements17:07
clarkbclayg: right, we force them to in the integration tests17:07
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notmynamefungi: isn't that the same for all client libs? just a master?17:08
notmynameclayg: I was wonder what others use to figure out if it would be possible to use 2.1.2 rather than 2.1.317:08
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clarkbthere is a requirements merge step for each project17:08
fungiclarkb: by in-place editing their requirements lists to have version strings matching openstack/requirements:global-requirements.txt17:08
fungiduring the job set-up17:08
clarkbnotmyname: my guess is it is ok. And if you propose that global requirements update there is a reasonable amouint of coverage for it17:08
clarkbnotmyname: which should give us a quick smoke test then we can work on the wider picture if we like17:09
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notmynameclarkb: since this is something that we added to a client lib, I was hoping for using the version in precise, just to lower pain if someone is packaging it. they could use the distro packages17:09
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clarkbnotmyname: ya its worth doing for that reason17:12
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clarkbI am always wary of rolling back min versions though as we have a tendency to bump those to minimum versions that were known to work at one point17:12
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fungihuh... so i don't see futures being addressed at all in
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fungii wondn't be surprised if the sync operation there is ignoring requirements which are specified in the project but not in the global requirements list?17:13
clarkbfungi: maybe it is a new dependency?17:13
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed a change to openstack/requirements: lower the futures version to 2.1.2
notmynameclayg: ^^17:14
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notmynameer. clarkb^^17:14
fungiclarkb: this is the havana backward-compat test for the swiftclient change adding it17:14
fungiclarkb: and that requirement isn't in the havana branch of requirements, so isn't addressed by the sync at all looks like17:14
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clarkbfungi: that would do it17:15
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fungibasically trying to suss out whether we want to fail devstack-based jobs where there are requirements not listed in global-reqs17:15
fungimtreinish: ^ didn't you have a change at one point which was checking that?17:16
fungican't remember if that was something else, or if it isn't happening on havana devstack maybe, or if we reverted it for some reason17:16
claygwhat decides if a check-grenade-dsvm job checks out stable/icehouse or stable/havana when it's setting up "old"17:16
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clarkbclayg: the new branch which is determined by the change being tested. So if the change tested is for icehouse then old will be havana. If the change tested is master/juno old will be icehouse17:17
clarkbclayg: because we only test n-1 to n17:18
Sinclerzaro: can you help me? I'm updating gerrit from 2.4.4 to 2.8.4, I noticed that some tables are droped like, account_agreements, approval_categories,  contributor_agreements, do create te tables , you are using .config files or what you have done?17:18
claygclarkb: ok, that makes sense - but I don't get why the new python-swiftclient change was tested against havana then17:19
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clarkbclayg: because clients have no stable branches we test master clients against old stable releases of servers17:19
claygclarkb: fungi: this is job that notmyname linked me this morning that failed with the swiftclient importerror ->
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claygclarkb: oh how interesting, but we don't install their dependencies - that can be tricky17:20
clarkbwe do install their dependencies...17:20
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clarkbI think what fungi discovered was that the merge from global requirements is only for things both sides know about and that may have broken this?17:21
claygi may have overgeneralized - in this case the dependencies specified in the new version of the client weren't installed ->
clarkbfungi: ^17:21
fungiclayg: the assertion is that clients will work with old versions of servers, so we try to test them with all the server integrated releases for which we can currently support testing (right now havana and icehouse)17:21
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: the help files changed from _ to - at some point
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dhellmannclarkb: how did anything get into the project requirements list if it wasn't in the global requirements list?17:22
fungiclarkb: yeah, i have a suspicion that is the case and i'm looking back through that function now17:22
clarkbdhellmann: ~havana time frame you could do that iirc17:22
fungidhellmann: it was in new versions of the requirements list (icehouse and master) but not the havana branch of the requirements list17:22
* dhellmann doesn't even remember last week17:22
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dhellmanngot it, I didn't realize this was looking so far back17:22
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fungidhellmann: and was a change to a client, so only master branch there17:23
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jamesmcarthurfungi: good afternoon!17:23
fungidhellmann: so the requirements check passed it because master client branch master requirements branch, all good17:23
jamesmcarthurfungi: have you guys had any problem with the endpoint?17:23
dhellmannfungi: right, we see new requirements that have to be added to the stable branches fairly often17:23
fungijamesmcarthur: none reported so far, no17:23
jamesmcarthurfungi: great17:23
mtreinishfungi: I don't think it was me17:24
mtreinishbut it might have been...17:24
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fungimtreinish: i was probably thinking of one of your dopplegangers then17:24
jamesmcarthurfungi: so we’re ready to flip the switch on cloudflare as soon as you guys are. What’s the turn around from your side to chagne gerrit to look at i/o
fungijamesmcarthur: excellent work btw, i didn't even see a blip17:24
jamesmcarthurfungi: so your test would be curl --data "APPSEC=yEKVvoxEdGPxevE2&"
jamesmcarthurfungi: thanks! yeah, it was pretty smooth. very pleased :)17:25
clarkbfungi: jamesmcarthur: that requires a gerrit restart right? maybe we can do that on saturday?17:25
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dhellmannclarkb, SergeyLukjanov: do either of you have time to look at this oslo.log import request today? I'd like to move ahead with that so we can start cleaning up the incubator.
fungiclarkb: jamesmcarthur: yeah, we can test it manually, but can't switch it in production until this weekend17:25
jamesmcarthurclarkb: fungi: ok, should I put in a launchpad ticket for it?17:25
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fungijamesmcarthur: nah, i'll just go ahead and write up the change17:26
clarkbdhellmann: done17:26
fungijamesmcarthur: and we'll lump it in with a maintenance we already have scheduled for 12:00 utc on saturday17:26
clarkb1200 utc are you mad?17:26
clarkbI thought it was 1600 utc?17:26
jamesmcarthurfungi: awesome! thanks sir! I’ll let the Foundation know and we’ll plan on turning CloudFlare on after we hear from you.17:26
clarkb5am PDT is way too early17:26
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jamesmcarthurclarkb: come on! you don’t like to get up at 5am on Saturday ;)17:27
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clarkbjamesmcarthur: only when fishing and even then may not be worth it17:27
fungier, yeah, 1600utc, oops ;)17:27
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dhellmannclarkb: thanks!17:29
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jamesmcarthurclarkb: fungi: thanks guys for your help. I’m glad everyone gets to sleep in a bit.17:29
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fungijamesmcarthur: and i tested that curl manually from our code review server, no problem17:30
fungioh, he already left17:30
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jerryzfungi: the py27,p26 tests for our stackforge project failed because a package was not found on pypi.o.o,
clarkboh transifex, everytime you send me a couple hundred emails all at once I want pootle/zanata already17:32
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clarkbjerryz: the package name you used is wrong17:34
clarkbIt should be Flask-WTF not flask-wtf17:34
clarkbif pip has to change the name for you like that it apparently treats it as an external packagel ink17:34
clarkbdstufft said he wanted to fix that in the nearish future17:34
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fungiclarkb: though in this case it looks like it might be an index/sync issue? has a link for Flask_WTF-0.10.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl which returns 40417:35
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clarkboh its this bug again17:35
jerryzclarkb: but it got redirected to
fungithe wheel was uploaded 2014-08-26 though17:36
clarkbjerryz: yes, it will redirect but then pip will say that is an external package link and fail17:36
fungitwo days ago, give or take17:36
clarkbjerryz: so the redirect doesn't help17:36
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fungiyeah, we're still hitting 2014-08-28 17:35:04,020 ERROR: Error syncing package: instant-rst@120467517:36
clarkbthat will do it17:37
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jerryzclarkb: so for the moment, we need change all our requirements' names to match the letter case on the pypi.o.o server?17:38
clarkbjerryz: there is a bug in bandersnatch where it can sync the index page and not all of the actual packages17:38
clarkbjerryz: we are hitting that which caused this specific issue17:38
clarkbjerryz: once that is fixed I think the case issue will break you too17:39
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clarkbjerryz: you don't have to17:39
clarkbbut you have to allow external package links17:39
clarkbI think making the case correct is a better choice17:39
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fungidstufft: we're hitting a fastly redirect loop because instant_rst got renamed to instant-rst and bandersnatch hasn't been able to proceed past that serial for a few days now as a result. if you get a chance to blow that away, it would be appreciated17:40
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dstufftfungi: should be fixed now17:41
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fungidstufft: thanks! i'll keep an eye on it17:45
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jerryzfungi: how soon should bandersnatch be running again to sync the packeges17:52
jeblairi just popped in to say i'm waiting on my fake nodepool to build fake images and it's taking a while.  :)17:52
clarkbjerryz: its ~every 5 minutes once something like that is fixed17:53
clarkbjerryz: you can always check the mirror directly17:53
jeblairit had to build 67 of them17:53
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clarkbjerryz: fungi looks like that wheel hasn't synced yet17:55
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clarkbI was able to get it from so it does exist17:57
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fungiyeah, it generally takes a couple of subsequent bandersnatch runs to catch back up17:58
fungiusually the first run just completes the one transaction it was previously unable to perform, then the next run does all the pending transactions after it to present (if possible)17:59
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fungii'm watching to see if the 1800 run in a moment picks it up17:59
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fungiyeah, it caught the rest of the way up, but somehow never added a Flask-WTF directory under
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clarkbmaybe we need to lgiht it on fire and have it regrab?18:06
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fungiby light it on fire you mean reset its serial to some old value?18:09
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clarkbfungi: I was thinking deleting flask-wtf's index page18:22
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clarkbbut I don't actually know enough about bandersnatch to know if that helps18:22
clarkbdstufft: ^18:22
dstufftI don't think bandersnatch works by computing deltas18:23
dstufftit uses a journal18:23
fungiclarkb: yeah, i got the impression bandersnatch only rolls forward based on modifications indicated between serial points, so unless we replayed the point which updated it...18:23
fungiand presumably we could roll back and replay from an old enough point in the journal, but not sure how to safely rewind it nor whether that would cause problems with deletions which have already happened, et cetera18:24
dstufftyou can make it do a full sync though18:25
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fungiso in theory just deleting the state and todo files and letting it rerun on the next pulse... we could do that easily enough though that might impact freshness for a good chunk of today18:27
fungiclarkb: opinion?18:27
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clarkbfungi: if that is the prescribed fix I suppose we should giev it a go18:29
clarkbfungi: bit worried htat other things may be similarly broken and running it this way will correct that18:30
fungiokay, doing now. the earlier we get it going the sooner it will be back up to date18:30
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clarkbhow do people get any work done with all of these mega ml threads18:33
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dstufftbandersnatch is at least smartish about a full sync18:34
dstufftit won't redownload files that it already has which hashes match18:34
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dstufftso a full sync really is a delta, but at the cost of a uh, at least ~90k HTTP requests18:35
dstufftat least18:35
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dstufftmore to actually fic errors18:35
fungiyeah, our dos attack against (well fastly's cache anyway) is under way now18:36
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch taskflow to use the unittests slave script
jeblairDEBUG:nodepool.NodePool:    <AllocationGrant of 1370 of devstack-trusty from fake-provider7>18:38
jeblairprogress! ^18:38
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make  list of open reviews bold
clarkbjeblair: nice18:38
jogofungi: I added the bold tag ^ I skipped the blinking one like you suggested18:38
clarkbjogo: what about marquee?18:38
fungii think i actually suggested flaming text and spinning skulls, but close enough!18:39
jeblairjogo: if you're making changes to that page, would you please add an animated under construction icon?  ;)18:39
fungijeblair: so you managed to get it to grant 1370 with a max_servers in fake-provider7 of how many?18:40
jeblairperhaps one of these:
jeblairfungi: 5518:40
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clarkbmorganfainberg_Z: for 116404 I thought you had handled keystone logs in d-g18:42
clarkbmorganfainberg_Z: want ot make sure that we aren't duplicating work somewhere18:42
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clarkbsalv-orlando: for 116129 aren't extensions queryable via the apis?18:44
clarkbsalv-orlando: is that change made in order to control which ones are enabled or in order to notify tempest of which are enabled?18:45
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clarkbsdague: should 100229 be WIP until you have fixed the pid stuff?18:46
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adam_gclarkb, one more quick fix for the sideways stuff
clarkbgah my bash is bad and I should feel bad18:53
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clarkbfungi: jeblair ^ was a silly derp on my part that adam_g is fixing may be good to review soonish18:55
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fungiclarkb: looks like it passed all jobs except for the non-voting f20 one18:57
fungilgtm too18:57
fungionce it eventually gets an f20 node for a few minutes, it should head straight on into the gate18:57
fungilooks like there are 14 changes ahead of it in check also waiting for f20 nodes18:58
clarkbok I am cuaght up on infra-specs reviews for the important specs18:58
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Remove docutils pin
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Ajaegerclarkb, fungi: Could you put on your review queue the patches by dhellmann, please? and the dependencies19:03
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, ianw: i have a solidly reproducible test procedure now.  it's huge because it nearly completely mimics what we saw in production.19:08
jeblairi'm going to try to whittle it down now19:08
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jeblairwell, after lunch19:08
clarkbjeblair: that is great news19:08
clarkboh I shoudl lunch too19:08
clarkbjeblair: the cloner change for cache dir lgtm19:08
fungijeblair: that's thrilling. i'm excited to see the distillation19:08
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jeblairclarkb: check out the status page19:11
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add list of types of logs to tempest-logs page
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mtreinishjogo: ^^^ first set of updates19:11
jeblairclarkb: it looks like a currently running change is marked 'grey', probably because the window shrunk after it had started19:11
jeblairclarkb: i think that's a minor display bug, we should probably not mark a change as 'grey' after it's actually started :)19:12
clarkbjeblair: I think that is correct. And it had to do with not wanting to throw away jobs we already started19:12
clarkbjeblair: so ya the ui can display that better19:12
jogomtreinish: sweet19:13
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adam_gdo slaves default to distro packages of python libraries if the package version available satisfies requirements.txt?19:14
adam_g(devstack, specifically)19:14
Ajaegerclarkb: Thank you!19:15
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clarkbAjaeger: see comments on the doc8 changes19:16
jogomtreinish: why did you remove heat?19:16
fungiadam_g: nope19:16
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jogomtreinish: and thanks again, it looks good19:16
Ajaegerclarkb: yeah, using doc sounds better. Let's see what dhellmann thinks...19:17
fungiadam_g: or for a longer answer, "it's complicated" (depends on whether you're talking about how we set up devstack vs things we run from python virtualenvs via tox)19:17
* dhellmann perks up his ears19:17
mtreinishjogo: did I? oops19:17
salv-orlandoclarkb: change 116129 is for preparing devstack so that it will notify tempest about the right extensions to test. Extensions can be queried, but that is not possible from devstack gate as services are not yet running.19:17
adam_gfungi, trying to figure out how we end up /w eventlet==0.13.0 while requirements.txt lists eventlet>=0.13.0 and pypi has 0.15.119:17
mtreinishjogo: I've got some more I'm adding right now, I'll add heat back as part of that rev19:17
Ajaegerclarkb: we can easily gate on doc8 if you like...19:17
adam_gtrusty ships 0.13.019:17
fungiadam_g: for things like unit tests, anything which is a requirement or a test requirement and then listed in the requirements.txt or test-requirements.txt of a project as such gets installed into a virtualenv by tox (latest versions on pypi matching the stated version specs in those files)19:18
clarkbdhellmann: Ajaeger I don't really care what the actual target is, just pointing out we are inconsistent in places and should sort that out (that can be a different change)19:18
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adam_gfungi, im talking about what is actually used by devstack services19:18
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jogomtreinish:  awesome19:18
dhellmannclarkb: the tox env name? yeah, I don't care one way or the other. Did you count what we're doing now by any chance?19:18
clarkbsalv-orlando: they are running when tempest is running though19:18
clarkbdhellmann: I didn't count. I have a hunch docs is more common19:18
fungiadam_g: okay, so devstack has lists of rpms and debs it installs dependeing on platform and what's enabled19:19
adam_gfungi, i see python-eventlet distro package being downloaded and installed as part of devstacks package install19:19
fungiadam_g: and devstack is running the servers in the global system context rather than in a virtualenv19:19
Ajaegerdhellmann: I think most other projects put doc8 into the docs environment - but there are few projects using doc8 yet19:20
dhellmannclarkb: I see only "docs" in projects under openstack/*19:20
clarkbdhellmann: ok, I think doc started in zuul and JJB19:20
clarkbdhellmann: so we can go with docs and change the infra repos19:20
dhellmannoh, you want to join doc8 and docs? that's fine, too19:20
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create repo for oslo.log
fungiadam_g: yep,
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clarkbdhellmann: no I don't want to join them. I don't know what doc8 gives us19:20
adam_gfungi, right, so we're dependent on distro packages for that19:20
clarkbdhellmann: I am proxying jeblair right now19:20
fungiadam_g: yes, which is why i said "it depends" ;)19:21
Ajaegerdhellmann: I see doc8 gating only in the documentation projects, so that's anecdotal reference ;)19:21
clarkbadam_g: fungi: is eventlet not listed as a dependency in nova?19:21
clarkbadam_g: fungi: beacuse imo eventlet is a thing that nova requires and should be installed via pip in devstack19:21
dhellmannclarkb: it's a linter. I don't tend to use it, but Ajaeger pointed out some things that it found so I thought I would submit the change after I'd added it locally. Not a big deal if you want to nix that19:21
adam_gclarkb, it is19:21
clarkbthe things that devstack installs via apt or yum tend to be the libvirt/xen/mysql/postgres et al item19:21
adam_git is also listed in devstack apts19:21
fungiclarkb: i believe it is, but as long as the ubuntu-provided package meets the version requirement for nova, pip won't pull down a newer version will it?19:21
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clarkbfungi: oh maybe not19:22
adam_gmy original question!19:22
clarkbit may require the --upgrade flag19:22
fungiyeah, unless devstack calls pip with -U19:22
clarkbdstufft: ^19:22
clarkbok I am going to go get food now19:22
clarkbback in a big19:22
adam_gwe (ironic) need to start using the most recent eventlet, im wondering if i just bump it in requirements.txt to >= $disto_version, it will install from pip19:22
adam_ger, > $distro_version19:23
adam_gwhich would be *much* eaiser than doing an ubuntu SRU19:23
clarkbadam_g: in that case I think upgrade is implicit but I could be wrong19:23
clarkbdstufft: would know19:23
dstufftas long as ubunuto correctly drops the egg-info or dist-info and it satisifies the requirements, pip won't upgrade it19:23
dstufftdrops in*19:23
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salv-orlandoclarkb: totally right. For the tempest patch ( it is a valuable approach.19:23
dstufftit's unusual for a linux distro to not have the egg-info/dist-info in place19:23
fungilooking in it does not seem to call pip install with -U or --upgrade19:24
dstufftso most likely, if a linux provided thing is installed, and it matches the version spec, then pip won't upgrade (unless you use -U or --upgrade)19:24
fungiwhich explains the version you're seeing used by the job in that case19:24
salv-orlandoclarkb: however from the devstack-gate side is much easier to specify extensions to exclude rather than extensions to include19:24
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add list of types of logs to tempest-logs page
mtreinishjogo: ^^^19:24
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jogomtreinish: you should add a co-authored-by tag19:25
mtreinishjogo: oh, ok. one sec19:26
adam_gdstufft, thanks19:26
jogomtreinish: also a typo19:26
jogoaround keystone19:26
openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add footprint for bug 1362528
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add list of types of logs to tempest-logs page
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362528 in neutron "cirros starts with file system in read only mode" [Medium,New]
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adam_gthat begs the question that clarkb brought up, should devstack be listing python-eventlet in its list of required packages or should we be relying on requirements.txt for that instead?19:27
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clarkbI like requirements.txt but lost thst battle with mysql19:28
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fungiyeah, this is a perennial debate19:29
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add list of types of logs to tempest-logs page
adam_git looks like theres a million python-* things listed in devstack/files/apts/19:30
fungithe primary argument i've heard is that devstack tries to be closer to what you'd have on the target distro rather than installing everything it possibly can from pypi19:30
adam_gand by a million i mean 10519:30
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adam_gfungi, makes sense19:30
fungi105 is almost a million, so good enough19:30
adam_gjust hoping i can work around having to wait a month or two for a SRU to the ubuntu package19:31
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fungithough i suspect much of that is merely historical... likely when devstack was first written you really could install just about all of the basic requirements for common openstack services from your distro, and then later when that stopped being the case select requirements were pulled in from pypi as a stop-gap19:35
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump eventlet >= 0.15.1
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mtreinishjeblair, fungi: I was looking at the ML thread about the neutron incubator stuff and I'm wondering if I'm going to have an issue with the tempest-lib work19:42
mtreinishbecause I'm generating merge commits from the tempest repo into the lib for a set of files19:42
mtreinishdoing it piecewise because that's how we were planning to roll it out19:42
fungimtreinish: not using filter-branch til filter it down to just the set of files you need in the tempest-lib repo?19:43
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clarkbthe problem is combining repos19:44
clarkbseparating with filter branch is fine19:44
clarkbjust dont try to combine them later19:44
mtreinishfungi: yeah I'm using filter branch to do it. That's what I meant by generating a merge commit19:45
mtreinishclarkb: ok cool19:45
mtreinishyeah it's only a one way move19:45
mtreinishit'll just be deleted from the tempest tree after it's migrated19:45
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* mtreinish is disappointed that tempest-lib won the name vote19:47
fungimtreinish: right, the concern with the neutron incubator discussion is that the main proposal had been "work on this stuff out of tree and then combine the repositories later at graduation" which does indeed get quite messy19:47
mtreinishfungi: ok cool, I just wanted to double check before I started scripting the tempest->tempest-lib migration to make it less manual19:48
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fungilooks like our building count is higher than it should be... looking into why19:48
fungii don't see any nodes stuck in a building state at least19:50
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reduce graphite's stats retention policy
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Remove docutils-pin
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Ajaegerjeblair, sdague: We can try removing the docutils-pin again - all projects using requirements repo should be fine now...19:52
fungioh, though we do have ~100 which have been in a building state in rax-dfw for 40 minutes (none over 30 minutes in any other provider/region)19:52
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fungilooks like it probably coincides with when the hung delete nodes got cleared out19:53
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fungiso we immediately requested ~150 new instances there and about 2/3 of them haven't completed yet19:53
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add list of types of logs to tempest-logs page
mtreinishdhellmann: ^^^ I added the neutron files to the list19:57
dhellmannmtreinish: thanks!19:58
fungiback on the requirements sync and backward-compat devstack jobs issue, i can't find anywhere we actually fail/abort the job for a requirement being used which is not in the global requirements list. i guess it bears discussing whether that's something we want, or if we want to close that hole some other way (such as through additional requirements enforcement jobs)20:00
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sdaguefungi: so... we don't go critical, we just remove things from the list.20:03
fungisdague: oh, not a bad idea20:03
sdaguefungi: ok, I'm confused, that's not an idea, but a fact :)20:04
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fungisdague: or are you saying does that already? looking again, but it's not the behavior we saw in
sdaguebut I just got back to computer land in a new location, so I don't know if I have enough context20:04
Ajaegerfungi: see
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sdagueit doesn't throw an error when it does it20:05
AjaegerThe requirements job stopped once it hit keystone-specs20:05
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fungisdague: tl;dr is that swiftclient added a requirement on futures. its havana backward-compat jobs didn't fail, even though futures is not in the havana branch of requirements (and seems to have only modified the requirements it found in the global list, not removed any which weren't present in the global list)20:05
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sdagueoh... ok20:06
sdagueright, so we removed it20:06
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fungier, maybe. actually now that you mention it, yes it didn't get installed20:06
sdaguethen it's backwards-compat job didn't try to use swiftclient to upload a file20:06
Ajaegerfungi: my reference above is to the post job - I see you talk about the gate...20:06
sdaguebecause that's how we triggered it in grenade20:06
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fungiso yes, i guess the job proved that swiftclient, while adding a new requirement, didn't actually exercise that requirement in the job20:07
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Conditionally manage puppetdb connection
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix depercation warnings in templates for unatttended upgrades
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fixing deprecation warnings in logrotate module
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable puppet3 master bootstrap
fungiokay, i'll chalk that up to insufficient swift coverage in havana tempest jobs in that case20:07
bdpayneAre there any known issues with gerrit atm?20:07
fungibdpayne: please describe perceived issues20:07
sdaguefungi: that being said... exploding might not be a bad idea20:07
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bdpayneI just submitted a CR, and the automated gate jobs don't appear to be running20:08
fungisdague: so in that case, the only remaining open question is whether we should have backward-compat grenade jobs (does new proposed change fo fooclient master break upgrades from master-2 to master-1)?20:08
fungibdpayne: i see 117596,1 in the check pipeline for 46 minutes at
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sdaguefungi: so... honestly, I think if we exploded on the requirement update that would be better20:09
sdaguewe only 'happened' to explode in grenade20:09
fungibdpayne: still waiting on workers. thanks to rush week it'll be a while still20:09
sdagueafter havana is gone, we wouldn't have20:09
sdaguebecause we now do the object upload with tempest client20:09
sdagueso grenade found the issue by accident, not by intent20:10
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sdagueand it was cryptic20:10
sdagueif we explode on requirement update, then it's pretty clear what the issue is20:10
Ajaegerbdpayne: I have docs jobs for 6 hours in the queue ;(20:11
bdpayneoh wow... just that slow, thanks for checking fungi20:11
bdpayneheh, I feel silly for asking now :-)20:11
fungibdpayne: yeah, there's been an almost perpetual backlog this week20:11
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fungisdague: fair enough. so i vaguely recall at one point we had a check for requirements in a change missing from global requirements but i want to say that deadlocked us on something... i don't recall what now though20:12
sdagueyeh, jogo was hacking on a thing...20:12
fungispecifically a check in devstack jobs20:12
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fungioh, or maybe it was hacking20:12
fungii want to say something gummed us up from being able to land changes to openstack/requirements itself. anyway just trying to think through whether this would regress us into that state again20:13
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fungiand yeah, making return nonzero on an extra requirement rather than just removing it does seem like a good way to plug the hole without adding additional jobs20:14
fungii'll go ahead and propose it and backports20:15
sdaguelet me see if I can hack that up real quick20:15
fungioh, or feel free20:15
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fungii can get back to making faces at what i'm now starting to think actually are hung building instances20:16
funginevermind. they seem to be actually returning in some way now20:16
sdagueso... I think it's already there20:17
sdaguebut not backported20:17
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1347692
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1347692 in glance "gate failure with tempest.api.image.v1.test_images.CreateRegisterImagesTest.test_register_http_image" [Undecided,Confirmed]
sdaguefungi: yeh, so it's in every branch .... except havana20:18
fungiha. okay. maybe we just ignore it for a month and it'll go away at eol ;)20:18
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funginotmyname: so there was the eventual answer as to why it wasn't caught in the havana backward-compat jobs which ran on that change20:19
sdaguewell, I think I can get the backport done pretty quick20:20
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Be able to generate math formulae with Sphinx mathpng base extension.
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clarkbfungi: would you think it silyl of me to request you suffix that variable with _package?20:33
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clarkbalso that is an oddly contentious review...20:34
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fungiyeah, i think it was just a matter of people getting confused by the params file there20:43
openstackgerritAdrian Otto proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: OpenStack Containers Service
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ekarlso pyay20:47
ekarlsoone more project :P20:47
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fungiand clarkb sure, i'll update it to add a variable suffix20:52
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Be able to generate math formulae with Sphinx mathpng base extension.
jogosdague: what did I do?20:54
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add missing oslo libs to projects list
fungithe bandersnatch resync is finally returning20:57
jeblairDEBUG:nodepool.NodePool:    <AllocationGrant of 63 of devstack-precise-2-node from fake-provider3>20:57
jeblairthere isn't even any demand for that one ^ :/20:57
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jogofungi: isn't swiftclient in global dependencies21:00
jogofungi: so it can quietly sneak anything in21:00
clarkbjeblair: it wanted to make sure devstack-precise-2-node was part of the party21:01
clarkbjogo: sdague propsed a backport to prevent quiet sneaking21:02
ianwjeblair: awesome!  can you just pastebin a diff, in any state?21:02
jogoclarkb: ahh thats what sdague was talking about21:02
jogoclarkb: about the thing I did, but don't remember doing21:02
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sdakejeblair re infra, is there any code work that needs attention - eg some starter bugs to start learning?21:07
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clarkbsdake: did you see my comment on 116802?21:07
sdakeclarkb no let me check21:08
clarkbsdake: we should have bugs tagged low-hanging-fruit /me gets a link21:08
clarkbsdake: mostly trying to understand what was confusing there21:08
sdakeclarkb didn't see that 116802, been only reviewing patches that have not had any review attention21:09
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sdakereading change now21:09
sdakeoh nm, I did review this  :)21:09
clarkbsdake: wait didn't you write that change or am I using a bad real name to irc nick mapping?21:09
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clarkbsdake: the gerritbot and jjb bugs should be relatively easy to dive into21:10
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clarkbsdake: zuul also has a separate bug tracker I don't see any low hanging fruit there but in general I think people like hacking on zuul if yo uare looking for less sysadminy stuff21:14
sdakeclarkb I'd like to pitch in and learn how the whole system works long term (if thats a possible goal:)21:15
sdakebut need to start on something I can chew off21:15
clarkbsdake: oh cool and it definitely is.21:15
sdakeclarkb thanks for the links i'll start cracking on those21:15
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clarkbsdake: a great place to start on the big picture is to spin up a service or two via puppet on some VMs. describes how you can do that21:16
sdakesweet i think I asked jeblair that exact question a couple days ago21:17
sdakeI'll give that a go next week21:17
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ianwsdague: i realise bashate is way way down on priority lists.  little concerned patches don't seem to get much comment (month old stuff) which sucks for people trying their best to contribute.  i missed when it got split out, who is driving it?21:18
fungijogo: i actually think it can't sneak additional requirements in because 1. we have the requirements check at least against master, and 2. aside from havana we run a requirements sync on it in devstack before installing from source and then bail if it has additional requirements not in the global list21:18
clarkbianw: gerrit will list the core members for you if you go to projects -> bashate -> access -> click on name of core group there -> members21:19
clarkbwoo gerrit ui21:19
clarkbfungi: good point, it can only sneak changes to things it already snuck by21:19
clarkbmaybe not even that?21:19
fungiand the havana hole is what sdague is addressing with the backport21:20
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add cache-hardlink argument to cloner
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ianwclarkb: yeah, i know that all devstack-core can +2, but nobody is :)21:21
fungiianw: did you see the log sample jeblair posted earlier?21:22
fungi(for the nodepool post-mortem you're working on)21:22
ianwfungi: no, i don't think my scrollback went that far.  you guys talk too much :)21:23
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP reproducible test
fungispeak of the debbil21:23
jeblairianw: ^ that's what i'm working from right now21:23
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fungi1k lines of sql. pew pew lasers21:23
jeblairthere's the production log21:23
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jeblairfungi: it's auto-generated from the script, but i wanted to check it in anyway because it's random21:24
jeblairthis is not getting merged :)21:24
fungiindeed, i gathered that21:24
clarkb1k lines of sql o_O21:24
pleia2so, cheese & wine party created a team who are fiddling with gerrit for Debian21:24
fungipleia2: awesome! do they need any help/pointers?21:25
fungipleia2: also, how goes the conf in general? good times?21:25
ianwjeblair: AllocationSubRequest for -136.551724138 (out of 40.0) of py3k-precise from hpcloud-b5>21:26
jeblairianw, fungi: the only things i've found i can remove are: the tripleo provider is not needed and the number of building nodes in the db at startup can be lowered to 1000 (down from 2500)21:26
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jeblairianw, fungi: things that still seem to be necessary are: some number of building nodes on startup, image types that are not used, more than one provider21:27
jeblairianw, fungi: i also tried scaling all the numbers by 0.1.  that didn't work21:27
ianwjeblair: ok.  what i was doing was similar, making fake entries in the db to get things out of sync.  i think that negative there is what sends the allocator crazy21:27
clarkbjeblair: scaling numbers to fix the allocations?21:27
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jeblairclarkb: no, i'm trying to make a smaller test case21:28
sdakeclarkb re that change I submitted, I added a comment to explain my thoughts21:28
sdakeprobably the wording just needs improvement21:28
clarkbjeblair: oh I see21:28
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clarkbsdake: thanks looking21:28
ianwjeblair: <- that's input to the allocator that will send things crazy21:29
jeblairianw, fungi: i also removed the ready nodes at startup, and while they are not strictly necessary, they seem to amplify the problem21:29
clarkbsdake: I didn't want to -1 because my familiarity with zuul probably biases me :) but I needed more info to understand21:29
jeblairianw: yeah, the database is not "out of sync"21:29
jeblairianw: there's nothing invalid about the data in the database21:29
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clarkbsdake: oh I see, they are using check and gate regardless of hte actual testing21:29
sdakeclarkb just a fyi when I do reviews I either -1 or +1 so the folks know there is a decision on the bug21:29
sdakeso hopefully that wont annoy you or others21:30
ianwjeblair: yeah, that was just my first thought.  i hadn't considered the building / ready node interaction when starting up21:30
fungisdake: i won't speak for anyone else, but i'm not easily annoyed by other people doing work ;)21:30
pleia2fungi: just started for me, but good :) I just made contact with the folks doing the work so they'll let us know if they need pointers21:31
jeblairanyway, i'm heading back into my debugging hole21:31
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sdakeclarkb I'm a firm believer if someone makes a mistake once others will repeat it :)21:32
sdake(this assumes people read the docs)21:32
sdakefungi sweet21:32
clarkbsdake: and they do, so now that I know this let me rereview21:32
sdakeif you have some language to propose i'm happy to change21:33
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fungisdake: i proposed one possibility in an inline comment21:38
clarkbsdake: fungi I did as well21:39
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fungii'm cool with that suggestion too21:40
hasharclarkb: jeblair: I am unlikely to deploy the zuul cloner patches you wrote/reviewed to play test them. But they all seems fine to me :]  So don't wait for me, I have already +1 ed all of them.21:41
fungiin general i agree that the existing text could be misinterpreted, just want to make sure we stick to consistent (for the project) terminology and not make any misstatements when attempting to clarify21:41
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clarkbhashar: I think the tests have pretty good coverage especially with your suggestions on making the tests more robust21:41
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fungimore often than not, when i look at pip download failures from our mirror, i see it's breaking while retrieving a setuptools wheel. i wonder what the connection is21:44
clarkbhashar: quick comment on your change21:44
fungifor example, this one currently afflicting a keystone change in the gate
clarkbfungi: first package to download?21:44
clarkbsetuptools is the thing you need before the other things21:44
funginot even close to the first to download21:44
clarkbI have no idea then21:45
fungipython-ldap apparently wants a newer setuptools21:45
hasharclarkb: yeah that seems all good21:45
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hasharclarkb: jeblair:  Iam going to be on paternity leave for a couple week pretty soon so will hardly be able to follow up :P21:46
clarkbhashar: congratulations21:46
clarkbhashar: we will miss your feedback but enjoy the time off21:46
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hasharclarkb: all seems fine to me. I am not sure I can add anything more.   The grenade test coverage, I am missing all the context and not familiar enough with devstack-gate to comment on it21:47
fungiyep, declares it in install_requires:
hasharbut I am sure you guys will test it out for real before making the new job voting :]21:47
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* fungi sighs21:47
adam_gdoes anyone know of a near-local URL we can use as an alternative for the horizon server here?  this is causing a periodic horizon failure to fail image tests ( im thinking http://pypi.openstack.org21:48
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1347692 in glance "gate failure with tempest.api.image.v1.test_images.CreateRegisterImagesTest.test_register_http_image" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:48
clarkbfungi: oh and that will be serviced by easy_install21:48
fungiclarkb: yeah21:48
fungieverything you never wanted to know about python packaging but have been forced to find out anyway21:48
clarkbadam_g: something like ?21:49
clarkbadam_g: that is a relatively large image though21:49
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clarkbyou know what, this seems like the perfect thing to put in swift somewhere21:49
adam_gclarkb, we dont need any real data, the smaller the better i think21:50
adam_gits currently juts suing the horizon login page for the test image21:50
clarkbadam_g: you could just grab an sdist off of pypi.openstack.org21:50
clarkbor does it need to be a actual image of some sort21:50
adam_gclarkb, just the index of would work21:50
clarkbadam_g: the index is probably pretty big as it lists all the things but ya we could do somethign like that21:51
clarkbadam_g: use
adam_gclarkb, is minimal21:51
clarkbsince we are already slamming those servers and have set them up to scale horizontally21:51
clarkbadam_g: oh you mean the root root21:51
clarkbya, I like the idea of using the git farm21:51
clarkbfungi: ^21:51
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dstufftfungi: clarkb do y'all auto update bandersnatch in any way21:57
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dstufftlike, bandersnatch itself21:57
dstufftnot the mirror21:57
fungiclarkb: me too21:57
fungidstufft: i'll check21:57
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fungidstufft: apparently not at the moment...
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fungidstufft: looks like we're on 1.4 and 1.5 is the latest21:58
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clarkbdstufft: should we upgrade?21:59
dstufftfungi: I'm working on fixing the name mismatch on mirror thing... and I have a problem about how to handle the incompatability... the change requires updates in both pip and bandersnatch, however if you use an older pip (< 1.6) or an older bandersnatch (< whatever version contains the fix) you'll get the error that you're seeing now basically everywhere21:59
fungithe two items in the release notes for 1.5 make it seem not urgent21:59
openstackgerritOscar Romero (homeless) proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Adding 'has-local-git' parameter to projects config
dstuffte.g. if you update your bandersnatch mirror to a version that contains the fix, but you use pip 1.5 with it, then pip will do the "you typed the name in wrong" thing22:00
fungidstufft: i think as long as we know to expect it, we can cope. also we could consider switching that from "present" to "latest" i think and just drink from the release firehose22:00
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fungioh yikes... we're using pip 1.0 with bandersnatch :/22:01
fungipip 1.0 from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (python 2.7)22:01
fungiii  python-pip                       1.0-1build1                       alternative Python package installer22:01
dstufftI need to think about this some more about how to do this without breaking everyone using mirrors currently :[22:01
fungicourtesy of ubuntu precise22:01
fungiso... we may want to noodle on that a bit22:02
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Clarify docs for optional template pipelines
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clarkbfungi: are you in the neutron channel?22:02
clarkbsalv-orlando needs you to backup why a /0 subnet is bad ;)22:03
fungiclarkb: now i am22:03
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Point TEMPEST_HTTP_IMAGE at
fungiclarkb: also, the bandersnatch resync dstufft suggested seems to have properly populated that flask-wtc wheel now. no idea why bandersnatch failed to properly do that in a normal update though22:04
clarkbfungi: that is great news22:04
clarkbfungi: is it done syncing?22:04
clarkbadam_g: out of curiousity is horizon failing and we expect it to fail more than some external server?22:05
clarkbI guess it is worth a go and the git mirrors seem pretty darn solid22:05
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salv-orlandoclarkb: I thought this was a no-brainer. Did not really expect that!22:05
fungiclarkb: seems to be done, yeah22:06
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adam_gclarkb, yes. its failing because of another obscure gate issue that is on peoples radar but not yet fixed ( it would be great to isolate that from images22:06
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1345955 in horizon "KeyError: <SassRule <RuleAncestry ()>, 0 props> Failure" [Medium,Confirmed]22:07
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add single_use_slave coverage to the apply tests
clarkbadam_g: gotcha, +2 noted we could also do another http server on say port 8080 and use that22:07
clarkbbut I am happy to try git.o.o since the jobs depend on it already22:08
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adam_gsetting up a whole new server seems like more work than its worth22:08
clarkbmorganfainberg_Z: good morning22:09
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clarkbmattoliverau: o/22:09
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clarkbis feature freeze next week?22:09
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jogohow do you make a note in the meeting notes?22:13
jogowe tried '#note'22:13
jogoohh #info22:13
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clarkbI was trying to get a listing btu apparently help is not a thing22:14
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clarkbjogo: when you start a meeting the useful actions are listed22:14
clarkbwhich isn't a completel list22:14
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the tempest-lib project to openstack
jogoclarkb: oh its not complete list lol22:15
jogoanyway I think '#info' is what I am looking for22:15
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fungiwow... we merged 100 changes to openstack/openstack submodules on tuesday22:17
fungi85 so far today, with a couple hours to go22:17
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dstufftclarkb: fungi well, if anything, the "package rename causes things to blow up" should be fixed now22:17
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fungidstufft: oh? i take it that was fixed with aggressive cache expiration for reditects?22:18
clarkbhrm no dims?22:18
clarkbdstufft: cool and thank you22:18
dstufftfungi: Nope, simple always normalizes now, so "Django" is /simple/django/22:18
dstufftso if you delete "Django" and then upload "django", the simple URL doesn't change22:18
fungidstufft: oh! yes, per your pkg-sig post22:18
sdake_fungi works for me22:19
fungidstufft: will we need to rebuild our mirror for that then?22:19
dstufftfungi: no, that's not reflected in bandersnatch at all22:19
sdake_clarkb i'll have a look at your suggestion, but I need to run out for an errand22:19
dstufftbandersnatch computes it's own URL using the package name22:20
dstufftso it'll see it needs to sync "Django", it22:20
dstufftit'll fetch /simple/Django/, get redirected and get the content of /simple/django, and then save it at /simple/Django/index.html22:20
fungidstufft: oh, okay. this is just rewriting requests internal to pypi without using a redirect?22:20
fungioh, so still redirecting22:20
fungior transparently?22:20
dstufftyea still redirecting, but everything will still work via redirect22:21
clarkbsdake_: I am +2 on that zuul change now22:21
dstufftthat doesn't fix your "pip install flask-wtf from a bandersnatch mirror doesn't work" problem22:21
clarkblooks like you used fungi's suggsetion22:21
dstufftthat needs changes to both pip and bandersnatch :/22:21
clarkbdstufft: I can't help but think that package name is really appropriate here22:21
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sdake_clarkb cool no need to overdo it then :)22:22
sdake_clarkb I didn't see your suggestion until after I submitted the change22:22
dstufftI can't think of any way to fix that which doesn't end up being "release pip 1.6 and the fixed bandersnatch at the same time, and tell people they can't mix use pip 1.5 with bandersnatch new22:22
sdake_either one works22:23
sdake_we may be too hopeful that people actually read docs - I know I don't :)22:23
dstufftI can duplicate entries!22:23
dstufftI can make an entry for *both* /srv/pypi/simple/Django/index.html *and* /srv/pypi/simple/django/index.html22:23
fungidstufft: though actually, our "pip install flask-wtf from a bandersnatch mirror doesn't work" problem turned out to be that bandersnatch never downloaded the wheel for the latest version (a maintenance resync of the mirror like you suggested fixed it)22:23
fungidstufft: so we were serving it as a link in the index, but the link went to a 40422:24
dstufftor maybe it wasn't flask-wtf, whichever one was "unless we use the exact name that the person used on PyPI we get an error about external urls"22:24
fungidstufft: yeah, i get which problem you mean, just don't remember where we saw it happen22:25
fungibut cool22:25
clarkbfungi: dstufft we didn't hit the flask-wtf case issue because it failed the other way, but now that it is synced we will fall in the way dstufft describes22:25
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clarkbfungi: any idea why /etc/puppet/modules/storyboard doesn't have jeblairs change to that module in it yet?22:31
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clarkbI think doesn't actually update the tracking branch22:33
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clarkband we want to do origin/master instead of master22:34
clarkbfungi: ^ can you take a quick look at that and see if it makes sense to you? Note that it does a git fetch then a git checkout22:34
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clarkbfungi: might also be related to the rev listing22:34
fungiclarkb: you mean for jeblair's change which wipes out /etc/puppet/modules?22:36
clarkbI think i have convinced myself patch incoming22:36
clarkbfungi: wasn't that for testing only?22:36
clarkbfungi: can you link me to that change22:37
fungiclarkb: no, i thought it was really for reals22:37
clarkbya that is just for testing22:38
clarkbon the slaves22:38
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fungiclarkb: oh, i misunderstood what you meant by just for testing22:39
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fungiclarkb: so asking why isn't actually on the storyboard.o.o server then?22:40
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update git puppet modules properly.
clarkbfungi: ^22:40
clarkbno ci-puppetmaster.o.o/etc/puppet/modules/storyboard id old22:41
fungihuh... /etc/puppet/modules on storyboard.o.o is empty22:41
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ianwjeblair: i can get those crazy allocations coming out with , i was trying to replicate the exact numbers to get a feel for what was wrong but it's too much of a simultaneous equation22:41
clarkbfungi: it should be on that server22:41
clarkbfungi: the issue was we told it to track master which we are but master is never updated22:41
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clarkbfungi: so I am telling it to follow origin/master which remote update will keep up to date22:42
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fungiclarkb: yep, origin/master not (local)master. got it22:42
fungiwe're spoiled by puppet-vcsrepo22:42
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ianwjeblair: results
clarkbanyways I think that will do it, and my change should go in before the storyboard rabbitmq disablement22:43
clarkbfungi: also it may make jeblair's change a noop22:43
clarkbfungi: actually maybe not because we need to do integration testing which means clone a zuul thing instead of origin/master22:43
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clarkbbut this should fix the ci-puppetmaster module state22:44
fungiyeah, i think the rm -rf is still necessary, since we won't reflect things like module removals otherwise22:45
jeblairianw: why does it say "AllocationSubRequest" instead of "AllocationGrant" when you print the grants?22:47
jeblairianw: or did you just paste printing the subrequests?22:47
clarkbnibalizer: why do your fix deprecation warnings changes all depend on each other?22:47
clarkbnibalizer: do they actually need to depend on each other?22:47
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clarkbnibalizer: I aks because I want to -1 a change in the middle ... and that will disrupt the chain22:48
clarkbnibalizer: maybe I will just have you document the thing at the end of the stack22:48
clarkbnibalizer: I went ahead and did it that way22:50
clarkbhrm it is far too late for Ajaeger. Any opinions on whether or not openstack-doc-tools should follow global requirements? my feeling is no for the same reasons we don't22:51
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nibalizerclarkb: i dont think they need to22:59
nibalizerbut i need the commit at the end to depend on all of them22:59
clarkbnibalizer: gotcha22:59
nibalizerthe make puppet 3 master go (no for realzies this time)22:59
nibalizeris it possible to have a multi dependency without building a chain like that?22:59
clarkbnibalizer: no22:59
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove duplicate barbican job
dstufftclarkb: fungi part 1 of 2 for fixing the mirrors when you don't have the exact name23:02
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dstufftpart 2 will be inside pip23:02
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jeblairthe problem happens when the number of available nodes for a provider is negative.23:04
jeblairwhen the history allocator detects a neglected request, it immediately allocates min(request, available) to that request, even if the request is 023:04
jeblairthis means that it will attempt to grant a negative value.  there's a check that prevents that from becoming an actual grant, however, it does affect the available count.  it would increase it if the value is negative23:04
jeblairif the neglected image it has chosen to grant nodes to (even though it requested none) is a subnode image, the available node count can increase at 2x the normal rate23:04
jeblairwhen it gets around to servicing an image that actually did request something, it believes there are many nodes available.23:04
jeblairthis is far less likely to happen with the standard allocator because 0-node requests end up clamped to 0 regardless of availablity due to the ratio calculation23:04
jeblairclarkb, fungi, ianw: ^23:04
clarkbjeblair: is that something we can fix in the history allocator with better bounds checking?23:06
fungigot it23:06
fungiso ianw was on the right track with his observation that negative availability was causing the allocator to go wild23:07
jeblairyep, but now we know why, and can verify the fix23:07
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nibalizerclarkb: so you said you're not preturbed by puppet not running on the puppet master23:07
nibalizerto your knowledge, does it run successfully?23:08
jeblairthe only potential bug i found in the history allocator per se, is i think there may be a code path that would cause it to process a request twice, but only if the availability is 023:08
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clarkbnibalizer: it is runnin on the pupept master23:08
clarkbnibalizer: which is why I was confused23:08
jeblairhowever, now that i really understand this, i think it's worth noting that the history allocator will pretty much run all the time in our environment23:08
nibalizeroh right23:08
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nibalizercus the puppetmaster.o.o isnt real and the real puppet master is ci-puppetmaster23:09
nibalizersorry, /me derped23:09
jeblairso we'll go from completely proportional to something more like "every time a node is available, launch as many nodes of the least recently launch image type as possible"23:09
fungihrm, true, since we're always at a deficit for all node types under load23:10
clarkbjeblair: which will keep fedora nodes aroudn but may affect precise/trusty/noesthatrunlotsoftests23:10
jeblairyes.  the scales will tip in fedora's favor23:10
fungiit'll turn into more of a round-robin allocator, best case?23:10
jeblairfungi: with random aspects if more than one node is available in a cycle23:11
clarkbwhich may be what we want as far as reporting responsiveness goes23:11
fungiahh, yeah23:11
clarkbits not fairest23:11
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jeblairand it will make bad decisions like "spin up a fedora node on the only provider that can provide a wacky-kernel node"23:12
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make  list of open reviews bold
dstufftclarkb: fungi and here's part 2!
jeblairif we're okay with that, we may as well simplify it and make the whole thing round robin or something else23:13
clarkbjeblair: so I think the actual benefit to this change is writing the next chagne that hasn't been written yet to pid loop the whole thing23:14
jeblair(i'm not sure i am; i think i'd prefer to see the existing allocator tweaked, but i'm biased)23:14
ianwjeblair: awesome digging23:14
clarkbjeblair: maybe we should write that chaneg too then switch to it23:14
clarkbjeblair: as that should deal with the issues you point out much better23:14
jeblairclarkb: you volunteering? :)23:15
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clarkbmaybe? it is probably a non trivial change and with feature freeze won't get to it asap but it would be a fun thing to hack on23:15
jeblairclarkb: i'm not really sure how a pid loop applies here23:16
clarkbjeblair: it would measure rates of changes for each of the inputs over time and adjust its outputs to converge on optimal node allocation23:17
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jeblairclarkb: what's the optimal node allocation?23:17
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1362347
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362347 in neutron "neutron-ns-meta invokes oom-killer during gate runs" [High,New]
clarkbjeblair: thats the tricky thing. when flying a quadropter its make go over to position X. with nodepool it may be a lot more neubulous than that. But probably something based on change throughput23:17
fungii'm starting to think this isn't going to be solved without nodepool considering more information from zuul23:18
clarkbwhich would have to be weighted because some jobs run much longer than others23:18
clarkbjeblair: the desired output is that changes don't sit in a queue for 35 hours waiting on a single node23:18
ianwjeblair: i'd thought as a first step it would work by clamping the allocation given to nodes that missed out last time.  as you say, we currently give it all available.  any other value seemed arbitrary (give half of what's available, 75% of what's available, etc)23:18
clarkbjeblair: we can stop allocating trusty nodes periodically to make that happen using a pid loop in a much smarter way than round robin23:18
jeblairianw: this loop cycles every few seconds, often with no change in available nodes, so we'd pretty much be hitting that case continuously for all node types23:19
jeblairianw: at least, when busy.  and of course, when busy is the only time any of this matters :)23:20
clarkbbut I think that change is very non trivial and will require a lot more thought than I have just given it23:21
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clarkbnibalizer: can you abandon 113627 and open a bug to remove that modules from the forge if that is what we are doing23:24
clarkbnibalizer: is removing from the forge something that is acceptable? if someone did that on pypi I would be unhappy23:24
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nibalizeruh idunno it could go either way23:26
nibalizerid just really rather people not expect that code to be code or to work at all23:26
nibalizerand i want the whole puppet dashboard to diaf23:26
clarkbnibalizer: right, but anyone using it today will break23:26
nibalizeroh hrm23:27
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nibalizerso no one should be using openstack-infra/puppet-dashboard23:27
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use direct gerrit contactstore to avoid CDN issues
nibalizerbut... anyone who has consumed all of infra and built their own ci23:27
nibalizermay have pulled it in as a dependency23:27
fungithat ^ is tested and is something i'd like in place before the gerrit restart saturday, btw23:27
clarkbfungi: reviewing now23:28
clarkbfungi: they must have decided that the CDN wasn't going to whitelist that traffic?23:28
nibalizerclarkb: yea in fact we at HP try to pull that in23:28
nibalizerokay i guess we'll just leave it there forever23:29
nibalizermaybe i should add a commit to to the readme to say "this one is dead, use something else"23:29
clarkbThis is not the module you are looking for23:30
fungiclarkb: i think they decided that it would be easier to do this than try to bend the cdn to their will on it23:30
wenlocknibalizer does23:31
clarkbwe don't care about stackforge projects are potentially trademark infringeing right?23:31
wenlocknibalizer but we use a freeze of it, so it should be fine to nuke, we'll switch as we upgrade to newer stuff23:31
clarkbfungi: wfm23:31
wenlockif it can be avoided to remove from puppetlabs forge, that would be nice23:31
wenlockclarkb im trying to consume the latest  , but i keep getting this error on the new modules
nibalizeryae i guess we'll keep it there23:33
nibalizerya thats a known issue23:34
nibalizercrinkle: has a patch in to fix it23:34
clarkbnibalizer: but no one will tes tit...23:34
clarkbthat is an unfortunate tyop23:34
wenlockclarkb i think your using stdlib 4.3.2 vs 3.2.023:34
clarkbwenlock: correct23:34
wenlockclarkb can i make a push to set stdlib to 4.3.2?23:34
clarkbwenlock: as nibalizer says there is a patch to change it but I haven't heard if anyone has tested it23:34
nibalizerclarkb: what do you consider sufficient testing? i.e. the puppet apply tests aren't good enough for you23:34
clarkbwenlock: that is already done23:34
clarkbnibalizer: no, bceause we don't actually reinstall the modules properly in those tests today23:35
nibalizerlost to fix :)23:35
wenlockclarkb cool.... what does "testing it" mean?23:35
clarkbnibalizer: jeblair has a patch to change that23:35
nibalizerif i got you annecdotal evidence that a few different nodes all work fine with that patch would that give you enough confidence?23:35
clarkbwenlock: nibalizer: isntall the module then run some puppet applies. I am not super worried about it as stdlib seems to have a relatively stable api23:35
clarkbbut it touches all the things so I am wary23:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Announce tooz events in #openstack-state-management
crinklethat patch is now outdated since the latest version of stdlib is 4.3.2 not 4.2.1 >.>23:36
clarkbnibalizer: ya that would be good, things like gerrit, and slave manifests23:36
wenlockagreed.... but making it 4.3.2... i think you must already be using it no?23:36
clarkbwenlock: we are not23:36
clarkbwe are using 3.2.o23:36
crinkleI have played with it and convinced myself that it works, and stdlib 4 is completely backwards compatible with stdlib 3 and still tested on puppet 2.723:36
clarkbcrinkle: oh good I didn't know that23:37
wenlockclarkb but the script as is in master leaves behind 4.3.223:37
clarkbwenlock: it doesn't if you installed 3.2.0 when 3.2.0 was the thing23:37
wenlockahhh gotcha ;D23:37
nibalizerwenlock: have you looked at puppetboard or puppet explorer?23:37
clarkbcrinkle: nibalizer: maybe the thing to do is pick a time when you all can watch the change go in23:37
wenlockso fresh installs like our own are seeing 4.3.223:37
nibalizerto replace the dashboard23:37
clarkbI can approve and we deal with fallout if any23:37
crinkleclarkb: works for me23:38
clarkbI didn't realize that it was supposed to be backward compat. why bump the version number?23:38
clarkbwenlock: yes fresh installs...23:38
clarkbcrinkle: nibalizer: does tomorrow work or are you fargoing?23:38
crinklethere was a lot of fuss about it, i can find the gh issue if you want23:38
clarkbcrinkle: nah its ok23:38
clarkbcrinkle: its incredibly misleading though :)23:38
nibalizerclarkb: tomorrow afternoon/evening could work23:38
nibalizermorning is a bit busted for me23:39
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clarkbnibalizer: I was thinking morning bceause EFRIDAY23:39
wenlockclarkb, ok that works for us, i'll ignore the issue and upgrade on our end.   i want to propose a modules.env update as well23:39
nibalizerim in a car in the morning23:39
crinkleclarkb: i can submit a revised patch to bump it to 4.3.2 instead of 4.2.123:39
crinklesince that might make more sense23:39
clarkbcrinkle: cool lets do that23:39
nibalizercrinkle: ++23:39
wenlockclarkb so we can alternatively source modules from a file23:39
clarkband play by ear tomorrow23:39
wenlockclarkb i think this way people can consume as is better in other projects23:40
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clarkbwenlock: there is a jeblair change you should be aware of. let me find it23:41
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update version of puppetlabs-stdlib in
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clarkbwenlock: that one23:41
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wenlockclarkb not much excitement there... just optionally installing storyboard23:43
wenlockclarkb am i missing something?23:43
clarkbwenlock: the optional installation is the thin gthing23:43
clarkb*is the thing23:43
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create merlin repo
clarkbthe special include stuff sould accomodate that23:43
wenlockah yes!23:44
wenlockit will23:44
wenlockclarkb check it out  this is what im thinking23:45
nibalizeri dont really get this either clarkb23:45
jeblairclarkb, fungi, ianw: i have a vague idea about having the history tracker record number of nodes allocated since the last allocation of a given type, rather than cycles since, to decouple it from time23:45
jeblairclarkb, fungi, ianw: and then possibly using that in a ratio to gradually shift priority of neglected nodes23:45
jeblairclarkb, fungi, ianw: but first i'm going to evaluate ianw's bug fixes with the new knowledge and tests23:45
clarkbjeblair: that would be a form of pid I think. so ++23:46
clarkbnibalizer: get what?23:46
nibalizerthe conditional logic jeblair is adding23:46
clarkbnibalizer: oh its there so that we can install the zuul version of a thing rather than what is specified in the script23:46
clarkbnibalizer: to allow for integration testing23:46
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ianwjeblair: the "AllocationRequest for 0.0" was the bit i was missing that i think split this open23:46
nibalizeroh now im getting it23:46
nibalizeri was like 'how does not installing it make things better'23:47
nibalizernow im getting it23:47
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wenlockclarkb if you did it like my change, then you could have a file per environment and just set xyz to what you want to install23:47
ianwjeblair: i can work on test-case, but if you already have a head-start, that's great23:47
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jeblairianw: nope, i was working solely with fake servers, etc; i think you have the head start on test cases23:48
clarkbwenlock: ya use a conditional on a file existing and being passed in or some such23:48
wenlockclarkb cool, i have some full integration testing to do on that tomorrow, then i'll shoot over a change request on review.o.o23:49
clarkbjeblair: the thing a pid can do is skew your outputs based on (un)expected inputs. So if you ask for 1 f20 images and never get it over time it could choose to do 2, then 3 and so on23:49
fungiclarkb: i'm with you on the pid loop being cool just so we can have integral and derivative calculations being performed in nodepool (so i feel like the years i spent in calculus actually went to a real use)23:50
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ianwfungi: you should build a souis-vide immersion circulator using an arduino or something.  that way you can have PID and delicious steak too23:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Adding project saml-generator
fungiianw: great idea23:52
clarkbbut but fire!23:52
clarkbI should do a brisket23:53
ianwclarkb: you still need fire at the end :)23:53
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ianwjeblair: would you be happy with fix & expanded test cases within the history-allocator patch itself?  or were you thinking of stripping out 0 allocations separately?23:55
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fungiheh, searzall.... brings back memories of family dinners with dad finishing platters on the hearth with a stand-up acetylene torch23:57
clarkbfungi: jeblair any concern approving 106402?23:57
clarkbthe only major concner on my end is it "enables" the iptables persistent service which should be enabled on debian based distros anyways23:58
clarkbso not reall yworried but its firewalls so asking23:58

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