Tuesday, 2014-03-04

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clarkbpleia2: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/69510/ has been reviewed00:05
pleia2clarkb: thanks! I knew the rebase was coming00:06
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix update java alternatives on redhat systems  https://review.openstack.org/7768300:08
clarkbzaro: ^ well thats interesting00:08
zarough! that alternatives patch failed the linter.  try again ^00:08
clarkbzaro: 'true' is the correct value00:08
clarkbnot true00:09
clarkbeverything ever is bad00:09
clarkbzaro: true is a boolean value00:09
clarkbwe want to run the true command which is a string00:09
jeblairclarkb: your philosophy is truly dark today00:09
clarkb'true' is correct00:09
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clarkbjeblair: I am just trying to figure out how to work around puppet lint and it makes one unhappy00:10
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i upgraded the python irc library on eavesdrop.o.o and restarted statusbot00:16
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i believe the new version fixes at least one common bug we see00:16
jeblairlooking at doing the same for gerritbot00:16
clarkbjeblair: ok00:17
fungijeblair: excellent!00:17
clarkbnibalizer: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77683/7..8/modules/jenkins/manifests/slave.pp will that work? puppet lint wants the trues to be booleans but I am worried that exec may not coerce that properly00:17
jeblair(i'm manually testing these out in private channels to make sure it doesn't break the bots)00:17
clarkbjesusaurus: ^ you may know too00:17
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pleia2I can test it, sec00:17
clarkbpleia2: awesome thanks00:18
fungiclarkb: /bin/true maybe?00:18
pleia2Error: Parameter command failed on Exec[update-java-alternatives]: Command must be a String, got value of class TrueClass at /root/config/modules/jenkins/manifests/slave.pp:11000:18
pleia2Wrapped exception:00:18
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pleia2Command must be a String, got value of class TrueClass00:18
clarkbpleia2: fungi: ya I think we need to '/bin/true'00:18
clarkbassuming /bin/true is the common location00:18
notmynameFYI reed has migrated answers to ask.o.o, and I've killed LP answers for swift. other projects will probably be doing the same shortly00:18
jeblairnotmyname: great, thanks00:19
funginotmyname: awesome--thanks for the heads up00:19
notmynamehmm...I should send an email... :-)00:19
pleia2clarkb: '/bin/true/' works \o/00:19
clarkbzaro: can you update that change to use '/bin/true' ?00:19
clarkbzaro: also :( this is annoying00:20
jesusaurusclarkb: what are you trying to do with that exec?00:20
clarkbjesusaurus: noop it00:20
nibalizerclarkb: why don't you just /bin/true00:21
clarkbjesusaurus: because there is a before => Exec[thatexec] elsewhere in the code that we need00:21
clarkbnibalizer: thats what we are doing00:21
nibalizerwell but if you spell out /bin/true puppet lint will chill out00:21
clarkbnibalizer: right that is what we are doing00:21
* pleia2 frowns at pip giving her a hard time on fedora again00:21
clarkbjust wondering if there is a puppet lint magic to make it stop00:21
clarkbor otherwise rely on the path arg properly00:21
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nibalizeris see unless   => true not unless   => '/bin/true'00:22
clarkbnibalizer: right, patchset hasn't been updated yet but see scrollback00:22
clarkbfrom about 3 minutes ago00:22
nibalizeralso what I do here if I have a dependency like this is i make an anchor called anchor['update-java-alternatives'] that i require elsewhere in the codebase00:23
clarkbnibalizer: isn't that puppet 3 only?00:23
nibalizerthe i hang the exec we need off of that anchor, and don't have the exec in the other place00:23
nibalizerno anchor is in stdlib00:23
clarkbzaro: ^ we can do that instead if you want00:24
nibalizeryou could also do the incredibly magical00:24
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nibalizerOtherthing['thing] -> Exec <| $name == 'update-java-alternatives' |>00:24
nibalizerbut thats just horrible so I wouldn't reccomend it00:25
zarowould the 'anchor' replace the 'before'?00:25
clarkbzaro: no, you would change the before to be before => Anchor['update-java-alternatives']00:26
nibalizerzaro: before => Anchor['update-java']00:26
clarkbzaro: then in all of the execs you would require => Anchor['update-java-alternatives']00:26
nibalizerwe should also verify the version of stdlib we have has anchor00:26
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clarkbnibalizer: 3.2.000:27
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nibalizerya you're good00:27
zarook. i'll give that a try00:28
nibalizerzaro: feel free to ping me if it gets weird on ya00:28
nibalizeralso you'll want to namespace your anchor as ['classname::update-java-alternatives'] for sanity00:28
fungiit's already puppet, how much weirder can it get? ;)00:28
clarkbit could be chef00:28
nibalizerfungi: see the requirement on the virtual resource collector above00:28
funginibalizer: yeah, i should have known better than to even ask00:29
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix update java alternatives on redhat systems  https://review.openstack.org/7768300:35
zaronibalizer, pleia2, clarkb : ^00:35
clarkbfungi: jeblair mordred is there a reason we are running old gearman plugin on our jenkins servers?00:35
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nibalizerzaro: uh classname won't expand for you. i meant for you to fill it out00:36
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add configurable footer-message reports  https://review.openstack.org/7774000:36
fungiclarkb: i think we just didn't get around to upgrading them. i didn't notice myself until i had done the most recent upgrades/downgrades or i would have taken care of it at the same time00:36
jhesketh__clarkb, jeblair, anteaya, mikal: ^^\00:36
clarkbfungi: roger00:37
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zaronibalizer: ohh. i'm puppet novice. will fix that up.00:37
nibalizerzaro: :)00:37
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nibalizerjeblair: sorry :(00:38
nibalizerzaro: also you'll need to create the anchor, its a type in puppet so something like:00:39
nibalizeranchor { 'jenkins::slave::update-java-alternatives': } at the top of the file00:39
nibalizerbut still inside the class00:39
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clarkbfungi: I ask about the plugin version due to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73214/2 puppet seems to want the latest version. I am going to assume we copy pasta'd old verion out of a tarball for server builds00:40
clarkbjeblair: ^ is that something we should try to fix immediately after feature freeze?00:41
lyxusHello folks, would you know why by any change my logs are doubled
jeblairclarkb: sounds good00:42
clarkblyxus: what do you mean by doubled? and whihc log file?00:42
jeblairlyxus: devstack symlinks stack.sh.log.DATE -> stack.sh.log00:42
clarkboh that doubling00:42
jeblairlyxus: so if you just copy everything, you'll get one copy for the real file, and one for the symlink00:42
jeblairlyxus: i think we do something in devstack-gate-wrap.sh (in devstack-gate) to deal with that00:43
zaronibalizer: would that mean i would need 3 different anchors?  because update-java-alternatives is different for fedora, debian and redhat00:43
clarkbwe do, we only copy the non dated files into the jenkins workspace iirc00:43
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clarkbor maybe we delete the symlinks post job00:43
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lyxusclarkb, jeblair , yes you are correct. I didn't even saw that its was sym link00:44
clarkbzaro: just one. And remember we don't need it in fedora anymore because we can delete the exec.00:44
jeblairrestarting gerritbot to pick up the new irclib version00:44
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anteayajhesketh__: so on success they get the footer message, on on failure they get the failure-message along with the footer message?00:45
jhesketh__anteaya: correct, but they get the success-message on success too00:46
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jhesketh__so it goes: {success|failure}-message, - list of results, footer-message00:46
* anteaya looks again for sucess-message00:46
jeblairclarkb: see the logstash graph, it's dropped.00:46
anteayaah, already in the code00:46
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clarkbjeblair: yup, I think we are close to the event horizon where we can keep up vs where we can't00:47
jeblairclarkb: queueing systems are fun, eh? :)00:47
jhesketh__anteaya: yeah, in my test it just uses the default success-message00:47
clarkband so being on either side of that line for long periods results in the triangle00:47
clarkbjeblair: tons00:47
clarkbjeblair: I was brainstorming about using nodepool to burst workers. I think the major piece of pain there will be firewall rule updates00:48
anteayajhesketh__: I like it, thank you00:48
clarkbjeblair: maybe we can switch the workers to using internal addresses for ES and make all of that wide open? then nodepool could probably listen to the gearman for logstash and spin up workers for us. Hard part then is telling nodepool when to spin down00:48
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i wonder if we should start using neutron for our servers to get a private network for this sort of thing?00:49
clarkbjeblair: ya, I think we get private network by default that should work00:49
clarkbbut we can be fancier if we like00:49
clarkband put everything on a virtual L2 network00:49
jhesketh__anteaya: no worries.. the other way I was toying with is that you only have success/failure messages and you put your footer in there and use a variable for the results.. eg: success-message: "Success! {results} details at this URL"00:49
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jeblairclarkb: oh, is the internal network customer-private?  i thought it was accessible to anyone in the dc...00:50
fungidoes neutron set up gre tunnels between all nodes by default?00:50
clarkbjeblair: still havne't thought through all of what would be required to nodepool logstash workers though, so open to ideas :)00:50
jogoso https://review.openstack.org/#/c/44255/ has been approved but hasn't been merged and its been a while00:50
clarkbjeblair: yes00:50
clarkbat least that was how the trove stuff worked00:50
jeblairclarkb: heat might be the better choice for this...00:50
clarkbhrm good point00:50
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fungijogo: it depends on another change which has not been approved00:51
jogofungi: ahaha00:51
jeblairclarkb: oh?  you can't access another customer's trove instance?00:51
clarkbjeblair: correct00:51
jogomy bad00:51
anteayajhesketh__: would it be unfair of me to ask for a quick draft of your other option?00:51
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clarkbjeblair: if you need that you need to proxy the trove instance00:51
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jhesketh__anteaya: perhaps we could discuss the preferred way before I do?00:52
jhesketh__I'm happy to build it the other way, but don't really want to waste time on it00:52
clarkbjeblair: in any case we should be able to add worker nodes until the logstash queue derivative goes negative00:52
clarkbjeblair: and below some derivative value remove nodes00:52
jhesketh__one downside is that it'll be a config change to layout.yaml as existing zuul's will need to include their results in their messages00:52
clarkbI should probably think about this more post feature freeze00:52
jeblairclarkb: regardless, we might want to tighten it down even more than "our account" to just things that need to be on certain networks00:53
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clarkbjeblair: ya, and we should be able to do that with neutron00:53
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jeblairjhesketh__, anteaya: from what i've heard (without reviewing), the footer approach sounds good00:53
clarkbcarve a /24 for workers and a /24 for es nodes and allow them to tlak to each other00:53
anteayajhesketh__: yeah let's not try to reconfigure existing zuuls00:54
anteayathat makes many users unhappy00:54
anteayathen they show up in here, unhappy00:54
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jhesketh__well you could use black magic to see if the results were inserted into the message and if not, append them00:54
jeblairand clarkb gets them even more depressed with 'everything ever is bad'00:54
jhesketh__but that's a little magical for me00:54
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anteayajhesketh__: yeah, I dont' like the mysterious in the code00:55
anteayalet's stay with what you have00:55
jhesketh__sure, sounds good to me00:55
clarkbjeblair: sorry :(00:55
jeblairclarkb: no it's awesome, you are a coremudgeon.00:56
jeblairi think it should be our new motto00:56
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fungibad things bad. good things bad too. all things bad00:56
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pleia2zaro, clarkb: heading out of the office, will be around later if you need any testing of the patch-that-wouldn't-die :)00:57
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jeblairi'm hearing 'all along the watchtower' for the second time today.  i think you all probably know what that means.01:01
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fungiyour hendrix collection is on repeat?01:02
fungi(i know mine is)01:02
zaroclarkb: i don't understand how you can set java alternatives 2 different ways with only 1 anchor.01:04
fungi(second guess, s/hendrix/dylan/)01:04
zaroclarkb: we still need to set for debian and centos.  so how can you define one anchor to do both?01:05
clarkbzaro: the anchor is just enforcing order01:05
clarkbzaro: both execs require the same anchor01:05
clarkbzaro: then the package install does before => Anchor...01:06
clarkbzaro: that enforces the order of the exec01:06
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david-lyleif one more person with openstack/requirements core has a minute to take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77015/ we can finalize support for Django 1.6 in Horizon01:09
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anteayadavid-lyle: https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/131,members01:11
anteayadoug or sean might be your best bets unless you want to wait until tomorrow01:12
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix update java alternatives on redhat systems  https://review.openstack.org/7768301:13
zaroclarb : as i understand it ^01:13
zaroclarkb: ^01:13
clarkbzaro: really close01:14
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move git03.openstack.org to a new server  https://review.openstack.org/7774301:15
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fungigit03 has been offlined in the haproxy in preparation for ^01:17
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fungii'll give it a few minutes before i press forward with the corresponding dns changes01:18
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fungistill waiting out the old ttl on those rrs anyway01:19
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david-lyleanteaya: thanks!  that list seems a little stale at first glance ;)01:24
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anteayadavid-lyle: yes it is01:28
anteayaI am not sure who can clean it up01:28
anteayaI tried to offer my suggestions for its culling a week or so back01:28
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anteayaif you do better than myself, that would be great01:28
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clarkbzaro: gah apparently I didn't publish my comments01:36
clarkbzaro: totally thought I did, they are posted now01:36
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anteayaI can't believe there is only 4 in the gate01:44
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clarkbanteaya: we have merged >100 things today01:50
fungiclarkb: was https://launchpad.net/bugs/1287348 a duplicate?01:52
clarkbfungi: it came in right after I finished. anteaya was tracking down if it was necessary01:53
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clarkbshivharris was looking into it01:53
fungiclarkb: oh, right, that one01:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: fix incorrect use of local  https://review.openstack.org/7772601:59
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: [WIP] Added DELETE method for projects, stories, and tasks.  https://review.openstack.org/7776302:52
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Enable story and project 'deletion'  https://review.openstack.org/7776402:54
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Task, story, and project fixes  https://review.openstack.org/7701302:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move git03.openstack.org to a new server  https://review.openstack.org/7774303:10
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fungithe replacement git03 is in the pool now and handling requests successfully as far as i can tell03:24
clarkbfungi: I notice that git04 is doing less work too03:24
fungii'll keep an ear to the ground for an hour or so before i raise the ttl on its dns rrs and delete the old server03:24
fungiclarkb: yep, on the whole the newer servers do seem slightly happier03:25
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zaroclarkb: remove '$' only or '$::'03:31
clarkbzaro: it should match the first anchor03:31
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clarkbzaro: since they need to match each other03:31
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dstuffty'all leaving for OFTC?03:34
fungisome of us can't stand the heat (constant ddos'ing) and would prefer to get out of the kitchen (freenode)03:35
dstufftyou're gonna lose people fwiw (not me, because I collect IRCs like they are pokemon)03:36
mordreddstufft: mmm. pokemon03:36
fungimany (most?) are already in channels on both networks anyway03:36
clarkbI have a feeling that if freenode were to fall over tomorrow the migration would complete itself organically in about a day03:37
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fungiclarkb: you mean fall over again?03:37
clarkbpart of that is with feature freeze people absolutely need to communicate03:38
dstufft*Shrug* just saying :) I know more than one person who considers anything not on freenode as dead to them :) That's not really a comment on if you should or shouldn't make the move, just stating that you're gonna lose people in the transition :)03:38
fungithe last big one where i couldn't find a connected freenode server for most of a day happened on a weekend, so it was probably less noticeable to a lot of people03:39
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clarkbdstufft: I feel sorry for those people03:39
clarkbwhat do they do when freenode is gone03:39
clarkbtake the day off?03:39
fungipray to the ghost of rob levin to stop siphoning away all teh ircs03:40
dstufftI must have an awesome freenode server b/c I don't hardly ever notice problems :)03:41
clarkbdstufft: also aiui its still a proposal. If folks feel that strongly they should make their objections known03:41
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* fungi wonders which server you were on saturday before last. i must have tried every one in the dns round-robin and the only one which eventually had anyone in the channels was dixon, which spent the better part of the day telling me it was full and to try again later03:42
fungii will also readily acknowledge that there's nothing stopping oftc from being beset by skr1pt kiddies, but having spent many years in channels on both networks it seems like it's been far less of a target overall03:44
clarkbmaybe we should use hipchat03:44
* clarkb needs more beer apparently03:44
fungii hear it's hip with all the hippest hipster hippies03:44
fungisays so right there in the name03:45
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix update java alternatives on redhat systems  https://review.openstack.org/7768303:46
dstufftwhat you need03:46
dstufftis a new openstack project03:46
dstufftIRC as a Service03:46
dstufftthen just make irc.openstack.org and split it across multiple clouds03:46
clarkbdstufft: please no03:47
clarkbdstufft: however, you could probably use the messaging as a service project as the backend03:47
fungithere are enough of us here who have (or continue to) run irc servers to recognize what a time sink that turns into03:47
clarkbzaro: almost03:48
clarkbzaro: just a one character change then I think its ready03:48
fungiclarkb: is this the change which asymptotically approaches merging?03:48
fungieventually we're going to see it get to sub-character changes (i suppose with composing codepoints in unicode that's possible too)03:49
clarkbthe limit of change 77683 as patchsets approach infinity is merged03:49
dstufftfungi: I've done that :D I mostly like suggesting it to see who I can convince to waste their time >:]03:50
* fungi has plenty of ways to waste time already03:50
fungispeaking of wasting time, i've had a scripted loop running all day trying to get good image updates in hpcloud-az2... clarkb: have you heard anything at all about the situation we've got there?03:52
clarkbfungi: no new responses to the ticket03:52
clarkbI can followup tomorrow03:52
fungiguess i'll just leave this running overnight and dream of working clouds03:52
fungiwe're about 50% of the way through the rsync of docs-draft onto its new filesystem too, so hopefully i can wrap that up and expand it and the logs volume tomorrow03:53
fungii'll roughly double docs-draft and throw a couple more terabytes at logs03:54
clarkbfungi: speaking of, for the ES servers you used the documented static.o.o process?03:54
fungiclarkb: to the letter, yes03:54
clarkbI think you said you did03:54
clarkbgreat, I think we may want to grow those too03:55
clarkbbut later03:55
clarkbnow that I figured out indexes weren't deleting we have a lot more headroom03:55
fungisure, we'll need another quota bump to do so though, or wait until we can get our static logs into swift03:55
clarkbya I don't think its a big rush03:55
clarkbbut the other day I thought we were running out of disk fast03:56
clarkbwe were, but only beacuse we weren't deleting old data03:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Remove copyright from empty files  https://review.openstack.org/7587603:57
fungii'm switching into lower-bandwidth mode to rest up for the ever increasing onslaught tomorrow03:57
clarkbI'm going to jinx it but this ff was much better than havana's so far03:57
fungii'm just assuming it hasn't *really* ramped up yet like it's going to03:58
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morganfainbergclarkb, so if i were to propose a periodic job that works like the transifex stuff (but for sample config generation) would it make more sense to use a tox command (get all the deps) or do it all ... more shell like? I'm inclined to say the former04:28
morganfainbergfungi, ^04:28
morganfainbergtox -egenerate_sample_config perhaps04:29
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clarkbif you need a virtualenv use tox. or even tox -evenv -- stuff04:36
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Trim down gantt check/gate jobs  https://review.openstack.org/7164804:43
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morganfainbergclarkb, yep. actually going to call the run-tox script.04:51
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morganfainbergclarkb, so i would like this to run periodically if it's added to the periodic pipeline how does that work? or should this be just a job that gets fired up post merge? - we want to remove the sample config generation from pep8 in keystone04:54
morganfainbergtrying to think of the "best" way to do this w/o overloading things if we merge a bunch of things at once.04:54
clarkbperiodic jobs go in a periodic pipeline04:54
morganfainbergclarkb, like the propose translation ones?04:55
morganfainbergclarkb or are those triggered?04:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Declare support for Python versions in setup.cfg  https://review.openstack.org/7586804:56
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in scaffolding for sample_config update periodic task  https://review.openstack.org/7778905:10
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable periodic sample config job for Keystone  https://review.openstack.org/7779005:10
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in scaffolding for sample_config update periodic task  https://review.openstack.org/7778905:14
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable periodic sample config job for Keystone  https://review.openstack.org/7779005:16
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in scaffolding for sample_config update periodic task  https://review.openstack.org/7778905:19
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in scaffolding for sample_config update periodic task  https://review.openstack.org/7778905:21
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable periodic sample config job for Keystone  https://review.openstack.org/7779005:24
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Savanna: add job to build swift fs for hadoop  https://review.openstack.org/7692305:36
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mayuFollowing jaypipes's blog to construct third-party ci, who encounter this error http://paste.openstack.org/show/71560/07:17
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openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Ruby metrics plugin support added  https://review.openstack.org/7352809:01
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gilliardHi.  Nova PEP8 job seems to be failing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/128762909:51
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gilliardI've been having this problem locally for about a week, so not sure if it's something in the code that's changed, or something in the environment.09:53
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Document the Zuul triggers  https://review.openstack.org/7783810:13
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Document the Zuul triggers  https://review.openstack.org/7784310:32
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openstackgerritMichael Still proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Don't use oslo.messaging 1.3.0a8  https://review.openstack.org/7784410:34
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Content-Type can now be set for email-ext publisher  https://review.openstack.org/7591910:50
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Content-Type can now be set for email-ext publisher  https://review.openstack.org/7591910:50
sdaguegilliard: please read the bottom of the log you just linked to10:50
sdague"check_uptodate.sh: Please run /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-nova-pep8/tools/config/generate_sample.sh."10:50
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gilliardsdague: The problem was that jenkins couldn't run that script - a new version of oslo.messaging had broken it.10:57
gilliardmikal has a patch for it.10:57
gilliardOh - I see you picked it up in #openstack-nova10:58
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ttxsdague: maybe we should push in https://review.openstack.org/7784411:08
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sdagueI am in no way convinced that's the real issue11:08
ttxhah :)11:09
ttxI suspected if you did not push it already there was a reason11:09
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sdaguewell, also, only been awake for 30 minutes11:10
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Auth Token Middleware  https://review.openstack.org/7473511:17
SergeyLukjanovttx, re https://review.openstack.org/77844 I think that it's better to !1.3.0a8 to make next fixed release just work11:21
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: agreed11:31
sdagueI'm making that change now11:31
sdaguethe < change will prevent us from using the git master in the gate11:31
sdaguewhich is why that nova change doesn't work11:31
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Don't use oslo.messaging 1.3.0a8  https://review.openstack.org/7784411:32
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Add superuser check  https://review.openstack.org/7785911:36
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openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added send-to options support to email-ext plugin  https://review.openstack.org/7360112:18
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sdaguefungi: you up yet?13:00
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noorulanyone running devstack on debian here?13:04
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sdaguenoorul: doubtful13:12
noorulsdague: It stopped working for me13:12
sdaguenoorul: you are going to need to be more specific13:13
sdaguewe started enforcing -o errexit, so my assumption is there was some bad code in the debian only paths13:13
noorulIt fails there13:13
sdaguenoorul: ok, why?13:14
sdaguewhat's the actual error message?13:14
noorulI could only find start command in upstream, but I never used it13:14
jaypipesmayu: ping. I replied to you via email about the above error.13:14
sdagueok, so that never actually worked in debian before, but we used to ignore the fact that it wasn't working13:14
sdaguenoorul: dpkg -S /sbin/stop13:15
sdagueupstart: /sbin/stop13:15
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sdagueso it sounds like a different path is needed for debian if you aren't running upstart13:15
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noorulIt is not easy to install upstart on wheezy and I never had it installed and devestack was working13:16
sdaguenoorul: it wasn't working13:16
sdagueit was failing, and not telling yuo13:16
noorulsdake: devstack was working13:16
noorulsdake: stopped working from last couple of days13:17
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sdaguenoorul: so someone that runs debian is going to need to provide a patch that fixes that piece of logic13:17
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sdaguebecause that piece of logic never worked on debian13:18
noorulIs it because of -o errexit ?13:18
sdagueand now we actually stop when he hit errors13:18
sdagueinstead of ignoring the errors13:18
sdagueand assuming everything worked, when it didn't13:18
sdagueand you only discovering that very late13:18
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noorulthat means if go back everything should work fine13:19
nooruls/if/if I/13:19
sdagueit means this will fail silently13:20
noorulI understand that13:21
noorulthank you!13:21
sdagueso it would be good to actually fix this, but that requires a debian person helping figure out what the working code is there13:21
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nooruldebian tgt lacks init script, so might not be straight forward13:23
sdaguenoorul: completely?13:24
sdaguehow does the start call work then?13:24
noorulwhich start call?13:24
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noorulsdague: Can I add scripts to devstack?13:30
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noorulsdague: The bug has a script attached. I can add that to devstack and invoke it in the case of debian.13:31
sdaguenoorul: I'd really like to not do that. So this means cinder never worked in debian devstack right?13:33
sdaguebecause there was never an init script13:33
sdagueso we could never run it13:34
sdaguewe should ask zigo about fixing the package, he's been doing the rest of the openstack packages13:34
zigosdague: What? :)13:35
zigoWhat is there to fix?13:35
noorulif we fix this problem, cinder might run13:36
sdaguezigo: apparently tgt in debian doesn't have init scripts13:36
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noorulzigo: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=57792513:36
sdaguewhich was not noticed until we turned on -o errexit in devstack13:36
zigosdague: I've tried *very hard* to fix that in the stable release, but the releaes team *REFUSED* that I update the package in Stable.13:36
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zigoThat's not fixable, unfortunately.13:37
zigoUnless you engage (yourself) into a political debate with the (IMO stupid in this case) Debian release team.13:37
zigosdague: However, I could do a backport, if you think that's enough.13:38
zigoFYI, I was the one fixing the bug in Sid / Testing.13:38
noorulzigo: to wheezy-backports ?13:40
noorulThat would help!13:40
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sdagueso I'll let you and noorul figure out the right approach. Because getting involved in debian politics is something I'd like to avoid :)13:41
zigoOk, will do a backport then.13:41
noorulzigo: thank you! once that is one may be I can tweak devstack and send a patch.13:42
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zigonoorul: & sdague: I uploaded tgt_1.0.17-1.1~bpo70+1, it's going to take a few days to get approved by the backports FTP masters.13:49
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zigoHopefully, they wont ask the stupid questions ...13:50
sdaguegreat, thanks folks13:50
zigoIn the mean time, the package is available here: http://archive.gplhost.com/pub/backports/tgt/13:51
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zigo(amd64 only)13:51
zulhah nova on ubuntu reached a milestone today: nova is officially evil on ubuntu: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/icehouse/revision/66613:52
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zigosdague: By the way, upstart will slowly die in Debian, so I don't think it's a good idea to rely on start/stop, better use "service", IMO.13:54
zigo"service" will work whatever the init system is: sysv-rc, systemd, OpenRC (which I maintain), or upstart.13:54
sdaguezigo: agree13:54
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noorulzigo: The init script on the patch shows output http://paste.openstack.org/show/72174/14:00
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zigonoorul: Well, load the kernel module that it needs then! :)14:02
zigoI got no idea what kernel module that is though.14:03
fungimikal: the reason the review link didn't get posted to bug 1287542 is that the bug was opened against nova but the proposed patch is to openstack/requirements14:04
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fungisdague: need some expediting of a fix for the oslo.messaging issue?14:04
sdaguefungi: probably14:05
sdaguebut I think we're going to fix it in nova14:05
noorulzigo: me too14:05
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Load superusers from a yaml file  https://review.openstack.org/7788414:06
fungisdague: great! in that case, seeing nothing else obviously fubar this morning, i'll get back to my regularly scheduled improvements14:07
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sdaguethat's our biggest fubar14:08
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sdagueso I have no idea if there are others :)14:09
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix session usage in db_api  https://review.openstack.org/7788514:09
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fungisdague: if any are smaller than that, i'm sure people will have no problem taking care of them ;)14:10
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sdaguefungi: so this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77874 will be the thing we want to promote14:13
sdaguebecause nova code can't pass pep8 until we do14:13
fungiokay, reqs it is14:13
sdaguebut it needs to clear check first14:14
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fungigot it, so duplicate code in o.mess and o-inc, fixed in the latter and re-sync'd to nova?14:16
fungis/fixed in/removed from/14:16
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sdaguefungi: yep14:18
sdaguethe analysis is also on list. DinaBelova did the heavy lifting in figuring it out14:18
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fungiDinaBelova: great job!14:20
DinaBelovafungi, thanks :)14:20
jaypipesmayu: did you get my latest email?14:20
DinaBelovaU found this issue when it was not released, but it caused so many errors only after that14:20
sdaguenoorul: https://review.openstack.org/77889 - so I think that's the right fix regardless14:24
sdaguethen when the init scripts show up, it should just work14:24
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mayu_jaypipes: jenkins_jobs command not found on the master14:26
jaypipesmayu: then I don't believe that bash install_master.sh has run successfully, since JJB would be installed...14:27
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mayu_jaypipes: I check just now, it jenkins-jobs not jenkins_jobs14:31
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jaypipesmayu: doh! sorry about that :(14:33
* jaypipes always gets that mixed up ..14:33
mayu_jaypipes: I had restarted jenkins service without jenkins-jobs, is that function ?14:34
mayu_jaypipes: or i must exec jenkins-jobs command ?14:34
jaypipesmayu: no, jenkins-jobs is not same as jenkins... you will need to do:14:34
jaypipessudo jenkins-jobs --flush-cache update /etc/jenkins_jobs/config14:35
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mayu_jaypipes:ok, I will do that14:35
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ttxsdague: some nova changes got enqueued in gate... Is your workaround in already ?15:05
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markmcttx, fwiw, hopefully there'll be a new release of oslo.messaging in 30 minutes15:06
markmcmordred and I were just talking about this gate asymmetry yesterday15:07
mordredwhat did I do15:07
ttxwas just wondering if we shouldn't fail fast the nova changes that got enqueued before they wreck havoc15:07
ttxor if the workaround is already in place15:07
markmcmordred, oslo.messaging change that broke nova's pep8 jobs, but only when oslo.messaging was released15:08
mordredjeblair: heads up - there may be a bug somewhere in zuul merger related to branch creation. we've seen twice now the merger flip out about not being able to find a branch it darned well should have been able to find - that has been solved by removing the cached repo and restarting the  merger15:08
fungittx: i believe if the nova oslo-incubator sync patch has been approved, so if i promote it to the top of the gate it should shield us from further nova bombs15:09
mordredjeblair: I mention it because branch creation isn't something we do a lot, so could totally be something that's latent that we haven't tripped15:09
mordredjeblair: I don't have a repeatable test case yet though15:09
markmcttx, the first change in the queue is https://review.openstack.org/7787415:09
mordredmarkmc: ah yes. that old thing15:09
ttxmarkmc: ah, great15:10
markmcttx, so, assuming that doesn't get kicked out, we're ok15:10
ttxsdague, fungi: ignore me15:10
fungittx: nevermind--there are no nova changes ahead of 77874,2 in the gate anyway15:10
ttxbetter safe than sorry I guess15:10
fungier, markmc just said that. sorry15:10
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jeblairmordred: good to know.  we did just create a branch on keystone yesterday15:12
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jeblairmordred: do you have someone tracking down that bug?15:12
mordredjeblair: hopefully15:13
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jeblairmordred: maybe you could open a bug in launchpad and paste some tracebacks and debug logs?  i can help take a look.15:13
mordredjeblair: will do15:13
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mordredjeblair: the potentially _more_ distressing thing is that when it happens, the merger ceases processing further actino15:13
mordredbug/traceback coming15:14
sdaguefungi: so if we get a reset - 77874,2 should promote15:15
fungisdague: so that we stop blocking the check pipeline you mean?15:15
fungisdague: because at this point there's nothing ahead of it in the gate which would benefit from promoting that change as far as i can tell15:15
sdaguefungi: yeh, just to stop blocking check15:17
fungisdague: okay, i'll try to catch the next reset and kick that forward15:18
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jeblairmordred: oh, that's okay then.  we have 2 mergers so as long as we don't create 2 branches we're okay! ;)15:18
jeblairmordred: i will check to see if one of our mergers broke after we created the keystone branch15:18
mordredjeblair: hehe15:18
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jeblairmordred: both of our mergers are still processing things15:21
mordredjeblair: fwiw, we have added a bunch of branches and it's only failed a couple of times - and I'm not 100% sure it's due to branch creation - it's just the first correlation that sprang to mind15:22
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sdaguemarkmc: so I think the real fix for here is something that runs all the conf generators for projects15:25
sdagueas a d-g job15:25
sdaguethat would have caught this15:25
fungiside by side comparison of the git server load averages is pretty interesting... http://fungi.yuggoth.org/tmp/git-cacti.html (01 and 02 haven't been replaced yet... i'll have 02 switching over in an hour or so)15:25
sdaguebut it would also cause and interesting new issue15:25
markmcsdague, this change could easily have broken nova's unit tests15:26
sdagueoslo-incubator config options would be frozen15:26
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sdaguemarkmc in what way?15:26
markmcsdague, running nova's unit/pep8 jobs with oslo.messaging master would be needed to fix that asymmetry15:26
sdaguemarkmc: not entirely15:26
mordredunittests/pep8 in devstack ftw15:26
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markmcsdague, if oslo.messaging had registered that config option at runtime, it would have broken nova15:27
markmcsdague, it's pretty weird that it didn't happen at runtime, really15:27
jeblairfungi: i assume we're seenig 05 slowly ramp up as it increases unpacked refs15:27
sdaguebecause nothing tests that15:27
markmcsdague, it's not the same as the issue with adding new config options breaking the config generator test15:27
sdaguemarkmc: as far as I can tell the whole ca path is unexercised in the gate15:28
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markmcsdague, ca path?15:28
fungijeblair: that's what i suspect. which leads to my earlier suggestion that we should consider repacking more often... any objection to a change for daily repack runs?15:28
sdaguethe config option that was hit here15:28
markmcyes, that's why I removed it from oslo.messaging15:28
sdaguewe don't run d-g jobs that actually exercise any of those15:28
sdaguewhich is why it was only found in pep815:29
sdaguewhen we walk all the config options15:29
* markmc understands how it happened15:29
markmcpoint is15:29
markmcwe could easily find ourselves merging something into oslo.messaging15:29
markmcwhich only breaks unit tests or pep8 jobs15:29
markmcnot devstack15:29
markmcand we only catch that when we release15:29
jeblairfungi: nope15:29
* fungi shall submit that for review forthwith15:30
sdaguemarkmc: so can we actually test setting the tag?15:30
sdagueso we actually test the release would work, before we cut the release15:31
markmcor do unit tests and pep8 on master oslo.messaging15:31
mordredsdague: do you mean test the git tag before pushing the git tag?15:32
sdaguemordred: yeh15:32
mordredsdague: it would have to be manual testing15:32
sdaguemarkmc: so if we do unit tests & pep8 on master15:32
mordredsdague: I've wanted for a while the ability to propose a tag to gerrit for review15:32
mordredjeblair: oh! so... terrible idea15:32
sdagueit means that running unit tests *not* in a devstack environment would have broken here instead15:33
mordredjeblair: oh- nevermind. I realized in typing it out that it won't work15:33
sdagueit seems like the fundamental concept in zuul is to test a new state of the world, before it happens15:34
sdagueto make sure that it's good before we expose it to everyone15:34
markmcsdague, huh? why would it have broken that?15:34
sdaguemarkmc: so with this change15:34
markmcsdague, ok, got it15:35
markmcsdague, yeah, this one was weird15:35
markmcsdague, essentially an API change that nova needed to be ported to15:35
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markmcsdague, which is why I removed those options from oslo.messaging now15:35
sdaguebut I think this is going to just happen more an more with oslo libs that also include oslo-incubator code15:36
markmcsdague, we would never have been able to merge this change in the first place15:36
sdaguemarkmc: yep15:36
sdaguemarkmc: and actually, you'd never be able to change those options ever again15:36
sdaguebecause you'd have 2 trees that needed to update simultaneously15:36
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sdaguethe only way to update would be to remove the code from one, update the other, then bring it back in on the first tree15:37
markmcsdague, we shouldn't overthink the options thing - it shouldn't happen15:37
markmcsdague, oslo libs should not include options from oslo-incubator15:37
sdaguemarkmc: what about lockutils15:37
markmcsdague, only reason I let it pass in this case was they're not used at runtime15:37
markmcsdague, lockutils should become a library before any oslo libraries use it15:38
sdaguethis is actually a real issue, which we were going through the other day15:38
sdaguebecause keystone client can't include lockutils15:38
sdaguebecause of the config option collision15:38
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sdagueoslo libs aren't the only place this comes up15:38
markmcyes, it shouldn't until lockutils is a library15:38
markmcmy guess is keystone client doesn't even want the code which uses the options15:39
sdaguethe client libraries hit this as well15:39
markmckeystone client would use the oslo lockutils library15:39
markmcif it's not willing to depend on such a library, it shouldn't be proposing to use oslo-incubator code15:39
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sdagueso keystone client currently pulls in memorycache, which has config15:40
* markmc sighs15:41
sdaguemaybe I'm wrong, but I actually think this is a real issue around config bits in the incubator putting us in funny wedges15:42
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move git02.openstack.org to a new server  https://review.openstack.org/7791515:42
markmcsdague, there is a real issue with libraries using code with config options from oslo-incubator, yes15:42
markmcsdague, and the answer is they shouldn't do that15:42
sdaguemarkmc: ok, well we're a ways from that15:43
markmcsdague, "a ways" == "keystoneclient is using memorycache" ?15:43
markmcsdague, or more?15:43
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sdagueactually, currently only looks like keystoneclient15:47
sdaguebut oslo.messaging has a need in the future? or was including that a mistake?15:47
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markmcsee https://review.openstack.org/7789115:48
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sdagueright, I saw you pulled it15:48
markmcI knew it was an issue when I merged using sslutils15:48
markmcbut because the config options weren't actually used at runtime, I figured we'd be ok15:48
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Repack git repositories daily  https://review.openstack.org/7791915:48
markmcwhich proved incorrect15:48
sdagueso it sounds like we actually need a job which checks for that in projects we consider libraries15:49
fungii've disabled git02 in haproxy, in preparation for dns changes15:50
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ekarlsoanyone looked at writing a angularjs page for zuul ?16:07
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jeblairekarlso: that would be great.  check out the status page in the zuul repo itself16:13
jeblairekarlso: i'd love it if we could use that directly and just add openstack styling, headers, and footers16:14
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add PuppetBoard to openstack infra  https://review.openstack.org/7792816:16
nibalizerfungi: https://review.openstack.org/7792816:16
* nibalizer raises roof16:16
nibalizerim not entirely sure thats gonna work, but this way there is code for all of us to ponder, and maybe im less of a blocker16:17
nibalizerAaronGr: ^^16:17
jeblairnibalizer: does the puppetdb have any sekrit information in it?16:17
jeblairnibalizer: (like the hiera secrets)16:18
AaronGrnibalizer: did you add something to your puppetboard module to handle the older apache module?16:18
nibalizerjeblair: i don't think so16:19
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dhellmannsdague: I'm back online, if you want to talk about that library testing thing16:19
nibalizerjeblair: we should turn off the live querying page of puppetboard, which I can do in a commit later today i have to run now16:19
nibalizerAaronGr: i removed puppetlabs-apache as a requirement for my puppetlabs modul16:19
nibalizerand bumped major verion numbers as a way of saying sorry16:20
AaronGrnibalizer: ok, what about the parts of the apache module that aren't supported? i had to .erb most of the vhost to get it online with the o.o apache module16:20
sdaguedhellmann: scrollback16:20
nibalizeralso as AaronGr pointed out that creates a non ssl endpoint16:20
dhellmannsdague: I'm caught up16:21
nibalizerAaronGr: the puppetboard::apache::conf class .erbs a vhost file for you16:21
anteayanibalizer: commented16:21
nibalizerwhcih i think will be enough/work ?16:21
nibalizeranteaya: thanks!16:21
anteayanp, thanks for doing this16:21
funginibalizer: yay!16:21
nibalizeranteaya: im having a lot of fun16:22
AaronGrnibalizer: that was the only breakage i found setting it up, yeah16:22
anteayanibalizer: I'm so glad to hear that!16:22
nibalizerya after this lands you all will have to cook up a new project for me16:22
dhellmannsdague: I'll be in #openstack-oslo if you want to chat without interfering with business here16:22
funginibalizer: we already have dozens of new projects cooling for you on the window sill, no need to cook up more16:23
fungisdague: 77874,2 just merged. rechecks for everybody!16:24
anteayagate reset16:25
fungijeblair: i think we got another one of those false merge failures from gerrit... 77874,2 merged successfully according to gerrit. 70136,25 (the change behind it) restarted testing16:25
fungii'm looking in the zuul log now to confirm16:25
jeblairfungi: that isn't immediately recalling to mind a problem of which i am aware... i may need some reminding...16:26
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anteayajeblair: mordred was mentioning it earlier16:26
fungianteaya: no, something different16:26
anteayaoh sorry16:26
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fungijeblair: it's been suggested by people who stare at the zuul status page more steadily than i that sometimes zuul restarts testing on changes immediately behind one that merges, more often when it's in a large set of changes all merging in rapid succession. and without a concrete example the best guess was just that sometimes gerrit incorrectly reports the merge result as negative16:28
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fungithis is the first one where i was paying attention to the series of change numbers and saw one merge successfully and all those behind it restart testing16:29
fungiso looking now to see whether i can confirm it from the zuul logs16:29
jeblairfungi: ah.  when i have stared at the page and observed that, i have usually noted that the problem is that the change did not actually merge because gerrit said it required a recursive merge16:30
fungiit's possible there was a recursive merge required on a change between 77874,2 and 70136,25 which is why i'm checking to make sure they really were adjacent16:31
jeblaircool, let me know what you find16:31
fungi2014-03-04 16:24:21,721 INFO zuul.DependentPipelineManager: Resetting builds for change <Change 0x7fda290c5ed0 70136,25> because the item ahead, <QueueItem 0x7fda28a56650 for <Change 0x7fda2a0afb90 77874,2> in gate>, failed to merge16:32
* anteaya wonders what a recursive merge is, and if there is anything to read about it16:32
funginow to the debug logs for actual gerrit responses16:32
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jeblair2014-03-04 16:23:20,327 DEBUG zuul.Gerrit: Waiting for <Change 0x7fda2a0afb90 77874,2> to appear in git repo16:35
jeblair2014-03-04 16:24:21,720 DEBUG zuul.Gerrit: Change <Change 0x7fda2a0afb90 77874,2> did not appear in the git repo16:35
fungigerrit being slow?16:35
fungithis would fit with the "many merges in rapid succession" triggering pattern i suspect16:36
funginothing extremely anomalous on the cacti graph for review.o.o in that timeframe, but maybe it was so brief as to be washed out in the 5-minute sample16:38
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fungireplication_timeout = 60 and replication_retry_interval = 5 so it tried a dozen times over the course of a minute for gerrit to make that ref available?16:41
jeblairfungi: possibly a few less since i think it takes a while to transfer the refs for nova... it's even possible it tried only once if it took > 60 seconds16:42
jeblairwe should explore that16:42
fungiit did eventually replicate, because the cgit servers have it... http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova/commit/?id=5eafe1c16:42
nibalizerfungi: excellent16:42
fungijeblair: i wonder if repacking the refs on review.o.o would also help16:43
fungimore often, i mean16:43
jeblairfungi: i don't think we should pack the refs on gerrit itself; however, this check actually is against /p/project which should hit the local mirror (where we do pack refs, i think)16:44
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add PuppetBoard to openstack infra  https://review.openstack.org/7792816:44
jeblairfungi: to be honest, i'm not sure this feature is strictly necessary for us anymore...16:45
jeblairfungi: zuul always fetches from gerrit ssh directly, and builds fetch from zuul16:46
fungigot it16:46
jeblairfungi: so strictly speaking, we don't actually care if the replicas are up to date, because the next builds are going to pull from zuul which will be16:46
jeblair(when we wanted to make sure that we didn't start any new jobs until jenkins could pull current data from replicas this was more important)16:47
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jeblairhowever, clarkb and mordred do care that their replicas are up to date16:47
fungijeblair: anyway, it looks like we do actually repack gerrit's backend repos... http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/gerrit/manifests/cron.pp#n1616:47
jeblairsince they have that weird firewall thing going on16:47
jeblairfungi: oh, yeah, we do repack it, but i don't think we rack refs16:47
mordredstupid firewall16:48
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jeblairpack refs even16:48
fungiand also the local mirror http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/manifests/gerrit.pp#n33516:48
fungiahh, repack but not pack refs. got it16:49
jeblairif we don't pack refs on the local mirror, i think we could if we wanted.16:49
fungiwe don't currently, just repack, no pack-refs there16:49
openstackgerritgaryk proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update oslo.vmware to be >= 0.2  https://review.openstack.org/7793716:50
jeblairi'm trying to get some timing information to see how long this normally takes16:51
fungithough we do tend to use that local mirror less and less anyway. these days it's either latency-tolerant operations in which case we get refs from git.o.o, or it's latency-sensitive in which case we're hitting gerrit's internal copies directly, right?16:51
jeblairfungi: true; we might want to see how much other people are using it though16:51
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sdaguefungi: any chance - devstack-precise-check-rax-iad-2049871 is still alive and holdable?16:56
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sdaguethere is a grenade issue that's cropping up that I want to figure out16:57
jeblairfungi: the previous nova change was detected as merged in 47 seconds; typical times for other projects are <5sec, usually only 1 or 2.16:58
fungisdague: if the job already ended, pretty much zero chance16:58
fungibut checking16:58
fungisdague: nope. 2049871 no longer exists16:59
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jeblairchange before that was 46 seconds.  so yeah, we're pretty close to the limit on nova16:59
sdaguefungi: ok16:59
fungijeblair: makes sense. nova is a beast17:00
jeblairi'm going to profile how long a single check takes to see how many polls that time represents17:00
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Exclusion plugin  https://review.openstack.org/7794017:01
sdaguefungi: ok, the bummer is this takes a while to show up. And i doubt I'll be lucky enough to find it17:01
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anteayaokay, just had a toe to toe with the tail-f guy in -infra, just in case they come back to gerrit admins wanting to get voting turned on for their system, please refer them to me17:06
anteayaotherwise it might be a time sink for you17:06
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anteayasorry that conversation took place in -neutron17:07
jeblairanteaya: thanks17:09
anteayajeblair: np17:09
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jeblairfungi: it looks like it normally takes 10-15 seconds to download the refs for nova, but i've seen it take as much as 2517:11
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fungii can imagine if gerrit gets good and busy, that goes up17:12
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jeblairfungi: yeah, i also wonder if with all our replication targets, replication takes a little bit longer sometimes..17:12
fungiand we've got a couple more nova changes about to merge in 10 minutes or so if we need more current data points17:12
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tomhejeblair: We're running Zuul with the new merger processes and observe that sometimes Zuul triggers jobs in the dependent pipeline manager with a ZUUL_COMMIT that belongs to some other change currently in the same pipeline. Have you observed anything similar on the Openstack Zuul instance?17:13
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jeblairtomhe: we don't generally use zuul_commit, so that could escape our notice17:14
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tomhejeblair: OK. We use the git plugin in Jenkins to checkout the code and I believe that I need the ZUUL_COMMIT as branch17:15
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tomhejeblair: Tried FETCH_HEAD but the git plugin doesn't like that17:15
jeblairtomhe: yep.  give me a few more minutes to finish up what i'm working on, then i'll look into this with you17:15
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tomhejeblair: thanks17:16
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jeblairfungi: hitting https://git.o.o produces times in the 9-15 second range, so fairly similar.  hitting http://git01 (no ssl) is a bit faster, mostly around 7 secs, git04 is mostly around 6 secs17:17
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jeblairso we might see a small improvement with packing refs in the local replica17:18
tomhejeblair: We now have a Zuul_Check_Commit job in the gate pipeline that detects ZUUL_COMMIT != FETCH_HEAD, so we should be able to get more data now.17:18
annegentleanyone have the IRC channel for the OpenStack board meeting handy?17:18
fungiannegentle: #openstack-board17:18
fungiannegentle: with side conversations in #openstack-foundation17:18
jeblairfungi: i still feel like this is an unecessary check for us, and it's even a fairly fragile check for clarkb and mordred (since it doesn't necessarily check that replication has completed to the replica they actually care about)17:21
jeblairclarkb, mordred, fungi: i think we should consider removing it, or otherwise think about what it really should be doing17:21
fungijeblair: i'm inclined to concur17:22
mordredjeblair: fine by me17:22
jeblaircause right now it's effective purpose is "make sure that replication has happened to the local apache replica on review.o.o which we pretty much don't use in zuul"17:22
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jeblairtomhe: brb17:24
tomhejeblair: No problem. Thanks. I'm on Europe time and fixing dinner for my kids. I'll check back soon.17:25
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Save md5 and sha1 checksums with artifacts  https://review.openstack.org/7693317:28
mordreddhellmann: someone just proposed adding tools/requirements_style_check.sh to storyboard17:28
dhellmannmordred: !?17:29
mordreddhellmann: it has a comment from you in it, so I'm assuming you've been involved in it in some way?17:29
mordreddhellmann: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77085/1/tools/requirements_style_check.sh17:29
dhellmannmordred: I think that was the check script I wrote for use in the incubator repo17:29
mordreddhellmann: do you know where it came frmo?17:29
dhellmannthat isn't really meant to be used elsewhere17:29
mordredI was trying to track down where people were coming from with it :)17:30
mordredbecause yeah - alphabetized requirements == fail17:30
dhellmannit runs as part of the pep8 check in the incubator17:30
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mordredk. well, it makes sense in the incubator17:31
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reedgusy, anybody can pushs this one in? It's urgent *and* trivial https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77458/17:31
dhellmannI plan to remove it as soon as we graduate the 20+ libraries we'll be releasing in juno17:31
dhellmannoh, btw, heads up -- we're going to need more git repos soon :-)17:31
reedwho's gusy? damn, worse typist ever17:31
fungireed: done17:32
reedthanks fungi17:32
jeblairdhellmann: no problem, mordred has promised that'll all be fixed up by mid march :)17:32
dhellmannjeblair: cool17:32
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jeblairand even if it isn't, we'd take the hit and do it manually17:33
dhellmannthese won't be coming all at one time, but I do expect them to come pretty regularly early in the cycle17:33
dhellmannI need to think about how to solve the issue we had recently with library releases breaking things in unit tests, though17:33
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fungidhellmann: it would be possible to run unit tests of all depending projects on each commit of the dependent library17:34
fungibut that would be a lot of jobs, potentially17:34
dhellmannfungi: yeah, we started setting up tools like that for oslotest17:34
dhellmannyeah, 20+ repos running against each other and the apps, that's a lot of jobs17:35
fungithough in theory those libraries are individually small and have fewer changes than, say, nova17:36
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dhellmannwe could add 1 job to each app that pulls in libs from source and then runs the apps unit tests, but that still lets us break apps17:36
dhellmannfungi: oh, man, I hope so17:36
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dhellmannI expect a lot of them to be fairly static, actually17:36
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fungiin which case lots of jobs for them isn't a huge resource concern17:37
jeblairthat makes having a lot of jobs easier to swallow17:37
jeblairdevstack-gate has quite a number of jobs, for instance.17:37
fungimore of a blocking issue since it's easy for other breakage in a unit test to block development on that library17:37
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fungimultiply the chance of some spontaneous outside issue impacting a random project's unit test viability by the number of projects you're testing the lib against and it could get hairy17:38
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jeblairtomhe: you said in an email that this happens when you have 2 changes for different branches of the same project... i'm going to see if i can repro a test case17:38
dhellmannfungi: that smells like gridlock17:38
fungidhellmann: could run them non-voting and use them solely for advisory data (that's what we do with a lot of the backward-compat tests for d-g)17:40
tomhejeblair: I thought then that it might be related to cherry-picked commits but today we have seen it on regular commits. I'll go back and see if I can verify that this also targeted different branches.17:40
dhellmannfungi: that may work, I think I can rely on the oslo team to look at failures to see if they are real17:40
fungidhellmann: though it does leave the risk that someone ignores a legitimate failure that patch is causing and crams it through, or is blind to a legitimate issue because there's another current problem in the affected project. but maybe that wouldn't be a frequent issue in practice17:41
dhellmannfungi: we could also have them be voting for the more critical libs like messaging and db, I guess17:41
dhellmannalthough if the others aren't critical, being blocked may not be a problem17:42
fungipragmatism for the win17:42
dhellmannfungi: right17:43
fungidoes oslo.test already implement the cross-testing you would need for this (e.g. check out nova master, tweak the tox venv to install a locally-provided oslo.messaging, then run nova unit tests)?17:44
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dhellmannfungi: it does, but the script lives in the oslo.test library, so that would need to move to the infra repo, and probably be changed slightly to know which library needs to be updated (I think oslotest is hard-coded now)17:45
fungiokay, just making sure i understand the intent of oslotest17:45
dhellmannfungi: the job definitions are still up for review17:45
fungicool beans17:45
dhellmannyeah, that's just the base class and some fixtures used in unit tests17:45
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tomhejeblair: I can confirm now that the changes are targeted for different branches.17:46
dhellmannfungi: see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/76381/2 and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/76654/ and http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/oslo.test/tree/tools/run_cross_tests.sh17:46
fungidhellmann: yep, hoping to get to those two today17:47
jeblairtomhe: yeah, i think i have a reproduction by making a slight change to the "test_build_configuration_multi_branch" test; relevant output is here: http://paste.openstack.org/show/72251/17:47
dhellmannfungi: oh, I thought we were waiting until the feature freeze lifted? I'm fine with going ahead, I had just put it on the back-burner for now17:47
fungidhellmann: well, wanted to look at them, not approve them ;)17:47
dhellmannfungi: ah, ok :-)17:47
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jeblairtomhe: A and C are on the same branch, B is on a different one17:48
tomhejeblair: Spot on17:48
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clarkbjeblair: which check?17:49
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jeblairclarkb: zuul waiting for the change to show up in the apache replica before considering a change merged17:50
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clarkbjeblair: I think we can live without that check. Its prior to merge that we need the intermediate refs to show up17:52
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clarkbwhich is my proposed change that should get tests written when feature freeze is over17:53
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pleia2zaro: testing your change, thumbs up on fedora, trying centos now17:54
clarkbpleia2: can you also test precise for completeness (if that isn't too much trouble)17:55
pleia2clarkb: will do17:55
clarkbpleia2: thank you17:55
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add track chairs mailing list  https://review.openstack.org/7745817:55
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Decoupled API story and task creation.  https://review.openstack.org/7766817:56
* clarkb catches up on sb17:57
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jeblairtomhe: i think i found the bug17:59
tomhejeblair: Great17:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Task, story, and project fixes  https://review.openstack.org/7701317:59
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tomhejeblair: That was incredibly fast17:59
Alex_GaynorIf anyone's interested, https://caniusepython3.com/check/b77d1b26-8866-434d-8d98-c620d56122bf shows the current status of our deps with respect to py3kj18:00
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markmcmordred, I'd never actually looked at openstack/openstack - very nice18:00
markmcmordred, why is Author: jenkins until recently?18:00
jeblairtomhe: being able to reproduce complex scenarious in the functional test suite is _really_ handy18:00
anteayaAlex_Gaynor: thank you18:00
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tomhejeblair: I get that18:00
jeblairtomhe: (and there was already a test for this scenario, it just wasn't checking ZUUL_COMMIT18:00
pleia2anteaya: ooh, exciting to see the puppetboard changes coming in \o/18:01
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anteayapleia2: yes I am happy too, nibalizer is doing a great job18:01
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markmcmordred, ah, they're merge commits18:03
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openstackgerritldbragst proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add hacking check for inline comments with spaces  https://review.openstack.org/7795018:03
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openstackgerritldbragst proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add hacking check for inline comments with spaces  https://review.openstack.org/7795018:05
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jeblairisn't that a pep8 check? ^18:05
clarkbjeblair: pretty sure it is18:06
clarkbI want ot say that has bitten me ewll before hacking became a thing18:06
* clarkb looks18:06
fungii thought so... pep8 (the tool) complains at me for no space after the # and not having at least two spaces before if inline with code18:06
Alex_Gaynordhellmann: what would it take to get a ceilometerclient release so taht the troverclassifers accurately reflect the supported versions?18:07
clarkboh I see, pep8 makes you do 'code  #foo'18:08
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clarkbthat change would make you do 'code  # foo'18:08
clarkbhonestly ugh why do we care? and it isn't consistent due to TODOs and FIXMEs18:08
fungioh, that. right18:08
* clarkb leaves a review18:08
fungi[beware of hobgoblins]18:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix session usage in db_api  https://review.openstack.org/7788518:10
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jeblairtomhe: you jinxed me by saying this was fast.  getting the test right is taking some time.  ;)18:10
tomhejeblair: my bad18:11
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Update developer documentation  https://review.openstack.org/7471318:12
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix ZUUL_COMMIT in certain conditions  https://review.openstack.org/7795318:18
jeblairtomhe: ^ there we go!18:19
tomhejeblair: Thanks!18:19
nibalizeranteaya: :)18:20
tomhejeblair: And we really appreciate the new merger architecture. It really improved the perfomance.18:20
anteayanibalizer: we are very happy with your work, well done18:20
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jeblairtomhe: np, thank you for finding this and providing a succinct test case!18:20
anteayajeblair: is there going to be a patch for removing the check for apache repo, or have I missed it? I have been trying to keep an eye out for it18:21
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jeblairanteaya: probably not today18:21
anteayajeblair: k, thanks18:21
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tomhejeblair: Think I'll fetch that change right away :)18:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Run PyPy jobs on py3k-precise single-use slaves  https://review.openstack.org/7773218:24
fungii'll babysit that ^18:24
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fungirecent retesting says it should be completely non-impacting18:25
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: add some helpfulness to our log output  https://review.openstack.org/7634918:28
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brownehi all, anyone know how to go about setting up gerritbot?  In particular, I want it to monitor project openstack/oslo.vmware to write messages to #openstack-vmware18:35
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fungibrowne: submit a change for review... add a openstack-vmware section in http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/gerritbot/files/gerritbot_channel_config.yaml18:37
clarkbbrowne: edit https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/gerritbot/files/gerritbot_channel_config.yaml to include the channel and project See http://ci.openstack.org/irc.html note there are channel ownership requirements too18:37
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anteayaclarkb: not sure if you saw this: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-infra/2014-March/000954.html chuck wants a ci account18:38
anteayaclarkb: just mentioning it since he said he will be away next week18:38
clarkbanteaya: I did, I think we have been batching those up periodically though.18:38
brownefungi: thanks!18:38
browneclarkb: thanks!18:38
anteayaclarkb: k18:38
fungibrowne: and /msg chanserv access #openstack-vmware add openstackinfra +AFRfiorstv18:39
fungibrowne: or if you're not a channel founder, then whoever is should add that18:39
brownefungi: ok, i'm not the owner, but will find him/her18:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Update developer documentation  https://review.openstack.org/7471318:41
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove old elasticsearch cluster members  https://review.openstack.org/7605118:45
fungiclarkb: jeblair: SergeyLukjanov: mordred: git02 replacement is ready to go into service, if anybody wants to vote for https://review.openstack.org/7791518:46
fungiafter that, it leaves just git01, which i'll knock out after the team meeting18:47
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sdagueit's a cool thing when the gate isn't totally exploding, and we merge 13 in row18:47
fungithis has been going very smoothly. hooray for high-availability18:48
SergeyLukjanovfungi, cool18:48
jeblairsdague: we identified a source of false resets in zuul earlier; we probably won't patch it out until after i3 though.18:48
sdaguejeblair: cool18:48
sdaguewhat was it?18:48
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jeblairsdague: zuul waits for changes to propogate to a gerrit replica before confirming that a change has merged.  that can sometimes time out.  it's probably not necessary anymore because of other improvements18:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move git02.openstack.org to a new server  https://review.openstack.org/7791518:50
jeblairit has happened 3 times UTC-today18:50
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jeblairand 8 times yesterday18:51
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in scaffolding for sample_config update periodic task  https://review.openstack.org/7778918:52
devanandahow would ya'll feel about a temporary repo for housing the nova "ironic" driver, so we can continue development pace on it during the nova FF18:52
fungijeblair: sdague: it's the sort of subtle issue which we'd have been unlikely to spot without a high volume of changes for very large projects passing through the gate and merging, which i find an incredible turn of events on its own18:52
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable periodic sample config job for Keystone  https://review.openstack.org/7779018:52
sdaguejeblair: cool, interesting18:52
sdagueglad it was found18:52
jeblairfungi: found it, yay! :)18:52
clarkbfungi ever attentive18:53
jeblairdevananda: would a feature branch of the nova project work?18:53
clarkbdevananda: ther eis no such thing as a temporary repo.18:53
* fungi got very lucky and happened to look over/remember some random numbers at just the right time18:53
morganfainbergSergeyLukjanov, corrected that config option to use "proposal" instead of bare-precise18:53
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sdaguefungi: awesome18:53
devanandajeblair: the driver is self-contained at this point, we dont need to branch all of nova18:53
devanandaclarkb: then github?18:54
jeblairdevananda: where is it now?18:54
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devanandajeblair: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71429/9 and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/51328/2918:54
clarkbdevananda: just pointing out that we don't delete repositories. They are basically permanent18:54
jeblairdevananda: so it's in nova?18:54
SergeyLukjanovmorganfainberg, thx, I'll take a look on it soon18:54
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jeblairdevananda: if it's currently in nova, why not a feature branch on nova then?18:54
morganfainbergSergeyLukjanov thnx!18:54
devanandajeblair: maybe i'm missing something. how does that help?18:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Clean up doc, private func, removed unused file  https://review.openstack.org/7717918:55
fungidevananda: nova cores could approve changes proposed to that feature branch while nova master is frozen18:55
anteaya51328 has a comment that this should be developed out of tree18:56
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fungidevananda: and then that feature branch could get a merge commit review after the thaw18:56
devanandafungi: at this point, i'm not expecting nova to pay attention to it for a while18:56
anteayawould a nova branch be considered out of tree18:56
devanandamaybe that's cynical, but I would like the ironic team to be able to iterate quickly18:56
devanandaand the tripleo team to be able to use it18:56
devanandarather than wait for nova-core to review it18:57
jeblairdevananda: is this code going into nova?18:57
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devanandawhich they have said won't happen until there is CI -- and we are having a lot of trouble testing any CI system with multiple patches in-flight in nova18:57
devanandajeblair: that's the goal18:57
mrmartinfungi: re, if you have some time, could you check this patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77621/ we need this for close the openstackid dev project18:57
fungimrmartin: so that supplants part of https://review.openstack.org/76407 ?18:58
mordreddevananda: I think the chicken and egg is that to develop the CI system that's needed, you need the patches to nova, but you can't land the patches in nova until you have CI for them, yeah?18:59
mordredhow important is it for developing the ci18:59
devanandatripleo wants to use our driver18:59
mrmartinfungi: yes, I made a new patch, because some modification required in openstack_project to accept ssl cert content18:59
fungito make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe^Winfrastructure18:59
mordredthat other patches to nova continue to land?19:00
fungimeeting time?19:00
mordredand/or - is is possible to put the driver in teh ironic tree?19:00
jeblairmeeting time!19:00
jeblairdevananda: can we pick this up later?19:00
devanandajeblair: sure19:00
fungioh, keystone's running over19:00
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mordredI believe that nova virt driver config can reference random python paths etc19:00
devanandamordred: that's an interesting idea19:00
mordreddevananda: it won't protect you from virt driver interface issues19:01
mordredbut damn if that's regularly killing you there is something _Else_ That's grossly problematic :)19:01
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devanandamordred: no. that sounds like it will work. thanks19:03
mordreddevananda: cool.19:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerrit: replace submodule url reference from relative to absolute  https://review.openstack.org/7312519:05
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dhellmannAlex_Gaynor: we usually talk about doing a release at our weekly meeting, and I think eglynn typically manages them19:10
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sdagueman, we're currently basically limitted in merge solely by the number of nodes in nodepool19:22
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anteaya900 nodes, we popped up again, I missed the additions - last I heard we were around 75019:26
anteayathanks to whoever gave us 150 more19:26
fungirax raised our quota19:27
fungiweeks ago19:28
clarkbfungi: anteaya: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71323/ should be included in this friday's manage-projects run. It simplifies our jeepyb configs quite a bit but I don't want it to merge without some testing (because taking a step back on the manage-projects front would be bad)19:28
fungiclarkb: logstash is keeping up swimmingly19:28
clarkbfungi: anteaya can you note ^ someplace appropriate?19:28
anteayanice, thanks rax19:29
sdaguefungi: so we seem to be narrowing down on running nodes with more in deleting and building. Any chance some of those are sticking? Just because allocating a new node in check looks like it's about 1hr 15m delay19:29
anteayaclarkb: can do19:29
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clarkbanteaya: danke19:29
clarkbsdague: part of that is the gate is higher priority19:30
sdagueclarkb: sure19:30
krtayloranteaya, re: 900 nodes - is that cores? or?19:30
clarkbits 900 * 4 cores19:30
anteayakrtaylor: looking at the graph in zuul19:30
sdagueclarkb: well rax are 8 cores19:31
clarkbsdague: oh right19:31
sdagueso somewhere between 4k - 7k cores19:31
clarkbbecause performance19:31
clarkbor something19:31
sdagueclarkb: yeh, I mostly wanted to make sure that a few builders weren't stalling, because I know we saw some of that in the past. And any free resource we have today would be goodness19:32
fungisdague: a lot of those showing building are the 190 in tripleo cloud which keep failing and getting retried because it's down19:33
fungiand the deleting state nodes are just because our providers don't respond reliably or quickly to nova delete calls19:33
sdagueno problem then19:33
fungibut i'll also check whether we're hitting the 5000 nodes built a day limit on any of the rackspace regions in a bit19:33
sdagueyeh, because we're flat out19:34
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anteayaguess I didn't notce the increase in quota since it has been a while since we had to use all of them at once19:35
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clarkbblast 71323 has merge conflicts19:44
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clarkbIwill swing around on that beforefriday I hope19:44
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openstackgerritAlessandro Pilotti proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Sets the min python-novaclient version to 2.16.0  https://review.openstack.org/7798119:50
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SpamapSfungi: we _might_ have resurrected tripleo ci19:59
SpamapSfungi: I see new nodes spawning..19:59
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clarkbSpamapS: you got those ethernet ports sorted?20:00
pleia2any thoughts on bugday next week? :)20:00
anteayaso https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/new-projects-2014-03-0720:00
fungiSpamapS: cheers! sounds like you need a beer20:00
clarkbpleia2: I think we should do one20:00
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anteayais the next rounds, was waiting for open discussion to post and missed it20:00
SpamapSfungi: several20:01
SpamapSclarkb: yeah.. ugh20:01
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Remove Branch and Milestone legacy tables  https://review.openstack.org/7718720:01
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nibalizerkk thanks yall20:01
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, fungi, clarkb, mordred, re savanna renaming - we're still waiting for reply from the foundation lawyers, after that we'll have 2 business days long final voting and we'll be ready to rename the world20:02
anteayapleia2: I won't be here for a bug day next week20:02
anteayabut that shouldn't hold you back20:02
mordredSergeyLukjanov: kk20:02
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: what are is the link to the current options?20:04
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, let me find ;)20:04
clarkbanteaya: can you address https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74130/1 really quickly?20:04
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_5dd4f18fde38ce8e, so, we've decided to chose the name from the top 5 options20:05
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: thanks20:05
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, and now waiting for their review20:05
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: about your comment on 7413020:05
anteayathe reason I had selected one item to log is that was fungi20:06
anteayas request20:06
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anteayasince all three items would be too much output20:06
anteayaif you want me to change to return code, I have no issue with that, and can do so20:06
anteayabut I was requested to just change the logging status of one item20:07
anteayaI don't care which it is20:07
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, it's quite strange for me to log command that we're running but not logging return code, I see only pros of doing it, not cons, anyway, I'm ok with merging as is and think about further improvements later20:07
anteayaand return code is captured in debug level20:07
fungianteaya: well, i don't think i asked for that specifically. i said we should analyze which things we log at debug are low-enough volume they could be switched to info. if memory serves you asked if you could start with just one log call as an example and i said sure20:07
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anteayaso fungi how do you feel about return codes getting logged at info, in addition to commands?20:08
fungimainly because i didn'tdon't have time to go over the debug logs from it at the moment to decide what should be what (and that's why you were setting up your own gerrit to test against)20:08
anteayaI will do it if you think it is okay20:08
clarkbmordred: can you address https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77311/2 ?20:08
anteayaI can set up gerrit but I can't get manage projects configured to run20:08
clarkbanteaya: I think they should be paired20:08
fungianteaya: seems fine to me. i don't really know how often that does'doesn't get logged20:09
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clarkbthe return code and command output go together20:09
anteayaI will make the change20:09
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, thx20:09
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, ++20:09
fungii figured 74130 was just a test example of using the new -v vs -d functionality, which is why i hadn't +2'd it20:10
fungito provide some means of confirming we got info level logged with -v20:10
fungiand was a placeholder for a change which actually set reasonable log levels on all those debug calls20:11
mordredclarkb: yah20:11
clarkbfungi: I think I am mostly caught up on jeepyb reviews. I approved the one that looked to have your seal of approval20:13
fungiclarkb: awesome--hopefully next friday will be equally enlightening in that regard20:13
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Support resetting back to a non-master branch  https://review.openstack.org/7731120:14
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Change return code and command said log.info  https://review.openstack.org/7413020:14
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anteayapersonally I would hold off on approving 74130 until we see how it performs, as I said I have not figured out how to configure my gerrit to run manage-projects20:15
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mordredclarkb: there you go20:25
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fungiopenstackgerrit: is struggling suddenly... suspecting another netsplit20:34
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move git01.openstack.org to a new server  https://review.openstack.org/7799420:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Only add upstream remotes if we track upstream  https://review.openstack.org/7729820:35
fungior it's just slow20:36
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add storyboard SSL cert/key/chain  https://review.openstack.org/7640720:41
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anteayawhat changed in nova pep8?20:49
anteaya3 nova patches failing in the gate on pep820:49
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anteayacheck_uptodate.sh: nova.conf.sample is not up to date.20:50
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fungianteaya: yep, that's fairly common20:50
anteayaseems odd to have hit three in a row20:50
fungisomething in a library being imported by nova just added new options and now all nova changes will fail until a change is merged to update the sample config20:51
anteayarussellb: ^^20:51
fungisomething added kombu_reconnect_delay20:51
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anteayaso far I am not seeing the patch that did so20:55
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, fungi, here is the patch https://github.com/openstack/oslo.messaging/commit/fcd51a67d18a9e947ae5f57eafa43ac756d1a5a820:56
SergeyLukjanovreleased as part of 1.3.0a920:56
SergeyLukjanovit looks like it's a bit incorrect approach with check_autoupdate - it could break any consumers of some projects20:57
anteayaah I was looking in -nova20:57
anteayadhellmann: ^^20:57
fungianteaya: if it were in nova, in theory it would never have been able to merge20:57
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dhellmannanteaya, fungi : is this the oslo.messaging release?20:58
fungidhellmann: looks like it, yes20:58
anteayafungi: because nova uses global requirements?20:58
dhellmannI thought we landed patches in nova to fix that20:58
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dhellmannor a patch, anyway20:58
funginova now wants its sample config updated20:58
dhellmannoh, ok20:58
dhellmannsomeone just needs to do that in nova20:58
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dhellmannand then turn off the check and build that file during packaging so we're not maintaining it by hand any more20:58
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fungibut as we've seen in the past, now all nova changes will fail (including resetting gating) until they stop checking that in their pep8 jobs20:59
anteayaso kombu is in global-requirements: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/requirements/tree/global-requirements.txt#n3820:59
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fungimaybe this will spur them on to start building those20:59
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mordredjeblair: in teh board meeting, we've decided to rewrite openstack in go21:01
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fungii heard that21:01
geekinutahmordred: finally21:01
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fungipretty amazing. the board members are going to do all the real work on that too21:01
SergeyLukjanovfungi, anteaya, dhellmann, here is a patch for periodic config update proposal job - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77789/ by morganfainberg21:01
dstufftgo get is the worst21:01
dstufftjust fyi21:01
fungidstufft: even the name... eww21:02
jeblairdansmith: feb 22 was the day freenode was completely ususable21:02
annegentlejeblair: your risk analysis may be right on, by the way, probably is. I've just seen some reactive behavior in non-profits I've worked with that makes me ask more questions21:02
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: the file should be build when nova packages are built, and never checked into git21:02
annegentlejeblair: re: oft21:02
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jeblairannegentle: i definitely understand the concern; i share it.  i don't want to have to move back if we move!  :)21:02
dansmithjeblair: okay, I just get a beep from my proxy every time it tries to reconnect and I expect I would have remembered that storm21:02
dansmithjeblair: but fair enough21:02
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SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, yup, I agree that it's the best case, IIRC there were some concerns about how to impl it, am I right?21:03
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jeblairdansmith: on that day i ended up on a netsplit server; i was never disconnected from it, but it wasn't connected to the hub21:03
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wenlockjeblair, on irc, i didn't understand the answer to why openstack doesn't run a private irc for openstack.org, why is that?21:03
jeblairdansmith: so i tried reconnecting and found all of the servers in rotation were unresponsive21:03
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dansmithjeblair: okay, well, that's what I mean by "not down" but that's fine21:03
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: no idea :-/21:03
morganfainbergdhellmann, i disagree, when we are generating documents or if we are using a milestone21:03
dstufftwenlock: because running your own irc network is the worst21:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add OpenstackID SSL Certs  https://review.openstack.org/7762121:04
dansmithjeblair: by examining the A records, or by just reconnecting a bunch of times? because they do insert bad records on purpose for DoS avoidance I think21:04
morganfainbergdhellmann, or even master, we want something that is actually in the tree21:04
jeblairdansmith: i tried all of the A records21:04
fungidansmith: yeah, i tried every server in the round-robin, all were either unresponsive, had nobody or only 1 other nick in channel, except for dixon which kept refusing my connection because it had too many connections already. when i finally managed to squeeze onto dixon that's where everyone else was21:04
dansmithjeblair: okay, well, my real concern is whether OFTC is better or smaller, that's all21:04
dansmithjeblair: because, I've talked to freenode admins before and .. you know.21:04
dstufftafaik OFTC is just less of a target21:05
jeblairdansmith: i don't know -- what did you learn talking to them?  you can pm me if you want21:05
fungiand doesn't have the legacy/stigma of opn21:05
morganfainbergdhellmann, i think building only at packaging time is, while a good approach, leaving a gap in coverage.21:05
dansmithjeblair: no, I mean.. I've talked to them before about things and don't ever want to have to do that again.. evar :)21:05
dhellmannmorganfainberg: if those other jobs need the file, they can build it too, my main point was to remove it from git and stop verifying that we're keeping that version up to date21:06
dansmithjeblair: in that, OFTC has a leg up from a "dealing with the admins" PoV :)21:06
jeblairdstufft, dansmith: it's definitely smaller, and i think it's less of a target.  even if they get hit by ddos less for only those reasons, as opposed to something more intrinsic, that may not still be a bad thing.21:06
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dansmithjeblair: it's just a question of whether it's worth the pain or not21:06
fungidansmith: you talked to them about things and they actually got back to you (positive or negative answers aside)?21:06
dansmithjeblair: because if amazon is DoSing freenode from AWS to mess with us, then OFTC will crumble21:06
morganfainbergdhellmann, by that standpoint, translations should be sideband as well?21:06
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dhellmannmorganfainberg: translations can't be generated from some other file, though, they are created by people21:07
dansmithfungi: yeah, they responded with mocking and insults, IIRC :)21:07
jeblairdansmith: ah, yeah, that's been great.  we're years into trying to get some freenode things sorted.  oftc admins have been very responsive21:07
dstufftif amazon is DoSing from AWS then there's no IRC network that will handle it ;P21:07
dhellmannmorganfainberg: the sample config is based entirely on other artifacts we have under source control21:07
fungidstufft: we'll put one on internet221:07
dansmithdstufft: well, I'm joking of course, but that's the point21:07
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dstufftyou see21:08
dstufftwhat freenode needs is just one big IRC server21:08
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dstufftthen there's no more netsplits21:08
jeblairdstufft: it should be in java21:09
jeblairi hear it's good for really big servers21:09
fungijeblair: after we rewrite java in go21:09
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morganfainbergdhellmann, personally i think it should be in the repo, but thats based on trying to be friendly to our users, they can look at git and see the "close" to state-of-the-art rather than relying on packaging or having to checkout and build. but if the standpoint is this should never be in git i don't have a good answer - packaging is not handled by us (we make an effort to throw packaging over the wall to the distros)21:09
dstufftwrite an IRC server in Twisted and make everyone sign in with their gerrit username!21:09
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jeblairdoes anyone here know any oftc ops?21:09
morganfainbergdhellmann, i'll adhere to it, but i don't agree.21:09
jeblairi'd like to abuse a personal relationship to ask them how much more awesome than freenode they are, if one exists.  :)21:10
dansmithjeblair: hah21:10
dhellmannmorganfainberg: if we keep it in the tree, we'll just have to keep doing this update dance, so as long as no one complains about that any more I'm ok with keeping it. :-)21:10
morganfainbergjeblair, hehe21:10
morganfainbergdhellmann, if we can move it to a periodic task i think we can avoid a lot of complaining. and i expect the pep8 check to go away completely (people are used to translations and requirements updates) :)21:11
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dhellmannmorganfainberg: I can go along with that, then.21:12
morganfainbergdhellmann, once i have this working for keystone i'll def work on the other projects to get them working the same way21:12
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dhellmannmorganfainberg: you're doing it as a job in the infra repo?21:13
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morganfainbergdhellmann, yep21:13
morganfainbergdhellmann, same as how translations would be triggered, periodic task21:13
morganfainbergdhellmann, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77789/21:13
dhellmannmorganfainberg: I'll take a look after the release meeting, then, cool21:13
morganfainbergdhellmann, and the keystone "turn on" would be https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77790/21:13
morganfainbergdhellmann, sounds good21:14
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mordreddhellmann, morganfainberg: reading scrollback21:18
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morganfainbergmordred, on that topic, similarly if this works i can do man pages (at least keystone updates man pages at infrequent intervals)21:19
mordredmorganfainberg: sorry - my brain is poorly processing this21:19
dansmithjeblair: classic response21:19
mordredmorganfainberg: we're talking about generating config samples?21:19
dansmithjeblair: "we ain't special"21:19
morganfainbergmordred, no worries, periodic task to propose sample config changes21:19
morganfainbergmordred, yes21:19
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morganfainbergmordred, rather than having a pep8 check and needing to make sure everything is in sync for every review21:20
morganfainbergmordred, this is a bigger issue if we import opts from a library like oslo.messaging. an update to oslo.messaging would break all pep8 checks until someone fixed the sample.conf21:21
clarkbmorganfainberg: there is one more thing that pep8 caught on that change21:21
clarkbmordred: ^ tab complete is hard21:21
dhellmannmorganfainberg: expect the same problem with oslo.db21:21
morganfainbergdhellmann, ++21:21
dhellmannand possibly other of the 20+ new libraries we'll be making during juno21:21
morganfainbergclarkb, did I miss a tab?21:21
markmchas anyone started working on making the config file generation install time?21:21
clarkbmorganfainberg: you are fine, I fail21:22
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clarkbmorganfainberg: sorry for the disturbance21:22
morganfainbergclarkb, ah okie :P21:22
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morganfainbergclarkb, hehe :)21:22
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morganfainbergmarkmc, if there is a real push to move it into setup and infra would rather have that, i'll circle back instead. but i think there will be wondering why we don't offer a sample config people can look at in our repos21:24
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fungimorganfainberg: we offer a script which can build them easily21:24
markmcmorganfainberg, yeah, sorry - just catching up on scrollback21:24
fungimorganfainberg: and in tarballs built from teh tip of every branch and tag21:24
markmcmorganfainberg, we can publish the generated file elsewhere, doesn't have to be git21:24
fungiincluding them in the doc builds like we do with api docs, might be worthwhile?21:25
morganfainbergmarkmc, sure, it currently is in git and the "we should put them else where" has been nebulous - so i figure i'd make a stab at this and see where we landed21:25
morganfainbergfungi, for sure it should be built then if we don't have it in the repos21:26
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fungithe main audience for pre-generated sample config files donesn't seem to me to be substantially overlapping the sorts of people who go poking in the git repository first thing21:27
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morganfainbergmarkmc, fungi, dhellmann, sounds to me like it should just be a doc job and/or release thing instead? i like it in-tree, but if the project wants something else i'll concede and change tacks on it.21:28
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morganfainbergand the rest of the audience here21:28
dhellmannmorganfainberg: I am +1 to moving it out of git and +0 to having it updated periodically without a pep8 test21:29
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fungimorganfainberg: well, the api docs aren't in-tree either... but we provide an easy way to generate them and we also publish those and keep them up to date automatically, so sample configs seem vmuch more like that than translations or requirements files21:29
briancurtinfor python-openstacksdk, we have a change stuck in the gate: the change is to add newlines to requirements.txt files, but the gate check for requirements is currently failing because of it -- any ideas? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/75852/21:29
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morganfainbergdhellmann, my #1 goal is no pep8 tests21:29
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morganfainbergdhellmann, esp. heading into juno21:29
dhellmannmorganfainberg: I've got your back, then.21:30
morganfainbergdhellmann, the rest is preference but not strong enough to make a stronger stance than personal preference21:30
clarkbpleia2: thank your for testing https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77683/21:30
dhellmannmorganfainberg: yep21:30
clarkbfungi: jeblair mordred SergeyLukjanov ^ is a good one to review. It iwll fix our centos image builds21:30
morganfainbergdhellmann, but the easiest way to get traction one way or another is propose something vs. complaining about it :)21:31
dhellmannmorganfainberg: +100021:31
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fungimorganfainberg: communication through source code. absolutely more productive21:32
markmcmorganfainberg, dhellmann, in the immediate, short-term - how about we kill the "check config file is up to date" from the pep8 job21:32
morganfainbergmarkmc, it's per-project tox.ini21:33
dhellmannmarkmc: good idea21:33
morganfainbergmarkmc, but easy to propose those changes21:33
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add jenkins job to build gerrit plugins  https://review.openstack.org/7001421:33
markmcor, better ...21:34
morganfainbergi am going to gues that removing that will have some push-back if we don't have an alternative in place21:34
markmcprint out warning spew if it's out of date, but don't fail pep821:34
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morganfainbergmarkmc, actually a non-voting task would be good for that21:34
fungiwarnspam seems like a fine compromise to me while the proper solution is in progress21:34
morganfainbergfungi, ^21:34
morganfainbergsomething that goes in "check" queue?21:35
morganfainbergthat way it's more visible than warning in logs21:35
sdaguefungi: so there is no way to get a job extra priority in check right?21:35
funginon-voting check-only job, sure, but i think that solving the publishing problem with the help of someone from docs (Ajeager?) would probably not be much more work21:35
fungisdague: one specific job? i don't think so--right now we can only ptioritize pipelines i think21:36
morganfainbergfungi, super, i'll abandon the periodic and get that proposed today21:36
sdaguebecause all of nova is blocked again21:36
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support for Fedora 20 to nodepool  https://review.openstack.org/6951021:36
fungisdague: oh, you mean a change, not a job?21:36
sdagueit would be really good to get pep8 early on that21:37
fungisdague: if you're comfortable that the review is solid, i can enqueue it in the gate and promote it (it's two steps, but will have the effect you want)21:37
sdagueI am, russellb how do you feel about that21:37
fungisdague: did you try running tox -epep8 on it yourself? should be good enough since the gate will do that too21:37
morganfainbergfungi, and make sure it doesn't require a tox target etc, so we can remove the pep8 bits everywehre. and then we can do the doc bit(s) / install. cc markmc, dhellmann21:37
sdagueyes, I did21:37
fungisdague: worst case, it will cause a gate reset. not as many as it's likely to prevent21:38
sdagueyeh, not with the nova parts in there21:38
fungii mean, it's literally comment lines in a sample configuration file21:39
russellbsdague: find with me21:39
sdaguerussellb: cool, want to put your +A on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/78009/21:39
sdaguethen we'll do it21:39
sdaguefungi: lets take it to the gate21:40
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fungisdague: russellb: it's up front now21:41
sdaguethanks fungi21:41
russellbgreat thanks21:41
fungiin case you want earliest possible results21:42
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add notifications to #openstack-oslo channel  https://review.openstack.org/7659821:43
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Eavesdrop bot to #openstack-oslo  https://review.openstack.org/7658421:43
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Support filtering by review id(s)  https://review.openstack.org/7244621:43
jeblairsdague, dansmith: http://paste.openstack.org/show/72319/21:44
jeblairsdague, dansmith: i think the short version is: oftc is smaller and they are not the target of ddos attacks, and as a result they are probably not currently in a position to repond as well as freenode if they did21:44
clarkbdims: zul says cloud archive will have libvirt updtes this week, do you still have a change handy that we can kick which will test cloud archive for us?21:45
dimsclarkb, yep. i can kick the tires21:46
mordredjeblair: do you think that they are in a position to receive help from us or our member companies?21:46
mordredjeblair: like, I hear rackspace and dreamhost have some bang-up network ops folks...21:46
jeblairmordred: i don't know; but search for 'hyperfilter'21:47
sdaguejeblair: so where does that data fit into your current leaning?21:47
clarkbdims: great, I will try to pay attenttion to cloud archive and ping you when the new libvirt is available21:47
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fungimordred: jeblair: i can imagine that if the openstack project considered its irc network a significant (even necessary tool) we might be able to find additional services and support for the non-profit organization providing it21:48
sdaguefungi: pep8 success!21:49
fungisdague: now just hope it doesn't die on some random unrelated error ;)21:49
sdagueyeh, exactly21:49
mordredfungi: right. that's sort of what I Was thinking21:49
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dansmithjeblair: yeah, seems about right21:50
clarkbpleia2: reviewed the nodepool script updates, good point about the copy pasta locations. A couple small formatting things inline21:50
pleia2clarkb: thanks21:50
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jeblairmordred: tomaw might be fixing the freenode group situation right now; i don't want to distract him.  but in a minute, i'll ask.  :)21:51
mordredjeblair: awesome. I was just reading that21:51
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fungiyeah, that conversation seems consistent with what i've observed on oftc over the eyars21:52
sdagueso I think regardless, the CNAME record is probably sensible21:52
clarkbsdague: thats actually one of the few bits that I think I disagree with21:52
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sdagueclarkb: ok21:52
mordredclarkb: why?21:53
clarkbpeople should know what they are talking to, but I don't feel strongly enough about it to say no21:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix update java alternatives on redhat systems  https://review.openstack.org/7768321:53
dansmithclarkb: I think you're right, FWIW21:53
sdagueok, that's fair21:53
fungiclarkb: i agree, but i think the people who care which network they're talking to aren't teh audience for the cname anyway21:53
dansmithclarkb: if I'm already on freenode, and think that irc.openstack.org is a different network, I'm confused21:53
sdaguethat's true, and I wouldn't use the cname anyway, because I have other freenode connections21:54
clarkbsame here which is why I don't feel strongly about it21:54
clarkband it may help others that don't grok IRC21:54
morganfainbergsdague, ++ i have a bunch setup because of the issues w/ freenode21:54
morganfainbergsdague, a lot of people have moved to using specific server(s)21:54
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support for Fedora 20 to nodepool  https://review.openstack.org/6951021:54
sdaguemorganfainberg: honestly, I think I'm still using the generic CNAME21:54
fungiright, i'll be on freenode long after any switch because i'm on non-openstack-related channels here... just like i'm on oftc already for non-openstack-related channels (and on another network too)21:54
sdaguefungi: yeh, for me, I'm not on oftc, all the open source I've worked on the last decade has been on freenode21:55
clarkbpleia2: thanks, +221:55
sdaguebut I registered my nick just in case21:56
clarkbfungi: same here which is why I don't see this as a painful switch :)21:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add storyboard SSL cert/key/chain  https://review.openstack.org/7640721:57
clarkbI have four server connection in my client with almost 100 buffers open ... whats one more :)21:57
sdaguewell for non wechat folks, we need to spin up another znc cluster21:57
pleia2 /w 12221:57
sdaguewhich is just puppet21:57
fungiit's been very, very many years since i had to figure out how to coerce my irc client to talk to multiple servers/networks and even join the same channels on more than one network21:57
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sdaguebut it's different21:57
clarkbsdague: you don't21:57
clarkbznc can do multiple servers21:57
dansmithclarkb: it's not entirely baked, last I checked21:58
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sdagueI think that with the 2 layer znc setup that dansmith and I have, it might get wonky21:58
clarkbdansmith: iirc morganfainberg has it going now21:58
dansmithsdague: right21:58
fungieven irssi will talk directly to multiple servers/networks and has for more than a decade21:58
clarkb2 layer?21:58
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sdagueclarkb: yeh, a znc for zncs21:58
mordredwe could always run zephyr21:58
dansmithclarkb: all cool people are znc-on-znc, thought you knew21:59
jeblairmordred, clarkb, fungi, pleia2: i am told that i am now the group contact for openstack-* !21:59
sdagueor not21:59
mordredor, zephyr not as good and re-written in xml - jabber21:59
mordredjeblair: WOOT21:59
fungijeblair: congratulations on your promotion!21:59
mordredjeblair: who should I mail scotch to?21:59
pleia2jeblair: hooray!21:59
clarkbdansmith: darn I should learn to bake znc cakes21:59
sdagueclarkb: one znc to connect to freenode21:59
clarkbjeblair: noway21:59
sdaguea bunch of zncs to talk to that21:59
fungii think the last irc client i used which was moderately fiddly for connecting to more than one server at a time was bitchx21:59
sdagueeach for a different client21:59
SlickNikdansmith: What's the hot sell of znc-on-znc?21:59
jeblairit turns out, all we had to do this whole time was ask for help on #oftc! :)21:59
clarkbjeblair: ha22:00
mordredjeblair: silly us22:00
pleia2jeblair: hahah22:00
sdagueso all clients have full scrollback of just what they did not see22:00
dansmithSlickNik: separate buffers for phone, laptop, desktop, tablet22:00
nibalizerjeblair: haaha22:00
clarkbsdague: I solve that problem by using one client :)22:00
* fungi laughed out loud22:00
dansmithsdague: mine is all puppeted so I wasn't going to complain about that :)22:00
fungiit's funey 'cause it's true22:00
SlickNikdansmith: ah, I can now see why that would be useful. :)22:00
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sdaguedansmith: mine is too :)22:00
sdagueI stole your policy22:01
dansmithoh, now I remember22:01
sdagueclarkb: yeh, some of us like prettier fonts :)22:01
dansmithirssi from my phone is not my idea of a good time :)22:01
jeblairsome of us like metal fonts22:01
sdaguejeblair: we can't all be as hardcore as yuo22:01
clarkbdansmith: it works really well, at least compared to andchat22:02
fungithe last replacement git server is ready to go into service now... https://review.openstack.org/7799422:02
clarkbI haven't tried any other native android clients22:02
dansmithclarkb: no notifications in the top bar means it's a no-go for me22:02
clarkbdansmith: ah, so you can get that with weechat using the weechat protocol22:02
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clarkbwhich is silly for other reasons22:02
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clarkbbut totally doable22:03
dansmithclarkb: or just use andchat :)22:03
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dansmithdon't get me wrong, andchat is really annoying, but...22:03
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nibalizerdansmith: i know several friends using notify-my-android and pebble watches22:04
dansmithnibalizer: I'm just not cool enough I guess22:04
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nibalizerdansmith: im not sure the pebble watch is cool, though it is nerd-cool22:05
gondoihi, does anyone know what version of tox is installed on the jenkins setup?22:05
clarkbgondoi: 1.6.122:05
gondoiclarkb: thank you22:05
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Adding support for Django 1.6  https://review.openstack.org/7701522:05
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clarkbgondoi: >=1.7.0 is broken for us right now since upstream made backward incompatible changes22:06
gondoiclarkb: yes I was running into the same thing :D22:07
gondoithanks again22:07
clarkband holger is back according to my irc logs, I will try pinging him tomorrow mroning22:08
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sdagueso is the trippleo gate not registering inuse nodes correctly?22:09
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sdaguebecause the total number of nodes seems to have dropped back down below 75022:10
dtroyerjeblair, clarkb:  this review is wedged on requirements: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/75852/  it is trying to fix the problem that gate-python-openstacksdk-requirement complains about.   Shall we temporarily remove gate-python-openstacksdk-requirement or can you just push it in somehow?22:10
sdagueand I'm assuming that's because the trippleo nodes are not in build state22:10
clarkbdtroyer: you can make your requirements match22:11
dtroyerthat is trying to add the newlines that the job complains is missing.  am I missing something?22:12
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dtroyeroh jeez...22:13
dtroyerI am missing something22:13
clarkboh I actually have no idea what is going on there22:13
sdagueclarkb: upstream requirements.txt lost it's newlines?22:13
clarkbsdague: I don't think so22:14
dtroyerthe version doesn't match...22:14
clarkbsince upstream is global-requirements.txt22:14
clarkbdtroyer: but http://logs.openstack.org/52/75852/1/check/gate-python-openstacksdk-requirements/ff846a9/console.html is complaining about newlines22:14
sdagueclarkb: yeh, the change adds newlines22:15
sdagueunless someone did it on a wonky OS22:15
sdagueand those aren't real newlines22:15
clarkbsdague: that is my guess22:15
jeblairi just registered #openstack-doc!!!!1111one!!122:15
fungijeblair: wow. eleven22:15
clarkbin seattle we go to 12!22:16
clarkbjeblair: have a 1222:16
gondoiclarkb: do you use devpi or any kind of caching with pip?22:16
fungijeblair: how long had you been trying to wrest control of that channel?22:16
gondoiclarkb: also, do you know if it works for requirements pointed at a repo?22:16
fungigondoi: in production we build a restricted-content mirror22:16
jeblairfungi: 2.5 years?22:17
gondoifungi: does that mean you mirror pypi?22:17
fungigondoi: yes, part of it anyway22:17
clarkbfungi: gondoi: but only sort of22:17
fungigondoi: and requirements which use a hyperlink (to tarballs or repositories) are a bad idea at this point... pip 1.5 and later really will give you fits over that22:17
clarkbfungi: gondoi: it is a "mirror" but really more like a display that takes a video feed of pypi and modifies it to be prettier when you look at it22:17
clarkbour "mirror" doesn't mirror external package links but the packages themselves and it will build platform dependent wheels for the platform it is run on22:18
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fungigondoi: we mirror just the parts of pypi which we need to install openstack components and run tests on them22:18
gondoifungi: what type of fits are you talking about... i'm having issues with tox and package installs failing inconsistently22:18
fungigondoi: oh, inconsistency is usually a sign that one or more of the packages you're requiring are hosted on an intermittently broken host22:19
gondoiis there an approved pip cache location? we set jenkins tox to ~/cache/pip in our tox.ini22:19
jeblairand registered openstack-hyper-v and openstack-cinder too22:20
fungigondoi: the fits pip 1.5 and later will give you over hyperlink requirements is that you need to pass extra flags to override its security enforcement (ssl, cert validation, et cetera)22:20
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sdaguedtroyer: oops I raced you with newlines22:20
sdagueyou should stomp over me again22:21
dtroyerok…od showed me 0x0a in the file...22:21
fungiany objections to approving https://review.openstack.org/77994 so i can bring the new git01 online?22:22
clarkbfungi: looking22:22
fungithat will conclude our git server farm replacement22:22
clarkbI say go for it22:22
fungithanks clarkb!22:22
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add puppetdb server to cacti  https://review.openstack.org/7658322:23
fungii'll make sure it's operating sanely under load before i disappear for dinner22:23
clarkbsdague: did ps2 not have newlines?22:24
fungii've got one more catch-up rsync going on docs-draft, and then when i return from dinner i'll swap the mount between the old and new filesystems and do one last rsync (without --delete) to catch stragglers22:24
clarkbfungi: sounds good22:24
sdagueclarkb: dtroyer and I raced22:24
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sdaguewe were both working on patches and pushed22:24
fungionce that's done i can delete the old docs-draft and expand the logs volume22:24
clarkbsdague: oh ha22:24
clarkbsdague: then ps1 was missing them afterall?22:24
sdagueI think so22:24
jeblairand #openstack-manila22:25
dtroyerI also updated the versions within to match global…22:25
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move git01.openstack.org to a new server  https://review.openstack.org/7799422:26
sdaguesilly macs22:26
fungiin other news, the last static jenkins slaves have just been deleted from jenkins01 and jenkins02, so all our jenkins masters except jenkins.o.o are nodepool-only now22:27
fungiwe are twisting all the knobs this week, it seems22:28
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fungialso, this is one SERIOUSLY long board meeting. i may have to miss the end of it to go eat something22:29
sdagueisn't that the definition of those things? :)22:29
clarkbdo these meetings get announced somewhere? I probably need to be on a new ml22:29
clarkbI never catch them until its too late22:29
jeblairclarkb: foundation@lists.o.o22:30
fungiclarkb: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/foundation/2014-February/001643.html22:30
fungiit's *extremely* low-traffic22:30
clarkbthanks that is indeed a ml I am not on22:30
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clarkband if it is low traffic I should just get on it22:30
anteayaare they using asterisk for the meeting?22:30
jeblair[far less than it should be :( ]22:30
fungianteaya: unfortunately not22:30
jeblairanteaya: no, we'd need to do something to mute non-board members for that i think22:30
anteayaI thought that was why we set it up22:31
fungianteaya: webex with a google hangout just in case it's needed22:31
jeblairanteaya: should be possible, but a little more work than we've done so far22:31
* anteaya nods22:31
mordredfungi: it's a full-day meeting22:31
jeblairanteaya, fungi: there should be toll free us/canada numbers22:31
fungianteaya: though i just dial in, lurk in #openstack-board and pull up the etherpad (at least they're using some free/accessible stuff anyway!)22:32
fungimordred: i figured22:32
fungiyour remarks have been insightful as always22:32
sdaguehas there been shouting?22:32
funginot as much as usual...22:33
jeblairanyone know if you can list channels you have registered or where are on the access list?22:33
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ekarlsois the zuul data available in some restish nice ish api ?22:33
jeblairekarlso: it's a json blob22:34
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ekarlsojeblair: available where ? : )22:34
clarkbis openstack-board for the meetings?22:34
anteayayes, I have dialed in before, much point of doing so now?22:34
anteayaare they winding up?22:34
jeblairekarlso: /status.json22:34
sdaguejeblair: /msg nickserv listchans22:35
sdagueI think22:35
fungiclarkb: yeah22:35
jeblairsdague: thanks, that's it!22:35
mordredwow. I own #openstack-bacon apparently22:35
fungianteaya: it's been the defcore working group discussion/update for a few hours now. no idea when it's wrapping up22:36
clarkbfungi: its open now I am there :)22:36
dolphmmordred: congratulations22:36
anteayafungi: ugh22:36
pleia2mordred: you broke StevenK, he's all laughs now22:36
anteayaI think I get enough of that at the tc mmeetings22:36
mordredpleia2: :)22:36
sdaguemordred: now you need to make an incubated project22:37
fungii've heard that the tc never turns down any project for incubation, especially if they bring cookies22:37
clarkbok I am on the list now22:38
StevenKDeploying bacon using Openstack?22:38
clarkbhopefully I will not miss the next meeting22:38
jeblairmordred:  /msg chanserv access #openstack-bacon add openstackinfra +AFRfiorstv22:38
fungiStevenK: even better... openstack-powered bacon22:38
StevenKBacon, with the power of the cloud!22:38
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sdaguebacon should be some sort of naming or relationship service22:38
mordredjeblair: done22:38
sdaguelike kevin bacon22:38
anteayathe /msg nickserv listchans works for me on freenode but not oftc22:38
pleia2anteaya: yeah, they run different services22:39
fungior sir frances22:39
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StevenKThe channel modes are also COMPLETLY different22:39
fungigrr, francis22:39
StevenKBecause Freenode decided to change everything when they rewrote their ircd22:39
fungithey're using charybdis at this point, yeah?22:40
StevenKI stopped keeping track after the second rebase22:40
fungii've been slowly working on moving my servers from dancer-ircd to charybdis22:40
pleia2ircd-seven afaik22:40
fungiahhh, that22:40
StevenKI've been on Freenode since 2001, and the ircd has changed like four times22:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.sphinx to oslosphinx  https://review.openstack.org/7370922:41
sdagueoof, we hit another one of those zuul resets22:41
sdagueat least the nova change landed first22:41
fungiat least we don't lose any changes when that happens, we "just" lose an hour of valuable testing time and hundreds of servers22:42
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fungiand the nova change is what caused it, at least indirectly22:42
sdaguewell the important thing is that merged22:42
fungibecause when you look in the dictionary for the definition of huge, one of the entries is nova's git repository22:43
sdaguemeh, compared to what? :)22:43
jeblairwe could reprioritize that, but i sorta figured that all told it'd be better to avoid the restart22:43
sdagueit's only 20k changes, right22:43
fungii've been using clones of nova to smoke out any potential problems with the git servers22:43
anteayaokay I've got them on speaker phone, where is their etherpad fungi?22:43
clarkbjeblair: ya I agree22:43
fungianteaya: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/unofficial-openstack-bod-march4-201422:43
clarkbthe impact is minimal from a human perspective right now22:44
sdagueclarkb: well the impact is what merges for i322:44
fungijeblair: absolutely. i don't want to restart zuul in the middle of all this if we don't have to22:44
clarkbsdague: meh, at some point we have to stop merging 200 commits on the last day :)22:44
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sdagueonly 100 so far today22:44
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clarkbthere were a bunch of weeks after the summit to do stuff in22:45
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anteayaand clarkb said over 100 yesterday22:45
sdagueyeh, though with a growing number of integrated projects, that really means these are going to grow22:45
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sdagueeven if each project gets better22:45
sdaguewhich, honestly, this doesn't feel like the mad rush of havana22:46
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clarkbsdague: ya this is calm22:46
clarkbI like it22:46
sdagueand 2 oslo.messaging releases today that required changes in nova and keystone to unbreak pep822:46
sdaguehas caused some setbacks22:46
clarkbI am doing code review even22:46
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clarkbsdague: I just reviewed your integrated python jobs change22:46
sdagueI'm mostly keeping nova code moving22:47
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sdagueclarkb: cool22:48
geekinutahjogo: how do I know which filenames I can query in logstash?22:49
geekinutahfor example, I'm trying to query screen-q-dhcp.txt, doesn't seem to be going so well..22:49
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geekinutahnm, found it....22:49
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clarkbgeekinutah: they are listed at https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/files/logstash/jenkins-log-client.yaml22:50
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jogogeekinutah: and if something is missing you can add it there ^22:50
clarkbgeekinutah: you can also write lgostash queries to figure it out in most cases22:50
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fungijust as a heads up, i started some dns cleanup on openstack.org last week... current state of that in case anyone has input on records i didn't delete but can (i left any still pointing to reachable systems)... https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/dns-cleanup-2014-02-2722:50
geekinutahclarkb, jogo: thx22:51
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fungiall total, i deleted a couple hundred cruft records so far22:51
jeblairokay, openstackinfra is now a founder on all the channels i was a founder on; that should be all of the known channels, and that brings its total to 5422:51
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fungijeblair: terrific! also good to know that the right place to request freenode support is oftc ;)22:52
mordredjeblair: thats awesome22:52
clarkbfungi: before you disappaer https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71947/ has a response for you22:53
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add job for testing that hooks work  https://review.openstack.org/7772822:53
* fungi feels so... special22:53
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sdaguejeblair: I think that's right now22:53
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jeblairfungi: thanks for the cleanup22:54
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clarkbby the way, update your gnutls22:55
fungignutls for teh failz22:55
jeblairsdague: missed one thing, left comment, let me know if you want more explanation22:55
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add job for testing that hooks work  https://review.openstack.org/7772822:57
sdagueclarkb: and would you be updating that over an ssl connection...  :)22:57
clarkbsdague: yes apt is affected too22:58
fungisdague: validating the openpgp rsa signature on the package22:58
clarkbsdague: but packages are signed so meh22:58
sdagueyeh, that's true22:59
clarkbfungi: are package signature affected too?22:59
sdaguewhich is actually a better situation than the apple bug22:59
sdagueclarkb: it shouldn't be22:59
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fungiclarkb: shouldn't be, no22:59
clarkbsdague: I didn't think so22:59
clarkbah good so it isn't great but not end of the world like22:59
fungiuses gnupg (1.x has its own internal crypto, 2.x links an extracted libcrypt)23:00
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fungignutls has some non-ssl/tls primitives exposed, but gnupg doesn't use them23:00
pleia2yeah :(23:01
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fungiall's quiet on the western front--time to grab some grub... bbiaw23:03
anteayaso safe to update using apt?23:04
clarkbanteaya: relatively so :)23:04
anteayaas safe as any other method to update?23:05
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anteayaclarkb: and sweston has confirmed brocade does indeed want a 3rd 3rd party testing account: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/128734823:05
anteayasweston: meet clarkb23:05
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clarkbanteaya: thank you for the checking23:05
swestonhi clarkb23:06
anteayaclarkb: np, we had a good chat23:06
* clarkb semi secretly wishes that every company wouldn't need a bajillion test accounts but oh well23:06
anteayaso we have two contacts sweston and shivharis for brocade23:06
swestonclarkb: so we are setting up several systems for parallel testing, across business units23:06
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swestonclarkb: hehe, well not so semi secretly now, right?23:07
swestonclarkb: but we can have just one account if that would make it easier for the infra team23:07
clarkbsweston: no its fine23:07
clarkbI lost the battle long ago. There are valid reasons for different accounts23:07
clarkbits just a bit shocking that 2 months ago there were like 3 accounts total for this stuff and now everyone needs 323:08
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swestonhehe.  I think priorities shifted when requirements changed23:08
anteayaand like I was explaining to sweston we just need to know folks know about each other23:09
anteayaand not creating a situation we are expected to sort out23:09
jeblairmaybe once we get the gerrit upgrade situation sorted out, we can look into a plugin that organizes and displays 3rd party testing results differently to try to better deal with the number of systems we have23:10
clarkbjeblair: ++23:10
sdaguejeblair: yeh, we definitely need a different UI on this23:10
sdagueon the up side, people care!23:10
jeblairsdague: yay!23:11
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swestonso I do have a question on another matter, if now is a decent time to ask?  is launch-node.py meant to work with nova network?23:12
mordredsweston: it does23:12
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anteayamikal has this so far: http://www.rcbops.com/gerrit/reports/neutron-cireport.html23:12
anteayaand the code: https://github.com/rcbau/hacks/tree/master/gerrit23:13
swestonjeblair: I would be interested in helping you with that as well23:13
clarkbjeblair: fungi SergeyLukjanov mordred https://review.openstack.org/#/c/70511/ my comment there is probably somewhat important for changes of that nature23:13
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clarkbjeblair: fungi SergeyLukjanov mordred at the very least we should be pciking up on those thigns so we don't do the maven properties derp again23:13
mordredsweston: we use it against clouds taht run nova-network, and against clouds that run neutron23:13
jeblairsweston: that's great! ping us after we've upgraded to gerrit 2.8.  we're trying to do upstream-first development with gerrit, so we don't end up running a local fork anymore23:15
mroddengerrit > 2.6 scares me23:16
mroddenthey made so many changes23:16
swestonmordred: aha, thank you.  I am running it with Neutron and I had some issues when using it with tenant networks23:16
jeblairmrodden: they did, and i have some serious reservations about the new change screen in 2.9.  but 2.8 on https://review-dev.openstack.org/#/q/status:open,n,z looks pretty promising23:17
mroddeni haven't looked at 2.9 at all yet23:17
swestonjeblair: sweet, that will be a great change!! I guess I can get more information at this weeks infra meeting?23:17
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jeblairsweston: that was a few hours ago, but i'm sure we'll talk about it at the next meeting23:18
swestonmordred: but it helps to know how you are currently using it.23:18
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jeblairactually the new change screen is in 2.8 as well, but we're not making it the default23:19
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clarkbjeblair: 2.9 makes it mandatory right?23:19
mroddensounds like 2.10 it will be the only one23:20
mroddenin 2.1023:20
jeblairyeah.  we're going to need to fix some serious usability issues if we want to move to a version where it's mandatory23:20
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* StevenK sobs about Gerrit some more23:21
swestonjeblair: Okay.  I am adding it to my calendar, so I will be there next week ... please let me know if I can be helpful until then23:21
jeblairsweston: cool.  if you haven't already read them, we have some docs about how the infra team operates (we try to do everything in public and invite participation): http://ci.openstack.org/23:22
swestonjeblair: awesome :-)23:23
jeblairsweston: and zaro is leading the effort to upgrade gerrit, so you might be interested in reviewing his patches: https://review.openstack.org/#/dashboard/698723:23
jeblairsweston: (zaro == Khai Do)23:23
mordredStevenK: what's wrong with gerrit23:24
mroddenthe new change screen is weird...23:24
clarkbjeblair: I should check on my patch upstream, but the ant thing for buck made me really not want to touch it with a 10 foot pole23:24
mroddenand they have these.... icon things...23:24
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jeblairsweston: getting familiar with the config repo so you can help review things there would be extremely helpful for us, and keep you plugged into what we're doing (and of course give you a voice)23:24
StevenKmordred: My major complaint is that they refuse our patches and change everything.23:24
swestonjeblair: I see there are only a few of them, hehe23:24
mordredStevenK: oh! that. yes.23:25
jeblairmrodden: yeah, we're not having avatars.23:25
mordredjeblair: we're not? but avatars make me feel prioritized as an ego23:25
jeblairsticking people's faces into source code is one of the many things that does not make it easier to read (and in fact does the opposite)23:25
mroddensomeone got their social networking tools stuck in my code review tools23:25
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mrodden"how can you -2 my patch with my super awesome smile?!"23:26
swestonjeblair: excellent.  that gives me plenty to do for this week :-)23:27
jeblairsweston: awesome!23:27
mroddenon openstack-infra/config, is there anything that verifies the jenkins job configs actually work in Jenkins? i only see the compare-xml and some zuul stuff23:27
StevenKmrodden: Haha23:27
clarkbmrodden: or to be less than StevenK, there isn't23:29
jeblairmrodden: the compare-xml and layout jobs exercise jjb on the change, so if the jjb syntax breaks, it should show up there.  and theoretically, jjb shouldn't generate an invalid jenkins config23:29
jeblairmrodden: but the resulting job itself doesn't get run or anything23:29
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mroddenok thats what i thought23:30
jeblairmrodden: so usually we land changes to add new jobs as non-voting if we have no idea if they will work, then exercise them, then make them voting23:30
StevenKclarkb: I was laughing at "How can you -2 my patch ...", not the question.23:30
clarkbStevenK: oh :P23:30
mroddenjeblair: yeah that was my next question "how does one test a job..."23:30
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in non-voting sample-config check  https://review.openstack.org/7803823:32
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in non-voting sample-config check  https://review.openstack.org/7803823:34
clarkbmordred: wenlock: re https://review.openstack.org/#/c/51425/ I think the only way that ever gets in is if we have an informal infra change freeze, and work only on getting that through23:37
clarkbmordred: wenlock: otherwise it will constantly be in rebase hell23:37
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morganfainbergdhellmann_, as discussed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/78038/ cc fungi23:40
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wenlockclarkb, im fine for waiting ... as long as i don't have to wait for pigs to fly :D23:43
clarkbwenlock: well I think we need to be more proactive than waiting23:43
clarkband schedule something23:43
wenlockclarkb, that would be fantastic,  the next rebase is going to be rough for us... because it includes a big zuul update23:43
wenlockclarkb, i think i want to give our team some time to consume that latest zuul update....23:44
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wenlockim also wondering if someone has solved the whole behind a firewall thing with pip in another way....23:44
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerrit: Add a Change Owner group  https://review.openstack.org/6513323:45
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clarkbwenlock: you can run a pip mirror23:47
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krotscheckclarkb, have a moment? I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle per-slave npm configuration.23:48
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clarkbkrotscheck: sure23:48
krotscheckThere's basically three places you can load it from. NPM's install directory (which is in a venv), NPM's global path (also in venv), or the current user's home directory (~jenkins)23:49
wenlockclarkb, doh, gotcha23:49
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krotscheckGiven that we really only want the slaves hitting that mirror, I figured option 3 would be best.23:49
wenlockclarkb, i was hoping for something .... well portable23:49
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krotscheck... but jeblair wants it to be a not-hidden file.23:50
clarkbkrotscheck: you put it in /etc though23:50
clarkbwenlock: ya that option isn't great23:51
krotscheckclarkb: Well, right now jenkinsuser puts it in ~/.npmrc23:51
krotscheck... maybe that's ok.23:52
wenlockclarkb, so i guess we just need to schedule... i can propose some dates after getting back with our team.... i want them to make sure we consume latest zuul with that rebase23:52
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clarkbwenlock: for things on our end prior to release candidates happening is probably best23:53
clarkbjeblair: fungi SergeyLukjanov mordred ^ what do you think?23:54
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add NPM mirror  https://review.openstack.org/6881823:54
jeblairi3 is this week, so next week is promising23:54
jeblairmaybe best to put it on the meeting agenda for tuesday and we can schedule a time?23:55
jeblair(targeting next thurs or friday or something?)23:55
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wenlockjeblair, clarkb, that should work....maybe i just need to prep a rebase this week23:57
wenlocki think im flying tuesday23:57
wenlockbut that might be evening, so might be able to make the meeting23:58
jeblairwenlock: if you can't make it, send an email with a proposed time, link to the changes, and rough series of steps and we can arrange it over email23:58
wenlockjeblair, cool23:59
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wenlockjeblair, ive been meaning to learn how to post on the mail list, so i might just do that23:59
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