Monday, 2014-03-03

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ekarlsowhy is the voting for the summit just awful ?00:25
ekarlsoI can't see a list of all talks00:25
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sdagueI'm sort of surprised no one wrote a scraper yet to do that00:44
clarkbits another piece of thing that isn't open right?00:45
clarkbthe summit summit stuff is open00:45
clarkbthe conference summit stuff isn't00:45
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ekarlsosdague: scraper to do what ?00:51
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clarkbekarlso: to make a list of the talks01:12
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add bug for centos6 dns fails
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add bug for centos6 dns fails
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Guest11469I sent an e-mail a week ago to request a CI service account, but no reply. Any body could tell me what to do?02:50
clarkbGuest11469: where did you send it? I can pull it up now and mark it for creation when I get back to work tomorrow02:51
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Guest11469Feb 2402:51
clarkbwe have been quite busy with the ramp up to feature freeze with that taking priority02:51
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anteayaGuest11469: which one is yours?
clarkbthe only one I see from the 24th was requested to be cancelled02:53
clarkbis there another that got stuck in a queue somewhere?02:53
anteayaclarkb: there are three:
Guest11469[OpenStack-Infra] Requesting a Service Account   qsong02:54
anteayathis one is qsong:
clarkbah 'service account' I was searching for other terms02:55
anteayathey all call them something different02:55
anteayamakes them hard to search02:55
clarkbI have them starred now02:55
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fungiahh, yeah i haven't done any since last weekend. i can try to catch up on any pending requests tomorrow02:56
clarkbfungi: I can take a stab at them too02:57
fungilast week was definitely a bit crazy02:57
clarkbsince you have been doing the vast bulk of them02:57
fungiclarkb: feel free02:57
* anteaya nods02:57
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fungiand thanks!02:58
clarkbcurrently flipping through the summit cfp stuff02:59
clarkbsince that appears to be what all the cool kids are doing02:59
fungii did *not* get around to replacing any of the first four git servers this weekend, but have been comparing the cpu/load from those and the new one (05) and there doesn't seem to be a lot of difference02:59
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clarkbthere was a difference on thursday03:00
clarkbor was it friday?03:00
clarkbwhenever we first got the new node in03:00
anteayaI don't think it was friday03:00
fungi05 has been under less load, but the haproxy seems to still be sending more traffic to the first four03:00
clarkbfungi: really? it should be evenly weighted03:00
clarkbit is possible the hash is doing a bad job03:00
fungiso normalizing load average and cpu against traffic levels it seems fairly proportional03:01
fungibut yeah, not sure why the traffic seems imbalanced03:01
clarkbhuh it is, is it possibly related to the repo packing cron?03:01
Guest11469It was my Friday, Beijing time03:01
clarkbeg those other nodes have more data to give?03:01
fungiahh, perhaps so03:02
anteayaGuest11469: we added git05 on Friday, Beijing time?03:02
fungimight be a similar number of requests, thus haproxy doing nothing wrond03:02
fungii do wonder if we should perhaps be repacking daily instead of weekly03:03
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anteayaGuest11469: hi yes, clarkb found your request03:10
anteayahe has it starred, he will address it when he is able03:10
anteayawe have moved on in our discussion and were talking about something else03:10
anteayawe had added an additional git server, git05 to our server farm and we were talking about what day that happened03:11
anteayaI had posted a link to our channel logs which mentioned git05 on Wednesday at 20:42 utc03:12
Guest11469Thx a lt03:12
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anteayano problem03:13
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anteayabeen a long time since the twitter busted03:13
Guest11469Thx a lt03:13
anteayayes, Guest11469 no problem03:13
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anteayaI miss the fail whale though03:14
anteayajust a fail bot03:14
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Require openstack-doc-tools 0.8.2
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sdake_hey all, my check job for oslo.messaging for heat is failing in tempest:
sdake_it is attempting to load a rpc backend that doesn't exist in the source base04:52
sdake_how would I go about fixing that?04:52
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clarkbsdake_: sync it into the code base?04:53
clarkblooks like it comes from oslo someplace04:53
sdake_oslo-incubator has the rpc backend04:53
sdake_the change moves to oslo.messaging from oslo-incubator04:53
sdake_the plugin is not compatible04:53
sdake_whatever is configuring tempest is wrong for htis patch04:53
clarkbthat isn't tempest though, that is heat04:53
clarkbtempest runs in a virtualenv04:53
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sdake_clarkb where does /etc/heat/heat.conf come from?04:54
clarkbfrom heat as copied by devstack04:54
clarkbprobably in devstack/lib/heat04:54
sdake_so devstack needs to be changed first?04:55
clarkbits probably sufficient to chagne the example file in heat04:55
clarkbbut I don't know enough about how devstack deploys heat to have a proper answer04:55
sdake_so just to be clear, its devstack that is deploying the tempest runs?04:56
sdake_thanks, I'll look at the nova lib see how they handled it04:56
clarkbthere is a configure_heat() function in lib/heat it copies heat/etc/heat/api-paste.ini,policy.json,heat.conf.sample then runs a few inisets04:57
sdake_i dont update devstack often - breaks too much :(04:57
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clarkbsdake_: is the problem04:59
jogoclarkb: sdake_:  devstack overwrites that05:00
clarkboh it does, in iniset_rpc_backend05:00
jogosdake_: also your sample config is wrong, it doesn't include the oslo.messaging options05:01
jogolike nova
clarkbjogo: did you see we merged the most openstack commits in a week since we started counting last week?05:02
jogoclarkb: I did!05:02
jogopretty impressive, go team05:02
sdake_jogo the sample is changed in the changeset with generate_sample.sh05:02
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sdake_I dont see how iniset_rpc_backend actually changes it to oslo.messaging05:03
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jogosdake_: your new sample is still wrong,see nova05:04
jogosdake_: yeah not sure, nova has the same issue
clarkbsdake_: I don't think it does, so you may be right. devstack needs an update05:04
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sdake_what I dont get is how nova's oslo.messaging got into the gate05:05
sdake_rather past the gate05:05
jogosdake_: 2014-03-03 03:44:58.933 27408 DEBUG nova.openstack.common.service [-] rpc_backend                    = nova.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu log_opt_values /opt/stack/new/oslo.config/oslo/config/
jogosdake_: I don't know either05:06
jogosdake_: see nova/rpc.py05:07
jogosdake_: line 5305:08
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sdake_thanks transport_aliases05:09
sdake_missed that05:10
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jogomake sense, with backwards compat and all05:10
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openstackgerritTushar Gohad proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add PyECLib as a requirement
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add track chairs mailing list
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openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Remove copyright from empty files
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openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Ruby metrics plugin support added
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openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: ZMQ Event Publisher plugin support added
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Auth Token Middleware
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Install libffi-dev needed for python-glanceclient
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add python jobs for compass-core project
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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Port to Python 3
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Initial support to a custom puppet master server
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ttxSergeyLukjanov, fungi, jeblair: is the thing blocking Barbican incubation request, so would be cool if you could review it in priority13:59
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sdagueshould be pretty straight forward13:59
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sdagueit's nice to be monday before i3 and the gate isn't 100 items and 60 hrs deep14:03
ttxsdague: something is wrong :)14:04
ttxsdague: I find the top-of-queue time (remaining time + time in queue) to be a relatively good metric for queue health. Queue depth is actually less interesting.14:05
ttxDunno how to graph it though14:06
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sdaguewell you'd have to feed that back into something14:06
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sdagueyou can get the json14:06
SergeyLukjanovttx, looking on too14:06
sdaguehonestly, the combination helps figure things out though14:06
fungiSergeyLukjanov: oh,i just approved because there was already a core +2 on the previous patchset and the new patchset seemed to address the concerns you pointed out14:07
sdaguetime in queue for head (in hrs) > queue length / 10 ... things aren't great14:07
SergeyLukjanovfungi, I've already +2'd it ;)14:08
ttxsdague: yes, and currently you're 9 deep, but with time at 53min you're as good as it gets14:08
sdagueactually, right now, I'd define us a very good. Even the neutron failure on the devstack change has heat in the mix14:09
openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Port to Python 3
ttxsdague: we broke a new record in the integrated gate last week:
ttx532 commit in a week14:10
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Auth support
sdaguethough we didn't have any days > 10014:11
sdaguewhich is interesting14:11
fungislow and steady wins the race14:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add DevStack job for Barbican
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, could you please take a look at (it was approved, but it's still not working -
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: "Building remotely on bare-precise-hpcloud-az2-1983455"14:35
fungiSergeyLukjanov: | 164485 | hpcloud-az2        | bare-precise           |           | 1392916435 | 370156                               | 4649455                              | ready | 260.73      |14:35
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fungiso the image being used in az2 is over 10 days old14:36
SergeyLukjanovfungi, where can I find this output?14:36
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fungiwell, i had to check the nodepool cli to get the image list (we should have prep scripts add a mintern-on date in a file somewhere our jobs can cat out to logs)14:37
fungier, minted-on14:37
SergeyLukjanovoh, got it, so, just images should be updated14:38
fungibut anyway, this is that ongoing ticket we have open with hpcloud support about getting connection resets during template server builds in that az14:38
funginormally we rebuild all images nightly14:38
fungibut it works so infrequently in hpcloud-az2 that we end up with images which are weeks old14:38
fungii'll try to whip up a loop to retry for now until we get an actual working one14:38
banixHi; I noticed my devstack patch fails the bash8 check with errors like this: "E020: Function declaration not in format  "^function name {$": 'function _neutron_interface_setup() {'" for all function declaration in my script. I do not seem to find a related entry in What am I missing here? Haven't change the script for a while and it used to pass the check tests.14:41
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banixI see other patches failing with similar errors and then passing later on; don't want to do a recheck no bug unnecessarily; so want to make sure I understand what is happening. Thanks.14:42
fungibanix: it looks like the latest version of bash8 wants you to drop the () from the end of your function name14:43
fungisdague: ^ ?14:44
banixfungi: Oh. I see. thanks!14:44
sdaguefungi: yes14:44
sdaguethought that was pretty self explanatory14:44
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banixThanks; will make the changes.14:45
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driptonI pushed a tag for sqlalchemy-migrate-0.8.3 on Friday, to kick off a new release, but pip is still giving me 0.8.2.  How do I check on the release process?14:45
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dripton(I can see the new tag on github so I know the tagging and pushing of the tag worked, but nothing beyond that.)14:46
fungidripton: was it a signed tag?14:46
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driptonfungi: It was not signed.  Is that the problem?  (I don't think the one for 0.8.2 was signed either.)14:47
fungidripton: just a reminder, the specific workflow for release tagging is
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fungidripton: and yes, we do not trigger any activity on tags which aren't signed14:47
driptonthanks fungi.  I will retry.14:48
fungidripton: you'll probably want to create a signed tag named 0.8.4 since the old unsigned tag can quite easily be cached in a number of places (git clients don't normally check for tags being deleted and replaced)14:48
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fungiin general we recommend against deletion of tags14:49
driptonfungi: agreed.  0.8.414:49
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fungidripton: the good news is that soon i hope to have our build infrastructure validating tags on git repositories and checking them against lists of release managers registered for each project, comparing the built tarballs to the repository state for corresponding tags before upload, and adding an infrastructure server signature for each upload to pypi14:52
driptonfungi: awesome14:52
fungiso the signed tags part becomes even more important at that point14:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix NPM CA Chain issue and port conflict.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix project page.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Updated about page.
jeblairsdague, fungi: any urgent issues?15:15
sdaguenot that I know of15:15
fungijeblair: not that i've seen so far15:15
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sdagueactually, something just went bonkers -
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jeblairtoo late15:17
jeblairno takebacks15:17
sdaguenew sqlalchemy migrate is requiring db2 unconditionally15:17
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jeblairthat's fantastic15:18
sdaguedripton: hey, so can you look at that?15:18
sdagueI expect it's a reaction to your tag going out there15:18
fungidripton: ^15:18
driptonsdague: will look in a sec15:18
sdaguedripton: we're now 100% reseting everything15:18
sdaguefungi: can you delete the new rev from the mirror?15:19
jeblairsdague: we don't devstack-gate sqlalchemy-migrate?15:19
jeblairi don't like the "delete from the mirror" fix15:19
fungiany mirror update will just put it back15:20
sdaguewell, delete from mirror means we don't loose 40 jobs15:20
driptonsdague fungi: I see 'ImportError: No module named ibm_db_sa' though ibm_db_sa is in test-requirements.txt15:20
sdaguedripton: we don't install test-requirements in devstack15:21
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sdaguedripton: so what's the last good version of migrate?15:22
driptonsdague: that explains it.  What do you think of adding ibm_db_sa to requirements.txt15:22
sdaguedripton: we don't put db drivers in requirements.txt15:22
driptonsdague: 0.8.2 was good.  0.8.3 didn't push because I didn't sign the tag.  And 0.8.4 is what's on fire now.15:22
sdagueso, we need to back this out15:22
sdagueand put a devstack job on migrate15:23
sdagueand come up with a solution15:23
fungican that requirement be reverted in sqlalchemy-migrate and 0.8.5 tagged?15:23
fungito fix the rest of the world too while we come up with safer solutions?15:23
jeblairthat ^ is the fastest; global-requirements pinning is the next best15:23
driptonfungi: yes, I can make a brown-bag 0.8.5 without the DB2 patch15:24
sdagueit's a non conditional import15:24
sdaguewhich means it's a fundamentally broken bit of code15:24
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sdaguemigrate can't require that all database drivers that it supports are installed15:24
driptonsdague: you're right, sorry15:25
sdagueno prob15:25
driptonI will tag a 0.8.5 and then we can talk to the IBM folks about the right fix15:25
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jeblaironce 0.8.5 is tagged, i'm okay with removing 0.8.4 from the mirror to get things moving again15:26
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack/requirements: migrate 0.8.4 is bad, block it
sdaguejeblair: so we could just do that15:27
jeblairor that15:27
sdaguewhich just block 0.8.415:27
sdaguehonestly, I think we should do that anyway15:27
jeblairno argument here15:27
driptonsdague: I just pushed 0.8.515:27
sdaguedripton: thanks15:28
sdagueso next up, we should add the tempest job to migrate, so we try migrate in a real environment15:28
jeblairfungi: want to gate-enqueue and promote it?15:29
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fungionce 77614 gets into the gate (unless it fails out on something) there shouldn't be anything else which can update the mirror besides releases15:30
fungiyes, enqueuing now15:30
jeblairi think that will work (as a 2 step: zuul enqueue and zuul promote)15:30
sdaguesure, that will still fail the next hour on the check queue though right?15:30
jeblairsdague: yes15:30
anteayaI filed a bug report:
fungi77614,1 is now at the head of the gate15:31
fungii'll clean up the mirror15:32
fungiit's out of the mirror now too15:32
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anteayawith a spelling error in the title15:32
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for migrate db2 error
sdagueanteaya: oh, I filed a bug as well15:36
jeblairfungi: logs and docs-draft are both around 90% full15:36
anteayasdague: good15:36
jeblairfungi: docs-draft is at 90% inodes15:36
anteayaI can mark mine as dupe15:36
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fungijeblair: i'll add a new couple of pvs and recreate docs-draft with larger inode capacity first before expanding them both15:37
jeblairfungi: fyi: lvs says we have a mit of unallocated space ready to go already too15:38
jeblaira bit15:38
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jeblairfungi: maybe 10x #inodes on docs-draft?  to put it more in line with logs?15:38
fungicool--probably not enough to do a side-by-side rebuild of docs-draft though15:38
fungiand yes, definitely15:39
jeblairfungi: actually, barely; dd is 15:39 < jeblair> fungi: logs and docs-draft are both around 90% full15:39
jeblair15:39 < anteaya> sdague: good15:39
jeblair15:39 < jeblair> fungi: docs-draft is at 90% inodes15:39
jeblair15:39 < anteaya> I can mark mine as dupe15:39
jeblairoh dear15:39
fungithe problem is that while you can grow blocks on ext4, you can't grow inode tables15:39
fungiso i'll need to mkfs a new one to do that15:39
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fungiwhich is why i hadn't previously15:39
jeblairfungi: dd is 815g and there's 824g of free space15:39
fungioh! then i can15:39
fungii'll do that first15:39
jeblairfungi: cool, thanks!15:40
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jeblairfungi: anything i can do with server moves?15:42
jeblairgit0x servers15:42
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fungijeblair: i've got git04 up through step #6 there15:43
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fungiat least some quick eyes on the plan before i press forward with the potentially disrupting bit would be appreciated15:43
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Auth Token Middleware
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add OpenstackID SSL Certs
jeblairfungi: wow look at the cpu usage on git05 compared to the others15:44
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fungijeblair: i was talking to clarkb about that yesterday... compare the network utilization15:46
fungii wonder whether we should be repacking refs daily instead of weekly15:46
fungisuspecting that haproxy is evenly distributing requests, but git05 seems to be dealing with much less network traffic volume15:46
fungieasiest explanation is better packed repositories on 0515:47
fungithough i haven't looked again today to see if the situation has changed15:47
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sdaguefungi: can you check on the er bot?15:48
jeblairsdague: i'll get it15:48
sdagueI haven't seen it say anything in a while, and I wonder if gerrit restart made it wonky15:48
sdaguejeblair: thanks15:48
sdagueI want to make sure it's reporting on the db2 bug, as that will save everyone here a ton of time15:48
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jeblairit is receiving gerrit events15:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for migrate db2 error
jeblairsdague: do you see a problem?15:52
jeblairit seems to be receiving irc messages as well15:52
sdagueI haven't seen it say anything in channel in > 24 hrs15:53
sdagueanyway, stepping away for a bit, biab15:54
fungiit seems to be in the qa channel at least15:55
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fungiso it's not just on the other side of a netsplit15:55
jeblair2014-03-03 15:55:03,271 DEBUG irc.client: TO SERVER: JOIN #openstack-qa15:55
jeblairi think it might just have returned from the other side of a netsplit15:55
fungithat could explain it15:56
fungii didn't look for joinspam from it15:56
jeblairso it was on orwell before, now it's on barjavel15:57
jeblairthere _was_ activity on orwell15:57
jeblairincluding sdague15:57
jeblairsdague: the last message it sent to channel was 2014-03-01 19:23:47,774 DEBUG irc.client: TO SERVER: PRIVMSG #openstack-qa :Console logs not available after 13:39s for check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full 77358,1,5a9df8515:58
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jeblairafter that, it seems to be receiving data from gerrit, rx and tx to irc, and interacting with es15:59
jeblairso i don't know why it hasn't decided to say anything; the logs aren't illuminating there15:59
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support the Post Build Script plugin
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Log recheckwatchbot messages
jeblairsdague, fungi: ^ that might actually let us see recheckwatchbot's log messages.16:08
fungijeblair: change of plans. apparently the 10x inode table reduces the usable space in the new filesystem to less than the contents of the old, so i'll need to add cinder volumes first16:10
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fungi824.00g lv formatted ext4 w/ room for 600m inodes leaves 680g of usable blocks16:12
jeblairah well16:13
fungi~240 bytes per inode table slot16:13
fungier, 256 in fact16:14
jeblairnice round number16:14
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Update README
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jeblairfungi: lgtm16:33
fungijeblair: thanks. i've nearly got the docs-draft rsync going, and then i'll press forward with git04 replacement16:35
fungijeblair: also, i rechecked on friday and the issue we used to have with pypy jobs on py3k-precise nodepool nodes is no longer happening, so i'll throw up a quick change to move those remaining jobs off the old precisepy3k static slaves16:35
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jeblairfungi: cool16:36
fungii still think mordred's proposed change is a useful improvement, even if it's no longer needed to fix this particular thing16:36
jeblairfungi: which is that?16:37
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fungithough it might be a good idea to broaden it to apply to all nodepool nodes16:39
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fungiit's basically the same thing we do in install_puppet.sh16:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: migrate 0.8.4 is bad, block it
sdaguejeblair: ok cool16:43
sdague+1 on the log change16:44
jeblairmattoliverau: oh good morning.  :)16:44
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jeblairmattoliverau: i think the cacti change didn't work16:46
jeblairMar  3 06:53:51 cacti puppet-agent[24168]: (/Stage[main]/Openstack_project::Cacti/File[/etc/apache2/conf-available/cacti.conf]/ensure) change from absent to file failed: Could not set 'file on ensure: cannot generate tempfile `/etc/apache2/conf-available/cacti.conf20140303-24168-11d00ng-9' at /opt/config/production/modules/openstack_project/manifests/cacti.pp:2916:46
banixIs there a bug related to the 'DB sync error' i see in check-grenade-dsvm log for a devstack patch check? I can't find any but can be mistaken…16:47
banixanteaya: Thanks as always! How come I cannot find these myself?!…. See the fix has merged. do i do a recheck no bug here?16:50
anteayarecheck bug 128722916:51
banixanteaya: thanks16:51
anteaya"How come I cannot find these myself?" what do you do when you look for the bug?16:51
anteayawhere did you look and how did you search?16:51
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Remove Branch and Milestone legacy tables
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banixanteaya: Just for my understanding, i have a question; please ignore if busy. When you specify a bug for a recheck, does that affect the check itself at all or it is simply for tracking that the recheck was related to a given bug?16:52
jeblairso one thing we can do to help people find these bugs is to tag them 'gate-bug'16:53
anteayafor tracking that the recheck was related to a given bug16:53
banixanteaya: I looked at the rechecks page and also the devstack bugs which was probably not the right place16:53
anteayabanix: no effect on the check itself, it is just a trigger to say "run the tests again"16:53
anteayabanix: it is a good start16:53
anteayawell done16:53
jeblairi also removed openstack-ci from that bug16:54
anteayajeblair: good point16:54
anteayajeblair: is there a way to check all of launchpad for an error?16:54
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Remove Branch and Milestone legacy tables
anteayaI usually select a project and search one project at a time16:55
jeblairanteaya: i'm not sure i understand the question.  but launchpad bugs has some fairly advanced search criteria16:55
jeblairanteaya: you might want to search all openstack bugs:
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anteayajeblair: thanks16:56
anteayayou gave me what I was looking for16:56
anteayaso banix in the future the link jeblair just posted will be handy for you16:56
fungihas anybody looked into why we haven't been able to build new bare-centos6 images for over a week? if no, i'll dig into it (rax may have changed the base image name or something)16:56
jeblairpleia2: you mentioned you knew a freenode op; i still haven't heard anything about the group contact registration change... do you think we could start bugging them?16:57
jeblairfungi: i have not16:57
banixanteaya, jeblair: thanks.16:58
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pleia2jeblair: I casually spoke with Corey of freenode last week when he was in town, he said he'd "work his magic" but I should formally follow up in a few days16:59
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jeblairpleia2: cool, thanks.16:59
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fungium, nodepoold hasn't updated its image.log since feb 20...17:00
jeblairfungi: it moved17:00
jeblairfungi: to its own subdir so it can be httpd served17:00
fungithanks--found it17:00
fungiyay puppet broken17:01
fungi2014-03-03 02:20:05,892 INFO Could not find dependent Exec[update-java-alternatives] for Package[ant] at /root/config/modules/jenkins/manifests/slave.pp:8617:01
jeblairzaro: ^17:01
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jeblairthat might be related to the buck changes zaro was working on17:02
fungiit would be something we merged ~9 days ago, at any rate17:03
jeblairfungi: you know, once we get the 'sudo on bare nodes' changes merged -- i bet we can make some simple jobs that run "puppet apply" on proposed config changes on each node type17:03
fungiooh, i bet you are right17:03
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: migrate 0.8.4 is bad, block it
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fungijeblair: i assume at this point they're just not approved because slush?17:05
jeblairfungi: ETOOBUSY and then slush i think.  they can probably wait till after i3.17:07
fungii'm all for rebasing/polishing and punching +a on that stack come friday17:08
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jpichHello. Is the trivial rebase script still working? Usually when I click the 'rebase' button and there is no conflict the votes are also carried over, I'm not sure what I did differently this time ( )17:13
jeblairjpich: i'll check17:13
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fungijpich: there's a chance that since the rebase included changes to openstack_dashboard/test/test_data/ within the context of your change (lines 200-209 changed) it couldn't tell they were the same patch17:17
jeblairjpich: i don't see any errors in the logs related to this, so i think it's working; fungi's suggestion sounds reasonable17:18
fungispecifically alterations to lines 208 and 209 would have fallen within the 3-line context of your change on line 21117:18
jpichjeblair, fungi: I see, darn! Thank you for the explanation, I appreciate it17:19
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zarofungi: does that error mean that update-java-alternatives ran on a bare-centos machine?17:25
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fungizaro: i thin it means we tried to install ant on centos, and the ant package is configured with a notify for update-java-alternatives17:26
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sdagueso something I've realized in trying to do a local multinode devstack. Getting some of the services running that way is going to be interesting (and incredibly useful). Like ceilometer couldn't actually setup multinode before the weekend.17:27
fungizaro: so if we want to install ant on centos but not run update-java-alternatives then we either need to use a subscribe (i think that will work?) or have separate package definitions depending on target platform17:27
zaroi see.  i think ant should be on both flavors.  i'll try to propose something using subscribe.17:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: migrate 0.8.4 is bad, block it
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banixanteaya: interestingly, bug 1287229 does not show up on If I search I can find it but when i sort by debug number and also after using advanced search and marking all types of bugs including those with releases fixes, i still do not see it.17:30
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zarofungi: doesn't debian include centos or is it only ubuntu?17:32
fungizaro: centos is in teh red hat family17:32
funginot the debian family17:33
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zarofungi: ahh i see.17:33
jeblairfungi: here's a draft email of a proposal to move to oftc based on your plan:
jeblairclarkb, mordred, fungi, SergeyLukjanov, pleia2: ^ thoughts?17:35
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, looking17:35
jeblairwe can send that to the dev list and then propose a motion to the tc -- probably with similar text but with actual dates17:35
zaroclarkb: morning17:36
fungijeblair: looks great17:36
fungisummarizes what we discussed very well17:37
zarofungi: do you know which version of centos we are spinning up?  5.8 or 6.3?17:37
anteayabanix: what are you searching for? when I put 1287229 in the search input box I get the bug, also if I search for ImportError: No module named ibm_db_sa I get which I about to mark as a duplicate17:37
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clarkbjeblair: I agree makes it seem simple too17:37
pleia2I think the plan is good, but perhaps add more rationale?17:37
fungizaro: 6.517:37
pleia2I fear oftc is only more stable because it's much smaller, it does still have netsplits17:37
jeblairfungi: i was entertaining the idea of switching channels to moderated before/after the move, but it probably would make more sense to not do that and just let people talk instead17:37
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, look great IMO17:38
fungiit seems to (currently and for the recent decade) experience far fewer denial of service attacks17:38
sdaguejeblair: yeh, is this just having a smaller target?17:38
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clarkbpleia2: yes, not being subject to as much attention can't hurt either17:38
jeblairpleia2: it's definitely smaller; about 1/7 the # of online users17:38
sdagueI guess is there a belief that under the same level of attack oftc would respond better?17:38
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pleia2sdague: that's the kind of rationale I'd like to see in the etherpad (if that is the case)17:39
fungisdague: i think there's the belief that oftc is far less attractive of a target since their mission statement is much less general than freenode's17:39
banixanteaya: I can find it through search but i do not see it listed. I thought if I listed all bugs by the bug number I would easily find this one in the list as well.17:39
anteayajeblair: how will channel logging be handled?17:40
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jeblairanteaya: same as ever17:40
anteayain terms of timing when logging starts on oftc and ends on freenode?17:41
jeblairanteaya: ah, i imagine we'd switch the bots at the cutover time17:41
fungialso, lacks the stigma of opn, though that memory has probably faded in the past 11 years17:41
anteayaso no buffer period for logging?17:41
jeblairanteaya: no; i think it's better to do a decisive cut17:42
jeblairanteaya: less chance of confusion17:42
jeblairanteaya: and we can do it on a weekend so there would be little activity during the change itself17:42
jeblair(say 0000 utc on a sunday)17:42
anteayaokay, was that addressed in the etherpad and I missed it?17:42
jeblairanteaya: i think it was implied but we can make it explicit.17:43
anteayaokay, I will look again17:43
anteayayeah, explicit would be great17:44
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clarkbfungi: whats with the inode thing in scrollback? that pops up with little context (I assume because I was on a different side of a netsplit)17:44
anteayabanix: oh, I used search, I didn't go through the bug list17:44
davidlenwellHey guys .. so on new project friday .. I don't think I ended up as a core reviewer to my project17:44
anteayabanix: I don't know what criteria launchpad uses for selecting what bugs to list at
anteayadavidlenwell: what irc name do you want as core-reviewer on refstack?17:45
fungidavidlenwell: we have to manually add members to the groups which get created for each new acl, so we usually wait for people to tell us who to add as the initial member of each group17:46
zaroclarkb: i just spun up a centos 6.3 vm on HP cloud, no yum?17:46
fungidavidlenwell: this is for stackforge/refstack right?17:46
davidlenwellfungi:  yes17:46
zaroclarkb: have you tried that?17:46
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davidlenwellmy irc name isn't exactly what my lp git review user name is17:46
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davidlenwellgit review name is dlenwell17:47
clarkbzaro: I haven't tried it in a long time, but I seem to remember yum existing17:47
fungidavidlenwell: done,members,members17:47
davidlenwellfungi: .. thank you17:47
davidlenwellnow I can +217:48
fungidavidlenwell: you're welcome!17:48
jeblairclarkb, zaro: you may need to "up2date yum" or something to install it.  probably our base puppet modules do that.17:49
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kashyapharlowja,  Heya, python-gerrit-view is packaged for Fedora --
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kashyap(I mean, should be in Rawhide soon, but I know this is not breaking news :-) )17:52
anteaya8 minutes to jaypipes 3rd party ci workshop in -meeting17:52
zaroclarkb, jeblair : sorry, i was mistaken.  it's there. i thought i was logged in but i was not.17:52
harlowjakashyap cool17:52
fungijeblair: clarkb: zaro: it's also worth pointing out that we don't currently have jenkins slaves running centos in hpcloud, just rackspace. though once upon a time some centos-based pbx servers were installed in hpcloud so i expect it's still usable there17:52
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kashyapharlowja, Thanks, I see there's more fixes in there, you plan to make a new release on PyPI soon?17:53
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harlowjakashyap sure can press the button or 2 it takes to do that17:53
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jaypipesanteaya: ty ma'am! :)17:54
kashyapharlowja, Thanks.17:54
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anteayajaypipes: np17:55
fungiclarkb: are we satisfied enough with the new elasticsearch cluster members that it's time to delete the old ones and clean up their dns entries?17:55
fungior are there files on any of them you need to retrieve first?17:55
clarkbfungi: I am satisfied. need to fix index deletion but that doesn't require keeping the old nodes around17:56
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jeblairpleia2, sdague, anteaya: i updated the etherpad; any other thoughts?17:59
davidlenwellSo getting jenkins -1's on a review that aren't making sense to me..  ,
clarkbthe third part ci meeting is starting18:00
* clarkb follows that18:00
jeblairbtw, i didn't go into this in the etherpad, and don't think i need to, but fyi i did all the channel/bot registrations on a recent saturday when i could not connect to freenode at all18:00
clarkbdavidlenwell: you need a tox.ini file18:00
anteayajeblair: lgtm, thanks18:00
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anteayajeblair: a good justification for the move18:01
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pleia2jeblair: it's fine, my rationale comments were mostly so we're prepared for potential objections (moving is a huge pain, "freenode" is hard coded a lot of places and a lot of people still assume Debian lives here even though they moved, need to make sure it's worth it)18:01
harlowjakashyap uploaded18:02
StevenKpleia2: But, but, is a CNAME to irc6.geo.oftc.net18:02
pleia2StevenK: careful, I can throw things at you18:03
StevenKpleia2: I'm not actually trolling?18:03
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pleia2oh :)18:03
kashyapharlowja, Thank you. I'll make a new Fedora release, once the initial package lands in Rawhide18:03
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harlowjak18:03 is also a cname, but sadly people just don't use these cnames all that much, even if they are a lovely idea18:04
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clarkbI just connect to all the servers18:04
pleia2clarkb: well, me too :)18:04
jeblairpleia2: definitely; i mean, my habit is to '/j #software' on freenode for any new piece of software i'm interested in.  so there's a certain network effect here.  i think we're probably large enough that we can swing this kind of a move though...18:04
jeblairpleia2: we're also somewhat self-contained on man of the channels18:05
StevenKpleia2: Right. But it's handy to just point new people at18:05
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pleia2jeblair: fair enough18:05
pleia2StevenK: yeah, it is18:05
jeblairpleia2: but #openstack-infra and #openstack might see some dropoff from casual visitors18:05
pleia2not such a bad thing18:06
harlowjakashyap great, i'll try it out on my fedora box once that lands18:06
jeblairi think we'd want to maintain some kind of a presense in the channels indefitintely, even if it's just having a topic set and bots18:06
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pleia2yeah, I think part of why people get confused about debian is that there is actually an active #debian here that people just end up in18:06
pleia2and it's bigger than the oftc one, heh18:07
fungiit's the decoy ;)18:07
fungi(tarpit, honeypot, pick your term)18:08
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jeblairso perhaps after a time, we should actually moderate the channels to prevent that from happening18:08
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StevenKpleia2: There were a bunch of people who were against moving for Debian18:09
pleia2StevenK: yeah, I remember18:09
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StevenKpleia2: So I'm wondering if they're the core of #debian here, but I don't recall who were the most vocal holdouts18:10
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zarowould anyone be opposed to adding the multiple scm plugin to infra jenkins slaves?18:14
clarkbzaro: what do we need it for?18:15
jeblairzaro: why?18:15
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mordredI'm going to ask the same question - why?18:15
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fungizaro: we already avoid using the git plugin, and almost everything we interact with is in git. if we need to retrieve and build things from another scm, we probably want something like and a builder macro for it?18:16
zaroso obviously the same thing can be done using shell, but using scm plugin seems more in line with how we use the other plugins ?18:17
fungialso, every new jenkins plugin we start using is technical debt we have to repay as we move off jenkins18:18
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zarook. not sure why we use any plugins at all because just about everything can be done in shell.18:19
jeblairzaro: we use almost no plugins18:19
fungithat's the plan18:19
jeblairzaro: and fewer all the time18:19
nibalizerfungi: what are you moving off jenkins to?18:20
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mordrednibalizer: direct build workers attached to zuul18:20
funginibalizer: our infrastructure has been growing new features over time to supplant the pieces we use18:20
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zarogot it.  i'll stick to shell then.  my use case is to scm two git repos to build the gerrit plugins.18:21
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nibalizerokay sweet18:21
mordredzaro: we probably could go back through the plugins we have installed in our jenkins and uninstall/remove the ones we don't use18:21
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fungizaro: in that case it might make more sense to extend to be able to handle multiple repositories18:21
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zarofungi: yes, that's another option.  however it's periodic job so it's not triggering on any repos.18:22
clarkbfungi: zaro: if we allow g-g-p to cloen into a dir we can just call it more than once18:22
jeblairor you can do what we already do in this case and cd into a dir, then call ggp.18:23
fungias for how we use other plugins, the only ones i remember adding (gearman, zeromq, scp) are there to help wean our current use cases off of jenkins18:23
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add support for running with a custom regex filter
mtreinishjaypipes, jeblair: ^^^18:24
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jaypipesthat was quick, thx mtreinish18:25
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mtreinishjaypipes: well hopefully it works I just kinda typed and then pushed it for review :)18:26
zaroi don't think i can do this job with g-g-p
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jeblairzaro: yeah, you don't need ggp for that.  what you have looks like the way to do it18:29
jeblairzaro: one thing though -- you could clone gerrit from /opt/git/gerrit, and then update the repo18:30
jeblairzaro: would be faster and more reliable18:30
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Install curl on elasticsearch nodes.
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clarkbfungi: ^ should fix index deletion18:31
mtreinishsdague: is there a reason we don't run bash8 on devstack-gate?18:31
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Decoupled API story and task creation.
clarkbI was going to try and make sure curl was installed everywhere but that is a bit of a chore18:31
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sdaguemtreinish: because it hasn't been extracted yet18:32
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sdagueand I mostly wanted to make sure it was welcome there before I went through the effort18:32
mtreinishsdague: well, I'd have no complaints about it being run there18:33
zulhey guys 1.2.2 should hit the cloud archive this week before i go on vacation at least18:33
sdaguemtreinish: sure, the core review team should ack it though18:33
anteayazul hey thanks18:33
fungiclarkb: lgtm. are you sure you don't want to futureproof it with an ifndef block though, since we're entirely likely to add it somewhere deeper down the tree eventually as we add more pvhvm nodes?18:35
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clarkbfungi: not now, there are a bunch of other places that need ifndefs too18:35
clarkbwe can fix them together18:35
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clarkbzul: woot, though with feature freeze this week I wonder if we can update to that18:36
* clarkb leaves that decision up to others18:36
zulclarkb: ill be unavailable next week so you might want to bug jamespage, hallyn, or smoser about it next week (ill be off the grid)18:36
* jamespage takes the pass from zul18:37
anteayazul: what country will you be off the grid in?18:38
zulanteaya: florida18:38
zulmust escape the cold18:38
anteayahopefully no snowstorms down there18:38
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anteayayeah she has been a bit stiff this winter18:38
zarojeblair: hmm. i don't understand how it's possible to clone from /opt/git/gerrit.  does that mean that git repos are mirrored on every jenkins slave?18:38
jeblairzaro: yes18:39
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zarojeblair: ohh, didn't know that.18:39
jeblairzaro: but they are only updated once a day (at most, sometimes longer), so you need to update from git.o.o after cloning.18:39
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alexpilottijeblair: hi18:46
alexpilottijeblair: by looking at this link, Hyper-V is not included18:47
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alexpilottijeblair: we're currently providing CI for Neutron as well, beside Nova18:48
mriedemsdague: ping on migrate tempest job when you're back18:48
alexpilottijeblair: and I was wondering if are missing something :-)18:48
jeblairalexpilotti: i have no idea what that is18:49
alexpilottijeblair: ok tx :-)18:49
jeblairalexpilotti: it looks like a rackspace thing18:49
alexpilottijeblair: generally speaking, do you know if we need to do anything specific to be "enlisted" as Neutron CI?18:50
jeblairalexpilotti: we don't keep track of ci systems by project at the moment, so once you have an account you can vote on anything18:51
alexpilottijeblair: ok perfect, I was supposing that, but I preferred to ask for confirmation18:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Install curl on elasticsearch nodes.
sdaguemriedem: so I think you just want a new job template -
sdaguewhich is named name: '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-full-sqla-migrate'18:52
sdagueor something, basically a unique name18:52
sdaguethen set up the tempest params in there, probably the tempest-dsvm-full job is fine to copy18:53
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewday: Add JSON link and fix header
sdagueif you want to go hard core, it would be nice to have a version which installs a specific version of sqla up front, to have a 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9 job18:54
fungialexpilotti: you're looking for mikal18:54
mriedemsdague: i'm hoping to be softcore on the initial attempt18:54
fungimikal: would be nice if those third-party ci reports included a contact link for the responsible party18:55
fungimikal: e.g. you18:55
jeblairmikal: or if they are useful and people are making desicions based on them, maybe run them in infra, with a configuration file that anyone can update18:55
mriedemsdague: definitely < 0.9 for now given global-requiremnets
fungimikal: otherwise people just seem to assume we control the entire universe ;)18:55
sdagueso copy the tempest-dsvm-full job to and sqla specific one18:55
sdagueadd it to they layout.yaml18:55
alexpilottifungi: tx, tried to ping mikal on -dev, afaik he lives in oz, possible?18:55
sdagueand then we also need to sort getting migrate there in git format18:56
fungialexpilotti: it may be sleepy-time for mikal at this point, but try later when he wakes up18:56
fungialexpilotti: also, mattoliverau and jhesketh may be able to throw things at him... not sure18:56
alexpilottifungi: tx, I'll try later!18:57
sdaguefungi: how do we handled that for stackforge projects?18:57
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clarkbsdague: ideally we don't copy jobs, if you need a 1:1 copy with a different name you just change the branch designator18:58
clarkbwhich is probably poorly named at this point18:58
sdagueclarkb: ok18:58
sdaguethat's news to me18:58
clarkbthat is what the wsme pecan jobs do18:58
clarkbbut if you need to do something special like install different version of sqlalchmey you may need a new job18:58
clarkbsdague: it was a big part of the job refactor over the holidays18:58
sdagueclarkb: that works with tempest jobs?18:59
clarkbsdague: yeah18:59
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sdagueI'm actually trying to find an instance as an example18:59
clarkbsdague: wsme/pecan18:59
mriedemsdague: clarkb: so i'm looking at '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-full{branch-designator}'18:59
clarkbpretty sure they are doing it18:59
sdagueclarkb: doesn't look like19:00
sdagueonly tox jobs19:00
clarkbhmm maybe we never got that far with them19:00
clarkbsdague: ironic does it to have different names for voting and non voting19:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Test for email-ext publisher
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add attachment pattern expression to email-ext.
mriedemi see two ironic jobs in devstack-gate.yaml, one for postgres and one that isn't19:01
mriedemassuming defaults to mysql?19:01
sdaguemriedem: yeh, we consider mysql default19:02
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jaypipesfungi, jeblair, sdague, mtreinish, anteaya: ty all for the help in the 3rd party testing meeting! much appreciated :)19:03
sdagueyep, no problem19:03
anteayajaypipes: it went very well19:03
mriedemsdague: ok so just go back to looking at '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-full{branch-designator}' ? for example i see a marconi one: '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-marconi{branch-designator}'19:03
anteayaand now some have moved to -dev, even better19:03
jeblairjaypipes: np; it looked like it was (and will continue to be) really useful19:04
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fungijaypipes: thank you for organizing it!19:04
akerrHey guys, trying to get a service account set up for the 3rd party testing.  Could someone pls review ?   thx :)19:04
sdagueclarkb: so where do you specify branch-designator ?19:04
sdaguebecause I assume the point is to be able to just reuse those jobs in layout.yaml19:05
clarkbsdague: in projects.yaml where you instantiate the template19:05
clarkbfungi: is up to date with the access levels we are giving third party testing accounts?19:05
sdagueclarkb: got a pointer? I'm failing on grep19:05
fungiclarkb: it is19:05
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fungiakerr: i believe clarkb is planning to catch up the third-party ci service account requests soon19:06
akerrfungi: cool.  thx19:06
clarkbsdague: ironic
sdagueoh, it's in projects19:07
fungiakerr: sorry about the delay. it's been about a week since we've added any, and we tend to go through the requests in batches19:07
akerrgot ya19:07
kevinbentonHi. Is there a known bug for not being able to install setuptools-git for py26? (
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kevinbentonI didn't see anything obvious on the rechecks pags19:08
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fungikevinbenton: the real error there is "Cannot fetch index base URL
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jgriffithfungi: This everything you need:
jgriffithminus the funky scrubbing it did19:09
kevinbentonfungi: oh okay. i see it now. thanks19:09
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fungijgriffith: looks fine, though if i were processing it i's probably request a full name of "SolidFire CI"19:09
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clarkbdo we use setuptools git anymore?19:10
clarkbmordred: ^19:10
fungijgriffith: it can (and usually does) include spaces, and the "OpenStack" there is pretty redundant since this is an account on the openstack gerrit19:10
jgriffithfungi: good point19:10
akerrjust a general question, I've noticed that jenkins seems to be kicking off check tests for any update to a code review, not just "recheck xyz" updates.  Is this a known issue?19:10
sdagueakerr: that's working as designed19:11
jgriffithfungi: I'll just reply to the original message tehn assuming it hasn't been acted on yet19:11
sdagueso that we have fresh test results19:11
akerrsdague: is that new?19:11
fungiakerr: it's intentional if the change has gone more than 72 hours without a check, or if the change has gone less than 24 hours without a check and has just gotten approved19:11
sdagueit's not every change, it's if the test results are 3 days old19:11
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add tempest job to sqla-migrate
sdagueclarkb: like that ^^^^19:11
akerrok, maybe I just never noticed it before19:12
clarkbsdague: yup, then add it to zuul's layout.yaml under sqlalchemy and whatever else19:12
fungiakerr: grr... "or if the change has gone MORE than 24 hours without a check and has just gotten approved"19:12
fungiakerr: we just started doing that a few weeks ago, so fairly new behavior19:12
clarkbakerr: ok you are first up since you are in channel19:12
sdagueclarkb: so lastly, strategy for getting migrate on the disk?19:12
sdagueshould we be using a gate hook to get the git tree there?19:12
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fungiclarkb: well, jgriffith's in channel too, but akerr spoke up first ;)19:13
clarkbsdague: it should already be on disk since it is a gerrit project. Trick is making devstack use it19:13
jeblairadd it to PROJECTS var?19:13
sdaguejeblair: sure, I wasn't sure if that was kosher for stuff in stackforge19:13
jeblairsdague: not in devstack-gate, but yes in the jjb definition for the job19:14
sdagueok, then we can't just use the full job19:14
akerrclarkb: sorry first up for?19:14
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jeblairclarkb: but then, yeah, something needs to actually install it from the git repo -- that could be a pre-gate-hook or a devstack hook (like the other stackforge projects use to get themselves installed)19:15
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jeblairsdague: that implication sounds correct to me19:15
mriedemsdague: for example i'm looking at barbican.yaml for the job template there19:16
mriedemsdague: export PROJECTS="stackforge/barbican $PROJECTS"19:16
mriedemi'm kind of lost, but that's what i was looking at duplicating19:16
clarkbakerr: for account creation. You have a third party test account now19:17
fungiakerr: first in line for getting your service account request... services19:17
akerrclarkb, fungi: ahh, thanks!19:17
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kevinbentoni have one more quick question, i ran reverify on and now it's showing up in 'check' instead of 'gate'19:18
kevinbentonshouldn't it be in gate?19:18
fungithe docs-draft rsync is slow... so many inodes in there. a little over 10% completed at this point, i think19:18
anteayakevinbenton: yes it does that autmatically19:18
anteayakevinbenton: if it passes check it will move to gate19:18
fungikevinbenton: it will get put back through check and if it gets a +1 there then it gets moved into the gate automatically19:18
kevinbentonoh i see. is that to prevent a flaky job from wrecking the chain in gate?19:19
fungikevinbenton: yes, and also may allow us to enforce different sets of jobs in check and gate if we like19:19
sdaguemriedem: so copy barbican, but delete the enabled services lines, and copy the env variables that tempest-full creates19:19
sdagueI think that gives us the right thing19:19
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mriedemsdague: ok you going to drop this?
fungikevinbenton: the idea being that we may have some jobs which are fairly independent of the rest of the openstack components (like style and static analysis, maybe also unit tests and doc builds) and others which are not (like devstack integration tests and functional testing)19:21
sdagueabandoning now19:21
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fungikevinbenton: so the first set could be enforced entirely in the check pipeline that way, if we wanted19:21
sdaguealso, reviewers were not paying attention to code having very old test results before approving, so this is added protection19:22
clarkbfungi: for requests that want spaces in usernames and the like are you just using something sane instead like s/ /-/ ?19:22
* clarkb wants to be consistent19:22
jgriffithclarkb: I updated req19:22
jgriffithclarkb: just made it "SolidFire CI"19:22
clarkbjgriffith: ok19:23
jgriffithclarkb: if that helps19:23
kevinbentoni see. but the check job still isn't rebased against master, right?19:23
jgriffithclarkb: oh... username... OK, ignore me19:23
anteayakevinbenton: the check job isn't rebased against anything19:23
clarkbjgriffith: yeah your username is fine :)19:23
fungiclarkb: usually yes, and lowercasing them and shortening them if they've picked something crazy long (like leaving out the word openstack if they included it)19:23
clarkbjgriffith: I am taking stock of others, just about to do yours19:23
anteayakevinbenton: the check job runs, jenkins votes -1 or +119:24
anteayakevinbenton: if +1, the job moves to the gate, if it has a +A19:24
fungikevinbenton: check jobs are in fact cherry-picked onto the tip of their target branch, or onto a dependent change if they have one19:24
clarkbjgriffith: done19:24
fungikevinbenton: well, not cherry-picked but merged. which is why you may sometimes get check failures about being unable to merge19:25
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kevinbentonfungi: ok. makes sense19:25
fungibasically indicates a merge conflict, in which case you may need to do some conflict resolution to rebase it manually19:25
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akerrclarkb: these service accounts are not full fledged launchpad accounts, correct?  So I could not for example log in as NetApp CI?19:28
clarkbakerr: they are gerrit service accounts so only exist on gerrit. You will not be able to login to the web ui via launchpad openid19:29
fungiakerr: you will be unable to use them for anything except interaction via the ssh api19:29
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akerrclarkb, fungi: got it, thanks19:29
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mriedemsdague: i see that gate-barbican-devstack-dsvm only runs in the check queue?19:30
mriedemsdague: wouldn't i want gate-sqlalchemy-migrate-devstack-dsvm to run in check and gate?19:30
fungiakerr: which is also why you won't be able to update things like e-mail address and ssh key on them yourself, so if that ends up being needed (try to do what you need to so you can make sure it isn't needed), let us know and we can change it for you19:30
akerrfungi: noted, thanks19:31
mordredclarkb: no19:31
mordredclarkb: we do not use setuptools-git anymore. it's possible that something in grizzly still uses it19:31
fungiakerr: in particular, please back up the corresponding private half of your ssh key19:31
mgagnethanks to whoever cleaned up the JJB changes queue19:31
mgagne(JJB, the project)19:32
clarkbfungi: for would you change the username to brocade-ci?19:32
clarkbfungi: also, do we want to request people not use personal email addresses?19:33
fungiclarkb: i probably would have just used that ssh username as is. and i don't usually push back on personal e-mail addresses unless they're already in use for another account in gerrit19:34
clarkbfungi: wfm thanks19:34
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tempest full job to sqlalchemy-migrate
fungisince some of these people may be unable to get dedicated ssh aliases from their employers for it... but then again that's usually an easier hurdle to jump than web hosting for their logs :/19:35
mriedemsdague: clarkb: ^ first draft19:35
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fungier, dedicated e-mail aliases19:35
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fungiokay, i'm downing git04 through the haproxy control socket, preparing to replace it shortly19:36
clarkbfungi: I think my concern is $person leaves company now all lines of communication are severed19:36
clarkbbut we can deal with that if/when it happens since the alias problem you point out is a thing19:36
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StevenKfungi: So git04 is broken?19:36
pleia2hmm, is slave.pp used for the python slaves too, or just nodepool stuff?19:36
fungiclarkb: yeah, but we have another, heavier cudgel to wield there. we turn off the account19:36
pleia2asking because broke redhat/fedora19:36
fungiclarkb: and then let the new responsible party come asking19:37
pleia2I'm working on a patch now19:37
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fungiStevenK: no, we're systematically swapping out all the existing git pool members for performance pvhvm servers19:37
clarkbpleia2: it is used by all slaves19:37
clarkbpleia2: also :(19:37
StevenKfungi: Ahh, nice.19:37
fungiStevenK: we added a fifth one first to help carry the drops in capacity19:38
pleia2clarkb: so we might have a problem next time we try to bring up a centos slave, I'll make sure my match works with centos as well19:38
fungiclarkb: btw, load averages for the git server farm, all lined up for comparison...
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anteayaclarkb: brocade tempest exists:,members19:39
fungigit05 does still look to be consistently less loaded19:39
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clarkbanteaya: this is a different account19:41
anteayaah okay19:41
fungianteaya: clarkb: agreed, it might make sense to follow up to that request getting confirmation that they know they each exist (so that we can turn off the other one of it's defunct)19:41
fungiif it's defunct19:42
clarkbanteaya: did you want to do ^ ? I can if you don't have time19:42
fungior reassign it or whatever19:42
sdaguemriedem: so the last thing we need is to get it to run install19:42
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anteayaclarkb: I will start by asking in -neutron19:43
clarkbanteaya: sounds good, thanks19:43
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mriedemsdague: i see some of the stackforge projects have pre/post test hook scripts in their job template19:43
mriedemis that where the migrate code would be installed?19:43
sdagueyeh pre_test_hook19:44
sdaguethat happens at the right time19:44
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mriedemcd /opt/stack/new/sqlalchemy-migrate/19:44
mriedempython install19:44
sdaguesudo python install19:44
mriedemah right19:44
mordredsudo pip install .19:44
mordredbut yeah19:44
sdagueor what mordred says19:44
mordred(it SHOULD be the same, but better safe than sorry)19:44
clarkbsdague++ "Telling everyone they have silent data corruption is not a good default"19:45
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tempest full job to sqlalchemy-migrate
anteayaclarkb: I might not hear back until closer to neutron meeting but I think someone should be around then, might be an hour19:47
clarkbanteaya: no rush19:47
anteayaI think I will go for a walk now19:47
anteayaback later19:48
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix update java alternatives on redhat systems
zarofungi: ^19:54
pleia2zaro: ah, I was just working on the same thing :)19:55
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pleia2zaro: we'll need a conditional for fedora too, I'll make a comment19:55
fungizaro: pleia2: do centos/fedora use that /etc/alternatives/java link? that's not just a debianism?19:56
zaropleia2: isn't already there? slave.pp line 96?19:56
sdagueclarkb: can you give this a look -
pleia2fungi: it does19:57
pleia2zaro: yes, there is a conditional but we'll need a different alternatives line, fedora and centos differ19:57
clarkbfungi: btw I deleted two more indexes by hand. Once we have the curl change in this will happen automagically19:57
fungiclarkb: i thought i approved it?19:57
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clarkbfungi: oh did you? I have been multiplexing too much stuff this morning to keep up19:58
clarkbin that case we should be good going forward now :)19:58
fungiclarkb: yeah, scrollback says gerritbot commented on it merging at 18:51 utc, so it's been installed for right at one hour now19:59
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* fungi checked because he doesn't trust his own memory20:00
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kashyapharlowja, When you have a moment, and if you're feeling adventurous, I just pushed a build here --
clarkbsdague: mriedem reviewed20:01
fungioutbound traffic for git04 is flatlined now, so i'm updating dns records in rackspace20:01
kashyapharlowja, (If it asks for gerritlib -- They all should show up in regular Rawhide repos, but just noting them here.20:01
harlowjakashyap k, i can try that out on fedora box, see what happens :-P20:01
kashyapharlowja, The earth stops spinning :-)20:02
sdagueclarkb: cool20:02
sdaguemriedem: so just pull the gate line, then we should be good20:02
harlowjakashyap it might!20:02
kashyapharlowja, I'm hitting the hay. You can leave feedback here, I'll pick it up async tomm. Thanks, again.20:03
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mriedemsdague: clarkb: ok thanks20:05
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clarkbfungi: re did you happen to run that during any of the project creation friday runs?20:15
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clarkbfungi: if that fixes an actual problem I have a hunch that it will fix the non orchestration bits around manage-projects that have been bugging us20:15
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fungiclarkb: not that one... it showed up after i'd fired off the last batch20:15
fungiclarkb: figure we can give it a spin in a few days if you want to take a turn at it20:16
clarkbfungi: thats what I thought, thanks20:16
clarkbsounds good20:16
fungiman... nova delete of those old elasticsearch nodes sure is taking a while20:16
fungimust be those huge root filesystems20:17
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zaropleia2: what is the javac path in fedora?20:19
zaropleia2: ohh, i'm gonna guess it's just /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
pleia2zaro: there is no javac, just java20:21
pleia2and that is at /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
pleia2I'm not seeing javac in centos either though20:22
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zaroyou need to yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel to get javac20:24
pleia2ah, ok, let me check that20:24
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pleia2zaro: ok right, you want /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
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mikalfungi / jeblair: the plan is to move turbo hipster over to you, but it needs some unfinished nodepool work first.20:44
mikalI'm not sure in zuul how I append a message to the end of every vote? Do you have an example of that somewhere?20:44
mikalHappy to do it if I can figure out how20:45
fungimikal: that may not (yet) be configurable. i'm looking20:46
fungiclarkb: something just sent the logstash job queue through the roof...20:46
anteayaclarkb: brocade wants to have 2 separate accounts20:47
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sdagueclarkb: so logstash queue is getting to 25k now20:51
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fungibigdesk says the cluster is green20:53
fungiand i don't see any missing logstash workers20:53
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fungiclarkb: is it possible there's some lingering reference on the logstash workers to the old es cluster members i deleted?20:55
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sdagueit started a near linear growth path a little before noon est20:55
fungithough this looks from the graph like it started before i deleted the dns entries and servers20:55
fungimaybe more like around the time you cleaned up the old indexes?20:56
anteayawould that be the curl change?20:56
fungithough really, this looks mostly like it started picking up shortly on the heels of an increase in zuul jobs launched20:57
fungiso it could just be that we're chewing through that20:58
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mikalfungi: yeah, I think we haven't done it because I couldn't figure out how to with zuul21:00
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zaropleia2: commented on
fungimikal: you may be looking for zuul.scheduler.BasePipelineManager.formatReport()21:08
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fungimikal: likely want to add a configurable option at the end of that method which can be used to append an optional footer message?21:08
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mikalfungi: I suspect so. I will try and trick jhesketh into doing that I think.21:10
mikalI'm in a two hour teleconf this morning, so I don't think I'll get to it21:10
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fungimikal: whitewashing this fence sure is fun!21:11
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clarkbanteaya: they just requiested a third too21:15
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anteayaclarkb: did they?21:16
anteayado you have a link?21:16
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Decoupled API story and task creation.
clarkbanteaya: ya give me a minute21:17
clarkbfungi: sdague: I think we simply don't have enough worker nodes to keep up at this point21:17
clarkbfungi: sdague: now that we have everything else stable they are able to keep running but don't have enough cycles21:17
fungiclarkb: yeah, that seems like the most probable answer21:17
jeblairclarkb: logstash-worker nodes?21:17
clarkbjeblair: yeah21:18
jeblairclarkb: is logstash the bottleneck or the pusher (crm114?)21:18
sdaguethis doesnt' seem like an incredibly heavy day, so that's concerning21:18
clarkbjeblair: I am not sure yet. I did have to bump the logstash heap size to 2gb to get them mostly stable21:18
* clarkb just got back from lunch and am trying to catch up21:19
jeblairclarkb: me too, i'm not exactly ahead of you21:19
sdaguewell, before I loose folks to diving in there -
sdaguethat's the migrate tempest job add21:20
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sdaguewhich I think we should land as soon as people are happy with it, so the migrate folks can work on building a functioning 0.8.621:20
anteayaclarkb: thanks, asking21:21
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jeblairsdague: will we want to support multiple openstack branches?  (eg, test sqla-m against stable/*)21:22
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sdaguejeblair: eventually, sure21:23
sdagueright now I'd like to see if we get anything working :)21:23
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jeblairk, there's a half-in half-out thing in there, so i wanted to know whether to suggest to remove or add; will suggest add21:24
clarkbjeblair: fungi: I can try starting a third jenkins-log-worker on each logstash-worker host, but I think that will be getting into fun memory contrainment territory21:24
clarkbI guess I can go node by node and only turn it on if the memory use isn't terrible21:24
jeblairclarkb: are we at 2/per now?21:25
clarkbjeblair: yes21:25
fungiclarkb: seems worth a shot21:25
anteayaclarkb: my brocade contact will investigate the account request in the bug report and I have asked that the bug report be updated and then you or I are pinged21:25
anteayashivharis is my contact21:25
clarkbanteaya: perfect, thanks21:25
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anteayaany other requests seem odd or you need more info, let me know21:25
fungianteaya: cool. shivharis was also the one who requested that very first service account, so hopefully has some insight/history there21:25
anteayafungi: yes, I to have the same hope21:26
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dolphmso, i'd like to create a feature branch from keystone's current master -- i assume i need to push directly to do i have permission to do that?21:26
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jeblairdolphm: have you used a feature branch with keystone before?21:27
dolphmjeblair: i don't believe so21:27
dolphmdefinitely not recently21:27
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morganfainbergjeblair, we have v3 as a feature branch lingering around (we should clean that up?)21:28
jeblairmorganfainberg: ah, yeah, if you're done with it we should21:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix API launch
jeblairdolphm: so read this strangely named section:
jeblairdolphm: which basically covers how to keep feature branches in gerrit up to date with master (via proposing merge commits to gerrit)21:29
dolphmjeblair: thanks -- i definitely glossed over that section when googling for existing docs...21:29
jeblairdolphm: as well as how to finally merge the feature into master when you are done21:29
jeblairdolphm: basically it's just that, and i push a button in gerrit to actually make the branch21:30
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dolphmjeblair: ah, let's start with that then21:30
jeblairdolphm: if any other openstack projects need to evolve with this, if they have an identically named feature branch zuul will test them together21:31
jeblairdolphm: what should the name be?21:31
dolphmjeblair: i was running with "key-dist"21:31
dolphmjeblair: (key distribution service)21:32
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jeblairmorganfainberg, dolphm: it looks like feature/keystone-v3 tip is merged into master, so i'll just delete the branch.  sound good?21:32
dolphmjeblair: yes!21:33
jeblairdolphm: done and done21:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move to a new server
clarkbfungi: jeblair: I started C proceses on all nodes except 8,11, and 15. Those three looked quite constrained21:34
dolphmjeblair: perfect! i've got it tracked locally21:34
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clarkb12 extra processes should help us determine if the bottlneck is in those proceses or logstash21:35
anteayaclarkb: thanks for creating those accounts, so latest batch of accounts finished for now?21:36
clarkbanteaya: except for that brocade one in the bug above I think I got all of them21:36
clarkbI searched for service account and thirdparty in my mail21:37
clarkbthere was another but they sent a second message cancelling it21:37
anteayaclarkb: awesome thank you21:37
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anteayaI feel so much better that they are non-voting by default21:38
fungias soon as 76908 makes it to the haproxy server i'll enable git04 in the pool21:39
fungialso, we're about 20% done on the docs-draft rsync21:40
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clarkbjeblair: is your add against going to carry a -1? I wont approve it if so21:42
jeblairclarkb: i'm just going to push a new patchset21:42
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clarkbjeblair: wfm21:42
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jeblairbecause i have to type pretty much the same thing anyway21:42
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tempest full job to sqlalchemy-migrate
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jeblairmriedem, sdague: ^ take a look at that21:45
anteayamorning jhesketh_21:47
anteayamikal: might let you watch him whitewash a fence21:47
anteayaif you are lucky21:47
fungiit's too fun to just watch. i bet mikal would even let him take over21:48
anteayahe might have to pay to actually take over21:48
fungiwell, sure21:48
anteayaI had to give him an apple and my best fishing lure for my turn21:48
mikaljhesketh_: so... I have a plan! And I need to trick you into doing it.21:49
jhesketh_uh oh21:49
mikaljhesketh_: we need to append to the end of the reports that zuul makes our contact details. So I think we need a new config file thingie, and a tweak to the reporter.21:50
mikaljhesketh_: Luckily, jeblair and fungi have promised to code review with extreme vigor your patch21:50
anteayamikal: visited yoda lately you have?21:50
fungithe same extreme vigor with which we review all patches, i'm sure21:51
jhesketh_that's sensible21:51
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jhesketh_anteaya: I'm guessing this is related to the CI requirements I've seen go past21:51
mikalfungi: well, everytime someone complains, I'm just pointing at you...21:52
jhesketh_has there been any suggestion of format?21:52
anteayaI think this is related to the long term view of jenkinless infra21:52
mikaljhesketh_: Just a strign I think21:52
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anteayawhen zuul rules the world with trusty turbo-hipster at it's side21:52
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anteayamikal: if this a response to a complaint then I missed the complaint21:53
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Decoupled API story and task creation.
jhesketh_mikal: Just a configurable string at the end of each report?21:53
mikalanteaya: fungi called me on turbo-hipser not having contact details in its comments, so I asked how to do that in zuul, and it turns out to not currently be possible.21:53
mikaljhesketh_: yep21:53
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anteayamostly I wanted in on the tom sawyer reference21:54
anteayafungi's set up was too good to miss out on21:54
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: dequeue abandoned changes
anteayaand now I know more than I did before21:55
anteayathank you21:55
fungianteaya: in this case it's more related to third-party ci being able to add boilerplate commentary besides what success-message and failure-message allow21:55
anteayaand yes if we can get some good boilerplate rather than everyone mixing their own it will be easier to parse their offerings21:56
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Auth support
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fungimikal: jhesketh_: though before you spend too mych time on it, first make doubly-sure that you can't already accomplish what you need with the pipeline level failure-message and success-message options21:57
fungithat appears before the detailed result report rather than after, which is the main difference from what you were discussing i think21:58
mikalYeah, I think this needs to be after21:59
mikalSo its more obvious21:59
fungii can still see some potential benefit to a system wide or pipeline wide report-footer option21:59
fungiwhich is irrespective of the actual test result, so less duplication needed too21:59
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fungior perhaps a configurable report-format wrapper which would then let you tackle header and footer in one shot22:00
clarkbsdague: mriedem I have approved the sqlalchemy migrate test change22:00
jhesketh_is it over complicating the matter to make the success/failure messages formattable22:01
jhesketh_fungi: yeah, that's what I was thinking22:01
clarkbsdague: mriedem please do give that a spin in about half an hour22:01
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mriedemclarkb: ok, i can just recheck no bug right?22:01
jhesketh_so something like: "Success! See {results}, or contact us..."22:01
mriedembtw, thanks clarkb and jeblair22:01
clarkbmriedem: yup recheck no bug once we let that percolate into zuul and jenkins22:02
clarkbhalf an hour should be pletny of time22:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add tempest full job to sqlalchemy-migrate
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: dequeue abandoned changes
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openstackgerritLogan Paschke proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create gerrit-powered-agenda Stackforge Repo
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clarkbzaro: can you address pleia2's comments in the alternatives update change for rhel/fedora? Would like to see that get fixed today22:05
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zaropleia2: still -1 on ?22:08
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pleia2zaro: yeah, I commented on the wrong line (my issue was on Fedora, not centos)22:09
fungiclarkb: as i suspected, when puppet makes haproxy reload its config, pool members previously in maint status end up enabled again22:10
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zaropleia2: so unless is only checking the setting for java, not javac. can we have multiple unless checks?22:11
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clarkbfungi: yeah, I think if puppet did a reload instead it would be fine22:11
pleia2zaro: the grep as it stands right now will never match22:12
clarkbfungi: let me see if there is a newer version of that module that does reload instead of restart. I know mgagne looked at it once upon a time22:12
mgagneclarkb: I didn't find anything yet, "bug" is still in our own backlog too.22:12
fungiclarkb: though in this case i planned for it, so it was fine... just saved me a step22:12
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pleia2since "/usr/lib/jvm/jre" doesn't exist, it's all subdirs of /java22:12
clarkbmgagne: fungi: ya doesn't look like there has been a new release. /me looks at commits and change log22:13
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zaropleia2: ohh i see.22:13
clarkbpleia2: zaro: I think you can grep for 1.7.0-openjdk in all of he grep22:13
clarkbif you want ot be consistent22:13
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pleia2clarkb: yeah22:13
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clarkbmgagne: thanks22:14
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mgagneclarkb: puppet doesn't know the diff between reload/restart. Some configs might require a restart and others not. Until it's fixed, vanilla service resource won't support it. You could create a custom exec and notify it instead.22:15
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clarkbmgagne: fungi: it does look like we can rewrite things on our end to have puppetlabs-haproxy not manage the service then do a service enable on our side without notifications and do reloads by hand22:15
clarkbmgagne: ya :(22:15
mgagneclarkb: that's what I would do if I had to do it =)22:16
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sdagueclarkb: thank you22:21
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix update java alternatives on redhat systems
zaroclarkb, pleia2 : hopefully ready now ^22:24
* clarkb is looking22:24
pleia2zaro: thanks, lgtm22:25
clarkbzaro: pleia2: do you guys know if the fedora command will need to change for every fedora release or javaupdate?22:26
clarkbzaro: pleia2: is there any way to make that not the case?22:26
fungitraffic levels are picking up nicely on the new git04, so i'll start in on git03 after a quick dinner22:27
pleia2clarkb: it will change :( I don't know how to prevent that22:27
fungilet me know if there's any sign of gate-related git access issues with git.openstack.org22:27
zaroclarkb: we can probably query for the reference before setting22:28
pleia2clarkb: not sure how often22:28
clarkb:( I find it weird that the centos/rhel install location is sane but not fedoras22:28
zaroalternatives --config to find the path before setting the path.22:28
clarkbit doesn't set a symlink or anything like that we can rely on?22:29
pleia2the trouble with symlinks is they aren't registered with alternatives22:29
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pleia2not helpful22:30
clarkbactually in this case do we need to update alternatives at all?22:31
clarkbsince fedora > 18 or so probably doesnt' even have java6 pacakges22:31
pleia2maybe not! if we don't need java6 in redhat slaves22:32
clarkbpleia2: in the case of precise we get java6 via ant despite all attempts at avoiding it22:32
clarkbzaro: pleia2 I think we should maybe ignore it on fedora22:33
clarkbsince fedora should be in the future already22:33
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pleia2clarkb: in progress of getting fedora to work in nodepool so we can't entirely ignore it, we have to return something22:35
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clarkbpleia2: we can remove the exec completely I think22:35
pleia2clarkb: then line 85 fails and everything dies (the problem we're trying to solve here)22:36
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add tests for gerrit builds
pleia2and we don't want it to run the generic redhat exec for it, because that won't work22:37
clarkboh right, so we need an exec resource but on fedora it can just say unless => 'true'22:37
pleia2let's do that :)22:37
zaroclarkb, pleia2 : it depends on order that the packages get installed.22:37
clarkbthat should come with a comment though because it will confuse me in 6 months22:37
clarkbzaro: but only on precise22:38
zaroon centos as well.22:38
pleia2well, centos too, since centos has both22:38
zaroi have verified that.22:38
pleia2pulls 7 from epel22:38
dhellmannsdague: an interesting gate issue to think about:
zarohave not verified on fedora though.22:38
pleia2fedora just has 7, no 622:38
clarkbzaro: pleia2: right but centos doesn't have the fedora problem22:38
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clarkbso fedora can be special here22:38
pleia2yeah, centos is sane22:39
zaroso noop on fedora?22:40
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sdaguedhellmann: yeh, site-packages remains kind of an issue22:40
clarkbzaro: ya I think that is best22:40
clarkbzaro: please add a comment too describing why it is a noop22:40
clarkbsdague: assuming zul's cloud archive libvirt works we can kill site packages22:41
clarkbIguess that assumes the rest of cloud archive works too22:41
sdaguedo we have data there?22:41
dhellmannsdague: well, I think the real issue is that trunk oslo.config doesn't work22:41
clarkbsdague: not yet, I don't think the new package is available. But once it is dims can kick his change that tests cloud archive22:41
dhellmannsdague: I'm trying to decide if there's a way to expose that sort of problem without cutting new releases way more frequently22:41
clarkbsdague: with that we can install python-libvirt via pypi and remove nova's site packages22:42
dhellmannsdague: maybe the same sort of cross-testing that we're doing with oslotest, for example22:42
sdaguedhellmann: so why doesn't this show up in an actual devstack run?22:42
sdaguewe never use that functionality?22:42
sdaguebecause there, we're using master22:42
dhellmannsdague: great question22:43
dhellmannsdague: apparently that particular feature of oslo.config isn't being used in the devstack runs22:43
sdagueso is this feature something that would be expected to be used in a real environment, and devstack isn't doing that22:44
sdagueor is it something which only gets used in unit tests22:44
dhellmannsdague: the feature is value substitution within the config overrides and defaults22:45
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dhellmannI'm looking at the tests now to see where it is being used22:46
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dhellmannsdague: it looks like the '$state_path' value is used in some of nova's config default22:49
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix update java alternatives on redhat systems
sdaguedhellmann: it's in one vendor variable as far as I can see22:52
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sdagueand that's it22:52
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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Make hacking Python 3 compatible
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dhellmannsdague: I ran "ack state_path nova" and got a lot more hits, some of them calling state_path_def() which builds a path relative to '$state_path' without expanding it22:53
dhellmannsdague, including 2 hits in nova/virt/libvirt/ one in nova/compute/, etc.22:54
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morganfainberghey, uhm i have a (possibly) touchy question about approval of patches based upon new zuul functionality. -- specifically about, an early +A since it looks like check queue needs to pass before it hits gate now.  or is it still preferred to just wait for check to complete?23:00
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morganfainbergclarkb, fungi, jeblair, ^23:00
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fungimorganfainberg: well, if you do +a before check returns a result, just be aware that you may not notice it failed23:01
morganfainbergfungi, sure.23:01
clarkbzaro: reviewed the change, close but we need to keep the exec on fedora we just need it to do nothing23:01
morganfainbergfungi, and that is a completely fair point. so might need to circle back and really keep an eye on it.23:01
jeblairmorganfainberg: i think since it won't end up in gate anyway without a passing check, it should be okay to +a it... actually safer now than before23:01
fungibut the "ensure a recent positive check result" behavior change was mostly to guard against core reviewers approving changes with old (or no!) check results23:01
clarkbI agree with jeblair23:02
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morganfainbergfungi, jeblair , the general thought is something needed a trivial rebase(ish) and we know it'll pass but if it can start gating (say middle of the night) awesome23:02
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morganfainbergfungi, jeblair, clarkb, not that i want to +a all the things :)23:02
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jeblairmorganfainberg: probably the main downside is not seeing the non-voting jobs (or third-party jobs)23:03
sdaguemorganfainberg: so basically, it's save now. but I didn't spread that around until we made sure things were bullet proof23:03
jeblairmorganfainberg: that sounds very reasonable.  :)23:03
morganfainbergsdague, ++23:03
morganfainbergjeblair, cool23:03
morganfainbergjeblair, thanks guys :)23:03
fungimorganfainberg: yes, seems like a benefit to me. work smarter not harder23:03
morganfainbergfungi :) awesome23:04
morganfainbergthat was my feeling but i didn't want to do it if there was a good reason not to.23:04
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fungithe lack of noticing 3rd-party failure reports is a fair point23:05
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix update java alternatives on redhat systems
jeblairi sent the oftc email to openstack-dev23:07
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clarkbfungi: I think you have restarted gerrit a couple times to address similar failures. is that issue familiar to you? I don't see a problem with the regex yet. Still tring to understand what that [^\"] is meant to match23:08
clarkboh its teh closing quote23:08
zaroclarkb, pleia2 : ok.  i think it's good now.23:09
StevenKjeblair: I don't know if I can take another thread like that, debian-project and others are still getting smashed due to the whole systemd train wreck23:09
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clarkbStevenK: just ignore it then :P23:09
clarkbStevenK: presumably you are on both servers because debian23:09
pleia2zaro: thanks, testing23:09
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jeblairStevenK: democracy is messy :)23:10
fungiclarkb: it's the + vs * (the former is insisting on gobbling the final non-quote character regardless of whether it's part of the bug number digit series)23:10
clarkbfungi: oh gotcha. if ther eisn't anything after the url which there won't be it will greedy match the last character as part of the +23:11
clarkbfungi: I am going to approve that patch now and we can deal with gerrit restart post feature freeze23:11
StevenKclarkb: I no longer frequent the Debian channels, and haven't for a *long* time, but I'm currently connected to OFTC -- I don't think I'm on any OFTC channels, though23:11
fungiclarkb: sounds good23:12
fungiStevenK: feel free to lurk in #openstack-infra there too! ;)23:12
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StevenKjeblair: May I suggest fix eavesdrop before the cutover to log both?23:14
pleia2zaro: so exec isn't happy without a command =>23:14
jeblairStevenK: i was thinking it would be better to have eavesdrop follow the strict cutover time to reduce confusion, but have the cutover time during a quiet period (over a wknd)23:14
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StevenKjeblair: Seperate log files for a few days before, to catch ramp up?23:15
StevenK#openstack-infra-oftc.log for a few days, and then drop the suffix?23:15
jeblairStevenK: basically, anything we can do to strictly indicate that one network or the other is the active one would be preferable so we try to do it without splitting the community23:16
pleia2clarkb: could use your eyes on again23:18
clarkbpleia2: good catch since puppet won't run the exec in a shell we need to set a path for true23:18
clarkbzaro: ^23:18
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix update java alternatives on redhat systems
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: fix incorrect use of local
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: add some helpfulness to our log output
sdagueumm... so 77726 needs some eyes on kind of soon23:28
jeblairsdague: why?23:29
sdaguebecause apparently all pre_test_hook and post_test_hook jobs are broken at the moment23:29
sdaguewhich I only discovered when we tried to use that in migrate23:29
zaropleia2: i believe you, looks like their docs needs to be updated because it says command defaults to title.23:29
clarkbzaro: pleia2: you can also set command to true for completeness23:29
clarkbzaro: pleia2: maybe we should do that too just because?23:29
jeblairsdague: we should add a devstack-gate check job for that; maybe just does some 'echo "ok"' kind of thing in the hooks23:29
pleia2clarkb: we've come this far :)23:30
sdagueyeh, probably23:30
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zarojust set command to 'true'?23:32
pleia2zaro: test, yeah23:32
pleia2er, tested23:32
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix update java alternatives on redhat systems
zarook, all set ^^23:33
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fungisdague: i'm inclined not to deem 77726 in need of gate promotion, unless we're using pre_test_hook post_test_hook in jobs i'm unaware of which impact projects for official programs23:37
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add job for testing that hooks work
sdaguefungi: it's not in need of promotion23:40
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sdagueit just needed to not wait a bunch of days for review23:40
sdaguebecause solum, barbican, can't land code until it lands23:40
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sdaguethough, I'm seriously confused no one complained23:41
jeblairfungi: do you recall why max-servers for ord is 92 instead of 192?23:41
sdaguejeblair: is an attempt at a test for this23:41
jeblairfungi: is our quota lower there?23:41
fungijeblair: i do not... seeing if i can confirm. we may have only 100 quota in ord23:41
sdagueand with that, my wife just got home, so it's a day here. See you all in the morning23:41
jeblairsdague: good night! thanks23:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix launchpadbug comment linking in Gerrit
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* clarkb reviewd that d-g change too23:43
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clarkbit has been approved though23:43
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fungijeblair: yeah, maxTotalInstances        | 10023:44
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jeblairfungi: k thx.23:45
jeblairfungi, clarkb: btw, i'm on an email thread with someone at rax about the 5000/day limit23:46
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jeblairwants to know what would be a good value to have that should take care of us for the next 4 months or so23:46
jeblairi think if we ran 20 minute jobs continuously and maxed out our rax quota, that would be ~35k servers/day23:47
clarkbjeblair: fungi pleia2 would be good to get eyes on that last revision23:47
fungijeblair: double-checked iad and dfw and they definitely correctly report 192, while ord says 10023:47
clarkbjeblair: wow23:47
jeblairso that's probably an upper limit for what we could possibly use at our current quota23:47
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Doc: oslo.sphinx -> oslosphinx
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run PyPy jobs on py3k-precise single-use slaves
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove precisepy3k static slaves
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Use OpenStack sphinx theme
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