Tuesday, 2013-11-26

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gyee_jamielennox, there?00:46
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jamielennoxgyee_: yep, just finished a massive reply to the keystoneclient email thread00:48
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gyee_jamielennox, about the reorganizing catalog patch00:49
gyee_my understanding is that service catalog helper class is really there to facilitate endpoint lookup00:49
gyee_which means it is there to help users easily narrow down the endpoints they are interested in00:50
gyee_which means we really need a generic filtering/lookup mechanism to aide endpoint lookups00:50
gyee_something like lookup_endpoints(**filters)00:51
gyee_an endpoints is basically url and a bunch of attributes00:52
jamielennoxso two points to that: 1st - the patch is a reorganization so that i can fix some region stuff that we need for heat00:52
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jamielennoxthere aren't any new ideas in there00:52
bknudsonplease don't mix new features with a cleanup.00:52
gyee_but what are we fixing really?00:53
jamielennoxyou can find the region fixes as a dependency of that review00:53
gyee_region is part of the lookup isn't it?00:53
jamielennoxgyee_: that every function used to do it's own filtering and when i tried to fix the region part of it i ended up having to fix it all over the place00:53
gyee_that's my point, you can't fix service catalog till you have a generic filtering mechanism00:54
jamielennoxthey all used to individually process the raw service catalog - what i'm trying to do with this patch is make each function call down to a previous one00:54
jamielennoxok and the 2nd point is what is there to filter that we don't allow explicitly?00:54
jamielennoxthere shouldn't be any freeform data in the service catalog (/me thinks)00:55
jamielennoxthe only things you can filter on are region, endpoint_type, service_type00:55
gyee_jamielennox, we'll end up fixing this forever if we don't have a generic filtering mechanism00:55
jamielennoxbut take for example the endpoint, region and service - the way they are specified changes between v2 and v3 of the catalog00:56
jamielennoxhow are we supposed to generically handle filtering for that sort of thing?00:56
gyee_jamielennox, think LDAP filters00:57
gyee_with this, we are done with lookups, forever :)00:57
jamielennoxno way should we be putting that sort of complexity into the service catalog00:57
jamielennoxi can't think of any example that isn't available with region/endpoint/service (because they are the only choices)00:58
jamielennoxand i don't see what else we expect to add to the service catalog any time soon00:58
gyee_endpoint version? if we decide to go with that route, who knows, subregions?00:58
jamielennoxwe are already resisting version information00:59
gyee_endpoint availability?01:00
gyee_who knows, are we going to change this code everytime we add a new attribute?01:00
jamielennoxok, if we add new data to the service catalog then we should look at generic filtering - however as all of what i'm doing are already named kwargs and we will need them for backwards compatability anyway i don't see this being the time to add it01:00
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gyee_sure xpath01:01
jamielennoxand when that time comes gyee_ and bknudson are volunteering as i'm already shuddering at the concept01:01
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gyee_jamielennox, actually I am really thinking about adding generic filter myself01:02
jamielennoxxpath does not solve the differences between v2 and v3 service catalog01:02
jamielennoxgyee_: i'm still stuck on what you will want to filter?01:02
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gyee_jamielennox, we can get your patch merge first01:03
gyee_I'll add the generic filter later01:03
gyee_does that sound like a plan01:03
jamielennoxsounds good to me01:03
gyee_jamielennox, we normalize the endpoints before the lookup01:03
gyee_I mean we should01:04
jamielennoxgyee_: you mean for the generic filtering or for my review?01:04
gyee_jamielennox, I think you did some normalization already right?01:05
jamielennoxyep, so get_endpoints normalizes it01:05
gyee_converting everything to v3 first01:05
jamielennoxwhich simplifies the other functions01:05
gyee_jamielennox, excellent!01:05
jamielennoxactually it converts it to a dict of service_type: data01:06
jamielennoxwhich i guess is fairly close to v301:06
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gyee_conceptually, an endpoint is just a collection of attributes, just like an identity01:07
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jamielennoxi'm not sure if you can provide 'extra' to an endpoint - i assume you probably could01:09
jamielennoxbut the SC as it currently stands would filter it out01:10
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gyee_jamielennox, just flatten it, the same way we do policy matches01:12
jamielennoxbknudson: +1 on discovery !01:13
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jamielennoxgyee_: yea, i assume it would for storing to the db - but i'm not sure the service catalog would handle it01:14
bknudsonjamielennox: +2 at least.01:14
jamielennoxthough again, not changing behaviour01:14
jamielennoxbknudson: well a +ve response - i'm pretty sure everyone else was just waiting for you and me to figure it out so let's hope smooth sailing from here01:15
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jamielennoxthe first commit of that one was july 2401:15
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gyee_jamielennox, service catalog can have extensions too, just like the other resources01:17
bknudsonjamielennox: and it barely changed since then.01:17
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gyee_bknudson, we really need to fix service catalog, right now its directionless01:17
jamielennoxgyee_: interesting - hadn't considered that, but it should still work with the patching way i suggested01:17
bknudsongyee_: seems like this is too important to be directionless.01:18
gyee_multiple version service ended up with multiple service types01:18
bknudsonlet's have some docs and tests!01:18
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jamielennoxbknudson: yea, i've been meaning to get the current service catalog format into the identity-api docs01:18
jamielennoxthere are some tests there but they aren't extensive (though they do provide good coverage)01:19
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gyee_bknudson, what doc? we haven't gotten an agreement what it should look like :)01:19
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jamielennoxgyee_: i've been on this fight for a while now, we don't want versioned endpoints in the service catalog, we want them to point to one location that allows them to discover versions from there01:19
gyee_version or no version? how to handle multiple versions for a given service? etc01:19
jamielennoxunfortunately that's dificult to do with the current setup01:20
bknudsonwe're just trying to figure out now what the service catalog should look like? I thought you guys had figured this out long before I started working on OS.01:20
bknudsonseems like everyone's using it at least.01:20
bknudsonactually, they don't use it for a lot of things.01:20
gyee_bknudson, we haven't, its like a hot potato01:20
bknudsone.g., nova connecting to glance.01:20
jamielennoxbknudson: the service catalog seems like a de facto standard - as far as i'm aware it was never actually documented01:20
jamielennoxi'm hoping that in the fixup to auth_token i'm going to provide the AccessInfo object directly to services and they can use the service catalog directly from there01:21
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jamielennoxget rid of everyone having to parse it themselves01:21
gyee_jamielennox, bknudson, I gotta run, talk to u guys tomorrow01:23
bknudsonjamielennox: I thought that tokens weren't going to include the service catalog?01:23
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jamielennoxwhat i'm more excited about though is if i can get everyone to use a session object in clients then i can make auth_token provide a Session object that is already authenticated with your token and then you just pass that to the various clients and you never have to think about service catalog and endpoints again01:23
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jamielennoxbknudson: that's gyee's push and i think he is thinking in terms of service users01:23
jamielennoxbknudson: i think filtering is going to be useful but no_catalog is going to be limited01:24
bknudsonI guess if there isn't a catalog then can just request it from keystone.01:24
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bknudsonand cache it01:24
jamielennoxfor regular users you really need the catalog so that the services know who to talk to01:25
bknudsonthen we'd have tokens small enough to fit in an http header.01:25
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jamielennoxwhat is the limit on a http header? i didn't think there was one01:26
bknudsonjamielennox: but it doesn't have to be in the token does it?01:26
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bknudsonjamielennox: there has to be a limit on http headers otherwise that would be a huge DoS01:26
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bknudsonjamielennox: looks like httpd defaults to 8190.01:27
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jamielennoxbknudson: i'm not sure where else to put it if it's not in the token - it's possible that SC's differ between users so you can't cache it globally01:27
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bknudsonjamielennox: the client doesn't get the value out of the PKI token, does it?01:28
jamielennoxwhy is it a DOS problem in a header? i know you can't put them in a URI - but why is the header different? caching?01:28
jamielennoxbknudson: yes, it does01:28
jamielennoxor from the request to the server in the case of UUID01:29
bknudsonjamielennox: where's the code to parse the PKI token? I'd like to see it.01:29
jamielennoxthis is auth_token rather than keystoneclient - but i want to move it to client if possible01:29
bknudsonright, but normal users aren't auth_token... how do they get the service catalog?01:29
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jamielennoxclient.auth_ref is an AccessInfo object01:30
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jamielennoxso client.auth_ref.service_catalog01:31
jamielennoxin this case we don't decode the PKI token because when you POST to /auth/tokens you get back the JSON data of the token in the body01:31
bknudsonright, that's what I was wondering.01:32
jamielennoxonly auth_token does PKI decoding01:32
bknudsonso the PKI token doesn't need to have the service catalog in that case.01:32
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jamielennoxso it does for when you pass it to other servcies01:32
bknudsonauth_token doesn't really care what the user's service catalog was?01:32
jamielennoxfor example you mentioned nova and glance01:33
jamielennoxto find the URL for glance nova is supposed to query the service catalog from the token01:33
bknudsonthe other services should know how to contact their favorite glance server... or do they have to use the same one the user used?01:33
bknudson(this is how it works today... nova is configured with host and port to glance)01:33
jamielennoxyes, but i'm pretty sure there was a thread very recently about them changing this01:34
bknudsonright, but does that come from the client's token or should nova know that already?01:34
jamielennoxso auth_token will decrypt the token an pass that through to nova01:34
jamielennoxwhen contacting glace nova will look at that information and extract the glance server for the correct region from the token data01:35
bknudsontoday, the glance server isn't on a per-request basis ... does that change?01:35
jamielennoxif i understand you question correctly yes01:35
jamielennoxthe URL for glance will be dictated by the information in the token01:35
bknudsonok, seems weird but maybe that's how it has to work... nova hasn't worked that way up until now.01:36
jamielennoxhonestly, i'm not sure what the original point was01:36
bknudsondoes the PKI token need to include the service catalog?01:36
jamielennoxi think it allows for some interesting things with regions or doing project based endpoints01:36
jamielennoxbut we don't implement it01:37
jamielennoxyes, it does - so that services know how to contact each other01:37
bknudsonthe original point of what is? using the service catalog rather than config options?01:37
jamielennoxessentially yes, why did we do a per token service catalog rather than have config file options01:38
jamielennoxit gives some extra flexibility but i don't think we use it01:38
bknudsonI think nova wants to get away from config options just because shouldn't have the same info in 2 places.01:38
jamielennoxbut essentially nova is in the wrong - it should be getting the glance information from the token01:38
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bknudsonhere's the config: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova/tree/etc/nova/nova.conf.sample#n90701:39
bknudsonand then they have glance_api_servers , too.01:39
jamielennoxi'm guessing that was initially so they could maintain compatability when it was split out01:40
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jamielennoxyep, they would need these until the neutron endpoint was available in the SC01:42
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bknudsonyou can do nova image-list and it talks to glance... it must talk to whatever glance it's configured with rather than the one in your token.01:43
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openstackstatusNOTICE: Gate wedged - Most Py26 jobs fail currently (https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1255041)11:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1255041 in openstack-ci "Python 2.6 gate broken due to no workspace found" [Undecided,New]11:29
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insanidadehi all. I'm trying to list all neutron agents but it keeps returning an error message pointing to a wrong endpoint configured in keystone (it appends a '/v2' to the endpoint, which is not there). Any help ?12:30
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rdopieralskihello good people, I'm working on a kind of a pluggable dashboards system for horizon, and I would like some feedback from people who make packages, I would like to know how to make their lives easier12:55
rdopieralskiI have a sketch of my solution here, and I would love to hear any comments from you: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56367/12:55
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markmcclainttx: ready?13:00
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ttxmarkmcclain: yep13:00
ttxmarkmcclain: looking at https://launchpad.net/neutron/+milestone/icehouse-113:01
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ttxmidonet-admin-state looks completed to me ?13:01
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markmcclainit is13:02
ttxmarkmcclain: OK, will update. is neutron-tempest-parallel still likely to be completed ?13:02
markmcclainI wonder why it wasn't auto updated13:02
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ttxmarkmcclain: because BPs aren't auto-updated :)13:02
* markmcclain needs more coffee :)13:03
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markmcclainI hope we'll have something for parallel testing by tuesday13:03
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ttxOK, maybe update to Good progress or Slow progress based on the outcome of that13:03
ttxlessrouter-scheduler (icehouse-2) is apparently under review, is it likely to hit icehouse-1 as well ?13:04
markmcclainI wasn't sure if we'd get the review attention by Tuesday13:04
ttxwe can keep it here in the mean time13:04
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markmcclainsince man people are focused on tempest or parity work13:05
markmcclainif it merges, I'll move it in13:05
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ttxoverall icehouse-1 looks good. Did you retroactively add any feature that slipped in since icehouse opened ?13:05
markmcclainno.. the reviews either had an associated bug or existing bp13:05
ttxlooking at i-1 bugs now13:06
ttxyou have two critical bugs not targeted to i-1... should I add them there ?13:06
ttx* https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/121048313:06
ttx* https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/123040713:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1210483 in neutron "ServerAddressesTestXML.test_list_server_addresses FAIL" [Critical,Confirmed]13:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1230407 in neutron "VMs can't progress through state changes because Neutron is deadlocking on it's database queries, and thus leaving networks in inconsistent states" [Critical,Confirmed]13:06
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markmcclainI need to get an assignee for 48313:08
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ttxthere are two other critical bugs on the i-1 list without an assignee, while you're at it ;)13:09
* ttx will add them all13:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1243726 in neutron "tempest failure: No more IP addresses available on network" [Critical,Confirmed]13:10
markmcclainhas someone who's be working on it13:10
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markmcclainbut he didn't update the assignee.. I'll correct it13:10
ttxmarkmcclain: great. now looking at the general icehouse plan at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/icehouse13:10
markmcclainthat plan is a still not where I want it13:11
ttxLots of untriaged blueprints too13:11
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markmcclainwe had key person on pto last week, so we're about week behind13:11
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ttxmarkmcclain: is it missing a lot of stuff ? Or just missing prioritization ?13:11
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markmcclainI've held off fully triaging the blueprints because the nova parity plan needed to be finalized13:12
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markmcclainand thats going to create more blueprints13:12
ttxmarkmcclain: would be great to complete it before the extended weekend, but might be too short13:12
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ttxI suspect next week meeting you might be traveling ?13:12
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markmcclainI am traveling… Im hoping to get everything cleaned up before then13:13
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ttxmarkmcclain: ok, that's all I had. Any specific issue you want to raise at the meeting today ?13:14
markmcclainno… I think we covered everything13:14
ttxmarkmcclain: ok, thanks, see you at meeting later13:15
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markmcclainsee you then13:15
ttxdhellmann-afk: afk?13:15
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ttxHope I didn't wake you up13:15
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dhellmannnah, I just forgot to change my nick13:15
ttxlooking at https://launchpad.net/oslo/+milestone/icehouse-113:16
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ttxdhellmann: looks slightly behind13:16
ttxdhellmann: I'll try to move infra people to get the standalone repo for rootwrap done today13:17
ttxand should be on time for tagging a 1.0 later this week (no holiday for me)13:17
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dhellmannyeah, it does look like we're a little behind on some of these13:17
dhellmannok, good13:17
ttxBut the oter two "started" might be a bit behind13:17
dhellmannI asked to have a new repo created yesterday and it was blocked on a zuul bug so...13:18
ttxshould be near code proposed by now13:18
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dhellmannyes, I'm going to chat with the owners today13:18
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ttxdhellmann: ISTR you didn't have anything to retroactively add to icehouse-1 ?13:18
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dhellmannI did not find anything13:19
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dhellmannI'm not quite sure how to handle that, though13:19
ttxok, looking at the general oslo plan now https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo/icehouse13:19
dhellmannit seems like we would only want to add something when it is in its own library? otherwise, don't we want to track adoption of the incubated code?13:20
ttxdhellmann: we used to track the landing of code in incubator as an oslo blueprint, and adoption as a $PROJECT blueprint13:20
ttxbut I agree it's one case screaming for multi-project blueprints13:21
dhellmannor more libraries graduating13:21
dhellmann :-)13:21
ttxdhellmann: icehouse plan looks good, is it a complete reflection of what you know of ?13:21
dhellmannok, jd__ sent me a link to the change for his blueprint, it just wasn't updated automatically13:21
insanidadeHi all. How do I find out my neutron client's version? I'm trying to figure out the reason why 'neutron agent-list' is trying to point to a wrong endpoint (it appends '/v2' to the endpoint registered in keystone). any suggestions ?13:22
dhellmannI see a lot of work going on in the database stuff that may not be reflected here, but those are all going to land late in the cycle13:22
dhellmannI need to touch bases with boris again13:22
ttxdhellmann: should I set all of those "Unknown" status to "Not started" as a conservative guess ? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo/icehouse13:22
ttxdhellmann: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo/+spec/oslo-db-lib needs a priority13:23
ttxtat may be part of the db stuff you were mentioning13:23
ttxok, will do13:23
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dsantos_dhellmann: I addressed your suggestions in my code and submitted another patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/5593813:23
dhellmanndsantos_: thanks, I'll take a look after I'm done catching up with ttx13:24
ttxdhellmann: log-messages-translation-domain could use an assignee, too13:24
dsantos_dhellmann: sure... thanks13:24
dhellmannttx: oops, that one should be me :-)13:24
ttxok, so once oslo-db-lib is given a prio, the current plan will look good, if not a bit incomplete13:25
dhellmannyeah, I expected more individual db blueprints than we ended up with, so I'll see what boris says13:26
ttxdhellmann: shoudl I set jd__'s BP to needs code review ?13:26
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ttxdhellmann: fwiw the plan doesn't have to be final or complete. It just needs to reflect what we currently know of :)13:26
dhellmannsame for dsantos_'s bp13:27
ttx(and then be kept up to date)13:27
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dhellmannok, well, then I think this is closer to correct than I feared :-)13:27
ttxdhellmann: ok, that's all I had. Solo sync will be discussed at the meeting today. Did you have a topic you wanted to raise ?13:27
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dhellmannI have 2 questions13:28
dhellmannis there some way for me to subscribe to new blueprints in launchpad?13:28
dhellmannand I am going to be traveling on the next 2 Tuesdays, so would you like to move our sync to monday instead?13:29
ttxhmm, looking but I don't think so (at least not automatically13:29
dhellmannok, I didn't find one either13:29
dhellmannI had one bp sneak into the release13:29
ttxdhellmann: yeah, that would make sense... same time ? Later ?13:29
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dhellmannI'll just have to check every day13:29
dhellmannsame time works fine13:29
ttxok, same time on Monday for next two weeks. Don't hesitate to ping me if I appear to not remember it13:30
dhellmannoh, actually, the second week I'm going to be on vacation so not monday13:30
ttxthe second week we can skip13:30
ttx(post i-1)13:30
ttxdhellmann: ok thx, see you later13:31
dhellmannok, thanks!13:31
ttxjd__: around?13:31
jd__ttx: o/13:31
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ttxjd__: looking at https://launchpad.net/ceilometer/+milestone/icehouse-113:31
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ttxplan looks good, although really late13:32
ttxare those two "not started" really not started ?13:32
ttx support-resources-pipeline-item definietly looks started to me13:32
jd__at least we don't have any patch13:32
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ttxhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/58488/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58489/13:32
jd__ok, I missed that since it's from this morning13:33
ttxshould I switch it to Needs code review ?13:33
jd__ttx: go ahead13:33
ttxhttp://status.openstack.org/release/ has sortable columns and can help spotting out-of-sync status13:33
jd__split-collector is almost ready to be merged13:33
ttx(that's what I use)13:33
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ttxeverything else (but that Low one) still likely to make it next week ?13:34
ttxjd__: did you add any blueprint for stuff that would have slipped in since Icehouse development opened ?13:35
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jd__sqlalchemy-metadata-query was one of them I think, but that's it otherwise13:35
ttxok Looking at i-1 bugs now13:35
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ttxhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1243251 is critical and not targeted13:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1243251 in ceilometer "QueuePool ERROR in ceilometer-collector  log after successful tempest run" [Critical,In progress]13:36
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ttxshould I add it to the mix ?13:36
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ttxalso, proposed patch was abandoned there so not sure it's still in progress13:37
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jd__we probably need to set a milestone, but not sure we'll have it fixed for i113:37
jd__but we can try13:37
ttxack, will do. Should I reset it to triaged ? Apparently Mehdi is no longer working on it ?13:38
jd__yes there's another patch for devstack-gate, but we're going to have to write a 3rd one for devstack13:38
jd__ttx: let me write a note in it13:38
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ttxLooking at the general icehouse plan at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/icehouse13:38
ttxYou have two "undefined" blueprints to set priority for... and I suspect it's not a complete plan yet ?13:39
ttx(or does it reflect all you know about ?)13:39
jd__I think eglynn-lunch said he had some blueprints, not sure he had time yet to write them, but now it looks like he's really late :)13:40
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jd__I didn't notice the paas-* ones yet, I'll probably set them to low13:40
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eglynnjd__: I filed a bunch of blueprints last week13:41
ttxjd__: would be nice to complete the basic roadmap before end of week13:41
eglynnjd__: ... targetted them to icehouse, but they seem to have been unlinked from the target series somehow13:41
jd__eglynn: did you target them?13:41
jd__eglynn: you need to set milestones13:41
ttxlike I said earlier, doesn't have to be complete, just have to reflect what you know about13:41
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ttxno milestone, no chocolate13:42
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eglynnjd__: here are the BPs: http://fpaste.org/56850/1385473313:42
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jd__eglynn: cool, can you set milestone to them? I don't think I should do this for you if you work on them13:43
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eglynnjd__: (nadya filed one for sample aggregation/roll-up also ... https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/aggregation-and-rolling-up )13:43
ttxjd__: ok, that's all I had, see you at meeting later. Anything you want to see discussed there?13:43
jd__or I put everything to icehouse-2 and whip until it's done13:43
eglynnjd__: yep, will do13:43
jd__ttx: all good13:43
eglynnjd__: /me puzzled as to why the series targetting for my BPs was dropped though13:44
ttxjd__: ok, thx for your time13:44
jd__eglynn: good to know, though no assignee and no milestone so… :)13:44
jd__eglynn: there's a script setting the series automatically based on the milestone set13:44
ttxeglynn: series targeting should not be manually set13:44
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ttxotherwise it can get out of sync with milestone13:44
eglynnjd__, ttx: a-ha, I see, got it13:44
ttxso I have a script that runs every two hours and aligns it*13:44
ttxeglynn: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Blueprints#Series_goal13:45
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eglynnjd__: ... then the marking of the BP as "Approved", that's something you'd do manually once milestone is targeted, developer assigned etc.?13:46
jd__eglynn: yes13:47
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jd__and I've a clue on what it is about13:47
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eglynnjd__: cool, got it ... I'll go through that list of BPs now so, do the targetting and assign to myself13:47
jd__eglynn: ack, ping me if you need something :)13:48
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ttxjgriffith: o/14:00
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jgriffithttx: o/14:00
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ttxjgriffith: Looking at https://launchpad.net/cinder/+milestone/icehouse-1, still looks pretty unfinished14:00
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ttxjgriffith: and also completekly unrealistic14:01
ttxgiven that there is only one week left to merge stuff in i-114:01
jgriffithttx: yeah, I'll pull the not started items out today14:02
ttxjgriffith: also set a priority for everything  you keep in i-114:02
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ttx(anything you keep in i-1 should have an assignee, a priority and a non-unknown status)14:03
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jgriffithYep, I'll be sure it's clean by lunch14:03
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ttxif you don't have that, it's a safe bet to move it to i-2 anyway14:03
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ttxjgriffith: Looking at i-1 targeted bugs14:04
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ttxa few of those are not assigned to anyone, so unlikely to get fixed in the coming week14:04
jgriffithttx: yes which makes me sad14:05
jgriffithI plan to cover the ones that I can this week-end14:05
jgriffithThe VMware guys are on their own obviously14:05
ttxok, you can keep them in then14:05
jgriffithI'll comb them14:05
dsantos_bnemec: ping14:06
jgriffithfrankly I'm more concerned about bugs I1 than I am BP's at this point14:06
ttxjgriffith: one you're done with the cleaning of the i-1 plan, you can start looking at the general icehouse roadmap at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/icehouse14:06
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ttxsetting a priority to blueprints there, then file blueprints for stuff missing that you know will be worked on14:07
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ttx(and start splitting the remaining BPs between i-2 and i-3)14:07
ttxbut that's prio 2, prio1 is to get a clean i-1 plan by meeting time today14:07
jgriffithttx: understood14:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1240189 in cinder "16 to 17 upgrade" [Critical,Confirmed]14:08
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ttxwhat's the status of this ? Should it be targeted to i1 as well ?14:08
jgriffithttx: no14:08
jgriffithttx: I left it open hoping Kevin would verify my fix14:09
jgriffithttx: he had his shot, I'm closing it14:09
ttxjgriffith: ack14:09
jgriffithor marking it as dup of the one that's closed14:09
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ttxjgriffith: ok that's all I had. Anything blocking you that you want to raise at the meeting today ?14:10
jgriffithttx: nope14:10
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jgriffithttx: project versus tenant :)14:10
jgriffithbut that's not a Cinder thing14:10
jgriffithnow that the gates are stabilized a bit we're getting through the reviews again14:11
ttxjgriffith: doesn't have to be cinder-specific :)14:11
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ttxgate was pretty broken this morning though14:11
jgriffithbooo... I haven't looked lately14:11
jgriffitherr.. this morning yet14:11
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jgriffiththis is really getting problematic14:12
ttxprobably an easy fix once you get the power to kill slaves14:12
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ttxfungi shoul dbe up any monute now14:13
ttxor minute14:13
jgriffithYeah, the good news is these are not the intermittent Stack failures we were seeing14:13
ttxjgriffith: ok, see you at meeting today. You can ping me when you have a clean i-1 plan so that I check it out14:13
jgriffithttx: sounds good, I'll get on that in another hour or so14:14
jgriffithttx: thanks!14:14
jgriffithcya in a while14:14
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openstackstatusNOTICE: Gate should be unwedged now, thanks for your patience14:25
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viktorsdhellmann: hello!14:28
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fungittx: yes, what?14:30
ttxfungi: we needed a slave restarted. mordred did it. ignore me14:31
fungik, no worries14:32
fungiglad it's sorted14:32
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dolphmttx: o/15:01
ttxdolphm: o/15:02
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ttxLooking at https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/icehouse-115:02
ttxLooks under control to me15:02
dolphmi bumped one bp to m2 since last week15:02
dolphmdomain-based and project-based centralized quotas are now both in m215:02
dolphmwhich makes sense anyway :)15:02
ttxDid you file any retroactive blueprrint for stuff that got merged in the month before the summit ?15:03
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dolphmi did not15:03
dolphmi probably could!15:03
ttxis there anythng worth it ?15:03
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dolphmnot off the top of my head, but i'd be happy to go back and look15:04
ttxdolphm: ok, please do that before end of week, so that it appears on the list next week15:04
ttxNow looking into the general icehouse plan @ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/icehouse15:05
ttxSome of the icehouse-2 stuff could use assignees, but otherwise looks good15:05
ttxdolphm: how complete is that ? Does it reflect everything you know will be worked on ?15:05
dolphmttx: it is missing a bp for a significant backend refactor15:07
ttxdolphm: ok, please add it before end of week if you can15:07
dolphmttx: which could land in m2 or m3, but i think we want to see that sooner15:07
ttxOn the i-1 bugs side... bug 1208940 is targeted but not assigned15:08
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1208940 in keystone "V3 Identity API: Can project tokens be used as domain tokens?" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120894015:08
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ttxdo you have anyone working on it ?15:08
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dolphmttx: assigned to myself15:08
dolphmttx: justinb opened a couple similar bugs i'd like to tackle all at once15:08
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ttxok, that's all I had. Anything you want to see discussed at the meeting today ?15:09
ttxdolphm: user-locale-api is still marked Blocked15:09
dolphmttx: that's true -- but last week we didn't have a bp to block it against15:09
dolphmttx: as a result of the cross-project meeting, we figured out where to keep an eye out for i18n progress, and linked the bp's accordingly15:10
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dolphmttx: they're both targeting m2 now -- it'll only require trivial patches on the keystone side15:11
ttxdolphm: now that the dependency is established I think we can set it back to "Not started" or whatever15:11
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dolphmttx: even though several patches have merged to keystone for this bp during havana?15:11
ttxif the oslo one goes too slow and starts jeopardizing delivery of this one for i-2, then we can set it back to Blocked and get it discussed again15:12
ttxStarted" or "Good progress" then15:12
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dolphmchanged to "good progress"15:13
ttxwant to keep "Blocked" for stuff we need to solve by discussing in-meeting15:13
ttxdolphm: +115:13
dolphmmakes sense15:13
ttxOK, then see you at meeting today!15:13
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ttxrussellb: if you're around already, we can start early.15:14
russellbi am around yes15:14
ttxrussellb: looking at https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/icehouse-115:14
ttxLooks pretty good. Expecting a few of those Low to miss the target but taht's not really an issue15:14
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russellbyep, been pushing things off that are the most likely to miss15:15
russellball the Lows not up for review will probably miss too15:15
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ttxrussellb: periodic-tasks-to-db-slave got one change merged... is it fully implemented now ?15:15
ttxhmm partially-implements, so probably not15:15
russellbyeah, more to do15:16
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ttxAlthough https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38872/15:16
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russellbi feel like there's a good chance it won't all make i-115:16
russellbsee work items15:16
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russellbi'm just going to move it15:17
ttxrussellb: "Good progress" is probably more accurate for this one then15:17
ttxI'll let you adjust15:17
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ttxrussellb: Looking at the i-1 bugs15:17
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ttxA number of them (including 2 critical ones) don't have assignees15:18
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russellbgood point15:18
russellbi guess the new critical ones are from gate failures15:18
ttxlook like it15:19
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ttxIf you can't get people assigned to those Medium/High maybe move them to i-215:19
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ttxalso https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1254714 is not atrgeted to i-1 at all15:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254714 in nova "XenAPI: Cached images are never re-used" [Critical,New]15:19
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ayoungrussellb, dolphm, I don't think they have a good grasp of the API for quotas.  There needs to be some thought to filtering.  Either they are going to be grabbing individual quotas for each user (chatty) or trying to get them all at once (won't scale)  and I think there needs to be something in betweenish.    Withough help, they won't have that by Ice215:20
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ttxrussellb: hrm, that one should probably be High / OSSAified15:20
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russellbyeah hadn't seen that one yet15:20
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russellbi'll ping john g on that one too15:21
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BobBallThat one was me15:21
BobBallSorry if I got the setting wrong - I thought it was critical because of the security implications15:22
ttxBobBall: it's certainly critical that we evaluate the security implications :)15:22
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russellbif it has security implications, it should be filed as a private security bug15:22
russellbbut cat out of the bag already on this one15:22
BobBallSorry - could have been my bad again...15:23
ttxcan't really be triggered afaict15:23
BobBallI raised a security issue for a different case before and I thought the result there was that we should only raise security issues for things that have been released15:23
BobBallthis bug is new in Icehouse15:23
russellbsome people do continuous deployment of master15:24
ttxrussellb: so... critical / i-1 ?15:24
BobBallAgreed it can't be exploited directly15:24
viktorsdhellmann: ping15:24
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russellbttx: for now, want to get john's input too15:24
ttxaccidental leak that needs ot be plugged15:24
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dhellmannviktors: pong15:24
ttxBobBall: please add a comment explaining why it's Icehouse-onnly, will be useful for security15:25
BobBallI'd like to understand what the outcome is russellb - if I should have handled it differently, please let me know :)15:25
russellband point to specific commits that introduced it15:25
ttxDependency issue: options-in-groups <- powervm-opts-group15:25
BobBallsorry - had done that in one of the places (bug/commit) but not the other.15:25
russellbBobBall: in general, if you suspect that there is a chance of a security impact, please file it privately and let the VMT decide.  better safe15:25
BobBallWill comment now.15:25
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ttxrussellb: probably needs to be unlinked ?15:25
russellbttx: yeah just need to break that dep, since the powervm bit is being dropped (probably)15:26
BobBallbtw - fix has already landed for this15:26
BobBallnot sure why the bug wasn't updated to say it had landed...15:26
russellbwell that's convenient!15:26
BobBalloh no15:26
BobBallapproved - but not landed due to gate bug15:26
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russellbah, so close ...15:26
russellbseems lots of people are having trouble with bug linking15:27
dstanekdolphm: is this really a high priority? https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/119755415:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1197554 in keystone "V2 tokens now  returns meta data as part of response which is not part of v2 identity spec" [High,Confirmed]15:27
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ttxrussellb: ok assigned to Bob and linked to fix15:27
dolphmdstanek: that's probably Won't Fix now :(15:28
ttxrussellb: so try to see if you can get the remaining unassigned to someone15:28
ttxrussellb: now looking at the general plan @ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/icehouse15:28
ttxmaking any progress there ?15:28
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russellbyeah, slowly but surely15:28
russellbonly the ones in New haven't been reviewed yet15:29
ttxa few left to triage, no idea how complete it is though15:29
russellball the others not prioritized are in process15:29
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russellbso, 12 out of 98 in New15:29
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ttxrussellb: is it missing anything you know will be worked on ?15:29
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dstanekdolphm: i was going to mark it at Won't Fix, but I don't have the magic powers15:30
russellbnothing blatant15:30
dolphmdstanek: i'm on it -- there's also a bp that morganfainberg filed to start testing against accidentally leaking attributes into the api like that15:30
ttxrussellb: OK, so it would be nice if you could get them all reviewed/prioritized by next week15:30
ttxrussellb: then just handle the incoming flow15:30
russellbby sometime next week, sure ... holiday this week may hurt progress15:31
ttxrussellb: ok, we'll see where you get by next week meeting15:31
russellbcan definitely clear out the New queue15:31
ttxrussellb: anything you wanted to raise in-meeting today ?15:31
russellbthe rest that are in progress may be blocked out of my control15:31
russellbwell powervm thing15:31
russellbthough i think we may have that on the cross-project schedule?15:31
russellbnot sure it's a cross project issue really15:32
ttxyes we have15:32
ttxit's a relmgt/nova cross-issue :)15:32
russellbbut it doesn't hurt to talk about deprecation processes15:32
russellbheh true15:32
ttxsee you there then15:32
ttxdavid-lyle: around ?15:32
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ttxdavid-lyle: being after nova means always a bit late, sorry for that :)15:32
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david-lylettx: no worries15:32
ttxdavid-lyle: looking at https://launchpad.net/horizon/+milestone/icehouse-115:33
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david-lylettx: lots up for review little has landed15:33
ttxhorizon-reusable-charts might be completed by https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56042/15:33
ttxI can set it to "Implemented" if you confirm15:33
david-lylettx: I think that is a two parter15:34
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david-lyleone more review needs to merge15:34
david-lyleshould land though today or tomorrow15:34
ttxgot fooled by the "implements-blueprint" assertion15:34
david-lyleyes, overstated things a bit15:35
ttxdavid-lyle: looking at the bugs list now, a lot of them have no assignee and no code proposed15:35
ttxgiven that this week is a US holiday week, do you still think thyey can be fixed by next week ?15:35
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david-lylemost of those need to move, I didn't put those in the i-1 bucket.  I will clean that up15:36
ttxdavid-lyle: you can wait for your meeting today to clean it up if nobody steps up to fix them15:36
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david-lylettx: ok15:37
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ttxdavid-lyle: now looking at the general icehouse plan @ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/icehouse15:37
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ttxShould I conservatively set all "Unknown" status to "Not started" ?15:38
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david-lyleyes, that's fair15:38
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ttxOK, will do. Also you have a number of unassigned blueprints there15:38
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ttxdoes that mean some group signed up to do it but nobody in particular ?15:39
ttx(in which case, assigning a group is fine)15:39
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ttx(until you know who actually does it)15:39
david-lyleI think there are tentative owners for those, just wasn't certain, I'll get those assigned15:39
ttxit's fine to put a name and then change it.15:40
ttxat least you have a go-to person to ask about it15:40
ttxdavid-lyle: How complete would you say that plan is ?15:40
ttxis there a lot of blueprints left to file ?15:40
david-lyleok, we have an ambitious ceilometer integration plan, and I'm hoping someone else will step up otherwise lsmola will be entirely overloaded15:40
david-lylettx: I think most blueprints are filed.  There are several that I still need to review and prioritize15:41
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ttxdavid-lyle: feel free to leave it empty until your meeting today too15:41
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ttxthat way you're sure I'll keep asking about it if left empty :)15:42
david-lyleI'll bring it up in our meeting today15:42
lsmoladavid-lyle, well at least I have intern form OPW for sparklines :-)15:42
david-lylethat's right15:42
ttxdavid-lyle: ideally all the icehouse proposed blueprints should have a milestone set so that you can see them in that https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/icehouse URL15:42
lsmoladavid-lyle, s/form/for/15:42
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ttxdavid-lyle: because the way I see it, you set a priority for all of them15:43
david-lylettx: ok, I will go through the rest of those this week and make sure something is set even if it's future15:43
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ttxsounds good15:44
bnemecdsantos_: I'm available now.15:44
ttxdavid-lyle: that's all I had -- anything you want to raise at the meeting today ?15:44
david-lylettx: still trying to clear out the backlog of things built up :)15:44
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ttxdavid-lyle: ack, see you at the meeting then.15:45
david-lylettx: not really.  We've been deciding on a direction re: javascript, but that's been on the mailing list and doesn't directly effect other projects15:45
david-lylettx: sounds good15:45
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portanteayoung: any review love left for https://review.openstack.org/5754116:02
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ayoungportante, for you..I always have a -2 ready. :)16:02
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portanteokay, I'll take that at least. :)16:03
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portante-2 is better than -3 I suppose16:03
ayoungportante, needs a bug or a better explanation of the problem in the commit message.  WHat is going on?16:03
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portantelogging.debug("this %s that %s", this, that) vs. logging.debug("this %s that %s" % (this, that))16:05
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portantethe first only formats the message if the debug level is set16:05
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portantethe second always formats the message16:05
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dstanekportante, ayoung: i wish hacking caught those issues16:05
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portanteso you avoid the string-ification of the target objects and the final string formatting16:05
bknudsonis this causing a performance problem?16:06
portantethis since happens on every request, it impacts small objects16:06
ayoungdstanek, there will always be more wisdom in coders than in code....wait, maybe not always....but until we immanatize the eschaton.16:06
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ayoungportante, also,  "signed off by?"16:06
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portantesorry, some other projects require that, and it is a default in my .gitconfig thingy16:07
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ayoungI guessed that16:07
portantevdsm and qemu required that16:07
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ayoungportante, technically, it should be the reviewer that approves the commit in that field, but Gerrit does not update it.  That would be an interesting change to gerrit, though.16:08
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portanteayoung: are you referring to signed-off-by?16:09
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portanteIn other project it does not mean that the code has been reviewed, but that the coder has signed-off releasing his changes for review16:09
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portanteI can yank that out if that is confusing16:10
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dsantos_bnemec: sorry for the delay... I would just tell you that dhellmann accepted my bp and ask you for a code review... but we discussed some things and I'll send another patch soon16:16
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portanteayoung, thanks16:17
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mgagnealexpilotti: ping16:18
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bnemecdsantos_: Okay, I saw that he left some comments.  I'll take a look when you push a new patch set.16:18
dsantos_bnemec: thanks16:18
ayoungportante, happy to +2 that once it is updated16:19
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Adri2000I'm looking for devstack.org's git, any idea? (website's git repo, to be clear)16:21
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portanteayoung: rebasing and updating with a better commit message16:22
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notmynamettx around? Stays update early? I'm on the bus16:23
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portanteayoung: do you develop python-keystoneclient on Fedora at all?16:26
portanteF18 perhaps?16:26
ttxnotmyname: o/16:26
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ttxnotmyname: I can do now if you have data16:28
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notmynamettx. My update is pretty much the email I sent late last week16:29
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notmynamettx. Two things additional16:30
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ttxnotmyname: agreed. May I set "Meidum" priorities to everything on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/swift/icehouse ? That way they will show up on http://status.openstack.org/release/16:30
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ttx(everything currently "Undefined")16:30
notmynameYa ok. Thanks16:30
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ttxalso "not started" unless proven otherwise16:31
notmynamettx. First note is that next release should be next week16:31
notmynameRc cut16:31
notmynameBrevity. I'm on my phone16:31
ttxnotmyname: ok16:31
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notmynameSecond is maybe larger issue about flake816:32
ttxnotmyname: with swift-bench separation and that critical bugfix16:32
ttxnotmyname: want to raise that flake8 issue at meeting today ?16:32
notmynameYes. And several nice features like early quorum and ssync16:32
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notmynameFlake8 issue may be a cross project issue. Getting pushback that forces us to ignore a check16:33
ttxnotmyname: ok, let's just discuss that one at meeting then16:33
notmynameCan address later today with links when I'm in the office16:34
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notmynameAnything else?16:35
ttxnotmyname: ok, didn't have anything you didn't already cover16:35
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ttxnotmyname: see you at meeting later16:35
notmynameOk. Thanks. Fun irc meeting on muni on my phone :)16:35
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portanteayoung: updated, thanks16:36
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ttxmarkwash: around?16:45
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markwashttx: hi, just got in16:45
ttxmarkwash: hi! looking at https://launchpad.net/glance/+milestone/icehouse-116:45
markwashttx: I see I have two bp-issues I didn't catch16:46
ttxprobably those two undefined16:46
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markwashcaught them now16:47
ttxmarkwash: those 3 mediums are still likely to hit next week ?16:47
jgriffithttx: Cinder I-1 items are cleaned up, need to get updates from VMWare before deciding to punt those16:48
markwashselection strategy and oslo messaging are up for review, so yes on those16:48
ttxjgriffith: ok, will check in a few16:48
jgriffithspeaking of which... any VMware folks about??16:48
ttxmarkwash: looking into i-1 bugs now16:48
ttxmarkwash: should https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1252459 be targeted to i-1 ?16:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1252459 in glance "Glance needs a config option to limit the number of image members" [Critical,In progress]16:49
tellesnobregaayoung: ping16:49
markwashttx: yes, it is now, there might be one or two others just like that that should be I-1 targeted16:49
ttxmarkwash: any work left on https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1246968 ?16:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1246968 in glance "Glance doesn't log all errors" [Low,Triaged]16:49
markwashttx: I don't believe so16:50
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ttxmarkwash: (the release scripts will catch any FixCommitted leftover)16:50
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ttxmarkwash: ok, will mark it FixCommitted unless proven otherwise16:51
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markwashttx: yeah, I think the original reporter was a bit skeptical but I'm sure it only needs fixing in one place16:51
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markwashso we should be good16:51
ttxmarkwash: OK, wil let you close it with a comment then16:51
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ttxmarkwash: now looking at the general Icehouse plan @ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/icehouse16:52
markwashdarn I think I have to revert that :-(16:52
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ttxmarkwash: icehouse roadmap looks good, is that a complete view of what you know is being worked on ? Or is it still missing a few BPs ?16:53
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markwashttx: I think there are a few things still being negotiated that are small and could land16:53
ttx(doesn't have to be final, just has to be a fair representation of the current state)16:53
markwashbut its relatively complete for the stuff I know and care about most16:53
ttxok, good enough then16:53
ttxjust keep it updated as you learn new things16:54
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ttxmarkwash: was theer anything added in October / early November that you need to account for in icehouse-1 ?16:54
markwashttx: I still need to review the list of patches for that :-(16:55
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ttxmarkwash: ah, ok. Would be good to have it done early this week, so that we can present a complete picture of what is new in icehouse-1 start of next week16:55
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markwashttx: nod16:55
ttxmarkwash: that's all I had. Anythign you want to raise at the meeting ?16:56
ttxMaybe more questions around the client lib / branches ? Or is that thread getting clearer ?16:56
markwashttx: I'm not sure exactly where we landed on the client lib stuff16:56
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ttxmarkwash: yes, my head hurts reading that thread16:56
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markwashit seems like a separate feature branch is probably the right way to go16:56
markwashconsidering I'm just staging something that should then look like an atomic merge in master16:57
ttxmarkwash: I guess we can mention it if we have time left at the meeting today16:57
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ttxmarkwash: if only to motivate people to be clearer in the thread16:57
markwashttx: yeah, that sounds good16:57
ttxmarkwash: ok then, see you at the meeting later16:57
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ttxnext up is hub_cap17:00
ttxhub_cap: hi! looking @ https://launchpad.net/trove/+milestone/icehouse-117:00
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* hub_cap goes to look too17:00
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ttxA few things out of sync there17:00
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mgagnealexpilotti: ping17:00
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alexpilottimgagne: hi17:01
ttxhub_cap: you have 6 "undefined" prio blueprints there17:01
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ttxhub_cap: I suspect the 3 "implemented" ones can safely be set to some priority17:01
mgagnealexpilotti: I implemented multi-nics support for cloudbase, a pull request has been sent.17:02
hub_capyes i was doing that right now ttx :)17:02
alexpilottimgagne: tx, I'm going to review it!17:02
mgagnealexpilotti: I'm however still facing issues with the installer itself17:02
hub_capttx: do i need to set direction to approved as well as definition?17:02
ttxhub_cap: if you could also set one prio for the last 3 that would be cool. Alternatievly you can bump them to i-217:02
ttxhub_cap: you can ignore direction/definition17:02
ttxhub_cap: unless you want to use them for some trove-internal purpose17:03
mgagnealexpilotti: my understanding is that the installer isn't open sourced. right?17:03
hub_capttx: sweet. i had to bump some of those to i-2 cuz they were bogus for i-117:03
hub_capi told people to start putting milestones and well, i got some goofiness :)17:03
ttxhub_cap: next, separate-guestagent-related-code has "unknown" status... does that mean, not started, or really unknown ?17:04
ttxin both cases that makes them unlikely icehouse-1 targets17:04
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hub_caphmm ttx im not seeing that17:04
hub_capcan u link it to me?17:05
ttxhub_cap: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/trove/+spec/separate-guestagent-related-code17:05
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ttxImplementation:   Unknown17:05
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ttxhub_cap: it has some review, so it's at least started17:05
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ttxdunno how close it is from completion though17:05
ttxhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/46090/ tends to mean it's completed17:06
hub_capya thats more of a ongoing things17:06
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hub_capya but thats such a small bit of the overall blueprint17:06
hub_capand the 2nd thing got abandoned17:06
ttxalthough that "Implements:" may be abusive :)17:06
ttxok, maybe Good progress and target to i-2 then17:06
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hub_capyes i targeted i217:06
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ttx"Support Designate in trove" looks completed to me17:07
hub_capso i still dont have a good roadmap, ive asked all teams to enter some icehouse blueprints but i havent seen any big new ones17:07
ttxwith https://review.openstack.org/#/c/54412/17:07
hub_capoh yes it is, dan just merged the code17:07
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ttxok, will update it17:07
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ttxhub_cap: so icehouse-1 now looks good and potentially achievable17:08
hub_capas for icehouse, the "biggest" thing really is clustering/replication17:08
hub_capttx: yes it is achieveable17:08
ttxon the i-1 bugs side, i was wondering about https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/125289717:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1252897 in trove "Instances can be stuck in BACKUP status" [Critical,New]17:08
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ttxshould that be put on the i-1 list ? Or is it too late to fix that ?17:08
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hub_capwe can put it but it might be too late for it17:09
hub_capi also saw a crit bug not started17:09
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hub_capso maybe we wait on that sucker17:10
ttxhub_cap: no point in adding it if nobody is signed up to fix it17:10
hub_capill clean up the importance on the rest of the i1 bugs17:10
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ttxok, so looking at the general icehouse map17:11
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hub_capand im going to try to get more blueprints out of rax, i know they have a meeting to talk roadmap + trove soon17:11
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ttxA couple undefined priorities and unknwon status there, but as you said the main issue is probably that it doesn't reflect everythign you know will be worked on17:12
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hub_capcorrect. ill try to get hp to push out some more BPs, and i know rax will be soon (this wk)17:12
* ttx will fix the unknown statuses17:12
hub_capbut for me, the biggest things are 1) replication-ish-api in beta, 2) tempest tests17:13
ttxok, let's target next week to get a ~current plan17:13
ttxhub_cap: maybe make sure those two are covered by BPs soon17:13
alexpilottimgagne: correct17:13
ttxhub_cap: that's all I had. Anything you want to raise for the cross-project discussion at meeting today ?17:15
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hub_capttx: well ive been asking sone people here and there about pointers wrt getting better at this17:15
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hub_capblueprints, bugs triage and such like that17:15
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hub_capso maybe i wont bring anythign up this wk but i might have a random Q here or there17:15
hub_capim good thx ttx17:15
ttxhub_cap: you know ttx.py ?17:15
hub_capare u hubot ttx?17:16
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ttxhub_cap: that's a ttx emulator17:16
ttxyou can predict my questions using it17:16
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hub_capsweet ttx! itll be in my workflow this time next wk17:17
hub_capand i wont make u 2 min late for your next meeting on ttx tuesday17:17
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ttxhub_cap: not perfect though, but another step twoards automating myself out of a job17:17
ttxwell, you're the last one. Next is in 2 hours :)17:18
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ttxhub_cap: see you at meeting later17:18
mgagnealexpilotti: The installer bundles Python 2.7, cloudbase-init itself and its dependencies, adds an unattend.xml for sysprep / creates a windows service and offers a UI to preconfigure cloudbase-init. right? The issue I have is that I can't recreate the installer to test my changes.17:18
hub_capttx oh hehe, break time!17:18
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alexpilottimgagne: you can install using the installer17:19
alexpilottimgagne: and then apply your changes17:19
alexpilottimgagne: e.g. with a python setup.py install17:19
alexpilottimgagne: and then reboot17:19
alexpilottimgagne: at the end of the setup check sysprep but not shutdown17:20
mgagnealexpilotti: it's kind of hard when you don't have network in your vm at boot time, it involves a lot of manual work ;)17:20
ttxjgriffith: your i-1 looks good now, a few bugs missing assignees but that's fine, just raise them at your next meeting17:20
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alexpilottimgagne: in that stage you can setup networking manually17:22
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alexpilottimgagne: to ease up development I use Fusion / Workstation taking snapshots before the reboot17:23
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alexpilottimgagne: and putting metadata on a configdrive iso17:24
alexpilottimgagne: when that works, I test on OpenStack17:24
mgagnealexpilotti: I was hoping for a way to rebuild the installer myself17:24
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alexpilottimgagne: the installer gets built automatically every night with the content of the master branch17:25
alexpilottimgagne: but for development you really don't need it17:25
mgagnealexpilotti: I understand that part. Main point is that it has been broken for a week and I had no way to fix it myself and/or rebuild a new installer to test my changes.17:25
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alexpilottimgagne: you can use the installer to deploy the various pieces17:26
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alexpilottimgagne: and then you can just manipulate the Python environment as you prefer17:27
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alexpilottimgagne: once done, you just shut down the VM17:27
alexpilottimgagne:  if you look at how the unattended setup works:17:27
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mgagnealexpilotti: our dev infra is automated. any manual work is discouraged.17:28
alexpilottimgagne: for development is manual :-)17:28
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alexpilottimgagne: production wise: https://github.com/cloudbase/windows-openstack-imaging-tools/blob/master/Logon.ps1#L5617:28
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alexpilottimgagne: just add a line before that one to do a pip install, python setup.py install or anything else17:29
mgagnealexpilotti: ok, I'll find a way to automate it.17:29
mgagnealexpilotti: but still, the installer is broken atm17:29
alexpilottimgagne: what do you mean with "the installer is broken"? :-)17:29
mgagnealexpilotti: I can't use it to install cloudbase-init17:29
mgagnealexpilotti: see issue on github17:30
mgagnealexpilotti: and logs I sent you a week ago17:30
mgagnealexpilotti: https://github.com/cloudbase/cloudbase-init/issues/2817:30
alexpilottimgagne: ah, ok. The interesting thing is that in none of our tests is happening17:30
mgagnealexpilotti: happening -> failing ?17:30
alexpilottimgagne: yep17:31
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alexpilottimgagne: actually we also have a CI setup that runs automated installations17:31
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alexpilottimgagne: and it wouldn't pass17:31
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mgagnealexpilotti: ok, what about my failure?17:31
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alexpilottimgagne: so, my 2c so far is that WMI is not properly initialized in that moment17:32
alexpilottimgagne: that's why that WMI query fails17:32
alexpilottimgagne: I need to know a bit more on how you run this17:32
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alexpilottimgagne: are you running theinstaller during sysprep?17:33
mgagnealexpilotti: I'm running the installer in specialize17:33
alexpilottimgagne: I really want to track this issue down, but since I cannot reproduce it, I'll need your help17:33
alexpilottimgagne: ok, found the issue :-)17:34
mgagnealexpilotti: the "fun" part is that it used to work17:34
alexpilottimgagne: you cannot run it there, WMI is not yet available in specialize17:34
alexpilottimgagne: the awful part17:34
alexpilottimgagne: is that specialize is subject to those type of race conditions17:34
mgagnealexpilotti: jesus...17:35
alexpilottimgagne: if you're lucky, WMI setup is complete and the installer works17:35
alexpilottimgagne: if not, you get errors like that one17:35
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mgagnealexpilotti: I guess the moon phase changed and triggered this error then ^^'17:35
alexpilottimgagne: this is the reason why, when we move the host remaming in the specialize, we replaced WMI queries with Win32 API calls17:36
alexpilottimgagne: s/move/moved/17:36
alexpilottimgagne: moon phase changed = race conditions :-)17:36
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alexpilottimgagne: if you look at how we do it: https://github.com/cloudbase/windows-openstack-imaging-tools/blob/master/17:37
mgagnealexpilotti: ok, so I have to move cloudbase-init installation from specialize to FirstLogon or Logon right?17:37
mgagnealexpilotti: I took this example: https://github.com/cloudbase/unattended-setup-scripts/blob/master/Autounattend.xml#L16717:37
alexpilottimgagne: we move the cloudbase-init setup to AutoLogon or Logon17:37
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alexpilottimgagne: if you notice there, we download cloudbase-init, but we execute it later!17:38
mgagnealexpilotti: I should have paid a closer attention to changes in the repo17:38
mgagnealexpilotti: fun: https://github.com/cloudbase/unattended-setup-scripts/commit/d82a560073e5e121583a952af8d72a55c3f7c2a717:38
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alexpilottimgagne: sorry about that, we fought also a lot against sysprep before finding the proper way17:39
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mgagnealexpilotti: alright, this explains the failure. I'll update my setup. it was one of those mysteries of life.17:39
alexpilottimgagne: I reallu suggest to use as a reference: https://github.com/cloudbase/windows-openstack-imaging-tools/blob/master/17:40
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mgagnealexpilotti: yep, I took a lot at it but didn't fully understand why some changes have been made17:40
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alexpilottimgagne: now you know ;-)17:40
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mgagnealexpilotti: tyvm for your time!17:41
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alexpilottimgagne: as a general rule, the  "unattended-setup-scripts" contains the "cutting edge" deployment scripts that we are experimenting with17:41
alexpilottimgagne: while the "windows-openstack-imaging-tools" is the "production" one17:42
mgagnealexpilotti: I'll keep that in mind17:42
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alexpilottimgagne: let me know if you have other issues. We'll add a clear error on the WMI queries to advise people not to run it during specialize17:43
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mgagnealexpilotti: cool, thanks!17:44
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raildo_Hello, I'm working on a blueprint in keystoneclient and when trying to install devstack with my code, I got the following error: http://paste.openstack.org/show/54013/, anyone have idea what it is?17:53
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dolphmdstanek: poke me when you're ready for review on either https://review.openstack.org/#/c/50491/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/52456/ ?17:55
dolphmraildo_: the CRITICAL on "API extensions are missing" must be a joke...17:55
dolphmraildo_: the first bit looks like you have conflicting requirements specifications somewhere? perhaps two projects checked out from different points in time?17:55
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dolphmraildo_: perhaps from novaclient?17:56
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dstanekdolphm: a full test run is just finishing for 52546 so it'll be ready in a few minutes17:58
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dolphmdstanek: great!17:58
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raildo_dolphm: I just removed the keystoneclient of devstack installation, and inside the file localrc, I've set to point to my repository.18:00
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raildo_So I should remove all devstack after I point to my repository and then install stack.sh?18:01
jamielennoxraildo_: what blueprint are you working on - there is work happening in the keystoneclient extensions space already18:02
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raildo_jamielennox: I'm including a get for quotas at domain to retrieve information from Keystone.18:04
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raildo_I've tested the code part and it worked, but when I went test into the devstack, i had this problem.18:05
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mgagnealexpilotti: still working on fixing my stuff. What's the purpose of GPO.zip?18:24
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alexpilottimgagne: puttiong our gorgeus desktop background ;-)18:25
mgagnealexpilotti: :D18:25
alexpilottimgagne: not strcly mandatory of course :-)18:25
mgagnealexpilotti: ;)18:25
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pete5general openstack dev question: is there any kind of statistics library in oslo or other parts of nova? I want to gather simple stats, like how many times an auth token middleware request is satisfied by the cache, and report them. It'd be easy to roll my own, but I'd prefer to use something that already exists.18:31
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pete5i.e., simple statistical counters18:35
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jamielennoxayoung: please recheck the -1 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57803/18:51
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pete5jamielennox: please recheck your -1 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56430/18:52
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jamielennoxpete5: ok18:54
pete5thanks :-)18:54
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ayoungatiwari, lets talk!@19:01
ayoungatiwari, I am with you, more than you are with yourself.  You know that, right?19:01
dolphmgyee: a bridge from what to what?19:01
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atiwariayoung, yes19:01
gyeedolphm, stop-gap solution19:01
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atiwarinow the question is the implementation19:01
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atiwariayoung correct?19:01
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ayoungatiwari, ok, so first off19:02
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ayoungMake role defintions nestable19:02
dolphmgyee: that doesn't address the question19:02
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ayoung2:  make someone (a project) own each role definition19:02
ayoung3:  use policy to enforce who can make a new role defintion under an existing defintion.19:03
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atiwariayoung, when you say nesting is that mean nesting in name like "keystone:manager"?19:03
ayoungatiwari, yes19:03
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ayoungor even better19:03
atiwarithis approach has some issue19:03
atiwari1. service name change will trigger role name change19:04
ayoungatiwari, you want issues.  Issue means it has a child19:04
atiwaricome on19:04
ayoungI have Issue.  Two boys!19:04
morganfainberggyee, dolphm, in my mind, deployment wise, we pretty much already have everything we need to make this happen.  not sure an extension is even warranted.19:04
dolphmmorganfainberg: referring to password rotation?19:05
morganfainberggyee, dolphm, short of a single optional auth plugin.19:05
dstanekgyee: the blueprint linked from that review seems to be missing a lot of detail19:05
morganfainbergdolphm, yes.19:05
atiwari2. it is hard to define policy to protect roles for keystone from nova deployer s19:05
gyeedstanek, ignore the bp for now19:05
morganfainbergdolphm, gyee, well... the multiple password use-case vs. rotation19:05
gyeedstanek, use case is rotation only19:05
dstanekgyee: i was hoping to find a list of use cases :-(19:05
atiwariayoung , what do you say ?19:05
morganfainberggyee, oh, only rotation not mutiple passwords beyond rotation?19:05
ayoungatiwari, OK, so after that, It might be OK to link a service to a role definition.  But I would suspect that it could be a separate extension that does it.  I don't know that you would *always* want to trigger the update, but that doesn't mean it should not be *possible* to trigger an update19:06
morganfainberggyee, *lost that bit*19:06
gyeemorganfainberg, I am trying to make it generic, not if-then-else19:06
dolphmmorganfainberg: like, if the sql backend always stored the last known password and allowed it for a configurable duration?19:06
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ayoungatiwari, so,  if you get 1-3 working above, linking a service to a role can be a follow on step.19:06
morganfainbergdolphm, yep19:06
dolphmmorganfainberg: works for me19:06
nkinderdolphm: that's my preference19:07
dolphmmorganfainberg: definitely wouldn't require any api changes19:07
morganfainbergdolphm, actually, i'd probably offer for the SQL backend a little more like password history (X passwords)19:07
morganfainbergdolphm, still no api change.19:07
morganfainbergand the non-SQL.. well thats up to ldap/idp to figure out how to handle that19:07
dstanekmorganfainberg: how much history would you store?19:07
nkinderif rotation is the only real use-case, I'd prefer that we only solve that and not add something that can be overloaded.19:07
morganfainbergdstanek, configurable19:07
ayoungatiwari, you protect the "change role defition" API with "owner" typ semantics.  We have that policy written in the cloud sample..19:07
fabiogmorganfainberg and dolphm: please look at this blueprint that should address the issue: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/password-rotation19:08
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dolphmmorganfainberg: and if we default to 0 seconds of overlap, the system doesn't change at all (barring inevitable bugs)19:08
gyeedstanek, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/password-rotation19:08
fabiogalso I have a work in progress on this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/55906/19:08
morganfainbergnkinder, i think it would be trivial to track last-known-pasword and a timestamp. with a configurable (default 0) overlap period19:08
atiwariayoung, I ma not getting "make someone (a project) own each role definition"19:08
morganfainbergdolphm, ^ and yes19:08
nkindermorganfainberg: I agree, and no API change is a big plus.19:08
ayoungatiwari, like https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/etc/policy.v3cloudsample.json#L3219:08
atiwarihow can project own role definitions19:08
dolphmmorganfainberg: store in extra, or what?19:08
ayoungatiwari, OK,19:09
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gyeemorganfainberg, I like the "expired_at" option19:09
ayounga role definintion, right now, is a global entity.  Only admin can add/change19:09
morganfainbergdolphm, easiest way, yes in extra19:09
ayoungI am suggesting to make role-defintion have an owner19:09
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ayoungspecifically a project,19:09
dolphmmorganfainberg: or move passwords into their own table?19:09
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dolphmmorganfainberg: where expires_at is just a backend detail?19:10
nkindermorganfainberg, dolphm: implementation wise, you need to have a way to clean out old password after they expire.19:10
fabiogmorganfainberg and dolphm we can move password to the credential blob19:10
ayoungthen to maodify a role-defintion, you need the "changer" role on the project that owns the role defintion19:10
morganfainbergfabiog, no. that is not a good approach. since it's seprate from identity19:10
morganfainbergfabiog, that would be fine if you want to simply make a new auth plugin and adjust policy.json to allow that as a pure auth mechanism19:10
gyeemorganfainberg, no, user_id is in cred19:10
nkindermorganfainberg, dolphm: perhaps when someone authenticates, we check if there are any expired passwords and remove them.19:10
gyeethey are linked19:10
dolphmnkinder: ++, like "change_password" results in a new password record being created with no expiration, and existing passwords with no expiration suddenly have a configurable remaining lifetime set19:11
atiwariayoung, something like that I am proposing but in my proposal policy wd have the service_id in it19:11
morganfainbergnkinder, that is a fine approach19:11
morganfainbergnkinder, i like that.19:11
morganfainbergdolphm, ++19:11
atiwariso something like "role:deployer and service_id=NovaId"19:11
dolphmnkinder: i'd rather minimize the amount of work done during auth19:11
ayoungfabiog, how about "add an "old_password" field and "old_password_valid_until" field on the user object"19:11
nkinderdolphm: sure, understandable19:11
morganfainbergnkinder, dolphm, that would warrant a separate table imo.19:11
nkinderdolphm: during a password change is fine too.  The expired password will be kept longer, but it's not usable, so not a big deal.19:12
dolphmmorganfainberg: otherwise you *always* have to fetch the user record, even for failed auth19:12
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fabiogayoung: that does not allow to have the history of passwords19:12
morganfainbergdolphm, yes19:12
atiwarifor role update19:12
fabioglet's say I don't want to re-use the last 5 passwords19:12
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gyeemorganfainberg, what's won't with storing them into credential table?19:12
dolphmgyee: so there you go -- password rotation for service users with zero api impact. any concerns?19:12
morganfainberggyee, it's not tied to the IdP19:12
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ayoungfabiog, you mean for tracking changed passwords?  If you need that, put that in a separate table.19:13
morganfainberggyee, e.g. LDAP or (future looking) federated auth with non-sync'd passwords19:13
fabiogmorganfainberg: adding a table to store the passwords would be fine?19:13
dolphmwe treat passwords as "special" because they're owned by the idp -- i don't see a strong use case to change that, other than for unnecessary normalization19:13
ayoungfabiog, those are two different use cases.19:13
morganfainbergdolphm, ++19:13
morganfainbergfabiog, we can tie the password to the IdP that way, credential is not strongly linked.19:14
morganfainbergcredential is a far different store of data19:14
ayoungmorganfainberg, that was one of my concerns, too.19:14
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morganfainbergthere is nothing saying we shouldn't have a credential based auth plugin (optional)19:14
morganfainbergbut that is a separate topic19:14
morganfainbergwith other concerns to be discussed around it19:14
gyeewhat is credential API for anyway?19:15
morganfainberggyee, heat is making use of it w/ trusts19:15
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morganfainberggyee, and that is fine.  but i don't see a need to make default password handling go through credential in this case.  and we are talking more default password handling.19:15
ayoungatiwari, Service is only *one* type of namespace for a role.  I am ok with making an optional link from one to the other, but we can't assume that it is the only, or even the most likely to be used.  Don't try to make service the direct owner for a role-definition.  It doesn't fit.19:15
morganfainberggyee, this whole issue could be solved with a custom auth plugin and deployment choice to allow credentials to be made by a user.19:16
mgagnealexpilotti: sorry to bother again, you are the only windows guy I know on IRC ;)19:16
mgagnealexpilotti: Is HKLM\SYSTEM\MountedDevices cleared after a sysprep?19:16
morganfainberggyee, or use of external auth mechanism passed down in env to keystone19:17
morganfainberggyee, the credential table + auth plugin seems to encompass everything in the BP.19:17
morganfainberggyee, but, rotating passwords, and time-based expiration on new password (as nkinder and dolphm just discussed) is a good feature we should add as well.19:18
morganfainbergeven in the base auth mechanism.  so by default you get some of the BP, but the rest falls a bit more out of scope of the default password auth mechanism.19:19
dolphmmorganfainberg: that sounds like a second step after implementing this, no?19:19
morganfainbergdolphm, yes19:19
dolphmmorganfainberg: default password validaty duration?19:19
nkindermorganfainberg, dolphm: It also sets the groundwork for password history checking if it's ever desired in the default IdP.19:19
morganfainbergnkinder, dolphm, exactly19:19
gyeemorganfainberg, dolphm, so the summarize, we are advocating moving password into a different table (not credential table); keep a history of password changes there; the newest one have no expiration; the older one will be assigned a configurable expiration date19:19
gyeedid I understand you guys correctly?19:20
dolphmnkinder: hey, it's less work to not delete old passwords at that point :)19:20
atiwariayoung, don't see the future but right now service drives these artifacts (Service, Endpoints, Roles)19:20
morganfainbergdolphm, we could do "cleanup" on new password issuance.19:20
ayoungatiwari, projects are generic containers.  Resources are owned by projects.  Services do not.  Not in Keystone.  Services may manage one type or a subset of resources, but they  explicitly crosscut project boundaries.  So, in order to link a role-defintion to a service, we either need to break that abstraction, or we need to put them both inside a project.19:20
dolphmgyee: ++19:20
morganfainbergthat is a good time to cleanup old passwords forthe user19:20
nkinderdolphm: you just trim them at the configured number of past passwords you want to check against. :)19:20
fabiognkinder +119:20
ayoungatiwari, no,  right now, a Role definition is expected to be used across multiple services19:20
dolphmgyee: not a configurable expiration date, but a configurable delta of overlap, resulting an expiration date19:20
atiwariayoung, that is correct19:21
ayoungatiwari, the idea of scoping a role to a service is your idea19:21
fabiogdolphm: why?19:21
atiwariand only the name19:21
ayoungbut it is only one approach19:21
nkinderexactly.  Internally, it would be an expiration date (that is created from the time of change + delta)19:21
atiwariyou can have 2 or more role definition with same name19:21
morganfainbergfabiog, because "time based" access would fall into the second step i outlined, a more custom auth mechanism (cred table based) that doesn't change default password handling.19:22
dolphmgyee: fabiog: i have no idea what an appropriate config var would be called, but something like old_password_validity_duration = 300 # number of seconds old passwords remain valid19:22
atiwari1 for nove and another for swift .....19:22
ayoungI am OK with making that happen, but the impl will need to support the existing approach along side it.  I don't want a separate set of rules for the existing code than what handles your code.19:22
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gyeeand the auth_plugin will be interating through that table19:22
nkinderfabiog: I think that policies will say "the old password must still be valid for N hours".  The configuration should match the definition of policy.19:22
morganfainberggyee, yes.19:22
gyeek, that might work19:22
dolphmgyee: fabiog: # ... after a new password is set19:22
nkinderfabiog: the implementation would use a timestamp for the expiration date19:22
morganfainberggyee, an optional plugin imo. but that covers the other use cases.19:22
atiwariayoung, that is I said it will be backward compatible19:22
ayoungatiwari, nova:admin and swift:admin  are nested roles.  With nova as a top level role.19:22
atiwariservice_id will be an optional19:23
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ayoungNo, service_id will be no where in there19:23
gyeemorganfainberg, you mean a different plugin than password auth?19:23
atiwarinova is not a role19:23
nkinderdolphm: the term "grace period" might work.19:23
atiwaribut a service in cloud infrastructure19:23
dolphmnkinder: there you go, thanks19:23
ayoungatiwari, it is a role-definition.19:23
morganfainberggyee, or something that replaces the password auth one that can be optionally enabled.19:23
ayoungatiwari, roles are just names19:23
morganfainbergdolphm, nkinder, password_grace_period19:23
ayoungscopes for names19:23
nkinderdolphm: I'm used to "grace period" meaning how long you can still use a password after it expires (for the purpose of changing your password before you get locked out).19:23
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ayoungso, yeah, a role named "nova" seems wierd.19:24
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morganfainbergnkinder, that is kind of a standard imo19:24
nkinderdolphm, morganfainberg: That's standard terminology from the LDAP password policy draft19:24
ayoungBut the alternative is to create another abstraction called namespace19:24
atiwariayoung, roles are just a name but same name has different meaning for two service19:24
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ayoungit is a tree problem.19:24
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ayoungatiwari, or for two different projects19:24
nkindermorganfainberg, dolphm: this is slightly different though (we have a new password already).19:24
nkinder...but I think it's close enough.19:25
ayoungatiwari, service is not the only thing that is going to distinguish between two roles of the same name19:25
morganfainbergnkinder, if it's documented, i think it makes sense19:25
atiwarisome practically, Nova sees Admin differently than how swift user sees19:25
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atiwariayoung, what wd be other things in your mind?19:26
ayoungatiwari, what if two services want to share a role defintion?19:26
ayoungWhich one owns it?19:26
morganfainberggyee, and with the alternative plugin you could (in theory) still be basic_auth compat if you wanted (if it's implemented correctly)19:26
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ayoungIt goes into a project and both services can access it19:26
atiwariayoung, why they want to do so, each can have role definition with same name19:27
atiwarieventually role name matters for service19:27
gyeemorganfainberg, the new auth plugin will be protocol agnostic I would think19:27
ayoungatiwari, no.  That expands the load on the administrator19:27
dolphmnkinder: morganfainberg: gyee: fabiog: https://gist.github.com/dolph/7366031/#password-rotation19:27
gyeejust comparing password against the passwords table for the given user19:27
ayoungatiwari, but management of role names is not one to one linked with a service.,19:27
morganfainberggyee, correct19:27
ayoungatiwari, please meditate on this19:27
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atiwariayoung, that is on problem we want to off hook from keystone admin19:27
morganfainbergdolphm, looks correct tome19:28
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gyeedolphm, ++19:28
ayoungWe've covered this too many times.  No service ID in the role-definition.  It doesn't fit.19:29
dolphmmorganfainberg: so, do new passwords result in revocation events? :)19:29
morganfainbergdolphm, they would still have to.19:29
ayoungAccept that and you've got a really, really solid blueprint19:29
gyeedolphm, no, why?19:29
fabiogdolphm: ok, I think we have a solution to move forward then19:29
dolphmgyee: they do today19:29
morganfainbergdolphm, tokens should still be more ephemeral19:29
atiwariayoung, what I want to achieve is service artifacts (Service, Endpoints, including Roles) for Nova can be updated.created by only Nova deployer or keystone admin19:29
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morganfainbergre-issue a token is low cost.19:29
gyeemorganfainberg, make sense19:29
ayoungatiwari, you can do that19:29
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gyeewe shouldn't revoke token on password changes19:30
ayoungatiwari, one, create a project called Nova19:30
atiwaribut not the swift deployer19:30
morganfainberggyee, we have to at the moment, since tokens are long lived by default19:30
ayoung2 create a role called Nova19:30
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ayoung3 assign the role-def Nova to the "Nova" project"19:30
ttxstevebaker: around?19:30
gyeemorganfainberg, password change != password compromise19:30
ayoungNow only user with the role "rolemanager" can create or delete roles under the "nova" "role-def"19:31
morganfainberggyee, how do you identify the difference?19:31
atiwariayoung, that mean you want to have on-off policy for each service19:31
morganfainbergcompromise = changed password19:31
atiwariis that correct?19:31
gyeemorganfainberg, we can't19:31
ayoungatiwari, no.  Policy is owner-or-admin rule I linked to before19:31
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dolphmmorganfainberg: with revocation events, you could register a revocation event in the future (when the password will actually expire)19:31
gyeewe suspend user19:31
morganfainberggyee, then the answer for now is revoke19:31
gyeethat will revoked all the user's tokens19:31
dolphm(old password)19:31
morganfainbergdolphm, oh good idea19:31
ayoungatiwari, ah...there is some majik there you might not be familiar with19:31
morganfainbergdolphm, derp, was thinking in current revocation mechanism19:32
dolphmmorganfainberg: but that also means tokens with the new password must be recreated19:32
ayoungatiwari, henrynash did some sleight of hand.19:32
atiwariin https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/etc/policy.v3cloudsample.json#L3219:32
atiwariowner is derived by user_id19:32
ayoungatiwari, basically, we fetch the object from the DB and check ownership in policy enforcement.  It is ugleeeee but it works19:32
morganfainbergdolphm, salt tokens with something from the password? new revocation matcher?19:32
atiwariis that correct?19:32
ayoungatiwari, yeah19:32
ayoungatiwari, specifically, we would need something that says19:32
ayounguser has role X on project Y which owns object Z19:33
ayoungso, yeahm a little more complex19:33
dolphmmorganfainberg: maybe you could use trusts for this19:33
* dolphm runs away19:33
stevebakerttx: here19:33
ayoungatiwari, but people are asking for that kind of policy elsewhere already19:33
morganfainbergdolphm, LOL thats what trusts are for, so i hear!19:33
ttxstevebaker: hi!19:33
stevebakerttx: https://launchpad.net/heat/+milestone/icehouse-119:33
morganfainbergdolphm, trusts are the answer for everything19:33
ttxstevebaker: 3 undefined priorities on this one19:34
ayoungdifferent APIs for change password versus rotate password.  Rotate does not invalide tokens19:34
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morganfainbergayoung, and just let old tokens live on on a rotation until natural expiration?19:34
ttxstevebaker: also was wondering if anything in there shoudln't already be postponed to i-219:34
ayoungmorganfainberg, yes19:34
ttxstevebaker: like stuff which is only started and hasn't code proposed yet (one week left)19:35
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stevebakerttx: priorities fixed19:35
morganfainbergayoung, or.. in post data "revoke=True" ?19:35
atiwariayoung, did you see plan B in link: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/service-scoped-role-definition?19:35
morganfainbergsame mechanism, just alternate data19:35
ttxstevebaker: or is everything still likely to make it ?19:36
atiwariwhich is something like you are mentioning here19:36
morganfainbergand revoke=true would mean no grace on password overalp?19:36
morganfainbergdolphm, nkinder ^19:36
morganfainberggyee, ^19:36
stevebakerttx: I think everything has some code proposed. I've pinged every blueprint for updates but some have not responded so I can do another sweep now19:36
stevebakerttx: maybe after the heat meeting in 24 hours19:36
ttxstevebaker: clients-ssl-options might be completed by https://review.openstack.org/#/c/54686/ (merged)19:36
stevebakerah, yes19:36
atiwarieach service will own a project and mapped to that project with "service-deployer" role19:36
ttxstevebaker: filter-stacks might be completed by https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57313/ (merged)19:36
dolphmmorganfainberg: if non-zero grace period, don't revoke anything (opt out of current behavior). if zero grace period, revoke immediately (maintain current behavior)19:37
gyeedolphm, sounds good19:37
gyeeI rather have just one configurable option19:37
ttxstevebaker: if you confirm they all have the code proposed already, you can set them to "Needs code review" to match19:37
morganfainbergdolphm, right.  and if gace period is configured and revocation is desired, revoke=True in the data, forces current behavior?19:37
morganfainbergor am i crossing things.19:38
morganfainberg(don't cross the streams!)19:38
stevebakerttx: what if the code available is only partial implementation?19:38
ttxstevebaker: "good progress" is probably the best bet in that case19:38
* morganfainberg is confused now.19:38
gyeemorganfainberg, no, the grace period configure dictates both19:38
stevebakerttx: ok19:38
dolphmmorganfainberg: i'm trying to avoid api impact19:39
fabiogmorganfainberg: grace_per=0 -> Revoke19:39
morganfainbergdolphm, password change is a new mechanism, not impl right?19:39
morganfainbergor did that make it's way in19:39
ttxstevebaker: should I set  filter-stacks to 'implemented' due to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57313/ (merged) ?19:39
dolphmmorganfainberg: it's in review, i'd like to merge it today actually19:39
dolphmdstanek: ^19:39
morganfainbergdolphm, ok then fair enough19:39
dolphmmorganfainberg: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/52456/19:39
stevebakerttx: yes, do that please19:39
morganfainbergdisable user if you want to revoke all tokens right now.19:39
ttxon it19:40
morganfainberge.g. compromised user?19:40
gyeemorganfainberg, ++19:40
ttxstevebaker: looking at your I1-targeted bug list now19:40
morganfainbergthat is the last "case" we would need to deal with on password rotation19:40
stevebakerttx: ahem19:40
ttxstevebaker: pretty massive list :)19:40
morganfainbergwhich i'm fine with the "disable this user" approach, just want it to be clearly documented that is the right way to handle it19:41
stevebakerttx: but lots fixed!19:41
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ttxstevebaker: would be good to refine it with stuff that's likely to get fixed, and/or stuff you really want to get fixed by I119:41
stevebakerttx: yes, I may just kick any Triaged below High19:41
ttxstevebaker: if you end up fixing more, my release script will catch them and add the milestone for them :)19:42
ttxstevebaker: please refine the list by the heat meeting19:42
stevebakerttx: handy, even if they've got milestone i-2?19:42
ttxstevebaker: yes19:42
stevebakerttx: nice19:42
nkindermorganfainberg, dolphm: What about the case where grace_period>0 and I change a password because it was compromised.19:42
ttxrelease script takes all FixCommitted and sets them FixReleased / i119:42
morganfainbergnkinder, that is what i was getting at.19:43
gyeenkinder, you suspend the user19:43
nkindermorganfainberg, dolphm: the old pasword would still be valid for the grace period19:43
nkindergyee: then what?  Give them a new account?19:43
gyeenkinder, suspending the user will effectively revoke all his tokens19:43
morganfainbergnkinder, ^ gyee is advocating suspending user.19:43
ttxstevebaker: looking at the more general icehouse plan now @ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/icehouse19:43
morganfainbergthat is an admin action though19:43
nkinderI'm not even thinking about token revocation at this point.19:43
gyeeninkder, 1) suspend the user, 2) change password, 3) re-enable to user19:43
ttxstevebaker: you have 3 "obsolete" in there, may I remove them from the series ?19:44
dolphmmorganfainberg: nkinder: i was just thinking about that problem, and considering exposing write operation to revocation events to the API?19:44
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nkindergyee: is step 2.5 to wait for the grace period to expire?19:44
stevebakerttx: I went through every blueprint, obsoleted or approved a bunch19:44
ttxstevebaker: also should I set all the "unknown" which don't have any review attached to "Not started" ?19:44
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dolphmmorganfainberg: POST /v3//auth/token/revocation_events {"revocation_event": {"user_id": "abc123"}}19:44
nkindergyee: change the password N+1 times, where N is the number of passwords that we retain in history?  It's not very pretty.19:45
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dolphmi don't know how generally useful that would be19:45
morganfainbergdolphm, that seems like the wrong approach.19:45
stevebakerttx: yes, ok19:45
dolphmmorganfainberg: how so?19:45
ttxstevebaker: will do in a few19:45
dolphmgyee: that works too19:46
morganfainbergdolphm, i'd rather very strictly control how events are generated.  that opens the doors to a lot of odd issues occuring (and another secuiryt/ddos vector if we are not careful)19:46
dolphmnkinder: how is that any uglier than what's currently proposed?19:46
dolphmmorganfainberg: fair enough19:46
ttxstevebaker: plan looks mostly good, is it a fair portrait of what you know might happen ? Or are you still waiting for a few more BPs to be filed ?19:46
morganfainbergdolphm, nkinder, if user.suspended, grace = 0 (by default)19:46
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morganfainbergerm s/by default/always19:46
nkindermorganfainberg: yes, that would do it.19:46
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morganfainbergthere is no reason to support a grace period for a suspended user.19:47
dolphmgyee: although you can't change the password for a disabled user using dstanek's code19:47
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dolphmgyee: that would be the existing password reset approach19:47
dolphmgyee: so it'd be one operation19:47
gyeedolphm, admin should be able to update user right?19:47
morganfainberggyee, might need to add support for that19:47
stevebakerttx: once I've finished some hot-software-config POC work, a bunch of blueprints will be created to share out the work items19:47
gyeeI mean update user's password field19:47
dolphmgyee: yeah, we're about to have two different password change mechanisms though19:47
dolphmgyee: PATCH /users/{user_id} '{{}}'19:48
stevebakerttx: the same might happen for autoscaling-api19:48
ttxstevebaker: it's fine to add more as you go19:48
morganfainberghopefully we can deprecate the broken mechanism sooooon.19:48
dolphmgyee: whoops, hold on19:48
stevebakerttx: and there will probably be more rats-and-mice bps19:48
ttxstevebaker: just want the roadmap to represent the current knowledge19:48
morganfainbergs/soon/sometime please/19:48
ttxstevebaker: if you can put names (assignees) on every blueprint in there, the better (if you know a group signed up but nobody in particular yet, assigning to a group is fine too)19:48
gyeedolphm, PATCH /users is admin-protected today19:48
stevebakerttx: ok19:48
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nkindergyee: yes, for good reason - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ossn/+bug/123798919:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1237989 in ossn "user can update his password without knowing the old password" [Critical,Fix released]19:49
ttxstevebaker: ok, that's all I had... anything you want to raise at the meeting later today ?19:49
ayoungatiwari, that is pretty much correct, although I still don't see the benefit of explicitly stating the serviceid in there.  But, yeah, plan b is about right19:49
gyeenkinder, your questions make me think about a complete password management solution today19:49
stevebakerttx: I can't think of anything right now19:49
ttxstevebaker: ok, then see you there !19:50
stevebakerwill do! thanks19:50
gyeelike suspend user after N failed attempts, enforce password length, composition, etc19:50
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morganfainberggyee, that, i think is the direction we're going.19:50
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gyeepassword expiration19:50
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gyeeforce password reset on the next login19:51
gyeeself-service password recovery19:51
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nkinderthat's why an external IdP is nice if it already solves much of this19:51
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morganfainberggyee, i think we will nedd to get there for the keystone internal idp, but i want to make that thing handled the same as any federated idp in the long run (just something keystone provides as an option)19:52
nkindermorganfainberg: +119:52
gyeemorganfainberg, which one has higher priority? :)19:52
morganfainberggyee, support of federation.  imo.  otherwise we likley have a lot of work just for the sake of work, since we haven't decided what the federation would look like.  hopefully within the next cycle we are there.19:53
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morganfainberggyee, unless we _really_ need to add all that support in this cycle. (might be a tall order)19:54
morganfainberggyee, if it's next cycle, i say probably done in J timeframe for both.19:54
gyeemorgainfainberg, hard to disagree with you on this one :)19:54
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dolphmmorganfainberg: gyee: nkinder: i'm thinking through existing API consequences here https://gist.github.com/dolph/766501119:56
morganfainbergdolphm, you could combine the suspend and password change (use case) or we need to outline what the effect would be.19:56
morganfainberg(administrative reset)19:57
morganfainberg400 bad request? :P19:57
dolphmmorganfainberg: disable and assign a new password in a single call?19:58
morganfainbergthats a fine result.  just make sure we handle that case.19:58
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nkinderdolphm: is token revocation configurable for the first and third cases?19:58
atiwariayoung, so you are cool with plan B?19:58
morganfainbergactually... you know.  maybe we just make administrative password change no-grace?19:58
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morganfainbergand issues revocation19:58
dolphmnkinder: that's part of what i'm thinking about here; ideas?19:59
morganfainbergsuspension is optional at any point.19:59
morganfainbergnkinder, gyee, ^?19:59
atiwarinow the question is, why we need serviceid in role-defs?19:59
dolphmmorganfainberg: in the service user password rotation use case, do you always expect service users to rotate their own passwords? (i think that's fair)19:59
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morganfainbergdolphm, personally, i think that is a fair expectation for any user of the keystone internal idp20:00
morganfainbergservice or otherwise20:00
nkinderdolphm: so that means changes with rotation need knowledge of the old password20:00
morganfainbergnkinder, correct.20:00
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gyeeon compromised password reset, we need to mention that grace period for old passwords are set to 020:01
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dolphmmorganfainberg: in the first example, does that not result in password rotation then? (grace period is not applied)20:01
nkinderdolphm: yes.  Any PATCH request means no rotation and token revocation.20:01
morganfainbergdolphm, that would be the case, any patch user: password would be no-grace + revocation20:01
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nkinderonly the new self-service API would do rotation.20:02
morganfainbergnkinder, i think that is actually a good approach.20:02
nkinderand token revocation would only happen if grace_period=020:02
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morganfainbergnkinder, +20:03
morganfainbergnkinder, in the case of self-service20:03
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nkindermorganfainberg: yes, correct.20:04
dolphmmorganfainberg: nkinder: gyee: updated gist20:04
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morganfainbergdolphm, sure. lgtm20:04
nkinderdolphm: aren't the first and second case the same really?20:05
ayoungatiwari, I think the following lines are misguided     Keystone should have a policy "role:service-deployer and service_id:%(target.service.id)s)" policy.20:05
ayoung     _build_policy_check_credentials code has to populate service_id in credentials. (This needs an enhancement which is depending on this BP )20:05
morganfainbergnkinder, yes, but suspension is recommended until things are cleaned up.20:05
nkinderdolphm: We have an admin reset (using PATCH), and a self-service reset using the new API.20:05
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ayoungit should be something like20:05
nkindermorganfainberg: Sure, it's good practice, but it doesn't change anything other than locking the user out between requests.20:05
dolphmnkinder: yeah, you're right!20:06
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dolphmnkinder: revised20:06
ayounguser has role:service-deployer on project (target.service-name)20:06
ayoungatiwari, but even then it should not mention the service20:07
nkinderdolphm: add a consequence for the self-service reset that mentions how token revocation is handled20:07
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nkinderdolphm: if grace_period>0, tokens aren't revoked.20:07
dsantos_dhellmann-afk: I sent another patch... please take a look when you return to see whether I did right or not20:08
nkinderif grace_period=0, tokens ARE revoked20:08
ayoungatiwari, instead, the link should be implicit.  Remember, the change role api needs to be called when there is no service id present.20:08
dolphmnkinder: working on it20:08
ayoungSo your check won't keep someone from modifying the service id *Unless* the permissions are managed completely by the project that owns the service.  So linking the project that owns the role to the service is really a documentation and expectations issue.20:09
ayoungnkinder, +120:09
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dolphmnkinder: i think i captured that20:10
nkinderdolphm: cool, checking20:10
nkinderdolphm: looks good!20:10
dolphmmorganfainberg: gyee: fabiog: ++?20:11
* ayoung is going to try and get something done on revocations before being called into Thanksgiving day prep.20:11
nkinderdolphm: I like that it doesn't change the API and the default behavior is the same20:11
dstanekso for self service tokens won't be revoked if there is a grace period?20:11
dolphmayoung: are you volunteering to have the bp assigned to you? i meant to look for a volunteer during the meeting20:11
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dolphmnkinder: ++20:11
dolphmdstanek: correct20:12
morganfainbergdolphm, ++20:12
gyeedolphm, looks good20:12
dstanekdolphm: why wouldn't the tokens be revoked after the grace period?20:12
ayoungdolphm, which BP?20:12
nkinderdstanek: token lifetime is different than grace period20:12
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dolphmdstanek: because it would also revoke token generated using the new passwrod as well20:12
ayoungI'm working on the new Revocation list api20:12
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dolphmdstanek: it basically puts the burden on the deployer to balance basic token duration and the password grace period as they see fit20:13
dolphmayoung: API or impl?20:13
dstanekdolphm: ah i see20:13
ayounghttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/revocation-events  yeah I'll take both20:13
dolphmayoung: both? what's the other one?20:13
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ayoungdolphm, plan is "get WIP, reverse engineer API, post both together"20:13
dolphmayoung: (just assigned you that one ^)20:13
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ayoungdolphm, so we have another related one for splitting the revoation backend.  I think I'll close this, as it will supercede that20:14
dolphmayoung: ah, ++20:15
ayoungdolphm, BTW: tried to make it understandable, outside of blueprinting it.  http://adam.younglogic.com/2013/11/token-revocations-in-keystone/20:16
ayoungNeeded to explain why I consider it one of the highest priorities for me to be focusing on it.20:17
ayoungShould be nothing new in there, but maybe a little bit of the analysis about trusts20:17
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dolphmayoung: cool20:21
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ayounggyee, ever see something like this?    except environment.subprocess.CalledProcessError:20:28
ayoungAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'CalledProcessError'20:28
gyeeayoung, no, sounds like you have the won't package version?20:28
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gyeelemme check my env20:28
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bknudsonjamielennox: what's this about: "I'm not sure what the policy on the link in comments are."20:35
ayounggyee, CalledProcessError is from Keystone common20:35
ayoungI wonder if it is Eventlet?20:36
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bknudsonayoung: did you call configure_once? http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/keystone/tree/keystone/common/environment/__init__.py#n3620:37
ayoungbknudson, this is in a unit test20:37
ayoungbut it is a new suite,20:37
bknudsonayoung: that was moved into a fixture recently...20:38
bknudsonit used to be in keystone/tests/core.py20:38
gyeeayoung, see keystone/tests/core.py20:38
bknudsonyou are way behind.20:39
gyeeyou have two choices, use_eventlet() or use_stdlib()20:39
gyeeeither would configure the subprocess20:39
ayoungbknudson, and not currently called by super setup?20:39
gyeeif you import core it should configure subprocess on import20:40
bknudsonayoung: I haven't seen your code, but my understanding is that the base TestCase doesn't pull that in anymore20:40
bknudsonso if you need to use that fixture you need to do it yourself.20:41
ayoungbknudson, know of an example test that does that?20:41
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bknudsonayoung: it was dstanek20:41
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dstanekayoung: what are you trying to do?20:41
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ayoungdstanek, I'm getting an error trying to sign a token in a unit tests20:41
ayoungAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'CalledProcessError'20:41
ayoungsubprocess is not initialized, apparently.20:42
dstanekayoung: that's odd - that would mean that the environment wasn't setup properly20:42
ayoungdstanek, it is quite possible20:42
ayoungthis is a new test in20:42
bknudsonayoung: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/keystone/tree/keystone/tests/test_keystoneclient.py#n5220:42
dstanekayoung: i thought that happened just by importing keystone.tests20:42
ayoungbknudson, no, I don't want this20:43
ayoungtis more like a backend_test20:43
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bknudsonwe need to do environment.use_eventlet() at some point.20:43
dstanekayoung: are you importing keystone.tests?20:44
ayoungdstanek, yep20:44
dstanekit setup up the enviroment to use eventlet20:44
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ayoungdstanek, apparently not!20:44
bknudson__core__.py does import fixtures so that should run the environment.user_eventlet()... http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/keystone/tree/keystone/tests/core.py#n2820:44
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ayoungbknudson, I am doing STANDARD_THREADS though20:45
ayoungmaybe that got borked20:45
bknudsonoh wait, no it doesn't... that's the wrong fixtures.20:45
ayounglet me see what happens if I swap it20:45
bknudsonayoung: try importing keystone.tests.fixtures20:46
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bknudsonmaybe should move use_eventlet() back to keystone/tests/core.py.20:47
ayoungbknudson, same problem,20:47
ayoungbknudson, nope20:47
dstanekayoung: do you have a patch i can download?20:47
ayoungmove use_eventlet to /dev/null!20:47
ayoungdstanek, not yet...let me push to github20:47
bknudsonthat's just how we run the tests.20:47
bknudsonand the server with keystone-all... but tests should work either way20:48
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dolphmttx: what's the policy on non-TC folk butting in on the TC meeting? :)20:49
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ayoungdstanek, https://github.com/admiyo/keystone/tree/revocation-borked20:49
ayoungdolphm, /kick20:49
ayoungdolphm, but you must make a "This is Sparta" reference first.20:50
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dolphmlifeless: is there a separate "QA should have triage privs" conversation somewhere?20:51
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lifelessdolphm: it's not split out as a separate thread; would you like to do that?20:52
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dstanekayoung: which test module fails?20:53
dolphmlifeless: not necessarily, i just wanted to voice my support if there's a venue for it that i wasn't aware of20:53
lifelessdolphm: oh! well, in the project meeting in 5 minutes would be a place; also on the list thread :)20:54
dolphmlifeless: is it on the cross-project meeting agenda?20:55
ayoungdstanek, test_token_provider20:55
ayoungdstanek, keystone.tests.test_token_provider:TestRevokeToken20:55
lifelessdolphm: possibly not but I think we just added it in the tc meeting20:55
dstanekayoung: :-( it passes for me20:56
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* dolphm it'd be nice if we could track "operational impact" and "work priority" separately in LP </daydreams>20:57
nkinderdolphm: severity vs. priority?20:58
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ttxdolphm: pretty lenient20:59
dolphmnkinder: sure20:59
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nkinderhadn't noticed that it didn't have separate fields.  That's too bad :(20:59
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jamielennoxbknudson: i meant that generally i'd say you shouldn't put a link to a review in a git comment21:01
jamielennoxbut i'm not sure if it's something we explicitly disallow and should -1 it for that21:01
bknudsonjamielennox: check https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages21:02
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ayoungdstanek, I wonder if it is a venv setup thing21:02
bknudsonI've been requested in the past to not put links in the commit message.21:02
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dstanekif you specify -r to tox it will recreate the venv21:04
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jamielennoxbknudson: there is nothing in there i can see though that says yes or no to links21:06
jamielennoxand i wouldn't mind to an external site but i don't see the point in linking to another review21:06
jamielennoxbut it's not disallowed or written anywhere that you shouldn't do it so i just meant i was going to -1 it for that21:07
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bknudsonjamielennox: "Do not assume the reviewer has access to external web services/site."21:08
bknudsonI think that's what the reviewers on a patch of mine where the commit message just said "see bug xxxx".21:09
bknudsonI had a lot to learn.21:09
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jamielennoxok, that's enough for a -1 then21:10
dsantos_hi, how can I change the port to be listened by nova-api? I tried to specify the option osapi_compute_listen_port in the nova.conf file but it didn't work21:10
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jamielennoxbknudson: bah, some anchors in that page would be useful21:12
ayoungdstanek, something wonky in my env. I can work around it by using UUID tokens for now, just skips the signing step.21:12
jamielennoxbknudson: done21:14
atiwarirole:service-deployer and service_id:%(target.service.id)s)21:14
atiwariayoung, "Remember, the change role api needs to be called when there is no service id present." are you pointing to role-defs which are not linked to a service? If yes then those should be modified by keystone admin and policy should be like "role:Admin or (role:service-deployer and service_id:%(target.service.id)s))"21:14
bknudsonjamielennox: thank you21:14
atiwariayoung, As I mentioned service_id will be optional21:15
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ayoungatiwari, or linked to something else.21:23
ayoungatiwari, you cannot assume that only service admin or Keystone admin will change a role-def21:23
ayoungatiwari, you are being hard headed and it does not become you.21:24
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ayoungNothing about this will be explicitly linked to services21:24
ayoungthat is an implementation detail for your use case.21:24
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atiwariayoung, I think we are talking about impl :)21:26
ayoungatiwari, yes21:26
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ayoungyou are just going to want to make it match the service id,  but that will be a convention.21:26
atiwarican you tell me why endpoint have service_id?21:27
ayoungLinking a project and a service, while possible, is just overhead.  But that is what you would need to do21:27
ayoungatiwari, Yes I can, but I am not being pedantic with you.21:28
ayoungendpoints and services consume roles.21:28
ayoungnot the other way around.21:28
ayoungatiwari, please just stop and think about it.21:28
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ayoungatiwari, here is your homework:  list a bunch of other ways that role hierarchies would be useful.  Once you've gone through that, tell me if it really would make sense to link role-def to any other of those abstractions.21:29
atiwariayoung, OK can you update the etherpad, how you see service linkage with roles ?21:30
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atiwariand I will do my homework21:30
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atiwaria concrete example wd be helpful21:31
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notmynamettx: jeblair: sorry for the flake8 distraction. it seems progress was made earlier today (after ttx and I talked this morning). didn't want to distract with stuff21:43
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ttxnotmyname: it's fine. I prefer more issues raised than less21:44
ttxnotmyname: in the past we haven't raised enough issues at cross-project level21:45
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ttxhence the new format for the meeting, much more chaotic but that's ok21:45
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jamielennoxkeystone people: still need to get some reviews on reogranizing the service catalog: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/53038/22:00
jamielennoxthis is important for heat and has been sitting there in one form or another for a while22:01
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jamielennoxgyee, ayoung, bknudson, dolphm, morganfainberg, dstanek: ^^22:01
ayoungjamielennox, looking now22:01
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ayoungjamielennox, +222:03
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jamielennoxi'm loving things starting to move, finally got a +2 from bknudson on discovery after months22:04
jamielennoxayoung: if you're in the mood the dependent catalog review is easier to understand22:05
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jamielennoxactually i just saw something on the dependant region review i want to fix22:06
ayoungjamielennox, looking now...I can adjust if you resubmit22:06
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ayoungjamielennox, it looks good.  Diff from the last patch is pretty straightforward.22:10
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morganfainbergjamielennox. added my comment, but as stated, i wont block the patchset based upon our IRC conversation22:11
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morganfainbergjamielennox, but I also don't feel like I can +2 it.22:12
notmynamettx: I've got something to backport to havana22:12
jamielennoxoh, right - sorry i had another conversation with gyee about it and i had completely forgot about ABCMeta22:12
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: fix that = +2?22:13
morganfainbergjamielennox, yes.22:13
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: actually - does it makes sense to do it as part of the refactor or can i add that as a new feature22:13
morganfainbergjamielennox, (and no more @classmethod w/ @abc.abstractmethod)22:13
jamielennoxit's a somewhat confusing patch as it is22:13
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morganfainbergjamielennox, i would make it part of the refactor.  it's a couple lines at most and it clarifies that these are meant to be overidded in all cases22:14
morganfainbergjamielennox, but in either case, i wont block it.  i just wont +/- w/ the @classmethod since it, from what i read, actually makes it more confusing.  but it's not enough to warrant blocking the patchset.22:15
morganfainbergit is a valid approach.  abcmeta is a better approach, but that's personal bias.22:15
morganfainbergit conforms better to what we are doing in other cases with expected methods on subclasses w/ abcmeta (hence the no +/- on it) than @classmethod (if that makes sense)22:16
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morganfainbergjamielennox, i'll be back later need to go do grocery shopping for holiday foods.  i'll take a peek at the review when i'm back.22:17
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: ok, should be ready by then22:18
morganfainbergjamielennox, cool.  everything else in there does look good though22:18
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notmynamettx: backport for havana https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58635/ (note the dependency--2 separate patches for the same thing in master)22:22
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: done with abc22:34
jamielennoxayoung: can you recheck those? (or maybe when jenkins is through)22:34
ayoungjamielennox, those?22:35
jamielennoxayoung: sorry, reuploaded the service catalog and regions patch22:35
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ayoungjamielennox, happy too.22:36
jamielennoxayoung: probably too soon to bug, but i want to get a few solid +1/2s on those so they can move easily22:36
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ayoungjamielennox, is that just a rebase?22:37
ayoungOh...  ABC ificiation22:37
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jamielennoxyea, morganfainberg mentioned it a while ago and i forgot about it22:38
ayoungjamielennox, I'll let morganfainberg, swipe at it first.  If he's good with it, I probably am too.22:38
jamielennoxayoung: ok22:38
jamielennoxayoung: i'm trying to clear up my plate a bit22:39
ayoungjamielennox, absolutely.  and I am sure morganfainberg is on it...22:40
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dstanekayoung: did you get your test issue figured out?22:52
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dstanekdolphm, bknudson: should i do anything about the comment here? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/52456/6/keystone/identity/controllers.py22:58
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dolphmdstanek: i'd say yes, only because i assume that's why bknudson -1'd it22:59
dolphmdstanek: in terms of operation, i think it's currently inconsequential22:59
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dstaneklbragstad: hi23:09
dstaneklbragstad: i didn't see your response until this morning23:09
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lbragstaddstanek: hey, no worries. I was a little late getting back to you last night too23:09
dstaneklbragstad: where did you hear about the restriction on importing classes?23:10
lbragstadmorganfainberg: brought it up in a differnet review I was working on23:10
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dstaneklbragstad: ah, so it's all morganfainberg's fault!23:12
lbragstaddstanek: lol yeah, he was the one that pointed it out to me. I think it will be a change that goes into effect when the hacking version is bumped23:13
lbragstadso the patch from Jenkins23:13
dstaneklbragstad: that means there are a few things in keystone that'll need to be fixed23:13
dstaneklbragstad: so given that i can't import the class i'm torn between using __all__ (and *) and importing the module for a more verbose api23:14
lbragstadmore than likely. I've been trying to comment on those reviews as I see them come in so that we can try and fix them before they break23:14
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dstaneklbragstad: seems like a silly restriction - i agree with the general case, but not with completely forbidding it23:15
lbragstadyeah, I'd have to go back and do alittle more digging in the docs23:16
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ayoungdstanek, nah, but I worked around it.  If it is still an issue when I need to submit I'll spend the cycles to hunt it down23:24
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dstanekayoung: alright, let me know if you need an extra pair of eyes23:25
dstanekayoung: i'm one of those sick people that like tests23:25
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Abhishek_Hi guys, I'm a new contributor trying to merge a patch. The gerrit workflow page says manual merge is experimental.23:47
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Abhishek_I dont see an option to merge in the ui. How should I merge?23:47
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dstanekAbhishek_: what are you trying to merge with? are you trying to get it up to date with master?23:49
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Abhishek_yes, master23:53
Abhishek_this is the patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58418/23:53
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