Tuesday, 2013-10-22

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jamielennoxbknudson: sorry i missed that conversation earlier, do the comments on discovery: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38414/ answer your questions?00:26
bknudsonjamielennox: let me look00:26
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bknudsonjamielennox: why would the parameters to fetch_available_versions have to change?00:31
bknudsonit shouldn't require authentication00:31
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jamielennoxSo the two things i'm worried about is passing a session object to fetch_available_versions00:31
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bknudsonmaybe I should be reviewing the sessions change first00:32
jamielennoxif you have one from a different client you should reuse it, and also there was some discussion about that this would be an easily cachable result and that would likely want to happen on the session00:32
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jamielennoxalso you will need/want to pass that session object down into where the client is actually created00:33
jamielennoxIt might be that we just support both methods at least for now00:34
bknudsonI think we should consider that to be a higher level function that would be implemented using the more primitive functions00:34
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bknudsonit seems like being able to fetch the available versions is the most basic thing you can do.00:34
bknudsonwithout caching00:34
bknudsonand then caching would be built on top of that00:35
jamielennoxso available versions returns a constructor object that has all the information needed to create a new client00:35
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jamielennoxthe second problem i had with the signature is the return value00:35
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jamielennoxat the moment it returns a dictionary with a tuple version as the key and the constructor object as the value00:36
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bknudsonthat's an excellent question and goes to the heart of how can anyone even use identity api.00:36
jamielennoxi'm not sure that's correct, it maybe should be a list00:36
dolphm_a_bknudson: o/ can you fix the first sentence in the description of bug 124285500:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1242855 in keystone "Removing role adds role with LDAP backend" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124285500:37
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bknudsondolphm_a_: it's always hard to write a sentence that makes sense for these problems that depend on a configuration and action!00:37
jamielennoxi had thought that as the signature to client.Client is really simple that i can keep the other function private for a while until we have a real use case for it00:37
bknudsonjamielennox: we have a use case for getting the versions, it's so that applications can figure out what version the server supports.00:38
dolphm_a_bknudson: what you wrote sounds like a critical? but i don't think the bug is00:38
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dolphm_a_bknudson: i mean, i know i'm not understanding what you meant00:39
bknudsondolphm_a_: it requires admin to exploit00:39
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jamielennoxbknudson: not really, the use case is to get a client that can be used that is guaranteed to be pointed at a minimum identity API version00:40
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jamielennoxbknudson: i don't think it is to list the available options - i don't care. If i'm doing an operation i just want to know if it is available or not, what IS available often doesn't matter00:40
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dolphmyou're both right00:42
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bknudsondolphm: I updated the text... https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/124285500:42
dolphmas a client, i may do something different based on what api version is available -- so i might just want to get the list of versions and handle it msyelf00:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1242855 in keystone "Removing role adds role with LDAP backend" [Undecided,In progress]00:42
dolphmor i may require v 3.x and want to abort if that's not available00:43
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dolphmor i may know how to use v3.1, but if it's not available, i can skip those bits and deal with v3.000:43
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bknudsondolphm: do you think we should have a fetch_available_versions API?00:44
jamielennoxdolphm: ok, yep the above was too strongly put i definately see that as a use case, i just meant that I don't know how i want to consume the list of versions yet so i was going to keep that bit private until we had a user for it00:44
bknudsonthe arguments would be whatever's required to connect (not authenticate)00:44
bknudsonand it would return a list of versions00:44
bknudsonthe other question is -- does it include extensions info?00:45
dolphmbknudson: erm... this is a critical, isn't it?00:45
jamielennoxbknudson: so returning strings and URLs, not objects00:45
dolphmbknudson: sure, i would use that00:45
dolphmbknudson: fetch_available_versions00:45
dolphmi'd expect a list of tuples as the result, i suppose00:45
jamielennoxbknudson: not as yet, but i got that extension stuff passed identity-api for 3.2 so that we could do a similar process for extensions00:45
bknudsondolphm: the bug is pretty nasty.00:46
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bknudsonI mean you think you've removed authority and it's actually granted00:46
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bknudsonjamielennox: If the extensions are returned with the same REST call then seems like it should all be returned together by the client.00:47
dolphmor something like {(3, 2): 'http://identity/v3/'}00:47
jamielennoxbknudson: they aren't in the same call there is a similar call at /v3/extensions i think00:47
jamielennoxdolphm: the dictionary is what i do at the moment00:47
bknudsonjamielennox: ok, I thought they were all together, so a separate API makes more sense.00:47
dolphmjamielennox: with tuples as keys or values?00:48
jamielennoxthe tuple of API version as the key00:48
jamielennoxthe value is a constructor object00:48
dolphmworks for me00:48
dolphmso not a primitive?00:48
jamielennoxso you can say available_versions(auth_url=....)[3.0]()00:49
dolphm(side rant- we need to stop using "auth_url")00:49
morganfainbergdolphm, ++00:49
jamielennoxdolphm: ++00:49
morganfainberg(see i am lurking around here)00:49
bknudsonwhat's wrong with auth_url00:49
jamielennoxbknudson: i don't like the confusion between auth_url and endpoint00:50
dolphmbknudson: because it's an identity service endpoint00:50
dolphmbknudson: that's better00:50
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jamielennoxi'm hoping that once we have pluggable auth the endpoint variable will move to another object and we can just have url=00:50
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bknudsonI'm not sure about endpoint since it's not really the "end"... there's more beyond it.00:51
morganfainbergdolphm, i still like the concept of using a srv record00:51
morganfainbergor similar (at least supporting it)00:51
dolphmme too00:52
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dolphmi'm wondering if it's possible to make devstack support it00:52
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morganfainbergdolphm, likely, devstack can … pretty much do whatever it wants ;)00:53
jamielennoxthat would be cool00:53
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dolphmthis is not untrue00:53
morganfainbergdolphm, side note, looks like i finally am getting back to "normal" here… offices moved, house moved… starting to write code again.. *phew*00:53
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dolphmmorganfainberg: YAY00:54
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dolphmmorganfainberg: i added you to some code reviews today ;)00:54
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: was just thinking it seems like a while since i've seen you00:54
morganfainbergjamielennox, yeah i've been fighting the move house move office, etc hell00:54
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morganfainbergdolphm, i'll start looking at the queue here again.  i've been trying to toss in when i have a few minutes.00:55
morganfainbergjamielennox, but… it's all settling down just in time to hit the 15hr flight to HK! ;)00:55
morganfainberg(yay for wifi on the flight)00:55
jamielennoxanyway trying to draw people back to the original point: if you look at the _get_versions_from_response() function, that already returns things as {(2,0): 'http://host/v2.0', (3,0): 'http://host/v3'} i can change that around and make that public00:56
dolphmi don't think i have wifi :(00:56
jamielennoxwifi on the flight? seriously? we're still not allowed to turn our phone on00:56
dolphmjamielennox: ?00:56
dolphmjamielennox: you can use whatever > 10,000 ft00:57
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morganfainbergjamielennox, we can't turn on cell phones (cell data) but a lot of planes provide wifi and you can use just about anything (short of a ham radio) > 10,000ft00:57
dolphmjamielennox: and back on the original point-- you said hte value was a constructor object, but your example there is just strings00:57
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jamielennoxanyway no wifi on planes00:57
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jamielennoxyea, two different functions00:58
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morganfainbergjamielennox, oh, so you're going to have a different dataset (the contructor objecT)?00:58
jamielennox_get_versions_from_response() takes a requests.Response object returns strings00:58
morganfainbergor are we still dealing with strings?00:58
jamielennoxavailable versions turns strings into _KeystoneVersion constructor objects00:58
morganfainbergah, argument != return00:58
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bknudsonjamielennox: so if you have an auth_url or _endpoint of http://host , you get the 2 (on latest keystone)00:58
morganfainbergerm arg_type00:59
bknudsonbut if you have http://host/v2.0 you get just v2 ?00:59
jamielennoxbknudson: full name00:59
morganfainbergjamielennox, ?00:59
dolphmif you give me a public method to list versions like your example up there, i'd be super happy00:59
jamielennoxbknudson: so that it gets passed off to keystoneclient.v3.Client(auth_url=)00:59
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: not sure what your question was.. the _get_versions_from_response was just a helper function, but i can easily rearrange that to be public01:00
jamielennoxthat's why it took a response object01:00
morganfainbergno i meant full name?01:00
morganfainbergnot sure what you mean by full name01:00
jamielennoxoh full qualified url01:00
morganfainbergok ok, now it makes sense01:01
jamielennoxmy fingers are sometimes faster than my brain01:01
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morganfainbergeh, we just have a lot of overloaded terminology, i always figure it's better to ask01:01
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morganfainbergyeah having that be public could be very useful01:02
bknudsonI guess it could be extended in the future to return a dict-like object that's callable01:02
bknudsonshould say it would return a dict where the endpoint is a string-like object that's callable, and returns a client.01:04
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jamielennoxbknudson: so the reason i hvae the constructor factory is that most things passed to the client.Client() function need to get passed to the client.v2_0.Client or v3.Client01:05
bknudsonand could override [] to be smarter about handling version #s.01:05
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jamielennoxif you did available_versions(auth_url = ...) etc you would need to parse the return value, and use the url as the auth_url for the next call to the appropriate client01:06
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jamielennoxwith the example i gave before i can say available_versions(auth_url=....)[3.0](username='jamielennox', password='abc123')01:06
jamielennoxand auth_url is automatically passed through to the real client object01:07
morganfainbergjamielennox, hrm.  there is something that rubs me the wrong way about that01:07
bknudsonthat's pretty neat.01:07
morganfainbergnot the concept…the implementation01:08
morganfainbergerm, description01:08
bknudsonI'd like to keep it simple at first.01:08
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bknudsonThe fancy stuff can be added later.01:08
morganfainbergbknudson, fair enough.01:09
morganfainbergbknudson, i'm trying to put my finger on what is bugging me about it01:09
morganfainbergbknudson, it's nothing major…but something…. is setting off the bells, yanno how that goes sometimes?01:09
bknudsonmorganfainberg: is it the use of a float for the version?01:09
morganfainbergbknudson, that is likely it.01:09
jamielennoxthe same thing would work with available_versions(auth_url=...., username='jamielennox', password='abc123')[3.0]() whatever, it's just otherwise i need to return the client Class that should be used and the url to use with it01:09
bknudsonmorganfainberg: the concern that the args for 2.0 aren't the same is for 3.0?01:09
morganfainbergbknudson, i think we really should be 100% tuple for version01:09
jamielennoxso klass, url = available_versions(auth_url=...);   klass(auth_url=url, username='jamielennox')01:10
bknudsonjamielennox: both of the calls, where the args are in available_versions or in the factory call are making sense to me01:11
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i like that idea too, but https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/api-version-discovery-proposal has been out for a while and it specifies floats01:11
bknudsonI'd like to see it as an add-on after the basic function is done.01:12
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jamielennoxand the current Client(..).version value is a string01:12
bknudsonwe could add a new version that returns a tuple.01:13
jamielennoxbknudson, it's on my 1.0 list01:13
jamielennoxnot necessarily version_tuple but figure out what Client(..).version actually means cause at the moment telling me that it's 'v3' doesn't help at all01:14
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jamielennoxs/at all/very much01:15
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jamielennoxshould available_versions return a dict with version->url or a list of tuples (version, url)?01:19
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bknudsonjamielennox: with a dict you could do [(3,0)] ?01:20
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bknudsonjamielennox: the [(3,0)] worked for me, so I'm good with a dict.01:21
jamielennoxyea, a tuple is hashable so you can use it as a dictionary key01:21
bknudsonis there any reason I'd want to go the other way around... figure out the version for the endpoint?01:22
bknudsonI can't think of a reason to do that.01:22
bknudsonso I think a dict of version tuple -> endpoint works for me.01:22
jamielennoxnot that i can think of01:22
jamielennoxbut, you do need to know if it's stable01:23
bknudsonso there's more info...01:23
jamielennoxso it would probably need to be a dictionary as the value with at least {'url': 3.0, 'stable': 'beta'} or something01:23
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bknudsonwould there be both a stable and unstable for a version?01:23
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jamielennoxso there's no reason you couldn't just stick url in there as well01:23
jamielennoxbut at which point you may as well just use the constructor objects i've already got01:24
bknudsonwhat does the API return, is it a list of objects?01:24
jamielennoxbknudson: not for the same version i think, but you would want to know if for example the upcoming 3.2 that is listed is stable or not for use01:24
bknudsonthe REST call01:24
jamielennoxi think it's a list of dicts01:25
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jamielennoxit's not keyed01:26
bknudsonjamielennox: after looking at this, seems like the most basic thing we could do is have a list of objects, just like the REST api returns.01:26
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bknudsonthen you can build whatever extra functionality on top of that.01:27
jamielennoxbknudson: yea, i thought about that, but is there ever a situation where you will have multiple urls for the same version?01:28
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jamielennoxif not then the benefit of indexing the dict comes at no cost01:28
bknudsonjamielennox: it's kind of odd right now that the server returns v3.0 but it's actually more like 3.201:28
jamielennoxyea, that's a bug01:29
jamielennoxit is suppoesd to be 3.101:29
bknudsonshould we have both a 3.0 and a 3.1 ?01:29
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bknudsonthey'd both have the same "self" link01:29
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jamielennoxwe shouldn't need to because 3.1 includes all of 3.001:30
jamielennoxbut there is no reason we couldn't01:30
jamielennoxthe more likely is we have a stable 3.1 and an unstable 3.201:31
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bknudsonI guess it depends on what an application would expect... if it's looking for "v3.0" explicitly then it would break if we only had "v3.1"01:32
jamielennoxok, lets just support the list01:32
bknudsonYou could make it as simple as just call the REST API (/) and return the parsed dict from JSON01:34
bknudsoncould "normalize" if you call with / or /v3 or /v2.0 by putting v3 or v2 in []01:34
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jamielennoxthe normalize part is handled already, but yea, i could just have it return a list of dicts straight from the server01:41
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morganfainbergjamielennox, i like bknudson's idea with normalize handling in the [] (e.g. [v2])01:58
morganfainbergit does mirror closely what we already have.01:59
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i don't think that's what he meant01:59
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morganfainbergjamielennox, hrm.01:59
jamielennoxif you call / you get a list of versions01:59
morganfainbergi see01:59
jamielennoxif you call eg /v2.0 you get one version01:59
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morganfainbergmake it an implicit return of what is available.02:00
jamielennoxto override [] would mean createing a new object with a custom __getitem__02:00
morganfainbergeh, not like we don't do that all over the place in other projects :P02:00
morganfainbergkeystone seems to do less of the make this like a dict…no really02:00
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comaya question around '[upgrade_levels]' in havana, particuarly wrt nova's conductor02:01
comaydoes using it negate the ability to perform conductor operations remotely (use_local=false)?02:01
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: except where it shouldn't, like AccessInfo has a dict base class02:01
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morganfainbergcomay, if no one answers you here #openstack-nova might also be able to help (people lurk in both places)02:02
morganfainbergjamielennox, right02:02
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morganfainbergjamielennox, wow, a couple weeks paying less attention to IRC i feel like the code has moved significantly without my noticing.02:03
morganfainbergjamielennox, (not that i actually has, i just feel… behind)02:03
comayah, thanks morganfainberg; digging through nova/cmd/compute.py, it seems one precludes the other02:03
morganfainbergcomay, that seems icky =/  but i haven't taken a serious look at that part of nova in a while.02:04
morganfainbergi'm sure there is a good reason for that02:04
comayor just as likely, i'm misreading something :)02:05
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comay(the content was i was bringing just a havana nova-compute node into grizzly installation and struggling with the nova-conductor API versions)02:06
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comay(it's either too high or too low - sounds like the goldilocks)02:07
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ayoungjamielennox, about the "region" patch in the client.  I think that we are going to have something happen server side, and I suspect that the client side approach is wrong.02:26
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jamielennoxayoung: the existing client side approach is wrong02:27
jamielennoxbut i have no choice because it was supported there for a while about 4 releases ago02:27
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ayoungjamielennox, so what is your patch working around?02:28
jamielennoxeverywhere i've put region handling on the client side i've put great big deprecated comments02:28
jamielennoxthere is a bug02:28
ayoungthe bug looks like a feature request to me02:28
jamielennoxbut the best explanation i saw was in a review comment by Cody dated Oct 902:29
ayoungjamielennox, its like, they decided "hey we are going to add this attribute."  And then "Why are you not filtering on our attribute?"02:29
jamielennoxso the problem was the attribute was added previously02:29
jamielennoxand then removed and we broke compatabillity02:29
jamielennoxthis is why i was so against it in the first few patches and i considered it a feature request02:30
ayoungjamielennox, define "we"02:30
jamielennoxbut he's right we used to allow it02:30
ayoungallow it is one thing, but you look like you are doing client side filtering on it02:30
jamielennoxi've no idea who's fault it was02:30
ayoungwhat's git blame say?02:31
jamielennoxhere is where it was added to keystoneclient: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/20294/02:31
jamielennoxhere is where it was taken away: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/20404/02:31
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jamielennoxanyway client side filtering is fine02:32
ayoungjamielennox, so it looks like it was removed unintentionally?02:32
jamielennoxyou just shouldn't filter by setting the region as a parameter on the service catalog02:32
jamielennoxyea, it was unintentional02:33
jamielennoxbut it should never have been allowed like that in the first place02:33
ayoungok, since I approved the change that broke it...02:34
jamielennoxdo you follow what the patch is fixing?02:34
ayoungjamielennox, yeah, and I am worried that we gave life to something we now need to support02:34
jamielennoxversion 1.002:34
jamielennoxayoung: my notes: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystoneclient-1.002:35
ayoungjamespage, So we support client side filtering by region of the endpoints.  Anything else nasty like this that I missed?02:35
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ayoungaside from pinging the wrong person?02:36
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jamielennoxxchat has an option so tab complete fills the last person that spoke, i'm not sure why that's not the default02:36
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ayounglet me find that02:37
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morganfainbergjamielennox, thats a neat feature02:37
jamielennoxin preferences: interface > Input Box > Nick completion sorted02:38
ayoungXChat preferences -> Input Box -> Nick Completions Sorted -> Last-spoke order02:38
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jamielennoxjamespage: your worries are over02:38
ayoungjamielennox, until you try to ping yourself02:39
jamielennoxso client side filtering of the service catalog is fine - it's even good02:39
jamielennoxit's just that a ServiceCatalog should be considered shared so you shouldn't be installing a region into it02:39
morganfainbergnew plan, randomly change name to something close to who jamielennox is talking to and interject randomly.02:40
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: you've got an evil mind02:40
morganfainbergayoung, i don't see an issue in filtering the service catalog in this context02:40
ayoungmorganfainberg, its just wrong to do client side what, in this case, should be done server side.  Band aid on a sucking chest wound.02:40
jamielennoxi wrote out a whole scenario about sharing the catalog between swift and keystone - i *think* that's reasonable02:41
morganfainbergayoung, looks more like a gauze bandage we need to change out soon… but at least the blood isn't all over the floor.02:41
jamielennoxayoung: 2 things, 1 you might need multiple regions 2. server side region filtering hasn't been done yet and we need something in the mean time02:41
ayoungmorganfainberg, no, its worse than that.  He's dead Jim.02:42
morganfainbergayoung, lol02:42
morganfainbergjamielennox, i think the latter is the more salient point.02:42
ayoungjamielennox, we had a BP and and API spec for a Region extension to the Service catalog, but He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-in-IRC -2ed it and it died.  We resurrected it today02:42
jamielennoxwell the above link is my raw ongoing list of things i want for a 1.0, the client summit proposal got approved so we'll be talking about something client02:43
morganfainbergoh huh i should see what sessions were approved02:43
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ayoungHTML got the axe, no surprise there.  I should have submitted it as a Horizon session02:44
morganfainbergayoung, ah i thought that was who you were talking about02:44
ayoungOh yeah02:44
ayoungHe was pretty cool back when were both in Slythering02:45
ayoungtry typing that without adding an 'g'  it is impossible02:45
ayoungI had to backspace it02:46
morganfainbergyeah, g just wants to jump onto the end of that word02:46
morganfainbergevery time02:46
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morganfainbergayoung, i think the /regions resource is a "good idea"™02:48
ayoungmorganfainberg, we all do.  I think his complain has been covered too.  We had a pretty extensive discussion today.  Filter is part of the API, just as an extension ,and should cover selectively filtering by region or what a region will show.02:49
morganfainbergayoung, yeah, i would agree with that assessment02:49
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morganfainbergayoung, unrelated, started work on the new KVS stuff.  hopefully by the end of the week i'll have the new base changes done.02:49
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morganfainbergayoung, need an opinion though, should we keep keystone.common.kvs in it's current state for now and add deprecation and make this "new thing" something like keystone.common.dkvs or similar"02:50
ayoungmorganfainberg, sounds good.  I'd like it if the old options were supported, and were one liners like "extends dogpile(memcached)"02:51
morganfainbergayoung, that would be my initial thought… at least for a release (maybe +2)02:51
morganfainbergtoss some deprecation warnings in.  I don't want to rip the carpet out from under anyone with this change02:52
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ayoungmorganfainberg, I'm not 100% sure that the existing filtering is sufficient.  I suspect we will need filtering on the hierarchical regions themselves.  A company may want to return a differnt set of availabel regions depending on a users contract, and that will probably be an implicit filter beyond what he's spec'ed out, but that can probably be and  incremental feature addition.02:52
ayoungI think that KVS stuff might be the killer feature in Icehouse.  It will certainly be used.02:53
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morganfainbergayoung, that's a good point.  I am not sure if it's an "add-on" for rregions though.  it's more like a wholly separate filtering syntax.02:54
morganfainbergerm approach02:54
ayoungmorganfainberg, it is an addition fopr the admin API.02:54
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morganfainbergayoung, ah in that context, yes02:54
ayoungit is not explicit filtering, it is hidden from the user02:54
morganfainbergoh, sort of like endpoint filtering works currently02:54
morganfainbergbut, probably a bit more enforceable.02:55
ayoungmorganfainberg, yeah, really just extending the concept to the new other object in the service catalog02:55
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morganfainbergayoung, maybe that could be a good approach, make endpoint filtering more "catalog" filtering.02:56
morganfainbergit would need some reworking, but it essentially solves the same basic concept.02:56
morganfainbergis there a need to have two separate catalog filtering mechanisms (e.g. is endpoint filtering different enough to warrant that)02:57
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: as you were here for the conversation earlier, if i use available_versions for the function that returns a bunch of raw strings, what should i use for the function that returns the constructor objects02:57
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ayoungmorganfainberg, yep, since enumeration of regions is hierarchical, it is not covered by endpoint filtering02:57
morganfainbergayoung, hm. right02:57
morganfainbergtoo soon?02:58
ayoungbut while all customer see us->west and us->east  the intel community also sees us->intel02:58
morganfainbergmaybe i'm feeling loopy tonight.02:58
ayoung"tonight?"  and what do we say on Passover?02:58
morganfainberglol.  why is this night different than all other nights?02:59
morganfainbergor in my family "why did aunt soandso get to cook the brisket again?"02:59
ayoungDid she boil it?  My Wife's Aunt once Boiled the Turkey02:59
morganfainbergayoung, she cooked it for like 1hr03:00
morganfainbergand glared at people who didn't eat it03:00
morganfainbergit was aweful03:00
ayoungthat is like pan seared brisket03:00
morganfainbergjamielennox, available_clients?03:00
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morganfainbergjamielennox, i might be mis-reading the question03:01
ayoungOK...bed time here in the global->us->east  region03:01
jamielennoxayoung: night03:01
morganfainbergayoung, it is near that time here as well for me.03:01
morganfainbergayoung, catch ya tomorrow03:01
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: that's the right idea, i just need a new function name03:01
morganfainbergjamielennox, depends on how complex you want it03:02
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morganfainbergjamielennox, it might be soemthing as simple as .available_clients or .available_versions_clients03:03
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i'll use available_clients, i'm going to keep it private for now anyway i think03:03
morganfainberghrm. maybe .available_version_objects ?03:03
morganfainbergjamielennox, i think that is the most analogous and descriptive you can be03:03
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morganfainbergjamielennox, yeah make it private until we are sure we want it public (better approach than the inverse)03:04
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: indeed03:05
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: have a look: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/3841403:06
morganfainbergjamielennox, hehe, i see what you did there… get me to look at it when sleepy :P03:06
morganfainbergjamielennox, looking now03:06
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: that's ok, no one else will be able to review it till tomorrow anyway03:07
morganfainbergjamielennox, hehe03:07
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: where/why did you move?03:07
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morganfainbergjamielennox, about 4.4 miles from the previous place, and suffice to say it involved lawyers and unlivable conditions.03:07
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morganfainbergjamielennox, of the ruined carpet (dog … messes seeped into the carpet and padding), deferred maintenance, etc.03:08
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: oh, right - so not exactly leaving on amicable terms03:08
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morganfainbergjamielennox, i'm hoping that i wont need more lawyer time to get the last few things buttoned up03:09
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morganfainbergjamielennox, and my work moved to our new permanent offices :)03:09
morganfainbergsuper nice.03:09
morganfainbergwell permanent until we grow significantly headcount wise03:10
jamielennoxhow big is it now?03:10
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morganfainbergjamielennox, added a comment (no -1 or +) to the review.04:50
morganfainbergjamielennox, just something worth considering04:50
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morganfainbergi'll look more closely when i'm not ½ asleep04:51
morganfainbergbefore giving a +/- score to the code.04:51
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jamielennoxso you mean if someone asks for a client.Client(version=(4, 0)) don't even bother hitting the server?04:52
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morganfainbergjamielennox, basically04:53
jamielennoxshould be a fairly easy addition04:53
morganfainbergjamielennox, client wont know what the hell to do with it, it shouldn't even try.04:53
jamielennoxi'm not sure if it buys much04:53
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morganfainbergjamielennox, it also should be able to be directly queried e.g. client.supported_versions04:54
jamielennoxi mean if you want to use client version 4 you are going to need to have keystoneclient>=3.0 in your requirements.txt04:54
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morganfainbergthis is more for a 3rd party (e.g. me) writing code that may be 3.0 aware in the future…and have 4.0 functionality04:55
morganfainbergso, use 4.0 if it's there… i'd rather say "client.can_support_Version(x) no? fall back"04:55
morganfainbergit's a convienence feature04:55
morganfainbergit saves a try 4.0 oh that failed, try 3.0, oh that failed, try 2.004:56
morganfainbergsome servers may have mis-matched clients on them in the wild04:56
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morganfainbergi'm trying to think as an end consumer not an OpenStack project.04:56
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morganfainbergjamielennox, like i said, it's just a thought, it's wy i didn't -1 for it.04:57
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morganfainbergi'll add a score when i'm not loopy.04:58
jamielennoxno worries, thanks for taking a look04:58
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alexpilottijd__: hi08:24
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alexpilottijd__: I'm having some issues understanding a ceilometer-agent-compute issue08:26
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alexpilottijd__: they get solved by setting the full service_credentials in the ceilometer conf file on compute, but I'd like to be sure I'm doing the right thing :-)08:37
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tellesnobregamorganfainberg: hi, can i discuss a bug with you?11:48
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dolphmttx: o/12:21
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ttxdolphm: o/12:27
dolphmttx: just wanted to make you aware of bug 124285512:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1242855 in keystone "Removing role adds role with LDAP backend" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124285512:27
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ttxdolphm: hmmkay12:28
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ttxadded to the ossa queue12:28
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Jabadiabest way to attach complete disk to a vm ?12:38
Jabadiafrom compute.12:38
Jabadiacompute = host.12:38
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bknudsonKeystone has this file keystone/tests/_ldap_livetests.py ...14:34
bknudsonwith the switch to testr, how do I run the tests?14:34
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bknudsontox -e py27 _ldap_livetests doesn't do it.14:34
dolphmbknudson: testr _ldap_livetests ?14:35
dolphmdstanek: ^14:35
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bknudsonI tried changing the name to ldap_livetests.py and testr still doesn't find it for some reason14:37
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bknudsonIt doesn't show up in "python -m subunit.run discover -t . ./keystone/tests --list"14:37
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dolphmbknudson: hmm, i wonder if testr hates the underscore prefix14:40
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dolphmbknudson: let me know if i'm overlooking something on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/49986/14:42
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dstanekdolphm, bknudson: looking now15:36
dstanekdolphm, bknudson: are those test not normally run in the test cycle?15:37
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bknudsondstanek: I was able to work around it by renaming _ldap_livetests.py to test_ldap_live.py15:37
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dstanekbknudson: k, i'll look in a few then when i finish up what i'm doing15:38
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bknudsondstanek: the _ldap_livetests.py (there's also a live test for sql) doesn't normally run... it requires an actual ldap server.15:38
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dstanekbknudson: in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/49986 do you need to test that bind is never called?15:38
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bknudsondstanek: do you want a new test added?15:42
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bknudsondstanek: the test_user_api_get_connection_no_user_password test was added because there was a security bug.15:43
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bknudsonmaybe a better option is to 'common_ldap.register_handler('fake://', fakeldap.FakeLdap)' after CreateMock?15:45
bknudsonthe lambda is just the first thing I came up with.15:45
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bknudsondstanek: looks like that's also what you suggested.15:46
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pasmhi guys15:59
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pasmwho can help me about keystone?16:00
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dstanekbknudson: based on the test comment bind isn't supposed to be called, but i don't think that was being checked16:01
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dolphmpasm: depends on what your question is :) ask away!16:01
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pasmit's about the definition of a custom identity backend for keystone16:02
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alexpilottimriedem: pring16:02
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pasmdolphm: do you know where i can find some documentation? (read the code is not a valid answer... :-))16:04
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dolphmpasm: well, the identity drivers are "defined" by the base identity.Driver class https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/identity/core.py#L564-L73616:06
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alexpilottimriedem: hi there, we are having the Hyper-V meeting, in case you'd like to join :-)16:07
dolphmpasm: but if you want less code :P http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/api/keystone.identity.core.html16:07
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pasmdolphm: heheh... at the moment i defined a file (custom.py) that "should" implement my identity backend16:07
mriedemalexpilotti: getting caught up on about 4 days of reviews, so not today16:07
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alexpilottimriedem: np!16:07
dolphmpasm: are you writing this against master or a stable branch?16:08
pasmdolphm: i extended the class identity.Driver16:08
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pasmdolphm: stable/havana16:08
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dolphmpasm: (master is now using ABCMeta classes, so you'll get better feedback about the gaps in your implementation)16:08
dolphmpasm: you can also test your class based on keystone.tests.test_backend:IdentityTests16:09
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pasmdolphm: ok16:10
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pasmdolphm: i will try...16:11
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pasmdolphm: thankyou16:12
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dhellmann-afkmarkwash: ping?17:45
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markwashdhellmann: hi!17:45
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dhellmannmarkwash: hi!17:45
dhellmannI'm looking at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/53156/17:45
dhellmannthe iso8601 thing17:45
markwashah yes, we were just discussing it in #openstack-infra17:46
dhellmanndo you know what's going on there?17:46
dhellmannoh, I'll move over there...17:46
markwashdhellmann: I think we've got it covered at this point17:46
markwashdhellmann: glance needs to work with both the old and new versions, and not depend quite as heavily on iso8601 for validation17:46
dhellmannmarkwash: are we going to just cap to 0.1.4 until they get their releases in order?17:46
markwashdhellmann: I think the theory is that 0.1.8 was just released and is good. . I assume its *just* the unicode fix for py3317:47
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markwashI have not checked TBH17:47
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dhellmannok, I haven't checked for a new release, but that requirements spec is getting a little silly :-)17:48
markwashyeah, I don't know the history of what was wrong with 0.1.5 and 0.1.617:48
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dhellmannvarious permutations of untestedness, afaict17:49
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dhellmannI was also going to suggest offering to help them stackforge that lib, if we need it17:49
markwashhmm. . . yeah. . small as it is, that lib is super important17:50
dhellmannmarkwash: like it would be useful for integration with oslo17:50
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dimsmarkwash, there were 2 bugs in iso8601 introduced in 0.1.5 and it took 2 releases over a weekend to get them fixed17:51
dimsmarkwash, 2 bugs what showed up from our test harness17:52
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markwashI suppose there are always more bugs17:52
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dstanekbknudson: i was able to come up with a workaround for the live tests18:01
bknudsondstanek: what's the trick?18:01
dstanekbknudson: i put them in a keystone/tests/system with test_ names and filter them out18:02
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dstanekbknudson: then you can still manually run them18:02
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dstanekbknudson: working on a patch now18:02
bknudsondstanek: that's what we want is to be able to manually run them.18:02
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timelloI see that some projects don't have the X-Topics header when the emails get sent to the mailing list... what's the rule for that? I mean, why [Heat] emails, for instance, doesn't have it?18:29
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ayoungbknudson, https://fedorahosted.org/certmonger/  is the right tool, and drop the PKI setup OpenSSL specific code from Keystone etc19:00
morganfainbergayoung, ++19:00
bknudsonayoung: and auth_token, too?19:01
ayoungbknudson, no,19:01
ayoungbknudson, auth_token needs to fetch other peoples certs, different use case19:01
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ayoungbknudson, auth_token cert management does need some rethinking.  I would like to be able to redo the token format so that it says what cert signed it without running the CMS application to process the token itself.  And thne auth_token should be able to hold multiple certs, and refresht etc19:03
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ayoungnkinder, regarding the smart proxy I mentioned yesterday:  it would be a daemon that listened on AMQP for "VM created events" from Nova and then make a call into FreeIPA to create the approprate Host entries19:04
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gyeeayoung, ++ on certmaster19:05
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gyeeayoung, is there a debian package19:06
ayounggyee, yeah, seems like the right tool to abstract out cert management without putting too much infrastructure in place19:06
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ayounggyee, fairly certain that there is.  Let me confirm again19:06
gyeeI am going to play around with it19:06
ayounggyee, it is pretty simplistic.  No revocations.19:07
ayoungXML RPC19:07
ayounggyee, http://packages.debian.org/experimental/python/certmaster19:07
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dolphmayoung: gyee: https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/certmaster.git/tree/LICENSE19:08
ayounggyee, certmonger knows how to talk to Dogtag and Certmaster.  That would be the project to look at for integration with a 3rd party CA19:08
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ayoungdolphm, any problem with using a  GPL V2  Devstack component?19:09
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gyeedolphm, I usually forward the whole thing to the lawyers :)19:09
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devanandageneral API / RESTful query string question for folks -- is there a good way to expose "get a list of resources where this property IS NULL" or "IS NOT NULL" ?  Eg, is this OK: GET /foo?property=notnull19:10
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arosen2nachi1:  ping19:10
jamielennoxayoung: twitter won't let me get past the first step without following 5 people, and it's offering me kardashians - this is your fault19:11
dolphmayoung: from the mailing list "TL;DR - don't link to GPL code."19:11
gyeeayoung, I just thinking outloud here as I haven't spend much time reading the KDS code, would it be better to have a PKI system instead?19:11
dolphmbut it's a really long thread19:11
dstanekwhat does keystone.tests._test_import_auth_token actually test?19:11
dolphmdstanek: how'd you find that :P19:12
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dolphmdstanek: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/24701/19:13
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dstanekdolphm: just made a patch for the live test issue from this morning19:13
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ayoungjamielennox, not my fault.  blame the twitterheads that made me do it last summit.19:14
dolphmjamielennox: hit skip19:14
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jamielennoxdolphm: i think they removed that19:14
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jamielennoxok, but i can just go back to twitter.com and i'm still logged in19:15
jamielennoxgreat design there19:15
ayounghttps://twitter.com/admiyoung   https://twitter.com/jaypipes https://twitter.com/tcarrez https://twitter.com/joesavak https://twitter.com/bradtopol https://twitter.com/dolphm19:16
xaviouxLooking for Havana working neutron.conf, anyone please?19:16
ayoungjamielennox, you can use whatever twitter client you like, including several opensource ones as I recall19:16
morganfainbergayoung, (me) -> https://twitter.com/mdrnstm19:17
morganfainbergnot that i say anything interesting :P19:17
dstanekayoung: i'm https://twitter.com/dstanek :-)19:17
dolphmjamielennox: don't listen to ayoung, write your own client19:17
morganfainbergdolphm ++, jamielennox  doooo eeeet19:17
ayoungreal men just use curl for a twitter client19:18
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* gyee uses curl19:19
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nkinderayoung: Will that trigger creation of DNS records as well?19:19
ayoungnkinder, it will if you want it to. I want it to.19:19
morganfainbergayoung, i was using perl mechanised… then i realized it was perl.19:19
ayoungnkinder, you would probably create with a default ip address and let the client update when enrolling19:20
nkinderayoung: yeah, it would be nice if it's creating SSHFP records too.19:20
ayoungnkinder, big thinkg is that you need a OTP.  I was starting to think that we could use the hash of the Keystone token for that19:20
dstanekdolphm: it doesn't work anymore - is it worth fixing?19:21
ayoungsince we want to encrypt the notification anyway19:21
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jamielennoxgyee: curl http://twitter.com > /dev/null19:21
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dolphmdstanek: probably not :(19:22
ayoungIf only twitter supported some sort of identity federation protocol...19:22
dolphmdstanek: it's the same issue with importing auth_token and s3_token from keystone.middleware19:22
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ayoungdstanek, that test was probably there from when we moved auth_token out of Keystone and into the client.19:23
dstanekdolphm: http://paste.openstack.org/show/49053/19:23
dstanekit looks like it just checks to see if an import happened19:24
dolphmdstanek: exactly19:24
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dolphmdstanek: it's basically testing for that backtrace19:25
dolphmand at one point, it worked19:25
ayoungdstanek, are you familiar with the history of auth_token?19:25
dstanekayoung: not at all19:25
ayoungdstanek, it was a single file that people were pulling and sticking into their projects.  I broke that19:25
ayoungwhen I did pki tokens, I put in a dependency on external files for CMS checking etc.19:25
ayoungNow they need two files.19:26
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ayoungNeedless to say, people were not happy.19:26
ayoungI didn't blame them, but I thought that copying around a file like that somewhat neanderthalic19:26
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ayounganyway, we decided to put the auth_token middleware in the client.  In doing so, we wanted to make sure that people could still refer to it based on its old name, keystone.middleware.auth+_token as opposed to keystoneclient...19:27
dstanekayoung: thx...seems like i want to keep that test then.  any reason not to rename it to remove the leading _?19:29
dolphmdstanek: yes19:29
dolphmdstanek: if you don't run it in isolation, it'll pass because it's not testing anything19:29
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dstanekdolphm: i'll leave it as it then so i can move forward, but right now it's not testing anything anyway :)19:30
dolphmactually, it might not be testing anything anyway... now that we've moved to keystone.tests (with __init__.py)19:30
dolphmit's no longer runnable in isolation19:30
dolphmgettext is being setup on import, keystone.config is executing19:31
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dolphmjamielennox: wow, they really did remove the skip button (just signed up for a new account to check it out)19:33
jamielennoxdolphm: and checkout the list they give you to select 5 people...19:34
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dolphmjamielennox: workaround- close the browser window, confirm your account, and you're done19:34
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jamielennoxdolphm: yea, did that19:35
jamielennoxhttps://twitter.com/jamielennox_   :(19:40
stevemarunderscore ftw!19:40
stevemarjamielennox, time to start twitterizing19:41
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xaviouxQuestion: is rabbitmq traffic encrypted in Havana?19:41
ayoungdstanek, I think it is safe to remove it19:41
jamielennoxyea someone stole my name19:41
jamielennoxit's what you get joining social sites 5 years later than everyone else19:42
dolphmjamielennox: 719:43
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ayoungjamielennox, I pretty much use it for OpenStack stuff only19:44
stevemardolphm, wow, i had no idea it's been that long19:44
dolphmit's probably only been huge for 5 years19:45
stevemardolphm: hehe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter#Content - 40% "pointless babble"19:46
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dolphmand 60% marketers talking to marketers about marketing19:46
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xaviouxLots of pointless babble here in the past half hour lol19:56
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jamielennoxxavioux: lol, true20:00
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nkinderayoung: are the contents of a keystone token described in detail somewhere?20:23
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jamielennoxnkinder: for v3: https://github.com/openstack/identity-api/blob/master/openstack-identity-api/v3/src/markdown/identity-api-v3.md#tokens20:31
jamielennoxthere is a similar one for v220:31
nkinderjamielennox: Thanks!  v3 is fine for my needs.20:31
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dstanekjamielennox: what's you twitter?20:32
dstanekjamielennox: got it thx!20:33
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jamielennoxnow that keystone is using testr, is there a solution for ipdb, or at least printing the full logger output on failures?21:37
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clarkbin nova and other projects the logging fixture is used to capture all logging generated by each test, this is then printed out on failure21:48
clarkbfor pdb, run_tests.sh has been updated to run test(s) under testtools.run which doesn't mess with stdout and stdin21:48
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dstanekdolphm: ping21:49
dolphmdstanek: pong21:49
dstanekdolphm: can you take a quick look at these tests - http://paste.openstack.org/show/49075/21:49
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dstanekdolphm: is that what you were envisioning?21:49
dolphmdstanek: that looks badass21:52
dolphmFALSOM -> FOLSOM21:52
dolphmdstanek: are you happy with that?21:52
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dstanekdolphm: :-P i spelled it right most of the time21:52
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dstanekdolphm: yeah, i think it looks great21:52
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dstanekdolphm: taking the kids to the library, but i'll get it implemented when i get back21:53
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reedso, if you look at slide 4 you'll see how massively huge the structure is https://www.dropbox.com/s/at4wj81f84jfaqh/May%202013%20Marketing%20Meeting.pptx22:03
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devanandareed: should i assume additive transit time between marriot, design, and expo all? eg, ~15 minutes from end to end?22:04
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reeddevananda, I would not assume that22:04
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reedalthough... let me check the maps more carefully22:05
reeddevananda, did you look at the presentation?22:05
reeddropbox converts it to a pdf22:05
devanandalooking now, ya22:05
reedslide 6 is the Design summit22:06
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reeddevananda, I checked the map and from what I understand the widest distance is between the Summit and the Marriot22:09
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reedsee that curve shape in the far right of the structure in slide 4? that I think is where the Summit will be22:09
devanandareed: got it. thanks!22:10
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dansmithttx: you can check out, but you can never leave.22:19
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notmynamettx: in summits past, there was a scheduling link that showed the bar chart for each topic. do we have that for this time?22:39
notmynamettx: ie the thing showing the proposed/available/scheduled slots for each track22:39
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jamielennoxclarkb: sorry for missing you earlier, do use mean nova's use of fixtures.FakeLogger() ? i can see that used in 3 places (just with a grep) and none of them would seem in the common path23:15
jamielennoxfrom what i can tell keystone hasn't done anything with its logging with the switch to testr23:15
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clarkbjamielennox: yes, there should be one place it is used in tests.py23:16
* clarkb looks23:16
jamielennoxclarkb: ah, i grepped tests/ in nova not test.py23:16
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clarkbjamielennox: oh the other instances of it are because boto logging is lazy loaded? something like that. Where the global FakeLogger isn't sufficient23:18
jamielennoxok so it is in common path, i'll see if that helps in keystone23:18
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jamielennoxclarkb: i take it the argument to FakeLogger is similar to picking a namespace for logging?23:20
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clarkbjamielennox: yeah, same thing. Without an arg it is supposed to catch everything, but boto is special23:21
jamielennoxas there is a FakeLogger in oslo's test.py which we don't use, but it's set to 'openstack.common' only23:21
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