Friday, 2013-09-20

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lbragstadok, right.00:00
lbragstadwant me to add a comment to that?00:00
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jamielennoxinterestingly you can patch MySQLdb and psycopg, i wonder why we aren't donig that00:00
lbragstadyeah, I saw that too, I didn't know that00:00
CaptainMorganjamielennox, because we didn't do it :P00:00
CaptainMorgani don't really know though00:01
jamielennoxCaptainMorgan: all the problems they have with mysqldb and eventlet - seems like that would have been a solution00:01
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CaptainMorganjamielennox, fair point. but it could introduce all sorts of other… fun00:01
CaptainMorganmaybe this test is going to work first try00:02
CaptainMorgan(haha yah, right)00:02
jamielennoxlbragstad: i would add MySQLdb and psycopg to the list you pass to monkey_patch with =false and say in a comment that this is the complete listing of what is supported by monkey_patch00:02
jamielennoxthat way default is irrelevant00:03
lbragstadjamielennox: ok, yeah I like that idea. I'll respin that.00:03
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, that name is still awesome for today00:03
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, we can discuss here00:04
jamielennoxpshh, the pirate thing was so yesterday00:04
roaetCaptainMorgan: I think I may have got help from someone in neutron, if it turns out to be correct I will blog and link you. Thank you for the help you gave.00:04
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lbragstadjamielennox: I missed the whole pirate thing apparently :)00:05
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jamielennoxit falls on my anniversary - unfortunately it's sometimes the pirate thing that reminds me of the anniversary rather than the other way around00:06
CaptainMorganroaet, nice00:06
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CaptainMorganlbragstad, i kind of missed it too, except when i saw AyoungTheRed earlier today00:07
AyoungTheRedAvast and Ahoy ye lubbers!00:07
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: ok, so i take it you saw the fleshed out version of the blueprint?00:07
lbragstadjamielennox: well... a reminder is a reminder!00:07
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, nah, just coming back to work now...00:07
AyoungTheRedlet me look00:07
jamielennoxi haven't changed it since (my) yesterday00:07
jamielennoxif you saw the etherpad it hasn't changed00:08
AyoungTheRed  ?00:08
jamielennoxyep, and the linked etherpad00:09
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AyoungTheRedjamielennox, ah, no, I didn't see the linked etherpad.00:09
jamielennoxok, so my first thing is for this blueprint i'm not talking about how to do certificate generation - all i want to do is seed certificates into there right place00:10
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, OK,  gave it a quick I think that I would say:00:10
AyoungTheRed1.  SSL_ENABLED_SERVICES good00:11
AyoungTheRed2.  Use Cert monger to manage them instead of the envvars00:11
jamielennoxso the way i'm testing this currently is putting KEYSTONE_SSL_CA KEYSTONE_SSL_KEY KEYSTONE_SSL_CERT with files into localrc00:11
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, you think people want to manage them by hand?00:11
jamielennoxno, but i think that if we work with the ENV vars then generation just becomes a matter of assigning the right variables00:12
jamielennoxand i think there are situations where you want to have certain certificates used00:12
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, I have a feeling it is going to be duplicate work with Certmonger,00:12
jamielennoxso i did some reading on certmonger - to my understanding it's got not a lot to do with this other than generation00:13
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, I would think that the services should have a default location specified in their config files, and we should honor those00:13
AyoungTheRedand getting the certs into the right locations...00:13
AyoungTheRedso you think that this and certmonger are complementary?00:14
jamielennoxi think if we say that certmonger is the only way we do this it will get rejected00:14
jamielennoxi think they are complementary as to my understanding certmonger can still generate PEM certs00:14
AyoungTheRedwell, I would write it up in the blueprint, and have the discussion around that.00:14
jamielennoxor can still manage PEM certs00:14
AyoungTheRedso the question is if we need explicit variables saying where the certs go, and, if we have them, what do we do with them00:15
jamielennoxso whether the certs come from certmonger, the already in place cert generation stuff for tls-proxy or some outside source won't matter00:15
jamielennoxgo? currenlty i'm not putting them anywhere. The path in the variable should be server readable00:15
jamielennoxthat would be a seperate devstack setting00:16
jamielennoxso you say generate with certmonger, it creates a folder a new db and ca and generates some certs00:16
jamielennoxthose values seed the variables and the whole show carries on00:16
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, can we get it down to just SSL_ENABLED_SERVICES and then use the service config files to state where the files are?00:16
AyoungTheRedwe can potentially use the same certificates for multiple services, so having 3 variables per service seems like a lot to manage00:17
jamielennoxthat's down somewhere in future optimizations00:18
jamielennoxyes, i agree and i'm not worried about it right now00:18
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jamielennoxwhat do you mean "use the service config files to state where the files are?" the service config file are always going to be where these variables end up, the ENV vars thing is just how you let devstack no what to put in them00:19
jamielennoxwow, just used no instead of know00:19
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, but they have default values already.  For example, keystone knows where to put its ssl certs00:19
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AyoungTheReddevstack should use those variables00:20
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AyoungTheRedI'd just say have the SSL_ENABLED_SERVICES and then put the files where the the config files say they should go.00:21
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AyoungTheRedjamielennox, I'm envisioning this being something that is eventaully automated: a service has a standard way to tell certmonger:  put my files here:00:22
AyoungTheRedI think systemd already has an abstraction along those lines.  Ask nalin, though00:22
jamielennoxin the case of generating then you have to create a folder and ca, generate a bunch of certificates copy them into the place expected by the server and still enable the variables in the config file00:22
jamielennoxwhy not just point the service to where the certs were generated00:23
AyoungTheRedagain, all cermonger stuff.00:23
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jamielennoxfor example in swift there is no ssl enable config - the presence of the cert_file and key_file variables says you should use ssl00:23
jamielennoxif i have to enable the cert_file and key_file variables with the default values - why not just point them at the place where the certificates actually live?00:23
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lbragstadjamielennox: respun and comment added:
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AyoungTheRedjamielennox, tell you what, can you give certmonger a test run, and see if it changes how you would write the rest of the code?  If you find out that it really does make no difference, I'll approve your current approach.  Deal?00:25
jamielennoxlbragstad: +100:25
lbragstadjamielennox: thank you sir00:26
AyoungTheRedlbragstad, looking00:26
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: that patch still needs some fixes but sure00:26
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AyoungTheRedlbragstad, so...what if they add an additional parameter to monkeypatch on us?00:26
lbragstadAyoungTheRed: looks like it00:26
AyoungTheRedlbragstad, pretty sure the mysql and psycodb opnes weren't there when last I looked....00:27
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: it will default to false00:27
lbragstadjamielennox: and I were discussing earlier00:27
AyoungTheRedare you sure all=false is no longer supported?00:27
lbragstadAyoungTheRed: here it is00:27
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AyoungTheRedlbragstad, I read it...but wasn't sure if you had definitively decided that.00:27
AyoungTheRedlbragstad, nah, don't trust the docs.  Read the code00:28
lbragstadAyoungTheRed: ok, yeah because another doc saying something different, or doens't list the all option00:29
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: all is supported it acts as an explicit default value, if not provided the fact that you are saying to specifically patch certain modules means it will default to False00:29
lbragstadAyoungTheRed: figured being explicit offered better readability00:29
jamielennoxnot to mention if they were explicitly laid out like that before you'd think someone would notice 'why is select not patched?'00:30
lbragstadjamielennox: +100:31
AyoungTheRedlbragstad, I like the explicit list, just reading the code to see if we still want all=False to catch any others00:31
jamielennoxmind you it makes me wonder why MySQLdb is not patched - but i don't want to deal with the headache of figuring that out00:31
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lbragstadI was unaware of psycopg and MySQLdb00:31
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lbragstaduntil jamielennox pointed them out00:31
jamielennoxi am gusessing that psycopg != psycopg2 because i understood pg and eventlet were ok00:32
AyoungTheRedactually, I cut off the interesting part00:32
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: it's lined above already00:32
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AyoungTheRedjamielennox, I thought we were behind the mainline on evetlet, though...I was looking at what is installed on F19.  Cuz I'm paranoid.  Especially since it looks like this code has changed since last I browsed it00:34
AyoungTheRedbut am I paranoid enough?00:34
jamielennoxlbragstad: now that i think about it, it might be worth checking out when psycopg and MySQLdb were add to the function if it's after our supported eventlet version you might need to do all=False and just comment those two00:35
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AyoungTheRedlbragstad I think your code is ok...the F19 version is pretty conservative.  python-eventlet-0.12.0-1.fc19.noarch   upstream is a o.1500:36
jamielennoxlbragstad: global requirements are >= 0.13 which is this file:
jamielennoxso it's fine00:37
AyoungTheRedat least they got off of mercurial only....00:37
lbragstadAyoungTheRed: jamielennox ok sounds good00:37
AyoungTheRedI can ack00:37
lbragstadthanks for looking at that00:38
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, added you to
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: will the certmonger selfsigned be enough to satisfy or do i need to do a full IPA linkup?00:39
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, IPA would probably be an extension of the cermonger selfsigned approach00:40
jamielennoxthat was my thought - and i don't want to have to figure out how that works yet00:41
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: ughh, they are doing this with httplib00:41
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jamielennoxand they have eventlet it the client00:42
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, yeah. I mentioned that in an earlier review.  But they have to00:42
AyoungTheRedeventlet in the client?  I missed that00:43
AyoungTheRedoh, yeah, that was pre-existing00:44
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AyoungTheRedanyway, the SSL compression thing is a pretty big deal.  They need to fix that in requests before swift can move over to it00:44
jamielennoxwhat is happening in requests?00:44
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AyoungTheRedjamielennox, lookat my discussion earlier in the review...patch 9ish00:45
AyoungTheRedno way to turn off ssl compression.  I don;'t know if they submitted a fix for that upstream yet, but enabling ssl in httplib2 since they are already using it seems like a reasonable stopgap00:46
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CaptainMorgangarhyee, ping00:47
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: hmm, i'll have a look into if that is correct (i assume they are correct)00:48
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AyoungTheRedjamielennox, anyway, for certmonger, the intial allocation should be something like getcert-request  -F {name}_SSL_CERT  -k {name}_SSL_KEY  so maybe we do start with what you have, and then figure out how to populate those valus from the config files and would be great if we could actually query the config exteranal to the service.00:50
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AyoungTheRedI am really wishing devstack were in Python...00:52
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CaptainMorganAyoungTheRed, ++ i wish that quite often thesedays00:52
CaptainMorganAyoungTheRed, simply for internal use cases, not even for what you and jamielennox  are looking at00:53
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AyoungTheRedCaptainMorgan, the idea of slowly slipping python in there as helper functions is more and more tempting every day00:54
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CaptainMorganAyoungTheRed, hehe00:55
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, ping00:55
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: pong00:55
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: weren't we supposed to merge something today00:56
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, when writing a SQL Migrate test, do i need to initialize a new metadata object before instantiating the table object with autoload if columns change?00:56
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CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, i'm addressing the last of bknudson's comments00:56
CaptainMorganthe sql upgrade test keeps loading the wrong version of the table.00:56
CaptainMorganso, the test can't pass00:56
jamielennoxthey have a good point though, bash is supposed to be somewhat equivalent to what an admin would do and devstack is fairly heavily commented, python would just be another script that does some magic00:58
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: umm, i think i always instantiate it first, but it almost sounds like you're trying to do something implicitly that should be explicit?00:58
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: regarding "getcert-request  -F {name}_SSL_CERT  -k {name}_SSL_KEY" i think you have it backwards, but i'll code it up and show you what i mean00:58
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, well i'm doing self.updgrade(<version>) insert data self.upgrade(<next version>) and then instantiate the table object, when i do the query, the new column isn't present00:59
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, this is in the context of the SqlMigrateBase tests00:59
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CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, and the converse (downgrade test) can't do the select because the old column is still showing up on the table object01:00
* CaptainMorgan curses ORM when it doesn't work intuitively.01:00
CaptainMorganI guess i could stop trying to use it as an ORM and just use it as direct SQL execute mechanism (since it's tests only)01:01
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AyoungTheRedjamielennox, backwards?  I thought I was agreeing with you.  You need to know where they go, so you tell certmonger.  Certmonger will then create them if required.01:06
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AyoungTheRedso devstack will have that set of variables, and will call certmonger to do the allocation01:06
jamielennoxno because they won't be supplied if they aren't available01:07
jamielennoxso if not (SSL_CERT and SSL_KEY ):01:07
garhyeeCapainMorgan, sorry, I was afk01:08
garhyeewhat's up01:08
jamielennoxgetcert-request -F keystone.cert -k keystone.key01:08
jamielennoxKEYSTONE_SSL_CERT = `pwd`/keystone.cert01:08
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jamielennoxanyway i'll write it and show you01:09
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CaptainMorgangarhyee, i think i figured it out01:09
CaptainMorgangarhyee, was struggling with a migrate test.01:09
garhyeeah ok01:10
garhyeejust blame AyoungTheRed, standard operating procedure :D01:10
CaptainMorgangarhyee, dolphaaarrrggghh, I should have another patchset to address bknudson's comments for the tenantId cleanup stuff in a couple minutes01:11
CaptainMorgani'll let you know when it01:11
CaptainMorgan's posted so i can get some eyes on it01:11
* garhyee is GTFBT code review01:11
CaptainMorganGTfBT? whats the BT standfor?01:12
garhyeeback to01:12
CaptainMorgani seeeeeee01:12
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CaptainMorganugh.  i think i just realized i should have made something a class method instead of static.01:16
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garhyeenot sure if I understand your concern01:25
CaptainMorganlooking now01:25
garhyeewe don't reissue token on validation01:25
CaptainMorgangarhyee, isn't he asking for a mechanism to say "validate this token, but return the data w/o catalog"?01:26
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CaptainMorganso, with a PKI token, you'd either have bogus data returned or need for a new token to be issued01:27
garhyeePKI tokens can be validated either locally or over the wire01:27
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, is the requests library going to let us use NSS for the certs, or is it openssl specific?  I think this is why the FreeIPA project ended up using libcurl01:27
CaptainMorgansince you're changing the content of the token01:27
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: it requires a PEM cert01:27
CaptainMorganvalidate returns the content of the token in json01:27
garhyeeCaptainMorgan, token validation, over the wire, does not check for signature01:27
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: oh underneath - i'm not sure i'm pretty sure it uses openssl01:28
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garhyeewe merely doing a lookup of the hashed token ID01:28
CaptainMorgangarhyee, ok.01:28
CaptainMorgangarhyee, i was assuming this would be something like "Validate token" and take that info to consitute something that gets passed into auth-token01:29
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, OK,  I can get a PEM cert, but suspect that this will be an issue for the NSSification01:29
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: it's not a requests thing, that would be a urllib3 thing01:29
CaptainMorgangarhyee, then i'll remove the -1 in a short bit here.01:29
garhyeeno, validate toke over the wire basically means 1) is the token still exist, and 2) return the token data01:29
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garhyeeCaptainMorgan, cool, thanks01:30
CaptainMorgangarhyee, right.  i'm curious the point of not passing the catalog along in that case. short of just a little less data on the wire.01:30
CaptainMorgangarhyee, but i could see people asking for that.01:30
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garhyeebecause a large service catalog will push PKI tokens over the limit01:31
CaptainMorganlimit of?01:31
garhyeemost servers have a limit on 8K header01:31
garhyeelimit of01:31
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CaptainMorganbut, we already passed the token via header in.01:31
CaptainMorganand the data comes back json?01:32
CaptainMorganso. how is that affecting the 8k header on validate?01:32
garhyeebut we are setting the service catalog in the header in auth_token middleware01:32
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CaptainMorganwe are?01:33
garhyeeyes :)01:33
CaptainMorganbut authtoken doesn't wire validate pki tokens…01:33
jamielennoxAyoungTheRed: it's more than that really the whole python ssl stack is set up to emulate openssl, not even httplib or inbuilt ssl will let you do nss01:33
CaptainMorganugh, i'm just confused here.01:33
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AyoungTheRedjamielennox, I know they used libcurl in freeipa. I just haven't looked that deeply yet01:34
AyoungTheRedjamielennox, but, so far, so goo01:34
CaptainMorgangarhyee, i'll look in a sec, trying to debug sqlalchemy bug in my code ;)01:34
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garhyeeCaptainMorgan, we need to make both middleware and API changes to optionally opt-out of service catalog01:34
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garhyeeAyoungTheRed, are you making Keystone a CA service? :)01:36
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CaptainMorgangarhyee, ok. so the goal with this change is to just not pass the catalog along so we don't set a header.01:45
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CaptainMorgangarhyee, i think my eyes are going cross-eyed :P but you've convinced me there is a reason for the change.01:46
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CaptainMorgangarhyee, -1 removed.01:46
garhyeeCaptainMorgan, thanks01:48
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CaptainMorgangarhyee / dolphaaarrrggghh,
CaptainMorgani _think_ i've covered everything now.01:52
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CaptainMorganthis one has made my head hurt a couple times :P01:53
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AyoungTheRedgarhyee, no, I am not making Keystone a CA service.  We are going to make Keystone and all the other services consume a real CA01:55
garhyeeAyoungTheRed, with OCSP support and everything?01:55
CaptainMorganAyoungTheRed, that could be quite useful01:56
AyoungTheRedgarhyee, way of FreeIPA01:56
AyoungTheRedgarhyee, right now I am redoing this in Python
AyoungTheRedgarhyee, but jamielennox is looking into setting up SSL for all services in devstack.01:57
AyoungTheRedgarhyee, and we'll use certmonger as the allocation scheme for them.  Should have used that for Keystone in the first place01:58
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dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: cool, i like the explicit v3_to_v2_user()02:00
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CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, yeah bknuson recommended that, i think it is a lot cleaner.02:01
garhyeeAyoungTheRed, how does FreeIPA working Neutron, in terms of floating IP, DNS, etc02:02
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, i just realized something….02:05
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, i think this patchset violates string freeze02:05
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dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: where?02:05
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, config option name changes02:05
CaptainMorganremoving an option and adding another one.02:06
CaptainMorganbut i mean, you're the PTL you can give an exception here.02:06
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: it's two different options though? you're not changing one02:07
CaptainMorganremoving an option, adding a new one02:07
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: just happens to be in the same patch and looks very suspicious!02:07
CaptainMorganjust didn't want to run afoul of the SF w/o proper documentation02:07
* CaptainMorgan tries to think of a pirate way to phrase "ignore the string freeze" but just can't atm.02:08
dolphaaarrrggghhlet me look into it a bit more before we approve02:08
dolphaaarrrggghhbut i don't *think* it's really a violation02:08
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, nod.  i mean, it might just be a case of toss up a comment in the commit02:08
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dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: would it be viable to split some amount of the domain-removal stuff into it's own commit?02:10
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: maybe even just that one line delete02:11
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, sure. i could split that out.02:12
garhyeewow, I didn't now we never had default_project_id in the user table02:12
dolphaaarrrggghhgarhyee: yeah :(02:12
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: that would at least better illustrate that user_domain_id_attribute is being cleanly removed, not changed02:12
CaptainMorgangarhyee, yeah and it's made it a little messy to cleanup02:13
CaptainMorgansure.  i'll go ahead and make a new commit for that and rebase this one onto that one.02:13
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: other than that, you're changing the *default value* of an option, and adding a new option02:13
garhyeeI agree with dolphaaarrrggghh, better to split up the review02:13
CaptainMorganor.. vice-versa02:13
garhyeemake it easier02:13
CaptainMorgangarhyee, trying to think if there is another section i can split like that easily02:13
CaptainMorganmake it 3 changes vs. 102:14
garhyeedata migration can be its own02:14
CaptainMorgangarhyee, actually it can't. it needs to be tied to the normalize (v3->v2 user)02:14
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: 'suspenders and a belt check'02:15
dolphaaarrrggghhAyoungTheRed: are you moonlighting as CaptainMorgan?02:15
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, yep. there should never be a case you get there.02:15
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CaptainMorgansince i'm splitting this… should v3 update/create/etc explicitly remove tenantId if it's passed in?02:16
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CaptainMorganbasically say "uh, no, don't give me tenantId as a attribute for the user on v3"02:16
garhyeeCaptainMorgan, can the translation be done in middleware02:16
CaptainMorgangarhyee, i don't think so easily.  since a number of things embed user_refs in them (not a large number)02:17
CaptainMorganand i don't want to have to guess at what is a user_ref outside anywhere before it hits / after returned from the controller02:18
CaptainMorgangarhyee, i might be over thinking that though.02:18
CaptainMorgangarhyee, honestly, i think most of V2 semantics could be made middleware with enough time.02:19
CaptainMorgangarhyee maybe that is the path of deprecation?02:19
CaptainMorganfor v2.0 that is02:19
garhyeeCaptainMorgan, yeah02:19
garhyeeI was experimenting with v3 to v2 token data translation in middleware02:20
garhyeetill I ran into PKI tokens02:20
CaptainMorgangarhyee, hehe.02:20
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: i wouldn't be opposed to that02:21
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: if you think that will help prevent regression02:21
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: i am a bit paranoid of stomping on attribute names that people could be legitimately/intentionally writing to extra... but i don't think that would be a legitimate one02:22
dolphaaarrrggghhthat would just be an accident02:22
AyoungTheRedgarhyee, I haven't gottne the Neutron thing working yet.  Bascially, I am allocating a floation ip first, telling FreeIPA about it, and then using that to set DNS/IPA02:23
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, actually, i don't think it will matter.  it'll only prevent regression in truely 3rd party apps if they assume "tenantId" is handled specially inside keystone02:23
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, i think it's fine to just leave it as is.  the V2.0 will just override it with the default_project_id.02:24
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: exactly :)02:24
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AyoungTheRedKeystone has become the midnight crew.02:24
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, though i am not removing "tenantId" if it exists and default_project_id is None02:25
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CaptainMorganmaybe i should add the pop back in if tenantId is there and default_project_id is None in the DB?02:25
dolphaaarrrggghhAyoungTheRed: ++02:26
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: you mean if tenantId is in the request, pop it off?02:26
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: in an update, or what?02:26
CaptainMorgan line 26102:27
CaptainMorganif default_tenant_id is Null in the DB (None here)02:27
CaptainMorganand the user has something in tenantId in the extra feild02:27
CaptainMorgantenantId would still be populated02:27
CaptainMorganpossibly with bogus data.02:27
CaptainMorganthat could confuse things.02:28
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CaptainMorgansolution would be to elif 'tenantId' in ref: del ref['tenantId']02:28
CaptainMorgancreate/update/etc shouldn't care.02:29
CaptainMorganthis is called everywhere important.02:29
garhyeeCaptainMorgan, I'll finish up the review  later tonight, need to be offline for a couple of hours, sorry02:31
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CaptainMorgangarhyee, no worries going to split the domain_id config option out into a separate patch, but should be very similar.02:31
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CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, yeah, i think that eliminates some extra logic in removing/adding a user if someone changes tenantId in an update.02:39
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, going with that. next patchset will also split the and sample.conf removal of the user_domain_id attribute.02:40
CaptainMorganconfig option that is02:41
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dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: alrighty02:58
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, ok and
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: that was fast02:58
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CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, i was just waiting on tests :P02:59
CaptainMorganalready had it staged up.02:59
* CaptainMorgan blames his IDE for being able to do that relatively quickly02:59
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: conf and domain-related changes look good, where else should i look?03:00
CaptainMorgancommon controller03:00
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CaptainMorganadded the del in the v3-v2 user03:01
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dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: took me a minute to digest it, but +2'd both03:07
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dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: hopefully garhyee comes back and this can merge overnight :)03:08
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CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, cool. I'm looking forward to these being done.  they've been full of rabbitholes.03:08
dolphaaarrrggghhme too!03:08
CaptainMorganafter this, maybe i can finish up the domain_scope cleanup to expirimental level.03:08
CaptainMorganand then we will be close to being able to stick a fork in RC1 :)03:09
dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: if you changes merge, we might be *closest*03:09
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, nice!03:09
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CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, and henry's belongsTo patch looks close.03:10
dolphaaarrrggghhooh yeah, i wanted to take another pass at that tonight03:11
CaptainMorganat a cursory glance, it looks pretty good.03:11
CaptainMorganbut i've not done a full deep dive on it yet03:11
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dolphaaarrrggghhi wanted to run his tests *with* the line of code that is conspicuously missing03:12
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, for what it's worth, i'm super pleased at where keystone has come to for havana… I want to run it in production (as is, let alone RC point).. so much improvement03:12
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dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: good to hear :)03:13
CaptainMorganI'm going to chase down a tempest core tomorrow.03:13
CaptainMorgani want to get atiwari's token fix in.03:14
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dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: gating henry's change now03:24
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, cool.03:24
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dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: that was my one line concern03:28
CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, looking03:29
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CaptainMorganyep. worth doing that03:29
CaptainMorgani mean. it's just ensures we didn't invalidate some random token by accident03:29
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dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: yeah... i just wanted to make sure it wasn't missing for a reason :)03:35
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dolphaaarrrggghhCaptainMorgan: thanks for the readme review03:40
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CaptainMorgandolphaaarrrggghh, np!03:40
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CaptainMorganstevemar, how goes?04:01
stevemarCaptainMorgan - man you got an awesome pirate name04:01
CaptainMorganstevemar, hehe04:01
stevemarCaptainMorgan - i just remembered at 5pm that it was talk like a pirate day, i thought ayoung was just going bonkers04:02
CaptainMorganboth dolph and ayoung had awesome names too.04:02
stevemarwhat was dolphs?04:02
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stevemarhmmm, next year i'll go with ShiverMeStevemar04:03
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CaptainMorganstevemar, lucky you, that is the limit on characters for the irc nick :P04:03
stevemarso, CaptainMorgan, whats goin on sir04:04
CaptainMorganstevemar, hoping my rabbithole of a patchset gets merged soon04:05
CaptainMorganstevemar, and chasing down the last of the RC1 stuff04:05
stevemarthis guy?
CaptainMorganstevemar, ype, but patchset 19 of it :P04:05
CaptainMorganwe're doing well :)04:06
stevemaryeah, the 16th was the patch set i told myself to review in the morning04:06
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stevemarnova and heat are not fairing so well04:06
stevemarhorizon had a nice jump too04:06
CaptainMorgannova is a big project, lots of things to worry about.04:07
CaptainMorganheat also had a huge drop a little earlier.04:07
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stevemarkudos on taking on that bug btw04:08
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stevemarthe tenantId vs tenant_id one..04:08
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CaptainMorganstevemar, that one was a brutal one.04:09
stevemari noticed it while doing some openstackclient work, and just worked around it04:09
CaptainMorgani figured it would be… easy, you know "oh just a little code to fix the stuff"04:09
stevemarit was deeply ingrained04:10
CaptainMorganstevemar, yep it was04:10
stevemarCaptainMorgan - things are too calm, though i suppose that is good...04:11
CaptainMorganstevemar, don't jinx it!!04:11
stevemari should really split this out into 2 patches:
CaptainMorganstevemar, perhaps.04:12
stevemar1 for test code and another to add more instructions on adding oauth method to auth04:12
CaptainMorganstevemar, probably a good idea.04:12
CaptainMorganstevemar, plus, it'll get your commit count up :P04:13
stevemargotta pad my stats04:13
stevemarfrom now i'm just gonna commit stuff one function at a time04:13
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stevemarCaptainMorgan hmm, needs more04:14
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stevemarthough if you change the metric to LOC, over 50% went into keystone04:16
CaptainMorganstevemar, you have more than I do :P04:16
CaptainMorganand 73% of my code went into keystone :P04:16
stevemarno way04:16
stevemaryou do such much more than i do04:16
CaptainMorganeh, look at the review count i have04:16
CaptainMorganif you want to see where i've spent my time.04:17
CaptainMorganbut numbers don't really mean much besides "yep, you contributed"04:17
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CaptainMorganat least thats my opinion.  it's important to contribute, but more importantly, contribute quality vs quantity04:18
stevemarto be fair, i only started to review in the last two months04:18
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bashaI'm trying to add a patch as a deendency on a patch on another repo. one of them is a bug and the other a bp. Will modifying the commit msg help?11:24
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ekarlsois there any presentation on the ML2 stuff ?13:03
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dolphmmorganfainberg: henrynash: o/15:01
henrynashdolphm: hi15:01
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dolphmhenrynash: i'm looking into one of your comments on morgan's tenantId/tenant_id/default_project_id fix...15:01
henrynashdolphm: yes, saw your reply15:02
dolphmhenrynash: regarding remove_user_from_project() -- do you know when/why the behavior of that function changed?15:02
dolphmhenrynash: i don't see any reason in tests to explain it's current behavior15:02
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henrynashdolphm: no I don't….I suspect during Grizzly, but that's a guess15:02
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kgriffskeystone question for you guys16:04
kgriffsin practice, is anything other than an integer used for Project ID (AKA Tenant ID)16:04
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mroddenbeekneemec: nice catch on test on that py3 patch16:57
mroddenthe test*16:57
kgriffsreposting my earlier question:16:58
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kgriffsn practice, is anything other than an integer used for Project ID (AKA Tenant ID)?16:58
beekneemecmrodden: Yeah, I'm generally opposed to removing test cases for non-duplicate cases, so I didn't like that. :-)16:58
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mroddenbeekneemec: i always get tunnel version on making sure what is being added looks ok, that i didn't realize they were removing a test case entirely16:59
mroddentunnel vision16:59
mroddenapparently i can't type today either16:59
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beekneemecmrodden: Meh, it's Friday. :-)16:59
mroddentrue that17:00
beekneemecmrodden: And that sort of thing is why we approve after two +2's in most projects.17:00
beekneemecOne person isn't going to catch everything.17:00
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mroddenbeekneemec: could i get your opinion on something quick?
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beekneemecmrodden: Ah, I think I saw that yesterday17:09
mroddenyeah i dont really care what the default is17:09
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mroddenits just there is a bug open for nova and it was changed in all the other projects already17:09
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beekneemecmrodden: So this is just making it behave the way it did before the delayed translation change?17:10
mroddenwhich, I considered a bug in the original design and fixed...17:10
mroddenbut i guess that was bad?17:10
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beekneemecI vaguely recall a similar discussion to this.17:11
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mroddenyeah i'm guessing its time to bring it to the ML17:12
beekneemecYeah, probably.17:12
beekneemecI guess I'm inclined to give the server administrator control over the default, which is what your change would do.17:12
mroddenthat was luis' argument that swayed me to fix it17:13
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beekneemecAnd if the user doesn't like that default, they can always pass the header to override it.17:14
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* beekneemec tries to ignore the fact that he's about 600 e-mails behind on the -dev ML.17:18
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morganfainberghenrynash, dolphm , hi17:18
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morganfainberghenrynash / dolphm, regarding the behavior, i think some of the backends did it others didn't.  checking now17:18
morganfainbergfor that comment that is17:18
morganfainbergi just lifted the logic up to the controller so i could move forward with the fixes.17:19
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morganfainberghenrynash / dolphm,
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morganfainberghenrynash / dolphm, almost done rolling another patchset.  do you want me to rebase upon the other fix for the remove based upon tenantId changing?17:50
morganfainbergi can do that if needed.17:50
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morganfainbergor we can have the cleanup be applied on top of my changeset.17:51
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morganfainbergbe back in a few.17:51
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dolphmmorganfainberg: catching up...18:07
dolphmmorganfainberg: i'm looking into the remove_user_from_project() stuff myself... i have a patch against master that's passing tests to apply your remove_user_membership_from_project() logic to the existing remove_user_from_project()18:12
dolphmmorganfainberg: but now i'd like to go judge impact on your patch and the other related one18:12
morganfainbergdolphm, exactly18:13
morganfainbergdolphm, my patch needed to lift stuff up to the controller, ldap already had this logic.  i could rebase mine on the other one and incorporate that instead.18:14
morganfainbergdolphm, let me know, i'm writing a couple tests and will be ready for a patch that addresses the comments.18:14
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dolphmmorganfainberg: let me know what you think of this first - remove_user_membership_from_project()18:16
dolphmmorganfainberg: as far as i can see, this method isn't currently called by any HTTP API, so changing it's behavior only impacts tests?18:16
dolphmand that other patch in review (or yours) should be consuming it18:16
dolphmmorganfainberg: bad paste above...
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jgriffithsdague: Lemme know if you still disagree on my comments WRT
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morganfainbergdolphm, that impact should be minimal since we are just consuming it18:20
morganfainbergdolphm, it does seem like only tests should be affected18:21
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morganfainbergwith this change.18:21
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sdaguejgriffith: just reading, I'm ok with that.18:30
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jgriffithsdague: great, thanks... I'll submit and updated after the cinder change merges18:45
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mriedemis anyone aware of known issues trying to build docs for ceilometer with sphinx?19:41
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mriedemdhellmann: ping19:42
thomasmmriedem, I'm not aware of any, some folks in #openstack-metering might, though.19:43
mriedemmetering, ah, was looking for openstack-ceilometer, thanks19:43
thomasmmriedem, Anytime =]19:43
dhellmannmriedem: pong19:43
morganfainbergdolphm, updated with now with more testing.19:43
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mriedemdhellmann: yeah, i see you on sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme19:43
morganfainbergdolphm, and a little cleanup as requested by bknudson.19:43
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mriedemdhellmann: i'm trying to build docs for ceilometer with sphinx and am hitting this: Could not import extension (exception: No module named
mriedemdhellmann: but i can import that module from my python shell19:44
mriedemdhellmann: just wondering if you've heard about it?19:44
dhellmannmriedem: is it installed, or just importable?19:44
mriedemdhellmann: installed via pip, 0.419:44
dhellmanndo you have other sphinxcontrib modules installed as well?19:44
mriedemdhellmann: yeah, httpdomain19:45
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dhellmanndo you have a relatively new version of pbr installed?19:45
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* dhellmann thinks19:45
dhellmannhow are you running the doc build?19:45
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mriedemdhellmann: i've tried calling sphinx-build directly and going through the makefile in the ceilometer source19:46
mriedemboth fail with the same thing19:46
dhellmanntry "tox -e docs"19:46
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dhellmannor "python build_sphinx"19:46
mriedemdhellmann: ok, sec19:46
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mriedemdhellmann: python build_sphinx got further, failed on missing flask, installing that now19:47
dhellmannmriedem: using tox should install all of the dependencies for you automatically19:47
mriedemdhellmann: yeah, trying to build an rpm here19:47
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dhellmannmriedem: I guess you need system packages of the deps for that?19:48
mriedemi don't necessarily need rpms, but yeah, they should be called out as build deps in the spec ultimately - anyway, got past flask, hit keystoneclient, so i'm moving with sphinx_build, thanks19:49
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dhellmannmriedem: good, ping us in #openstack-metering if you run into more issues19:49
mriedemdhellmann: will do, thanks19:49
dolphm_mriedem: you can use build_sphinx in combination with tox to have it build the venv for you19:49
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mriedemdolphm_: yeah, tox would be magical, but not using it in the rpm spec19:50
dolphm_mriedem: might just me "tox -epy27 python build_sphinx"19:50
dolphm_mriedem: ah19:50
mriedemdistro packaging, yay!19:50
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openflyhrmm anyone know if jenkins + jclouds works backended to openstack?20:01
clarkbopenfly: it does20:01
clarkbcompute and object storage should work20:01
clarkbI have used both but it has been a while20:02
openflyany nasty caveats?20:02
morganfainberglbragstad, fast on the +1 there ;)20:02
clarkbopenfly: not really, I patched the object storage stuff and it seems to work alot better now20:02
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clarkbopenfly: debuggign why compute nodes fail is sometimes difficult and jclouds + jenkins doesn't seem to always clean up nodes properly20:02
lbragstadmorganfainberg: quick!20:03
clarkbbut those problems exist with the alternatives20:03
openflywell that's easy enough to watchdog20:03
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lbragstadmorganfainberg: I saw your 'no functional change' comment and that concluded my review20:03
clarkbopenfly: check out
morganfainberglbragstad, hehe.20:03
clarkbopenfly: ^ is our answer for single use slaves provided by nova, but it isn't well documented yet and is semi specific to our jenkins20:04
morganfainberglbragstad, not like that changeset has any massive ramifications in either case.20:04
lbragstadmorganfainberg: I'm still going through
lbragstadhaven't made it all the way through that one20:04
openflyawesome will look through it.20:05
morganfainberglbragstad, yeah that one has been a beast.20:05
morganfainberglbragstad thanks for looking through them.  more eyes on changes like that = better20:06
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lbragstadmorganfainberg: not a problem and I completely agree20:07
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morganfainberglbragstad, fyi, another patchset is incoming to try and address the tempest failure(s), it's a 1-line fix and some test massaging20:20
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lbragstadmorganfainberg: gotcha, so that is why 46207 was failing Jenkins?20:23
morganfainbergi think it's that i removed a ref.copy()20:23
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morganfainbergin the v3_to_v2 static method20:24
lbragstadahh o k20:24
morganfainbergbecause between the two patchsets, that was the only non-test non-rename-of-function-that-would-prevent-py26/py27-from-passing change20:24
morganfainbergalmost no changes other than that.20:25
morganfainbergwhich also might mean that tempest has made some bad assumptions20:25
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morganfainbergand this might require a fix to tempest's code.20:25
lbragstadyeah, there is no functional change there20:25
morganfainberglbragstad, i love when we have tests that verify things are broken :P (not really anyone's fault, just… a headache)20:26
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lbragstadmorganfainberg: :) so are you going to rebase on the one-liner?20:27
morganfainberglbragstad, hrm? no. the ref.copy() was added in a previous patchset, that was the diff between 19 and 20.20:29
morganfainberglbragstad, i just uploaded a new patchset with that fixed.20:29
lbragstadmorganfainberg: ahh, yep... following now20:29
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morganfainbergdolphm, ping20:59
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morganfainberglbragstad, ping23:00
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notmynamedhellmann: it was the pbr version. I thought I had already updated that. I must have updated on my VM, not the host. thanks for the help23:30
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morganfainberggyee, you here (I saw ya in infra asking about stuff)23:53
morganfainberggyee, was just wanting a 2nd opinion on something if you are23:53
gyeemorganfainberg, yeah, my corporate proxy is messing me up23:53
morganfainberggyee, boo23:53
morganfainberggyee, corporate proxy ick23:53
gyeeI had to use corkscrew to tunnel ssh through23:53
gyeeyeah, I was going to murder somebody at IT23:54
gyeebut thought better of it :)23:54
morganfainberggyee, hehe23:54
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morganfainberggyee, really quick: line 270.  i removed a ref.copy(), i am thinking it isn't important to isolate the data w/ an explicit copy at this point23:54
morganfainbergsince it's the same as the domain_id filter23:55
morganfainberggyee, just wanted to get a quick 2nd opinion on that23:55
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gyeemorganfainberg, no need to return ref23:58
gyeeyou are already modifying ref23:58
gyeeso it already have the changes23:58
morganfainbergfor the implicit list comprehension it would bve needed23:58
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morganfainbergin a number of places we did return self._filter_domain(ref)23:59
morganfainbergand i replaced those with this where appropriate23:59

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