Thursday, 2013-09-12

jamielennoxthere is at least one tempest bug to fix - but wouldn't that indicate a behaviour we should be really careful about changing?00:00
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bknudsonyes, we need to be very careful00:01
jamielennoxi'll file it as a bug for now that auth_uri is not used in the way it should, fix tempest, then put a warning in auth_token that auth_host etc are deprecated in favour of auth_uri00:02
jamielennoxwe'll need to keep the current auth_host takes priority over auth_uri for at least the next cycles00:02
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bknudsonjamielennox: would you rather have a new option for the request_uri ?00:03
bknudsonrather than the separate options00:03
jamielennoxis there any need for auth_uri to be different to request_uri?00:03
bknudsonwe return auth_uri in the authenticate header, so should be public.00:04
jamielennoxis there a load balancing or some such reason you might want those to differ?00:04
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bknudsonbut I think we want auth_token to be able to talk to a private address (for revocation list)00:04
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jamielennoxyea, so auth_host might reflect an internal host, where auth_url might need to be publically accessible00:05
ayoungjamielennox, I want to approve the HTTP PRetty patch just due to the amopunt of duplicated code you removed00:05
jamielennoxayoung: i'm on board, you might cop some flak from the others though00:05
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jamielennoxat least till they've reviewed00:06
ayoungjamielennox, nah...its good stuff00:06
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ayoungI'ma +2 it00:06
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bknudsonI would prefer a single option so we don't have to mess with URL building ourselves.00:06
jamielennoxbknudson: so given that - request_uri is a pretty poor config name00:06
jamielennoxbknudson: right - and it would remove the need for the ipv6 stuff because you would specify a full url00:07
jamielennoxgiven that we use auth_uri for the public facing url what should we use for private url?00:07
jamielennox(which if not provided can default to auth_host etc, then to auth_uri)00:08
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bknudsonjamielennox: internal_auth_uri ?00:09
gyeebknudson, not sure if I understand the use case00:10
jamielennoxbknudson: yea, i guess it isn't that important - i was thinking it would become the main auth config point, but it won't you can still specify auth_uri and have the internal one be an override00:10
bknudsonin v2 we have public and admin endpoints00:10
gyeeyou need an internal uri to download token revocation list?00:11
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gyeein v3, there's no public and admin distinction00:11
jamielennoxbknudson: public/admin is not the issue - all validation and revocation stuff is done on the public api00:11
bknudsongyee: I hope so... the public one is pretty limited00:11
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bknudsonok, maybe it doesn't make a difference then. I was hoping that you couldn't do that stuff through the public api00:11
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gyeeI would think the you want to expose both token validation and TRL download APIs00:12
bknudsonwhy would an end user need to get the token revocation list? don't you need admin token?00:12
jamielennoxpublic/admin is a bad naming scheme - the way i've come to think of it is the scoped and the unscoped api00:12
jamielennoxyou need to do validation stuff on the unscoped api00:12
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gyeebknudson, to end users, they only care about the service URI as middleware is deployed by the services00:13
bknudsonI guess if we say that users can validate their own tokens then the revocation list and cert needs to be available to them00:14
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jamielennoxbknudson: it's more an implementation detail, middleware requests an unscoped token to do authentication so it doesn't get a service catalog and doesn't know the location of the admin api00:15
bknudsonright, the service URI is returned in WWW-Authenticate header and middleware uses its own URI00:15
jamielennoxi assume it would work fine if you pointed it at the admin api, but it's not how we say to do it00:15
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gyeejamielennox, in v3, there's only one uri00:16
bknudsonso why do we have auth_uri in addition to auth_protocol + auth_host + auth_port, and what tests does tempest have?00:16
bknudsonif they have to be the same thing00:16
jamielennoxgyee: but middleware only supports v2, and porting it is non-trivial00:16
jamielennoxthat was part of the reason for all those discovery patches00:17
jamielennoxso we could do auth_token with v3 properly00:17
gyeejamielennox, middleware support v3 token validation00:17
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bknudsonit does v3 token validation using v2 api00:17
jamielennoxit is also how we realized that the v3 api doesn't support fetching the PKI certificates00:17
jamielennoxno, it will use the v3 api - but the token and the communication that the client gets is all v200:18
gyeeno shit! really?00:18
jamielennoxahh, by client here i mean the admin token that auth_token gets00:18
gyeeyes, the admin token is still going through v200:19
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gyeemoreover, the admin token request part should be optional00:19
jamielennoxso we need to wait till at least the v3.2 identity-api for fetching PKI certs and the revocation list via the v3 api before we can properly move the auth_token middleware over00:19
bknudsonthat didn't make havana? seems like an oversight00:20
gyeebknudson, unfortunately no00:20
jamielennoxthe 3.1 freeze was h200:20
gyeejamielennox, lets do this properly in IceHouse00:21
jamielennoxthe PKI api extensions are currently in ayoung's abandonded list i think00:21
jamielennoxgyee: right - i got to the point where it was simpler to rewrite auth_token than patch it00:21
gyeeI was toying with PKI token compression locally too00:21
gyeesee if we reduce the token size00:21
bknudsonyou can compress something that's encrypted?00:22
bknudsonor compress before encrypting?00:22
jamielennoxcompress before encrypting00:22
gyeeeither way, as long as the order is correct00:22
jamielennoxaka that new SSL attack00:22
bknudsonyou will gain a lot more compressing first00:22
bknudsonthere's plenty of duplication in JSON00:23
gyeeand delta revocation list00:23
jamielennoxhmm no delta revocations - revocation notifications00:23
jamielennoxi'm not sure how that will work in middleware though00:23
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jamielennoxso maybe delta revocations :)00:24
gyeedelta revocations yes00:24
gyeemiddleware will just store it locally00:24
bknudsonwe'll need comet00:24
gyeelike what its doing no00:24
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bknudsonlong-polling http connections00:25
morganfainbergbknudson, you could have also meant in that we need to really scrub and clean it :P00:25
morganfainbergsorry … i'll see myself out00:26
jamielennoxone of the advantages of going with sessions for this new client work is i want to put HTTP sessions on them, so not long polling but at least not renegotiating ssl00:26
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bknudsonthen you've also got websockets.00:26
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jamielennoxthen raw sockets00:26
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jamielennoxcan you be restful with websockets?00:27
bknudsonI'm not sure that REST covers notifications / push.00:28
gyeegotta run, otherwise, I'll have some sore eye sockets :)00:28
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jamielennoxi don't think it does, i haven't done anything with websockets though00:29
ayoungbknudson, revocation lists can't be made public.  We would be publishing a list of token ids that are the services might not have fetched the revocation list yet00:29
bknudsonjamielennox: I looked at it once but apache forwarding didn't handle it well.00:29
jamielennoxbknudson: anyway, i assume it's still worth rebasing auth_token on top of the ipv6 patch?00:30
bknudsonjamielennox: yes, that would prevent breaking ipv600:30
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bknudsonjamielennox: setting auth_host to IPv6 address like ::1 works today.00:30
jamielennoxbknudson: so what is the point of the patch?00:31
bknudsonayoung: that makes sense... so auth_token would need to get a private uri?00:31
jamielennoxsorry, it's setting auth_uri00:31
ayoungbknudson, nah, it is protected via the token permissions00:31
ayoungneed to hae a service role or admin role to get the list00:31
jamielennoxdoes setting auth_host to [::1] work today? (guessing not)00:32
bknudsonjamielennox: it doesn't work today because of the httpclient(self.auth_host, self.auth_port)00:32
ayoungnotifiations will be done using AMQP/0MQ, not websockets00:32
bknudsonjamielennox: doesn't build a url00:32
jamielennoxyep, that's what i thought00:32
bknudsonjamielennox: which your patch is getting rid of.00:33
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bknudsonayoung: so you can get the TRL through the public_port (5000), but it still requires admin (like admin_port stuff)00:35
ayoungbknudson, that is correct00:35
bknudsonayoung: so why does auth_token have both auth_uri and auth_host, etc, if it doesn't need 2 urls?00:36
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ayoungjamielennox, are the errors on legit?00:37
bknudsondefault auth_port is the admin port (35357)
ayoungbknudson, legacy.  Probably should be only one.00:37
jamielennoxayoung: i can't tell yet00:38
bknudsondoc says to set auth_uri to public (5000)00:38
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ayoungbknudson, I'm not certain why we even have multiple is no security, and it is the wrong way to split things up.  If you want internal/external, they should be listening on different interfaces.00:38
jamielennoxbknudson: ooo, i'm pretty sure that default is wrong00:38
bknudsonayoung: we don't support different interfaces (except through httpd)00:39
ayoungbknudson, I know...believe you me I know.00:39
jamielennoxayoung: i think the intention was to support different keystones for different projects etc00:39
jamielennoxso you call in and say i need a token for this project and it says so you need this keystone service00:40
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jamielennoxit's just never actually happened00:40
ayoungjamielennox, road to hell and all that....the fact of the matter is that Keystone is an HTTP app and should be listening on port 443.  The rest is a deviation made by people that should have known better00:40
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ayoungjamielennox, bknudson I want this
bknudsonjamielennox: from the help text, seems to indicate we could have a admin_uri to cover auth_host auth_port auth_protocol auth_admin_prefix00:41
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bknudsonayoung: I think we can do that today.00:41
ayoungbknudson, yep00:42
bknudsonjust need a chef script to make it easy00:42
ayoungbknudson, did you see the Puppet review for setting it up?00:42
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ayoung bknudson00:42
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ayoungI would like that to have the option to run without using separate ports for Keystone internal and external00:43
bknudsonayoung: I reviewed that, it's just keystone though.00:43
ayoungbknudson, lead by example...other people on other projects are working on it, too00:43
ayoungswift is ahead of us, I think00:43
bknudsonayoung: does it put keystone under a identity path or something?00:43
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ayoungbknudson, it has the ability to do it, yes...00:44
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ayoungbknudson, I'll find it in the review...1 sec00:44
jamielennoxbknudson: regardless of help text, if you don't set auth_host etc today then it won't work - it doesn't deconstruct auth_uri to fill those variables if not present00:44
bknudsonayoung: I'm not the greatest reviewer for that patch since I really don't know puppet. I just asked for the update and ssl support00:45
bknudsonso they're calling it keystone.00:45
ayoungbknudson, I gave it a solid scrubbing today.  I can't even really test it.00:45
bknudsonayoung: seemed like every time we commented on this stuff he would say it was only for test00:45
bknudsonor maybe this was added later.00:45
ayoung'salright...we'll get there.00:46
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ayoungjamielennox, I think I've reviewed all of your patches that are not -1ed by jenkis or WIP...did I miss anything?00:46
jamielennoxayoung: have a look through the session one and such if you can - i don't know why they are failing jenkins yet00:47
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bknudsonayoung: I don't see why we need the ports if we've got keystone under its own path. also, should be identity/ and not keystone/00:47
jamielennoxalthough can i run some reasoning passed you (both) while we're here? i've been looking at this stuff for so long i don't know if i trust my judgement00:47
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jamielennoxthis stuff creates 3 sections out of what we have today. The session handles communication, the auth_plugin deals with getting tokens etc, the client does the regular client stuff (list-users etc)00:49
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bknudsonjamielennox: what stuff?00:49
ayoungbknudson, yeah, should be to add that to the review?00:49
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bknudsonayoung: will do.00:49
jamielennoxsession and auth_plugin i want to make use of globally in openstack - session so that we can control kerberos and x50900:49
jamielennoxand auth_plugin because it is already somewhat supported by nova and is a good scheme00:50
ayoungjamielennox, link?00:50
jamielennoxand so that session and auth_plugin are reusable00:50
jamielennox - the base session - doesn't have anything about kerb yet00:50
jamielennox - basic auth plugins being used00:51
ayoungjamielennox, so "session" means what here?  bascially a token?00:51
jamielennoxsession is a bunch of headers, x509 client certs that you always use00:52
jamielennoxit would be were kerberos negotiation lived if configured00:52
jamielennoxthere is no real brains behind it00:52
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jamielennoxin a later review i have auth_token live on session00:52
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jamielennoxbah, auth_plugin live on session00:52
jamielennoxso that you can say send this request and authenticate it from the auth_plugin00:53
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ayoungjamielennox, so...if I fire up the client, I get one session object per server that I talk to, right?  Say we were to embed this in Nova client, I would get one session for Keystone to get tokens, and one session for nova?00:55
jamielennoxsessions are shared00:55
ayoungjamielennox, doesn't that imply that I am doing identical things against all servers?00:55
jamielennoxyou create an auth_plugin for keystone v300:55
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ayoungwhat if heat were to pull in this code, and then keystone and swift were using Kerberos, but none of the other services had converted over to it?00:56
jamielennoxyou create a session object with the auth_plugin - the session object can consume the service catalog from auth plugin00:56
jamielennoxyou create a number of clients that all use the session and thus use the same token00:56
ayoungso headers are specific to the client, not the session00:56
ayoungthey get common headers like thetoken from the session, but then do their own things, too00:57
jamielennoxclient can specify headers additionally, anything on the session is transmitted every time00:57 session the right name then....well, lets assume for now that it is...00:57
bknudsonbtw - is the client under the same feature freeze as keystone? and does it get released with havana?00:58
ayounggah killed firefox!00:58
jamielennoxi was working on the similarity to a http session - i'm not sure what else00:58
jamielennoxclient works on it's own schedule00:58
jamielennoxafaik there is no release intended specifically for havana00:58
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ayoungbknudson, we need to maintain backwards compat in the client...that is the rule driving development01:02
ayounglots of things depend on the client, so we can't afford to be too cavalier, but, the client needs some serious work.01:02
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bknudsonayoung: what if we start a new version?01:03
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ayoungjamielennox, ugh, still that massive parameter list?01:03
ayoungbknudson, we'll do that when our back is against the wall01:03
bknudsonIf it's that bad.01:03
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ayoungbuilding a new client is tricky, in that nothing will use the new version at first, so it does not buy us much01:04
bknudsonI haven't seen a good document that says what is the keystoneclient api.01:04
jamielennoxayoung: there is a review that kills the param list01:04
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jamielennoxbknudson: unfortunately that is more the problem than a help, it means that most people using it just cracked open the code and might be using anything01:04
ayoungjamielennox, doing a recheck on that one01:04
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bknudsonI'll have to write mess around with the client myself and figure out what an app needs to do.01:05
ayoungbknudson, +201:05
ayoungwe need that01:05
jamielennoxbknudson: in reality i think most everything on the HTTPClient is safe to change, most apps will just provide a big long parameter list and then start using client.users.list etc01:07
bknudsonjamielennox: it really doesn't seem that complicated01:07
ayoungjamielennox, 45996  still has the parameter list.  It just cleans up the member variables...which doesn't make sense to me01:07
jamielennoxi don't see anyone messing with connection variables or username/password after instantiating the client01:07
bknudsonbut then we've got the v2/v3 oddity01:07
jamielennoxbknudson: vote 1 keystoneclient summit design session01:07
jamielennoxthough i'm not sure 1 will cut it01:08
jamielennoxayoung: so what param list are you trying to cut?01:08
ayoungthe one in __init__ for example01:08
ayoungconvert the whole thing to kwargs01:09
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jamielennoxi had one a while ago that took the session parameters out as well, i didn't think it was that important01:09
jamielennoxmy problem with that param list is not that it exists, it is that we reuse it01:10
jamielennoxso i left the session args in __init__ because that is the only place they are used01:10
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ayoungjamielennox, you turned local variables into a dict...that is the exact opposite of what I would have done.  I would have left all of the self. properties, but done the init as kwargs01:10
ayoungjamielennox, I showed you what I thought should happen in that review...01:11
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jamielennoxright, because i don't think people every actually access those variables on keystoneclient01:11
jamielennoxthere is no need to once it has been instantiated01:12
jamielennoxthe authenticate function then had to take all those local variables, convert them into a dictionary and start passing them around01:12
ayoungjamielennox, so use them and throw them away, but that same param list was duplicated several times...01:12
jamielennoxi just moved the dict step up a level01:12
ayoungbut then you change a public method signature01:13
jamielennoxno i don't01:13
jamielennoxthe signatures are all the same with the list _identity_variables turned into kwargs01:15
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ayoungjamielennox, so the __init__ list is in a different order?01:29
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jamielennoxah, it's possible - i don't think we are enforcing order on a list like that01:30
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ayoungjamielennox, yeah, that was why I did *args01:32
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ayoungjamielennox, you can't reorder them01:32
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ayoungjamielennox, that is the whole problem...we don't know what people have done with it....but since they are explicit parameters, someone might have called by order.  I'd count on it.01:34
jamielennoxwell that shoots the whole thing then because i'm pretty sure __init__ and authenticate are not ordered the same way01:35
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jamielennoxit would be nice to see python have some distinction between an optional positional argument and a keyword argument01:37
ayoungjamielennox, I think that large portions of them are01:37
jamielennoxlarge portions? there's still no point you loose all readability01:37
ayoungso we can get some commonality of lists...compose it from sublists, and make a documentation comment that says: only append new variables here...01:37
jamielennoxand unless the portions are at the end of each list (they're not) we still break the ordering of something01:38
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ayoungjamielennox, part of the goal is to consolidate this...we can chose one as the "right" ordering for the next version if we decide to, but the first thing should be to stop proliferating this pattern01:38
ayounglets see...01:38
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jamielennoxthis new client stuff deprecates the list on both01:39
jamielennoxyou don't pass arguments to authenticate and you don't init with them01:40
jamielennoxif it's going to be this much of a pain i'd be inclined to just leave it until we can clear out the whole thing01:40
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ayounghold on...just took an interrupt01:44
ayoungok, authenticate manages to switch the ordering of tenant_id and tenant_name...that is a mistake...01:45
ayounginit doesn't take password...01:45
ayoungoh, no, it does...just in a different location...01:46
ayoungjamielennox, ugh, what a mess...01:47
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ayoungits like someone went out of their way to be difficult01:48
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jamielennoxayoung: should i add an insecure option to this requests patch as well? otherwise i can say if cafile = 0 or something01:58
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jamielennoxhmm, it's another option but insecure = True is more explicity01:58
ayoungjamielennox, I'm not there just yet...hold on, trying to get my head around the arg lists01:58
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jamielennoxcompletely unrelated - back to the auth_token middleware with requests from earlier01:59
ayoungjamespage, ok, here are the two parameter lists in sorted order
ayoungfirst is from __init__ the second is from authenticate01:59
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ayoungso, first question...why do we have both of these lists?02:01
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jamielennoxjamespag must get sick of this :)02:08
jamielennoxso i'm pretty sure that what i take as _identity_variables is fairly authoritive02:08
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jamielennoxthe only thing is tenant_id and tenant_name which are deprecated and so are listed both times explicity as it needs to override kwargs02:09
jamielennoxhmm, the sessions review is still failing - it must be something i did02:11
ayounglets look...didn't seem obvious to me02:14
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ayoungjamielennox, on the auth_token patch, is setting insecure to false going to break things?02:19
ayoungit is the *right* thing to do I know02:20
jamielennoxummm, i've got no idea02:22
jamielennoxdo we have to default insecure to true?02:22
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jamielennoxayoung: the review is comment on it there02:23
jamielennoxit's got a SecurityImpact tag so hopefully we'll get some eyes on it and can discuss it because i really don't want to have insecure be default02:23
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ayoungjamielennox, well, if someone currently has the client deployed, upgrades to your code, and they were not validating certificates before, they will be now...if they do self signed, they probably will have invalid certificates, no?02:26
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ayounggoing to leave it a 0...02:27
ayoungI had +2ed it, then -1ed it...people are going to think I am mad...02:28
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jamielennoxayoung: ype02:29
jamielennoxayoung: yep02:29
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jamielennox(regarding the invalid certs, rather than the madness)02:29
ayoungjamielennox, we might be OK with that breakage, though...lets check with dolph...can you email him?02:30
jamielennoxmaybe i'll just mailing list it02:30
ayoungjamielennox, as far as the session breakage..I was trying to diff between v2 and v3 of your patch, but they are just too radically different, due to the cleanup02:31
jamielennoxyea, i really shouldn't have bothered keeping the old change id02:31
jamielennoxi could have just added the people from the old review to the new one02:31
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ayoungjamielennox, hollee we spam the logs02:32
morganfainbergayoung, yes debug = omg deeeeebugggg02:33
jamielennoxhmm dogpile is new, we might need to do an explicit debug flag for that02:33
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ayoungjamielennox,  this seems to be the error in the log 2013-09-12 01:45:23.892 | BuildErrorException: Server bf9c8313-71ba-4885-ad4a-fad07156420f failed to build and is in ERROR status02:35
jamielennoxayoung: that one is going to be a pain to debug as it doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere02:35
jamielennoxyes, but why a session object in keystoneclient would cause that ....02:35
ayoungjamielennox, if it is an error that gets triggered from auth_token middleware, it could be in any server02:36
jamielennoxit won't be in middleware - it would have to be someone using keystoneclient for communiation02:37
jamielennox2013-09-12 01:12:41.019 21925 TRACE glance.api.v1.upload_utils NameError: global name 'requests' is not defined02:37
jamielennoxalright, i'll fix that up02:38
ayoungjamielennox, is that from the session changes?02:38
jamielennoxi don't see how02:39
ayoungsession imports requests02:39
ayoungbut httpclient used to do that.02:39
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jamielennoxooh, i think i remove it02:40
ayoungfrom httpclient? yes02:40
jamielennoxbecause i move all the actual requests code over to session02:40
jamielennoxhow did that not get picked up in tests02:40
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jamielennoxoh, that's right we don't run unit tests with debug on02:41
jamielennoxi've come across that before02:41
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ayoungline 32502:41
ayoung247 in the new file02:41
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jamielennoxok, i'll fix that02:42
jamielennoxi'm going to grab some lunch first though - some days food wins02:42
ayoungjamielennox, good stuff.  I'll look for a functioning review in my morning....02:43
jamielennoxayoung: night02:43
morganfainbergjamielennox, if you think dogpile spews a bit much, we could do something dirty like logging.Manager.getLogger('dogpile.core.dogpile') and set that to not debug.02:43
morganfainbergbut it's going to be direct referencing of the loggers via the python core logging moduel (or some other clever stuff)02:43
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i was thinking more like we do for requests debug like we do in httpclient02:44
ayoungmorganfainberg, looks at the log spew...its painful...we need to reduce it.02:44
jamielennoxanyway, back later02:44
morganfainbergayoung, i have seen it. unfortunately, dogpile (another limitation) has limited log controlling directly02:44
morganfainbergayoung, i could do some magic on it.  but focused on other stuff for RC1 right now.02:45
morganfainbergbest scenario - propose a fix to dogpile.core :) make it's logging easier to control02:45
morganfainbergayoung, once i'm done with the cleanup bugs i'm working on i'll see if i can get something done for it.02:46
morganfainbergactually hrm, betcha could do from dogpile.core import dogpile and set dogpile.log.setLevel in a nice way.02:47
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morganfainbergayoung, something like: ?02:58
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morganfainberganteaya, ping02:58
anteayahello morganfainberg02:59
morganfainberganteaya, so some feedback from product guy™02:59
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* anteaya listens02:59
morganfainberganteaya, everything was fantastic with one exception.02:59
morganfainberganteaya, virtualbox doesn't allow acess (e.g. forwarded ports) by default02:59
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morganfainberganteaya, so if you want to access horizon… or an api… etc you need to enable the port forwarding03:00
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morganfainberganteaya, it's how virtualbox does things. (vagrant ssh get around this with some default port forwarding iirc)03:00
anteayawhat port does horizon use?03:01
anteayado you know?03:01
morganfainberganteaya, 8003:01
morganfainbergi think thats default in devstack03:01
anteayaI think I have used horizon once03:01
morganfainbergthe other API ports would also likewise be blocked.03:01
morganfainbergthere might be some magic that allows everything, i'm not sure.03:02
anteayaI think that addressing port forwarding in this post would be too much for a complete n00b to digest, so I don't want to add any additional paths or options03:02
morganfainbergright, i meant like a copy/paste magic setting03:02
anteayabut I will be dealing with variations on how to run devstack in the next post I am planning03:02
morganfainbergjust so horizon is accessible or if there is something that lets everything through, that setting would be good.03:03
anteayahow to change your localrc to have different devstack configurations03:03
anteayaso I can certainly add in vagrant port forwarding in that post03:03
anteayait is easy to do03:03
anteayathe choice for me is how much is the minimum to get standing03:04
anteayaand then after they are standing - 1st post03:04
anteayawhat options are appealing? - 2nd post03:04
anteayaso please tell product guy thank you from me for his feedback03:04
morganfainbergsure thing03:04
anteayait was an option I hadn't considered in my own workflow but yes, others would need this03:05
morganfainberg might be something good to do in a future post03:05
morganfainbergexpose everything via a known ip, rather than explicit port forwarding03:05
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lbragstadhey morganfainberg quick question on when you have a minute03:05
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morganfainberglbragstad sure03:06
morganfainberglbragstad shoot.03:06
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lbragstadok, so on line 150 you're checking the config if you're suppose to log anything for dog pile and if not you don't log as much?03:07
lbragstadto reduce the spam?03:07
anteayamorganfainberg: let me think about this, I need to work with the idea that at a certain point, interested parties will consult the vagrant docs to configure their box to their liking - the question I ask myself is where is that line?03:07
morganfainberglbragstad basically it will cut out all the dogpile.core.dogpile lines from a log like:
morganfainbergthere is a _log_ of extra lines there that are superfluous unless you're looking to get info on the way the cache library itself works03:08
morganfainbergit might be a sub-optimal approach, it was a 30 second "huh, this might be an ok way to handle this" after the conversation a few lines up03:09
morganfainbergany input would be good.03:09
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lbragstadmorganfainberg: ok, the way the logic looks might have just thrown me off (since I might not understand the whole context) but it seems like we are logging even though the user hasn't set the config option?03:10
morganfainberglbragstad, the idea is that if you globally set the root logger to debug03:10
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morganfainbergand you don't want to log dogpile.core.dogpile logs, this will set that specific logger to INFO only level03:11
morganfainbergthe default behavior is to set that logger to INFO03:11
morganfainbergsetting that option to True will leave it to whatever the root logger's level is03:11
lbragstadthe default behavior for dogpile?03:11
morganfainbergdefault behavior for dogpile is to use the python logging module, which will use the root (e.g. logger.getLogger()) log level03:12
morganfainbergwe set that with the logging options in oslo03:12
morganfainbergthis just reduces the debug log from the dogpile library even if we set the root logger to debug (or higher) level03:12
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lbragstadthat makes a little more sense03:12
morganfainbergthe logic has to be backwards because we want to override the default03:13
morganfainberglike i said, there might be a better approach03:13
lbragstadhmm, the thing that caught my eye was import logging03:13
morganfainbergthis was 30 second "maybe"03:13
morganfainbergright. and that is needed to get the log level03:13
morganfainberglogging.INFO (not exposed via oslo log)03:13
lbragstadand setting the log level... I was checking to see if there was a way we could do that with openstack/common/ instead of having to import logging independently03:14
lbragstad++ ^03:14
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morganfainbergi tossed a WIP on that so no one merged it. but it'll do a quick show if the logs are reduced say in tempest03:15
morganfainbergbut it also might spark someone to say "oh that isn't the right approach"03:15
lbragstadok, now it makes sense. If we do go with this approach it might be worth NOTE'ing that logical break at line 15003:15
lbragstador a FIXME :)03:16
morganfainbergFIXME: propose a change to the upstream library to make this easier to toggle03:16
lbragstadright, that might benefit other projects too... having something like that in Oslo03:16
morganfainbergactually the easiest way is to probably do a logging.getLogger('dogpile.core.dogpile') and set that03:17
lbragstadthat's an option03:18
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lbragstadmorganfainberg: or approach it using a separate logging config?03:21
morganfainberglbragstad, perhaps.03:21
morganfainbergfeel free to take that and make it happen if you are so inclined :).  I don't knwo when i'll have time to really look at it beyond the simpleish fix.03:22
lbragstadmorganfainberg: I'll give it some thought. The fix you have will work, I was just curious. It makes sense now having it explained... If we do go this route for now it might just need to be documented/noted.03:27
morganfainberglbragstad, fair enough, but don't hesitate to let me know (or propose) a better solution if you come up with one.03:27
lbragstadmorganfainberg: will do!03:28
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morganfainbergooh i need to do code reviews...03:28
morganfainberglbragstad, maybe if i can swing it, i'll get the stuff from keystone.common.cache into oslo, (with some fixes) for icehouse, could allow for caching within any project03:29
morganfainbergs/fixes/cleanup or little more generic/03:30
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lbragstadmorganfainberg: that would be nice03:32
jamielennoxsetting logging.getLogger('dogpile.core.dogpile') is supposed to be a valid strategy with python logging03:32
lbragstadreal nice03:32
jamielennoxthe better approach is to use a logging.conf file so you can specify that keystone should be debugged dogplie should not03:32
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morganfainbergjamielennox, likely so03:33
jamielennoxi haven't done much with logging confs but i know that it is the intended way03:33
lbragstadjamielennox: morganfainberg so possibly something along these lines ?03:33
morganfainbergjamielennox, i have avoided working with them (let one of the other guys here deal with it mostly)03:33
jamielennoxlbragstad: yep that looks like it03:34
lbragstadbreaks everything logging wise into a dedicated config file03:34
jamielennoxproblem is they aren't pretty and are complex to set up, but once in place it is a good idea03:35
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srideviCan someone please review
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nou1can anybody explain what is the difference between a snapshot and an image? So far I had been thinking they both are different but i read somewhere today that they are same and its going to be fixed in havana. Is it so?14:00
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rushiagrnou1: both are different concepts altogether14:04
nou1rushiagr, So from where I read it, its wrong. Thanks.14:06
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henrynashdolphm: ping14:31
dolphmhenrynash: pong14:31
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henrynashdolphm: so looking at the list_user_projects fix:
dolphmhenrynash: do we need to keep the list_*_ids() method around?14:33
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henrynashdolphm: well, we could also jus get the refs, and extract the ids from it where needed (kind of the opposite to what I was doing)14:33
dolphmhenrynash: right14:33
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henrynashdolphm: further, I assume that no v2 api should ever get back a list of projects that are outside of the default domain?14:34
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dolphmhenrynash: correct14:34
henrynashdolphm: which the existing code certainly doesn't check for in the case if ids14:35
henrynashdolphm: all the more reason to get the refs…since I'll need to look at the domain_id of the project14:35
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henrynashdolphm: ok, let me work that14:36
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dolphmmorganfainberg: plz thx
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bswrchrdis there anyone on from the neutron team?15:27
bswrchrdi've got a question (or two) about the consumption of the policy.json file via the file for neutron-server15:28
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atiwariayoung, how to fix "tempest" issue I am getting in
atiwariayoung, never mind16:55
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morganfainbergbknudson, ping18:11
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: pong18:15
morganfainbergbknudson, you're a bit more familiar with SQLAlchemy than I am.18:16
morganfainbergbknudson, when it comes to dealing with the JsonBlob RowProxy stuff, what is the best way to just overwrite what was originally in that column>?18:16
morganfainberguse a direct update SQL construction w/ .execute()?18:16
morganfainbergor is there a more elegant (e.g. row.extra = value) example18:17
bknudsonmorganfainberg: is this in a migration?18:17
morganfainbergbknudson, yes18:17
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bknudsonI don't have a problem with direct SQL update in a migration18:17
morganfainbergbknudson, i am thinking that is going to be the easiest mechanism18:17
morganfainbergdirect SQL that is18:17
bknudsonSQLAlchemy can generate the UPDATE SQL too18:18
morganfainbergbknudson, hrm.18:18
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morganfainbergbknudson, ah ok, that probably will work better.18:19
bknudsonit's really not much different than the update string, but sqlalchemy can do the bind parameters easily18:19
morganfainbergbknudson, i am assuming i'll need to do a json.dumps() to use the .update() right?18:19
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: I would think so. wouldn't expect sqlalchemy to understand JSON.18:20
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morganfainbergbknudson, makes sense.18:20
morganfainbergbknudson, LOL18:20
morganfainbergthanks :)18:20
morganfainbergit was a bit late when i was looking at that last night, just went crosseyed and said screw it, will od this tomorrow18:20
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atiwarimorganfainberg, can you please tell me how to fix the tempest issue occurring in due to my fix?18:36
atiwariit seems circular dependency18:36
morganfainbergatiwari, it might be something where the tempest test needs to be disabled/committed as disabled and then your fix, then re-enabled w/ fixes18:37
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morganfainbergatiwari, i think #openstack-qa (checking on channel name) is likely a better place to ask, i haven't committed a change to tempest before18:38
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atiwarilet me see18:38
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ayoungbknudson, morganfainberg,  does that approach seem sane?18:38
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morganfainbergayoung, make it so the Manager is only instatiated in the router when used?18:39
morganfainbergayoung, if i'm reading this right18:39
stevemarayoung: lookin18:39
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ayoungmorganfainberg, yep18:40
ayoungmorganfainberg, it is the change in that I want to make sure I have right18:40
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morganfainbergayoung, oh oh, this isn't complete :P18:41
ayounghenrynash, ^^ the forward resolution is your work.  Does moving it as ^^ make sense?18:41
morganfainbergayoung, i was confused for a moment18:41
ayoungmorganfainberg, what is missing?18:41
morganfainbergayoung, the last file was empty.18:41
stevemarmorganfainberg i dont think gerrit can render the last file18:42
ayoungmorganfainberg, ah..that is garbage.  git error18:42
morganfainberglike i said, was very confused for a moment18:42
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stevemarmorganfainberg, me too; ayoung it looks good, if jenkins comes back with +1, then i'll +1 it18:43
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ayoungmorganfainberg, to optimize running the unit tests, I mount a ramdisk over the keystone/tests/tmp dir.  But somehow, that db got in there anyway18:43
henrynashayoung: which bit is my work?18:43
ayounghenrynash, forward resolution18:43
stevemarayoung: i was surprised you didn't have to change any of the 'paste magic'18:43
ayounghenrynash, see
henrynashayoung: don't think I did that...18:44
ayounghenrynash, I moved that call to later in the file...once per app creation18:44
ayoungbknudson, it was you, not henrynash18:45
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morganfainbergayoung, I don't think that looks inherently wrong.  does mod_wsgi call the public app factory in service?  if so that is likely good.18:45
henrynashayoung: henrynash stops scratching head and looking at tea-leaves18:45
ayoungits forcing the packages to pull in oauth, which is not necessarily packaged.  Since that is an optional extension, the RPM/DEB should not depend on oauth18:47
morganfainbergayoung, i don't see anything really wrong with that approach if bknudson says forward resolution looks good (my concern of httpd is gone as i look at the code outside of gerrit)18:47
morganfainbergi am a fan of that :)18:47
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ayoungyeah, would like to test in httpd18:48
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ayounggrr...something is messing up ENV passing to my client.18:58
ayoung$ nova list | grep ayoungERROR: You must provide a username via either --os-username or env[OS_USERNAME]18:58
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ayoung[ayoung@ayoung530 rsshexec (master)]$ nova  --os_password=$OS_PASSWORD  --os-username=$OS_USERNAME --os-auth-url=$OS_AUTH_URL  --os-tenant-name=IdM  list | grep ayoung18:59
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bknudsonayoung: changes in look ok to me. I assume endpoint_filter/ add_routes gets called when paste stuff initializes it...19:02
bknudsonthen the manager gets built.19:02
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bknudsonI don't think you technically have to make the change to dependency.resolve_future_dependencies(), since there wouldn't be circular/future dependencies to handle at that point?19:03
ayoungbknudson, yeah.  that is called from either bin/keystone-all or the httpd/keystone.py19:03
ayoungbknudson, unit tests fail if I don'19:04
dolphmwhat is resolve_future_dependencies() ?19:04
ayoungit tries to resolve them there, and that somehow trips on the oauth one19:04
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ayoungdolphm, it was a circular dependncy hack due to identity and assignments depending on each other19:05
bknudsondolphm: we have a circular dependency between assignment and identity19:05
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* ayoung would like to get rid of that, too. but in icehouse19:05
dolphmayoung: why did you extend the factory method?19:05
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bknudsondolphm: so when identity is created, it has a @depends on assignment, but assignment isn't there yet19:05
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ayoungoauth dependency still wrecking things19:06
bknudsonso I made a change to "queue up" the assignment dependency injection until later, and "later" is resolve_future_dependencies()19:06
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bknudsonayoung: what's got the dependency on oauth_api?19:07
ayoungbknudson, that is what I am trying to figure out...19:07
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dolphmbknudson: token provider or something19:07
dolphmstevemar: ^19:07
bknudsonso as soon as that gets imported then it's going to have a dependency on the provider of oauth_api19:08
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stevemardolphm, ayoung: yeah, in the token provider, let me double check if else where19:08
bknudson./token/providers/'token_api', 'identity_api', 'catalog_api', 'oauth_api')19:09
ayoungstevemar, ugh!19:09
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bknudsoncan we have some kind of optional requirement?19:09
bknudsonyes, that totally makes sense.19:10
bknudsonoptional dependency19:10
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dolphm+1 for optional requirement19:11
bknudsonmaybe we need a new token provider that also has the oauth stuff.19:11
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ayoungbknudson, that feels wrong.19:11
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ayoungits more like a pipeline...the rest of the provider should be the same...19:11
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dolphmtechnically provider is pluggable, right?19:12
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dolphmso, a simple solution could be extending the provider with an implementation that requires oauth19:12
ayoungdolphm, yeah, but not to this degree of granularity19:13
ayoungit would pass the test, but then fail when it got to these code paths..but then, maybe that is ok19:13
atiwariayoung, do you know how to deal with situation where tempest test is broken due to your change?19:13
zuldolphm:  ping19:14
ayoungatiwari, submit a change to tempest disabling that test19:14
ayoungthen submit your change to keystone19:14
dolphmayoung: you're right, i'm poking around now... and it looks like a significant refactor19:14
dolphmzul: pong19:14
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bknudsonor change our token provider to have optional requirement that can be fulfilled if it's actually there (when resolve_future_dependencies())19:15
zuldolphm: we have some concerns about the usage of oauth2 in keystone19:15
ayoungand finally resubmit a change to tempest to add a new test19:15
ayoungzul, it is supposed to be disabled by default, but we have some code issues that pull it in as a package dependency19:15
atiwarithis what I got from QA folks "<dkranz> atiwari: If you want to do this you have to temporarily change tempest so that it will pass with either the old or new version"19:16
zulayoung:  yeah dpkg pulls it in as a dependency when it gets built unless you patch it out which is not great19:16
ayoungdolphm, the only place where self.oauth is referenced is if oauth is in the method names...I can add a if None check in there that will jjust fail...I might be able to make it work without too much refactoring19:16
ayoungzul, working on it19:17
zulayoung:  cool thanks19:17
zulayoung/dolphm: i opened up a bug with the issues we have with oauth2 being used in the first place19:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1224638 in keystone "Consider not using oauth2" [Undecided,New]19:18
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dolphmzul: do you have an alternative suggestion, other than 'do not use' ?19:19
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zuldolphm:  i mentioned oauthlib in the bug report19:19
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dolphmzul: as ayoung said, it should be optional so if ubuntu doesn't want to support oauth in havana, that would be fine19:21
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dolphmstevemar: ^ what was the blocker with oauthlib?19:23
stevemardolphm: iirc it was poor server side support19:23
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prometheanfiredolphm: any chance we can get patches backported for stable/grizzly and stable/folsom for CVE-2013-422219:29
uvirtbotprometheanfire: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1179955 in ossn "Disabling a tenant would not disable a user token" [High,Fix released]19:29
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ayoungdolphm, I think I have it.  We'll need to document that, in order to get oauth1 working, you need to set the token provider value in the paste config19:39
ayoungtesting now19:39
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dolphmayoung: set it to what?19:40
dolphmayoung: OAuth1CapableProvider or something?19:40
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ayoungdolphm, I made two...token.providers.uuid.OAUTHPRovider and a PKI one19:41
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bknudsonwe're going to have an n*n explosion of providers19:42
dolphmwasn't there already a pki.Provider?19:42
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ayoungdolphm, I would not say this is a permanent solution, just one for Havana19:43
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prometheanfiredolphm: can I at least get confirmation that that bug effects folsom/grizzly?19:45
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ayoungbknudson, yeah, I would say that the right solution would be to do the optional thing you suggested...19:45
ayoungprometheanfire, doesn't affect folsom19:45
prometheanfirewell, that's good :D19:46
ayounguuid tokens are the default there19:46
bknudsonayoung: you want me to code up the optional support in dependency?19:46
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ayoungand they are automatically disabled if the tenant is disabled19:46
bknudsonthere's unit tests so should not be a big effort19:46
ayoungprometheanfire, it is an issue in grizzly19:46
ayoungbknudson, maybe...not 100% certain that it is the right solution.19:47
prometheanfireok, I can update our bug with that at least19:47
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dolphmprometheanfire: which bug?19:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1179955 in ossn "Disabling a tenant would not disable a user token" [High,Fix released]19:53
prometheanfirejust grizzly it looks like as well19:53
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dolphmprometheanfire: i'm actually not sure... the v2 tests can be backported to check19:56
ayoungbknudson, it seems backwards.  We should n't have to tell the token provider about the oauth extension....the way it is in my patch, it is disabled code.  That is wrong, too.  Ir should be a pipeline specified in paste, or something.  Thinking about building something like this out of tree.19:56
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bknudsonthe OAuth stuff could insert itself into token when it gets loaded.19:57
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dolphmayoung: right, everything should be done in the pipeline, but oauth followed the lead of trusts, which also did this wrong19:57
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prometheanfiredolphm: whatever the case, please comment in the bug so I know what to tell our security team19:57
dolphmprometheanfire: i'd like to test it myself before commenting further :)19:58
prometheanfiredolphm: thanks for looking into it :D19:58
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dolphmprometheanfire: i'm surprised there's no discussion of folsom/grizzly in the bug19:59
prometheanfireya, kinda surprised me as well19:59
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stevemarayoung: there is along an oauth_api dependency in auth/plugins, not sure if that matters20:10
sdaguehub_cap: hey, I have one question in the devstack review -
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hub_capsdague: responded20:14
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sdaguehub_cap: ok, approved20:18
sdagueyou should also realize that we aren't running exercises in gate runs at the moment, so you probably want to shore things up with a scenario test in tempest in the near future20:19
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hub_capsdague: next on my list20:19
sdaguefor inspiration, this is what horizon did -
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sdaguehub_cap: cool20:20
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rizzpatelAre there any mods/dev members here? Goit a question20:42
rizzpatelQuick one,v ery quick.20:42
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prometheanfirerizzpatel: don't ask to ask :p20:43
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rizzpatelha ha20:44
rizzpatelSounds good, ring ring20:44
rizzpatelWell ok. Here it is20:44
rizzpatelI figured out a method to reverting back to previous snapshots in OpenStack20:44
rizzpatelI am going to make some mods to OpenStack so that it's part of the website and so we can do it all on the page20:45
rizzpatelBut, is there any reason that OpenStack would be against this?20:45
rizzpatelI don't want to post the mod and get banned or something for messing with their code. If that's the case I will keep it private20:45
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sdakerizzpatel only way to find out is submit a change :
prometheanfireopenstack is apache licenced20:47
prometheanfireyou can change the code if you follow the licence, getting it upstreamed is another question :P20:47
rizzpatelAlright cool!20:48
rizzpatelI dont really care if it gets committed, but I mean at least the option will be out there for anyone to try20:48
rizzpatelGreat guys, sdake thanks for the link too, cheers20:48
rizzpatelIs nobody wondering HOW?!?!?!?20:48
rizzpatelLOL :-)20:48
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prometheanfiretoo tired :P20:49
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prometheanfirehas anyone tested neutron 2013.1 (stable/grizzly branch) with pyparsing 2.0.1?21:49
prometheanfireand can anyone run tests, I don't have a system set up for it atm :(21:50
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dolphmprometheanfire: not finish but in case i have to run away before i'm done ...
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dolphmprometheanfire: the fix is correct there, AFAIK, but the tests are broken due to some refactor between grizzly and master22:05
prometheanfireok, I'll probably pull that patch22:06
prometheanfiredolphm: thanks :D22:06
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dolphmprometheanfire: tests are failing though, so don't pull them!22:06
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prometheanfireoh, BOO22:08
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prometheanfiredolphm: well, let me know what to do :P22:12
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dolphmprometheanfire: i'm trying to figure out a solution22:12
prometheanfiredolphm: I was told that this bug did not effect folsom22:12
insanida1eanyone using eclipse for debugging ? I need a quick help on this.22:12
prometheanfire14:46 <          ayoung > prometheanfire, doesn't affect folsom22:12
prometheanfiredolphm: ij LD22:13
prometheanfireok :D22:13
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dolphmprometheanfire: i haven't tested folsom yet22:13
dolphmprometheanfire: but i don't see why it *wouldn't* affect folsom22:13
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prometheanfireok, fair enough22:14
prometheanfireok, time to go home22:14
dolphmprometheanfire: o/22:14
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bknudsondolphm: I've got some more cleanup for
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bknudsonwhat's better, upload new review or update the existing review? (or I could make a comment and you can do it...)22:21
bknudsonit just fixes the SQLAlchemy-migrate reference22:22
dolphmbknudson: up to you? i'm fine if you revise my review22:22
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bknudsondolphm: updated. now I don't know if I can +2 it.22:24
dolphmbknudson: was it a significant change?22:24
bknudsondolphm: I don't think so. It's documentation to begin with.22:25
dolphmbknudson: did you mean to include the " to migrate" again?22:25
bknudsondolphm: no, I didn't. I didn't realize that was on the same line. I'll fix it.22:26
bknudsondolphm: ok, I tried it locally and the link works.22:27
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zoresvitHello. Could anyone give a hint on how to set up GitHub to reject direct pushes and show message to use gerrit (like it's done in OpenStack). I need to set up similar thing for GitHub Enterprise.22:30
dolphmbknudson: so, this is where etiquette kicks in, IMO. I +1'd to ack your change, but you didn't change much, so i don't think anyone would take issue if you +2'd22:31
dolphmbknudson: it still needs a second +222:31
dolphmzoresvit: ask in #openstack-infra22:32
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dolphmzoresvit: i would guess it's just a pull request hook + making a comment through the api22:33
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zoresvitdolphm: You've made a discover for me (Repo Hooks API) :) I'm not a Jedi user of GitHub yet. Thanks a lot!22:39
dolphmzoresvit: they are quite useful :) but there's way more jedi to be found in -infra :P22:40
zoresvitdolphm: The API should be available in GitHub Enterprise as well, do you know?22:40
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dolphmzoresvit: i don't know personally :/22:41
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zoresvitdolphm: Thanks anyway! Will ping -infra for details as well.22:42
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dolphmzoresvit: anytime22:49
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insanidadeany hints on how I could start neutron on eclipse ? I can start and debug horizon but not neutron.23:10
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morganfainbergdolphm, looks like it's going to pass, i'm going to run a couple contrived tests locally to verify the upgrade/downgrade23:17
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dolphmmorganfainberg: looking23:18
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dolphmmorganfainberg: doing this as one patch makes it difficult to backport23:18
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morganfainbergdolphm, you can't really backport this mechanism. you need to write a custom set of code that does the translation inline23:19
morganfainbergdolphm, i was going to do that next for grizzly23:19
dolphmhrm, alright23:19
morganfainbergdolphm, but the code really wont look anything the same.23:19
morganfainbergdolphm, since we can't change the schema =/23:20
morganfainbergdolphm, do i need to worry about folsom? or just grizzly?23:20
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morganfainbergdolphm, if tyou want 2 patches, one that does it inline, then this as a second restructure for backporting, i can split it out23:21
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morganfainbergdolphm, erm 2nd restructure for the DB work. i could do that as well.23:21
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dolphmmorganfainberg: v3 didn't exist in folsom23:25
morganfainbergdolphm, ah, makes that easy then.23:25
dolphmmorganfainberg: what was the motivation behind get_project_users -> user_ids?23:26
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morganfainbergdolphm, so i could support the translation of the default_project_id at the controller/manager level.  There was a todo to move it ot the controller, was as easy to move it there as to the manager and cuts down on assignment talking directly to identity23:27
morganfainbergdolphm, but we still needed a way to know what user_ids were part of a project23:27
morganfainbergerm, had a role within that project? (more accurate description)23:27
henrynashdolphm, morganfainberg: not urgent, but when you have a moment, new version of posted23:28
dolphmhenrynash: sorry, i'm about to run :( will check in tomorrow23:28
morganfainberghenrynash, i'll look at it today :)23:29
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dolphmmorganfainberg: the only thing i don't like in your change is how you handled the version23:29
henrynashdolphm: np, that;s why I said not urgent (but morganfainberg get's beer from me :-) )23:29
morganfainbergdolphm, yeah, that felt a little kludgy.23:30
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dolphmmorganfainberg: it shouldn't be an arg in the v3 controller methods, _normalize_default_project_id() should just be implemented in both the v2 and v3 base controllers differently23:30
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dolphmmorganfainberg: and it looked like the manager was aware of versions too?23:30
morganfainbergdolphm yeah i pushed it down to the manager, but i'll move it up to the controller(s)23:31
morganfainbergwell i'll try to23:31
morganfainbergthe reason for the manager to be aware is because the manager constructed lists/user stuff behind the scenes23:31
dolphmmorganfainberg: i think the v3 controller should have to do very little work (if any), but the v2 controllers should have to do some translation23:31
morganfainbergthe only time this is an issue is if user is embeded in another object23:32
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morganfainbergbut i guess it only matters at the presentation layer23:32
morganfainbergi think i ran into a case where somethine called the identity_api, and built a user ref into something else than went out via a defferent interface in the controller23:33
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morganfainbergvs. the User controller.  i'll see if i can make the controller the only thing aware. :)  fair point23:34
prometheanfirepep8 :D23:35
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