Friday, 2013-07-12

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jgriffithadam_g: ping00:04
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adam_gjgriffith, hey00:04
jgriffithadam_g: hey ya00:04
jgriffithadam_g: thanks for jumping on that requirements patch00:04
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jgriffithadam_g: rather than do a reverify, would you mind terribly updating the commit w/the bug number?00:04
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adam_gjgriffith, sure, one sec00:06
jgriffithadam_g: awesome thanks!00:07
adam_gjgriffith, sorry, was gonna try to get that moving again earlier today but didnt have a chance to look over that thread until just a few mins ago00:07
jgriffithadam_g: no worries, works out well this way :)00:07
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adam_gjgriffith, hmm. all it needs is a bug ref? looks like requirements.txt was touched in cinder yesterday, so there are conflicts. would it preferable to just do a new review /w a fresh sync from requirements?00:15
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jgriffithadam_g: probably, I'm happy to take it if you wnat to abandon yours00:28
jgriffithadam_g: alreay have it queued up form earlier :)00:29
ayoungjamielennox, I am wondering if we should embed the enforcement rules in the API document?00:29
adam_gjgriffith, if you dont mind, thats cool with me00:29
jgriffithadam_g: sure00:29
jgriffithadam_g: thanks for being early with it :)00:29
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adam_gjgriffith, np. all yours :)00:29
jgriffithadam_g: thanks... submitted00:30
ayounghaneef, gyee so we went fairly granular on the enforcement policy for token binding00:30
ayoung  line 6900:30
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jamielennoxayoung: what do you mean?00:31
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ayoungTo start with, auth_token middleware will not know about the binding, and will ignore it.  The lowest level explicit flag is the same as this00:31
ayoungjamielennox, explaining to them what we came up with00:31
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ayoung disabled: token bind checking is not attempted00:32
jamielennoxhaneef: i missed your question yesterday but if you're here let me know00:32
ayoungjamielennox, responding to his code review comment, assuming he'll see this.  gyee was asking me pm, figured I'd open up the discussion00:32
gyeejamielennox, doesn't seem like haneef is in the building right now00:33
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ayounggyee,  so the idea is that we can crank up enforcement over time.  Say that in Havana, only Keystone and Swift can run in Apache, then probably only those services will honor bind information00:33
ayounggyee, even if only  Keystone enforces, it will help00:34
gyeejamielennox, ayoung, can you guys respond to his comment in the review, with the link to the bp?00:34
morganfainbergayoung: so from my understanding the client could reject a bound token in certain cases, even though keystone says it's valid?00:34
ayoungmorganfainberg, the token may be a valid token, but if it comes from the wrong user, then, yes, it will be rejected00:35
morganfainberggot it00:35
ayoungmorganfainberg, review we are discussiing is here
morganfainbergThanks for the link, i'll take a look at the review.  will probably make it clearer00:36
ayoungmorganfainberg, so enforcement will be configurable:    - disabled: token bind checking is not attempted00:36
ayoungthat will be the start.00:36
gyeemorganfainberg, if you read the bp first before reviewing the doc, it will be much clearer00:36
morganfainbergayoung: yeah, thats a good approach, i like the ability to crank up the enforcement (or down in some cases).00:36
ayoungthen, we will let people request to use it, but the services will allow unbound tokens too.  THat is permissive00:36
morganfainberggyee: ahh, yeah i was going to do that as well, sicne it00:37
morganfainberg's linked via the review00:37
gyeeI should've read the bp first before asking ayoung a bunch of dumb questions :)00:37
morganfainberggyee: eh, wheres the fun in that?  :P00:38
ayounggyee, its ok,  we can have the discussion now, and so long as people get it before code freeze....00:38
gyeeI am very much in favor of bind tokens00:38
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ayoungwe were thinking we would do Kerberos first, since it seems to be what most people want, in conjunction with Active Directory.  BUt we have requrests for X509 from CERN for automated tasks as well, so that will come shortly there after.  I'm sure there will be other X509 consumers as well00:39
gyeeayoung, it may even help federation00:39
ayoungthink is, once it is in Keystone, it gives us the mechanism to work it in gradually elsewhere.00:39
gyeeif you bind a token to a x509 cert, trusting the cert may be enough to trust the token00:40
morganfainbergreal krb integration for AD would be awesome implemented in this manner.00:40
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ayounggyee, yes00:40
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ayoungnot "may", but "will"00:41
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jamielennoxgyee: yea, there are a number of ways you could do this with certs though, may involve more discussion00:41
gyeeI am trying to avoid "will" for now :)00:41
jamielennoxgyee: kerberos turns out to be a fairly easy way to prove the mechanism first00:41
ayounggyee, well, you gave a pretty big if:   trusting the cert...00:42
ayoungit means proper revocation checking there....00:42
gyeeyou have to trust the cert before trusting the bind token00:42
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jamielennoxwhat's the defnition of trusting the cert?00:43
gyeeSSL connection is successfully establish00:43
jamielennoxthere isn't a need for it to be signed by anyone specific for this to work00:44
ayoungjamielennox, to me it says:  I havethe CA that signed this cert in my chain, and, this cert gets Client Side Verification in the Https setup00:44
jamielennoxif you want to configure that in apache go right ahead, but so long as it passes through we are binding to the reuse of the same certificate00:44
ayoungjamielennox, exactly, because the token is signed by Keystone, so keystone has already said "this cert goes with this token" as well00:44
gyeeright, which means they have to trust the same CA00:45
jamielennoxi don't think it matters00:46
jamielennoxwe aren't verifying the cert chain, we are just comparing that the same one is used00:46
jamielennoxit will most likely be used in conjunction with an x509 auth provider which will need to look at the chain, but the binding doesn't care00:46
gyeefront-end apache cares00:47
gyeehow does user get authenticated with the cert in the first place?00:47
jamielennoxif you configure it to00:47
morganfainbergseems chicken/egg problem.00:48
morganfainberg(as gyee just pointed out)00:48
gyeethat would be bad00:48
jamielennoxso as i said it's likely that there will be an x509 auth provider who will make sure you fit into the CA somehow00:48
gyeeyou have to at least verify the cert before binding it00:48
jamielennoxbut as far as binding goes if apache lets your client cert through and you auth with a username and password you should be able to bind that token to the cert00:49
jamielennoxapache may verify the certificate, but i don't see that as keystone's problem wrt binding00:49
gyeehow does "apache let your client cert though"?00:49
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jamielennoxi may be wrong on this, but apache doesn't have to verify the client cert against anything00:50
gyeeit doesn't, what I am saying it should for this to work00:50
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gyeewhy would you want to bind a token to something that hasn't verified?00:52
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jamielennoxif i create a self signed certificate, connect to keystone with it, auth with my username and password and get back a bound token i've still vastly improved the security of my token because you need that specific client cert to connect with00:52
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jamielennoxin any sort of enterprise environment you would get apache to verify the cert00:53
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gyeeself-signed certs are only good in dev :)00:53
jamielennoxbut as a base just by adding the other factor you're still preventing someone else using your token00:54
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morganfainbergand the expectation is that the client cert is validated against the token00:54
jamielennoxagain though, this is not to authenticate with the certificate, it's just for binding against it later00:55
morganfainbergvs. the httpd being able to authoritatively validate a cert00:55
gyeebut who validate the client cert?00:55
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jamielennoxayoung and i argued about this a while ago and he is on your side i think00:56
jamielennoxmy thing would be that _for binding_ it doesn't matter00:56
morganfainbergjamielennox: this sounds like a half-way multifactor solution (but i'm missing some details and digging through the blueprint ets)00:56
jamielennoxso long as the one you get your token with is the same one you then use the token with we can assume that the cert has been validated already00:57
morganfainbergit doesn't solve a username/password compromise, it manages a re-use of token by some MITM type attack.00:57
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: right00:58
morganfainberggot it, it's effectively MFA for the tokens.00:58
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i don't want to say that its multifactor auth00:58
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morganfainbergbecause it isn't what people see as MDA00:58
jamielennoxbut i guess it's MF tokens00:58
morganfainberg(e.g. google auth, RSA etc)00:58
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morganfainbergcool.  thanks for the clarification :)01:01
ayounggyee, OK,  to clarify, you are right in that Apache will verify the X509.  jamielennox 's point is that it doesn't really have to in order for this mechanism to work.  All it has to do is ensure that the client cert provided to set up the channel is the same that is boud to the token.  However, in practice, that comes down to the same thing.01:01
ayoungmorganfainberg, actually, yes, this would suport multifactor.  You would say that the token is bound to multiple auth mechanisms, and then we would have an enforcement policy that would indicate which are Required.  A bit beyond the scope of what we wrote up here, but not by much01:02
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morganfainbergayoung: yes, thats where i am seeing it going.01:02
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morganfainbergayoung: i also could see a benefit to only allowing "verified/trusted" certs to have tokens bound to it.  more control, but it doesn't change the added benefit but a huge margin01:03
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gyeeayoung, jamielennox, right, this feature very much depended on how the environment is setup01:05
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ayoungjust trying to lay the foundation01:05
jamielennoxgyee: yes01:05
gyeesomebody is going to make sone consulting money out of this :)01:06
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jamielennoxgyee: and it's never the developers :(01:07
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simoayoung: the id can;t 128, because it is a DNS name + topic name so it can be 256+, so astually 256 is also probably too small01:10
simodoes it mean I need to use a different meaningless id to keep mysql happy and keep the actual name in another column ?01:10
ayoungsimo, Mysql won't let that be a pkey01:10
ayoungsimo, probably01:10
simoayoung: ok I will change that tomorrow01:11
ayoungsimo, repeat after me.  Mysql is a real database.  Keep repeating until convinced01:11
ayoungsimo, I have a change for you.  But it depends on one of my patches..01:11
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simoI banned mysql from all my machines ... so ...01:11
ayoungI'll send you the patch directly.  I think it should modify one of your commits01:12
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ayoungbut...they are talking about chaning the migration mechanism, which might be trouble here.01:12
simoayoung: I'll pick it up tomorrow, send by emal, I'm tuning out now01:12
ayoungSee the dev mailing list discussion.01:12
ayoungsimo, OK will send in a few01:12
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lbragstadhey jamielennox, I respun the oslo patch with your comments.. thanks for the review. Just out of curiosity, why not have getter methods for strong_store and weak_store?01:52
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jamielennoxlbragstad: it's just that they don't do anything02:00
jamielennoxif they were generating the weak_store within get_weak_store that would be fine02:00
jamielennoxbut if all you're doing is returning a property that is already public you should just use the property02:01
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jamielennoxlbragstad: it's just one of those python practices02:01
lbragstadjamielennox: gotcha02:02
lbragstadmakes sense02:02
lbragstadI debates putting the logic for that in there...02:03
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jamielennoxlbragstad: what do you mean re the comment about the threading_mod and eventlet_mod params?02:04
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lbragstadwell at the bottom on line 86 in the new patch set we are passing in the threading module that is imported at the top02:05
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lbragstadthat is always passed in, no matter way02:05
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jamielennoxyea, so my point was if you are always passing the same module as a parameter (even in the tests), and it's a global value, why pass it at all?02:06
lbragstadjamielennox: but when it comes to eventlet we can either pass in a variable that stores the eventlet module object or None, depending on the environment02:06
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lbragstadjamielennox: I just figured it gave a little flexibility02:06
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jamielennoxi think that the environments are so tightly defined that you won't be able to do the same things with a module that isn't threading anyway02:07
lbragstadit's also nice to have it stored in threading_mod so that it we need to roll back to the unpactched version of threading we just call patcher.original(threading_mod) which is the case for testing02:08
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jamielennoxbut it's still the same global value, calling patcher.original(threading) would have the same effect02:08
lbragstadjamielennox: ok yeah, looking at that now I see it02:09
lbragstadI guess I was thinking about it in a very generalized case.. I can pull  that out02:09
lbragstadjust keeping eventlet_mod = None the way it is now02:10
lbragstadand that will be the only argument passed in02:10
jamielennoxsure, so my point was with eventlet_mod that you are essentially using it as a boolean anyway02:11
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jamielennoxif eventlet_mod: then you do things with the imported module anyway02:11
lbragstadright, Isuppose because we are assuming corolocal.local based on the boolean being true02:11
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jamielennoxif you pass True/False module/None probably doesn't make any diff02:12
jamielennoxby which i mean use whichever way seems easier02:12
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lbragstadyeah, it's pretty much jsut there to make sure we use eventlet iff it's imported02:13
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jamielennoxwhile your here02:14
jamielennoxin your tests02:14
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jamielennoxput eventlet_builder and threading_builder in a setUp02:14
ayounggyee,  ?02:15
lbragstadand just use them accordingly with test_threading_unique_storage and test_thread_unique_storage02:15
lbragstadjamielennox: ^02:15
jamielennoxlbragstad: yea, they should be able to co-exist just fine so just use the one appropriate to the test02:16
lbragstadjamielennox: ok02:16
lbragstadjamielennox: I'll quick mark those in the review, so these comments are at least documented02:16
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lbragstadjamielennox: -1'd and documented in the review. let me know if that is what you mean. I think I described correctly?02:21
jamielennoxlbragstad: that's fine02:22
lbragstadcool, thx02:22
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lbragstadjamielennox: if I take out the threading_mod varaible that stores the threading module and just stick to the one eventlet_mod argument, the tests fail since it is referencing threading and isn't assigned, just imported02:36
lbragstadtrying something else02:40
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Guest34097does anybody know Th0masR0ss?  which channel is he in?02:53
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gyeeayoung, I'll review it tonight, need to grab some dinner now02:55
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lukegome again. now: I really want to see the log output from test cases that I run with neutron all tests including the ones that pass. surely there is an easy way?10:41
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jpichamotoki: Hello! Whenever you have a chance, it would be great to hear your thoughts on (comment #3). I'm trying to understand what's the latest with neutron quotas10:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1109140 in horizon "Floating IP quota not coming from Quantum" [Medium,Confirmed]10:51
amotokijpich: sure. will check it.10:51
jpichamotoki: Thank you10:52
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amotokijpich: there is some progress during havana. I will add an comment.10:54
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jpichamotoki: Great to hear, thanks for updating the bug10:54
amotokijpich: i am now preparing Horizon patch "neutron secgroup native support". After post it, i will do it.10:55
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jpichamotoki: Awesome, this will probably help with understanding how to handle the security group quotas too10:57
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Alexei_987Hello anyone knows why this hack is used in sqlalchemy-migrate?12:34
Alexei_987def patched_with_engine(f, *a, **kw):12:34
Alexei_987    url = a[0]12:34
Alexei_987    engine = migrate_util.construct_engine(url, **kw)12:34
Alexei_987    try:12:34
Alexei_987    try:12:34
Alexei_987        kw['engine'] = engine12:34
Alexei_987        return f(*a, **kw)12:34
Alexei_987    finally:12:34
Alexei_987        if isinstance(engine, migrate_util.Engine) and engine is not url:12:34
Alexei_987            migrate_util.log.debug('Disposing SQLAlchemy engine %s', engine)12:34
Alexei_987            engine.dispose()12:34
boris-42use pls patebin.com12:34
Alexei_987sorry :(12:34
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Alexei_987why we construct a new engine object?12:36
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amotokijpich: i just answered your comment in the bug. it is interesting and let's discuss what can be done in horizon and neutron.12:41
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jpichamotoki: Thanks amotoki, interesting thoughts and problems. It would have been nice to avoid having to add a new setting to Horion, but it looks like it will be necessary, at least as a starting point12:54
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jpichamotoki: Is there a wiki page somewhere that lists the neutron drivers and what extensions they each support?13:01
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amotokijpich: The plugin list is available on Neutorn top wiki page but it just lists neutron plugins. There is no matrix extensions and neutron plugins.13:02
jpichamotoki: I see, thank you13:02
amotokijpich: i greped the code.13:02
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amotokijpich: the command line is "cd /opt/stack/neutron; grep -C 10 supported_extension_aliases **/*.py | grep quotas"13:04
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HenryGWhy are some apparently unsused modules imported and then tagged with "# noqa" so that flake8 doesn't complain?13:21
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lbragstadhey dims I made a few more revision for the Eventlet dep in, if you want to take a look at it whenever
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/neutron: Improve DHCP agent performance
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dimslbragstad, thanks will take a look14:17
lbragstaddims: thank you sir14:17
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boris-42markmc ping14:52
markmcboris-42, yep?14:53
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boris-42markmc ok we have removed all code about db archiving from sqlalchemy utilities that are in Oslo14:53
boris-42markmc that code was discussable and should be rethink14:53
boris-42markmc could you take a look one more time on patches?14:53
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markmcboris-42, they're in the queue, I'll try and get to them; hopefully other oslo-core folks will to14:56
boris-42markmc some of these patches was already approved14:56
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henrynashdolphm, gyee, ayoung, bknudson:  OS-INHERIT implement ion is up for review at
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iartarisiwhere should I be looking in horizon if I wanted to see how the user object is attached to the request? I want to know what kind of object it is, where it gets the tenant_name attribute etc.15:14
jpichiartarisi: Probably in (the project is currently being moved to Gerrit)15:15
iartarisijpich: ah, actually I'm more interested in Grizzly code15:15
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iartarisiany idea how that was done in the previous release?15:16
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jpichiartarisi: This was also used in grizzly, you'll need to compare version numbers to get to the specific version a grizzly install would be using15:17
iartarisiah, alright15:18
iartarisiI'll look, thanks!15:18
jpichYou're welcome15:18
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mordredzigo, boris-42, mikal, jog0-away, dripton: you guys may want to add stackforge/sqlalchemy-migrate15:46
mordredto your watched projects list15:46
zigomordred: Saw it, that's great! :)15:46
driptonok thanks mordred15:46
boris-42mordred thank you15:46
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zigoboris-42: Feel free to ping me whenever you have a new release and wish that I upload it to Debian.15:47
boris-42zigo thanks we will publish some patches soon15:48
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gyeedolphm, ayoung, want to take another look at this?
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dolphmgyee: sure15:51
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henrynashdolphm, gyee, young, bknudson: os-inherit patch is failing due to some issue after merge with latest master (will resolve), but still worth reviewing in the meantime (
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gyeehenrynash, looking15:54
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gyeedolphm, henrynash, what's the proper way to do extension, by a configurable flag or contrib?15:55
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henrynashgyee: so I modelled it on Trusts…since it is so integrated with existing roles assignment code15:56
gyeeI was under the impression that we need to park the extensions in contrib, but OS-TRUST didn't following that pattern15:56
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henrynashgyee, dolphm: I think an extension that can be 'standalone' (e.g. the Oauth2 stuff) can obviously go i contrib….it's just hard to see how to do somethingliek OS-INHERIT that way15:59
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dolphmgyee: where the code lives doesn't matter, the answer is standalone middleware and os-trust is a painful example of why we shouldn't intertwine extensible behavior into the core code16:02
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gyeedolphm, agreed, but in general the code should be in contrib if possible right?16:05
dolphmgyee: sure16:06
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stevemardtroyer, just updated if you want to push it through16:09
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stevemardtroyer_zz, ^16:09
dtroyer_zzstevemar: thanks, got it.16:10
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henrynashgyee, dolphm: so where does that leave os-inherit?  (Most of) the code is all about modifying the way role assignments are interpreted16:11
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dolphmhenrynash: you can intercept those api calls in middleware and respond to them16:13
gyeehenrynash, yeah, still going through your code, not sure how tough it is to have a clean isolation16:14
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henrynashdolphm: the apis calls are easy.  The real meat is in a) extending metadata in the driver level and then interpreting that in the controller16:14
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henrynashdolphm, gyee: could certainly move the router intercepts into contrib, but I don't think that is solving much of a problem16:16
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dolphmhenrynash: refactor metadata into something more explicit first? (actual indexed columns in sql, for example)16:16
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henrynashdolphm: so I refactored metadata into a list of dicts, rather than a simple list for exactly that purpose (thought this had much less impact for an extension than big table changes)16:18
henrynashdolphm: so that's quite generic16:19
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henrynashdolphm: my previous rationalisation change hides and such change within the driver layer16:20
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dolphmhenrynash: let me go read the spec again and get back to you16:25
henrynashdolphm: take a quick glance at my change as well, you'll get the idea as to where the meat is16:26
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dolphmhenrynash: ran into this on the way into identity-api
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henrynashdolphm, gyee: having problems with running unit tests on master….errors with no domain table found…can one of you remind me if you need to re-create/clear sql test db locally if someone has changed DB schemas etc.?16:34
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dolphmhenrynash: git clean -xdf will remove any *.pyc files, but also anything else that's untracked16:34
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dolphmhenrynash: or... find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -rf {} \;16:35
mordreddolphm, henrynash find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete16:35
henrynashdolphm: right, thanks16:35
mordredthat's in nova's and I'm working on a patch to add it to be run by tox16:36
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dolphmmordred: that'd be nice16:36
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mordreddolphm: although I think it shold actually be find . -type f -name '*.pyc' -delete16:36
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dolphmmordred: yeah, yours is better than mine16:37
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gyeehenrynash, staring at all the metadata tables make my head spin, we really need to consolidate this16:44
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henrynashgyee: I know…I was planning to do this for IceHouse..16:44
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gyeehenrynash, for that you'll earn a purple heart :)16:45
henrynashgyee: we could do it for H3, although quite a lot of DB changes…not sure it is right move16:45
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mordreddolphm, henrynash: even better17:07
mordredand the pyc files don't get written in the first place17:07
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* mordred was just about finished adding the remove pyc files feature to tox17:08
henrynashwho needs pesky byte codes anyway….17:08
mordredrealized we can just drop PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 into our tox.ini files and into our files17:08
mordredI would say that these days the bytecode files are more trouble than they are worth17:08
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henrynashdolphm, ayoung: think I have worked out the problem I found with sql migration for os-inherit….unfortunately I think we broke the DB for sqlite (only) back on migration 015 (tenant->project)17:59
henrynashdolphm, ayoung: we didn't fix up the group_project_metadata table's FK to the old tenant table18:00
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dolphmhenrynash: i posted something on the list last night about sqlite & migrations ..18:01
henrynashdolphm: yes, saw that..I"ll all for that…it is such a pain18:02
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henrynashdolphm: can we really stop supporting sqlite migrations now, however?  Does everyone have either msql or postgreql installed so that we could switch test_sql_upgrade to use one of those?18:03
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dolphmhenrynash: developers? not today18:04
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morganfainbergdolphm: would it make sense to move test_sql_upgrade to just … not run if mysql isn't available, and just let developers know they need mysql/postgres if touching DB schemas since the migrate isn't tested otherwise?18:06
henrynashdolphm: agreed…so either I need to fix the broken sqlite DB migrations (in a new migration, not changing history) or we stop adding migration tests in our unit tests….don't think we can do the later18:06
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morganfainbergas long as gate uses mysql/postgres that is.18:07
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dolphmmorganfainberg: i'd be in favor of that, as long as we get the gate testing against mysql/postgresql first18:07
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ayounggyee henrynash I'd like to put the final nail in a couple of reviews.  I'd appreciate one of you two could pushing  the button on
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henrynashayoung: looking18:08
ayounghenrynash, and dolphm and I'd appreciate it if  if one of you two could approve
dolphmayoung: looking18:08
morganfainbergdolphm: do you have an idea on how much wokr it is to make it use mysql for gate?  i could help with that if i knew where to start (haven't poked at the infra stuff as much as i probably should have)18:09
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morganfainbergbut i'm willing to help get us there if I can.18:10
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ayoungmorganfainberg, I can help18:13
morganfainbergayoung: cool.18:13
henrynashayoung: the renaming of _validate_domain() etc. to _validate_default_domain()….just thinking that when I do the work to support a different LDAP per domain, then _default_ might not make sense…should we maybe not change the name?18:14
ayounghenrynash, when we get there, I think that code will go away18:14
morganfainbergayoung: i'm looking over the migrate tests now, i'll circle up and chat with you in a bit once i've had my caffeiene infusion for the day (and you've nailed up the reviews you're looking at now)18:14
henrynashayoung: ok, fair enough18:15
ayoungmorganfainberg, sounds good. I don;t want to introduce mysql and postgres into the unit tests normal running as they are way too slow18:15
morganfainbergayoung: that sounds fair.  slow tests are slow18:15
ayoungmorganfainberg, even sqlite against a filesystem backend is too slow, I run mine in memory18:15
gyeeayoung, sorry I was afk, looking now18:16
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gyeeayoung, I've got a feel we need to update a doc somewhere on how to register an extension18:18
henrynashayoung: did you see the issue I posted earlier on sqlite and the 015 (tenant->project) migration?18:18
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ayounggyee, that can happen afterwards.  This is old stuff, and I'd like to nail down how we handle things with the exisitn extensions before we go writing more offical ways to do things.18:19
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ayounggyee, for example, this review:
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ayounghenrynash, I tend to agree with dolph that we should stop testing migrations on sqlite18:20
gyeeayoung, yeah, make sense18:20
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henrynashayoung: agreed in principle, but how will developers run test_sql_upgrade….I doubt all of them have mysql or postgresql installed18:21
ayounghenrynash, so long as we run that on gate, I think we will be OK18:21
ayoungdevelopers doing migations should be required to run that, and annotate it in review requests18:21
gyeeayoung, henrynash, then why are we even wasting time on sqlite?18:22
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ayounggyee, I think the fast unit tests on sqlite in memory are worth it, just not the migrations18:23
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ayoungthe unit tests need to be set up so that if they are running against sqlite, they use the models, but for mysql and postgres they run through a migration18:23
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henrynashayoung: so test_sql_upgrade would be no-op in master (somehow), but developers, who made Db changes, would enabled their favourite DB in backend_sql_conf for whatever, test and then annotate the review?18:23
ayoungand by unit tests, i mean test_sql_backend  and the other more comprehensive tests18:23
ayounghenrynash, I have mysql, postgresql, and openldap installed on my machine.  It is not a burden.  I think people doing serious keystone work should be comfortable with that setup18:24
ayoungmigrations should be run against both, which is why they are lumped into a single file:18:25
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henrynashayoung: me too.  we just need to make sure any developer can do a ./run_tests,sh and test_sql_upgrade work without them needing mysql or postgresql, I think18:25
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ayounghenrynash, yes, agreed.18:27
ayounghenrynash, so I think the current setup is OK.  We can drop the sql_upgrade tests from the standard unit tests once we get the _sql_livetests part of the gate18:28
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henrynashayoung: for your SQL/LDAP patch, is there a reason you raised up the "if user_id" test in create_grant, but left them below the session creation in the other grant tests?18:30
henrynashayoung: sorry, in the other grant api calls (in assignments/backends/
ayounggyee, can you rebase
gyeeayoung, yeah, I need to address dolphm comments on the v3 review first18:32
morganfainbergayoung: awesome.  thanks for the link.18:32
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ayounghenrynash, yes.  In that call, the use is actually fetched from the other backend, and if it is going to sql, I didn't think it wise to create the session first.  In the others, it is purely an in function call18:33
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ayoungbut in get grant, I could se the argument that icould move the session creation down18:34
ayounggyee, that is fine, but I'd like retrigger the unit tests on the v2 one, and just want to make sure it rebases cleanly before I do that.  So, unless you are really close to resubmtting v3, please rebase v2 and it will kick of thetests.  I think the failur was spurious18:35
ayounghenrynash, I think you are right, I should move the create session down on those calls.  Nice catch18:36
henrynashayoung: I did mean t post  that on a previous review, but didn't press the review button to push up my comments..sorry18:36
ayounghenrynash, np.18:37
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gyeeayoung, I am working on the v3 patch, should be done shortly18:39
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jaypipescomstud: very interesting...18:40
ayounghenrynash, any other issues with that patch?  If not, I'll post the fix18:41
jaypipescomstud: didn't think of that, but yeah, Noop on the API and DbQuotaDriver on the cell would work...18:41
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jaypipescomstud: the only thing is... you'd need to speak to the specific cell's Nova API in order to set quotas for a tenant, yeah?18:42
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sdaguejgriffith: so that euca devstack exercise issue that pops up from time to time, turns out we can trigger it a lot in grenade18:46
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sdaguejgriffith: - so hopefully it will be debuggable this go around (and probably the last thing stopping grenade enforcing)18:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1189595 in grenade "euca exercise failing after upgrade" [Undecided,In progress]18:46
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable services for gate-grenade-devstack-vm
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ayoungdolphm, the storage of the two backends has been separated.  THere is still a lot of businesslogic where one backend has to talk to another.  Most of the assignment calls need to verify that the user is valid.  We can continue to tease apart the logic over time, but doing more than I have done here will make the patch even more complicated18:59
ayoungdolphm, I was trying to split the two without breaking the unit tests.  If we completely split the drivers, that is not possible.19:00
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henrynashayoung: so I suppose the alternative is that we extract any cross-driver calls up into the manager, and this passes any info (most cases it is just a validity check) into the driver layer?19:09
ayounghenrynash, yep, and I think that, over time we should do just that19:10
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ayoungthen the manager becomes the business logic layer, and the drivers are the backend specific code only.  As god intended.  Sportsmanlike.19:10
henrynashayoung: just like cricket, reallu19:12
henrynashayoung: I think you missed pulling up the get user/group calls in get_grant...19:12
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/glance: Allow storage drivers to add metadata to locations
ayoungwhy yes I did19:13
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henrynashdolphm: I see you have concerns over the cross-driver calls that now exist within the drivers….the approach laid out by ayoung is that we fix this over time (I would think by H3)..are you OK with this approach…19:17
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sdaguettx: you still about?19:20
sdagueshould I send the program description for QA over to -dev for review?19:21
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rcritayoung, ok, you're refreshing the patch faster than I can review it :-0)19:21
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ayounghenrynash, what about
ayoungrcrit, you see the deltas between two versions like this:
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ayoungrcrit, there is a dropdown that, by default says 'base'.   but you can switch it to any earlier version of the patch as well.  It doesn't work too well if other commits come in, though.19:27
ayoungrcrit, also, if you want to download the code, you can use git review -d Ib91b5d804282b7f78fc2458ff64653bbf2cf5d9e   which will fetch, branch, and name the branch something reasonable.  I've been using it like crazy lately19:28
gyeeayoung, can you take a look at dolphm's comment here
gyeeshould we return a 403 or 401 when attempting to rescope a trust token?19:28
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ayounggyee, Forbidden, seems more correct.19:29
ayoung"The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it.[2] Unlike a 401 Unauthorized response, authenticating will make no difference."19:29
ayounggyee, was that intentional?  I think it is a good change.  You should never be able to use a trust Token to get another token.19:31
gyeeayoung, k, the original test was incorrect then19:31
gyeeso I corrected it19:31
gyeeayoung, yeah, that was my understanding by reading at the code19:32
henrynashayoung: in principle, extensions one looks good…will review more later today…sorry, at a conference…19:32
ayounggyee, there is some semantic wiggle room.  Since it is a post, it really isn;t a different resource, but the body of the request is so different....401 vs 403 is debateble, but I would say that Forbidden is probably more matches our intention.19:32
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gyeeayoung, I agree19:33
gyeeayoung, can you provide some feedback there too?19:38
stevemarayoung, gyee, maybe i'm late to the party, but is something causing keystone tests to fail jenkins?19:44
stevemarself.assignment.create_domain(domain_id, domain) ?19:45
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ayounggyee, will do19:54
ayoungstevemar, link?19:56
jpmelos_I'm testing Zuul and I've noticed it takes some time to process Gerrit events and Jenkins build status.19:56
jpmelos_Does anyone knows it that's right?19:57
jpmelos_Does it sleeps a few seconds and then checks the status of the queues every few seconds or something like that?19:57
stevemarayoung: i didn't rebase with master... give me a sec to rule that out19:57
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stevemarayoung: there was also a conflict with db version numbering...19:59
clarkbjpmelos_: those of us that hack on zuul hang out in #openstack-infra. want to hop over there?19:59
stevemarayoung: someone checked in 027, d'oh19:59
clarkbjpmelos_: it does not sleep, instead it is manipulating git trees19:59
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clarkbjpmelos_: it also queries gerrit for some additional information. Build results are updated via jenkins callbacks and should be fairly real time. End result is yes it requires some time to process events.20:03
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clarkbjpmelos_: there has also been recent work in the feature/gearman branch to improve several of these things by replacing the jenkins callback mechanism with gearman, rewriting important parts of the scheduler, and caching change info from gerrit20:03
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ayounggyee, was the AssertionError there before this code change?21:16
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ayoungthe one in password?21:17
gyeeayoung, no21:17
gyeeayoung, dolphm's review comment help me to track down this bug21:18
ayounggyee, So why were we not getting assertion errors before?  Was it getting caught in a generic catchall?21:18
gyeewe suppose to catch the AssertionError and trade it in for Unauthorized21:18
ayounggyee, I get that, but what was happening before?21:18
gyeeayoung, it was getting caught at the controller21:18
gyeeI removed the catch in controller as it is not needed, per dolphm's comment21:19
ayounggyee, it was getting caught in the auth controller even before your code change?21:19
gyeeayoung, yeah, but with auth plugin, the plugin should raise Unauthorized if username/password is invalid21:20
ayoung        except Exception as e:21:21
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gyeeyeah, that one21:21
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ayounggyee, I was wondering if we want to leave that as a failsafe, but I guess any other exception that gets through will just trigger a 500 erro, and we are no less secure21:22
gyeeayoung, yeah, I responded to dolphm on that same topic as well21:23
ayounggyee, damn these commits are huge.  Hope to stop rewriting Keystone each release.21:23
gyeenot rewriting, just making it more flexible21:23
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gyeeimproving :)21:23
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ayounggyee, not just you.  All of us.21:25
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ayoungtrying to keep the patches small but we have so much to do21:25
ayounggyee, +221:26
gyeeayoung, thanks21:26
ayounggyee, I assume your +2 still stands here
gyeeayoung, yes, code looks good, let me review it once more21:27
jpmelos_clarkb, thank you for the answers. Sorry for taking some time to respond.21:27
gyeeI am looking at the extensions patch21:27
gyeeI was going to trying it locally to see if xml content types screams21:28
clarkbjpmelos_: no problem. and do feel free to hop in #openstack-infra if you want to discuss more21:28
jpmelos_clarkb, I'll join #openstack-infra, too.21:28
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henrynashayoung: are you/Dolphn agreed on the cross-driver calling?  (i.e. we work to remove this over time).21:33
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gyeeayoung, GET /v3/extensions doesn't seem to work21:35
gyeeGET /v2.0/extensions is OK21:35
ayounghenrynash, I haven;'t heard from him, but the existing code right now cross calls21:35
ayounggyee, did it work before?  I don't think it did, but I will check21:35
gyeeayoung, I don't think it ever worked for v321:36
henrynashayoung: ok, I think we go with what we have and fix up….I'll push the button on the LDAP/SQl cahnge21:36
ayounghenrynash, thanks21:36
ayounghenrynash, fixing the cross calling is going to require some reworking of the KVS backend, and I think I would rather just get rid of that21:36
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gyeeayoung, the v2 extensions show up nicely with your changes, good work!21:37
gyeenot sure if we should also fix v3 in the path, or in a separate patch21:38
ayounggyee, let me see what v3 looks like before my patch21:39
ayoung"The resource could not be found."21:40
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ayounggyee, follow on patch.  Let me open a bug for that21:40
zckfIs there  a way to change the commit message w/out kicking off a jenkins run ?21:40
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clarkbzckf: yes, but it is ugly21:40
clarkbzckf: I wouldn't worry about it21:40
gyeeayoung, sounds good21:40
clarkbwhat you can do is push a change as a draft then publish the draft. This does not emit any gerrit events that jenkins can see21:41
zckfclarkb: ok thanks!21:41
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ayounggyee, henrynash just modified the extension patch with bknudson's comments.  It was already technically approvable, but can one of you do the honors?21:43
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gyeeayoung, talk about big changes, it will take me a couple of days at least just to review the oauth patches21:59
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ayounggyee, yeah, me too.  But the question is whether he integrated with trusts, or if we have 2 code paths for delegation now.  I haven't looked, but I know what I expect22:00
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jmcbrideDevstack question: how do I know what ports openstack services are running on?22:00
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gyeeayoung, yeah, that one will directly clash with trust looks like22:03
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Mixed LDAP/SQL Backend.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/oslo.sphinx: Add emacs save files to gitignore
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/oslo.sphinx: Ensure that AUTHORS and ChangeLog are packaged
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/oslo.config: Use oslo.sphinx and remove local copy of doc theme
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/oslo.config: Hook docstrings into the published docs
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Fix object_compat decorator for non-kwargs
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Make db/api strip timezones for datetimes
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Fix default argument values on get_all_by_filters()
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Make notifications properly string-convert instance datetimes
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-swiftclient: Adds max-backoff for retries in Connection.
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ayounggyee, rebase time?
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gyeeayoung, yes, doing it now23:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Make PROJECTS list multi-line.
Guest74010ayoung: i have the simple change in place for skipping migrate checks w/ sqlite (and it doesn't seem to impact other tests), I'm just digging out how to convince gate jobs to use mysql (seems like nova does it for some tests) conditionally23:22
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morganfainberghrm. ok. i think i need to fix my bouncer for the correct nic.23:22
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clarkbmorganfainberg: yup, nova checks if a known DB is present and if so uses it23:23
Guest68421clarkb: brb fixing my nic.23:23
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Port images metadata functionality to v3 API Part 2
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morganfainbergclarkb: ok sorry back, irc went silly on me23:37
morganfainbergclarkb: so, does nova gate jobs have a special mechanism to to mysql checks?  I am not seeing it (i'm sure i'm just looking in the wrong place) vs. the sqlite ones?23:38
clarkbyes, I will find them. one sec23:38
morganfainbergawesome thanks :)23:39
clarkb documented there and then implemented in the same file23:39
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morganfainbergright.  i see the connect string code23:40
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morganfainbergcool that is what i was looking for, i just missed the opportunistic function there23:41
morganfainbergthanks again :)23:41
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Port hide srvr addresses extension to v3 API Pt1
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henrynashdolphm, gyee, ayoung, bknudson: os-inherit patch now fully complete and ready for more reviews:
gyeehenrynash, will take a looking later tonight, I am in the middleware of rebasing23:54
henrynashgyee: np, thx23:55
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