Thursday, 2013-07-11

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ayoungjamielennox, did you see my last?00:02
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jamielennoxayoung: i'm just going through gyee's token provider00:02
ayoungjamielennox, OK,  just want to make sure you see the fix I put in the test00:02
ayoungbut your code runs now00:03
jamielennoxayoung: regarding your extensions review are there existing tests for that?00:03
jamielennoxi was going to go looking but i could just ask00:03
ayoungjamielennox, there is one for the extension for OS-ADMIN but the rest have no real tests00:03
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ayoungjamielennox, I am not certain if there is any benefit to testing them in an automated fashion00:04
ayoungbut you can see them if you run a live server and go to the extensions URL...00:04
ayoungand 500000:04
ayoungwould be better with my html patch applied00:04
jamielennoxayoung: heh, i don't doubt you can see it, was wondering if there were tests00:05
jamielennoxayoung: then support my MVC thing00:05
ayoungnothing really to test, as there is no mechanism to make use of them00:05
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ayoungjamielennox, not sure that we don't already have those concepts covered elsewhere in the codebase, just under different names00:06
jamielennoxi'll wait for jenkins to come in and +1 gyees tokens00:06
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jamielennoxayoung: we should rebase this onto the v2 token provider patch00:08
jamielennoxor i should00:08
ayoungyeah, he posted that after I left for dinner.00:09
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jamielennoxwas it just the self.opt_in_group('signing', token_format='UUID') you removed?00:10
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jamielennoxoh, no there is more in auth00:10
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jamielennoxayoung: ok, most of those test changes aren't really relevant to binding00:12
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jamielennoxthey're fixups to the tests from token providers00:13
ayoungjamielennox, yeah, but he has a structure now in place to test against both token formats, so your binding tests can be run against both (FWIW)00:13
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jamielennoxthat's fine i was just looking to see what was relevant to the binding00:13
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ayoungas far as MVC....00:14
jamielennoxah, i hate this: class TestUUIDTokenAPIs(TestPKITokenAPIs):00:14
jamielennoxprecendent or not00:14
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ayoungnah that is no better00:14
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ayoungat a minimum should be the other way around00:15
jamielennoxit's not the names, they just shouldn't inherit each other00:15
ayoungWell, PKEY is supported under both formats, but CMS is only supported under one.00:16
ayoungso to say CMS is an extension of the PKEY formats is ok, I guess.  I just want to get rid of the PKEY approach once and for all...long way to go to do that, though00:16
ayoungI think that storing tokens in the database is just a bad design00:17
jamielennoxayoung: sure but people need the audit trail i guess00:18
jamielennoxi think i have a bug or a blueprint for that00:18
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ayoungbut until we can get rid of recording token revocations, we have no way of determining which tokens should be revoked if we don't revoke them00:18
ayounghad a discussion about audit00:18
ayoungaudit should not happen in keystone00:18
jamielennoxif you are using cms tokens then why are we storing token data, we should trust the key like we make everyone else do00:18
ayoungbut starhter based on the RBAC policy enforcement00:18
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: xenapi: glance plugin should close connections
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Do not create LDAP Domains sub tree
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Remove context from get_token call in normalize_domain_id
ayoungIf we could deduce revocation from a revocation event on a PKI token....00:19
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jamielennoxayoung: so i have one main concern about the port over to gyee's patch (and he doesn't seem to be here)
jamielennoxwhat do you mean deduce revocation?00:20
ayoungright saw that00:20
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ayoungjamielennox, lets come back to that, and deal with your patch first...00:20
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ayoungjamielennox,  token_ref = self._verify_token(token_id)  will give you bind data on the old token.00:22
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Fix cells manager rpc api version
jamielennoxi'm not even sure what he is trying to say there00:22
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/glance: Make eventlet hub choice configurable.
ayoungbut...not sure what we get by calling that helper...there00:22
jamielennoxbecause he is using verify to do the load from db00:23
ayoungyeah, that looks wrong00:23
ayoungI think it is because he is trying to return v3 data, even if he got a v2 token,  but we should not do that00:23
jamielennoxthat's my guess00:24
jamielennoxhe's taken an id and loaded a v2 token00:24
ayounglet me check something.00:24
jamielennoxthen he tries to deal with it even though there is no v2 logic00:24
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ayoungyeah.  I think that might be in error.  I am checking to see if that code path is run by any unit tests00:26
jamielennoxit's not run by any bind tests00:26
jamielennoxand i added one or two i thought might trigger it to see00:26
jamielennoxso possibly that is something that get's re addressed in the v2 patch00:26
ayoungmaybe.  I'm running the full body of tests with the covhtml generation.  Lets see what it says00:27
jamielennoxi think he trapped himself a bit00:29
ayoungwell something tests it00:29
jamielennoxhe's got validate_token with a version='v3.0' but he's only got the token_id at that point00:29
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jamielennoxso he can't know what version of the token it is because we allow them to intermix00:29
jamielennoxbut i think that makes the logic in the v2 test wrong:
jamielennoxhmm, i just don't think he should take a version number on the validate_token method00:31
jamielennoxlet that be determined once he's loaded the thing00:31
ayoungif    token_data = token_ref.get('token_data')00:32
ayoung            if not token_data or 'token' not in token_data:00:32
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gongyshsalv-orlando: ping00:32
ayoungthat means it is a v2 token00:32
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ayounghe got back a valid ref, but the data is in the wrong place.  There should be a comment, or even a method call there to explain that00:32
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ayoungtest_v2_v3_token_intermix (test_v3_auth.TestPKITokenAPIs) ...00:32
jamielennoxright and if you look at the v2 provider there is a fair bit of replication between  _validate_v{2,3}_token00:33
ayoungso, if it is a v2 can assume that there is no bind information and skip out, I think00:33
jamielennoxi have binding working fine in v2, and it is included in the latest version of the patch00:34
ayoungthen pull the bind information out of the v2 token00:34
ayoungtoken_ref.get('token_data') ....00:34
ayoungreplace token_data with...00:34
ayoung token_ref.get('bind') or whereever you stuck it00:35
jamielennox['auth']['bind'] i think but yea ok00:35
jamielennoxbut back to before, i think i'm right that there shouldn't be a version parameter on validate_token00:36
jamielennoxand if there is and you get a v2 token when you expected a v3 token then that should be a validation errror00:37
jgriffithany stable-maint core folks avail?00:37
jgriffith ^^00:37
jamielennoxi'll +1 the v3 split and -1 the v2 because whilst only 1 version is available it doesn't matter00:39
ayoungno, I think we currently support validating v2 and v3 tokens side by side.  THis patch just continues the pattern00:40
ayoungthis is a reorg, not a change in behavior, so please don't -100:40
jamielennoxi'm not saying he shouldn't do that00:40
jamielennoxi'm just saying the way he is doing it is wrong00:40
jamielennoxhe's expecting you to know when you call validate_token whether it is a v2 or a v3 token00:41
jamielennoxthen he corrects you if you are wrong00:41
jamielennoxif you are going to correct people anyway just don't give them the option00:41
ayounghmmm....if you send a v2 token to the v3 api, he validates it, and then returns the data in v3 format.  Not sure that is a change from what happens now or not00:42
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ayoungtoken_factory.render_token_data_response(token_id, token_data)00:44
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ayoung        token_ref = self.token_api.get_token(token_id)00:44
ayoung        token_data = token_factory.recreate_token_data(00:44
ayoungjamielennox, so I think the logic is the same, according to the above links00:47
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jamielennoxayoung: is it valid for a v2 endpoint to take a v3 token or just the other way?00:51
ayoungjamielennox, I think so.  auth_token middleware supports both side by side00:51
jamielennoxso for example i don't see that working here00:52
jamielennoxand thinking keystone endpoints00:52
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jamielennox(though i'm not sure i see it working previously either)00:53
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jamielennoxactually i guess it doesn't matter because the only endpoints that are really going to be affected by this is /v2/tokens and /v3/auth and we can reasonably say you shouldn't pass a v3 token to /v2/tokens but you can pass a v2 token to /v3/auth00:57
jamielennoxergh, this whole thing is a mess. MVC!00:58
ayoungI don't see MVC as the solution00:59
ayoungwe don'00:59
ayoungt really have differening view here00:59
ayoungthe model part is somewhat broken, but I blame sqlalchemy for that01:00
ayounggetting one model that works with both sql-a and the other backends is kindof impossible01:00
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jamielennoxbut i think the problem is in the squeezing it through the _api layer as a dictionary01:02
ayoungyeah, that is broken01:02
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jamielennoxif your backends supported the model as properties and did there own thing later then it would work out a lot easier and you would get better integration for things like sqlalchemy01:03
jamielennoxyou would probably be forcing your memcache backend to act a bit like your sqlalchemy backend but that's not too bad01:03
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ayoungok,  lets pursue that thought01:04
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ayoungsay that model is first and foremost the sqlalchemy defining file...01:04
ayoungSo for identity, it would be the user, group ...01:04
ayoungbut none of the other backend/driver type stuff01:05
ayoungso all of them would extend class User(sql.ModelBase, sql.DictBase):01:05
ayoungeven for the LDAP backend01:05
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jamielennoxno i don't think so, they would just need to provide a property with user_id, password etc01:05
ayoungthe other backends can ignore __tablename__01:05
jamielennoxwhether that backed to a sqlalchemy model or just properties on the backend object doesn't matter01:06
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ayoungWe had that before the keystoneline rewrite, IIRC01:06
ayoungdone by "he who shall not be named on IRC"01:07
ayoungcommon/ was supposed to be that, but it doesn't have properties.01:07
jamielennoxit doesn't really have anything except for known_keys and it is only used by the ldap backend01:08
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ayoungOK,  If what you are really driving for is a Model instead of using dictionaries, I am with you01:09
jamielennoxyea, it is just going to need to be done in phases, i can't just rip out the api layer01:10
jamielennoxbut if i can hide it behind a model then no-one will notice when i do01:10
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ayoungjamielennox, the thing is, it works fine for required fields, but not so much for optional.  How do you propose to deal with those?01:10
jamielennoxit's an object, stub the optionals with the defaults01:11
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jamielennoxnot stub, just assign in __init__01:11
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jamielennoxif not set then the property returns the default value01:11
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jamielennoxwhat is optional vs what is required disappears and you just use the property as if it was always there01:12
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jamielennoxwhether you persist that default value is up to the backend but i would try to keep that logic in the model01:13
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jamielennoxso the bug i want to file against the ldap backend is that the test setup we are using for LDAP doesn't match up any value for 'enabled' and so simply doesn't set it in the user object01:14
jamielennoxthis then fails somewhere completely different where it is just assumed this value should be set (and i didn't write down where, but i can probably just remove my hack and see)01:14
ayoungjamielennox, log the bug01:15
jamielennoxsomewhere in that api layer there should be something checking that what comes out of the backends is expected, and i think that is what the manager is for but it's just not used01:15
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jamielennoxayoung: anyway, that is what i'm going for, it's not about views (though i suspect they might be useful a lot later) it's about cleaning up the overlap between the controllers and using objects with some sanity rather than having to manipulate dictionaries from the backend01:19
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ayoung+2 from me on that01:19
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ayoungwhy 6@dependency.requires('credential_api')01:20
jamielennoxwith the credentials patch i was mostly looking for some community approval, and some debate on things like function names as to the difference between and class.create etc01:20
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jamielennoxbecause at the moment we've still got to persist the object through the _api layer01:21 I don't tend to do things that way01:22
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ayoungjamielennox, I would leave it as a DTO, with persistance as an external operation01:22
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ayoungI would rewrite the backends so that they take and produce the credential objects instead01:23
jamielennoxbut the end goal is to hide the _api to the point where we can remove it and have the backend work with the models01:24
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ayoungjamielennox, so why not go whole hog with the credential example and show it completely done?01:30
nachi_ayoung, review comment about the url to rebase, is it correct?01:30
ayoungnachi_, yes it is01:30
ayoungnachi_, I want to make sure his fix doesn't mask yours, so if yours goes in second, we are sure it works correctly01:31
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jamielennoxayoung: i guess i can do, it's just that to make a similar model change on any other backend is going to be a massive job01:32
nachi_ayoung, Ok. I see that rebase url which you pointed is same as the review url01:32
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ayoungjamielennox, agreed, but I think it will be good to have a clean example01:32
jamielennoxCredential at the moment subclasses the dict which is passed to the credential api, so anyone still doing things with the old credential[xxx] model will continue to work until we get to a point where we can make a clean break01:33
ayoungjamielennox, yeah...I just don't really care about not breaking that.  I see these as internal APIs.  I know that is heresy, but I am a happy heretic01:34
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jamielennoxayoung: ok, i'll revise the current patch to extract the model common stuff01:34
jamielennoxand then put another patch on top that shows converting the backend to use the model so we get the end effect, but show the 2 step process01:35
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ayoungjamielennox, I would be really, really ,really surprised if someone were using the internal credential api.  You could get away with doing it all in one patch, although dolphm might nack that.  So I think your approach is correct.01:36
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jamielennoxanyway, it was something i'd been thinking of doing, i'd got the first review up for the binding stuff and everything was dead over 4th july. I need to finish the token stuff first01:38
jamielennoxthough this next rebase shouldn't take long01:38
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nachi_ayoung, the review comment makes sense. But the rebase url is same as the current review url. is the review which i submitted01:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Add Instance.get_by_id() query method
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ayoungnachi_, , , sorry about that....correct url in a second01:54
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ayoungshould be rebased on top of...01:55
nachi_ayoung, ok01:55
ayoungnachi_, a code review of 33102 would be useful as well01:55
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nachi_ayoung, i will review the code and rebase on top of that01:56
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ayoungjamielennox, one thing about that test that I fixed.  I suspect that something is bypassing the manager.  something attempting to store a token in the database should go the the manager, which will call  self.driver.create_token(unique_id(token_id), data_copy)02:49
ayoungunique_id(token_id)  will generate the hash for a CMS token.02:49
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ayoungshouldn't matter if the format is set to uuid or pki02:50
jamielennoxwhy do you think that?02:50
jamielennoxtalking about test_v3_token_id02:50
jamielennoxit appears to be the only real one with additions02:50
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ayoungjamielennox, It was your test that was failing, the bound test.02:51
ayoungand changing the token format config value fixed it, but it should not have made adifference02:52
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ayoungtest runs OK for me now.  Go figure02:58
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jamielennoxi'm messing with one now that seems to run differently when run against the controller vs over http02:59
jamielennoxif that really makes a difference i'll go back through the others03:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ceilometer: enable v2 api hbase tests
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ayoungjamielennox, just had a thought that got me out of bed.  If we do the binding as an additional token provider, one that is not enabled by default, then we can get it in to Havana.  WHat we have from dolph is the OK that etensions that are not enabled by default are OK past the H2 deadline.  I think that saying you have to explicitly enabling binding in the config file by specifying the provider is actually a good thing for this03:55
ayoungit won;t be an extension, just an alternative token provider.03:55
ayounghaving said that, I am going back to bed03:55
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jamielennoxayoung: but they are so marginally different, we can talk about it later03:56
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lifelessttx: I have a mail in moderation for -dev.04:19
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dongwooi am checking connection of openstack IRC05:09
lluHi guys, looks like all nova check jobs gate-tempest-devstack-vm-*** keep failing on Jenkins.05:09
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llulooks like it can not create volumes in cinder,
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clarkbllu: yeah. from jgriffith the errors there are to blame05:15
clarkband change 36559 should fix it05:15
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lluclarkb: thanks for the info, looks like 36559 got stuck itself :-(05:21
clarkbllu: its not really stuck, just waiting. we are considering bumping it to the top of the queue but that is a little disruptive so that hasn't happened yet05:22
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lluclarkb: sorry, by saying stuck I mean it failed itself.05:24
clarkbllu: it hasn't been tested in the gate queue yet. the failure it had in the check queue is a known issue independent of this05:25
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clarkband that issue unfortunately hasn't been solved05:25
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haneefjamielennox: What should the client do to get bind information in token response?05:46
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ttxlifeless: checking...07:29
ttx"Too many recipients to the message" yes07:30
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lifelessttx: thanks09:25
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jog0so all of jenkins is failing :/
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/oslo-incubator: Revert "Add support for heartbeating in the kombu RPC driver"
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/cinder: Update upper bound of keystoneclient version.
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underplankHi all. I was looking for some guidance on bugs that could be fixed on swift?11:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/glance: Adding store location proxy to domain
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/cinder: Add unit tests for cinder/api/versions
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/oslo-incubator: Add a monkey-patching util for sqlalchemy-migrate
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/neutron: Initial Modular L2 Mechanism Driver implementation.
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matrohonmestery : hi13:08
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deepuhi !!!13:25
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deepuIs devstack cleared out of bug ? can i download and use it for testing ?13:25
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deepubefore two days i was told that there is a bug within horizon, I just wanted to know if I can make use of it now ?13:26
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/cinder: Add support for storing volumes on GPFS
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ceilometer: Update swift pollster to use cache
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perfectsineHas anyone encountered a boot delay on ubuntu instances in grizzly?  Between DHCP and metadata my instance just sits and waits for seemingly nothing then will boot normally.13:55
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simomarkmc: hey I have my securemessage patches basically ready and working for both single and group messages, however I was wondering if we should go ahead and try to push them in oslo-incubator or if I should first port them to the new messaging system14:04
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ayoungrcrit, can I get a code review on  I know it is a bit out of your comfort zone, but I need this to get in before the H2 code freeze, and the more eyes the better14:12
rcritsure I can look14:13
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deepucan someon please say if devstack is running without any bugs ? is it good to install to make use of the openstack servces ?14:15
Adri2000it's good to install a test/dev environment14:15
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deepu<Adri2000>test/dev environment ? where do \i install it from ?14:18
deepuI need to work on horizon#14:18
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burtdeepu: see devstack.org14:18
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ayoungsimo, is your extension patch unchanged?14:19
deepu<burst> ya but installing devstack had a problem before few days I just wanted to know if devstack is free out of bugs ?14:19
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burtI doubt anything in this project is free of bugs14:20
burtI can tell you the best way I found to work was to use vagrant with devstack14:20
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deepu<burt> I am a bit new to openstack could you please tell me what is the exact use in having it along with devstack ?14:24
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deepu<burt>i mean having vagrant along with devstack ?14:24
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stevemaranyone know how to I could view a .md file in my browser with all the fancy formatting?14:28
stevemarI'm just changing it in eclipse14:28
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burtdeepu: I run in a RHEL5/RHEL6 environment (technically Scientific Linux instead of RHEL).  So I've got vagrant provisioning an Ubuntu precise box for me to run devstack in.14:30
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-neutronclient: Don't convert httplib2 exceptions to status codes
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Enable core API-v3 to be optional when unit testing
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Add name arguments to keystone command.
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simoayoung: extension ? you mean the code in keystone contrib ? ?14:45
ayoungsimo, yes.  I was looking for it, but can't find your original14:46
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ayoungsimo, OK, can you squash that and submit it as a draft review to gerrit?14:47
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simoayoung: I thought you wanted to make changes14:47
simoayoung: laso why squashing ?14:47
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simoit's split in 4 patches for easier review14:47
ayoungsimo, I do, but on top of what you have working, and I need to rebase it on top of another change in gerrit as well.  -D option will make it so no one can see it but you, and then add me as a reviewer and I can see it, too14:48
ayoungsimo, you can submit all 4 as -D and they will be linked in gerrit.   Just rebase on top of origin/master first14:48
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simoayoung: shouldn;t we add your patches first ?14:49
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simoor do you want to lay them on top ?14:49
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ayoungsimo, it is easeir for me if the whole thing is in gerrit14:53
ayoungwe can rebase etc after that, and I will have to look at your current code to see where to add my patches14:53
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ayoungsimo, I need to deal with the sql migrations, and that is going to have to build on top of
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simoayoung: so you plan to have that code in sooner ?14:58
simoor should we push my patchset and then you change everything ?14:58
ayoungsimo, the migration work  needs to be done upfront, and that ties in with the extension support.  I'm working on that now.14:59
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simoayoung: so should we hold ?15:00
simoshould we puch for review ?15:00
ayoungsimo, yes. we should push for review.  The two earliest patches in your patchset can go in now, I think15:01
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ayoungAdd crypto dependency  is simple15:01
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ayoungSync-up crypto from oslo-incubator  as well15:01
simoayoung: yes crypto/ is in oslo already15:01
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ayoungcan you submit those two for review?15:02
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simoayoung: ok I will submit those 2 as a separate review15:02
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ayoungsimo, sounds good.  I'll work the extension and migration support from there15:02
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simoayoung: remind me how to push to gerrit ?15:11
simoif I run git review it complains of missing change-Id15:11
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ayoungsimo, does it then generate the changeid in your commit message?15:13
ayoungit should15:13
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ayoungsimo, also, you have no unit tests other than the sql migrate repo.15:13
ayoungis there anything you can use to test this code?15:13
danpbsimo: the first time you run 'git review' in a repo, it includes a commit hook15:13
danpbsimo: next time you commit, it'll add a change-id line15:14
danpbso for that first submission, if you just   git commit --amend, after seeing that git review error, it should add the changeid line15:14
jgriffithmarkmc: boris-42 that impression is correct15:14
simodanpb: ops I deleted the branch already15:14
simowell I'll retry15:15
JordanPor make a git review -s i believe15:15
jgriffithmarkmc: boris-42 personally I see no value in moving something that's in flux in to oslo and using it at this time15:15
markmcsimo, sorry for slowness - I'm happy to add them to oslo-incubator once we have some key distribution mechanism15:15
simodanpb: but it is 2 patches so a simple git commit --amend sound it may not be sufficient15:15
boris-42jgriffith hi15:15
simomarkmc: that is available, it's in keystone15:15
jgriffithmarkmc: boris-42 I would much rather get an agreed upon solution that's stabilized (in whatever project) and then address the oslo quesoin15:15
markmcsimo, oh, it got merged?15:15
simomarkmc: but this is checkin egg, if you wait for it to be in and they also wait for the oslo stuff to be in15:15
boris-42jgriffith all our speech is about only 2 small methods15:16
simoone of the 2 needs to go in first15:16
markmcsimo, is it proposed in gerrit?15:16
simomarkmc: not yet15:16
boris-42jgriffith there are only two stupid generic methods15:16
simoworking on it right now15:16
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boris-42jgriffith so if you would like we could remove it from oslo patches15:16
markmcsimo, ok, once they're both proposed in gerrit we can have both being reviewed and coordinate them all getting merged when we're happy15:16
boris-42jgriffith and add later probably15:16
markmcsimo, add oslo folks to the keystone review and keystone folks to the oslo review15:16
jgriffithboris-42: my take on this wasn't the implemenation or the size of it15:17
markmcsimo, I'd look to merge the oslo stuff if I saw a "yep, this looks like something we want to merge into keystone" comment15:17
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markmcsimo, from dolph and other keystone core devs15:17
simomarkmc: ok15:17
jgriffithboris-42: my issue was the fact that if there's something that folks have already identified as needing changed why do it?15:17
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simomarkmc: so what about the new messaging stuff ? my code is against the classic rpc code15:17
jgriffithboris-42: and if it's just *two* simple methods aren't we wasting more time discussing than just copy/pasting it?15:17
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boris-42jgriffith I spend 41 days already15:18
simodanpb: it added the change-id only to the last patch15:18
markmcsimo, yep, it will need to go in there too - unclear at this point whether it'll make it in havana, I'd say 50/50 chance15:18
jgriffithboris-42: well... you have spent that doing alot of other awesome improvements15:18
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simodanpb: should I put the same change id on both manually ?15:18
markmcsimo, but I'm happy to take on some of that responsibility15:18
boris-42jgriffith yeah but now all tasks that could be done are already finish15:18
simomarkmc: ok15:19
boris-42jgriffith these 2 functions about db archiving don't change anything in code of project where they will be synced15:19
simoI'll start with what I have then we can make some plan15:19
lcheng2jd__: I submitted a patch to bump the upper bound requirements of keystoneclient for ceilometer. When you get the chance can you take a look at: and
boris-42jgriffith so for me it is strange to here something like this=)15:19
boris-42jgriffith we could remove them to avoid all speach15:20
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jd__lcheng: ack15:20
lcheng2I submitted the same patch for other services to bump the version.15:20
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jd__lcheng2: so the plan is to keep an upper bound anyway?15:20
simoayoung: ok I have reviews for the sync from oslo15:21
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lcheng2jd__: for the short term, I just matched what's in openstack-requirements. Going forward, we might be removing the upper bound.15:22
jd__lcheng: fair enough15:22
danpbsimo: no, every patch must have a different change-id15:22
danpbif you accidentally use the same change-id in several patches, gerrit gets itself incredibly confuse !15:22
simoayoung: as for unit tests for keystone I am not sure, can you point me at an example I should follow for that kind of service ?15:22
jgriffithboris-42: well that could be argued either way, I've given my opinion FWIW15:23
simodanpb: I did a git log (note the commit id); git reset --hard HEAD^; git commit --amend; git cherry-pick <noted-id>15:23
jgriffithboris-42: ultimately the decision rests on the oslo team and other project teams15:23
simodanpb: crude, but worked :)15:23
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danpbsimo: git rebase for the win15:24
simodanpb: I did git rebase -i15:24
simodanpb: didn;t do it15:24
simomaybe I should have 'r' each commit15:24
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simodidn't think of that15:24
danpbif you used 'edit' and then commit --amend for each, it would have worked15:24
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simodanpb: yeah haven't thought of trying to 'reword' each commit15:25
simonext time15:25
simodanpb: why git review doesn't do that on its own ?15:25
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markmcsimo, you probably created the commits before gerrit installed the commit hook15:27
markmcsimo, 'git review -s' does the hook install15:27
markmcsimo, it happens automatically the first time you run 'git review' too, but probably only does it for the HEAD patch15:27
markmcsimo, "does it" as in adds a Change-Id after it installs the hook15:27
danpbsimo: probably no one thought it was worth while for this just this small use case15:27
simomarkmc: didn't do it for the HEAD patch either15:28
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simomarkmc: and yeah I run git review only after I have long worked on a patch :)15:29
simodanpb: it's my common case, I wonder how you all work ?15:29
danpbsimo: it is only a problem if you created commits before the commit hook was installed15:29
simoyou start from scratch on a topic branch where you run git review even before starting coding ?15:29
danpbso its a one time problem when you clone a repo15:29
simoyeah this was a clean clone15:29
simowhat's the point of this change-id btw ? why is the commit id not sufficient ?15:30
danpbsimo: commit id changes everytime you ammend the commit15:30
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danpbchangeid is stable across ammends15:30
danpbso it lets gerrit correlate across submissions15:30
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simodanpb: got it, thanks15:31
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simodanpb: so if I want to abandon a review but reuse the same patch in a completely new one all I have to do is to amend out the old change-id ?15:32
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ayoungsimo, that is correct15:34
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_TheDodd_Anyone know if we are currently implementing any form of user login detection?15:59
_TheDodd_IE, is keystone or ceilometer capable of detecting whether or not a user is currently logged into a VM?16:00
_TheDodd_Any thoughts?16:00
jd__nothing does that16:01
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blues-man_TheDodd_, you could use CloudWatch API to set this event and notify someone16:04
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blues-manHeat for example :)16:07
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_TheDodd_blues-man: Interesting. I will look into that.16:12
blues-man_TheDodd_, look at from some example16:13
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_TheDodd_I heard that nebula has implemented something along the lines of "Login State Detection" so that a VM could be shutdown or suspended upon a certain period of inactivity.16:14
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_TheDodd_"Inactivity" of course has a variable meaning, but, being able to automate some action based on whatever you chose to define "inactivity" as, could certainly prove to be useful.16:17
blues-man_TheDodd_, you could set that metric, but I don't know if that nebula feature is available in other ways or there is a work in progress16:17
_TheDodd_blue-man, what do you think about that?16:17
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_TheDodd_What project purview do you think that such an implementation would fall under? Keystone?16:18
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blues-manHeat, they are instance users. Usually it is ec2-user, but custom users are not related in keystone16:19
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_TheDodd_Ahh, I see.16:19
blues-manis an orchestration issue16:19
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dolphmstevemar: reviewing the oauth10a ext... finding a bunch of little issues, but i'm correcting them myself16:29
dolphmstevemar: assuming you don't have a newer version already in progress?16:29
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koolhead17mordred, ping16:32
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_TheDodd_blues-man, I must say, the topic that we were discussing earlier seems to be more in the ceilometer field than anything else.16:45
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_TheDodd_blues-man, do you know what channel they meet on? openstack-ceil, maybe?16:45
_TheDodd_Something like that.16:45
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blues-man_TheDodd_, I agree since ceilometer will substitute cloudwatch16:46
jd___TheDodd_: #openstack-metering16:46
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_TheDodd_Thanks, jd__16:47
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ayounggyee, dolphm,  is the last thing that needs to go in in order to close out split-identity.  Can you guys give it the thumbs up?17:08
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gyeeayoung, looking17:20
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ceilometer: Fix issue with pip installing oslo.config-1.2.0
ayoungrcrit, can you work with the framework here  ?17:28
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rcritI'll look at it17:30
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ayoungsimo, Your reviews look OK, but need the blueprint in the commit message.  Just git commit --amend with blueprint key-distribution-server in the message and resubmit, please17:32
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rcritayoung, I think this will still require username/password17:36
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rcritand the whole auth_system variable seems unnecessary. Seem slike this could be discovered from the plugins17:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/cinder: Fix missing volume_name_template flag.
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zackfCan someone approve this change to nova for me if they have the time, thanks!17:48
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simoayoung: there is no blueprint it is just a sync17:49
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gyeedolphm, can you please take a look at my responses in
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Make compute_api.get() use objects natively
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sirushtihi, is the latest master branch of devstack working? I noticed a recent change to the keystone.conf file which may be causing this18:29
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mordredsirushti: it shoudl always be working, and if not much carnage will happen18:52
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mordredthat sure doesn't look nice though18:53
mordreddtroyer: ^^18:53
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dtroyerI haven't run a fresh one today yet, lemme try18:54
sirushtihehe, i understand, maybe i'm missing something, i'll go check again, i tried it on two different computers just to be sure, got the same error but18:56
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sirushtioops, forgot to tag you mordred18:57
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dtroyersirushti, mordred:  devstack master is running clean for me…19:15
mordreddtroyer: excellent. I will abort my pending panic19:15
burtdtroyer: same here19:15
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sirushtidtroyer, mordred Thanks a lot and terribly sorry, i was running on an older version of keystone19:27
sirushtiand i'd set RECLONE=YES instead of RECLONE=yes19:28
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dtroyer_zzsirushti:  would you mind filing a bug about the RECLONE bit?  We have a function for testing that that properly handles case and true/false, etc. and should be using that more19:32
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sirushtidtroyer_zz, sure19:33
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dolphm_ayoung: get this one in before it needs to be rebased again
dolphm_ayoung: there's several changes that conflict with it19:42
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ayoungdolphm_, done19:47
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ayoungdolphm_, assume you are good with it, is it OK if we merge  ?19:47
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mroddenany oslo cores around that could take a look at ? its code-review +2 already19:53
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ayoungsimo, agains mysql I get (OperationalError) (1071, 'Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes') '\nCREATE TABLE kds_keys (\n\tid VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, \n\t`key` TEXT, \n\textra TEXT, \n\tPRIMARY KEY (id)\n)\n\n' ()20:33
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ayoungsimo changing the migration to   kds_table = sql.Table('kds_keys', meta,20:36
ayoung        sql.Column('id', sql.String(128), primary_key=True),  works20:36
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gyeedolphm_, I found an example in test_sql_upgrade on how to override the config20:56
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dolphm_gyee: awesome, it allows you to "sepcify" config!21:02
ayoungdolphm_,  maybe should be WIP,  and I have no way to test it yet, but I think you will like the concept:21:03
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ayoungdolphm_, here's the question21:03
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ayoungif we have extensions that have their own sql migrations, should those migrations always be run, or only if the extensions are active?21:03
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dolphm_ayoung: ideally, i'd say make end users specify which to migrate, and make them use --all or something to indicate "all migrations for all extensions"21:05
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dolphm_ayoung: that said, new migration histories == go ahead and start using alembic for those?21:05
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gyeedolphm_, yeah, works great, glad you made that suggest21:07
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ayoungdolphm_, does alembic use the same table as the current migration scheme?21:13
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ayoungdolphm_, I'd really rather not have to learn alembic right now if I don't have to.  Is alembic really that much better?21:15
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ayoungdolphm_, I would say that this is not the time to introduce alembic, but rather when we decided to compact the Keystone common migrations, but maybe I am just being lazy21:18
dolphm_ayoung: it has it's own table, and yeah it's a lot better in my tiny bit of experience with it21:19
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dolphm_ayoung: if we're going to create a bunch of new repos, i'd be *very* hesitant to base them on sqlalchemy-migrate21:19
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ayoungdolphm_, hmmmm21:20
dolphm_ayoung: read this section and let me know if you change your mind :P
dolphm_ayoung: (it's not as super magical as the title sounds, but will save you some time and bugs for sure)21:21
ayoungdolphm_, OK,  so it should be fairly easy to get any new migrations off the ground, and we could use the switch over to alembic in order to squash the existing migrations as well.21:22
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dolphm_ayoung: i think we only need to support migrations from 2 releases ago... so folsom->grizzly->havana?21:23
dolphm_ayoung: if we moved to alembic as of icehouse, then that means grizzly->havana [sqlachemy-migrate -> alembic] havana->icehouse21:24
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ayoungdolphm_, yes, and I think we won't have too many more migrations in Havana, so Icehouse makes a nice target21:24
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nachi_ayoung, i rebased the review on top of  as per dolphm comment. When i run the test i am getting migration errors. I have the stack trace in .Could you please take a look and let me know why test is failing?21:37
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ayoungnachi, run git clean -xdf keystone tests and rerun your tests21:39
nachi_ayoung, ok21:39
ayoungnachi_, you may have a phantom migration .pyc file hanging about21:39
nachi_ayoung, Let me try that. thanks21:40
ayoungnachi_, but it might also be File "/home/nachi/workspace/keystone/keystone/common/sql/migrate_repo/versions/", line 32, in upgrade21:40
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nachi_ayoung, i am trying to load the credential table in line 32 and i get the error. When i run the migration test test_import_legacy i observe from the log that the migration is happening from version 2621:43
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nachi_ayoung, is my understanding right21:43
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nachi_ayoung, run  git clean -xdf keystone tests fixed the problem21:45
nachi_ayoung, thanks21:45
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clarkbayoung: is there a particular LDAP server we should be installing onto the jenkins slaves?22:17
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Revert "Sync latest rpc changes from oslo-incubator"
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Use InnoDB for MySQL
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ceilometer: Implement a basic alarm notification service
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ceilometer: publisher.rpc: make per counter topic optional
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ayoungclarkb, OPenLDAP.  Look at the files in the devstack repo.23:01
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Make sure periodic instance reclaims continues on error
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Update v3 servers API with objects changes
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Add _set_instance_obj_error_state() to compute manager
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Move temporary test files into tests/tmp
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/neutron: Be compatible with oslo.config 1.2.0a3+
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