Wednesday, 2013-02-20

gyeeI don't see any get_scoped_token call in test_v3_identity00:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/cinder: Add a safe_minidom_parse_string function.
dolphmgyee: class IdentityTestCase(test_v3.RestfulTestCase)00:01
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gyeeright, but it is essentially using user_foo's scoped token00:02
dolphmgyee: test_create_domain calls which calls self.v3_request() which calls self.get_scoped_token()00:02
gyeebut it is using user_foo's account00:02
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dolphmgyee: i take it you see the issue that needs to be fixed with test coverage then?00:05
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gyeedolphm, I am not sure if we need to lump this all together with token API changes00:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1130429 in testtools "ConcurrentTestSuite silently eats exceptions from run(result)" [Critical,Triaged]00:07
gyeeclearly, there's a bug in policy engine00:07
gyeekeystone.policy.backends.rules: DEBUG: enforce identity:update_user: {'tenant_id': u'bar', 'user_id': u'foo', u'roles': [u'admin', u'_member_']}00:07
gyeekeystone.common.wsgi: WARNING: You are not authorized to perform the requested action: identity:update_user00:07
gyeeuser has admin role00:07
dolphmgyee: if keystone isn't testing it's own tokens against itself, then what's the point?00:07
gyeedolphm, we are testing tokens in test_v3_token00:08
gyeesee the POST /auth/tokens there00:08
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gyeebut we are keep adding pork to this bill00:09
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dolphmgyee: all the v3 tests are designed to dogfood auth, which is supposed to be our core competency00:09
dolphmgyee: bypassing that doesn't get us anywhere00:09
gyeenot bypassing00:10
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gyeesee policy.json, almost all the APIs there need to be admin00:10
gyeeI don't think the bug's in token API00:10
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heckjgyee, dolphm, henrynash: not super critical, but merging in the installvenv fix from oslo upstream for keystone:
lifelesssdague: and
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1130432 in subunit "broken details objects break reporting of errors - invalid stream generated" [Wishlist,Triaged]00:11
lifelessclarkb: ^ both that and the other one I linked to sdague a few minutes back,. FYI no action required.00:12
dolphmheckj: +2'd00:12
gyeedolphm, right now is_admin is dictated by the ADMIN token00:12
dolphmgyee: which is absolutely not a token00:12
dolphmgyee: policy is not exercised, @protected is completely bypassed, and we throw warnings in the logs00:13
gyeewhat I am saying is policy is a separate change being worked on by henrynash00:13
dolphmgyee: yes, that is middleware that should be completely removed in a production environment00:13
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gyeedolphm, what? that's where we are getting the X-Subject-Token00:14
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dolphmgyee: no, it's not -- that's a hack00:15
gyeeyou got me confused00:16
dolphmgyee: useful for perhaps bootstrapping a keystone deployment and then it should be discarded00:16
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dolphmkeystone.conf admin_token is useful for creating a real admin user in keystone, and then you should remove the AdminTokenAuthMiddleware from your pipeline00:16
dolphmgyee: if your deployment is backed by ldap or any other external user store, you should never have it in your pipeline at all00:17
gyeeI am not fan of the ADMIN token either00:17
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Ryan_Lanehow do things work without the admin token?00:22
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Ryan_Lanedoes the admin user need to be in an admin role of every project?00:23
Ryan_Laneor a single project?00:23
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Ryan_Laneadmin token is easy to deal with and is no less secure than a user00:24
Ryan_LaneI'd argue that it's possibly more secure, as when you need to change the credentials, you push it out to every node and you're done. No need to worry about revoking tokens and such00:25
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dolphmRyan_Lane: without the static admin_token, a user with the role defined by your policy.json's "admin_required" rule will be applied across all v2 api calls, which tenant it was granted on doesn't matter, although you could restrict that with policy.json as well00:28
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dolphmRyan_Lane: the v3 API is enumerated call by call in policy.json so that you can be more granular about that stuff00:29
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Ryan_Laneso a role in a single tenant is treated like a global role?00:30
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dolphmRyan_Lane: policy.json's default definition for admin_required doesn't specify a tenant00:45
Ryan_Laneso an admin in any project is an admin everywhere?00:45
dolphmRyan_Lane: according to policy.json default definition of admin_required, yes00:46
Ryan_Lanescary :)00:46
Ryan_Laneis some concept of global roles ever coming back. that's basically what this is00:46
Ryan_Laneexcept a scary version of it00:47
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dolphmRyan_Lane: trying to work towards domain-specific roles to solve that use case00:47
Ryan_LaneI need that badly :)00:47
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henrynashgyee: so unless I have this wrong, if you take out the 'ADMIN' it fails…it seems to because authenticate_for_token is itself protected….and tries to look up the token id…(which of course is indeed invalid)00:48
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Support running periodic tasks immediately at startup
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Ensure user and tenant enabled in EC2
gyeehenrynash, I am having trouble with the policy engine00:49
gyeeuser has 'admin' role00:49
henrynashgyee: the old one I assume?00:50
henrynashgyee: (policy engine that is)00:50
gyeehenrynash, I rebased to the latest code00:50
gyeekeystone.policy.backends.rules: DEBUG: enforce identity:update_user: {'tenant_id': u'bar', 'user_id': u'foo', u'roles': [u'admin', u'_member_']}00:51
gyeekeystone.common.wsgi: WARNING: You are not authorized to perform the requested action: identity:update_user00:51
gyeeadmin role is in the creds AFAICT00:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Ensure rpc result is primitive types.
henrynashgyee: hmm, odd….I didn't have to change any of the formats of any of the test policies when swapping to the new engine….00:53
henrynashso (at least on the surface) the formats are OK00:53
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gyeehenrynash, we were using the ADMIN token all along00:54
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Fix key check in instance actions formatter.
henrynashgyee: are u saying you have removed that now?00:54
gyeeafter switched over to a real token with admin role, all the enforcement are failing00:54
gyeehenrynash, dolphm made me do it00:54
henrynashgyee: right, so I am trying to make it work too.00:55
gyeenow I am stuck00:55
gyeeI feel like that's a separate issue from the token APIs00:55
gyeeclearly this is a separate issue00:56
henrynashgyee: I changed my patch (which is based on yours) to take out the ADMIN token part…and I get a failure which appears to be that the token_authentication api call is itself protected…and is expecting a token id to be already there00:57
henrynashgyee: surely anyone should be able to attempt to get a token…why is it protected?00:57
gyeehenrynash, I've removed the protected decorator for get token00:58
gyeejust use my latest patch00:58
henrynashgyee: ahh…I'm only synced up to version 1200:58
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henrynashgyee: I can't see where we have really tested the protection and policy engine calling before00:59
gyeedamn that policy engine code is pretty hairy01:00
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henrynashgyee: is your latest patch 16?01:04
gyeehenrynash, yep01:04
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henrynashgyee: does that patch really stop using "ADMIN'?   won't is_admin allays be true in v3_request() ?01:08
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gyeeapply dolphm's changes01:09
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gyeehenrynash, definitely something's wrong in the policy engine01:17
gyeenone of the rules seem to be loaded01:17
bodepdI found that to get the folosm version of the tempest smoketests to run I had to remove a directory01:17
bodepdrm -Rvf ./tempest/openstack/01:18
bodepddoes anyone know why this is?01:18
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gyeehenrynash, I found the problem01:25
henrynashgyee: great if you have...01:26
gyeeit was using tests/policy.json01:26
gyeewhich has nothing in it01:26
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henrynashgyee: ahh…in tests I am starting to write, I write a temp policy file…see end of test_v3_identity in my patch:
gyeehenrynash, I still see some test failures01:27
gyeeI think our policy.json file is not currect01:28
gyeeanything that has {*_id} in the rules failed01:28
henrynashgyee: may be true….but of not, we should determine what the differences are….01:28
gyeehenrynash, I basically copied etc/policy.json over to tests01:29
henrynashgyee: but maybe that's because we are not loading the correct things into creeds/target etc.?01:29
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gyeehenrynash, yeah, no domain scoping01:29
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gyeeso far all the group_id tests failed01:30
henrynashgyee: so on that….what is it that is missing?  looking at your code, you seem to be issuing the domain token?01:30
henrynashsure, I will update the protected decorator to pass in the domain_id if it's a domain token01:31
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gyeehenrynash, I didn't implement domain-scope token yet01:31
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/oslo-incubator: Fast serialization of RPC envelopes for Kombu
henrynashgyee: but doesn't your formatting tken code already do that?01:32
gyeegroup_id is not in the token01:33
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henrynashgyee: OK, I gotta hit the sack…its 2:30am here….I'll check in tomorrow see where we are and pick up where what needs doing….send me a note on things that you think need looking at01:36
gyeehenrynash, we're hitting code freeze01:36
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henrynashgyee: not till tomorrow night, we're not01:37
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dolphmgyee: i think your password authentication is broken01:47
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dolphmgyee: either i'm getting auth_info confused with user_info, which would be easy to do because i'm not clear on what auth_info is (i thought it was just the contents of {'authentication': {'password': { ... } } but that doesn't appear to be the case?01:49
dolphmgyee: either that^ or i'm dumb. and in either case i'm probably dumb01:50
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dolphmgyee: it looks like you're trying to follow the code path that my password follows01:50
dolphmgyee: and it seems to be discarded in the password driver01:50
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gyeeauth_info is AuthInfo object01:50
dolphmgyee: err, i'm trying to follow the code path that my password follows*01:51
dolphmgyee: yeah, what is that and why are plugins expected to understand an arbitrary object?01:51
gyeeit's not arbitrary object01:51
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gyeeits auth.controllers.AuthInfo01:51
dolphmgyee: well it's not a dictionary copy of body['authentication'][auth_plugin]01:52
dolphmgyee: why are you passing scope and stuff into the auth driver?01:52
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gyeetake a look at auth.controllers.py01:52
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gyeebecause auth driver needs complete information01:53
gyeeinformation should be available to them01:53
dolphmgyee: define complete, and explain why their own namespace isn't sufficient?01:53
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gyeeit is up to the driver to make use if it, or not01:53
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dolphmgyee: you're absolutely demanding that the driver understand that object01:54
dolphmgyee: and therefore tightly coupling a proprietary driver with our arbitrary object01:55
gyeeI am trying to make it easier for the drivers so they don't have to do other checks01:55
dolphmgyee: you're passing the driver WAY too much information01:55
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gyeeAuthInfo is used for encapsulate the auth body01:56
dolphmgyee: it encapsulates the entire request, not just auth, and especially not just the authentication method's namespace, which is all it needs01:56
gyeedriver needs as much information to determine auth decision01:57
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gyeeI don't see any problem with making that information available01:57
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dolphmgyee: because it's awful and completely out of scope and tightly coupled01:58
dolphmgyee: i'm staring at all the source code and i have absolutely no clue how the password authentication driver works -- absolutely no clue.01:58
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dolphmgyee: that's how complicated it is01:58
dolphmgyee: i can't even tell where to look for the password in the method signature01:59
dolphmgyee: i really expected auth_info['password']02:00
dolphmgyee: really really did02:00
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dolphmgyee: sorry, auth_info['user']['password'] is what i tried first02:04
gyeedolphm, I can change it to just pass the payload if it changes your world view :)02:04
gyeebut I am sure somewhere down the line we need to to amend this to pass more information02:05
dolphmgyee: will that work? because it looks like you're also putting the burden of authorization on the password authentication driver as well by passing it scope, and utilizing it there02:05
dolphmgyee: certainly not scope02:05
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dolphmgyee: or trusts or any other crap that doesn't have to do with authentication02:06
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gyeesome driver may need the scope to make a more informed auth decision02:07
gyeethat's all I am saying02:07
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dolphmgyee: scope is authz, i thought this was authn?02:07
gyeedolphm, who knows, authz and authz line is not very clear sometime02:10
dolphmgyee: which is indicative of completely awful design02:10
gyeeall I am saying is lets have as much information available to the plugins now so we don't have to do it later02:10
dolphmgyee: as a plugin writer, i will write a plugin02:11
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dolphm*never* write a plugin.02:11
dolphmgyee: you will break my driver every time your change AuthInfo02:11
dolphmgyee: you will break my driver every time you rev the API02:11
dolphmgyee: i will not understand the interface i'm supposed to use from AuthInfo02:12
gyeedolphm, would it be helpful if I pass the entire request body?02:12
gyeeinstead of an object?02:12
dolphmgyee: no, it's really not02:12
gyeesame argument right?02:12
dolphmgyee: i have a tiny little slice of the auth request i care about, and that's the namespace of my driver02:13
dolphmgyee: my job is to implement authenticate() in response to that namespace02:13
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gyeedolphm, what if I need to know what methods users has authenticated so far?02:13
gyeewhat if I have drivers which need to be coordinated?02:14
dolphmgyee: what's the use case?02:14
dolphmgyee: an rsa token driver would identify the user by ID and then provide an RSA token value... i don't need any other random contextual information02:15
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dolphmgyee: i'm struggling really hard to come up with a scenario where i'd need the ID of the project I want authorization on in order to determine * who i am *02:18
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gyeedolphm, I can't think of one right now either02:20
gyeebut then by brain is already numb from debugging all day :)02:20
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Added a service heartbeat driver using Memcached.
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ayoungdolphm, I'm back03:04
dolphmayoung: o/03:05
ayoungdolphm, saw your comments on the Auth plugins.  Should I try to get Trusts in first?03:05
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ayoungdolphm, BTW, you've been going a marathon. I have to admit I';m impressed.03:10
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gyeeayoung, dolphm, code free tonight or tomorrow?03:15
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ayounggyee, I think we have time.  ttx is worried about slippage, but gave us the lee way to get your patch and my patch in.03:22
gyeeayoung, still working to get rid of dolphm's nightmare so he can sleep better :)03:23
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ayounggyee, need any help?03:23
gyeeayoung, I am good now, was struggling with the policy engine earlier03:24
gyeeall the tests should be using the *real* token now03:24
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ayounggyee, nice.  I did a siumliar thing with the test_v3_trust.py03:26
ayoungbut that was V203:26
ayoungI'll probably need to update that to what you have03:26
gyeeayoung, I had to make some changes to policy.json03:26
gyeethe one in tests is bogus03:26
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topolgyee, Im around to +1 your authentication stuff but it looks like dolph is the blocker?03:27
ayoungYeah, I bypassed that awhile back03:27
gyeetopol, I am changing it to pass in the auth payload instead of the auth_info object03:28
gyeetopol, also updated the doc to incorporate your comments, thanks for reviewing it03:28
gyeeayoung, if you have some cycle, I could use some help translating a v3 PKI token into a v2 PKI token and vice versa03:30
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topolayoung so I had everything working and now I just tried with the latest keystone and now get this beauty:03:37
topolUnable to communicate with identity service: {"error": {"message": "An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request. {'info': 'domain_id: AttributeDescription contains inappropriate characters', 'desc': 'Undefined attribute type'}", "code": 500, "title": "Internal Server Error"}}. (HTTP 500)03:37
topolwhen trying to add tenants03:38
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topolayoung, any idea who put in self.attribute_mapping['domain_id'] = (03:54
topol            conf.ldap.tenant_domain_id_attribute)  into /opt/stack/keystone/keystone/identity/backends/ldap/
bknudsontopol: you can look this up with blame...03:55
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topolbknudson: THANKS.  It was Henry03:56
topolHe went to bed 2:30am his time03:57
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ayoungtopol, hmmm04:08
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ayoungtopol, this is when I run through the debugger.04:09
ayounggyee, sure04:10
ayoungthe V2 format is kindof ramshackle04:10
ayoungevolved, as it were04:10
topolaroung, is that a nice way of saying we are broken?04:11
gyeeayoung, yeah, this mix v2 and v3 env is dangerous04:11
gyeeI can understand rolling upgrade use case04:11
ayounggyee, I'm not sure that anything other than auth_token should try to deal with both04:11
ayoungand it should have two code paths.  What areyou trying to do?04:12
gyeeayoung, I have two code paths04:12
gyeefor UUID token, we're covered04:12
ayounggyee, for keystone server,  just do the hash and look up in the db04:14
ayounggyee, what exactly are you trying to solve?  Is this policy enforcement?04:16
gyeeayoung, with your patch, we should already do a token lookup instead of CMS04:16
gyeeso we should be fine I think04:16
gyeehas your security patch landed yet?04:17
ayounggyee, hasn't landed yet.04:20
ayounggyee, is that in your way?04:21
gyeeayoung, sort of04:21
ayounggyee, code around it04:21
ayoungjust code as if that patch were applied.04:22
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ayounggyee, is that all?04:25
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topolayoung, I know you are swamped but one question to help me maintain my sanity and then I'll leave you alone.   We can't just do things like  the following in ProjectAPI:04:39
topolself.attribute_mapping['domain_id'] = (04:39
topol            conf.ldap.tenant_domain_id_attribute)04:39
topolwithout understanding that we either map domain_id to something valid in groupOfNames or we put it on the ignore list (which I think would be bad) or do some type of emulator trick like was done for enabled.  Otherwise Im confused as heck :-)04:39
ayoungtopol, hmmmm04:40
ayoungyeah, it needs to be a valida attribute, and group of names is short on that.04:41
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ayoungIt seems to me that each domain should b its own subtree04:41
ayoungAnd the domain ID would be part of the DN topol ?04:41
topolayoung, dunno. we need to shove it somewhere.  or find something friendlier than groupOfNames04:43
ayoungtopol, agreed. Just had a moment of clarity.04:43
topolayoung, you think they will let us fix all this stuff after code freeze via opening bugs???04:43
ayoungDomain are organzational units.  The grouping of projects , users, etc, is all subordinate to domains.  To me, this says that each domain should be a sub tree.  Then ,the domain ID becomes the subtree.04:44
gyeeayoung, we now have v2-v3 token backward compatibility for both uuid and pki tokens at the backend04:44
ayoungand you add it to the CN/DN path04:45
gyeecan't do much for middleware though04:45
gyeethat'll need to be a separate patch04:45
ayounggyee, good enough for server side.  midddle ware goes on a different schedule anyway04:45
gyeeayoung, pushing a patch soon04:45
gyeethat should take care of dolphm's nightmare04:45
ayounggyee, I'm going to turn in soon, and I'll tkae a look in the morning, I'm on Eastern time.04:46
gyeeayoung, I am tired as hell too04:46
ayoungI wonder why04:46
gyeeneed to get food04:46
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ayoungtopol, I don't know how hard it will be to fix domains for LDAP.04:47
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gyeeayoung, I seem to be on Hawaii time even though I am not04:47
ayoungtopol, can you send me a write up of the problem, and I'll use that as a launchboard for writing up the solution?04:48
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topolayoung, sure04:48
topolhave a good night04:48
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topolgyee, Im gonna +1 your dolphm nightmare patch no matter what.  youve definitely earned a "sympathy +1" :-)04:50
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gyeedolphm, patch #17 should take care of your nightmare04:54
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clarkbfungi: ^04:57
* fungi cheers04:59
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enikanorovdanwent: hi. here?05:56
danwentenikanorov: hi05:56
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enikanorovdo you have few minutes to discuss the status of namespace haproxy agent?05:57
danwentenikanorov: sure06:00
enikanorovi'd like to go over key points of what we were agreed on:06:00
enikanorov1) no device scheduling/management06:01
enikanorov2) generic service agent that loads drivers becomes dedicated haproxy agent06:01
enikanorov3) haproxy driver does stuff similar to dhcp regarding device creation:06:01
enikanorovit creates quantum port via quantum client, plugs the interface in the port06:02
enikanorovand startes haproxy within namespace that has that interface06:02
enikanorovthat's the code we're going to give to Mark06:03
danwentmy impression from mark is that the agent wasn't necessarily haproxy specific06:03
danwentbut would be load-balancing specific.  similar to how there is a dhcp-agent, that could have different drivers (dnsmasq, isc-dhcp) that run in the namespace06:04
danwentbut i doubt there's a significant difference in code there06:04
danwenti think you have all of the key points listed above06:04
enikanorovso one concern i have though06:04
enikanorovi saw mark's patch regarding VIP creation and port reservation06:05
enikanorovthat's kinda overlaps with what driver does06:05
enikanorovso currently the workflow is the next:06:05
danwentyeah.. i forget exactly how the dhcp stuff works now, whether the plugin creates the port that is used by the agent, or if the agent actually creates the port.  sounds like the later based on your comments (I'm assuming you've read the code recently)06:06
enikanorovuser creates a pool, that causes the driver to prepare infrastructure: port creation, initial config, etc06:06
enikanorovdhcp call plugin to create a port06:06
danwentin this case, we may want to do something closer to what the l3-agent does06:06
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danwentin which case I think the port is allocated in the plugin (since a specific IP is desired)06:07
danwentit seems valuable to create the port at the plugin, so we can give the user an API error if there is a conflict06:07
enikanorovthe problem in this case is that driver works with single objects06:07
enikanorovand pool goes first06:07
danwentrather than having the call succeed.06:07
enikanorovso once user creates a pool, it goes to the driver06:07
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enikanorovdriver has to do something with it06:08
enikanorovnow it prepares a device (no VIP IP yet!)06:08
enikanorovwhich gets fixed ip06:08
danwentwhy does it need a device if it doesn't have a VIP yet?06:08
enikanorovseems like currently there's no way to pass it back to server / pool06:08
danwentsorry, don't follow06:09
danwentuntil we have a vip, there's really nothing the agent needs to do, is there?06:09
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danwentI'd have to think through the workflow a bit more06:09
enikanorovI'm not sure about this, really06:10
enikanorovit looks like this, at first glance06:10
enikanorovbut anyway06:10
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enikanorovlets consider we create device with a VIP, not pool06:10
enikanorovbut object model requires pool go first06:10
enikanorovso now we need to pass VIP+pool to the driver06:10
enikanorovat VIP creation06:10
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enikanorovi see this may complicate both plugin and driver06:11
danwenti actually dont' think you HAVE to wait until VIP creation.06:12
enikanorovwhat do you mean/06:12
danwentin theory, you could create a namespace with no interfaces06:12
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danwentwhen a pool is created.06:13
danwentis it correct to think of a pool and a namespace as one-to-one?06:13
danwentor can a namespace have multiple pools06:13
danwentas long as they are on the same subnet?06:13
enikanorovin fact, i'd say subnet defines a device06:13
enikanorovthere may be several pools06:13
enikanorovbut i see your point06:13
enikanorovit's a good point :)06:14
danwentseems possible either way06:14
enikanorovbut still I see we don't have to reserve port on the plugin side06:14
enikanorovhere's why:06:14
enikanorovdriver may check if port exists and create another VIP with the same IP, different tcp port06:15
enikanorovand with port creation in the plugin, each new tcp port will cause new device and new process06:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Add support for network adapter hotplug.
clarkbdansmith: ^ success06:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/cinder: Set rootwrap_config in cinder.conf sample.
enikanorovin fact, i think we just move port creation to the VIP creation in the driver. that would allow to achieve the same as marks patch06:16
danwentnot sure I follow.  I agree that the IP logic on vip creation needs to handle the fact that it is OK to have multiple VIPs using the same port + IP pair.06:16
danwent(i guess that implies a per-subnet namespace, since these vips could be on different pools)06:17
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enikanorovnamespace is per subnet, correct06:17
danwenti think what mark wants to do is make sure that the IP isn't in use by something else (e.g., a nova VM)06:17
danwentperhaps now the patch does not properly handle the case that muliple VIPs may need to use the same port06:18
danwenti haven't had a chance to look at it…been to busy with other g-3 reviews :P06:18
enikanorovI see06:18
enikanorovmark was going to put it as limitation - single vip per device :)06:19
danwentwould be good if you could ping him to get his thoughts on whether plugin or agent should do port allocation.06:19
danwentok, sounds like maybe we can be smarter about it.  i'm sure he'd be open to that.06:19
danwentsingle vip per device?06:20
enikanorovwe discussed it a bit yesterday, but i'm not sure we had an agreement :)06:20
danwentwhere device = namespace?06:20
enikanorovdevice = port, i'd say06:20
enikanorov(and namespace, yes)06:20
danwenti'd be surprised if that is what mark was thiniking… as even dhcp + l3-namespace support multiple IPs per port.06:21
danwentbut i think he was thinking that we might limit an IP address to a single VIP06:21
danwentbut it sounds like we can make the "is this IP allocated?" check a bit smarter to get around that.06:21
danwentbtw, do you guys have WIP code mark and I could take a look at?  it sounds like we're 90% on the same page, but it woudl be good to make sure.06:22
enikanorovwe're going to give it to you at the end of our day (since it's night for you anyway)06:23
enikanorovso you could continue the work or comment on it06:23
danwenthaha, fair enough.  i'm pretty tired of looking through code after reviewing all day anyway06:23
enikanorovi think the most convenient would be to put in on gerrit onder corresponding blueprint06:23
enikanorovdraft review06:23
danwentyeah, having something where we could comment would be nice.06:24
danwentlike i said, i don't care who writes the code, as long as we're on the same page that its a design we all support.06:24
enikanorovsure. ok, thanks06:24
danwentdid mark ping you at all today after you email this morning? i'm worried that we're already duplicating efforts a bit.06:24
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henrynashdolphm, gyee: henry back on after 4 hours kip, how can I help with stuff (its early morning here in Europe)06:26
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enikanorovno he didn't yet06:35
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k4n0For my  review , unit tests passed in one patchset, and now they are failing for a different patchset with no changes to the code07:07
k4n0any help?07:07
clarkbk4n0: looks like another database migration with the same number snuck in07:08
clarkbyou will need to increment your number up to the next free available number07:08
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clarkbk4n0: I would rebase atop master to make sure you get the right number07:09
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k4n0I have rebased with latest master and fixed the migration number issue then resubmitted another patchset, i was watching the jenkins gate logs , it is failing because mysql is unable to create an index too long07:12
k4n0But the same tests passed yesterday on jenkins07:13
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clarkbk4n0: so yesterday a change snuck in that broke some of the unittests (they were not run) it is possible that you were affected by that07:14
k4n0can you please link me to  that change?07:14
clarkbk4n0: I don't have it available currently and it has been fixed07:15
k4n0Anyways this issue is regarding mysql on the jenkins gate environment, (OperationalError: (OperationalError) (1071, 'Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes') 'CREATE INDEX key_pair_user_id_name_idx ON key_pairs_tmp (user_id, name)' ()07:15
clarkb notice that only ~4500 tests were run then07:15
clarkband now you should be close to ~510007:15
k4n0this issue doesnt come up on my local testing environment07:15
clarkbk4n0: that test only runs if you have a mysql server running locally with a special account and DB present07:16
clarkbit will not run at all if you don't have that configured in your test environment07:16
k4n0Well this test "test_mysql_opportunistically" did run for my patch on jenkins07:16
k4n0my patch is adding a migration for key_pairs table.07:16
clarkbyes jenkins is configured to run this test07:17
clarkbhwoever, your local test environment probably isnt07:17
clarkbwhich would explain why you don't have this failure testing in your local test env07:17
k4n0I have ran this specific test on my local test env07:18
k4n0And how is it possible that these tests passed for the earlier patchset?07:18
clarkbk4n0: because the earlier patchset was affected by the cahnge that broke testing07:18
clarkbthe migration test was never run in taht case07:19
clarkbnow that that problem has been corrected you are seeing the failure07:19
k4n0ohh, i see07:19
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clarkbk4n0: may explain why it passes locally07:19
clarkbit should be counted as a skipped test07:20
k4n0I just ran the test again on my local test env, (nova.tests.test_migrations.TestMigrations.test_mysql_opportunistically ... ok07:20
k4n0) , i have created all the required databases and user and password, the test was not skipped07:20
clarkbmaybe it is a mysql config difference then?07:20
k4n0I am aware that it is skipped if your dont create the "openstack_citest" db and username.07:20
k4n0Do you know what mysql version does jenkins test on?07:21
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clarkbk4n0: whatever is available in ubuntu precise07:21
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clarkbpython 27 runs on precise and python 26 on oneiric so whatever version is availabe on those two distros07:21
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k4n0i am running ubuntu precise, i have installed mysql from default packages07:23
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clarkbk4n0: I think the jenkins DB is using utf8 as the charset07:25
clarkbif you are not using utf8 that may result in different lengths for the key depending on its types07:26
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k4n0I will confirm about utf8 on my local env07:26
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k4n0Btw, this is mysql client version (mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.24, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.2) , server (Server version: 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu))07:27
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k4n0@clarkb , i ran the test with utf8 as default charset for mysql client and server, created new db with utf8 as default charset. "nova.tests.test_migrations.TestMigrations.test_mysql_opportunistically" passed ok07:51
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clarkbI am all out of ideas then07:52
k4n0what storage engine does jenkins mysql use?07:53
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clarkbNachi: ^ there we go :)07:55
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rozhi all, nova unit tests are broken? I can see errors about cfg and precisely from oslo.config import cfg10:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/cinder: Update cinder-manage to use FLAGS.log_dir.
ttxroz: hmm, it's a side-effect of using the oslo-config library... don't know what's the workaround though10:38
ttxroz: markmc should be up any moment and be able to help you10:38
rozttx: thanks I am waiting for markmc10:39
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bennerit seems that Firefox 19 can't parse some horizon javascript and get error: SyntaxError: invalid increment operand (function(){||("ui-id-"+++n)})},removeUniqueId:function()). Chrome 24 is OK10:40
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ttxbenner: could you file a bug about that ?
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zingroz: there was some stuff on mailing list a few days ago about it10:51
zingmight help10:51
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rozzing: thanks for that10:56
mordredttx: are you talking about the install-venv-uses-cfg thing?10:57
mordredttx: I just started hacking on that code on the plane and noticed that it was doing that ... want to talk to markmc myself10:57
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ttxmordred: yeô10:58
mordredttx: and then I'd REALLY like to schedule a summit session to talk about the seventy-bazillion different ways we think about venvs around here and if perhaps all of them could do with scaling back10:58
bennerttx: i did litle more investigation. after JS compression "("ui-id-"+ ++n)})" becames "("ui-id-"+++n)})". Maybe it's not realy dashboard bug but django?10:58
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ttxbenner: they should be able to sort out responsibility on the bug10:59
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koolhead17GheRivero: hey there11:05
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bennerok, filed bug:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1130610 in horizon ""SyntaxError: invalid increment operand" when parsing JavaScript using Firefox" [Undecided,New]11:09
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alexxusalv-orlando, ping11:26
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salv-orlandohi alexxu11:33
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alexxusalv-orlando, Hi! thanks for your review for pagination! There is pagination client side code waiting for review. Would you help review it if you have time?11:33
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alexxusalv-orlando, but I asked gongyh, It needn't merged before feature freeze, I also can file bug for it, and review it at RC11:34
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salv-orlandoalexxu: indeed. I am spending my time now on gongysh and zyluo patches11:36
salv-orlandoWe should be able to merge your client side (and XML support) patches soon11:36
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alexxusalv-orlando, I think xml support and client side code isn't big, we can review it at RC. We can spend more time for help gongysh and zyluo.11:37
salv-orlandoyes - actually I wanted to ask you if can kindly file a lp bug for the XML support patch, target to RC-1, and then change the commit message?11:38
alexxusalv-orlando, sure, I will file bug and change the log11:39
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k4n0@sdague , please review
k4n0and any other core reviewers too11:43
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boris-42sdague: Hi12:11
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sdagueboris-42: hey12:28
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boris-42sdague: probably we should use in 21415 patch set common code for dropping non unique rows?12:41
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k4n0Hi @boris-42  we are renaming duplicate keypairs , not dropping them.12:50
k4n0this was suggested by @sdague12:50
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sdagueboris-42: feel free to put that on the comments12:53
sdagueI'm ok either way12:53
boris-42k4no, sdague I am not sure that this is good approach, because DBA will have a lot of work after this migration.. to remove all keys...12:53
boris-42all rows*12:53
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k4n0i think dropping key_pairs will cause more inconvience to the user who is using them to access vm's, renaming them doesnt disrupt their access to vm's using those keypairs12:54
boris-42In both cases could wait a little bit, I want to take a look at migration script.. but currently I am busy..12:54
boris-42k4no: Ok12:55
sdagueboris-42: ok, so flag the review with a -1 for now saying you want to look12:55
sdaguethen remove the -1 later if you are ok with it12:55
boris-42I have already flag it=) but there is bug typo=)12:55
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k4n0pushing fixes for the typo12:55
boris-42k4no: Ok so I am also for this approach12:55
boris-42k4n0 just wait my review pls=)12:56
k4n0@boris-42 your review ?12:56
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boris-42k4n0 yes13:00
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k4n0I pushed new patch with fixes for typo and added comments suggested by sean13:01
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mordredmarkmc: ola!13:09
markmcmordred, yo13:09
mordredmarkmc: I'm in your timezone - so I can terrorize you more soundly13:11
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markmcmordred, that sounds like a terrible idea13:11
mordredmarkmc: such a good idea13:11
markmcmordred, what's up?13:12
mordredmarkmc: anywhoo... I started poking at the idea of taking the various python stuff we have in tools/ from nova and oslo-incubator and making an actual installable project with it13:12
mordredmarkmc: (needed plane hacking)13:12
mordredmarkmc: which caused me to actually look at install_venv.py13:13
mordredbefore I get too far down that road - I wanted to touch base with you on the idea at all13:13
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markmcmordred, sounds good, with the usual caveat about compat13:13
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markmcmordred, once it's an installable thing that projects depend on, you can't break things anymore :)13:14
markmcmordred, wrt ... why does it even exist anymore ?13:14
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mordredI have no idea13:14
markmcmordred, doesn't tox do the same thing?13:14
mordredit does13:14
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markmcok :)13:14
mordredI plan on doing a summit session on virtualenv management stuff13:14
sdaguemarkmc: so.... python ../nova no longer works?13:14
sdagueImportError: No module named oslo.config13:15
markmcsdague, yeah, you need oslo-config installed13:15
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markmcsdague, maybe re-instate and have it install oslo-config in a venv ?13:15
sdaguemarkmc: so I have to install to my global env?13:15
markmcsdague, right13:15
sdaguemarkmc: yeh, it would be nice if we could do it in a venv13:15
sdaguegiven that the rest of our tooling seems to do that13:16
markmcsdague, well, look at the I deleted13:16
markmcsdague, would be trivial to stick a 'pip install' of the oslo-config tarball in there13:17
markmcsdague, in place of the 'python install'13:17
sdaguemarkmc: right, and because oslo-config isn't on pypi, you can't just install it right now13:17
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markmcsdague, 'yum install python-oslo-config' works fine on Fedora :)13:17
sdaguemarkmc: yeh, well :P13:18
sdagueseems like we are in a lot of dark magic here13:18
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sdagueok, let me look at restoring the .sh13:18
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markmcsdague, dark magic?13:18
mordredhave I mentioned that the bootstrap-working-environment task is actually really hard?13:18
sdaguejust that no one that doesn't deeply understand oslo can run the update script right now13:19
* mordred says this continually facing wanting a self-sufficient without copying stuff13:19
markmcsdague, it's hardly rocket science :)13:19
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sdaguemarkmc: not saying it's rocket science, just not documented :)13:19
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mordredmarkmc: wait - isn't all of openstack technically rockscience because of the nasa background?13:19
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markmcsdague, bah, who reads docs :)13:19
sdaguewell, usually not me.... but even when I fell back to the README it wasn't helpful :)13:20
markmcsdague, patches for,, the docstring in ... all welcome :)13:22
sdaguemarkmc: yep, working on it13:22
markmcsdague, thanks for pointing it out, hadn't thought of the thing until you said it13:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Fix hacking test to handle namespace packages.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Documentation cleanups for nova devref
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dimssdague, one more victim of oslo-config -
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Fix inaccuracies in the development environment doc.
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1130669 in cinder "./ returns immediately without error" [Undecided,New]13:26
sdaguehmmm... now I'm confused13:26
sdaguemarkmc: so oslo has no equiv script?13:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Make  ComputeTestCase.test_state_revert faster
pcm_[devstack] Dumb question… if I create a user and give them member role for a project, shouldn't I then be able to log in as said user?13:31
markmcsdague, what's I use tox13:31
sdaguemarkmc: it's just an activate wrapper13:32
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markmcsdague, yeah, but what's the issue?13:32
sdague - that doesn't work, but I'm out of my depth on venv13:32
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sdaguemarkmc: the venv still isn't found13:32
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markmcsdague, you want to use the tools/pip-requires venv for running ?13:32
sdaguemarkmc: that seems like the thing to do, no?13:32
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markmcsdague, commented in the review13:34
mordredmarkmc, sdague: the tl;dr on my summit "let's talk about venv stuff" session is - we've built up wrappers for standard python things, and I think some of the wrappers are themselves getting too complex13:34
markmcsdague, the idea is that would have its own tiny venv with just oslo-config installed13:34
mordred(have been, but let's be generous)13:34
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Fix leak of loop/nbd devices in injection using localfs
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sdaguemarkmc: there, that should work13:41
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sdaguemarkmc: oh, there is a spelling error in a comment on that, let me fix13:44
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k4n0@sdague, @boris-42, Nova-core , please review
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ttxdolphm: good morning. awaits your review pleasure.13:53
mordredmarkmc: there's a first stab13:57
markmcmordred, cool, looks good13:57
mordredmarkmc: I'm going to go back and do a git history split so it doesn't look like I wrote everything13:58
markmcmordred, yeah, I used git filter-branch to do that13:58
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markmcmordred, each of the cmd modules should probably only publicly expose the main() function13:58
markmcmordred, everything else private13:58
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mordredalso - there were a bunch of nova-isms that were still lurking in install_venv that I removed - I'll send those in as a patch to oslo-incubator so that we can get review on that13:59
mordredmarkmc: you mean via __all__ - or just via _ prefixes?13:59
markmcmordred, either is fine by me13:59
mordredgood call13:59
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* ttx would like a few more patches in before relaxing the review rules, but we are on a good slope14:02
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icchajk0: around? if you got time can you look at
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ayoungdolphm, looking at your comments on the password plugin "i still find conditionally modifying the user context to be incredibly confusing. don't pass in user_context and instead expect the plugin to return a user_id as a string"14:24
mordredmarkmc: is there a way to use filter-branch to graft the history of a file into oslo-incubator?14:24
mordredmarkmc: I know how to use it to split a repo14:24
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ayounghow would you expect this to work?  It looks like the plugins need to make additional context avaialble.14:25
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ayoungbut it cannot be definitive14:25
ayoungdolphm, so I think it has to be conditional.  What would you prefer14:26
dolphmayoung: all an authentication plugin needs to do is identify the user? i don't understand the condition at all -- either the plugin identifies the user, or it fails for some reason, and raises an exception explaining why14:26
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ayoungdolphm, maybe.  I'm not sure about the exception part.  I see it as a chain-of-responsibility pattern:14:28
ayoungso each plugin gets a swipe, and either says "yes" or "punt"14:28
ayoungbut what does it mean to say "yes"?14:28
dolphmayoung: well, either identify the user or not -- i prefer raising exceptions because it provides better feedback to the user14:28
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kashyapayoung, continuing the conversation: changing the port to 5000 doesn't bring me any new info:14:29
ayoungdolphm, so, think of it like an old SCSI cable.  You need a terminator cap.  IN this case, it would be aplugin that says "nothing found, exception"14:29
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ayoungkashyap, does keystone_admin have access to that tenent?14:29
kashyapayoung, I still get the same info, when I run keystone tenant-list14:30
kashyapayoung, how do I figure that ?14:30
ayoungkashyap, run with --debug to make sure you are going to 500014:30
dolphmayoung: there's not a "yes" so much as a "the user in the request is X"14:30
ayoungdolphm, right.  By"yes" I meant that the plugin found the user and provides an authoritative answer14:31
icchaeglynn_: can you take quick look at this if you have got time, thanks14:31
ayoungdolphm, lets say there are two plugins, and ldap one and a database one, in that order.14:31
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ayoungSo a request comes in, and the LDAP one looks for the user, but doesn't find it14:31
ayoungso it passes the request on to the database one,14:32
ayoungsay, for a service user14:32
dolphmayoung: and that answer should simply be the identity of the user? i don't understand what you're advocating14:32
kashyapayoung, there we go: the request/response with --debug :
dolphmayoung: sure, i'd love to support this example so far14:32
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ayoungdolphm, well, we need to determine if it is just user, or user and roles, but lets say just user for now14:32
dolphmayoung: it's not an authentication plugin's responsibility to determine authorization14:33
ayoungdolphm, so, the question is whether the password plugin as written should look to see if the ID is in the context already.  I suspect the answer is no14:33
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ayoungdolphm, understood.  Just a question of efficienty, making one remote request instead of two, to get the subjects along with the principal14:34
ayoungbut it probably needs to be two requests anyway, so the question is moot14:34
ayoungso I would argue that the plugin  should lookup the user and return it or return None.  THen we iterate through the plugins to find one that doesn't return None. If we come to the end of the list, Unauthorized.14:36
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danpbttx: any idea who is in charge of Swift Team blog postings ?14:38
danpbsomeone published a posting dated December 201314:38
danpbwhich is going to get stuck on top of for a whole year unless someone fixes the date14:39
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dolphmayoung: "should lookup the user and return it" the user will *always* have to be looked up, so i'd rather not put that burden on the driver (remember, we have to filter the user ref and all that)... yes, it's easy when the auth driver is already talking to SQL, but if the auth driver wants to talk to a completely different system, it shouldn't *also* have to go look up a user ref in SQL if it doesn't need to14:39
* ttx looks14:39
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ttxdanpb: "SwiftStack Team". That would be notmyname14:39
ttxdanjared: He always thinks forward.14:39
danpbnotmyname: ping ^^14:39
dolphmayoung: totally agree with the rest, and i was toying with implementing that last night before feature freeze -- i'd like to see multiple auth drivers providing a single authentication method just like you described14:40
dolphmayoung: and that's how i ran into all these issues with the yesterday's design14:40
joearnolddanpb: hey, sorry about that.14:40
joearnolddanpb: we use octopress, so it's easy to mess up. fixing.14:40
eglynn_iccha: looking ...14:41
dolphmayoung: it was really difficult to write a trivial auth plugin that just said "yes, here's the user" no matter what the request was. that sucks.14:41
eglynn_iccha: looking ...14:41
danpbjoearnold: no problem - someone pointed me at it and asked if i could tell the right people14:41
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dolphmayoung: all i wanted to do was check for a specific hardcoded password and return whatever user ID was in the request... i expected that to be like 2 lines... if req['user']['password'] = 'secret': return req['user']['id']14:43
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joearnolddanpb: oh right, he mentioned this to me.... He thought he fixed it with an alias as his initial post had the wrong date. Removing. Apologies.14:47
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kashyapayoung, this listed it: nova list --all-tenants14:48
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kashyapayoung, so, it looks like: as tuser1 & admin are on different tenants. I must use --all-tenants to list images from both the tenants14:49
icchaeglynn__: thanks14:49
ayoungkashyap, sounds right.14:49
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kashyapayoung, thanks for the info14:50
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ayoungkashyap, now pass it on14:50
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ayounghenrynash, topol, can you please take a swipe at the trust patches:15:26
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henrynashayoung: yep15:26
dolphmtopol: henrynash: ayoung: if you happen to see gyee get on, have him ping me15:27
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ayoungdolphm, he was active yesterday, but sayed of IRC.  I'll see if I can find him some oither way15:27
dolphmayoung: no worries, i'll just email him then15:28
dolphmayoung: thanks for the heads up15:28
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ayoungdolphm, on Trusts, I can rebase it off of the current HEAD on master and resubmit.  I assumed that V3 would be going in first, but there is no reason for that.15:29
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dolphmayoung: don't you need v3 auth to implement trusts?15:30
ayoungdolphm, I realize you've been battling the auth API, and so I assume you havn't had time to look at the Actual trust patch15:30
ayoungdolphm, no15:30
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ayoungdolphm, trusts is doing v2 tokens15:30
ayoungI'll do v3 tokens and trusts afterwards15:30
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ayoungI didn't have enough to work with before15:30
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dolphmayoung: so, your working on a deprecated API?15:30
ayoungI'm OK with a partial implementation15:30
ayoungdolphm, only for authenticate.15:31
ayoungdolphm, I wrote it in December.15:31
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ayoungdolphm, but the services are not going to be ready to consumer V3 tokens until we update the client code anyway\15:31
dolphmayoung: and i assume you haven't documented your api changes there either?15:31
dolphmayoung: v3 client code is up as WIP15:32
ayoungdolphm, the documentation currently only lives in V3, that is correct, but it is the same in V215:32
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ayoungnamely, the location of the trustId in the request, and the location of the trust data in the token15:32
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dolphmayoung: v2 is a different API, it's not "the same" at all15:33
dolphmayoung: it's currently documented with openstack/identity-api right next to v315:33
ayoungdolphm, creating and managing the trusts is a V3 api.  authenticate in v2 and v3 differ in the format of the token and the name of the url15:33
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dolphmayoung: yes, you're impacting the v2 public and admin API's in a significant way that must be documented15:34
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ayoungdolphm, that is fine.  Take a look at the patch regardless15:36
dolphmayoung: i'd suggest going v3 only, personally as i don't see it being worth the effort15:36
ayoungdolphm, no, the need is for V215:36
ayoungdolphm, until we get v3 support across the board, people will be consuming v215:37
ayoungdolphm, you cna change a service to know about trusts and create tokens based on them, and then all of the things that consume v2 tokens work as previously documented.  That was the plan from the get-go15:38
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dolphmayoung: yes, you're impacting the v2 public and admin API's in a significant way that must be documented15:39
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ayoungdolphm, well, I did write the spec back in October, according to what was the work flow at the time.15:40
zykes-how goes v3 stuffs dolphm ?15:40
ayoungso, yes, it is not in the repo, but it has been on the wiki for months15:40
dolphmayoung: really? because i've never seen it up for review15:40
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ayoungdolphm, been on the blueprint15:40
dolphmayoung: great you should put it up for review on the actual documentation15:41
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ayoungdolphm, and I will, but it is code freeze yesterday/today, not doc freeze.  Please look at the patch.15:41
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dolphmayoung: no, i REALLY doubt you ever will -- i asked you do document your api changes 6 months ago related to PKI and just found out yesterday you never did that either15:42
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ayoungthe token revocation list?  Yeah, it has been on my todo list prior to Grizzly going out the door, just hadn't made it top priority15:44
ayoungI really, really was hoping to get rid of it with trusts and short term tokens, but that is a diffferent story15:44
dolphmayoung: token revocation list, 'expired_at', who knows what else15:44
dolphmayoung: you added an undocumented field to the token15:45
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ayoungah, you mean the issued_at?15:45
dolphmayoung: yes15:45
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ayoungdolphm, It was my understanding on that one that we didn;t want people counting on it, as it was bascially a technical tool to make  sure that each token was unique.15:46
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ayoungSo, unless the docs said "don't count on this being there" ...but point taken15:47
dolphmayoung: you changed the api, i asked you to document it under exactly these conditions, and trusted you to do so, and you didn't15:47
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ayoungdolphm, OK,  I'm willing to eat crow on that.15:48
ayoungI'll go and resubmit the trust API with the changes to the V3 tokens in it, and I'll post a WIP for the other API changes today15:48
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ayoungbut...I'm more concerned with what you will find on the trust review, and so far it hasn;t had any in depth review.15:50
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dolphmayoung: how close is the implementation to the current identity-api review for trusts?15:55
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dolphmayoung: it's generally difficult to review an api implementation without first reviewing and understanding the api15:56
ayoungdolphm, if there are deviations it is unintentional.15:56
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ayoungdolphm, the one detail that someone pointed out to me out of band and that I included on the last review (and I will update on the API review now) is that the expiry fo the token should not be longer than the expiry on the trust.15:57
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dolphmayoung: cool15:58
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gyeedolphm, ayoung, are you guys working on the token APIs patch?15:59
gyeedo I need to wait on anything?15:59
jgriffithmarkmc: ping15:59
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ayounggyee, V3 auth has been reviewed16:00
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ayounggyee, question for yo16:00
ayoungwhy were you checking if the userId was already in the context?16:01
ayoungshouldn't the password plugin be authoritative on putting it in there?16:01
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gyeeayoung, because user_id has to come from the plugins16:01
gyeeI need to check if other plugin has already set it16:01
ayounggyee, yeah, but if it did, why would you ever call the password plugin in then?16:02
ayounggyee, for example, if REMOTE_USER set it, wouldn't that be enough?16:02
gyeein case there's a chain of plugins specify in the methods16:02
gyeeREMOTE_USER doesn't involve plugins16:02
ayounggyee, so you always execute all plugins in the chain?16:02
gyeeif REMOTE_USER is set, no plugin will be involed16:03
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ayounggyee, I would think we would want a REMOTE_USER  plugin16:03
gyeeayoung, yes, all plugins are invoked in the order specified in methods16:03
dolphmgyee: why not be done with a plugin identifies the user??16:03
ayounggyee, OK, so I agree with dolph on this16:04
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ayoungit is chain of responsibility design pattern16:04
gyeedolphm, uh multi-factor?16:04
ayounggyee, multi facter won't say "yes"16:04
rozI am writing missed XML samples for documenting an existing API extensions. It's not clear to me if in the template for the requests I have to use attributes or elements? is there a way to understand which one is correct looking at the code?16:04
gyeebut it should also check to make sure the user_id is the same as everyone's had authenticated16:05
ayounggyee, I see your point, but MF should say "I've taken my swipe, but I can't say yes, pass it on"16:05
ayounggyee, that is a different rule16:05
dolphmgyee: oh, adam and i have been talking about mutliple plugins supporting the same method (say, 2 password plugins) -- i was thinking about that scenario (you wouldn't ask the second plugin to auth if the first one already did)16:05
gyeeayoung, correct, but if the user_id is different then the one you are expecting, you should error out16:05
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gyeedolphm, for MFA, all the plugins at to arrive at the same conclusion16:06
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gyeeotherwise, there's no point of allowing more than one method at a time16:07
ayounggyee, ok,  I think MFA should be possible, but that logic should be encapsulated in the MFA plugins themselves.16:07
ayoungLets do it straight CofR16:07
gyeeI think the current design is adequate16:07
ayoungeach plugin can either end the chain successfully (yes, ID is set) or pass it on to the next level of the chain, or end the chain (definitely no)16:08
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gyeeayoung, plugin should not end an authentication chain16:08
gyeefor Havanah, we can enhanced to allow user to configure the plugin as either "required" or "sufficient", just like PAM16:09
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gyeebut we have to start somewhere :)16:09
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alaskiroz: I've typically seen attributes over elements except when it requires it.  If the json has a dict that would translate to an element, otherwise key:value pairs are typically attributes.16:10
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ayounggyee, ok  I see where you are going.16:12
alaskiroz: /win 1716:12
rozalaski: thanks for your response, I am working on the change you reviewed. it's not clear to me if both versions work or if depends on how the API has been designed16:13
alaskiroz: that's a good question, and I've never tried two different ways.  I always go for attributes first, and from what I've seen that's how a lot of other samples do it.16:14
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ttxayoung/gyee/dolphm: would be great to nail over the next couple of hours. This was supposed to go in yesterday :)16:16
rozalaski: ok I'll do the same and maybe I'll try to do some additional tests16:16
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ttxayoung/gyee/dolphm: any blocker ?16:16
gyeettx, no blocker, just nitpickings16:16
ayoungttx, read up16:16
ayoungwe were just discussing, trying to get it clear16:16
ayoungttx, and even dolphm needs to sleep at least 45 minutes a night16:17
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ttxnah. That's a bad habit16:17
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gyeeayoung, pop a few cans of those red cows and we only need 45 mins of sleep :)16:19
dolphmgyee: i swear there's something wrong with the password plugin's password checking :(16:19
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gyeedolphm, what are you finding this time?16:20
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dolphmgyee: i'm trying to drop default_fixtures from the v3 tests, which means creating an admin user to use for the test16:21
dolphmgyee: essentially just changing the role that's created to be called 'admin'16:22
dolphmgyee: anyway, sql.authenticate fails when called by the password plugin16:22
gyeedolphm, did you clear the plugins in your tearDown?16:23
dolphmgyee: i didn't change any tear downs, but the comment also doesn't explain why they need to be discarded?16:24
gyeedolphm, see the tearDown from test_v3_auth16:24
ayoungdolphm, agreed on the fixture cleanup.  I think we should do that across the board, V2 as well as V3 tests.16:24
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dolphmgyee: why are auth plugins reset?16:33
gyeedolphm, python __import__ black magic I guess16:33
gyeetests are run in a single process16:33
davidkranzdolphm: Is v3 fully enabled in the current devstack gate configuration?16:33
gyeewhen we clear the db, the __import_ modules ended up with an identity_reference which has no data16:34
gyeeidentity_api reference16:34
davidkranzdolphm: We want to get some new v3 tests in Tempest online.16:34
dolphmdavidkranz: the api is available, but not utilized at all16:34
dolphmdavidkranz: except for v3 auth, which we're trying to merge right now16:34
dolphmdavidkranz: which is obviously important16:34
davidkranzdolphm: Well, some tempest tests want to utilize it :)16:35
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dolphmdavidkranz: i'm looking forward to that :)16:35
davidkranzdolphm: Can you ping me when auth is merged? I think that is part of our problem.16:35
dolphmgyee: the roles attribute in the auth response doesn't match spec16:35
dolphmdavidkranz: sure16:36
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gyeedolphm, what's missing?16:36
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dolphmgyee: it's not what's missing, its that there's too many attributes16:37
dolphmgyee: actually links are missing, but that can be a bug16:37
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dolphmgyee: i would manually build the list of roles and only include the id and name attribute [{'id': r['id'], 'name': r['name']} for r in role_refs]16:38
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gyeedolphm, ok16:38
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gyeedolphm, for the roles, I just grep the list from identity_api16:39
dolphmgyee: same goes for some other elements -- you don't need to provide enabled=true for anything, because it would have raised 401 if disabled16:39
gyeeI just get them straight out of identity_api16:40
gyeemaybe we need to add a filter?16:40
dolphmgyee: there's also an "extra": {} that's slipping into the response somehow16:40
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gyeeextra is there in the spec16:40
gyeedid you remove it?16:40
dolphmgyee: well, the filters blacklist certain attributes -- i'd prefer whitelisting ones16:40
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dolphmgyee: uhh, if i saw an "extra" i definitely assumed it was an accident16:41
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dolphmgyee: also "services" should be "catalog"16:41
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dolphmgyee: "issued_at" doesn't match "expires", and including "issued_at" was downvoted by heckj in the follow up review16:42
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dolphmgyee: all these random attributes will just cause additional bloat for pki tokens16:42
gyeeissued_at are not supposed to match expires16:43
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gyeeI took the same code from tokens16:43
dolphmgyee: "issued_at" should either be renamed to "issued" or "expires" should be renamed to "expires_at"16:43
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gyeedolphm, did you change the spec?16:44
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dolphmgyee: "issued_at" is not in the spec16:44
dolphmgyee: and i did not change "expires"16:44
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gyeedolphm, so what should I do, change issued_at to issue?16:47
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dolphmgyee: that's a minor issue compared to the massive discrepancies between what you're returning and what the spec illustrates16:48
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dolphmgyee: you're returning this:
dolphmgyee: the spec illustrates this:
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dolphmgyee: i used null where the attribute totally isn't included in the current response16:50
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ayoungdavidkranz, as far as examples of how to consume the v3-auth API, see this review
arosenhi garyk pong16:52
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ayoungfor identity and the otherssee the corresponding files in github....16:52
ayoungdavidkranz, those are really getting onto the line between Keystone and Tempest responsibility.16:53
ayoungthe basic set up for the tests is in tests/text_v3.py16:53
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davidkranzayoung: Yes, it is getting to be an issue as Tempest wants to be an acceptance test and projects have functional testing as part of their unit tests.16:54
davidkranzayoung: We don't want duplication of effort.16:54
ayoungdolphm, I went the path of only inlcuding role names.  I was worried that the role IDs and role assignment IDs might get confused16:54
davidkranzayoung: The issue at the moment though is that Tempest is not yet set up to test v2 and v3 in the same run, partly due to v3 auth not yet being available.16:55
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ayoungdavidkranz, understood.  What I think we need as Keystone devs is a clearer path to run the tempest test specific to Keystone as part of ongoing development.  We can probably migrate the tests I listed above over to tempest once we get v3 auth merged, but we'll need to have a pow-wow about how Keystone devs and tempest devs split htings up.16:56
dolphmdavidkranz: you can authenticate against v2 and use that token to work with v316:56
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ayoungdavidkranz, for example, what would be fantastic is if, pon a bug report, someone had to submit a failing test to tempest16:57
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ayoungit should not gate block keystone commits16:57
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ayoungbut the keystone commit should assert : tes_x now passes16:57
dolphmayoung: tempest shouldn't gate keystone?16:57
ayoungdolphm, of course it should, that isn't what I was saying16:57
ayoungI was saying that tempest should have tests that are known to fail16:58
dolphmayoung: "it should not gate block keystone commits" it?16:58
ayoungand thosetests shouldn't gate keystone16:58
dolphmayoung: we do that today with skiptest16:58
ayoungdolphm, sort of16:58
dolphmayoung: you can write a failing test, file a bug on it, and raise a skiptest citing the bug16:58
ayoungdolphm, so what I was saying is that we state "fixes Bug X" in the commite message16:59
ayoungif there is a test for Bug X in tempest16:59
ayoungit can say "no you didn't test still fails"16:59
dolphmayoung: going to grab lunch, brb16:59
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ayounghenrynash, what role would a user have to have in order for RBAC to kick in for trusts?17:02
ayounghenrynash, any user can create a trust17:02
henrynashayoung: well, RBAC will kick in IF we protect the calls (which I assume we would).  Then it is up to the policy file creator17:03
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ayounghenrynash, I guess it can't hurt.17:03
dolphmgyee: if it's too difficult to produce the nested objects user -> domain in the token response, i'm open to changing the spec on that, but attributes like enabled and description need to be cut17:03
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henrynashayoung: Like everyone else, default is set to admin, but one might image a liberal policy of allowing the truster to always create trusts (i.e. proected by user_id) ?17:04
gyeedolphm, ok, lets have domain_id in the user then17:04
gyeeI can filter the enabled attribute17:04
dolphmayoung: wrap the trust call with @protected and then have an empty rule in policy.json for it17:04
winston-d_markmc: ping17:04
dolphmgyee: create_token should actually be done the same way ^ in case someone wants to protect it for whatever reason17:04
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ayoungdolphm, OK,17:04
gyeedolphm, create_token is an internal call17:05
winston-d_markmc: do you know how to deal with oslo-config issue with cinder unit tests?17:05
markmcwinston-d_, what issue?17:06
markmcjgriffith, yep?17:06
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winston-d_markmc: we are seeing ''ImportError: No module named oslo.config'17:07
markmcwinston-d_, is this with a newly installed venv?17:08
jgriffithmarkmc: can't get unit tests to run with your latest oslo lib change in cinder17:08
winston-d_markmc: yup17:08
markmcsorry, otp17:08
markmcdoes 'pip freeze' show it?17:08
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avishaymarkmc: yes it does (oslo-config==2013.1b3)17:09
markmcit should just work17:10
tiamarhi! where in tempest is specified the flavor that is created?17:10
markmctry 'pip install'17:10
markmcsee if b4 is better17:10
winston-d_markmc: b4 works!17:12
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jgriffithsweet.. thanks markmc17:13
jgriffithmarkmc: I'll push an update to pip requires unless that's not "ready" or you have another version you plan to submit?17:13
winston-d_jgriffith: avishay could you verify b4 on your env as well? it works for me.17:14
jgriffithwinston-d_: yeah, that's what I just did... works for me17:14
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markmcjgriffith, go ahead with b417:14
jgriffithmarkmc: k.. thanks for the help17:14
winston-d_markmc: thx!17:15
avishaymarkmc: thanks17:15
markmcthank jkoelker17:15
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ayoungdolphm, looking at the policy file, I realize each of the rules are like: identity:delete_roles.  I assume identity is the service, and is not really meaningful to us, but instead the :delete_roles call is going to match the function name.  Does that imply that all of the function names need to be unique within keystoine if they are going to show up in policy?  Do I need to convert TrustController.create to TrustController.creat17:16
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vishydanpb: don't think my last message made it. if you have some time could you take a look at ?17:27
henrynashgyee, dolphm: odd thing happening….I tried to submitted a new patch for my:…and it didn't appear as part of that review…but a trivial rebase appeared on Guang's patch that I am dependant on (i.e. I think, HOPE, that's all that happened)17:28
ayounghenrynash, TypeError: wrapper() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 give17:29
henrynashayoung: for which?17:29
gyeehenrynash, I need to submit another patch17:29
gyeedolphm didn't like the 'enabled' attribute in token data17:29
ayounghenrynash, I added @protected on to create(now create_trust) and delete17:29
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ayoungdef the wrapper17:30
dolphmayoung: yes, create -> create_trust17:30
ayoungIs it due to the KW args?17:30
ayounglet me see if doing kw fixes it17:30
henrynashgyee: that's fine…..but concerned my patch is somehow not set up right17:30
danpbvishy: yikes, i thought that had merged already17:30
danpbwill review it again now17:30
ayounghenrynash, yeah, needs kw args when called.  OK17:31
vishydanpb: just discussing it in -nova I don't think we are going to take it for G17:31
vishydanpb: so no rush :)17:31
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henrynashayoung: ok, I can review if you pint me at t17:31
henrynashpoint me, even17:31
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ayounghenrynash, still coding17:31
ayounghenrynash, I need to fix the tests now17:31
danpbvishy: oh, what is "-nova" - another mailing list I'm not on :-/17:32
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ayoungdolphm,  if not context['is_admin']  is failing on a key error in policy.  THis might be the first non-admin api we've wrapped this way.  Are you ok with scope creeping this to handle fixing the policy stuff as well?17:33
dolphmayoung: ah, we haven17:34
ayoungdolphm, it is a minor change, I'll add it in in17:34
dolphm't exposed v2 *anything* with real policy17:34
ayoung if 'is_admin' in context and not context['is_admin']:17:34
dolphmayoung: you're in uncharted waters17:34
ayoungdolphm, but I know the name of the wind17:34
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* ayoung a little Earthsea alittle Qvothe17:35
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Add API Sample tests for Hypervisors extension.
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henrynashgyee, dolphm, ayoung: just going to grab a bite to eat then be back on17:40
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ayoungdolphm, how do I shut up loggers during the unit test run?17:45
ayoungOI'm getting so much debug output I can't see what failed17:45
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dolphmayoung:  turn off debug in test overrides?17:46
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gyeedolphm, about to push another patch with the stuff filtered17:46
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gyeedolphm, ayoung, henrynash, #1917:53
dolphmgyee: thanks, looking17:53
ayounggyee, looking17:53
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dolphmhenrynash: the reason you updated gyee's patch is because git-review rebases your branch, including underlying patches17:54
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dolphmhenrynash: so all you did was change the parent patch to something more recent17:55
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dolphmhenrynash: and incidentally make it so we can compare patchset 19 vs patchset 18 cleanly :)17:56
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gyeedolphm, #20, sorry I just found a pep8 issue17:57
dolphmgyee: no worries17:57
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dolphmgyee: so this matches current spec at first glance? i don't need to revise the api?17:58
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gyeedolphm no need to17:58
gyeeI filtered it exactly17:58
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ayounggyee, looks pretty good to me at first blush.18:00
gyeeayoung, sounds good18:00
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ayoungthe password plugin shows how we need to clean up our logic there, but beyond the scope of this patch, I think18:01
dolphmgyee: oh cool, didn't realize you got the fixtures removed and working18:01
dolphmgyee: i was still poking at that18:01
gyeedolphm, I pretty incorporated everything from the last review18:01
gyeepretty much18:01
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dolphmgyee: awesome18:02
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gyeehad to change a couple of tests because they are no longer valid18:02
dolphmgyee: i was doing so as well18:02
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dolphmgyee: made a comment on #18 that i think needs to be fixed18:02
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gyeedolphm, which comment?18:03
gyeethe 'user_id' thing?18:03
dolphmgyee: you're filering roles properly and then discarding the filtered list18:03
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gyeedolphm, :)18:04
gyeepatch #2118:04
gyeegood catch!18:04
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topolayoung, dolphm, I am making an executive decision to map domain_id to businessCategory.  businessCategory exists in groupOfNames and inetOrgPerson  and seems to work18:06
dolphmtopol: cool18:06
gyeein LDAP, domain is usually domain controller object18:07
ayoungdolphm, what does an empty policy rule look like?18:07
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dolphmayoung: or "" in the new policy engine?18:08
topolgyee, I don't see dc in inetOrgPerson or its parents. Let me try and see if it breaks18:09
gyeetopol, dc is usually part of the user DN and a higher level container than organization18:10
gyeeor organization unit18:11
gyeetopol, with the auth plugin, you should be able to translate apache mod_ldap into python :)18:12
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topolgyee, dc is a no go18:12
topolgyee, let me try ou18:13
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gyeewe don't use dc?18:13
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ayoungdolphm, our policy should be in keysteon/etc/policy.json, and it is using the "new policy engiuner" right?18:14
gyeeayoung, I think henrynash did moved the latest policy engine code to openstack/common18:14
dolphmayoung: etc/policy.json in the repo, and i think henry updated us to oslo's policy engine impl18:15
gyeeayoung, try debugging them in your debugger and see how it goes :)18:15
gyeethat code is pretty hairy18:15
topolgyee, ou blows chunks as well. I think we are stuck with businessCategory given our choice of default objectClasses18:15
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gyeetopol, I thought objectClass is configurable, no?18:16
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topolgyee, yes, but out of the box current defaults are groupOfNames for ProjectApi and inetOrgPerson for UserApi.   Im assuming we picked those as best practice choices. Yes we can change them. But again this is just show people that it can work out of the box from devstack18:18
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topolgyee, given code freeze was today, I felt bad about opening up a discussion of the default ObjectClasses at such a late time.  I was in put lipstick on the piggy and shove it out the door.18:20
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dolphmgyee: question inline18:20
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gyeedolphm, responded18:26
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gyeetopol, we probably need to revisit our LDAP design in H18:27
topolgyee,  I agree 1000%18:28
gyeerarely an enterprise will let an application write to their LDAP directory18:28
ayoungrussellb, what would a policy rule that always passes look like?18:28
gyeefrom my past experience, we practically have to murder somebody in IT in order to get them to open up LDAP :)18:28
topolgyee, +100018:29
dolphmgyee: still confused18:29
ayounggyee, I think that LDAP is going to benefit most from the auth chain, and there will be several flavors of LDAP plugins for auth18:29
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Prevent the unexpected with nova-manage network modify.
gyeedolphm, what's the confusion?18:30
ayoungbut most common will be, look in LDAP for user info, if it exists and meets some criteria, make sure there is an entry in the local database.  Local database wil be used for roles etc18:30
topolgyee, goal here is to get something basic  working so that we can add more automated testing, provide a real ldap development environment etc18:30
dolphmgyee: if an auth plugin succeeds, you append it, auth_response['methods'].append(method_name)18:31
dolphmgyee: and then you check if any auth methods succeeded, and raise an exception if so if len(auth_response["methods"]) > 0:18:31
topolayoung, I will be showing up in Portland with lots of use cases similar to what you mention18:31
dolphmgyee: at least that's how i read it, i suspect i'm wrong18:31
ayoungtopol, we can override in the config file, so if we need to publish a workaround  figure out what it is.  I doubt people will tend to use ldap with the defaults18:31
topolayoung, I agree. but for folks trying to do development its nice to have18:32
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gyeedolphm, we need to give all the method a chance for continuation18:32
dolphmgyee: i understand what the exception being raised is intended to convey to the end user18:33
gyeeif one raise a continuation exception, others down the chain have no chance18:33
topolso I am going to push a fix to devstack then check on sahdev who is trying to do the group ldap stuff18:33
gyeedolphm, the purpose is to aggregate all the responses and do it at once18:33
dolphmgyee: what i don't understand is how the conditional is possibly capable of detecting the proper condition under which to raise the exception18:33
dolphmgyee: so please explain WHY the condition is accurate, not WHAT the exception is for18:34
gyeeplugin should only raise an exception on failure18:34
gyeeit should return the payload for the next auth step if continuation is needed18:34
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gyeedolphm, I documented the expected behavior in both the interface and configuration.rst18:35
ayounghenrynash, I need a policy rule that will pass for all authed users.  What does that look like?18:36
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gyeealso, we did agreed on having the "extras" attribute in the token and that comes from the plugins to carry any deploment-spcific data18:37
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ayoungI think there is some bleed over inpolicy18:49
gyeeayoung, yeah?18:50
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ayounggyee, still investigating.   Not sure if it is your changes or mine, but the failure changed after rebase18:50
ayoungits v2, so it shouldnt matter18:51
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gyeeayoung, no, v2 doesn't use policy engine AFAIK18:51
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ayounggyee, I'm getting an auth error when getting a scoped token18:51
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ayoungfrom an unscoped.  /tokens/controller....18:52
ayounggyee, did your last patch remove all the domains check etc?18:53
gyeeayoung, the only thing I changed in token/controler is the token validation logic18:54
gyeepretty much applied the same security patch you had18:54
ayounggyee, nope18:54
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ayoungyou also remove a large block right before that18:54
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ayoungline 89?18:54
ayounggyee, it might be innocuous....I'll tell you in a sec18:55
gyeeayoung, that was dolphm's change18:55
gyeeI happened to rebased to it18:55
dolphmayoung: gyee: it was mostly written by mathrock and committed by me18:55
gyeedolphm, patch uploaded18:55
dolphmayoung: gyee: we reviewed the patch in the bug, domains enable/disable is currently not validated and i have a bug filed and WIP to fix that18:56
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gyeedolphm, I am check for domain enabled/disabled in the auth logic18:56
dolphmgyee: this only affects v2 because for whatever reason you didn't extend the same code18:57
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ayoungdolphm, something broke when I rebased to patch 21....probably due to my code.  Too many moving parts,  but hold off on committing gyee's until I am sure it is my fault and not his18:57
gyeedolphm, that's the reason I didn't extend it :)18:57
gyeedon't want to get into rebase hell18:57
dolphmgyee: to create a more divergent codebase?18:57
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gyeev2 and v3 tokens are different18:58
dolphmgyee: superficially18:58
ayoungget_user_by_name now failing....18:58
gyeeayoung, you need the domain ID18:58
ayounggyee, Ha!~18:59
ayoungprobably that is it,  I had removed that in the past....due to it being borked18:59
ayounggyee, still...this was default domain and v2...shouldn't have broken....19:00
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gyeeayoung, you are using identity.Manager or identity.Controller?19:01
gyeeI think identity controller fill in the default domain ID19:01
ayounggyee I see in the debugger that domain_id = default19:02
gyeeso what's failing?19:02
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ayounggyee, it isn't finding the user I create in my setup19:03
ayoungof coure, DB is not persisted, so I can't query what is in there for reas19:03
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ayounggyee, I suspect I am picking up a function from your unit test instead of mine...which is actually good.19:05
gyeeayoung, which test is this?19:05
ayoungI have a bunch of test functions that need to go away, but were there due to the V3 auth not being done yet19:05
ayounggyee, it is in my patch, test_v3_trust19:06
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gyeeayoung, if you extend from test_v3, you should be OK19:06
ayoungin setUp19:06
ayounggyee, yeah...except I rewrote a bunch of crap.19:06
ayoungwhich I can, I hope, get rid of now.19:06
gyeetest_v3 setUp did all the heavy lifting for you already19:06
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ayoungOK,  so I am getting your domain ID, not the one I thought I was creating.  I can start removing my functions.19:07
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ayounggyee, v2 supports domain, right19:07
gyeeayoung, nope19:07
gyeev2 is not domain-aware19:07
ayounggyee, grumple19:08
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ayounggyee, you're OK19:10
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ayounggyee, I was testing for the presence of a domain attribute in the test self.  which you added n, and tripped up my use of default.  I'll need to stick with default for a short while19:11
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/cinder: Bump the oslo-config version to address issues.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Fix handling of source_groups with no-db-compute.
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ayoungdolphm, being asked if the V2 API is going to stay as "beta"19:16
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dolphmayoung: v2 was actually marked as "stable" sometime in essex, i'm not sure what happened19:17
ayoungdolphm, Ok.  So we think it should be tagged stable.  I'll note that.19:17
ayoungdolphm, and V3 in grizzly will be stable as well, right?19:17
dolphmayoung: if it has auth, i suppose19:18
ayoungdolphm, fair enough19:18
ayoungdolphm, I'm going to add     "default": [["rule:admin_required"]], to policy.json, so that any API that we addd, if we don't put a rule in, will be is_admin only19:20
dolphmayoung: i think you also need to revise keystone.conf to have a default_policy_rule=default or something19:20
ayoungdolphm, hmmmm, OK  I'll look19:21
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* ayoung starting to like this policy thing19:25
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ayounghenrynash, ok, you got me into this mess19:33
ayounghere's the deal19:33
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ayoungI the policy rule is looking at the request coming in19:33
ayoungand it looks partially like this19:33
ayoungdict: {trust :{trustee_user_id:'blah'}19:33
ayoungI need to write a rule that will match that19:34
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dolphmayoung: that's generally done in the controllers, which understand the api19:34
ayoungdolphm, I know, I have that19:35
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ayoungdolphm, but...I want to understand the policy stuff, and the rule that the token API uses doesn't work for me19:35
ayoungI figured I'd try to see if I can get that to work here, too.19:35
ayoungdolphm, something needs to match/19:36
ayoungdolphm, it looks for something in the creds....and matches it to something in the request body.19:37
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ayoung# TODO(termie): do dict inspection via dot syntax19:37
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ayoungdolphm, is it a mistake in the trust API to have a top level trust :{} in the creat request?19:41
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dolphmayoung: like POST /v3/trusts {"trust": { /* actual data? */ }}19:42
ayoungdolphm, yeah19:42
dolphmayoung: i think keystone.common.wsgi.Application expects you to do that19:42
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dolphmayoung: because it'll unpack the request into create_trust(context, trust={ /* actual data */ })19:43
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ayoungdolphm, yeah...policy doesn't seem to like it, though...still learning19:43
dimsdprince, got minute?19:45
dprincedims: hi.19:45
dprincedims: 1 minute... I have to run out for a bit.19:46
dimsdprince, if forbid_dtd is true, then EntityDeclHandler/UnparsedEntityDeclHandler is never called. if forbid_dtd is false, then ExternalEntityRefHandler *is* called and the tests hangs19:47
dimsdo we allow forbid_dtd to false ever? if not then we can even take out the code for  EntityDeclHandler/UnparsedEntityDeclHandler19:47
dprincedims: Okay. Well... as for our code in Nova we only use forbid_dtd=True.19:48
dimsright, so i am adding defensive code so that folks who may pick up will be safe19:48
dimsi'll make that clearer19:48
dprincedims: I left that in there for some odd case... so if that is the case then I think you'll need to change your tests to actually use that flag then too.19:48
dimscool, will update code and tests19:49
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dprincedims: making it clearer is good too though I think... but the important think is the initial security patch works as-is. (as it in already guarded against those attacks because we always set forbid_dtd=True)19:49
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dprincedims: cool. thanks for adding this. gotta run.19:50
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ayounggyee, did you test ["user_id:%(user_id)s"]19:53
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icchahey is there a way to run tests by circumventing the oslo config for glance20:00
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dolphmgyee: here's another diff for you
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/glance: Adding new common image properties
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Add better status to baremetal deployments.
clarkbiccha: I don't think so. oslo config is used to manage glance's configuration20:03
clarkbiccha: what are you trying to accomplish?20:03
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1130853 in glance "Installing virtual environment depends on oslo.config" [High,In progress]20:04
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icchaclarkb: i am not able to run tests becauyse of this, was wondering if there is a work around20:05
clarkbiccha: does tox -epy27 do any better?20:06
clarkbthat is what jenkins would use to gate glance so presumably that worked20:06
clarkbtox doesn't use install_venv_common so should work20:06
icchaclarkb: nope ImportError: No module named oslo.config20:07
clarkbwith tox?20:07
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icchaclarkb: yes20:07
clarkbiccha: are you building a new tox env?20:07
ayoungdolphm, am I correct in understanding that with string replacement in python, using a dictionary, you can only go one level deep?20:07
clarkbiccha: tox -repy2720:07
clarkb-r means recreate the venv20:08
ayoung t = {"a":{"b":"1"}}20:08
ayoungprint "%(a)s" % t is ok20:08
ayoungbut there is not way to get at t["a"]["b"]  by just passing in t20:08
icchathat helps clarkb , thanks20:08
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dolphmayoung: i'm not aware of a way to do that in py220:09
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ayoungdolphm, OK...somehow thay manage it in Nova, and I'm tryng to figure out what they are doing20:10
ayoungthey have a rule20:10
ayoung"admin_or_owner":  "is_admin:True or project_id:%(project_id)s",20:10
dolphmayoung: maybe flatten the dictionary?20:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ceilometer: Disable notifier tests
ayoungdolphm, ah...20:10
ayoungyou mean = trust { id: ...}20:10
ayoungdolphm, is there a standard way to do that in python?20:11
dolphmayoung: i mean produce a new dictionary... {"a":{"b":"1"}} -> {"a_b": "1"}20:11
ayoungdolphm, yeah20:11
ayoungI was going with dotr notation, but yeah20:12
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ayoungso a.b instead of a_b,20:12
dolphm'%(a_b)s' % flatten({"a":{"b":"1"}})20:12
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dolphmyou could also override the __getitem__ method on the dict to do it dynamically20:13
dolphmor __getattr__ if you want to go with the dot notation20:13
gyeedolphm, for the tests, I simply remove the assertions for "description" and "enabled" field as they are applicable to all entities20:14
gyeerole does not have "enabled" field20:14
gyeeand user does not have "description"20:14
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gyeethey are not applicable to all entities20:15
dolphmgyee: users can have a description20:15
gyeebut those assertions are used on all entities20:15
dolphmgyee: but anyway, pass in ignore_attributes or something to explicitly ignore 'enabled' on a role, for example20:15
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dolphmgyee: instead of ignoring the convention, make exceptions to it20:16
dolphmgyee: did you see the diff i posted?20:16
gyeedolphm, I am about to apply those diffs, just came back from lunch20:17
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gyeethanks for the diffs20:17
dolphmgyee: np, trying to help20:17
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YorikSardolphm: Hi. Any chance for my 'enabled emulation' change to land today?20:30
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YorikSarCan anyone but ayoung approve it?20:31
ayoungYorikSar, link20:31
YorikSarayoung: Never though you'll have time for this.20:32
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dolphmgyee: this will fix your issue with validating error responses on HEAD calls
ayoungtopol, can you give ^^ a look over s well?  Your LDAP kung fu is stronger than mine20:33
dolphmgyee: i imagine it'll conflict if applied on top of the last one because i deleted the override with 'pass'20:33
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topolayoung, sure.  which one? ?20:34
ayoungtopol, yeah20:34
topolayoung, k20:34
gyeedolphm, I simply want to check for 401 instead of base class bail on me20:34
YorikSardolphm: Thanks... I hope it still cleanly merges with master.20:34
dolphmtopol: the reason we don't answer your questions about ldap is because you're the go-to guy for ldap now20:35
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dolphmgyee: expected_status=401 isn't working?20:35
ayoungYorikSar, I assume you've tsted this against a live LDAP server?  I don;t really trust FakeLDAP20:35
topoldolphm,  I have thrown many a person in to force them to swim.   Karma dictates that it should  happen to me sooner or later  :-)20:36
gyeedolphm, it was working with the override20:36
YorikSarI can help with LDAP stuff if someone can fill me in.20:36
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gyeeI got a 401 back as expected20:36
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dolphmgyee: but you also weren't validating the auth body on failures20:36
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YorikSarayoung: Yes, we ran tempest with OpenLDAP behind Keystone.20:37
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ayoungdolphm, so for policy is . notation OK?  I have the following rule working with a flatten:20:37
dolphmayoung: where are you writing the implementation, in oslo?20:38
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ayoungdolphm, no in Keystone controller20:38
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ayoungkeystone common controller decorator20:38
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YorikSarayoung: So 'enabled' support was missing totally, other fixes are filed separatelly: and But they can be considered bugfixes since nothing new is introduced, only fixed.20:38
ayoungcode shamelessly stolen from Stackoverflow of course20:38
ayoungYorikSar, I remember vaguley acking
ayoungyou sure that that fix isn't already in elsewhere?20:39
ayoungYorikSar, I can ack the enabled one, though20:40
ayoungI'll let topol chime in first though20:40
YorikSarayoung: I don't know about description stuff, I'll check open change requests now.20:40
henrynashayoung: that policy is on create trust, i assume20:41
ayounghenrynash, yes20:41
ayounghenrynash, I'm trying to get this working20:41
ayoung["rule:admin_required"], ["user_id:%(trust.trustor_user_id)s"],["user_id:%(trust.trustee_user_id)s"]20:41
ayoungfor the lists etc.20:41
henrynashI think that should work, since the protector will out the trust_id and they trust object into the policy engine20:41
ayoungdelete will be same as create, but not sure I have the same context to work with.20:42
henrynashno, you won't since the object isn't pass to the api call20:42
ayounghenrynash, crud20:42
ayounghenrynash, how can I write a rule that just says "alway pass"?20:43
henrynash(I think)20:43
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henrynashayoungL: pretty sure we'll be doing a pass of all the protection settings spit freze20:44
dolphmhenrynash: did you upgrade keystone to use oslo's policy impl?20:44
henrynashdolphm: yes20:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/cinder: Better error handling around volume delete.
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dolphmayoung: i'm pretty sure what you're doing should go into oslo20:45
henrynashdolphm: well, to be exact, it is the openstack.common one20:45
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dolphmhenrynash: yeah, i guess it's not packaged under 'oslo' quite yet20:45
henrynashdolphm: so we don't get it from the oslo librayr20:45
dolphmgyee: ETA on next rev?20:46
gyeedolphm, in a few mins20:47
dolphmgyee: cool20:47
gyeeI have both patches applied20:47
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gyeereruning the tests right now20:47
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topolayoung, 22352 looks correct to me and does not appear in my code which I refreshed earlier today I  believe.  Im doing some testing and may be running into issues because I dont have 22352.  will keep verifying20:47
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YorikSarayoung: btw, if you ever want to remove more unused lines from LDAP backend:
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Add a volume driver in Nova for Scality SOFS
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: cfg should be imported from oslo.config
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/glance: Sync latest
gyeedolphm, patch uploaded20:52
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ayoungdolphm, yes, it should go into oslo, but I think that it can go here safely for now.  I can't run withou it and do policy.  Should I just punt on policy?20:54
dolphmgyee: so, here's my opinion... it's complete but full of bugs that can be filed & fixed over the next couple weeks, all of them minor afaik20:54
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dolphmgyee: spec inconsistencies, mostly20:55
gyeeworks for me20:55
dolphmgyee: i'd also refrain from telling anyone we support pluggable authentication, because i can't write a plugin myself20:56
gyeedolphm, what you have in mind, I can write one for ya :)20:56
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dolphmgyee: i'm just talking about the ability to understand the api i'm expected to fulfill as a plugin20:57
dolphmgyee: conditionally populating some dict that's handed to me is way out of bounds, imo20:57
gyeedoc not clear?20:57
YorikSarayoung: Looked through all open changes. Can't see anyone changing default mapping for description.20:57
dolphmgyee: it's not a doc issue, it's where the burden of responsibilities lies -- too many are placed on the plugin20:58
ayoungYorikSar, OK, I'll give those all a look over in a bit.  They mostly look fine.20:59
dolphmgyee: so, i'd like to make the plugin API a bit simpler (providing just a small part of the auth request to the plugin was a HUUUUGE step in that direction) and i'd also like to allow multiple plugins per authentication method... which i think is the use case most people have in mind (mixing sql and ldap auth, for example)20:59
gyeedolphm, not really, all we require is plugin resolve the user_id20:59
dolphmgyee: i agree, but that's not the reality20:59
dolphmYorikSar: the freeze doesn't apply to bug fixes, btw21:00
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gyeedolphm, I suspect we're going to have a session (or more) over this in the summit21:01
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YorikSardolphm: Yes, I understand. The one I want to make sure to land today is 'enabled emulation'.21:01
dolphmgyee: that's a good idea21:01
dolphmYorikSar: is that the one ayoung wants topol to review?21:02
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YorikSardolphm: Yes.21:02
ayoungdolphm, yeah21:03
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henrynashdims, dophm, gyee, young: I need some hand holding to get my query filter patch (which is dependant on Guang's patch) in….I think I have a screwed by commit history, so trying to push the review is  not behaving21:03
hub_caphi all, im trying to code some changes to edit metadata (changes to our ovz driver w/ imsplitbit) and im wondering, since tehre is a metadata svc, is there some example that someone can point me to so i can start hacking?21:04
gyeehenrynash, yeah, I don't see your latest changes21:04
topoldolphm, I have on my list21:04
dolphmhenrynash: can you push to github or something?21:05
dolphmhenrynash: the whole repo21:05
gyeetopol, you use openldap for your tests?21:07
henrynashdolphm: want to be careful here, what cmd would you suggest I use for that?21:07
topolgyee, yes I am21:08
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dolphmhenrynash: git checkout -b broken_branch21:09
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dolphmhenrynash: and then git push origin broken_branch to an empty github repo21:09
dolphmassuming origin is github21:09
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henrynashdolphm: so I have a branch that has correctly (in terms of the end result) merged up to a recent (but not the latest) version of Guang's patch21:10
dolphmhenrynash: git reflog may also be useful to show your previous states21:10
vishyboris-42: ping21:10
boris-42fishy hi21:11
dolphmhenrynash: are you using the Rebase button on gerrit or doing this offline?21:11
boris-42vishy hi*21:11
henrynashdiolphm: but looking at the log, it shows I 3 or 4 merges with earlier versions of the Guang's patch….and the review says I need to squash them21:11
vishyboris-42: I notice you are sticking up some more unique keys patches today21:11
vishyany idea how many there are?21:11
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boris-42vishy there is a lot of… =(21:11
vishyboris-42: any that don't make it today will we need to discuss whether to FFE them / take them as fixes / or push them to havanna21:12
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dolphmhenrynash: have you made changes that aren't in your latest review, other than resolving merge conflicts?21:13
vishyboris-42: are you planning on working on them over the next few days or will it just be here and there when you have time?21:13
henrynashdolphm: yes, to fix up various problems21:13
dolphmand you've committed those?21:13
henrynashdolphm: yes21:14
henrynashdolphm: but git review fails21:14
dolphmhenrynash: git log -n 1 <-- shows your last commit id, worth making a note of21:14
clarkbhenrynash: can you paste the git review failure too?21:14
dolphmhenrynash: git reflog will show you previous commits you were on, in case you want to go back21:14
dolphmhenrynash: so don't worry to much about getting into a nasty state because you can always go back... what's the git review error say?21:15
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henrynashso here's what my git log says:21:16
boris-42vishy: I was going to sleep=), here is about 1am (UTC+3) =). I was planing to finish bp in 2-3 weeks..21:16
henrynash11060f02fb9e10a904b3921e70476e05fbb9a58b Pass query filter attributes to policy engine21:16
henrynash5aaa22100baf1e53680a062f2b841cfa323b4a10 blueprint pluggable-identity-authentication-handlers blueprint stop-ids-in-uris blueprint multi-factor-authn (just the plumbing) v3 authentication and token APIs21:16
henrynash69352fa99cf82ee78d980972bc4881ba9d7fe162 blueprint pluggable-identity-authentication-handlers blueprint stop-ids-in-uris blueprint multi-factor-authn (just the plumbing) v3 authentication and token APIs21:16
henrynashca2b0cd1d58d8d74e4e7920b8b8c6a7fa52490ec blueprint pluggable-identity-authentication-handlers blueprint stop-ids-in-uris blueprint multi-factor-authn (just the plumbing) v3 authentication and token APIs21:16
henrynash7e456cf2a9f85e4f45395c17d61d02043c69ab6b v3 token API21:16
henrynashd036db145d51f8b134ffa36165065a8986e4f8a1 Merge "make LDAP query scope configurable"21:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/oslo-incubator: Move DB thread pooling to DB API loader
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boris-42There is a lot of work around, for example in security groups (There is no tests for db api at all) + there is also session in public parameters…21:17
vishyboris-42: ok so it will be for h then21:18
vishyI will bring it up in the nova meeting to see if we want to include any in the rc period21:18
dolphmhenrynash: do you have changes across multiple commits, or is everything in 11060?21:19
henrynashdolphm: and the actual review error is:21:19
henrynashremote: (W) ca2b0cd: commit subject >65 characters; use shorter first paragraph[K21:19
henrynashTo ssh://
henrynash ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/master/bug/1126048 (squash commits first)21:19
henrynasherror: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://'21:19
dolphmhenrynash: git fetch ssh:// refs/changes/87/21487/21 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD && git cherry-pick 11060f02fb9e10a904b3921e70476e05fbb9a58b21:19
dolphmhenrynash: my normal workflow ^ checkout someone else's change, and cherry pick yours on top of it to create a dependency on their latest patch21:19
boris-42boris-42: ok thanks. I think that it is better to do slow and without bugs that could produce nasty things then fast=)21:20
henrynashall though isn't it version 23 now?21:20
dolphmhenrynash: actually 24 lol21:20
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dolphmgyee: pep8 fix?21:20
henrynashdolphm: so I do that in my branch21:21
boris-42vish ok thanks. I think that it is better to do slow and without bugs that could produce nasty things then fast=)21:21
dolphmhenrynash: that will leave your branch behind21:21
vishyboris-42: great!21:21
henrynashdolphm: opk, sounds good!21:21
boris-42fishy Also I implemented BP pci passthrough...21:21
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gyeedolphm, yeah, just did21:24
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henrynashdophm: I get permission denied (publickey)21:25
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clarkbyeah because the string dolphm gave you has dolphm as the username21:26
clarkbyou can ust https anonymously21:26
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clarkbif you look at the change you awnt under the latest patchset will be text you can copy and paste21:26
dolphmhenrynash: oh sorry, either your use username, or copy the checkout command from gerrit, and then do a cherry-pick21:27
henrynashdolphm: duh, yes sorry me being dumb21:27
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ewindischI'd still like to get the (oslo) advanced-matchmaker blueprint merged today, if I can get reviewers on it.
dolphmhenrynash: i imagine you didn't mean to approve
henrynashdolphm: eeK!  how did that happen?21:33
ewindischrussellb: I didn't realize that 'oslo.message' was NOT supposed to have s/oslo/$BASE/ ? will continue to break this, won't it?21:33
dolphmhenrynash: i don't think it matters because there's no positive votes anyway21:33
dolphmhenrynash: you can undo21:33
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russellbewindisch: need to fix now, yes21:33
ayounghenrynash, so it looks like "@" is a TrueCheck21:34
ttxdolphm: hola! how is it going ?21:35
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ayoungtopol, if  you are  OK with let me know21:36
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dolphmttx: you said we had like 10 more minutes21:36
ttxdolphm: oh, sure, I'm just being a PITA :)21:37
dolphmttx: ;)21:37
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ttxI'll give you 23 more minutes :)21:37
dolphmttx: haha21:37
dolphmhenrynash: can you take a minute to review as-is?21:38
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Refactor nwfilter parameters
henrynashdolphm: yep…just cleaning up my git...21:38
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topolayoung, looks good. just +1 it21:39
YorikSartopol: Yay!21:39
dolphmhenrynash: i can't stomach the approve button, so i'll leave that up to you21:39
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henrynashdolphm :-)21:40
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topolYorikSar, so I am tracking down another issue maybe you can help me with21:40
YorikSartopol: Sure, just tell me what it is.21:41
topolYorikSar, so the basic devstack setup commands all run fine21:41
topolYorikSar, I then tried to add a user to a particular tenantID21:42
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YorikSartopol: iirc, we had no problems there.21:45
topolYorikSar,  and then ldap complained about not being able to store the tenantID  attribute.  Which looks similar to the tenant_ id so I added it to the filter list:21:45
topoliniset $KEYSTONE_CONF ldap user_attribute_ignore "enabled,email,tenant_id,tenants,tenantId"21:45
topolYorikSar that got me through the add user to tenant but then when it tries to update the role it cant find the role21:46
ttxdolphm: once 21487 merges... i can close "Implement authn Identity API v3", replace-tenant-user-membership, domain-name-spaces, domain-scoping ?21:47
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ttxdolphm: and leave  pluggable-identity-authentication-handlers open ?21:47
YorikSarI don't get it how these tenant_id and tenantId coexist.21:47
gyeepluggable should be done21:47
dolphmttx: tenant-user-membership is merged21:47
dolphmgyee: that's debatable ;)21:47
gyeeand stop-ids-in-url21:48
dolphmttx: ^21:48
gyeeand mfa21:48
ttxdolphm: ok, marking tenant-user-membership completed21:48
gyeethough mfa is just the plumbing21:48
dolphmttx: not domain-scoping21:48
dolphmgyee: i think it's enough to satisfy the mfa bp, no?21:48
gyeedolphm, I think so21:49
dolphmgyee: mfa was mostly asking for a spec21:49
YorikSartopol: That's strange. Can you paste Keystone log of relevant request?21:49
gyeeunless you guys want me to hookup google authenticator :)21:49
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ttxdolphm: mfa is not in the list, so i don't really care :)21:49
dolphmgyee: i think it'd be cool to example an example, in docs if not in contrib21:49
ttxdolphm: what needs to be done to complete domain-scoping ? Looks like that will be deferred in H at this point21:49
ttxdolphm: blame heckj21:50
dolphmttx: we've written the API but haven't implemented due to lack of immediate use cases21:50
dolphmttx: definitely defer to H21:50
ttxdolphm: deferring domain-scoping to h121:51
ttxdolphm: should I add mfa back to the list ?21:52
gyeewe should as the plumbing is there to impl mfa21:52
ttxgyee: ok21:53
dolphmttx: only add it back if you want to mark it as completed?21:53
henrynashttx: hold, on- domain scopingto h?21:53
ttxhenrynash: that's what dolphm said just a minute ago21:53
dolphmttx: domain scoping to H21:54
dolphmttx: is implemented with gyee's patch today21:54
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ttxthis is all very confusing :)21:54
dolphmttx: +1!21:54
henrynashguang: I still can't see what is missing for domain scoping21:54
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gyeehenrynash, domain-scoped token current have no domain roles21:55
ttxdolphm: when 21487 ,lands I mark stop-ids-in-url, mfa, domain-name-spaces completed.21:55
dolphmhenrynash: the API is done, but gyee left a bunch of TODO's for actually creating domain scoped tokens21:55
zykes-sad to see a cool feature not going in :(21:55
dolphmhenrynash: didn't domain-name-spaces already merge too?21:55
henrynashgyee: I've been looking at the code…and maybe you guys need to point me at the right bit..but there can't be much to do…and I wrote a helper function for that already21:55
gyeeand (debatable) pluggable auth :)21:55
ttxdolphm: and i'll move pluggable-auth to rc1, granted an FFe21:56
topolYorkiSar, let me know if you need more21:56
henrynashdolphm: yes (on name spaces)21:56
gyeettx ^21:56
dolphmttx: domain name spaces is merged21:56
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dolphmttx: and agree on everything else21:56
henrynashgyee, dolphm: let me finish up the domain scoping roles…we have done so much of it..I'll get that done asap tonight21:56
gyeehenrynash, take a look at auth/token_factory.py21:57
dolphmgyee: how much work is left there ^21:57
* ttx fixes mfa21:57
gyeeI have a TODO for you21:57
zykes-ttx: mfa?21:57
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dolphmzykes-: multi-factor authentication21:57
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gyeedolphm, henrynash, should be just populate the domain roles21:58
gyeeand we're done21:58
dolphmgyee: oh.21:58
gyeeif henrynash have the helper func, should be a two-liner fix, plus tests of course21:58
dolphmgyee: even tests should be a copy/paste of your tests21:58
dolphmgyee: s/project/domain21:59
henrynashgyee: so if that's all that needs doing, then we can get this in tonight21:59
gyeehenrynahs, I have faith in you21:59
dolphmi'll volunteer to write tests21:59
henrynashgyee: :-)21:59
gyeecount me in too21:59
henrynashgyee, let me just get the query filter in21:59
dolphmis there a bp for domain scoping?21:59
ayoungdolphm, should I pull the trigger on V3 Auth?21:59
ttxdolphm: ok, so now just get me another +2 on 21487 and I'll be off your back ;)21:59
topolYorikSar, maybe the problem is that for that user I did explicitly give it a role. Do I have to?21:59
gyeeayoung, pleeeease22:00
dolphmayoung: you or henrynash should take another gander at it -- it's changed quite a bit in 24 hours22:00
henrynashdolphm: ok I have the query filter re-merged now, thanks22:00
topolYorikSar , errr I did not explicitly give it a role22:00
ayoungdolphm, 've been keeping up22:00
dolphmhenrynash: awesome, does your own review look good to you?22:00
YorikSartopol: What change do you work on now?22:00
dolphmayoung: well it's 4:01pm so we're past our deadline officially22:01
ttxayoung: go for it :)22:01
dolphmor bedtime ttx-time22:01
ayoungttx, one last look...22:01
gyeehold the horses :)22:01
topolYorikSar, Im not changing any keystone code.  Just running devstack with a new capability to install and configure LDAP and set keystone to use the LDAP identity driver22:01
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ttxdolphm: you won't get rid of me that easily22:01
henrynashdolphm: for the commit, I assume it will be a new commit , so should I do a git commit -a …and paste in the old commit id so it gets hooked to the same gift review (or will the cherry pick have a carried that with t)22:01
YorikSartopol: My wild guess is about the recent switch towards role-based project membership has something to do with this.22:02
ayoungFIRE IN THE HOLE!22:02
dimsayoung, LOL22:02
ttxthe queue has been pretty aggressively stuffed anyway, so it won't land just now22:02
dolphmhenrynash: cherry-pick will carry the Change-Id around, but that would work too22:02
ttxdolphm, gyee, ayoung, henrynash: congrats guys, you made it22:03
dolphmttx: i've been doing my part in not reviewing anything22:03
ttxdolphm: same here22:03
ayoungttx, not yet I have't my change was queued up behind it22:03
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YorikSartopol: Yes. Looks like the member_role has never been created in LDAP.22:03
* dolphm falls asleep22:03
ttxayoung: your change ?22:03
ayoungttx, Trusts22:03
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ttxayoung: oh, that's been granted an exception, so can wait a few days22:04
ayoungttx, Trusts has gotten trampled by a heard of Yaks which are all now properly shaven22:04
ttxayoung: was mostly concerned about what was NOT granted an exception yet22:04
ayoungttx, yes, but that was my finish line22:04
topolYorikSar, I dont know where it got the role value anyway. I did not declare a role for that user that I know of. I just created a user and tried to add it to a tenant (project)22:04
ayoungtopol, that was me22:04
ayoungmembers are gone!22:04
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gyeettx, how come ayoung gets an exception?22:05
dolphmtopol: yay! ayoung's patch worked22:05
topolayoung, pottery barn rules:  you break it, you bought it!22:05
gyeewhat's the address to send money?22:05
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ayounggyee, I have a bank account in the Caymens, I'll PM yoiu in tbox number22:05
YorikSartopol: New logic is instead of adding user's DN to tenant's groupOfNames, user is granted with role in this project.22:05
dolphmgyee: heckj begged ttx on ayoung's behalf22:06
YorikSartopol: You should look and member_role_id config value in Keystone and probably create this role before running tests...22:06
dolphmYorikSar: a data migration will create it automatically? (ayoung- but only if it's needed?)22:07
YorikSarayoung: That's pretty strange, by the way. Before this change we never required user to create any objects in LDAP, only subtrees.22:07
topolYorikSar, so we can fix this without changing keystone code, correct?22:07
YorikSartopol: Yes, just add appropriate role.22:08
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YorikSartopol: With id 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab and name '_mamber_'22:08
YorikSartopol: *'_member_'22:09
YorikSardolphm: Mb we should create this role automatically as well?22:09
topolYorikSar, ugh, so you are saying in the devstack keystone code we need to add this magic role?22:09
dolphmYorikSar: in ldap?22:09
ayounghenrynash, posted a new trusts patch with policy engaged.  I larned me summat today.22:10
YorikSartopol, dolphm: yes, yes22:10
topolYorikSar, in LDAP?22:10
henrynashayoung: ok22:10
YorikSar(packing/unpacking works in IRC as well as in Python, right?)22:10
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topolYorikSar, just curiously how did we decide it would ALWAYS be 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab22:10
YorikSartopol: Yes... Well, I guess, you can do it with API.22:11
YorikSartopol: Mb, it's the name of ayoung's cat ;)22:11
YorikSartopol: It's the default value for member_role_id config22:12
topolYorikSar, no wonder the cat never comes when he calls him22:12
YorikSartopol: What if it's encoded in some base42-ish encoding?22:12
zykes-is trusts landing for v3 ?22:12
dolphmzykes-: grizzly or v3?22:13
henrynashdolphm, gyee: sigh…so the query filter patch is re-posted….but while it is correct, it unfortunately appears to cinlude all Guang's changes…so you can't tell which are my updates. Damn.22:13
topolYorikSar, so I can add this but what about folks who run in production who dont use devstack.  How are they expected to handle this?  Always add the special role???22:13
zykes-dolphm: ehm, G22:13
YorikSartopol: I don't know, btw, how is it handled in SQL backend22:13
dolphmhenrynash: how'd you do that? lol22:13
YorikSartopol: I guess, we should do smth like that.22:14
gyeehenrynash, you have a diff somewhere?22:14
topolYorikSar, dunno about SQL.  Im the ldap guy22:14
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YorikSartopol: LDAP backend was created to mimic SQL backend behaviour at first, so we might continue do it and noone will notice :)22:15
dolphmhenrynash: how close is your patchset 5 to where you want to be?22:15
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YorikSartopol: Crap... SQL has a migration for this.22:16
henrynashdolphm: so, I could certainly re-apply my changes to a "clean" patch set 522:16
dolphmhenrynash: let me get you to that point then22:16
henrynashdolphm: ok22:16
dolphmhenrynash: i'm going to push a review *with* a merge conflict included, and let you resolve22:16
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henrynashdolphm: and the v3 auth is on it's way to be merged anyway, yes?22:17
henrynashdolphm: fine by me22:17
YorikSartopol: We have smth around two or three options here:22:17
ayoungYorikSar, I have not Cat.  I am a dog person, but  for now, I have two kids under 7 and that is enough work for me,22:17
dolphmhenrynash: copy/paste the checkout command provided by gerrit22:17
dolphmhenrynash: v3 auth is gating now22:17
ayoungtopol, uuid-gen22:18
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YorikSartopol: * let deployers add this role (the'll be sad)22:18
YorikSartopol: * let backends deal with this (just like SQL does)22:18
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YorikSartopol: * deal with this on the higher level22:18
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gyeedolphm, henrynash, 22223 doesn't seem to have any overlap with the token API patch22:18
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YorikSarayoung: So which one of them do you call 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab? :)22:19
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dolphmgyee: conflict in keystone/common/ -- may or may not be against your patch22:19
YorikSarayoung: j/k22:19
YorikSarayoung: Can you help us with our options?22:19
dolphmayoung: should just rename the ID to 'member' lol22:19
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gyeedolphm, common/ conflicts doesn't appear to coming from mine22:20
topolayoung, the backend ldap driver code is still shoving users in under tenants. Is that now a bug.  The new role patch I must admit I dont fully understand yet22:21
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henrynashdolphm: ok, got myself the patch 7 in detached head state (and just to make sure I do this right), i should git checkout -b mybranchname, and then make my changes, and then I can commit and git review of that branch?22:22
topolK, in 10 mins I drop my daughter off for a sleepover.  And with my wife and son on a trip in FL I get to spend all night with this crowd :-)22:23
dolphmgyee: crap, either i sent you a bad diff you made a bad merge22:23
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YorikSartopol: Have a nice one! :)22:24
dolphmhenrynash: you don't *need* to make a branch if you don't want to (personally i wouldn't unless you need to stop and go do something else, or you're writing several patches in sequence)22:25
dolphmhenrynash: all you really need to do is make changes and then git commit --amend22:25
henrynashok, can do22:25
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topolYorikSar, so in devstack I will need to read member_role_id and member_role_name out of keystone.conf.sample and then use those values since they are configurable and then create the role22:26
henrynashdolphm: although actually I need to switch to other branches to cope and paste some code out, so might have to create a branch (since I can't checkout any other branch in this state)22:27
topolYorikSar, or I can just hard code them and update keystone.conf since I update values in it anyway22:27
YorikSartopol: I guess, you can use the default once for now...22:28
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BLZbubbais there a way to have the horizon instances page not DDOS my api server?22:29
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BLZbubbai.e. if i have 150 nodes, it is updating their status with ajax way way too often22:29
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gyeedolphm, nice catch22:30
BLZbubbai am improving the hardware and such too, but slowing down the update frequency would help quite a bit too22:30
topolYorikSar, I'll be back in 25 mins.  But I think I can proceed.  Thanks for helping me figure out the mystery role22:30
YorikSartopol: I'll create draft change request with my proposal for this.22:31
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topolYorikSar, you mean for how folks in production should address this?22:31
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YorikSartopol: No, I suggest we handle this in core.22:32
topolYorikSar, you saying I wont have to add this to devstack?22:32
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topolYorikSar, if its fixed in core then no changes to devstack22:33
topolYorikSar, basically where it throws the no role exception in core just have the code add the default role?22:34
dolphmgyee: i just got a domain scoped token back without having a role on the domain22:35
YorikSarayoung, dolphm: what do you think about this?22:35
gyeedolphm, that's the missing part22:35
dolphmgyee: i don't have a role grant on the domain22:35
gyeehenrynash will hook that up later today22:35
topolYorikSar, getting a page not found on that URL.  Ill be back soon22:36
henrynashgyee: sure thing22:36
dolphmgyee: i'm saying it's returning me a token that i should not be allowed to get22:36
gyeedolphm, correct, right now I don't check for domain roles22:36
dolphmgyee: okay, so this isn't just a bug it'd a security vulnerability if we let it go22:37
dolphm(and were using domain scoped tokens for something)22:37
gyeenot a security vul if user have no roles22:37
YorikSartopol: Oh.. Looks like drafts are hidden.22:37
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YorikSarfixed that.22:37
dolphmgyee: this is the real police badge with no badge number example22:37
gyeedolphm, what can one do without any roles?22:38
dolphmgyee: why can i get a domain-scoped token without authz on the domain?22:38
dolphmgyee: it doesn't do this for projects does it?22:38
gyeedolphm, it doesn't, once henrynash hookup the domain roles, we should be good to go22:39
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gyeeour policy engine should act on roles or we have a real problem22:40
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gyeehenrynash, is your helper func in master already22:41
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gyeeI might as well finish it up for you22:41
henrynashgyee: have to go look...22:41
vishydanwent: ping22:43
gyeehenrynash, I don't see get_roles_for_user_and_domain() in identity controller22:43
danwentvishy: hey22:44
dolphmgyee: wrote a test to request a token for a project i don't have any roles on ... raised a 401 as expected22:44
henrynashgyee: let me find what I wrote!22:44
vishydanwent: was wondering about how important is22:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1039665 in nova "Creating quantum L2 networks (without subnets) doesn't work as expected" [High,In progress]22:44
danwentvishy: looking22:45
gyeedolphm, I am going to hookup domain roles22:45
dolphmgyee: i've got tests 80% done, so i'll just attach those to your patch, unless you want to do tdd22:45
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gyeedolphm, we can add the changes to your review22:46
gyeeprobably easier22:46
gyeegimme a few minutes22:46
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danwentvishy: its certainly not a core use can that I see.  I think it was that the libvirt xml generation code always assumed a vif had an IP.22:47
vishydanwent: so there is a a patch in review that will probably fix it22:48
vishyit is kind of risky since it refactors a bunch22:48
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/cinder: Add HUAWEI volume driver in Cinder
vishyso we are planning on punting it to H22:48
danwentvishy: i'm ok with with that.22:48
vishydanwent: do you think that will cause problems?22:48
vishydanwent: I mean you can't do l2-only networks22:49
henrynashgyee: hmm, I can see  the low level support funcs, not the higher ones22:49
danwentvishy: i don't really know what the use case ian was going to as to why they were booting VMs that didn't get IPs.22:49
henrynashgyee: here's what we need to do:22:49
zykes-won't be L2 needed danwent ?22:49
danwentvishy: I think it is also only applies to using linux bridge, and I think the cisco folks have moved on to using OVS, though perhaps not all22:50
ayoungYorikSar, I originally had code that did just that.  I think I am ok with it.22:50
vishydanwent: ok cool, going to punt it to H then22:50
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ayoungYorikSar, the thing is,  add_user_to_project should be deprecated any way22:50
danwentvishy: the mere fact that it went all the way from the end of folsom to now without being fixed is a pretty good indicator that it can't be that important22:50
henrynashgyee: 3 funds in the backend; get_roles_for_user_and_project, _get_user_project_roles, _get_user_group_project_roles…we just create domain versions of them…the underlying funds they call all can take domain_id in place of project_id22:51
ayoungYorikSar, 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab is my older son.  The younger guy is 6b4a8c88-8510-4636-ba13-1c54b92342d722:51
gyeehenrynash, that's what I am about to do22:52
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gyeea bit more work than I thought22:52
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henrynashgyee: i.e. the calls to get_metadata all toake domain id in place of project id22:52
dolphmgyee: authenticating with user_domain_name instead of user_domain_id doesn't work22:53
YorikSarayoung: I guess, we can inline it where it's used then. And this check can be added to create_user only, update_user should not need it.22:54
ayoungYorikSar, sar, no I think it is Ok.  THe thing is, SQL has the migration path, but LDAP does not22:54
YorikSarayoung: So the younger one already follows fashion trends and has dashes in his name.22:54
ayoungso with LDAP, we kindof need to lazy add it.22:55
YorikSarayoung: Well, we either have to add smth like this migration to all backends or remove this from SQL migration and let core deal with it.22:55
ayoungYorikSar, this is so a user can have membership in a default project?22:55
ayoungYorikSar, I'm almost thinking it should got into add_role_to_user22:56
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YorikSarayoung: I'm not sure if this 'default tenant' thing is still useful...22:57
ayoungYorikSar, vestige22:57
YorikSarayoung: It was used in diablo, I guess.22:58
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YorikSarayoung: Mb we should get rid of it then?22:58
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ayoungYorikSar, yeah, but not 24 hours after code freeze.22:59
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YorikSarayoung: Right.22:59
ayoungYorikSar, We don't even have a way to automate setting up LDAP as part of core Keystone.  I am almost tempted to punt this one off to LDAP admins.22:59
ayoungYorikSar, cuz migration is going to be broken there, too23:00
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YorikSarayoung: And what about KVS backend? It doesn't have migrations too.23:00
ayoungwe are going to need a LDAP migrate tool that does the same thing as the SQL one23:00
ayoungKVS is for testing only23:00
ayoungIt doesn't survive a reboot, hardly enterprise ready23:00
YorikSarayoung: Oh, ok. I never actually looked into what it actually is.23:01
ayoungYorikSar, OK,  I think we need a migrate tool for LDAP.  It will have to take the members elements of each tenant and create a roleAssignment for them23:02
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YorikSarayoung: The problem with LDAP is... It can be mostly read-only sometimes.23:02
ayoungCare to take a first hack at it?23:02
ayoungYorikSar, that is a different conversation23:02
ayoungthis is for the LDAP backend that we manage23:02
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YorikSarayoung: I mean, we deployed several projects with LDAP backend and almost all of them required r/o access to LDAP.23:03
ayoungYorikSar, so, lets hold off on
henrynashdolphm, young, gyee: OK, query filter patch finally back in shape and ready for review:
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ayoungYorikSar, I know, I know.  Different bridge to burn23:04
YorikSarayoung: Yes, sure, that change is just a draft to show my proposal.23:04
ayounghenrynash, wow, I understand that so much better than I did before today23:04
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ayoungYorikSar, can you code up the migration script? It needs to read the appropriate values out of the config file23:05
henrynashayoung: :-) life's a learning curve…just worry when it flattens out23:05
YorikSarayoung: Yes. I guess, it can run at db_sync.23:05
ayoungYorikSar, yep23:06
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ayounghenrynash, is it possible to do that without a separate @ttribute?23:06
YorikSarayoung: But I'll do it some time in the morning. 3am here, bad time to start something new.23:06
henrynashyoung; you mean, onlyhave one @protection wrapper that can optionally take a list of filter attributes?23:07
gyeehenrynash, no add_role_to_user_and_domain?23:07
ayoungHeh.  YorikSar that is fine.  We  can always do it as a stand along script if needs be23:07
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ayoungget some rest.23:07
ayounghenrynash, yeah.  Look at this....23:07
henrynashgyee: they're all create_grant23:07
henrynashgyee: all the v3 roles should really be using create/delete/check grnat23:08
ayounghenrynash, see how I flatten the dictionary?  Could we do something similar?23:08
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ayounghenrynash, I'd like to keep an eye toward pushing our policy changes to common, and the more consistent we are, the easier t is going to be to do that.23:10
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henrynashgyee: which in itself might be an issue in the policy file (dolphm and I discussed before) as to whether having a common policy file enter for creating both domain and project is desirable23:10
henrynashayoung: +1 to that23:10
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henrynashayoung: so do you think it is safe to flatten every object…just wondering if we might get odd clashes, like if someone had user_id in their object and we also bout the user_id of the caller in the target already23:19
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topolim back23:33
henrynashayoung: Ok, I think I take it back, I don;t think they would clash…oe set is in the creds, one in the target (unsurprisingly)23:34
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topolYorikSar,  draft looks good. But if an LDAP is read-only  and was some how mapping to existing roles (not sure if this is a real use case)  we break, correct23:36
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topolBut in any case can we get your draft in still?23:37
YorikSartopol: I'll write a migration for LDAP backend tomorrow that'll create this role and move all members of all tenants to it.23:38
dolphmgyee: henrynash: is there a bug number or something for domain-scoped tokens?23:38
YorikSartopol: So keystone-migrate db_sync will solve this.23:38
gyeedolphm, no, I am almost done with my changes23:39
topolYorikSar, for the ldap backend as well?23:39
dolphmgyee: i have 6 failing tests for you :)23:39
henrynashthere was blueprint: bp/domain-scoping23:39
YorikSartopol: Yes.23:39
topolYorikSar, just curiously how does it help the ldap case.  keystone-migrate db_syn is not just for the sql backend?23:40
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topolYorikSar, but I trust you.  you found the role named after ayoungs dog.  That was quite find :-)23:41
dolphmhenrynash: gyee:
YorikSartopol: It calls db_sync if every backend for all Keystone parts if it supports it.23:41
topolYorikSar, wonderful.  do I need to +1 your draft or not necessary?23:42
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YorikSartopol: No, it was just to show what I meant here. I'll abandon it23:43
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topolYorikSar, k thanks! I'm going to manually add the magic role and continue testing23:43
YorikSartopol: Have fun! I'll be going to bed, so will be able to help tomorrow.23:44
henrynashdolphm: nice23:44
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topolYorikSar. good night. Thanks again for the help!23:45
henrynashdolphm: the query filter patch is (finally!) up:
henrynashdolphm: thx for your help on that. btw23:45
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henrynashayoung: what do we need to do to get the Trusts complete…..23:46
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henrynashas an aside, the zuul check queue looks in an odd (and static) state23:47
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ayounghenrynash, zuul is slow, but probably not staic23:49
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ayounghenrynash, I was planning on trusts being v2 only, but with v3 auth going might be worth it to make it work for both. The API doc has been fairly combed over and, if therer are content issues there, I'll have to re check the comments to find out exactly what they are.  I think we are good, but dolphm is much more thorough and excting than I am on that front23:50
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ayoungYorikSar, note also that the id and name for the member role are configurable, and, for LDAP, you might want to use an existing role.23:51
gyeedolphm, henrynash,
ayounghenrynash, when I flattened, I chose to go with the dot notation, which should be clean.  the underscore approach would certainly clash.23:52
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henrynashayoung: ah, right, nice23:53
ayounghenrynash, the thing is, the Trusts patch hasn't gotten raked over the coals yet.  THe focus has been on the API docs patch.  I think that is mature enough that it can be used to review the code, though23:53
henrynashayoung: are we trying got Grizzly on it, still?23:54
ayounghenrynash, I'm going to do a separate doc patch for the V2 changes,  unless dolphm comes back and says that trusts should absolutely be V2 only.23:54
henrynashayoung: (wasn't meant to suggest we weren't !)23:55
ayounghenrynash, for trusts?  Yes, I got permission for a slight late submission.23:55
henrynashayoung: excellemt!23:55
ayoungbut obviously, energy has been focuses on V3 auth API first,23:55
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gyeeayoung, we'll help you to get the trust API in, we have real use cases out there23:56
ayounghenrynash, I'm going to have dsinner etc, and then go back through the doc comments and see which still need to be addressed.  Aside from V2 API, which will be in  a different doc, I thought I had hit everything23:56
henrynashayoung: ok23:56
ayounggyee, ok, so I think that the unit tests need to be cleaned up.23:57
ayoungTHat is not make or break on the patch, as they are just doing things custom that should be using the v3_test code instead23:57
topolayoung, before you go is it possible to use the keystone client to create a role and to be able to specify what the roleId should be23:57
gyeesure, we can line them up23:57
ayoungtopol, I don't think so23:58
ayoungtopol, let me look23:58
ayoungtopol, the very first thing it does is creates a unique id,23:58
topolayoung, so  how would one add the special role if it doesnt exist?23:58
ayoungtopol, look in keystone/identity/controllers.py23:59
ayoungtopol, it would have to be direct to LDAP23:59
topolayoung, Oh, OK23:59
ayoungtopol, also, if the migrate code were executed it could bypass the controller23:59

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