Thursday, 2023-08-17

opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/magnum-ui master: Imported Translations from Zanata
mnasiadkajakeyip: do we have a deprecation notice for coreos driver as well? I've only seen a patch for the ironic part (
mnasiadkajakeyip: and that also means we should start removing in B - right? (
opendevreviewJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum master: Add feature flag for beta drivers
jakeyipmnasiadka: I think I might not have done the coreos deprecation yet. I can't find it too :D14:03
jakeyipdalees / travisholton / mnasiadka: I came up with a way to set a driver to beta, please comment
jakeyipit is very rough atm and in the wrong place; ideally it'll be rebased to just after we introduce this driver in the long chain of patches14:07
mnasiadkawell, that's going to happen in C, right?14:17
mnasiadkawe have two weeks to feature freeze14:20

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