Tuesday, 2014-02-18

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Nikolay_Stplease take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58964/ it looks fine and I think we can merge it05:31
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Nikolay_Stone more time08:41
Nikolay_Stwe need one more +2 and approve at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58964/ to test it is really simple08:41
Nikolay_Sthi all08:41
bauzasI'm on it08:53
DinaBelovaYuriy & I found issue with my trusts creation errors08:55
DinaBelovathey are about commit merged to keystoneclient several days ago08:56
DinaBelovathis one08:56
DinaBelovaif keystoneclient is using master (like with devstack) now it will fail cause of this change08:56
DinaBelovathere is simple solution for it, I'm checking it now08:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Add pylint check for Climate project  https://review.openstack.org/5896409:06
DinaBelovathat means that climate now is not working with keystoneclient 0.6.0 and later09:16
DinaBelovaalthough I have now some more errors09:16
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swannDinaBelova: indeed, I received an Unauthorized from Keystone10:27
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swanninitial feeling .. seems the trust creation call is weird .. there is no token and no password sent10:30
DinaBelovaswann, everything is ok with that call - there is password and user passed10:31
DinaBelovaalthough, that might be fixed with onw line, it's ok10:31
DinaBelovaproblem is much more10:32
DinaBelovaI'll check oslo.messaging releases now10:32
DinaBelovacause it was commit to it too some days ago10:33
DinaBelovaand that makes Climate fail10:34
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DinaBelovabad news10:34
DinaBelovathat change is already in 1.3.0.a7 oslo.messaging release10:34
DinaBelovait's not working now too10:34
DinaBelovaok, two critical bugs in one day :D10:37
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openstackgerritPablo Andres Fuente proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Initial devstack support implemented  https://review.openstack.org/6046513:04
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openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Fix issue with new oslo.messaging  https://review.openstack.org/7437513:26
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Fix issue with new python-keystoneclient  https://review.openstack.org/7437613:31
pafuentbauzas: Hi13:34
DinaBelovapafuent, o/13:36
pafuentDinaBelova: Hi13:36
DinaBelovado you have nice morning now? :)13:36
pafuentDinaBelova: Yes, and you?13:37
DinaBelovawet and finally sunny evening :)13:37
DinaBelovapafuent, I've tested several times your devstack impl13:37
DinaBelovait looks really good now13:38
DinaBelovaalthough, I could find only oe issue13:38
pafuentDinaBelova: Which one?13:38
pafuentpafuent: BTW, Thanks for test it13:38
DinaBelovaif user says 'unstack', climate-m is still running13:38
DinaBelovaall other processes are killed as usually13:38
DinaBelovabut climate-manager - no13:38
pafuentDinaBelova: There is a specific way to reproduce that?13:39
DinaBelovapafuent, yes :)13:39
DinaBelovarun devstack13:39
DinaBelovasay ./unstack.sh13:39
pafuentDinaBelova: I did stack/unstack and always is killed13:39
DinaBelovamay you say ps aux | grep climate-manager13:39
pafuentDinaBelova: Yes13:39
DinaBelovaif there are more than one now - it's not really good13:39
pafuentDinaBelova: So, you didn't do anything between stack/unstack?13:40
pafuentDinaBelova: I'll try again, but I did that several times and the climate-manager was killed every time13:41
DinaBelovahm, really strange....13:41
* pafuent is stacking13:42
DinaBelovapafuent, look at my cli logs13:42
DinaBelovaps aux when devstack is running13:43
DinaBelovaand then one more grep13:43
DinaBelovawith climate-manager still running13:43
DinaBelovaI guess that's quite strange, but I had this issue from the time we tried to implement devstack integration firstly13:44
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pafuentDinaBelova: I know this is a stupid question, but which OS and screen version are you using? Maybe is related to screen.13:46
DinaBelovaubuntu server 12.0413:46
DinaBelovaand as for screen13:46
DinaBelovaone moment13:46
DinaBelovaScreen version 4.00.03jw413:46
DinaBelovahm, that was installed by default I guess13:47
DinaBelovacause that's new ubuntu vm with only update and upgrade ran on it13:47
pafuentDinaBelova: Almost the same environment. I use Ubuntu 12.04 (no server)13:47
* pafuent is ps13:48
* pafuent is ps aux13:48
* pafuent can't believe that hit the issue13:49
pafuentDinaBelova: I can see the manager after the unstack13:49
DinaBelovawow, at least i'm not alone :)13:49
pafuentDinaBelova: YEs13:49
bauzaspafuent: gi13:49
bauzaspafuent: hi13:49
bauzaspafuent: sorry, was around for other concers13:50
DinaBelovabauzas, o/13:50
bauzasI'm pretty busy these days13:50
pafuentDinaBelova: I'll do it again but I'll do a climate lease-list to see what happens13:50
DinaBelovapafuent, issues with multiple managers might not be seen really (that's question of probability here)13:50
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pafuentbauzas: NP, Hi13:50
pafuentbauzas: Are you working on schema-data-migration-with-alembic?13:51
* pafuent is stacking againg13:52
bauzaspafuent: not yet13:57
bauzaspafuent: it's due to be done right after the Pecan move13:58
pafuentbauzas: Ok. I'm asking because I was playing with Alembic and I would like to implement it, if don't mind you.13:59
bauzaswell, I think the priority is maybe on other things14:00
bauzasthe data scheme is quite stable now14:00
SergeyLukjanovbtw, folks, you can find several examples of writing tests for migrations in savanna14:01
pafuentSergeyLukjanov: Thanks :)14:01
pafuentbauzas: I was interested in that because I'll be in paternity leave (if that really exist) two weeks starting on Friday, and seems alembic seems to be not so hard to get it working. And, as you say, the priority isn't high, so I can start working on try to get it done before my leave.14:07
bauzaswell, I don't think it's reasonable to plan to have it delivered by Friday14:08
bauzasthink about review time, and appropriate new patchsets14:08
pafuentbauzas: Yes I know. I really want to be helpful during this 3 days, and start working on something with a higher priority will be risky14:10
bauzasthat one is much more a quickwin to me : https://bugs.launchpad.net/climate/+bug/123729314:10
pafuentbauzas: Ok, I'll check that.14:11
bauzasthat's really a pain having DB exceptions not raised as ClimateException subclasses14:11
bauzasthere is also one bug which is really bad :14:12
bauzaswell, I can't find the bug number14:12
bauzaslemme find the wrong line14:13
pafuentbauzas: Ok14:13
bauzasthat one14:13
bauzasthat's related to the bug I mentioned earlier14:13
bauzaswe smoothly hide the exception to the user, without informing it something wrong happened14:14
bauzasthat's horrible14:14
bauzasexceptions should not have something like except myexc: log.something()14:14
bauzasthat's obfuscating the error14:15
pafuentbauzas: Yes. Will be hard for the user to know what happened14:15
bauzasin other terms, there are so much things to do with exceptions in Climate14:15
bauzaswe're not really verifying the results before passing them to the CLI14:15
bauzaswe're on Tuesday14:16
bauzasthat means you should be able to propose something by tomorrow, and we would have 2 days for reviewing/patching14:16
bauzasthat's comfortabler14:16
bauzasand that's really improving our error management14:17
pafuentbauzas: Ok. I'll try to do something about it.14:18
bauzascool thanks14:18
pafuentDinaBelova: Regarding the manager, it's quite strange14:26
DinaBelovapafuent, ? Did you find reason?14:26
pafuentDinaBelova: One time the manager is killed, and then not14:26
DinaBelovareally strange, yes...14:27
DinaBelovamaybe it's good idea to grep this service after its finishing and kill it if it's still alive14:27
DinaBelova'casue I dunno exact reason for such rehaviour14:28
pafuentDinaBelova: Nope, I think that was related to not use the manager (which is stupid, but I learned that is better to test the stupid early), but not, happens randomly14:28
pafuentDinaBelova: I'll add the kill in a new patch14:29
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pafuentDinaBelova: pgrep is installed by default in Linux distros?15:09
pafuentDinaBelova: Or should I use grep and awk to get the pid of the manager15:10
DinaBelovapafuent, I suppose pgrep is default thing15:10
pafuentDinaBelova: Ok, I'll use it15:11
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bauzaspafuent: please use awk for this :)15:31
bauzaspgrep is not common15:31
openstackgerritPablo Andres Fuente proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Initial devstack support implemented  https://review.openstack.org/6046515:33
pafuentbauzas: Ok. I did't read your message. I'll upload a new patch.15:34
openstackgerritChristian Martinez proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Adding tests for sqlalchemy class  https://review.openstack.org/7294315:36
openstackgerritPablo Andres Fuente proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Initial devstack support implemented  https://review.openstack.org/6046515:43
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pafuentbauzas: The fix for the line in service.py, should be fixed in a separate branch, right?17:52
pafuentbauzas: In other words, one different to the one to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/climate/+bug/123729317:52
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openstackgerritCristian A Sanchez proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Update openstack.common with latest oslo-incubator  https://review.openstack.org/7336319:39
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