Thursday, 2014-01-23

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Nikolay_Stguys, morning06:07
Nikolay_Stdid you see this?
Nikolay_Stit's update about SQLalchemy06:07
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Nikolay_Stbauzas: o/08:06
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Nikolay_Stbauzas: I have an idea about climate and endpoint v308:58
bauzassure, say it :)08:58
Nikolay_Stas we said before we have devstack with some extras which we use to install climate + devstack08:58
bauzassure, there is a review WIP08:59
Nikolay_Stwe can store 2 files in climate repo, and add script which will clone it in devstack location09:00
bauzasbut I don't want to be dependent of devstack for installing climate :)09:00
Nikolay_Stoh, okay :D09:00
bauzasabout the scripts for adding endpoints ?09:00
bauzaswell, you misunderstood09:00
bauzasI'm not *against* devstack, I'm just saying we should provide the scripts in the climate repo09:01
bauzasand devstack would execute them09:01
bauzasthat's fine for me09:01
bauzasbut we still have to provide some docs for saying "run these scripts, please"09:01
bauzasin case of ppl don't want to install climate using devstack09:02
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Nikolay_Stbauzas: Sylvain, can you be more explicit about this strange guys who uses OpenStack but don't like DevStack?10:04
bauzasNikolay_St: lol10:04
bauzasNikolay_St: I come from an operator world where we don't use Devstack at all :)10:05
bauzasNikolay_St: and where people prefer to use Foreman/Puppet with trunk10:05
bauzasor Chef or Ansible, or whatever10:06
Nikolay_Stbauzas: I think that if they like to use different deployment tools they are great, and don't need some scripts, etc.10:07
Nikolay_Stbauzas: devstack is common way for fast OpenStack installation10:07
bauzasbut they should know Climate needs to create an endpoint :)10:07
bauzas(11:07:54) Nikolay_St: bauzas: devstack is common way for fast OpenStack installation10:08
bauzasNikolay_St: totally disagree :)10:08
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bauzasDevstack is the common way for developers :)10:08
bauzasanyway, I can't get the problem10:08
bauzaswe do a quick script for creating endpoint and user, et voila ;)10:09
bauzasdevstack would only have to execute it10:09
bauzasas Heat does10:09
YorikSarbauzas: Hi10:09
bauzasYorikSar: hi :)10:10
YorikSarbauzas: The problem is that this script becomes some exceprt from devstack module we have.10:10
YorikSarbauzas: And Climate will have to support its devstack modules.10:10
bauzasYorikSar: but Devstack can use it10:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Updated from global requirements
bauzasYorikSar: again, Climate needs an endpoint, we can't rely on devstack for managing all our needs10:11
YorikSarbauzas: Supporting some other deployment script as well will just need extra effort.10:11
bauzaswell, we spoke with DinaBelova and SergeyLukjanov yesterday, and I was thinking there was a consensus around this10:12
YorikSarbauzas: Devstack contains a lot of sweet library methods that are used while it deploys stuff.10:12
bauzasYorikSar: we need to have an EXPLICIT way for doing all the prereqs10:12
bauzasYorikSar: if you don't want a script, I'm OK for amending the doc with precise commands10:13
bauzasbut at least, we need to document it in README.rst10:13
bauzasI spent half of my day yesterday trying to understand how I could get a devstack running with Keystone V310:13
bauzaswhile I discovered we can't10:14
bauzasbecause keystoneclient doesn't and won't support api v310:14
bauzasat least for the shell command10:14
DinaBelovabauzas, I said i'm ok with just script only because I did not think about Devstack we already have in some way :D10:14
YorikSarbauzas: I don't quite get why we need this script. If you have some recipes/manifests that deploy OpenStack then it'll be easier for you to add one line there.10:14
bauzasso, when discussing with you guys, I discovered that you were having a classic devstack install with v2, plus an extra endpoint10:15
YorikSarbauzas: As opposed to having half-devstack in one little script in main repo.10:15
bauzasYorikSar: I'm not saying I *want* a script10:15
bauzasI *want* some way to know what to do10:15
bauzasdoc is enough for me10:16
bauzasprovided we explicitely say 'create an endpoint called identityv3'10:16
bauzassorry, create a service with type identityv3 and an endpoint associated with10:16
bauzasthat's it10:16
YorikSarbauzas: btw, why don't you like using devstack for dev/test install? It's pretty powerfull tool.10:16
bauzasand that should not take a while10:16
bauzasI *do*10:16
bauzasI *do* use devstack10:17
bauzasbut how come I should know I have to add an identityv3 endpoint if you don't say it ?10:17
YorikSarbauzas: Then what do we need it for?10:17
YorikSarbauzas: Ok, so it's purely documentation issue.10:17
bauzasYorikSar: exactly :)10:17
bauzasYorikSar: that's something I said yesterday10:17
bauzasYorikSar: and it turned into some way where I said "instead of writing to create an endpoint, just do some script and say to execute the script"10:18
bauzasYorikSar: but I'm not against only doc10:18
YorikSarbauzas: Since Climate lacks documentation entirely, we can add it to appropriate place once we get it.10:18
bauzasprovided the doc doesn't only say "we need Identity V3"10:18
YorikSarbauzas: Or add it to README and migrate later.10:19
bauzasand the appropriate place is README.rst IMHO10:19
bauzasplease check the logs of this chan10:19
bauzasyou won't see more of this10:19
YorikSarbauzas: Ok, great.10:20
bauzasYorikSar: I was even saying "don't take more than 1 hour for the script, or just write doc"10:20
DinaBelovaok, so we may just put instructions "created identityv3", "create endpoint for it" with example lines for CLI in README. And later just put devstack to contrib directory when it will be done10:20
YorikSarbauzas: I've just been suprised looking as Nick copying parts of Devstack to a separate script :)10:20
bauzasDinaBelova: indeed10:21
DinaBelovaanyway, we need devstack for incubation after last tc meeting :D10:21
DinaBelovaso we should end it anyway10:21
bauzasbut SergeyLukjanov's patch needs to be updated10:21
bauzasspeaking of
SergeyLukjanovIIUC YorikSar will continue working on it10:22
bauzas(which is WIP btw.)10:22
bauzasok great10:22
SergeyLukjanovunfortunately, my backlog is too large now for doing it :(10:22
bauzasI'm sorry it turned into a brainstorm for such a little thing :)10:22
SergeyLukjanovbut I think that I'll be able to review when it'll be ready10:22
bauzasI just wanted to move forward and try to fix things rapidly :)10:23
bauzasso, Nikolay_St, as said yesterday, just provide another patchset for trusts with the amended doc, as stated DinaBelova, and I'll be fine :)10:23
bauzasI was testing your patch before this discussion10:24
bauzasnow that I know I just need to create another endpoint :)10:24
bauzasbtw. I will provide a patch for an explicit climate.conf with some doc in it referencing all the config options for Climate10:25
bauzasbecause most of them are not said in the current climate.conf and only leave on default value10:25
bauzasshouldn't be hard work10:26
bauzasok for you, Nikolay_St ?10:27
bauzasI mean, OK for amending trust patch with README.rst updated as stated DinaBelova?10:27
bauzas(11:20:47) DinaBelova: ok, so we may just put instructions "created identityv3", "create endpoint for it" with example lines for CLI in README. And later just put devstack to contrib directory when it will be done10:28
bauzasI'm fine with this10:28
SergeyLukjanovabout the oslo.messaging10:31
SergeyLukjanovDinaBelova ^^10:31
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DinaBelovaI know10:45
DinaBelovaI will try to reanimate oslo.messaging change review now :D10:45
DinaBelovait might go to 0.1 :D10:45
Nikolay_Stbauzas: yeap, I get it bauzas ^_^10:54
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate-nova: Reservation extensions to Nova API
DinaBelovabauzas, as for  this last - I just set your change with filter as parent one and added nova.conf options11:06
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate-nova: Implement Nova filter for Host Reservation Pools
bauzasDinaBelova: OK cool11:08
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Physical host reservation (DB related things)
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add notes about Keystone v3 endpoint to README.rst
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DinaBelovascroiset, about - I've left some comments, may you take a look on it? Just question12:15
bauzasDinaBelova: I'm still getting an error when using ClimateKeystoneClient directly with no context12:54
bauzascould you please help me ?12:54
DinaBelovabauzas sure12:54
bauzasIn [38]: k_cl.ClimateKeystoneClient(version='3',username=os.environ['OS_USERNAME'],password=os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'],tenant_name=os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME'], auth_url=auth_url,endpoint=auth_url)12:54
bauzasok, got my issue12:55
bauzasfixed it12:55
bauzasit was a typo12:55
DinaBelovaI feel like Yuriy now12:55
DinaBelovahe may just say 'mmmm' and everything start working :D12:56
DinaBelovait's usual12:56
bauzasnow I'm getting another error :D12:56
bauzasUnauthorized: The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401)12:57
bauzasI'm speaking about
DinaBelovathat's admin request12:59
DinaBelovaOS_USERNAME is admin now?12:59
DinaBelovaI mean user in OS_ has admin privileges? with needed password, etc?13:00
bauzasIn [70]: os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'],os.environ['OS_USERNAME'],os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME']13:01
bauzasOut[70]: ('password', 'admin', 'demo')13:01
bauzasyes, I'm using the same creds as for the client13:01
bauzasI sourced openrc admin13:01
bauzasand then I'm using it13:01
bauzasbut I'm thinking of something13:01
bauzasmy tenant and user were created using the Keystone v2 api13:02
bauzasI'm not passing a token13:02
bauzasand I have no context13:02
DinaBelovaas for "my tenant and user were created using the Keystone v2 api" I think that cannot have any influence13:03
bauzaswell, ok13:04
bauzasmaybe that's a token issue then13:04
DinaBelovamoment, let me think13:04
DinaBelovatoken will not influence too13:05
DinaBelovaif you passed password, it will use it finally13:05
DinaBelovabut i hav idea13:05
DinaBelovamay you remove endpoint arg from client creation?13:05
DinaBelovalike k_cl.ClimateKeystoneClient(version='3',username=os.environ['OS_USERNAME'],password=os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'],tenant_name=os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME'], auth_url=auth_url)13:06
DinaBelovai'm just curious if that will work13:06
DinaBelovammmm, no that's still strange13:08
DinaBelovaif you have no ctx13:08
bauzassame result13:08
bauzasby removing endpoint arg13:08
DinaBelovaonly thing utils is doing - is just passing these args to keystoneclient13:09
DinaBelovaif that's not working13:09
DinaBelovalike simple keystoneclient creation13:09
DinaBelovai'm really surprised13:09
DinaBelovamay you create keystoneclient directly? with same args?13:09
bauzasuh, I'm not having same error, sorry13:09
bauzasIn [86]: keystone = k_cl.ClimateKeystoneClient(version='3',username=os.environ['OS_USERNAME'],password=os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'],tenant_name=os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME'], auth_url=auth_url)13:10
bauzasNotFound: The resource could not be found. (HTTP 404)13:10
bauzaslemme check with client directly13:10
DinaBelovai may know reason13:10
DinaBelovawhat's auth_url now?13:11
bauzasIn [96]: auth_url13:11
bauzasOut[96]: ''13:11
scroisetDinaBelova: I can do it if you have a several concerns about the dependency review But if not, it won't be quicker to merge both :)13:12
bauzas(climate)bauzas@climate-devstack-ctrl:~/climate$ keystone endpoint-get --service identityv313:12
bauzas|       Property       |             Value              |13:12
bauzas| identityv3.publicURL | |13:12
bauzas(climate)bauzas@climate-devstack-ctrl:~/climate$ keystone endpoint-get --service identityv3 --endpoint-type admin13:12
bauzas|     Property     |              Value              |13:12
bauzas| identityv3.admin | |13:12
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bauzasmy endpoints are correct13:13
DinaBelovayep i see13:13
DinaBelovascroiset, no, nothing :D13:13
DinaBelovabauzas, have you got success with direct client creation?13:13
bauzasnope :(13:14
bauzassame error13:14
DinaBelovaok, so that's somehow connected with keystone itself and os variables13:14
scroisetDinaBelova : cool, so you could just give +2 ;)13:14
DinaBelovamay you get env | grep OS_13:14
DinaBelovascroiset, I'm testing it right now13:15
DinaBelovafinal testing i believe13:15
bauzas(climate)bauzas@climate-devstack-ctrl:~/climate$ env | grep OS_13:15
DinaBelovabut one of my hosts said me goodbye :(13:15
DinaBelovabauzas, can you get error from keystone? that was 401?13:16
bauzaswithout endpoint value13:16
bauzas401 with endpoint13:16
DinaBelovayep, i mean 40413:16
DinaBelovai believe there will be smth like v3/tokens/....13:17
DinaBelovaor smth connected with tokens13:17
bauzasthink so13:18
bauzasoh dear...13:19
bauzasthink I got the error13:20
bauzasdamn, not13:20
DinaBelovafrankly speaking all this stuff look weird13:22
DinaBelovayou're doing really the same now13:22
DinaBelovadomain things are optional here, so miss them13:22
DinaBelovaand that's your request13:22
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DinaBelovait seems to be working one13:22
bauzasgot it13:22
bauzasah non13:23
bauzasI'm going crazy13:23
bauzaswith Kv313:23
bauzas(eventlet.wsgi.server): 2014-01-23 14:24:58,017 INFO log write - - [23/Jan/2014 14:24:58] "GET /v2.0/projects/1 HTTP/1.1" 404 228 0.01415413:25
bauzasI specified v3 in my auth_url13:25
bauzasand it still tries to call v213:25
bauzashere is why the 40413:25
DinaBelovamay you change OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=2.0 -> OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=313:25
DinaBelovain os options13:25
DinaBelovaalthough i dunno how that might influence if there is auth_url and version passed13:26
bauzasI can see that the client creation is requesting /auth/tokens13:26
bauzaswhich is V313:26
bauzasthat's only when I try to use a V3 manager that it goes to v213:27
DinaBelovahere is auth and here everything is ok13:27
bauzasand my manager classes are correct13:29
bauzasIn [21]: keystone.projects13:29
bauzasOut[21]: <keystoneclient.v3.projects.ProjectManager at 0x20a7bd0>13:29
bauzasthat's a V3 manager13:29
bauzasbut the call goes to V213:29
DinaBelovai see that13:30
DinaBelovai'm just trying to understand how that's possible13:30
bauzas(routes.middleware): 2014-01-23 14:29:37,097 DEBUG middleware __call__ Matched GET /projects13:31
bauzashere is why13:31
DinaBelovacan't see reason yet13:31
bauzasI can try to tcpdump the calls13:33
bauzasin order to see the GETs13:33
DinaBelovathat might help... but now that's really, really strange13:34
bauzascan't see the traces in tcpdump ?!13:35
bauzasok, got the traces13:36
bauzasthat was due to my ovs bridge13:37
bauzasI forgot I had some overhard13:37
DinaBelovaplease share traces13:37
bauzasGET /v2.0/projects HTTP/1.113:38
bauzasso the client DOES ask for V213:38
bauzasdigging at the keystone code13:39
bauzasI'll pdb it13:39
DinaBelovathat's really strange, i may notice13:39
DinaBelovai'm shocked really... as i see here you SHOULD use auth_url, that was passed as v3 one13:48
DinaBelovai have mo idea why that might not work13:48
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bauzasI'm doing some progress in troubleshooting13:54
DinaBelovabauzas, what's it?13:57
DinaBelovai'm really interested in results :D13:57
bauzasI'm seeing a difference in between self.auth_url which is V313:57
DinaBelovathat type of behaviour is quite new13:57
bauzasand url_to_use which is V213:57
DinaBelovait looks like you've got management url there -0_0-13:58
DinaBelovathat's quite strange13:58
DinaBelovaif you did not pass endpoint= to keystoneclient13:58
DinaBelovait should be either token or token+endpoint or password+username things13:59
DinaBelovapassed to Client class13:59
DinaBelovaalthough if there is no is_management param in cs_... it won't influence14:00
bauzasi do have mgmt url...14:00
bauzaswhich is v214:00
bauzasI now have to understand where this setting is instianciated14:01
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DinaBelovabauzas you know some time ago there was code in keystone utils like: client=Client(); client.management_url = v3_url14:09
DinaBelovabut we removed that code14:09
DinaBelovabecause of usage of endpoint arg14:10
DinaBelovaif there is no of it it should use auth one14:10
DinaBelovaas i remember14:10
DinaBelovathat's shtange14:10
DinaBelovathat's strange *14:10
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bauzasDinaBelova: got the final word14:15
DinaBelovain the access file?14:15
bauzaswhich is called by authenticate()14:15
DinaBelovabut that's called in token was passed14:16
DinaBelovawe have passsed no token14:16
bauzaswhich itself is called by v3.Client()14:16
DinaBelovaam i wrong?14:16
DinaBelovaok got it14:17
bauzasso, the only way to prevent authenticate() is to provide the mgmt url directly14:18
bauzas... which has been removed from the latest Nick's patchset ... :D14:18
DinaBelovabecause that was not needed really - we've changed it by endpoint14:19
DinaBelovathe only thing is14:19
DinaBelovathat it seems like it should be passed anyway14:19
DinaBelovanot only if token is passed14:19
bauzasif not, it will fail back to the catalog14:19
DinaBelovathe strange moment id that we did not have such problem while testing14:20
DinaBelovathe question is why14:20
DinaBelovai thing I got it14:20
DinaBelovaeverywhere we had ctx while testing14:21
DinaBelovabut even so14:21
DinaBelovawe do not have everywhere token passed14:21
DinaBelovaso there is not endpoint there14:21
DinaBelovai can't get reason why we had no error14:22
DinaBelovacause when we are using ctx_from_trust14:22
bauzasmaybe you could check your endpoint for service_type identity14:22
DinaBelovawe pass password14:22
DinaBelovait's 2.014:22
bauzasthat's not related at all with tokens :)14:22
DinaBelovai'm pretty sure with that14:22
bauzasbecause as you can see, there is no conditional14:23
DinaBelovaidentityv3 - v3 and identity - v2.014:23
bauzasyou create a client14:23
bauzasand when creating the client, if no mgmt_url, it goes into the catalog14:23
bauzasno token-related question at all14:23
bauzasthat's direct14:23
bauzaswhat I think is :14:23
bauzasNick previously was defined mgmt url14:24
bauzashe removed it from latest patchset14:24
bauzasmaybe you didn't run all the tests for the last patchset ?14:24
DinaBelovaof course we ran14:24
bauzasI'm not saying you made mistakes14:24
DinaBelovabauzas, sure14:24
bauzasanyway, we need to fix it :)14:25
DinaBelovai'm just trying to understand14:25
DinaBelovaline 5714:25
DinaBelovano token, no endpoint14:25
DinaBelovahere we got password14:25
DinaBelovaso we do now set endpoint -> no management url passed14:25
DinaBelovaso where is error here?14:26
DinaBelovawhy did not we get it?14:26
DinaBelovai really can't understand that14:26
DinaBelovai mean REALLY14:26
DinaBelovaif it works like we discovered now14:26
bauzashold on14:27
bauzaswe need to see the review14:27
DinaBelovai see that - it was replaced by endpoint arg higher14:29
DinaBelovabut as you see - only in case no password was passed14:30
bauzasno no :)14:30
bauzasthe management url was not passed to Keystone14:30
bauzasso internally, it was V214:30
bauzasuntil L10214:30
bauzasthe attribute was monkeypatched14:31
DinaBelovabauzas, i see what you're talking about14:31
DinaBelovai just have no idea14:31
DinaBelovahow last version inthis case might work14:31
bauzaspatches 43 and above should have failed14:31
DinaBelovabut they did not :? i'm quite sure with that14:32
bauzasbut have you tested only trusts creation ?14:32
DinaBelovathat's why i'n curious14:32
bauzasmaybe trusts can be created without a management url14:32
DinaBelovafull path from vm+lease creation and it's waking up later14:32
bauzasfor example, I can authenticate14:32
bauzasok, but then, the only keystone action you were doing was trust create ?14:32
bauzasI'm not testing trusts, but only projects list14:33
bauzasthat's a different test14:33
bauzasand AIUI, you're only using KeystoneV3 for creating and using trusts14:33
bauzaswhich is fairly different14:33
DinaBelovai think so, yep14:33
bauzasmaybe I can create a trust, hold on, will check14:34
bauzasnope, still getting a 40414:39
bauzasanyway, this needs to be fixed14:40
bauzaslemme test that when passing mgmt_url arg to the client, it will work14:40
bauzasoh, no way to pass it thru arg14:43
bauzasthat's deprecated14:43
DinaBelovaendpoint_arg should be used14:43
DinaBelovai suppose i've got reason14:44
DinaBelovathey pass endpoint both using password and token14:44
DinaBelovabut not for trust14:44
DinaBelovait seems like we should do the same for our case14:44
bauzasok, scroiset found the good way to do it14:46
bauzashere is the good snippet of code14:46
bauzasif we don't want to monkeypatch, which is really really bad14:47
DinaBelovai believe we should only pass endpoint if there is password14:47
DinaBelovain client creation request14:47
bauzaswe need to authenticate()14:48
bauzasthat's the best option IMHO14:48
DinaBelovaare you sure it won't work without 8 line?14:48
DinaBelovaif endpoint is passed14:48
bauzasyup, got 401 if not14:49
DinaBelovaok, moment14:49
bauzasthat's what they call lazy authentication14:49
DinaBelovai see we need :D14:49
bauzasso, as a summary, we need both endpoint and .authenticate()14:50
bauzasfeel free to loop this back with Nick14:50
bauzasI can prepare an emergency patch for trunk14:50
bauzasyou agree ?14:50
bauzasI'm on it14:50
DinaBelovabauzas, i'm good with having it14:51
DinaBelovabut we'll need to test one more time VM+lease14:51
DinaBelovato be sure it still works14:51
bauzasthat's another thing14:51
bauzasthe client we provide is currently bugged14:51
bauzasI'm going to fix it14:51
DinaBelovafeel free to do that14:52
bauzasthat's 3 lines more that's it14:52
bauzasso swann and you can approve14:52
DinaBelovaok, i believe that should be done like "if not 'trust_id' in kwargd: add_endpoint_to_kwargs"14:54
DinaBelovakwargd-> kwargs14:55
bauzasand authenticate :)14:56
bauzasI'm basically following the Heat stuf14:57
bauzasfiling a bug now14:57
DinaBelovasmth like that i believe
bauzaslol, you wrote my thoughts15:00
DinaBelovamaybe read? :D15:01
bauzasthe token docstring has to be removed15:05
bauzaswe're not using it15:05
bauzasbecause either we use the password, or the token from the context15:06
bauzasbut there is no sense to use a token directly15:06
DinaBelovanot really using15:06
DinaBelovabut setting default15:06
DinaBelovait will be used from kwards15:06
DinaBelovaif it will be passed15:07
DinaBelovaso we might leave doc15:07
DinaBelovabecause if it will be need to pass token - why not15:07
bauzaswell ok15:07
DinaBelovaalso here it should be not as i showed in paste15:08
DinaBelovabut also set_default for endpoint15:08
DinaBelovabecause we also may pass it15:08
DinaBelovalike you did while testing15:08
DinaBelova - like line 1115:08
bauzasI need to mock the authenticate method15:09
bauzasmy venv is old15:16
bauzasI'm still having keystoneclient-0.4.115:16
bauzasI'll patch it by hand15:16
DinaBelovaok, sure :)15:17
bauzashow does it work with Jenkins btw ?15:17
bauzashow could it have been working ?15:17
bauzasoh, it should download the latest, which is 0.4.215:18
bauzasthese unittests are quite poor :(15:19
bauzaswell, I'm sending the patch15:21
DinaBelovathat's not really unittests problem here.... we're using now 0.4.2 that's not common now - as u remember. That's why now there is only exception falling15:21
bauzasnah nah, I'm just saying the coverage is not really good15:22
bauzasbut ok15:22
bauzaswe should amend them later15:22
bauzasjust testing it on my stack and committing the change15:25
bauzasgreat it works15:27
bauzaspublishing the change15:27
bauzashadn't tested yet with Contect thou15:27
DinaBelovabauzas, i've got problems with your use case changes now15:29
bauzassure, say it15:29
DinaBelovai'm trying to create vm on reserved host15:30
bauzasI spent 2 days on trusts, I can spend a few hours on PR :D15:30
DinaBelovai mean just create vm and that's it15:30
bauzasgot it15:30
DinaBelovabut i've got error with finding host15:30
bauzasyou need to pass a reservation hint15:30
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Fix Authentication problem with Keystone V3
DinaBelovaoh, yep15:31
bauzasbecause if not, it will deny the compute host in the reservation pool15:31
bauzasand if you only have one c-host... :D15:31
bauzasthen you get 0 hosts found15:31
bauzasmaybe you saw the conversation with Phil Day15:31
bauzasI still have to PM him15:32
DinaBelovayep, but error is not while filtering15:32
bauzashave you deployed the filter ?15:32
bauzaswhat are the logs from the scheduler ?15:32
bauzasand your command line ?15:32
bauzasare you asking for a simple nova boot without hint ?15:33
bauzasand if yes, how many nova-computes do you have ?15:33
DinaBelovaand after that error i have
DinaBelovai forgot to pass hint15:33
DinaBelovaand now i have smth really not working :D15:33
bauzasok, how many hosts do you have ?15:33
DinaBelovatwo hosts15:33
DinaBelovacontroller all-in-one and compute15:34
bauzasoh, nice15:34
bauzasclimate host-list please ?15:34
bauzassounds like you're not in sync15:34
DinaBelova| 3  | compute             |     2 |      3954 |        8 |15:34
bauzashere is why15:35
bauzascould you please check all your aggregates ?15:35
DinaBelova| 1  | freepool                             | None                                         |15:35
DinaBelova| 2  | d4c60b8c-88ad-499e-bda9-9ee8606f5b93 | climate:d4c60b8c-88ad-499e-bda9-9ee8606f5b93 |15:35
bauzasok, could you please do aggregate-details on both ?15:36
bauzasyou're out of sync I guess15:36
bauzasthat's something we need to handle15:36
bauzasif an operator changes manually the hosts from one pool or another15:36
bauzasthen Climate is out of sync15:37
bauzasnova aggregate-details freepool ?15:37
DinaBelovano hosts in freepool15:37
DinaBelovajust aggregate without any hosts15:37
bauzasand nova aggregate-details d4c60b8c-88ad-499e-bda9-9ee8606f5b93 ?15:38
DinaBelovaalso i noticed15:38
bauzaswhat is saying climate lease-list ?15:38
DinaBelova| 2  | d4c60b8c-88ad-499e-bda9-9ee8606f5b93 | climate:d4c60b8c-88ad-499e-bda9-9ee8606f5b93 | 'compute' | 'availability_zone=climate:d4c60b8c-88ad-499e-bda9-9ee8606f5b93', 'climate:owner=51999f594ada4891850eae8861089d5d'15:38
bauzasso your host is in a lease15:38
DinaBelovabut lease ended already15:39
bauzasclimate lease-show <lease> ?15:39
DinaBelovai wanted to say that we need to make end_date not optional15:39
DinaBelovabut mandatory one15:39
bauzasit is15:39
DinaBelovanot, it's created without it15:39
bauzasdefault is 24h from the start_date15:39
DinaBelovaand in this case15:39
bauzasand start_date is now()15:40
bauzasyou can define both, or none, or one15:40
DinaBelovadetails about lease15:40
bauzasthe lease is still not ended15:41
DinaBelovayep, sorry15:41
DinaBelovai missed that15:41
DinaBelovai removed error vms15:41
bauzasso, that's why the host is in the reservation pool15:41
DinaBelovaand restarted nova-compute15:41
DinaBelovaso now i'll be able to give you full errors if they will be15:42
bauzascould you please issue climate host-show <host_id> ?15:42
bauzasanyway, these aggs are non-sense for all15:42
bauzasI think I'll focus all my efforts on the dedicated instances in Nova15:42
bauzasby helping Phil15:42
bauzasbecause aggs are error-prone, as we need to store information about them15:43
bauzasok, I got a better picture now15:43
bauzaslast thing15:44
bauzascould you please issue nova-manage service list | grep compute ?15:44
bauzashost 'compute' with ID3 is now locked within a lease15:44
bauzasso, the only way to boot VMs on it is to pass the reservation ID as hint15:45
DinaBelovanova-compute     ubuntu-12                            nova             enabled    :-)   2014-01-23 15:44:3815:45
DinaBelovanova-compute     compute                              climate:d4c60b8c-88ad-499e-bda9-9ee8606f5b93 enabled    :-)   2014-01-23 15:44:4215:45
bauzas--hint reservation=<res_id>15:45
DinaBelovaok, that will be id of aggregate?15:45
bauzasname of the aggregate = ID of reservation15:45
bauzasusers don't know about aggs, they know about reservations :)15:46
bauzas nova hypervisor-list please ?15:48
DinaBelovai just think that user might have a wish to boot vm without --hint ... in common pool15:48
DinaBelovabauzas you know15:48
DinaBelovai rebooted devstack15:48
bauzasnope, need to know the IDs15:49
DinaBelovapassed hint15:49
DinaBelovaand got good booted vm15:49
bauzasif you don't pass hint, it should elect your 'ubuntu' host15:49
DinaBelovabauzas, i'll check it now15:49
DinaBelovabecause last time15:49
bauzasI'm still wondering why Nova was looking for Compute Host with ID '1'15:49
DinaBelovait gave me all these errors15:49
bauzasthat's why I need to know hypervisor-list please15:50
bauzasI know that 'compute' is having ID of 315:50
bauzasbut dunno the ID of 'ubuntu-12'15:50
bauzasif it's 1, then the error you have is unrelated to Climate15:50
bauzasyou can check logs of the scheduler15:51
DinaBelova| ID | Hypervisor hostname       |15:51
DinaBelova| 3  | compute                   |15:51
DinaBelova| 4  | ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64 |15:51
DinaBelovayou know15:51
DinaBelovaafter restartng15:51
DinaBelovait works great15:51
DinaBelovadunno what happened15:51
DinaBelovavm without hint15:51
bauzasthen you had an issue with your devstack install15:51
SergeyLukjanovhow is your 0.1 preparations?15:51
DinaBelovawent to not reserved host15:52
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov almost finishing them...15:52
DinaBelova,n,z - two of them are not for 0.115:52
DinaBelovai believe we'll and with merging tomorrow or on Monday15:53
DinaBelovaas for checking, we need one day for it15:53
DinaBelovaif there will be not many errors - cause now we found some and fixed them already15:53
bauzaswell, the main reviews are 2 for PR, and 2 for VR15:54
bauzasthe big one for PR is the plugin itself15:54
bauzasso, that's why DinaBelova that's cool you're testing it15:54
DinaBelovai'm going to give my +2's for PR15:54
DinaBelovacause it works :D15:54
bauzasI'm still beating with all that Keystone stuff15:55
bauzasnow that the issue is fixed, I'm testing trusts15:55
DinaBelovabauzas, what do you think about release date?16:06
DinaBelovawhen it would be possible to do that?16:06
bauzaswell, we're on Thur16:06
bauzasand there still 3 important reviews to do16:06
DinaBelovacause Nick will check all tomorrow16:06
DinaBelovaand fix doc16:06
DinaBelovaI'm ok with PR use case cause tried to check it how I can16:07
bauzasthe main issue is that I lost 2 days trying to make things work for keystone client :(16:07
bauzasnow, I have to quickly test trusts16:08
DinaBelovai understand that16:08
DinaBelovai believe we may think about Monday evening for release if everything will be tested/merged till that time16:08
bauzasthink so16:09
bauzaswe're already testing all16:09
bauzasnot only giving +216:09
bauzasso, there is non sense to wait for specific QA16:09
DinaBelovayep, I just mean test all stuff after little code freeze16:09
DinaBelovalike we merge everything16:09
DinaBelovaand have final testing16:09
DinaBelovalike we test VMs16:10
DinaBelovayou hosts16:10
bauzaswell ok16:10
DinaBelovathat might take only 2-3 hours, not more16:10
DinaBelovabut we'll be sure everything is ok16:10
bauzasI'm testing to rebase trusts16:11
bauzasas it needs our fix16:11
bauzasthe rebase is OK16:12
bauzasthat's pretty cool, now we have a client :)16:17
bauzasbtw., maybe you know but you can create leases for VR thanks to the client16:20
bauzasprovided you use --reservation16:20
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Fix Authentication problem with Keystone V3
bauzasclimate lease-create --reservation resource_id=1234,resource_type="virtual:instance" test_lease16:22
bauzaspretty useful if you want to test :)16:22
DinaBelovayep :)16:24
bauzassounds like trusts are working like a charm16:26
bauzasgreat job16:26
bauzasjust showing details with Keystone client16:26
bauzasto make sure values are correct16:26
bauzasand I'm done16:27
bauzaswell, something is strange16:29
bauzasI'm using a "demo" user16:29
bauzasbut neither the trustee nor the trustor show me the correct user-id, but instead the admin one16:29
bauzasI'm running climate with no service user, but admin16:30
DinaBelovasorry, can't get point16:30
DinaBelovawho is trustor and who is trustee?16:30
DinaBelovai mean what do you want them to be?16:30
bauzashold on, made a mistake :)16:30
bauzasmuch better now :D16:30
bauzasthe trustor was admin, while it should be demo16:31
DinaBelovaalso I've created
bauzasbut that was because I was running as admin :)16:31
DinaBelovaplease feel free to add points to that doc16:31
bauzasok, just quickly verifying code and then +216:31
DinaBelovaI believe we'll discuss it tomorrow16:31
DinaBelovanice :)16:31
bauzasI amended a few the doc16:42
DinaBelovayep i saw that16:44
DinaBelovai just think it will be discussed all next week :D16:44
DinaBelovabut we need to start now :D16:44
bauzasone typo16:51
bauzasas it's depending from a top plugin16:51
bauzasI can propose to give +2 to it16:51
bauzasbut you/Nick need to fix it on the plugin side16:52
bauzasDinaBelova aaaaaaaaaaaaa ?16:56
DinaBelovai'll fix it now16:56
bauzasno pb16:56
DinaBelovawas dreaming about 0.2 :D16:56
bauzaswell, you know, once Climate will be public with 0.116:56
bauzaswe'll have hundreds of ATCs ready to contribute16:57
bauzaswe will be rockstars16:57
bauzasand fans will follow us whereever we go16:57
bauzasthat's only a question of time :)16:58
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement keystone trust support
DinaBelovasmth like that in my mind was happening16:58
DinaBelovai fixed typo16:58
DinaBelovalet's merge it *devil-smile*16:59
*** SergeyLukjanov is now known as SergeyLukjanov_17:03
bauzasDinaBelova: could you please communicate etherpad link for 0.2 in the ML ?17:04
DinaBelovabauzas, ok17:05
DinaBelovai will go home :D17:07
*** DinaBelova is now known as DinaBelova_17:08
*** YorikSar has joined #openstack-climate17:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Implement keystone trust support
*** bauzas has quit IRC17:31
openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Physical host reservation plugin
openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Physical host reservation plugin (lease update)
openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Improve coherence of exceptions handling
*** SergeyLukjanov_ is now known as SergeyLukjanov18:06
*** DinaBelova_ is now known as DinaBelova18:07
*** DinaBelova is now known as DinaBelova_18:33
*** DinaBelova_ is now known as DinaBelova19:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Physical host reservation plugin
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Physical host reservation plugin (lease update)
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Improve coherence of exceptions handling
*** SergeyLukjanov is now known as SergeyLukjanov_20:28
*** DinaBelova is now known as DinaBelova_21:09

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