Wednesday, 2014-01-22

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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Filter DB queries per project_id
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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement keystone trust support
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with openstack components
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement basic plugin for VM management
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bauzasmorning all09:37
bauzasDinaBelova: Nikolay_St: do you have a devstack running with Keystone V3 and Neutron ?09:37
bauzasbecause when I'm trying to ask for V3, Neutron is failing to deploy09:37
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DinaBelovabauzas, now I have no lab at all :D09:43
DinaBelovaNikolay_St is afk09:43
bauzasuh :)09:43
DinaBelovahis gf is ill :(09:43
bauzasI'm just totally repulling all devstack trunks09:43
DinaBelovahe will be here in an hour, i suppose09:44
bauzasarf, that's bad for him, I understand09:44
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, you can just install devstack as always09:44
DinaBelovaalso utils are not working after your last CR landed :D09:44
DinaBelovawith some magic in ctx_from_headers09:44
DinaBelovaalso when I was debugging this stuff I found smth really interesting with policies09:45
bauzaswhat's the problem ? :)09:45
bauzasSergeyLukjanov: I'm just repulling devstack and using the reclone=yes flag...09:46
DinaBelovabauzas, I suppose they now do nothing really09:46
bauzasDinaBelova: ?09:46
DinaBelovabauzas, I spent some time in reading keystone code09:46
DinaBelovato find out how policies are working there09:46
DinaBelovaand i've got some ideas09:46
bauzasI can't see what's wrong now :)09:46
bauzasI discussed it with flaper87 :)09:47
bauzasbut I'm OK for listening ideas ;)09:47
DinaBelovabauzas, thing is that when we now are enforcing on API level09:47
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DinaBelovawait a sec, I'll find this moment09:47
DinaBelovaas we are using this ctx also for comparing09:48
DinaBelovawe do checking like a==a09:48
DinaBelovaand that's always true09:48
DinaBelovawe should do smth like keystone does09:49
DinaBelovawe may do that on api level, sure09:49
DinaBelovabut still09:49
bauzasI see your point09:49
DinaBelovawe should compare ctx values (user, tenant, whatever) with thing written in DB for lease09:49
DinaBelovato do smth09:49
bauzasthat's something I discussed with flaper8709:49
DinaBelovabauzas, I may forgot results of this09:50
DinaBelovamay you remind me?09:50
bauzasthe current 'owner:' rule is not working now09:50
bauzasmaking non sense09:50
bauzashold on09:50
bauzasfinding you the pieces of code09:50
bauzasgoes into Oslo policy checking09:51
bauzasas a rule09:51
DinaBelovai really forgot it09:52
DinaBelovaso i've got idea09:52
DinaBelovahow to fic that :D09:52
bauzasif we want to have it done, we need to create another oslo rule09:52
bauzaslike this one :
DinaBelovaok, see that09:53
bauzasand register it for tenant_id09:53
DinaBelovasorry for disturbing :D09:53
bauzasbut that requires that on API level, we do a DB call09:53
bauzasfor knowing the object's tenant_id09:54
bauzaswhich is really really bad09:54
bauzasso, that's why this rule is only checking a==a as you said09:54
bauzasprovided there *is* a "a" :)09:54
bauzasthat's why we use ctx.tenant_id09:55
DinaBelovaNick will provide new change in an hour09:55
bauzasabout what ?09:55
bauzasutils ?09:55
bauzaswhat was the issue he had to face ?09:56
DinaBelovathat's issue with trying to use ctx that was not really fully created from headers in that moment09:57
DinaBelovahe'll provide change09:57
DinaBelovain ctx_from_headers meathod09:57
DinaBelovaI need to go now :(09:57
DinaBelovawill be afk :(09:57
bauzasI'm sorry, I'm a bit lost, what was the call failing ?09:57
bauzasoh ok no worries09:57
DinaBelovaI need to spend some hours now on personal things :(09:58
bauzasanyway, the gate is totally in a bad state09:58
DinaBelovawill be back evening :(09:58
bauzasnah nah, that's normal :)09:58
DinaBelovawill return09:58
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bauzasSergeyLukjanov_: you there ?11:19
bauzasI'm trying to enable Keystone v3 on my devstack11:20
bauzasSergeyLukjanov_: no chances until there11:20
bauzasSergeyLukjanov_: I wanted to know what I should do for enabling it, as I can't register the same service endpoint11:21
Nikolay_Stbauzas: I'm here11:40
Nikolay_Stwe use custom devstack in our labs11:40
bauzashi Nikolay_St11:40
Nikolay_Stwith some changes from Yuriy, but I think I can help you with v3, but a little bit later11:40
Nikolay_St10-15 min11:41
bauzasI will go to lunch in 10-15 mins11:41
bauzasbut I think it's interesting to share your info :)11:41
bauzaslet's see later11:41
bauzasnow, it's building11:41
bauzasI tested, so when API v2 + Neutron : fine11:42
bauzasAPI V3 AIO : fine11:42
bauzasAPI V3 + Neutron : fails with Neutron11:42
bauzasso maybe it's just a quick hack to push upstream :)11:42
bauzasI need Neutron running because of the fact we would need more compute-hosts than only one :)11:43
Nikolay_Sthm, I forgot when I look at Climate with Neutron last time11:45
Nikolay_Stand I don't really know will neutron works with v3 or not :(11:45
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement keystone trust support
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with openstack components
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement basic plugin for VM management
bauzasI'm pretty sure now that Neutron doesn't fit well with API v311:54
bauzas2014-01-22 12:51:59 [Call Trace]11:55
bauzas2014-01-22 12:51:59 ./
bauzas2014-01-22 12:51:59 /opt/devstack/lib/neutron:356:die_if_not_set11:55
bauzas2014-01-22 12:51:59 /opt/devstack/functions:119:die11:55
bauzas2014-01-22 12:51:59 [ERROR] /opt/devstack/functions:356 Failure retrieving TENANT_ID for demo11:55
bauzasI'll take a look at the call11:55
bauzasand see if I can fix it11:55
Nikolay_StI think that I will have some free time tomorrow, if everything will go ok with patches11:56
Nikolay_Stso, I think I can try11:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Fix coverage for add_computehost with ID of host
openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Improve coherence of exceptions handling
openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Physical host reservation plugin
openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Physical host reservation (DB related things)
openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Physical host reservation plugin (lease update)
*** DinaBelova_ is now known as DinaBelova15:25
DinaBelovabauzas, i suppose you do smth wrong now with v3. you should not replace v2 endpoint, you should leave identity-v2 endpoint, but also you should create identityv3 service with v3 endpoints15:30
DinaBelovaif we replace v2->v3 nothing will work15:31
DinaBelovanow we implemented code using identityv3 service with v3 endponts, Neutron will fell good with that15:31
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DinaBelovaKeystone v3 api was implemented in Havana, it can't break devstack + neutron itself15:33
DinaBelovabut settings of the endpoints and services might break it now15:33
DinaBelovabauzas. nothing should go wrong with Neutron if there will be still v2 endpoints in keystone itself15:37
bauzasDinaBelova: I spent 2 hours trying to understand all the concepts15:38
bauzasDinaBelova: and I discussed on the -dev chan15:38
bauzasDinaBelova: with Keystone ppl15:38
bauzasDinaBelova: so, AIUI, keystoneclient shell doesn't handle V315:38
bauzasDinaBelova: and there are no plans for it, Keystone planning to migrate to openstackclient15:39
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, you just need to manually create endpoint15:39
bauzasSergeyLukjanov: DinaBelova: I discussed with shardy about how it works with Heat15:40
bauzasbecause it doesn't require endpoint :)15:40
bauzasand there is a basic assumption that if there is a V2 endpoint, there will be a V315:40
bauzasso Heat takes the identity endpoint and change it to v3 for its needs15:40
bauzasI really like this solution15:41
bauzaseven if it's a bit hacky15:41
SergeyLukjanovI've spoke about it when we've discussing trusts support - just take a look on it in heat15:41
bauzasso, there are 2 options :15:44
bauzas1. we provide some documentation (or better) script for manually adding an endpoint called identityv3 and we use it15:45
bauzas2. we do as Heat and replace v2.0 by v3 when needed15:45
bauzasSergeyLukjanov: Nikolay_St: DinaBelova: what is your preference ?15:46
SergeyLukjanovis the current code (#1) tested and ready to be approved?15:46
DinaBelovabauzas, i like heat varian, as i said in my letter15:46
DinaBelovabut #1 is  already tested15:46
DinaBelovaso i prefer left it for 0.115:47
DinaBelovaand modify for 0.1.115:47
DinaBelovasmth like that15:47
SergeyLukjanovI'm personally voting for 1-2w delay but better code, AFAIK there are no objections for releasing this week15:47
SergeyLukjanovbut if you think that everything is really ready15:47
bauzasok, we just need to document it if we stick to #115:47
SergeyLukjanovthan 0.1.1 approach lgtm too15:47
bauzassorry folks, but I spent a few hours trying to find how it could work, I just don't want that others feel the same15:48
bauzasI have to apologize, I had no time for discussing trusts with you before15:49
bauzasalthough it's a hard piece of work15:49
DinaBelovadon't worry :)15:49
bauzasto be honest, there is only Heat who uses it atm :)15:49
DinaBelovaSavanna too :)15:49
bauzasso, I was not really aware of the benefits :)15:49
bauzasDinaBelova: oh, good to know15:50
bauzaswhen you're alone in the dark :)15:50
SergeyLukjanovin Savanna we're using trusts much longer than heat ;)15:50
SergeyLukjanovstarting from the first keystone client release with trusts support15:50
bauzaswell, I discussed with shardy and he felt a bit alone about debugging trust supprort :)15:51
SergeyLukjanovand we're planning to refactor heat code to reuse in savanna15:51
SergeyLukjanovfor trusts support15:51
DinaBelovait seems like climate will do that too))))15:51
bauzasI vote for #115:51
bauzasthere are definitely too much patchsets15:51
bauzasbut with a last but not the least patchset15:51
bauzasabout documenting the use15:52
bauzasthe ideal to me is like Heat does : a script + a doc15:52
bauzaswhere the doc refers to the script15:52
bauzasone last thing, about endpoint, we should explicitely say to use 'identityv3' for the service type (that can be conf-driven)15:53
DinaBelovathat's defined in conf option now15:53
bauzasspeaking of this :
DinaBelovadefault is identityv315:53
bauzasyou were too fast, guys15:54
bauzasso, only the doc is missing then :)15:54
DinaBelovain readme? :)15:54
bauzasdoc+script I would say :)15:54
bauzasthink so15:54
bauzasuntil we got a cool readthedocs page15:55
bauzasI'm rebuilding my devstack with v2 now15:55
bauzaswill be able to review again15:55
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bauzasDinaBelova: Nikolay_St: when do you expect to land the latest patchset for utils ?16:20
DinaBelovaI may do it now, or Nick will land it tomorrow16:20
bauzasas your convenience :)16:20
DinaBelovabauzas, if I'll do it today, will you review it also today?16:21
bauzashere is what I propose16:21
bauzasI give my +2 now, and you create another patch for amending the doc16:21
DinaBelovabauzas, oh, nice16:21
DinaBelovathat will be great16:21
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bauzasjust one quick last review, again16:22
Nikolay_1tabout what are you talking?16:22
bauzasmaybe the best option for the doc is to amend the patch on top of this one, ie. trusts16:22
bauzasI'm just saying we're missing doc for having a keystone v3 endpoint16:23
bauzasI discussed with DinaBelova and SergeyLukjanov_ and they explained me they stick with a keystone v2 in the catalog but add an identityv3 service type16:23
bauzasI'm OK with it, I just say we need to document it16:23
bauzasotherwise I wouldn't had spent X hours from my time trying to understand how I could have a functional devstack with Keystone V316:24
DinaBelovaand it's ideally to add some ssh/py script to create identityv3 and endpoint for that16:24
bauzaswhich is *definitely* not possible16:24
DinaBelovawe spent much time on it too :D16:25
Nikolay_1tDinaBelova: really :D16:25
bauzasI'm taking this as example
DinaBelovaNikolay_1t, please take a look on it tomorrow16:25
bauzasso README.rst  would only say "run that script"16:26
DinaBelovanice doc :)16:26
Nikolay_1tbauzas: Really good example16:26
bauzasI don't want to have such big script16:26
Nikolay_1tDinaBelova: yeap, I get it16:26
bauzaswe're running out of time16:26
bauzasbut at least one command for creating the right endpoint16:27
bauzasNikolay_1t: don't spend more than 1h on this, if not possible, literally say it on the doc16:27
bauzasI would also have to amend that script for adding a 2nd user for managing ops16:28
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DinaBelovaнуз Ж)16:28
DinaBelovait was yep :)16:29
DinaBelovaI feel exhausted after today, although I did not do much today :) But Sergey and I found really nice wallpapers, laminate flooring, plinths, bath and so on for our apartment :D16:30
bauzasI won't count the hours I spent this week16:31
bauzas- not, really not -16:32
bauzasL104, a comment is still elft16:32
bauzasI don't want to give a -1 to this, so pleeeeeeeease remove it from the trusts patch16:32
DinaBelovaNick please remove it NOW16:32
bauzaswell, that's up to you folks16:33
DinaBelovaNikolay_1t, you here?16:33
bauzasanyway, it will only be the first +216:33
DinaBelovaI'll decide now16:33
bauzasoh dear16:34
bauzasanother thing left16:34
bauzasthe docstring is incorrect, we are not expecting mgmt_url anymore16:34
DinaBelovaI'll fix it now myself16:35
DinaBelovathat's simple and small moment16:35
bauzasI could that on my own16:35
bauzasbut if so, I wouldn't have been able to give +216:35
DinaBelovaauthor is still nick16:36
DinaBelovaso you are able16:36
DinaBelovai'll fix it in next min16:36
bauzasone last thing16:37
bauzaswe don't manage exceptions coming from base.url_for()16:37
bauzason both nova and keystone clients16:37
bauzasbut I think that's OK16:38
bauzaswell, that's OK16:38
bauzasI say that's OK16:38
bauzas(really really tired)16:38
DinaBelovayep, me too16:38
DinaBelovathese days are crazy :D16:38
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with openstack components
Nikolay_1tsorry, I see it16:41
Nikolay_1tsorry was afk16:41
DinaBelovaI forgot about topic16:41
DinaBelovawill change it now16:42
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with OpenStack components
DinaBelovathis one is final :)16:43
DinaBelovabauzas, ready16:43
DinaBelovafinally :D16:45
Nikolay_1tDinaBelova: it's 45. Remember Nikita's yesterday words?16:50
DinaBelova:D yep :) that's anniversary :D16:51
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement keystone trust support
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement basic plugin for VM management
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with OpenStack components
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