Wednesday, 2025-02-19

opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/cinder master: [HPE Nimble] walk over own volumes during startup
opendevreviewFelipe Figueroa Vergara proposed openstack/cinder master: Allows configuration of backup chunk hashing algorithm
jbernardjungleboyj rosmaita smcginnis tosky whoami-rajat m5z e0ne geguileo eharney jbernard hemna fabiooliveira yuval tobias-urdin adiare happystacker dosaboy hillpd msaravan sp-bmilanov Luzi sfernand: meeting in #openstack-meeting-alt14:01
opendevreviewFelipe Figueroa Vergara proposed openstack/cinder master: Allows configuration of hashing algorithm in incremental backups logic
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-brick master: Fix: UTs in fibre channel multipath tests
jbernardrosmaita: re os-brick's release, do you need any help / anything from me?16:19
jbernardPTG survey completed16:22
rosmaitajbernard: whoami-rajat is going to revise the commit message and file a bug for this one:
rosmaitabut we can review in advance16:35
rosmaitai think we should try to get it into the release16:35
jbernardrosmaita: ok16:45
Callum027Hi there, could I get anyone to have a look at this patch? I addressed the review comments so hopefully it's good to go:
opendevreviewAshley Rodriguez proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: MDS Logging
jbernardCallum027: its on my list, ill ping hemna and rosmaita for followups21:52
Callum027Sounds good, thanks jbernard!21:52
rosmaitaCallum027: sorry, lost track of your patch, will take a look at your revision22:01
Callum027Appreciate it, thank you22:02

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