Thursday, 2025-02-06

fricklerjbernard: rosmaita: only took a quick look so far, but it seems like cinder has some undeclared dependency that is uncovered by this reqs bump, maybe one of you can check?
frickleractually looks like a known issue in the bumped library itself
*** geguileo is now known as Guest823109:10
opendevreviewyuval proposed openstack/cinder master: lightbits: add qos support
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/cinder master: [HPE Nimble] walk over own volumes during startup
opendevreviewFernando Ferraz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-nfs master: [DNM] Create job for Glance backed with Cinder-NFS
opendevreviewFernando Ferraz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-nfs master: [DNM] Create job for Glance backed with Cinder-NFS
raghavendrathi jbernard: are you around ?14:36
opendevreviewAshley Rodriguez proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Remove standalone nfs-ganesha
rosmaitafrickler: ack about , will take a look in about an hour or so15:06
fricklerrosmaita: did you see my second line? seems like a known issue which should hopefully be fixed soon15:14
rosmaitafrickler: ok, thanks, i will not worry about it!15:19
raghavendratjbernard: If you get some time, it would great to receive your feedback on below patch.15:26
raghavendratIt has one +2. Thanks.15:26
raghavendratHPE 3par: Update the calculation of free_capacity15:27
opendevreviewEric Harney proposed openstack/cinder master: mypy: Support mypy 1.15.0
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: nominations for the OpenStack PTL and TC positions are now open, for details see
jbernardeharney: is there a way to collect all of your mypy patches into a single view?16:08
eharney i guess16:28
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-brick master: FC: Fix multipath wait issue with slow connections
opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/os-brick stable/2024.2: FC: Fix multipath wait issue with slow connections
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily while we upgrade for a new jeepyb feature and switch our database container image source repository18:51
Callum027Hi there, I've submitted a change to add a new volume_type_name attribute to volume notifications, as the current volume_type attribute returns the ID only. If there's a Cinder core reviewer who has time to look at it, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
opendevreviewMerged openstack/cinder master: HPE 3par: Update the calculation of free_capacity
hemnaCallum027 this looks like it should have been a blueprint instead of a bug22:10
Callum027Sorry, I'm not familiar with Launchpad (more used to the Storyboard). Should I replace the bug with a blueprint and update the patch to reference that?22:12
hemnaI think so, since this is a feature request to add the name to the notifications, not really fixing a problem.22:15
Callum027Alright, I'll get onto that shortly22:21
Callum027Now created the blueprint, I'll link it to the change in the next patch:

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