Wednesday, 2025-02-05

opendevreviewCallum Dickinson proposed openstack/cinder master: Add the volume_type_name attribute to volume notifcations
*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:57
opendevreviewCallum Dickinson proposed openstack/cinder master: Add the volume_type_name attribute to volume notifications
opendevreviewFernando Ferraz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-nfs master: [DNM] Create job for Glance backed with Cinder-NFS
opendevreviewCuiye Liu proposed openstack/cinder master: Dell PowerFlex: Add the 4.x support in document
*** geguileo is now known as Guest812508:59
opendevreviewCuiye Liu proposed openstack/cinder master: Dell PowerFlex: Add the 4.x support in document
eharney  is ready to merge to help stabilize the ceph gate job13:28
jbernardheya, the school bus is broken (or something unexpected happened), i have to run to school, so i wont make the meeting13:58
jbernardrosmaita: ^13:58
rosmaitaok, i can start it14:00
rosmaita(though a few minutes late, apparently)14:00
rosmaitaCinder meeting in #openstack-meeting-alt at 1400 UTC14:01
rosmaitajungleboyj rosmaita smcginnis tosky whoami-rajat m5z e0ne geguileo eharney jbernard hemna fabiooliveira yuval tobias-urdin adiare happystacker dosaboy hillpd msaravan sp-bmilanov Luzi sfernand14:01
rosmaitacinder meeting!14:02
yuvalI missed my time to shine14:54
yuvalbut I do I have few Patches that need review14:54
yuvalrosmaita - 1 is just a doc's change, and the other is very small, if you can take a look14:55
rosmaitayuval: ack14:55
opendevreviewEric Harney proposed openstack/cinder master: mypy: Run mypy on format_inspector
opendevreviewEric Harney proposed openstack/os-brick master: mypy: Improve linuxscsi coverage
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Set osd memory config
opendevreviewMerged openstack/cinder master: Rally: Fix usage of cinderv3 service name

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